Guardian Angel Newsletter - Spring 2015


Guardian Angel Newsletter - Spring 2015
“See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always
look upon the face of my heavenly Father.” Matthew 18:10
Volume 5, Issue 2
A quarterly publication of The Cross Road Foundation
Spring 2015
Janna Gaudiuso, Director of Development
I’m afraid that the winters
of 2014 and 2015 will
forever be engrained in
my mind. Never before
have I actively tried to
‘will’ the spring season into coming as
much as I have the past 2 years. I
would go outside with a lighter coat
than was warranted by the single digit
on the thermometer, I opened
windows in the house to let fresh air
in, even though temperatures outside
were just slightly above freezing, I
even blasted the heat (with said open
windows) to try to erase the chill of
winter. Yet, despite the many futile
efforts on my part, the hard and fast
conclusion that I have come to is that
spring will only come at the Creator’s
appointed time.
The author of the Old Testament book
Ecclesiastes, (traditionally believed to
be King Solomon, son of David) also
learned this lesson at some point,
because he wrote, “There is an
appointed time for everything. And
there is a time for every event under
heaven,” (Ecc. 3:1, NASB). In 1950,
singer/songwriter Peter Seeger
embraced this timeless reflection, when
he wrote the music to and recorded the
song, “Turn! Turn! Turn!” which
reached #1 on the Hot 100 chart in
1965 when it was covered by the
American folk band The Byrds. The
lyrics to the song, except for the title
and final six words, are adapted word
for word from Ecclesiastes 3. The song
became an anthem for world peace that
would ring for decades to come.
To a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy, the idea that there is a purpose
for everything may be an idea that is not
easily accepted. When they make that
frantic phone call, their world has just
been turned upside down, and all they
see are pieces of their life swirling
around like debris in a tornado. In many
cases, being able to endure this
‘season’ in her life proves too daunting
of a task, leading her to make the decision to end the pregnancy.
Our hope at Cross Road is that we are
able to help calm the storm and
provide guidance on this new
‘season’ in her life. Our volunteer
Client Advisors provide assurance
first by actively listening and learning
about her situation. Next, the
advisors help her to examine each of
her options in an open, honest, and
loving way. In addition to examining
options, advisors can plant seeds for
a new season or vision that she may
have never thought possible before.
At the end of the appointment, our
hope is that she is able to see her
season with new, peace-filled eyes,
empowered and equipped with the
support that she needs.
By experience, we know that the warm
freshness of spring will eventually
come, just as the tornado will give way
to peaceful skies. We pray peace
comes in times of turmoil, and in the
songwriter’s words we hope, ‘A time
for peace, I swear it’s not too late.’
Welcome to the World!
Crystal - 12/31/14 Gianna - 1/31/15
Melissa - 2/12/15
Juan - 2/13/15
Hortencia - 2/3/15
Eddie - 2/17/15
Cross Road Foundation
1152 Victory Boulevard, Staten Island, NY 10301 (718) 556 -3474
The Guardian Angel
Page 2
William Harder, Executive Director
As an ungifted child, I
learned to draw from
coloring books.
Although the procedure
was simple enough, sometimes in my
eagerness I would forget the numbers and
just move my pencil to the points I
supposed would complete the character’s
profile. This often did not end well as
Quick Draw McGraw came off as a
crazed hippo while Baba Looey looked
like a sick puppy. I learned that ignoring
the numbers often leads to disastrous
The Center for Disease Control recently
issued a statistical report on pregnancies
with numbers that seem encouraging.
Over the last 10 years, the abortion rate
in our nation decreased by 13% while the
percentage of viable pregnancies that were
carried to term rose from 75% to 78%.
Regretfully, New York City, while moving
in the right direction, still lags behind the
rest of the country. The pregnancies
carried to term here were less than 63%.
In other words, more than 37% of these
pregnancies were aborted.
“We will continue to encourage our clients to
follow this virtuous path less traveled,”
These numbers outline a pattern that both
pro-life and pro-abortion proponents use
to color in their explanatory narratives
about abortion in America. Pro-abortion
leaders claim that this decline is due to
better sex ed programs and greater use of
contraceptives. Pro-life advocates, on the
other hand, point to the dramatic increase in pro-life legislation on the state
level and to the effective outreach of
pregnancy care centers as explanations
for this trend.
One interesting explanation is that our
Millennials, those born after 1981,
having witnessed the havoc wrought on
their parents’ lives by a laissez- faire
morality, are themselves moving back
towards more traditional values. We will
continue to encourage our clients to
follow this virtuous path less traveled by
their parents’ generation.
Where our adversaries may see in these
numbers a sketch of yet another love
sick yuppie, we are hopeful that the
image emerging is that of a wise young
woman. Thank you for your continued
support of our work.
On left, the executive members of Friends of Staten Island stand
for a group photo after the final tally has been reached in the
Superdance 2015 (on right). The service club, organized by
Monsignor Farrell High School and St. Joseph Hill Academy
high school students hosted the fundraiser on March 7 and reached
$67,640, which will benefit four local Staten Island Charities:
Protectors of Pine Oak Woods, Gianna Nicole’s Heart of Hope,
Cross Road Foundation, and Camp Good Grief.
in the
Executive Director Bill Harder was one of the 2015
honorees for outstanding service at the annual Staten
Island Council of Churches awards dinner held at the
Old Bermuda Inn on February 5. Pictured at left are
Gloria and Bill Harder, and Rev. Janet Jones,
president, Staten Island Council of Churches.
In January, Janna Gaudiuso visited students in Ms. Guardino’s (at left)
& Mrs. Binetti’s (at right) first grade classrooms at Blessed Sacrament
school. The first grade classes had collected various baby items to donate to
the Mommy Store in celebration of Catholic Schools Week.
Volume , Issue
Page 3
On Saturday, March 21, Cross Road teamed up with the COMMONS café to host a Community Day. Attendees enjoyed arts and
crafts, a visit with the Easter Bunny, and a Volunteer Recognition Ceremony. Profits from the café’s purchases went to support the Cross
Road Foundation. Photos courtesy of Frank DeChirico Photography,
‘Every child begins the world again,’
-Henry David Thoreau
Thank You to Our Loyal Supporters!
Our heartfelt thanks go to those who participated in Baby Bottle Campaigns during Winter 2015:
Holy Family Church
Blessed Sacrament School
St. Clare’s School & Parish
If you are interested in running a Baby Bottle Campaign in your church or organization, or if you are
interested in volunteering in one of the campaigns, please contact Bill at 718-556-3474.
We would also like to acknowledge support received in the 1st Quarter of 2015 from the following parishes/organizations:
Our Lady Help of Christians ● Church of St. Christopher ● St. Teresa’s Baby Bin ● Monthly HOPE Donors
K of C Fr. John C. Drumgoole Council ● Holy Child Church ● Catholic Daughters of America - Court St. Clare
Friends of Staten Island ● St. Vincent de Paul Society - Holy Child ● OLSS 50+ Club
Rosary & Altar Society - Our Lady Queen of Peace ● St. Joseph Hill Academy Pre-K
Non-Profit Organization
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Staten Island, NY
Helping expectant and new mothers in need since 1987.
Celebrate Spring at the High Tea & Brew
Sunday, April 26 - 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
The Stone House at Clove Lakes, 1150 Clove Road (formerly The Lake Club)
Requested Donation $55 per person
Garden of Life Fundraiser & Brunch
Sunday, June 7 - 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Doors open at 10:30 a.m.)
2015 Honoree Rev. Msgr. Edmund J. Whalen
Students from St. Joseph Hill Academy
donated their time to help with arts and crafts
at Cross Road’s Community Day.
Joann Gilmartin, President
Dolores Celentano, Vice-President
Salvatore Marra, Treasurer
James Stahlnecker, Secretary
Board of Directors
Virginia Buonviaggio
Joseph Delaney
Nancy Delaney
Joseph Forlenza
Excelsior Grand, 2380 Hylan Boulevard
Tickets $30 per person, $25 for children 12 & under
For more information on these events or to RSVP, please visit our website at or call 718-556-3474.
Joan Mutone
Novella Lawrence
Charles Sanfilippo
Executive Director
William Harder
Administrative Assistants
Jeanette Munda
Ana Suarez
Director of Development
Janna Gaudiuso
Director of Parenting Program
Annette Esposito
Cross Road Foundation
1152 Victory Boulevard, Staten Island, NY 10301 (718) 556 -3474