How to Condition Your Shins
How to Condition Your Shins
Copyright Notice ! ! Copyright © 2014 by Mike Yackulic ! ! No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without expressed written, dated and signed permission from Mike Yackulic. All copyrights are reserved. ! ! Medical Disclaimer and/or Legal Notices The information provided in this book is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information provided in this book is based upon my experiences as well as my interpretations of the current research available. The advice and tips given in this report are meant for healthy adults only. You should consult your physician to insure the tips given in this course are appropriate for your individual circumstances. If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult with your physician before implementing any of the information provided in this report. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information. ! ! You can contact the author at: ! ! A COMPLETE MANUAL FOR PREPARING YOUR LEGS FOR COMBAT Muay Thai is a centuries old Martial Art, and although it is a popular sport, it is not only focusing on winning: more importantly it is for getting the mind and body strong and focused. One of the most commonly used body parts in the Muay Thai is the shin: Anterior Tibialis. You want strong, flexible and massive muscles to support your body weight and withstand impact. TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 MUAY THAI & THE SHIN That is why different types of exercises, described in this conditioning manual will be needed in your training schedule. Strong but short and inflexible muscles are prone to splints and injuries. If you fail to strengthen the bone and the joints at the same time as your muscles, your body cannot work on the moves in harmony. SECTION 2 THE IMPORTANCE OF CONDITIONING SHINS This manual is designed for those who are looking to improve their techniques, gain muscle and strength in Muay Thai. It is just as suitable for beginners as advanced fighters. It is, obviously, your responsibility to stop when you feel you have reached the edge of your endurance. ! ! ! SECTION 3 RECOMMENDED EXERCISES ! SECTION 4 TRAINING SCHEDULE ! SECTION 5 TREATMENTS Completing the example training schedule once only will not bring results at all. Repetitions have to be set as high as possible in the beginning, in order to make the muscles “get used to” the move. The key to using this guide is bearing in mind three things: endurance, repetition and consistency. When training in Muay Thai, you are not only making your body stronger for the fight, but your mind, as well. So you have to learn to deal with pain, failure and defeat. Endurance means that you are able to put up with discomfort in order to achieve your long-term goals. Your goals, if you are reading this book now, should be to become a stronger and more coordinated fighter with the ability to master techniques and moves. Repetition means that you have to repeat the same kick over and over again to get results. Once perfect kick will never get you closer to the desired results. Kick repetitions should be initially set at a minimum of 50, and if you are an advanced fighter, you can even go up to 100. Consistency is the key to success in every training program. Do not give up after a few weeks, as the worked up muscles will collapse and you will be more prone to injuries. Make sure that you stick with the program for at least 16 weeks and you write down your personal schedule in a training diary. This will also help you achieve a higher level of commitment: something that Muay Thai Instructors are teaching in their lessons. Your mind needs to be focused on the end results and the road that will take you there: consistent training. This is what the book is all about. GET MORE GREAT MUAY THAI & MMA MINI COURSES HERE: WWW.ARASHIDOEDMNORTH.COM BE FLEXIBLE GET OUR MANUAL ! Hip flexibility is super important to be successful in Muay Thai. Our Mini Course will show you proper stretches, exercises and drills to improve you flexibility to not only be able to kick with ease and confidence but to limit injuries as well. ! Click HERE to Get It! 1. Muay Thai and the Shin Muay Thai is a sport that makes body and mind strong. However, some exercises need further training before you attempt to complete them, in order to be able to avoid injuries. The Shin is one of the parts of the body that is prone to injuries, therefore, if you want a strong kick and avoid getting hurt, you have to set up a rigorous training schedule for exercising it. The following manual is designed to help you with the process. Planning and maintaining your training and keeping your shin in its best possible form is important if you want to enter competitions. The exercises you will find below will be designed for those who already know the basic techniques of Muay Thai and would like to gain more strength to advance further in the sport. As with all exercise, it is important that you consult with your physician to ensure that you are ready for the challenge. However, you still need to ensure that you know your limits. Some of the exercises below have a warning next to them: such as spanning and kicking a banana tree. Even if you feel strong enough to do these exercises, it is better to ask your instructor before beginning. Consult with your physician in order to gain a full understanding of how your body works and how you can tell that you have reached the limit. Lower leg muscles are important in holding the body weight and maneuver around the ring, stability and flexibility. Therefore, strengthening and toning your shin muscles, while making the bones stronger is crucial. The next chapter will explain you why in detail. The proven methods are going to help you with gaining more confidence, strength and skills, but they involve hard work. While shinbones are sensitive, they are not as fragile as you might think. ! GET MORE GREAT MUAY THAI & MMA MINI COURSES HERE: WWW.ARASHIDOEDMNORTH.COM HOW TO CONDITION YOUR SHINS FOR MUAY THAI & MMA 2.a Bone Adaptation 2. The Importance of Conditioning Your Shins Shins are used for kicking, blocking kicks and supporting the body. There are three main focal points of these exercises: strengthening the bones, toning the muscles and recovery of small micro-tears and fractures caused by exercise and kicking the bag. Continuous training is extremely important in all three, therefore, once you have studied the exercises and practices described in the manual, it is essential that you set up your own training schedule that meets your condition level, training needs and well-being. After the initial training routine is introduced, you can increase the amount of time spent on each exercise. This is because shins are used a lot and get a lot of contact from the opponent. The standing and starting positions are all engaging these muscles: with your knees slightly bent, the weight of the body needs to be securely supported by the lower leg muscles all the time. You can, and most likely, you will hurt your shins from time to time when practicing Muay Thai. That is in the cards. However, you can plan your additional shin conditioning training to prepare for the injuries and lessen the damage. Even when you are wearing a shin guard, you will feel the kick. A properly conditioned, strong shin, however, is able to endure pain and the bones are strong enough not to break. The better you stick with the kicking technique, the less chance you will have for injuries. According to Wolff's Law, muscles and bones need to be exercised alongside in order to avoid injuries. Increased training can cause small tears in the muscle tissue and this means that they are no longer supported by bones and vice versa. To recreate this connection between bones and adapt them to the increased level of exercise, there is a need to set up a bone adaptation schedule. That is the reason why many professional Muay Thai fighters do not fracture bones. They cause small micro-fractures that heal due to the bone adaptation exercises detailed below. Bones will have to get strong at the same rate as muscles and joints in order to be able to fully support the weight of your body when jumping around the ring. You will need to use your shins not only for kicking but footwork, stability and blocking as well. They have to be strong enough to take the impact of a kick. Many beginner Muay Thai fighters complain that their shins hurt when they are at the contact training. ! GET MORE GREAT MUAY THAI & MMA MINI COURSES HERE: WWW.ARASHIDOEDMNORTH.COM 2.b Recovery 2.c Muscle Strengthening When exercising your shins, you always have to provide the muscles enough time to recover before the next training. Use ice to cool down the muscles and repair damage made. Further, you have to let the muscles heal and cool down gradually. Strengthening your muscles gradually is the most important part of the process, and you need to use different methods. From stretching to kicking and toning exercises and muscle training; there will be many methods described to help you become a better fighter and a stronger individual inside-out. Building relaxation into the training and stretching schedule would also help the healing process. Some of the rehabilitation and prevention exercises should be implemented in your regular training: shin splints are more common than many beginners would think at first. Strengthening the muscles is not only important but also helps you prevent injuries. Shins are the area most prone to injury, and that is why during contact training you always have to wear a shin guard. Make sure that you are always using relaxation exercises after each muscle strengthening and contact training to re-focus and speed up the healing process. This will allow the muscle area you just worked on reconnect with other muscle groups in the body, joints getting back in the right position and cooling down symmetrically. Still, having a shin of steel will certainly take fighters closer to the medal in the ring. Professional Muay Thai fighters spend about 2 hours a day kicking heavy bags, but this is not the only way to make your shins stronger. You have to get your muscles strong enough to withstand the impact of the hard Muay Thai bag first, before you would do this. Learn to walk before you would run. GET MORE GREAT MUAY THAI & MMA MINI COURSES HERE: 2.d The Importance of Nerve Conditioning No matter how hard you try: it is impossible to avoid pain when practicing Muay Thai. Mental and nerve conditioning is just as important as bone and muscle strengthening. You can win a fight by being able to withstand pain better than your opponent. The more you train and focus the stronger your mind and body will be. The more muscle is built around the nerves, the more protected they will be. This, however, does not mean that you will not feel pain. You will, and you should as well. You have to learn to deal with pain and stop the nerves from sending confusing signals to your brain, ruining your focus. WWW.ARASHIDOEDMNORTH.COM 3. Recommended Exercises One of the most effective ways of getting the exercise your shins need is to use ankle weights and kicking bags. However, stretching and relaxation will be important as well, so these should not be neglected. As a general rule in Muay Thai training, cooling off and relaxation of muscles should always follow strong weight or contact training in order to avoid damage to the muscles and joints. This is true when one is looking at exercising their shins and setting up a routine to focus on one area of muscles. 3.a Weight exercises Strengthening the shin can be easily done using ankle weights, There are several types and shapes used in the training room, but it is also important that you get one for home. Starting with the strap-on weights of 500 grams and lifting the legs in a standing position backwards around 30- 50 times for each leg would be enough for one round. As time goes by, the size of the weight can be increased, and the number of leg lifts as well. Aim to complete 3 rounds per leg before moving up in reps or weight. The same weight training can be done in a position when the fighter is lying flat on the floor on their stomach and tries to bend the legs backwards from the knee, as many times as they are comfortable with. Once a round is repeated, a 1 minute stretching and relaxation exercise should be built in the schedule before moving to the next round. Another alternative to the shin strengthening weight exercise is to take a tabletop position (four legs) and instead of lifting the whole leg, only trying to move the ankles upwards. This exercise can be challenging because it requires strong thigh and arm muscles, however, it can deliver fast results without putting a lot of pressure on the neighbouring muscle groups: such as feet and thigh. Weight exercises can also be completed lying on the back with the knees pulled up towards the chest. With the weights on the ankles, the fighter would try to move the ankles from a downward facing position to a 90 degree angle about 50 times, and after a relaxation on the back for a few minutes, they can move on to another variation of the exercise: moving the ankles from a 90 degree position to an 180 degree angle when the legs are facing upwards in a straight line creating a 90 degree angle between the body on the floor and the legs. This is a challenging variation and not suitable for those who are just starting the training, involving hip and abs muscle groups to work alongside with the shin. You should start the training without weights and increase the weight on your ankles gradually to avoid pulling a muscle or stretching too far. 3.b Kicking exercises Kicking is a good shin conditioning exercise for Muay Thai fighters, as they involve the same moves that are used during the sport. These exercises can be completed three different ways: with a partner, without a partner or equipment, or using kicking bags. Shins will be exercised by kicking the heavy gym bags, but there is a need for a regular training routine. If your gym does not have Thai bags, you should get some for home, as they deliver the best results for your goals. Kicking exercises should be repeated around 25 times for each leg, with a cooling off period after every one to three rounds, depending on your fitness level. The right bag for training should weigh about 100 lbs, and needs breaking in, so the heavy material sinks to the bottom. Once the kicking bag has been compacted, it becomes harder, but by this time, hopefully your shins will be strong enough for it. Kicking a banana tree is a common training method in Thailand, however, it should not be attempted by beginners. Start practicing with softer bags, then once you have mastered kicking the hardest one in the gym, you are able to move to different solid objects, like a banana tree. For absolute beginners, it is better to start with kicking pads instead of bags. This is also good for those who start Muay Thai at an older age: around 30-40. After you are able to withstand the pain and bruising of the shin caused by the pad, you can move onto the heavy bag. GET MORE GREAT MUAY THAI & MMA MINI COURSES HERE: WWW.ARASHIDOEDMNORTH.COM 3.c Hardening the Muscles Many professional Muay Thai fighters use hard objects to roll over the shins. This is important to work the muscle areas, skin and tissue in order to be able to withstand the kicking and hits during the fight. Objects used under trainer's supervision include iron rods, wooden poles, but this method is not accepted by all coaches, so you should always ask. You should, however, never try to hit your shin with a hard object to make them stronger. This is a dangerous method, and you can cause yourself long-lasting injuries, and the only result you will get is that you will be unable to fight for months. You are certainly going to need “shins of steel” to fight in the ring, but a broken shinbone will not take you closer to winning the competition. 3.d Toning exercises Toning is great for making the muscles flexible and it is needed for many moves in Muay Thai. The good thing about toning is that it relaxes tense muscles and prevents spasms during training or a fight. The below described toning exercises are designed to make the muscles not only stronger but also more flexible and less prone to breaking, tearing and other injuries. The simplest and most effective way of toning the shin muscle is moving from one's toes to their heels. This can be done in a standing position and repeated several times after a long power training or kicking. This exercise also helps the muscles get back to their place when pulled too far and prevents them from getting too short. Apart from stretching the muscles by moving from the heels though the ball of the feet on the toes, there are several exercises that can be completed standing on the toes, making the muscles stretch further and getting more flexible. By simply doing chair poses standing on one's toe will make a difference. Going down on all fours with the toes supporting the body and moving back down on the feet will create a tension and flexibility in the whole body. Running on the ball of the feet instead of the whole foot will make a great difference in muscle flexibility. For a more gentle exercise, and for muscle relaxation, fighters should lie on their back, stretch the legs up in a 9 degree angle in the air and try flexing the leg forwards and backwards while maintaining the position. This would help them connect the rest of the body's muscles with the shin and learn how to originate movements from the foot. As in Muay Thai foot techniques are extremely important, making the feet and shin muscles flexible would give the fighter the advantage of being able to move between different positions faster than the opponent. There is nothing worse than getting a cramp in the shin muscle when moving the foot, so this is an extremely important exercise. GET MORE GREAT MUAY THAI & MMA MINI COURSES HERE: 3.e Gym-based exercises There are many gym based exercises designed to strengthen the shin. Bodyweight squat is considered to be a novice move, however, it is great for enabling the shin muscles to hold the whole weight of the body in different positions and angles. Agility ladder exercise is available in some of the best equipped gyms, but using the steps at home will do just as well. Alternate leg push-offs are good for training the muscles to be flexible not only in the hips, thighs and buttocks, but also the shin. Box jumps on a raised platform within the gym can be also useful for cardio training, flexibility, speed and reflex. While the skipping exercises will be discussed in more details below, it is important that when visiting the gym you incorporate some jumping and skipping into the schedule every week. The most important exercises to be used to strengthen the shin muscles and the surrounding muscles are leg push-ups. You can do single leg push-ups on a raised platform. In the upward move the muscles of the front leg are used to lift the weight of the body. In the landing phase, the same muscles are needed to hold the body weight. The slower the move is the more effect the training will have on the particular area of the leg. An alternative to this exercise is to use only the ball of the feet or toes to support the body. This would tone the muscles at the same time as strengthening them. WWW.ARASHIDOEDMNORTH.COM 3.f Skipping exercises Skipping is used in the training room in Muay Thai, but getting the skipping rope out at home in the garden or the park is a good idea. From double-leg and single leg skips to jogging style; all of the exercises are able to strengthen the muscles. In case you would like to make the most out of the training, increase the number of skips over time, while making sure that the shoes you use are holding up the impact with the floor and you get the perfect bounce. You can use skipping without a rope, as well. Simply find a strong enough step and start jumping up and down. If you are a full time student or work, it is a good way of spending your lunch break instead of sitting by your desk or staring at the computer screen. Set yourself challenges every day and try to beat your “high score”. The more often you do so the better results you are getting in strengthening your shin muscles. 3.g Stretching exercises While strengthening the muscles in your shin is important, you also have to take your time to stretch. There are different methods to do this: standing, sitting and lying down. If you do not stretch the muscles, they will become too short and inflexible making you unable to complete fast position changes. Foot techniques and skills are very important in Muay Thai, so the more flexible you are the better your chances will be to maneuver in the ring, avoiding kicks and hits from your opponent. One of the main stretches for the back of the shin starts from a standing position (mountain pose). You will try to bend down straight, flexing your shin muscles. The reverse of the move also involves keeping your shin flexed and trying to imagine that you have to pull yourself up with these muscles, not involving your back, waist or abs. Stretching in Warrior Pose: your front leg bent and the other one stretched back, you should be trying to hold the position with a straight back. This seems like a very simple position to hold, but if you try to maintain it for a long time, it will certainly stretch the back leg's shin muscles and strengthen the front one. After you have managed to maintain the same position for a few minutes, you have to relax before switching legs. If you place your hands above your head straight, you can disable support from the arms and upper body, making the exercise more effective. GET MORE GREAT MUAY THAI & MMA MINI COURSES HERE: Stretching on the floor is also effective with open or straight ahead legs. You do not necessarily have to bend forward: all of the exercises can be done in a sitting up position. As we have mentioned before, toning is just as important as strengthening. Flexing your toes back in this position and then forward will massage the inside of the shin and stretch out spasms created during the strength training. After you have done the straight leg version, you can spread out your legs and stretch the inside of the leg and shin. If you are flexible enough, you can make a few attempts to do the splits to lengthen the muscles and relax the joints, but if you can not do it, just go as low as you can for maximum stretch. Some stretching exercises can be completed in a lying down position, and it is a good way of preparing for the relaxation exercises. Lying on the back, the person would pretend they are riding a bike upside-down. This will engage shin and thigh muscles alike and the back would support the rest of the body safely, reducing the risk of any kind of injury. Another lying on the back exercise can be to try and push the legs down engaging the shin muscles with bent legs. Pushing the lower body upwards from the lower back using not the waist or buttocks, only the shin is challenging, and focusing on the right group of joints, muscles is extremely important. ! WWW.ARASHIDOEDMNORTH.COM ! ! ! ! 3. i Relaxation exercises 3.h Sparring Sparring is an effective way of exercising specific muscles with the help of a partner. Organizing partner drills can create a great experience of shin-to-shin contact, even if the fighters wear shin guards. This should be only done by those who have exercised for long months and strengthened their shins enough to withstand pain and contact. A shin guard should be worn all the time, just like during fights. Partner training is an important part of the exercise needed to get ready for fighting in Muay Thai. If this is not practiced during your induction, ensure that you have a real partner to practice the main moves with. Using a kicking bag is good, but to get to know the impact of different kicks and ways to avoid them, develop speed and reflex, you need another fighter to practice with. In your group, you will certainly find a person who is just as keen on practicing the moves and strengthening their shin as you are. Ask around and you can arrange a training together once a week. Relaxation is important in the muscle healing and development process, and exercises to relax different areas of the body, muscle groups have to be implemented in the training program. While the recommended Muay Thai training schedule will be described in detail in the next chapter, it is important to make a mental note that all of the exercises have their own purpose and none of them should be neglected in order to get the best, fastest and safest results, avoid injuries and gain the necessary muscle weight, strength for competitions. 3.j Shin Splint Rehabilitation Prevention and If you would like to make your shins stronger and ready for the ring, or have suffered shin splints in the past, it is important to implement these additional exercises in your schedule. Make sure that if any of the exercises cause you pain you stop them immediately, as this will be the sign of a reoccurring injury or an unhealed splint. In a sitting down position, (use a straight back chair) move one leg back while moving the foot forwards and back: placing the ball of the feet down and rolling it back to the heels. Try flexing your toes back as much as you can in this position in order to stretch and heal the muscles. Repeat at least ten times on each leg to warm up the muscles and reconnect with the joints. Next, using an elevated platform (either a block or some stairs) move to the edge of the platform placing the ball of your feet on the top. The platform should not be higher than three inches to help you complete the exercise and in order to avoid over stretching the muscles causing an injury or splints. Try balancing yourself on the edge of the platform with your ball of feet and stand on the toes in order to engage the shins in balancing the whole body's weight. This exercise will not only make your shins longer and stronger, but help with your foot balancing skills at the same time, needed for moving around the ring during fights. A modified version is to complete the same exercise on one leg at a time. Hook one leg behind the other ankle and balance on the ball of the foot with one leg. Complete ten of this move on each leg. For rehabilitation or injury prevention, simply trying to walk on your heels with your toes flexed back and up as long as you can will provide a lot of support. Next, try to walk on your toes in order to create the GET MORE GREAT MUAY THAI & MMA MINI COURSES HERE: WWW.ARASHIDOEDMNORTH.COM SCHEDULE 4. Example Training Schedule and Order for Muay Thai Fighters The below example training schedule is to be repeated two to three times a week and lasts for about 3 whole hours. It is designed to strengthen the shin muscles and supporting body areas of starting up and advanced Muay Thai fighters. The exercises can be used at home or in the gym, and are complementing the regular training provided by masters. As individual training cannot be provided in group sessions, if you do have an additional need to develop steel shins, it is recommended that you stick to the practices detailed below for at least 16 weeks to get the best results and become ready for the ring faster without the risk of getting a serious injury on your shins. 4.a Stretching Start your training with some of the simplest stretching exercises. Starting in a standing up position, bend forward with straight legs engaging the shin muscles as much as you can. Breathe in the position and repeat the move at least four times. Next, spread your legs hip distance and bend forward again four times with the shin muscles highly engaged. This will focus on a different area of the shin: the inside of it and create a balance in the muscle group. Before you develop your own schedule, it is important that you assess the strengths of different areas of your body to be able to adjust the exercises to your fitness level. The tips and warnings section includes loads of information to help choosing the right training exercises, muscle groups to target and carrying out fitness, health and well-being assessments yourself. It is your responsibility to learn the limits of your endurance and stop when you need to. The order of the training should be kept for ensuring that the muscles are warmed up before any strengthening exercise and the tension created is released through relaxation. We have left out the regular warming up exercises from the schedule, as you, being a Muay Thai student already might be familiar with them. If not, you have to seek advice from your instructorr, as warming up the whole body is necessary, even if you are only targeting one muscle group in your practice. Next, you have to place one foot about a step ahead of the other. Placing the whole boy weight on the front leg, try to move down and up as much as your flexibility allows. This exercise will help you lengthen the back shin muscles of the back leg and strengthen the front leg. Do about ten moves on each leg every round and repeat the rounds according to your ability. Relax the muscles between rounds. ! The following stretching exercise will be completed in a standing up position the legs two hips distance from each other. Shift your whole body weight on one leg while maintaining a straight upper body and back. If you would like to disengage the upper body muscles, you can move your hands over your head or simply let them rest on your waist. Hold the position for at least 10 seconds and shift your weight back to the middle. Repeat the same move five times each side for maximum results. You can do two to three rounds of this exercise, depending on your strength. GET MORE GREAT MUAY THAI & MMA MINI COURSES HERE: ! For more great stretches CLICK HERE! WWW.ARASHIDOEDMNORTH.COM 4.b Strengthening The strengthening exercises can be varied from one training to the next in order to give your schedule the maximum benefit and make it more interesting. For example, on one day you can do more with the jumping rope, involving more cardio based training, while the next day you will do more twists, bends and standing up positions. Obviously, you can combine any of the described exercises on any training day: you will know best which one delivers the most benefit. For gym exercises, rowing machines can provide a shin strengthening feature, however, they focus on the arms as well. Running is a good cardio training for the shin, but far from being enough. When you are in the gym, use steps, elevated platforms and jumping boxes to develop your own routine. For skipping rope exercises, try combining double leg jumps with single ones every time. For starters, a hundred jumps is enough in the beginning, increasing the number by ten percent each week. Jumping on the balls of the feet or tiptoes would make the exercise more interesting and challenging as well. For long muscle development and helping you maintain starting/kicking positions within the ring, you have to be able to support the weight of the body for a long time while balancing on potentially one leg. Standing position knee bends can be repeated up to 50 times each round, and in order to develop balancing skills, you might want to hook one leg over the other and doing the exercise with one leg at a time. Normal lunges are also great. Putting one leg in front of the other and lifting the weight of the body from the back and front shin muscles will make you feel flexible and strong. Lunges can also be done with one leg at the same time, using an elevated platform, step or even the stairs. Jumping exercises can be combined with different challenges. For example: using a box to jump onto and back is extremely powerful. Jumping over objects and repeating the drill about 5 times is also moving a different area of the shin muscle. If you are an advanced fighter, you will see that jumping from a height of a few meters and trying to reduce the impact on the knees, engaging the foot and shin muscles will give you strong footwork skill in the ring. While this exercise puts extreme pressure on the body and knees, it can build impact strength faster than usual jumps. Jumping in any form, even without a rope will create strong shin muscles. Mountain pose to wide leg poses can be the most challenging exercise, but they are designed to focus on the movements needed to Muay Thai. Star Jumps are good for getting the heart rate up and work on the shin muscles. GET MORE GREAT MUAY THAI & MMA MINI COURSES HERE: WWW.ARASHIDOEDMNORTH.COM ! While this exercise is mainly focusing on the back of the leg, you will get the extra benefit of getting the side muscles of the shin at the front more flexible, too. ! ! ! ! ! ! Ankle weights can also be used in an all fours position in alternate legs. Bend your leg back from the knees with the weight on and repeat the move about 50 times. Stretch out the back of the legs after each round. You can increase the engagement of the back shin muscles if you flex the toes backwards, while if you flex them in a 90 degree angle, you engage the front more. ! If you are confident, you can also do jumps and skips with the weights, but slow lifting will give you the best results possible. 4.c Weight Exercises Like I said, you can use weights on the ankle for maximum results and repeat all of the exercises involving the lifting of the leg from the shin muscles. However, there are some particular moves that are designed for weights on the ankle. It is up to you to determine the weight and the time when you want to introduce this technique to your training schedule, as while they speed up the muscle building process, they can create muscle pains faster, too. One of the most effective weight exercises for strengthening the shin are calf raises. You can stand up straight and lift one ankle back several times with the weight on. You can repeat this about 50 times each leg and then stretch out the back of the shin muscles by bending forward with straight legs. A simple and easy to do version of the ankle weight exercise is to do the bicycle move lying on your back with the weights on. You will be working against gravity, and this means that the continuous lifting move will strengthen the whole lower back. If you find the bicycle move too challenging, you can lie on your back with the feet down the floor, knees bent and lift both legs or one at a time about fifty times. This method will give your whole body a support through the back of the upper body, meaning that you can eliminate the muscle group you are working on more, getting better results. 4.d Toning Toning is just as important as strengthening the muscles, and you always have to do the following exercises after the hard workout circuit. This way you give the burning muscles a chance to get stretched out, regain their original shape, length and flexibility. While the cooling off is supported by the relaxation exercises detailed later in the book, you are helping your shin to get ready for total relaxation. As you have completed the stretching exercises in the beginning, you have gained some basic flexibility. This flexibility has been lost when the muscles got engaged during the strengthening exercises. You do not want your muscles to stay hard and inflexible, therefore, you want to complete some of the following exercises straight after you have worked hard on the muscles. 4.e Sparring and partner exercises You can practice any of the exercises with a partner, but kicking exercises are the best to start with. One will need to hold the pad or bag and keep an eye on your posture. Spanning is not recommended by most masters in the West, and only highly trained professional fighters do it whose shinbones and muscles can withstand the impact. You can do loads of paired up exercises in Muay Thai: apart from kicking. If you would like to add some fun to the partner training, try throwing medicine balls to each other, originating the move from the shin's upwards movement. While this exercise is considered to be an arm strengthening one, you can also use it to add extra weight to your body's own and make your shin be able to support it. GET MORE GREAT MUAY THAI & MMA MINI COURSES HERE: WWW.ARASHIDOEDMNORTH.COM 4.f Stretching After every drill, you have to complete a full stretching. This means that you have to finish every drill with a stretching exercise. Some of these will be based on leg stretches, others will focus on the whole body. Just like relaxation, stretching out the heated up muscles to re-engage the foot with the bone and the joints is helping you maintain the right alignment of the body through the training and in the fight as well. Sitting down with straight legs ahead and bending forward with straight back trying to touch your toes is the easiest way. However, you have to work on all areas of the shin. Stretched bends and half-splits can also help you re-align the shin bones with the muscles. When stretching, you always have to take on two different positions: flexing your toes back and forward.. This will give your joints and shin muscles the length and flexibility they need. 4.g Relaxation It is likely that your master will teach you basic relaxation techniques and stretches to help your body cool down symmetrically. You always have to end your training with the relaxation part. Lying down flat on the floor on your back, try to spread your legs as much as comfortable, and lay your hands next to your upper body. As you have worked on your shin muscles during the training drill, you will have to start the relaxation practice from the top of your head and move downwards. Focus on different body parts: imagine that they are totally heavy, supported by the floor and are cooling down. Move on the neck, arms, shoulders, upper body, hips, thighs, knees and rest at the shin for longer than the other body parts. Tension is prone to building up around the neck and shoulders, so look out for it. If it stays with you, apply a massage oil on the affected area. Make sure you do fully relax the muscles. Focus on them until the last bit of tension is gone. If you would like to make the most out of the relaxation part, you will like the below tips and treatments regarding muscle tension release, massage, oil application and special poses. Don't forget to imagine patting yourself on the back for getting over the training and hitting your target. Always end the training drill with a positive note: even if you did not complete the whole schedule or pain prevented you from continuing. Reaffirm your strength inside and it will show on the outside. GET MORE GREAT MUAY THAI & MMA MINI COURSES HERE: WWW.ARASHIDOEDMNORTH.COM 5. Treatments to Help You ! ! ! ! 5.a. Oil Rubbing oil in the shins before starting the training will warm them up faster. No matter if you do this immediately before strength building exercises or before stretching and warming up: it will be just as effective. While oil can be used for massage as well as conditioning, the main purpose of this treatment is to get your muscles work better, at a higher rate and avoid injuries. The most commonly recommended and most effective type of oil even professional fighters use is liniment Thai oil. This comes in a spray and bottle form as well. The oil not only prevents but heals injuries, splints. It is useful to apply it before you start the relaxation part of the workout, so you can increase the effect of the training. ! 5. b Massage You can learn to massage some of the main areas of the body yourself or get a professional masseur. Either way: it will be beneficial and help restore the natural flexible alignment of the body. When working on the shins, apply warming oil and make the most out of the healing effect. Rubbing the shin and stretching out the toes, bending them will release the tension in the whole leg. Lifting the leg and stretching it on the opposite side while lying on your back will be the perfect stretch for the back and legs. You can do this straight after the relaxation, before it or the masseur will force your joints to release tension manually. GET MORE GREAT MUAY THAI & MMA MINI COURSES HERE: ! 5.c Increasing exercise levels and sense of achievement – Meditation Meditation helps you connect the body and the mind, focus your thoughts on the fight and the training. After each training and before every single one, you need to re-focus your thoughts and clear your mind. If your master offers training on meditation (chances are they do), take full advantage of it. You have to experience a sense of achievement and this without confirming your goals and reinforcing your inner strength will not happen. If you set your own targets instead of waiting for other people to do it, you are more likely to achieve them. Success in any sport begins with the right mindset. It helps you with endurance as well as setting your own targets. Learn contemplation of the body to feel the rhythm of your breath, heart rate and pulse. Learn to contemplate your feelings and mind, as well. ! 5.d Nutrition Nutrition is extremely important when trying to build muscles and strengthen bones. Protein is needed for strengthening the joints, muscles and bones. However, Magnesium, Calcium and different vitamin supplements are needed. Eat at least five times a day: if possible in smaller portions. You need to add egg, red and white meat, fish to your diet, as well as wholegrain products. Avoid any fast release carbohydrates like chocolate or white bread. It will not last long enough for you if you work out on a regular basis. Vitamin supplements alongside with Magnesium and Calcium are Omega 3, Omega 6, Vitamins B and A. When you set up an endurance training schedule, you will lose a lot of water: keep on drinking before, during and after the workout. WWW.ARASHIDOEDMNORTH.COM TIPS & WARNINGS TO KEEP YOU ON TOP OF YOUR GOAL When kicking the pad or bag, you do not have to use full power. Technique is more important than the strength when building muscles and practicing. You can simply hurt yourself by trying to use full power. It is better to repeat the same move more than a few times than giving it all your strength. You have to combine drills to maintain a flexible body. Do not stick with the same moves: your body needs speed and flexibility. If you get injured during training and your master is not present, use the RICE method: Always keep all your weight on the supporting leg: on training and also during working out. When completing alternate leg lifts for shin muscle strength, use the same technique you were taught by your master to balance successfully. This is usually a hard task for beginners, and if you are not comfortable with standing straight on one leg for a long time, use the four-leg (hands-and-knees) or lying down version of the exercise. No matter which exercise you are doing: you are likely to hurt your knees. If you are down on your hands and knees when doing the weight exercise, place a rolled-up towel or mat under them. The joints can be damaged from the repetitive moves if not done correctly. Similarly: avoid locking the knees during contact training, kicking and jumping exercises. This will give you a better bounce and more flexibility. While the kicking leg needs to be straight, avoid going too far with flexing your knee. You only lock the knee joint on impact. Period. Explosiveness and speed is the key to be faster than your opponent on the floor. When doing jump and skipping exercises, make sure that you focus on increasing the speed. You can time yourself how many jumps you can do in a minute using a stopwatch. If you do not align your body properly, you will risk damaging your joints. Many masters say that when completing a position, many fighters lose leverage at the joint. Perfect alignment of muscles, bones and joints can only be achieved if you engage in stretching, toning and relaxation as well as strengthbuilding exercises. GET MORE GREAT MUAY THAI & MMA MINI COURSES HERE: ◦ Resting ◦ Ice on the injured area ◦ Compression ◦ Elevation of the leg Learn to breathe in a way that you let go of your worries and anxiety. You will need this in contact training. If you are afraid of failure, you focus on it. Focus on your goals instead. Never exercise with a full stomach. Leave around 1-4 hours for your body to fully digest the meal, especially if you are eating slow release energy meals. If you get injured, eat loads of carbohydrates combined with meat. A chicken breast with salad and pasta will be ideal to restore the insulin balance supporting the healing process. Protein will be needed after the training to restore the body's balance. Building muscles uses a lot of protein and Amino Acids. Fish, beans and egg are the best sources of protein. ! WWW.ARASHIDOEDMNORTH.COM