to view it - Jewish Community Alliance
to view it - Jewish Community Alliance
Volume 28 Number 01 Fall 2016 28 Av 5776 - 2 Tevet 5777 • September 1 - December 31, 2016 General Interest Table of Contents 3 4 5 11 12 14 15 15 16 18 20 22 23 Shalom Wellness Connexion J Institute Jewish and Family Programs Youth Services Theatre Early Childhood JPlace Fitness and Wellness Sports and Recreation Aquatics Tennis Tributes The JCA Program Guide and Alliance News are published 10 times a year (monthly except July and August) by the Jewish Community Alliance 8505 San Jose Boulevard Jacksonville, FL 32217 (904) 730-2100 P • (904) 730-2444 F • For additional program information, please contact the JCA. Allison Korman Shelton. . . . . . . . . . . . . President Myron I. Flagler. . . . . . . . . . . . . Executive Director Lior Spring. . . . . . . . . . Communications Director Iman Byfield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor Krista Freeman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Graphic Artist Guest Policy Members may bring only two guests at a time (except for families bringing families) with no more than three visits in a calendar year. Guests must be accompanied by a member in good standing. Children who are guests must have an adult present to sign a waiver and be chaperoned by an adult if under 10. All guest passes must be purchased at the Reception Desk. Saturday guest passes must be purchased in advance. All guests must have guest passes. All visitors must present a photo ID. Guest Pass Fee: Adults: $8 each visit Children/Teens (5 - 18): $4 each visit Mandatory Swim Assessments All children 12 and under must complete a 25-yard swim (without touching the bottom of the pool, grabbing the lane rope, floating on their back or requiring assistance) on their front (freestyle, breaststroke, etc.) and tread water for 45 seconds. If they pass the test, they are permitted to swim without flotation and receive a yellow neck band. Swimmers who do not complete the test will receive a red neck band and be required to wear a lifejacket, have a parent/ guardian in the water within arm’s reach or choose not to swim. The JCA will supply neckbands to each child, which are to be kept and brought to the pool each time to swim. Replacement bands are available for $5 each. Unsupervised Children years old are welcome to use the adult locker rooms. Children ages 3 to 15 must use the boys’ or girls’ locker room. (Parents may accompany children in same sex children’s locker rooms.) Lockers are available for rental at $120 a year. The following policies ensure the safety of all JCA members: •Children 9 years old and under must be under direct supervision (in sight and within close proximity) by an adult while at the JCA. Children must be brought to and picked up from class, babysitting or childcare by an adult. All members age 10 and over entering the JCA must present a membership card. • Children age 10 and up may be unaccompanied by an adult in the JCA except for the fitness area where children must be 13 years old to enter. The lobby area, hallways, other rooms and the courtyard in the JCA are not appropriate spaces. The JCA cannot be held responsible for members age 10 and over attending the JCA and not enrolled in an organized activity. In addition, children age 10 and up are expected to behave in a mature manner when in the building without parental supervision. Behavior that is disruptive and/or harmful to themselves or others may result in the suspension of independent privileges. Towel Policy Towels are limited to one bath and one Food Policy Locker Room Hours Sun/Sat 6 pm | Mon - Thur 9:30 pm | Fri 5 pm Locker rooms will promptly close. Please complete your use of the facility 15 minutes before closing to allow enough time for locker room use. Locker Room Policy Adults with children under 3 hand towel per member, per visit. This enables us to preserve energy, conserve water and use fewer chemicals (phosphorus) in our agency. This service is free of charge for JCA members only. Towels are available at the Courtesy Desk when you enter the P.E. area. Please leave used towels in bins in the locker rooms and hallways after use. Kid Kare (babysitting) (904) 730-2100 ext. 325 •Parent must be on site at JCA. •Parent must sign child in and out. •Kid Kare service is for a maximum of two hours. •Child must be clean and in good health. Parents must notify staff of any allergies or medical conditions. • The staff is not responsible for hand feeding children. (This does not include infants requiring a bottle.) • Kid Kare service is available for healthy JCA family members only, ages 3 months to 9 years old. In the event a child needs additional attention (excessive misbehavior, crying), the parent will be notified immediately to retrieve the child from the program. •Items needed by the child will be provided by the parent, such as age-appropriate snacks (no popcorn or nuts), drinks, diapers, wipes, etc. The program will be staffed according to the reservations made. Reservations may be made up to two days in advance. You may be denied space without a reservation. Day/Time: Sun 8:30 am – 12:30 pm | Mon - Thur 8:30 - 11:45 am and 4:30 – 8:30 pm Fri 8:30 - 11:45 am | No Kid Kare service on Sat Fees: Free for JCA family members only JCA is a kosher facility. Therefore no deliveries of food of any kind for members from take-out restaurants will be accepted. Food brought into the building from home, outside of a JCA program or preschool, must be consumed in either the courtyard or the outdoor pool area. Thank you for your cooperation. Fire Alarm Policy For your safety and welfare, you must evacuate the building when the fire alarm sounds. You will be notified by JCA personnel when it is safe to return to the facility. Thank you for your understanding and support. Cancellation/Expiration Policy for Personal Training, Private Tennis and Swim Instruction All participants registered for private tennis, swim or personal training sessions must give at least a 24-hour notice of cancellation for already scheduled sessions. Failure to properly cancel will result in a charge for that session at the established fee. All personal training sessions, private tennis lessons and private swim lessons will expire six months from the date of purchase. Fees paid for (expired) sessions/lessons are non-refundable and non-transferable. Class Payment, Refund and Cancellation Policy •All class and program fees must be paid before the beginning of the class. For one-time programs or classes, no refunds will be granted. •50% refund after first class; 25% refund after second class; no refund after third class (excludes childcare tuition and summer camp programs). •Refund policies apply to all private training and lessons. •The JCA reserves the right to cancel programs/classes not meeting the minimum required enrollment for circumstances beyond our control. JCA Member Code of Conduct The JCA is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all members and guests. To promote safety and comfort for all, we ask 2 individuals to act appropriately at all times when they are in our facility or participating in our programs. We expect persons using the JCA to behave in a considerate and responsible way and to respect the rights and dignity of other members, guests and staff. Our Code of Conduct outlines actions that are deemed inappropriate. These include but are not limited to: inappropriate attire–appropriate attire in keeping with the values of the JCA must be worn at all times; angry or vulgar language, including swearing, name-calling or shouting; physical contact with another person in any angry or threatening way; any demonstration of sexual activity or sexual contact with another person; harassment or intimidation by words, gestures, body language or any menacing behavior; theft or behavior that results in the destruction of property; carrying or concealing any weapons or devices or objects that may be used as weapons with the exception of law enforcement professionals; using or possessing illegal chemicals (drugs) on JCA property, in JCA vehicles or at JCA sponsored programs; using or possessing alcohol on JCA property, in JCA vehicles or at unsanctioned JCA sponsored programs; any other conduct of an inappropriate, threatening or offensive nature. Loitering is not permitted in or outside the JCA. Use of all tobacco products, smoking (including e-cigarettes) is not permitted in or outside the JCA. The JCA and its property is a smokefree/tobacco-free environment. The JCA is dedicated to the enhancement of Jewish identity and the continuity of Jewish life. A person or persons’ act of proselytizing or teaching of non-Jewish principles in an attempt to convert members or guests is prohibited, and persons engaging in proselytizing will be required to leave the building and grounds. In addition, the JCA reserves the right to deny access or membership to the following persons: registered sex offenders; those accused/convicted of sexual abuse crimes; those accused/convicted of crimes relating to the sale/use/possession/transportation of narcotics, habit forming, and/or dangerous drugs; those excessively or continuously using intoxicating beverages, narcotics, or dangerous drugs. The JCA maintains a no tolerance policy concerning all of the above. Members and guests are encouraged to be responsible for their personal comfort and safety and to ask any person whose behavior threatens their comfort to refrain from that behavior. If a member or guest feels uncomfortable in confronting the person directly, they should report the behavior to a staff person or the Manager on Duty. Good personal hygiene, including the appropriate use of deodorant, is expected as a consideration to other members. JCA staff members are eager to be of assistance. Members and guests should not hesitate to notify a staff member if assistance is needed. In order to be able to carry out these policies, we ask that members and guests identify themselves to staff when asked. The Executive Team will investigate all reported incidents. Suspension or termination of JCA membership privileges may result from a determination by the Executive Team if in their discretion a violation of the JCA Member Code of Conduct has occurred. SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER 2016 Shalom Dear Friends, What a wonderful summer it has been at Myron the JCA! The building has been buzzing with F l ag l e r activity. Be it a Family Fun Day at the pool, a 730 - 2100 ext. 246 small group training class, camp or a summer movie, you know that we are always happy to see you and will try our utmost to ensure an exceptional experience. Building relationships with you, our members, is our top priority. It’s hard to believe that fall is right around the corner! We at the J have been busy planning. Our Board of Directors has worked hard in the development of a strategic plan which is about to enter the implementation stage. Every aspect of our planning is with the aim of better serving you and our community. Our staff has developed some exceptional programs that are listed within this guide. A few of the highlights are the film and book festivals which are slated for November, as well as our new array of art classes. As you may be aware, we at the J have a wonderful partnership with Baptist Health to assist you in improving your wellbeing. Have you taken the Personal Wellness Assessment or met with a Wellness Coach? This service is free to you, our members, and offers the start of a new you! Our wellness staff is here to complement our Wellness Coaches with an assortment of classes and activities that will assist you on your journey. Fall is a wonderful time of the year that leads to new beginnings. School starts, football season arrives (go, Jags!) and the Jewish holidays are near. This is a great time to renew and refocus yourself at the J. Come and come often—you are already home! Sincerely, Board of Directors Executive Committee Allison Korman Shelton, President Brent Trager, Vice President David Wolf, Vice President Michael Miller, Secretary Rochelle Stoddard, Treasurer Debbie Parker, Asst. Sec./Treasurer Adam Frisch, Past President Jan G. Lipsky, Past President David A. Stein, Honorary Chairman Board Members Lisa Ansbacher • Sid Ansbacher Andy Cantor • Mary Edwards Sunny Gettinger • Douglas Oberdorfer Jason Plaien • Nancy Rothstein Rebekah Selevan • Denise Sherman Sam Stromberg • Irene Wolfe Chase Zimmerman Past Board Presidents David A. Stein • Lois Chepenik Bruce Warschoff • Mark Green Howard I. Korman • Irene Jaffa Ernest N. Brodsky • Stephen M. Goldman Kenneth B. Jacobs • Steve Sherman David C. Miller • Nancy B. Perlman Jan G. Lipsky Life Board Members Mickey Block* • Lawrence DuBow Melvin Gottlieb • Howard I. Korman Jeffrey Parker • William F. Rein Joseph P. Safer* • David A. Stein Myron Flagler Executive Director *Of Blessed Memory JCA Building Hours Sun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 am – 6 pm Mon – Thur. . . . . . 5:30 am – 9:30 pm Fri. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:30 am – 5 pm Sat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – 6 pm JCA Holiday Hours Labor Day Monday, Sep 7. . . . . . . . 8 am – 5 pm Rosh Hashanah Sunday, Oct 2. . . . . Open until 5 pm Monday, Oct 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Closed Tuesday, Oct 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . Closed Yom Kippur Tuesday, Oct 11 . . . Open until 5 pm Wednesday, Oct 12. . . . . . . . . Closed Sukkot Sunday, Oct 16. . . . Open until 5 pm Monday, Oct 17. . . . . . . . . . . . . Closed Tuesday, Oct 18. . . . . . . . 1 – 9:30 pm Shemini Atzeret Sunday, Oct 23. . . . Open until 5 pm Monday, Oct 24. . . . . . . . . . . . Closed Simchat Torah Tuesday, Oct 25. . . . . . . . 1 – 9:30 pm Thanksgiving Thursday, Nov 24. . . . . . . . . . . Closed Sunday, Dec 25 . . . . . . 8 am – 4 pm New Year’s Eve Saturday, Dec 31. . . . Open 1 – 5 pm JCA Department Directors Exec. Director................. Myron Flagler, ext. 246 Asst. Exec. Director....... Nancy Green, ext. 247 Finance................. Melissa Meyenberg, ext. 224 Administration......................Pam Tavill, ext. 225 Develop. & Comm............. Lior Spring, ext. 318 Early Childhood.............. Theresa Levy, ext. 237 Facilities Mgmt.................... Cal Barker, ext. 238 Fam. & Jwsh. Pgrms........ Dave Flagler, ext. 271 Fitness & Wellness...... Eiffel Gilyana, ext. 324 J Institute.............................. Dorri Kraus, ext. 239 Membership....................Hollie Arnold, ext. 234 Sports & Rec.................. Rio Robinson, ext. 250 Theatre............................Shelly Hughes, ext. 252 Youth Services.................. Betsy Miller, ext. 245 Proselytization The JCA is dedicated to the enhancement of Jewish identity and the continuity of Jewish life. A person or persons’ act of proselytizing or teaching of nonJewish principles in an attempt to convert members or guests is prohibited, and persons engaging in proselytizing will be required to leave the building and grounds. Affiliated with the Jewish Federation of Jacksonville, United Way of Northeast Florida and the Jewish Community Centers Association of North America. A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR JEWISH COMMUNITY ALLIANCE, INC., A FLORIDA-BASED NONPROFIT CORPORATION (REGISTRATION NO. CH202), MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE 1-800-HELP-FLA (435-7352) WITHIN THE STATE OR VISITING THEIR WEBSITE. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL, OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. DCF License #: C04DU0213 Fall Program Guide 3 Wellness C onne ion Probiotics and You Come learn about your gut and how to take care of it. JCA Baptist Wellness Coach Cheryl Meyer, RN, CHC, presents a probiotics talk followed by a delicious, sauerkraut making workshop with Cheryl and Sandy Oasis. Reservations appreciated by August 23. For information, call Sandy at Ext. 322. Tues, Aug 30 | Noon $ 6 | Valued Member $3 1617 JIPROBIOTICS A Functional Approach to Asthma, Allergy and Sinusitis Join Dr. Walker to explore common underlying challenges and functional treatment strategies, including sublingual immunotherapy (allergy drops). Dr. Paul A. Walker is a board certified ear, nose and throat surgeon. He is a fellow of The American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy and a member of The Institute for Functional Medicine. Tues, Sep 13 | 6:30 - 7:30 pm Free to the community 1617 WCFUNCTION Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Mindfulness meditation is an effective technique to decrease anxiety and stress, improve working memory and reduce emotional reactivity. Learn to relax your body, use your breath to focus your thoughts and create a more compassionate outlook on life. No special knowledge is needed. Instructor Dr. Ellen Williams is a licensed clinical psychologist. She has been practicing and studying meditative techniques for 30 years. Thur | 5:30 - 7 pm Sep 15, 22, 29, Oct 6 $ 40 | Valued Member $20 4 Register at SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER 2016 F.R.A.M.E.: Functional Rebalancing and Mobility Enhancements Join physical therapist Bruce Cathcart, MPT, CEEAA, to learn about balance, fall prevention and home safety tips. Also, get an introduction to the F.R.A.M.E. program at the Baptist AgeWell Center for Senior Health. Mon, Sep 19 | 11:45 am - 12:45 pm Free to the community 1617 WCFRAME Sorting Out the 3 Ds: Dementia, Depression and Delirium Aging expert Robert Trenholm will identify the normal changes of aging and discuss three more common “risky” abnormal changes that can occur in older adults. Join us to learn more about this important topic. Mon, Oct 10 | 11:45 am - 12:45 pm Free to the community 1617 WCSORT Cooling Off Inflammation Join Dr. Mona Shah to discover how the body’s inflammation response can directly affect heart health. Learn about changes you can make to your diet and lifestyle to promote natural healing within the body. Dr. Shah is one of three cardiologists in Florida to be certified by the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine and the only one in North Florida. Wed, Oct 19 | 6 - 7 pm Free to the community 1617 WCINFLAME Diabetes Awareness Month with Dr. Arcon-Rios Join Dr. Sirlys Arcon-Rios from Baptist Endocrinology for Diabetes Awareness Month and learn about preventing type 2 diabetes and risk factors for this chronic condition. Dr. ArconRios will share the latest screening techniques and how to manage diabetes after diagnosis. Tues, Nov 15 | 6 - 7 pm Free to the community 1617 WCDIABETES Women’s Health Join Baptist Health family physician Patricia McFall Calhoun, MD, to take steps to protect your health now and in the future. Get updates on recommended check-ups, exercise and healthy eating, including a short, guided meditation with Baptist Health nurse coach Kym Dunton. Enjoy refreshments and take home a small gift. Tues, Nov 29 | 6:30 - 7:30 pm Free to the community 1617 WCWOMEN Pills, Pills, Pills: Medication Management Learn to manage medications to ensure you are taking the right medicine, in the right way, for the desired results. Practical tips to simplify your medication routine, identify drug-related problems and avoid the pitfalls of over-medication will be provided by a trained clinical pharmacist. Presented by Baptist AgeWell Center for Senior Health. Mon, Dec 5 | 11:45 am - 12:45 pm Free to the community 1617 WCPILLS Is it time for your re-screen at the Wellness Connexion? Continue your wellness journey with a new Personal Wellness Survey and Biometric Screening for 2016. Your participation also assists us in evaluating our first year of the Wellness Connexion to determine the program’s impact at the JCA. If you’ve never visited for a screening, this is your year! Take the Personal Wellness Survey at In appreciation of your continued support and recognition of your commitment to your health, we have a special gift for you. Celebrating One Year at the JCA! For more wellness programming, see pages 6, 16 and 17. J Institute For information about a program, dial the extension in the program description. To register, call ext. 228. • Explore Dorri Kr a u s j institute director Wonder Women 730 - 2100 ext. 239 As we move deeper into the technology-driven 21 century, research shows that it is our “human skills,” such as curiosity, creativity, initiative, multi-disciplinary thinking and empathy that will enable us to achieve greater personal and professional success. This cutting-edge women’s series helps us explore our humanity, enabling us to enhance our careers, nurture our families and revitalize the world. For details, ext. 239. Advance registration appreciated. Introductory Program: Success in the 21st Century Mon, Sep 12 | 7 - 8:30 pm $ 5 | Free for valued members | 1617 JIWWINTRO st Program Series: Mon | 7 – 8:30 pm Oct 10 Curiosity | 1617 JICURIOSITY Nov 21 Creativity | 1617 JICREATIVITY Jan 16 (2017) Initiative | 1617 JIINITIATIVE Feb 27 (2017) Multi-Disciplinary Thinking | 1617 JIDISCIPLINE April 3 (2017) Empathy | 1617 JIEMPATHY Individual Program Fee: $12 | Valued Member $8 Program Series Fee: $54 | Valued Member $36 | 1617 JIWWSERIES Inside Israel Film and Discussion: Barriers Israel is a fascinating place with a diversity of complex issues. Join us for Barriers, a riveting Israeli short film, followed by a thought provoking discussion. For details, ext. 239. Advance registration appreciated. Tues, Sep 20 | 7 - 8:30 pm | $5 | Free for valued members 1617 JIBARRIERS Food and Travel: A Taste of France Foodie Phil Rosenthal takes us to meet culinary leaders, chefs and style-setters on and off the gastronomic path on the PBS series “I’ll Have What Phil’s Having.” Sandy Oasis will lead a ratatouille vegetable stew workshop. Sip wine and more as part of a French breakfast. For details, ext. 322. Paid reservations, limited to 14, required by September 21. Wed, Sep 28 | 5:30 pm $ 12 valued members only 1617 JIFRANCE J Institute Rabbi Lubliner Smart Driver Course ClearCaptions Telephones On Guard for Seniors The JCA welcomes Rabbi Jonathan Lubliner, senior rabbi of the Jacksonville Jewish Center. Bring your friends for an enlightening discussion. For details, ext. 322. Advance registration appreciated. Mon, Aug 29 | Noon Free to the community 1617 JIRABBI Get the whole conversation on a large, touchscreen phone that allows you to see and hear in real time. Anas Benjelloun from ClearCaptions will show how this phone works, answer your questions and set appointments for free home installation. This service is sponsored by the FCC. Anyone with hearing loss is eligible. For details, ext. 322. Advance reservations appreciated. Thur, Oct 6 | Noon Free to the community 1617 JIPHONES • Learn Pack a brown bag dairy lunch (no meat please) and join an AARP trained instructor in this class for licensed drivers 50+. Learn to drive defensively and adjust to vision changes, hearing loss and more. Attendance will qualify you for a discount on your insurance. For details, ext. 322. Wed, Oct 19 | 8:30 am – 4:30 pm $ 20 | AARP Member $15 Make checks payable to AARP. The Florida Department of Financial Services helps seniors across the state avoid scams. On Guard for Seniors provides information on annuities, reverse mortgages, long-term care insurance and identity theft through Be Smart Workshops. Be smart and attend. You’ll learn to protect yourself and more. For details, ext. 322. Advance reservations appreciated. Wed, Dec 14 | 12:15 pm Free to the community 1617 JIONGUARD Fall Program Guide 5 J Institute • Wellness Sit & Get Fit Classes start Monday, August 29. Join us to get in shape while making new friends. A complimentary salad will be served on September 7. For details, ext. 322. Mon - Fri | 10:45 - 11:30 am Free for valued members only Heal Yourself with Feldenkrais The Feldenkrais Method® is a form of mind-body cooperation using gentle movements and focused attention to improve posture, coordination and flexibility. Dr. Nancy-Laurel Pettersen shows how this positive integration of mind and body can relieve pain, reduce stress and improve functionality. For more information, visit For details, ext. 239. Registration required by September 12. Wed | 6 - 7 pm | Sep 14, 21, 28, Oct 5 $ 60 | Valued Member $40 1617 JIHEAL Stressed to the Max! Detoxifying Your Body Detoxing, people talk about it, but few understand the process. Join Trisha Howell, founding dietitian of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, for this 4-week program. Learn how exposure to biological, environmental and lifestyle toxins affects our health and how a detox program can eliminate toxins and improve overall health and wellbeing. For details, ext. 239. Advance registration required by September 20. Thur | 7 - 8:30 pm Sep 22 The Whole Food Approach Sep 29 Food and Detox Oct 6 Touring a Detox Program Oct 13 Personalizing Foods $ 60 | Valued Member $40 1617 JIDETOX Free Chiropractic Nerve Scan Screening Live Your Best 100 Years You were born to be healthy. From conception, your body was given the blueprint to live an active, healthy life. A properly functioning spine and nervous system is essential to optimizing your genetic capabilities. Join Dr. Alan Nathans as he shares the latest research on stress and longevity and gives you strategies to start living your best 100 years, right now! For details, ext. 239. Advance registration appreciated. Wed, Oct 26 | 7 - 8:30 pm $ 5 | Free for valued members 1617 JIBEST100 6 For additional wellness programming, see pages 4, 16 and 17. SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER 2016 Insight Millennium Nerve Scan is the same technology used for Olympic athletes and NASA astronauts to determine how well autonomic and motor nerves are functioning. Dr. Alan Nathans and his staff will facilitate this free screening, explain your results and provide a take home print out. For details, ext. 239. Registration required by October 23. Thur, Oct 27 | 4 - 8 pm Free to the community 1617 JINERVESCAN Straighten Up Do you hunch over a computer throughout the day? Build your back, core and shoulder muscles in this small group training led by personal trainer Kaley Messner. For details, ext. 239. Advance registration required by November 1. Thur | 6:30 - 7:30 pm Nov 3, 10, 17, Dec 1 $ 90 | Valued Member $60 1617 JISTRAIGHTEN We know that stress negatively affects our health, but it can also create hormonal and blood sugar changes, cause the body to excrete nutrients and adversely affect the immune system. Join holistic health provider Dr. Jon Repole as he explains how excessive stress affects the body and what you can do about it. For details, ext. 239. Advance registration appreciated. Thur, Sep 15 | 7 - 8:30 pm $ 5 | Free for valued members 1617 JISTRESSED Functional Fitness Functional fitness is strength training that mimics activities of daily living. Join certified personal trainer Theresa Sherman as she takes you through movements to improve balance, coordination, strength and endurance. For details, ext. 239. Advance registration required by October 17. Wed | 7 - 8 pm | Oct 19, 26, Nov 2, 9 $ 90 | Valued Member $60 1617 JIFUNCTIONAL Hormone Therapy: Understanding the Options Many women deal with difficult and uncomfortable symptoms due to hormone loss as they age. Deciding to pursue hormone therapy, given the side effects, is not easy. Join holistic health provider Dr. Jon Repole to learn the options available and what to consider when making your decision. For details, ext. 239. Advance registration appreciated. Thur, Dec 8 | 7 - 8:30 pm $ 5 | Free for valued members 1617 JIHORMONE J Institute It’s a Mitzvah: A Good Deed We’re traveling to the Duval County Extension Canning Center to give our time and hearts to help the JFCS food pantry stock their shelves with fresh, homemade cans of soup. Dress comfortably with closed-toe nonskid shoes (required). Materials and transportation included. For details, ext. 322. Paid reservations, limited to 13, required by September 7. Thur, Sep 15 | 8:15 am (in JCA lobby) $ 18 valued members only 1617 JIMITZVAH Fun and Games If you can play Gin Rummy, you can play Rummy Q. Gather your friends and join the fun. For details, ext. 322. Tues | 10 am | Sep 20, Nov 15, Dec 20 Free for valued members only 1617 JIRUMMYQ* Vintage Porsches Join your friends for a blast from the past when the Vintage Porsche Club of Jacksonville brings some oldies but goodies to the JCA. These cars have been cared for with love and you’ll love checking them out. For details, ext. 322. Reservations appreciated. Sun, Oct 16 | 11 am - 2 pm Free to the community 1617 JIPORSCHE • Socialize Food Trivia New Ways with Veggies Let’s play trivia with questions from the world of food, including famous chefs, restaurants, recipes, ingredients and more. Anything food is the name of the game. A fun tasting is included. For details, ext. 322. Registration required by November 9. Thur, Nov 17 | Noon $ 8 valued members only 1617 JITRIVIA Take some of your favorite veggies and turn them into fresh delicious and tantalizing creations. We’ll make zucchini noodles two ways and more. Grab a friend and join the fun. For details, ext. 322. Registration required by October 26. Wed, Nov 2 | Noon $ 12 | Valued Member $8 1617 JIVEGGIES Sass N Brass It’s music in the afternoon! Join the fun when Sass N Brass musical duo returns for another fabulous performance that is sure to please the music lover in us all. For details, ext. 322. Advance reservations appreciated. Wed, Nov 16 | 1:30 pm $ 8 | Free for valued members 1617 JISASS Sweet Treats Prepare Thanksgiving sweets, including truffles, to share at your holiday meal. For details, ext. 322. Reservations, limited to 10, required by November 15. Mon, Nov 21 | Noon $ 8 valued members only 1617 JITREATS Fun with Improvisation Be more present and spontaneous, communicate more effectively and have lots of fun. Explore basic improvisation in a warm, safe and supportive environment with instructor Amy Angelilli. No experience needed, only a willingness to discover endless possibilities without a script! For details, ext. 239. Registration required by November 29. Thur | 7 - 8:30 pm | Dec 1, 8 $ 15 | Valued Member $10 | 1617 JIIMPROV S AV E T H E D AT E NOV 13 - 17 Painting Party Put on your smock for an anybody can paint party! We’ll create flowers on canvas with acrylic paint. Mary Beth Blevins shows us how to paint our masterpieces. For details, ext. 322. Registration required by October 17. Thur, Oct 27 | Noon $ 27 | Valued Member $18 1617 JIPAINT Fall Program Guide 7 J Institute • Cultural Arts Vandroff Art Gallery Jeffrey Luque and Amanda Rosenblatt September 1 to 28 Self-taught painter Jeffrey and local photographer Amanda explore the world of portraiture as inspired by various artists throughout history. Approaching the same subject, they expose the power of various mediums and reflect the similarities of each approach. The reception for this exhibit is on September 4 from 1 to 3 pm. NEFAEA September 29 to October 26 The Northeast Florida Art Education Association advocates for the strengthening of art education in regional institutions, promotes and maintains quality of art education for their art educators and provides opportunities to showcase the work of their membership and students. This show celebrates a cross-section of their work. The reception for this exhibit is on October 2 from 12 to 2 pm. Mac Truque October 27 to November 30 Heavily influenced by early American illustrators and abstract expressionism of the 60s, Mac has an ever present thread of nostalgia in his eclectic body of work. The inspiration for his projects give his work a subtle sense of otherworldliness, even as the paintings feel friendly and familiar. Kim Margol Robbins December 1 to January 4 “Figures and Flowers,” Kim’s newest collection, is a combination of acrylic and oil paintings. Speaking on her technique, Kim tries to provoke a response by documenting the energy or tension that radiates from her subjects. The reception for this exhibit is on December 4 from 2 to 4 pm. Pottery These all-level courses teach fundamentals of clay forming, handbuilding and wheel throwing. Craftsmanship, creativity and an appreciation for well-made functional pottery are emphasized. Students learn how to finish pieces with glaze and firing techniques. Clay is provided. Instructor: Christie Rogers. 8-week Thur | 10 am - Noon 6-week Tues | 10 am - Noon Registration required by October 27. Registration required by August 29. Nov 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Dec 6 Sep 1, 8, 15, 29, Oct 6, 13, 20, 27 $ $ $ 162 | Valued Member $108 216 | Valued Member 144 16FAL JIPOTTUE 16FAL JIPOTTHU Drawing 8 These all-level classes provide a solid foundation in drawing. Learn to use line, value, gesture and perspective as well as develop the ability to see as artists. Classes work with a variety of subjects, including still life, portraiture and landscape. See supply list at Instructor: Thony Aiuppy. Wed | 7 - 9 pm Graphite and Charcoal Pen and Ink Registration required by September 7. Registration required by October 26. 4-week Sep 14, 21, 28, Oct 5 6-week Nov 2, 9, 16, 30, Dec 7, 14 $ $ 102 | Valued Member $68 153 | Valued Member $102 16FAL JIDRAW1 16FAL JIDRAW2 SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER 2016 Jewelry Making Join this two-part workshop and create your own unique necklace with pendant using Precious Metal Clay. No experience needed, just a spirit of adventure and the desire to explore new ways to unleash your creativity. Registration required by October 11. Wed | 6:30 - 9 pm | Oct 19, 26 $ 135 | Valued Member $90 16FAL JIJEWELRY Painting: Acrylic This all-levels course explores basic painting techniques and develops visual awareness and artistic self-expression. Principles of twodimensional art, use of materials and techniques in painting, mixing and color combination are studied through a variety of subjects. See supply list at Registration required by October 27. Instructor: Jeremie Faircloth. Thur | 7 - 9 pm 6-week Nov 3, 10, 17, Dec 1, 8, 15 $ 153 | Valued Member $102 16FAL JIACRYLIC Block Party: A Printmaking Workshop Create personalized holiday stationary in this two-day introduction to the tools, materials and basic processes of single color relief print. Use a provided image or bring your own sketch to transfer onto your linoleum block. Enjoy a nosh and a glass of wine. Instructor: Heather Billy. Registration required by October 28. Tues | 6:30 - 9 pm | Nov 8, 15 $ 36 | Valued Member $24 16FAL JIPRINT J Institute • Cultural Arts Glenn Miller Movies Sit back and enjoy great acting and great music by Glenn Miller and his band in Orchestra Wives with George Montgomery and Ann Rutherford, along with Sun Valley Serenade, featuring Sonja Henie and John Payne. This double feature will fill your day with memories galore. Hot dogs will be served. For details, ext. 322. Advance reservations appreciated. Wed, Nov 9 | Noon $ 6 | Valued Member $3 | 16FAL JIMILLER JCA End of Summer Concert: Cain’t Never Could This local, five-piece string band plays a mix of country/ folk originals and old-time Americana tunes with a southern swank. Songwriter Dinah Frilling sings lead and plays rhythm guitar, Tim Frilling brings his claw hammer banjo style, Lewis Fowle plays upright bass and David Podris sings backup and plays lead guitar. Accompanied by violin or fiddle, this group of friends brings a heartfelt sound based on truth, grit and southern values. For details, ext. 228. Advance registration appreciated. Sun, Aug 21 | 4 pm | Free to the community 16SUM JICONCERT Titanic (1953) and more Winner of the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay, this heart wrenching drama also won critics and audiences. The New York Times said it “overflows with emotion.” Barbara Stanwyck and Clifton Webb head an allstar cast you’ll fondly remember in a film with a wealth of fascinating real Titanic information. Hot dogs will be served. For details, ext. 322. Advance reservations appreciated. Wed, Dec 21 | Noon $ 6 | Valued Member $3 | 17WIN JITITANIC Sunday Film Series These events are free and open to the community. Advance registration appreciated. For information, contact Sandy at ext. 322. Yoo-Hoo, Mrs. Goldberg This humorous documentary tells the story of television actress, screenwriter and producer Gertrude Berg, who created and starred in the popular radio and television sitcom “The Goldbergs.” Interviews with family members and other notable figures are woven throughout the film to explore the career of this Emmy Award-winning TV pioneer. Sun, Sep 18 | 2 pm | 16FAL JIFILM1 24 Days The harrowing tale of the 2006 kidnapping of 23-year-old Ilan Halimi from a Paris suburb brings to light the climate of anti-Semitism in France. This film examines the grueling ordeal of the Halimi family during the police manhunt to find Ilan and his abductors. Sun, Oct 16 | 2 pm | 16FAL JIFILM2 Steal a Pencil for Me This documentary chronicles the unlikely love story of accountant Jack Polak and Ina Soep, the daughter of a wealthy diamond manufacturing family. Although Jack is married, he pursues Ina while they share a barrack at a Nazi holding camp in northern Holland. When they are transferred to Bergen-Belsen, the affair between Jack and Ina continues through secret love letters that give them hope amidst the death, disease and despair of the Holocaust. Sun, Dec 18 | 2 pm | 17WIN JIFILM1 Fall Program Guide 9 J Institute • Cultural Arts Tuesday, November 1 Thursday, November 3 Chanan Tigay The Lost Book of Moses: The Hunt for the World’s Oldest Bible. In this historical account that reads like a modern-day mystery, Tigay recounts his travels to eight countries to determine if Moses Wilhelm Shapira did indeed find the world’s oldest Bible. Jessica Fechtor Stir At 28, a brain aneurysm almost claimed Jessica’s life and left her blind in one eye. A national bestseller, Stir is an inspiring memoir about her recovery through the restorative power of cooking and baking. Sunday, November 6 Wednesday, November 9 Thursday, November 10 Ina Pinkney Ina’s Kitchen: Memories and Recipes from the Breakfast Queen In this cookbook and memoir, Pinkney combines her favorite recipes from her 30 years as a Chicago restauranteur with stories about battling polio, her intermarriage and changing careers mid-life. Jennifer Brown Modern Girls In this debut novel, a mother and daughter, both pregnant, wrestle with the limited opportunities and difficult choices facing women in 1930s New York. Claudia Kalb Andy Warhol Was a Hoarder: Inside the Minds of History’s Great Personalities. Health and science journalist Claudia Kalb reveals the torments and triumphs of celebrated icons like Abraham Lincoln and Marilyn Monroe. C o m i n g F e b r u a r y 2 — Orchestra of Exiles by Josh Aronson Celebrating One Year of Success! After a confidential, online Wellness Assessment, onsite Wellness Coaches are available to educate and motivate you to adopt lifestyle changes and achieve your goals. Call 730-2100 ext. 333 for details. Begin your wellness journey at and meet with a Wellness Coach to receive a gift. Free to JCA valued members. 10 SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER 2016 Jewish and Family Programs Shabbat in the Lobby Our weekly Shabbat celebration resumes on September 9. Join us in the JCA lobby every Friday at 11:35 am to celebrate the Sabbath with traditional blessings, grape juice and challah. All are invited to attend and participate. Family Mitzvah Project This Veterans’ Day, partake in tikkun olam (repairing the world) and give time, effort, strength and resources to help those in need. Roundtrip transportation is provided for a limited number of participants from the JCA to the service site. Children must be accompanied by an adult. More information to follow. Fri, Nov 11 | Time TBD Free to the community 1617 JUMITZVAH Family Movie Night Join us for a family movie night at the JCA with snacks and fun for the entire family. The movie will be announced at a later date. Reservations required by November 18. Sat, Nov 19 | 6:30 pm $ 10 per family Free for valued members 1617 JUMOVIE S AV E T H E D AT E Chanukkah at the JCA Sunday, December 25 Chanukiya Lighting (early evening); details to follow. Shabbat Family Dinner Join other JCA families for a festive Shabbat dinner and celebration with PJ Library of Jacksonville. Enjoy an evening of food, stories, songs, games and fun. This event is open to the community. Registration required by September 7. Fri, Sep 9 | 5:30 - 6:30 pm $ 15 per family | Valued Member $10 1617 JUDINNER Pizza in the Hut Celebrate the Sukkot holiday as we carry on the tradition of shaking the lulav and holding the etrog. A festive, family style meal will be served, including pizza, salad and dessert, along with various crafts to enjoy. Advance registration required by October 14. Thur, Oct 20 | 6 - 7:30 pm Free for valued members 1617 JUSUKKOT* Dav e F l ag l e r fam i ly and jewish outreach director 730 - 2100 ext. 271 Rosh Hashanah Seder Why do Tu B’shvat and Passover only have fun seders? There is a special seder ceremony for Rosh Hashanah with all of the customs granting us luck and success for the coming year. Join us for this ceremony and light dinner and start the year enlightened, enriched and fed. Registration required by September 21. Sun, Sep 25 | 4:30 - 5:30 pm $ 15 per family | Valued Member $10 1617 JUSEDER JCA Family Night at the Jacksonville Armada Have fun with other JCA families at an evening game at the Jacksonville Armada. Meet at the JCA or at the stadium as we unite to support our local soccer team. Reservations required by September 21. Sat, Sep 24 | 7 pm | $17 tickets Transportation from JCA at 6:20 pm: $ 7 per family | Valued Member $5 1617 JUARMADA | 1617 JUARMADATRANS Quick Glance: Fall Jewish Holidays Rosh Hashanah Jewish New Year Yom Kippur Day of Atonement Sukkot Feast of the Tabernacle Simchat Torah Rejoicing of the Torah Beginner Guitar Lessons If you’ve always wanted to pick up guitar, now is your chance. This group lesson class teaches an introduction to singing, guitar, music theory and relevant techniques while having fun. Sessions are progressive. Please bring your own instrument. Registration required by September 1. Thur Youth 5:15 - 6 pm | 16FAL JUGUITARY* Adults 6:15 - 7 pm | 16FAL JUGUITARA* Session I Sep 1, 8, 15, 22 Session II Oct 27, Nov 3, 10, 17 $ 40 | Valued Member $25 JCA Welcomes New Israeli Cultural Emissary Dana Marmari joins us as our Israeli Shlicha (cultural emissary). Dana comes from K’far Saba, Israel, and recently completed her Bachelor’s degree in Social Work at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. As a child, she spent several years living in the U.S. with her family and served as part of the delegation of Israeli counselors at Camp Ramah Darom in Georgia. Dana is an avid cinematographer and photographer and is already assisting with the JCA’s biennial Jewish Film Festival. The JCA, in partnership with the Jewish Federation of Jacksonville, is excited to welcome Dana. We look forward to benefitting from her unique perspective on Israel, Judaism and Jewish culture and this opportunity to continue building Jewish community in Jacksonville. Fall Program Guide 11 Youth/Teen Activities New! Academic tutoring services are now available in the Betsy Mi l le r youth services director 730 - 2100 ext. Youth Services Department. Call ext. 271 for details. 245 • After School Program • End their day at the JCA! Limited spaces still available for the 2016-17 school year. Grades K - 6 • Safe, secure and stimulating • Jewish environment Skilled staff, low ratios • Free transportation* Jacksonville Teens Volunteer (JTV) This program provides meaningful experiences and education about our community to students age 15 and older. Meet other teens, have fun and get community service hours needed for school. JTV is free and open to the public. Spaces are limited; JCA valued members have priority. Registration is required. Sun | 1 - 4 pm Meet at the JCA and travel as a group to the following locations: Oct 16 Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens Nov 20 Sulzbacher Center Dec 11 River Garden Hebrew Home 1617 YSJTV*** Organized and structured • Homework room with computer lab *from select schools with minimum enrollment “Power Hour” Choose from a daily variety of fun enrichment options: Chess Club, mixed media art, sports and more. There’s something for everyone! Power Hour Plus Classes below are from 4 to 5 pm and are an added value to students enrolled in the JCA After School Program. Registration is also open to non JCA After School participants. 4-Week Session $60 | Valued Member $40* *Fees do not apply to JCA After School participants Chess Club (Ages 5 - 17) Learn to perfect this ancient game of wits. Study basic strategy, challenge others in games, learn to be a healthy competitor and gain patience. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, this club’s for you! Wed | Sep 7, 14, 21, 28 | Nov 2, 9, 16, 30 | 1617 YSCHESS*** Lego Lab (Ages 5 - 11) Let your Lego imagination soar! Design and build spaces, places and more using Lego bricks and supporting material. Thur | Sep 8, 15, 22, 29 | 1617 YSLEGOSEP Young Potters For the young and the young at ART! Receive introductory instruction in handbuilding and wheel throwing in this fun class. Fee includes supplies. Wed | 6 - 7:30 pm Oct 19, 26, Nov 2, 9, 16, 30 $ 180 | Valued Member $120 1617 YSPOTTERS 12 SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER 2016 Painting Pizzazz (Ages 7 - 11) Learn to make beautiful masterpieces using various painting media, color mixing and techniques. Tues | Nov 8, 15, 22, 29 | 1617 YSPIZZAZZNOV Hola, Amigos (Ages 5 - 8) This conversational Spanish class introduces students to the basics and shows them how enjoyable learning another language can be! Mon | Nov 7, 14, 21, 28 | 1617 YSSPANISHNOV Youth/Teen Activities After School Dinner and Open House Thur, Sep 8 | 6 - 7:30 pm Join us for an evening of food and fun and learn more about what the JCA can offer you and your elementary aged children. Reservations required by September 6 by calling ext. 245. Elementary School Excursions (Grades K - 5) Who said fieldtrips have to be during the week? Join us for a different outing each month. Oct 23 The Zoo and You Nov 13 Sunday Matinee Dec 4 Holiday Shopping Trip to the Town Center $ 30 | Valued Member $20 1617 YSOUTING*** Middle School Movie Night Babysitters’ Training Course Join us for a night of snacks and entertainment. We will meet at the JCA; transportation is provided. Admission is included. Sat | 7:30 - 10:30 pm Oct 15 | Nov 19 | Dec 10 $ 30 per date | Valued Member $20 1617 YSMOVIE*** Learn how to prepare for an emergency if home alone or babysitting in this one-day class. Valuable safety tips will be taught, and basic CPR and first aid skills will be reviewed. 9 am - 3:30 pm Oct 21 | Nov 11 | Dec 28 $ 75 per course | Valued Member $50 1617 YSSITTER*** (Grades 6 - 8) Youth Studio Art Classes (Grades 5 - 8) This beginners’ art class is taught by a local professional artist. Students receive four weeks each of drawing instruction and painting instruction. Artists will work at their own level to achieve results. Fee includes supplies. Thur | 6 - 7:30 pm Sep 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Oct 6, 13, 20 $ 240 | Valued Member $160 1617 YSSTUDIOART (Ages 10 - 15) Kaplan SAT Prep Want to bring up your test scores or need help preparing? This series prepares students for the SAT through practice tests, test-taking strategies and identifying personal strengths and weaknesses. Please register through the Kaplan Center at 1-800-524-8378 or visit Classes start in August; space is limited! (Grades K - 6) On days when school is closed, send your child to the JCA to explore, create, learn and have FUN with friends. Children select either an arts or sports track each day to determine the majority of their daily activities; both tracks include swimming. Leave your worries at the door as your child enters a safe, nurturing environment supervised by our responsible and energetic staff. Wear athletic shoes, pack a dairy lunch and swim essentials, and we’ll take care of the rest! Fall J•CAtion Days: Oct 21, Nov 11, 23* Winter Break J•CAtion Days: Dec 23 to Jan 6 Join us as we go on an American Road Trip! We will eat gold nugget cookies, make purple mountain paintings, play capture the flag and much more. Visit for dates and details. *Other days will be offered throughout the school year. Fall Program Guide 13 Theatre JCA Glee Club (JGC) (Grades K - 8) Shelly Hug hes theatre director 730 - 2100 ext. 252 Baby Bear Ballet Learn the basics of ballet with a ballet buddy bear. This beginner class is a fun and relaxed introduction to ballet. Each dancer receives a ballet bear or bunny to help with posture and arms. Dancing is CRAZY FUN when you dance with a buddy bear! Fri | Sep 23, 30, Oct 7, 14, 21, 28, Nov 4, 18 $ 192 | Valued Member $128 Baby Bear Ballet A (Ages 2 - 3 by 9/1/2016) 12:30 - 1 pm 16FAL THBBBALLETA Baby Bear Ballet B (Ages 3 - 6 by 9/1/2016) 1:30 - 2 pm 16FAL THBBBALLETB Zoe’s Hippity Hop Move and Groove (Ages 3 - 6 by 9/1/2016) This class helps young dancers develop movement quality and imagination. Students participate in exercises that teach listening skills, levels and direction. Children exposed to these activities are more creative, consistently freer in their movement as they develop and have higher levels of self-esteem. Thur | 1:30 - 2 pm Sep 22, 29, Oct 6, 13, 20, 27, Nov 3, 10, 17 $ 180 | Valued Member $120 16FAL THZOEHOP Upcoming Dates to SAVE! Fal l 20 1 6 October 15 Valued Member Cabaret If you love to sing, sing, sing, then this club is for you! Learn a variety of songs from different styles and genres of music. JGC is led by Craig Wickless of the Theatre Department. Fri | 4 - 5 pm | Sep 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Oct 7, 14, 21, 28, Nov 4, 18 $ 75 | Valued Member $50 | 16FAL THGLEE JCA Playhouse (Ages 4 - 6) This program is a perfect introduction to the magical world of theatre for our younger actors. We put on a variety style show with scripts, music and dance. Our young performers memorize lines and learn songs and choreography, all in anticipation of their big show. Wed | 4 - 5 pm | Sep 14, 21, 28, Oct 5, 19, 26, Nov 2, 9, 16 Show date: Sun, Nov 20 | 1 pm $ 225 | Valued Member $150 | 16FAL THPLAYHOUSE Zoe’s Clubhouse (Ages 3 - 6) This creative class has your little one singing, dancing and play acting on the JCA big stage! Children explore their imaginations while learning social skills and team work in a fun, creative environment. Activities include theatre games, improvisation, adventure sketches and movin’ and groovin’! Wed | 1:30 - 2:15 pm | Sep 14, 21, 28, Oct 5, 19, 26, Nov 2, 9, 16 $ 149 | Valued Member $99 | 16FAL THZOECLUBHOUSE Fit for Broadway (Grades K - 8) Join us for an hour of dancing, jumping, twisting and bopping as we get FIT FOR BROADWAY! Get on your way to a healthier you in this high energy, fun-filled class. We jam to our favorite upbeat show tunes with dance styles similar to hip hop, jazz, salsa and more. You are guaranteed to sweat, sweat, sweat while having fun, fun, fun! Tues | 4 - 5 pm | Sep 6, 13, 20, 27, Oct 11, Nov 1, 8, 15 $ 132 | Valued Member $88 | 16FAL THFIT Auditions Grades 2 – 9 Sunday, August 28 | 1:00 pm Rehearsal: Mon, Thur | begins Sep 8 4:00 – 6:00 pm Show Dates: Dec 3 and 10 at 7:30 pm Dec 4 and 11 at 2:00 pm Recital Fee*: $225 | Valued Member $150 October 23 J Away Beaches Family Fun Run December 26 J Away Barnes and Noble Town Center “Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins” Interactive Storytime 14 SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER 2016 *No fees will be collected until after the cast list is posted. Michele Block Gan Yeladim Cooking Around the World (Ages 3 - 6 by 9/1/2016) Join Ms. Renee in our lovely children’s kitchen to prepare and taste foods from countries all around the world. Each child brings home a special keepsake cookbook at the end of the session. Tues | 1:30 - 2:15 pm Sep 13, 20, 27, Oct 11, Nov 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 $ 135 | Valued Member $90 16FAL ECCOOK Adventure Yoga (Ages 3 - 6 by 9/1/2016) Have fun while improving flexibility, balance, coordination, concentration and self-esteem. Gisela leads the practice with animal, nature and other poses. Mon | 1:30 - 2:15 pm Sep 12, 19, 26, Oct 10, 31, Nov 7, 14, 21, 28 $ 135 | Valued Member $90 16FAL ECYOGA Spanish (Ages 3 - 6 by 9/1/2016) Hola, amigos! Learn to speak Spanish through songs, crafts and games in this fun-filled class led by Ms. Dulce. Thur | 1:30 - 2:15 pm Sep 15, 22, 29, Oct 6, 13, 20, 27, Nov 3, 10, 17 $ 150 | Valued Member $100 16FAL ECSPANISH Th e r e sa levy ECE director 730 - 2100 ext. 237 Everything Apples (Ages 3 - 6 by 9/1/2016) It’s Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year! Join Morah Karen in a special holiday class that’s all about apples. Bake and eat a yummy apple treat for a sweet new year and make an apple project to take home. Fri, Sep 30 | 1:30 - 2:15 pm $ 15 | Valued Member $10 16FAL ECAPPLES Sensational Sensory Sukkot (Ages 3 - 6 by 9/1/2016) Experience the wonderful holiday of Sukkot with Morah Karen! Stimulate your five senses inside the sukkah and create things to taste, touch, hear, see and feel. Fri, Oct 21 | 1:30 - 2:15 pm $ 15 | Valued Member $10 16FAL ECSUKKOT JPlace Shabbat Family Dinner and PJ Library Storytime Friday, September 9 5:30 - 6:30 pm See Jewish and Family Programs (page 11) for more information. Stroller Fit Moms Enjoy a great opportunity to bond with your baby while getting in shape. Gisela Morgan leads this total body workout that blends Barre Pilates, yoga and power walking. These stroller-based exercises will build strength, tone muscle and improve posture. Fri | 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Sep 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Oct 7, 14, 21, 28, Nov 11, 18 $ 165 | Valued Member $110 16FAL ECFITMOMS Rochelle Golomb ECE Assistant director 730 - 2100 ext. 259 The place for unparalleled excellence in early childhood experiences Symposium Parent Morning: Being a Media Mentor and Parenting in the Digital Age Wednesday, September 28 9:30 - 10:30 am Symposium keynote speaker Tamara Kaldor, assistant director of the Technology in Early Childhood (TEC) Center at Erikson Institute in Chicago, leads a stimulating follow-up coffee talk on how to support children’s use of technology in appropriate and meaningful ways as well as the latest guidelines and research on screen time. Coffee and light refreshments will be served. Advance registration appreciated. Free to Michele Block Gan Yeladim parents 1617 ECWORKSHOP Fall Program Guide 15 Fitness and Wellness Self-Defense Workshop with Clint Neale (Age 16+) Ei f fe l G i lyan a wellness director 730 - 2100 ext. 324 For more wellness programs, see pages 4, 6 and 17. Body Blasting Boxing with Ramesses Khalfani Boost your energy, sculpt muscle and blast fat in this fast paced, small group boxing workout. Mon | 5:30 – 6:00 pm Session I Aug 29, Sep 12, 19, 26 Session II Oct 31, Nov 7, 14, 21 Session III Nov 28, Dec 5, 12, 19 $ 30 valued members only 1617 FWBBBOXING* Using Cuong Nhu, this series covers basic elements of self-defense as well as the fundamentals of martial arts. This class includes light contact; there will be no striking or sparring. Sun | 11:15 am - 12:30 pm Session I Sep 4, 11, 18, 25 Session II Oct 2, 16, 23, 30 $ 75 valued members only 1617 FWSELFDEFENSE* Special Fitness Center Event Eating Well While Eating Out Wednesday, November 30 6:30 - 7:30 pm Dining out doesn’t have to sabotage a healthy diet. Our registered dietitian, Jennifer Lewis, presents easy ways to make good choices while eating out. Advance registration requested. Free for valued members only. 16FAL FWEATINGOUT 16 SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER 2016 JCA wellness circle Heart Disease: the silent killer, Silent no more! Tuesday, November 8 7 - 8 pm Join us for a fascinating presentation by businessman, philanthropist and community leader Mel Gottlieb as he shares his journey to improved heart health through the Ornish Diet, exercise and lifestyle changes. Registration required by November 6. Ab Makeover (Age 16+) Join Gisela Morgan in this full-body workout, using circular and linear movements to strengthen and challenge your core. Fri | 1:30 - 2:30 pm Session I Sep 2, 9, 16, 23 Session II Sep 30, Oct 7, 14, 21 $ 60 valued members only 1617 FWMAKEOVER* Special Fitness Center Event Do You Even Stretch, Bro? In this small group training, certified personal trainer Shirley Steel teaches how to implement different stretching movements and techniques into your workout to enhance mobility and range of motion and prevent injuries. Advance registration required by September 5. Wed | 8:30 - 9:30 am | Sep 7, 14, 21, 28 $ 60 valued members only 1617 FWSTRETCH* Free for valued members only. 16FAL FWHEART Stepping On: Building Confidence and Reducing Falls This workshop is for older adults to help prevent falls. Limited to 14. Eligible participants must be: • age 65 or older • cognitively intact • living in their own home or an independent living facility • able to walk without an assistive device, but may use a cane indoors or out (use a walker outdoors only) • have had a fall or have a fear of falling Tues | 1:30 - 3:30 pm Nov 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Dec 6, 13 $ 20 equipment fee To register, call Brooks Rehab at 904-854-2057. Total Body 101 with Theresa Sherman New to strength training? Join certified personal trainer Theresa Sherman as she guides you through a basic, total body workout focusing on form to help you build confidence and perform movements correctly. Registration required by November 12. Sun | 10 - 11 am | Nov 13, 20, 27, Dec 4 $ 60 valued members only 1617 FWTB101NOV Fitness and Wellness Start the Jewish New Year with the JCA Rosh Hashanah Personal Training Special! NEW! Tai Chi with Elizabeth Liu (Age 16+) Join former pro gymnast and tai chi instructor Elizabeth Liu in practicing Yang Tai Chi. This small group class strengthens your body, enhances your qi and promotes peace of mind. Registration required by September 1. Fri | 9:30 - 10:30 am or 12 - 1 pm Sep 2, 9, 16, 23 $ 60 valued members only 1617 FWTCLIUSEP* Medicine Ball Training This small group class incorporates a mix of strength, body control and muscular endurance to challenge the entire body. Whether you are looking to tone or take your fitness to the next level, this class will get you going and keep you going. Registration required by September 5. Wed | 6 - 6:30 pm | Sep 7, 14, 21, 28 $ 30 valued members only 1617 FWMEDBALLSEP Special Fitness Center Event Balance Training with Clint Neal Wednesday, November 30 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Learn the best exercises and movements to help improve your agility and stability of gait to prevent falls. Advance registration required by November 29. Free for valued members only. 1617 FWBALANCE This is open to all valued members and is effective from September 25 to October 28. For more information, contact Eiffel at ext. 324 or Zhada at ext. 267. Free Weight Fundamentals with Rick Samples (Age 18+) Join record breaking powerlifter and sports performance coach Rick Samples for this class on barbell basics. Free weights provide benefits unavailable with exercise machines such as enhanced balance and core stability. Come learn something new about these old-school techniques. Registration required by September 28. Thur | 6:30 - 7:30 pm Sep 29, Oct 6, 13, 20 $ 60 valued members only 1617 FWWEIGHTSEP S m a l l G ro u p T r a i n i n g Find Your P o s s e P o e r Flock F l e x i b i l i t y Crew C o u r a g e Tai Chi | Clint 10 - 11 am TRX Suspension Training | Connie 10:30 - 11:30 am Mat Training with Balls, Rings and Bands Barre Fitness | Gisela 6 - 7 pm Incorporate balls, rings and bands into a safe and effective core workout that you can use at home. Learn a different warm up, core strength and stretch technique each week. A take home handout will be provided. Registration required by November 6. Mon | 9 - 10 am | Nov 7, 14, 21, 28 $ 60 valued members only 1617 FWMATNOV Barre Fitness | Gisela 9:30 - 10:30 am Barre Fitness | Cheryl 9 - 10 am Family Fun Playground Boot Camp Join certified personal trainer Johnny Intravaia in this playground family boot camp and learn to use family time to achieve fitness goals while bonding and having fun with your kids. Registration required by November 20. Tues | 5:30 - 6:30 pm Nov 22, 29, Dec 6, 13 $ 60 valued member families only 16FAL FWFAMFUN w Barre Fitness | Gisela 9:30 - 10:30 am TRX Suspension Training | Connie 5 - 6 pm 60 4-week session $ Fall Program Guide 17 Sports and Recreation Youth soccer League Ri o Robi n s on sports and recreation director 730 - 2100 ext. The JCA Youth Soccer League is back for another action packed soccer season! 250 Men’s Basketball Leagues Form teams of six players for 4-on-4 competition. For more information or to register as an individual or a team, call ext. 254. 18+ Men’s Basketball League Wed | 6 - 9 pm | Aug 17 to Nov 16 (no class Oct 12) 12 Games $72 valued members only 16SUM SRBBALL182 25+ Men’s Basketball League Sun | 8:30 am - 12:30 pm Sep 11 to Dec 18 (no class Nov 27) 13 Games $78 valued members only 16FAL SRBBALL25 Gracie Barra Brazilian Jiu Jitsu: Fundamentals Mon | $90 | Valued Member $60 Session I Sep 12 to Oct 10 (no class Oct 3) Session II Nov 7 to 28 Youth Martial Arts (Ages 5 - 12) This fun, structured class focuses on selfdefense, discipline and respect. 5:15 - 6:05 pm 16FAL SRJIUJITSUA* Adult Martial Arts (Age 13+) Increase your cardio and muscular endurance in this quick paced workout. 6:15 - 7:15 pm 16FAL SRJIUJITSUB* JCA Fencing JCA Fencing for Youth (Ages 7 - 13) Sun | 3:30 - 4:30 pm Session I Sep 18 to Oct 23 Session II Nov 6 to Dec 18 (no class Nov 27) 6 Classes $158 | Valued Member $105 16FAL SRCHFENCE* JCA Fencing for Adults (Age 14+) Wed | 6 - 8 pm Session I Sep 14 to Nov 9 (no class Oct 12) Session II Nov 16 to Jan 18 (no class Nov 23, Dec 28) 8 Classes $210 | Valued Member $140 16FAL SRADFENCE* 18 SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER 2016 Youth Basketball League This league starts in November for the 2016-17 season. A skills assessment is tentatively planned for November 6 with more details to come in the October Alliance News. Contact Rio with questions or to volunteer to coach. League Philosophy: To develop young athletes into fundamentally sound players, while having fun in an organized, competitive and social atmosphere. Practices are one hour before games. Contact Rio to volunteer to coach. Mandatory Skills Evaluation at the Bolles High School: August 14 JCA Select Basketball Team Tryouts (Ages 8 - 14) Highest level competitive play. Benefit from quality coaching and a structured training camp before joining a competitive local league. Registration is not required to tryout. Selected players are required to pay a training camp and practice fee and league fees. Contact Rio for information. Mon, Sep 19 | Girls 6 pm | Boys 7 pm Adult Soccer League (Age 18+) Form teams of six to eight players for 5-on-5 soccer. You can also register individually or with a friend to be placed on a team. Teams must have rosters submitted by September 4. Contact Rio for information or to register. Games Sun | 3:30 - 5:30 pm Sep 11 to Oct 30 (Bolles High School Field) 8 Games $90 | Valued Member $60 16FAL SRADSOCCER Premier Soccer Clinic This soccer clinic is for intermediate to advanced players that have at least one season of soccer experience in a recreational league. Sun | Nov 13 to Dec 18 (no class Nov 27) Ages 4 - 7 3:30 - 4:30 pm Ages 8 - 12 4:30 - 5:30 pm $ 90 | Valued Member $60 16FAL SRSOCCER* Age 4-5 Time 1 pm 6-7 8-10 11 - 14 2 pm 3 pm 4 pm Divisions based on age and skill will be determined after evaluations. If you cannot attend evaluations, please call ext. 254 to schedule a make-up. Games Sun | Sep 11 to Oct 30 12:30 - 5:30 pm (Bolles High School Stadium Field. Specific times TBA; 2 hour commitment) 150 | Valued Member $100 16FAL SRSOCCERLEAGUE* $ Open Pick Up Sports (Age 13+) Volleyball Tues | 7 - 9:30 pm Basketball Sat | 1 - 3 pm Pickleball Mon | 5:30 am - 12 pm Sat | 4 - 6 pm Lacrosse Skills Clinic (Ages 6 - 12) This beginner to intermediate clinic utilizes a variety of drills to master the fundamentals. Players must provide their own equipment: lax stick, protective gloves, cleats, mouthpiece and athletic support or cup. Contact Rio for information. Sun | 11 am - 12:30 pm Sep 11 to Oct 30 (Bolles High School Field) $ 150 | Valued Member $100 16FAL SRLACROSSE Sports and Recreation Preschool and Youth Clinics Class Age Day Time Dates* Fee | Valued Member Little Hitters Baseball 3-6 Monday 1:30 - 2:15 pm Sep 12 - Oct 31 $ 3-6 Monday 1:30 - 2:15 pm Nov 14 - Dec 12 $ 3-6 Monday 3:30 - 4:15 pm Sep 12 - Oct 31 $ 3-6 Monday 3:30 - 4:15 pm Nov 14 - Dec 12 $ 5-9 Monday 4:30 - 5:30 pm Sep 12 - Oct 31 $ 5-9 Monday 4:30 - 5:30 pm Nov 14 - Dec 12 $ 5-9 Tuesday 4:30 - 5:30 pm Sep 13 - Nov 8 $ 5-9 Tuesday 4:30 - 5:30 pm Nov 15 - Dec 13 $ 3-6 Tuesday 1:30 - 2:15 pm Sep 13 - Nov 1 $ 3-6 Tuesday 1:30 - 2:15 pm Nov 15 - Dec 13 $ 3-6 Tuesday 3:30 - 4:15 pm Sep 13 - Nov 1 $ 3-6 Tuesday 3:30 - 4:15 pm Nov 15 - Dec 13 $ 3-6 Friday 1:30 - 2:15 pm Sep 16 - Oct 21 $ 3-6 Friday 1:30 - 2:15 pm Nov 4 - Dec 16 $ 5-10 Tuesday 4:30 - 5:15 pm Sep 13 - Nov 8 $ 5-10 Tuesday 4:30 - 5:15 pm Nov 15 - Dec 13 $ 3-6 Wednesday 1:30 - 2:15 pm Sep 14 - Oct 26 $ 3-6 Wednesday 1:30 - 2:15 pm Nov 2 - Dec 14 $ 4-14 Wednesday 4 - 5 pm Sep 14 - Oct 26 $ 4-14 Wednesday 4 - 5 pm Nov 2 - Dec 14 $ Little Dribblers Basketball 3-6 Thursday 1:30 - 2:15 pm Sep 15 - Oct 20 $ 3-6 Thursday 1:30 - 2:15 pm Nov 3 - Dec 15 $ Volleyball Clinic 8-14 Thursday 4:30 - 5:30 pm Sep 15 - Oct 20 $ 8-14 Thursday 4:30 - 5:30 pm Nov 3 - Dec 15 $ 3-6 Friday 1:30 - 2:15 pm Sep 16 - Oct 21 $ 3-6 Friday 1:30 - 2:15 pm Nov 4 - Dec 16 $ Sports Extravaganza Basketball 101 Baseball 101 Little Kickers Soccer Terrific Tumblers Junior Gymnastics Little Putters Golf Makos Run Club Flag Football Frenzy Code 16FAL 75 | VM: 50 SRLILHIT1 75 | VM: 50 SRLILHIT2 75 | VM: 50 SRSPORTSMON1 75 | VM: $50 SRSPORTSMON2 75 | VM: $50 SRBBAL101A 75 | VM: $50 SRBBAL101B 75 | VM: $50 SRBASEBALL101A 75 | VM: $50 SRBASEBALL101B 75 | VM: 50 SRLILKICK1 75 | VM: 50 SRLILKICK2 75 | VM: 50 SRTUMBLERTUE1 $ $ $ $ $ $ 75 | VM: 50 SRTUMBLERTUE2 90 | VM: $60 SRTUMBLERFRI1 90 | VM: $60 SRTUMBLERFRI2 75 | VM: $50 SRJRGYM1 75 | VM: $50 SRJRGYM2 90 | VM: $60 SRLILPUTTERS1 90 | VM: 60 SRLILPUTTERS2 90 | VM: 60 SRYRUN1 90 | VM: 60 SRYRUN2 90 | VM: 60 SRLILDRIB1 90 | VM: 60 SRLILDRIB2 90 | VM: $60 SRVOLLEY1 90 | VM: $60 SRVOLLEY2 90 | VM: $60 SRFLAGFOOTBALL1 90 | VM: $60 SRFLAGFOOTBALL2 $ $ $ $ $ $ *Holiday schedule (no class): Oct 3, 4, 11 (4:30 class only), 12, 17, 18, 24, 25, Nov 23, 24, 25. The JCA Makos had a memorable experience in St. Louis competing in the 2016 JCC Maccabi Games with Jewish athletes from JCCs throughout the United States, Canada and Israel. Our teens had an outstanding time, which was made possible by the support of generous individuals who sponsored our delegation. We would like to thank the following sponsors: Gold Level • Michael Overstreet, Expedite Services Silver Level • Ackerman Cancer Center • Steve Sherman • Anthony Martin • David Chen, Kazu Japanese Restaurant Fall Program Guide 19 Aquatics School Year Makos Swim Team Jessic a Novo t n y aquatics manager 730 - 2100 ext. 240 This team introduces competitive swimming and helps prepare children for the summer league. We provide age appropriate training in a safe and fun swimming environment. Swimmers learn starts and turns and participate in drills designed to improve technique and develop speed and endurance. Come check us out! Register for one day or two days (any days, Monday through Thursday) or four days (Monday through Thursday). Ages 5 - 10 5 - 6 pm (must be able to swim 25 yards unassisted) | Ages 11 - 18 6 - 7 pm Aug 1 to 31, Sep 1 to 30, Oct 5 to 31, Nov 1 to 30, Dec 1 to 29 (no clinics Sep 5, Oct. 11, 12, 17, 18, 24, 25, Nov 23, 24, Dec, 26) One Day (Monday through Thursday) (Ages 5 - 18) Two Days (select two, Monday through Thursday) Four Days (Monday through Thursday) 82 | Valued Member $55 $105 | Valued Member $70 60 | Valued Member 40 1617 AQST2(Time)(Month) 1617 AQST4(Time)(Month) 1617 AQST1(Time)(Month) $ $ $ Red Cross Certified Lifeguard Training JV Makos Swim Team (Ages 4 - 6) This is for children interested in swim team who are able to put their faces in the water and swim half the pool length unassisted. We practice swim team skills, build endurance and learn new strokes. Mon, Wed | 1:30 - 2:15 pm Aug 1 to 31, Sep 1 to 30, Oct 5 to 31, Nov 1 to 30, Dec 1 to 29 (no lessons Sep 5, Oct 12, 17, 24, Nov 23, Dec 26) 82 | Valued Member $55 1617 AQJVSTMW1:30*** $ Prerequisites: •Must be at least 15 years of age. •Must swim 300 yards freestyle and/or breaststroke. •Must swim 20 yards to retrieve a ten pound brick from seven to ten feet of water in 1 minute and 40 seconds. •Must tread water for two minutes. Dec 7 (pretest, first class) | 6:30 - 9:30 pm Dec 8 | 6:30 - 9:30 pm Dec 11 | 10 am - 5 pm Dec 12, 13, 14, 15 | 6:30 - 9:30 pm $ 285 | Valued Member $190 1617 AQGUARDDEC Labor Day Red Cross CPR Certification Community Adult/Child/Infant CPR/ First Aid/AED Sun, Oct 30 | 1 - 6 pm $ 98 | Valued Member $65 1617 AQCPR*** CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer CPR for public safety employees and lifeguards includes a book and pocket mask. Sun, Nov 13 | 1 - 6 pm $ 105 | Valued Member $70 1617 AQCPR*** 2016 Mon, Sep 5 Family fun day 11 am to 3 pm 20 SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER 2016 Free hot dogs Chips Refreshments DJ entertainment Games Aquatics JCA American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim Programs The JCA offers instructional swim programs designed by the American Red Cross. All instructors are certified through the American Red Cross as Water Safety Instructors (W.S.I.). The JCA assures program quality by maintaining small class sizes, monitoring instruction and adhering to Red Cross standards. For more information, contact Jessica at Private Swim Lessons (All ages) Our one-on-one private lesson instruction for all ages will lead you closer to your individual goal. Learn to swim or learn to swim more efficiently. Each lesson is 30 minutes long. By appointment | Individual Lesson $60 | Valued Member $30 | 8-Lesson Special $420 | Valued Member $210 Junior Makos This program is designed for children ages 6 to 12 years. Our goal is to help participants achieve maximum success. Introduction to water skills, fundamental aquatic skills, stroke development, stroke improvement, stroke refinement and personal water safety are the core topics covered. Classes have a 6:1 student-to-teacher ratio. Little Makos This program is designed for children ages 3½ to 5 years. Children participate without a parent in the water, and swimmers are introduced to breath control, arm coordination, kicking and the development of basic strokes. Classes have a 5:1 student-to-teacher ratio. Parent and Me This program is to teach you, the parent, how to work safely and effectively with your child, infant to 3 years old, in the water. The program emphasizes fun and enjoyment, water adjustment and preparatory activities for future swimming. This program is not designed to teach children to become good swimmers or even to survive in the water on their own. At least one adult must accompany the child in the pool. JCA Mini Makos This program is designed for children ages 2 to 3 years. In these 30-minute classes, swimmers will learn the foundation for water adjustment, floating, breath control, kicking, arm movement and safe entry and exit of the pool. Children must be able to function in a group lesson without a parent in the water. Classes have a 4:1 student-toteacher ratio. Monthly Fees Three Month Options $ $ 1 Day Week 100 | Valued Member 50 1 Day Week $270 | Valued Member $135 2 Day Week $150 | Valued Member $75 2 Day Week $390 | Valued Member $195 JCA Learn-to-Swim Monthly Schedule Aug 1 to 31 // Sep 1 to 29 // Oct 2 to 31 Nov 1 to 30 // Dec 1 to 29 (no lessons Sep 5, Oct 3, 4, 11 [no 5:30 or 6:30 classes], 12, 17, 18, 24, 25, 30, Nov 23, 24, 27, Dec 25, 26) Parent & Me JCA Mini Makos Little Makos Junior Makos 30 min. 30 min. 30 min. 45 min. Sun 10 am 10:30 am 11:15 am, 1 pm 12 pm, 2 pm Mon Wed N/A 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm, 2:30 pm, 3:30 pm, 4:30 pm 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm, 2:30 pm, 3:30 pm, 4:30 pm 5:30 pm, 6:30 pm Tues Thur N/A 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm, 2:30 pm, 3:30 pm, 4:30 pm 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm, 2:30 pm, 3:30 pm, 4:30 pm 5:30 pm, 6:30 pm Day(s) Offered (6 mo - 3 yrs) (2 - 3 yrs) (31/2 - 5 yrs) (6 - 12 yrs) Aquatics Cancellation Policy Private Lessons Inclement weather/ pool closings before a scheduled lesson will result in that lesson being rescheduled at a mutually agreeable time. If a lesson cannot be made up within one week of the last scheduled lesson, that lesson will be forfeited and charged to the participant. All participants registered for private swim sessions must give at least a 24-hour notice of cancellation for already scheduled sessions. Failure to properly cancel will result in a charge for that session at the established fee. All personal training sessions, private tennis lessons and private swim lessons will expire six months from the date of purchase. Fees paid for expired sessions/lessons are nonrefundable and non-transferable. Group Lessons There are no makeups or refunds for any group lessons due to illness, inclement weather, pool closings and vacation or holiday closings. Diaper Policy All non-toilet-trained children are required to wear a swim diaper and a swimsuit at all times when in the water. Fall Program Guide 21 Tennis Reg g i e Exum tennis professional 730 - 2100 ext. 317 Adult Tennis Clinics Now is the perfect time to see if you have what it takes for competitive league tennis. Shape up your game on one of our ladies’ teams or the working women’s team. We also have great men’s clinics. If you’re unsure of your level, schedule a private lesson for an evaluation. League play continues through May. If team play isn’t for you, consider one of our other clinics to sharpen your skills. For more information and program fees, contact Reggie at See you on the courts! Working Women’s Team Tues | 6:30 - 8 pm 1617 TNWORKING(Day)(Month) Ladies’ A Team Clinic Tues | 9 - 10:30 am 16FAL TNTEAMA Ladies’ B Team Clinic Wed | 9 - 10:30 am 16FAL TNTEAMB Ladies’ C Team Clinic Fri | 9 - 10:30 am 16FAL TNTEAMC Junior Tennis Clinics All clinics are 6-week sessions. $108 | Valued Member $72 For the beginning junior player, our Quick Start programs provide an overview of tennis and teach the fundamentals. Classes focus on proper swinging motions and the most effective way to handle a tennis racquet. All instruction is paced for younger players and supplemented by fun games and drills. Tennis Aces (Ages 3 - 5) For our intermediate to advanced Tues | 1:30 - 2:15 pm players, these clinics focus on Fri | 1:30 - 2:15 pm stroke production, consistency and 1617 TNACES(Day)(Month) match play to help older players Pee-wee Quick Start (Ages 4 - 6) feel more comfortable during point Wed | 4:15 - 5 pm play and matches. Thur | 3:30 - 4:15 pm Junior Varsity (Ages 11 - 13) 1617 TNPW(Day)(Month) Thur | 4:30 - 5:30 pm 1617 TNJVTHU* Junior Quick Start (Ages 7 - 10) Tues | 4:30 - 5:30 pm Varsity (Ages 13 - 18) Thur | 3:30 - 4:30 pm Mon | 5 - 6 pm 1617 TNJR(Day)(Month) 1617 TNVARMON* 3.0 - 3.5 Men’s Clinic Mon | 6:30 - 8 pm 1617 TNMENSCLINIC(Month) 2016-17 Register Now! Tennis 101 Wed | 5:30 - 6:30 pm 1617 TN101(Day)(Month) Cardio Tennis Sun | 8:30 - 9:30 am 1617 TNCARDIO(Day)(Month) 99 Fully accredited NAEYC, FKC, ACA, GSOD 5« rating 99 Facility with integrated programming Private Lessons To schedule a private lesson, contact Reggie at ext. 317 or Aline at ext. 417. ½ hour $30 | 1 hour $60 Package of five, 1 hour lessons $270 Members Mixer Thursdays | 6:30 - 7 pm Free for valued members only 22 SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER 2016 99 Unique curriculum and partnerships including Cummer Museum, Jacksonville Symphony, Jacksonville Zoo, MOSH, St. Johns RiverKeeper, Riverside Fine Arts 99 Preschool/Kindergarten 12 months to 6 years Ext. 235 | Michele Block Gan Yeladim Preschool is open to all children regardless of race, religious affiliation or ethnic origin. JCA membership is not required, but JCA members have priority in registration. DCF license # C04DU0213 Tributes In Memory of... Cantor Henry Butensky, Beloved Father by Michele and David Steinfeld Alan taffet by Neal and Nina Roth Wendy efron, Beloved wife and mother by Neal and Nina Roth, Michele and David Steinfeld, Philip and Karen Adler Michael and Deanna Lissner’s Daughter, Suzi by Neal and Nina Roth Bea Sherman by Gary and Nancy Perlman For the Speedy Recovery of... Dr. larry young by Michele and David Steinfeld In Honor of... Jeremy Zaifert’s recent Bar Mitzvah by Michele and David Steinfeld christy d’andrea by Michele and David Steinfeld Paul’s Bar Mitzvah by Neal and Nina Roth Other... Congratulations to Jade Steel on being inducted into the junior national honor society by Michele and David Steinfeld Congratulations on the birth of michael and glenN miller’s beautiful daughters. by Michele and David Steinfeld William and Andrew Block Families Gan Yeladim Scholarship Fund In Memory of... Wendy efron, Beloved wife by Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jacobs In Honor of... alan margolies’ 25 years of leadership and the community partner award by Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jacobs and Family Rabbi gaffney’s leadership in education award by Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jacobs and Family the birth of dr. and mrs. chaim rogozinski’s grandson, ellington jakob hyman by Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jacobs Abe and ruth fraden’s 66th wedding anniversary by Ken, Carol, Daniel and Mary Ruth Cultural Arts Fund In Memory of... Captain Stephen N. Smith by Dianna Smith June Oberdorfer by Bob and Thelma Nied Melissa Meyenberg’s Beloved Sister by Bob and Thelma Nied e a r ly childhood Symposium th 8 Annual Sep 27 > 2 0 1 6 > 5:30 - 8:30 PM 904-730-2100 ext. 259 Presented by e Spe a r: R E G I S TE R N O W ! n ot ke Key Enga ging k e ynot e > Displ ay s Stimulating breakout sessions Vendors > Re s o u r c e s Tamara Kaldor, Assistant Director of the Technology in Early Childhood ( TEC ) Center at Erik son Institute in Chicago Fall Program Guide 23 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Jacksonville, FL Permit No. 437 David A. Stein Jewish Community Alliance Address Service Requested on the Ed Parker Jewish Community Campus 8505 San Jose Boulevard Jacksonville, Florida 32217 (904) 730-2100 Affiliated with the Jewish Federation of Jacksonville, the United Way of Northeast Florida, and the Jewish Community Centers of North America. Mission Statement The Jewish Community Alliance (JCA) strengthens Jewish life, serves as a common meeting ground, and enhances the quality of life of the entire community. Vision Statement Our vision is to provide the place in the tradition of our heritage where all people come together throughout their lives to enhance body, mind, and spirit, in an environment of fun, harmony and friendship. HEALTHY EMPLOYEES = HEALTHY BUSINESS Partner with the JCA to maximize employee potential and improve your business productivity. Corporate membership benefits: • Wellness Connexion online Personal Wellness Survey and Wellness Coaches provided FREE to you by Baptist Health and the JCA • Unparalleled Fitness Center • 4 FREE ½ hour Personal Training sessions • New state-of-the-art Precor Treadmills • Over 55 fitness classes per week • and much more! The corporate membership program has no cost to your company. Employees receive corporate rates for their dues. Earn free dues and cash bonuses by referring your coworkers and employees. For more information, contact Chris at ext. 257 or Hollie at ext. 234.
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Jewish Community Alliance
8505 San Jose Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL 32217
(904)730-2100 P | (904)730-2444 F |
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