Issue Spring 2004.cdr


Issue Spring 2004.cdr
Number 16
Spring 2004
Journal of The Tarot Guild of Australia Inc.
XX Judgement
By Penny Chesney
Archangel – Azrael
Astrology - Pluto
Element – Fire (that which burns away all obstacles)
Kabbala – Shin, the 31 path (Hod - Malkuth)
Colour vibrations – glowing orange-scarlet, vermilion, scarlet flecked gold,
emerald green and crimson.
Devic energy – Maidenhair fern (release from aggravation)
Copyright Globalight Tarot
he method I used to channel the
images for the Globalight
Angelic Tarot (Major Arcana)
was linked to the colour vibrations of the
pathways of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.
I made up colour swatches based on
accurate literature backed up by my
ever-trusty pendulum to fine-tune to the
correct hue. Then I used these swatches
as my mental focus upon entering
trance-state. I found this to be a
profoundly successful procedure with
wonderful imagery appropriate to each
card filling my vision-state.
I started the deck from the beginning
(The Fool) and proceeded quite quickly
through the following cards – right up to
the JUDGEMENT card that is!
I meditated and meditated and I could
NOT see any images except Azrael
holding his sword.
Now this is the first time I had worked
with this particular Archangel, since this
is the only card that he governs in the Major Arcana. I have developed wonderful
relationships with those Archangels with whom I have had regular dealings and I can
distinguish very distinct differences of personality between them, some very matter-of... continued on page 3.
the path
is dealt
and the
New Age
A business
The Guild’s
The Tarot Guild of Australia Inc.
Mission statement
Lyndel Robinson (03) 9312 1512
The Hierophant
To cultivate the relevance of the ancient wisdom of
the Tarot in today's world.
Christine Bird (03) 9779 9887
To foster a greater understanding of Tarot as
a valid form of personal growth and healing
throughout the wider community.
To provide a group for both professional and
interest members.
To provide a forum for members' ongoing
learning and professional development.
To provide a nurturing and supportive
environment where new ideas and intuitive
insights can be shared and encouraged.
To encourage the further study of esoteric
wisdoms and to provide quality teaching and
guidance through the Guild's members.
To establish a Code of Ethics and Practice for
Tarot professionals / practitioners.
To recognise, through admission to the
professional member category, members who
demonstrate a high level of understanding,
competence and professional conduct, and
who have pledged to uphold the Code of
Ethics and Practice.
To encourage networking among members,
and between the Guild and other disciplines.
To provide a source of information on Tarot
as a public relations function.
Natasha Watkins (03) 9849 2468
The Empress
Christine Bird
Committee members
Linda Marson (03) 9585 2114
Karen de Kleyn (03) 9528 2874
The Chariot
Cheryl Ford (03) 9754 2310
The Hermit
The Magician is published by:
The Tarot Guild of Australia Inc. ARBN 100 040 364
GPO Box 3117, Melbourne,
Victoria 3001, Australia.
Ph: (03) 9859 7355
The views expressed in material appearing in The
Magician are not necessarily those of the Tarot Guild of
Australia. Members may copy, extract or republish, with
attribution, non copyright parts of this publication.
Copyright material may not be used without the
permission of the author.
Michael Mobley
Ink Spot
(03) 9725 6699
2 ... Journal of The Tarot Guild of Australia Spring 2004 ... The Magician
Monthly meetings
Refer to the back page for dates and times of meetings
for the next three months.
Meetings are held at:
Box Hill Community Arts Centre
Cnr Station and Combarton Streets
Box Hill Victoria
Have afternoon tea with us in the café after the meeting.
Visit our website at
I soon discovered that Azrael was holding back the
imagery I needed to work on this card and he just
would not co-operate with me until I had done a
bit more work on myself. So after having been
very diligent with my spiritual self-improvement
exercises for a few weeks, Azrael finally relented
and gave me the symbols that I needed. But I really
had to work on myself continually during that
time. I even had to make
a vibrational essence
from the maidenhair fern
to assist in releasing
myself from old feelings
of annoyance and
aggravation. Actually
that essence was really
the icing on the cake – I
have since used it on
several clients who are
all thrilled with the
It really is a win/win situation.
The other lesson I learned from all this is that
when working with Azrael you must be very
specific. He takes things quite literally so we need
to be careful about how we word what we say to
him. He has a pretty heavy-duty job to do so he
needs to have the sort of dour personality that he
does have. In some faiths Azrael guards the gates
of hell, in others he is even described as a ‘dark
angel’ – he’s not dark, he just doesn’t have a sense
of humour!
Azrael’s ‘job’ is to make
us look at ourselves
through honest eyes and
start correcting the flaws
that we see, thus he
needs to be a nit-picker
so he can see everything
in us that needs
changing! But for those
who follow this path, I
wish you luck when you
come to working with
him. And definitely don’t
try to play any humorous
‘play-on-words’ games
with him as I did; all it
got me was an almost
week-long Archangelic
debate on the purpose of
I must admit that I was
sorely tempted there for a
while to cheat and make
up my own symbols
since I was so close to
completing the deck; this
seemed like such a
When you look at the
frustrating delay. But
Globalight Judgement
when I thought about the
card you will see how
energy that the card
tightly Azrael holds the
represented I realised
means of this new
that this was just another
direction, and that he
test and there was just no
efficiently bars the way
way that I was going to
with his sword arm. The
go back down to the
blue and white of the
bottom of the class. So I
sword represents
did the work and I was
Reverse side of the Globalight Angelic Tarot deck
‘communication with
so pleased that I did, for
higher spirit’, in this case
lots of different reasons.
with our own higher selves. This colour is then
I stopped punishing myself and I was thrilled with
reflected in the singing bird that is heralding a new
the imagery when it finally came through.
Of course we know that Judgement represents the
You may also notice how demanding the young
releasing of that last bit of dross before we can step
man is who wishes to gain the reins from Azrael. I
on to a higher pathway. The main lesson that I
smile when I realise how much of myself I put into
learnt during the creation of this card was that a
that posture!
new pathway will not present itself until we stop
ignoring what we need to deal with and put it
Meditational or dream work using the Globalight
behind us. As soon as we make a dedicated
Judgement card as a focus may assist in allowing
commitment to releasing ourselves from this old
the user a stronger determination to gain the
baggage, then and only then will the new pathway
courage and tools necessary to make these positive
present itself to us. Then and only then will you
step closer to your full power.
Card Copyright Globalight Tarot
fact (Uriel/Gabriel) and others with outrageous
senses of humour or fun (Michael/Tzadkiel). But I
found working with Azrael to be very difficult and
at times confusing – he can be very pedantic.
The Magician … Journal of The Tarot Guild of Australia Spring 2004 ... 3
The path to transformation
By Linda Marson © 2004
“For 28 years you couldn’t cross this street. Down
the middle of Bernauer Strasse was the wall – on
this side you were in West Berlin, on the other side
you were in East Berlin. That brown line on your
city map shows where West Berlin was walled off
from East Berlin.”
As the tour guide leaves them to wander up and
down the street, the tourists flick through their
guide books, talking among themselves about the
before and after pictures of the city they’re in.
There are shades of the Tarot card of Judgement in
the image of Berliners celebrating on top of the
wall on that famous night in 1989. Hallelujah!
Let’s blow our trumpets and celebrate the end of a
worn–out political system. We have nothing to fear
from the past, nothing to fear from border guards
rendered powerless by an official statement that
people can pass freely between East and West
Berlin. Let’s do it and see what happens! Nothing!
Look we’re walking back and forth, we’re
climbing the wall, we’re taking sledge–hammers to
it. Watch the wall come down! Watch the past
crumble! We’re free! We’re ready for a new world.
Of course, coming to terms with the past and
moving on doesn’t happen over night. But the
image of Berliners beginning to tear down the wall
is a powerful symbol of change, of a turning point
where the past is left behind forever. In Germany
people speak of life “vor” and “nach der Wende” –
before and after the turning point.
Judgement is the final call to change. It challenges
you to confirm absolutely that you did really
embrace change back there with the Death card. Or
did you just sweep a few hard truths under the
carpet and never move beyond The Devil? Or
perhaps change was forced upon you and you’re
still sifting through the rubble of your collapsed
Tower. Or maybe your path was easy and you
skipped straight from Death to Judgement – after
all, journeys are not always difficult!
As the penultimate card in the Major Arcana,
Judgement is the final call to assess the jigsaw
pieces that make up your life so far. You are being
asked to accept and release aspects of your past
4 … Journal of The Tarot Guild of Australia Spring 2004 ... The Magician
that are holding you back. These could be attitudes,
habits, relationships or jobs. By doing so you will
be transformed, you will be able to move forward
and wholeheartedly embrace the next phase of
your life.
You are no longer the carefree, innocent Fool
starting out on your journey. You have experienced
the highs and lows of life and arrived at Judgement
Day. You are being asked if you have the courage
to blow the trumpet, to summon up the memories
of your journey so far – your loves, your losses,
your successes and your failures. You are being
asked to acknowledge them for what they are, to
say “yes, I accept the consequences – good and
bad – of everything that I have done so far.”
Through this act of acceptance, the memories slip
back into the past where they belong – they fade to
black and white.
If you do not accept the challenge, you’re likely to
remain in a state of suspended animation, full of
self–doubt and regrets, doomed to think about all
the things that might have been. The choice is
yours to make.
During a year in Berlin I looked with fascination at
photos that traced the history of the wall and a
divided city. I spoke to people about what it was
like to live in either East or West Berlin during
those 28 years and how that compares to now.
Many older people still carry the entrenched
attitudes of the past, and from former residents of
East Germany there’s a wave of nostalgia about the
good old days. By contrast, young people have
moved into areas of the former East Berlin and
there’s a buzz of a new Berlin, where the divisions
and attitudes of the past are no more than a distant
Parts of the wall still stand as a reminder to the
past, but, true to the theme of Judgement, they
have been transformed. The longest stretch is the
East Side gallery where artists in the early 1990s
were invited to paint images on the former eastern
side of the wall. The west side of the wall had long
been painted. Near Bernauer Street fragments of
the wall run along the top of a hill and blend in
with the wall of a large sporting complex. The
barren stretch of land that used to be Potsdamer
In this city of transformation I found myself
changing. I went through the Judgement process as
I reviewed my working life and lifestyle. How
could I best use the skills I had developed over the
years? How could I avoid the mistakes of the past?
street? The Wheel of Fortune offering work in a
field I would never have imagined myself in! I
seized the opportunity to find, with great delight,
that I could use old skills in new and creative
Back in Australia the challenge is to stay focused
on that new direction. But, hey, if that was
Judgement, I had a good time and it must mean I
have only The World to look forward to!
I had come to Berlin looking for a change. And, lo
and behold, what should I see rolling down the
Copyright Rider Waite
The Brandenburg Gate in Berlin shortly after the
border was opened in November 1989.
Photo: Ullstein - H.A. Scherhaufer © publicon Verlagsges.mbH
Platz has been transformed into a modern shopping
complex and entertainment centre. Behind the
Brandenburg Gate and to one side of the
Parliament there is nothing but a line of bricks in
the pavement to show where the wall used to
The East Side Gallery, with the former Berlin Wall
as backdrop, is the venue for innovative
exhibitions such as this international sand
sculpture competition in 2003.
Annual General Meeting
Saturday 9 October 2004
The Tarot Guild Committee invites financial members of the Guild to propose items for
consideration at this year’s Annual General Meeting on Saturday 9 October 2004.
Professional or interest members wishing to submit items should do so in writing by Thursday 23
September. Send your item(s) to the Secretary, Tarot Guild of Australia, G.P.O. Box 3117
Melbourne Vic 3001.
The committee for the next 12 months will be elected at the AGM and the outgoing committee
encourages everyone to consider nominating for a position. There are a few vacancies, so
contact any member of the current committee if you want to know what’s involved.
The Magician … Journal of The Tarot Guild of Australia Spring 2004 ... 5
By Christine Bird
elcome to the Spring edition of The
Magician. This month, our featured card
is Judgement, and we present a host of
different ways to understand the meanings which
underlie this card, along with life’s lessons to be
learned and acted upon when we reach this point
on our Fool’s journey.
In keeping with our aim to promote the Guild
Australia-wide, we have recently held our first
workshops in Sydney, facilitated by Linda Marson,
and Matthew Favaloro. Linda provides a report of
these two landmark days – and as she says, great
oaks from tiny acorns grow.
Linda also shares with us her insights gained from
a year living in Berlin, and the very strong imagery
linking the fall of the Berlin Wall with the
Judgement card.
In keeping with Judgement’s theme of rebirth, reawakening and renewal, Rosemary Wade examines
the nuances of Judgement where it appears as The
Aeon and Time-Space in the Thoth and Voyager
decks – both truly cards for this our New Age.
Rosemary discusses the concept of Karma, and
how the very act of self-judgement can provide
exactly what we need for our spiritual growth.
On our cover, we feature Penny Chesney’s
delightful Globalight Angelic Tarot. Penny has
written a wonderful account for us of how these
images reached her. She suggests that we may also
try meditating with her Globalight Judgement card
as a focus, at those times when we wish to harness
our courage and bring positive changes to our life.
The Tarot Guild of Australia reaches an important
milestone this Spring – we are celebrating twelve
years since our inception. In the centre pages you
will find photos of Guild activities ranging over
those years. Whilst our workshops provide time
and place for sharing our Tarot knowledge and
skills, these photos also show many light-hearted
moments enjoyed by Guild members.
Whilst browsing the website, Aeclectic Tarot,
(, I chanced upon an evocative new
deck, the Baroque Bohemian Cats’ Tarot. The
deck’s creators, Alexandr Ukolov and Karen
Mahony, present richly themed images of cats,
whilst staying true to Tarot traditions. The
Judgement card (pictured below) shows two cats
being lifted heavenward by angels. Karen Mahony
told me that she wanted this card to be “…joyful as
well as poignant, and honestly to have even have
some gentle humour about it…” and that she
hoped “…this card will be both enjoyable and
supportive to those who live with cats.” I believe
she has succeeded admirably in this aim, and in
creating a truly beautiful deck – particularly apt for
those of us with cat companions.
Our summer edition of The Magician will feature
the Strength card. We look forward to reading your
The Baroque Bohemian Cats Tarot
6 … Journal of The Tarot Guild of Australia Spring 2004 ... The Magician
A time of rebirth and renewal. It's a good moment to look
back on your life, forgive yourself (or be forgiven) for
past faults, and take the first steps towards a life that is
fulfilling and to a meaningful existence. Your new life is
just beginning.
The Baroque Bohemian Cats' Tarot - copyright 2004
baba studio, Magic Realist Press.
President’s letter
By Lyndel Robinson
f the Judgement card, Waite says that it
represents a "change of position, renewal,
outcome". The call of the supernal has been
"heard and answered from within". The founders of
the Guild heard and responded to such a call when
they established the Guild as a place where Tarot
lovers could meet together, share their knowledge of
and passion for the cards, and promote Tarot as a
tool for self-knowledge and psychic healing. The
Tarot Guild is twelve years old this year, so in this
issue we take time to celebrate our achievements as
well as look forward to a certain but unknown future
(pick a Tarot card for that).
This year the Guild has had as a major focus the
promotion of Tarot (and therefore the interests of
our members) in the commercial world. As luck
would have it, as Professional members would be
already aware, we were aided in these endeavours
by a recent approach from the Sydney-based
business Sasy n Savy. In their search for
professional Tarot readers (and readers from other
esoteric backgrounds) who are known to work
within a strong ethical framework, Sasy n Savy
turned to the professional membership of the TGA
as a source of recruits for their website. I am pleased
to report that a number of our members have
responded to this call and will shortly undertake the
training required for on-line chatting.
Though you may not be aware of this, the Tarot
Guild regularly receives calls from people who want
to have a Tarot reading, learn Tarot, or employ Tarot
readers for their businesses or special functions and
we are pleased to advise them that they can choose
from our list of professional readers and teachers by
visiting our website.
We held our first Transition process for 2004 in May
and I am pleased to welcome three new Professional
members into our midst. Congratulations to Annie
Dunlop, Cheryl Ford and Elizabeth Wheldrake on
their successful completion of the Transition
process. I take this opportunity to encourage Interest
members, especially those who would like to make a
living from working with Tarot, to become
Professional members. Once you have successfully
undertaken Transition, you have the right to
advertise yourself as a member of the Guild for
professional purposes and we can advertise you too,
and you can list your details on our Teachers and
Readers pages on our web site. Other advantages of
becoming a Professional member are that you can
represent the Guild during fund-raising activities
and you are eligible to be involved in the assessment
of future Transition candidates. For those who are
interested, our next Transition will be on the 30th of
October. You can find details on our website.
In Melbourne, over the last three months, we have
been privileged to have two regular length
workshops, one on palmistry with Helena Edwards,
and the other on discovering our Goddess energy
with Jacqui McLeod and a full day's journey on the
Heroine's path where we were guided by Jeni
Bethell. These were very positively received and we
thank all our presenters. You can read more about
these sessions on our website. On September 11th we
will be taking time out from regular workshops to
focus on the Tarot Guild itself. This is also a clarion
call and we hope that as many members as possible
will come and that the meeting will be a 'full and
frank' discussion about our Guild. Linda Marson
will be facilitating this session so if you would like
to contact her with your ideas before the workshop
you can email her at
The rest of the year's program looks fantastically
exciting and you can check the program on the back
page of this issue.
On the weekend of the 21-22 August, the Tarot
Guild ventured out of Victoria for the first time.
Linda Marson and Matthew Favaloro (one of our
members from Sydney) ran two workshops for the
Guild in Sydney. These workshops gave Tarot
practitioners in Sydney a chance to meet with
members of the Guild and learn more about the
Guild's activities and what we have to offer. Whilst
attendance was relatively small, Linda reports that
the reception was enthusiastic. It is our intention to
hold other workshops around Australia when
Continuing on the theme of spreading our roots, the
Tarot Guild has recently approached the Canadian,
American and British Tarot associations with
regards to becoming affiliated with them. We have
recently become affiliated with the Canadian Tarot
Network and we are awaiting replies from Britain
and the USA. Closer links with these organisations
will no doubt be beneficial for us and we will be
able to pass on relevant information to you. Finally,
I would like to mention the forthcoming Tarot
Conference in Melbourne next year. The program is
shaping up and you can check its progress by
visiting the conference website at If you're interstate, you
need to start making arrangements to get here
because it's an opportunity not to be missed.
The Magician … Journal of The Tarot Guild of Australia Spring 2004 ... 7
Explore the Voyager Tarot
This course explores the deck which is a powerful tool to assist you on your life's journey.
12 x 2 hour sessions or, for those who are familiar with Tarot: 6 x 2 hour sessions.
One Day Workshop: Exploring intuition and playing with the deck.
Art Classes for Inner Peace (1) and (2)
The focus is on the creative process not the finished product and, no, you do not have to be able to draw.
Each course: 5 x 3 hour sessions.
Colour, Creativity, and Symbols
Explore the personal significance of colour and symbols through a series of hands-on 'fun' activities that are
also designed to stimulate your creativity.
3 x 3 hour sessions
Stepping into Astrology (1)- Stepping into a Greater Understanding of Your Self
This course is intended for those who wish to develop an understanding of the basics of Astrology as an
adjunct to their other work or in preparation for undertaking a more comprehensive course.
Stepping into Astrology (2) Stepping into Greater Balance with the Asteroids
This course is intended to complement the first course and is also suitable for anyone with a basic
understanding of astrology.
Each course: 7 x 2 hour sessions
Empowering the Feminine
Working towards balancing the Yin aspect of your Self with the dominant demanding Yang energy prevalent
in the modern world.
8 x 2 hour sessions.
Inspired Paintings
Works of Art Created Specifically for You as a form of Energy Healing.
For further details contact: Jacqueline McLeod, Ph 9818 6169
8 … Journal of The Tarot Guild of Australia Spring 2004 ... The Magician
Spreading our wings
By Linda Marson © 2004
ugust 2004 was a landmark month for the
Tarot Guild of Australia. Two workshops
were held in Sydney – the first ever to be
organised outside Melbourne. Attendance was low
but the response was positive, boding well for the
Tarot – what’s on the cards for you? That’s how we
advertised two workshops designed to introduce
the Tarot Guild to Sydney-siders. I started each
workshop with an overview of what the Tarot
Guild is all about and the benefits of membership.
I assured people that we’re keen to provide
services and activities for the increasing number of
members who live outside Melbourne.
Then it was over to long-time professional member
of the Guild, Matthew Favaloro, who used material
from his comprehensive Tarot course to discuss the
symbolism of the Major Arcana cards. He followed
this with a hands–on segment filled with tips on
doing effective readings using a 15–card spread.
The majority of people attending already had a
working knowledge of the cards so there was
Matthew Favaloro does a reading for one of the
participants at the Bondi Junction workshop.
lively discussion of how to interpret spreads done
for members of the group.
Matthew, who has been advocating a Sydney
chapter of the Guild for some time, offered to
facilitate regular sessions in Sydney. Details of this
exciting initiative will be posted on the Guild’s
website and advertised in the alternative press.
Thanks, Matthew, for taking up the baton with
such enthusiasm!
Great oaks from tiny acorns grow….that was the
feeling I had as the second workshop drew to a
close. Several other participants who stayed around
chatting over coffee felt the same way. We saw
beyond the small attendance at these first two
workshops to a point in the not too distant future
when the shape of a Sydney chapter of the Guild
will begin to emerge.
The Guild’s journey beyond its place of origin has
well and truly commenced. Without a doubt, the
long drive to Sydney and back was worth it.
Browsing through the books for sale is a popular
pastime at Guild workshops. Lilyfield was no
The next Transition Day will take place on Sunday October 30, 2004, between 11.00 am and
2.00pm. at Box Hill Community Arts Centre. To register your intention to sit for Transition, contact
the President, Lyndel Robinson, on (03) 9312 1512. For more information about doing Transition at
any time by telephone, mail and email, visit our website at
The Magician … Journal of The Tarot Guild of Australia Spring 2004 ... 9
10 … Journal of The Tarot Guild of Australia Spring 2004 ... The Magician
The Tarot Guild of Australia turns twelve this year. Here
we have glimpses of workshop activities - and some just
plain fun - shared by TGA members over those years.
The Magician … Journal of The Tarot Guild of Australia Spring 2004 ... 11
XX Judgement
By Dianne Failla © 2004
As the fool,
who took the ultimate leap
with confidence and faith,
we came unprepared but willingly
back into this world, forgetful,
innocent of what we must face –
the trials and disappointments
the loneliness, the love
the benevolence of grace –
Now, the cycle of karma complete
the time of harvest has arrived Here, our life’s work laid out before us,
we must answer for our journey
jettison our bundle of illusions
and relinquish the dog of instinct
still snapping at our heels –
And so,
as if awakened
from a long, deep sleep,
released from the coffin of our existence,
not begrudging our loss of innocence
but transformed, heart full of bliss,
having taken up the staff of Hermes
and climbed to the mountain peak we can see at last, our higher purpose,
miraculously, free to realise our true vocation –
we spiral into new awareness
God is calling us home ….
12 … Journal of The Tarot Guild of Australia Spring 2004 ... The Magician
When Judgement is dealt
By Jason Dean © 2004
“We are the sum of our choices. Sometimes, at our own peril, we choose not to act.”
‘Don’t kick yourself’
Your present exists through choice
and events are secretly connected
you will be responsible for your unconsciousness
when Judgement is dealt
‘You needed comfort and you got it’
Indulge yourself, it’s OK when Judgement guides you,
choose the mystical future
and don’t be too rational, logic can lie
‘So you bathed in the luxury of the moment’
Who has a monopoly on wisdom?
Create your own future
or be enslaved by choices you didn’t make
and the dogma of others
‘By leaving, he did you a favour’
The Fool’s journey is over
Good and bad have cycled through
A new chapter is heralded
so don’t deny yourself
‘Time to move on’
There will be no mourning
only clear perceptions of choices
and the future that beckons
you ‘will’ be rewarded for your actions
‘When Judgement is dealt’
The Magician … Journal of The Tarot Guild of Australia Spring 2004 ... 13
Judgement - a business perspective
By Pat Martian, Wishcraft Psychic Adventures © 2004
like to look at the cards from the business
perspective. We are all in the business of life.
So whether or not you are “in business” in the
conventional sense, you may still find it a useful
viewpoint to adopt.
Some people find the Judgement card a difficult
card to come to terms with. This is not surprising,
since it represents examining some rather difficult
issues. Clearly it is a wake
up call - but to what?
By this stage in his journey
The Fool has accumulated a
lot more baggage than he
started out with in the form
of memories, experiences
and material possessions.
He is no longer the naive
innocent that he was when
he began his adventure.
Some of this baggage is
physical, some of it is
mental, but a lot of it is
carried on the subconscious
level. For this reason,
Judgement signifies dealing
with the past, particularly
with the baggage that is
carried in the unconscious.
Judgement asks us to
examine our values, in
particular how past issues
are affecting our present
lives. It asks us to look at
whether we are getting
personal fulfillment and
suggests to us that it is time
to exercise our judgement
about how we are living at the moment. What is
the real purpose of our lives, and are we heading in
the right direction to achieve it? It is a spiritual
wake up call.
When you get the Judgement card, ask yourself
whether you are being too harsh or judgemental,
either with yourself or with those about you. It is
time for forgiveness and letting go of past
grievances. Think about what lesson the person or
incident in question has taught you, then move on.
From a self-esteem point of view, we are often our
own harshest critics. In many families love does
14 … Journal of The Tarot Guild of Australia Spring 2004 ... The Magician
not appear from the child’s point of view to be
unconditional - it is often seen as a reward doled
out for good behaviour. Children who grow up
trying to “buy” their parents’ approval develop an
inner belief that they are not worthy of love and
affection as a right. They go through life trying to
please others, with an inner sense of unworthiness
and self blame. If you feel that Judgement could be
pointing out issues of this sort, professional help
may be needed to help to
work through and let go of
this belief system.
The Judgement card warns
us to make informed
choices - not to jump to
conclusions. We need to ask
ourselves, why do I think
like this? What is the real
source of my ideas and
beliefs? Are they still
relevant and are they still
serving me well? It is a
warning not to let past
experience stand in the way
of the present. Past
experience is a good
benchmark, but it should
not be allowed to blindfold
us or to shackle us to
outmoded ways of
In a business sense,
Judgement is about quality
control and evaluation
procedures. When you draw
this card it is an indication
that it may be necessary to
examine closely the quality
of the services you, your team or your organization
are delivering. It may also indicate a need for team
or personal evaluations.
The Judgement card calls for procedures to test
and measure outputs. Are your advertisements
producing results? Are you successfully converting
inquiries into sales? Is productivity increasing?
Might it be necessary to carry out more market
research? Classics on the need to monitor
advertising are My Life in Advertising and
Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins, and
Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples.
Career wise, the same principles apply. How will
you know when you have reached your goals or
targets? It they are not measurable or quantifiable
in some way you may be left with a nagging sense
of failure or dissatisfaction, even if from the
outsider’s perspective you seem to be doing rather
well. This can be a real trap - a fast track to ulcers
and the divorce courts. Re-examine your goals and
make sure that there is some way of identifying
when you have achieved them.
Q: Am I being too hard, or perhaps not hard
enough, either on myself or on others?
Your inner voice is calling to you. What is it
Q: How could I best prepare for my next personal
Q: How are past experiences helping or hindering
my ability to do my job?
Q: Am I being right in ways that aren't working?
Q: How could I improve either quality control or
evaluation procedures in my place of work?
Judgement: time of reckoning
By Jan Hunneybell © 2004
Astrological: Pluto
Archetype – The Journey
Tree of Life – Hod Malkuth
lmost at my journey’s end, it is time to be
judged by my deeds. Throughout life I have
made many mistakes, had some triumphs,
sometimes helped and sometimes hurt people along
the way. Now is the time of reckoning, but I’m not
worried for I understand that it is part of my soul’s
journey to appreciate and to take responsibility for
the consequences of our actions.
At this time we are shown the meaning of the law of
cause and effect, and we see how one small action
causes a chain reaction. The usual illustration of the
power of our actions is that of a stone being thrown
into water. If the stone is a word or deed, whether
good or bad, each ripple emanating from where the
stone hit the water is a consequence. Now it’s time to
discover how everything I have done will balance in
the book of life.
Does this sound ominous? Don’t feel this way, for
we are just nearing the end of a chapter which needs
summarizing. For example, every financial year is a
cycle. At the end of that cycle, the books must be
balanced to see if there is a debit or a credit balance.
So it is with life. At the conclusion of a stage of our
life cycle, whether a time frame such as a day or a
year; a situation like marriage, a job, or a course of
study; there is a time of evaluation and examination.
Each night we may cast our minds over the triumphs
and tragedies of the day, to try to understand, so that
we can accept what has unfolded during that time. It
is the same at the end of one year and the beginning
of the next, and when we make ‘resolutions’ on
birthdays, anniversaries or at the conclusion of other
important phases of our lives. Then, whether the
ledger shows a negative or a positive balance, we
can move to the next stage of our development with
a better grasp on the size of the task at hand, and
what now needs to be achieved.
The dead rising from the grave can represent the
death of old attitudes. It is a time of triumphal
renewal, the integration of the masculine and
feminine energies aspects of ourselves, together with
the inner child that brings with it healing and the
dissolving of blockages from the past. This time of
resolution heralds a new start with ‘a clean slate’.
The trumpet sounds to waken the dead from their
sleep, perhaps waking those who live unconsciously,
so that they become aware. This awakening enables
people to see their issues with greater clarity and to
know that there are positive outcomes available to
I appear when it is time to examine and reflect upon
past events to see what has been learned before
moving into a new phase without the burdens of past
baggage. This is a time of seeing the meaning of “as
ye sow so shall ye reap”, and with that
understanding, to advance further with more
awareness of our actions in the future. Sometimes I
am there just to remind everyone that we have no
right to judge anyone else, and no reason to fear the
judgement of others. I am finally in sight of my goal
and ready to walk forward on the last stage of my
journey. The laurels of victory are mine – I claim
The World.
The Magician … Journal of The Tarot Guild of Australia Spring 2004 ... 15
Judgement and the new age
By Rosemary Wade © 2004
a peer group of other souls, but we ourselves who
review our lives and finally understand how much
hurt we may have caused. According to this theory,
it is oneself alone who decides how to redress the
balance. This brings us to notions of Karma, often
seen as reward or punishment for the good or evil
we have done, all catching up
with us in the next life. New
Age thought has it that Karma
is, rather, a balancing process
whereby we receive what we
need for our spiritual growth.
So, according to our cultural
beliefs, we might be deciding
whereabouts in Purgatory to
send ourselves, or what
experiences we need in our next
incarnation. Either way, it's our
call. We do not judge ourselves
in a pejorative way as saint or
sinner; we exercise our
discernment as to where we're
at and what would be in our best
interests next.
New Age is exactly what
Aleister Crowley called the
Judgment card in his Thoth
There was a time when people
deck. Er, let me hastily correct
took such ideas literally, though
The Aeon, Thoth Tarot deck
myself: it is what he meant by
the creators of those Tarot decks
his name for the card, The Aeon.
used them symbolically. By now a shift in thinking
This card too depicts human figures, which
has taken place. The New Age view is that it is not
Crowley described as “arising to partake of the
God who judges us at the point of death, nor even
essence of the New Aeon.” This time there are
The card of Judgement.
A liberation,
Renewal and salvation,
Overt elation.
The twentieth card.
Copyright Haindl Tarot
Haiku poem
By Doug While
The Aeon, Haindl Tarot deck
16 … Journal of The Tarot Guild of Australia Spring 2004 ... The Magician
Copyright Thoth Tarot
n our culture we are warned against sitting in
judgement on our fellows (except of course for
jury duty — but the Judgement card is to do
with religion rather than law, so that doesn't apply).
It's in the Bible ("Judge not that ye be not judged")
and also on the lips of every New Ager who tells
you self-righteously not to be
judgmental. That's God's
business, we are told — and
never mind pleading the need
for discernment. The RiderWaite Judgement card depicts
this fundamental interpretation.
Here is the Day of Judgement
come at last; Gabriel blows his
trumpet and the dead rise palely
from their graves with upraised
arms and beatific faces,
confident of being taken home
to Heaven. In the Mythic Tarot
we see a pre-Christian version
of the same idea. Hermes the
Psychopomp, Conductor of
Souls, confronts the dead rising
from their coffins. He has the
power to restore them to life,
free them from Hades, or usher
them there if that is warranted.
three deities, Egyptian ones — “Nuit, the star
goddess, representing unlimited possibility … her
mate, Hadit, standing for eternal energy” and,
dominating the card, the child Horus, “a solar deity
who is the incarnation of the New Aeon.”
In the Voyager deck, the card is re-named TimeSpace. The predominant symbol is the Aztec god
of spring, Xipe Totec, representing “the new life
which comes after your judgment of death to old
karmic patterns that are self-destructive”. Other
images indicate a continual rising to new spiritual
levels — which indeed is what all the Judgement
cards portray, each from the viewpoint of the
context in which it was created.
In Voyager, Wanless presents the card as “a
harbinger of new things to come … the departure
point in consciousness for the sowing of new seeds
Perth - mystery
The Rune Poem - Verse XIV
Peorth is ever the laughter
and play of proud men,
Where warriors meet with cheer
in the beer hall.
Runic number:
Old English name:
Zodiac sign:
Mystery, chance, gamble,
dice cup
Capricorn and Aquarius
Copyright Voyager Tarot
What is indicated in all these cards is the
possibility of resurrection, Judgement leading to
rebirth of one kind or another. With the advent of
modern psychology and New Age mysticism both,
the religious symbolism becomes a metaphor for
transformation of the self, which involves reexamining our past before letting it go. James
Wanless, creator of Voyager Tarot™, suggests we
can begin consciously creating our Karma by this
Time-Space, Voyager Tarot deck
that will result in a higher synthesis.” Xipe Totec's
message is entirely metaphoric. Voyager, the Tarot
for the 21st Century, places the responsibility for
our rebirth not with Archangels, Psychopomps or
Deities, but with ourselves. And we need not wait
until after we're dead; we can do it here and now!
Perth is the rune of mystery. The Vikings were
troubled by mysteries like why some should die in
battle while others survive. The symbol depicted
on this rune is said to represent a dice cup tipped to
reveal the die.
Interpretation: upright.
Something hidden comes to light or a secret is
disclosed. Look beyond the surface things are not
always as they seem. Use your intuition, take a
An unexpected gain.
Inner transformations.
Play your cards close to your chest, now is not the
time for revelations. At this time gambling can
only lead to failure and loss. Do not rush in, but
stand firm.
The exposure of betrayal or hurtful secrets.
© Curtiz-Caine DI, 2000
Text compliments of
The Magician … Journal of The Tarot Guild of Australia Spring 2004 ... 17
Judgement: breaking the cycles.
By Laura Fitzgerald © 2004
y understanding of this card is related,
essentially, to the clarion call of the
trumpeter. I don’t necessarily mean this
in any religious sense, but rather some kind of
epiphany or awakening. If a person thinks deeply,
especially about the patterns and synchronicities
that underlie existence, then at certain points in time
it is almost inevitable that she/he will have
moments of clarity where, often quite suddenly,
things are seen differently from the way they’ve
been seen before. The point is that once we see
things from this changed perspective, with clarity
and insight, it is impossible to go back and see
them, or think about them, or believe in them, as we
previously did. That level of understanding can’t be
denied or renounced at any but superficial levels.
So, for me, one of the strongest messages in the
Judgement card has been in acknowledging that
change in understanding/perspective, firstly on the
inner level, and secondly when I apply that inner
change to the outer aspects of my life. It’s a bit like
drawing a line under all that is past, and moving
into a new ‘transformed’ life. It has been about
breaking cycles – patterns which may be genetic or
familial (or both) – patterns that have not served
me or the people I care about in my life very well.
Consequently, Judgement has been a card of great
significance for me. And, like The High Priestess
and Justice, it proved to be significant for me early
in my Tarot work, puzzling me with potent
symbolism that burnt its way into my brain,
challenging me to meditate upon the message it
contained. Mary K. Greer puts this idea succinctly
when she says, “ As a 20-2 you are aware that
although the past has made you who you are, you
can transcend these limitations. You will have
many such awakenings in your life: jolts or
“epiphanies” in which you suddenly recognise a
purpose behind the events”.1
I like to think that one of my “better qualities” is the
ability and commitment I have to changing what is
not working in my life. I am not prepared to
endlessly wallow in how miserable I am when things
are difficult, but have a very strong determination to
make the necessary changes. Of course, such
changes don’t usually take place over night. More
often than not, change requires a process of inner
change. Although sometimes it has required major
“outer” change too, such as when I had to admit that
I was no longer physically or emotionally capable of
continuing my work as a teacher.
18 … Journal of The Tarot Guild of Australia Spring 2004 ... The Magician
The immediate consequences of making that
decision were lack of money and a very strange
transition period where I felt I was swimming
against the tide. (One counsellor told me I was
wasting my life by putting what little energy I had
into looking after my husband and two teenage
sons.) However the long-term consequence of that
decision - studying to embark on a career in Tarot has been overwhelmingly positive, and one which
I have absolutely no desire to change.
Once someone gets to Judgement in the Tarot
journey, there really is little chance of turning
back. In fact, it is quite possible the change has
already occurred, but “the fool” may not yet have
any awareness of it. So Judgement is the call to
awakening, to awareness.
One final issue brought to my attention by
Judgement is the concept of forgiveness. I know
that in this respect Judgement and Justice are
loosely related, but for me, the pictorial image of
Judgement spurs contemplation of forgiveness
with all its implications. After all, forgiveness is a
judgement about life.
Tracey Porter says “Judgement augers a rebirth,
but this regeneration is gentler than that predicted
by Death. Judgement serves to heal all wounds that
have caused so much pain.” This is no easy task,
and so is often avoided, especially by those with a
strong inner critic. I used to be unforgiving not
only to others, but to myself as well, and whilst I
am not a vengeful person, I held grudges and
stayed stuck for a long time in the pain of the past,
often with no consciousness of what I was doing. It
was a revelation to me to even contemplate that
some injustices from the past may never be
righted. They can simply be let go of and hence
It is often a matter of relinquishing control over old
pain in order to gain true freedom. According to
Evelin Burger and Johannes Fiebig, “This card is
also an invitation to look at the extremes in your
life, to analyse them, and to connect them. Basic
desires and fears, feelings of guilt and selfrecrimination, must be dealt with again and again
until all of the past and the horizon of the future
are clear and clean. Only then will rebirth mean
that you are discovering new qualities in your life,
that you have transformed what was old.”
I remember receiving Judgement as the best course
of action to take in a very early spread I did
regarding my relationship with my mother. That
relationship has never been easy, but for a long
time after my father died, there was an increased
level of intransigence on both sides. I developed a
kidney problem. I thought long and hard about
Reiki Master Barbara MacGregor’s comment on
the metaphysics of this kind of illness. She said,
“What we have to remember is that forgiveness is
the price of joy”. Recently I did Geraldine
Amarel’s Bright Shadow spread which featured in
the Winter 2002 Magician and was heartened to
see both Judgement and Justice in the pile of cards,
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which addressed the question of what aids me in
developing my bright shadow.
At a more earthy level, I am reminded of the Zen
Master who is famous as The Drop It Rochi
because when a person comes to see him with their
problems, he tells them that all they need to do is
drop it. There’s something of this in the Judgement
card too.
1. Greer, M. K. (1987) Tarot Constellations, p 60, US Games
2. Porter, T. (2000). Tarot Companion – An Essential
Reference Guide, p14.Llewellyn. St Paul Ma
3. Burger, E & Fiebig, J. ( 1997). Tarot Basics, p58. Sterling
Publishing Company Inc. NY.
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Next issue
The Summer 2004/5 issue of The Magician
will feature Strength
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Strength from the Spiral Tarot Deck
The Magician … Journal of The Tarot Guild of Australia Spring 2004 ... 19
Monthly workshops and
development sessions
October to December 2004
Saturday 9 October. (1:45pm - 3:30pm)
Self care and client care in Tarot practice with Julie King
To be followed by the Guild's Annual General Meeting
Julie has had a wealth of experiences as a psychic development teacher and spiritual counsellor and
will guide us through the areas of psychic protection, pre-client and post-client self care practices,
mind mapping our Tarot business and the valuable use of essential oils to support the Tarot reading
We encourage members to stay a little longer, to hear the annual reports and elect the next
Saturday 13 November (1:45pm to 3:30pm)
Love and other catastrophes with Evelynne Joffe
One of the most common questions a Tarot reader will hear is “I’ve come to see you about my
relationship / lack of relationship”. In this workshop we will learn new relationship spreads and
which cards to look out for. Evelynne is well-known to TGA members as a past president. She is
also a director of the Institute of Esoteric Studies, a teacher of Kabbalah and Tarot, and dream
Saturday 11 December (1:45pm to 3:30pm)
TGA Christmas party ~ facilitated by Julie King and friends.
Come dressed in the energy of a Tarot character and be ready to dazzle your TGA friends with the
strength of your intuitive powers. Give and get a flower reading and find out what your jewellery
would say if it could talk.
Bring a flower to read, wear your favourite jewels, and bring a small gift too, up to the value of $5,
to place in our Christmas sack so that everybody goes home with a present!
Party fare provided.
Workshops are held at the Box Hill Community Arts Centre
Cnr Station and Combarton Streets, Box Hill, Victoria.
T Shirts, printed with the Tarot Guild logo, can be
purchased from the Guild. These are available in
many colours and sizes, at a cost of $22 each, with
a 10% discount to members.
20 … Journal of The Tarot Guild of Australia Spring 2004 ... The Magician