AidiS`"Solutions for Smart Cities ofAll Sizes


AidiS`"Solutions for Smart Cities ofAll Sizes
(Ai di
S'"Solutions for Smart Cities ofAll Sizes
GridSmart is an all new concept in video traffic management delivering a best-in-c1ass solution with the lowest cost of ownership on
the market today. GridSmart combines a single ultra wide angle lens camera with a ruggedized cabinet mounted processor, creating
a non-intrusive video tracking solution that empowers traffic profess'ionals to actuate and maintain any intersection, large or small.
GridSmart is a practical, cost-effective alternative, even when compared to simply replacing failing inductive loops.
Platform and Design
GridSmart is designed on an advanced platform architecture combining stop-bar functionality with advanced feature including vehicle
counts and intent. classification, emergency vehicle identification, pedestrian handling, dilemma zone control and adaptive traffic
management. GridSmart is rapidly scalable and easily interfaced to other 3rd party products and peripherals. The configuration
management software is designed to be user friendly and allow access both local and remotely through a secure VPN connection. The
software provides access to all of the GridSmart features and can grow with the needs of the intersection.
Software Features
Digital flattening of image
Digital pan-tilt-zoom
Easy set-up and management
Point and click zone drawing
Zone design simulation
Expandable features including
heuristic algorithms
Camera Features
>50dB SIN ratio
360· rov
Advanced Video Tracking
GridSmart is the only video tracking
,ystem that come, witl. all i"tenec/ion
simulator allowing traffic professionah to
model various scenurim based on actual
vehicle COUlltS.
GridSmart is a single camera video tracking solution for use in isolated or coordinated
intersection management systems. All GridSmart products are engineered for rapid
installation through a single wire with an intuitive GUI configuration. GridSmart can
• Vehicles
Golf Carts
• Pedestrians
• Classification
Turn counts
• Bicycles
• Emergency vehicles
Incident Identification
8654822112 direct
702 South Illinois St.
866 OK Aldis toll free
Suite 6101
865 482 2117 fax
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Color imager
2000 lines resolution
2 lux capabl'e
2560 x 1920 effective pixels
Automatic white balance
Single CATS connectio n
Solutions for Smart Cities ofAll Sizes
Always in Focus Color Camera witll
,hutter 'IJ~l.'rJ «Intrut
Proprietary Occlusion Mitigation provide, illlprtlved rJel!ol"/lwnce a, object, thot ellter tI,e
ar~a of interest are tracked IIlltil exit.
Vehicle Tracking mOl/dun
presence. ,topped I'ehide, m)(1 directi"ll.
Vehicle Classification II/onitors tu,."
data with 32 or 64 user-defilled I)im.
doto. vehide «lUllt do to /)y lone. cia"
Traffic Safety Solutions illdude emergency vehicle identifiw!loll, pa"ive rJede,triall ddec­
tion. au tOll/O ted pe lL'~tril1n c/COI'IJI1W lime.
Fail-safe controller outputs with ,elf dwgn",tic keel" ti,e 5y,tem olwoy, up ond rllllning
Control Unit Diagram
Cost Effective - Single call/em ,,,Iution
competD i/1 w,t witll inrl'lctive loops.
Fast Install - Slllgle wire /'lltl witl, remute
,et-llp ond con{iglJratiori gds I/Ie crcw out
of tI", itltef5eetiorl fa, t.
Camera Power
11 ov AC
Installation and Configuration
GridSmart was designed to reduce install and configuration time while providing
engineers with an easy-to-use customized solution. Aldis' single ultra wide angle lens
camera is mounted in the intersection with a single encrypted IP connection to a video
processor card located in the traffic control cabinet. The video processor card is an
embedded PC- 104 compliant and the processor is installed in a standard NEMA TS-1,
TS-2 & 17012070 traffic control cabinet. The system plugs into any rack that
provides standard 120 or 240 VAC connectivity, no modification to the cabinet is
Technical Specifications
Control Unit
12.25" x 11.25' x 5- (w x d x h)
Camera --,
10" diameter x
Full Field of View - GridSl1wr! m"nit"r~
the mid(J/e <if i;:tef5ectiorl providing fur
mure in!umllJtioll over, tUllflurd 1II"cl-line
vis.iol1 'o/utium.
Easy Configuration - GUI-!'o'eJ
wftware lVitil odopto/Jle u,er-definerl
detection zones l1luke wI-up fost.
Easy to Use - U,er interface reduce,
training time while illlrJrnving oven/II
productivity leve/.
Low Maintenance - Camera has no
muving part, and a 'ealed IIOu,iltg will,
Imilt-in I',eating system moking it virtuully
lIIojnt""<IIICe free i/1 ail (Of/(litiom.
Proven Technology - Fully Inkd ill oil
c1inlOte; "nd wnrliti"rI'.
Control Unit Features
12 Ibs.
Onboard display indicates input and
output status and active zones
Operating Temp
-4F to +140F (-lOC to +60C)
-31 F to +140F (-35C to +60C)
Interface to TS 1 and TS2 Controllers
o - 95% non-condensing
24 Optically isolated inputs for TSl
120-240VAC, 30Watts
Monitor phases and loops
LAN interface, Camera interface
WAN interface
'Indicates inputs and
outputs and active zones
24 Optically isolated outputs
Generate .:alls to controller
SDlC interface for TS2 installation
Responds to add res ses 8 - 11
64 inputs
AldiS reserves rile fight c Ipdnte 01 change fpedficatlo/1 ar 'lily lime wrrhour priornotlce. Some ieawrf!_' and functlonaliry <lIt! forward lookillg. please 'Ql'ltlkr
AldiS for avallabllTry, GridSmarc is a registered trademark ofAldis, orp. All orher lrodelJJQrks or registered trQdemark~ ,Jre property ofrheir respe live owner,.