Program Guide - Jewish Community Alliance


Program Guide - Jewish Community Alliance
Program Guide
Spring 2016
Volume 27, Number 7 • 22 Adar II - 24 Sivan 5776 • April 1 - June 30, 2016
General Interest
Table of
The JCA Program Guide and
Alliance News are published 10 times a
year (monthly except July and August) by the
Jewish Community Alliance
8505 San Jose Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL 32217
(904) 730-2100 P • (904) 730-2444 F •
J Institute
Jewish and
For additional program information,
please contact the JCA.
Adam Frisch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President
Myron I. Flagler. . . . . . . . . . . . . Executive Director
Lior Spring. . . . . . . . . . Communications Director
Iman Byfield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor
Krista Freeman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Graphic Artist
Fitness and
Sports and
Locker Room Hours
Sun/Sat 6 pm | Mon - Thur 9:30 pm | Fri 5 pm
Locker rooms will promptly close. Please complete your
use of the facility 15 minutes before closing to allow
enough time for locker room use.
Locker Room Policy Adults with children under 3
years old are welcome to use the adult locker rooms.
Children ages 3 to 15 must use the boys’ or girls’ locker
room. (Parents may accompany children in same sex
children’s locker rooms.) Lockers are available for rental
at $120 a year.
Towel Policy Towels are limited to one bath and one
hand towel per member, per visit. This enables us to
preserve energy, conserve water and use fewer chemicals
(phosphorus) in our agency. This service is free of charge
for JCA members only. Towels are available at the Courtesy
Desk when you enter the P.E. area. Please leave used towels
in bins in the locker rooms and hallways after use.
Kid Kare (babysitting)
(904) 730-2100 ext. 325
•Parent must be on site at JCA.
•Parent must sign child in and out.
•Kid Kare service is for a maximum of two hours.
•Child must be clean and in good health. Parents must notify staff of any allergies
or medical conditions.
• The staff is not responsible for hand feeding children. (This does not include infants
requiring a bottle.)
• Kid Kare service is available for healthy JCA family members only, ages 3 months to
9 years old. In the event a child needs additional attention (excessive misbehavior,
crying), the parent will be notified immediately to retrieve the child from the program.
•Items needed by the child will be provided by the parent, such as age-appropriate
snacks (no popcorn or nuts), drinks, diapers, wipes, etc.
The program will be staffed according to the reservations made. Reservations may
be made up to two days in advance. You may be denied space without a reservation.
Day/Time: Sun 9 am – 12:30 pm | Mon - Thur 8:30 - 11:45 am and 4:30 – 8:30 pm
Fri 8:30 - 11:45 am | No Kid Kare service on Sat
Fees: Free for JCA family members only
A p r i l
J u n e
Guest Policy
Members may bring only two guests at a time (except for families bringing families)
with no more than three visits in a calendar year. Guests must be accompanied by
a member in good standing. Children who are guests must have an adult present
to sign a waiver and be chaperoned by an adult if under 10. All guest passes must
be purchased at the Reception Desk. Saturday guest passes must be purchased in
advance. All guests must have guest passes. All visitors must present a photo ID.
Guest Pass Fee: Adults: $8 each visit Children/Teens (5 - 18): $4 each visit
Mandatory Swim Assessments
All children 12 and under must complete a 25-yard swim (without touching the
bottom of the pool, grabbing the lane rope, floating on their back or requiring
assistance) on their front (freestyle, breaststroke, etc.) and tread water for 45
seconds. If they pass the test, they are permitted to swim without flotation
and receive a yellow neck band. Swimmers who do not complete the test will
receive a red neck band and be required to wear a lifejacket, have a parent/
guardian in the water within arm’s reach or choose not to swim. The JCA will supply
neckbands to each child, which are to be kept and brought to the pool each time
to swim. Replacement bands are available for $5 each.
Unsupervised Children
The following policies ensure the safety of all JCA members:
•Children 9 years old and under must be under direct supervision (in sight
and within close proximity) by an adult while at the JCA. Children must be
brought to and picked up from class, babysitting or childcare by an adult.
All members age 10 and over entering the JCA must present a membership card.
• Children age 10 and up may be unaccompanied by an adult in the JCA except for
the fitness area where children must be 13 years old to enter. The lobby area,
hallways, other rooms and the courtyard in the JCA are not appropriate spaces.
The JCA cannot be held responsible for members age 10 and over attending the
JCA and not enrolled in an organized activity. In addition, children age 10 and
up are expected to behave in a mature manner when in the building without
parental supervision. Behavior that is disruptive and/or harmful to themselves
or others may result in the suspension of independent privileges.
Food Policy
JCA is a kosher facility. Therefore no deliveries of food of any kind for members
from take-out restaurants will be accepted. Food brought into the building
from home, outside of a JCA program or preschool, must be consumed in either
the courtyard or the outdoor pool area. Thank you for your cooperation.
Fire Alarm Policy
For your safety and welfare, you must evacuate the building when the fire alarm
sounds. You will be notified by JCA personnel when it is safe to return to the
facility. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Cancellation/Expiration Policy for Personal Training,
Private Tennis and Swim Instruction
All participants registered for private tennis, swim or personal training sessions
must give at least a 24-hour notice of cancellation for already scheduled
sessions. Failure to properly cancel will result in a charge for that session at the
established fee. All personal training sessions, private tennis lessons and private
swim lessons will expire six months from the date of purchase. Fees paid for
(expired) sessions/lessons are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Class Payment, Refund and Cancellation Policy
•All class and program fees must be paid before the beginning of the class.
For one-time programs or classes, no refunds will be granted.
•50% refund after first class; 25% refund after second class; no refund after
third class (excludes childcare tuition and summer camp programs).
•Refund policies apply to all private training and lessons.
•The JCA reserves the right to cancel programs/classes not meeting the
minimum required enrollment for circumstances beyond our control.
JCA Member Code of Conduct The JCA is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all members and guests. To promote safety and comfort for all,
we ask individuals to act appropriately at all times when they are in our facility or participating in our programs. We expect persons using the JCA to behave in a considerate and
responsible way and to respect the rights and dignity of other members, guests and staff. Our Code of Conduct outlines actions that are deemed inappropriate. These include
but are not limited to: inappropriate attire–appropriate attire in keeping with the values of the JCA must be worn at all times; angry or vulgar language, including swearing,
name-calling or shouting; physical contact with another person in any angry or threatening way; any demonstration of sexual activity or sexual contact with another person;
harassment or intimidation by words, gestures, body language or any menacing behavior; theft or behavior that results in the destruction of property; carrying or concealing any
weapons or devices or objects that may be used as weapons with the exception of law enforcement professionals; using or possessing illegal chemicals (drugs) on JCA property,
in JCA vehicles or at JCA sponsored programs; using or possessing alcohol on JCA property, in JCA vehicles or at unsanctioned JCA sponsored programs; any other conduct of an
inappropriate, threatening or offensive nature. Loitering is not permitted in or outside the JCA. Use of all tobacco products, smoking (including e-cigarettes) is not permitted
in or outside the JCA. The JCA and its property is a smoke-free/tobacco-free environment. The JCA is dedicated to the enhancement of Jewish identity and the continuity of
Jewish life. A person or persons’ act of proselytizing or teaching of non-Jewish principles in an attempt to convert members or guests is prohibited, and persons engaging in
proselytizing will be required to leave the building and grounds. In addition, the JCA reserves the right to deny access or membership to the following persons: registered sex
offenders; those accused/convicted of sexual abuse crimes; those accused/convicted of crimes relating to the sale/use/possession/transportation of narcotics, habit forming,
and/or dangerous drugs; those excessively or continuously using intoxicating beverages, narcotics, or dangerous drugs. The JCA maintains a no tolerance policy concerning all of
the above. Members and guests are encouraged to be responsible for their personal comfort and safety and to ask any person whose behavior threatens their comfort to refrain
from that behavior. If a member or guest feels uncomfortable in confronting the person directly, they should report the behavior to a staff person or the Manager on Duty. Good
personal hygiene, including the appropriate use of deodorant, is expected as a consideration to other members. JCA staff members are eager to be of assistance. Members and
guests should not hesitate to notify a staff member if assistance is needed. In order to be able to carry out these policies, we ask that members and guests identify themselves
to staff when asked. The Executive Team will investigate all reported incidents. Suspension or termination of JCA membership privileges may result from a determination by the
Executive Team if in their discretion a violation of the JCA Member Code of Conduct has occurred.
Passover is upon us, and with it we welcome spring.
We just concluded our annual fundraising event.
It was a huge success thanks to our generous
sponsors, the dedication of our chairs, Glenn and
Michael Miller and Brent and Alison Trager, and the
effort of our planning committee. It was an amazing
night of fun, and plenty of Boogie went down!
Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Adam Frisch
730 - 2100 ext. 270
We are gearing up for another spectacular season at the JCA filled with
programs and special events for people of all ages. On Sunday, May 15, the
JCA will host a family day at the Jacksonville Suns. Participants will enjoy
discounted tickets and the opportunity for children to play on the field
before and after the game.
Adam Frisch, President
Allison Korman Shelton, Vice President
Brent Trager, Vice President
David Wolf, Secretary
Rochelle Stoddard, Treasurer
Michael Miller, Asst. Sec./Treasurer
Nancy B. Perlman, Past President
Jan G. Lipsky, Past President
David A. Stein, Honorary Chairman
Board Members
Thanks to the generosity of Henson Markham, JCA Cultural Arts will host a
concert featuring pianist Laurent Boukobza. Boukobza is the recipient of
the First Prize of Piano and Chamber Music from the Conservatoire National
Superieur de Musique de Paris. He is currently Chair of Piano Studies at the
University of Central Florida in Orlando. Boukobza will perform portions of
Beethoven’s 32 piano sonatas at this concert.
Lisa Ansbacher • Andy Cantor
Mary Edwards • Garry Kitay
Jill Metlin • Douglas Oberdorfer
Debbie Parker • Jason Plaien
Nancy Rothstein • Rebekah Selevan
Blair Sherman • Denise Sherman
Irene Wolfe • Chase Zimmerman
Summer is just around the corner, so don’t forget to register for JCA’s ACA
accredited summer camp! Our seasoned directors have been hard at work
since September planning for this unbelievable camp experience, and your
children or grandchildren will certainly not want to miss out. Registration
is also open for the 2016-2017 school year at Michele Block Gan Yeladim
Preschool and Kindergarten. This program offers unparalleled excellence in
early childhood education, and now is the time to secure your space!
David A. Stein • Lois Chepenik
Bruce Warschoff • Mark Green
Howard I. Korman • Irene Jaffa
Ernest N. Brodsky • Stephen M. Goldman
Kenneth B. Jacobs • Steve Sherman
David C. Miller • Nancy B. Perlman
Jan G. Lipsky
As always, don’t forget to stop by the JCA Baptist Health Wellness Connexion
and meet with one of our Wellness Coaches to get started on your personal
wellness journey to feel better and live well!
Visit to take your personal wellness assessment.
Past Board Presidents
Life Board Members
Mickey Block* • Lawrence DuBow
Melvin Gottlieb • Howard I. Korman
Jeffrey Parker • William F. Rein
Joseph P. Safer* • David A. Stein
*Of Blessed Memory
JCA Department
Adam Frisch
Exec. Director................. Myron Flagler, ext. 246
Asst. Exec. Director....... Nancy Green, ext. 247
Finance................. Melissa Meyenberg, ext. 224
JCA Building Hours
Sun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 am – 6 pm
Mon – Thur. . . . . 5:30 am – 9:30 pm
Fri. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:30 am – 5 pm
Sat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – 6 pm
JCA Holiday Hours
Friday, April 22. . . . . . 5:30 am – 5 pm
Saturday, April 23. . . . . . . . . . Closed
Sunday, April 24. . . . . . . . . . . 1 – 6 pm
Thursday, April 28. . . 5:30 am – 5 pm
Friday, April 29. . . . . . . . . . . . . Closed
Saturday, April 30. . . . . . . . . 1 – 6 pm
Administration......................Pam Tavill, ext. 225
Develop. & Comm............. Lior Spring, ext. 318
Early Childhood.............. Theresa Levy, ext. 237
Facilities Mgmt.................... Cal Barker, ext. 238
Fam. & Jwsh. Pgrms........ Dave Flagler, ext. 271
Fitness & Wellness...... Eiffel Gilyana, ext. 324
Memorial Day
J Institute.............................. Dorri Kraus, ext. 239
Sports & Rec.................. Rio Robinson, ext. 250
Monday, May 30. . . . 8:00 am – 5 pm
Membership....................Hollie Arnold, ext. 234
Saturday, June 11. . . . . . . . . . 1 – 5 pm
Sunday, June 12. . . . . . . . . . . . Closed
Monday, June 13. . . . . . . .1 – 9:30 pm
Strat. Implementation.....Katie Kight, ext. 231
Theatre............................Shelly Hughes, ext. 252
Youth Services.................. Betsy Miller, ext. 245
Proselytization The JCA is dedicated to the enhancement of Jewish identity and the continuity of Jewish life. A person or persons’ act of proselytizing or teaching of
non-Jewish principles in an attempt to convert members or guests is prohibited, and persons engaging in proselytizing will be required to leave the building and grounds.
Affiliated with the Jewish Federation of Jacksonville, United Way of Northeast Florida and the Jewish Community Centers Association of North America. A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL
G u i d e
Thank you
to all who made the
Jewish Community Alliance
2016 Fundraiser a huge success!
Glenn & Michael Miller and Alison & Brent Trager
Solid Gold
Frisch Family • Korman & Shelton Families • Glenn & Michael Miller • Linda & David Stein • Trager Family Foundation
Disco King
Baptist Health • Monique & David Miller • Debbie & Jeff Parker
Dancing Queen
Alexandra & Scot Ackerman • Jordan Ansbacher • Berman Family Foundation • Block Family
Michael DeSanto • DuBow Family Foundation • Mary & Jeff Edwards • Flagler Family • Debbie & Mel Gottlieb
Nancy & Mark Green • Greene-Hazel Insurance Group • Ken Jacobs/Gray-Robinson, P.A. • Selevan Family Foundation
Steve Sherman/Dana Current – Current/Sherman Group, Merrill Lynch
Synovus Bank of Jacksonville • Zimmerman Family Foundation
Shining Star
LaVerne & Andrew Cantor • Irene & James Jaffa • Sisisky & Sherman Families • Stein Mart
Tracey & David Vandroff • Robin & David Wolf
Boogie Fever
Alhambra Theatre & Dining • Suzette & Michel Allen • Lisa & Barry Ansbacher
Sharon & Malcolm Bloom • Deborah & Lathun Brigman • Harriet & Ernest Brodsky • Browdy & Browdy, Inc.,
Joe Copeland, Minuteman Press – Sunbeam Road • Cindy & Dan Edelman • Sue & Ron Elinoff • Paula & Kenneth Horn
Garry S. Kitay – Hand, Elbow, and Shoulder Surgery, Jacksonville Orthopedic Institute • Rabbi Joshua & Rebecca Lief
Daniel Miller, Brightway Insurance – Riverside • Moore Stephens Lovelace, P.A. • Nancy & Gary Perlman • Kim & David Robbins
Jeanine & Chaim Rogozinski • Ellen & Alan Rosner • Shari & Mark Saye • Setzer’s Appliances • Sylvia & Joel Shapiro
Lonnie & Bruce Steinberg • TD Bank • Susan & Stephen Wolchok
Friends of the JCA
Lillian & Richard Bachman • Linda & Nathan Franzblau • Randy Kammer & Jeffrey Wollitz • Sara & Dimitri Kavalieros
Francine & James Kempner • Jan & Bruce Lipsky • Tommy Mattox • Thelma & Robert Nied • Jennifer & Richard Rosenblum
Sound Installation and Design • Lorelle & Jeff Weil
Alexandra Ackerman • Sharon Bloom • Lauren Edwards • Mary Edwards • Sue Elinoff • Adam Frisch • Pat Frisch • Sierra Frisch
Allison Jacobs • Sam Levin • Monique Miller • Debbie Parker • Kim Robbins • Dana Rogozinski • Jeanine Rogozinski
Ellen Rosner • Ryan Saltz • Shari Saye • Fran Selevan • Rebekah Selevan • Allison Korman Shelton
Kimberly Sisisky • Linda Stein • Randee Steinberg • Rochelle Stoddard • Kendall Valliere • Stacie Wilf • Chase Zimmerman
Special Thanks
Billy Buchanan • Ben Byrd •
Rabbi Yaakov Fisch • Impressions San Marco • Nothing Bundt Cakes • Perfect Parties
Southern Wine and Spirits • Larry Tallis/Tallis Photography
Join Dr. Mona Shah to discover how your mind and body
are interconnected, and how your thoughts and body’s
response to stress directly affect your health. Dr. Shah
will teach techniques to promote natural healing by
increasing your ability to relax.
Dr. Shah is one of two cardiologists in Florida to be
certified by the American Board of Integrative Holistic
Medicine and the only one in North Florida.
Wed, Apr 6 | 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Free to the community | 1516 WCSTRESS
Healthy Hips
Join orthopedic surgeon Dr. Carl R. Freeman as he
discusses issues such as when to see an orthopedic
surgeon; alternative options to hip replacement; and the
newest, minimally invasive and robot assisted techniques.
Dr. Freeman specializes in the treatment of shoulders, hips
and knees in patients of all ages. He has advanced training
in the cutting edge field of hip preservation surgery.
Tues, May 10 | 6 - 7 pm
Free to the community | 1516 WCHIPS
For more wellness programs,
see pages 7, 16 and 17.
What is it?
Wellness Connexion is a partnership with Baptist
Health to improve your quality of life. Our mission is
to improve the health and wellbeing of our members
and community by assessing risks, encouraging healthy
behaviors and complementing care.
Eye Health Screening
Stop by for free vision and glaucoma screenings.
Certified ophthalmic technicians from Levenson Eye
Associates will perform screenings and offer general
information regarding eye health issues.
Wed, Apr 13 | 9 am - noon
Free to the community 18+ | 1516 WCEYES
Bone Density Screening
with Baptist Health
Are you aware of the risk factors for low bone density?
Receive a risk assessment and an ultrasound screening
to learn your T-score, which compares your bone density
to that of a healthy 30-year-old adult. The assessment
report is yours to keep and discuss with your physician.
Wed, May 25 | 7 am - 6:30 pm
Free to the community 18+ | 1516 WCDENSITY
Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness meditation is an effective technique for
decreasing anxiety and stress, improving working memory
and reducing emotional reactivity. Learn how to relax your
body, use your breath to focus your thoughts and create a
more compassionate outlook on life. No special training or
knowledge is needed.
Mon | 6 - 7:30 pm | Mar 14, 21, 28, Apr 4
40 | Valued Member $20
*checks payable to Baptist Health
to determine areas of health improvement and set goals
for a healthy lifestyle. Coaches screen for blood pressure,
body composition, cholesterol, glucose and triglycerides.
They can also connect you with a primary care physician
in your area if you need one.
What is the cost?
As a valued JCA member, it is FREE for you.
What is the next step?
It’s up to you! Many members follow up on the status of
their goals bi-weekly, monthly or as needed for support.
How does it work?
Go to and click on Wellness Connexion to take
a confidential, online personal Wellness Assessment
developed by Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.
After your screening, you can schedule an appointment
with one of our registered nurse Wellness Coaches.
Are there any other perks besides the coaching and
biometric screenings?
Yes! As you embark on this wellness process, you receive
gifts for completing the following: assessment - t-shirt;
biometrics - water bottle; Wellness Coach follow up
appointment - gym bag.
What will happen at a coaching session?
Wellness Coaches review your Wellness Assessment report
For more information, contact the Wellness Connexion
office at 730-2100 ext. 333 or 365-4087.
Partner with the JCA to
improve the health of your employees and your business.
Call Lara at ext. 257 for more information.
Wellness Conne ion
Stress Awareness Month
with Dr. Mona Shah
G u i d e
J Institute | Learn
Inside Israel
Film Series:
Dorri Kraus
730 - 2100 ext. 239
J Institute Director
The Orpheus Clock: A Novel
Art maven Cindy Edelman presents
author Simon Goodman’s history
of his family’s Holocaust losses,
which stripped them of priceless
valuables and, ultimately, their
freedom and lives. Join us for
a look at this art loving, Jewish
family and the continued search by
its heirs to locate family treasures.
The book can be borrowed by
calling Sandy at ext. 322. It is
not necessary to read the book
to enjoy the program. Advance
registration appreciated.
Wed, Mar 30 | Noon
6 at the door or several cans of
tuna or peanut butter
Is Our Justice System
Really Just?
Do arrests for misdemeanors and
minor infractions cause more
damage to families and communities
as a whole? We welcome Dale
Carson, former FBI agent, attorney
and Fox News law and safety expert,
for a tour of the inner workings of
the criminal justice system. Advance
registration appreciated.
Thur, Apr 7 | 7 - 8:30 pm
5 | Free for valued members
Almost Live From NY:
U.S. Foreign Policy and
the 2016 Election
How should the next president
deal with world issues, and what
can we learn from this election
campaign about the future of U.S.
foreign policy? This broadcast
features four of America’s most
distinguished foreign policy
experts: Walter Russell Mead of
the Hudson Institute; foreign
affairs editor Gideon Rose; foreign
policy editor David J. Rothkopf; and
Pulitzer Prize winning columnist
Bret Stephens.
Advance registration appreciated.
Tues, Apr 5 | 7 - 8:30 pm
5 | Free for valued members
Israel is a complex and difficult
place to understand. Join this
exciting new series featuring Israeli
short films followed by discussions
led by local educators, religious
leaders and community experts.
Advance registration appreciated.
Tues, May 31 | 7 - 8:30 pm
5 | Free for valued members
Climate Change: The Future
of Florida’s First Coast
We’ve been hearing a lot about
climate change but very little on
its effects along Florida’s coastline.
Jeff Martin, associate professor of
Geography at Jacksonville University,
will shed light on this phenomenon
and what we can expect in the
Advance registration appreciated.
Mon, Apr 11 | 7 - 8:30 pm
5 | Free for valued members
Rabbis in the Round:
The Future of Religion
Laugh Out Loud
LEAN IN Women’s Learning Session
Laughter is truly the best medicine.
Join this fun evening of exploration
and information as we LEAN IN to
laughter. LEAN IN learning sessions
provide a forum for knowledge and
growth. Circle meetings offer an
opportunity for intimate discussions
that make a difference. To learn
more, visit
Mon, Apr 18 | 7 - 8:30 pm
8 | Valued Member $5
How people view and practice
religion has changed dramatically
over the years. Join another
inspirational evening as Rabbis
Cohen, Tilman and Feigenbaum
lead an open discussion on the
future of religion.
Advance registration appreciated.
Tue, May 24 | 7 - 8:30 pm
Free to the community
Smart Driver Course
A p r i l
J u n e
Pack a brown bag dairy lunch (no meat please) and join an AARP trained
instructor in this class for licensed drivers 50+. Learn to drive defensively and
adjust to vision changes, hearing loss and more. Attendance will qualify you
for a discount on your insurance. For reservation and payment details, call
Sandy at ext. 322.
Tues, Apr 12 | 9 am – 3:30 pm | $20 | AARP Member $15
Make checks payable to AARP
Dr. Jeff Levenson, board certified
ophthalmologist, brings sight
restoring cataract surgery to the
underprivileged in Central and South
America. Join us for a fascinating
evening of stories from his journeys
and learn information on cataracts,
glaucoma and other eye diseases.
Advance registration appreciated.
Mon, Mar 28 | 7 - 8:30 pm
5 | Free for valued members
Food as Medicine
Every bite we take has the ability
to create an environment of total
wellbeing within our bodies. Join
Trisha Howell, founding dietician
of the Cleveland Clinic Center for
Functional Medicine, to learn that
real food can be a powerful drug.
Advance registration appreciated.
Wed, Apr 13 | 7 - 8:30 pm
5 | Free for valued members
Water Ballet
What better way to exercise than
doing ballet in the water? Grab your
bathing suits and jump into action
with personal trainer and former
dancer Kaley Messner. Registration
required by April 1.
Wed | Apr 6, 13, 20, 27
6:30 - 7:30 pm
60 | Valued Member $40
Individualized Medicine
Imagine doctors using your genetic
make up to prevent disease or
tailor treatments to your individual
condition. Dr. Alexander Parker,
associate director of the Individualized
Medicine Center at Mayo Clinic, leads
this fascinating discussion about
the future of medicine. Advance
registration appreciated.
Wed, Apr 27 | 7 - 8:30 pm
5 | Free for valued members
J Institute | Wellness
The Next Big Thing in
Cataract Surgery
Sandy Oasis
730 - 2100 ext. 322
Program Coordinator
Heal Yourself with
The Feldenkrais Method® is a form of
mind-body cooperation using gentle
movements and focused attention to
improve posture, coordination and
flexibility. Dr. Nancy-Laurel Pettersen
shows how this method can relieve
pain, reduce stress and improve
Wed | Mar 9, 16, 23, 30 | 6 - 7 pm
60 | Valued member $40
1516 JIHEAL2
Autoimmune Disease
on the Rise
Laughter Yoga:
The Best Medicine
Certified laughter yoga instructor
Amy Angelilli shows how unbridled
laughter can improve your mood,
health and life while providing the
benefits of yoga breathing techniques.
No yoga—or laughing—experience
required. For information, visit Registration
required by May 2.
Wed | May 4, 11, 18, 25 | 7 - 8 pm
30 | Valued Member $20
While more prevalent in the U.S.
than cancer, autoimmune disease
receives little attention. With women
representing over three quarters of
sufferers, it’s time to find out the facts.
Join esteemed allergist/immunologist
Dr. Sunil Joshi for an evening of
information on this health epidemic.
Advance registration appreciated.
Wed, May 18 | 7 - 8:30 pm
5 | Free for valued members
Sit & Get Fit
Join your friends for life changing
fitness lead by certified instructors.
Register with the JCA registrar. For
information, contact Sandy at ext. 322.
Mon - Fri | 10:45 - 11:30 am
Free for valued members only
Reflexology: How It Works
Reflexology is based on the idea
that pressing specific points on
the hands and feet can have
therapeutic effects on other parts
of the body. Learn more about this
alternative healing practice in the
May Alliance News.
For additional wellness programming, see pages 5, 16 and 17.
G u i d e
J Institute | Explore
JAway: Flying High with Drones
Join us for an afternoon of fun and flying with KC Sealock of Built
Drones. Learn what drones can do, the rules of the air and experience
hands-on flying with your own drone or a Built Drones model. Adults
of all ages and children 12+ accompanied by an adult are welcome.
Registration required by March 17.
Sun, Mar 20 | 4 – 6 pm
Julington Creek Plantation Park Pavilion | Free to the community
They say a picture
is worth a thousand
words. Well, art maven Cindy Edelman
has more to say as she tackles Israeli
photography. Explore lens-based
Israeli artists and their views of the
world. For information, contact Sandy
at ext. 322.
Wed, Apr 27 | Noon
6 or several cans of tuna or peanut
The Jewish Cardinal
This film tells the true amazing
story of Jean-Marie Lustiger, the
son of Polish-Jewish parents who
maintained his cultural identity
as a Jew even after converting to
Catholicism as a teen, later joining
the priesthood and becoming a
cardinal. You don’t want to miss this
fascinating story. For information,
contact Sandy at ext. 322.
Thur, Apr 28 | Noon
Free to the community
The Wild Side
See cougars, tigers and lions up
close on Feeding Nights at the Catty
Shack Ranch Wildlife Sanctuary.
Look for more information in the
May Alliance News.
Morse Museum of American Art
Travel by bus to Winter Park, Fla., for an American art adventure. Enjoy a
docent led tour and explore the world-famous Tiffany collection. Lunch
will be Dutch treat. Dress comfortably and bring friends. Paid reservations
required by May 9. For information, contact Sandy at ext. 322.
Thur, May 19 | 9 am in JCA lobby; return at 7:30 pm
75 | Valued Member $49 | 1516 MAMUSEUM
The Incredible Egg
Learn to enjoy and appreciate the
versatility of eggs. Recipes suitable
for breakfast, lunch and dinner will
be prepared, including breakfast
salads, scrambled egg tacos and
more. Reservations required by May
4. For information, contact Sandy at
ext. 322.
Wed, May 11 | Noon
8 valued members only
1516 MAEGG
Culture Mavens
Pickling Fun for Everyone
A p r i l
J u n e
Join us for a pickling party at the Duval County Extension Canning Center.
Make and take dill pickles, bread and butter pickles and pickled beets. Dress
comfortably with closed-toe, nonskid shoes. Materials and transportation are
included. For information, contact Sandy at ext. 322. Paid reservations required
by May 4. Space is limited to 13.
Thur, May 12 | 8:20 am in the JCA lobby
15 valued members only | 1516 MAPICKLING
The Jacksonville Symphony
Orchestra has more beautiful
music for your listening pleasure.
Join us for an All Gershwin concert
with vocalists singing your favorite
songs. Cost includes the concert
and round trip transportation. Paid
reservations required by April 24.
Fri, May 6 | 9:30 am in the JCA lobby
42 | Valued member $28
Microbrews: More Than Just
a Can of Bud
Microbreweries have launched a
renaissance, popularizing beer as a
sophisticated pairing for meals and
a delightful beverage on its own. Join
“The Jax Beer Guy,” Marc Wisdom, to
learn, taste and experience what these
beers have to offer; snack included.
Registration required by March 29.
Thur, Mar 31 | 6 - 7:30 pm
24 | Valued Member $16
Lunch with the Rabbi
Fun and Games
Our monthly Rummy Q game
continues in April. If you want to
learn, just show up. If you can play Gin
Rummy, you can play Rummy Q. For
information, contact Sandy at ext. 322.
Tues | Apr 19, May 17| 1 pm
4 valued members only
The Mediterranean Diet:
Food and Facts
Meet us at Beirut Restaurant for
a delicious evening of food and
facts with holistic health provider
Dr. John Repole. We will discuss the
health benefits of the Mediterranean
Diet and enjoy dinner, followed by
culinary conversation with Chef Tarik.
Registration required by May 16.
Thur, May 19 | 6 - 8 pm
5 | Free for valued members
Dinner is Dutch treat
Meet at Beirut Restaurant
(3928 Baymeadows Rd. 32217)
Save the Date: Mom’s Day at the J
Gather your friends and join us for a lovely morning of food and fun.
Details to follow in the April Alliance News.
Fri, May 6 | 8:30 - 11:30 am | 1516 JIMOM
Mother’s Day Painting Party (Age 16+)
Anyone can create a masterpiece in this fun and relaxed
atmosphere. We will paint May flowers in honor of
Mother’s Day.
Sun, May 8 | 2:30 - 5:30 pm
45 | Valued Member $30 | 16SPR CAPAINT
Click It Up A Notch
Join us for our tenth Chocolate Seder
and lunch as we enjoy each other’s
company, eat lots of chocolate and
learn together. Reservations required
by April 12. For information, contact
Sandy at ext. 322.
Wed, Apr 20 | Noon
8 valued members only
Do you remember the excitement you felt as a child
taking your first picture or getting your first camera?
Your memories of photography probably include film
cameras and 1-hour development. Thanks to digital
cameras, photography is much more inviting and easier
to learn. Join resident photographer Kern Hercules to
start your new hobby.
Mon | 6 - 8 pm | Apr 4, 11, 18, 25, May 2, 9
153 | Valued Member $102 | 16SPR CANOTCH
J Institute | Cultural Arts
Rabbi Joshua Lief, senior rabbi at The
Temple, will join us at Olive Garden
on Phillips Highway across from the
Avenues Mall. Rabbi Lief will lead a
topic of his choice for what is always
a great learning experience. Lunch
is Dutch treat and limited to 35;
reservations required by March 28. For
information, contact Sandy at ext. 322.
Wed, Apr 6 | Noon
Free to the community
Producer and foodie Phil Rosenthal
hits the road to meet chefs, culinary
leaders and style-setters in kitchens
both on and off the gastronomic
path. The PBS series, I’ll Have What
Phil is Having, explores trend setting
countries around the world. The first
step is to Italy. Sandy Oasis leads a
panini making workshop. Learn to
make this great Italian sandwich while
sipping wine and enjoying a light
dinner.Paid reservations are limited to
20 and must be made by April 6. For
information, contact Sandy at ext. 322.
Thur, Apr 14 | 5:30 pm
12 valued members only
Chocolate Seder
J Institute | Socialize
Food and Travel:
Taste of Italy
Beginning Drawing (Age 16+)
Have you always wanted to learn to draw? Learn the
basics of beginner sketching in this art class.
Tues | 6 - 8 pm | Apr 5, 12, 19, 26, May 3, 10
153 | Valued Member $102 | 16SPR CADRAW
Music Appreciation
100 Voices: A Journey Home is a celebration of the
resilience of Jewish musical tradition and a tribute
to Jewish and Polish cultures, featuring 100 American
cantors supported by the Polish National Opera Chorus
and a 100-piece orchestra. Included are fabulous
archival clips of superstar cantors from yesteryear.
For information, contact Sandy at ext. 322.
Thur, Apr 7 | Noon | Free to the community
G u i d e
J Institute | CulturalArts
Color Me Happy!
Coloring is a great way to relax
and unwind. Beginning in March,
this coloring club brings creative
and inspiring people together to
share tips, laugh and chat. If you’ve
been coloring for a while or just
want to try something new, bring
a dairy kosher snack and pens,
pencils, crayons or markers. Use
your own coloring books or
try our free sample sheets to get
you started.
Thur | 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Session I Mar 3, 10, 17, 24
Session II Apr 7, 14, 21, 27* (*Wed)
Session III May 5, 12, 19, 26
20 | Valued member $10
Holocaust Cantata: Songs
From the Camps
Join the Jacksonville Symphony
Orchestra and Chorus for a powerful
and meaningful program, straight
from Lincoln Center in New York City.
Enjoy premium seating with advance
reservations made by April 15 by
calling 904-354-5547. Transportation
available for a small fee; contact
Sandy at ext. 322 for details.
Wed, May 4 | 8 pm (show time)
20 | Valued Member $10
Sunday Film Series These events are free and open to the community.
For information, contact Sandy at ext. 322.
The Mortal Storm
This film tells the 1933 story of professor Victor Roth, his family and friends,
whose lives in a small Alps community change drastically when Adolf Hitler
comes to power. This anti-Nazi film was released in Hollywood before the
American entry into WWII and stars James Stewart and Margaret Sullavan.
Sun, Apr 10 | 2 pm | 1516 CAFILMAPR
A Stranger Among Us
A tough cop goes undercover to solve a puzzling disappearance in the New
York Hasidic community. Her search for truth takes her into a secret world
of unwritten laws and unspoken power. This film delivers edge of your seat
excitement and stars Melanie Griffith and Eric Thal.
Sun, May 22 | 2 pm | 1516 CAFILMMAY
Miracle at Midnight
The true story of how one Danish family risks their lives to save thousands
of their Jewish countrymen when the Nazis arrived in what was a safe place
for Jews to live. This film is a triumphant celebration of the human spirit that
you will never forget, starring Sam Waterston and Mia Farrow.
Sun, Jun 19 | 2 pm | 1516 CAFILMJUN
Vandroff Art Gallery
The Paintings of Vicky Lennon March 4 to March 30
Vicky’s painting process involves working intuitively as the image
evolves. Layered glazing gives lushness and depth, while the addition of
mediums helps to create textures that emerge in the final image.
SOMMA April 1 to May 4
The Society of Mixed Media Artists reaches out to dedicated, innovative
artists working in all forms of mixed media to inspire, exchange
thoughts and ideas and explore the never ending spectrum of mixed
media. The reception for this exhibit is on April 3 from 1 - 3 pm.
Debbie Pounders May 6 to June 1
“People, Places and Things” are works done in multimedia with foils and
acrylics. Debbie’s goal is to introduce art to the rest of the world. The
reception for this exhibit is on May 15 from 2 - 4 pm.
Thanks to the generosity of Henson Markham, this concert is free and open
to the entire community. Reservations requested. For more information,
please contact Thelma at ext. 227.
Sun, Apr 3 | 3 pm | Laurent Boukobza, piano
Born in Villemomble, France, Boukobza began studying piano at the
age of 10 at the Paris Conservatory where after graduation he worked
as an assistant piano instructor. He is the recipient of the First Prize of
Piano and Chamber Music from the Conservatoire National Superieur de
Musique de Paris and has won many other competitions. He is currently
Professor of Piano and Chair of Piano Studies at the University of Central
Florida, Orlando.
A p r i l
J u n e
Boukobza has taken on the biggest challenge of his career: to perform
and record all 32 Beethoven piano sonatas. The theme of this profound
body of work is the universal search for truth in this life. He will perform
portions of the cycle during his performance at the JCA.
Jewish and Family Programs
Dave Flagler
730 - 2100 ext. 271
Family Chocolate Seder
Family Jam
Sun | Apr 10, 17, May 1, 8
Beginner (Age 5+) This group lesson
teaches an introduction to singing,
guitar, music theory and relevant
techniques while having fun
with other families. Sessions are
progressive. Please bring your own
2 - 3 pm | $30 | Valued Member $20
Advanced Do you sing or play an
instrument? Join other families
and make music together. While
everyone is welcome, this class is
not suited for beginners.
3 - 4 pm | $15 | Valued Member $10
Located in the JCA lobby, the
Traditions Cart has information
about upcoming Jewish Holidays,
educational content for the
whole community and features
decorations made by our ECE
and After School participants.
We hope you stop by and see our
upcoming Passover and Israeli
Holiday exhibits.
Shabbat Dinner
Friday, May 6 | 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Please join us for a festive
Shabbat dinner and celebration
with food, PJ Library story time,
songs, games and fun with
other JCA families.
Reservations required by May 4.
15 per family | Valued Member $10 | 1516 JUDINNERMAY
If you like chocolate, this is for
you! Join us for a chocolate mock
seder. The table will be stacked
with sweets as we recount the story
of the Exodus from Egypt. A light
dinner will be served. Reservations
required by April 15.
Sun, Apr 17 | 4:30 - 6 pm
15 per family | Valued Member $10
Israeli Independence Day
The JCA will celebrate Yom
Ha’atzmaut on Thursday, May 12.
JAway Lag B’Omer
Come celebrate this little known
Jewish holiday in Julington Creek.
Enjoy outdoor activities as part of
the mitzvah for this holiday. Bring
a picnic; we will provide chips,
dessert and drinks. Games, songs
and marshmallow roasting will
complete the event. Reservations
requested by May 17.
Sun, May 22 | 5 - 7 pm
Free to the community
Day at the Jacksonville Suns
Join the JCA for a family day at the Jacksonville Suns. Enjoy discounted tickets
and the opportunity for your children to play on the field before and after the
game. Transportation to and from the JCA is optional for an additional charge.
Registration required by May 2.
Sun, May 15 | 1:45 pm bus leaves JCA (Game time 3:05 pm) | $8 tickets | 1516 JUSUNS
Transportation: $5 | Valued Member $3 | 1516 JUSUNSTRANS
G u i d e
Youth/Teen Activities
New! Academic tutoring services now available in the
Betsy Miller
730 - 2100 ext. 245
Youth Services Department. Call ext. 245 for details.
• After School Program •
Jacksonville Teens
Volunteer (JTV)
This program provides meaningful
experiences and education about
our community. Meet other teens,
have fun and get community
service hours needed for school.
JTV is free and open to the public.
Transportation is provided from
the JCA to locations at the specified
times below. Registration is
required. Spaces are limited; JCA
valued members will have priority.
1516 YSJTV***
Beach Cleanup
Tues, Mar 22 | 9 am - 2 pm
River Garden Hebrew Home
An afternoon of fun and
classic games (Mahjong, Chess,
Backgammon and Yahtzee) with the
Sun, Apr 17 | 1 - 4 pm
End of the Year Party
Join us as we celebrate our good
deeds and help plan for fall
Sun, May 22 | 2 - 4 pm
End their day at the JCA!
Registration begins April 1 for the 2016-17 school year!
Jewish environment • Free transportation*
Organized and structured • Homework room with computer lab
*from select schools
“Power Hour” Choose from a daily variety of fun enrichment options:
Chess Club, mixed media art, sports and more. There’s something for everyone!
Power Hour Plus
Classes below are from 4 to 5 pm and are an added value to students
enrolled in the JCA After School Program.
4-Week Session $60 | Valued Member $40*
*Fees do not apply to JCA After School participants
Chess Club (Age 5 - 17)
Learn to perfect this ancient game of wits. Study basic strategy, challenge
others in games, learn how to be a healthy competitor and gain patience.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, this club’s for you!
Registration is also open to non JCA After School participants.
Wed | Apr 6, 13, 20, 27 |1516 YSCHESSAPR
Global Goodies (Age 6 - 8)
In this explorative cooking class, students sauté their way to learning about
different cultures. Every class features a different country and teaches the
history behind the dishes that make each cuisine famous.
Registration is also open to non JCA After School participants.
Thur | May 5, 12, 19, 26 | 1516 YSGOODIESMAY
Wonder Wizards (Age 6 - 11)
Join us as we conduct cool experiments to unlock the secrets and magic
of science.
Tues | May 3, 10, 17, 24 | 1516 YSWIZARDS
A p r i l
J u n e
Youth/Teen Activities
Parents’ Night Out (Grade K - 5)
Make a date and leave the entertainment to us! Kids
will have fun playing, eating, watching movies and
more while you enjoy a night to yourselves!
Sat, May 7 | 7 - 10:30 pm
30 | Valued Member $20 | 1516 YSNIGHTOUTMAY
Middle School Paintball (Grade 5 - 8)
Babysitters Training Course
(Age 10 - 15)
Learn how to prepare for an emergency if home alone
or babysitting in this one day class. Valuable safety
tips will be taught, and basic CPR and first aid skills
will be reviewed.
Fri | Mar 18, May 13 | 9 am - 3:30 pm
75 | Valued Member $50 | 1516 YSSITTER***
Meet us at the JCA for an action packed day playing
paintball with our friends at Paintball Adventures!
Transportation and food are provided; all you need to
bring is your game face.
Fri, Mar 25| 9:30 am - 1:30 pm
75 | Valued Member $50 | 1516 YSPAINTBALL
Middle School Movie Night (Grade 5 - 8)
Movie goers can accompany us for a night of
popcorn and entertainment. We will meet at the JCA;
transportation is provided.
Sat | Apr 16, May 14 | 7 - 10 pm
30 | Valued Member $20 | 1516 YSMOVIE***
(Grade K - 5)
On days when school is closed, send your child to the JCA to explore, create, learn and have FUN with
friends. Children select either an arts or sports track each day to determine the majority of their daily
activities; both tracks include swimming. Leave your worries at the door as your child enters a safe,
nurturing environment supervised by our responsible and energetic staff. Wear athletic shoes, pack a
dairy lunch and swim essentials, and we’ll take care of the rest!
Spring Break J•CAtion Days
This spring break, step right up for a carnival of fun, including balloon animals, juggling, ring toss,
moonwalk and more. Don’t miss out on this big top adventure. Most schools’ spring break days are offered.
Visit for dates and details.
G u i d e
Shelly Hughes
730 - 2100 ext. 252
Baby Bear Ballet
Learn the basics of ballet with a ballet
buddy bear. This beginner class is a
fun and relaxed introduction to ballet.
Each dancer receives a ballet bear
or bunny to help with posture and
arms. Dancing is CRAZY FUN when you
dance with a buddy bear!
Baby Bear Ballet A (Age 2 - 3)
Fri | 12:30 - 1 pm
Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, May 6, 13, 20
135 | Valued Member $90
Baby Bear Ballet B (Age 4 - 6)
Fri | 1:30 - 2 pm
Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, May 6, 13, 20
135 | Valued Member $90
Zoe’s Clubhouse (Age 3 - 6)
This creative class has your little one singing, dancing and play acting on the
JCA big stage! Children explore their imaginations while learning social skills
and team work in a fun, creative environment. Activities include theatre
games, improvisation, adventure sketches and movin’ and groovin’!
Wed | 1:30 - 2:15 pm | Mar 30, Apr 6, 13, 20, May 4, 11, 18
102 | Valued Member $68 | 16SPR THZOECLUBHOUSE
New! Spring Break Theatre Camp
March 21 to March 25 (Grade K - 8)
Step right up, one and all—the smallest of the small and the tallest of the
tall! Jump into the magical world of Dr. Seuss as we sing, dance and tumble
our way through his Circus McGurkus, the greatest show on the face of the
earth or wherever you go. We’ll also have our very own circus showcase.
9 am - 4 pm | $215 | Valued Member $190 (extended day options available)
Early Registration* $190 | Valued Member $165 | 1516 THSPRING
*Register by March 13, 2016.
Zoe’s Hippity Hop Move
and Groove (Age 3 - 6)
This class helps young dancers
develop movement quality and
imagination. Students participate in
exercises that teach listening skills,
levels and direction. Children exposed
to these activities are more creative,
consistently freer in their movement
as they develop and have higher
levels of self-esteem.
Thur | 1:30 - 2 pm
Mar 31, Apr 7, 14, 21, May 5, 12, 19
95 | Valued Member $64
A p r i l
J u n e
Grade 1 - 9
Thursday, March 17 | 4 pm
Sun | May 15 and May 22
at 1 pm and 5 pm
225 | Valued Member $150
*No fees will be collected until
after the cast list is posted
JCafé Family Dinner with
Magic Wardrobe
See JPlace page 15 for details.
Sun | Apr 10 | 4:30 - 6 pm
Cooking Around the World
99 Fully accredited
NAEYC, FKC, ACA, GSOD 5« rating
99 Facility with integrated
99 Unique curriculum and
including Cummer Museum,
Jacksonville Symphony,
Jacksonville Zoo, MOSH, St. Johns
RiverKeeper, Riverside Fine Arts
99 Preschool/Kindergarten
12 months to 6 years
Ext. 235 |
Michele Block Gan Yeladim Preschool is open to all children regardless of race, religious
affiliation or ethnic origin. JCA membership is not required, but JCA members have
priority in registration. DCF license # C04DU0213
Theresa Levy
730 - 2100 ext. 237
Join Ms. Renee in our lovely
children’s kitchen to prepare and
taste foods from countries all
around the world. Each child will
bring home a special keepsake
cookbook at the end of the session.
Tues | 1:30 - 2:15 pm
Apr 12, 19, May 3, 10, 17, 24
(no class Apr 26)
90 | Valued Member $60
Adventure Yoga
(Age 3 - 6 by 9/1/2015)
Have fun while improving flexibility,
balance, coordination, concentration
and self-esteem. Gisela leads the
practice with animal, nature and
other poses.
Mon | 1:30 - 2:15 pm
Mar 21, 28, Apr 4, 11, 18, May 2, 9, 16
Spanish (Age 3 - 6 by 9/1/2015)
Hola, amigos! Learn to speak Spanish
through songs, crafts and games in
this fun-filled class led by Ms. Dulce.
Thur | 1:30 - 2:15 pm
Mar 24, 31, Apr 7, 14, 21, May 5, 12, 19
(no class Apr 25)
(no class Apr 28)
120 | Valued Member $80
120 | Valued Member $80
Cummer Family Day
Rochelle Golomb
730 - 2100 ext. 259
J Café (cultural arts family experiences) invites families with young children
to engage in an exclusive, hands-on art and nature experience and tour at
the Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens.
Sun, Mar 20 | Noon - 1:30 pm | 1516 ECJCAFEMAR
15 per family | Valued Member $10 (Includes a picnic snack in the garden)
Family Dinner with Magic Wardrobe
Families with young children, join J Café (cultural arts family experiences) to
experience a live theatre performance of Frog and Toad followed by a pizza
Sun, Apr 10 | 4:30 - 6 pm | 1516 ECJCAFEAPR
15 per family | Valued Member $10
Purim Holiday Baking Class
(Age 3 - 6 by 9/1/2015)
Get ready for Purim! Let’s nosh, nosh
some hamantash! Make and eat
yummy Purim hamantashen with
Morah Karen.
Mon, Mar 21 | 1:30 - 2:15 pm
15 | Valued Member $10
Michele Block Gan Yeladim
(Age 3 - 6 by 9/1/2015)
The place for unparalleled
excellence in early
childhood experiences
JAway Lag B’Omer
Sunday, May 22 | 5 - 7 pm
Shabbat Family Dinner and
PJ Library Storytime
Friday, May 6 | 5:30 - 6:30 pm
See Jewish and Family Programs
(page 11) for more information on
these events.
New! Woman and
Thursday, March 10
Michele Block Gan Yeladim is starting
a new chavera (friends) group. We
invite moms to join us for a special
Rosh Chodesh themed wine and
cheese new moon celebration.
Mingle, make friends and learn why
women are celebrated each month.
RSVP by calling ext. 259.
7 - 8 pm | Free to the community
G u i d e
Fitness and Wellness
Eiffel Gilyana
730 - 2100 ext. 324
Special Fitness
Center Event
Wellness Director
wellness circle:
Oh, my achin’
For more wellness programs,
see pages 5 and 7.
Body Weight Training
with Theresa Sherman
Do you have little time to hit the
gym and no equipment at home?
Join this small group class and
learn efficient workouts to improve
strength, balance and core stability
while burning fat, using the most
inexpensive method.
Thur | 9 - 10 am or 7 - 8 pm
Session I Mar 31, Apr 7, 14, 21
Session II May 5, 12, 19, 26
1516 FWBWT(month)(time)
Session III Jun 2, 9, 16, 23
1516 FWBWT(month)(time)
60 valued members only
Special Fitness
Self Defense
Workshop with
Clint and Ben
(Age 16+)
11:15 am – 12:30 pm
Wednesday, May 4
7 - 8 pm
Body Blasting Boxing with
Ramesses Khalfani
Boost your energy, sculpt muscle
and blast fat in this fast paced,
small group boxing workout.
Registration required by April 1.
Mon | 5:30 – 6 pm | Apr 4, 11, 18, 25
30 valued members only
NEW! Ben’s Ultimate
Warrior Workout
If high performance, athletic training
results are your goal, then this small
group workout is for you! Join certified
personal trainer Ben Byrd to burn
calories, ramp up your metabolism,
ignite your energy and work harder to
achieve your fitness goals.
Tues | 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Apr 5, 12, 19, 26
60 valued members only
Join JCA Brooks Rehabilitation
manager and physical
therapist Ashley Robinson to
learn about knee disfunction,
improving gait, alignment,
stretches and more! Certified
personal trainer Karen
Appelbaum will facilitate
this workshop. Registration
required by May 1.
Free for valued members only
Kettlebell Training
Go beyond swings and cleans and
take your kettlebell skills to the next
level in this advanced, small group
class. Evaluation and registration
required by April 29.
Tues | 6:30 - 7:15 pm
May 3, 10, 17, 24
45 valued members only
Session I Apr 3, 10, 17, May 1
(no class on Apr 24)
Session II May 8, 15, 22, 29
A p r i l
J u n e
Using a combination of
Krav Maga and Cuong Nhu,
this series covers basic
elements of self-defense as
well as basic fundamentals
of martial arts. This class
includes light contact. We
will not strike each other
and there will be
no sparring.
75 valued members only
NEW! Ab Makeover (Age 18+)
Join Gisela Morgan in this full-body workout, using circular and linear
movements to strengthen and challenge your core. This is an amazing ab
workout to get you beach body ready! Summer bodies are made in the
spring! Registration required by May 3.
Fri | 1:30 - 2:30 pm | $60 valued members only
Session I May 6, 13, 20, 27 | 1516 FWMAKEOVER5
Session II Jun 3, 10, 17, 24 | 1516 FWMAKEOVER6
S m a l l G ro u p
T r a i n i n g
Find Your
P o s s e
F l e x i b i l i t y
Stretch into Spring!
Join certified personal trainer Shirley Steel in this small group training
that will teach you how to implement different stretching movements and
techniques to enhance your mobility and range of motion and prevent
injuries. Registration required by April 2.
Mon | 5:30 - 6:30 pm | Apr 4, 11, 18, 25
60 valued members only | 1516 FWSTRETCH
Theresa’s Jump Rope
Learn jump rope exercises to
burn more calories when you
workout. This small group training
helps improve cardiovascular
fitness, bone density, balance and
coordination. Registration required
by June 4.
Tues | 11.:30 am - noon
Jun 7, 14, 21, 28
30 valued members only
Don’t get stuck on
quick start!
This 10-minute, complimentary
personal training demo shows
you how to improve your treadmill
experience and reap excellent
benefits. Learn safety tips and how to
create diverse, challenging workouts.
All members are encouraged to
participate. Demos are first come,
first served. Visit the Wellness Center
Desk and ask for the Floor Manager
or call ext. 324 or 267.
Free for valued members only
NEW! Mat Training with
Balls, Rings and Bands
Incorporate balls, rings and bands into a safe and effective core
workout that you can use at home. Personal trainer Cheryl Forehand
will teach a different warm up, core strength and stretch technique
each week. A take home handout will be provided.
Wed | 8 - 9 am | Mar 30, Apr 6, 13, 20
60 valued members only | 16SPR FWMAT
Tai Chi | Clint
10 - 11 am
TRX Suspension
Training | Kate
6:45 - 7:45 am
8 - 9 am
Barre Fitness | Gisela
6 - 7 pm
Barre Fitness | Gisela
9:30 - 10:30 am
Barre Fitness | Cheryl
9 - 10 am
6 - 7 pm
TRX Suspension
Training | Ali
9 - 10 am
Barre Fitness | Gisela
10:30 - 11:30 am
TRX Suspension
Training | Connie
5 - 6 pm
G u i d e
Sports and Recreation
Varsity Basketball League
Rio Robinson
730 - 2100 ext. 250
120 | Valued Member $80
JCA Softball Team (Age 18+)
League Philosophy:
To develop young athletes
into fundamentally sound
players, while having fun in an
organized, competitive and
social atmosphere.
This is a one stop shop for all
of your athlete’s flag football
needs! Practices are one hour
before games.
Call or email Rio at ext. 250
or to
volunteer to coach.
Mandatory Skills
Evaluation at the Bolles
High School: March 6
J u n e
(no games Apr 24, May 29)
1 pm
2:15 pm
3:30 pm
Open Pick Up Sports (Age 13+)
Game Location Bolles High School
Stadium Field
Apr 3 to Jun 5 (no games Apr 24, May 29)
150 | Valued Member $100
JCA Fencing
JCA Fencing for Youth (Age 7 - 13)
Sun | 3:30 - 4:30 pm
6 Classes $158 | Valued Member $105
Mar 13 to May 1 (no class Mar 27, Apr 24)
JCA Fencing for Adults (Age 14+)
Wed | 6 - 7:30 pm
8 Classes $210 | Valued Member $140
Mar 9 to Apr 27 | 16SPR SRADFENCE
Form teams of 6 to 8 players for
5-on-5 flag football. You can also
register individually or with a
friend and be placed on a team.
Teams must have rosters submitted
by March 23. Contact Mike at or ext. 254
for information or to register a team.
Games Sun | 3 - 7 pm | Apr 3 to Jun 5
(specific game time TBA, 2 hour commitment)
Form teams of six players for 4-on-4
competition. For more information
or to register as an individual or a
team, call ext. 254.
18+ Men’s Basketball League
Wed | 6 - 9 pm | Mar 9 to May 25
12 Games $72 valued members only
(Age 17+)
Games Sun | 12 - 7 pm
Men’s Basketball Leagues
Adult Flag Football League
Age groups will be determined
after evaluations. If you cannot
attend the skills evaluation,
please call ext. 254 to schedule
a make-up.
We are looking to field a JCA team
to play at Drew Park in a co-ed
league. We need 12 to 14 players;
no previous experience needed!
For more information on dates and
prices, contact ext. 254.
Mon, Wed | 6 - 9 pm
Game Location Bolles High School
Stadium Field
105 | Valued Member $70
11 - 17 4:30 pm
A p r i l
Register as a team for this 5-vs-5 full
court basketball league or sign up
individually to be placed on a team.
Contact Rio at ext. 250 to submit a
team roster or volunteer to coach.
Registration deadline is March 21.
Mon, Thur | 6 - 9 pm | Mar 28 to May 26
(subject to change based on number of teams)
(no games on Apr 28)
Youth Flag
Football League
(Age 14 - 18)
Volleyball Tues | 7 - 9:30 pm
Basketball Sat | 1 - 3 pm
Pickleball Mon | 5:30 am - 12 pm
Sat | 3 - 6 pm
New! Gracie Barra Brazilian
Jiu Jitsu: Fundamentals
Mon | $90 | Valued Members $60
Session I Mar 7 - 28
Session II Apr 4 - 25
Session III May 2 - 23
JCA Martial Arts (Age 5 - 12) Learn the
art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in this fun,
structured class that focuses on self
defense, discipline and respect. All
classes are taught by certified Gracie
Jiu Jitsu instructors.
5:15 - 6:05 pm
Barra Fit (Age 13+) Increase your
cardio and muscular endurance
through the implementation of
self-defense techniques. This quick
paced work out is guaranteed to
produce results.
6:15 - 7:15 pm
Youth Clinics
Sports and Recreation
5-Week Session $75 | Valued Member $50
Apr 25 to May 23
Little Dribblers
1:30 - 2:15 pm
Sports Extravaganza
3:30 - 4:15 pm
Soccer 101
4:30 - 5:30 pm
Lacrosse 101
5 - 6 pm
(Age 3 - 6)
(Age 3 - 6)
(Age 4 - 8)
(Age 7 - 12)
Apr 19 to May 17
Little Hitters Baseball 1:30 - 2:15 pm
Terrific Tumblers
3:30 - 4:15 pm
Basketball 101
4:30 - 5:30 pm
Junior Gymnastics
4:30 - 5:15 pm
(Age 3 - 6)
(Age 3 - 6)
(Age 4 - 8)
(Age 5 - 10)
Apr 20 to May 18
Little Kickers Soccer
1:30 - 2:15 pm
Flag Football Frenzy
3:15 - 4 pm
Makos Run Club
4 -5 pm
(Age 3 - 6)
(Age 3 - 6)
(Age 4 - 14)
Little Putters
(Age 3 - 6)
Volleyball Clinic
(Age 8 - 14)
Apr 21 to May 19
Terrific Tumblers
(Age 3 - 6)
1:30 - 2:15 pm
4:30 - 5:30 pm
Apr 22 to May 27
(no class Apr 29)
1:30 - 2:15 pm
G u i d e
School Year Makos Swim Team
Jessica Novotny
730 - 2100 ext. 240
This team introduces competitive swimming and helps prepare children
for the summer league. We provide age appropriate training in a safe
and fun swimming environment. Swimmers learn starts and turns and
participate in drills designed to improve technique and develop speed
and endurance. Come check us out! Register for one day (Sunday),
two days (select any two days Monday through Thursday) or four days
(Monday through Thursday).
Age 5 - 10 4 - 5 pm (must be able to swim 25 yards unassisted) | Age 11 - 18 5 - 6 pm
Mar 1 to 31, Apr 3 to 28 (no clinics Mar 27, Apr 24)
One Day (Sunday only, 4 - 5 pm) (Age 5 - 18)
60 | Valued Member $40
1516 AQST1(Time)(Month)
Two Days (select two, Monday through Thursday)
82 | Valued Member $55
1516 AQST2(Time)(Month)
Four Days (Monday through Thursday)
105 | Valued Member $70
1516 AQST4(Time)(Month)
JCA Makos Summer Swim Team
Red Cross-Certified
Lifeguard Training
•Must be at least 15 years of age.
•Must swim 300 yards freestyle
and/or breaststroke.
•Must swim 20 yards to retrieve
a ten pound brick from seven to
ten feet of water in 1 minute and
40 seconds.
•Must tread water for two minutes.
Mar 16 (pretest, first class) | 6:15 - 9:15 pm
Mar 17 | 6:15 - 9:15 pm
Mar 20 | 10 am - 5 pm
Mar 21, 22, 23, 24 | 6:15 - 9:15 pm
285 | Valued Member $190
Splash into another great summer with the JCA’s member only, co-ed swim
team. JCA Makos Swim Team is a competitive team that competes in the River
City Swim League. An excellently trained coaching staff motivates and inspires
swimmers to achieve their potential, build endurance and technique and grow
as a team, while having fun.
The minimum requirement of all swimmers is swimming one length of the
pool unassisted. If a swimmer is unable to meet the minimum requirements,
please consider our swim lesson programs.
We will hold a swim team kickoff party on Sunday, April 17 from 4 - 6 pm. Come
meet the coaches, get fitted for your suit and enjoy snacks/refreshments. We
look forward to seeing you at the JCA Howard and Joy Korman Outdoor Pool.
Age: 5 - 18
Practice Days/Dates: May 2 to 29, Jun 1 to 30, Jul 3 to 20 (no clinics Jun 12, 13, Jul 4)
Times: TBA (afternoon and morning practices will be available)
Meet Days: TBA (6 meets and RCSL Championships)
Fee (valued members only): $170 practice and meets, $110 meets only
JV Makos Swim Team
(Age 4 - 6)
A p r i l
J u n e
This is for children interested in
swim team who are able to put their
faces in the water and swim half
the pool length unassisted. We’ll
practice swim team skills, build
endurance and learn new strokes.
Mon, Wed | 1:30 - 2:15 pm
Mar 2 to 30, Apr 4 to 27, May 2 to 25,
Jun 1 to 29
(no lessons May 30, Jun 13)
82 | Valued Member $55
1516 AQJVSTMW1:30***
JCA American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim Programs
The JCA offers instructional swim programs designed by the American Red Cross. All instructors
are certified through the American Red Cross as Water Safety Instructors (W.S.I.). The JCA assures
program quality by maintaining small class sizes, monitoring instruction and adhering to Red
Cross standards. For more information, contact Jessica at
Private Swim Lessons (All ages) Our one-on-one private lesson instruction for all ages will lead you closer to
your individual goal. Learn to swim or learn to swim more efficiently. Each lesson is 30 minutes long.
By appointment | Individual Lesson $60 | Valued Member $30 | 8-Lesson Special $420 | Valued Member $210
Junior Makos This program is designed for children ages 6 to 12 years. Our goal is to help participants achieve
maximum success. Introduction to water skills, fundamental aquatic skills, stroke development, stroke improvement,
stroke refinement and personal water safety are the core topics covered. Classes have a 6:1 student-to-teacher ratio.
Little Makos This program is designed for children ages 3½ to 5 years. Children participate without a parent in
the water, and swimmers are introduced to breath control, arm coordination, kicking and the development of basic
strokes. Classes have a 5:1 student-to-teacher ratio.
Parent and Me This program is to teach you, the parent, how to work safely and effectively with your child,
infant to 3 years old, in the water. The program emphasizes fun and enjoyment, water adjustment and preparatory
activities for future swimming. This program is not designed to teach children to become good swimmers or even to
survive in the water on their own. At least one adult must accompany the child in the pool.
JCA Mini Makos This program is designed for children ages 2 to 3 years. In these 30-minute classes, swimmers
will learn the foundation for water adjustment, floating, breath control, kicking, arm movement and safe entry and
exit of the pool. Children must be able to function in a group lesson without a parent in the water. Classes have a 4:1
student-to-teacher ratio.
Monthly Fees
Aquatics Cancellation Policy
Private Lessons Inclement weather/pool closings before a scheduled lesson will result in
that lesson being rescheduled at a mutually agreeable time. If a lesson cannot be made
up within one week of the last scheduled lesson, that lesson will be forfeited and charged
to the participant. All participants registered for private swim sessions must give at
least a 24-hour notice of cancellation for already scheduled sessions. Failure to properly
cancel will result in a charge for that session at the established fee. All personal training
sessions, private tennis lessons and private swim lessons will expire six months from the
date of purchase. Fees paid for expired sessions/lessons are non-refundable and nontransferable.
Group Lessons There are no make-ups or refunds for any group lessons due to illness,
inclement weather, pool closings and vacation or holiday closings.
1 Day Week 100
Valued Member $50
2 Day Week $150
Valued Member $75
Three Month Options
1 Day Week $270
Valued Member $135
2 Day Week $390
Valued Member $195
Diaper Policy All non-toilet-trained children are required to wear a swim diaper and a
swimsuit at all times when in the water.
Parent and Me (6 months to 3 years) • JCA Mini Makos (2 to 3 years)
Little Makos (3½ to 5 years) • Junior Makos (6 to 12 years)
JCA Learn-to-Swim Monthly Schedule
March 1 to 31, April 3 to 28, May 1 to 31, June 1 to 30
(no lessons Mar 27, Apr 24, May 30, Jun 12, 13)
Parent and Me
JCA Mini Makos
Little Makos
Junior Makos
10 am
10:30 am
11:15 am, 1 pm
12 pm, 2 pm
Monday and
12:30 pm, 1:30 pm, 2:30 pm, 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm, 2:30 pm,
3:30 pm, 4:30 pm
3:30 pm, 4:30 pm
5:30 pm,
6:30 pm
12:30 pm, 1:30 pm, 2:30 pm, 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm, 2:30 pm,
3:30 pm, 4:30 pm
3:30 pm, 4:30 pm
5:30 pm,
6:30 pm
Tuesday and
30 minutes
30 minutes
30 minutes
45 minutes
G u i d e
Reggie Exum
730 - 2100 ext. 317
Adult Tennis Clinics
Now is the perfect time to see if you
have what it takes for competitive
league tennis. Shape up your game
on one of our ladies’ teams or the
new working women’s team. We also
have great men’s clinics. If you’re
unsure of your level, schedule a
private lesson for an evaluation.
League play continues through May.
If team play isn’t for you, consider
one of our other clinics to sharpen
your skills. For more information
and program fees, contact Reggie at
ext. 317 or
See you on the courts!
Working Women’s Team
Tues | 6:30 - 8 pm
1516 TNWORKING(Day)(Month)
Ladies’ A Team Clinic
Tues | 9 - 10:30 am
Ladies’ B Team Clinic
Wed| 9 - 10:30 am
Ladies’ C Team Clinic
Fri | 9 - 10:30 am
3.0 - 3.5 Men’s Clinic
Mon | 6:30 - 8 pm
Tennis 101
Wed | 6:30 - 7:30 pm
1516 TN101(Day)(Month)
Stroke of the Week Clinic
Sat | 5 - 6 pm
1516 TNSTROKE(Month)
Cardio Tennis
Sun | 8:30 - 9:30 am
1516 TNCARDIO(Day)(Month)
A p r i l
J u n e
Junior Tennis Clinics
All clinics are 6 week sessions.
108 | Valued Member $72
For the beginning junior player, our
Quick Start programs provide an
overview of tennis and teach the
fundamentals of the sport. Classes
focus on learning proper swinging
motions and the most effective
way to handle a tennis racquet. All
instruction is paced for younger
players and supplemented by fun
games and drills.
Tennis Aces (Age 3 - 5)
Tues | 1:30 - 2:15 pm
Fri | 1:30 - 2:15 pm
1516 TNACES(Day)(Month)
Pickleball Demo
Join us for a Pickleball demo and
learn how to play this racquet
sport that combines elements of
badminton, tennis and table tennis.
Registration deadline is March 21.
Thur, Mar 24 | 6 - 7 pm
10 | Free for valued members
Pee-wee Quick Start (Age 4 - 6)
Wed | 4:15 - 5 pm
Thur | 3:30 - 4:15 pm
1516 TNPW(Day)(Month)
Junior Quick Start (Age 7 - 10)
Tues | 4:30 - 5:30 pm
Thur | 3:30 - 4:30 pm
Sat | 4 - 5 pm
1516 TNJR(Day)(Month)
For our intermediate to advanced
players, these clinics focus on stroke
production, consistency and match
play to help older players feel more
comfortable during point play and
Junior Varsity (Age 11 - 13)
Thur | 4:30 - 5:30 pm
Varsity (Age 13 - 18)
Mon | 5 - 6 pm
Private Lessons
To schedule a private lesson, contact
Reggie at ext. 317 or Aline at ext. 417.
½ hour $30 | 1 hour $60
Members Mixer
Thursdays | 6:30 - 7 pm
Free for valued members only
Jack Price
by Philip and Karen Adler,
Michele and David Steinfeld,
Neal and Nina Roth
Merryl, mother of Emily
Younghouse and Justin Thornton
by Michele and David Steinfeld
Bob Wolfson
by Michele and David Steinfeld
Samuel Menaged
by Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell Rothstein,
Scot and Alexandra Ackerman,
Myron and Bunni Flagler
Hazel Wolfson
by Neal and Nina Roth
In Honor of...
Ellen and George Rubens’
Granddaughter Sydni’s Recent
Bat Mitzvah
by Michele and David Steinfeld
Lisa and joey’s marriage
by Michele and David Steinfeld
Judy Dushoff
by Neal and Nina Roth
For the Speedy Recovery of...
Gerald Friedman, Beloved Husband
of Francine Friedman
by Michele and David Steinfeld
Harvey Jarchower
by Philip and Karen Adler
Mother of Helaine and Arnie Stone
by Michele and David Steinfeld
Harry Shapiro
by Myron and Bunni Flagler
Cultural Arts Fund
In Memory of...
Gerald Friedman, Beloved Husband
by Bob and Thelma Nied
Merryl, sister of Heidi and John
by Michele and David Steinfeld
In Memory of...
In Honor of...
Thelma Nied
by Philip and Karen Adler,
Jeff and Penny Marks
Membership Fund
In Memory of...
Jack Price
by JCA Staff,
Hollie and Hank Arnold
William and Andrew Block Families
Gan Yeladim Scholarship Fund
In Memory of...
Jack Price
by Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jacobs
Sidney Green, Beloved Grandfather
by Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jacobs
David Margulies, brother of Vicki
by Thelma Nied
Refer a
Earn Free Dues and a Cash Bonus
Within each 30 day period:
1 Referral
1 month free dues
2 Referral
1 month free dues plus $25 Amex gift card
3rd Referral
1 month free dues plus $50 Amex gift card
4th Referral
1 month free dues plus $75 Amex gift card
5th Referral
1 month free dues plus $100 Amex gift card
Total value
5 months free dues (up to $535)
250 cash bonus
*Monies paid at the end of 30 day period; some restrictions apply.
Learn more | 730-2100 | Ext. 234 (Hollie) | Ext. 257 (Lara)
G u i d e
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Jacksonville, FL
Permit No. 437
Address Service Requested
David A. Stein
Jewish Community Alliance
on the Ed Parker Jewish
Community Campus
8505 San Jose Boulevard
Jacksonville, Florida 32217
(904) 730-2100
Affiliated with the Jewish Federation of Jacksonville,
the United Way of Northeast Florida, and the Jewish
Community Centers of North America.
Mission Statement The Jewish Community Alliance
(JCA) strengthens Jewish life, serves as a common meeting
ground, and enhances the quality of life of the entire
Vision Statement Our vision is to provide the place in the tradition of
our heritage where all people come together throughout their lives to
enhance body, mind, and spirit, in an environment of fun, harmony and
2016 JCA Summer Camp
Now Enrolling! 730-2100
228 |

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