November 2015 JCA Alliance News
November 2015 JCA Alliance News
Volume 27, Number 3 • 19 Cheshvan - 18 Kislev 5776 • November 2015 ALLIANCENEWS David A. Stein Jewish Community Alliance on the Ed Parker Jewish Community Campus November 1 to 15 Schedule of Events Page 5 Shalom JCA Building Hours Sun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 am – 6 pm Mon – Thur. . . . . . 5:30 am – 9:30 pm Fri. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:30 am – 5 pm Sat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – 6 pm JCA Holiday Hours Thanksgiving Thur, Nov 26. . . . . . . . . . . . . Closed The Alliance News and Program Guide are published 10 times a year (monthly except July and August) by the Jewish Community Alliance 8505 San Jose Boulevard Jacksonville, FL 32217 (904)730-2100 P | (904)730-2444 F | For additional program information, please contact the JCA. Adam Frisch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Myron I. Flagler. . . . . . . . . . . . . Executive Director Lior Spring. . . . . . . . . . Communications Director Iman Byfield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor Beth Mason. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Graphic Artist Shalom, November is cultural arts month at the JCA! The 19th Annual Jewish Book Festival has been merged with our first Mini Cultural Arts Festival, which includes programming and events for JCA members of all ages. Our kickoff event with U.S. Ambassador Dennis Ross Myron Flagler drew a record crowd, and we know that the remaining 730 - 2100 ext. 246 events will be equally exciting. Thanks to the generosity of Henson Markham, a free concert by violinist Sergiu Schwartz and pianist Tao Lin will take place on Sunday, November 1 at 3 pm. For families with young children, we have an interactive performance of Picked-On Poindexter featuring co-authors Denise Trager and Mary Ellen Panaccione, including a dramatization of the book by the JCA Theatre Department on Sunday, November 8 at 10 am. On Sunday, November 15 at 2 pm, the festival will close with a screening of the film The Green Prince, which will be followed by a discussion. See page 5 for more information on festival events. Very special thanks to our chairs Lonnie Steinberg and Randy Kammer who worked with Thelma Nied and the committee to bring this wonderful festival to our community. All festival events are free and open to the entire community thanks to the generosity of our sponsors. Get a jump on your New Year resolutions by taking advantage of the JCA and Baptist Health Wellness Connexion. This innovative partnership is designed to help our members feel better and live well through understanding their current state of health and assisting those who wish to adopt lifestyle changes. Take our online wellness assessment and then meet with one of our wellness coaches to begin your journey to wellness at the JCA. You will receive a free gift at each stage of participation! As we begin this month of giving thanks, I am thankful for all of you who continue to support the JCA. Best wishes to you and your family for a festive Thanksgiving. Myron Flagler Executive Director Tributes In Memory of... David Jacobs’ Mother Gloria Jacobs by Myron and Bunni Flagler Ken Goodman, Brother of Susu Cruse by Myron and Bunni Flagler The Staff and Board of the JCA Susu Cruse Zelda Mandell by Myron and Bunni Flagler Murray Yegelwel by Pearl and Howard Leskowitz In Honor of... Finley Jude Ribaudo by Michele and David Steinfeld B’Nai Mitzvah of Rabbi Jonathan and Susan Lubliner’s sons, Elior and Itamar by Michele and David Steinfeld Membership Fund In Memory of... Ken Goodman, Brother of Susu Cruse by Hollie and Hank Arnold The birth of Wendy and Barry Efron’s grandson Brody Wayne Efron by Michele and David Steinfeld Edna Maltz by Hollie and Hank Arnold Cultural Arts Fund In Memory of... Ken Goodman, Brother of Susu Cruse by Bob and Thelma Nied Stephanie Green Scholarship Fund In Memory of... Ellen Rosner’s Father by Nancy and Gary Perlman Edna Maltz by Bob and Thelma Nied Vandroff Art Gallery: The Artwork of Nadine Terk | Through December 2 Pg 2 November 2 0 15 Nadine holds an MS in Art History and Archeology from Columbia University and taught Art and Art History at Flagler College, University of North Florida and Florida State College of Jacksonville. She was a curator at the Jacksonville Museum of Modern Art before beginning her artist career in 1998. This exhibit “Imagination Cannot be Caged” is inspired by French composer Olivier Messiaen’s “Quartet for the End of Time,” composed while he was imprisoned in a Nazi internment camp during World War II. Nadine’s vision – prismatic rods shooting into the sky on a collision course, each obfuscating the trajectory of another to create a giant web – symbolizes Messiaen’s imprisonment. Wellness Conne ion Women’s Wellness Circle Are You Sleeping? Do you have difficulty getting a good night’s sleep or have trouble falling asleep? Join certified trainer Karen Appelbaum and JCA Baptist Health Wellness Coach Amaris Chrispell, RN, CPT, to learn strategies and techniques to help you get the rest your body deserves and needs. Advance registration required. Tues, Nov 3 | 7 pm | Free for the entire community | 1516 WCSLEEP The Prevention and Management of Diabetes Join diabetes clinical educator Janice Apter, RN, CDE, to learn more about this chronic illness. Janice is a certified instructor as well as a Baptist Health nurse. Advance registration required. Mon, Nov 9 | 9 - 10:30 am | Free for the entire community | 1516 WCDIABETES Don’t Worry... Join holistic medicine and cardiology board-certified Dr. Mona Shah to discover how your mind and body are interconnected and how your thoughts and body’s response to stress directly affect your health. Dr. Shah will teach techniques to promote natural healing within your body by increasing your ability to relax. Advance registration required. Tues, Nov 10 | 6:30 - 7:30 pm | Free for the entire community | 1516 WCWORRY This fun, new program combines the breath work and flexibility of yoga with the strength and balance of acrobatics. Come alone or with friends and learn how to utilize Acro Yoga to cultivate trust, build strength and have fun in the process. Registration requested by November 1. Wed | Nov 4, 11, 18 | 7 - 8:30 pm $ 90 | Valued Member $60 | 1516 JIACROYOGA Back on Track Have you been sidelined by an injury or surgery and want to continue to build strength and flexibility? Join trainer Patrice Dickman for this specialized group fitness program and continue down the road to full functionality and wellbeing. Registration required by November 5. Tues | 6 - 7 pm | Nov 10, 17, 24, Dec 1 | $60 | Valued Member $40 | 1516 JITRACKNOV In the Mind of a Spy As part of the JCA Mini Cultural Arts Festival, we are showing the psychological thriller, The Green Prince. Afterward, military clinical psychologist Lindsay Gleason will shed light on the psyche of the main characters and the roles hatred and shame play in this true story. See Cultural Arts (page 5) for additional information. Advance registration appreciated. Sun, Nov 15 | Movie 2 - 3:45 pm, discussion directly follows Free to the community | 1516 CAFILMNOV Women’s Learning: LEAN IN 2.0 “How to Multiply Your Time” LEAN IN 2.0 is the next generation of women’s inspirational programming with thought provoking, educational programs and offsite LEAN IN discussion circles. Existing and new participants are welcome. (Learn more at Registration required by November 10. Mon, Nov 16 | 7 - 8:30 pm | $8 | Valued Member $5 | 1516 JILEANINNOV Breaking the Sugar Addiction On average, Americans consume 160 pounds of refined sugar a year. Consuming excessive sugar affects weight dental health and causes internal inflammation that can lead to various diseases. Dr. Jon Repole, DC, NC, HHP, CPT, addresses this addiction and how to kick the habit. Advance registration appreciated. Thur, Nov 19 | 7 - 8:30 pm | $5, free for valued members | 1516 JISUGAR J Institute Acro Yoga Dorri Kraus 730 - 2100 ext. 239 Book Festival Workshops 7 - 8:30 pm | $8 | Valued Member $5 Intro to Fiction Writing An introduction to the elements of fiction and marketing with author and journalist Ron Whittington. Advance registration required. Tues, Nov 3 | 1516 JIFICTION Creative Writing Basics Learn the craft of creative writing with freelance writer and short story author Stephanie Natale Frus. Registration required by November 5. Mon, Nov 9 | 1516 JIWRITING Individualized Medicine Imagine doctors using your genetic make up to prevent disease or tailor treatments directly to your individual condition. Join Dr. Alexander Parker, associate director of the Individualized Medicine Center at Mayo Clinic, for this fascinating discussion about the future of medicine. Advance registration appreciated. Thur, Dec 3 | 7 - 8:30 pm $ 5, free for valued members 1516 JIMEDICINE Pg 3 Alliance News Mature Adults One on One with Rabbi Cohen Sandy Oasis 730 - 2100 ext. 322 Meet with Rabbi Matthew Cohen, associate rabbi at The Temple, to talk about growing up Jewish, what led him to the rabbinate and more. Everybody is welcome. Reservations requested. Tues, Nov 3 | Noon | Free to all | 1516 MARABBINOV Rummy Q Fun This fun game of tiles is for everyone. If you can play Gin Rummy, you can play Rummy Q. Make new friends while sharpening your mind. Reservations are much appreciated. Tues | 1 pm | Nov 17, Dec 15 $ 4 per day valued members only | 1516 MARUMMYQ*** Film: The Woman in Gold Pumpkin Bread Thanksgiving is around the corner and we’re whipping up loaves of pumpkin bread to enjoy at home or share during the big feast. Join us for a little slice of heaven. Reservations required by November 16. Mon, Nov 23 | Noon $ 7 valued members only 1516 MABREAD Save the Dates “Stolen” with Cindy Edelman Wed, Dec 9 | Noon Drink, Drink and Be Merry Thur, Dec 10 | Noon A New Leaf Wed, Dec 16 | Noon Now is your chance to see this most memorable film! The Woman in Gold, starring Helen Mirren and Ryan Reynolds, tells the true story of Maria Altmann, an elderly Jewish refugee who, with her young attorney, Randy Schoenberg, fights the government of Austria to reclaim the portrait of her aunt, Adele Bloch-Bauer. It’s part history, part mystery and fabulous! A snack will be served. Wed, Nov 18 | Noon Free for entire community | 1516 MAFILMNOV Jewish History in Ancient Greece and Rome Learn the great story of the Jewish people of ancient Rome and Greece and their experience in the face of opposition. Join us as Micki Green tells the story of their fight for religious freedom. Mon, Dec 7 | Noon | Free to all | 1516 MAHISTORY Sit & Get Fit Classes meet every Monday through Friday from 10:45 to 11:30 am and are free for valued members. Join your friends for some life changing exercise. Certified instructors lead the way. Art a Gogh Gogh Visits the Harn Art a Gogh Gogh Ready, Set, Go! In preparation for our visit to the Harn Museum of Art in Gainesville on Wednesday, November 11, Cindy Edelman will give a preview of the featured exhibits. This promises to be a fascinating day. If you have not made your paid reservation for the Gainesville trip, please do so. Wed, Nov 4 | Noon | Free for the entire community | 1516 MAARTPREVIEW Pg 4 November 2 0 15 Art a Gogh Gogh visits the Harn Cindy Edelman leads a day trip to Gainesville and the Harn Museum of Art for a day of art appreciation and learning. The docent-led tour begins with Conversations: A 25th Anniversary Exhibition of 100 Works Representing 80 Artists. After a Dutch treat lunch in the café, we’ll visit the Asian collection, which includes paintings, ceramics, sculpture, jade, stone, ivory and more. Dress comfortably with good walking shoes. Bring a friend and enjoy a great day. Paid advance reservations required. Wed, Nov 11 | 9 am in the JCA lobby, returning at 4:15 pm | $42 | Valued Member $28 | 1516 MAARTNOV November 1 to 15 Bookfest Festival Chairpersons: Lonnie Steinberg and Randy kammer Sunday, November 1 | 3 pm | Concert: Violinist Sergiu Schwartz and Pianist Tao Lin Sergiu Schwartz is Professor of Violin at the Schwob School of Music at Columbus State University. Tao Lin is a visiting professor at Shanghai Normal University Music College. Thanks to the generosity of Henson Markham, this concert is free to the entire community. Monday, November 2 | 7 pm | Dan Ephron, author of Killing a King: The Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin and the Remaking of Israel The assassination of Yitzhak Rabin by Jewish extremist Yigal Amir remains the most consequential event in Israel’s recent history. Killing a King relates the stories of Rabin and Amir as one of them plotted peace while the other plotted murder. Wednesday, November 4 | 7 pm | Steve Katz, author of Blood, Sweat, and My Rock’n’Roll Years: Is Steve Katz a Rock Star? From a founding member of the legendary Blues Project and Blood, Sweat and Tears, comes a blues-folk-rock memoir of resigned existentialism and decidedly New York Jewish humor. Sunday, November 8 | 10 am | Picked-On Poindexter Interactive Theatre Performance with co-authors Denise Trager and Mary Ellen Panaccione Poindexter is a frog that is picked on by others for being different. The JCA Theatre Department presents a dramatization of this book. This is a family program for parents and young children. Tuesday, November 10 | 7 pm | B.A. Shapiro, author of The Muralist: A Novel Through the story of Alizee Benoit, an American painter who vanishes from New York in 1940, The Muralist plunges readers into preWorld War II politics and the plight of European refugees refused entrance into the United States. Wednesday, November 11 | 7 pm | Lee Mandel, author of Unlikely Warrior: A Pacifist Rabbi’s Journey from the Pulpit to Iwo Jima Unlikely Warrior is the story of Roland Gittlesohn. An outspoken pacifist before World War II, he joined the U.S. Navy, and became the first rabbi ever assigned to the United States Marine Corps, ending up in combat on Iwo Jima. This program is in honor of our veterans. Thursday, November 12 | 7 pm | David Bernstein, author of I’ve Got Some Good News and Some Bad News: You’re Old: Tales of a Geriatrician - What to Expect in your 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and Beyond Written for the aging and the aged, their children and young people who aspire to grow old, this book illuminates the emotional, psychological and spiritual aspects of aging, along with the diverse strategies people use to adapt to its realities. A JAway Mini Cultural Arts event with Dr. Bernstein will be held Friday, November 13 at 10:30 am at Beth El - The Beaches Synagogue. This evening is co-sponsored by River Garden Hebrew Home. Sunday, November 15 | 2 pm | The Green Prince Film and Discussion This is the true story of Mosab Hassan Yousef – codenamed “The Green Prince” – the son of a top Hamas leader who shockingly emerged as one of Israel’s prized informants, and Gonan Ben Yitzhak, the Israeli Shin Bet agent who recruited Yousef and ultimately risked his own life and career to save him. A discussion with a psychologist will follow the showing of the film. See the J Institute (page 3) for more information. All book events will be followed by a book sale and signing. These events are free to the entire community. Contact Thelma at ext. 227 or for more information. Jewish and Family Programs Dave Flagler 730 - 2100 ext. 271 Community Shabbat Celebrate Shabbat every Friday at 11:35 am in the JCA lobby. Join us to welcome the Sabbath as a community with the traditional blessings, grape juice and challah. All are invited to attend and participate. Thanksgivukkah Fall Family Cooking Thanksgiving and Chanukkah are right around the corner and only a week and a half apart. Join us for fall themed cooking, dining décor and fun for the whole family. Morah Karen Morse will help us prepare recipes to taste and share seasonal decorations that everyone in the family can enjoy for our upcoming feasts. Sun, Nov 15 | 12:30 pm | $15 | Valued Member $10 | 1516 JUCOOKING Located in the JCA lobby, the Traditions Cart has information about upcoming Jewish Holidays, educational content for the whole community and features decorations made by our After School participants. We hope you stop by and see our upcoming Tzedakah (Righteous Giving) and Chanukkah exhibitions. Youth/Teen Activities Betsy Miller 730 - 2100 ext. 245 Tailgate Party (Grade K - 5) Bring your child to the J before the game for a tailgate party. We’ll eat, play games and have a ball! Go JAGS! Sun, Nov 29 | 12 - 5 pm $ 38 | Valued Member $25 1516 YSTAILGATENOV Babysitter’s Training Course (Age 10 - 15) Learn how to prepare for an emergency if home alone or babysitting in this one day class. Valuable safety tips will be taught, and basic CPR and first aid skills will be reviewed. Mon, Nov 30 | 9 - 3:30 pm $ 75 | Valued Member $50 1516 YSSITTERNOV JCA Chanukkah Celebration Save the Date Monday, December 7 | 5:45 pm Registration required by December 1. To register, please see the JCA Registrar. Call ext. 271 for more information. JAway Havdalah Family Cookout and Movie Night The JCA invites you to a fun, family, friend-raising event in Julington Creek. Enjoy a night under the stars with Havdalah, a cookout and a family movie. Bring chairs and blankets to the multipurpose area of the Fruit Cove Park, adjacent to Fruit Cove Middle. Contact Betsy at ext. 245 or or Katie at ext. 231 or for more information. Reservations required by November 9. Sat, Nov 14 | 5 - 8 pm | Free to the entire community | 15FAL YSJAWAY2 (Grade K - 5) On days when school is closed, send your child to the JCA to explore, create, learn and have FUN with friends. Nov 25, 30 *Dates reflect fall J•CAtion only. Other days offered throughout the school year. Winter Break J•CAtion Days This winter break, join us for a salute to America. We will have our own Olympic Games, play capture the flag, bake cherry pies, create Statue of Liberty sculptures and much more. Visit for details. Dec 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31 JTV (Age 15+) Pg 6 November 2 0 15 Jacksonville Teens Volunteer provides meaningful experiences and education about our community. Meet other teens, have fun and earn community service hours needed for school. Sun, Nov 22 | 1 - 4 pm River Garden Hebrew Home 1516 YSJTVNOV Bountiful Baskets Spanish (Age 3 - 6 by 9/1/2015) Hola, amigos! Learn to speak Spanish through songs, crafts and games in this fun filled class led by Ms. Dulce. Thur | 1:30 - 2:15 pm | Nov 5, 12, 19, Dec 3, 10, 17, Jan 7, 14 $ 120 | Valued Member $80 | 15FAL ECSPANISH2 99 Fully accredited NAEYC, FKC, ACA, GSOD 5« rating 99 Facility with integrated programming 99 Unique curriculum and partnerships including Cummer Museum, Jacksonville Symphony, Jacksonville Zoo, MOSH, St. Johns RiverKeeper, Riverside Fine Arts Michele Block Gan Yeladim Preschool is open to all children regardless of race, religious affiliation or ethnic origin. JCA membership is not required, but JCA members have priority in registration. DCF license # C04DU0213 99 Preschool/Kindergarten 12 months to 6 years Michele Block Gan Yeladim Preschool and Kindergarten Call ext. 235 or visit Theresa Levy 730 - 2100 ext. 237 Michele Block Gan Yeladim It’s time for the Michele Block Gan Yeladim annual silent auction. Beautiful, themed baskets brimming with goodies are on display in the lobby beginning November 2. It’s a great chance to purchase holiday gifts while supporting our preschool and kindergarten! Stop by and place your bid. Bidding ends at 3:30 pm on November 18. Thank you to all of the parent volunteers for their generous support, donations and hard work in putting the baskets together. Proceeds benefit children’s learning and programming. Magnificent Musicians (Age 3 - 6 by 9/1/2015) Learn about rhythm, melody, harmony and more in this fun, interactive music class with local clarinetist, pianist and music teacher Molly Sweet. This handson class will feature percussion, musical stories, music history and world music lessons. Wed | 3 - 3:30 pm Nov 18, Dec 2, 9, 16, Jan 6, 13, 20, 27 $ 75 | Valued Member $50 15FAL ECMUSICIANS2 JPlay Fun with Food JPlay returns with this food themed morning of games, songs, stories and edible crafts. Breakfast is included. Registration requested by November 13. Sun, Nov 15 | 10:30 - 11:30 am $ 15 per family | Valued Member $10 1516 ECJPLACENOV Chanukkah Holiday Baking Get ready for Chanukkah! Make and eat traditional Israeli jelly doughnuts (sufganiyot) with Morah Karen. Fri, Dec 4 | 1:30 - 2:15 pm $ 15 | Valued Member $10 1516 ECCHANUKKAH Theatre Sat, Dec 5 and 12 at 7:30 pm Sun, Dec 6 and 13 at 2 pm Horton the Elephant, the Cat in the Hat and all of your favorite Dr. Seuss characters spring to life on the JCA stage in Seussical JR., a fantastical musical extravaganza! Transporting audiences from the Jungle of Nool to the town of Whoville, the Cat in the Hat, played by Krishna Rao, tells the story of Horton, an elephant who discovers a speck of dust containing the tiny town of Whoville. Through many twists and turns, the powers of friendship, loyalty, family and community emerge triumphant! Seussical JR. is great fun for the whole family! Call ext. 248 for more information. Tickets are $7 each. All tickets sold at the door. Featuring: Gracie Arpen, Will Barkoskie, Ava Clark, Lily Davis, Julia DeBardeleben, Liza Finelt, Abigail Fixel, Sophia Gilman, Piper Halil, Emmy Hall, Rosalie Howerton, Morgan Jackson, Nava Kempner, Wynter Rose Lackey, Simany Lee, Finlay McNamara, Ben Mechling, Claire Mechling, Rachel Mechling, Lane Morales, Aria Rossmanth, Jake Rutanksy, Aiden Smolensky, Emily Suvoski, Cyrus Vaghefi, Maisy Anne Webber, Alana Werwa and Kaili Wery Pg 7 Alliance News Sports and Recreation Rio Robinson 730 - 2100 ext. 250 Preschool Sports Clinics (Age 3 - 6) Sports Extravaganza Wed | 1:30 - 2:15 pm Nov 4 to Dec 16 (no class Nov 25) Thur | 3:30 - 4:15 pm Nov 5 to Dec 17 (no class Nov 26) $ 90 | Valued Member $60 15FAL SRSPORTS***2 Little Putters Wed | 3:30 - 4:15 pm Nov 4 to Dec 16 (no class Nov 25) $ 75 | Valued Member $50 15FAL SRLILPUTTERS2 Little Dribblers Thur | 1:30 - 2:15 pm Nov 5 to Dec 17 (no class Nov 26) $ 90 | Valued Member $60 15FAL SRLILDRIB2 Terrific Tumblers Fri | 1:30 - 2:15 pm Nov 6 to Dec 18 (no class Nov 27) $ 90 | Valued Member $60 15FAL SRTUMBLEFRI2 Tues | 3:30 - 4:15 pm Nov 17 to Dec 15 $ 75 | Valued Member $50 15FAL SRTUMBLETUE2 Little Hitters Baseball Mon | 1:30 - 2:15 pm Nov 16 to Dec 14 $ 75 | Valued Member $50 15FAL SRLILHIT2 Flag Football Frenzy Mon | 1:30 - 2:15 pm Nov 16 to Dec 14 $ 75 | Valued Member $50 15FAL SRFLAGFOOTBALL2 Little Kickers Soccer Tues | 1:30 - 2:15 pm Nov 17 to Dec 15 $ 75 | Valued Member $50 15FAL SRLILKICK2 Pick Up Sports Must be 13 years of age or older. Volleyball Tues | 7 - 9:30 pm Pg 8 November 2 0 15 Basketball Sat | 1 - 3 pm Pickleball at the JCA Pick up Pickleball is played in the JCA’s Sophie Witten Gymnasium. Equipment checkout and rules are available from the Courtesy Desk. Winners stay on court to play challengers. Contact ext. 250 or for more information. Mon | 5:30 am - 12 pm Thur | 6 - 9 pm Sat | 3 - 6 pm Free for valued members Youth Sports Clinics Baseball 101 (Age 4 - 8) Tues | 4:30 - 5:30 pm Nov 17 to Dec 15 $ 75 | Valued Member $50 15FAL SRBASEBALL1012 Basketball 101 (Age 4 - 8) Mon | 4:30 - 5:30 pm Nov 16 to Dec 14 $ 75 | Valued Member $50 15FAL SRBBALL1012 Junior Gymnastics (Age 5 - 10) Tues | 4:30 - 5:15 pm Nov 17 to Dec 15 $ 75 | Valued Member $50 15FAL SRJRGYM2 Makos Run Club (Age 4 - 14) Wed | 4 - 5 pm Nov 4 to Dec 16 (no class Nov 25) $ 90 | Valued Member $60 15FAL SRYRUN2 Premier Soccer Clinic Sun | Nov 8 to Dec 20 (no class Nov 29) Age 4 - 7 4 - 5 pm | Age 8 - 12 5 - 6 pm $ 105 | Valued Member $70 15FAL SRSOCCER Volleyball Clinic (Age 8 - 14) Thur | 4:30 - 5:30 pm Nov 5 to Dec 17 (no class Nov 26) $ 90 | Valued Member $60 15FAL SRVOLLEY2 Fencing for Youth (Age 7 - 13) Sun | 3:30 - 4:30 pm Nov 8 to Dec 20 (no class Nov 29) 6 Class Fee $158 | Valued Member $105 15FAL SRCHFENCE2 Youth Basketball League Sun | Jan 10 to Mar 6 JCA Youth Basketball League is an organized, competitive, social and recreational league to help develop young athletes into fundamentally sound players while having fun. Weekly practices will be held on a weekday in the late afternoon/early evening beginning in December and continuing through the season. $ 150 | Valued Member $100 Mandatory Skills Evaluation: Sunday, November 8 Age Time Potential Game Times 4-5 1 pm 1 or 2 pm 6-7 2 pm 1, 2 or 3 pm 8-9 3 pm 3 or 4 pm 10 - 14 4 pm 4 or 5 pm 10 - 14 5 pm 5 or 6 pm Co-ed Co-ed Co-ed Boys Girls Make-up assessments will be held Tuesday, November 10 at 5:30 pm. Please call ext. 254 to register. For more information or if you are interested in volunteering to coach, contact Coach Rio at ext. 250 or We are pleased to announce our new Wellness Director, Eiffel Gilyana. Eiffel has been a personal trainer with us for the past 6 years and has over 20 years of experience in training and sports conditioning. He is a former professional athlete and nationally ranked body builder. He also plays soccer competitively. Eiffel will continue to train clients, and he will also lead the personal trainers and oversee the group exercise programming. “I have been so happy here as a trainer, and I am honored to be asked to lead our department,” says Eiffel, “I have enjoyed training JCA members and feel like they are my extended family.” We are thrilled to have him leading our Fitness and Wellness team to the next level. Please join us in congratulating Eiffel. The New York Marathon Ride From the Verrazano Bridge to Central Park, ride along the five boroughs of the Big Apple accompanied by an inspirational video. This visual ride through the streets of New York will be led by JCA certified cycling instructor and six-time marathoner Connie Smith. Advance registration required. Sun, Nov 1 | 8:45 am | Free for valued members only | 15FAL FWNEWYORK Sugar Busters Club Join type 1 diabetic and elite athlete Lindsey Oliphant, ATC, LAT, to discover the benefits of fitness for diabetes. Learn exercises, how to handle blood sugar and about nutrition and diabetes. Includes a combined lecture and group workout for diabetics with a certified and licensed athletic trainer. Advance registration required. Mon, Nov 16 | 6:30 pm | $5 valued members only | 15FAL FWBUSTERS Britney vs. Whitney Cycle Join JCA Mad Dogg certified spin instructor Kerianne as we ride to the songs of Britney Spears and Whitney Houston. Whether you are “Team Britney” or “Team Whitney,” you’ll be sure to sweat in your seat for this workout! Advance registration required. Thur, Nov 19 | 7 - 8 pm | Free for valued members only | 15FAL FWBRIT Fitness and Wellness Welcome our New Wellness Director – Eiffel Gilyana Eiffel Gilyana 730 - 2100 ext. 324 S m a l l G ro u p T r a i n i n g Find Your P o s s e P o w e r Flock F l e x i b i l i t y Crew C o u r a g e Tai Chi 10 - 11 am TRX Suspension Training 6:45 - 7:45 am 8 - 9 am 6 - 7 pm Barre Fitness 6 - 7 pm Aqua Barre 9:30 - 10:30 am A confidential online Wellness Assessment will help you understand your current state of health with follow-up recommendations. Onsite Wellness Coaches are available to educate and motivate you to adopt lifestyle changes and achieve your goals. Call ext. 333 for more information. Begin your wellness journey at and meet with a Wellness Coach to receive a gift. Free to JCA valued members. Barre Fitness 9 - 10 am 6 - 7 pm TRX Suspension Training 9 - 10 am Tai Chi 5 - 6 pm TRX Suspension Training 5 - 6 pm Pg 9 Alliance News Aquatics Jessica Novotny 730 - 2100 ext. 240 Red Cross CPR Certification CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer CPR for public safety employees and lifeguards includes a book and pocket mask. Sun, Nov 8 | 1 - 6 pm $ 105 | Valued Member $70 1516 AQCPRNOV Parent and Me (6 mo. - 3 yrs) • JCA Mini Makos (2 - 3 yrs) Little Makos (4 - 5 yrs) • Junior Makos (6 - 12 yrs) JCA Learn-to-Swim Monthly Schedule November 1 to 30, December 1 to 30 (no lessons Nov 26, Dec 24, 25) Day(s) Offered Parent & Me JCA Mini Makos Junior Makos 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 45 minutes Sun 10 am 10:30 am 11:15 am, 1 pm 12 pm, 2 pm Mon Wed N/A 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm, 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm, 2:30 pm, 3:30 pm, 2:30 pm, 3:30 pm, 4:30 pm 4:30 pm 5:30 pm, 6:30 pm Tues Thur N/A 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm, 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm, 2:30 pm, 3:30 pm, 2:30 pm, 3:30 pm, 4:30 pm 4:30 pm 5:30 pm, 6:30 pm Monthly Fees 1 Day Week $ 75 | Valued Member $50 2 Day Week $ 113 | Valued Member $75 Three Month Options 1 Day Week $ 204 | Valued Member $135 2 Day Week $ 297 | Valued Member $195 Tennis Reggie Exum 730 - 2100 ext. 317 Little Makos Aquatics Group Lessons Cancellation Policy There are no make-ups or refunds for any group lessons due to illness, inclement weather, pool closings or vacation or holiday closings. Diaper Policy All non-toilet-trained children are required to wear a swim diaper and a swim suit at all times when in the water. Adult Tennis Clinics Shape up your game on one of our ladies’ teams or in our men’s clinics. If team play isn’t for you, consider one of our other clinics to sharpen your skills. For pricing and clinic details, contact Reggie at ext. 317. Ladies’ A Team Clinic | Tues | 9 - 10:30 am | 15FAL TNTEAMA Ladies’ B Team Clinic | Mon | 9 - 10:30 am | 15FAL TNTEAMB Ladies’ C Team Clinic | Fri | 9 - 10:30 am | 15FAL TNTEAMC Working Women’s Team | Tues | 6:30 - 8 pm | 1516 TNWORKING(Day)(Month) Private Lessons You can schedule a private lesson at any time with any of our pros. Call the tennis office at ext. 317 to schedule. 3.0 - 3.5 Men’s Clinic | Mon | 6:30 - 8 pm | 1516 TNMENSCLINIC(Month) Tennis 101 | Wed | 6:30 - 7:30 pm | 1516 TN101(Day)(Month) Stroke of the Week Clinic | Sat | 5 - 6 pm | 1516 TNSTROKE(Month) Cardio Tennis | Sun | 8:30 - 9:30 am | 1516 TNCARDIO(Day)(Month) Youth Tennis Clinics All clinics are 6 week sessions. $108 | Valued Member $72 Quick Start programs teach fundamentals paced for younger players and supplemented by fun games and drills. Tennis Aces (Age 3 - 5) | Tues or Fri | 1:30 - 2:15 pm | 1516 TNACES(Day)(Month) Pee-wee Quick Start (Age 4 - 6) | Wed | 4:15 - 5 pm or Thur | 3:30 - 4:15 pm | 1516 TNPW(Day)(Month) Junior Quick Start (Age 7 - 10) | Tues | 4:30 - 5:30 pm or Thur | 3:30 - 4:30 pm or Sat | 4 -5 pm | 1516 TNJR(Day)(Month) Pg 10 November 2 0 15 Intermediate to advanced clinics focus on stroke production, consistency and match play to help older players feel more comfortable during point play and matches. Junior Varsity (Age 11 - 13) | Thur | 4:30 - 5:30 pm | 1516 TNJVTHU(Month) Varsity (Age 13 - 18) | Mon | 5 - 6 pm | 1516 TNVARMON(Month) Let’s Boogie the Save date February 27, 2016 JCA’s annual fundraiser committee and Alison Brent Trager and Glenn Michael Miller and chaired by Alex Ackerman • Sharon Bloom • Lauren Edwards • Mary Edwards • Sue Elinoff • Adam Frisch • Pat Frisch • Sierra Frisch Allison Jacobs • Sam Levin • Monique Miller • Debbie Parker • Kim Robbins • Dana Rogozinski • Jeanine Rogozinski Ellen Rosner • Ryan Saltz • Shari Saye • Fran Selevan • Rebekah Selevan • Allison Korman Shelton • Kendall Sisisky Kimberly Sisisky • Linda Stein • Randee Steinberg • Rochelle Stoddard • Stacie Wilf • Chase Zimmerman Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Jacksonville, FL Permit No. 437 David A. Stein Jewish Community Alliance Address Service Requested on the Ed Parker Jewish Community Campus 8505 San Jose Boulevard Jacksonville, Florida 32217 (904) 730-2100 Affiliated with the Jewish Federation of Jacksonville, the United Way of Northeast Florida, and the Jewish Community Centers of North America. Mission Statement The Jewish Community Alliance (JCA) strengthens Jewish life, serves as a common meeting ground, and enhances the quality of life of the entire community. Vision Statement Our vision is to provide the place in the tradition of our heritage where all people come together throughout their lives to enhance body, mind, and spirit, in an environment of fun, harmony and friendship. Partner with the JCA to improve the health of your employees and your business. We invite you to join our corporate membership program. Corporate membership allows your employees to benefit from the JCA’s many programs, including Wellness Connexion, a fabulous free service, in partnership with Baptist Health, designed to improve the wellness of all our members. The corporate membership program has no cost to your company. Employees receive corporate rates for their dues. Earn free dues and cash bonuses by referring your co-workers. Looking for the perfect holiday gift? A JCA membership gives all year long! For more information, contact Lara at ext. 257 or Hollie at ext. 234.
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