1823 - Virginia Federation of Chapters


1823 - Virginia Federation of Chapters
National Active and Retired
Federal Employees
Northern Neck Chapter 1823
Serving Active & Retired Federal Employees,
Spouses, and Survivor Annuitants
Virginia Federation of Chapters – Area 1
Larry McIlwee
P.O. Box 1511
Tappahanock, VA 22560
1st Vice President
Ed Glading
5426 Nomini Hall Road
Hague, VA 22469
2nd Vice President
John Yonce
201 Long Lane Farm
White Stone, VA 22578
Betty Mountjoy-Gasper
P.O. Box 16
Reedville VA 22539
Ted Munns
PO Box 336
Reedville, VA 22539-0336
Katherine Paris
176 Silverleaf Drive
Hague, VA 22469
August 2016 – October 2016
Well, this quarter’s message will probably be
very short; Not. I am now crossing into the last
quarter of my first year as your Chapter
President. It continues to be a challenge, but I
appreciate your trust in me as your president.
We have had interesting speakers and venues
for our meetings so far. If you have a
suggestion of a person, place, or subject for a
meeting, please feel free to contact me at
joseph.mcilwee@verizon.net. We are always
looking for topics that are interesting, but also
that will provide useful information to our
members. In August, we will be visiting the
Northern Neck Food Bank located by the Shell
station in Warsaw.
Please bring a nonperishable item to donate to a very worthy
cause. September is our annual picnic at Belle
Isle State Park. We will have Mr. Rob Wittman
as our guest speaker as well as his opponent,
Matt Rowe, on the Democratic side. There will
not be a debate, but each person will be
We asked for suggestions for a location to have
our Christmas luncheon, but it looks like it will
be held at Horn Harbor Restaurant again this
We always welcome new members. If you
know of someone who is a current federal
employee, or retired federal employee, please
tell them about NARFE and invite them to a
Folks, if you receive mail, a phone call, or email
that you feel is a SCAM, please call your local
law enforcement branch and report it. The old
faithful IRS “You owe us money” scam is very
active. Just remember--IRS usually contacts
people who owe them money, via Snail Mail
(United States Postal System), not on the phone.
I received a call about 2 weeks ago, saying that I
must contact IRS immediately because I owed
an amount that was past due. My neighbor
received a call, giving her the amount, and
wanting to know which method of payment she
wanted to use to pay over the phone. She, like
me, contacted the local police office. I also told
the caller that the headquarters of IRS was not
in California, but in New Carrollton, Maryland,
in a brand new beautiful building. They hung
IRS, though, is not the only method of
scamming senior citizens, but also prize offerers
and resorts. “You have won this wonderful
prize. All you have to do is pay the shipping so
that we can send you this prize.” If it is free,
you owe nothing; not even shipping. Please be
very vigilant when receiving such offers and
phone telemarketing offers.
Stay safe, and
hang onto your assets!
Larry McIlwee
On Page 42 of the June NARFE magazine on
Information Sharing. The last two paragraphs
encourage all members to furnish their e-mail
addresses to NARFE so that all members can
get weekly updates on national legislative
To add your email address to your record, call
toll-free 800-456-8410 or go online to
www.narfe.org,log and login in using your
membership ID (found on your magazine
mailing label) and select “Update My Record.”
You will be provided several options. You can
choose to receive all NARFE email messages,
only those sent by NARFE Headquarters on
matters involving legislative and federal
benefits issues, only those sent by your state
federation and local chapters, or no email
If NARFE does not have your e-mail address we
strongly encourage you to contact them and give
them your e-mail address. You will be able to
write directly to your Congressman and/or
Senators to support NARFE’s position or, if you
disagree, to let your Congressman and/or
Senators know you disagree.
– Jim Landrum
Ed Glading has graciously agreed to be Chapter
1823’s State Legislative Chair. Thank you Ed
for taking on this important role for our chapter!
There is no state legislation to report for this
issue. Please visit www.vanarfe.org for any
new updates.
NARFE Past Events
On May 3rd
chapter members and guests
attended the annual Spring Memorial Luncheon
at Belle Mount Vineyard, in Warsaw, VA. For a
number of years Chapter 1823 has remembered
at the Spring Luncheon those of our members
who have died during the previous year. Those
members were:
Eleanor Boehm
Walter Geissdorfer
Verlie Hines
Shirley Kasteel
Bertha Piercy
Helen Underhill
Mary Glasco Ware
After the luncheon, State
Senator Ryan McDougle
spoke to the group of his
personal experiences in
the Northern Neck area
and answered questions
on local issues. A special
Petrie for hosting this
On June 7th
chapter members
met at the newly
Carat Cellars in
Thompson and
Attendees are requested to bring non-perishable
food items to contribute to the Food Bank. Most
needed items are:
Peanut Butter (Creamy or Crunchy)
Canned Tuna or Canned Chicken
Boxed Meals (Hamburger Helper, etc. Canned
Fruit or Vegetables
Spaghetti Sauce
Canned or Dried Beans
Hot & Cold Cereal
Whole Grain Snacks
Or Make A Monetary Donation!
For a $5 charge, we will have cold cut
sandwiches available for lunch. Please contact
BJ McMillan or Ed Glading if you intend on
having lunch.
discussed how
the winery began
and a bit about
types of wines as
participated in a
wine tasting.
On July 5th, chapter members and guests met at
Trinity Episcipol Church in Lancaster, VA.
Guest speaker Kathy Rector, Executive Director
of the Mary Ball Washington Museum,
described the history and purpose of the
mMuseum and its campus. After the ice cream
social, attendees were invited to tour the
– Katherine Paris
Upcoming Events
August 2nd. Our next meeting will be held at the
Northern Neck Food Bank in Warsaw, VA.
Mark Kleinshmidt, Director of Operations, will
make a presentation on the Food Bank’s
operations and lead a tour of the facility.
September 6th. Annual Picnic at Belle Isle
State Park with Congressman Wittman and
Matt Rowe, the Democratic delegate, as our
speakers. Last names starting with A-M bring a
dessert, N-Z bring a salad/side dish.
Ted & Denise Munns have retired from the
cooking duties at the NARFE annual picnic at
Belle Isle. Our President, Larry McIlwee, has
volunteered to get things set up, but the cooking
duties need to be shared by our members. In
order for a successful event (and to keep it
going next year) we need volunteers to do the
cooking. Remember, this event has always been
very well attended and is a capstone of our
Chapter’s yearly meetings. Please contact Larry
or Ted to volunteer your time—and cooking
skills. Thank you!
Also, don’t forget
the drawing for
the Patriotic quilt
made by Denise
Munns will be
held at this event!
Dinner Cruise – Friday, September 9th
The annual NARFE 1823 dinner/boat trip to
Maryland will be Friday, September 9th. We
will meet Captain Rowe at 6 pm at the
Lewisetta Marina near Lottsburg.
Anyone wishing to make a voluntary donation
to NARFE's national fundraising efforts for
Alzheimer’s research can make a charitable
contribution through our Chapter and continue
to boost our annual fundraising totals. Please
make checks out to NARFE Alzheimer’s
Research and include Chapter 1823 on the
memo line. Mail the check to our Treasurer,
Ted Munns, at P.O. Box 336 Reedville, VA
22539 who will send it on to our state
Alzheimer representative.
–John Yonce
The total cost, excluding dinner, will be $210
split by the number going. The boat can hold up
to 24. Please contact Jim Landrum at 804-5296415 or e-mail jim.landrum@yahoo.com to
make your reservation. (NOTE: I will be out
of town August 23 through September 4).
Money will be collected the night of September
From the west take 360 through Callao to Lottsburg (divided
highway will end). Make left on Rt. 624.
From the east take 360 through Lottsburg (divided highway
will begin). Make Right on Rt. 624.
Stay on 624 for about 6 miles, then make a sharp right (onto
Church St) when you get to the Potomac River. The Marina is
at the very end of the road.
– Jim Landrum
I am available to provide assistance to members
on procedures and forms governing delivery of
annuity payments; federal life and health
insurance; survivor benefits; change of
beneficiary; or federal income tax withholding.
I can also assist in resolving problems involving
claims submitted to OPM by chapter members.
Please contact me at (804) 453-4466, if you
need assistance.
– Bud Bolger
Mark your calendars for the Annual NARFE
fishing trip with Captain David Rowe. He is
looking forward to us joining him on Tuesday,
October 25th.
The price range, including tip, will be between
$105.00 and $86.00. These prices are for 8 to
14 fisher folks. Sign up sheets will be at the
monthly meetings.
Please contact me at (804) 580-8666 or e-mail at
mcmillan@va.metrocast.net if you have any
– Bruce McMillan
June 30th is the end of the Fiscal Year for the
VFC (Virginia Federation of NARFE Chapters).
I’m happy to report that the decline in
membership has slowed (-1.5% for FY 2015) AND 13 Chapters actually gained members or
had a less than -1% decline in members. In
addition, the number of new members was up
by 31% as compared to last year at this time.
Our Chapter 1823 was in the mainstream with a
net loss of 3 people (-1.6%). BUT we only had
2 new members. I continue to encourage each
of you to bring up NARFE whenever you
encounter someone who mentions that they are
or were a Federal employee. I will have packets
for you to hand out – and application brochures
to keep in your car/purse – at the August
Proof that our efforts can pay off is offered by
Betty Mitchell, Chapter 5 Metro-Virginia
Beach, who recruited a whopping 45 new
NARFE members last year. Connie Bails,
Chapter 737 Fairfax, recruited 21 new members
last year. If you have questions about how to go
about recruiting new members, please call or
email me.
Welcome to Bonita Russell of Montross, VA
who joined our Chapter in June.
Condolences to the families of Thomas Brown
and Walter Geissdorfer, both of whom had been
NARFE members since the 1970's.
– B.J. Thomas McMillan
Alzheimer’s – John Yonce (438-8011)
Chaplain – John Krainock (472-3051)
Membership – BJ Thomas McMillan (580-8666)
National Legislation – Jim Landrum (529-6415)
Programs – Vacant
Publicity – Nellie Landrum (529-6415)
Sergeant-at-Arms – Stan Brown (453-7502)
Service Officer – Bud Bolger (453-4466)
State Legislation – Ed Glading (472-2787)
Richard H. Stuart (VA State Senator - 28th
P.O. Box 1146
Montross, VA 22520
Phone 804/493-8892 / Fax: 804/493-8897
Email: district28@senate.virginia.gov
Ryan T. McDougle (VA State Senator - 4th
P.O. Box 187
Mechanicsville, VA 23111
Phone 804/730-1026 / Fax: 804/730-1051
Email: district04@senate.virginia.gov
M. Keith Hodges (VA State Delegate - 98th
P.O. Box 928
Urbanna, VA 23175
Phone 804/277-9801 / Fax: 804/695-0216
Email: DelKHodges@house.virginia.gov
Margaret B. Ransone (VA State Delegate 99th
P.O. Box 358
Kinsale, VA 22488
Phone: 804/493-8484 / Fax: 804/493-8481
Email: DelMRansone@house.virginia.gov
Mark Warner (U.S. Senate)
919 E. Main St., Suite 630
Richmond, VA 23219
Phone: 804/775-2314 / Fax: 804/775-2319
Email: www.warner.senate.gov
Tim Kaine (U.S. Senate)
507 East Franklin Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Phone: 804/771-2221 / Fax: 804/771-8313
Email: www.kaine.senate.gov
Rob Wittman (U.S. House of
508 Church Lane
Tappahannock, VA 22560
Phone: 804/443-0668 / Fax: 804/443-0671
Email: www.wittman.house.gov
Winner of the 50/50 Cash Drawings
May – Don McLeod
June & July – Jana Glading
(All winnings donated to Alzheimer’s Research)
VA Federation of Chapters
Check the website at www.vanarfe.org to find
our Chapter’s quarterly newsletter and other
additional information
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Northern Neck NARFE
Chapter 1823
P.O. Box 336
Reedville, VA 22539-0336
Richmond, VA
Permit #3022
Upcoming Meetings (Note: All Meetings Start at 1:00 pm Except for the Annual Picnic
and Spring and Holiday Luncheon)
August 2
Food Bank of Warsaw. 5116 Richmond Rd., Warsaw, VA. Speaker: Mark Kleinshmidt, Director of
Operations. Cold cut sandwiches will be available for $5. Contact BJ McMillan or Ed Glading if you plan
on eating lunch.
September 6
NOON – Annual Picnic. Belle Isle State Park, Humphrey’s Shelter #1. (Burgers, hotdogs & sausages will
be furnished. Last names starting with A-M bring a dessert, N-Z bring a salad/side dish). Speakers:
Congressman Rob Wittman & Matt Rowe, Democratic Delegate.
October 4
China Inn, 5061 Richnond Rd., Warsaw, VA. Speaker: BC/BS Representative.
November 1
American Legion Post No. 117, 39 American Legion Way, Reedville, VA. Speaker: Bob Pasley, retired
from the Comptroller of the Currency, will speak on “Money Laundering.”
December 6
NOON – Annual Holiday Luncheon. Horn Harbor House Restaurant, 836 Horn Harbor Road,
Burgess, VA