NEWSLETTER - Dalyellup College
NEWSLETTER - Dalyellup College
NEWSLETTER DATES TO REMEMBER WINTER CARNIVAL YEAR 9&10 Wednesday 24 August 2016 P & C MEETING Tuesday 30 August 2016 @ 6.00pm Number 5 11 August 2016 Welcome back to the start of another busy semester and the final weeks of school for our Year 12 students who are very busy completing their last assessments and preparation for exams in Term 4. This year we will hold the WACE exams at the college which will be better for our students. We welcome back Kaye Harvey and Darren Stephens after their time away from school. Tania Meintanis has also returned this week after her leave and recent illness. With Kaye returning back from leave Kym Miller finishes her role in home economics but is going to be available for relief work during the semester. We also welcome new staff members to the college in Jack Jin teaching Chinese while Belinda Chan is on maternity leave. Shelley Paterson is our relief school nurse during Term 3, Danielle Wansborough joins us as an additional education assistant and Christine Humphries will be working at the school on Friday’s as our Aboriginal and Islander Education Officer (AIEO) working with Jane King. And finally in Week 4 Tarryn Kenworthy will commence as our new English teacher on Monday 8 August 2016 along with Mrs Rebecca Froud. COUNTRY WEEK Congratulations to Blake Kampen and Dharam Apanah for their organization and management of another successful Country Week excursion. Our students represented the college with pride and managed to have three teams, soccer, boys’ basketball and boys’ volleyball, reach the grand final. Unfortunately only the soccer team succeeded in winning their final. Well done to the staff that coached and managed their teams during this busy week. The teams included: boys’ volleyball with coach Mr Apanah, girls’ volleyball with coach Mrs Bell, boys’ basketball with coach Mr Pense, girls’ basketball with coach Mrs Grant, netball with coach Mrs Aylmore, hockey with coach Mrs Mortimer, soccer with winning coach Dr Draper and overall management of Country Week was Mr Kampen and Mr Apanah during Country Week itself with assistance from Mrs Clinch. SCHOOL CANTEEN Our school canteen has added a few new features such as EFTPOS facilities for students to pay for their purchases rather than having to bring cash. As well as that the students and parents can pay and order their lunch on-line again saving the need to have to bring cash to school. Parents need to register on-line and they will receive their own login details to setup credit and commence ordering lunches. This process means that you know your child is getting a healthy lunch and the money isn’t being spent elsewhere. Principal: Jeff Macnish PO Box 1096 Bunbury WA 6231 Ph: 9795 2000 Fax: 9795 2099 Newsletter email: Dalyellup College The link to register is The canteen also needs volunteers to help with preparing and serving the student lunches. If you have some spare time to come in and help even if it is only half an hour during the lunch breaks it would certainly help our busy canteen ladies Lu and Marnie. Please call the school on 97952000 to register your interest or call into the canteen personally. PARENT NIGHT Thank you to all the parents and students that attended the parent night on Tuesday 26 July 2016 at the college. Again this year we used the on-line PTO system for parents to book interview times and hopefully everyone was able to get the times they wanted. On the night we set up a special time clock to make sure everyone stuck to their allocated timeslot and this helped to make sure the meetings ran smoothly. Many parents commented on how much better it was this year with this new setup. If parents weren’t able to catch-up with certain teachers then they can arrange a separate meeting or phone call with these staff members. We know already that some staff were away on leave and parents can meet with these staff members once they return. Jeff Macnish Principal Parents are also encouraged to use “Connect” to keep in touch with their child’s progress as well as communicating with their child’s teachers. SCHOOL UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS FOR SECONDARY STUDENTS The Department of Education has a “Dress Codes for Students Policy” which outlines the dress requirements for students in public schools. Schools are to have a dress code for students or uniform policy that is sanction by the School Board. Secondary schools are required to have a school uniform policy that is “explicit, detailed and mandated”. This policy is provided to students and parents at enrolment and a copy is also available on our website. Parents and students need to be aware that while in primary schools the dress requirements may have been less explicit and detailed and that alternative clothing that met the school colours was permitted this is not the case with the secondary uniform policy. Secondary students are required to wear the school uniform as stated in the policy. The policy document has recently been updated as it still had a statement about being allowed to wear alternative pants as was the case when we were a K to 12 college. Some parents may have purchased items of clothing, such as track pants, that fit the school colours but doesn’t meet the school uniform requirements. This will need to be phased out during the rest of this year. If there is a problem obtaining uniform items from the uniform shop or there is a legitimate reason for your child not to be in uniform for a particular day then parents should provide a written note explaining the circumstances. Short term exemptions can be provided in some situations. NEW GIRLS AND BOYS SHORTS A new micro-fibre short will become available in time for summer as an additional item for our school uniform. There will be two different types of shorts one for the girls and a slightly longer short for the boys. These shorts are very light weight and have an elastic waist and have been tested by members of student executive who have said they are a great addition to the uniform. These should be available by the beginning of Term 4. PO Box 1096 Bunbury WA 6231 Ph: 9795 2000 Fax: 9795 2099 Page 2 dream . believe . achieve YEAR 7 LITERACY PROGRAM AND OLNA SUPPORT Last term we introduced a special literacy program for some of our Year 7 students identified as benefitting from an intensive literacy program for spelling and reading. Two classes were created and taught by Jaymee Job. The students were removed from normal classes for two periods a week to do intensive spelling and reading activities along with special homework tasks to help improve their literacy skills. At the end of the term a number of students had improved their literacy skills to a level where they were now achieving “C” grades in their main subject areas. Because of this improvement some students have now been returned to main stream classes allowing a new group of students to be added to the program. At the same time we have established special support programs for some of our senior school students to help them pass the On-line Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA) which they need to pass as part of the WACE certificate in Year 12. Students have to successfully pass the OLNA tests for writing, reading and numeracy by the time they complete Year 12. This process commences in Year 10 and students can have up to six attempts at passing these tests. Students who perform well, achieving band 8 and above, in their Year 9 NAPLAN tests are deemed to have already achieved their literacy and numeracy skills and do not have to complete the OLNA tests. Jeff Macnish - Principal NAPLAN ONLINE - TRIAL OF THE NEW ONLINE ASSESSMENT PLATFORM You may have heard that NAPLAN online is being introduced from 2017, with an aim for all schools to be administering NAPLAN online by 2019. NAPLAN online will provide better assessment, more precise results and faster turnaround of information. Your child’s results will be returned to you faster, within a couple of weeks rather than a couple of months. Our school has been selected to trial the new assessment platform (the computer system the test will be taken on). This trial shouldn’t be seen as a ‘test’ of content, it is a chance for the new platform to be tested in a real-life classroom environment. This trial is called the Platform Trial and Readiness Test (PTRT). During August 2016, selected students in Years 7 and 9 will participate in a trial of the assessment platform, by undertaking one online readiness test that include examples of the new NAPLAN online questions. Each test will take approximately 45 minutes to complete. Participating in this trial is important as it will help us ensure we have adequate internet connectivity, and whether students have access to sufficient number of devices for NAPLAN testing. During the trial, schools will have the opportunity to practice managing the classroom logistics for an online assessment and the new test administration processes. Feedback from schools participating in the trial will inform transition to the online assessment as well as provide valuable feedback to shape the final development of the NAPLAN online platform. The readiness test has not been constructed to assess curriculum knowledge, but rather to provide students an opportunity to experience the types of questions that will be included in the new online assessment. Participation in this trial is a key step to ensuring a successful NAPLAN online experience. PO Box 1096 Bunbury WA 6231 Ph: 9795 2000 Fax: 9795 2099 Page 3 Dalyellup College SCHOOL BUS SERVICES TEMPORARY TRAVEL PERMIT I am writing to reiterate our protocol in regards to temporary travel on South West Coach Lines orange school bus services as per Semester 1. Although most students and parents are following the correct protocol, we wish to remind all parties involved that the below procedure still applies: All students wishing to travel on a school bus in which they are not authorised to travel on or require an alternative stop, a written request from their parent or guardian will be required. In order for this request to be processed, South West Coach Lines ask that the below listed information be provided via email: no less than 24 hours prior to planned travel. • • • • • Name of child requesting travel School bus number/service in which child will be travelling on Pickup and drop-off location Guardian/parent contact details Contact number for receiving adult Please note; travel on these services are not guaranteed and are subject to availability. Thank you for your assistance with this matter and if you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact our office on the number below. Yours sincerely, Francine McDonald Operations Manager South West Coach Lines (08) 9753 7700 PO Box 1096 Bunbury WA 6231 Ph: 9795 2000 Fax: 9795 2099 Page 4 dream . believe . achieve YEAR 8 STEMS: AURECON BRIDGE BUILDING COMPETITION Aurecon is a global consulting, engineering, management and specialist technical services firm. Each year they run a bridge building competition for students in Years 8 and 9 in Australia and Years 9 and 10 in New Zealand, aimed at raising the awareness of the engineering profession amongst school students. This year Dalyellup College entered the competition for the first time with two teams of Year 8 STEMS students; DC1: Jessie, Lauren, and Kaylee, DC2: Phoenix, Charlie and Thomas. Prior to the main competition the Year 8 STEMS class held an internal competition where the students were required to make bridges using just paper and sticky-tape. The winning teams from the internal competition then set to work making their final bridge using nothing more than popsticks, pva glue, some string and a cardboard tube. Competition day started early, leaving Dalyellup College at 6am to drive up to Scitech in Perth. After registration we got a chance to have a look at the bridges other schools had made. There were 44 schools registered to participate, with some impressive designs amongst them. Then it was time for testing. Each bridge was tested by progressively increasing the load (mass) on a hanger attached to the bridge until it failed and could not support any more. Following our testing session the students were able to explore Scitech while we waited for the second group of schools to have their bridges tested. Lauren, Jessie and Kaylee with their bridge. At the end of the day all the students gathered to learn the final results. Most of the bridges were able to hold masses less than 100kg, with our DC1 team supporting a respectable mass of 15.8kg. The overall winners were a team from Carmel Adventist College with a bridge that was able to support an incredible 223kg! The students came away from the competition with a fantastic experience and some great ideas for next year! I am really proud of how well they represented Dalyellup College and can’t wait for the 2017 competition. I would also like to thank Debbie Horner for coming with us and supporting the students. We had a great day!! Wanda Colvin - STEMS Teacher Some of the many bridges ready for testing Charlie challenging Mrs Horner to a game of 3D tic-tac-toe Lauren and Jessie testing the pulley chair PO Box 1096 Bunbury WA 6231 Ph: 9795 2000 Fax: 9795 2099 Page 5 Dalyellup College THERE ARE PLENTY OF CHEESY GRINS ON THE FACES OF YEAR 8 STEM STUDENTS. Students are learning about the science of cheese-making while culturing their very own camembert this term. Coordinator Sharon Gear said the national Dairy Australia project was a great opportunity for students to get involved – particularly as it promotes the dairy industry and the various career pathways available. “This project has provided students with an awareness of the science involved in cheese-making. They learn about the different types of cultures required to make cheese, the time it takes, the types of milk used and the importance of hygiene,” she said. “It has also provided students with the chance to get involved in a real-life and hands-on science project.” This is the second year the school has been involved in the project. Ms Gear attended a cheese-making course and passed on the skills learnt to students who work in teams to make camembert while completing assessment tasks. A BIG CHEESE DAY OUT (judging day) will be held on 14 September to determine which school in the south west has mastered the science of cheese-making. “We are all excited and looking forward to seeing how our cheese matures,” Ms Gear said. Ms Sharon Gear - Teacher-Technology & Enterprise PO Box 1096 Bunbury WA 6231 Ph: 9795 2000 Fax: 9795 2099 Page 6 dream . believe . achieve Black Swan Theatre Company presents… SHADOWBOXING By Ella Hetherington The Year 11 and 12 Drama students were privileged to attend an exclusive performance exploring identity and the cyber world. Shadowboxing, presented by Black Swan State Theatre Company, is currently touring and we attended an intimate performance at the South West Italian Club. Following the performance the students were invited to participate in an interacting workshop exploring developing character and devising original works (which was super beneficial for these students as they embark on developing their Original Solo Performances for the WACE exams). The performance was thought-provoking, relevant and inspiring to all who attended. The workshop presented valuable activities and new strategies for develop works that, upon reflection, all students have deemed very beneficial! Mrs Taneeka Grant - TIC The Arts PO Box 1096 Bunbury WA 6231 Ph: 9795 2000 Fax: 9795 2099 Page 7 Dalyellup College SOUTHWEST CIVIL EDUCATION PROGRAMME The ROADS Foundation this year have been working in the Southwest to bring awareness and knowledge to the students and youth in the area about the Civil Construction Industry, with the outcome of aiming to have a Certificate II Civil Construction VET Pathway up and running next year for students. We have run the full Civil Construction Education Programme over the last couple of months, with an excellent Teacher Tour hosted by Fulton Hogan with 15 teachers attending followed by 3 full days with different groups of students trying out different elements of Civil and again visiting a live Civil site, meeting with the supervisor and getting a firsthand look at what the role entails from the people who do it day in day out. Along with attending the careers expo and presenting at the Trainee and Apprentice Forum to students and parents, it has been an excellent couple of months working in the Southwest region and seeing the interest and excitement from the students of a whole new career path that they didn’t even know existed but is the right fit for them... PERTH THROUGH THE EYES OF GEOGRAPHERS In week two of Term 3 the Year 12 ATAR Geography class made a trip to Perth to investigate how this fast growing city is planning to remain sustainable as it prepares for a population of 3.5 million by 2050. Students put their observational skills in to action as we toured the city identifying strategies to increase housing density and diversity while also reducing pressure on the transport system. Although everyone had visited Perth before, trying to recognise the processes of urban decline and regeneration that we’d learnt in class allowed us to look at the city in a completely new way. Highlights were seeing the old warehouses now turned in to a liveable residential community in East Perth, the busy underground train station at Subiaco and sketching the Perth skyline from beautiful Kings Park. Admittedly, getting up at 7:30 to stand on a bridge crossing the freeway in the freezing cold to count commuters was not so fun, but at least we got some good data. Students also learnt that urban geography fieldwork involves a lot of walking - about 25 kilometres in total over the three days! What a great effort. Thankfully the sun stayed shining for us and there were no complaints. Now, back to class to start writing up the assessment… Mrs Katherine Barker - Teacher HaSS PO Box 1096 Bunbury WA 6231 Ph: 9795 2000 Fax: 9795 2099 Page 8 dream . believe . achieve LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS “Don’t feed the plants!” What do an average florist shop run by a grumpy immigrant, a nasty dentist hooked on laughing-gas and a love-struck orphan have in common? They are all key characters in the show Little Shop of Horrors. The performing arts students from Years nine to twelve travelled up to His Majesty’s Theatre in Perth for this rock’n’roll meets do-wop spectacular on Friday 5 August 2016. While the excursion provided us with plenty of challenges, the show was entertaining and left us all humming the catchy show tunes all the way back to Dalyellup. The performers were inspirational with the lead actor performing both his own vocals and the vocals of Audrey II (the giant, carnivorous, alien plant played onstage by a huge inflatable puppet). The singing, sensational. The acting, amazing. The music, majestic. The set, costumes and props were magical. Special thanks must go to Mrs. Jenaya Bell, Mrs. Emma Broadway and Mrs. Christina Darlington-Terry for dealing so expertly with all of the obstacles thrown our way throughout the evening. Big thanks must also go to the perfectly well-behaved and understanding students who were involved – once again, they were a wonderful representation of the College and behaved as model citizens! Mrs. Taneeka Grant - TIC The Arts My name is Christine Humphries I am working as an Aboriginal and Islander Education Officer (AIEO) at Dalyellup College every Friday. I also work at Australind SHS and have been there for 4 years. I look forward to supporting the Aboriginal students and parents within Dalyellup College and the community. Please feel free to contact me at the college. PO Box 1096 Bunbury WA 6231 Ph: 9795 2000 Fax: 9795 2099 Page 9 Dalyellup College FREE PARENTING SEMINARS – for EVERY PARENT of a TEEN Positive Parenting Program SEMINAR SERIES Term 3 2016 Albany Primary School Parents/carers of children in years 5-8 are invited to attend free parenting seminars to learn practical, positive and effective ways to: - Encourage responsible teens who are respectful, considerate and involved in family activities - Help teens become more competent through self-discipline and problem solving. - Encourage teens to establish routines, follow school rules and have supportive friends - Help teens get connected by encouraging them to be confident, socially skilled and take care of others. Research has demonstrated the acceptability of the strategies across cultures. Parents may choose to attend one, two or all three of the following seminars When: Tuesday 2nd August Tuesday 9th August Tuesday 16th August Time: Venue: Cost: Coffee, tea, registration 6.30pm for a prompt 6.45pm start, finishing at 8.15pm. Albany Primary School staffroom. Free – however, bookings are essential. Seminar One: Seminar Two: Seminar Three: Raising Responsible Teenagers Raising Competent Teenagers Getting Teenagers Connected To register to attend a free parenting seminar please: Complete the slip below and return to Albany Senior High School marked attention Mrs B. McCann For more information Contact: Brenda McCann: Maree Dawes: REGISTRATION FOR: POSITIVE PARENTING PROGRAM – SEMINAR SERIES Name of Parent(s)/Carer(s) wishing to attend: (1) (2) Surname _______________ First Name _______________ Mobile (1) ______________ Surname _______________ First Name _______________ Mobile (1) ______________ Home Phone: _________________ Postal Address: _______________________ Suburb: _______________ Postcode: _________ Email: _______________________________________________________________________ Name of Child/ren: __________________________________________ Year Level: ________ __________________________________________ Year Level: ________ I/We wish to attend (please tick): Seminar One - Seminar Two - Seminar Three - Please return your registration to Mrs B McCann Albany Senior High School, 1 Campbell Road, Albany WA 6330 or fax to 9842 1512. Or e-mail your details to Or PO Box 1096 Bunbury WA 6231 Ph: 9795 2000 Fax: 9795 2099 Page 10 dream . believe . achieve ARE YOUR DETAILS UP-TO-DATE? It is important that you keep the school informed about changes to the following: CONTACT DETAILS To ensure reports and important school communication is received and that calls can be made in case of an emergency. CURRENT MEDICAL DETAILS This information is reviewed yearly and is vital to ensure appropriate medical treatment is provided. IMMUNISATION Please provide the school with your child’s current MMR immunisation details. In case of an outbreak the school may exclude students who have not provided proof of immunisation. IS YOUR CHILD LEAVING THE COLLEGE ? Please complete this slip and return to the College. NAME: ___________________________________________ Current Year: _____________ DESTINATION SCHOOL: ______________________________________________________ LEAVE DATE: ____________________________ PARENT SIGNATURE: ___________________________ PO Box 1096 Bunbury WA 6231 Ph: 9795 2000 Fax: 9795 2099 Page 11 Dalyellup College FUNDRAISER When: Saturday 27th August @ 6.30pm Where: Grand Cinemas Bunbury Adults $20 Kids $15 For tickets contact Claire 0430 087 729 PO Box 1096 Bunbury WA 6231 Ph: 9795 2000 Fax: 9795 2099 Page 12
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