Math Classes - Hermantown Community Schools
Math Classes - Hermantown Community Schools
In This Issue Save the Date! Write a Book! 3 April 25 at Hermantown High School Bus Trips 5 Math for parents Money Matters Spring Gardening Extravaganza 4 6 Youth Safety Classes 7 Music for tots Register online 14 2, 15 Spotlight 700 is a publication of the combined Community Education program of Hermantown Independent School District 700 and Proctor Independent School District 704. Spotlight 700 is distributed by mail to all district residents. Enrichment and Facilities Scheduling Coordinator Kim Webb 729-7661 x115 PACC Coordinator Sheri Amundson 628-6293 Early Childhood Coordinator Chris DeGroote 729-9563 Proctor Facilities Coordinator Wendy Johnson 729-8214 x 2750 Rail Review & Spotlight 700 Editor Cindy Alexander 729-8434 Community Education Director Molly Johnson presented by St Louis County Extension/U of MN/SLC Master Gardeners/ Hermantown Proctor Community Education Registration Information • Register online for Hermantown/Proctor Community Education classes using your credit card. Go to www. or Click on “Community Education” and then on “Online Registration.” • You may also complete the registration form on page 15 and mail it along with your check at least one week before the class meets. If registering by mail, you will receive confirmation of your registration only if you include your email address, written legibly, or by including a self-addressed, stamped envelope. You will be notified by phone, mail, or e-mail if a class is cancelled. • No refunds will be made after the class has begun. No refunds on trips unless the trip is cancelled. • Class cancellation: If school is closed due to weather, all Community Ed classes held in school buildings are cancelled. Cancellation of off-site classes is at the discretion of the instructor. Plan before you build Designing your new home or remodel Whether you design your own project or hire someone to help, this class will take some of the mystery out of the process. Instructor: Jody Keppers, AIA, LEED AP, NCARB. $15/person or $20/couple for 2 classes • Wednesdays, Mar 11 & 18, 6:30-8:30pm, HHS Media Ctr/Library Container Gardening Class at The Green House in Carlton These increasingly popular classes, held at The Green House in Carlton, feature valuable guidelines for planting mixed containers. Plant selection, soil, container size, fertilizing, and many other points are covered. Participants may bring in their own container(s), minimum 12”, or purchase them at class. You may bring as many as you want. Soil and plants will be available at discounted prices. Get your hands dirty while planting and then leave your container(s, up to 4) at The Green House to be cared for until picked up, no later than May 15. Anything over 4 containers will be an additional $5 per container. Instructor: Jim Fahrenholz. $10 + supplies • Saturday, Apr 18, 1-3pm, at The Green House, 210 6th Street, Carlton This session is only for students registered through Hermantown & Proctor Community Ed. You must register with Community Ed, online, by mail, or by phone. Cowboys wrote poems? Yes they did, and still do! For two classes we’ll look at where they came from and how their poetry differs from other poetry. We’ll listen to several of their poems, traditional and contemporary, and learn the history of some of the writers. Then we’ll grab our pens and put ourselves in the West to write some of our own. Hats and boots optional! Youth and adults welcome. $15 for 2 classes • Tues, Feb 10 & Thurs, Feb 12 6-8:30pm, PLE Media Center How to Get Started Writing Your Own Book For most of us, the prospect of sitting down and writing that great American novel is a daunting task we are too overwhelmed to take on. If you’ve sat in front of an empty computer screen and said, “I can’t do this,” this class is for you. In four weeks we will have our books started! Week 1 - Where do I start? Week 2 - Understanding Characters and building the structure Week 3 - Working with structure and building story Week 4 - Let the writing begin! Bring a laptop if you have one, along with your ideas, notebook, and pen! Minimum age 18 yrs. Instructor: author Michael Goldsmith. $30 for 4 classes • Thursdays, 7-9pm, Apr 9, 16, 23, 30, HMS Rm 18 Price includes the author’s book Eli Greatness Begins. This book is a fictional work that follows a young baseball player through his early development and his spiritual/religious awakening. Passages will be used as examples of writing technique and are not intended as endorsement of any religious beliefs. Music Lessons Piano & Voice Call Ruth Beckwith, 218-349-8922 Feb Mar Apr 2015 Spotlight 700 Community Education This class, taught by a registered Architect, explains the basics of home design: general concepts, organizational tips, zoning rules, building codes, variances, and how the various players in the construction game relate to each other. Intro to Cowboy Poetry 3 Northland Couponing Feb Mar Apr 2015 Community Education Spotlight 700 4 Before you know it, spring will be here and we’ll all be looking for ways to save, whether when planning that special graduation celebration or simply saving on everyday items for you or your family. Learn how to use coupons to save money! We’ll cover local coupon policies, where to find coupons and how to organize them, how to find the best deals, and more. Please bring a notebook and pen to class. Instructor: Leslie Bucar. $11 • Thurs, Feb 19, 6:30-8:30pm, HHS Media Center Computers, iPhones, iPads... Help! Students from our afterschool program at the PACC are offering their services on the third Tuesday of every month from 3:30-5pm to help you with your iPhones, iPads, PCs, etc. They are not professionals, but they are willing to help you navigate your way with these sometimes confusing electronic devices. Free! • Third Tuesdays. 3:30-5pm, PACC library Jan 20, Feb 17, Mar 17 Math Classes For parents: Help Your Child Succeed in Math With the frequent edits to math textbooks and the changing landscape of math curriculum, parents can often feel unsure of how to best help their child with math homework. Whatever the math curriculum or your own comfort level, there are techniques to use that will help you support your child in math. This course is offered to establish a set of resources and strategies to help jump-start the discussions at home to help your child succeed in math. Space is limited. Instructor: Ruth Kivisto, Minnesota certified math teacher with M.Ed. & B.S. degrees in Math Education. $10 • Thurs, Feb 5, PHS Rm 128 6:00-7:00pm for parents with students in grades 4-8 7:30-8:30pm for parents with students in grades 9-12 For students: ACT Math Test Preparation This three-hour course will help high school students learn general test-taking techniques for the ACT, with focus on developing specific skills and strategies needed for the math portion. Using sample test questions to practice strategies, students will learn fundamental test-taking skills that will help not only their math score but also their overall score. We will work through practice questions in the other three subject areas, review the format of the ACT test to familiarize students with what to expect on test day, and look at several helpful ACT review resources students might consider utilizing on their own time. Geared towards students in grades 10-12. Space is limited. Instructor: Ruth Kivisto, Minnesota certified math teacher with M.Ed. & B.S. degrees in Math Education. $30 • Tues, Mar 10 OR Thurs, Mar 19, 6-9pm, PHS Rm 128 Bus Trips: Dinner and a Show Dirty Rotten Scoundrels at the Old Log Theater The performance is at the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre. There will be a Tobie’s stop on the way down (at your own expense). When it becomes apparent that the Riviera isn’t big enough for the both of them, they make a winner-take-all wager over the fortunes of a naïve American soap heiress: the first one to “clean her out” can make the other clear out and keep the Riviera and its unsuspecting tourists to himself! Based upon the iconic Disney animated film, Mary Poppins is a family musical featuring breathtaking dance numbers and unforgettable songs, Winner of 44 major theatre awards from around the globe, this enchanting musical has captivated audiences for generations, and now, she comes to life on Chanhassen’s Main Stage to dazzle you! Coach bus will leave Hermantown Arena Parking lot at 7:30am and return at 7:15pm. We will leave Proctor Community Center at 7:45am and return at 7pm. Please note your boarding location on the registration form. Register by March 20. $80 for transportation, show, dinner, gratuity. • Wednesday, April 15 Community Potluck Mark your calendars – the second Friday of every month is the Community Lunch/Potluck at the Proctor Area Community Center. You do not have to be a Proctor resident to attend and enjoy the company and show. Invite a friend or neighbor, bring your favorite “dish to pass,” and be ready to eat at 11:30am. After lunch there’s a new program every month. Past shows have included Bill Bastien, local authors, and neighbors speaking about their travels around the world. • Feb 13, March 13, April 10 Based on the popular 1988 film, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels centers on two con men living on the French Riviera. Lawrence Jameson makes his lavish living by talking rich ladies out of their money. Freddy Benson more humbly swindles women by waking their compassion with fabricated stories about his grandmother’s failing health. New owners at the Old Log Theater have invested $2 million to renovate the stage-sound-entry-bathrooms, including a fabulous restaurant that overlooks 11.5 scenic acres. Menu options will be Beef Short Ribs, Pan Seared Tilapia, Vegetarian Pasta, or Roasted Chicken Breast. After our time at the OLT we will then spend a few hours in the town of Excelsior exploring the shops. Coach bus pickup and return times: Spotlight 700 Community Education Mary Poppins at the Chanhassen Feb Mar Apr 2015 Leave Hermantown Arena parking lot at 9:15am, return at 9:15pm Leave Proctor Area Community Center at 9:30am, return at 9:00pm Please note your boarding location, travel partners, and menu choice on registration form. Register by May 1. $70 • Thursday, May 21 5 Feb Mar Apr 2015 Community Education Spotlight 700 6 Money Matters New Approaches to Retirement Funding You’ve worked hard your entire life to build a nest egg so you can have a comfortable retirement. Now you are considering your options and how best to utilize your resources so you don’t outlive your assets. You may be surprised to hear that a reverse mortgage could be an important and valuable tool for your retirement plans. Reverse mortgages are no longer viewed as a loan of last resort. With recent changes in the industry, reverse mortgages come in a variety of options, have lower costs, and include additional consumer protections to provide borrowers with more confidence for their retirement security. A reverse mortgage is a versatile, safe, and effective retirement planning tool. Find out the facts about a reverse mortgage and how you might use it to improve your financial position. Instructors: David Johnson, NMLS & Sherry Johnson, NMLS • Tues, Feb 17, 6-7:30pm, HMS Rm 20 • Mon, Mar 16, 6-7:30pm, PACC • Mon, Apr 13, 6-7:30pm, HMS Rm 20 Social Security – Strategize to Maximize When it comes to navigating Social Security retirement benefits, the choices can be overwhelming. When should I apply? How much will I be taxed? Why do I need to think about this now? Join us for a complimentary presentation to learn how to sort through the options to help ensure the choices you make are right for you. Instructors: Jordan Fahlsing, FIC, and Kevin King, FIC • Tues, Feb 10, 6-7pm, HMS Rm 20 • Tues, Mar 24, 6-7pm, HMS Rm 20 • Tues, Apr 14, 6-7pm, HMS Rm 20 Please register for these free classes online or by calling 729-7661 x115.. Retire Wisely 47% of Americans age 56 to 62 could run out of funds to pay for basic retirement expenses if they were to retire at age 65. Will you have enough to retire? Will your retirement income last? Are your assets protected? Join us for this complimentary one-hour presentation to learn how to manage six risks all retirees face: outliving income, inflation, unpredictable events, market volatility, income taxes and rising health care costs. Instructors: Jordan A. Fahlsing, FIC and Kevin J. King, FIC Hermantown • Tues, Feb 24, 6-7pm, HHS Media Center • Tue, Apr 7, 6-7pm, HMS Rm 18 • Tues, Apr 21, 6-7pm, HMS Rm 20 Twig • Tues, Mar 17, 6-7pm, GLCC, Hwy 53 • Tues, Apr 28, 6-7pm, GLCC, Hwy 53 Fredenberg • Thurs, Mar 12, 6-7pm, Fredenberg Town Hall Medicare Parts A, B, C, and D Come learn the difference among Medicare Parts A, B, C, and D. Instructor: Scott A. Fahlsing, FIC, LUTCF • Thurs, Feb 5, 6-7pm, HMS Rm 20 • Thurs, Mar 19, 6-7pm, HMS Rm 20 • Thurs, Apr 9, 6-7pm, HMS Rm 20 Tax Help Free tax prep is back at the PACC, provided by AARP volunteers. Please bring a photo ID. • Tues and Weds, Feb 3-April 8 9am-2pm Call the PACC office, 628-6293, to make an appointment. DNR Youth Safety Classes These classes will enable you to complete the certification process required in Minnesota to ride a snowmobile or ATV or purchase a hunting license. > Pre-register online, in person, or by phone with Community Ed. For ATV and Snowmobile: Order a home study CD from the DNR at or 800-366-8917, or pick one up at the Community Ed office, 5028 Miller Trunk Hwy, Door #3, M-Th, 9am-4pm.Complete the CD study course, taking the quiz and final test. At the end, print off the certificate of completion and bring it to class. The certificate is required for admission. For all classes: When you arrive the day of the class, parents must sign a parental release form to allow your child to take the riding or shooting portion of the test. Feb Mar Apr 2015 Spotlight 700 After the class, your child will have a temporary certificate with the instructor’s number and a unique number assigned to your child. You will need to go on-line once again and register with the DNR. At that time you will pay a fee to the DNR and then be able to print your child’s license. Snowmobile Safety for ages 11-15. CDs for this class are also available at the office of CMRA at 1405 Miller Trunk Highway, Suite 600,between 9am and 5pm weekdays. Cost is $5 paid to the DNR after completion of class. Questions? Please call (218) 590-7570. Youth ATV Safety for ages 12=17. Class day will be about 3 to 4 hours, including 2 hours of classroom review, a 50-question test, and a skills test on an ATV. Students are expected to provide their own ATV unless prevented by a hardship. The instructors will be able to provide a limited number ATVs if necessary. Questions? Call instructor Wayne Laakso @ 218-391-4972. This class is provided by the Northshore ATV Club. Cost is $15, paid to the DNR upon completion of class. • Sat, Apr 25, 8am-1pm, PACC Firearms Safety Must be 11 years or older by start of class; no CD pre-study. Students will learn the principles of safe and responsible firearms handling, hunter responsibility, wildlife identification, and basic outdoor survival. This class includes a range shoot day and certification upon completion. Instructors: J. Carlson, D. Buchman, S. Yokom & W. Marsolek. Cost is $7.50 paid to Community Ed for registration, plus $7.50 paid to MN DNR after completion of class. Pre-register & pre-pay $7.50 for this class. Safety • Sat, Jan 17, 8am-1pm, HMS Rm 17 (Registration begins at 7:15am, class at 8am) • Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays, 6-8:30pm, Hermantown MS Room 20 Apr 7, 9, 10, 14, 16, 17 (Range date Sat, Apr 18) CPR & AED Training Emergency First Response™ CPR and AED training is a hands-on, two-part program to teach CPR on infants or adults and relief of foreign-body airway obstruction to lay rescuers. In the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) training component, learn how to use the AED machines now available in most public buildings. Wear comfortable clothing. Instructor: Elmer Engman. $30 cost includes instructor fee, equipment rental, certificate and printed material. Pay $5 to Community Education when you pre-register (required) and bring $25 to the instructor on the first night of class. • Tuesdays, Apr 21 & 28, 6:30-8:30pm (2 classes), HMS Rm 20 7 Feb Mar Apr 2015 Spotlight 700 Make Your Own Greeting Cards Do you ever have trouble finding just the right card for that special someone? This class is for you! Join Stampin’ Up demonstrator Christine Barnard to make five personalized cards on the second Wednesday of every month. You will be able to choose the greetings and colors. Stampin’ Up products will be used, and samples will be available for future classes and for purchase. $2 registration fee, $5 paid to instructor night of class. Wednesdays, 6-8:30pm, PACC • Jan 14, Feb 11, March 11 Arts & Crafts Open Quilting Attention quilters! Do you have UFOs? Please join us at the PACC from 10am-2:30pm the third Monday of every month to work on your quilting projects. Please bring your own extension cord. $2 per session. • Jan 19, Feb 16, Mar 16 Tuesday Stitchers Bring your quilting, knitting, embroidery, hardanger, crocheting, rughooking, or any other project to the PACC. Spend the afternoon enjoying your hobby and meeting new friends with the same passion for making beautiful creations. FREE! • Tuesdays, 1-3pm, PACC Third Saturdays It’s time to get back to those projects that you’ve put on hold, or maybe even start something new! 8 Grab your friends and your crafts and join us for a Saturday of fun and friendship. We’ll provide coffee and treats. $2/session Saturdays, 9am-3pm, PACC • Jan17, Feb 21, March 21 Scrapbooking at the PACC Enjoy two sessions of fabulous scrapbook fun! Learn to scrapbook, Creative Memories style. Come to the PACC Friday night from 5-9, leave your spot set up and go home for some winks, then come back on Saturday from 9-9. Meals are on your own; feel free to bring a bag lunch or use any of several dining options in the area. For each weekend: Fri 5-9pm, $6 Sat 9am-9pm, $12 Both sessions, $15 • Jumpstart January: Jan 9 & 10 • February Fun: Feb 13 & 14 • Think Spring: March 13 & 14 Rosemaling Discover the art of painting flowers and scrolls, first used by Norwegian sailors inspired by their world travels. These classes offer instruction for all levels of Rosemaling and many styles of this beautiful art. Supplies will be available. Instructor: Wilma Challstrom. $40 for 6-week session or $7 per class Thursday mornings, 9am-noon, PACC • Session 3 Feb 5-March 12 • Session 4: March 19-April 23 Woodcarving Knotty Carvers of the North: Carvers of all experience levels are welcome to gather, carve, visit, and share coffee and treats. Free! • Jan 3, Feb 7, March 7, 10am-noon Carve S’more: These sessions are a great way to advance your carving skills in a fun and relaxing environment. Coffee is available and expect occasional freebie carving projects. Instructor: Nancy Borson. $2 per session, with payment due only when you attend • Jan 23, Feb 27, March 27, 10am-noon Beginning Scuba Diving Aquatic Kinetics This class is for beginners ages 12 and up. Learn about scuba equipment, diving skills, and the underwater environment. If you loved Aqua Zumba class, then this class is for you! We will heat things with some great warm-up songs, and then continue with some seriously fun music and cardio moves. We will add strength training, and then balance things out with the last half of the class focusing on toning. Classroom and pool time will give you the knowledge and skills to make the open water dives required for certification. The four dives required for certification are not part of the class fee. Bring your own mask, fins and snorkel. A limited number of sets will be available to use. Bring a suit and towel for first night. Instructor Elmer Engman has been teaching scuba for 40 years. $100 (includes instructor fee, rental of equipment and text). • Wednesdays, 6:30-9pm, Proctor Pool Apr 16, 23, 30, May 7, 14, 21 Water Aerobics This one-hour workout includes aerobic exercise, leg exercise, stretching, and a cool-down. This is considered a mediumimpact aerobics class. Exercises are done to music. Bring your suit and a towel; no swim cap is necessary. Minimum age requirement 16+. Instructor: Corrin Laakso. $31 for 6-week session or drop in for $3 per class Tues & Thurs, 7-8pm, Proctor Pool • Session 3: Feb 10-Mar 19 (Make-up on 3/31 if needed) • Session 4: Apr 7-May 14 (Make-up on 5/19 if needed) Location KEY Spotlight 700 Why choose water? Water provides great resistance and is easier on your joints. It allows you to have an increased range of motion as you party in the pool. Bring your swimsuit, towel, water bottle, and a great attitude. Aqua shoes are optional. For more information, contact instructor Sue Baker at Mondays and/or Wednesdays and/or Fridays, 6:30-7:45pm, Proctor Pool $31/6-week session, once a week (Mon OR Wed OR Fri) $56/6-week session, two days a week (any combo of days) $82/6-week session if you register for (Mon, Wed AND Fri) • Session 4: Jan 5-Feb 13 Special Drop-in Date Friday, Jan 9 for $6 • Session 5: Feb 18-Apr 1 • Session 6: Apr 6-May 15 Fitness Pay $25 to Community Education when you pre-register (required) and bring $75 to the instructor on FIRST night of class. Feb Mar Apr 2015 Beginning Snorkeling Heading down south this winter and want to learn to snorkel and see the marine life below? Please join us for this beginner level class. Mask, fins, and snorkel are supplied, or you can bring your own. $15 • Thurs, Jan 22, 8-9:30pm, Proctor Pool BVE: Bay View Elementary, 8708 Vinland Street, Duluth FBRG: Fredenberg Town Hall, 5104 Fish Lake Road, Fredenberg GLCC: Grand Lake Town Hall, 6279 Industrial Road, Saginaw (Twig) HAFRC: Hermantown Area Family Resource Center, 5028 Miller Trunk Hwy HES: Hermantown Elementary School, 5365 W Arrowhead Road HHS: Hermantown High School, 4335 Hawk Circle Drive, Hermantown HMS: Hermantown Middle School, 4289 Ugstad Road, Hermantown PACC: Proctor Area Community Center, 100 Pionk Drive, Proctor PHS: Proctor High School,131 9th Avenue, Proctor PLE: Pike Lake Elementary School, 5682 Martin Road, Duluth 9 Feb Mar Apr 2015 Spotlight 700 Fitness Yoga Belly Dance Workout This music-enhanced class improves flexibility, builds strength, challenges your balance, and quiets your mind with yoga poses, breathing, and relaxation. Bring a yoga mat or towel and wear comfortable workout clothes. Instructor: Dan Ohman. $41 for 8 weeks or drop in for $7 per class. First trial class is free. Tuesdays. HES Multipurpose Room except for three classes during Session 3 Mondays at HMS Small Gym Class moves to HES Gym Apr 6 Level I - 6-7pm Level II - 7:10-8:10pm • Session 3: Jan 19-Mar 16 (no class 2/16) • Session 4: Mar 23-May 18 (no class 3/30, 5/25) Fitness Karate Here’s your chance to learn Americanstyle Tae Kwan Do: self-defense, katas (forms), sparring, point fighting, and kickboxing. Have fun getting in shape, improve flexibility, and build selfconfidence. No experience necessary; ages 8 and up. Instructor: James Peterson, Twin Ports Martial Arts. $120 for12 weeks Tuesdays & Thursdays, HMS Small Gym Class moves to HES Gym on Mar 3 Beginners & White Belts 6-7pm Colored Belts 7-8pm • Session 2: Jan 6-Apr 21; make-up 4/23 if needed. (No class 2/3, 2/17, 2/24, 2/26, 3/31, 4/16) Boot Camp Challenging strength and conditioning boot camp for every level. Improve your strength, endurance, agility, balance, flexibility, and cardiovascular fitness. Modifications can be made to accommodate your exercise level. Bring water! Instructor: Sarah Petite. $37 for 6 weeks 10 Mondays, 5:15-6:15pm, PHS Cafeteria • Session 3: Dec 8-Feb 9 (no class 1/19, make-up 2/23 if needed) • Session 4: Mar 2-Apr 20 (no class 3/23, make-up on 4/27 if needed) Instructor: Sheila Matthews $31 for 6 weeks Beginner Level I, 7:15-8:15pm This class is geared toward students who have either had no previous belly dance experience or would like to review and solidify the basics. Learn the basic vocabulary of Middle Eastern dance moves. and some dance combinations. Note: If this is your first experience with studying Belly Dance it is recommended that you try to attend class every week, as the material is cumulative. Beginner Level II, 6-7pm Must have at least 1 year beginner lessons + knowledge of basic belly dance technique Build on the techniques, styles, and skills you’ve developed in previous study and explore different styles of belly dance. • Session 3: Jan 6-Feb 24 (No class 2/10, 2/17, make up 3/3 if needed) Classes on Jan 20, 27, and Feb 3 will be held at the HAFRC, 5028 Miller Trunk Hwy • Session 4: Mar 10-Apt 21 (No class 3/31) • Session 5: Apr 28-Jun 2 Pilates/Core Strengthening Gina Pfingsten: Physical Therapist, Pilates Instructor, Marathon Runner, and Mother of 3! Her ongoing passion for fitness will inspire you to join her in a lifelong journey towards living a longer, healthier life. Each class will tone and strengthen your core muscles while working the entire body over the course of one hour. Gina incorporates traditional Pilates along with additional exercises to strengthen the abdominal, back, upper and lower extremity muscles. You’ll be challenged and feel mentally and physically stronger after each session. $40 for 8 weeks Wednesdays, 6-7pm at the PACC • Session 3: Mar 4-Apr 22 (8 weeks/$40) • Session4: Apr 29-June 3 (6 weeks/$30) Zumba Achieve long-term benefits while you experience an absolute blast in one exciting hour of calorie-burning, bodyenergizing, awe-inspiring movements. Add some Latin flavor and international zest into the mix and you’ve got a Zumba® class! Pay per session or drop in for $6 per visit. Join anytime!Wear comfortable clothes and tennis shoes; bring a hand towel and water bottle. Tuesdays 5:30-0:30pm BVE, Upper Gym, Proctor Instructor: Melinda Vandervieren • Session 3: Dec 2-Jan 20 (Join in progress) • Session 4: Jan 27-Mar 3 $31 for 6 weeks • Session 5: Mar 10-Apr 14 (No class 3/24) $26 for 5-weeks Feb Mar Apr 2015 Spotlight 700 Fitness Mondays 6-7pm HES Multipurpose Room Instructor: Heidi Pedersen $31 for 6 weeks • Session 3: Dec 8-Jan 19 (Join in progress) • Session 4: Jan 26-Mar 9 (No class 2/16) • Session 5: Mar 16-Apr 27 (No class 3/30) Thursdays 6:30-7:30pm Grand Lake Community Center, Twig (Hwy 53) Instructor: Heidi Pedersen $31 for 6 weeks • Session 3: Dec 4-Jan 22 (Join in progress) • Session 4: Jan 29-Mar 5 • Session 5: Mar 12-Apr 16 Mon and/or Wed 8:15-9am PACC, Proctor Instructor: Melinda Vandervieren • Session 3: Dec 1-Jan 21 (Join in progress) • Session 4: Jan 26-Mar 4 $31 for 6 weeks, one day a week or $52 for two days a week • Session 5: Mar 9-Apr 15 (No class 3/23, 3/25) $26 for 5 weeks, one day a week or $42 for two days a week Mon and/or Wed 9:30-10:15am Grand Lake Community Center, Twig Instructor: Melinda Vandervieren • Session 3: Dec 1-Jan 21 (Join in progress) • Session 4: Jan 26-Mar 4 $31 for 6 weeks, one day a week or $52 for two days a week • Session 5: Mar 9-Apr 15 (No class 3/23, 3/25) $26 for 5 weeks, one day a week or $42 for two days a week New Classes Jump Start Your New Year’s Resolution with ZPump! Come and join us for 45 minutes of Zumba plus 20-30 minutes of strength training and stretching. Wear comfortable clothes and tennis shoes; bring 3 or 5lb weights, mat, hand towel and water bottle. Instructor: Heidi Pedersen. $51 for 12-week session, or drop in for $6 per clas • Wednesdays, Jan 7 - Mar 25, 7-8:30pm, HES Multipurpose Room Introduction to Yoga New to yoga? Give it s try! Increase flexibility and strength in a supportive environment. Bring a yoga sticky mat, water, and a good attitude. Instructor: Judy Andersen. FREE! Tuesdays, 9-10am, PACC OR Thursdays, 6:30 - 7:30pm, Bayview Elementary Rm 127 • Session 1: Tuesdays, Jan 6-Feb 10 or Thursdays, Jan 8-Feb 12 • Session 2: Tuesdays, Feb 17-Mar 31 (No class 3/24) or Thursdays, Feb 19-Apr 2 (No class 3/26) 11 Feb Mar Apr 2015 Spotlight 700 AARP Smart Driver Safety Program If you are over 55, you can receive credit on your insurance, including a 10% discount, for completing this course. Class includes films, lectures, and tapes, and is sponsored by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). $18 for AARP members (Bring your AARP card to class), $23 for non-members. You must pre-register by mail, phone or online. Full Course • Tues & Wed, Mar 17 & 18, 5-9pm, HMS Rm 20 For Kids… and Seniors Refresher For people who have previously completed the full 8-hour course and must update after three years. 12 German for Kids • Wed, Feb 11, 1-5pm, PACC • Mon, Feb 23, 5-9pm, HMS Rm 20 • Wed, Mar 11, 1-5pm, PACC • Wed, Apr 8, 1-5pm, PACC • Mon, Apr 20, 5-9pm, HMS Rm 20 The earlier children begin to learn a second language the greater their success will be. This course will be ideal for children who simply want to learn a foreign language in a fun and playful environment. Students will explore German culture and learn basic German vocabulary and phrases through fun and engaging activities. Students are grouped by age for these 45-minute classes; siblings who are in different grade levels may register together in the same class. Instructor Ines Chandler is a native German speaker. $50 for 10 weeks • HES, Kdg-Gr 3: Tuesdays, Feb 3-Apr 21 No class 2/17, 3/31 3:45-4:30pm, HES Teachers Lounge • PLE, Kdg-Gr 5: Wednesdays, Feb 4-Apr 22 (No class 3/25, 4/1) 3:45-4:30pm, PLE Media Center • HMS, Gr 4-8: Thursdays, Feb 5-Apr 23 (No class 2/26,4/2) 3:30-4:15pm, HMS Room 18 Hawkette Baton Corps Learn twirling techniques and up-todate choreography to modern music. Highlight: Perform at Spring Fling Competition. Open to grades K-12. Instructor: Rhonda Grussendorf Tomlin. $60, with a discounted price of $40 for each additional child from the same family per session Wednesdays, HES Gym, 7-8pm Hawkettes, 8-9pm Varsity Hawkettes • Session 3: Feb 4-Mar 25 Quickstart Tennis Camp This camp offers elementary-aged players a great place to start or brush up on the basics. Students will improve handeye coordination and agility, perform racquet-handling skills, and become familiar with the tennis court. Instructors zero in on building the foundation and cultivating a love of the game through basic strokes and fun games associated with tennis. Bring a racquet if you have one, tennis shoes, and a water bottle. Coach: Jessie Rich. Questions? Call 218-213-7777 or email $23 for 2 weeks, 2 classes each week • Mondays and Wednesdays, Mar 9, 11, 16, 18, 4-5pm at HES Gym Bridges to Kindergarten Series opens for 2016 kindergarteners and their parents What to expect the year before kindergarten G Feb Mar Apr 2015 Spotlight 700 etting ready for school does not begin the summer before your child starts kindergarten; it starts as early as infancy! Children’s brains grow at an amazing rate during their early years. The experiences, relationships, and opportunities that you provide for your child now support their development and help them get ready to learn. The Proctor/Hermantown Early Childhood Program wants to partner with you in getting your child ready to learn in school. A special evening session has been designed to help you understand the things your child should be experiencing the year before kindergarten to develop the skills necessary to be “school ready” in the fall of 2016. This evening of fun and information will be offered: • Tuesday, April 14 at the Proctor Early Childhood Center, 202 Fifth Street • Thursday, April 16 at the Hermantown Area Family Resource Center, 5028 Miller Trunk Hwy • Tuesday, April 21 at the Pike Lake Elementary, 5682 Martin Rd all from 6:00-7:30 p.m. These special events are offered free of charge for all families in the Proctor and Hermantown School Districts and are designed for children who will be 4 years old by September 1, 2015 and their parents. Limited sibling childcare is available for $5 per child, with pre-registration required. Please call 628-4958 ext #1 by Tuesday, April 7 with questions or to register. v Series concludes for 2015 kindergarteners and their parents Math — It’s more than counting T he third session of the Bridges to Kindergarten series will be offered in January and will help parents and their four- and five-year-olds learn fun and creative ways to sharpen math skills through games, art, music, and movement. Early Childhood Early childhood teachers will lead parents and their children through activities that will support the skills children need to succeed in school—language and literacy, mathematical thinking, and personal and social skills. Information and ideas on how you can support your child’s learning at home will also be offered. The children will have a chance to become comfortable with the kindergarten classroom, and early childhood teachers will be available to answer questions. They will also provide fun and practical ideas that parents can use at home to continue math skill development. “Math—It’s More Than Counting” will be offered at Hermantown Elementary on Thursday, January 15 from 6-7:30 p.m. All families with a child entering kindergarten in 2015 are encouraged to participate. Cost of this event is $5 per preschooler, although no one will be denied participation due to the inability to pay. Families currently enrolled in the Early Childhood School Readiness or Head Start Programs need not pay for their preschooler as the fee is included with their tuition. To register, please call 628-4958 ext. #1. 13 Feb Mar Apr 2015 Spotlight 700 It’s check-in time for children 3 to 4 years old Early Childhood Screening (ECS) appointments are now being scheduled in the Hermantown School District for February 19 and 20. ECS is a check to see how your child is learning and growing and is offered free of charge by your school district. The screening identifies, at an early age, possible health or learning concerns that should be addressed in the two years before your child starts school. During this important appointment, trained professionals check vision, hearing, height and weight, and social/emotional development. Through games and activities, licensed early childhood teachers also check large and small motor skills, concepts, and speech. Early Childhood ECS is also a time for parents to ask questions, address concerns, and gather important information on opportunities available in the two years before kindergarten. ECS is recommended between a child’s third and fourth birthday. It is required by the State of Minnesota for public schools and is also often requested by private and charter schools. Screening is offered free of charge, by appointment only, and just twice a year—in October and February. This is the last time ECS will take place this school year, so families with a child who is at least 3 years old are asked to call the Early Childhood office at 628-4958 by January 30 to schedule this important appointment. The Learning Groove at the PACC The Learning Groove classes are parent/child music & movement classes for children newborn to age four. The Learning Groove music program was created by the author and music producer of the NYT Best Selling “Pete the Cat” picture books. Jody Tucker, a Duluth native, is a Board Certified Music Therapist, Certified Learning Groove Teacher, and Owner of Access Music Therapy, llc. Research shows us that the first years of your child’s life are the most important for developing their musical abilities, so the earlier you begin your child’s music education the better. In every class, you and your child will sing, dance, play instruments, laugh, listen, jam along, march, chant, clap, wiggle, make stuff up, pretend, use rich language, and explore and expand your child’s amazing potential through the arts. Classes meet for 45 minutes once a week. $100 per 8-week session Register online or call 729-7661, ext 115. Fridays 10-10:45am at the PACC • Session 2: January 30, February 6, 13, 20, 27, March 6, 13, 20 • Session 3: April 10, 17, 24, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 14 * ECFE, Stepping Stones, School Readiness, and Stay & Play classes will not be held • from Feb 16-20 due to Early Childhood Screening • from March 23-April 3 due to winter break Register Online at or Click on “Community Ed,” then on “Online Registration” Feb Mar Apr 2015 Spotlight 700 OR use this form and mail with check to Community Education, 5028 Miller Trunk Hwy, Hermantown MN 55811 Name: _____________________________________________________ Gender: q F q M Date of Birth: __________________ City/State/ZIP:_______________________________________________ Phone #s: __________________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________ If you register by mail, you will receive confirmation of your registration only if you include your email address, written legibly, or a self-addressed, stamped envelope. In any case, you will be notified if the class is filled or cancelled. • Class: __________________________________ Site: __________ Start Date: _______________ • Class: __________________________________ Site: __________ Start Date: _______________ Session: ________ Fee: $ ________ Session: ________ Fee: $ ________ For youth registrations Full middle name: ___________________________ Parent name: ___________________________________________________ Contact #s: _____________________________________ T-shirt size: _____ For bus trips: Pick up at q Hermantown Hockey Arena q PACC Old Log Trip entrée choice: _________________________________________ Travel partners: __________________________________________________ BVE: FBRG: GLCC: HAFRC HES: Bay View Elementary Fredenberg Town Hall Grand Lake Town Hall (Twig) Hermantown Area Family Resource Center Hermantown Elementary School HHS: HMS: PACC: PHS: PLE: Hermantown High School Hermantown Middle School Proctor Area Community Center Proctor High School Pike Lake Elementary Sign Up Here for Classes Address: ___________________________________________________ 15 Hermantown Community Schools 4307 Ugstad Road Hermantown, MN 55811 Non-Profit Org. US Postage PAID DULUTH, MN Permit #1943 Check out drawings of new school on web site The snow may be flying, but that does not stop work from continuing on the Hermantown schools project. There is plenty of construction activity at the elementary school. Walls are going up on the addition that will house six new classrooms, and concrete has been laid for footings and foundations for the new gymnasium. New electrical service, which will power both the current high school and the new addition, will be installed this winter in preparation for construction, which is expected to start in March. DIGITAL COMMONS “I am really pleased with how smoothly the project is going,” said Deb Reynolds, principal of the elementary school. “There have been some challenges, but our staff is really working hard, and creatively, to accommodate them. And the construction team has been very good to work with.” Log on to www.hermantown. for the latest updates on the school projects. Inside the building, all the ceilings have been removed in the corridors and in six classrooms so new ductwork can be fabricated and be ready for installation over the summer. A new fire sprinkler system service has been installed, and drawings are being prepared for the new HVAC system. All this work is being done as classes are ongoing and students are being picked up and dropped off safely from the site. At the high school, TKDA and Wold Architects and Engineers are working on construction documents for the project, which will go out for bid next month. Natural light is an important part of the design for the new school. This drawing, one of many you can see on the school website, shows the digital commons. It’s the high school’s library/media center, decentralized and available for student browsing. The middle school library will house books.
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