Program Guide - Jewish Community Alliance


Program Guide - Jewish Community Alliance
Program Guide
Fall 2015
Volume 27, Number 1 • 17 Elul 5775 - 19 Tevet 5776 • September 1 - December 31, 2015
General Interest
Table of
The JCA Program Guide and
Alliance News are published 10 times a
year (monthly except July and August) by the
Jewish Community Alliance
8505 San Jose Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL 32217
(904) 730-2100 P • (904) 730-2444 F •
J Institute
For additional program information,
please contact the JCA.
Adam Frisch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President
Myron I. Flagler. . . . . . . . . . . . . Executive Director
Lior Spring. . . . . . . . . . Communications Director
Iman Byfield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor
Beth Mason. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Graphic Artist
Cultural Arts
Guest Policy
Members may bring only two guests at a time (except for families bringing families)
with no more than three visits in a calendar year. Guests must be accompanied by
a member in good standing. Children who are guests must have an adult present
to sign a waiver and be chaperoned by an adult if under 10. All guest passes must
be purchased at the Reception Desk. Saturday guest passes must be purchased in
advance. All guests must have guest passes. All visitors must present a photo ID.
Guest Pass Fee: Adults: $8 each visit Children/Teens (5 - 18): $4 each visit
Mandatory Swim Assessments
All children 12 and under must complete a 25-yard swim (without touching the
bottom of the pool, grabbing the lane rope, floating on their back or requiring
assistance) on their front (freestyle, breaststroke, etc.) and tread water for 45
seconds. If they pass the test, they are permitted to swim without flotation
and receive a yellow neck band. Swimmers who do not complete the test will
receive a red neck band and be required to wear a lifejacket, have a parent/
guardian in the water within arm’s reach or choose not to swim. The JCA will supply
neckbands to each child, which are to be kept and brought to the pool each time
to swim. Replacement bands are available for $5 each.
Unsupervised Children
Sports and
years old are welcome to use the adult locker rooms.
Children ages 3 to 15 must use the boys’ or girls’ locker
room. (Parents may accompany children in same sex
children’s locker rooms.) Lockers are available for rental
at $120 a year.
The following policies ensure the safety of all JCA members:
•Children 9 years old and under must be under direct supervision (in sight
and within close proximity) by an adult while at the JCA. Children must be
brought to and picked up from class, babysitting or childcare by an adult
or escorted by an older sibling (age 10+) with written parental permission.
• All members age 10 and over entering the JCA must present a membership card.
• Children age 10 and up may be unaccompanied by an adult in the JCA except for
the fitness area where children must be 13 years old to enter. The lobby area,
hallways, other rooms and the courtyard in the JCA are not appropriate spaces.
The JCA cannot be held responsible for members age 10 and over attending the
JCA and not enrolled in an organized activity. In addition, children age 10 and
up are expected to behave in a mature manner when in the building without
parental supervision. Behavior that is disruptive and/or harmful to themselves
or others may result in the suspension of independent privileges.
Towel Policy Towels are limited to one bath and one
Food Policy
Fitness and
Locker Room Hours
Sun/Sat 6 pm | Mon - Thur 9:30 pm | Fri 5 pm
Locker rooms will promptly close. Please complete your
use of the facility 15 minutes before closing to allow
enough time for locker room use.
Locker Room Policy Adults with children under 3
hand towel per member, per visit. This enables us to
preserve energy, conserve water and use fewer chemicals
(phosphorus) in our agency. This service is free of charge
for JCA members only. Towels are available at the Courtesy
Desk when you enter the P.E. area. Please leave used towels
in bins in the locker rooms and hallways after use.
Kid Kare (babysitting)
(904) 730-2100 ext. 325
•Parent must be on site at JCA.
•Parent must sign child in and out.
•Kid Kare service is for a maximum of two hours.
•Child must be clean and in good health. Parents must notify staff of any allergies
or medical conditions.
• The staff is not responsible for hand feeding children. (This does not include infants
requiring a bottle.)
•Kid Kare service is available for healthy JCA family members only, ages 3 months to
9 years old. In the event a child needs additional attention (excessive misbehavior,
crying), the parent will be notified immediately to retrieve the child from the program.
•Items needed by the child will be provided by the parent, such as age-appropriate
snacks (no popcorn or nuts), drinks, diapers, wipes, etc.
The program will be staffed according to the reservations made. Reservations may
be made up to two days in advance. You may be denied space without a reservation.
Day/Time: Sun 9 am – 12:30 pm | Mon - Thur 8:30 - 11:45 am and 4:30 – 8:30 pm
Fri 8:30 - 11:45 am | No Kid Kare service on Sat
Fees: Free for JCA family members only
JCA is a kosher facility. Therefore no deliveries of food of any kind for members
from take-out restaurants will be accepted. Food brought into the building
from home, outside of a JCA program or preschool, must be consumed in either
the courtyard or the outdoor pool area. Thank you for your cooperation.
Fire Alarm Policy
For your safety and welfare, you must evacuate the building when the fire alarm
sounds. You will be notified by JCA personnel when it is safe to return to the
facility. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Cancellation/Expiration Policy for Personal Training,
Private Tennis and Swim Instruction
All participants registered for private tennis, swim or personal training sessions
must give at least a 24-hour notice of cancellation for already scheduled
sessions. Failure to properly cancel will result in a charge for that session at the
established fee. All personal training sessions, private tennis lessons and private
swim lessons will expire six months from the date of purchase. Fees paid for
(expired) sessions/lessons are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Class Payment, Refund and Cancellation Policy
•All class and program fees must be paid before the beginning of the class.
For one-time programs or classes, no refunds will be granted.
•50% refund after first class; 25% refund after second class; no refund after
third class (excludes childcare tuition and summer camp programs).
•Refund policies apply to all private training and lessons.
•The JCA reserves the right to cancel programs/classes not meeting the
minimum required enrollment for circumstances beyond our control.
JCA Member Code of Conduct The JCA is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all members and guests. To promote safety and comfort for all,
we ask individuals to act appropriately at all times when they are in our facility or participating in our programs. We expect persons using the JCA to behave in a considerate and
responsible way and to respect the rights and dignity of other members, guests and staff. Our Code of Conduct outlines actions that are deemed inappropriate. These include
but are not limited to: inappropriate attire–appropriate attire in keeping with the values of the JCA must be worn at all times; angry or vulgar language, including swearing,
name-calling or shouting; physical contact with another person in any angry or threatening way; any demonstration of sexual activity or sexual contact with another person;
harassment or intimidation by words, gestures, body language or any menacing behavior; theft or behavior that results in the destruction of property; carrying or concealing any
weapons or devices or objects that may be used as weapons with the exception of law enforcement professionals; using or possessing illegal chemicals (drugs) on JCA property,
in JCA vehicles or at JCA sponsored programs; using or possessing alcohol on JCA property, in JCA vehicles or at unsanctioned JCA sponsored programs; any other conduct of an
inappropriate, threatening or offensive nature. Loitering is not permitted in or outside the JCA. Use of all tobacco products, smoking (including e-cigarettes) is not permitted
in or outside the JCA. The JCA and its property is a smoke-free/tobacco-free environment. The JCA is dedicated to the enhancement of Jewish identity and the continuity of
Jewish life. A person or persons’ act of proselytizing or teaching of non-Jewish principles in an attempt to convert members or guests is prohibited, and persons engaging in
proselytizing will be required to leave the building and grounds. In addition, the JCA reserves the right to deny access or membership to the following persons: registered sex
offenders; those accused/convicted of sexual abuse crimes; those accused/convicted of crimes relating to the sale/use/possession/transportation of narcotics, habit forming,
and/or dangerous drugs; those excessively or continuously using intoxicating beverages, narcotics, or dangerous drugs. The JCA maintains a no tolerance policy concerning all of
the above. Members and guests are encouraged to be responsible for their personal comfort and safety and to ask any person whose behavior threatens their comfort to refrain
from that behavior. If a member or guest feels uncomfortable in confronting the person directly, they should report the behavior to a staff person or the Manager on Duty. Good
personal hygiene, including the appropriate use of deodorant, is expected as a consideration to other members. JCA staff members are eager to be of assistance. Members and
guests should not hesitate to notify a staff member if assistance is needed. In order to be able to carry out these policies, we ask that members and guests identify themselves
to staff when asked. The Executive Team will investigate all reported incidents. Suspension or termination of JCA membership privileges may result from a determination by the
Executive Team if in their discretion a violation of the JCA Member Code of Conduct has occurred.
We trust that your summer has been enjoyable and
safe. The JCA has just ended a wonderful summer camp
season where we served over 800 different children
with a daily attendance of close to 400 campers. This is
quite a feat and a direct reflection on our mature and
Myron Flagler
experienced camp leadership team. While Summer
Camp ran concurrently with our regular JCA programs, 730 - 2100 ext. 246
everything worked like a finely tuned machine. Thank you to all who were involved.
This Program Guide offers an array of activities and programs to meet nearly
every need and interest of our members. If you have not done so, please visit
our Wellness Coaches at the JCA Baptist Wellness Connexion. This complimentary
service will help you get healthy and reach your wellness goals for the New Year.
November’s Mini Cultural Arts Festival and Book Festival will kick off with a
discussion by Ambassador Dennis Ross who has published a new book detailing
his involvement in the Middle East peace process. This compelling talk will set
the tone for the festival’s other guest authors.
Fall marks our children’s return to Michele Block Gan Yeladim’s award winning
early childhood program and the JCA After School program. These programs
provide unparalleled excellence in early learning in an unmatched facility and
the exceptional and dedicated staff provides a nurturing learning environment
for our children. Check out our Early Childhood and Youth Services programming
and give your child a rewarding and enriching school year.
As we approach the Jewish New Year, let us take stock, reflect, make amends
and develop a strategy for making ourselves and the world better. The process
of self-reflection allows us to learn and blossom into better people physically,
emotionally and spiritually. Let the J be a part of this enhancement. May you
and your family be blessed with a sweet year full of good health.
Dear Friends,
Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Adam Frisch, President
Allison Korman Shelton, Vice President
Brent Trager, Vice President
David Wolf, Secretary
Rochelle Stoddard, Treasurer
Michael Miller, Asst. Sec./Treasurer
Nancy B. Perlman, Past President
Jan G. Lipsky, Past President
David A. Stein, Honorary Chairman
Board Members
Lisa Ansbacher • Andy Cantor
Mary Edwards • Jerry Kaplan
Leah Kennelly • Garry Kitay
Jill Metlin • Douglas Oberdorfer
Debbie Parker • Jason Plaien
Rebekah Selevan • Blair Sherman
Denise Sherman • Irene Wolfe
Chase Zimmerman
Past Board Presidents
David A. Stein • Lois Chepenik
Bruce Warschoff • Mark Green
Howard I. Korman • Irene Jaffa
Ernest N. Brodsky • Stephen M. Goldman
Kenneth B. Jacobs • Steve Sherman
David C. Miller • Nancy B. Perlman
Jan G. Lipsky
Life Board Members
JCA Holiday Hours
Myron I. Flagler
Executive Director
Labor Day
Mon, Sept 7....................... 8 am - 5 pm
Rosh Hashanah
Sun, Sept 13............. Open until 5 pm
Mon, Sept 14.................................Closed
Tues, Sept 15................................Closed
Yom Kippur
JCA Building Hours
8 am – 6 pm
Monday – Thursday
5:30 am – 9:30 pm
5:30 am – 5 pm
1 – 6 pm
Mickey Block* • Lawrence DuBow
Melvin Gottlieb • Howard I. Korman
Jeffrey Parker • William F. Rein
Joseph P. Safer* • David A. Stein
*Of Blessed Memory
JCA Department
Exec. Director................. Myron Flagler, ext. 246
Tues, Sept 22........... Open until 5 pm
Wed, Sept 23.................................Closed
Asst. Exec. Director....... Nancy Green, ext. 247
Sun, Sept 27............. Open until 5 pm
Mon, Sept 28................................Closed
Tues, Sept 29..........Open 1 - 9:30 pm
Cultural Arts..................... Thelma Nied, ext. 227
Sun, Oct 4.................. Open until 5 pm
Mon, Oct 5......................................Closed
Fam. & Jwsh. Outreach...Dave Flagler, ext. 271
Shemini Atzeret
Finance................. Melissa Meyenberg, ext. 224
Administration......................Pam Tavill, ext. 225
Develop. & Comm............. Lior Spring, ext. 318
Early Childhood.............. Theresa Levy, ext. 237
Facilities Mgmt.................... Cal Barker, ext. 238
Fitness & Wellness......... Ali NeSmith, ext. 324
Simchat Torah
J Institute.............................. Dorri Kraus, ext. 239
Sports & Rec...................Rio Robinson, ext. 250
Tues, Oct 6............................1 - 9:30 pm
Thur, Nov 26..................................Closed
Fri, Dec 25........................8 am - 4 pm
Membership....................Hollie Arnold, ext. 234
Strat. Implementation.....Katie Kight, ext. 231
Theatre............................Shelly Hughes, ext. 252
Youth Services.................. Betsy Miller, ext. 245
Proselytization The JCA is dedicated to the enhancement of Jewish identity and the continuity of Jewish life. A person or persons’ act of proselytizing or teaching of
non-Jewish principles in an attempt to convert members or guests is prohibited, and persons engaging in proselytizing will be required to leave the building and grounds.
Affiliated with the Jewish Federation of Jacksonville, United Way of Northeast Florida and the Jewish Community Centers Association of North America. A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL
g u i d e
New Director of Family and Jewish Programs Joins Staff
Dave Flagler joins the JCA staff as the Director of Family and Jewish Programs. Dave is a graduate
of the University of Florida and received his master’s degree in Community Development and
Nonprofit Management from Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, where he spent several years and
participated in the prestigious Otzma program. Dave has many years of youth and camp experience;
he was assistant camp director at Camp Young Judaea Midwest as well as camp and teen director
at the Salt Lake City JCC.
In addition to new family programs and JCA wide Jewish activities, Dave will be working with Youth
Services, After School and J•Cation Day programs as well as joining our summer camp leadership team. Dave is excited
to be in Jacksonville at the JCA and looks forward to connecting with members and staff.
NEW! Community Wide Shabbat
Beginning September 4, join us in the JCA lobby every Friday at 11:30 am for a weekly community Shabbat celebration. We
will welcome the Sabbath with traditional blessings, grape juice and challah. Everyone is invited to attend and participate.
JCA Family Night at Jacksonville Armada
Join other JCA families for an evening game at the Jacksonville Armada. Our kids will be part of the “High
Five” crew welcoming the Armada back to the pitch at halftime. Transportation from the JCA is included
for the first 24 people to sign up; dinner is Dutch treat.
Contact Dave at ext. 271 for pricing and additional information.
Sat, Oct 17 | 6:30 pm at the JCA
Holiday Happenings
JCA Traditions Cart
Beginning in the fall, please visit the monthly exhibits of our Traditions Cart located in the JCA
Lobby. Along with decorations made by our Early Childhood Education and After School participants,
the cart will have information about upcoming Jewish Holidays as well as educational content for
the whole community.
Sukkot Pizza in the Hut
Thur, Oct 1 | 6 to 7:30 pm
Join your JCA family as we celebrate the Sukkot holiday! We will carry on the tradition
of shaking the lulav and holding the etrog and participate in various crafts. A festive,
family style meal will be served, including pizza, salad and dessert. This program is
offered to our valued members at no cost.
Advance registrations are required by September 25. RSVP by calling ext. 228.
JAway Havdalah Cookout & Movie Night
Sat, Nov 14 | 6 pm
Join the JCA Youth Services and Sports and Recreation Departments
for a fun night under the stars. Enjoy a Havdalah service, hotdogs
on the grill, dessert and a family movie.
This free event is open to the entire community. Bring your friends and neighbors to this JCA sponsored
friend-raiser and family event. Contact Betsy at ext. 245 or or Katie at ext. 231 or for more information. Reservations required by November 9.
JCA Annual Chanukkah Party
Mon, Dec 7 | 5:45 pm
Join us at the JCA for our giant outdoor chanukiyah lighting, famous hotdog and latke dinner,
entertainment and more! Free for all JCA members. More details to come.
Wellness Conne ion
JCA Physician Chat
Drs. Michael Solloway and Melissa Roffman of the Baptist Health AgeWell
Center for Senior Health will discuss how to cope with losing a spouse. Topics
will include: the grief process, how depression differs from grief, how to know if
you’re depressed and when to seek help. They will also cover types of support
and treatment options, coping with other life transitions and decisions and
self-care. Dr. Solloway is a board certified psychiatrist; Dr. Roffman is a licensed
psychologist. Advance registration required.
Tues, Sept 8 | 6 pm | Free for the entire community | 1516 WCCHAT
Sleepless in Jacksonville
A confidential online Wellness
Assessment will help you
understand your current
state of health with followup recommendations. Onsite
Wellness Coaches are available
to educate and motivate you
to adopt lifestyle changes and
achieve your goals. Call ext. 333
for more information.
Begin your wellness journey at
and meet with a Wellness Coach
to receive a gift.
Free to JCA valued members.
Wellness Coaches
Join Dr. Peter Nassar from Baptist Health to learn about the important role sleep
plays in a person’s overall health and well-being. Dr. Nassar is the only full time
sleep medicine physician in the First Coast area. Take away sleep hygiene tips
to help you get a more restful night. Advance registration required.
Mon, Oct 12 | 6 pm | Free for the entire community | 1516 WCSLEEPLESS
Breast Cancer Awareness Day at the J
In conjunction with the Cultural Arts Department and a special art exhibit by artist
Nadine Terk, we are pleased to partner with Baptist Health to offer an important
lineup of breast cancer awareness and prevention workshops and lectures. The
art exhibit is from 10 am to 4 pm with workshops and lectures as indicated below.
See Cultural Arts (page 10) for exhibit information.
Advance registration appreciated.
Sun, Oct 25 | Free to the entire community
Breast Cancer Self-Exam Workshops
Throughout the day, 11 am - 3 pm | 1516 WCEXAM
The BRCA Genes & Genetic Propensity
11:30 am - 12:45 pm | 1516 WCGENETICS
Nutrition: Eating to Support Breast Health
1 - 2:15 pm | 1516 WCHEALTH
Breast Cancer Beyond the Physical: Implications for the Entire Family
2:30 - 3:45 pm | 1516 WCBEYOND
The Prevention and Management of Diabetes
Cheryl L. Meyer, BSN, RN, CHC
has worked as a registered nurse,
health services manager and
health coach in a variety of
clinical and institutional settings,
as well as served 20 years with the
U.S. Navy in a medical capacity.
Join diabetes clinical educator Janice Apter, BSN, RN, CDE, to learn more about
this chronic illness. Janice is a certified instructor as well as a Baptist Health
nurse. Advance registration required.
Mon, Nov 9 | 9 - 10:30 am | Free for the entire community | 1516 WCDIABETES
Don’t Worry...
Join holistic medicine and cardiology board-certified Dr. Mona Shah to discover
how your mind and body are interconnected and how your thoughts and body’s
response to stress directly affect your health. Dr. Shah will teach techniques to
promote natural healing within your body by increasing your ability to relax.
Advance registration required.
Mon, Nov 10 | 6:30 - 7:30 pm | Free for the entire community | 1516 WCWORRY
Women’s Wellness Circle Are You Sleeping?
Amaris Chrispell, BSN, RN, CPT
has worked as a registered nurse,
wellness coordinator and physical
education teacher. She has also
volunteered as a rape crisis
advocate and triathlon coach.
Do you have difficulty getting a good night’s sleep or have trouble falling asleep?
Join certified personal trainer Karen Appelbaum and JCA Baptist Health Wellness
Connexion Wellness Coach Amaris Chrispell, BSN, RN, CPT, to learn strategies
and techniques to help you get the rest your body deserves and needs.
Advance registration required.
Tues, Nov 3 | 7 pm | Free for the entire community | 1516 WCSLEEP
For more wellness programs, see pages 7, 16 and 17.
g u i d e
J Institute
Dorri Kraus
730 - 2100 ext. 239
An Evening with
Ambassador Dennis Ross
Spirituality: What does it
mean to you?
The J Institute, in conjunction with the Jewish
Federation of Jacksonville and the Sisisky
Family Foundation, proudly welcomes US
Ambassador Dennis Ross as we kick off our
2015 Jewish Book Festival. See Cultural Arts
(page 10) for additional information.
Registration requested by October 27.
Thur, Oct 29 | 7:30 pm
Free to the entire community
Many of us consider ourselves spiritual,
but what does that really mean? We
welcome local rabbis to discuss what
it means to be spiritual and the role
spirituality plays within each of the
three major denominations of Judaism.
Advance registration appreciated.
Wed, Sept 9 | 7 - 8:30 pm
5, free for valued members
Women’s Learning: LEAN IN 2.0
This year we’re introducing LEAN IN 2.0, the next generation of
women’s inspirational programming with thought provoking,
educational programs and offsite LEAN IN discussion circles.
Keep your eyes peeled for topics and more information in
early September. Both existing and new participants are
welcome. (Learn more at
Wed, Sept 30 | 7 - 8:30 pm | Registration required by Sept 24.
Mon, Nov 16 | 7 - 8:30 pm | Registration required by Nov 10.
8 per program | Valued Member $5 | 1516 JILEANIN***
Writing Workshops
The Jewish Book Festival will be here before we know it, and
what better way to celebrate literary culture than by taking
part in one of our writing workshops? Look for details in the
November Alliance News.
Special Effects:
Behind the Scenes at the Movies
Characters are the key to success for any movie, and how they
appear on film plays a vital role. As a character designer for
classic movies and videos like Beetlejuice, Ghostbusters II,
Harry and the Hendersons, Jurassic Park, Shrek and Michael
Jackson’s “Thriller” video, Tim Lawrence has helped to feed
our imaginations. Join Tim for an enlightening evening behind
the scenes of some of movies’ most memorable characters.
Advance registration appreciated.
Thur, Oct 15 | 7 - 8:30 pm
5, free for valued members | 1516 JISCENES
In the Mind of a Spy
As part of our Mini Cultural Arts Festival, we
are showing the film The Green Prince. Military
clinical psychologist Lindsay Gleason will also
shed light on the psyche of the main characters and the role
hatred and shame plays in this true story. See Cultural Arts
(page 10) for additional information.
Advance registration appreciated.
Sun, Nov 15 | Movie 2 - 3:45 pm, discussion directly follows
Free to the community | 1516 CAFILMNOV
Individualized Medicine
Imagine doctors using your genetic make up to prevent
disease or tailor treatments directly to your individual
condition. Join Dr. Alexander Parker, associate director of
the Individualized Medicine Center at Mayo Clinic, for this
fascinating discussion about the future of medicine.
Advance registration appreciated.
Thur, Dec 3 | 7 - 8:30 pm
5, free for valued members | 1516 JIMEDICINE
Courtesy Photo
J Institute
From Techno Food to Techno Fit
Technology influences everything we do, including eating and
exercise. Join registered dietician Kelly Schooley and personal
trainer Kaley Messner as they share the latest technology to
help you manage your weight and get the most out of your
workouts. Registration required by October 5.
Wed, Oct 7 | 7 - 8:30 pm
8 | Valued Member $5 | 1516 JITECHNO
Back on Track
Have you been sidelined by an injury or surgery or finished
physical therapy but want to continue to build strength
and flexibility? Join personal trainer Patrice Dickman for
this specialized group fitness program and continue down
the road to full functionality and wellbeing.
Tues | 6 - 7 pm | $60 | Valued Member $40
Session I Oct 13, 20, 27, Nov 3 | 1516 JITRACKOCT
Registration required by October 8.
Session II Nov 10, 17, 24, Dec 1 | 1516 JITRACKNOV
Registration required by November 5.
Holistic Stress Management
We all deal with stress. If unmanaged, it can cause major
health issues. Patty Carroscia, RN, HN-BC, CHTP, shows you
how to manage your stress by incorporating holistic, stressreducing techniques into your daily routine.
Advance registration appreciated.
Mon, Oct 19 | 7 - 8:30 pm
5, free for valued members | 1516 JISTRESS
Courtesy Photo
Acro Yoga
This fun new program combines the breath work and
flexibility of yoga with the strength and balance of acrobatics.
Come alone or with friends and learn how to utilize Acro
Yoga to cultivate trust, build strength and have fun in the
process. Registration requested by November 1.
Wed, Nov 4, 11, 18 | 7 - 8:30 pm
90 | Valued Member $60 | 1516 JIACROYOGA
For more wellness programs,
see pages 5, 16 and 17.
Breast Cancer Awareness Day at the J
On Sunday, October 25, join us for this important event with
our Cultural Arts Department and Baptist Health. Explore
prevention, awareness and the expression of living with
breast cancer. For full schedule and descriptions, refer to
Wellness Connexion (page 5) and Cultural Arts (page 11).
Breaking the Sugar Addiction
The average American consumes 160 pounds of refined
sugar a year. Consuming excessive amounts of sugar affects
weight and dental health and causes internal inflammation
that can lead to various diseases. Holistic health provider
Dr. Jon Repole, DC, NC, HHP, CPT, addresses this addiction
and shows how to kick the habit.
Advance registration appreciated.
Thur, Nov 19 | 7 - 8:30 pm
5, free for valued members | 1516 JISUGAR
Crafting at the J: Stained Glass Basics
Learn how to make stained glass in this 4-week introductory
program with Brian Frus, Jacksonville University assistant
professor of Glass Art. Create your own work of art and learn
skills to make artwork on your own. Glass and materials will
be provided; however, you will need to purchase your own
tools in order to participate. To obtain a supply list, visit Registration required by October 14. Space is
limited, so register early.
Wed | 6:30 - 9 pm | Oct 21, 28, Nov 4, 11
153 | Valued Member $102 | 1516 JIGLASS
g u i d e
Mature Adults
Taste & Tour with the JCA: Jerusalem at the IMAX
Sandy Oasis
730 - 2100 ext. 322
Music in the Afternoon
Sass N’ Brass musical duo returns
for another fun interlude featuring
some of your favorite songs. Gather
your friends for a real treat.
Reservations requested.
Wed, Oct 28 | 1 pm
7, free for valued members
Experience one of the world’s most beloved cities in this specular documentary
filmed in 3D for the IMAX screen. Discover why this tiny piece of land is sacred
to millions. Lunch will be Dutch treat at the café. Gather your friends for an
awesome day. Reservations required by August 20.
Wed, Aug 26 | 9 am in The Temple parking lot
30 | Valued Member $20 | 1516 MAIMAX
A Sweet Topic with Rabbi Fisch
Learn the deeper spiritual meaning behind why we eat apples and honey on
Rosh Hashanah and enjoy a delicious tasting with friends. Rabbi Yaakov Fisch,
senior rabbi at Etz Chaim Synagogue, will lead the discussion. Everybody is
welcome; reservations appreciated.
Wed, Sept 2 | Noon | Free to all | 1516 MARABBISEP
Sit & Get Fit Lunch with Sharon Gladden
It’s a salad for all! Our friend, Sharon Gladden, RN, gives us meaningful
questions to ask our doctors and how to get answers. Bring questions and get
information to prepare you for your next office visit. Reservations requested.
Wed, Sept 9 | Noon | Free for valued members only | 1516 MASGFLUNCHSEP
Rummy Q Fun
Breakfast in the Sukkah
Join us in the Sukkah for good food,
good conversation and a surprise or
two. Bring your friends; reservations
required by September 21.
Sun, Sept 27 | 10:30 am
7 | Valued Member $4
This fun game of tiles is for everyone. If you can play Gin Rummy, you can
play Rummy Q. Make new friends while sharpening your mind.
Reservations are much appreciated.
Tues | 1 pm | Oct 20, Nov 17, Dec 15
4 per day valued members only | 1516 MARUMMYQ***
Burger Bash
Learn to make spinach and chickpea burgers for healthy living. Enjoy lunch
with friends and take the recipe home. Reservations required by September 9.
Thur, Sept 17 | Noon | $11 | Valued Members $7 | 1516 MABURGER
Art a Gogh Gogh
Art maven Cindy Edelman returns for another fabulous year of art appreciation,
including lectures, presentations, book reviews, trips and more.
Book Review: The Lady in Gold
The Lady in Gold is the extraordinary tale of Gustav Klimt’s masterpiece portrait of
Adele Bloch-Bauer, beautifully written by Anne-Marie O’Connor. BookPage called it
“richly drawn…part history and part mystery...a striking tale.” The book is available
to borrow by calling Sandy at ext. 322. If you are unable to read the book, the
program will bring the story to life. For our readers, this is a not to be missed read.
Wed, Oct 14 | Noon | 1516 MABROCT
6 or several cans of tuna or peanut butter for FANN
Art a Gogh Gogh visits the Harn
Cindy Edelman leads a day trip to Gainesville and the Harn Museum of Art for a day of art appreciation and
learning. The docent-led tour begins with Conversations: A 25th Anniversary Exhibition of 100 Works Representing
80 Artists. After a Dutch treat lunch in the café, we’ll visit the Asian collection, which includes paintings,
ceramics, sculpture, jade, stone, ivory and more. Dress comfortably, including good walking shoes. Bring a
friend and enjoy a great day. Paid reservations required by October 29.
Wed, Nov 11 | 9 am in the JCA lobby, returning at 4:15 pm | $42 | Valued Member $28 | 1516 MAARTNOV
A preview of the exhibit will be led by Cindy Edelman on Wednesday, November 4, at noon at the JCA.
The Sound of Music celebrates 50 years! This Rogers and
Hammerstein mega hit is extra special and worth seeing
many times. We’ll take a break for hotdogs at the pool
and a stretch before resuming our musical adventure.
Reservations appreciated by August 29.
Mon, Sept 7 | 10 am
7, free for valued members | 1516 MAMOVIESEP
Culture Mavens
The Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra is making beautiful
music for your listening pleasure. Trip costs include the
concert and round trip transportation. Paid reservations
required one week prior to each concert. Mark your
calendars and join us!
Fri | Oct 16 Nat King Cole Music | Jan 15 All Gershwin
May 6 Tapestry: The Carol King Songbook
42 | Valued Member $28 | 1516 MAMAVENS***
One on One with Rabbi Cohen
AARP Driving Course
Mature Adults
Marvelous Movies: The Sound of Music
Pack a brown bag dairy lunch (no meat please) and join us
for a one day version of this informative course designed
for motorists 50 plus, taught by an AARP-trained driving
instructor. You will learn to drive defensively and adjust
for vision changes, hearing loss and more. Attendance
will qualify you for a discount on your insurance. For
reservations and payment details, call Sandy at ext. 322.
Tues, Oct 13 | 9 am - 3:30 pm with 30 minute lunch break
Check made out to AARP | $20 | $15 AARP members
five nights at sea
October 19 to 24
Meet with Rabbi Matthew Cohen, associate rabbi at The
Temple, to talk about growing up Jewish, what led him to
the rabbinate and more. Everybody is welcome.
Reservations requested.
Tues, Nov 3 | Noon
Free to all | 1516 MARABBINOV
Pumpkin Bread
Thanksgiving is around the corner and we’re whipping
up loaves of pumpkin bread to enjoy at home or share
during the big feast. Join us for a little slice of heaven.
Reservations required by November 16.
Mon, Nov 23 | Noon
7 valued members only | 1516 MABREAD
Cool Car Corral
This day is a blast from the past for the whole family!
We’ll have cars from the 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s! Tailgate
in the parking lot, try the famous JCA hotdogs, have your
picture taken in your favorite old car and listen to the
JCA kids sing. Also enjoy face painting, 50s music and
surprises for all!
Reservations are required no later than November 4.
Sun, Nov 8 | 11 am - 2 pm
7, free for valued members | 1516 MACAR
Last Call, All Aboard
Board Carnival Fascination right here in Jacksonville
for a fabulous trip to the Bahamas with stops in
Freeport and Nassau! Catch a few rays, tour the
islands, dine on fine food, enjoy fabulous nightly
entertainment and more. Join us and be part of the
fun! The reservation deadline is September 4. Call
Sandy at ext. 322 for complete details; reservations
must be paid in full. The cost of the trip includes
transportation from the JCA to and from the port,
all taxes, fees, cancellation and medical insurance.
Adults 50+ | 1516 MACRUISE**
Inside Cabin $649 pp | Valued Member $549 pp
Outside Cabin $689 pp | Valued Member $589 pp
Single and triple rates available upon request.
g u i d e
Cultural Arts
Thelma Nied
730 - 2100 ext. 227
JCA Film
These events are free and open
to the entire community.
This film is a searing portrait of a
young man’s quest for the truth
about his past. This moving film
stars Timothy Hutton as Daniel,
the fictionalized son of the
Rosenbergs, executed in 1953 for
selling secrets to the Soviets.
Sun, Sept 6 | 2 pm
To Take a Wife
A powerful drama about
a woman’s struggle for
independence and emotional
freedom in the face of family
tradition, this story takes place
in Haifa in 1979, three days
before the Sabbath, and stars
Israeli award winning actress
Ronit Elkabetz.
Sun, Oct 11 | 2 pm
The Green Prince
See Cultural Arts Festival
Sun, Nov 15 | 2 pm
Hester Street
The JCA Mini Cultural Arts Festival this November includes
our 19th Annual Jewish Book Festival, music, theatre and film!
See below for authors, dates and a selection of events. Look
for the book festival brochure coming this fall with the full
schedule of events.
This is the touching tale of Gitl,
played by Carol Kane, a young
Jewish woman who comes to
America in the 1890s only to
discover that her husband has
given up the ways of the old
country and taken up with a new
girlfriend and a new life.
Sun, Dec 20 | 2 pm
Jewish Book Festival Special Opening Event
featuring Ambassador Dennis Ross
Thur, Oct 29 | 7:30 pm
Ambassador Ross is the William Davidson Distinguished Fellow
at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. His book,
Doomed to Succeed: The U.S.–Israel Relationship from Truman
to Obama, will be available for sale and signing. This event with
the J Institute, the Jewish Federation of Jacksonville and the
Sisisky Family Foundation, is free for the entire community. For
registration, see the J Institute (page 6).
Cultural Arts Festival Concert
Violinist Sergiu Schwartz and
Pianist Tao-Lin | Sun, Nov 1 | 3 pm
We are pleased to present this wonderful concert.
Sergiu Schwartz holds the William B. and Sue Marie
Turner Distinguished Chair in Violin at the Schwob
School of Music at Columbus State University.
Tao-Lin is an artist faculty member at the Bowdoin
International Music Festival and a visiting professor
at Shanghai Normal University Music College.
Thanks to the generosity of Henson Markham,
this concert is free to the entire community.
Courtesy Photo
Author Dan Ephron | Mon, Nov 2
Author Steve Katz | Wed, Nov 4
Jewish Book Festival Family Event Picked on Poindexter
with Authors Denise Trager & Mary Ellen Panaccione
Sun, Nov 8 | 10 am
The JCA Theatre Department presents a reading and dramatization of the book,
Picked on Poindexter, as part of the book festival. This is a family event. Please
see Theatre (page 14) for more information.
Author Barbara Shapiro | Tues, Nov 10
Author Lee Mandel | Wed, Nov 11
Author David Alan Bernstein | Thur, Nov 12
Cultural Arts Festival Film The Green Prince
Sun, Nov 15 | 2 pm
This documentary traces an unprecedented partnership between sworn enemies.
In the style of a tense psychological thriller, it recounts the true story of a Hamas
leader’s son who emerged as one of Israel’s prized informants, and the Shin Bet
agent who risked his career to protect him. An interactive discussion will follow.
See the J Institute (page 6) for more information. This program is free to the
entire community.
Schedule subject to change.
Look for
tags throughout the guide for additional festival information.
“If you hear a voice
within you say
‘you cannot paint,’
then, by all means,
paint and that
voice will be
Vincent van Gogh
Explore your creativity and find ways to express yourself beyond the
commonplace with art classes at the JCA. See the October Alliance News for
information on future art classes and new instructors.
Cultural Arts
Art Classes
This eight week course teaches hand building and wheel throwing. Students learn
how to glaze and finish pieces using high-fire glazing techniques. No previous
clay experience required; clay is provided.
Instructor: Christie Rogers | $216 | Valued Member $144
Session I Thur | 10 am - noon
Aug 27, Sept 3, 10, 17, 24, Oct 1, 8, 22 | 15SUM CAPOTAM
Session II Tue | Oct 27, Nov 3, 10, 17, 24, Dec 1, 8, 15
10 am - noon | 15FAL CAPOTAM or 12:30 - 2:30 pm | 15FAL CAPOTPM
New! Learn to Draw Flowers and Nature
This class for all levels is based on the principles of drawing and the
interpretation of nature as subject. Students are encouraged to complete
their projects in the medium of their choice – pencil, ink, pastel or colored
pencil. Supplies are provided for the first class; a supply list will be given
by the instructor. If football is not your thing, this is a great way to spend
Sunday afternoons.
Instructor: Lucinda Halsema | Sun | 1 - 3 pm | Oct 11, 18, 25, Nov 1, 8, 15
153 | Valued Member $102 | 15FAL CADRAW
Vandroff Art Gallery
First Coast Pastel Society Exhibit
Sept 4 to 30
Founded in January 2012, the mission of the FCPS is to “promote the use of soft pastel within the FCPS membership
and the community at large as an important and continually evolving fine art medium,” by reaching out to pastel
artists in the northeast Florida and southeast Georgia areas. You are invited to join FCPS members at a reception on
Sunday, September 13, from 1 to 3 pm.
The Artwork of Desiree Kantrim
Oct 2 to 28
Art has always been an integral part of Desiree’s life. Having lived and traveled all over the globe, from Canada to Costa Rica
and Capetown to Kathmandu, her art has gone through many changes, and she has won many prizes and awards for her
work. Desiree is a member of the Art Center COOP, the Orange Park Art Guild, JWS, Somma and the Jacksonville Artists Guild.
The Paintings of Nadine Terk
Oct 30 to Dec 2
Nadine received her MS in Art History and Archeology at Columbia University, NY, and was an adjunct professor of Art and
Art History at Flagler College, University of North Florida and Florida State College of Jacksonville. She was a curator at the
Jacksonville Museum of Modern Art before transitioning to a career in art in 1998. Nadine was formally trained in classical
realism at the Art Students League in New York and by one of the world’s preeminent portrait painters. Her work has been
exhibited locally and abroad. You can meet Nadine at her opening on Sunday, November 1, from 1 to 3 pm.
The Art of Paul Ladnier
Dec 4 to Jan 6
Paul Ladnier, Professor Emeritus, University of North Florida, taught courses in figure drawing, painting and abstract and plein
air painting for more than thirty years. He received an MFA from Syracuse University and a BFA from Ringling School of Art in
Sarasota, FL. Paul has had many solo exhibitions, participated in numerous group shows and taught figure painting, drawing
and plein air painting workshops in Italy and in the US Southeast. Now retired, he continues to paint, conduct painting and
drawing workshops and exhibit his work.
Breast Cancer Awareness Day at the J | Sun, Oct 25
We are honored to present the “There for You Project,” by Nadine Terk. Three years ago, Terk painted the portrait
of a woman recovering from a mastectomy and went on to interview other women undergoing breast cancer
treatment while painting a series of portraits of breast cancer survivors. This exhibit inspires and encourages
those touched by breast cancer and teaches us to be there for the one in eight women who will inevitably face
this disease. This exhibit is for adults only. There will also be cancer awareness and prevention workshops. See
Wellness Connexion (page 5) for more information.
g u i d e
Youth/Teen Activities
After School Dinner and Open House
Betsy Miller
730 - 2100 ext. 245
Tailgate Party (Grade K - 5)
Bring your child to the J before the game
for a tailgate party. We’ll eat, play games
and have a ball! Go JAGS!
Sun | 12 - 5 pm
Sept 20, Oct 18, Nov 29, Dec 13
45 per day | Valued Member $30
Middle School Cosmic
Bowling (Grade 6 - 8)
Attention all middle school bowling
fans, get ready to knock ‘em down!
Meet us at the JCA and ride to Bowl
America in Mandarin for some healthy
competition and fun with friends.
Sat, Oct 10 | 7:30 - 10:30 pm
38 | Valued Member $25
Babysitter’s Training
Course (Age 10 - 15)
Learn how to prepare for an emergency
if home alone or babysitting in this
one day class. Valuable safety tips will
be taught, and basic CPR and first aid
skills will be reviewed.
Mon | 9 - 3:30 pm | Nov 30, Dec 21
75 | Valued Member $50
New! JAway Babysitter’s Training
We are offering special offsite training
just for St. Johns County students at
the Bartram Trail Branch Library.
Mon, Oct 19 | 15FAL YSJAWAY
(See above for time and pricing)
Kaplan SAT Prep Class
Want to bring up your test scores or
need help with test preparation? This
series will prepare students for the SAT
with practice tests, test taking strategies
and by identifying personal strengths
and weaknesses. Register through the
Kaplan Center at 1-800-524-8378 or visit Classes start in August;
hurry space is limited.
Start the New Year on a sweet note with an evening of food and fun at our After
School Open House. Bring your family for dinner and taste different types of
honey. Meet our counselors and learn more about what the JCA can offer you
and your elementary aged children.
Reservations requested by September 8 by calling ext. 245.
Thur, Sept 10 | 6 - 7:30 pm
Family Eco Art Craft Club (Age 10+)
Leave less of a carbon footprint and create beautiful works of art at the same
time. Each session we will make a separate project using various materials and
techniques as well as learn about the importance of recycling. Join the fun and
help save our planet!
Sun | 2 - 4 pm | Sept 27, Oct 25, Nov 15
38 per family per session | Valued Member $25 | 1516 YSECOART***
Youth Studio Art Classes (Grade 5 - 8)
In this beginning instructional art class, students receive four weeks of drawing
instruction and four weeks of painting instruction. Artists are encouraged to
work at their own level to achieve results.
Thur | 6 - 7:30 pm | Sept 10, 17, 24, Oct 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
180| Valued Member $120 | 1516 YSART
JTV (Age 15+)
The Jacksonville Teens Volunteer (JTV) Program provides meaningful volunteer
experiences and education about our community. Meet other teens, have fun
and obtain community service hours needed for school. This program is free
and open to the public; however, JCA members will have priority in registration.
Each event is from 1 to 4 pm and students must meet at each location.
Sun, Oct 11 | Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens | 1516 YSJTVOCT
Sun, Nov 22 | River Garden Hebrew Home | 1516 YSJTVNOV
(Grade K - 5)
On days when school is closed, send your child to the JCA to explore,
create, learn and have FUN with friends. Children select either an arts or sports
track each day to determine the majority of their daily activities; both tracks
include swimming. Leave your worries at the door as your child enters a safe,
nurturing environment supervised by our responsible and energetic staff.
Simply pack a dairy lunch and swim essentials, and we’ll take care of the rest!
Oct 30, Nov 25, 30
*Dates reflect fall J•CAtion days only. Other days offered throughout the school year.
Winter Break J•CAtion Days
This winter break, join us for a salute to America. We will have our own
Olympic Games, play capture the flag, bake cherry pies, create Statue of
Liberty sculptures and much more.
Dec 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31
Daily Fees
Early Registration*
Option A (7:30 am - 6 pm)
53 | Valued Member 46
Option B (9 am - 4 pm)
43 | Valued Member $38
48* | Valued Member $41
38* | Valued Member $33
*Five business days or more prior to each date of attendance.
A $10 surcharge will be applied to day-of registrations.
Youth/Teen Activities
End their day
at the
• After School Program •
Limited spaces
still available for the 2015 - 16 school year
Give your child the best!
Call ext. 245 or visit
Grade K to 5 • Safe, secure and stimulating • Jewish environment • Skilled staff, low ratios
Organized and structured • Homework room with computer lab
“Power Hour” Students choose from a daily variety of fun enrichment options: Chess Club, mixed media art,
sports and more. There’s something for everyone!
Free transportation from some schools (with minimum)
Power Hour Plus Classes are from 4 to 5 pm and are an added value to
students enrolled in the JCA After School Program. Registration is also open to
non JCA After School participants.
Chess Club (Age 5 - 17)
Learn to perfect this ancient game of wits. Students
study basic strategy, challenge others in games, learn
how to be healthy competitors and gain patience.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced
player, this club’s for you!
Wed | 1516 YSCHESS***
60 | Valued Member $40
*Fees do not apply to After School participants.
Session I Sept 2, 9, 16, 30
Session II Oct 7, 14, 21, 28
Session III Nov 4, 11, 18, 25
Hola, Amigos (Age 5 - 8)
This conversational Spanish class introduces students to the basics and shows
them how enjoyable learning another language can be!
Tues | Nov 3, 10, 17, 24 | $60 | Valued Member $40 | 1516 YSSPANISHNOV
*Fees do not apply to After School participants.
Lego Lab (Age 5 - 11)
Let your Lego imaginations soar! Design
and build spaces, places and more using
Lego bricks and supporting materials.
Thur | Sept 3, 10, 17, 24
60 | Valued Member $40
*Fees do not apply to After School participants.
Kickin it with Kristy (Age 7 - 11)
Kids naturally love to move. Why not
take advantage of their urge to wiggle?
This kickboxing class not only helps
kids strengthen their muscles and
hearts, it also teaches body awareness,
coordination and balance. Group fitness
instructor Kristy Canto will facilitate this
fun class.
Thur | Oct 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
75 | Valued Member $50
*Fees do not apply to After School participants.
g u i d e
New! Zoe’s Hippity Hop Move & Groove (Age 3 - 6)
Shelly Hughes
730 - 2100 ext. 252
This class teaches young dancers various movement characterizations to
develop movement quality and imagination. Students participate in exercise
and dance that teach listening skills (responding to music tempo and mood),
levels (high, medium, low) and direction. Young children who are exposed to these
types of activities are generally more creative in life, freer in their movements
as they develop and have higher levels of self-esteem.
Thur | 1:30 - 2 pm | Sept 17, 24, Oct 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov 5, 12
150 | Valued Member $100 | 15FAL THZOEHOP
Zoe’s Clubhouse (Age 3 - 6)
This class will have your little ones
singing, dancing and play acting on
the JCA’s big stage! Children explore
their imaginations while also learning
social skills and working as a team in
a fun, creative environment! Activities
include theatre games, improvisation,
adventure sketches and moving and
Wed | 1:30 - 2:15 pm
Sept 16, 30, Oct 7, 14, 21, 28, Nov 4, 18
132 | Valued Member $88
JCA Glee Club (JGC)
(Age 10 - 16)
If you love to sing, sing, sing, then this
club is for you. We learn a variety of
songs from different styles and genres
of music. JGC is led by Craig Wickless of
the Theatre Department.
Sun | 1 - 2 pm
Sept 13, 27, Oct 4, 11, 18, Nov 1, 8, 15
75 | Valued Member $50
October 17
October 25
November 8
and book
signing for
Picked on
Poindexter by
local authors
Denise Trager
and Mary Ellen
For more
details, see
Cultural Arts
(page 10).
JCA Playhouse (Age 4 - 6)
This program is a perfect introduction to the magical world
of theatre! Our younger actors put on a variety style show
complete with scripts, music and dance. Children memorize
their lines, songs and choreography, all in anticipation of
their big show, Welcome to the Country Club.
Wed | 4 - 5 pm | Sept 16, 30, Oct 7, 14, 21, 28, Nov 4, 18
190 | Valued Member $130 | 15FAL THPLAYHOUSE
Baby Bear Ballet
This beginners’ class is a fun and relaxed introduction to
ballet. Each dancer receives a ballet bear on the first day of
class to help with posture and arms. Dancing is CRAZY FUN
when you dance with a ballet bear!
Fri | Sept 18, 25, Oct 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Nov 13
Baby Bear Ballet A (Age 2 - 3) | 12:30 - 1 pm
Baby Bear Ballet B (Age 4 - 6) | 1:30 - 2 pm
192 | Valued Member $128 | 15FAL THBBALLET*
*Fee includes child’s very own ballet bear!
PAC Auditions
JCA Performing Arts for
Grade 2 - 9
Auditions Sun, Sept 20 | 1 pm
Rehearsals begin Thur, Sept 24
(no rehearsals Sept 28, Oct 5)
Rehearsals Mon, Thur | 4 - 6 pm
Shows Sat, Dec 5 and 12 | 7:30 pm
Sun, Dec 6 and 13 | 2 pm
225 | Valued Member $150
*No fees will be collected until after the cast list is posted.
Spanish (Age 3 - 6 by 9/1/2015)
Theresa Levy
730 - 2100 ext. 237
Everything Apples
Adventure Yoga (Age 3 - 6 by 9/1/2015)
It’s Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New
Year! Join Morah Karen in this special
holiday class that’s all about apples.
Bake and eat a yummy apple treat for
a sweet New Year and make an apple
project to take home.
Fri, Sept 11 | 1:30 - 2:15 pm
15 | Valued Member $10
Sensational Sensory Sukkot (Age 3 - 6 by 9/1/2015)
(Age 3 - 6 by 9/1/2015)
Michele Block Gan Yeladim
Hola, amigos! Learn to speak Spanish through songs, crafts and games in this
fun filled class led by Ms. Dulce.
Thur | 1:30 - 2:15 pm | Sept 10, 17, 24, Oct 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
120 | Valued Member $80 | 15FAL ECSPANISH
Have fun while improving flexibility, balance, coordination, concentration and
self-esteem. Gisela leads the practice with animal, nature and other poses.
Mon | 1:30 - 2:15 pm | Oct 19, 26, Nov 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Dec 7
120 | Valued Member $80 | 15FAL ECYOGA
Experience the wonderful holiday of Sukkot with Morah Karen! Stimulate your
five senses inside the sukkah and create things to taste, touch, hear, see and feel.
Fri, Oct 2 | 1:30 - 2:15 pm | $15 | Valued Member $10 | 15FAL ECSUKKOT
Cooking Around the World (Age 3 - 6 by 9/1/2015)
Join Ms. Renee in our lovely children’s kitchen to prepare and taste foods from
countries all around the world. Each child will bring home a special keepsake
cookbook at the end of the session.
Tues | 1:30 - 2:15 pm | Oct 13, 20, 27, Nov 3, 10, 17, 24, Dec 1
120 | Valued Member $80 | 15FAL ECCOOK
Magnificent Musicians (Age 3 - 6 by 9/1/2015)
Learn about rhythm, melody, harmony and more in this fun and interactive music class with local clarinetist, pianist
and music teacher, Molly Sweet. This hands-on class will feature percussion, musical stories, music history and world
music lessons.
Wed | 3 - 3:30 pm | Sept 9, 16, 30, Oct 7, 14, 21, 28, Nov 4 | $75 | Valued Member $50 | 15FAL ECMUSICIANS
Enjoy a great opportunity to bond with your baby while getting in shape. This total
body workout features a blend of Barre Pilates, yoga and power walking. These
stroller-based exercises will build strength, tone muscle and improve posture.
Mon | 9:30 - 10:30 am | Oct 19, 26, Nov 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Dec 7
120 | Valued Member $80 | 15FAL ECFITMOMS
Stroller Fit Moms
Rochelle Golomb
730 - 2100 ext. 259
The place for unparalleled
excellence in early
childhood experiences
JAway Eco Day!
On this educational morning, we’ll meet at a Jacksonville Beach location to learn about sea
turtle conservation and nesting sites and participate in a fun project. Bring a picnic lunch and
enjoy the day on your own after the event. Drinks and a snack will be provided. This is a great
opportunity to introduce your friends and neighbors to the JCA. Reservations requested
by September 16. Contact Rochelle at ext. 259 or
Sun, Sept 20 | 10 - 11:30 am | Free to the community | 15FAL ECJAWAY
Symposium Parent Morning: Creating Wonder
Michele Block Gan Yeladim Preschool and Kindergarten parents are invited to attend an exclusive
free workshop by Dr. Gillian D. McNamee, professor at the Erikson Institute. Dr. McNamee, the
keynote speaker for the 7 th Annual Michele Block Gan Yeladim Early Childhood Education
Symposium, will lead parents in a stimulating, follow-up coffee talk on the symposium topic,
Creating Wonder. Coffee and light refreshments will be served. Registration requested.
Wed, Oct 21 | 9:30 - 10:30 am
Free to Michele Block Gan Yeladim parents | 1516 ECWORKSHOP
g u i d e
Fitness and Wellness
Ali NeSmith
730 - 2100 ext. 324
Wellness Director
For more wellness programs,
see pages 5 and 7.
Kelly’s Nutrition Korner
Mon | 9 - 11 am
Free for valued members
Certified trainer Kaley Messner moves your exercise to the stairs, track and
hallways to give you an amazing workout while keeping you moving.
Advance registration required.
Wed | 8:30 - 9:30 am | Sept 2, 9, 16, 30
60 valued members only | 15FAL FWSTEP
How Much is Too Much?
Discuss portion size and how
to properly estimate how
much you eat so you can
accurately track it.
An Apple a Day
An Apple a Day
Does an apple a day really
keep the doctor away? Discuss
the myth and truth of common
nutrition beliefs.
Sept 21 | 15FAL FWAPPLE
Standing Core Yoga
Explore tree, bonsai, warrior III, dancer and other standing yoga poses with
certified yoga instructor Rebecca Stephenson. Improve your balance and take
your yoga practice to another level. Advance registration required.
Sun, Sept 20 | Noon - 12:30 pm
5 valued members only | 15FAL FWCOREYOGA
Techno Train
Step it Up!
Dust off those platforms and get steppin’. Certified group fitness instructor Todd
gets us doing turn steps, over the tops and corner to corners. Let’s step again like
we did back in the day! Advance registration required.
Wed | 5 - 6 pm | Oct 7, 14, 21, 28 | $40 valued members only | 15FAL FWSTEPUP
Simply Latin Ballroom (Age 16+)
Alicia Munro leads an hour of basic moves to get you feeling confident on the
dance floor! This class is for anyone who loves to dance or always wanted to learn
how to merengue, cha cha, salsa and swing! No Partner necessary.
Advance registration required.
Tues | 7 - 8 pm | Oct 13, 20, 27, Nov 3 | $40 valued members only | 15FAL FWLATIN
The Chicago Marathon Ride
The Chicago Marathon is one of the six World Marathon Majors. Our ride will
take us through 29 neighborhoods to experience the sights and sounds of one
of America’s most iconic cities. Cycling instructor and six-time marathoner
Connie Smith leads you on this visual tour through the streets of Chicago.
Advance registration required.
Wed, Oct 14 | 6 pm | Free for valued members only | 15FAL FWCHICAGO
Techno Ride
Grab your glow sticks and let’s ride into the night! Mad Dogg certified spin
instructor Kerianne will get your heart pumping and your legs moving as we
cycle to high intensity techno tunes. Advance registration required.
Mon, Oct 26 | 7 - 8 pm | Free for valued members only | 15FAL FWTECHNO
Techno Train
Fall Fitness
Take the Techno Train Fitness
Challenge and reach your
goals. Track workouts using
your Fitbit or other fitness
tracker and JCA equipment
read outs.
Earn bonus points by tracking
and printing your calories
and attend From Techno
Food to Techno Fit to learn
the benefits of technology in
reaching your fitness goals.
See J Institute (page 7) for
more information.
Visit the Fitness Center for
more information.
The New York Marathon Ride From the Verrazano Bridge to Central Park,
ride the boroughs of the Big Apple with cycling instructor Connie Smith,
accompanied by an inspirational video.
Sun, Nov 1 | 8:45 am | Free for valued members only | 15FAL FWNEWYORK
Sugar Busters Club Lindsey Oliphant, ATC, LAT, teaches the benefits of
fitness and nutrition in managing diabetes.
Mon, Nov 16 | 6:30 pm | $5 valued members only | 15FAL FWBUSTERS
Britney vs. Whitney Cycle Mad Dogg certified spin instructor Kerianne
leads this ride to the songs of the queens of pop.
Thur, Nov 19 | 7 - 8 pm | Free for valued members only | 15FAL FWBRIT
December • No Equipment, No Problem
Fitness Playtime Personal trainer Dee Jay Adams leads a fun total body
workout using kettlebells, TRX and a variety of other fitness toys.
Fri | 8:30 - 9:30 am | Nov 20, Dec 4, 11, 18
Mon | 6:30 - 7:30 pm | Nov 30, Dec 7, 14, 21
60 valued members only | 15FAL FWPLAY***
Yoga for Newbies Learn terminology and correct form at a beginner’s pace.
Mon | 9 - 10 am | Nov 30, Dec 7, 14, 21
40 valued members only | 15FAL FWNEWYOGA
No Equipment, No Problem Certified trainer Patrice Dickman teaches you
how to use body weight for a total body workout.
Tues | 10 - 11 am | Dec 8, 15, 22, 29 or Wed | 6 - 7 pm | Dec 9, 16, 23, 30
60 valued members only | 16WIN FWEQUIP***
All About Form Certified instructor Aggie Horvath demonstrates the correct
alignments for exercises done in Tone and Stretch and other group classes.
Wed, Dec 9 | 10:30 - 11:30 am | Free for valued members only | 16WIN FWFORM
Group Fitness
November • Sugar Busters
Lynnell Grimes
730 - 2100 ext. 331
Group Fitness Manager
For more wellness programs,
see pages 5 and 7.
Small Group
Aqua Barre
Tues | 9:30 - 10:30 am
Barre Fitness
Wed | 9 - 10 am or 6 - 7 pm
Tai Chi
Sun | 10 - 11 am
Wed | 5 - 6 pm
TRX Suspension Training
Mon | 6:45 - 7:45 am or 6 - 7 pm
Wed | 9 - 10 am
at the
Sessions from $34
Call ext. 324 for details.
g u i d e
Sports and Recreation
Rio Robinson
730 - 2100 ext. 250
Youth Sports Clinics
Baseball 101 (Age 4 - 8)
Tues | 4:30 - 5:30 pm
Session I Oct 13 to Nov 10
Session II Nov 17 to Dec 15
75 | Valued Member $50
Mandatory Skills Evaluation
Bolles High School August 9
Session II Nov 16 to Dec 14
75 | Valued Member $50
1 pm
2 pm
8 - 10
3 pm
11 - 14
4 pm
Junior Gymnastics (Age 5 - 10)
Tues | 4:30 - 5:15 pm
Session I Oct 13 to Nov 10
Session II Nov 17 to Dec 15
75 | Valued Member $50
Makos Run Club (Age 4 - 14)
Wed | 4 - 5 pm
Session I Sept 16 to Oct 28
(no class Sept 23)
Session II Nov 4 to Dec 16
(no class Nov 25)
90 | Valued Member $60
Premier Soccer Clinic
Sun | Nov 8 to Dec 20 (no class Nov 29)
Age 4 - 7 4 - 5 pm | Age 8 - 12 5 - 6 pm
105 | Valued Member $70
Volleyball Clinic (Age 8 - 14)
Thur | 4:30 - 5:30 pm
Session I Sept 17 to Oct 22
Session II Nov 5 to Dec 17
(no class Nov 26)
90 | Valued Member $60
JCA Youth Soccer League is back
for another action packed season.
League Philosophy: To develop
young athletes into fundamentally
sound soccer players while having
fun in an organized, competitive
and social atmosphere.
Practices occur one hour before
games; this is a one stop shop for all of
your athlete’s soccer league needs!
To volunteer to coach, contact Rio at
ext. 250 or
Basketball 101 (Age 4 - 8)
Mon | 4:30 - 5:30 pm
Session I Sept 21 to Nov 2
(no class Sept 28, Oct 5)
Youth Soccer League
Age groups will be determined after the
evaluations. If you cannot attend, please
call ext. 254 to schedule a make-up.
Sun | 12:30 - 5:30 pm
*Specific times TBA, 2 hour commitment
Sept 13 to Nov 1
Location Bolles High School
Stadium Field
150 | Valued Member $100
JCA Fencing
JCA Fencing for Youth (Age 7 - 13)
Sun | 3:30 - 4:30 pm
Session I Sept 20 to Oct 25
Session II Nov 8 to Dec 20
(no class Nov 29)
6 Class Fee $158 | Valued Member $105
JCA Fencing for Adults (Age 14+)
Wed | 6 - 7:30 pm
Session I Aug 5 to Sept 30
(no class Sept 23)
Session II Oct 14 to Dec 9
(no class Nov 25)
8 Class Fee $210 | Valued Member $140
Adult Soccer League (Age 18+)
Form your own teams of 6 to 8 players for 5-on-5 soccer; you can also register
individually or with a friend and be placed on a team. All rosters must be submitted
by September 7. Contact Rio at ext. 250 or if you have any
questions or want to register.
Sun | 3:30 - 5:30 pm | Sept 13 to Nov 1 (8 games) | Bolles High School Stadium Field
105 | Valued Member $70 | 15FAL SRADSOCCER
Youth Basketball League
This league starts in November for the 2015–16 season. Skills assessment/
evaluation is tentatively planned for November 8 with more details to come in
the October Alliance News. Contact Rio at ext. 250 or
if you have questions or are interested in volunteering to coach.
Lacrosse Skills Clinic (Age 6 - 12)
This clinic is for beginner and intermediate players who
want to learn or perfect their skills. The clinic will utilize
a variety of drills to master the fundamentals and apply
them in a game format led by former players as well as
local coaches. Each player must provide his or her own
equipment: lax stick, protective gloves, cleats, mouthpiece
and athletic support/cup. For more information, contact
Rio at ext. 250 or email at
Sun | 11 am - 12:30 pm | Sept 13 to Nov 1
150 | Valued Member $100 | 15FAL SRLACROSSE
(Age 8 - 14)
JCA Select Basketball is for players who want to compete
at the highest level. Those who make the team will
benefit from quality coaching and the opportunity to
play in a structured training camp prior to joining a
competitive local league.
There will also be opportunities to play in JCC-sanctioned
tournaments in other cities. Registration is not needed
prior to tryouts. If selected, each player will be required
to pay a training camp/practice fee and league fees
associated with the program. Contact Rio at ext. 250 for
more information.
Mon, Sept 21 | Girls 6 pm | Boys 7 pm
Men’s Basketball Leagues
Form teams of six players for 4-on-4
competition. For more information or
to register as an individual or a team,
call ext. 254.
18+ Men’s Basketball League
Wed | 6 - 9 pm | Aug 26 to Nov 18
(no games Sept 23)
12 Game Fee $72 valued members only
25+ Men’s Basketball League
Sun | 8:45 - 11:45 am | Aug 16 to Dec 20
(no games Sept 6, Nov 29)
16 Game Fee $96 valued members only
Preschool Clinics
Terrific Tumblers
This introduction to gymnastics for all
skill levels includes tumbling, balance
beam, spring boards and stretching.
Tues | 3:30 - 4:15 pm
75 | Valued Member $50
Sept 22 to Nov 3 (no class Sept 29, Oct 6)
Nov 17 to Dec 15
Fri | 1:30 - 2:15 pm
90 | Valued Member $60
Sept 18 to Oct 23
Nov 6 to Dec 18 (no class Nov 27)
Little Hitters Baseball
This class introduces children to the
basics of tee ball and baseball.
Mon | 1:30 - 2:15 pm
75 | Valued Member $50
Session I | 15FAL SRLILHIT1
Sept 21 to Nov 2 (no class Sept 28, Oct 5)
Session II | 15FAL SRLILHIT2
Nov 16 to Dec 14
(Age 3 - 6)
Sports and Recreation
JCA Select Basketball Team Tryouts
Pick Up
Must be 13
years of age or
Friendly pick
up volleyball
is on Tuesday
nights from 7
to 9:30 pm.
Friendly pick
up basketball
is on Saturdays
from 1 to 3 pm.
Sports Extravaganza
This popular class introduces sports
such as baseball, basketball, soccer,
hockey and more!
90 | Valued Member $60
Wed | 1:30 - 2:15 pm
Sept 16 to Oct 28 (no class Sept 23)
Nov 4 to Dec 16 (no class Nov 25)
Thur | 3:30 - 4:15 pm
Sept 17 to Oct 22
Nov 5 to Dec 17 (no class Nov 26)
Little Putters
Utilizing adaptive and age appropriate
golf equipment, this clinic is all about
having fun while learning the basics
of putting, chipping, pitching and full
swing mechanics.
Wed | 3:30 - 4:15 pm
75 | Valued Member $50
Sept 16 to Oct 28 (no class Sept 23)
Nov 4 to Dec 16 (no class Nov 25)
Little Dribblers
This fun clinic teaches dribbling, passing,
defense, shooting and more.
Thur | 1:30 - 2:15 pm
90 | Valued Member $60
Session I | 15FAL SRLILDRIB1
Sept 17 to Oct 22
Nov 5 to Dec 17 (no class Nov 26)
Little Kickers Soccer
This clinic instructs players in soccer
basics, including dribbling, passing,
trapping and goal scoring.
Tues | 1:30 - 2:15 pm
75 | Valued Member $50
Session I | 15FAL SRLILKICK1
Sept 22 to Nov 3 (no class Sept 29, Oct 6)
Nov 17 to Dec 15
Flag Football Frenzy
This clinic introduces your athlete to the fundamentals of flag football, including
throwing, catching, juking, flag pulling and much more.
Mon | 1:30 - 2:15 pm | $75 | Valued Member $50
Session I | Sept 21 to Nov 2 (no class Sept 28, Oct 5) | 15FAL SRFLAGFOOTBALL1
Session II | Nov 16 to Dec 14 | 15FAL SRFLAGFOOTBALL2
g u i d e
School Year Makos Swim Team
Jessica Novotny
730 - 2100 ext. 240
JV Makos Swim Team
(Age 4 - 6)
This team is for children interested in
swim team who are able to put their
faces in the water as well as swim half
the pool length unassisted. We’ll practice
swim team skills, build endurance and
learn new strokes.
Mon, Wed | 1:30 - 2:15 pm
Aug 3 to 31; Sept 2 to 30; Oct 7 to 28;
Nov 2 to 30; Dec 2 to 30
This team introduces competitive swimming and helps prepare children for the
upcoming competitive summer league. We provide age appropriate training in a
safe and fun swimming environment. Swimmers learn starts and turns and
participate in drills designed to improve technique and develop speed and
endurance. Come check us out! Register for one day (Sunday), two days (select
any two days Monday through Thursday) or four days (Monday through Thursday).
Age 5 - 10 4 - 5 pm (must be able to swim 25 yards unassisted) | Age 11 - 18 5 - 6 pm
Aug 2 to 31, Sept 1 to 30, Oct 1 to 29, Nov 2 to 30, Dec 1 to 30
(no clinics Sept 7, 14, 15, 23, 28, 29, Oct 5, 6, Nov 26, Dec 24, 25)
One Day (Sun only, 4 - 5 pm) (Age 5 - 18)
60 | Valued Member $40 | 1516 AQST1(Time)(Month)
Two Days (select two, Monday through Thursday)
82 | Valued Member $55 | 1516 AQST2(Time)(Month)
Four Days (Monday through Thursday)
105 | Valued Member $70 | 1516 AQST4(Time)(Month)
(no clinics Sept 7, 14, 23, 28, Oct 5)
82 | Valued Member $55
1516 AQJVSTMW1:30***
Labor Day
Red Cross-Certified
Lifeguard Training
• Must be at least 15 years of age
• Must swim 300 yards freestyle
and/or breaststroke
• Must swim 20 yards to retrieve
a ten pound brick from seven to
ten feet of water in 1 minute and
40 seconds
• Must tread water for two minutes
Dec 9 (pretest, first class) | 6:30 - 9:30 pm
Dec 10 | 6:30 - 9:30 pm
Dec 13 | 10 am - 5 pm
Dec 14, 15, 16, 17 | 6:30 - 9:30 pm
285| Valued Member $190
Mon, Sept 7
Family fun day
Red Cross CPR Certification
Community Adult/Child/Infant CPR/
First Aid/AED
Sun, Oct 25 | 1 - 6 pm
98 | Valued Member $65
CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer
CPR for public safety employees and
lifeguards includes a book and pocket
Sun, Nov 8 | 1 - 6 pm
105 | Valued Member $70
11 am
3 pm
Free hotdogs
DJ entertainment
For more information, contact Rio
at 730-2100 ext. 250 or visit
JCA American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim Programs
The JCA offers instructional swim programs designed by the American Red Cross. All instructors are
certified through the American Red Cross as Water Safety Instructors (W.S.I.). The JCA assures program
quality by maintaining small class sizes, monitoring instruction and adhering to Red Cross standards.
For more information, contact Jessica at
Private Swim Lessons (All ages) Our one-on-one private lesson instruction for all ages will lead you closer to your
individual goal. Learn to swim or learn to swim more efficiently. Each lesson is 30 minutes long.
By appointment | Individual Lesson $45 | Valued Member $30 | 8-Lesson Special $315 | Valued Member $210
Junior Makos This program is designed for children ages 6 to 12 years. Our goal is to help participants achieve maximum
success. Introduction to water skills, fundamental aquatic skills, stroke development, stroke improvement, stroke refinement
and personal water safety will be the core topics covered. Classes have a 6:1 student-to-teacher ratio.
Little Makos This program is designed for children ages 3½ to 5 years. Children participate without a parent in the water,
and swimmers are introduced to breath control, arm coordination, kicking and the development of basic strokes. Classes
have a 5:1 student-to-teacher ratio.
Parent and Me This program is to teach you, the parent, how to work safely and effectively with your child, infant to 3 years
old, in the water. The program emphasizes fun and enjoyment, water adjustment and preparatory activities for future
swimming. This program is not designed to teach children to become good swimmers or even to survive in the water on
their own. At least one adult must accompany the child in the pool.
JCA Mini Makos This program is designed for children ages 2 to 3 years. In these 30-minute classes, swimmers will learn the
foundation for water adjustment, floating, breath control, kicking, arm movement and safe entry and exit of the pool. Children
must be able to function in a group lesson without a parent in the water. Classes have a 4:1 student-to-teacher ratio.
Monthly Fees
1 Day Week $75 | Valued Member $50 | 2 Day Week $113 | Valued Member $75
Three Month Options 1 Day Week $204 | Valued Member $135 | 2 Day Week $297 | Valued Member $195
Aquatics Cancellation Policy
Private Lessons Inclement weather/pool closings before a scheduled lesson will result in that lesson being rescheduled at a mutually
agreeable time. If a lesson cannot be made up within one week of the last scheduled lesson, that lesson will be forfeited and charged
to the participant. All participants registered for private swim sessions must give at least a 24-hour notice of cancellation for already
scheduled sessions. Failure to properly cancel will result in a charge for that session at the established fee. All personal training
sessions, private tennis lessons and private swim lessons will expire six months from the date of purchase. Fees paid for expired
sessions/lessons are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Group Lessons There are no make-ups or refunds for any group lessons due to illness, inclement weather, pool closings and vacation
or holiday closings.
Diaper Policy All non-toilet-trained children are required to wear a swim diaper and a swim suit at all times when in the water.
Parent and Me (6 months to 3 years) • JCA Mini Makos (2 to 3 years)
Little Makos (4 to 5 years) • Junior Makos (6 to 12 years)
JCA Learn-to-Swim Monthly Schedule
Aug 2 to 31, Sept 1 to 30, Oct 1 to 30, Nov 1 to 30, Dec 1 to 30
(no lessons Sept 7, 14, 15, 23, 28, 29, Oct 5, 6, Nov 26, Dec 24, 25)
Parent and Me
30 minutes
JCA Mini Makos
30 minutes
Little Makos
30 minutes
Junior Makos
45 minutes
10 am
10:30 am
11:15 am, 1 pm
12 pm, 2 pm
Monday and
12:30 pm, 1:30 pm, 2:30 pm,
3:30 pm, 4:30 pm
12:30 pm, 1:30 pm, 2:30 pm,
3:30 pm, 4:30 pm
5:30 pm, 6:30 pm
12:30 pm, 1:30 pm, 2:30 pm,
3:30 pm, 4:30 pm
12:30 pm, 1:30 pm, 2:30 pm,
3:30 pm, 4:30 pm
Tuesday and
5:30 pm, 6:30 pm
g u i d e
Junior Tennis Clinics
All clinics are 6 week sessions. $108 | Valued Member $72
For the beginning junior player, our Quick Start programs provide an overview
of tennis and teach the fundamentals of the sport. Classes focus on learning
proper swinging motions and the most effective way to handle a tennis racquet.
All of the instruction is paced for younger players and supplemented by fun
games and drills.
Tennis Aces (Age 3 - 5)
Tues or Fri | 1:30 - 2:15 pm | 1516 TNACES(Day)(Month)***
Reggie Exum
730 - 2100 ext. 317
Pee-wee Quick Start (Age 4 - 6)
Wed | 4:15 - 5 pm | Thur | 3:30 - 4:15 pm | 1516 TNPW(Day)(Month)***
Junior Quick Start (Age 7 - 10)
Tues | 4:30 - 5:30 pm | Thur | 3:30 - 4:30 pm | Sat | 4 - 5 pm
1516 TNJR(Day)(Month)***
For our intermediate to advanced players, clinics focus on stroke production,
consistency and match play to help older players feel more comfortable during
point play and matches.
Junior Varsity (Age 11 - 13) | Thur | 4:30 - 5:30 pm | 1516 TNJVTHU***
Varsity (Age 13 - 18) | Mon | 5 - 6 pm | 1516 TNVARMON***
Private Lessons
You can schedule a private lesson at
any time with any of our pros. Just call
the tennis office at ext. 317.
½ hour $30 | 1 hour $60
Adult Tennis Clinics
Ever wondered if you’re good enough for competitive league tennis? Now is the perfect time to see if you have what it
takes. Shape up your game on one of our ladies’ tennis teams, or the new working women’s team. We also have great
men’s clinics. If you’re unsure of your level, schedule a private lesson for an evaluation. League play begins in August
and continues through May. If team play isn’t for you, consider one of our other clinics to sharpen your skills. For more
information and program fees, contact Reggie at ext. 317 or See you on the courts.
Working Women’s Team
Ladies’ B Team Clinic
3.0 - 3.5 Men’s Clinic
Stroke of the Week Clinic
Tues | 6:30 - 8 pm
Mon| 9 - 10:30 am
Mon | 6:30 - 8 pm
Sat | 5 - 6 pm
1516 TNSTROKE(Month)
1516 TNWORKING(Day)(Month)
Ladies’ A Team Clinic
Tues | 9 - 10:30 am
Ladies’ C Team Clinic
Fri | 9 - 10:30 am
Tennis 101
Wed | 6:30 - 7:30 pm
1516 TN101(Day)(Month)
Cardio Tennis
Sun | 8:30 - 9:30 am
1516 TNCARDIO(Day)(Month)
99 Fully accredited
NAEYC, FKC, ACA, GSOD 5« rating
99 Facility with integrated
99 Unique curriculum and
Including Cummer Museum,
Jacksonville Symphony, Jacksonville
Zoo, MOSH, St. Johns RiverKeeper,
Riverside Fine Arts
99 Preschool/Kindergarten
Michele Block Gan Yeladim Preschool is open to all children regardless of race, religious affiliation or ethnic origin. JCA membership is not required, but
JCA members have priority in registration. DCF license # C04DU0213
Michele Block
Gan Yeladim
Preschool & Kindergarten
12 months to 6 years
2015-16 Register Now!
Limited spaces available
For more information, call ext. 235 or visit
In Honor of...
by Marvin Lazarus
Nina and Neal Roth
Phillip and Peachy Bernstein
by Bob and Phyllis Fischer
Irene Jaffa’s mother Leona
by Nina and Neal Roth
Gita Raj’s mother
Mary Edwards Receiving the
Leadership Award
Stephanie Green Scholarship Fund
In Memory of...
by Bob and Phyllis Fischer
by Jeff and Penny Marks
Pat Frisch Receiving the
Leadership Award
Joyce Danes
by Marvin Lazarus
by Jeff and Penny Marks
Allan Chait
by Myron and Bunni Flagler
The Board and Staff of the JCA
Richard Albert
by Michele and David Steinfeld
Phyllis Strumlauf
by Michele and David Steinfeld
by Michele and David Steinfeld
Nancy Eber’s birthday
Barbi Young
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Eber’s new
7th Annual
William and Andrew Block Families
Gan Yeladim Scholarship Fund
In Memory of...
Mr. and Mrs. Morrie Osterer’s
grandson Beryl
Laura Saffy
by Michele and David Steinfeld
by Michele and David Steinfeld
by Nancy and Mark Green
Debbie Sussman and sons’ new
by Jeff and Penny Marks
by Michele and David Steinfeld
by Marvin Lazarus
Allan Chait
Richard Albert
Jennifer Forbes
by Marvin Lazarus
by Dianna, Ellen, Jeanne, Jim, Judy,
Lois and Patti
Lisa Ansbacher Receiving the
Leadership Award
David and Shelly Zavon’s
For the Speedy Recovery of...
Fitness and Wellness Fund
In Memory of...
The birth of Michele and David
Steinfeld’s new grandson
In Memory of...
Walter Kraemer
by Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jacobs
In Honor of...
by Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jacobs
Sports and Recreation Fund
In Honor of...
A Happy 75th birthday to
Jim Kempner
by Ernie and Harriet Brodsky
by Michele and David Steinfeld
Early Childhood Symposium
Tuesday, October 20
5:30 - 8:30 pm
Keynote Speaker Dr. Gillian McNamee
Director of teacher education at Erikson
Institute in Chicago, author and researcher
Engaging keynote • Stimulating breakout sessions
Displays • Vendors • Resources
Presented by
730-2100 ext. 259
g u i d e
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Jacksonville, FL
Permit No. 437
Address Service Requested
David A. Stein
Jewish Community Alliance
on the Ed Parker Jewish
Community Campus
8505 San Jose Boulevard
Jacksonville, Florida 32217
(904) 730-2100
Affiliated with the Jewish Federation of Jacksonville,
the United Way of Northeast Florida, and the Jewish
Community Centers of North America.
Mission Statement The Jewish Community Alliance (JCA)
strengthens Jewish life, serves as a common meeting ground,
and enhances the quality of life of the entire community.
Vision Statement Our vision is to provide the place in the tradition of our
heritage where all people come together throughout their lives to enhance
body, mind, and spirit, in an environment of fun, harmony and friendship.
Partner with the JCA to improve
the health of your employees
and your business.
We invite you to join our corporate
membership program. Corporate membership
allows your employees to benefit from the
JCA’s many programs, including Wellness
Connexion, a fabulous free service, in
partnership with Baptist Health, designed to
improve the wellness of all our members.
The corporate membership program has no
cost to your company. Employees receive
corporate rates for their dues. Earn free dues
and cash bonuses by referring your co-workers.
For more information, contact Lara at ext. 257 or Hollie at ext. 234.