March 2016 - Lions Clubs Australia


March 2016 - Lions Clubs Australia
Lions Club of Werribee
Page 1: President’s Report
Page 2: Secretary’s Report
Page 3: Birthdays & Anniversaries
Page 3: Committee Reports
Page 3: Dates to Remember
Page 4: Board of Directors Election
Page 7: RFL Walkers Schedule
Page 8: YOTY District Final
Page 9: March Calendar
March 2016
The year is fast coming to a close,
but there is still plenty to do and
achieve, nominations for next
year’s board will be happening next
dinner meeting (02 March 2016).
Election night will be the following
dinner meeting (16 March 2016).
We have plenty of BBQs coming
up through March so please speak
to the BBQ committee and see
when you are available to.
Looking forward to seeing you all
at the next dinner meeting on 02
March 2016 at Nominations night.
President Paula Morris
From the Editor’s Desk
All committee reports and articles
need to be in to the Editor by 24
March for the April Pride.
President Paula with Robert from the
Hands On Learning Project
It is vitally important that all committees submit their reports each
month. The Pride is a valuable
source of information and many of
our readers rely on it to keep themselves abreast of what is happening
Paula Morris
2/6 Fisher Court
Werribee Vic 3030
0413 459 044
Ian Joss
6 Snowgum Court
Hoppers Crossing Vic 3029
0417 536 637
Bob Kochevatkin
14 Whitmore Place
Wyndham Vale Vic 3024
0426 981 948
PO Box 163
Werribee Vic 3030
within the Club. You may know
what is happening within your
committee but does everyone else.
Let them know via the Pride.
Lion Bob Kochevatkin will be stepping down as Editor of the Pride from June 2016. I have been
the editor of this great newsletter for the past three years and it is probably time now for someone else to take on this role. It has been a pleasure and a honour publishing the Pride each month
and I am sure someone with fresh ideas can only improve this valuable source of information within our Lions Club.
The Lions Club of Werribee Inc. held its Board of Directors Meeting at the Lion’s Den on the 11th February
2016. The meeting was called to order at 7.35 pm by
President Paula Morris who acted as Chairperson.
Ian Joss, Barry Shields, Paula Morris, Tom Henderson,
John McClure, Daryl Harden, Merv Selzer, Bob
Kochevatkin, Kerry Cook, David Wood, John Whiting,
Zeyna Gould
Michael Eather, Zeyna Gould, Lou Scholten, Doug Mullett
The minutes of the Board of Directors meeting held on
10th December 2015 were distributed.
Moved Lion Kerry Cook seconded Lion Barry Shields
that the minutes be accepted. RESOLVED
1. Lion Doug Mullett presented his proposal for creating a new category of membership as “Friends of the
Lions Club of Werribee”. Due to the fact Lion Doug
is an apology the proposal will be discussed at the
March BOD meeting.
2. Lions Rocco Di Raco has not paid his annual dues.
Lion Bob Kochevatkin to follow up.
3. BBQ – request from Harpley Homes to do a BBQ on
27th February, 11 am to 3 pm. Lion Melissa Keeble
to investigate. The Club will be participating in the
All correspondence received was handled in the appropriate manner with the following actions.
Letter advising of increase in Crime watch bear
prices. Tabled.
Order form for MD201 2016-2017 Directories. To
be completed by the Secretary.
MD Convention information. Passed to Lion David
Lions Club of Deer Park invitation to 40th Charter
Anniversary 23rd April. To be presented at next
Bob Kochevatkin
9741 7772
Mobile: 0426 981 948
Lions Club of Werribee - March 2016
Dinner meeting.
Request to clean up yard. Lion Merv Selzer to investigate.
Letter from Werribee Racecourse.
Wyndham City list of Australian Citizenship ceremonies 2016. Passed to Lion Barry Shields.
Membership Satisfaction banner patch. Passed to
Lion Barry Shields.
Letter from Lion Michael Eather requesting Lion at
Large status until 30th June. Moved Lion Barry
Shields seconded Lion John McClure to approve
the application for Lion at Large status.
Letter from Lion Charlie Bonanno requesting Lion
at Large status until 30th June. Moved Lion Kerry
Cook seconded Lion David Wood to approve the
application for Lion at Large status. RESOLVED
Email from Lion Daryl Harden requesting Lion at
Large status for six months. Moved Lion Tom Henderson seconded Lion David Wood to approve the
application for Lion at Large status. RESOLVED
Letter from Lion Kerry Cook requesting Lion at
Large Status until 31st May. Moved Lion John
McClure seconded Lion David Wood to approve
the application for Lion at Large status.
Electricity Account $231.55. Passed to the Treasurer for payment.
Application from lion Kerry Cook to use the Den
on 13th February. Moved Lion Bob Kochevatkin
seconded Lion Merv Selzer to approve the application. RESOLVED
Certificates of Appreciation presented to past Lions
Gerry Costa and Ron Rixon.
The Secretary advised that the Club has 30 members.
Moved Lion Tom Henderson seconded Lion Merv
Selzer that the Secretary’s Report be accepted.
The Treasurer presented the following balances:
Administration Account $ 18,042.43
Activities Account
$ 29,640.97
Moved Lion Kerry Cook seconded Lion Barry Shields
that the Treasurers report be accepted. RESOLVED
Great to see all members back for the New Year.
Thanks to lion Doug Mullett for the Guest speakers.
All reports are to be in with the Editor by the 2nd Dinner Meeting
of each Month; close off date will be the Friday after this
meeting. Articles in MS Word format can be emailed, posted or
delivered. Digital pictures of activities added to the message are
welcomed but must be in JPG format.
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1. Social – Lions Kerry and Melissa still organising
2. Membership – Lion Tom Henderson to help out
whilst Lion Kerry Cook is absent.
3. Request for donation to help young Jacks family purchase a wheelchair access vehicle. Leave until next
Board of Directors meeting.
4. Mints – now 60 cents. Wait and see results.
5. Grant application to be left until next application
6. Welfare – Lion Zeyna checking gardening job at
Wyndham Vale.
David Wareham
Dorothy McClure
Rachel Eather
Carol Scholten
Bob Kochevatkin
Matthew Bensted
04 March
07 March
13 March
14 March
19 March
25 March
1. Tin rattle for Cancer Council in March.
2. Relay for Life in April. Need more members to participate.
Paul & Natane Durante
19 March
Charlie & Caterina Bonanno 20 March
The next Board of Directors Meeting will be held on
Thursday 10th March 2016.
These are the only ones known to the Editor.
If I have omitted someone please let me know.
There being no further business the Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 9.05 pm.
Lion Paula Morris
Lion Ian Joss
At the last Directors meeting, Lion at large status until
the end of June 2016 was approved for Lion Charlie and
Lion Michael. Lion at Large status was also approved
for Lion Daryl until the end of August.
Although I will not be “physically” present for a few
weeks, I can still be contacted on 0438 371 119 if anyone needs to have a chat or any concerns. I would like
to thank Vice President Tom, who has offered to help
me out on the Membership team until the end of this
Lions year, so do not hesitate to contact Tom as well.
I am investigating some thoughts for some PR activities
to raise the awareness of our club and also membership.
If anyone has any thoughts, please do not hesitate to
drop me a line.
Guest Speaker
I am in the process of arranging a speaker for the second
meeting in March. If successful, the speaker will be
from one of the emergency services in Wyndham.
I know I was assigned various duties last meeting, but
with my holiday, they have completely escaped my
mind. Once reminded, we’ll get onto them post haste.
Doug Mullett
Dates To Remember
05 March
05 March
12 March
13 March
19 March
20 March
20 March
03 April
16/17 April
RFL Tin Rattle
BBQ Harpley Estate
BBQ Harpley Estate
BBQ Bunnings, Werribee
Car Parking Indian Festival
BBQ Melbourne Water
Autumn Equinox
End of Daylight Saving Time
Relay For Life
Kerry Cook
Dinner Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Werribee RSL at
6.30pm for a 7.00pm start. Apologies for non-attendance at Dinner Meetings are to be notified
to the Lion Tamer, Barry Shields, by 5pm on the day prior to the meeting, or you can expect to
be charged for the meal.
Lions Club of Werribee - March 2016
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Relay For Life 2016
The 2016 Relay For Life event on 16/17 April is quickly
approaching and is in fact only six weeks away. I hope
everyone has been in training and ready for the big
walk. Please invite family, friends and neighbours to
join us for this most worthy cause. The cost per walker
is only $20 if you register before mid-March.
So far I have registered 32 walkers. If you have not already confirmed your participation give me a call on
9741 7772 or an email ( so I can
arrange for your registration. All walkers must be registered.
On Page 7 of this newsletter is the Walkers Schedule.
Let me know when you are available to walk. You can
put your name down for more than one time slot as
the more we have the easier it is on everyone. Give
some thought to doing the midnight shift. More details
about the event will be sent out by email.
On Saturday 5 March Ian and Rosalie Joss, Eamonn
Cooke and Bob Kochy will represent Team Lions for
the Relay For Life Tin Rattle at the Plaza intersection.
So far this year our tin rattling has raised $611.
Bob Kochy
Board of Directors Election
Nomination for the 2016/2017 Board of Directors are now being called and will close at
the Dinner Meeting on 6 March. The Election will then be held during the Dinner Meeting on 20 March.
All Lions are encouraged to nominate for one
of the positions. It is a great way to contribute to the success and future direction of our
great Club.
Nominations are open for the following positions.
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Lion Tamer
Tail Twister
Membership Chairman
One Year Directors
Two Year Directors
If you are interested in nominating for one of
these positions please contact Lou Scholten,
Zeyna Gould or Merv Selzer.
BBQs & Catering
We have had a few BBQ this past month. Thank you to
all those who help. We now have a very busy month
ahead of us. The BBQ we have coming up are.
Lions and Partners, unfortunately I have suddenly had to
go into hospital to have some surgery that I have been
waiting for. I have left some ideas for Social nights and
hope these will be organised.
05th March BBQ at Harpley real estate.
12th March BBQ at Harpley real estate.
13th March Werribee Bunnings.
19th March BBQ at Harpley real estate.
20th March Melbourne water
So we have a very busy few weeks coming up. Please
let me know if you can help out if you haven't already.
Melissa Keeble
I will get onto organising others once I am feeling up to
it. Unfortunately, I will be away from the club for approx. 6-7 weeks.
By the time you read this, The Community Clubs Race
Day would have been run and I look forward to hearing
all about it and seeing some photos. Thank you to Kochy for finishing this activity for me.
Kerry Cook
Lions Club of Werribee - March 2016
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Youth Projects—Youth Of The Year
The Region 1 Final of Youth of the Year was held at the
Kingsville/Spotswood RSL. Our fantastic judges, Tony
Briffa, Kaye Gauci and Michelle Jessop had some tough
decisions to make with amongst the five contestants that
competed (we originally had 7 however 2 bowed out of
the quest due to last minute illness).
The impromptu questions were curly, which is to be
expected at this level, however all five of the contestants handled them with eloquence and conviction beyond their years.
The prepared speeches were also terrific with the contestant sponsored by Leo’s Brimbank putting us into a
slight trance with her melodic and poetic way of delivering her speech on feminism. Our own contestant Adam Scullin from Werribee unfortunately drew number
one and had to go first with the impromptu speeches
and the prepared speeches. This did not stop him however from giving it his all.
At the end of the day there could only be one public
speaking winner and one overall Youth of the Year,
with the public speaking going to Steven Leader, from
Williamstown High, who was sponsored by the Lions
Club of Williamstown. The overall winner was David
Trevorrow from Braybrook College, who was sponsored by the Lions Club of Footscray. To paraphrase
the judge Tony Briffa it is terrific to see such a high calibre of Youth representing the west.
David will now go onto the District Final to be held in
North Geelong on the 2nd April 2016. If you would
like to attend, please let me know by March 27. It
would be great to see a contingent from Werribee attending this night. See the Flyer on Page 8.
Zeyna Gould
Now this could be a winner.
From The Tail Twister
Irish Doctor
A doctor in Dublin wanted to get off work and go fishing, so he approached his assistant “Murphy, I am going
fishing tomorrow and don’t want to close the clinic. I
want you to take care of the clinic and take care of all
me patients”.
“Yes, sir!” answers Murphy.
The doctor goes fishing and returns the following day
and asks: “So, Murphy, how was your day?”
Murphy told him that he took care of three patients.
“The first one had a headache so he did, so I gave him
Car Parking
“Bravo Murphy lad, and the second one?” asks the doctor.
The Werribee Racing Club has again asked our Lions
Club to manage the racecourse car parking for the next
Indian Festival on Saturday 19 March.
“The second one had indigestion and I gave him Gaviscon, so I did sir” says Murphy.
Once I have confirmation of the times I will let everyone know. If it is similar to previous events, we will be
required from 10am until 6pm. The event goes into the
night until 9pm but we only need to control the car park
up until 6pm.
“Bravo, bravo! You’re good at this and what about the
third one?” asks the doctor.
We will need 2 shifts of parking attendants. Most likely
4 or 5 people per shift.
“Sir, I was sitting here and suddenly the door flies open
and a young gorgeous woman bursts in so she
does. Like a bolt outta the blue, she tears off her
clothes and lies down on the table and shouts: ‘HELP
ME for the love of St Patrick! For five years I have not
seen any man!'”
Let me know if you are able to help on this day. It is a
good money earner for the Club.
“Tunderin’ lard Jesus Murphy, what did you do?” asks
the doctor.
“I put drops in her eyes.”
Bob Kochy
The Lions Club of Werribee was Chartered in March 1961 as the 177th Lions Club in Australia.
The Sponsor Club was the Lions Club of Footscray.
Incorporated Number: A7900
ABN: 12 123 313 365
Lions Club of Werribee - March 2016
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Community Clubs Race Day
Doug’s Tassie Trip
On Friday 19 February, 13 members of the Werribee
Lions Club and friends were guests, along with other
community groups, at the Werribee Racing Club for
their Community Clubs Race Day.
I recently visited Tasmania.
Dramatic event
I ran cross a snake about to have breakfast.
Everyone enjoyed the food, the complimentary drinks,
the afternoon Devonshire Tea and especially the companionship.
We also had the pleasure of a talk about life from
Michelle Payne, a Melbourne Cup winning jockey and
this year’s Moomba Queen.
Our two tables were lucky enough to win a $100 TAB
betting voucher so we decided to have a bet on the
Quaddie. We were aiming to win a small fortune but
unfortunately, some donkey in the first leg beat our three
selections which meant we blew our big chance of going
on a world cruise together. Maybe next race meeting we
will have better luck.
Whether you had a bet or not it was a great day out and
we will definitely book a table or two for the next Community Clubs Race Day.
Bob Kochy
Not dramatic event
I attended a meeting of the Glamorgan Lions Club at
Swansea. Although membership was around 15, only six
were present. The secretary was away on holidays and
so were quite a few others. It was interesting as we were
able to swap ideas and information. The difficult thing
was to find where the meeting took place. Another difficult thing was the actual dinner - too nice, too much.
Next time I’ll walk to the venue and back to try to work
it off.
Interesting things
Two couples I ran into knew friends of mine - one bikie
group knew of the other speaker at the RFDS AGM (it’s
a small world!).
Doug Mullett
Copies of previous Prides back to January 2010 can be read or downloaded from the Werribee
Lions Club’s web page at:
Then ‘login’ and look under the Members/Newsletters Tabs.
Lions Club of Werribee - March 2016
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2016 Relay For Life - Walkers Schedule
(Saturday 16 April 12noon to Sunday 17 April 12 noon)
There must be at least one walker on the track carrying the baton at all times.
Time Slot
12pm – 3pm
16 April
3pm – 6pm
6pm – 9pm
9pm – 12am
12am – 6am
17 April
Russell Astin
Bob Kochy (24hrs)
Merv Selzer
Ian Joss (24hrs)
Paul Collins (24hrs)
Zeyna Gould (24hrs)
Barry Shields
Eamonn Cooke
6am – 9am
9am – 12noon
17 April
11.50 am - Opening ceremony
12.00 pm - Survivors start the first lap
12.05 pm - Survivors plus carers on second lap
8.00 pm - Candlelight Ceremony
Sunday 11.45 am - All welcome to join in on the final laps
Lions Club of Werribee - March 2016
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Lions Club of Werribee - March 2016
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March 2016
Women’s Day
Labour Day
Ides of March
Harpley BBQ
Harpley BBQ
Car Parking
Indian Festival
St Patrick’s
Harpley BBQ
F1 Grand Prix
Lions Club of Werribee - March 2016
Pride Reports
Good Friday
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