Officer Philip Ortiz Officer Brett Oswald cHP in memoriam editorials
Officer Philip Ortiz Officer Brett Oswald cHP in memoriam editorials
AUGUST 2010 Los Fugitivos Bilingual TM Fugitives 071 , 1 d e d n e Appreh CHP In Memoriam Editorials and Reports Officer Philip Ortiz Officer Brett Oswald Presidente De México Pidió A Sectores Sociates Propuestas Para Frenar A Cárteles Del Narcotráficio page 4 Mexican President’s Discourse on Lack of Law & Order page 8 The Boomerang Children page 9 In Memoriam page 16 Watch New Episode of Fugitive Watch Now! More dangerous fugitives shown daily on Fugitive Watch® Television… See pg.26 GPS Monitoring Of Parolees During Annual State Fair page 23 www•fugitive•com email: Tip Hotline: 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408-355.0999 As of this printing-all persons depicted are being sought by law enforcement for valid outstanding warrants or as a suspect in a crime for identification purposes. Fugitive Watch®News FW august 2010 2 Fugitive Watch®News ID Fugitive Featured Fugitives Want FW Page Table of 3 Contents 10-11 Unknown Sexual Assault 10-14 Unknown Assault with a Deadly Weapon 5 10-151 Unknown Robbery 5 10-157 Eric Rodriguez Escape 5 Presidente De México Pidió A Sectores Sociates Propuestas Para Frenar A Cárteles Del Narcotráficio. . . . . . . . 4 10-153 Unknown Armed Robbery 10 Mensaje a la Nación del Presidente Felipe Calderon 00-479 Marco Antonio Camacho Murder 10 Hinojosa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 09-013 Arturo Gonzalez Gomez Sexual Assault 12 Word Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 09-012 Juan Pineda Arroyo Murder 12 Mexican President’s Discourse No Lack Of Law & Order. . . . . . . . 8 09-211 Jose “Baby” Hernandez Murder 17 The Boomerang Children. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 09-002 Miguel Angel Nunez Castaneda 17 Drug Problem In America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 10-155 Antonio Mentelongo JaurequeEscape 20 Current Gas Prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 10-139 Unknown Assault 20 In Memoriam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 10-156 Zachary Dickens Escape 23 Murder 5 AUGUST 2010 President Of Mexico Asking The Public For Proposals To Confront Drug Trafficking Cartelss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Fugitive Watch Factoids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Fred Collins Identified as Armed Attacker Shot By BART and Oakland Police. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 GPS Monitoring Of Parolees During Annual State Fair. . . . . . . . . . 23 Bustin’ Up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Fugitive Watch Showtimes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Fugitive Watch : Comcast On Demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Fugitive Watch® Productions,Inc. © 2010 No part of this publication may be reproduced without express permission from Fugitive Watch® Productions, Inc. Opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of Fugitive Watch® Productions., Inc. Fugitive Watch does not endorse or assume any responsibility for any products or services advertised in this publication. Fugitive Watch News distributes 25,000 newspapers throughout the Santa Clara County free drop points in over 200 business locations such as: Train Stations, Transit Malls, Denny’s Restaurant, Public Libraries, colleges, coffee shops, medical offices, restaurants, government buildings, and many others. Pass-along reaches over 35,000. By submitting information to Fugitive Watch, you grant Fugitive Watch a perpetual, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, distribute, and otherwise exercise all copyright and publicity rights with respect to that information at its sole discretion, including storing it on Fugitive Watch servers and incorporating it in other works in any media now known or later developed including, without limitation, published books. 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FUGITIVE WATCH PRODUCTIONS INC., EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT, WITH RESPECT TO THE SERVICE OR ANY MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. In no event shall Fugitive Watch Productions Inc., be liable for any damages, whatsoever, and in particular, shall not be liable for direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, or punitive damages, or damages of lost profits, loss of revenue, or loss of use, arising out of related to any portion of this publication or the information contained in it, whether such damages arise in contract, negligence, tort, under statute, in equity, at law or otherwise. This publication brought to you by: Managing Editors • Scott Castruita • Steve Ferdin Production Director • Marilouise Salsiccia TV Producer & Director • Marc Hinch • Oscar Lugo Voice Over • Dirk Parsons Sales • Steve Ferdin • Maria Earl • Russ Keven For advertising rates and information, please write or call: Fugitive Watch® Productions, Inc. (408) 729-7737 PMB #228 • 353-E East Tenth St. Gilroy, CA 95020-6577 Phone: (408) 729-7737 • Website: e-mail: Fugitive Watch®News Presidente De México Pidió A Sectores Sociales Propuestas Para Frenar A Cárteles Del Narcotráfico El presidente de México, Felipe Calderón, pidió a los partidos y sectores sociales que presenten sus propuestas para tratar de frenar a los violentos cárteles del narcotráfico, un día después del asesinato en una emboscada de un candidato a gobernador. Rodolfo Torre, candidato del Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), favorito para ganar las elecciones del próximo domingo en el estado de Tamaulipas, fronterizo con Estados Unidos, fue asesinado junto con cuatro miembros de su comitiva cuando viajaban en camionetas. El ataque es uno de los más graves del narcotráfico en los últimos años contra un político. “El Gobierno no sólo está dispuesto a actuar, y lo ha demostrado, sino que también está dispuesto a escuchar y a dialogar, los invito a dialogar”, dijo Calderón en un mensaje a la prensa. Los operativos antidrogas, con la participación de decenas de miles de militares y policías federales en varios estados del país, comenzaron por decisión de Calderón apenas días después de asumir en diciembre del 2006. Desde entonces la violencia ha ido en aumento y han muerto más de 25,000 personas en todo el país, incluso civiles inocentes y niños en fuego cruzado, lo que ha despertado críticas de la población y de organismos de derechos humanos. FW august 2010 4 President Of Mexico Asking The Public For Proposals To Confront Drug Trafficking Cartels The President of Mexico, Felipe Calderón, is asking political parties and the community to present their proposals on how to confront the violent drug trafficking cartels, a day after the ambush and murder of a candidate for governor. Rodolfo Torre, was murdered in the state of Tamaulipas, along with four members of his delegation as they travelled in small trucks. He was running for governor of the state of Tamaulipas, which borders the United States, The attack is one of the most serious committed against a politician by the drug cartels in recent years. “The Government is not only willing to act and has shown it, but we are also willing to listen and to talk. I invite dialogue ”, Calderón said in a message to the press. The anti-drug campaign, conducted by hundreds of thousands of soldiers and federal police officers in various states of the country was begun by President Calderón only days after assuming office in December of the 2006. Since then violence has been on the rise and more than 25,000 people have died in the country, including innocent men, women and children caught in cross fire during gun battles. This has brought criticisms of his policy by some of the public and human rights organizations. Fugitive Watch®News FW august 2010 5 10-151 unknown Unknown Assault With A Deadly Weapon /Asalto Santa Clara County Sheriff’s deputies would like to identify the man in these photos. Deputy Eric Macial reports that on December 3rd 2009, this suspect allegedly threw a large (softball size) rock at Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) bus driver and then threw a large rock at the window directly adjacent to the bus operator, causing it to shatter. The suspect then fled on foot northbound on Camden Avenue near Blossom Hill Road in San Jose. The suspect is described as a Black male, 25-30 years old, 5’8” tall 160 lbs, shoulder length dreadlocks, beard and a mustache. He was wearing a tan and brown tam style hat, a tan suit jacket, blue jeans, black shoes, dark backpack and carrying a small guitar. Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408-355-0999 or 10-11 unkknown Sexual Assault /Asalto Sexual The Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Department is asking for the public’s help to identify the man in these photos. Detective Tony Hickman reports that on November 15, 2009, at approximately 1 AM, this suspect allegedly followed a 14 year old victim off the number #25 VTA bus at Story Road and Easthills Drive in unicorporated San Jose. When the victim took a short cut through the Iglesia Bautista Church on White Road, the suspect allegedly grabbed her from behind covering her mouth with his hand, pulled her to the ground and sexually assaulted her. The attack lasted for approximately 15 minutes and then the suspect fled the scene. The is described as a white or light skinned Hispanic male. He was about 5’09” tall and weighed about 215 lbs. He was wearing a dark grey sweat shirt with light grey stripes, blue jeans and a black raiders beanie. Victim said the suspect had bumps on face similar to acne scars. Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408-355-0999 or send a confidential email tip, if you know the name of this man or have any information that can help solve this crime. FUGITIVE WATCH...1-800-9CAUGHT 10-14 Robbery/Robo The San Jose Police Department is asking for Fugitive Watch viewers help in identifying the suspects in these photos. Detective Jason Tanner reports that on July 10, 2010, these suspects entered the 7-11 store at 2052 Story Road, San Jose. Once inside the suspects allegedly used a gun to threaten the clerk and rob the store. They may have been driving a 4-door Nissan sedan. Please call the Fugitive Watch Hot Line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408-355-0999 or send a confidential email tip to, if you know the names of these suspects or have any information that can help solve this crime. 10-157 Eric Rodriguez escape Special agents from the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) are looking for an inmate who was inadvertently released from Wasco State Prison on July 16. Inmate Eric Rodriguez, 31, escaped custody after arriving from Kern County earlier today to begin serving a five-year sentence for battery on a prisoner. He is also known to have lived in Fresno County. However during processing, inmate Eric Rodriguez was inadvertently released instead of an inmate sharing the same last name who was scheduled to be released for parole the same day. Inmate Rodriguez is a male Hispanic, approximately 5’10” and 150 pounds, with black hair (possibly bald) and brown eyes. He has a distinctive tattoo on his left arm and a large snake covering his lower chest and abdomen. He is considered dangerous. CDCR is conducting a security assessment of the incident and a review of parole procedures. Special Agents with CDCR’s Office of Correctional Safety have been dispatched to the area to search for Rodriguez. Law enforcement has been notified. Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408-355-0999 or send a confidential email tip, if you know his location. all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to apprehend any persons depicted in this publication. all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting. Fugitive Watch®News FW august 2010 6 Mensaje a la Nación del Presidente Felipe Calderón Hinojosa Mexicanas y mexicanos: Hoy quiero dirigirme a ustedes para hablar de un problema que sé que preocupa seriamente a las familias mexicanas. La inseguridad. Soy consciente de la exigencia ciudadana de ponerle un alto al crimen en todo el país. Y por eso, desde el primer día de mi Gobierno, hemos combatido con fuerza y con determinación al crimen organizado. Lo hemos hecho en el Gobierno Federal no sólo porque es nuestra obligación, sino porque lo que está en juego es tu bienestar y el futuro de nuestros hijos. Quiero explicarte cómo llegó el país, en gran parte, a la situación que hoy estamos viviendo. Durante décadas, el crimen organizado se ocupó casi exclusivamente de traficar drogas hacia Estados Unidos, que era y es todavía el mayor consumidor de drogas en todo el mundo. Para los criminales, entonces, lo importante era asegurar carreteras y algún cruce en la frontera. Les convenía que nadie los viera. Podemos decir que mantenían un bajo perfil. Sin embargo, desde mediados de los años 90, empezaron también a querer vender droga aquí, entre nuestros niños y jóvenes mexicanos. Ahí empezó poco a poco la violencia porque para controlar el mercado de drogas local y alejar a sus rivales de esos lugares que querían controlar, los delincuentes necesitaban intimidar, no sólo a otros criminales, sino también a las autoridades y a la sociedad. Comenzaron a pelear entre ellos, disputándose las plazas, y también a tratar de atemorizar al Gobierno y a los ciudadanos. Su acción dejó de ser de bajo perfil, para convertirse en un franco y abierto desafío contra todos. Y esto se agravó en el 2004, cuando en Estados Unidos se levantó la prohibición de vender armas de asalto. A partir de entonces, para los grupos criminales resultó muy fácil adquirir armamento muy poderoso en Estados Unidos y traerlo a México para sus propósitos criminales. Esta situación rebasó, en algunos lugares, a las autoridades de seguridad y justicia, especialmente a las municipales y a algunas estatales, que no estaban preparadas para enfrentar un problema de esta magnitud y que eran sometidas, muchas veces, mediante la corrupción o la intimidación. Una vez establecidos en un territorio, las bandas y los criminales empezaron a cometer otros delitos, como la extorsión, el secuestro de gente inocente, el control del crimen en la localidad y otros. Al principio, extorsionaban nada más a otros criminales: al que robaba los coches, al que vende el alcohol adulterado, al que vende gasolina robada, pero después comenzaron también a cobrar cuotas de protección o derecho de piso a ciudadanos honestos. Éste es el principal y más grave cambio que observé, por el cual el Gobierno Federal tenía que intervenir, porque las organizaciones criminales se empezaron a meter directamente con la gente, con ciudadanos como tú. Y eso no podíamos permitirlo, ni lo podemos permitir ahora. Así encontré al país al inicio de mi Gobierno. Era urgente actuar con firmeza para defender la vida, la integridad, el patrimonio y la familia de los mexicanos. Hubiera sido fácil ignorar el problema, como algunos sugieren, pero el deber de todo Gobierno es proteger a los ciudadanos y respetar y hacer respetar la ley. Y cuando el Gobierno no actúa, los criminales terminan sometiendo a las familias mexicanas a sus ambiciones y a sus caprichos. Y quiero ser claro. La nuestra no es una lucha ni única, ni principalmente contra el narcotráfico. Es una lucha contra toda expresión del crimen organizado que afecta a los ciudadanos. Es una lucha contra quienes se apoderan por las armas de pueblos o comunidades y agreden a quienes ahí viven. Por eso, es una lucha que vale la pena luchar, que hay que librar. Y no es ni debe ser a lucha sólo del Presidente, sino de todos los mexicanos, y en particular de aquellos que tenemos la responsabilidad pública en el Gobierno, ya sea a nivel Federal, estatal o municipal o en los otros Poderes, como el Legislativo y el Judicial, de actuar en favor de la gente. Y digo que es una lucha de todos los mexicanos, porque los criminales no hacen distingo y lastiman a la sociedad por igual. Por eso, tu participación es vital, porque esta lucha es de todos y por eso tu denuncia, por ejemplo, o la información que nos puedas hacer llegar, es clave para avanzar en ella. La Estrategia Nacional de Seguridad tiene como principales ejes los siguientes: Primero. Operativos Conjuntos en apoyo a las autoridades locales y a los ciudadanos. Con los Operativos, las Fuerzas Armadas y la Policía Federal se despliegan en varias zonas para restablecer condiciones mínimas de seguridad y enfrentar a los criminales. Debo decir que éste es un apoyo temporal a las autoridades locales y que tiene el objeto de darles tiempo y oportunidad de reconstruir sus propias instituciones de seguridad y justicia, sus procuradurías, sus policías locales; porque ellos también son responsables de la seguridad en esos estados y en esos municipios. Segundo. La depuración y el fortalecimiento de las policías y las instituciones en general, vinculadas con la seguridad y con la justicia. Nuestro objetivo no sólo es combatir al crimen, sino también fortalecer nuestras instituciones de seguridad y justicia. Por eso, por ejemplo, estamos profesionalizando a las policías y, en particular, estamos mejorando las capacidades técnicas y operativas de la Policía Federal. Aplicamos exámenes de control de confianza, a fin de garantizar la honestidad de los integrantes de las fuerzas del orden. Estamos construyendo una Policía Federal científica y profesional, con jóvenes honestos y con valores, mejor pagada, mejor equipada, y que cuenta con sistemas de información e inteligencia eficaces y de muy alta tecnología. Ojalá los gobiernos de los estados y los municipales hagan también lo mismo, para que cada día seamos más fuertes en la protección de tu familia y de ti. Tercero. Rediseño del marco legal para abatir la impunidad. Estamos mejorando nuestras leyes para contar con instrumentos más eficaces contra el crimen. Con la Reforma al Sistema de Justicia Penal, adoptaremos un sistema más transparente, con juicios orales, más ágil, con procesos simplificados, y especialmente con un régimen que proteja a las víctimas. Cuarto. Prevención y fortalecimiento del tejido social. Para ello, organizamos el Programa Escuela Segura, por ejemplo, que se aplica en casi todas las escuelas públicas del país, a fin de que no haya armas, drogas, violencia o pandillas dentro de las escuelas. Ahí necesitamos el apoyo de los papás, de los maestros y de la comunidad. Y estamos apoyando también a los gobiernos locales, a fin de rescatar espacios públicos, como parques o canchas deportivas que estaban en manos de la delincuencia, para devolvérselas a ustedes, los ciudadanos de bien. Y estamos impulsando un gran esfuerzo de prevención y tratamiento de adicciones, entre los jóvenes y los adolescentes. Mexicanas y mexicanos: Tenemos una estrategia de largo plazo contra la delincuencia y que está en curso. En esta primera etapa, estamos debilitando de manera contundente al crimen organizado. Le hemos propinado golpes importantes a todos los cárteles, sin excepción. Esto ha generado división entre las bandas criminales. Por esa razón pero, sobre todo, por sus tradicionales rivalidades y las guerras entre ellos, se han generado ejecuciones violentas entre las bandas de delincuentes, y también enfrentamientos entre ellos mismos, y entre los delincuentes y la autoridad, en particular la autoridad Federal. Sé que una preocupación entre los mexicanos son los hechos violentos y las muertes que se reportan cotidianamente; y que la parte que más duele y nos indigna es, precisamente, la pérdida de vidas inocentes. Por eso, precisamente, no escatimaremos esfuerzos para evitar que la actividad de los criminales siga afectando a ciudadanos inocentes. Recuperar la seguridad no será tarea fácil ni rápida, pero vale la pena seguir adelante. Vale la pena porque así construiremos un país libre y seguro. De no hacerlo, dejaríamos a la sociedad en manos de nuestro enemigo común, que es el crimen, y en particular el crimen organizado. No podemos ni vamos a bajar la guardia en mi Gobierno. Y como dije desde el primer día, ésta es una lucha que costará tiempo, que costará recursos; que costará, por desgracia, vidas humanas, como las que desafortunadamente hemos perdido de esos valientes policías, soldados y marinos, quienes se han sacrificado por el bienestar y la seguridad tuya y de todos los mexicanos. Pero también dije, y lo reitero, que es una lucha que vale la pena librar, porque está en juego nuestro futuro. Y es una lucha que, unidos, los mexicanos, por supuesto que vamos a ganar. Para construir el México que queremos, un México donde puedas caminar tranquilo por las calles y tengas la confianza de que tus hijos están seguros, vamos a seguir adelante y vamos a ganar esta lucha. A través de la historia, los mexicanos hemos vencido a muchos enemigos. A éste también lo derrotaremos. Hoy el país está una vez más a prueba y la vamos a superar, porque somos más, muchos más los mexicanos que queremos un México libre, un México seguro, un México en paz. Por eso, mi Gobierno está absolutamente decidido a seguir combatiendo sin tregua a la criminalidad hasta conseguir ese México que queremos. Con tu apoyo, lo vamos a lograr. La lucha vale la pena. La razón de esta lucha eres tú y tu familia. Muchas gracias. Fugitive Watch®News answers on page 21 Word Search FW august 2010 7 Fugitive Watch®News FW august 2010 8 Mexican President’s Discourse on the Lack of Law & Order (Transcript of June 16 Speech to the Nation) Citizens of Mexico: Today I would like to talk to you about a problem which I know concerns Mexican families, the lack of law and order. I am aware of citizens’ demands to put an end to crime throughout the country. Which is why, since the first day of my government, we have forcefully combated organized crime. We have done so in the Federal Government not only because it is our obligation, but because your well-being and the future of our children is at stake. I would like to explain how the country arrived at the situation we are now experiencing. For decades, organized crime was almost exclusively concerned with trafficking drugs to the United States, which was and still is the world’s largest drug consumer. For criminals, then, it was important to secure highways and one or two border crossing points. It suited them not to be seen. They kept a low profile. But from the mid-1990s onwards, they also wanted to sell drugs here, among Mexican children and youth. That is when the violence began, because in order to control the local drug market and keep their rivals away from the places they wished to control, criminals needed to intimidate not only other criminals but also the authorities and society. They began to fight among themselves, engaging in turf wars and also tried to scare the government and citizens. Their actions went from being low profile to an overt challenge against everyone. And this was exacerbated in 2004, when the US lifted the ban on the sale of assault weapons. Since then, it has been very easy for criminal groups to purchase powerful weapons in the US and bring them to Mexico for criminal purposes. In some places, this situation exceeded the capacity of security and justice authorities, especially municipal and some state ones, who were not prepared to deal with a problem of this size and were often subdued by corruption or intimidation. Once they were established in a territory, gangs and criminals began to commit other crimes, such as extortion, kidnapping innocent people, and controlling local crime. In the beginning, they only extorted money from other criminals: those that stole cars, sold adulterated alcohol or stolen gasoline, but later they began to charge protection money or operating fees from honest citizens. This is the main and most serious problem I observed, which is why the Federal Government had to intervene, because criminal organizations were beginning to get directly involved with people, citizens like you. And we could not allow it nor will we permit it now. That is what the country was like at the beginning of my government. It is crucial to act firmly to defend Mexicans’ lives, integrity, assets and families. It would have been easy to ignore the problem, as some suggest, but it is the duty of every government to protect citizens, and to respect and enforce the law. And when the government does not act, criminals end up subjecting Mexican families to their ambitions and whims. And I want to be clear. Ours is not a struggle solely or mainly against drug traffickers. It is a struggle against every expression of organized crime that affects citizens. It is a struggle against those that took over towns or communities with weapons, attacking those that live there. That is why it is a fight worth fighting, and one that must be waged. And this is not nor should be a fight by the president alone Second. The purging and strengthening of the police and institutions in general, linked to security and justice. Our aim is not only to combat crime, but to strengthen our security and justice institutions. That is why, for example, we are professionalizing the police force and, in particular, we are improving the technical and operating capacities of Federal Police. We are applying reliability tests to guarantee the honesty of members of the forces of law and order. We are constructing a scientific, professional Federal Police force, with honest young men with values, who are better paid and better equipped, and have effective, high-tech information and intelligence systems. We hope that the governments of states and municipalities will do the same so that we will be able to protect your families and you with increasingly effectiveness. but by all Mexicans, particularly those that have public responsibility in government, at either the federal, state or municipal level, or in other branches such as the legislative or judicial branches, to act on behalf of people. And I say that it is a fight by all Mexicans, because criminals make no distinction and harm all sectors equally. That is why your participation is vital, because this is everyone’s fight, which is why your denunciation or the information you can give us is crucial to making progress in this respect. The National Security Strategy has the following main axes: First. Joint operations to support local authorities and citizens. In these operations, the Armed Forces and the Federal Police are deployed throughout various zones to reestablish minimal security conditions and deal with criminals. I should point out that this is a temporary form of support for local authorities, designed to give them the time and opportunity to rebuild their own security and justice, attorney general’s offices and local police, because they are also responsible for security in those states and municipalities. Third. Redesign the legal framework to reduce impunity. We are improving our laws to have more effective instruments against crime. With the reform of the Penal Justice System, we will adopt a more transparent system, with oral trials, which will be more expeditious, and have simplified trials and above all, a system that protects victims. Fourth. Prevention and strengthening of the social fabric. To this end, we organized the Safe School Program, for example, used in virtually all the country’s state schools, to prevent there from being weapons, drugs, violence or gangs in schools. There we need the support of parents, teachers and the community as a whole. And we are also supporting local governments in order to recover public spaces, such as parks or sports grounds that have been taken over by criminals, to give them back to law-abiding citizens. And we are also making a great effort to prevent and treat addictions among young people and teenagers Mexican citizens: We have a long-term crime-fighting strategy which is already underway. During the first stage, we have weakened organized crime. We have significantly damaged all the cartels across the board. This has created divisions between criminal gangs. This is why, but above all because of their traditional rivalry and the wars between them, violent executions have taken placed between criminal gangs, as well as confrontations among themselves, and between criminals and authorities, particularly the federal authority. I know that Mexicans are concerned about violent events and the deaths reported on a daily basis, and what hurts and outrages us most is precisely the loss of innocent lives. That is precisely why we will spare no effort to stop criminal activity from continuing to affect innocent citizens. Restoring law and order is no easy or fast task, but it is worth going on. It is worth it because that is how we will construct a free, safe country. Otherwise, we would leave society in the hands of our common enemy, which is crime, particularly organized crime. We cannot and will not let our guard down in my government. And as I said from the first day, this is a struggle that will take time, and cost money and unfortunately human lives, such as those we have unfortunately lost of those brave police, soldiers and marines who have sacrificed themselves for your well-being and security and that of all Mexicans. But I also said and I repeat that it is a struggle worth waging, because our future is at stake. And it is a fight which together, Mexicans will obviously win. In order to build the Mexico we want, a Mexico where you can walk calmly down the streets and know that your children will be safe, we are going to carry on and win that fight. Through history, Mexicans have overcome many enemies. We will also beat this one. Today, the country is being tested again, but we will get over this, because there are many, many more Mexicans that want a free, safe Mexico and one that is at peace. That is why my government is absolutely determined to continue fighting criminals until we achieve the Mexico we want. With your support, we will achieve this. The fight is worth it. You and your family are the reason for this fight. Thank you —————————— Press Release: Presidency of the Republic, June 16, 2010, Mexico, D.F.; translation Presidency of the Republic Fugitive Watch®News FW august 2010 9 The Boomerang Children by Patt Saso Well, this summer we’ve reached a new milestone in the Saso family. After a few years of being empty nesters we now have a full house again. Our sons moved back home, first one then the other. Then in June, after our youngest graduated from UC Santa Barbara, she returned. Times are changing. It is much harder for young adult kids to make it on their own. At least this is true in Silicon Valley. Our boys tried. But the cost of rent and living expenses made it hard. They tell us they are moving home to save for the future and want to get out ASAP. To help them out with this goal we are charging rent. It is like a forced savings. They don’t know this, of course, so please don’t tell our secret. They are upset with our decision. Real parents would never do this! Well, I’m for real. And life isn’t fair! Rent is due on the 1st. It is very different with adult kids at home than teenagers, yet some things remain the same. Complaints about their expectations of us and their sleep schedules haven’t changed. My boys are nocturnal, like night owls, but I no longer feel obligated to get them on a normal sleep cycle nor to get them up on time. And as long as I don’t hear them in the wee hours I’m okay. So far so good. We had to adjust to household chores. It took some time to work out this new community living arrangement. At first the kids thought since they were paying rent they shouldn’t have to help out. Why do chores when you are already taking our money! Then move to Motel 6. They’ll even leave the light on for you. I have to say, our middle son is becoming quite the gardener. He definitely inherited the Saso genes. Our gardens are beautiful thanks to Paul. We may be the second generation of Sasos to get garden photos in Sunset Magazine! There have been some positive unexpected changes. I could never have planned this, but there is healing happening between parents and children. We have had real conversations about past hurts. It is hard and painful to hear about my parenting crimes from my son. But the dialogue has gone both ways and what has been birthed is a whole new healthy relationship. Respectful and considerate. I enjoy having my kids around now. When they were all in high school I hated being a parent. I wanted them all to go off to college far-far away. I was even willing to pay! But times are different now. I have grown. I have been more honest with myself about how I placed my agenda on my kids, even when they didn’t want me to. It has become clear as a Colorado blue sky my part in all our conflict. I was blinded by that a few years back. I do have one serious complaint, though. Why can’t three young adult children in their early twenties, EVER get a new role of toilet paper back on the holder? Enjoy the rest of your summer. And for more good ideas on how to survive the adolescent years please visit our parenting resources at Patt Saso assists people back into harmony in their relationships. She is a Parenting Coach and Marriage & Family therapist in Milpitas, CA. Patt & Steve Saso are authors of 10 Best Gifts for Your Teen and Parenting Your Teen with TLC. For more parenting tools visit their web at and sign up for their free eNewsletter, Parenting Teens Just Got Easier. Or call 408.262.6837 Fugitive Watch Now on Join Our Fan Page 10-153 unknown Robbery / robo The San Jose Police Department is asking for Fugitive Watch viewers help in identifying the man in this sketch. According to Detective Adam Hutson, on June 20th 2010 at approximately 10:30 pm a female was walking in the parking lot of 1997 Poco Way, The Cabana Apartments when she was confronted by this suspect who was armed with a gun. He reportedly pointed the gun at the victim and robbed her. After the robbery, he ran to a nearby navy blue car, which was driven by another male accomplice. The robbery suspect was described as wearing a black hat, light colored sweater, and jeans. Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1800-922-8448) or text us at 408.355.0999 or send us a confidential email tip at if you know the names of these men or have any information that can help solve this crime. FW FUGITIVE WATCH...1-800-9CAUGHT Fugitive Watch®News august 2010 10 00-479 Marco Antonio Camacho MURDER /ASESINATO The Napa County Sheriff’s Department is currently seeking Marco Antonio Camacho on a warrant charging him with Murder. Detective Pete Jerich reports that September 14th 2000 Camacho allegedly fired shots at victims at McPherson Elementary School in Napa. Then later on September 16th 2000 Camacho shot and killed a victim at a party at the Napa Expo Fairgrounds. He then fired more shots at another victim as he fled the scene. Camacho has the letter “ X” tattooed on his right earlobe and has used the aliases of Fletes Camacho and Jose Gutierrez. He may stay or visit friends or relatives in Los Angeles, Redding or Kern County, California. Special Note: This photo of Camacho is 10 years old. Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408.355.0999 or send us a confidential email tip at if you know his whereabouts. all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to apprehend any persons depicted in this publication. all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting. Fugitive Watch®News FW august 2010 11 The Drug Problem in America The other day, I overheard this conversation between two men in their 70’s… “Hey, Bill, they found a methamphetamine lab in the old farmhouse we played in as kids. Can you believe it?! So, ‘Why do you think we didn’t have a drug problem when you and I were growing up?’” Bill then explained to Mike that he in fact did have a drug problem as a child… Bill replied: “Mike, I had a drug problem when I was young: I was drug to church on Sunday morning. I was drug to church for weddings and funerals. I was drug to family reunions and community socials no matter the weather. I was drug by my ears when I was disrespectful to adults. I was also drug to the woodshed when I disobeyed my parents, told a lie, brought home a bad report card, did not speak with respect, spoke bad of the teacher or the preacher, or if I didn’t put forth my best effort in everything that was asked of me. I was drug to the kitchen sink to have my mouth washed out with soap if I uttered a profane four-letter word. I was drug to pull weeds out of dad’s lawn and mom’s flower garden. I was drug to the homes of family, friends, and neighbors to help out some poor soul who had no one to mow the yard, repair the clothesline, or chop some firewood; and, if my mother had ever known that I took a single dime as a tip for this kindness, she would have drug me back to the woodshed. Those drugs are still in my veins; and they affect my behavior in everything I do, say, and think. They are stronger than cocaine, crack, or heroin; and, if today’s children had this kind of drug problem, America would be a better place.” “More parents should drug their kids…” Current Gas Prices 09-013 Arturo Gonzalez Gomez SEXUAL ASSAULT /ASALTO SEXUAL The San Diego Police Department is currently seeking Arturo Gonzalez Gomez According to detectives, on May 1, 2006 at 0800 hours an adult female was visiting from out of town and went for a run on the bridal trail in Balboa Park. The suspect allegedly jumped out from the bushes and pushed the victim to the ground. The victim broke away from the suspect and ran but the suspect caught up with her and pushed her off the trail into an area with bushes. The suspect raped the victim and then he fled the area. The suspect’s DNA matched that of Gomez. Gomez is believed to have fled to Mexico but may have returned to the United States. Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408.355.0999 or send us a confidential email tip at if you know his whereabouts. FW FUGITIVE WATCH...1-800-9CAUGHT Fugitive Watch®News august 2010 12 09-012 Juan Pineda Arroyo MURDER /ASESINATO The San Diego Sheriff’s Department is currently seeking Juan Pineda Arroyo on a warrant charging him with Murder. According to detectives, on May 1, 2001, a 14-year old girl was found murdered inside her residence in Vista, CA. Juan Pineda Arroyo was living at the residence at the time of the murder and has not been seen since. An arrest warrant has been issued for Arroyo for this murder. It is believed that Arroyo fled to Mexico to avoid arrest but may have returned to the United States. Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408.355.0999 or send us a confidential email tip at if you know his whereabouts. all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to apprehend any persons depicted in this publication. all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting. Fugitive Watch®News FW august 2010 13 Fugitive Watch®News FW august 2010 14 Fugitive Watch®News FW august 2010 15 Fugitive Watch®News FW august 2010 16 In Memory of Those Who Gave Their Lives in Service to Their Community The Monument I never dreamed it would be me My name for all eternity Recorded here at this hallowed place Alas, my name, no more my face Officer Philip Ortiz Officer Brett Oswald California Highway Patrol End of Watch: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 California Highway Patrol End of Watch: Sunday, 6/27/10 Tour of Duty: 28 years Tour of Duty: 20 years Incident Details Cause of Death: Struck by vehicle Date of Incident: Wednesday, 6/9/10 Incident Details Cause of Death: Struck by vehicle Date of Incident: Sunday, June 27, 2010 Suspect Info: In custody Officer Philip Ortiz succumbed to injuries sustained two weeks earlier when he was struck by a vehicle on I-405 in West Los Angeles. He was issuing a traffic citation to a driver when another car, which was driving on the shoulder passing other vehicles, struck him and his motorcycle. Officer Ortiz was pinned in the wreckage and had to be extricated by the responding rescue crew. He was transported to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center where he remained until passing away. Office Ortiz had served with the California Highway Patrol for 28 years. He is survived by his wife, parents, and sister. Officer Brett Oswald was killed when he was struck by a vehicle at the scene of an abandoned vehicle. He responded to a report that a vehicle had hit a tree on South River Road in Paso Robles. After investigating, Officer Oswald determined that no accident had occurred and that the vehicle was abandoned. He called for a tow truck and was waiting next to his patrol car, when a passing vehicle crossed the double yellow lines and struck the patrol car. The force of the impact pushed the patrol car into him. Officer Oswald was transported to a local hospital where he later died from his injuries. The suspect was arrested and charged with felony vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence and driving with a suspended license. Officer Oswald had served with the agency for 20 years and is survived by his wife. "In the line of duty" I hear them say My family now the price will pay My folded flag stained with their tears We only had those few short years The badge no longer on my chest I sleep now in eternal rest My sword I pass to those behind And pray they keep this thought in mind I never dreamed it would be me And with heavy heart and bended knee I ask for all here from the past Dear God, let my name be the last 09-211 Jose “Baby” Hernandez MURDER /ASESINATO The Alameda County Sheriff’s Department is currently seeking Jose “Baby” Hernandez a on warrant charging him with murder. Detective Scott Dudek reports that in 2007 Alameda County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a report of gunshots in the area of Via Amigos and Via Milos in San Lorenzo. Upon arrival, deputies found three people suffering from gunshot wounds. Fernando Lopez (24 years old) and Sergio Franco (22 years old) were both pronounced dead. A sixteen year old male was also shot in the leg and was treated and released. Jose “Baby” Hernandez has been named and identified as the alleged shooter. Jose “Baby” Hernandez is considered armed and extremely dangerous. The sheriff’s department currently holds a “No Bail Allowed” warrant for two counts of murder for Hernandez. Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-9228448) or text us at 408.355.0999 or send us a confidential email tip at if you know his whereabouts. FW FUGITIVE WATCH...1-800-9CAUGHT Fugitive Watch®News august 2010 17 09-002 Miguel Angel NunezCastaneda Murder / asesinato Miguel Angel Nunez-Castaneda is wanted for the 2003 murder of Yesenia Nungaray in Castro Valley, California. The case became a San Francisco Bay Area headline at the time because detectives did not know the name of the victim when her body was found in a duffle bag behind a Carrow’s restaurant. Color sketches of the “Teenage Jane Doe” were released to the media in an effort to identify the young women. In December of 2006, almost 3 years after the murder, Alameda County Sheriff’s detectives were able to identify Nungaray as the victim. Nungaray had recently moved from Mexico to the Hayward area before her murder. Nunez-Castaneda was determined to be someone that Nungaray had known in Mexico. The two shared a house together for a short time in Hayward. Nunez-Castaneda was interviewed by detectives in 2006 and then was believed to have fled to Mexico before officially being named a suspect in 2007. He is now wanted on a warrant charging him with her murder. Miguel Angel NunezCastaneda also uses combination of his name like Angel Nunez-Casteneda. Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408.355.0999 or send us a confidential email tip at if you know his location. all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to apprehend any persons depicted in this publication. all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting. Fugitive Watch®News FW august 2010 18 How much would you have to be paid to walk down this alley? Support Your Law Enforcement Agency Se Habla Español Fugitive Watch®News FW august 2010 19 Fugitive Watch Factoids The Philadelphia mint produces 26 million pennies per day! A lightning bolt generates temperatures five times hotter than those found at the sun’s surface! A violin contains about 70 separate pieces of wood! It is estimated that 4 million “junk” telephone calls, phone solicitations by persons or programmed machine are made every day in the United States! It takes glass one million years to decompose, which means it never wears out and can be recycled an infinite amount of times! Forest fires move faster uphill than downhill! Almost half the newspapers in the world are published in the United States and Canada! The two-foot long bird called a Kea that lives in New Zealand likes to eat the strips of rubber around car windows! Most lipstick contains fish scales! Skepticisms is the longest word that alternates hands when typing! One ragweed plant can release as many as one billion grains of pollen! It’s illegal to drink beer out of a bucket while you’re sitting on a curb in St. Louis! The first product to have a bar code was Wrigleys gum! No piece of square dry paper can be folded more than 7 times in half! A group of geese on the ground is a gaggle, a group of geese in the air is a skein! Taphephobia is the fear of being buried alive! A crocodile always grows new teeth to replace the old teeth! The sun is 330,330 times larger than the earth! Clinophobia is the fear of beds! A ‘jiffy’ is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second! Porcupines float in water! Pinocchio is Italian for “pine eye”! The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds! The sloth (a mammal) moves so slowly that green algae can grow undisturbed on its fur! Cat urine glows under a black-light! The world’s termites outweigh the world’s humans 10 to 1! The electric chair was invented by a dentist! Windmills always turn counter-clockwise. Except for the windmills in Ireland! The sentence “The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.” uses every letter of the alphabet! A hedgehog’s heart beats 300 times a minute on average! The average life span of a major league baseball is 5-7 pitches! Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand! There are more than 10 million bricks in the Empire State Building! The Mint once considered producing doughnut-shaped coins! If you counted 24 hours a day, it would take 31,688 years to reach one trillion! The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is “uncopyrightable”! The placement of a donkey’s eyes in its head enables it to see all four feet at all times! Over 2500 left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right handed people! Human teeth are almost as hard as rocks! Fugitive Watch®News 10-155 Antonio Montelongo Jaureque Escape The California Department of Corrections is currently seeking Prison Inmate Antonio Montelongo Jaureque on a warrant charging him with escape. Prison authorities reports that Jaureque escaped on Saturday, July 10, 2010, and remains at large. Jaureque, 24, is a Hispanic male from Fresno County, 6’0” tall, 210 pounds, with brown eyes and brown hair. Jaureque has tattoos on the right side of his neck and both hands. Pleasant Valley State Prison is located in Coalinga, California. The prison opened in 1994 and houses approximately 4,700 minimum-, medium-, and maximum-custody inmates. Approximately 1,700 people work at the Fresno County prison. Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408.355.0999 or send us a confidential email tip at if you know his location. FUGITIVE WATCH...1-800-9CAUGHT FW august 2010 20 10-139 Unknown Assault / asalto The San Jose Police Department is asking for Fugitive Watch viewers help in identifying the man in these photos. According to Detective Mark Riles on May 29th 2010, at about 8:45 AM this suspect approached the victim in the parking lot of Lowe’s Home Improvement at 775 Ridder Park Drive and borrowed the victim’s cell phone to make a call. The suspect then walked to the back of his vehicle, got a chainsaw and started it. The suspect then put the victim’s cell phone into his pocket and without provocation, began walking towards the victim with the chainsaw. When the victim fled into the Lowe’s store, the suspect used the chainsaw to damage the victim’s vehicle and then fled the scene. According to Detective Riles, the victim does not know the suspect and has never seen him before. Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408-355-0999 or send a confidential email tip, if you have any information that can help solve this crime. all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to apprehend any persons depicted in this publication. all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting. $10,995 1972 Chevy El Camino $8,995 1997 BMW 740ii $4,995 1995 Toyota 4Runner $9,995 2000 Honda Odyssey $22,995 2003 Chevy Corvette $17,995 2005 Honda Element $8,995 2003 Nissan Altima $14.995 2008 Dodge Caravan Fugitive Watch®News Fred Collins Identified as Armed Attacker Shot By BART and Oakland Police Published by Junior Staff Writer on July 18, 2010 Oakland Police have identified the man who attacked police officers with a knife as Fred Collins. On July 17, 2010, at 8:12 am, Oakland Police Dispatch Center received a 911 call stating that there was a male, who was armed, in the 3200 block of E12th Street. OPD dispatchers notified BART Police Department of the information received from the caller. BART PD had two officers in the area and made contact with the subject matching the description given by dispatchers. The man ran from the BART officers and they gave chase northbound on 34th Avenue. Oakland Police Officers caught up with BART PD and attempted to Taser the male, but were unsuccessful. The subject continued to run westbound on E16th Street and he turned southbound on 33rd Avenue. Oakland Police Officers tried to Taser the subject on 33rd Avenue with no effect. The subject, armed with two knives, attempted to charge at one of the officers. Multiple officers discharged their firearms at the suspect, striking him. American Medical Response and Oakland Fire Department responded to the scene where the subject was pronounced dead. The adult male has not been identified. Oakland Homicide Investigators, Alameda County District Attorney’s Office, Oakland Police Department Internal Affairs and BART Internal Affairs responded to conduct the administrative investigation. The Oakland Police Department is the lead agency in the criminal investigation. Anyone with information concerning this incident is urged to contact the Oakland Police Homicide Section at (510) 238-3821. Mayor Ronald Dellums said, “Anytime there is a loss of life, it is a matter of great concern and sadness for us all. It is extremely important that we as a community continue to work together in order to provide a safe and secure environment. Therefore, a thorough investigation of the circumstances surrounding this death has begun.” BART Board of Directors Vice President Bob Franklin and Board Member Carole Ward Allen issued a joint statement saying, “The loss of life under any circumstance is truly an unfortunate and regrettable event The BART Police Department is cooperating fully with the Oakland Police Department who has the lead in the investigation into today’s officer involved shooting. We have immediately launched a separate but parallel administrative investigation as well to ensure this incident is thoroughly investigated in a transparent manner.” Fred Collins FW august 2010 Word Search Answers from page 7 21 Fugitive Watch®News FW august 2010 22 all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to apprehend any persons depicted in this publication. all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting. HOTLINE: 1-800-9CAUGHT EMAIL: FW aug - 10 23 10-156 Zachary Dickens escape Law enforcement officials are searching for an inmate who walked away early this morning from the Minimum Support Facility at California State Prison-Sacramento. At approximately 6:30 a.m., inmate Zachary Dickens was found missing from his bunk in a dormitory setting. Dickens, 27, was received from Sacramento County on March 18, 2010, and was serving a four year sentence for Corporal Injury to a Spouse. He was scheduled for release December 22, 2011. Dickens is described as being a white male five feet ten inches tall and weighing approximately 195 pounds with brown eyes and brown hair. All local law enforcement agencies and the California Highway Patrol have been notified to assist in the search for Dickens. Escape pursuit efforts have been activated and any one seeing him should contact authorities immediately. California State PrisonSacramento is a multi-mission institution that houses more than 3,100 inmates and employs nearly 1,700 people. Opened in 1986, the institution houses maximum-security inmates serving long sentences and those who have proved to be management problems at other institutions. The institution also serves as a medical hub for Northern California. The institution has minimum supervision inmates, like Dickens, outside the prison’s perimeter to assist with maintenance and other tasks to support the operation of the prison. Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408.355.0999 or send us a confidential email tip at if you know his location. FUGITIVE WATCH...1-800-9CAUGHT GPS Monitoring of Parolees During Annual State Fair SACRAMENTO – A GPS safe zone monitoring parolee sex offenders — Operation Eagle Eye II — will be deployed by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) at the California State Fair ( July 14 Aug. 1) for the second year. Using GPS technology, parole agents will be alerted if any sex offender on active parole enters the state fairgrounds from July 14 through August 1. “Our message to those strapped with GPS monitors is to stay away from events like the State Fair,” said CDCR’s Division of Adult Parole Operations Director Robert Ambroselli. “If GPS shows you are in violation of your terms, you will be arrested.” This effort, called Operation Eagle Eye II, kicks off the department’s campaign statewide at various fairs and other large public gatherings, to ensure that parolees wearing the state-of-the-art technology don’t violate their terms of parole and pose a potential risk to public safety. Plans include GPS monitoring at more than a dozen county and city events through the fall months. The CDCR participation is part of a multi-agency law enforcement campaign that Cal Expo officials conduct every year to ensure that probationers, parolees, and gang members are monitored and are in compliance with their terms of parole and probation. “We truly appreciate this ongoing partnership with the Cal Expo Police Chief and our fellow law enforcement agencies who all are paying special attention at large public events like this so that families and their loved ones can enjoy a carefree day at the State Fair,” said Ambroselli. During 2009, some 35 sex offenders on parole were arrested during compliance checks at six fairs throughout California for violating terms of their parole where GPS monitoring was conducted. Last year, five sex offenders were arrested for non-compliance after trying to enter the State Fair. “We are working in partnership with state parole agents to help in our mission to stay focused on a safe atmosphere so families can stay late and have a good time,” said Robert L. Craft, Chief of Police, California Exposition and State Fair Police. During fair time, Craft said he can draw from nearly 433 officers from 33 agencies in the region to help his police force patrol the grounds during the State Fair’s 19-day run. The GPS monitoring will occur in the background, with a parole agent able to respond in minutes if a GPS-wearing parolee comes on the fairgrounds. California’s parole division utilizes GPS technology daily to track and monitor sex offenders on parole. CDCR’s use of current technology and its partnerships with local law enforcement is helping improve public safety throughout the state. For more information on CDCR Parole and the GPS program, please visit this link: index.html For Information about the California State Fair, please visit the link below: Fugitive Watch®News FW august 2010 24 Fugitive Watch®News FW august 2010 25 Not a good place to look for a job An Amherst Ohio woman applied for a job as a police dispatcher. When they did a background check, police found she had 17 traffic convictions, including seven speeding tickets and two citations for driving without a license. The police called and invited her in for an interview. When she arrived, she was arrested and charged with failing to appear in court and driving without a license. Crook lowers himself into art gallery using a clothesline Several years ago, before I retired, I was a Corporal with the Carmel-by-the-Sea police Department. One early morning, about 2am, we responded to a silent alarm at very well known and prohibitively expensive art gallery. The doors and windows were secure, but we could see a thin rope or wire hanging down from the ceiling of the gallery. While we awaited the arrival of the owner we noticed that there appeared to be a dark colored lump behind a dimly lit display. When the owner arrived and we opened the door, the lump quickly jumped up and began tearing around the interior of the gallery, banging against the locked doors and windows, looking for an escape route, but we had all exits covered. It turned out that the burglar, an industrious but stupid 20 year old, had gotten onto the roof of the gallery, patiently unscrewed more than a dozen screws that secured a skylight, and began to lower himself using, guess what, a long piece of clothesline! After surviving the fall but breaking his ankle, he tried to climb back up the clothesline to the roof. Needless to say, he found that climbing up a quarter-inch thick, plastic covered rope was completely impossible. After a brief struggle he was taken into custody and charged with burglary and resisting arrest. ATM bandit forgets to cut eye holes in his disguise I am a lawyer and several years ago I was appointed to represent a young man who had been charged with robbing a bank’s ATM machine. He’d gotten some 500 dollars or so, as I recall. When I inquired of the prosecutor about the evidence he gave me a nice, bright smile and handed me a manilla folder. Inside were 5 or 10 clear, black and white photographs showing my client. Wait! I’m not sure it is my client. There’s a paper bag over his head! How can they say this is my guy? As I flip through the pictures all becomes clear: Having been too dumb to cut eye holes into the paper bag, my brilliant client had lifted the bag up so he could see what he was doing. Except for the first two photographs, his face was clearly visible in every shot. We didn’t take the case to trial. Fugitive Watch®News FW august 2010 26 Fugitive Watch Television Cable Systems & Showtimes SANTA CLARA COUNTY Gilroy, Hollister, San Juan Bautista Public Access Channel 20 Thursday 4:30 pm Saturday 11:30 am Morgan Hill, San Martin, Gilroy…… Charter Communications Channel 17 11am Monday - Friday ALAMEDA COUNTY Albany, Emeryville, Berkeley, Oakland, Piedmont, Hayward, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, Union City, Newark, Fremont, Castro Valley, Pleasanton, Livermore, San Ramon, Sunol Channel 28 Monday 5:00pm Tuesday 5:00pm Wednesday 5:00pm Sunday 7:30am CONTRA COSTA COUNTY Danville, Alamo, Antioch, Blackhawk, Brentwood, Clayton, Concord, Pleasant Hill, Lafayette, Martinez, Moraga, Oakley, Orinda, Pittsburg, Walnut Creek, Bethel Island, Bryon, Knightsen, Clyde, Rossmoor, Pacheco, Bay Point, Richmond, Pinole, Dublin, Rodeo, Crockett, Albany, San Pablo, Kensington, San Pablo, Corte Madera, San Ramon, Brickyard Cove, Marina Bay, Hercules, Richmond, El Sobrante, El Cerrito, Unincorporated Areas Richmond, El Cerrito, El Sobrante, Point Richmond, Albany, San Pablo, Kensington, CCTV Comcast Channel 27 Fisrt and Third Fridays at 5:30pm Newark…Channel 27 Fremont… Channel 29 Monday 9:30pm Tuesday 4:30pm Fugitive Watch now on Comcast Video On-Demand Channel SAN MATEO COUNTY Atherton, Belmont, Brisbane, Broadmoor, Burlingame, Colma, Daly City, Davenport, East Palo Alto, El Granada, Foster City, Half Moon Bay, Harrison, Hillsborough, La Honda, Loma Mar, Menlo Park, Millbrae, Montara, Moss Beach, Pacifica, Pescadero, Portola Valley, Purisima, Redwood City, San Bruno, San Carlos, San Gregorio, San Mateo, South San Francisco, West Menlo Park, Woodside Peninsula TV Channel 26 Mon: 5:00 PM Foster City TV Channel 27 Mon: 6:00 PM Fri: 5:00 PM Fugitive Watch can now be seen 24 hours a day 7 days a week on Comcast Video OnDemand in the following counties. San Francisco, Marin County, Sonoma County, Solano County, Contra Costa County, Alameda County, San Mateo County, Santa Clara County, Santa Cruz County, Monterey County, Napa County, Mendocino County, Santa Barbara County, San Luis Obispo County. • • • ON-DEMAND Directions: Click the ON-DEMAND button on your remote. Click the GET LOCAL button, Scroll down and click on FUGITIVE WATCH. SAN BENITO COUNTY h c t a W e Fugitiv w can now o h S n o om i c s . i e v e v l i t e i T fug n o n be see Hollister Charter Communications Channel 34 Daily: Every 1/2 Hour Below is a list of the ON-DEMAND cities: DELTA VALLEY AREA Brentwood, Oakley, Byron, Knightsen, Bethel Island, Discovery Bay, Pleasant Hill, Lafayette, Orinda, Moraga, Concord, Clayton, Clyde, Martinez, Rossmoor, Walnut Creek, Alamo, Danville, Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton, San Ramon, Sunol, Castro Valley, Walnut Creek, Pittsburg, Antioch, Bay Point EAST BAY AREA Alameda, Berkeley, Fremont, Hercules, Richmond, El Cerrito, Oakland, Piedmont, Emeryville, Union City, Newark, San Pablo, Albany, Kensington, El Sobrante, Pinole, Rodeo, Crockett, Port Costa Fugitive Watch editions vary per cable provider For any information, please call: Steve Ferdin at 408.729.7737 NORTH BAY AREA Benicia, Vallejo, Healdsburg, Cloverdale, Windsor, Sonoma County, Geyserville, Forestville, Novato, Petaluma, Rohnert Park, Cotati, Sebastopol, Pennigrove, Graton, Bodega Bay, Occidental, Camp Meeker, Cazadero, Fairfield, Marin, San Rafael, Sausalito, Tiburon, San Geronimo, San Quentin, San Anselmo, Belvedere, Corte Madera, Fairfax, Larkspur, Mill Valley, Kentfield, Napa, Yountville, Sonoma, St. Helena, Glen Ellen, Vacaville, Travis Air Force Base, Rio Vista SOUTH BAY AREA San Jose, Campbell, Santa Clara, Monterey, Seaside, Salinas, Marina, Pebble Beach, Carmel, Carmel Valley, Pacific Grove, Del Rey Oaks, Sand City, Milpitas, Los Gatos, Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley, Santa Cruz County, Capitola, Aptos, Ben Lomand, Boulder Creek, Brooksdale, Watsonville, Cupertino, Los Altos, Mountain View WEST BAY AREA Burlingame, Millbrae, Daly City, Pacifica, Colma, Broadmoor, Brisbane, Los Altos Hills, Palo Alto, Woodside, Portola Valley, Atherton, East Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Stanford, Portions of San Mateo County & Santa Clara County, San Mateo, Belmont, San Carlos, Redwood City, Foster City, Hillsborough, Emerald Hills, San Francisco, South San Francisco NORTH SANTA BARBARA COUNTY Ballard, Buellton, Lompoc, Los Olivos, Orcutt, Santa Maria, Santa Ynez, Solvang, Vandeberg Village, Mission Hills ADVERTISE ON THE FUGITIVE WATCH SHOW Are you trying to figure out how to get more customers coming in the front door? Or do you think you can’t afford effective TV advertising? Think Again! Fugitive Watch makes quality television ads for you and televises them in your target market area. This allows us to make it more affordable for you. Let’s face it: most of your customers are coming from within a few miles of your business. Why waste your advertising dollars broadcasting your ad all over the bay area? So if you want to advertise from San Francisco to San Jose or Santa Cruz, or if you just want to advertise in a local market - advertise on Fugitive Watch. Call us now and find out how to advertise on the hottest local bay area cable show 408.729.7737 Fugitive Watch®News FW august 2010 27 Fugitive Watch Can Now Be Seen On Comcast On-Demand Channel 1 Alameda Amador County, Amador City, Angels Camp, Arnold, Avery, Calaveras, Douglas Flat, Hathaway Pines, Jackson, Mokelumne Hill, Murphys, Plymouth, San Andreas, Sutter Creek, Vallecito, Valley Springs, Wallace Antelope, Carmichael, Citrus Heights, Elk Grove, Elverta, Fair Oaks, Folsom, Galt, Gold River, Mather, McCellan, N. Highlands, Orangevale, Rancho Cordova, Represa, Rio Linda, Sacramento, Sacramento County, Wilton, Government/Schools, McClellan AFB Auburn Lake Trails, Cameron Park, Camino, Cool, Diamond Springs, El Dorado, El Dorado Hills, El Dorado County, Georgetown, Placerville, Pollock Pines, Rescue, Shingle Springs Ballard, Buellton, Lompoc, Los Olivos, Orcutt, Santa Maria, Santa Ynez, Solvang, Vandeberg Village, Mission Hills Benecia, Vallejo Berkeley Biggs, Butte County, Gridley, Magalia, Oroville, Palermo, Paradise, Gridley Brentwood, Oakley, Byron, Knightsen, Bethel Island, Discovery Bay Burlingame, Millbrae Butte County, Chico, Durham Castro Valley Colusa, Colusa County, Live Oak, Marysville, Olivehurst, Sutter, Sutter County, Wheatland, Yuba City, Yuba County, Beale AFB Cupertino Daly City, Pacifica, Colma, Broadmoor, Brisbane Danville, Alamo, Concord, Concord NWS, Clayton, Clyde, Martinez Davis, Yolo County Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton, San Ramon, Sunol Fairfield, Susuin City Fremont Grass Valley, Nevada City, Nevada County, Penn Valley, Rough & Ready Hayward, San Lorenzo, San Leandro Healdsburg, Cloverdale, Windsor, Sonoma Co., Geyerville, Forestville Hercules Lodi, Acampo, Lockeford, Victor, Woodbrindge, Los Altos Los Banos, Dos Palos Los Gatos, Monte Soreno Marin, San Rafael, Sausalito, Tiburon, San Anselmo, San Geronimo, San Quentin, San Alsemo, Belvedere Tiburon, Corte Madera, Fairfax, Larkspur, Mill Valley, Kentfield, Woodacre, Lagunitas, Ross Merced, Atwater, Winton, Lake Area, Beachwood Area, Castle Business Park, Chowchilla Milpitas Modesto, Stanislaus County (Modesto), Oakdale, Stanislaus County (Oakdale) Monterey, Seaside, Salinas, Marina, Pebble Beach, Carmel, Carmel Valley, Pacific Grove, Del Rey Oaks, Sand City Mountain View Napa, Yountville, Sonoma, St. Helena, Glen Ellen, American Canyon Newark Novato Oakland, Piedmont, Emeryville Palo Alto, Woodside, Portola Valley, Atherton, East Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Stanford and portions of San Mateo County & Santa Clara County Patterson, Newman, Crows Landing, Grayson Petaluma, Rohnert Park, Cotati, Sebastopol & Surrounding Areas, Pennigrove, Graton, Bodega Bay, Occidental, Camp Meeker, Cazadero, Graton Petaluma, Rohnert Park, Cotati, Sebastopol & Surrounding Areas, Pennigrove, Graton, Bodega Bay, Occidental, Camp Meeker, Cazadero, Graton Pinole, Rodeo, Crockett, Port Costa, portions of El Sobrante Pittsburg, Antioch, Bay Point Pleasant Hill, Lafayette, Orinda, Moraga, Rossmoor, Sm. Portions of Walnut Creek Reedley, Sanger, Selma, Dinuba, Kingsburg, Fowler, Kerman, Mendota, Firebaugh, San Joaquin, Parlier, Del Rey, Fresno, Clovis, Madera, Visalia, Tulare, Lemoore, Kings County, Corcoran, Laton, Fowler, Hanford, Visalia, Riverdale Richmond, El Cerrito Rio Vista Roseville, Placer County San Francisco San Jose, Campbell San Mateo, Belmont, San Carlos, Redwood City, Foster City, Hillsborough, Emerald Hills San Pablo, Albany, Kensington, portions of El Sobrante Santa Clara Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley, Capitola, Soquel, Boulder Creek, Ben Lomond, Felton, Rio Del Mar and Aptos Santa Nella, Gustine Santa Rosa, Kenwood Saratoga South San Francisco Stockton, Linden, French Camp, Lathrop, Manteca Sunnyvale Tracy, San Joaquin County (Tracy), Mountain House Travis AFB Union City Vacaville Walnut Creek Get Fugitive Watch Critical Alerts Fugitive Watch is now on Facebook 1. Fans they can join us on Facebook and network with other Fugitive Watch fans. 2. Fans can subscribe at www.Fugitive for Critical Alerts delivered to you email. Fugitive Watch®News FW august 2010 Gilroy Motorcycle Center 7661 Monterey Street Gilroy, CA 95020 408-842-9955 28
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