Pennsylvania March 2009
Pennsylvania March 2009
T o the untrained eye, it just looked like a bunch of crows flying around a remote Snyder County field. To Mike Dupuy, it was a sign. “Crows are boisterous, so you have to learn their language,” he said. If they are cawing a lot, and loudly, it usually means something is wrong. “They are really good monitors of predators like hawks, owls, snakes, foxes and even humans.” A close bond In this case, he was hoping the crows’ activity might lead him to his missing goshawk, Hanna, who had escaped from her house days earlier. Dupuy, of rural Middleburg, is a master falconer, and has found himself in this position more than once. His beloved hawks and falcons are his hunting weapons. “It’s like using your shotgun, or rifle, but with this art, you are dealing with a creature that can fly.” And unlike other weapons, these birds have minds of their own, and must be both trained and trusted. Dupuy said it’s a lot like dating — letting them go, and trusting they will come back to you. He sends a bird out to fly free, and then whistles to call it back. Through positive reinforcement, he trains the birds, and they learn to work and bond closely together. “When you lose a hawk, it is close to a parent losing a child,” Dupuy said. His birds have been shot, hit by cars, killed by wild hawks and have disappeared. “When you come home with the ‘gun,’ it’s a good day,” he said. While on what he calls “many wild goose chases,” to find Hanna, Dupuy was inspired to write an article on prevention — what to do before you lose a hawk — and not to give up hope if you do. He has heard several stories of falconers who found their hawks after months of searching. The hawk may be alive or dead, he said. “You have to have hope eternal.” And physical stamina. “You have to have dogged persistence, walking through woods, falling into creeks ...” 46 I N S I D E Pennsylvania March 2009 By Tricia Pursell PHOTOS BY MATTHEW HARRIS On a wing and a prayer Falconry takes patience, trust and ‘hope eternal’ ■ “A red-tailed hawk is excellent for hunting rabbits and squirrels. We train this type of hawk to follow from a tree. A goshawk is great for rabbits, ducks and pheasant; this type of hawk generally hunts from the fist. Falcons are generally good for ducks and other birds — they generally hunt by staying in the air above the falconer.” — Mike Dupuy, falconer ■ March 2009 I N S I D E Pennsylvania 47 RESENTED(EISALSOWORKINGONADOCUMENTARYABOUTHIS FALCONRYEXPEDITIONS(ISBIRDSHAVEAPPEAREDIN.ATIONAL 'EOGRAPHICMAGAZINEANDTHE7ASHINGTON0OST )NHEBEGANHISOWNHAWKFOODCOMPANY-IKE$U PUY(AWK&OODANDCURRENTLYHASMORETHANCUSTOMERS INCLUDINGZOOS(ESHIPSTHEFOODTOALLSTATESEXCEPT(AWAII AND!LASKA/NEOFHISCUSTOMERSISFALCONER"OBBY+ENNEDY SONOF2OBERT+ENNEDY h7EPROCESSNEARLYAMILLIONDAYOLDROOSTERSAYEARv HESAIDh7EALSORAISE#OTURNIXQUAILANDMICE7EHAVE PRODUCERSWECONTRACTTORAISEQUAILMICEANDRATSFORUSAS WELLv(EALSOHASAWALKINFREEZERSEVERALSMALLERFREEZERS ONSITEANDANEASTANDWESTCOASTWAREHOUSETHATHOLDSFOOD FORCUSTOMERSWHOBUYINBULK !PUBLICSPEAKERHEBRINGSHUMORTOHISPRESENTATIONS WHICHISOFTENNEEDEDTOHELPPEOPLEUNDERSTANDTHE )NTHEBEGINNING IDIOSYNCRASIESINVOLVEDINFALCONRYSUCHASTOSSINGALIVEQUAIL $UPUYDISCOVEREDHISPASSIONEARLYINLIFE INTHEAIRWITHASTRINGATTACHEDINORDERTODRAWAHAWKBACK 7HENHEWASHISPARENTSDIVORCEDANDHEMOVEDWITHHIS TOHIM MOTHERTOTHE"RONXWHEREHEWATCHEDTHEhPHEASANTSBYTHE h9OUGOTTAGOWITHTHEFLOW4HISISWHATYOUDOFOR (ARLEM2IVERv7HENHEWASHEREADTHEBOOKTHATWOULD SOMEONEWHOSREALLYGOTTHISBUGTHISADDICTIONOFFALCONRYv 4HERESPONSETOHISPRESENTATIONSHASBEENVERYPOSITIVE FOREVERCHANGEHISLIFEh-Y3IDEOFTHE-OUNTAINvBY*EAN #RAIGHEAD'EORGE)TSTHESTORYOFAYOUNGBOYWHORANAWAY 4HERESALWAYSAGROUPOFPEOPLEHANGINGOUTTOASKMORE QUESTIONS FROMHISHOMEIN.EW9ORK#ITYTOTHE#ATSKILLS-OUNTAINS 4HISISHISLIFEALOTOFITINTHELIMELIGHT"UTWHENITGETS WHEREHELIVEDOFFTHELANDANDRAISEDAPETAPEREGRINE FALCONNAMED&RIGHTFUL RIGHTDOWNTOITHESANORDINARYGUYh)WORRYABOUTMYKIDS 4HEIDEAOFTHISMANBIRDOFPREYRELATIONSHIPINTERESTED HELPTHEMWITHTHEIRHOMEWORKSHOVELTHEDRIVEWAYv HIMINCREDIBLYh)READTHEBOOKLIKETIMESvHESAID .OWASAMASTERFALCONERHEMAKESPRESENTATIONSALLOVER THEWORLDANDENCOURAGESEVERYONETOREADABOUT hWHATEVERTHEYAREPASSIONATEABOUTv!NDCONTACTTHEAUTHOR 4HATSWHATHEDID,ATERINLIFEHEMET'EORGEANDTHEY BECAMEGOODFRIENDS $UPUYBEGANLIVINGONHISOWNWHENHEWAS WORKINGUPFROMASUPERMARKETJOBTOFURTHER INGHISEDUCATIONAT 'EORGETOWN5NIVERSITYTHEN SUCCEEDINGATAJOBWITHA&ORTUNE COMPANY"UTWHILE WEARINGTHEWHITE BUTTONDOWNSHIRTSTHAT DISTINGUISHEDHIMASA SUCCESSFULBUSINESSMAN$UPUYFELT UNSETTLEDh)WASSEARCHINGFORA CHANGEINMYLIFEvHESAIDh&OR AWHILE)THOUGHTITWASPOLITICS !NDTHENFALCONRYJUSTSTARTED TAKINGOVERv (EALWAYSKEEPSINMINDTHATHISBIRDSARESTILLWILD ANIMALSPREDATORS h9OUALSOHAVETOBEWILLINGTOBEFOOTEDBYABIRDvHE SAIDhANDKNOWHOWTOREMOVETHETALONSv $UPUYWEARSAFALCONRYGLOVEWHENHANDLINGTHEBIRDSAND WHENHECLIMBSTREESTOFINDNESTSHETREATSEVERYTHINGWITH CARE h7HAT)DOISPRETTYACTIVE)TSNOTFORTHETIMIDv 3URROUNDING$UPUYSRURAL-IDDLEBURGRESIDENCEARE ACRESOFLANDWHEREHECANHUNTWITHHISBIRDS(ESAIDHEEN JOYSTHEBEAUTYOFTHEAREAANDLIKESTHEPRIVACYh)LIKEHAVING MYLITTLE@-Y3IDEOFTHE-OUNTAINAPLACE)CANRETREATTOv 7HENHEHUNTSITISNEVERSOMEBIGSHOWITSUSUALLYJUST HIMANDHISDOG.ILLAh)TSAPRIVATEANDVERYPERSONALTHINGv NOTJUSTWATCHINGNATUREBUTACTUALLYBEINGAPARTOFIT (ISCUSTOMERS INCLUDEA+ENNEDY 4HISISAPASSIONTHAT HAS ALLOWEDHIMTOCOMBINE ALLOF HISINTERESTSINTOONE CAREER h)TSNOTSOMETHING) DOSOMETIMESvHESAID h4HISISMYLIFEEVERY DAY)TISWORKLEISURE CREATIVITYANDPOLITICSALLIN ONEv $UPUYISAREPRESENTATIVEOFTHE .ORTH !MERICAN&ALCONERS!SSOCIATIONANDRECENTLY TRAVELEDTO3OUTH!FRICAWHERENATIONSWEREREP I N S I D E Pennsylvania -ARCH For more information (570) 837-1551 or (301) 633-8355 � �� ��� ��� � � � � �� ��� ������ � �� �� �� ��� � ���������������� ��� ������������������� Introducing the New BERNINA 830 The only, luxury high-performance sewing and embroidery system in the world. It’s in a class all its own. The crown jewel among sewing machines. • No Up-front Fees • Rent Reduction Investment Option – 100% Refundable • One-bedroom Apartments • Two-bedroom Cottages • 24-hour Emergency Nurse Response • No Taxes Or Up-keep • Maintenance-free Living • Transportation For Scheduled Activities And Outings The BERNINA 830. A sewing and embroidery system with technology so advanced, features so thoughtful, the experience of sewing on it is simply luxurious. Fabric & Quilting Supplies Sewing Classes Macihnes starting at $199 Just minutes away from Route 322, in Mifflintown Hoover’s Bernina Sewing Sign a one-year lease, place a deposit and receive last month’s rent free. 570.966.3822 Call Julie Sage: 717-436-6184 for a tour or email: 1300 Beaver Rd, Off Route 104 Hours: Tues., & Fri., 9:00am-8:00pm • Mon., Wed., Thurs. 9am-4pm; Sat. 9:00am-3:00pm • Closed Sunday March 2009 I N S I D E Pennsylvania 49