newsletter - Dalyellup College


newsletter - Dalyellup College
Number 9
5 November 2015
Tuesday 10 November
Thursday 12
November -Friday 20
November 2015
Thursday 19-Friday 20
November 2015
of year 12
program for 2015
year 11’s
Monday 23 November
Monday 30 November
Year 12 Awards Ceremony
Our Year 12 students have finally completed their last weeks of school and finished
off the term with an Awards Ceremony on Friday night. During the last two weeks
the students also had a final assembly with the whole school and a special dinner
with staff at the Highway Hotel. This year our Awards Ceremony was held at school
in our new gymnasium. This was the first time that we have held this event at school
and I think everyone would agree that the venue was setup perfectly and allowed
us to have a very memorial occasion for our leaving Year 12 students. Jamie
Senbergs and his team of helpers did a fantastic job getting the venue organized
for the night using our newly purchased curtains and additional stage settings from
the performing arts centre. Congratulations to Danielle Donovan for being awarded
the VET Dux for 2015 and Jacinta Simi for being awarded the ATAR Dux award for
2015. Other award winners are listed elsewhere in the newsletter.
A big thanks also to Kameryn Snow, Keegan Williams, Joshua Green, David
Richardson, Scott Butson and Totally Sound for the sound and technical setup on
the night. I did say, during my speech, that Technology does have a big impact on
our lives and this proved to be an issue on the night with our video presentations.
Thanks to Bruce Clarke and the Year 11 students for their video productions. Copies
of the two videos were placed onto a thumb drive and given to each of the Year 12
students on the night. Hopefully they have been able to watch them at home.
Jeff Macnish
PO Box 1096
Bunbury WA 6231
Ph: 9795 2000 Fax: 9795 2099
Newsletter email:
Dalyellup College
Thanks also to Christina Darlington Terry and the school band for their performance
on the night. The Year 12 band including Eddie Scown, Laura Bruton, Jackson
Barton and Joshua Porteous also performed two items for the large crowd of
parents, staff and students. Thanks also to Bernie Clinch, Sharon Gear and Kym
Millar for their huge effort in providing the catering at the end of the evening.
Thank you to our Year 11 students who also assisted on the night and the Student
Jeff Macnish
Thank you also to Shahn Paganini who as the Year Coordinator for Year 12 helped
to organize the final dinner and assisted with the Awards Ceremony. Thanks also
to Lynette Wynne, Kerrie Brede and finally a huge thanks to all the office staff who
helped Natasha Sprigg with the overall coordination of this major event.
Iluka Art Exhibition Awards
Congratulations also to Linda Guinness and her Art students for having four pieces of art work selected
for the Iluka Art Exhibition. Two pieces of work were selected for Amy Nairn while Lucy White and Lauren
Harbour both had one piece of art work selected for the exhibition. The art exhibition is being held at the
Bunbury Regional Art Gallery from now until 22 November 2015. Three of the four pieces of art work
have been selected for exhibition awards. Amy Nairn received the Year 11 Art Award and the Framers
Award while Lucy White has been selected to participate in an internship run at PICA (Perth Institute of
Contemporary Arts) next April 2016. Lucy will work with professional artists throughout the Easter holiday
break. Congratulations to all three students for being selected and to Amy and Lucy for their awards.
Changes to Senior School this term
Earlier in the year I indicated that we were going to commence senior school programs for Year 10 and
11 students this year allowing an additional three to four weeks to commence the Year 12 - 2016 courses
and preparation for Year 11 courses. This means that our current Year 11 students will commence their
Year 12 courses during Week 5 once they have completed their exams. We have already indicated that
they can now use the Year 12 Common Room as part of this process.
Current Year 10 students will commence their preparation for Year 11 during the latter part of this term
and in recognition of this change we have decided that they can purchase and wear the senior school
uniform as of Monday 16th November. From this point onwards they will be classified as senior school
students and can receive the senior school privileges as long as they are wearing this uniform. It is not
compulsory to wear this uniform but an added bonus in recognition of their commencement of Year 11
Student Vehicles at School
Students that have a driver’s licence and wish to drive a scooter or other vehicle to school need to
complete a permission slip signed by their parents. The permission slip also provides information about
the conditions that apply to bringing a vehicle to school and if any passengers are allowed to travel with
the students. This must also be signed off by the parents of these students. The vehicle is only allowed
to be used to drive to and from school and is not allowed to be accessed during the school day. These
forms can be obtained from administration or student services.
Staff Acknowledgements
Welcome back to Anthony Main who has been working as HOLA for Mathematics at Newton Moore SHS
over the last two terms. Also welcome to Emma Broadway who commenced last week and is replacing
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dream . believe . achieve
Michele Wood while she is on leave.
Thank you to Jenny Staker who organized the Woolworths Earn and Learn program during last term.
With the points that Jenny was able to collect she has purchased a HD video and digital camera some
cutting mats and pencils. Also a big congratulations to Belinda Chan and her PLASTIC group for their
fantastic effort with the Keep Australia Beautiful WA presentation last week.
Drop Off and Pickup Zone
Parents are warned to please be careful when using the drop-off and pickup zone at the front of the
school administration block to make sure you use a continuous flow of traffic and do not make a U-turn
from this zone. There have been a number of near miss accidents where vehicles have pulled out
across the road to make a U-turn or 3 point turn to travel in the reverse direction. If parents need to drop
off students and then return in the reverse direction they should use the drop-off loop at the new car park
near the oval. This zone allows you to drive in drop off students and then drive out in either direction
safely. Wake Drive is extremely busy with vehicle, bus and student traffic in both the morning and
afternoon and we ask that all drivers take extreme care during this time.
The administration car park is not a drop off zone and parents are requested to use the designated bays
at the front of the school. Having vehicles driving through the car park creates a dangerous situation for
student pedestrians as well as for vehicles exiting the car park.
Jacinta Simi
Danielle Donovan
Jess Earl
Sports Star of the Year
Joshua Porteous
Long Tan
Kyle Harbour
Principals All Rounder
Joshua Porteous
ECU Personal Excellence Kyle Harbour
English Stage 3
Kyle Harbour
English Stage 1
Blake Stingel
Maths Stage 3CD
Jacinta Simi
Maths Stage 2CD
Lauren Faulkner
Maths 2AB
Samuel Sexton
Maths Stage 1DE
Peri Huriwaka
Psychology Stage 3
Dylan Eales
Physics Stage 3
Jacinta Simi
Chemistry Stage 3
Jacinta Simi
Human Biology Stage 3 Lauren Faulkner
Modern History Stage 3 Joshua Porteous
Career and Enterprise
Chinese Second Language
Visual Arts Stage 1
Drama Stage 2
Physical Education Studies Stage 1
Physical Education Studies Stage 3
Outdoor Education Stage 1
Materials Design & Tech Wood
Food Science & Tech Hospitality Stage 1
Design - Technical Graphics
Design Photography
Automotive Engineering & Tech Stage 1
Cert II Business
Cert II Creative Industries - Media
Cert II Community Services
Cert II Sport & Recreation - Cricket
Cert II Engineering
Cert II Information, Digital Media &
Lakshmee Shewhorak
Kyle Harbour
Jake Nash
Cameron Payne
Nathan Sturges
Jessica Earl
Nathan Sturges
Stephen May
Ryan Perry
Jackson Barton
Taygan Van Rensburg
Blake Stingel
Q Mohd Yazid
Stephen May
Danielle Donovan
Eddie Scown
Joshua Porteous
Lakshmee Sheworak
2015 Charges and Voluntary Contributions
Thank you to those who have paid 2015 Charges and Voluntary Contributions
Voluntary Contributions are used to provide valuable educational resources.
While not compulsory, we encourage payment of these contriubtion to assist Dalyellup College to provide your
child with the best possible learning environment.
A reminder that charges for elective courses are compulsory.
Non-payment can result in your child being removed from high cost courses.
If you have not yet paid compulsory charges, please do so as soon as possible.
If you wish to discuss payment options please contact Vivienne Laws, Business Manager on 9795 2000.
PO Box 1096
Bunbury WA 6231
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Ph: 9795 2000 Fax: 9795 2099
dream . believe . achieve
Dalyellup College
Year 8 STEMS
Parent, staff and community representative positions on the School Board are now due for renewal commencing
in 2016. To help off set when board members positions are renewed there will be a mixture of 2 year and 3 year
terms of appointment. Any parent, community members or staff members can now nominate for the School Board.
Please address nominations to the Principal, Jeff Macnish, PO Box 1096, Dalyellup WA 6230, or email
Include the following information:
Parent - Name, Students at School, contact details.
Staff Member - Name, contact details.
Community Member - Name and brief description of your expertise that you can bring to the board.
The Year 8 STEMS class has been working on a bridge building project this year. Their aim has been to
research, design and build a bridge that can support the most weight. They started in Term 2, designing
and building bridges using bamboo skewers and PVA glue. The results for these bridges were mixed;
the winning bridge held a mass of 7.9kg before collapsing. Unfortunately some of the groups relied far
too heavily on the glue for strength.
In Term 3 they had another go at the bridges, using materials set by the Aurecon Bridge Building
competition, which we are looking at entering next year. This time the students spent more time
researching and designing their bridges before constructing them, so the results were greatly improved.
This time they really looked like bridges and the winning bridge held a mass of 15kg before collapsing.
The students really worked well in their groups and came up with some interesting and creative designs
for the bridges. Well done!
Please also indicate your preferred term of appointment, 2 years or 3 years.
Nominations close 4 pm, Friday 20 November 2015.
Mrs Colvin
- Teacher Mathematics
The Iluka Visions Art Exhibition officially opened on Friday night with
awards being presented to students who were chosen to exhibit their
artwork. As you are aware, we had 4 artworks in the exhibition and
we won 3 awards!!!!!
Amy Nairn received the Year 11 Art Award for artwork created using
pen, ink and wash with tea/coffee media
Amy also received the Framers Award for her artwork on ‘Conscience’
created using pen ink and wash. This is a fantastic reflection of the
hours of hard work that Amy always puts into her artwork, as well,
her dedication to create exceptional artworks.
Katelyn, Britney and Dana with their winning bridge in the
preliminary competition
Mitchell, Jaiah, Charli , Amy and Tierney with their winning
Lucinda White applied for the Internship run at PICA (Perth Institute
of Contemporary Arts) next April, 2016, where she will work under
professional artists throughout her Easter holiday break.
This is an enormous opportunity for any student wishing to
pursue a career in the Arts.
Both young artists are to be congratulated on their fabulous
Zoe and Crystal with their first attempt at bridge building
Ms Linda Guiness
- Teacher Visual Arts
Noah, Bryon, Dana and Holly watching one of the bridges
being tested
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Bunbury WA 6231
Ph: 9795 2000 Fax: 9795 2099
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Bunbury WA 6231
Ph: 9795 2000 Fax: 9795 2099
Page 5
dream . believe . achieve
Dalyellup College
Specialist cricket
PLASTIC (People Leading A Service To Inspire Care) in Dalyellup College
Late last term, Dalyellup
College had the pleasure of
hosting supreme cricket bat
maker Paul Bradbury, where
he put his skills on display to
the students in the Specialist
Cricket Program. Paul and
his wife Sally, a former first class cricket player herself, have been
making cricket bats for 22 years since they started plying their trade as “podmakers” in England on an
overseas holiday. Paul sources all of his willow from the same place in England each year and turns out
several hundred bats for sale to the cricketing public. His reputation has grown over the years and has
had several high profile players using his product including former Australian captains Steve Waugh and
Ricky Ponting.
Some of the equipment Paul uses is over a hundred and twenty years old which shows in some aspects
this craft is unchanged over time despite the fact that cricket bats in the modern day are a very different
shape to the past. It was a very interesting presentation as while talking to the group and answering
questions, Paul used his skills to take a “blank” and turn it into something resembling a finished product.
Mr Knuckey
- Specialist Cricket Coach
The Dalyellup College Cricket Program students enjoyed 2 games recently against Rockingham SHS.
The teams were well matched on both occasions with the Dalyellup boys playing against slightly older
boys on both occasions.
On the last week of term 3 around 100 Year 7 and 8’s competed at this year’s lightning carnival accompanied
by 20 Year 10 and 11 umpires, coaches and helpers.
This year we nominated boys and girls basketball, netball, boys AFL, boys and girls soccer and mixed
hockey. Students represented the school with pride and great sportsmanship as always. Thanks to the
teachers involved who gave up their lunchtimes training and selecting teams in the lead up to the carnival.
Year 10 Advanced Woodwork.
Students have been gaining knowledge and skills throughout
the year culminating in the production of pine coffee tables.
Pictured are Mitchell Deer, Joel McMillan and Jacob O’Rourke
who are working hard at transforming their design drawings
into reality. By the end of the year the students will be able to
take home their unique hand-made coffee tables.
This week we travel
to Mandurah to play
a competition against
some of the Perth
Schools which will be a great challenge.
Ms Gear
- Teacher Home Economics
Mr Knuckey
- Specialist Cricket Coach
PO Box 1096
Bunbury WA 6231
Ph: 9795 2000 Fax: 9795 2099
In Term 4 the students from Year 7 – 10 attended a presentation by a guest speaker - Samantha Culbertson
from Keep Australia Beautiful Council Western Australia. The presentation helped students identify litter
and differentiate this from waste, highlighted problems to people, animals and the environment caused
by litter and provided litter-prevention strategies to the staff and students. After the presentation some
students highlighted that they feel better informed of the local and global issues of litter especially plastic
litter that ends up in the ocean. They felt that they have a greater understanding of the importance that we
all need to act to help our school and the environment litter free by helping to pick up litter that others had
left behind.
Mrs Belinda Chan
Teacher LOTE
Lightning Carnival (Year 7/8)
Our first game was played in Rockingham who batted first and
made 100 runs. Adam Grieve took 4 wickets and bowled splendidly.
In return we could manage only 99 runs falling agonisingly short by
1 run. Daniel Macmillan made 21 runs and Jaxon Bennison 16.
Last week we hosted Rockingham on a beautiful batting wicket
prepared by our curator Dave Bonnell. Rockingham made a very
competitive 170 runs. Ethan Giroud produced a couple of ripping
balls to pick up 2 early wickets and Jac Melvin got 2 as well.
Our innings started poorly losing early wickets but a brilliant 110 run
partnership between Daniel Macmillan (63) and Jaiah Moore (35)
put the team in a winning position. Some good late order batting by
Jaxon Bennison and Zane Verhaaf got us over the line with only 2
balls to spare.
During Term 3 students were invited to a lunchtime
screening of a documentary titled “Don’t Mess with Me!”
which highlights the issues of littering and some interesting
strategies that are adopted in the UK to try to address
littering. Students were given free popcorn and a total of 76
students turned up for the event. On the last day of school in
Term 3 PLASTIC in DC organised a whole school litter pick
up. This event included a lesson component to educate and
inform students the impacts of littering. This lesson helped
to provide students with a purpose toward their effort to
ensure our school is litter free. Students and staff all armed
themselves with gloves and bags picked up litter all school
grounds which also included the oval and the surrounding car parks.
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Bunbury WA 6231
Ph: 9795 2000 Fax: 9795 2099
Page 7
Dalyellup College
dream . believe . achieve
Year 9 STEMS
A Case for Conspiracy – Forensics incursion 16/9/15
The Year 9 STEMS class has been working on a variety of different projects. In Term 3 they were set a
challenge to create the tallest freestanding tower using only 20 sheets of A4 paper. The students were
not allowed to use any tape or glue to hold the towers together and the tower needed to be able to
stand, unaided for at least 1 minute. The results were amazing, with the top two groups building towers
1.41m and 1.60m respectively!
It was an idle Wednesday morning when local bushwalkers made the grim discovery. “John Doe” (not
his real name) was found shot in the local forest. Although he had recently appeared on the underground
scene and had found himself on the wrong side of the law, his untimely passing still warranted investigation.
This is when Mr Stephens and his capable group of forensic officers had to be called into action.
At the start of this term the Year 9 class was given the opportunity to visit the Worsley Alumina Refinery.
The students were given a tour of the refinery by employees in the Worsley Engineering Graduate
Program who told them all about how the refinery works. They also found out about the different fields
of engineering they could venture into at Worsley. The students were amazed at just how many different
engineering careers are available in one place; including chemical, mechanical, electrical, process and
mining engineering, just to name a few. Afterwards the class visited Wellington Dam, not only as an
example of engineering, but also to start thinking of ideas for another project. The students have been
researching methods of large-scale water purification that could be utilised to remove the salt from the
water in Wellington Dam, which currently makes it undrinkable and poor quality water for crop farming.
Mrs Colvin
- Teacher Mathematics
As part of the applied science course offered at Dalyellup College, forensics is offered to students in Year
9. This year as a culmination to the course, Education Interactive visited the school to set up a mock crime
scene. Students were briefed on the background of the crime and then presented with a series of displays
where evidence had been taken from the crime scene
and brought to the forensics lab for processing.
The day gave students an opportunity to put their newly
learned forensics skills to use in a practical context,
where they were guided in how to collect evidence
and correctly process that evidence in a laboratory,
to eventually narrow down suspects to the actual
perpetrator of the crime. Not only did the students
have the opportunity to examine actual crime scene
evidence and scientific reports and examinations, but
they also had the chance to sit down and discuss other
aspects of criminal investigations such as motive and
Needless to say, these expert forensic officers cracked
the case, and the perpetrator was led away in handcuffs. A great day was enjoyed by the students, and
thank you to Paola, a forensic investigator herself, for coming in to lead the days activities.
Mr Stephens
- Teacher Science
Ngaire, Franchesca and Anusca buidling their paper tower,
once completed it stood 1.41m.
Carla and Zoe with their paper tower
Tara and Tyler at Wellington Dam
PO Box 1096
Bunbury WA 6231
Ph: 9795 2000 Fax: 9795 2099
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PO Box 1096
Bunbury WA 6231
Ph: 9795 2000 Fax: 9795 2099
Page 9
dream . believe . achieve
Dalyellup College
Snap Shot
Bunbury City Band
Bunbury City Band, Brassomatic and Contempo invite you and your family to their inaugural music
It will be on Sunday 22 November at the Graham Bricknell Music Shell from 2pm – 5pm.
Raffles and cold drinks for sale at this not to be missed fun family event. Hope to see you there.
Leighton recently represented WA in the beach volleyball national titles in Darwin.
They beat the Darwin under 18 mens side. They have won the title back to back now.
More details please contact Ian Elliott on 0407756853.
The games were very hard with temps of 35c and high humidity making the games
in the middle of the day very tiring and leaving the body very sore.
Narelle Wynwood
Bunbury Young Voices is a prestigious and respected performing group, fostering
excellence in singing and offering children a broad choral experience beyond the
scope of school music programmes. Members develop skills in vocal and choral
techniques, choreography, music reading, rehearsal, performance and the social
aspects of being part of a team.
During the second week of the recent
school holidays, Lucy White (Yr 11)
departed Bunbury for Fremantle on the
STS Leeuwin II, a traditional rigged
1850’s Barquentine.
Bunbury Young Voices is open to any young person turning 10 or above in 2016. An information meeting
for applicants and their parents/guardians will be held on Monday 16th November, 2015 at 5.30pm at St
Augustine’s Uniting Church, Mangles Street, Bunbury. Auditions will be held on Saturday 21st November.
The closing date for applications to audition is Friday 20th November.
For further information, please contact The Secretary, Ms Helen Brown
A memorable and life-changing voyage, aimed at developing key life skills
transferable into life at school and work.
- Jill Thompson-White
The uniform shop will be opening for additional hours in November through to December.
They are as follows:
Monday and Thursday 10:45am to 2:00pm and Tuesday 8:00am to 10:00am. Additional hours in Term 4 are Wednesday 18, 25 November and 2, 9 December 2:00pm to 4:45pm. Additional hours in January are Friday 22 and Friday 29 January 2016 -9:00am to 3:30pm.
Shiloh Steer recently participated in the 2015 WorldSkills WA Regional VETiS Commercial Cookery competition.
Juding of WorldSkills is conducted using experts across a range of employers and educational institutions.
Shiloh was awarded the Gold Medal position in the regions category. Which means she is eligible to represent
WA at the national competitions in 2016.
Shiloh will be presented her medal at the Medal Presentation Ceremony in December at the Crown Perth.
Congratulations Shiloh
PO Box 1096
Bunbury WA 6231
Ph: 9795 2000 Fax: 9795 2099
Lucy was selected as a recipient of the
City of Bunbury’s 2015 Leeuwin Ocean
Adventure Scholarship, immersed in the
seafaring lifestyle for 6 days, and learnt
everything there was to know about
sailing. Page 10
From entering and winning a DJ competition in September, Kameryn was ecstatic, and maybe just a
touch nervous, to win the opening act spot at the U18 Project that
was headlined by Australia’s number 1 female DJ, Tigerlily. Tigerlily
has toured the world, played to packed out nightclubs and arenas,
and toured with some of the world’s
most influential, iconic and well known
The event was held in the SW Sports
Center on September 30 and also
featured DJ’s Dr. Wazz, KevvyT and
Michael DB.
Kameryn’s talents on the mixer desk have been sort after at the College
on many occasions including the drama productions The Little Mermaid jr,
ANNIEjr and more recently the 2015 Year 12 Presentation Awards Night
and final assembly.
PO Box 1096
Bunbury WA 6231
Ph: 9795 2000 Fax: 9795 2099
Page 11
dream . believe . achieve
Dalyellup College
Building parent-school partnerships
WORDS Michael Grose
What to say
when kids
Start 2016 with Confidence
become anxious
7 practical things to say to kids to help them when they feel anxious.
Anxiety has a way of making everyone feel
helpless - those experiencing anxiousness and
those trying to help. It’s hard to know what to
say when a child becomes overwhelmed with
anxiety, but it’s most important to be a strong,
steadying influence. You may not be able to
take their anxiousness away, but your emotional
support and your calmness makes a difference.
Children take their cues from their parents
so your trust that they can cope when they
become overly anxious will send a powerful
message that they’ll come out the other side
safely. The language you use will convey your
trust and also offer your child the comfort they
need to feel safe, as well as the courage to find
their own solutions to their anxiousness.
When you see anxiousness take hold
here are some things that you can say
that will help your child cope:
“You’re okay. I’m here and I won’t be going
Such statements indicate warmth, safety and
comfort. Your child may not believe you straight
away but that’s okay; your presence will get the
message across.
“You don’t have to do anything right now. Just
A big part of the stress of anxiety comes
when children don’t know what to do. They
don’t have to fight the feeling of anxiousness,
but let it pass. The less children fight
anxiousness, the more likely it is that the feeling
will go.
“Let’s go for a walk and see if we can take some
big breaths.”
Physical activity is the best antidote to an
anxiety attack as it helps burn up the adrenalin
that prepares a child’s body to fight or take
flight. Try to help them take some strong
breaths while they walk, which will be easier
if they’ve practised when they aren’t anxious.
Practise by breathing in to the count of three,
holding for one, breathing out for three and
holding for one.
“Take some big, deep breaths. I’ll do it with
Anxiety comes from the fight or flight
response when the brain perceives a threat. It
doesn’t matter whether the threat is real or not,
the brain thinks and acts as if it’s true, leading
to tenseness, hyperventilation and confused
thinking. Breathing triggers the relaxation
response which, like the fight or flight response,
is hardwired in all of us.
When children are calm explore different
approaches to empower them to better
manage their anxiousness. You might say:
“I’d like to understand what your worry feels like
for you. Can you teach me?”
The ability to accurately identify a feeling
when it occurs is at the heart of emotional
intelligence so encourage your child to
verbalise what their anxiety feels like. Greater
self-awareness increases your child’s ability to
manage their feelings.
Invite your child to take a more objective
look at their own anxiety to help them
gain a different perspective and level of
understanding. This approach also gives
parents a greater insight into what a child is
going through.
Book your camp today!
Visit +1800 753 127
Follow us on
Syllabus overview – confidence building – refresh your understanding – study skills – essay writing
2 day courses / 6 hours per course
Jan 14th – Jan 29th 2016
Venues: Churchlands SHS and Rossmoyne SHS
Enrol Today:
Speak to an education consultant: (08) 9314 9500
“Your brain is amazing. Every time you
breathe through your anxious feelings you’re
teaching your brain how to manage your
Brains have an amazing capacity to adapt
and learn new ways of coping. By helping your
child understand that he is, in effect, training
his brain to better respond to anxiousness you
empower your child to positively manage their
Help children manage their difficult
emotions, including anxiety, by validating their
feelings and encouraging them to experiment
with different ways of coping. Encourage kids
to come up with their own solutions when
anxiousness threatens to overcome them. Kids
are usually adept at solving their own problems
when they have loving, supporting and positive
adults in their lives.
Sports Camps Australia
“What would you say to a friend who was going
through what you go through?”
Michael Grose
t young people? Subscribe to Happy Kids
Want more ideas to help you raise confident kids and resilien You’ll be so glad you did.
newsletter, my FREE weekly email parenti ng guide at
PO Box 1096
Bunbury WA 6231
Ph: 9795 2000 Fax: 9795 2099
© 2015 Michael Grose
Page 12
Enrolments for December/January programs are
now open. It is important for every child to learn
to swim and develop essential water safety skills.
VacSwim’s school holiday swimming programs
are conducted by qualified instructors who teach
children the skills to be confident swimmers and
safe in the water.
This year there has been a small price increase
from $10.00 per enrolment to $12.50 per enrolment
(family enrolment for three or more children living
at the same address is now $34.50).
For further information and online enrolment visit
PO Box 1096
Bunbury WA 6231
Ph: 9795 2000 Fax: 9795 2099
Page 13
Dalyellup College
Junior Squash
During the school term, every
Bunbury Squash Club
@ South West Sports Centre
4.30pm to 5.30 pm
Contact Leanne French 0418598075
$5 each week (+ $15
annual registration with WA
All equipment supplied
Coaches trained and registered with WA
Kidsport Registered
PO Box 1096
Bunbury WA 6231
Ph: 9795 2000 Fax: 9795 2099
Page 14

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