Dear Parents and Friends of SGS, School Photos Thursday 18 June


Dear Parents and Friends of SGS, School Photos Thursday 18 June
Dear Parents and Friends of SGS,
Once again, it was delightful to receive an email from a parent
from another school who was praising the care and effort of our
school community. Our students and parents representing us at
Coona Horse Expo, came to the aid of a girl who had a fall and
was hurt. They not only looked after the girl but took away the
pressure for the family by looking after their horse while the girl
was hospitalised for treatment. Well done, team!
I have received wonderful feedback on how well our ensembles
performed at the recent eisteddfod. It is excellent that we have
a local eisteddfod in which to showcase the talent in the music
area and for our students to learn from this competitive
performance opportunity. I witnessed the joy of Kinder Krooners returning with their trophies and
it was very special.
Ongoing success for our Primary football teams occurred last week when the Under 10’s Rugby
League side won the Hunter challenge to secure a finals position alongside the Under 12’s. The
boys played very positively and were undefeated on the day. They will play the final at Hunter
Stadium early next term.
The Primary jackets are now available from the Clothing Shop. These softshell jackets will be able
to be worn with both the sports uniform and the formal uniform for extra warmth. The jacket does
not replace the jumper but can be worn over the jumper on those cold days that we experience at
this time of year.
Have a wonderful week
Paul Smart
School Photos Thursday 18 June, 2015
Please remember to wear full Winter School Uniform with Jumper
(Primary) and Blazer (Secondary) - hats not required for photos.
Please check that your uniform is in good condition and clean, your hair
neat and tidy and of school regulation cut and colour, no makeup and
shoes polished.
Family envelopes are available from either Administration Office from
Monday 15.6.15.
Primary News from Mr Feeney
We are very fortunate to have the provision of a Drop Off Zone in Kingdon St, outside the Primary entrance to
the School. It is essential that all parents support this facility, by using the Drop Off Zone correctly each morning,
between 8:00am and 9:30am.
Parents (Drivers) should only enter the Drop Off Zone after a left turn from Aberdeen St.
Parents (Drivers) should move to the first available space at the eastern end of the Zone.
Parents (Drivers) should remain in their car at all times.
Children should leave the car on the kerb side only.
Children should have bags already sorted and within easy access as they leave the car.
Staff will be on duty between 8:15am and 8:50am to assist.
Please don’t take short cuts or make changes to these arrangements. If you need time to attend to issues,
please take time to park in the areas designated, outside the Drop Off Zone. Thank you for your assistance and
Following on from their older counterparts, last week, our Under 10’s Primary Rugby League Team also
participated in their Newcastle Knights RL Knockout Carnival in Newcastle. Surpassing their older counterparts,
the Under 10’s went through undefeated, which also qualifies them to play in the Final at Hunter Stadium. This is
a wonderful achievement indeed! I would like to thank ‘super-coach’, Mr Brett Hails for his assistance in coaching
the boys and also Mr Tim Holden for supervising the team on the day.
Mr Hails and Mr Holden both spoke very positively about the boys and the many comments they received about
their behaviour on and especially off the field. This feedback is always such a delight to hear. The boys won all
four of their pool games, before going on to win their semi final and Final. Well done boys!
Some months ago, Angus Stanford (Year 4) came to speak with me about his ‘concerns’ that there were no
opportunities at SGS for Primary Golf. He had some ideas and after our discussion, we were able to put together
a plan for the inaugural Primary House Golf Competition. It was such a delight to share in this afternoon last
Friday, with 22 excited students, and a healthy group of parent assistants and spectators at the Scone Golf Club.
We had the ambitious target of completing nine holes in two and a half hours, (which will need to be revised for
the follow-up tournament) - we played an ambrose event, with a ‘shotgun start’, preferred lies of 30cm (and even
‘’turned a blind eye’ to rumours of some tees on the fairways). Scorecards are still being examined to see if we
can finalise a winning team, however, the likelihood is, we will just have to do it all again soon to be sure.
Jack Henry (Year 5 Blue-Pulling) won ‘Longest Drive’ (5th Hole) and Beau Devenish won ‘Nearest the Pin - 2nd
Shot (8th Hole). Well done boys.
Congratulations Angus on your wonderful initiative and perseverance. Many thanks to those parents who
attended and shared in the fun of the afternoon. Thank you also Mr Saunders for driving the cart and keeping up
refreshment supplies, and a special thank you to Will O’Donnell, our former Primary NSWCIS Champion for your
guest appearance and expert tips.
Congratulations and best wishes to Skye Russell (Kindergarten Red), Adelaide Alker (Year 6 Blue), Jock McCosker
(Year 1 Blue), Luisa Wilkinson (Year 4 Blue), Angus Giblin (Kindergarten Gold), Arbab Khan (Year 6 Blue), Zanthe
Da Cruz (Year 4 Gold), Owen Cole (Year 3 Gold), Miraj Jawaad (Year 2 Gold), Emmie Shuttleworth (Year 1 Gold)
and Peter MacCallum (Year 3 Blue), who are all celebrating their birthdays during this week. I trust that each of
these students will enjoy the day and the opportunity to share this special occasion with their family and friends.
Good Humour for the Week
A boy went to a Halloween party with a sheet over his head.
“Are you a ghost?” his friend asked.
“No, I’m an un-made bed”, came the reply
What did one zombie say to another? “Get a life!”
From the Chaplain
I had been thinking over this long weekend about the value of stopping and ‘sharpening our saws’.
During a recent wood cutting expedition with some friends I was reminded first hand of the value of stopping and
sharpening the saw, as opposed to slogging away with a blunt saw for about half of the value! While my experience
wasn’t like the well known story of two men in the bush working away on sawing down a tree, with one of the men
bemused as to why the other would stop to sharpen his saw instead of maintaining a high degree of effort with a
blunt saw, it reminded me of the value of working with a sharp saw in life. Life is hard sometimes... we need a
sharp saw!
In Ecclesiastes we read that ‘If the iron is blunt, and one does not sharpen the edge, he must use more
strength, but wisdom helps one to succeed.’ These are indeed wise words from God’s word.
I am convinced that our relationship with Jesus, the fullness of wisdom Himself, through our regular conversation
with Him and reflection on God’s word is ‘the’ way in keeping our saw sharp. While taking care for our physical bodies by eating the right foods, getting sufficient rest and relaxation, and exercising on a regular basis as well as giving time to strengthening personal and professional relationships and skills on a regular basis is of great value, finding peace with God (through Jesus) and walking with Him on a daily basis is the key to all of these aspects of life (1
Timothy 4:8-9, Psalm 27:14 & Isaiah 40:28-31). It is the single most powerful investment we can ever make in life.
It is interesting that those things we don’t see as urgent in life are often the most important.
Keep our saw sharp can be attended to on a daily basis through prayer and reflection and action on God’s word. Is
it time to stop and sharpen the saw?
Weekly Chapel Bible passages and relevant links can be found at
In Prayer this week:
Reflect on: Ecclesiastes 10:10
Give thanks for: The sacrifice of Jesus made so that we can be friends with God and have new life; The many opportunities to be involved in diverse school activities; Parents, teachers and supporters who truly care for us.
Pray for: For the school building project; For families and students who are ill or struggling at the moment; For Year
1and Year 9 students; Children and teachers at the Yellow Cottage Pre School; For your son or daughter’s teacher/s!
(specific prayer requests can be sent to to be prayed for by our weekly prayer group- not
published in newsletter)
Rev’d Nate
The Yellow Cottage Tales
It is hard to believe that we are nearly at the end of the term. We have had a
very busy and productive term. We are all so proud of the children and the
progress they are making at The Yellow Cottage, it is a privilege to share in
their learning journeys. The children have become so confident in sharing their
imaginations and investigative minds with us. We as a staff, find we learn new
things every day as we are challenged by the children to discover new and
interesting information.
This week the children led us down the learning path to find out about bees.
Darcy and Monty Bragg’s Dad brought a beekeepers box into The Yellow
Cottage full of honey but not bees. He also shared lots of interesting
information about bees and how they make honey. We love having families
come in and share things at The Yellow Cottage. So a huge thank you to “Snow” for making our bee investigation
really come to life this week. Frank wondered this week in the “I Wonder “ book about how bees make honey and
we were able to incorporate this into his investigation on Tuesday as well.
On Wednesday we had the amazing opportunity to work with Year 10 and complete some small group, gross
motor activities at Scone Grammar School. This allowed the children from the Yellow Cottage to be mentored and
guided by older peers from the school. It also provided the opportunity for the Year 10 students to perform an
assessment task on coaching. The connection we have to the Grammar School allows us to experience a variety
of different opportunities in our days that enrich the program for The Yellow Cottage children. Thank you so
much to Mrs Brayshaw for inviting us over to participate in these activities.
Dates for your diary: Amy’s School of Ballet students will perform for us next Wednesday 17/6/2015 at 11.00am.
Please join us for this.
Quote: The essence of teaching is to make learning contagious to have one idea spark another. Marva Collins
Equestrian News
Forms for the 2015 Hunter Valley Grammar School Equestrian Championships – EFA Interschools and Merriwa
Central School Horse Sports Day are on the Scone Grammar School Website. Click on Quick Links on the Home
Page and then School Forms under the Quick Links and click Equestrian. Entries are limited for Merriwa and HVGS
is Dressage and Show Jumping only. Forms for these events must be in to the school office before Thursday 18
CIS Touch Football
Five talented Scone Grammar School students competed at the CIS touch football trials last Tuesday 2 June. These
students competed at the trials with their AICES touch team, which they were selected into a few weeks ago. Each
level from HRIS to AICES to CIS the competition gets a lot harder. Not only were they trialling for the CIS team but
they were also competing in a gala style competitions.
Rosie O’Brien played in the 15’s girl’s team and won the gala with their team being undefeated all day. Rosie then
went on to make possible /probable’s but was unsuccessful in making the team.
Lauryn Crackett and Demi Farrell playing in the Opens Girls team and there team also won the gala day, being
undefeated all day.
Will O’Donnell and Nathan Clerke played in the 15’s boy’s team and did very well with some good wins. Will
O’Donnell then progressed on to play in the possible / probable’s and after a tiring day was successful in making
the CIS 15’s boys team.
Congratulations to Will O’Donnell and we wish him well at the NSW All Schools in July.
Under 10’s Knights Knockout Rugby League
Future Knights players were on display last week at the under 10’s Knight’s Knockout. The boys from Scone
Grammar School were superb, going through the day undefeated. They started with a couple of easier games
before they battled some tougher competition. In the final they played St Paul’s, Rutherford, coming away with a
hard fought 12-8 victory. The team showed great spirit and sportsmanship on the day which is a credit to them.
They now go to down to play in the final at Hunter stadium on Tuesday 14 July. Congratulation boys and good luck
in the final.
From the Clothing Shop
Our fleece-lined, shower-proof Sports Jackets, for Years 7 – 12, have arrived and can be viewed at the Main
Administration Office or at the Clothing Shop between 8.30am and 11.30am Monday to Friday. Sizes 12 – XL.
Please order through the Clothing Shop.
Helpers wanted! I am looking for helpers to assist with our Bi-Annual Stocktake next term. I have set aside the days
of Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 July from 9.00am to 3.00pm. Your help on any or all of these dates and at any time
to suit you, even if just for an hour or two, would be greatly appreciated! Please contact me at the Clothing Shop or
send a note through via Admin. Many thanks.
Pip Baker
Reminder about Crunch&Sip®
Our school is part of the Crunch&Sip program. To ensure that your child
takes part in Crunch&Sip you need to pack a piece of fruit or vegetables
and a bottle of water every day.
Allowed for Crunch&Sip®
All fresh fruit and vegetables
Tinned fruit in water or juice
Dried fruit in small amounts and on limited occasions
Plain water
Not allowed for Crunch&Sip®
Fruit products (e.g. fruit leathers, fruit roll-ups, fruit straps)
Fruit jams or jellies , fruit pies or cakes
Tinned fruit in syrup
Vegetable or potato chips, hot potato chips
Vegetable pastries (pies, pasties)
Baked vegetable breads
Vegetable cakes, fritter, quiches or similar
Flavoured/carbonated water, cordial, Fruit or vegetable juices
Any drink other than plain water
Why volunteer in the school canteen?
Schools and community organisations are finding it increasingly difficult to
find volunteers to help out. With many parents working or busy looking after
children there is a real shortage of volunteers in school canteens.
Volunteering in your child’s school canteen has a whole range of benefits to
you, your child and the school community:
You may be able to have some input into what food is sold in the
It gives you an opportunity to meet other parents at the school and
gives you another social outlet
You can support your child in their food choices at the canteen
Your child is able to see you at the canteen
You are supporting the school be able to provide a food service for the
Our school is in need of more volunteers for the canteen so if you are
interested please contact our Canteen Supervisor.
If your family is having difficulties providing a piece of fruit or vegetable
every day please let us know and we will assist you in addressing this.
Phone 4924 6499
Phone 4924 6499
Simple and inexpensive physical activity
Increasing the amount of physical activity in your child's day is a simple and
inexpensive way to improve their health and wellbeing. Being active needn't
cost a lot or take up a lot of time. Here are some fun and easy ways to
include more activity in your child's day:
Playing games like 'Simon Says' or 'Follow the leader'
Playing with the dog
Going for a walk
Playing in the park
Dancing in the lounge room
Kicking a ball in the backyard
Fussy eating in children
Fussy eating is normal; one day your child will be ravenous, the next day
they will be picky. Children’s appetites are affected by their growth cycles,
which is all part of their development.
Here are some simple tips to manage fussy eaters:
Get into good habits
Ensure children get regular meals and snacks throughout the day
Set time limits for meals
Limit talk about your child’s food fussiness in front of them
Create a pleasant atmosphere at meal times
Encourage your kids to be creative while having fun and being active, for
To make bats or racquets, roll up newspaper or use cardboard
For markers or obstacles for games, use plastic bottles,
containers or shoes
Brooms or mops can be used for hurdles or the limbo bar
Chalk, rope or masking tape are great for game markings e.g.
hopscotch, handball
If you have a backyard, make the most of it! Play hopscotch or elastics, chalk
up some handball markings, create a soccer goal from bins or other backyard
objects or you could put up a netball or basketball hoop.
There are lots of simple and inexpensive ways to help your kids be active
every day.
Reference: Q4: The Coast in Motion - Family ACTIVation Pack
Phone 4924 6499
Turn off the TV
Give everyone an opportunity to talk
Allow some choice
Allowing limited choice in what they eat e.g. would you like grapes or a pear
Introducing new foods
Start with small serves of the new food
It may take 10-15 times of offering before a child will take a liking to the new
Eating with other children can help exposure to new foods
Always try to eat the same food as your children and talk about how yummy it is
or isn’t this flavour nice etc.
For more information on fussy eating go to:
Phone 4924 6499
Community Notices & News
Workshops for parents and supervisors of learner drivers: WEA Hunter are again holding a workshop
on behalf of the RMS on Wednesday, 17 June at the Masonic Hall, Bridge Street, Muswellbrook from 6.00pm
to 8.00pm.
Bookings are essential and all enquires can be directed to WEA Hunter staff on 4925 4200.
For Your Diary
Week 8 (B)
Thurs 11 June
Fri 12 June
Sat 13 June
Week 9 (A)
Mon 15 June
Tues 16 June
Wed 17 June
Thurs 18 June
Fri 19 June
CIS Primary & Secondary Cross Country
HSC History Study Day at Sydney Uni
until 13 June
Foundation Meeting
Chess Round 3 at Singleton
HSC Adv English Modules Day at UTS
HSC History Study Day at Sydney Uni
HRIS Netball Gala Day
Primary Rugby 7’s depart to Sydney
Whole School Out of Uniform Day.
HSC History Study group return
Primary Rugby 7’s Final at Wakehurst
HRIS 15’s Soccer Trials
YAW –Adam Hill at St Lukes Hall
SGS Netball/Rugby Gala
ICAS Spelling competition
Secondary School Social at Scone RSL
Science/Engineer Challenge at Muswell
ICAS Writing competition
School Photo’s
HSC Chemistry/Experiment Festival at
Years9-11 Elect Music excursion to SJA
Term 2 ends
Term 3 commences 13 July until 18 September
Canteen Roster
Week 8 (B)
Thursday 11 June
Fiona Bailey, Fiona Hordern, Emma Sharpe
Friday 12 June
Fiona Bailey, Emma Burnett, Kelly Malone
Week 9 (A)
Monday 15 June
Jenny Crackett, Danielle Townsend-Saw
Tuesday 16 June
Fiona Bailey, Fiona Hodern
Wednesday 17 June
Fiona Bailey, Cathy Gatwood
Thursday 18 June
Jenny Crackett, Karen Johnson, Debbie Sadler
Friday 19 June
Jenny Crackett, Amanda Dowell, Rachel Northam
Term 2 ends
XXXX need Volunteer
Please CHECK THIS LIST to see when you are
rostered on