356 - Virginia Federation of Chapters
356 - Virginia Federation of Chapters
Volume 21, Issue 2 February 2015 MANASSAS CHAPTER NEWSLETTER NARFE Chapter 356, Manassas, VA - Organized September 9, 1953 Safeguarding Animal Health in the USA, Joe “Chip” Wells, DVM, USDA Animal and Plant Inspection Service Next Meeting Date February 18, 2015 Hibachi Buffet & Sushi Grill at 8121 Sudley Road, Manassas, VA Buffet Lunch 11:30 AM Program at 12:15PM For directions and Inclement Weather Policy see Page 4 Dr. Wells is currently a Veterinary Medical Officer and Risk Analyst with the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the US Department of Agriculture. His job is to travel to different countries and examine the health of animals to ensure that they meet the United State’s trade requirements. His travels have included going to Eastern Europe following wild boar populations, because they were a potential vector for disease. He has also been to Saudi Arabia to check for African Horse Sickness so that Saudi Arabian horses could come to the United States to race and even got to meet the King of Saudi Arabia. Raised in Buchanan, Virginia and graduated from James River High School .He continued his education at Virginia Tech. He graduated from the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Georgia.-Athens in 1982. He currently resides in Washington DC although he has lived in Marshall and Middleburg, VA. He worked in Loudoun County as a horse and large animal vet, before joining the USDA in 2003. His favorite sport is rugby and he belongs to several professional associations. Future Meetings: March 18—Development in Prince William County, Honorable Pete Candland, Gainesville District Supervisor April 15—History and Adventures of Hylton Performing Arts Center From The Chapter President This month your monthly pension check will have a change from last month to account for premium changes for health, dental and vision insurance. In January, OPM sent a statement of the COLA increase but will not send a new statement if the premium change is the only change to your check. A number of chapters in this area are looking at going to an email copy of their newsletter to save money, and a small Virginia chapter only sends out postcards three times a year. Last fiscal year, it cost us on average $217 per month to print and send our newsletter to everyone. Some also get it by email. Those who get it by email through the Yahoo Group (see back page bottom to sign up) get the newsletter when we send it to the printer, which is about a week before it is received in the mail. In addition, our newsletter and other chapter newsletters can be found on the VFC website (www.vanarfe.org). If we make the switch to only electronic publishing of our newsletter, we may not have to address the issue of raising the chapter dues to make ends meet. This will be discussed at a future executive committee meeting. Therefore, please let me know your thoughts on this issue at narfe356@hotmail.com or at P.O. Box #1682, Manassas VA 20108-1682. We currently do not have a website, although NARFE Headquarters would be willing to host one at a fee. We would have to investigate the cost of operating it and design. That is for a future time. We are always looking for interesting speakers for our meeting. If you have a name or idea for one, please contact Jana Bennett at 703-7421597. Hope you will join us for this month’s meeting. David A. Doliber President Help Wanted Our Chapter is looking for a member to serve as our Public Relations Chair. The primary duty is to inform our local news media outlets of our meeting dates to have posted in their newspapers and online. If you would be interested in supporting our Chapter in this way, please contact our President, David Doliber. Page 2 Manassas Chapter Newsletter Legislation Update Ronald Bantom NATIONAL LEGISLATION Despite the arrival of a new Congress in Washington, Virginians remain skeptical of Congress’s ability to get things done. It is very clear that it will take more than a few new faces to convince the American people that their elected leaders are serious about achieving results. Instead, a change in the governing culture of Washington as a whole is absolutely critical to prove that congress is capable of completing the business of this nation. A major concern of Congressman Rob Wittman is that Congress has become stuck in an unhealthy pattern in which budgets are neglected and government funding bills are put off until the last minute. Congress must return to a state of regular budget order, in which it passes budget and appropriations bills on time rather than bloated, shortsighted funding bills at the eleventh hour. He has introduced two pieces of legislation: The first is the No Budget, No Pay Act (H.R. 174). This bill would prohibit members of the House or Senate from receiving pay if their respective chamber does not pass a budget by April 15, 2015. A longterm budget blueprint for the next fiscal year is absolutely critical for long-term planning, and it sets guidelines for the appropriations bills that follow. There is no reason why this can’t be done. The Congressman has also introduced the Stay on Schedule (S.O.S.) resolution (H.R. 17), which would change congressional rules to prohibit the House of Representatives from taking an August recess unless it has passed all regular appropriations bills to fund the government July 31. (Above paragraphs edited from Congressman Rob Wittman’s Weekly Update dated 1/26/2015.) Since the end of World War II, many foreign governments have come to the U.S. for advice on how to raise cash to run their countries. They came to figure out why so many Americans paid their share more or less willingly. It’s called voluntary compliance. Many think it’s the basis for our system. They sought advice from pros at our Internal Revenue Service. They did. Learned (some better than others) and went home. Most improved their compliance systems, but ours, - stupid laws, lawmakers and loopholes not withstanding – is still the gold standard for a big system. One of the primary things they learned is that citizen taxpayers must be convinced that the system is basically fair and that it paid to pay. And as a backup the threat of jail time! (Edited from Mike Causey’s Federal Report dated 1/26/2015.) Rep. Stephen F. Lynch, D-MA, introduced H.R. 313, the Wounded Warriors Federal Leave Act of 2015, which is similar to the bill he introduced last Congress. Under the legislation, servicedisabled veterans employed by the federal government would begin their jobs with 104 hours of paid sick time for medical leave as a result of their injuries. This would make it easier for wounded veterans to schedule medical appointments and keep up with their rehabilitation from service-related injuries. This additional leave would expire after the end of their first year of employment. NARFE supports this bipartisan bill, which currently has six cosponsors. (Extracted from NARFE Legislative Hotline dated 1/23/2015.) Each year, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) sends form 1099-R, Statement Annuity Paid, to both retirees and survivors for use in filing income tax returns. OPM has said it would print and mail these forms to annuitants who have not signed up to receive them electronically, in time to be received by January 31. Many retirees and survivors are using OPM’s Services Online to view and print their forms. OPM is currently updating the site to have the 2014 forms available by January 31. Until the site becomes available, those who need a duplicate form 1099-R for prior years will have to make a request by either calling 1-888-767-6738 or by emailing OPM at retire@opm.gov. (Extracted from NARFE Legislative Hotline dated 1/23/2015.) The Legislation Action Center at www.narfe.org, is the one-stop site to send a letter to congress. NARFE members who modify the form letter report get better responses. Reach the letter template by using: http://capwiz.com/ narfe/issues/aleert?/alertid-62245936. President Thissen urges every Association member to use NARFE’s Action Center to speak to your Congressional delegations. Legislative Hotline: A weekly legislative message is available at 703-838-7780 and a toll-free at 877-217 8234; posted on the NARFE website www.narfe.org, and is sent to over 80,000 GEMS email addresses. To obtain an answer to federal benefits questions, NARFE members should call 703-838-7760, ask for the Federal Benefits Department; or send a question by postal mail to NARFE Headquarters, ATTN: Federal Benefits; or email to fedbenefits@narfe.org. The NARFE BILL TRACKER is your monthly guide to congressional legislation that NARFE is following. The Tracker will consider key pieces of legislation as they are introduced in the 114th Congress. Please visit the Legislative Action Center at www.narfe.org/legislation to check status of all bills NARFE is watching, Contact the Legislative Department with questions at 703-838-7760, ext. 201, or email leg@narfe.org. NARFE is fighting against attacks on Federal workers and retirees, along with their pay and benefits, every day. But we need YOUR help to make our voice stronger. NARFE-PAC (the Federal Employee & Retiree Defense Fund) is there, with your help to help elect (and reelect) lawmakers who will protect your benefits and recognize the value of our service. A NARFE-PAC Contribution Form is located on page 9 of the February issue of NARFE magazine. A New NARFE-PAC Toolkit is available from the NARFE website or by request from the Legislative Department. It is designed to help NARFE leaders on the federation and chapter levels to raise fund for NARFE-PAC, the association’s political action committee. VIRGINIA LEGISLATION Wednesday, January 14, 2015 marked the beginning of Virginia’s General Assembly Session. This year will be a shorter Session for the General Assembly, as we convene for 45 days. Following is a list of the bills Delegate Jackson Miller of Manassas is carrying for the 2015 Session. HB1638–Repeal of A-F, HB1357–Notice of Cancellation Insurance Policies, (Continued on page 3) Volume 21, Issue 2 (Continued from page 2) HB1450–Residential Property, HB1452 –Landlord and Tenant Law; Recover Rent and Possessions, HB1453– Stalking Penalty, HB1455–DPOR– Promoters of Boxing, HB1493–Real Estate Licensee Enticing with Intent to Commit Crime, HB1611–Assault and Battery, HB1638–Felony Homicide; Drug Offenses, HB1639–DUI Persons Convicted under Laws of Other States, HB1647–Drug Overdoses, Reporting of Medical Aid, HB1648–Sales Tax and Use Tax, Legal Tender Gold and Silver, HB1451–Landlord and Tenant; Notice to Terminate Policy, HB2112– DOJS; Training Standards for Undercover Work. (Edited from Delegate Jackson Miller email, dated 1/21/2015.) Chapter 356 Membership Report for January 2015 1 reinstatement 2 dropped for nonrenewal 1 transferred out to other chapters Chapter 356 membership as of Jan. 30, 2015 is 335 members . Previous Chapter Meeting, January 21st Chapter 356 held its regular monthly meeting with 18 members and guests present. Guest speaker, Dr. David Sahley of Dynamics Physical Therapy (www.dynamicsphysicaltherapy.com) spoke about osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, the two most common types of arthritis. Dr. Sahley noted that almost everyone will probably develop osteoarthritis due to the natural wear and tear on the joints that comes with aging. As we age, ligaments around the bones lose their elasticity and cartilage erodes as fluid in the joints decreases, resulting in bone-on-bone friction, frequently leading to the need for replacement surgery. Physical therapy plays an essential role in helping patients gain greater mobility both before and after surgery. Sahley recommended an exercise regime to Page 3 help strengthen muscles, which lessen the shock of impact on the joints; drinking lots of water, since we are more prone to dehydration as we age; and a healthy balanced diet that includes fish, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. He indicated that being overweight, misuse, previous trauma, sprains, strains as well as genetics can predispose one to arthritis. He advised against sitting for long periods of time, and noted that walking lubricates the joints. Signs of arthritis include stiffness upon waking, pain with too much activity, decreased range of motion, and popping and cracking in the joints. Sahley described rheumatoid arthritis as an autoimmune disease that can cause chronic inflammation of the joints; it can affect people of all ages and the cause is unknown. Symptoms include fatigue, joint pain, swollen joints, fever, decreased range of motion, stiffness, redness, warmth and deformity. Unlike osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis usually affects multiple joints on both sides of the body. Treatment goals include strengthening the muscles and increasing flexibility; medications such as NSAIDs, immunosuppressants and corticosteroids are frequently prescribed in order to reduce inflammation. Sahley advised watching your weight and not being too sedentary. Sahley suggested that a promising new biologic approach for treating arthritis would involve using one’s own stem cells to grow cartilage outside of the body and then inserting the cartilage in the affected joint. A short business meeting followed with officers and committee reports. The Minutes of the prior meeting, as they appeared in the Newsletter, were approved. Virginia Federation of Chapters (VFC) Area IX Vice President Pierce Johnson and former Chapter President Jack Shipley encouraged members to attend the upcoming VFC Convention, which will be held in Fredericksburg, VA, April 12-15. The keynote speaker will be the Controller General of the United States, Gene Dodaro. Tammy Flannigan, Senior Benefits Director for the National Institute of Transition Planning and an expert in Federal retirement benefits, as well as NARFE Legislative Director Jessica Klement will also speak at the Convention. Rooms can be reserved at the Homewood Suites and the Hampton Inn, both of which are within walking distance of the conference center. Johnson also encouraged members to obtain ads for the Convention program, noting a March 14 deadline for submission. Registration for the Convention and the Banquet will be at a discounted rate of $55, if made prior to February 14; the price will increase to $60 if registration takes place before March 20. Registration after March 20 will include a late fee and cost $70. Registration forms and additional information about the Convention can be found on the VFC website (www.vanarfe.org). The 50-50 raffle netted $16 for the Alzheimer’s Fund, with the winner donating his share to the Fund. The next Executive Committee meeting will be held at the Manassas Senior Center at 1:00 p.m. on February 3; all members are welcome to attend. The next Chapter meeting will take place on February 18 at 11:30 a.m. at the Hibachi Buffet and Sushi Grill. Mary M. Brandt Secretary Guest speaker, Dr. David Sahley of Dynamics Physical Therapy spoke about osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis Distinguished Members Recognizing those Chapter members who have been a NARFE member for the past 20 years. We thank you for your continuing support of NARFE and our Chapter. Alfred Bahr Alice Coulter Robert Jones Nhon Pham William Spradlin Melvin Balbo Gary Everett Mae Lapane Dawn Scott Audrey Yates NARFE Chapter 356, Manassas, VA Organized September 9, 1953 Return Service Requested NARFE Chapter 356 PO Box 1682 Manassas, VA 20108-1682 Email: narfe356@hotmail.com P OSTMASTER: - T IME S ENSITIVE P LEASE D ELIVER BEFORE F EBRUARY 11 TH C HAPTER M EETING F EBRUARY 18 TH Meeting Location The next chapter meeting will be at Hibachi Buffet & Sushi Grill located at 8121 Sudley Road (Westgate Shopping Center). It is next door to the Barnes and Noble Book Store. I N CL EM EN T WEAT HER In case of inclement weather, please listen to the radio and/or TV for news about Prince William Schools. If the schools are closed, the meeting will be canceled. If the schools are opening late, we will plan to hold the meeting as usual. CHAPTER 356 OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES President: 1st Vice Pres 2nd Vice Pres. Treasurer: Secretary: Service Officer: Program Comm: Public Relations: Membership Comm: National Legislation: Sunshine Comm: Alzheimer’s Comm: Yahoo Group Coord: Chapter Chaplain: Newsletter Editor: David A. Doliber Ronald Bantom Blaine Stockton Blaine Stockton Mary Brandt Priscilla Saboe Jana L. Bennett Gloria Donovan Helen Brooks Ronald Bantom Priscilla Saboe Marilyn Markman, RN Gary Bowles Richard Horte Richard Horte 703-330-0535 703-368-2062 703-791-3881 703-791-3881 703-753-3954 703-361-1150 703-743-1597 703-361-4677 703-791-6737 703-368-2062 703-361-1150 703-791-4329 541-608-7307 703-368-8767 703-368-8767 Past President: President Emeritus: Treaurer Emeritus: Jack Shipley Phil Louer Merritt Robertson 703-753-0143 703-754-2824 703-369-5348 Manassas Chapter Newsletter Online Our newsletter is available by email through our Chapter Yahoo Group to group members when submitted to the printer. To subscribe to this mail group, please submit your email address to: narfe356-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. The latest newsletter is also available at the VFC website at www.vanarfe.org. Go to Chapter/Area Newsletters #356.