PDF Version - Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association
PDF Version - Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association
TRI-POWER JULY 2015 Naches Trail Work Party!..Page 18-19 PRESORTED STD. US POSTAGE PAID GRESHAM, OR PERMIT #88 KEEP UP WITH EVENTS ON Page 22 4-Wheelin’ News www.pnw4wda.org JULY 2015 1 PNW 4 WDA T RI- P OWER www.pnw4wda.org / 800-537-7845 Volume 44 Number 7 July 2015 The mission of TRI-POWER is to enlighten fellow enthusiasts by educating, inspiring and informing Editor/Publisher: Ron McDonald / 360-901-8376 * Email: tripower@pnw4wda.org 3902 NE 61st Ave, Vancouver, WA 98661 * Messages (360) 695-0595 All Rights Reserved - Printed in the USA TRI-POWER is published monthly for the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association. Photographs are edited and prepared with Adobe Photoshop.Layout is performed in Adobe InDesign. In house ads are created with Adobe Illustrator. Prepress product is converted with Adobe Acrobat Professional. TRI-POWER makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to the completeness, accuracy or utility of these materials or any information or opinion contained herein. Any use or reliance on the information or opinion is at the risk of the user, and TRI-POWER shall not be liable for any damage or injury incurred by any person arising out of the completeness, accuracy or utility of any information or opinion contained in these materials. These materials are not to be construed as an endorsement of any product or company, nor as the adoption or promulgation of any guidelines, standards, or recommendation. Subscription: You can obtain a subscription to TRI-POWER by becoming a member of the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association. This can be accomplished by filling out the application form in this publication or going to the PNW4WDA web site www.pnw4wda.org Circulation: If you are a member of the PNW4WDA and are not receiving your subscription to TRI-POWER or have moved please contact our Membership department member@pnw4wda.org This publication is the result of information submitted by our readers. We do not have a staff of reporters, journalist or photographers. If you have an article or information you would like to share with our readers please contact us. We prefer communication via Email. If you submit an article please send it in size 10 Arial font to tripower@pnw4wda.org or put it on a Floppy, CD or DVD disk and send it to Tri-Power 3902 NE 61 Ave, Vancouver, WA 98661 *fourwheelatize\four*wheel"a*tize* A. To eat, sleep and drive four wheel drive. B. To become obsessed with four wheeling.C. To exceed the limits of ordinary four wheeled vehicles. D. To traverse unforgiving terrain in harsh environments. Advertising Rates (Display ADs): Clubs: Full page-$175 / 1/2page-$100/ 1/4page-$55 / 2x4-$20 / Members: Full page-$200 / 1/2page-$120 / 1/4page-$70 / 2x4-$22 / NON-Members: Full page-$250 / 1/2page-$150 / 1/4page-$85 / 2x4-$25 STORI ES / REPORT STORIES RE PORTSS Presidents Message by Angie Marek......Page 4 TIRE RAFFLE AD on.....Page 5 Region Report by Directors..Pages 6 & 8-9&15-16 BOARD TELECONFERENCE June 3, 2015.....Pages 11-13 Competition Report ...........Page 17 Naches Trail Work Party!.........Page 18-19 Calendar of Events on..... Page 22 DEPARTMENTS 3 PNW Officers List 3 Change of address 3 Membership APPLICATION 22 Calendar of Events 21 Classified ADS 23 New PNW4WDA Sponsorship Program & Associate Members list 2 JULY 2015 www.pnw4wda.org PNW4WDA Officers List www.pnw4wda.org/800-537-7845 PRESIDENT INTER ASSOC. DIRECTORS Angie Marek/Dan Don & Carol Jensen 14202 4th Ave. E. Tacoma, WA 98445 800-537-7845 / 253-537-3172 President@pnw4wda.org 946 - 18th, Longview, WA 98632 360-577-0111 Voice/FAX iad1@pnw4wda.org iad2@pnw4wda.org COMPETITION CHAIRMAN SECRETARY Steve Zentner Sande Nettnin/Earl 33550 Tide Creek Rd Deer Island, OR 97054 503-438-0590 stevenazentner@msn.com CompDir@pnw4wda.org 519 N Fisher Place Kennewick, WA 99336 509-783-6481 Secretary@pnw4wda.org REGION V DIRECTOR OPEN SAFETY/ED CHAIRMAN Rob Stafford/Diana Call 800-537-7845 19302 6th Avenue East Spanaway, WA 98387 253-691-4351 SafeEduDir@pnw4wda.org REGION VI DIRECTOR TRAIL JAMBOREE CHAIRMAN Ann Haak/Dan Ed Weber/Penny 35725 North Harney Lane Burns, Oregon 97220 503-349-9875 Reg6Dir@pnw4wda.org 2929 Lakeside Drive Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-760-3742 Trailjam@pnw4wda.org REGION VII DIRECTOR WAYS & MEANS CHAIRMAN Mique Kardell Kathy”Frogg” McMains 31330 11th Place S. Federal Way, WA 98003 206-617-9478 Cell Reg1Dir@pnw4wda.org 940 Ironwood Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-607-2984 Reg7Dir@pnw4wda.org 603 Meridian, Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-760-5578 Ways&Means@pnw4wda.org REGION II DIRECTOR REGION VIII DIRECTOR VIDEO CHAIRMAN Dan Morris/Tiffany Lolli Bunce Don Jensen/Carol P.O. Box 123 Sagle, ID 83860 208-263-5210 P.O. Box 494, Roy, WA 98580 253-376-6359 cell 360-458-0644 home Reg2Dir@pnw4wda.org 2693 S. 20000 W. Weston, ID 83286 541-961-8041 Reg8Dir@pnw4wda.org 946 - 18th, Longview, WA 98632 360-577-0111 Voice/FAX VideoChairman@pnw4wda.org OREGON EXEC. DIRECTOR REGION III DIRECTOR MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN Dan Haak/Ann Marty Tilford/Suzanna Kristin Smith PUBLIC RELATIONS OPEN PO Box 669 Burns OR 97720 503-351-0280 OrExec@pnw4wda.org 2912 NE Maplewood Drive Vancouver, WA 98665 360-600-5300 Reg3Dir@pnw4wda.org WASH. EXEC. DIRECTOR REGION IV DIRECTOR Adrian Valliere/Melissa Earl Nettnin/Sande 1001A Nevada Street Milton, WA 98354 503-310-0852 WaExec@pnw4wda.org 519 N Fisher Place Kennewick, WA 99336 509-783-6481 Reg4Dir@pnw4wda.org Dave McMains/Kathy”Frogg” 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-989-2465 Treasurer@pnw4wda.org IDAHO EXEC. Idaho Liaison Jim Hopkins REGION I DIRECTOR PNW4WDA Membership C/O: Kristin Smith Angela Holm/Rich TREASURER Change of Address 7509 S. 5th Street Ste. 101/PMB-B203 Ridgefield, WA 98642 503-310-0853 or E-Mail: members@ pnw4wda.org WEBMASTER Rich Holm/Angela 7509 S 5th St. STE 101 PMB # B203 Ridgefield, WA 98642 503-310-0853 Members@pnw4wda.org PARLIAMENTARIAN Luke May/Grace 22635 NE Woodinville Duval Rd Woodinville, WA 98077 425-788-2848 parliamen@pnw4wda.org Call 800-537-7845 31330 11th Place S. Federal Way, WA 98003 206-310-1577 Webmaster@pnw4wda.org TRI-POWER EDITOR Ron McDonald/Diana Club Power/We Did it Chairmem Kathy Greenwood 18203 84th St E Bonney Lake, WA 98391 253-863-9707 WeDidIt@pnw4wda.org kathyg1@comcast.net 3902 NE 61st Ave Vancouver, WA 98661 360-901-8376 (9AM-6PM/daily) 360-695-0595/Mess 360-695-1043/FAX tripower@pnw4wda.org Individual Membership Pro-Rated Dues Jan $40.00 July $22.00 Feb $37.00 Aug $19.00 Mar $34.00 Sept $16.00 Apr $31.00 Oct $13.00 May $28.00 Nov $10.00 June $25.00 Dec $10.00 $50.00. $75.00 Mail completed form with payment to: PNW4WDA MEMBERSHIP Kristin Smith 7509 S. 5th Street, Ste. 101, PMB #B203 Ridgefield, WA 98642 503-310-0853 4-Wheelin’ News JULY 2015 3 Angie Marek PNW4WDA PRESIDENT July 2015 Happy 4th of July to everyone. I have you enjoyed a safe and event filled holiday! July is a busy month within and outside of the PNW4WDA. The 26th Annual Trail Jamboree is in full swing and our thanks go out to everyone who works so hard to put on a great event. Next month we will share some information from this year’s run. Welcome to our newest board member Lolli Bunce, the new Region 8 Director. We are excited to be growing and welcoming our new club the Rocky Mountain Rebels 4x4 club out of Idaho. I want all of you to know how much I appreciate everything you do to promote motorized recreation. I will be honest I don’t participate much in the different forums but I do watch what is being posted out there and when I miss something important to the PNW there are several people who keep me up to date. Your board dedicates a lot of time to the association so when I read things like we don’t do anything or don’t care I do tend to take it a little personal. While I don’t participate in the forums I do respond to every email and phone call I get. There was a recent post that was shared with me stating the president has been in office to long, the association doesn’t do enough and so on. Keep in mind nominations are open in September with elections in February and are open to all club members in good standing. I 100% believe that this association is one of the best in the nation and we set the standard when it comes to working with the different government agencies and keeping trails open. I have said many times that as much as I would like everyone to belong to the PNW4WDA as numbers make us stronger, what is more important is that we work together to maintain the trails, etc. Elbe is a prime example of the great work motorized recreationalists do. PNW members as well as non members are the backbone of that trail system. Other trails are the same, without everyone working together we lose! I invite all of you, delegates, members and interested non-members to attend your local meetings and Fall Delegates Meeting in September. Get involved, be part of making a difference. The other thing I saw was a couple of people talking about other events and saying that because of a personal issue you shouldn’t support that event. All I have to say is GROW UP…. You don’t often find me going down the negative road but I felt it was time to bring to light you are only hurting the sport you 4 claim to love. The PNW4WDA is proud to be founding members of WOHVA and continue to support the efforts. By working with all the user groups we have a better understanding of what is needed to help all the members. PNW members have also held offices in many of the other organizations such as Blue Ribbon, it’s these members who keep us up to date on changes and areas of interest to 4 wheeling. So when you say the PNW isn’t doing anything or is stagnant please come to a meeting and see what is really going on. If the members and your board did become stagnant you would not have any place to play. I ask you to be part of the solution, come to us with your concerns but also with possible ways to address those concerns. Go off-road with confidence with durable, reliable performance products from Warn Industries. The trusted brand for over 60 years. On another note, Dan & I had the privilege of being invited to attend Rainier High Schools senior awards and presenting Morgan Spivey with her scholarship. Congratulations to all of our graduates and future leaders. Thank you to those clubs and individuals who are submitting articles and pictures to Tri-Power. I love reading about all you are doing. I hope all of you have a wonderful summer! Happy 4 Wheeling, Angie Marek Learn more at www.warn.com and follow us on Facebook.com/WARNfans ~ SAVE THE DATE 2015 Trail Jamboree Jim Sprick Park, Naches, WA July 8-12 Online registration Participant registration is FULL, to be added to the waiting list please email Teresa Kosel at: trailjamreservations@pnw4wda.org Hosts/Sponsors can now register by going to the PNW4WDA website and click the HOST link on the front page www.pnw4wda.org Sponsorship opportunities available. Please contact us. JULY 2015 www.pnw4wda.org 4-Wheelin’ News JULY 2015 5 Angela Holm Region 1 Director June 17th, 2015 The meeting was called to order by Angie Holm at 7:00pm. There were 7 delegates present, representing 4 clubs. Guests: No guests. Correspondence: Angie received an email from Jacob Haire of Haire Industries regarding Trail Connect Off-Road GPS App. Seems to be legitimate and several emails have gone to multiple clubs. Worth checking out as it’s free. You can find it at the ITunes Store. Secretary Report: Theresa Taylor, Outdoor 4x4’s, made a motion to accept the minutes as written in Tri-Power and distributed to Yahoo Groups, second by Dave Taylor, Outdoor 4x4’s, passed with no objection. Directors Report: June BOD meeting was held via telephone conference. Most board members attended and had prepared reports. There is a now a Region 8 Director (Idaho), Lollie Bunce. She and a few others formed a club in Idaho called Rocky Mountain Rebels. Unanimous BOD vote appointed Lollie as the new Region 8 Director. It was also reported that the insurance certificates for July and August have been mailed. If you have not received your certificate for your event and it’s being held in July or August, contact Carol Jensen. For those that are not aware, the Barrel Extravaganza has been cancelled. Fall Delegates meeting has been moved to Washougal, WA. More information will follow. Winter Convention 2016 has been set for Bend, OR. More information will follow. More discussion on the Club Power/We Did It forms from Region 3 Director Marty Tilford. He has indicated that his region would like a simpler version of the forms and a ‘real world example of how they are used’. It was explained that they are kept until they are needed to dispute the hours, if necessary, that the DNR or Forest Service claims we have worked. The forms have also been merged into one form. Rich Holm, the webmaster, had merged them a few months ago to make it easier to complete, these forms are located on the website under Forms. President Angie is still looking for a PR person on the BOD. If you are interested, please contact her directly. Trail Jamboree is coming up in July. Camping will be changed a bit from the past years, just to give other people a chance to camp in areas that are usually ‘held’ by other participants. Next year one person for the host group on a trail must have a First Aid CPR card. Treasurer’s Report: There was a written report. 6 Land & Legislative: Walker: There is a work party every 2nd Saturday of each month. Walker is heavily used which leads to more work that needs to be done to maintain the trails. There is logging going on which means portions of the trails are closed. There has been trail maintenance going on, the motorcycle and quad group has moved around 8,000 pounds of new gravel. E&E project hours will only count toward your discounted Discovery Pass if you are Forest Watch certified. DNR wide grants not filled and we could lose our E&E officers. Reiter: The yellow trail is still under construction and. There is a work party on June 27-28 with overnight camping. Check the DNR website for more information. Trail Counters – Ed has received several trail counters from WA Director Adrian Valliere and has placed them at both Walker and Reiter. Competition: For a complete schedule please see the website. Club Power/We Did It/Quill Power: Don’t forget to turn your forms in to Angie. The forms are online, or you can ask Angie to email it to you. When turning in your forms please make sure you fill them out completely or they will not count for the prizes. Sunshine: If you would like a sympathy/ get well/best wishes type of card sent to another club, please contact Jennifer at jhayter14@hotmail.com with all the contact information, including the address on where to send it to. Club Report: The Washington Bobtails were not present at the meeting. Food Drive: Don’t forget to bring any canned food or blankets for the Maltby Food Bank and Maltby Women’s Shelter to a meeting or to Luke’s shop, Quality Foreign Auto on Bothell Everett Hwy, in Mill Creek. Teddy Bears: Don’t forget to bring any stuffed animals for Grace to take to her contact at Monroe Hospital. OSP: Angie verified that the camping fee will be same as last year. She has also secured the spots directly behind the community fire pit (for those of you that attended last year will know) but for those that don’t know it is spaces 61-77. Timber Tamers confirmed that they will put on the steak dinner on Saturday night. They are offering Chicken or Steak Dinners at $15ea that includes Green Salad, Corn on the Cob, and Dinner Roll. They will also be serving a kids meal of a hot dog, chips and drink for $5. To order you can send an email to: O SPDinner@timbertamers.org or go to the Tamers site http://timbertamers.org/ ttwp/event/operation-shore-patrol-3/. The resort is called Sunrise Resorts and the # is 360-289-4278, please talk to Sharon only. Only 3 or 4 people have reserved spots so far, pleas reserve your spot as soon as possible! Northwest Off-road Expo: September 26, 2015- Thomas Family Farms! There will be dry camping available on Friday and Saturday night for PNW members only and you can arrive starting after 3pm. The event will open at 10:00 and run until 4:00. Food Vendors and Beer Garden will stay open until 6:00. There will be a good variety of food vendors for everyone to enjoy. The website to register and/or order t-shirts is www.no rthwestoffroadexpo.com The Website is open! This should be a fun event! Spread the word, Hold the date! You don’t want to miss out on the FUN! PNW members will be able to camp Saturday night. New Business: Jennifer and Tyler Hayter had a baby girl in May. Angie & Grace will be sending a card. Congrats! September 12th Fall Delegates MeetingAstoria, Or September 19th Operation Shore PatrolOcean Shores, WA September 19th Pick-up-a-MountainNaches, WA September 26th NW Off-road Expo-Thomas Family Farms, Snohomish Meeting Adjourned at 8:40pm Submitted by Grace May/Angie Holm ~ Touch a truck @ Monroe Christian School – Dan Cole of Dirty 13 and a few members of the Timber Tamers attended this event. It was nice to see all the kids having so much fun and it was a good experience for some to see how long their batteries would hold out with all the horn honking! Old Business: Yahoo Group – This is the info for the new Yahoo Group site – you must sign up for the new group name as the old one is no longer being used: Post Message: PNW4WDARegion 1@yahoogroups.com Subscribe: PNW4WDA-Region 1-subscribe@yahoogroups.com List Owner: PNW4WDA –Region 1-owner@yahoogroups.com URL to this page: http: //groups.yahoo.com/groups/ PNW4WDA-Region1 Tire Raffle: BF Goodwrich donated 2 sets of tires, 1 set was given away at the swap meet and the 2nd set will be given away at Jamboree. See website for flyer. Good of the Order Angie has announced that she will not be running for Region Director at the end of this year. She has also stated that she is looking for someone to take over OSP for 2016. She has been involved with OSP for almost 15 years and has been Region Director for 8. It is time for someone new. Raffle: No Raffle prizes this month. Hosting Schedule: subject to change July 15th- Bullshifters August 19th- Dirty 13 September 16th- Doo Wop Ditty October 21st- Green River Valley Jeepers November 18th- Happy Campers December- NO MEETING Upcoming Events: July 4th & 5th Free Wheelers & 4 at a Time PlaydayEthel, WA July 8th-12th - Trail JamboreeNaches July 18th & 19th Outdoor 4x4’s Playday- Ethel July 25th & 26th Muddaubers PlaydayThe Farm in Chehalis, WA August 14th -16th Summer Convention – Ethel August 29th & 30th Ruff Country – Camas Valley, OR September 5th & 6th Overbored Summer’s End Playday- Ethel, WA JULY 2015 REMINDER The deadline to submit articles and photos for Tri-Power is the 21st of each month Send to: tripower@pnw4wda.org Articles should be in Microsoft Word with Arial 10pt font ADs can be in word and if you can make a PDF that would be best so it will hold the type styles that you picked Tri-Power Ron McDonald 360-901-8376 3902 NE 61st Ave. Vancouver, WA 98661 Change of Address PNW4WDA Membership C/O: Kristin Smith 7509 S. 5th Street Ste. 101/PMB-B203 Ridgefield, WA 98642 503-310-0853 or E-Mail: members@ pnw4wda.org www.pnw4wda.org F U N RU N ! ! At Evans Creek ORV Park Put on By: Rednecks & Rug-Rats Jeep Club Entrance Coordinates N 46o 56.564’ W 1210 58.320’ On July 11, 2015 FIRST JEEP OUT AT 9:00 AM LAST JEEP OUT AT 12:00 PM Cash Prizes, Door Prizes, Raffles and alot more Lots of Fun !!! Prizes will be awarded at approximately 4:30 pm, Must be present to win! (Need not to be present for THE BIG RAFFLE ONLY) Camping and restrooms available at the Campground Canned Food drive @ Chevron Argo’s Burnett Store Get a SMALL Raffle ticket for Food donation of 2 or more cans per person Northwest Forest Pass Is Required Available at US Forest Service, Burnett Store and Wilkeson Store 4-Wheelin’ News JULY 2015 7 being a managed trail is better than unmanaged use. On the down side, they won’t tell anyone of their decision until it’s made in September. Not much recourse if not in our favor since its 360-458-0644 private property. They do want input from users. A survey can be found at washingtonnature.org. Please voice your opinion. If they close us out of the area, it may be possible to reroute the Dan Morris trail, but likely would take 5-10 years. Region 2 Director No campfires are currently allowed in the Naches/Cle Elum area. A propane fire is OK. A reminder from Jim how Call to order by President Dan Morris important it is that we attend the work at 7:30 followed by flag salute and parties. moment of silence for William “Punkin” OHV Watch: no report Anderson who passed away on 06/17/ 15. A memorial is planned for Tuesday, Letter Writing: no report 06/23/15 at Jeepers Country Bar and Membership: nothing new to report Grill in Spanaway from noon until 3: Ways and Means: nothing new to report 00. Public Relations: nothing new to report Secretary’s Report: Motion made by Future 4-Wheelers: no report Derrick Clark and seconded by Connie Largen to approve the secretary’s Competition: Guest appearance by Steve Zentner, PNW4WDA competition report from May. Motion carried. chairman, who came to speak about Treasurer’s Report: Lora Jungmayer Summer Convention. Steve stressed provided a written treasurer’s report. that all are welcome to attend the Current balance is $4246.28. Motion event. Cost for racing/camping is made by Derrick Clark and seconded $90.00 (pre-register). Camping only by Connie Largen to approve the is $50.00. The camping only fee also gets you access to a Street and Trail treasurer’s report. Motion carried. tech course. He is looking for volunteers from our Club Power/We Did It: no report region to run a fun course, example: Naches: Work parties were held on blind fold course, as well as to do both the west and east sides the Friday night’s entertainment. A motion weekend of May 30th. On the west was made by Rob Stafford and side there were 6 volunteers with an seconded by Gary Marshall to donate approximate average age of 65. All of $250.00 to Summer Convention for the bridges were fixed, including rub kids prizes. The motion carried. Steve rails. The west side is OPEN. The east is still looking for door prize donations. side also focused on bridge repair. Moonshiners hosted a race over There were 44 volunteers with an Memorial Day weekend in Toppenish. Great turnout, including lots of kids. approximate average age of 45. They gave out 110 tech cards and had Evans Creek: The contractor is done 80 campers. The Street and Trail class with the work and now it’s our turn. was huge, and there were also lots of There will be a work party June 27th and side by sides. Several new race rigs 28th. Plan is to work on picnic tables should be debuting at the next race. and fire rings. There are lots of spots The first of 3 relay team try-outs for Region 2 was held at the Moonshiner still open for hosting this summer. race. Unofficial results at this time Elbe Hills: Have had quite a few (pending verification of membership work parties. The next one is on status) are as follows: June 27th and 28th, sponsored by the Men: Kevin Parker, Tim Dzierzanowski, PNW4WDA. Lunch will be provided Rob Stafford, Josh Titus, Jeremy for the volunteers. Outcast 4x4s had Wieland, and Dan Morris. their fun run on June 6th and it went Women: Peyton Parker, Angie Marek, awesome. The mini excavator is Diana Prine, Tessa Schwartz, and back and fixed, but still unknown who Heather Schmetzler. Next tryouts will be at the Independent race on June “borrowed” it. 20th and 21st. Tahuya: Thanks to all that turned out There was an Ethel work party on June for the fun run on June 13th. In the 6th and 7th. New gravel was brought recent clear-cut area a Bronco went in for the road, new culverts were put in, got stuck and then someone burned in, the track was expanded, the grass it. The LEO is going to start writing was mowed and trees were limbed for “off-trail” tickets. The tickets start at better camping and spectating. Big $140.00 and go up from there. The thank you to Troy and Tyler Shipman area is drying out, there is a little water for taking lead on the work party. still in mud lake. Roll Call: read aloud. 40 members Land Matters: Jim Putman attended in attendance representing 16 clubs, a meeting hosted by The Nature 1 individual member, 1 associate Conservancy at REI on 06/16/15. A member, and 1 guest. couple of other PNW4WDA members attended as well, along with some Region 2 Fun Run: The insurance members of WOHVA. Proposed use certificate has been received and the for the Naches Trail which runs through application for the permit has been two 2 sections of land purchased submitted. JBLM branch of the Military by The Nature Conservancy was Jeepers will possibly donate money for discussed. Jim felt they seemed the food and also donate water. Still open to discussion, the thought in need of 2 Sani-cans, a volunteer 6/18/2015 8 to man the teeter-totter, and a parking attendant. Jon O’Brien will chalk out the spots like last year. Reminder that the games must be based on skill and not chance. Angie Marek will be doing the dash plaques. Communication/radios are being handled by the Dust Devils. Still need door prizes. Reminder to put your name on them. At this point, clubs to man check points will be determined by random drawing. If a club gets a check point they don’t want, they are welcome to trade with another willing club. Jim brought a stack of flyers and the flyer is also available on Facebook. Please disperse/share. Old Business: NW Offroad Expo on 09/26/15 at the Thomas Family Farm is still a go. Beach Clean-Up: Tacoma Webfooters are still chairing the event for Region 2. There will be 2 raffles. The 1st raffle will be chaired by the Webfooters with proceeds going to their club. The 2nd raffle will be chaired by County Line Offroaders with the proceeds going back to the region. County Line Offroaders are also doing an ice cream social and a washers tournament. Brandon Marek from Outcast 4x4’s volunteered to handle the music. There will also be a fun run on the beach during the clean-up. To register for campsites, go to www.tacomawebf ooters.com. Audit: need 3 volunteers, each representing a different club. Once the audit process is worked out, plan is to update the region bi-laws. Social Media: 4 Wheel Parts wants to promote the PNW4WDA on their Facebook page and advertise events. So if you have something you’d like to share like pictures or upcoming events, please tag 4 Wheel Parts Tacoma. Logo: plan is to vote on the region logo at the next meeting. There are 11 options, or we can also choose to keep the original. New Business: Trail Jam: door prizes are needed. Gary Marshall made a motion, seconded by Mike Cowan, to donate $100.00 for kids prizes and $200.00 for adult prizes. Motion carried. Teresa Rabe will be putting the registration packets together on Monday, July 6th. If you have anything you want to put in the packets, i.e. fliers, please get them to her before July 4th. You will need to provide 175 copies. Jeepers Country Bar and Grill is collecting club decals to hang on the walls. They are also doing a fundraiser on June 20th at 8:00 pm for Nicole White, the young mother who disappeared. A band will be playing. All proceeds from the cover charge and a raffle will be going to the family. Question was posed as to why the region minutes are not in the TriPower. Next meeting: July 16th. Meeting adjourned at 9:02 Respectfully submitted by Diana Stafford Secretary ad interim ~ 3 Races which will determine the fastest 5 men and women in region 2 Best 2 showings out of 3 (Scratch your worst time) Tie Breakers will be determined by a combined REGION 2 RELAY TEAM TRYOUTS 2015 3 RACES – 3 OBSTACLE TRACKS Obstacle time of all 3 races Who’s the best of the best ? 1ST RACE – SPANAWAY MOONSHINERS –TOPPENISH 5/23/15 2ND RACE – INDEPENDENTS – ETHEL 6/20/15 3RD RACE – MUD DAUBERS – CHEHALIS 7/25/15 JON OBRIEN Region 2 competition Chairman 360-349-2599 PNW4DA – Region 2 Official use only JULY 2015 www.pnw4wda.org information can be reported accurately in the minutes. TREASURER: Kyle Wiebold- Rick Smith made a motion to accept the Treasurers report as read, Josh Jones second, the motion carried. Kristen Smith made a motion for $350.00 be given to Tom Fisher for reimbursement for drivers that participated in the Rose Parade. Motion carried. Marty Tilford Region 3 Director June 16, 2015 Region 3 Director Marty Tilford called the meeting to order at 7:04pm. ROLL CALL Twelve Clubs were present this evening: Dirt Minons, Flat Broke and 4 Wheeling, Hubs In, Mud-A-Rama, Mud Puppies, Our Gang Off Road, Piston’s Wild, PNW Individual Member Club, Push and Pulls, Sand Flea, Trailbreakers, Vancouver 4 Wheelers. HOSTING CLUB: Thank you, 4 Wheel Parts for providing pizza. GUESTS: James Winters, Andrew Klement, Shawn and Brody Mickleson MINUTES: Rick Smith made the motion, seconded by Kristen Smith, that the May 2015 meeting minutes be accepted as printed. The motion carried. OFFICER REPORT REGION DIRECTOR: Marty Tilford-He attended the Gifford Pinchot Nation Forest meeting in May 2015. 10 people were in attendance. The GPNF reported Travel Analysis information on forest service roads. GPNF received back 212 questionnaires back. The information was gathered over the summer of 2014. The information that came back are comments covering well over half of the road system. Most mentioned roads were main access roads. There will be one more meeting before September. PUBLIC RELATIONS: Sullivan-absent information at 503-630-8723. Tillamook Forest- ODF announced today that all of its districts on NW Oregon Fire Protection Assoc., which includes all of Tillamook State Forest is entering fire season at Level 1. Crystal Crowder stated that TSF will be at Level 2 on Friday. Nicoli area will be holding the 3rd and final work party June 20th Teresa COMPETITION: Kyle Wiebold-Good turn out with 76 rigs at the Moonshiners Play Day in Toppenish, WA. The work party at Ethel June 6th and 7th was very successful. Steve Zenter said they used the Ethel fund for the rock on the road. Steve also brought a flyer for he August 1416th Summer Convention at Ethel. He would like Region 3 to review and let him know if there are any suggestion on the flyer. Kristen Smith made a motion for Region 3 to give $250.00 to Summer Convention for kid prizes. Greg Haigwood seconded. Motion carried. Steve ask Crystal Crowder if her club Pistons Wild would be to bring the RTI ramp and run the ramp at summer convention. She said she needed to take it back to the club and she would let him know. OREGON LAND MATTERS: Greg Haigwood- Ladee Flats OHV-On June 27th in Estacada there will be a stake holders meeting at the Clackamas River Ranger District Office 595 NW Industrial Way Estacada, OR 97023 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. It will focus on mostly class 2 information. It will be a good place and time to voice your option and/or ideas for what can be done to improve the area. Please spread the word. You can contact Ryan Bussmuss at the office for more WASHINGTON LAND MATTERS: Crystal Crowder- Attended the WA DNR Recreation policy meeting June 12th.OHV are having separate meetings. Right now the trail policy is looking good. Crystal also attended the DNR TAG meeting, in attendance Watch That 4Wheelers. DNR has issues a burn ban at this time. There has been a fire east of Jones Creek, burned about 8 acres. seconded. The motion carried. Kristen will mail the flyers and hotel info to the clubs. Marty asked for help with lunch and help with dinner on the trail. Crystal will talk to DNR asking for the meeting on the trail if they will accept PNW stickers, Discover Pass and OHV stickers to park and drive on the trails. Operation Shore Patrol will be Sept. 19th at Driftwood. Kyle Wiebold made a motion to give $250.00 toward the event, Kristen second the motion. Motion Carried. Good of the Order August 2nd.- Mile Hi Jeep Club Colorado Run 2016 - Moab Easter Jeep Safari 2016 - King of the Hammers UPCOMING EVENTS CLUB POWER/WE DIDIT/QUILL POWER/IAD: Don and Carol JensenSeveral wilderness proposals in Congress. June 20th Life is a Journey Poker Run, Tillamook State Forest, Browns Camp staging area-Pistons Wild WAYS AND MEANS: Kristen Smith-no report June 20th and 21st PNW4WDA Independent Racers Play day Ethel, WA OLD BUSINESS: Tony reported the Rose Festival float they had 11 drivers and 14 to tow. It all went well. NEW BUSINESS: Marty said the Fall Delegates Sept. 12th meeting has been moved. The new location for the meeting will be the Fern Prairie Fire Station #91. The lodging will be at the Best Western in Washougal 121 South 2nd Street Washougal, WA 98671. There will be the meeting and then going to the Yacolt Burn to run the newly opened trails. Lunch and dinner will be provided. Kristen Smith made a motion for $600.00 to go to the Fall Delegates meeting. Crystal Crowder July 4th and 5th 4 At a Time Play day, Ethel, WA Sept 12th Saturday Fall Delegates Meeting, Washougal, WA Sept.27th 4X4 Cruise-In Woody’s 4X4 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:30 Respectfully Submitted, Annell Morgan Region 3 Secretary ~ The June board meeting was teleconferenced. PNW is trying to consolidate Facebook pages. They are also looking into a mobile app for the PNW. Marty reported on the Club Power, he was told by PNW that if Region 3 has suggestions on making submitting easier, to submit to the PNW. Marty heard from Kathy”Frogg” McMains concerning the Trasharoos, she said they will be too expensive for the PNW to purchase. Marty ask that the information of purchasing Trasharoos be taken back to the clubs members for their input and if Region 3 member would be interested in purchasing Trasharoos. Crystal Crowder asked Marty how much money did the PNW make when they raffled off the BFG tires. Marty said he did not know and would try to find out. VICE DIRECTOR: Kristen Smith-no report SECRETARY: Annell MorganSuggested that if you have a lengthy report to submit a copy so the 4-Wheelin’ News JULY 2015 9 10 JULY 2015 www.pnw4wda.org PACIFIC NORTHWEST 4-WHEEL-DRIVE ASSOCIATION OREGON—WASHINGTON—IDAHO BOARD TELECONFERENCE June 3, 2015 President Angie Marek (Spanaway Moonshiners) called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM; she asked that you remember to state your name when speaking so we know who is talking. President Angie said that she hoped everyone had read the reports that had been e-mailed because the purpose of this meeting is to just go over any new items that were not on the written reports. ROLL CALL: The following had signed in on the call: Parliamentarian Luke May (Dirty 13 & Outdoor 4X4’s); President Angie Marek (Spanaway Moonshiners); Secretary Sande Nettnin (Desert Rats); Treasurer Dave McMains (Hurtin’ Units & Columbia Basin Sand Commandos); Oregon Executive Director Dan Haak (Harney County High Desert Wheelers); Washington Executive Director Adrian Valliere (The Hombres); IAD #2 & Insurance Carol Jensen (Sand Fleas & PNW Individual Members Club); Region 1 Director Angela Holm (Happy Campers); Region 2 Director Dan Morris (County Line Off Road); Region 3 Director Marty Tilford (Vancouver 4-Wheelers); Region 4 Director Earl Nettnin (Desert Rats); Region 6 Director Ann Haak (Harney County High Desert Wheelers); Region 7 Director Mique Kardell (Spokane 4-Wheelers); Safety Education Rob Stafford (Overbored Racing & Cascade 4X4’s); Web Master Rich Holm (Happy Campers); Trail Jamboree Chairman Ed Weber (Cascade 4X4’s); We Did It Club Power Kathy Greenwood (Offroad Animals). NOT SIGNED IN: Membership Kristin Smith (Mud-a-Rama, Sand Fleas, Flat Broke & 4-Wheelin’ & Hubs in-4-Wheelers); Ways & Means (Kathy (Frogg) McMains (Hurtin’ Units & Columbia Basin Sand Commandos); Competition Chairman Steve Zentner (Push & Pulls); Tri-Power Editor Ron McDonald (Clark County 4-Wheelers) and IAD #1 & Video Chairman Don Jensen (Sand Fleas & PNW Individual Members Club) was going to sign in late. GUESTS: Diana Stafford (Overbored Racing & Cascade 4X4’s); Grace May (Dirty 13 & Outdoor 4x4’s); Dan Marek (Spanaway Moonshiners) and Lolli Bunce (Rocky Mountain Rebels) from Idaho. Lolli has expressed an interest in becoming our Region 8 Director. Dan Haak made a motion seconded by Earl Nettnin that the board support President Angie’s appointment of Lolli Bunce as Region 8 Director; motion carried unanimously. Earl Nettnin made a motion seconded by Dave McMains to accept the Board minutes from March 7, 2015; motion carried. TREASURER: Dave McMains had a written report. Dave said things are going pretty well. We have had some requests for refunds for Trail Jamboree cancellations; however we have been able to pick up some from the Trail Jamboree’s wait list. Dave said Frogg is going to be putting in an order for Ways & Means. Dave said Randy & Mona Drake had asked for 300 bags for Creek & Trail for Father’s Day weekend and they didn’t have that many. Dave asked former PR Chairman Diana Stafford if she still had any and she thought she did and will send them to the Drakes. Dave asked if there were any questions on his report. Carol Jensen asked where on the report it showed the Associate members. Dave said they were included under the Membership Dues and Fees and he did not break it down. Dave said he would e-mail Carol what the Associate Member dues was running this year. Carol wanted to be sure that all of them listed in Tri-Power had paid. Kristin Smith was also checking on this. Ann Haak made a motion seconded by Carol Jensen to accept the Treasurer’s Report as printed; motion carried. Other Money Matters: Dave asked what we were doing with the Daffodil Storage Unit. Jim Putman (The Hombres) told Dave everything was gone except a few boxes of paper work. President Angie said she would have Jim bring it to Dan Marek’s Insurance Office and it would be gone through to see just how much of it we needed to save. This is a bill we would like to dispense with as soon as possible. Jim Putman reminded Dave that he needs a generic donation letter for Trail Jamboree and the Region 2 Fun Run. President Angie has tried to send it to him twice but was unsuccessful; she will try sending again. MEMBERSHIP REPORT - Kristin Smith had a written report; she was not signed in to the call, her mother is very ill. Kristin had a question about the 100% PNW rule for members. Several clubs have people who are listed as club members but not paid and she wanted to know if she could move them into the inactive file - answer yes we had discussed that before don’t remove them in case they come back, but put them in her inactive file. Marty Tilford asked the question what can we do to get more members. Carol Jensen said If we knew we could solve every organization’s membership problems. Kristin is working with Vieth, sometimes actual numbers of what our membership is doesn’t agree with Vieth’s system. Carol asked what contacts meant and Honorary members listed didn’t match what was listed. The report showed 36 honorary members only 2 were listed 1 in Region 2 and 1 in Region 4. Honorary members are all the ones that have been voted in plus all the past presidents. Contacts are (FS) Forest Service, (BLM) Bureau of Land Management, (DNR) Department of Natural Resources, businesses etc that receive Tri-Power. Marty Tilford didn’t have any questions on the report, he said in the past we had given small decals to every member when they paid their dues and he was wondering if we could do that again. Discussion followed and this will be brought up at Fall Delegates asking the delegates if this was something they wanted to do. Carol Jensen was still confused as to how the contacts were listed. We will have to ask Kristin how this worked. SECRETARY Sande Nettnin had a written report. She asked Rich Holm if he had made the changes in the SOP’s to the Membership Guidelines that were passed at the March Board meeting. Rich is working on it; it will be done soon. STATE DIRECTOR’S REPORTS IDAHO - President Angie asked Lolli Bunce if she would like to share what’s been going on in Idaho. Lolli was just appointed today as Region 8 Director. Lolli shared that they were planning a fund raising event called Extreme Downhill Barbie Jeep Race August 22nd in Menden, Utah. A flyer will be out soon. Lolli will send a digital copy of the flyer to Rich Holm and he will put it on the Web site; also Region Directors will get a copy so they can help promote it. Lolli said she has been in contact with the FS and BLM. They will be assisting the Montpelier Ranger District with a project. They have also joined the Utah 4-Wheel Drive Association. She said she has been in some sit down meetings with the Ranger Districts in Utah; and they are looking at building some trails for the over 50 inch class. They said they realized that we needed some places to play on the Utah side also. Lolli is very hopeful, she has had good response and is hopeful she can get some things going in Idaho. OREGON - Director Dan Haak had a written report. Dan said the State meeting is set for January 16 at WARN Industries more information will be coming. Dan said he and Ann would be at Trail Jamboree to help out anyway they can. Dan said there would be some races in Camas Valley; Lakeview Tuff Truck Competition July 4 & 5 which they will attend. Dan also said that they are now official full time RVers and they would be in Canada for the month of September. WASHINGTON- Director Adrian Valliere had a written report. Adrian said all the Trail Counters have been delivered. Adrian said he still has 3 in his possession. We also have an infra-red one that we are checking out. Adrian said at the Naches work party this past weekend we had 760 hours of volunteer work turned in. Adrian shared some Legislative news; the gas tax will increase by 12 cents a gallon; Senate Bill 5987 & Senate Bill 5988 will take that over 3 Million dollars per Biennium of new gas tax money and allocated for ORV purposes. OHV bills we support are House Bill 1160 this would have increased the fines for dumping small quantities of liter on public land; however this didn’t go anywhere. House Bill 1918 would have let you get a title for an ORV without the standard Vin number; didn’t pass. Senate Bill 5617 didn’t pass, it would have lifted the 23 cents a gallon cap on ORV gas tax allocation. Senate Bill 5205 didn’t pass; this would have allowed spouses to pool their volunteer hours to get a free Discover Pass. Cle Elum will be opening trails for WATV June 29th in the Table Mountain area around Liberty. It will be open to street legal side by Continued on page 12 4-Wheelin’ News JULY 2015 11 Continued from page 11 side vehicles that are licensed. Dave McMains said everything was pretty much opened on the Lion Rock side of the Liberty riding area; nothing on the West side of 97 will be open. Very little in the Manastash will be open and Naches has not finalized anything yet. ORV tags work on trails not roads. Earl said in Yakima County there are no ATV’s on County Roads licensed or not. President Angie said she had word from WOHVA (this is a win) Mason County Superior Court upheld the position concerning the Discover Pass requirements as they relate to vehicles dual registered as both ORV and street vehicles. DNR has indicated they may appeal and might be looking for funds to help support it. IAD #1 & #2 - Don and Carol Jensen had a written report. They had nothing new to report. Carol did ask that we all read the paper called One Voice that was attached to their report. COMPETITION - Steve Zentner had a written report, but was not signed in to the call, he was attending Baccalaureate for his son. We had to cancel the barrel race in Longview and we are looking at things for next year. REGION DIRECTOR’S REPORTS Region 1 Director Angela Holm had a written report. She had nothing new to report. Angela said the Northwest Offroad Expo was coming along, they are getting sponsors and working with the Thomas Family Farms; they have 100 people already signed up to participate. They say everything is on track. Region 2 Director Dan Morris had a written report. He said he had forgotten to mention a couple things; one was the issue about the wording for the Poker Run/ Fun Run event so that it would comply with the WA State Gambling regulations. The other thing was that they are looking at updating/keeping/or revising their Region 2 Logo. Anyone having any ideas please contact Dan Morris. Region 3 Director Marty Tilford had a written report. Marty said they were changing Fall Delegates from Astoria tentatively to the Best Western Motel in Washougal, WA and the meeting place will be at the Fern Prairie Fire Station #91. The plan is to fast track the meeting and have a run to the Yacolt Burn to run the trails and Region 3 would provide dinner on the trail. This way we could see the work Piston’s Wild has done and what DNR has let them do. If this doesn’t work they will have a trail run Sunday morning. President Angie said she thought we could have the meeting finished by 3 PM. More information will be coming as soon as it is finalized. This meeting is open to everyone. Region 4 Director Earl Nettnin had a written report. He stated that the TWIG meeting and the Collaborative Group meetings had been cancelled. Some of the Collaborative Group of people would like to see all motorized out of the forest. Folks we have an uphill fight on our hands. They are doing their best to get roads closed. When the comment period comes, please write letters we don’t want our trails closed; the trails are in the Little Naches water shed. The work party at Liberty went well; everything was open before Labor Day Weekend. The work party on the Naches Trail went very well and we had 760 volunteer hours; Earl said they had not counted the people who stayed in camp and did the cooking and cleanup around camp. Kathy Greenwood also stated that the West side of the Naches trail has been fixed and we just need to get the A-OK from the Forest Service. She said they had used bolts instead of nails or big spikes. Earl said they had used bolts on the work that was done on our side of the trail too they were 5/8 bolts and about 16 inches long. Adrian Valliere asked when the comment period on the Little Naches Restoration comes he would like to be notified; Earl will notify everyone. There will be no work done on the Little Crow Restoration until 2016. Region 6 Director Ann Haak did not have a written report. She said they are working on Winter Convention February 12, 13 & 14, 2016 at the Bend River House in Bend, Oregon . She said you will have a choice of a room with a river view or a room without the river view. They still have to sign the contract. They have a race going on at Camas Valley put on by their newest club The Rev Limiters August 29 & 30 out of Roseburg, OR. July 4th High Country out of Lakeview is having a Tuff Truck Challenge at the Lakeview County Fair Grounds. They had a successful work party at Christmas Valley Sand Dunes with 30 volunteers; the BLM thought it would take 3 hours to get all the fence put in and it took one hour. They ran out of material. They were supposed to install the trail counters on the McGrew Trail for the Creek & Trail Run on Mother’s Day only Ann has had trouble getting the right program on her computer and the tech people aren’t answering her e-mails or calls. Ann has an Apple computer and in the paper work it says it should work with that. She said they are still having trouble getting the permit for Creek & Trail on time. Ground Hog Rock Crawl is June 27th this is the 9th annual one. Earl suggested Ann talk with Ron Rutherford to see if he might be able to shed some light on things with the counter. Adrian will do some checking too. Region 7 Director Mique Kardell did not have a written report. She said she had nothing to report. Region 8 Director Lolli Bunce said they have a web site it is www.rockymountainrebels. They also have a face book page. APPOINTED POSITION’S REPORTS Club Power/We Did It - Chairman Kathy Greenwood had a written report. Kathy said she has received several work party paper work activities and they are all being filled out very well. Mr. Gary Harting had not missed dotting an I or crossing a T. She said it was filled out perfectly. She said it’s been rough, but it will get better. Marty Tilford said he had sent an e-mail to the board about why we fill out these forms and just what does it get us. He said his Region would like to see a real world example from start to finish on what these forms are used for. He asked why we can’t just turn in a copy of the DNR or Forest Service forms. His other question was what can we do to make our forms easier to fill out. Discussion followed and filling out these forms is our back up. Kathy said she is open to any suggestions so if you have ideas on how to make filling out the forms easier write something up and send it to her and she will take a look at it. PR this position is still open. If you know of someone who might be interested in doing this, please contact President Angie and she will follow up on it. Back to Region 3 - Marty Tilford said he forgot to mention that Jeep Jamboree USA is having an event in the Tillamook State Forest, in Oregon. They have 100 rigs and they don’t have to donate any hours of volunteer work to the Forest Service. This event is booked up solid; they have a permit and all they do is come up and run the trails and leave. Local clubs are required to donate a certain amount of volunteer hours back to the forest to help off-set the trails they use; so Marty wanted some help writing a letter to them seeking a donation to the Tillamook State Forest trail fund. President Angie will help with this. Safety Education Director Rob Stafford did not have a written report. He said there has been no activity since his last report. Trail Jamboree - Chairman Ed Weber had a written report. Ed said he was starting to reach panic mode! Ed said he was having some staging issues, trailer parking and a few camping issues. Discussion followed on that and Ed said there would be no assigned camping spots this year. Ed said we need to work on making people feel welcome. We still don’t know if we can use Copper City instead of the Clover Springs/Mud Springs if the logging is on-going. We are still short one host group but it will be OK and we probably will have it covered since some of the trails only had a few on them and one that no one sign up so probably we will be OK. We still need a sponsor for our Saturday night’s dinner. Discussion followed and the PNW will step up and take care of the Saturday night dinner. Ed will contact Whistlin Jacks and see what they can do for us. Breast Cancer benefit run needs to have t-shirts ordered. Raffle prizes are needed; chemical toilets have been ordered; the spill kits products have been ordered. Ed said if anyone has concerns get a hold of him. Ed said he had received a bill from the Forest Service that had not been paid in 2013 so he went ahead and paid it. Ed wants to have at least one First Aid kit on each run; he will send out a list as to what should be in it. Next year it will be Continued on page 13 12 JULY 2015 www.pnw4wda.org Continued from page 12 required for one person of the host group to have a First Aid CPR Card. The 50/50 raffle half will go to crawling for a cure. Marty Tilford asked if Dave McMains had received the invoice for the spill kits. Dave said he had just found it and will pay it. Marty will pick them up and bring them to Jamboree where they will be stuffed into packets. Ways & Means - Kathy (Frogg) McMains is working on getting some trash bags. Marty Tilford had asked about contacting Trash-A-Rue and seeing if we could put our PNW logo put on their trash bags and sell them. Frogg is looking into that. Marty also suggested plastic bags like they use when they pick up garbage on the highway. Frogg will have t-shirts at Jamboree for sale too. If you have any ideas for her let her know. She is open to looking at different items. Web Master - Rich Holm is working on the Web site to have mobile devices available. He is working with Vieth on this and they have a package available that will migrate everything to their new system that will enable it to be used with the Content Management. Cost of the package is $1200 and is up to 50 hours of their time to do re-writes and training. Discussion followed and Dan Morris made a motion seconded by Don Jensen that we give approval to have Rich move forward with the mobile update; motion carried. Rich said he believed the BOD e-mail address is now working. Tri-Power - Editor Ron McDonald was not signed in on the call and did not have a written report. President Angie asked if there was anything she should pass on to Ron. Video - Chairman Don Jensen had a written report. Don said we have three new Jeep Race DVD’s. They are ready to be checked out. Insurance - Carol Jensen had a written report. Carol said the July and August certificates have gone out. Carol said our new club the Rocky Mountain Rebels had applied for insurance for their event; however, our insurance company chose not to cover that type of event. So we hope they will be able to find insurance elsewhere. Sande Nettnin asked if clubs had to be a member of the association for a year before they could get insurance; Carol said we have been letting new clubs do that. Sande will check in the SOP’s and see what it says. OLD BUSINESS We already discussed Club Power/We Did It and the Trail Counters. Marty Tilford asked about the PNW Face Book again. Seems like there are at least 3; one for Trail Jamboree and 2 for PNW. We need to get this to one page. Seems like there is one that seems to look like it is ours, but it’s not a positive Face Book page. Discussion followed and Rich Holm and President Angie will work on this. If anyone else wants to help on this let Rich and Angie know. NEW BUSINESS Ed Weber said David Adams from Moab received his action tracker wheel chair that we all pitched in and help buy; David wanted to say thank you. The Jeepers from the Northwest had contributed to this. We raised about $19,000 in about 6 weeks. This has tractor treads on the wheel chair that allows him to use it on the trails without a Jeep. Earl Nettnin asked what recourse we might have when and if we get tangled up with the people who are wanting to close things; if they don’t get their way they plan to sue. President Angie said we have an attorney, legal fund, WOHVA, Blue Ribbon etc and we can call an emergency board meeting to discuss what action to take. President Angie said Crystal Crowder (Piston’s Wild) is still asking for use of our PNW Mailing list. Angie has asked that it brought up at Fall Delegates to see what the delegates say. We need to have this brought up to the delegates and see what their feelings on this are and if necessary we can update our SOP’s to reflect the wishes of the delegates. At our March 7, 2015 Board meeting we adopted the following under Membership Guidelines: 1. Membership list - the PNW4WDA membership list will not be given in its entirety without Board or President approval. 1A. Region Directors may have access to their respective region rosters. State Directors may have access to their respective state roster subject to #1. Del Albright sent a message that more and more folks are involved in off road OHV recreation than ever. More ATV’s and JK Jeeps are being bought than the market ever expected. Usage of OHV recreation on public and private land is at an all time high. Yet club and association membership seems to be at an all time low or near that. Del said there is nothing more powerful than voices when we have to go to the hall of congress. We need to figure out how to encourage membership in clubs and associations. Del has a post on Face Book where you can join in the discussion. This problem is not just in the Northwest, but is everywhere. President Angie said there are some negative comments on the Northwest Wheelers Forum about our organization and she did not appreciate down grading our organization. Discussion followed and we need to be aware that this is going on. OPERATION SHORE PATROL - President Angie has submitted the paper work for us to obtain the copyright and it came back stating they needed more information. President Angie has gathered the information they requested and is moving forward with it. There is a RCO meeting June 25, 2015 at 11:30 AM in Olympia. They are going to consider amendments to the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) regarding public records. The purpose of the rule making is to revise existing definitions; add new definitions; update agency contact information; revise the mission, goals and duties of the RCO Funding Board. The proposed amendments are in the Washington State Register issue number 15-11 and the Recreation and Conservation Office rule making Web page. The agenda and meeting materials for the meeting is on the meeting Web page. Gaming Regulations: The Outcast 4X4’s got a phone call from the Gaming Commission about their Poker run. The Quadra Paws sent President Angie paper work on the WA State Gambling Regulations and how they handled it. Discussion followed on what the requirements for a gaming license are. ANNOUNCEMENTS - Region 2 Fun Run is August 2, 2015 FUTURE BOARD MEETINGS - December 5, 2015 Board meeting in Longview, WA - Place TB FUTURE DELEGATES MEETINGS Summer Convention August 14-16, 2015 in Ethel hosted by Comp Committee Fall Delegates Meeting September 12, 2015 - Hosted by Region 3 in Washougal, WA Winter Convention February 12, 13, 14, 2016 hosted by Region 6 in Bend, Oregon HEARING NO FURTHER GROUP GRIPES OR MONKEY BUSINESS - The meeting adjourned at 9:21 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Sande Nettnin, PNW4WDA Secretary ~ 4-Wheelin’ News JULY 2015 13 ATTEN TI O N TO ONE AND ALL DON’T FORGET TO TAKE PICTURES & WRITE UP A STORY ABOUT THE EVENT(S) YOU HAVE GONE TO .THANK YOU, RON EMAIL: tripower@pnw4wda.org 14 JULY 2015 www.pnw4wda.org 4’s Club Power/We Did It person. Thank you Gary for hanging in there. Ron Rutherford (Jeepin’ Nomads) will be filling out the paper work for the Naches work party and getting it to Gary for submission. Jr. Jeepers Chairman Teia Ireland (Individual Member) was not present and had not sent a report. Trail Jamboree Chairman Ed Weber (Cascade 4X4’s) said he is in panic mode. Ed is a member of Region 2 and usually does not attend our Region meetings. Because of the dry weather we are hoping the forest will not be shut down. Earl Nettnin Region 4 Director June 9, 2015 Selah, WA Region Director Earl Nettnin (Desert Rats) called the meeting to order at 7: 30 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and moment of silence for the sick and departed was observed. No guests were present. Minutes: Secretary Sande Nettnin (Desert Rats) said she had one correction for the minutes. She said under Trail Counters she printed there were 2688 people that had been counted from the middle of January through April 1st and it should have been vehicles. Gary Harting (Desert Rats) made a motion seconded by Doug Conner (Roamin’ Chariots) that we accept the corrected minutes; motion carried. Treasurer’s Report was given by Treasurer Sande Nettnin; we have no outstanding bills at this time. COMP: A play day was held in Toppenish hosted by the Spanaway Moonshiners over the Memorial Day Week-end. It was well attended and everyone had a great time. Groundhog Rock Crawl will be June 27, 2015 hosted by the Deschutes County 4-Wheelers; information can be found on their web site www.desc hutescounty4wheelers.com. Membership: report. Nothing new to PNW’s Web Site: Web Master Rich Holm (Happy Campers) is doing a good job keeping it up. Club Power/We Did It Chairman Gary Harting said we have had some activity turned in to him; he also said he had sent a letter to the PNW President Angie Marek (which he read tonight) on the way things were handled at Winter Convention regarding paper work that he had sent to the Club Power/We Did It Chairman Kathy Greenwood (Off Road Animals). She had not allowed any of the paper work he had sent in because she said it was not filled out properly, so none of Region 4’s volunteer hours or people were counted in her report. Gary did not know this until she made that announcement at Winter Convention. Since that time Gary turned in paper work for the clean-up at Jim Sprick Park. Gary also read a letter that he had received from Kathy after she received this paper work telling him that it was perfect this time and she was sorry for last year’s miss communications and she is trying to improve each day. She also said she appreciated him staying on as Region 4-Wheelin’ News Pick Up A Mountain Chairman Alicia Palachuk said she has sent information in to Tri-Power asking it be printed in the June, July and August issues. Alicia handed out flyers tonight that had the order form on the back for t-shirts. She said the colors are safety colors, pink, green and orange. She said the pink ones do not come in tall size the others do. Sweatshirts will also be the safety green or orange; they will also be available in tall. She will be contacting Yakima Waste to arrange for the dumpster. She went to Oregon a couple weeks ago to visit her parents and while there she purchased a few items for the kids prizes (no tax). She also would like donations for the teenagers. She also asked the region for a donation for raffle prizes. Randy Hayes (Columbia Basin Sand Commandos) made a motion seconded by Gloria Joralemon (Shindig Wheelers) that the region donate $300 for raffle prizes; motion carried. The Region Secretary/Treasurer will send a letter with the check to Carl Niebuhr at Olympic 4X4 to have him pick out the prizes for us. Carl is happy to do this for us and he has been very generous to us. In the past we had received a couple of very nice baskets from Nile Valley Meats and we will be asking them for a donation again this year. Things are coming along. Teia Ireland asked Alicia to ask for a couple of adults to help her with the little kids games, so if you feel this is something you would like to help with please contact Teia or Alicia. Randy Hayes will be heading up the Corn Shucking contest again. The Columbia Basin Sand Commandos will be cooking and serving the Sunday breakfast. The menu will be coffee, juice, pancakes, scrambled eggs and maybe fruit. PR Clay Graham (Individual Member) was not present tonight ; he is doing a good job of getting information out for us. Thank you, Clay. LAND MATTERS Juniper Dunes - Doug Conner visited Juniper Dunes via Peterson Road June 8th in his air conditioned Jeep, 105 degrees. The private portion of Peterson Road had been watered and graded and there were new “No Trespassing” signs coming and going. There is a huge pile of gravel at the airstrip across the highway and Doug is guessing since the county isn’t going to fix the road maybe the owner is. There is a new crop circle across Peterson Road from the turn in to Smith Canyon. The last word we had was that the county is still on schedule to have the new road a mile east of Peterson Road finished early in 2017. Ahtanum - Ron Rutherford reported that DNR has locked gates again in the Ahtanum. One gate is on the Middle Fork Ahtanum Road at Eagles Nest the other is on the North Fork Ahtanum Road at Snow Cabin Campground; so you can’t get over Darland Mountain. DNR feels the reason is 70% of the people are tearing things up and 30% are trying to do things the right way. These closures are due to weekend warriors who turn areas into mud bogs. After reading the article in the Yakima Herald Ron immediately put in a phone call to Jeff Jones (DNR) and Jeff said the decision to close things came after the last weekend. Ron informed Jeff that he was one who really supported and went after funding for the new Enforcement Officer Richard Rhea and he wanted to know where he was. Jeff said he was working in the Wenas area. Jeff Jones has just seen a couple pictures; and not had an opportunity to go and look at it; they just decided to close it. They plan to go and look at it the end of the month and will decide what it needs to rehab and hope to have it open for the 4th of July. Mike Palachuk (Shindig Wheelers) said it had popped up on the off camber web site; saying the damage has been there for many years. Ron said the gates are locked so he can’t legally go in and look at it unless he walks it. Discussion followed and our delegates said they thought DNR should have to check things out and be sure they have the correct information before they automatically close and lock gates. Ron hopes to go with Jeff Jones to check it out soon. DNR only has two enforcement officers in Eastern Washington. BBQ Flats should be finished next week. TWIG - The meeting scheduled for June 3rd was canceled and meetings will resume in the fall. Travel Management - nothing new Naches Collaborative meetings are still on-going for the Little Naches and Little Crow. Ron Rutherford attended a steering committee meeting May 26th. Ron said our group presented to the Ranger that we liked what we saw on the Little Crow Project; and would not support closing the 1921 Road. The environmentalists want it closed and removed physically. Ron said another meeting will be held on June 24th. The steering committee is going to work on pushing a work plan so everyone can work together. Ron said this Little Naches and Little Crow Restoration Project will be on going for many years, the funding for this runs out in 2019. They were going to have a public meeting on the restoration project; but the Ranger decided we didn’t need to have one. Earl reminded everyone when the comment period comes up on the time line we all had better make written comments. We will do our best to let everyone know when to make comments. Discussion followed and a lot of our people said they had encountered people who didn’t know anything about the Little Naches Restoration. It would be nice to have some kind of paper work to hand these people to educated them. They need to know what’s happening in our forest. They need to know that next year they may not be able to enjoy their favorite camping and wheeling places. William Rutherford (Jeepin’ Nomads) said first of all if we were going to do this we would need someone to take a Forest Service Map and pinpoint the locations where the closures might take place so everyone would have the same information saying this is how it will affect your recreation. Secondly he had heard a speech by Dan Newhouse speaking on the overall forest health. William said he felt we should try and get Dan Newhouse on board with what’s happening on the forest to help us in our fight to keep things open. Earl will look into setting up a meeting with Dan Newhouse to bring him up to speed. William offered to sit in on this meeting also. Lots more discussion followed and some of our members were wondering if it was time to join forces with other organizations in this fight like WOHVA, Blue Ribbon etc. We are members of both WHOVA and Blue Ribbon who can help us in JULY 2015 our fight with the legislation. Because we are a non-profit group (our 501c (4) rating) we are limited in what we can do. Naches Trail work party report was given by Ron Rutherford. Ron said we had started planning this work party a year ago and the plan came together May 28, 29, 30 and 31. We had ten clubs; one of them were the Ski Benders and another the Gleed Boys; we also had a few volunteers who just came along and wanted to help. After all was said and done we had 760 volunteer hours turned in to the Forest Service. This was a very successful work party, great weekend. Ron wanted to say thank you to everyone who helped with the project. Ron is working on getting the paper work filled out and turned in for Club Power/We Did It. Ron is also putting together a power point for the Forest Service complete with pictures. Ron also plans to do an article for Tri-Power. Thank you Ron for all your efforts. Kaner Work Party scheduled for June 27th has been moved to August 1st & 2nd. They only need 10 - 12 people. Materials will be brought in on July 31st kind of like we did on the Naches work party. Terry Joralemon (Shindig Wheelers) is the person of contact for this project . Oak Creek will have a meeting Tuesday June 16th. Ron Rutherford represents motorized on this committee. Ron said on the agenda will be the South Fork of the Cowiche and motorized trails. The end of June Ron will be out for a day with Ross Huffman in the Milk Creek area to look at trails. OLD BUSINESS June 3rd was the PNW Board Teleconference. Earl announced that Fall Delegates has been moved from Astoria, OR to Washougal, WA at Best Western Motel and the meeting will be held at the Fern Prairie Fire Station #91. The plan is to fast track the meeting and have a run to the Yacolt Burn and Region 3 will provide dinner Saturday night. Winter Convention February 12th - 14th, 2016 will be in Bend, OR at the Bend River House. We have a new Region 8 Director in Idaho, her name is Lolli Bunce. She lives in Weston, ID. She is a member of the Rocky Mountain Rebels. Lolli has been busy working with the Forest Service and BLM. She has had several sit down meetings with the Ranger Districts in Utah. This is a big plus for us, as we have been wanting to get something going in Idaho for some time. Earl said he had asked what the procedure is if we need to take legal action because of the people who are wanting to close things have indicated if they don’t get their way they plan to sue. The answer was we have an attorney, legal fund, WOHVA, Blue Ribbon etc. and we can call an emergency Board meeting to discuss what action to take. Being non-profit we have to operate within our guidelines. WOHVA and Blue Ribbon are aware of some of what’s been happening with the Little Naches Restoration. When the time comes we will get them more involved. Gary Harting said the time has come and he wanted to know if there are any specific people that were liaisons with the organizations we belong to and support that we could contact. yes, Don Amador with Blue Ribbon and Byron Stuck with WOHVA are willing to work with us. Ron said he felt we need a professional coach to assist us in keeping one step ahead of the environmentalists; that being Conservation Northwest and Marine Fisheries. More discussion and the conscious is we need to act now. We also have our Inter Association Director positions with the PNW Don & Carol Jensen who stand ready to help also. Mike Palachuk commented that the 4-Wheel drive and Off Road magazines have a land use complaint Continued on page 16 15 the Forest Service. May 22, 23, 24 & 25 Memorial Weekend they camped in the White Pass area with the Roamin’ Chariots and did some wood cutting, trail survey, and put a trail counter in on the Short and Dirty Trail, they didn’t see any major trail damage. They were involved with the Naches Trail Work party May 28, 29, 30 & 31. In June their Nomad camp out will be at Sleepy Park. Continued from page 15 section, stating what’s going on but he never sees anything about Washington State or the Northwest; this might be a job for our PR person, however, this position on the PNW Board is open. NEW BUSINESS RCO is having a meeting June 25, 2015 in Olympia to consider amendments to the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) regarding public records. This meeting is for the RCO Funding Board. Yakima Valley Timberwolves - Don Andrews reported they attended the race in Toppenish Memorial weekend, they had a couple events at Tampico Snow Park doing volunteer work and they logged in 104 volunteer hours. They have another work party June 27 at the Tampico Snow Park starting at 10 AM. Don said Clay Graham’s club had something planned for that weekend too so they will coordinate with him and work together on the project. GOOD OF THE ORDER Gloria Joralemon said thank you to the Region for letting her have the trophy for being the most inspirational in Region 4 for 2014; she said she was really honored to be a part of this association. At PUAM last year someone had won a door prize that they couldn’t use since they didn’t live in this area and they gave it back to us to give away. It is from Frank’s Tire Factory in Selah for a tire rotation and balance valued at $60. Terry Joralemon said he could use it. CLUB REPORTS Desert Rats - Gary Harting reported we had 2 runs one to Liberty and one to work on the Naches Project. We have a run to St. John to launch Sprint Boats over Father’s Day Weekend. Several of us will be attending Trail Jamboree either as camp hosts or trail hosts. Columbia Basin Sand Commandos - Ed Massey said they spent 12 days at Liberty and their Poker Run they had planned for Saturday May 23rd was canceled because trail conditions due to rain on Thursday and Friday made the trails impossible. They are going to Ryder Camp in the Manastash Father’s Day Weekend. They have a couple of broken rigs they plan to get fixed before Father’s Day. Roamin’ Chariots - Doug Conner reported that one third of the club attended the Naches work party. NEXT REGION 4 MEETING DATES July 14, 2015 7:30 PM Abby’s Pizza in East Wenatchee, WA August 11, 2015 30 PM in Pasco at Doug Conner’s Shop 7: Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association th Region 4 Presents the 7 Clean Up & Corn Feed SEPTEMBER 18-20, 2015 Jim Sprick Park - 13680 SR410, Naches (Dry camping $20/weekend) FUTURE EVENTS/WORK PARTIES June 13, 2015 Saw Certification for new people 8 AM Naches Ranger Station Activities planned entire weekend July 8 - 12, 2015 Trail Jamboree Shindig Wheelers - Terry Joralemon said their club split for Memorial weekend some went to the race in Toppenish and some went to Long Meadow. They are supposed to go to Rim Rock June 20th and going to Liberty for the 4th of July. Jeepin’ Nomads - Ron Rutherford said on May 11th three of them went up and did a trail condition survey for Meeting adjourned at 9:12 PM Find us on FB at Pick Up A Mountain or Contact: Respectfully Submitted, Sande Nettnin, Secretary Alicia Clay Earl ~ 2015 PRE-ORDER FORM Subject to Change T-Shirts: Safety Pink, Orange & Green * S/S: Safety Orange or Green QTY SIZE:S to 4XL COLOR FRIDAY PRICE/COST Specify if Tall Pink NOT Available in 6XL or Tall’s 509-697-4178 palachuk@charter.net 509-833-4472 GoPlay@EasternWashingtonAdventures.com 509-783-6481 Reg4Dir@pnw4wda.org SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Reg sizes=Small to 6XL & Talls=Large to 4XL TYPE Annual Total Arrive & Welcome! SIGN IN & Pay for Camping Receive Agenda & info Pick Up Preordered Shirts Purchase Raffle Tickets & related items Social time & music till 10pm – Bonfire Address_____________________ City, State, Zip________ SATURDAY 8am Driver Meeting at Tower Pick up the Mountain! & Trail Maintenance as needed 4pm @ the Infield ‘Check out Vendor Hour’ Turn in yellow ‘We Did It’ Forms Check for your Special ticket winnings Junior Jeepers items turn in deadline Junior Jeepers Corn Shucking Contest Followed by the Adult Corn Shucking Contest 6pm Potluck in the Midway 7:30 Junior Jeepers Winners Announced Raffle begins (major items only) Social, Music & Bonfire Phone #_____________________CLUB_______________ SUNDAY T-Shirt $15 Full Zip S/S w/Hood $35 Pullover S/S w/Hood $35 TOTALS Name _________________________________________ A LIMITED number of T’s only will be available at PUAM at an INCREASED cost 8-10am Pancake Breakfast Help needed to receive Park Deposit Unofficial Club Run(s) Send to: Alicia Palachuk 941 Cabin Lane Selah, WA 98942 OR e-mail to palachuk@charter.net Any questions, call 509-697-4178 ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED BY AUGUST 29th - THANKS Please make checks payable to PNW4WDA Region 4 16 THANKS SO MUCH for Attending & Participating! SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!!!! JULY 2015 www.pnw4wda.org Competition Report Hello all. As you read this we are in the heart of racing season. Summer Convention is right around the corner. Your competition committee is working hard to make this a great weekend for all. When I was a kid, Summer Convention was a huge event, with multiple activities for racers and nonracers. This year we are going to try to bring that back. AUGUST 14-16, 2015 at HAPP’S ETHEL, WA Pre-Register: $90.00- Must pre-register by July 31 (postmarked) At The Gate: $100.00- Includes immediate family (2 adults and dependent children under 21, no exceptions) Tech Fee: $10.00 per driver (15 and under free) Spectator Fee: $10.00 per person per day (age 15 and under free) Camping Only: $50.00 (includes spectator fees- no racing) Thursday-Sunday. Includes immediate family as listed above. If at any time during the weekend you decide to race, the difference that amounts to the full weekend rate will be charged at the gate, plus tech fees. NO EXCEPTIONS. Chairman: Steve Zentner 503-438-0590 stevenazentner@msn.com Co-Chair: Kyle Wiebold 360-772-5682 region3pnwtreasurer@gmail.com **NO OPEN HEADERS** Let’s start with the theme on the back of the shirts. 8 Regions. 2647 Members. 92 Clubs. One Summer Convention. As one the 2647 members reading this, I want you to realize that this is your event. We are adding a technical course this year. We are adding fun events. We are having a contest for best decorated camp. The attempt this year is for the trail rigs to join us. If you come out to camp and run the technical course, it’s only going to cost you fifty dollars – for three days of fun and entertainment. The racing will be top notch. The improvements to the infield allows us more visibility for spectators. For an additional forty dollars, you can race the drags, barrels, obstacle, and cross country courses as well. If we get enough trail rigs, we can run a street and trail only team relay. This is YOUR Summer Convention. Do you have an idea of something to add to the event? Please contact me or any of the region comp chairmen. If you haven’t been to Summer Convention for a while, or have never been, this is the year to give it a try. Hope to see you all on August 14 – 16. Actually – hope to see you all at as many playdays as you can make. Respectfully submitted, Steve Zentner PNW comp chairman ~ 4-Wheelin’ News **Please no shorts / short pants due to safety concerns** Directions: Exit 68 off I-5. Head east from freeway, left on Kiser Road, right on Larmon Road. Look for entrance signs. **FEATURING A FREE STREET AND TRAIL TECHNICAL COURSE. BRING YOUR STREET LEGAL RIG TO PARTICIPATE. YOU MUST BE A PNW4WDA MEMBER TO PARTICIPATE. SIGN UP ON SITE! ** ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY NIGHT. TROPHIES SATURDAY NIGHT. CAMP TROPHY FOR BEST THEMED CAMP. ADVANCE REGISTRATION: Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ______________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________ Club: ______________________ Comp #:_________________ Advance Reservation Total: $________________ Item: T-Shirts: Hoodies: Merchandise Orders: Price: Size: Quantity: $20.00 each __________ _________ $35.00 each __________ _________ Merchandise Total: $____________ Total: $___________ $___________ Grand Total: $_______________ Please mail completed form with payment to: PNW4WDA COMP COMMITTEE c/o Kristin Smith 7509 S 5th St Ste 101 PMB#B203 Ridgefield, WA 98642 REMINDER Deadline is the 21st of each month Artciles are best in a WORD (2003) doc Pictures in a ( jpg or tiff ) Ads are best since as a PDF email: tripower@pnw4wda.org JULY 2015 17 Naches Trail Work Party! We would like to thank the Rainier Ruffians, The Hombres, Tacoma Webfooters, Rednecks, Rugrats and all the other non club volunteers that showed up to help the Off Road Animals on this years Naches Trail Work Party! The West side bridges were repaired, Lots of rock was dumped and the rub rails were replaced until we ran out of hardware. This will definitely help to keep the trail safe for all that use it. There will be another work party at a later date to finish up repairs. I would like add a special thank you to Andy Michael for getting all the hardware for every rub rail we replaced! Hopefully with the new 6X6 rub rails the bridges will hold up better for many years to come. The weather was great and volunteers worked very hard. We had 6 volunteers on Friday, 19 volunteers on Saturday and 16 on Sunday and they were all great to work with! Thank you all for your hard work on Region 2 Trails! Dave Bauman and the Off Road Animals ~ 18 JULY 2015 www.pnw4wda.org 4-Wheelin’ News JULY 2015 19 We're Looking for Members WASHINGTON: BELFAIR PACK RATS Belfair, WA Sam (360) 275-5253 Piston’s Wild SW Washington/NW Oregon Crystal 360-606-1648 SPOKANE 4 WHEELERS Spokane, WA (509) 542-1244 info@pistonswild.com maryandart@comcast.net Oly Stumpjumpers 4x4 Club 18621 Hilt Street SW PNW Individual Member Club Rochester, WA 98579 Longview, WA (541) 848-5009 / (360) 273-5521 (360) 577-0111 DrESDanielson@aol.com Rednecks & Rugrats Jeep Club OUTCAST 4x4 South Prairie, WA Heath Moyer-(253) 350-2584 Dan (253) 863-6787 outcast4x4@hotmail.com www.outcast4x4 Thunder Trucks Auburn, WA John (253) 606-4019 or Thundertrucks4x4@hotmail.com The Tacoma Webfooters Ryan Flowers: 253-307-6358 TacomaWebfooters.com Yakima/Kittitas Forest Watch Selah, WA www.ykfwa.org Yakima Valley Timberwolves Yakima, WA Don 509-830-0917 Bruce 509-679-8740 White Knuckle 4x4 Puyallup, WA Gage Parrott jinxdtj@hotmail.com OREGON: 4 At A Time Hillsboro, OR (503) 628-4210 Deschutes County 4-Wheelers Bend, OR www.deschutescounty4wheelers.com FOUR RUNNERS Klamath Falls, OR (541) 545-1630 webmaster@fourrunners4x4.org www.fourrunners4x4.org GORGE RIDGE RUNNERS The Dalles, OR (541) 298-3487 IDAHO: 800-537-7845 Membership in the clubs listed above offer a wide variety of activities. If a club is not listed in your area call 800-537-7845 or visit our web site www.pnw4wda.org for a complete list of clubs. If you would like your club listed above e-mail us at: tripower@pnw4wda.org 20 JULY 2015 www.pnw4wda.org PHOTOs are OK with your ad. Classified Ads are FREE to PNW4WDA Members. Non- Members pay $10 per issue for up to 10 lines + a single photo. Submit ad By the 21st of the month: E-Mail to:tripower@pnw4wda.org, Or snail-mail it to: Tri-Power Makes checks payable to PNW4WDA 3902 NE 61st Ave. Vancouver, WA 98661 2 Weeks Free use of all Videos* Truetrac Lockers – Dana 30 AND Dana 35; 3:58 gear and above; purchased from Randy’s Ring and Pinion; ran in JP Wrangler. Selling as a pair for only $350. Contact: Vern at 360-581-1736 or twospots5@me.com 10-12 FOR SALE Used Soft Top for LJ. Excellent Condition in Burns area. $400 OBO, Call Eric at 541-493-2069. 6-12 1954 CJ3B Hi Hood This jeep has been off road one time. It lived on a farm hauling water pipe. It has a 231 V6 and a spare. Tilt wheel power steering and brakes. Two speed CJ5 wipers. Full cage, Warn 8000, Caddy hiback leather seats, new tires. I did a LOT of custom work. I have all the orig. parts. The body is old but NO rust or dents and has never been cut up!! Way to many things to list. I need to sell do to medical bills. I’m only asking 6500.00 cash or best offer. You can email me at:butchnguns@ comcast.net 6-10 WANTED I would like to buy USED out-board motor – RUNNING, 10 HP of less (Electric Start-ONLY) John in Klamath Falls,Oregon. 541-505-4248 2-15 1997 JEEP WRANGLER Clean low milage well built TJ. 88,000 miles. 2.5lt-4 cylinder 5 speed. Over $10,000 in after market parts, 6” long arm lift, 1” body, Dana 44 front and rear, ARB air lockers front and rear, 513 gears, rocker guards, corner guards, gas tank guard, roll cage, tire carrier bumper, high lift jack, 33” BFG MT, rear disc brakes, custom exhaust, high steer kit, CB, slip yoke eliminator, new clutch, soft top, bikini top, short throw shifter, after market seats and so on. $8,900 OBO. I have pics. Steve 425-864-5111 3-2012 71 fj40 for sale stock has not been cut up straight 6 3spd Tranny and "T" case Weber Carb and Manafre 6 into 1 header 2 small rust spots in driver side rocker panel dent in driver side rear corner has the hard top and a bikini top and half doors from specter off road. Everything works runs-drives-stops-all lights-heaterwiper work good. 5000.00 OBO maybe trade for a cj7 . Located in Western Montana . For more info call 406-830-6954. Steve 6-2015 4-Wheelin’ News JULY 2015 21 2015 Region 1 Meetings Angela Holm, DIRECTOR 31330 11th Place S. Federal Way, WA 98003 Cell: 206-617-9478 Reg1Dir@pnw4wda.org 3rd WEDNESDAY MONTHLY NO DECEMBER MEETING at 7:00pm-8:30pm - 4 Wheel Parts - Lynnwood 18121 Alderwood Mall Pkwy Lynnwood, WA 98037 Phone: 425-712-1366 Region 2 Meetings Dan Morris, DIRECTOR P.O. Box 494, Roy, WA 98580 253-376-6359 cell 360-458-0644 home Reg2Dir@pnw4wda.org Our meetings are Held at: 4 Wheel Parts 7602 S Tacoma Way Tacoma, WA Every 3rd Thursday of the month Except December. These meetings are open for anyone whom has an interest in our Wheeling community. If you drive a 4x4 Vehicle down one of our trails, We want to meet you! Come on out to a region meeting and Have a Slice of Pizza Provided by 4 Wheel Parts. Working hard to change our environment one Trail/person at a time. NO DECEMBER MEETING Region 3 Meetings Marty Tilford, DIRECTOR E-mail: Reg3Dir@pnw4wda.org Phone 360-600-5300 (Meetings are the third Tuesday of every month) at 7:00pm NO DECEMBER MEETING Held at: 4-Wheel Parts Performance Center 2700 SE 82nd Ave, Portland, OR 503-774-4000 All members and guests are welcome at this monthly meeting where Region 3 club delegates gather to discuss upcoming events and land matters for the Northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington 4x4 recreation areas. Please join us to learn about what is happening on our off-road trail systems in NW Oregon & SW Washington. This is also a great place to find out first hand about work parties, trail events and other 4x4 activities that are taking place. Guests are most welcome and we are always looking for new clubs and individual members to join the association and get involved! 22 Region 4 Meeting Aug. 2-8 Earl Nettnin, DIRECTOR 519 N Fisher Place Kennewick, WA 99336 509-783-6481 reg4dir@pnw4wda.org 2015 - MEETING DATES June 9 7:30 PM Magic’s Pizza 309 S. First, Selah, WA July 14 7:30 PM Abby’s Pizza 702 Grant Road, East Wenatchee, WA August 11 7:30 PM Doug Conner’s Shop 3300 Road 96, Pasco, WA September 8 7:30 PM Grant Co. Fire Dist. 5 Station 4 7934 Valley Road, Moses Lake, WA October 13 7:30 PM Magic’s Pizza 309 South First, Selah, WA November 10 7:30 PM Abby’s Pizza 702 Grant Road, East Wenatchee, WA This is the 49th annual All-4-Fun event put on by Mile Hi Jeep Club. This year we will be in the Heart of Colorado, in Chaffee County on a piece of private land between Buena Vista and Salida. We have great trail rides planned with everything from Scenic to Extreme. There will be an all day Vendor show , a parade, movie night, adult games, kids games, karaoke, our highly popular WARN night!, BBQ's, Pancake breakfast Door Prizes and more! Registration spots still available and we have only a couple of sponsorship opportunities left! Registration available on the website: www.a4fun.org As a culmination of our event, we have an amazing door prize event. This event allows us to showcase our great supporters, sponsors, vendors, and surrounding clubs. Our goal is to have a prize for every registered driver. We are currently seeking door prize donations for the event. As a special incentive to our supporters, any company donating a door prize valued over $200.00, can also send promotional materials for their company, club or organization to be included in registration bags for each registered driver. NO DECEMBER MEETING Summer Convention Happs, Ethel, WA SEE AD page 17 Aug. 29, 30 Ruff Country - Camas Valley, Oregon Ann Haak, DIRECTOR 35725 North Harney Lane Burns, Oregon 97220 503-349-9875 Reg6Dir@pnw4wda.org For more Info see flyer’s or contact Region 6 Dir. Dates / Place / Hosts. NO DECEMBER MEETING January 2015 Combination Oregon Delegates Meeting/Region 6 Delegates Meeting at WARN Industries =Inc. TBA 2015 Sept. 5-7 Summers End Play Day hosted by Overbored Racing Butch Danielson (360-790-0122) Sept. 12 Fall Delegates Meeting Hosted by Region 3 in Washougal, WA Sept. 19 July 4-5 4 at a time playday - Ethel, WA PNW4WDA Operation Shore Patrol Region 1 & 2, SEE AD page 19 July 8 - 12 Sept. 19 Pick up a Mountain Clean-up event SEE AD page 16 2015 Trail Jamboree SEE AD page 4 July 11 Rednecks and Rugrats Fun Run SEE AD page 7 Outdoor 4x4 Race Ethel, WA Dave Taylor (360-668-0719) July 25-26 Sept. 26 NORTHWEST OFFROAD EXPO FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! Kids Activities RAFFLE and MUCH! MUCH! more REGISTER AT: northwestoffroadexpo.com SEE AD page 20 * December 5 Board meeting in Longview, WA 2016 Feb. 12-14 Winter Convention hosted by Region 6 in Bend, Oregon place TBA Aug. 14-16 Region 6 Meeting July 18-19 4x4 FUN DAY Thomas Family Farm Fun for the whole family. Jeep corn maze, teeter totter, scales, RTI ramp, turtle races, divorce course, winch pull, and obstacle course. Kids activities and a beer garden. 16 years + $10.00/person 6-15 yrs $5.00 Under 6 free $10.00/participating vehicle. northwestoffroadexpo.com Sept. 19 Oregon Dunes Clean Up hosted by Stawberry Hill 4X4 Club. The details are being worked out on this annual dune clean up. Like many of the events of the PNW this was started to maintain motorized access to Oregon's beaches.- Help out and keep the dream alive!!! Oregon's Southern Dunes. Paul Norman (541-740-2318) GET YOUR EVENT IN NOW AND / OR ANY CORRECTION TO THE EVENT Sept. 26 Mud Daubers Playday The farm in Chehalis, WA JULY 2015 www.pnw4wda.org 4 Wheel Parts Paul Barwick 7602 S Tacoma Way Tacoma, WA 98409 253-476-1600 www.4wheelparts.com 4 Wheel Parts NorthRidge 4x4 B&B Excavating Bob Brooks 21520 SE 346th Auburn, WA 98092 253 833-8747 7/86 Billy Bobs Offroad & Truck Specialties Tom Dettman 2700 B SE 82nd Ave. Portland, OR 97266 503-774-4000 www.4wheelparts.com Bob Hallibueton 5/06 1322 A Meridian St. E Milton WA 98354 253-286-2344 BillyBobsoffroad@comcast.net 4 Wheel Parts Certified Cleaning Serv. Michael Kelley 18121 Alderwood Mall Pkwy Lynnwood, WA 98037 425-712-1366 www.4wheelparts.com Daniel Nobel 2103 112th Street E. Tacoma, WA 98445 253-536-5500 ccsdn@aol.com ATV Mfg. Inc. Dan Marek Insurance Herm Tilford P.O. Box 805 Brush Prairie, WA 98606 360-256-3843 www.hermtheoverdriveguy.com A-Z Mobile Auto Glass 1/11 Tom Young PMB 321, 10611 Canyon Rd E. Puyallup, WA 98373 253-845-7940 www.azmobileautoglass.com 3/05 ExtremeTerrain 1/15 Flex-a-lite 7009 45th St Ct E. 3/14 Fife, WA 98424 (877-767-0554) 253-922-2700/fax253-922-0226 www.FLEX-A-LITE.com PNW4WDA SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM Platinum Sponsors: NorthRidge 4x4 Eric Johnson, Sales 5225 NW Newberry Hill Silverdale, WA 98383 Art Waugh 12/85 5570 S Santiam Hwy # 15 Lebanon, OR 97355 541-409-3390 goldhammer88@yahoo.com Eric Johnson, Sales 7/12 5225 NW Newberry Hill Silverdale, WA 98383 (360) 340-0282 www.northridge4x4.com Off-Camber.com I-5 Uhlmann RV Steve Lux 7/90 1001 SW Interstate Ave/ P.O. Box 1106 Chehalis WA 98532 800.245.5378 / 360.748.6658 kipbarker@uhlmanns.com www.uhlmannrv.com 9/13 Shan Fuller 12951 Swalley Lane Yakima, WA 98903 509-453-5525 OMIX-ADA | RUGGED RIDGE | ALLOY USA 10/12 Solar Blaster Corporation Dan & Tammy Rheaume 4117 16th Ave SW Seattle, WA 98106 206-935-1400 dan@solarblasterfans.com Standard Batteries Of Moses Lake 52355 S. Washington St. Tacoma, WA 98409 253-473-7691 .9/13 ERIC HAINES 801 Parkway St. Centralia, WA 98531 Offiice: 360-807-4438 CELL: 360.623.5499 FAX: 360.237.0462 Jet Chevrolet Olympic 4x4 Supply Dan Johnson 7/97 35700 Enchanted Pkway S. PO Box 4986 Federal Way, WA 98063 253 838-7600 Fax: 253 874-7070 www.jetchevrolet.com Carl Niebuhr 6/94 PO Box 147 Snohomish, WA 98291 360 568-7728 Fax: 360 568-9435 www.oly4x4.com TLC Plumbing Rapid Print Trailready Products LLC Jeep Glass/Perf. Auto Glass 12909 Pacific Ave. PO Box 44076 Tacoma, Wa 98444 253 537-4000 Fax: 253 536-3338 danmarek Insurance.com 7 Lee Boulevard Malvern, PA 19355 1-855-556-8042 Gold Hammer Body/Paint Laird Lighting Ltd Andy Laird or Ruth Mc Cully 4/11 P.O. Box 70207 Eugene, OR 97401 541-686-2166 Northwest Services Brad Hoyt 4/06 2016 87th Ave. Ct. East Edgewood, WA 98371 206 948-0549 / 253 922-6745 bradkarts@aol.com www.northwestservices.net Ron McDonald 6/87 6202 NE Hwy 99, Stuite 2 Vancouver, WA 98665 360-695-0595 • 360-695-1043 Fax rapid.print@comcast.net Dave McMains 3/06 400 E Broadway Moses Lake, WA 98837 509 765-8246 www.wrongwa@msn.com Terry Johnson 5/94 2442 NW Market St # 9 Seattle, WA 98107 206 783-1548 Larry Trim 12410 Beverly Park Rd. Lynnwood, WA 98087 425 353-6776 larry@trailready.com Warn Industries Snohomish Transmissions Rick Pratt 3/92 17476 147th St SE Monroe, WA 98272 360 794-7888 • Fax: 360 805-5367 www.snohomishtransmission.com Adel Adams 13270 SE Pheasant Ct Clackamas, OR 97015 503-722-3015 • Fax 503-785-2001 adamsa@warn.com www.warn.com NEW PNW4WDA SPONSORSHIP At the Board of Directors meeting in December the board adopted a new Sponsorship Program for the Association. This program will help us as we continue to move forward. Due to contractual obligations we had to wait until January 1st, 2011 to start contacting vendors. We have had a wonderful response and I look forward to presenting our sponsors so far at Winter Convention. Listed below are the four levels of sponsorship. If you or someone you know is interested please call the phone number listed below. Sponsorship Options (360) 340-0282 www.northridge4x4.com 4 Wheel Parts Paul Barwick 7602 S Tacoma Way Tacoma, WA 98409 253-476-1600 www.4wheelparts.com BFGoodrich Bronze LevelFor $1000.00 annually, you will receive an Association Membership to the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association, a running quarter page ad in Tri-Power, a plaque recognizing your involvement with the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association and a link on our website to your business. Silver Level- For $1500.00 annually, you will receive an Association Membership to the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association, a running half page ad in Tri-Power, a plaque recognizing your Flex-a-lite involvement with the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association and a link on our website to 7009 45th St Ct E. Fife, WA 98424 (877-767-0554) your business. Silver Sponsors: 253-922-2700/fax253-922-0226 www.FLEX-A-LITE.com Gold Sponsors: Bronze Sponsors: Warn Industries, Inc. Ken Scuito, Director of Marketing/Customer Serv. 13270 SE Pheasant Ct Milwaukie, OR 97222 503-722-3015 www.warn.com ExtremeTerrain 7 Lee Boulevard Malvern, PA 19355 1-855-556-8042 4-Wheelin’ News Gold LevelFor $2000.00 annually, you will receive an Association Membership to the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association, a running full page ad in Tri-Power, a plaque recognizing your involvement with the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association and a link on our website to your business. Platinum LevelA customized sponsorship package will be developed to fit the needs of your company. Other options can include major sponsorship in some of the Associations events as well as additional advertising opportunities. For Additional Information Call: 1-800-537-7845 JULY 2015 23 24 JULY 2015 www.pnw4wda.org