2009 - 2010 Annual Report - Food Bank of Waterloo Region


2009 - 2010 Annual Report - Food Bank of Waterloo Region
2009 - 2010 Annual Report
Our Vision
To channel our
community’s energy
so no one goes hungry.
Our Mission
Through community
partnerships, we obtain
and distribute emergency
food from our neighbours
for our neighbours.
Students of Riverside Public School,
Elmira, raised over 3 pounds per
student, almost 1000 lbs. of food,
as part of the Kitchener Rangers
Classroom Challenge food drive.
Students then visited The Food Bank
for an afternoon with some of the
Rangers players.
“The goal of the Kitchener Rangers is
to not only lead on the ice, but to be a
leader within the community. We are
inspired by the many students and
volunteers that help The Food Bank
and are happy to continue to serve and
support this worthy cause along with
Director of Public Relations,
Kitchener Rangers Hockey Club
Photo courtesy of Waterloo Region Record
The Reality in the Region
2009 -2010
hanks to the support of
donors, sponsors, funders
and volunteers, The Food
Bank of Waterloo Region
has been able to meet the
challenges of the past year.
In the Fall of 2009 it was reported that
Ontario had lost 227,700 full-time jobs
since August 2008. One in three food
banks in Ontario reported that their
ability to meet the needs of their clients
had decreased in 2009. Locally, the recession had an enormous impact on
families. Local plant closures and layoffs
meant greater numbers of the working
poor and the unemployed going to food
At the fall food drive kick off, Steve Sachs
with the Labour Program of Waterloo
Region reported that, “There are many
inquiries from workers who are dealing with problems in providing the basic needs of their family. Unemployed
workers in this community are using the
food bank or food hamper programs. It
may be on a one-time basis while they
wait for their EI to kick in or more often
if their EI has run its course and they are
having difficulty finding work. The one
thing I know about these workers is that
they truly view The Food Bank as a “Bank”.
They make deposits as often as they can,
but sometimes when life takes a downturn they have to make a withdrawal.”
By September the 76 food programs in
Waterloo Region that are serviced by The
Food Bank reported an increase in need.
Woolwich Community Services saw an
increase of 10%. The House of Friendship
numbers were up by 20%. Some
St. Vincent de Paul volunteers were picking up food from The Food Bank every
week rather than once a month.
community food programs throughout
the Region. Funds were needed to ensure proper warehousing and transportation of the food. More volunteers were
needed to acquire, sort, package and deliver the food.
The Community
Summer at The Food Bank typically
means rapidly emptying shelves with
few food donations to replenish them.
This usually means our agencies have to
make do with whatever substitutions we
are able to provide to them. We always
strive for nutritious, balanced meals and
hampers. During the summer months
this is even more challenging as demand
continues while donations often drop
However, for The Food Bank of Waterloo Region the summer of 2009 was
different. Community food donations
increased by 50% compared to the summer of 2008. This food plus some large
corporate donations of frozen food, including meat and vegetables, cold cereal, snacks, hot drinks and some important non-food products such as laundry
detergent and personal care items all
helped The Food Bank meet the needs of
the community throughout the summer.
The Fall Food Drive goal was set high because of the great increase in need. Over
350,000 lbs was raised by the end of the
drive. Through the holiday period another 240,000 lbs of food was received at
The Food Bank! This meant that the 15%
increase in the number of food hampers
and the 17% increase in the number of
households accessing assistance (many
This increased need put additional strain
for the first time) could be met. Generon The Food Bank resources and the
ous donors also provided funds to help
partners in the Food Assistance Netwith the delivery of this food.
work. More food was needed for the
Photo courtesy of Waterloo Chronicle
Paxton Holmes, co-ordinator of the KW Workforce
Action Centre, host of the Fall Food Drive Kick-off
said, “When asked if we would open our doors to
The Food Bank it was a given. In the past our local,
its members and the companies they work for have
always been strong supporters of community based
organizations like The Food Bank, United Way and
others and it’s been truly inspiring to see these same
people continue to support where they can despite
being affected by job loss. The KW Workforce Action
Centre is happy to be the first in line to contribute and
we sincerely hope The Food Bank reaches their goal
and this fall food drive is a great success.”
Photo courtesy of Waterloo Region Record
Onkel Hans Food Drive 2009
In order to maintain the food inventory
at consistent levels in the face of this
increased need, The Food Bank asked
the community to help in a number of
different ways through the winter and
spring instead of one Spring Food Drive
at Easter time. The community once
again responded positively. Canstruction raised over 34,000 lbs of food. In
April, another 40,000 lbs of food was
raised by individuals and traditional Easter/Spring food drives held by churches,
schools, businesses and other groups.
the growing needs of community food continue to Nourish Hope in our Region
programs throughout the year. We are with tremendous support from the
confident that whatever the next year community.
brings our staff and volunteers will
Wendi Campbell, Executive Director
Tim Jackson, President
On May 15 we tried our first one-day
food drive, “DIG IN”. The community
response was heart-warming. Over 500
volunteers canvassed neighbourhoods,
handed out bags at grocery stores,
staffed donation sites, helped with
transportation logistics and organized
special events. All of the excitement and
activity came together for one purpose
and resulted in one great day for The
Food Bank and those who rely upon us.
The support of Waterloo Region Manulife chose to Attack Hunger as part of the 16th annual Stuff A Bus organized by KOOL FM/KFUN, CTV and
throughout this past year has kept The Grand River Transit. Staff were challenged to fill as many food drive bags as they could with donations and each
Food Bank in a good position to meet would be matched with $100 from Manulife. Staff rose to the challenge, raising 21,058 lbs. of food. Manulife
presented The Food Bank with a cheque for $40,000.
Photo courtesy of Fresh Photography
“ The statistics related to hunger, even in our own community, are alarming. We need to continue to support
organizations like The Food Bank of Waterloo Region, who implement defensive initiatives that contribute to the
battle against hunger,” said MTE Canstruction Team. Their fortress was made from 5000 cans and was awarded the
People’s Choice and Judges’ Favourite in Canstruction, Waterloo Region 2010.
The ladies of Doon Curves in Kitchener made their food
drive fun by giving it a ‘Survivor’ theme and by turning it
into a challenge. They raised 5,646 pounds of food!
The Food Bank of Waterloo Region
Board of Directors 2009 - 2010
Photo courtesy of Waterloo Region Record
Brigadoon Public School students helped fill a Great Canadian bus for ”Dig In” food drive.
Brownies and Leadership Waterloo Region “dug in”
to help raise food (left)
The first annual DIG IN Battle of the Bands raised
3,000 lbs. of food (above)
Tim Jackson
Bob Grant
Michael Dye
Christopher Corrigan
Beth Cotter
Tim Ellis
Mark Guibert
Carol Leaman
Dave MacNeil
Rusty McLay
Angela Moisse
Executive Director
Wendi Campbell
Hope Always Stands
A Better Chance With Help
Our member agencies and food programs provide direct service to the over 28,000 people that need food assistance in
Waterloo Region. They provide outstanding services beyond meals and hampers and we are proud to be able to assist
them through the provision of food.
Recipient Agencies and Food Programs
Anna Kaljas Residence
Anselma House
Argus Residence For Young People (2)
Betty Thompson Youth Centre – Safe Haven
Brain Injury Association of Waterloo-Wellington (2)
Community Ministry
Conestoga College (2) – Doon, Waterloo
Country Hills Missionary Church
Glencairn Mennonite Brethren Church
House of Friendship (11)
174 King Street
Chandler Mowat Community Centre
Charles Street Men’s Hostel
Christmas Hamper Program
Courtland Shelley Community Centre
Cramer House
Emergency Food Hamper Program
Kingsdale Community Centre
Kiwanis House
Sunnydale Community Centre
International Gospel Centre
Kinbridge Community Association
Kitchener Church of God
K-W Counselling Services (6)
Breithaupt Community Outreach
Centreville Chicopee Community Outreach
Country Hills Community Outreach
Mill Courtland Community Outreach
Victoria Hills Community Outreach
Lang’s Farm Village Association
Marillac Place
Morningstar Family Ministries
Mosaic Counselling and Family Services (3)
Erb West Community Outreach
Wellesley Township Outreach
Woolwich Township Outreach
Nutrition for Learning
Out of the Cold (6)
Bethany Evangelical Missionary Church
First United Church
St. John’s Lutheran Church
St. Matthews Evangelical Lutheran Church
Trinity United Church
Waterloo Regional Dream Centre
Ray of Hope Community Centre (2)
Reaching Our Outdoor Friends – R.O.O.F (2)
Salvation Army Community & Family Services (K-W)
SHOW (Supportive Housing of Waterloo)
Society of St. Vincent de Paul (12)
Blessed Sacrament Church
Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Sacred Heart Church
St. Agnes Church
St. Anne’s Church
St. Anthony Daniel Church
St. John’s Church
St. Joseph’s Church
St. Mark’s Church
St. Mary’s Church
St. Michael’s Church
St. Teresa’s Church
SSVP Archangels Youth Conference – Sandwich Program
St. Aloysius Church
The Working Centre – St. John’s Kitchen (2)
University of Waterloo Food Bank
Waterloo Pentecostal Assembly
Waterloo Regional Dream Centre (2)
Wilmot Family Resource Centre
WLU Student Food Bank
Woolwich Community Services
YWCA (2) – Lincoln Road, Mary’s Place
3,100,000 lbs.
3,000,000 lbs.
2,900,000 lbs.
2,800,000 lbs.
2,700,000 lbs.
2,600,000 lbs.
2,500,000 lbs.
2,400,000 lbs.
We acquired over 3 million lbs. of food for distribution to our 76 member agency community food programs.
Of this total, 475,012 lbs. were perishable food items picked up, delivered and used the same day through our daily
Second Helping perishable delivery program.
Who Receives Food?
Household Composition
Single Parent
Families 19.2%
Multigenerational 1%
Primary Source of Income
No Income 6.3%
Employment 12.7%
Unknown 15.3%
Insurance 3.9%
Income 5.6%
Children 38.3%
Works 33.3%
Two Parent
Families 23.2%
Adults 61%
People 33.%
Couples 8.8%
Disability 19%
Pension 3.9%
“If we are indeed coming out of a recession the last to recover is employment/jobs. Everyone is suggesting the recession is over, but we are seeing the lingering
effects in this year as unemployment remains high and many good paying jobs no longer exist. This is increasing our numbers and the need for people to look
to food assistance, many for the first time.”
Executive Director of Woolwich Community Services
Who Provides Food?
High quality nutritious food is donated from:
Types of food acquired and distributed
Community 19%
Food Industry
Outside of Region
Frozen (meat, waffles,
prepared dinners) 22%
(peanut butter, cereal,
canned meats) 49%
Local Food
Industry 53%
Chilled (milk, fruit,
vegetables, juices) 29%
Food Industry Supporters
3d Farms
A&M Cookie Company
Alternative Processing Systems
Bick’s Pickles
Bonduelle North America - Ingersoll
Bonduelle North America -Strathroy
Conestoga Meat Packers
DanVin Inc.
E.D. Smith
El Peto Products
Elmira Poultry Inc.
Erb Transport Limited
Flanagan’s Distribution
Freedom Pet Supplies Inc.
General Mills
Herrle’s Country Farm Market
J.M. Schneider Inc.
J.T. Bakeries
Keybrand Foods Inc.
Kooner Transport
Kraft Foods - Christies
Lettuce Alive
Loblaw Companies East Ltd.
Manitoulin Transport
Maple Leaf Consumer Foods- Mississauga
Maple Leaf Foods
McCain Foods Canada
Milton’s Fine Foods
Moo Cow
North American Tea & Coffee
Ontario Egg Producers
Orange Barn
Otter Valley
Piller Sausages & Delicatessens Ltd.
Red Lobster Restaurants
Schaaf Foods
Scott Lynn Transport
Taylor & Grant Specialties Limited
The Denbar Food Group Inc.
Weetabix of Canada Limited
Western Waffles Ltd.
Financial and Food Numbers
Income statement for the year ended
June 30, 2010*
Donations and Fundraising
Food Program Membership
United Way
Food Bank Distribution Services
Sales tax rebates, interest, other income
General Donations
& Fundraising 21.22%
Value of Food
Donated 75.33%
Personnel (food programs)
Fundraising/Food Drives
Staff Development
Food Bank Distribution Services
Amortization of capital assets
Excess of Income over Expense
Allocated to Capital Maintenance
Reserve Fund (Inventory Management
System & Capital Projects)
Allocated to Food Purchase Fund
(Community Harvest & Local Food projects)
* An audited financial report is available upon request.
Food Bank
Services 1.74%
Value of Food
Distributed 77.96%
Personnel 8.13%
Food Program Membership
United Way
Tax Rebates, Interest, other income
Volunteer & Staff Development
Fundraising/Food Drives
Food Bank Distribution Services
Through the generosity of the community, The Food Bank is able to maintain a Capital Maintenance Reserve Fund to keep its building and fleet up
to date thus minimizing annual operating expenses. In addition, development of an Inventory Management System is underway that will improve
distribution efficiencies and ensure the safety of food supplies.
A focus for the upcoming year is the identification of new food sources – including fresh local product. An allocation to the Food Purchase Fund will
allow for additional resources for community harvest projects and food purchase of fresh and nutritious product.
Outstanding Group Award: 80 KW Spitfire Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron collecting food at Santa Claus Parade
Volunteers & Donors Nourish Hope
olunteers are directly involved in all aspects of The
Food Bank, nourishing hope
to neighbours through their
professionalism, enthusiasm
and compassion. In 2009,
1846 volunteers provided 22,712 hours
of service to The Food Bank of Waterloo
Region. This is equivalent to 11 full -time
staff. Volunteers provide leadership
through the board and committees, organize events, coordinate food drives,
deliver food and supplies and pick up
food/financial donations. They also sort
and safely store food, assist member
agencies, answer telephone inquiries,
train other volunteers, assist in promotions and are continually raising awareness so others can share with their community, every day.
ganization. In April 2010, 37 volunteers
were recognized for donating between
100 and 600 hours of service and 12 volunteers received pins for 5 and 10 years
of service.
The Nelson Jarvis Award is presented to
an individual who exemplifies the spirit,
philosophy and goals of The Food Bank.
This year’s award recipient, Tim Jackson,
has brought a level of leadership to our
organization that has allowed us to grow,
expand and improve services while
maintaining a heightened level of trust
and recognition as a viable charity in our
community. Although Tim is stepping
down from the Board of Directors the
results of his passion for leadership and
philanthropy will continue to mold our
Each year The Food Bank is fortunate
to receive outstanding support from
the community. We endeavor to
recognize some supporters that have
gone over and above in their support
over the past 12 months. This year we
wish to call attention to the following
outstanding donors:
Business Category
Conestoga Rovers & Associates Ltd.
Research In Motion Ltd.
School Category
St. Luke Catholic School
Faith Group Category
Highland Road United Church
CANS (Citizens Always Need Support)
Each year The Food Bank is proud to
acknowledge volunteers who make significant contributions of time to our or-
Food Industry
North American Tea & Coffee
Community Participation
Music & Movies in the Park
(The Beat Goes On and Princess Cinema)
President’s Award:
Manulife Financial
Photo courtesy of Waterloo Region Record
Volunteer of the Year award was presented to Jonathon
Caskanette by Ken Seiling, Regional Chair
Tim Jackson, Nelson Jarvis Award Recipient
Milestone Awards
for support over a period of 5 years or longer:
Waterloo & Halton Regions Elks
and Royal Purple Lodge
Herrle’s Country Farm Market
Trick or Eat (Wilfrid Laurier University and
University of Waterloo Students)
Waterloo Region Record
“Thank You For Sharing With Our Community”
Financial Supporters
Organization and Corporate Donors • Leaders • ($5,000 + )
Conestoga-Rovers & Associates Ltd.
Gary H. Attack Financial Planning Inc.
Highland Road United Church
Home Hardware Stores Limited
Industrial Process Services Group
Manulife Financial (Head Office)
Mennonite Foundation of Canada
Mersynergy Charitable Foundation
North Waterloo Farmers Mutual Insurance Company
Piller Sausages & Delicatessens Ltd.
Quantex Technologies Inc.
RBC Dominion Securities
RBC Foundation
Research In Motion Limited
Royal LePage Wolle Realty
Sobeys Inc.
Tanem Developments Ltd.
The Cowan Foundation
The Manfred and Penny Conrad Family Foundation
Tim Hortons
Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada Inc.
Walmart Canada Corp.
Waterloo & Halton Regions Elks & Royal Purple Lodge
Zehrs Markets
Anonymous - 2
Organization and Corporate Donors • Patrons • ($2,500 + )
All Protect Systems Inc.
CAW TCA Social Justice Fund
Chicopee Craftsmen (1999) Inc.
Equitable Life of Canada
First Christian Reformed Church of Kitchener Inc.
Kissner Milling Company Ltd.
Kitchener Utilities
Kitchener-Waterloo Bilingual School
McIntyre Group Office Services Inc.
OTIP/RAEO - Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan
Purolator Courier Ltd.
Second Foundation Consulting Inc.
Simpson’s Screen Print & Lithography Ltd.
Starbucks Coffee Company
Steelworkers Humanity Fund
Strassburger Supplies Limited
The Roberts Group
The Walter Fedy Partnership
Vancouver Foundation
Viessmann Manufacturing Company Inc.
Anonymous - 2
Organization and Corporate Donors • Friends • ($1,000 + )
ABCO Custom Manufacturing Inc.
All Saints Anglican Church
Bell Canada Employee Giving Program
Blessed Sacrament RC Church
BMO Nesbitt Burns
Brodrecht Enterprises Limited
Canada Revenue Agency
Challenger Motor Freight Inc.
Collins Barrow Chartered Accountants
Conestogo Electric Inc.
Congregation of the Resurrection
Court at Laurelwood
Covarity Inc.
Donald Choi Canada Limited
EBS Engineering & Construction Limited
Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario
Elmira Agri-Systems Inc.
Excalibur Crossbow Inc.
F. Williamson Holdings Ltd.
Frey Brothers Limited
Gina Chhatwal Trust
Grandview Baptist Church
GSP Group Inc.
Herrle’s Country Farm Market
Hope Fellowship
Hybrid Turkeys Inc.
Kitchener Pallet Services
Kitchener Rangers Hockey Club
Kitchener Steel Service Centre Inc.
K-W Sertoma Speed Skating Club
Meal Exchange
Miller Thomson LLP
Natural Resource Solutions Inc.
Onward Manufacturing Company Ltd.
Pano Cap (Canada) Limited
Patene Building Supplies Limited
Peer Group Inc.
Performance Initiatives Inc.
Prime Restaurant Advertising & Marketing Fund
R. J. Trucks
RBC Financial Group
RBC Global Asset Management
RBC Royal Bank
Resurrection Catholic Secondary School
RMT Holdings
Romanian Christian Fellowship Inc.
Saav Kitchens
Sittler Environmental Inc.
Sobeys - Bridgeport Road
Sobeys - Highland Road
Spaenaur Inc.
St. David Catholic Secondary School
St. Jacobs Printery Ltd.
TD Bank Financial Group
TechHi Consultants Limited
The Pampered Chef Ltd.
The Waterloo Networking Company
Tire Team Centre
University of Waterloo - Distance and Continuing Education
Waterloo Christian Reformed Church
Waterloo Lions Club, Bingo Acct.
Waterloo Wellington Dental Association
Wayfarr Insurance Brokers Limited
Wildeboer Dellelce LLP
Wilfrid Laurier University - Office of the President
World Outreach Ministries
Your Neighbourhood Credit Union
Anonymous - 7
Organization and Corporate Donors • Friends • ($10 - $999) • 303 Organizations and Corporations
“Thank You For Sharing With Our Community”
Individual Donors • Inspiration • ($1,000 + )
Mr. Kenneth J. Aarts
Mr. Murray Adamson
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph and Helen Albright
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Astley
Mrs. N. Marina Barnstijn
Rev. Dennis Bells and Mrs. Doris Bells
Ms. Sharon Boughton
Mr. Rick Brock and Mrs. Norma Brock
Mr. Gary Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Brubacher-Cressman
Dr. Robert Burchell
Ms. Olive Capindale
Dr. Savvas Chamberlain and Mrs. Christine Chamberlain
Mr. Dave Dietrich
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Duschenes
Mr. Gary Levene
Mr. Matthew Enss
The Estate of Clarence Francis Hehn
Mr. Elson Fernandes and Mrs. Lorraine Fernandes
Mr. Paul Florica and Mrs. Connie Florica
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Godden
Mr. Rodney N. Goetz, C.G.A.
Mr. Ethan Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gonsalves
Mr. H. Bruce Gordon
Mr. Ken Griffin
Mr. Mark Guibert and Mrs. Jennifer Guibert
Mr. Teunis Haalboom
Ms. Mary Haines and Mr. Michael Haines
Ms. Megan Hall
Ms. Katrina M. Hanna
Mr. Ted Hannah and Mrs. Ann Hannah
Mr. James Harkins
Mr. Carl W. Hennig and Mrs. Margaret Hennig
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howard
Mrs. Teri Howells and Mr. John Coghill
Mr. David Hutchison and Mrs. Susan E. Hutchison
Mr. Tim Jackson and Ms. Jane Arnold
Ms. Debra A. Johnson
Mr. Helmut Kassik
Mr. and Mrs. James Kay
Ms. Ann K. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Keown
Mr. Edward Kott and Dr. Laima Kott
Mr. Cameron Kozlowski
Mrs. Mary Kuntz and Mr. Robert Kuntz
Mr. Mervin Lichty and Mrs. Tillie Lichty
Ms. Laura Lloyd-Carella
Mr. Scott Loach
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Martin
Dr. J. Fred Mather and Mrs. Susan Mather
Mr. David and Nancy Matthews
Dr. Kevin J. McCann
Mr. Steven McDowell and Mrs. Susan McDowell
Mr. Rusty McLay and Mrs. Beth McLay
Mr. Phil Merikle
Mr. Neil Moore
Mr. Marc Morin and Mrs. Lori Morin
Mr. Paul J. Motz
Mr. Peter Naus and Mrs. Anke Naus
Ms. Susan Newell
Mr. Helmut and Margaret Oberlander
Mr. David S. Ogilvie
Mr. Roy Ojala and Mrs. Vivienne Ojala
Mr. Ron Pace and Mrs. Ellen Pace
Mr. Gary Pianosi
Mr. Ronald A. Pond
Mr. Praetzel and Ms. McDiarmid
Mr. James Pretorius
Mr. Ron Radley
Mr. James Robertson and Mrs. Janice Robertson
Mr. Frank Rovers
Ms. Cynthia Sanders
Mr. Jim Sauder
Ms. Tammy Schirle
Mrs. Brenda Schmidt
Mr. Frederick P. Schneider and Mrs. Jane Schneider
Mr. Jack Schoenmakers
Ms. Susan Schwark
Mr. Robert and Janice Scott
Mr. Harold and Violet Seegmiller
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Shantz
Mr. Elmer Shantz and Mrs. Eileen Shantz
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Shantz
Mr. Richard Shepherd
Ms. Lori L. Sieling
Mr. David A. Sprott
Mr. Andrew Stelmack
Mrs. Wendy Strub
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Triller
Ms. Carolyne Wagner
Ms. Shannon and Ms. Lisa White
Mr. and Mrs. David Yach
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Yantzi
Mr. Karl Zaryski
Mr. Thomas Zyvitski and Mrs. Suzanne Zyvitski
Anonymous - 25
Individual Donors • Strength • ($750 + )
Mr. Don and Mary Ann Copeland
Mr. Jay Cressman
Mr. Patrick and Noreen Flynn
Mr. Robert M. Gibson
Mr. Julius Greff
Mr. Mark Hilverda
Mrs. Gwenanne and Dr. Allen Jorgenson
Ms. Jake Leiske
Ms. Sally C. Lerner
Mrs. Carolyn Melkert
Mr. Chris Partridge
Ms. Myrna Petker
Mr. Glen Polson
Mr. Frank Preston
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reid
Mr. Jay Riehl
Mrs. Kelly Schmidtke and Mr. Kent Schmidtke
Mr. David Schooley
Mr. Edward K. Scorgie and Ms. Barbara H. Larke
Mr. Russell Smith
Ms. Mary Tonkovic
Mr. Barry Volkers and Mrs. Jane Volkers
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wyche
Anonymous - 6
Individual Donors • Hope • ($500 + )
Mr. Philip Leigh Abbass
Ms. Carmeta Abbott
Mr. Michael Anttila
Mr. Norman Ashton
Mr. Ian Atkinson
Mr. Lawrence and Carla Barnes
Mr. Colin Baxter
Ms. Verna Bechtel
Mr. John J. Beck
Mrs. Christine Bender and Mr. Ron Bender
Mr. Richard Bond and Mrs. Patricia Bond
Mr. Gerard W. Boychuk
Ms. Marguerite H. Brooke
Mrs. Sara Brown
Mr. Michael Brown
Mr. Laverne Brubacher
Mrs. Jane L. Campbell
Mr. Andrew Cant
Mrs. Karen Cecile and Mr. Matthew Cecile
Mrs. Dove Champagne
Ms. Mina Chan and Mr. Richard Chi-Sang Lee
Ms. Angella Chin
Mrs. Leslie Christie and Mr. David Christie
Mr. J. Douglas Coleman and Mrs. Muriel I. Coleman
Mr. Ben A. Coles
Miss Barbara Cook
Ms. Catherine Copp
“Thank You For Sharing With Our Community”
Individual Donors • Hope • ($500 + ) Continued
Mr. Christopher Corrigan and Mrs. Tracey-Ann Corrigan
Ms. Elaine Cressman
Mr. Scott K. Crone
Mr. David A. Crow and Mrs. Carolyn Crow
Ms. Tammy Dahms
Mr. Gerth H. Daub
Ms. Cathay Weston & Mr. H. J. Davidson
Mr. Ben DeVries and Mrs. Betsy DeVries
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Doody
Mr. Donald G. Drews
Ms. Patricia Drost
Mr. Brian Duyn and Mrs. Elizabeth Duyn
Mr. Michael Dye
Mr. Rudolf Enter and Mrs. Mary Enter
Dr. Mark Ewald
Mr. Eric Farrar
Mr. Rick C. Findlay
Mrs. Faye Fitzpatrick and Mr. Ron Fitzpatrick
Ms. Maureen Ann Flynn
Mrs. Esther Gascho
Mr. Robert J. Ghali
Mr. David and Ilva Gierman
Ms. Catharine Gilbertson
Mrs. Wilda B. Graham
Mr. Robert S. Grant
Mr. Ted Grasser and Mrs. Joyce Grasser
Dr. Marvin Gretzinger and Mrs. Mindy Gretzinger
Ms. Rebecca Guzar
Mrs. Nancy Hammond and Mr. David Hammond
Mr. Steve Hanov
Mrs. Velda C. Jamieson and Mr. Joseph K. Jamieson
Mr. David and Susan Johnson
Ms. Nancy Joseph
Ms. D. Elaine King
Mr. John J. Kraemer
Dr. Desta Leavine
Ms. Kathy Lepp
Mr. John Lingard and Mrs. Linda Lingard
Mr. Robert MacLeod and Mrs. Eva M. MacLeod
Mr. Alan Martin and Mrs. Christiane Martin
Mr. Lloyd Martin
Mr. Tim Martin and Mrs. Nora Martin
Ms. Mary L. Mayer
Mr. Paul McCusker and Mrs. Marie McCusker
Mr. and Mrs. Danny McKinnon
Mr. Richard and Karen McMurray
Mrs. Helen Metz
Mr. Norman Moeller
Ms. Debra Murphy
Mr. Leonard Curchin and Ms. Lucinda Neuru
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ober
Mr. Cliff Otterbein
Mr. Chris Page and Mrs. Mary-Jean Page
Mr. and Mrs. John Panabaker
Mr. Calvin Pike
Mr. Wally Polischuk and Mrs. Marguerite Polischuk
Mr. Dylan E. Pritchard
Ms. Jennifer Psutka
Mr. David Ramsay
Mr. and Mrs. William Reinders
Mr. Michael Renchko and Mrs. Beverley Renchko
Mr. Peter G. Ringrose and Mrs. Susan Ringrose
Mr. Ed Roberts
Mrs. Dorene Rudy-Snyder and Mr. Douglas Snyder
Ms. Wendy L. Rush
Mr. George Schiedel and Mrs. Mary Schiedel
Mr. Daniel Simpson
Mr. Joseph Sirega and Mrs. MaryAnn Sirega
Mr. Stuart I. Snyder and Mrs. Ann Snyder
Mr. Stuart R. Snyder
Ms. Gloria St. Marie
Mr. Tasos Stathopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Strassburger
Mrs. Patricia Diane Strauss and Mr. Ron Strauss
Mr. Wilfrid Strenzke
Mrs. Rita Strickland
Mr. and Mrs. Sean W. Strickland
Ms. Ingrid Taylor
Ms. Joanna K. Taylor
Mr. Edmond Tell and Mrs. Mary-Jac Tell
Mr. Paul R. Thagard
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Thorne
Mr. Don Travers
Mr. Glen Tremblay and Mrs. Kim Tremblay
Mr. Walter Unrau
Mr. Ralph Wagner
Mr. Scott Wahl and Mrs. Bettina Wahl
Ms. Helen Wakeling
Dr. M. S. Walia
Mrs. Karen Wetteskind
Mr. James Whaley
Mr. Gerald White and Mrs. Joanne White
Mr. Donald Burn and Ms. Joanne Williams
Ms. Monica Winnett
Ms. Joanne Wright
Mr. David and Holly Young
Anonymous - 23
Individual Donors • Compassion • (gifts of $10 - $499 ) • 4118 Individuals
Organized Events • (Gifts of $1,500 + )
Extra Helping (Zehrs, Real Canadian Superstore, no frills and ValuMart)
Empty Bowls (Waterloo Potters Workshop, Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery)
Grand River Shows (Grand Home and Life Show)
Grillefest (Corporation of the City of Kitchener)
Greek Food Festival
KW Fall Home Show (Regional Shows Inc.)
Music and Movies in the Park (The Beat Goes On and Princess Cinema)
Municipal Food Drive (Employees of City of Kitchener and Region of Waterloo)
Oktoberfest Breakfast (96.7 CHYM FM/570 News/Kix106)
Onkel Hans Food Drive (K-W Oktoberfest Inc.)
Ribfest and Craft Beer Show (Impact Events Group Inc.)
Santa Claus Parade (Lions Club of Kitchener)
“Set an Extra Place” CD Sales (KW Bilingual School)
Stuff a Bus (105.3 KOOL FM/KFUN CTV, Grand River Transit)
Trick or Eat (Wilfrid Laurier University & University of Waterloo)
“Thank You For Sharing With Our Community”
Food Drive Supporters
Leader • (5,000 pounds + )
Bauman, Joel Mr.
Brock Solutions Inc.
Centra Industries Inc.
Conestoga-Rovers & Associates Ltd.
Curves For Women - Doon Village Rd.
Golden Triangle Sikh Association
Loblaw Companies Ltd.
Manulife Financial - Group Benefits
Manulife Financial - Water St.
Accelerator Centre
AGFA HealthCare
Cans 2009
Conestoga College - Architects, Construction,
Engineering Technology
First Christian Reformed Church of Kitchener Inc.
Home Hardware Stores Limited
Laurelwood Public School
Mary Johnston Public School
Region of Waterloo Waste Management
Resurrection Catholic Secondary School
Manulife Financial (Head Office)
MTE Consultants Inc.
NCR Canada Limited
Raytheon Systems Canada Limited
Research In Motion Limited
Sobeys Inc.
Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada
Tim Hortons
Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada Inc.
Partners • (2,500 pounds + )
Robertson Simmons Architects
St. David Catholic Secondary School
St. Luke Catholic School
St. Mary’s High School
The Region of Waterloo Social Services
The Walter Fedy Partnership
University of Waterloo - Departments
W. T. Townshend Public School
Westheights Brethren in Christ Church
Friends • (1,000 pounds + )
1st Lexington Beavers, Scouts
24th Kitchener Scouts & Venturers
Bluevale Collegiate Institute
Cameron Heights Collegiate Institute
CBI Physiotherapy & Rehab Centre
CH2M Hill
Centennial Public School - Waterloo
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church
City of Waterloo
Conestogo Public School
Conestoga Residence & Conference Centre
Curves For Women - Krug Street
Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Reformation
First Mennonite Church
First Response Restorations
Forest Heights Collegiate Institute
Forest Hill United Church
Franklin Public School
Giant Tiger - Greenbrook Dr.
Grand River Collegiate Institute
Homeniuk Rides Inc.
Huron Heights Secondary School
Intelligent Mechatronic Systems Inc.
J.F. Carmichael Public School
Kitchener & District Traffic Club Inc.
K-W Apartment Building Food Drive
Leadership Waterloo Region Class of 2009
Lexington Animal Hospital
Margaret Avenue Senior Public School
Martin, Marium Ms.
Meadow Lane Public School
Medix School
Mount Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
Noble Trade
North Waterloo Farmers Mutual Insurance Company
Northfield Racquet and Fitness Club
Northlake Woods Public School
OTIP/RAEO - Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan
Pioneer Park Christian Fellowship Church
Pioneer Park Home Hardware
Quarry Integrated Communications Inc.
Queensmount Senior Public School
Regional Municipality of Waterloo
Rogers Communications Inc.- OCCS Team
Rona Home and Garden Centre
Royal LePage Wolle Realty
Scholar’s Hall
Septimatech Group Inc.
Sheppard Public School
St. John’s Lutheran Church
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church - Bridgeport
St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church
Suddaby Public School
Temple Shalom
The Economical Insurance Group
The Roberts Group
Waterloo Collegiate Institute
Weight Watchers
Westvale Public School
Wilfrid Laurier University
Friends • (500 pounds + )
Abraham Erb Public School
Anytime Fitness
Atria Networks
Baden Public School
Bend All Automotive Inc.
Boehmer Box
Breslau Public School
Brigadoon Public School
Calvary Memorial United Church
Calvary United Church - St. Jacobs
Campbell, Rick Mr.
Canadian Energy Strategies
Christ The King United Church of Canada
City of Waterloo Recreational Youth Council
Classic Rock Dance
Corporation of the City of Kitchener
Country Hills Public School
Courtland Senior Public School
Crestview Public School
Curves For Women - King St. N
Equitable Life of Canada
Gingerich, Alvin Mr.
Grey Stone Design Group Inc.
Hobson, David Mr.
Holiday Inn
Holy Cross Evangelical Lutheran Church
J. N. Staunton Consulting
Kavelman, Jessica Ms.
Keatsway Public School
K-W Gaming Centre
Laurentian Hills Christian School
Lexington Public School
MacGregor Public School
Manulife Financial - Blue Springs Dr.
Marvel Beauty School
McAfee Inc.
MCAP Commercial Ltd. Financial Partnership
McClurkin Ahier & Co., Chart Accts
Me Feast Houser House
MSGR Stephen Foerster Council No. 6024
New Vision Family Health Team
Power Youth Group
Programmed Insurance Brokers Inc.
Prueter Public School
Quadro Engineering
Realex Properties Inc.
Redeemer Lutheran Church
Remax Twin City Realty
Riverside Public School
Sandhills Public School
Seaman, Laura Ms.
Shoppers Drug Mart
Southridge Public School
St. Boniface School
St. Clements School
St. Jacobs Mennonite Church
St. James Rosemount United Church
Friends • (Less than 500 pounds) • 596 Food Drives
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
St. Nicholas Catholic School
St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
Stanley Park Senior Public School
Stuff the Hummer - David Schooley
Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada - Westmount Rd.
TD Waterhouse Private Client Group
The Home Depot (Kitchener)
The Parish of St. Edmund, King and Martyr
The Roberts Group
Transfreight Inc.
Wabash Canada
Waterloo County Teachers Choir
Waterloo Mennonite Brethren Church
Waterloo Pentecostal Assembly
Waterloo-Kitchener United Mennonite Church
Westmount Public School
Williamsburg Public School
Witmer, Glen Mr.
Zion United Church
“Thank You For Sharing With Our Community”
Gifts in Kind (Gifts of $500 +)
91.5 The Beat
Bank of Montreal - Corporate Finance Division
Campbell, Craig and Wendi
Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery
Canadian Energy Strategies
Challenger Motor Freight
Community News
Conestoga College
Conestogo Mechanical Inc.
Crown Courier
David’s Gourmet
Elmira Independent
Elmira Insurance Brokers
eSolutions Group
Faith FM
Federal Impressions
FM 98.5 CKWR
Frede R. Construction
Fresh Pepper Communications
Fresh Photography
Gemcast Manufacturing Inc.
Grand River Shows
Grand River Transit
Greensleeve Maintenance Limited
Heer’s Decorating & Design Centre
Holiday Inn
Home Depot
Johnsonville Sausage LLC
Johnston Equipment
Jordie Pancer Painting
Kara Smart Foods
Karen Wilson Interior Design Inc.
Kitchener Citizen
Kitchener Rangers Hockey Club
Krug Furniture
Loblaw Companies East Ltd.
M & M Meat Shops Limited
Mumby Insurance Brokers Inc.
New Hamburg Independent
Pepper Box Productions Inc.
Pillers Sausages and Delicatessens Ltd.
Purolator Courier Ltd.
R. J. Trucks
Regional Shows Inc.
Research In Motion Limited
Sherri’s Living Large
Simon McWhinnie Reidiger & Meredith LLP
Sobeys Inc.
St. Jacobs Home Furnishings
St. Jacobs Printery
Steve’s TV
TA Appliances
Tournament Sports
Waterloo Potters Workshop
Westmount Signs and Digital Imaging
Woolwich Observer
Xerox Canada
Zehrs Markets
Food Sharing Organizations
We partner with the following organizations to acquire and share a wider variety of nutritious food for our agencies.
Brantford Food bank
Northumberland Food 4 All
Second Harvest
Photo courtesy of Fresh Photography
At the 14th International Canstruction Competition in Las Vegas ...
it was announced that the “Parthenon-Building a Long Lasting Community” structure built by the Waterloo
Architecture Student Association team from the University of Waterloo was the winner of the Best Meal category.
Canstruction is the Society for Design Administration’s community service project that promotes the design
community and raises food for hunger relief. This was the third year for Waterloo Region to hold a Canstruction
competition and the first year an entrant was recognized at the international level. The jury wrote, “Standing high
on the Acropolis, this Parthenon could sustain the ancient residents of Greece through a famine. This wonder of
the world was packed with nutritious food and symbolism.” Congratulations to the Waterloo Architecture Student
Assocation and to Research In Motion for providing the support necessary for the team to compete.
The Food Bank and Web 2.0
In 2009-10 The Food Bank entered the world of web
2.0. Students from Wilfrid Laurier University created
guides for Facebook, YouTube, Kijiji, LinkedIn and
Twitter for The Food Bank. Our new video, “Sharing
with my community. Every day.” is our first posting
on YouTube (<http://www.youtube.com/user/
FoodBankWaterlooReg> ) and can also be reached from
a link on our home page. Everyone is encouraged to
become a fan of The Food Bank on our Facebook Page
and follow FoodBankWatReg on Twitter.
Graphic design for the 2010 food drive materials...
and the cover of this report was developed by Sean Willson, graphic design student
at Conestoga College. Sean was pleased to have his design selected by The Food
Bank. “To be part of something as significant as this cause, means a lot to me. It’s
not every day that you get to create awareness for something so important and often
ignored. I hope others will also see the positive effect they can have and help nourish
hope in our community,” commented Sean.
Hope always stands a better chance with help.
You can continue to nourish hope for 5% of our population.
Thanks for your support.
The Food Bank of Waterloo Region supports environmentally respectful paper choices
Charitable registration number: 11923 3310 RR0001
50 Alpine Court
Kitchener Ontario N2E 2M7
519-743-5576 (phone)
519-743-8965 (fax)