“Wurst” Newsletter - National Active and Retired Federal Employees
“Wurst” Newsletter - National Active and Retired Federal Employees
“Wurst” Newsletter N A R F E C h a p t e r 6 7 2 New Braunfels, Texas We’re on the Web! www.narfe.org/chapter672 NARFE ... Your legislative voice, your information resource. Coming Up: Fri., July 18 “Legislative Action Workshop” Jane Keller, Chapter Legislative Chair Tues. August 5, 1-3 pm “Meet Your Congressman Forum” San Antonio Details, page 3 Fri., August 15 “National Weather Service” Joe Arellano, Jr., Meteorologist in Charge, New Braunfels Fri. September 19 “National Convention Report and Future of NARFE” By Chapter Delegates to the NARFE Convention. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are 9:30-11 am at CCSC, 655 Landa St, New Braunfels, TX. More info? Contact Dorothy Creswell Distinguished Members This year we were honored to recognize 18 new Distinguished Members in our chapter. Their names were included in the 3nd Quarter Jul-Sep 2014 May Luncheon program. We also tried to meet and take a snapshot of most. These members have been with the Association for 20 years or more, and are being recognized for their continued support and service to NARFE and their fellow NARFE members. The Distinguished Membership is a special “Thank You” for all they’ve done. Shown left to right: Marjorie Alexander, Clyda Angeli, Lucille Bading, Ann Beicker, Josephine Cormack, Jack Eberle, Margaret Leggett, David McBride, Florene McClellan, Keith Miles, Alice Oldham, Kemil Pepin, Irene Schulze and Charles Wharton. We were not able to personally award the Distinguished Memberships to Helen Deaver, Harry W Dunn, Henry Fischer or Virginia Massey. Inside this Issue: Membership Report Sunshine Report Garage Sale Results Program Planning Results Social Security Changes Contacts 2 2 2 3 3 4 Membership Report by John Creswell As of June 26 we have 259 members: 244 voting and 15 non-voting. N M Koehler PO Box 694 Wimberley TX 78676-0694 MEMBERS PASSED AWAY Kathryn C Bailey 2484 Sombra Hill Schertz TX 78154-2637 Membership is open to active and retired civilian federal workers and their spouses who Clarence J Gillig currently or are eligible to re- 15306 Pebble Sound ceive a ciSan Antonio TX 78232-4134 vilian federal annuiPlease keep them and their famity. See lies in your prayers. back page for my Garage Sale Results contact The dust has settled (literally), and info. the Garage Sale results are in. We NEW MEMBERS: netted $549.45 income. Thank Leroy Garza you, everyone, for your effort, ide2811 Redland Trail as and donations! These people San Antonio TX 78259 helped, (maybe others): Billy F Imhoff 113 Montwood Seguin TX 78155-1215 Michael Jackowski 110 Valencia Universal City TX 78148-3112 Michael Reese 7710 Citadel Peak Converse TX 78109-1047 Shirley M Williams 1008 N Commerce St Lockhart TX 78644-1810 TRANSFER IN: Kenneth D Clark 110 Blue Jay Ct Canyon Lake TX 78133-2210 Diane R Gosser 6635 Clovis Court San Antonio TX 78233 Newsletter Page 2 Mary Nan Aldridge, Loretta Carter, John & Dorothy Creswell, Carl & Cynthia Englerth, Chip & Merry Franck, Lynn Geyer, Mac & Mary Lou Gough, Lynda Heikes, Jackie Kieschnick, Dolores Little, Maria Montalvo, John & Betty Niven, Walter Penk, Alice Pullin, Barb & Charles Tyler, Richard Valdez, Ferman & Rosalie Varnell, Roz Wise and Valerie Woods. Nat’l. Convention Our delegates to the NARFE National Convention in Orlando August 24-28th are: Sunshine Report Happy Birthday to all of you celebrating in the next three months. JULY Robert W Carter, 15 Frank Hamilton, 4 Jacqueline M Humphreys Jean Jones, 27 Dorothy Kroesche, 6 Loretta Luehlfing Clarence H Olson, 19 George Rotblut, 6 Richard Schoenfeld, 26 Jesse Trinidad, 7 George Von der Lippe, 2 Ronald J Walton Charles Wharton, 7 Roz Wise, 8 AUGUST Carl F Englerth, 25 Marilyn Finke, 27 Chip Franck, 28 Pattie Fulgham Melvin H Haas, 5 Hazel J Hopkins Walter Erich Penk, 22 Nancy L Ragan Martha A Stone, 4 SEPTEMBER Roland R Boenig, 10 Ray Brite, 2 Scharley Brite, 23 Rona Burris, 10 Virginia Marylin Goetter, 24 Henrietta Hayden, 14 Harold R Johnson Carolyn A Lynd-Mitchan, 27 Florence McClellan, 23 Betty C Niven, 24 Alice Oldham, 5 Micheline Rotblut, 21 Robert M Thomas, 30 William "Frank" Thomson, 7 Zadie V Ward, 18 Elsie M Wray, 2 Dorothy Creswell, John Creswell, Homer Williams and Shirley Williams. This is an im- If we missed your birthday, contact Mabel Cavanagh at (830) 629-2739 or portant convention for NARFE. Mcavg@sbcglobal.net NARFE Chapter 672 “Wurst” Newsletter Changes in How Social Security Provides Services Program Planning Results By Dorothy Creswell At our June 20th meeting, members voted for their top choices for future information meeting programs from 116 topics submitted by the membership. The top choices were (drum roll please!): • Elder law • Smart phones • New Mayor of New Braunfels • Water conservation & water issues • Aging in place • Tax Tips for Seniors • What the IRS does not want you to know • Places of interest to visit in Texas that won’t “break the budget” • Create our own list of resource people & services (like an “Angie’s List”). • New hospital • Veterans Administration and Services • Identity Theft Protection By Richard Valdez, Service Officer Effective August 1, 2014, the Social Security Administration will discontinue providing Social Security Number printouts. If you need proof of your Social Security number and you do not have your Social Security card, you will need to request a replacement card by completing Form SS-5 (Application for a Social Security Card), and providing documentation to prove your identity, age, and citizenship or lawful immigration status. Also, effective October 1, 2014, Social Security will stop providing benefit verification letters in their offices. For further information on how to obtain a replacement Social Security card or a benefit verification letter, go to the Social Security website, www.socialsecurity.gov, or contact Social Security at 1-800-772-1213. Evening Meeting This Fall watch for more information on the “Federal Connection”. These periodic meetings • “Field Trips” to interesting places. will focus on current legislative and benefit issues If you’ve heard or know of a great speaker on any for federal workers, retirees and their spouses. of these topics, please let me know along with as They may be held at a local restaurant such as TJ’s much contact information you have. Burgers. Contact Dorothy if you’re interested. • • • Meet Your Congressman Forum, August 5 Northwest San Antonio Chapter 1320 will host a “Meet Your Congressman Forum” on Tuesday, August 5th from 1-3 pm. It will be held at the Oak Hills Presbyterian Church, 6739 Callaghan Road, San Antonio, 78229. All San Antonio Metro area Congressmen have been invited including: • • • Rubėn Hinojosa, District 15 (pending) Joaquin Castro, District 20 Lamar Smith, District 21 3nd Quarter Jul-Sep 2014 Pete Gallego, District 23 Henry Cuellar, District 28 Lloyd Doggett, District 35. If you live and vote in one of these Congressional districts, plan to attend this important meeting. If you’re a member of another group that shares NARFE’s goals to protect the benefits of all federal employees please forward this information to get the word out. For more information, contact Carolyn Smith: 210425-4396, or Dan Torres: 210-846-6306 or dantorres421vp@gmail.com. An optional salad lunch will be available by reservation only at noon for $5 each. Make reservations with Carolyn Smith. NARFE Chapter 672 Newsletter Page 3 National Active and Retired Federal Employees NARFE ... Your legislative voice, your information resource. Newsletter Editor NARFE Chapter 672 1771 Oakmont Circle New Braunfels TX 78132-3846 (830)620-0344 cresweld@sbcglobal.net Address Service Requested New address, phone or e-mail? Corrections? Call Member Services at 1-800-456-8410 e-mail to memberrecords@narfe.org or visit www.narfe.org Meetings Chapter eXtra & Quick Facts Pictures and more are in the Chapter eXtra at www.narfe.org/chapter672 . It and Chapter Quick Facts at the Co- are included with the e-mail mal County Senior Citi- version of the newsletter. zen Center, 655 Landa Please add Street in New Braunfels. cresweld@sbcglobal.net to We meet Friday (varies in December) the third monthly May and 9:30 am coffee and snacks 10:00 am Business meeting and program. Meetings are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted (usually meal functions). Members and friends are welcome. Newsletter Page 4 your e-mail address book. To get the electronic newsletter, let Dorothy Creswell know at the above e-mail. Computer “How to” Most public libraries have computers for use, free or low cost classes and how-to books and videos. Check it out! www.publiclibraries.com/texas.htm NARFE Chapter 672 Key Contacts President 830-620-0344 Dorothy Creswell cresweld@sbcglobal.net Vice President 830-620-0222 Walter Penk wepenk@att.net Secretary 830-358-7401 Valerie Woods vwoods@gmail.com Treasurer (210) 846-4692 Maria Montalvo MSMontal@HotMail.com Service Officer 830-625-3359 Richard Valdez rsvald@att.net Membership 830-620-0344 John Creswell creswelj@sbcglobal.net Legislative Jane Keller 210-573-6702 C jkeller@satx.rr.com A full list is in the Chapter Quick Facts, and at www.narfe.org/chapter672. 3nd Quarter Jul-Sep 2014 Chapter eXtra N A R F E C h a p t e r 6 7 2 New Braunfels, Texas NARFE ...Your Legislative Voice, Your Information Resource We’re on the Web! www.narfe.org/chapter672 Bridge Across Time with FaceBook by Lynn Geyer I first joined Facebook in order to view and share photos of my family members and friends, since many don’t live in the San Antonio area. I then ‘friended’ my Congressional Representative so I’m up-to-date on his thoughts and actions on current issues before Congress. About a year ago I received this Facebook message: “I think you may be the same Lynn Geyer that I knew at Greenham Common AFB in England in the 1950s. Candy L. and I have been looking for you for some time. Please friend us if you would like to chat about old times. I live in McAllen and Candy lives in Ft. Worth. We see each other occasionally and would love to revive our old circle of friends. Linda W.” grade school in an old English Manor House - the youth club on base after school listening to an Elvis record - roller skating in an old aircraft hangar bagging groceries at the commissary for tips…so many memories sprang to mind. Also, trips to London and Windsor Castle. The AFB library and the town libraries were places we loved. And I recalled the beauty of England and the warmth of the people in Reading and the Village of Wickham, where a shop keeper taught me to knit. I remembered Linda and Candy immediately, as they had been my best friends from 4th through 7th grade. Now we are Facebook friends in our Flashback almost 60 years to late 60s catching up with each other’s lives. We are all adopted Texans now. The Kenny Rogers/Dolly Parton song comes to mind – “You Can’t Make Old Friends”. Convention Delegates We still have one delegate position open so why not join us in Orlando? The chapter voted to reimburse the National Convention registration fee of $75 for the five authorized delegates for our chapter, with preference given to two members who have never attended a national convention. The convention will be August 24-28th at the Rosen Centre in Orlando, Florida. Contact President Creswell if you are interested. Inside this eXtra: Recent Meetings Member Spotlight Night Meeting National Museum of The Pacific War 3rd Quarter 2014 NARFE Chapter 672 eXtra 1 eXtra 2 eXtra 4 eXtra 6 eXtra 6 New Braunfels TX Recent Meetings & Events ple the federal agencies serve, District 12 Leader Training, April 3. Twenty-eight members attended the District 12 Leader Training in Boerne. Starting this year, the Texas Federation of Chapters will hold District Conventions only in oddnumbered years, with training the focus for even-numbered years. • be more responsive to local issues, and • serve as a conduit of information between the Executive Office of the President and federal entities located outside of Washington, D.C. The Alamo FEB is one of 28 FEB today and serves as the collaboration hub for 63 federal agencies and over 90,000 federal employees in the counties from Austin to McAllen. Membership consists of the highest ranking federal leaders in their locales, but agencies are encouraged to allow employees at all levels within their organizations to serve as an FEB contact, participate in FEB activities and incorporate FEB shared services into their agency missions. FEBs have three primary lines of business common to all: • Emergency Preparedness / Security and Employee Safety This year’s training provided an overview of NARFE structure, on-line tools and an outline of duties and best practices for key offices within chapters: • Human Capital Readiness • Intergovernmental and Community Activities. “Alamo Federal Executive Board,” by Lisa Alonzo, Executive Director; April 11. The FEB serves as a one-stop federal information source for agency members, government officials, schools and the public. Lisa Alonzo outlined the mission, structure and accomplishments of the Alamo Federal Executive Board stationed at JBSA Randolph AFB. The Federal Executive Boards in the nation were established in 1961 to • Coordinating between agencies saved over $4.2 million last year. It promotes volunteerism and community service by federal employees, e.g., collected 48,890 lbs. of food and donated 3,000 computers for schools. Visit www.sanantoniofeb.org for information. bring the Federal Government closer to the peo- 3rd Quarter 2014 NARFE Chapter 672 eXtra 2 (Continued on page 3) New Braunfels TX Meetings & Events (cont.) (Continued from page 2) “Federal Employee Recognition Awards”, San Antonio, May 7. New Braunfels Chapter 0672 member Dr. Maureen McConnell received a Silver Award (first runner up) in the Professional category at the Alamo Federal Executive Board's "Federal Recognition Awards" event on May 7, 2014 in San Antonio. Dr. McConnell was one of only 31 who were finalists for these prestigious awards. She works for the Air Force Research Laboratory. Dr. McConnell is a shining example of federal employees who are serving the public and doing a great job. The awards event was during Public Service Recognition week. “Garage Sale”, April 30-May 2 Above you see just part of the many members who helped make this year’s event a success. It was work, but a lot of fun, too. Shown left to right: Merry Franck, Chip Franck, Rosalie Varnell, Maria Montalvo, Lynn Geyer, Carl Englerth, Ferman Varnell, Dorothy Creswell and Cynthia Englerth. A full list is in the Newsletter on page 2. “Luncheon” May 16. Our May 16th luncheon was held at the Golden Corral in New Braunfels. We remembered chapter members who had passed away in the last year, and recognized 18 new Distinguished Members (see Page 1 of the Newsletter). The rest of the time we enjoyed the food and fellowship. Shown above, left to right: Dorothy Kroesche, Gina Hoenscheidt, Becky Pantermuehl, Lynn Geyer, Maria Montalvo, Richard Valdez, Carl Englerth, Cynthia Englerth and Walter Penk. 3rd Quarter 2014 Shown in the above photo, left to right: Lisa Alonzo, Executive Director of the Alamo Federal Executive Board; Dr. McConnell; and Jaie Avila, Weekend Co-Anchor from NEWS 4 WOAI who served as Master of Ceremonies. NARFE and FEW (Federally Employed Women) have many common goals and members. The photo on the next page was taken in the NARFE recruiting booth at the May 7th Alamo Federal Executive Board's "Federal Recognition Awards". Shown in the photo from left to right are: Rosalyn "Roz" Wise, President of Alamo City FEW and member of New Braunfels NARFE 0672; Katherine Igyarto, FEW 1st VP Programs and member of e-NARFE chapter 2363; Dr. Maureen McConnell, immediate past-president of Alamo City FEW and member of New Braunfels NARFE 0672; Susana Rodriguez, NARFE Chapter 672 eXtra 3 (Continued on page 4) New Braunfels TX Meetings & Events (cont.) roads Chapter 2354 and TFC District 14 Representative. “Program Planning,” facilitated by Dorothy Creswell. June 20. (Continued from page 3) FEW 2nd VP Membership and member of Lone Star State NARFE Chapter 2365; Dorothy Creswell, President New Braunfels NARFE Chapter 0672 and Texas Federation of Chapters (TFC) District 12 Representative (greater San Antonio area); and Dr. John Creswell, membership chair New Braunfels NARFE Chapter 0672 and TFC South Texas Area Vice President. Texas Rural Letter Carriers Convention, June 8-10. The suggestions kept coming in and now we have many great ideas for future programs. Tabulated results are on page 3 of the Newsletter. Member Spotlight New Members Kenneth Clark was Chief Financial Officer for the VA when he retired 18 years ago. His wife Pat also worked for VA in personnel. He recently transferred from the Brownwood, Texas, chapter of NARFE. “roots” are in Louisiana. We partnered with TFC District 14 to recruit members for NARFE at the Texas Rural Letter Carriers Convention held June 7-11 in Corpus Christi. Shown from left to right helping one of the rural letter carriers are Joel Menking, Corpus Christi Chapter 0091; Dorothy Creswell, New Braunfels Chapter 0672 and TFC District 12 Representative, and Ron Wideman, Victoria Cross- 3rd Quarter 2014 Their Diane Gosser recently transferred from the Fort Myers, Florida, area and NARFE chapter. Nina Koehler (photo next page) worked for the Army, Navy and Marine Corp and was enlisted in the Navy for part of her career. She worked for the Army at San Francisco 6th Army. She has belonged to NARFE Chapter 672 eXtra 4 New Braunfels TX Member Spotlight (cont.) (Continued from page 4) variety of wage positions, first for Immigration and Naturalization Service; then the Postal Service, and then for the Veterans Administration in Boston and Houston. David C McBride worked for USDA SCS starting in 1936. During part of his career he worked for Jeff Coleman, a long-time member of our chapter. American Legion for 50 years. Nina is also a long term NARFE member who recently transferred to our chapter. Shirley Williams recently joined our chapter and will be one of the four delegates representing our chapter at the NARFE National Convention in Orlando, Florida. She is married to member Homer Keith Miles was a physicist, starting at Holliman AFB, then White Sands; and then Fort Bliss. Williams. Other Members Clyda A Angeli started working at Kelly in 1942 in the office, later to Ft Sam Houston. Clyda served in Washington DC with Henry B Gonzales for 6 months. She worked at Randolph AFB her last 11 years which included another 6 months in Washington DC. Lucille K Bading worked for the Selective Service Board in Seguin and at the courthouse, as long as the draft was in effect. Helen Deaver (no photo) worked 31 years for Social Security Administration. She started in Corpus Christi, next served in Austin, El Paso, and finally back in central Texas. Alice Oldham was a Rural Carrier for the Postal Service for her career. Originally she was the only rural carrier for Wimberley, and today they have 10 routes. Kemil Pepin worked in personnel, originally at Wright Patterson AFB, then in Hawaii; then at the Air Force Headquarters in Washington DC. During his service he was in a number of other countries, He retired early and is very active in his church, a New Braunfels running club, and is an avid gardener. Charles L Wharton worked for the government as an aircraft electrician at Randolph and several other sites. Jack E Eberle worked in a 3rd Quarter 2014 NARFE Chapter 672 eXtra 5 New Braunfels TX Federal Connection— Night Meeting National Museum of the Pacific War by Dorothy Creswell Initial plans are underway for periodic night meetings which will focus on current legislative and benefit issues for federal workers, retirees and their spouses. The working title for these events is the “Federal Connection.” Please give us feedback on what would work best for you if an evening meeting fits your schedule better than our normal meeting time. An example format might be to gather at a local restaurant such as TJ’s Burgers and More, 259 Loop 337 in New Braunfels, www.tjsburgers.com Those who want food or beverage would order and pay at the counter, and bring it to the meeting room in the back. Meeting format might be: 6:00-6:30 pm networking 6:30-7:30 pm meeting: current legislative and benefit issues followed by discussion, Q&A. The meetings will be focused on information sharing, and will not include a business meeting The meeting could be shorter if desired. Meeting day might be a Thursday, but Tuesdays and Wednesdays may also work. We’re especially interested to know if a start time of 6 pm would work or if it needs to be later for those who commute from other areas such as San Antonio. This would not replace our regular meeting on the third Friday of each month. If this interests you, please contact Dorothy Creswell at cresweld@sbcglobal.net or 830-620-0344 and let her know by Friday, September 12th: • • • • You’re interested and want to be notified Preferred starting time Preferred day of week Preferred location. Guests will be welcome. 3rd Quarter 2014 One of our favorite places to take out-of-town visitors is the National Museum of the Pacific War in Fredericksburg, Texas, home of the Admiral Nimitz Museum. The museum. located at 340 E Main Street. has an amazing collection of historical relics and interpretive exhibits, but the hands-down favorites are the re-enactments or “Living History” scheduled periodically (quarterly) on weekends. The next reenactments are scheduled for July 5-6. The reenactments are done on a separate property a few blocks from the museum. The above snapshot was taken in April at one of the re-enactments. Before the action starts, different weapons and their use are explained by volunteers in a helpful, sometimes humorous way. Ticket prices are separate for the museum and Living History. In both cases, World War II veterans have free admission. For the museum, adults are $14 and seniors are $12. Living History tickets are $7.50. Discounts also are available for military and youth. Www.pacificwarmuseum.org for details, or 830-997-8600. A large, free parking lot is just off Austin Street, one block north of US 290. After sampling the museum, take a few minutes on your return trip to try one of the wineries and learn why US 290 is the second most popular winery area in the United States. NARFE Chapter 672 eXtra 6 New Braunfels TX Chapter Quick Facts N A R F E C h a p t e r 6 7 2 New Braunfels, Texas NARFE ... Improving and defending federal retirement benefits since 1921 2014 Meeting Dates We’re on the Web! www.narfe.org/chapter672 Executive Director, NARFE-PAC month. CCSCF. 8/15: “National Weather Service” by Joe Arellano, Jr. and 4/3: NARFE Training. Kronkosky Grassroots Advocacy Month. Place, Boerne. 9 am-3 pm. 8/24-28: NARFE National Convention, Orlando, FL. 4/11: date change. “Alamo Feder- We meet the 3rd Fri. monthly unless noted (varies May & Dec.), at the Comal County Senior Citizen Center (CCSCC), 655 Landa Street, New Braunfels TX 78130, ph. (830) al Executive Board,” Lisa Alonzo, 9/19: Convention Report and 629-4547. Guests are welcome. Executive Director. Future of NARFE. Delegates. 9:30 a.m. coffee and snacks. 4/30-5/2 Garage Sale, 1771 Oak10-11:00 a.m. meeting/program mont Circle, New Braunfels. 1/17: “Tax Tips for Seniors” by 5/16 10:45 am-12:45 pm: LunchHal Holtman, Jr. CPA. 9:45am eon. Golden Corral, New Braunfels. Business mtg; 10-11am Program. 6/20: Future Program Ideas. Co-hosted NARFE and CCSCF. 2/21: “Tips for a Great Garden,” 7/18: “Legislative Workshop” by Chris Wiemers, AgriLife Extension. Jane Keller. Legislative Chair. 10/17: Annual Meeting., Election of 2015 officers. 11/7-16: Wurstfest. 11/10-12/8: Info only: FEHBP Open Season. 11/21: TBD 12/ TBD: Holiday luncheon. 3/21: “Future of the Comal Coun- 8/5 1-3pm: “Meet Your Congressty Senior Center” by Robert Lopez, man,” NW San Antonio.1320 Service Projects Our chapter focuses on three service projects: 1. NARFE Alzheimer’s Research. Our chair is Maria Montalvo. 2. Collect aluminum pull tabs from beverage and food containers for the Ronald McDonald House. Bring to any meeting . 3. Donate items to the Comal County Senior Citizen Center Thrift shop quarterly. Each quarter we remind you to look through your closets and storage for used but still useful items to donate. The Senior Center also appreciates canned and food items prepared in a commercial kitchen for Senior Meals and Meals on Wheels. $20 Dues Withholding Reward The Texas Federation of Chapters (TFC) is offering a $20 reward for chapter members who signup for Dues Withholding between now and May 31, 2015. You or your spouse must be receiving a civilian federal retirement annuity, have a renewal date in the next twelve months and submit your Chapter Quick Facts Save Your Quick Facts Save this Quick Facts page. It is only mailed with the first quarter issue for the year. (It is included with every issue sent by e-mail). Copies are on our webpage and at meetings. Add your e mail by c on tac tin g cresweld@sbcglobal.net application to the TFC Treasurer. The special TFC Dues Withholding Application is available at meetings or from our webpage. With dues withholding, current members receive a 15% discount each year on NARFE dues, so total dues are only $3.42/month or $41/yr. for our chapter members. For more information, contact Dorothy Creswell (see page 2 for contact information). New Braunfels TX NARFE Chapter 672 July 2014 Page 1 NARFE 1-800-NARFE94 (1-800-627-3394) Legislative Contacts Chapter 0672 OFFICERS White House: President Barack H. Obama, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20500; Phone President Dorothy Creswell 830-620-0344 cresweld@sbcglobal.net Vice President Walter Penk wepenk@att.net Secretary Valerie Woods 830-358-7401 vwoods@gmail.com Treasurer Maria Montalvo 210-846-4692 MSMontal@hotmail.com 830-620-0222 Chapter 0672 COMMITTEES Maria Montalvo Greeter/Sign-In Jackie Kieschnick 830-837-5159 (see Treasurer) jackiek2000@yahoo.com Historian Valerie Woods 830-358-7401 vwoods@gmail.com Hospitality Loretta Carter 830-625-2578 Loretta.m.carter@gmail.com Jane Keller 210-573-6702 C jkeller@satx.rr.com Membership John Creswell 830-620-0344 CreswelJ@sbcglobal.net NARFE PAC Betty Niven 830-632-7769 BettyNiven800@Gmail.com Newsletter Dorothy Creswell (see President) Public Relations Mac Gough 830-624-2520 Mac.Gough@sbcglobal.net Service Officer Richard Valdez rsvald@att.net Sunshine Mabel Cavanagh 830-629-2739 830-625-3359 MCavg@sbcglobal.net Web Page Dorothy Creswell (see President) District 12 Rep Dorothy Creswell 830-620-0344 cresweld@sbcglobal.net TFC So. TX Area VP: John Creswell 830-620-0344 creswelj@sbcglobal.net Page 2 July 2014 Senator John Cornyn: ( R ) 517 Hart Senate Office Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20510-4302; Phone (202) 224-2934; FAX (202) 228-2856; District Office: 600 Navarro, #210, San Antonio, TX 78205; Phone: (210) 224-7485; FAX (210) 2248569; District Office: 221 West Sixth St., Ste. 1530, Austin, TX 78701, phone 512-469-6034, FAX 512-469-6020 http://cornyn.senate.gov/ Alzheimer’s Legislative (202) 456-1414; FAX (202) 456-2461; www.whitehouse.gov. Senator Ted Cruz: ( R ) 185 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20510-; Phone (202) 224-5922; District Office : 3133 General Hudnell Dr., Ste. 120. San Antonio, TX 78226; Phone (210)-340-2885. http://www.cruz.senate.gov District 15, Rep. Rubén Hinojosa: (D) 2262 Rayburn HOB, Washington, D.C. 20515-4315; Phone: (202)225-2531; FAX (202)225-5688; District Office: 107 S St. Mary’s St, Beeville TX 78102; Phone: (361)358-8400; Fax (361)358-8407. http://hinojosa.house.gov/ District 21, Rep. Lamar Smith: ( R ) 2409 Rayburn HOB, Washington, D.C. 20515-4321; Phone; (202) 225-4236; FAX (202) 225-8628, hours 8am-5pm M-F; District Office: 1100 NE Loop 410, #640, San Antonio, TX 78209; Phone (210) 821-5024; FAX (210) 821-5947; hours 8:30am-6:00pm M-F; http://lamarsmith.house.gov/ District 35, Rep. Lloyd Doggett: ( D ) 201 Cannon HOB, Washington, DC 20515-4325; Phone (202)225-4865; FAX: (202) 225-4865; District Office: 300 East 8th St., Ste 763, Austin, TX 78701; Phone (512) 916-5921 or (866)916-5921; http://doggett.house.gov NARFE Toll-free to Washington To connect to the Capitol switchboard in Washington, D.C, dial 1-866-220-0044, ask first for your Representative by name or give your zip code, then your two Senators. The White House Comment line is 1-888-225-8418. Hear the weekly hotline at 1-877-217-8234. This is a free service from NARFE to its members. New Braunfels TX NARFE Chapter 672 Chapter Quick Facts