june-2016 - Maitland SA


june-2016 - Maitland SA
JUNE 2016
CPR sessions pump new life into community safety
SA Ambulance Service is delivering free CPR and defibrillation training sessions throughout
the Maitland region so people are better prepared to act in an emergency.
Local SA Ambulance Service volunteer, Sue Thomas, who conducts the sessions with assistant volunteer team leader Roger Morgan said lives could be saved.
“It may be your neighbour who needs your help,” Ms Thomas said.
“Won’t you feel good if you’re the one person who can help them?”
The sessions take 30 minutes and teach participants how to recognise when a heart has
stopped beating, how to call an ambulance, hands-only CPR and using a defibrillator.
There have already been two sessions, including one with a social group at James Wells.
“That went well, ten people had a go and I think they are feeling a lot more confident now,”
Ms Thomas said.
“The community is isolated, and it takes approximately half an hour for an ambulance to respond to the area, so local first-aid knowledge is vital.
“We teach participants that applying CPR in an emergency situation is not scary and highlight how valuable CPR can be for a patient who is waiting for an ambulance.”
Ms Thomas was an on-road volunteer ambulance officer for 35 years and a trainer with St
John for 10 years before embarking on her
volunteer career.
She said while CPR training does not replace formal first-aid training, it could make
the difference in an emergency.
“It is the chance to save a life, to be helpful
and able to do something in an emergency.”
Any club or organisation that would like its
members to learn hands-only CPR and how
to use an automatic external defibrillator
can book a session with Matt Weatherald on
0438 803 246.
Defibrillator Machines can be located in
the following places in Maitland:
Cougars Football Club
Issues of the Maitland Matters can be
viewed online
Centre SA
RSL Port Victoria Sub-Branch
ANZAC Day Dawn Service:
“Can You Hear Australia’s Heroes Marching” broke the air at 6:00 am on ANZAC Day to begin
the Dawn Service in Port Victoria, with a crowd of approximately 250 people listening intently
as Rod Gill then began the Prelude. He explained what and where the Western Front in Europe
was, and continued with the waste of human life and resources that occurred during some of the
poorly planned offensives.
Guest speaker Greg Twelftree then cited “In Flanders Field”, which lead into his speech about his
uncle, Private Frederick Peter May, who grew up on his family’s farm 1 mile north of Curramulka. He enlisted on the 6th April 1916, but because he was a pacifist and refused to take up
arms he became a stretcher bearer for the 11th Field Ambulance. Greg continued to explain that
his Uncle Fred saw action in France in 1916, and was wounded in April and again in July 1917,
but it was the battle of Passchendaele that saw ‘Uncle Fred involved in a bloody, muddy battle’.
The job of the stretcher bearers was to go out into the field to collect wounded soldiers and carry
them to a Regimental Aid Post where the wounded were then triaged. Three years ago, Greg and
his wife Sue visited and attended the Dawn Service at Villers-Bretonneux in France. Two days
later, they were in Southern Belgium with a guide who was assisting them in tracking the footsteps of Private Frederick Peter May. They were looking for the Thames Farm Bunker where
Uncle Fred had carried wounded soldiers, when the farm owner approached them. Once he discovered they were Australians he was more than happy to assist them with finding the bunker.
Private Frederick Peter May survived the war, and was awarded the Military Medal. His citation
read, “From noon 11th October, East of Ypres this man worked continuously day and night for 4
days. He carried wounded men from the most advanced regimental aid post under exceptionally
heavy shell fire and very trying conditions. Although almost exhausted by his very heavy work
he insisted on carrying on with his duties until all the wounded were clear.” The Military Medal
was awarded for gallantry and devotion to duty when under fire in battle.
During the service, nine wreaths were laid, Father David Amery cited the prayers, and Graham
Johnson raised the
President Rod Gill
would like to express
his sincere thanks to
the RSL members and
the local community
for their assistance in
making the day the
success that it was.
Guest speaker Greg
Twelftree, Father
David Amery & Rod
Gill CSM
Where are they now - Nankivell Family
Jessica and Amy Nankivell, daughters of Ashley and Katrina Nankivell.
Jessica completed her schooling at Maitland Area School in 2010. She received an ATAR of
97.1 which included Merit Awards for Studies of Societies and Music Individual Study. This
achievement was a result of Jessica’s hard work in year 12 and also the dedication of the
teaching staff at Maitland Area School. Jessica also received the University of Adelaide Principal’s Scholarship. In 2011 she commenced a Bachelor of Laws/Commerce at the University
of Adelaide. Jessica graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in Accounting in
2014. Jessica was engaged to Trent Gregor in December 2015. In May 2016 she graduated
with a Bachelor of Laws. She is currently completing a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice
with the University of Adelaide and Law Society of South Australia. Jessica has just received
an offer to complete Practical Legal Training with the South Australian Crown Solicitor’s Office. Upon the completion of her graduate diploma Jessica will be eligible for admission to
practice as a legal practitioner.
Amy completed her schooling at Maitland Area School in 2013. She received an ATAR of 80
and was accepted into a Bachelor of Animal Science at the University of Adelaide. She commenced a Bachelor of Animal Science at the University of Adelaide in 2014. Amy has continued to develop a strong interest in the livestock industry. She has been involved in the University of Adelaide led steer team for the last two years. This year Amy has been selected as
the team captain. Amy has also competed with Bottlesford Murray Greys in the South Australian Junior Heifer Expo in 2014, 2015 and will also compete this year. In 2014, Amy was
awarded the Novice Award and the Novice Encouragement Award. The expo is for 4 days and
gives participants the opportunity to learn more about the beef industry, improve their cattle
showing technique, and compete against other participants on the final day of the show. In
2015, Amy came runner up in the Woodburn Murray Grey Youth Senior Ambassador held at
Wodonga in New South Wales. This year Amy returned to Wodonga to compete in this competition along with the Woodburn Murray Grey National Junior Stock Show. This year Amy
received a second placing in the Junior Judging at the Stock Show. Amy has recently started
Ashvell Murray Grey stud based on her parent’s property. She is currently in the final year of
her degree and expected to graduate in May 2017. She hopes to work in the beef industry.
Catholic Church
2nd & 4th Sundays
1st & 3rd Sunday
5th Sunday
All services are at 11am
Lutheran Church
5th 3rd after Pentecost
St Paul’s
St John’s
South Kilkerran
2pm HC combined at Maitland. Paster Steve Hibbard’s
Installation Service with pooled afternoon tea.
12th 4th after Pentecost 9am HC
11.00am HC
19th 5th after Pentecost 11am HC
9am HC
26th 6th after Pentecost 9am HC
11am HC
An Historical Look….. Mr John Moloney, of “Hill Crest.”
“Mr John Moloney, of “Hill Crest”, Maitland, died on 23rd May, 1923. His death has
marked the passing of another of the original holders of land in the Hundred of Maitland,
and of the one who for 50 years lived on the block which he selected in 1872, a mile and
a half north of where the town was built.
Mr Moloney saw the clearing of the dense mallee scrub which covered a great portion of
the Maitland district, took his share in the pioneer work, experienced to the full the failures and disppointments which marked the struggle for agricultural existency and finally
enjoyed the rewards that were bestowed upon the farmers in the new era established by
revolution in soil treatment. He watched with pride the development of Maitland and
was ever interested in any movement which made for the progress of the town.
Born at Limerick, Ireland, in 1838, he was 85 years of age. He came to South Australia
with his parents in the ship “Charlotte Jane” in 1852. His father took up land on the Gilbert River, north of Tarlee, where the family settled. Ten years later, Mr. John Moloney,
then 24 years of aged, started farming on his own account at Alma Plains and three years
afterwards married Miss Mary Barry, daughter of Mr. Richard Barry, of Stockport.
When attention was drawn to the agricultural possibilities of Yorke Peninsula, Mr Moloney moved to the Troubridge area, now the Hundred of Melville, near Yorketown, in
1871. In the following year he came north to the newly opened Hundred of Maitland and
in October of 1872 he put the first plough into the fertile soil of that part of South Australia. He garnered the first crop while still a resident of the southern end of the Peninsula but soon afterwards he settled in the spot where he spent the remainder of his long life.
All through the lean pre-phosphate years he never lost faith and he was regarded justly as
an excellent farmer.
Mr Moloney was one of the founders of the Maitland A. H. & F. Society and he was the
oldest J. P. in the town. His appointment to the roll dating back to December, 1894.
Mrs Moloney survives in the following children: Mrs. W. Honner, (Junee, N.S. W.), Mrs.
D. E. Madigan, (Maitland); Thomas and John, (Junee); Edward, (Sydney); William and
Eugene (Maitland) and Rev. Patrick, M. S. H., (Kensington, Sydney.)”
(“The Maitland Watch”. 25/5/1923.)
Beryl Neumann
Sales / Service
Spare Parts
Bridgestone Tyre Centre
54-58 Robert Street, Maitland, SA, 5573
T +61 8 8832 2725 www.gunnings.com.au
Cellar Door Sales and Function Centre
Yorke Peninsula’s award winning vineyard and winery
13 km south of Maitland on the Minlaton road.
(or follow signs from Port Victoria- Maitland Rd)
Open 7 days 10am - 5pm
(except Good Friday & Christmas Day)
Wine tastings, local produce, art displays, cheese
boards & platters.
Function Centre Hire- weddings and private functions
Ph: 08 88341258
Fax: 08 8834 1287
PO Box 33, Sth Kilkerran SA 5573
Website: www.barleystackswines.com
Email: barleystackswine@internode.on.net
Current Specials
Cleanskins 2012 Shiraz (cartons only) - $96 per dozen
2010 Shiraz & 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon - $120 per dozen
Annual Gourmet Day - Sunday 3rd of July!
Book your tickets
now to avoid disappointment!
See advert for more details.
Tuesday and Thursday
Small projects to be done?
We have woodworking and welding equipment
on hand for Men and Women who would like
to undertake a small project but don’t have the
tools at home, or just drop in for coffee and a
To find out more ring Artie Glazbrook
P: 8832 2334 or 0417 084738
Photo L-R Grant Rowe, Rod Thomas, John Turner, Clive Kelly, Ken Baker. Sitting President
Paul Davey Absent (Taking photo – Jeff Adams)
Road Side Service Club Signs
The Rotary Club of Maitland has replaced the Service Clubs information road side signs that are
located on the main roads that enter the township of Maitland.
This has been made possible from funds provided by the Rotary Club of Maitland & a generous
Community grants fund of $3,952 from the Yorke Peninsula Council.
The road side signs were originally established by the Rotary Club of Maitland in 1976.
Welcome to Rev’d Dr Jane Lee-Barker
If you have seen someone new, buying food in the supermarket or
walking in the main street, you may have run across the new Anglican priest. The Rev’d Dr Jane Lee-Barker took up residence in
Maitland in September of last year. She is the Long-term Locum
Priest-in-Charge of Central Yorke Peninsula.
Jane, who was born and bred in Largs Bay, S. A. is a relatively new
priest who was made a deacon in Adelaide in 2012. She has had
many years in lay ministry and as a lecturer in theology. She has a
mixed denominational background which has given her a passion
for ecumenical work. She is currently involved in local ecumenism
for the South Australian Council of Churches and is a member of several commissions of
the National Council of Churches Australia, including the national Anglican-Lutheran Dialogue Commission.
Jane also has a background in inter-cultural and interfaith liaison and nursing education.
She loved living, studying and working in Rome and Munich for thirteen years and has
travelled extensively including lengthy visits to Asia. Her two adult children live overseas with their families, Belinda in Washington DC and Jeremy in Singapore. Jane is
grandmother to Ethan, Cailin, Isabella and Connor. She loves being in Maitland. Please
say hello to her if you see her.
Get to Know Your High Street – brought to you by the
Maitland & District Progress Association Inc.
Maitland Markets
There is nothing else on Yorke Peninsula like the Maitland Markets. Located in the heart of Maitland is a great place to visit for locals and tourists. Indeed it attracts many tourists to our town
each year.
The Markets are open every Thursday and Friday between 10am and 4pm – look out for the sign
and balloons on the main street – or can be opened by arrangement.
If you have never ventured into the Maitland Markets now is a great time to visit. In response to
the new entrance the willing volunteers have given the Maitland Markets a new layout – and it is
looking great.
Inside the Maitland Markets you will find the historic shop fronts of which house a range of crafts
and produce. Forty suppliers who are local or have a connection to the Maitland district provide a
range of high quality crafts and delicious preserves and freshly baked goods.
The Maitland Markets were started eight years ago by a team of handicraft enthusiasts who wanted to create a space for displaying and selling their products. Many of the original team still make
jewellery, quilts, knitted goods, bags and cards that are sold at the Markets.
For footy fans there is a wonderful selection of knee rugs in Crows or Port or if you’re starting
them young how about a teddy dressed in your team’s colours.
Local artist Bob Landt has paintings on display and can often be working in his studio at the market. For the next few months weaver Kate Holmes can be found working at her loom on most
Thursdays and Fridays.
On Friday all are welcome to join the community craft afternoon to work on your own project or
seek help from others, or just to come and a have a cuppa and company. You can also stock up on
your knitting yarn at the Market.
The freshly baked goods are my particular favourite at the Markets. Cakes and slices for the sweet
toothed and sausage rolls, quiches and pies for those looking for something savoury. There are also locally produced fresh eggs.
There is also a wonderful range of homemade jams and chutneys as well as locally grown Quandong and olive products.
Whether you are looking for a special gift or to treat yourself to homemade cake or to have one of
the markets lovely and gamely price morning or afternoon teas, you will not be disappointed with
a visit to the Maitland Markets.
It’s a treasure trove that needs a little time for exploring but never fear some friendly guidance
and a cuppa and cake for substance are always on hand.
The markets are coordinated by Margaret Francis who is supported by a team of hard working
volunteers. The Markets is under
the umbrella of the Progress Association. If you would like to organise a special visit for a group or to
learn about the criteria for selling
through the Maitland Markets come
and see Margaret at the Market.
L-R Enid Baker, Lisa Clift and
Margaret Francis in the new Entrance transformed by the Mens
Fundraiser benefits Ovarian & Prostate cancer research foundations.
The Rotary club of Maitland held a luncheon fundraiser on Sunday 17 th April at the Cougar
football club.
Guests enjoyed pre lunch horderves, followed by a well presented & delicious 3 course lunch.
“The Old Fellow” past Rotarian Rod Gregory entertained those present with his wit & humour. Kaylene Graham mesmerised the gathering with her singing.
A silent auction was staged by the members of the Rotary club which was enthusiastically supported. The luncheon event raised over $18,000.00 A cheque for $5,000.00 each was presented
on the day to representative of both organisations who also gave a presentation outlining the
ongoing research for the cure of these life threatening cancers. The balance of the funds from
the day will go towards assisting our local & broader communities. Fundraisers for our communities & charity are not possible without the generous support towards our event from local
business & individuals who contributed to the auction items & luncheon. The Rotary club of
Maitland sincerely
thanks those supporters. This event
& the benefactors
would not be possible if it were not for
the dedicated input
from the Rotary
club members &
their wives. If you
would like to be involved in Rotary to
enjoy supporting
your community &
as well as other
communities & organisations please
contact Steve
Southwood Ph.
0409 322 742 for
further information
about our Rotary
Anglican Parish of Central Yorke Peninsula
Service Times for June 2016
No service
No service
No service
No service
No service
No service
Inspirational Quote
You don’t always get what you wish for, but you get what you work for.
Member for
33 Robert Street, Maitland
PH: 8832 2431 FAX: 8834 1253
Monday - Saturday
Lunch & Dinner
Daily specials
Working for
Should you require any assistance
in relation to State matters, please
don’t hesitate to contact
Holly, Kim, Rosemary or myself
Phone - (08) 8832 2455
Fax - (08) 8832 2699
Email - goyder@parliament.sa.gov.au
Website - www.stevengriffiths.net
19 Elizabeth St. Maitland S.A.
Ph. 08 8832 2346
Email southwood@southwood.com.au
Southwood’s for your home
requirements of:
Rat & Mouse bait
Insect surface spray
Cat & Dog food
Chook food
Garden fertilisers
Omo washing powder
Honda lawn mowers, line trimmers
& blowers
PVC pipe & fittings
Thursday night
Asian Style Smorgasboard
$20 per person
Bookings essential
Lunch time specials daily
Pizzas 7 days
Catering available
Cold Beer & Country Hospitality
Experience our new gaming room
Maitland & District Garden Club Inc.
The garden club members travelled to Port Vincent on Monday 9th May 2016 on a
very windy and wet day.
Yvonne and Viv Jones live in a seaside home on a steep hillside near the beach at Port Vincent
and generously shared their garden with us. They have a very interesting garden with shrubs,
many varieties of succulents, cacti and Yvonne utilises old containers and has a boat in a
themed garden amongst the trees. They also have a very large shade house full of plants. Some
of our members put a collection of succulents and cacti in a saucer and gave to the Jones as a
thank you gift.
After lunch we moved on to a second garden of Pat Barrand and her husbands also in Port Vincent. This garden is also large with trees, shrubs and a lot of varieties of fruit trees. They also
have a large seasonal vegetable garden. This was a most enjoyable day even with the light rain.
Our members are to prepare plants for a stall later in the year.
Next meeting: Tuesday 14th June. Meet at the National Trust Museum at 10am for another day
of visiting Kadina and Moonta.
Hint for the month: Prune hydrangeas, remove the dead wood and leave about 6 of the strongest
canes. Leaving about three plump buds for next seasons flowers.
Reporter: G.M. Smart
Another very successful Mother’s Day Morning Tea was held on Friday 6th. May with 56 persons attending who enjoyed a lovely Morning Tea supplied by the Members of the
“Friends.” Tony Hughes from the Maitland Hospital, spoke on the things that have happened
within the Hospital during the past twelve months. As usual Tony’s talk was very informative. The other Guest speaker was Chris Laird from Chris Laird’s YP Audiology. Hearing
loss can occur at any age, even from birth. As you get older, if you think you may have a hearing loss you should get it checked out. Hearing tests are free. She gave out brochures on hearing loss. Her talk was also very interesting and informative. Thank you to Tony and Chris
for their talks. There was a lovely jewellery display by Chris Hogan and a very well laden
Trading Table. Both of these tables were well supported.
The Morning was very successful raising $1,900.00 with all proceeds going to the Maitland
Hospital for smaller items of equipment or projects within the Hospital. Thank you to Bob
Landt for donating one of his paintings for the first prize in the raffle and Pam Morris for donating a beautiful Crotchet Rug.
Our Members must also be given a big Thank you for all
their help on the day, because without you we could not put on this Annual Mother’s Day
Morning Tea.
The raffle winners were:
1st. Prize: Christa Wood
(Painting Donated by Bob Landt)
2nd. Prize: Kerry Dutschke
(Gift Basket)
3 . Prize: Katrina Morris
4 . Prize: Jean Hasting
(Crotchet Rug donated by Pam Morris & Beauty Pack)
5 . Prize: Robyn Matthews
(Wine Glasses & Bottle Wine)
Thank you to everyone who bought raffle tickets and everyone who supports our Fundraising
efforts for the Maitland Hospital.
Maitland Average Temperatures and Rainfall
For April 2016
Max. Temperature
Rainfall (mm)
17.4 mm
Min. Temperature
Rainy days
7 day
Sinister and Fatal
CASTLE, Jayne ANZAC Battlefield: Gallipoli landscape of War
& memory
Out of Alice
MCGINNIS, Kerry When bad things happen to good women
FLEET, Carole
ROBARDS, Karen Thicker than water
Second life
WILSON, S. J. Super immunity
The Villa Ariadne
Let us prey (R)18+
The Big fat truth
WYATT, Holly R. MD
October gale (M)
Application to fundraise on the Streets in Yorke Peninsula
Some 18 months ago the Yorke Peninsula Council was receiving quite a number of complaints
in relation to the activities being undertaken by persons selling raffle tickets from the footpath
and/or asking for donations from the public in the vicinity of shops. Members of the local community and the shop owners believed there needed to be more control over these activities as
some people were refusing to enter a shop whilst there was someone selling out the front of the
From a legal perspective, anyone who wants to sell, trade, preach or indicate a desire for a donation of money or any other business, they cannot do so unless they have a permit from Council.
Council liaised with shop owners and locals involved in those activities, who agreed that Thursday’s and Friday’s would be the two most suitable days for permits to be issued. The standard
time for the permit period was to be between 10am and 1.30pm.
If an organisation has a special request to trade outside these hours or on a different day, feedback is sought from the shop owner where the activity is being undertaken and Council’s Senior
Compliance Officer (or his delegate) in relation to the application. At this stage no application
has been refused.
Council must ensure any activity which is undertaken on our road (footpaths are deemed part of
a road) is conducted in a safe manner. Council insurers also audit Council on the manner in
which they issue permits on roads so as to reduce the likelihood of an incident occurring.
Council now has a Standard Form (SF180) which must be completed and approved by a Clerical
Officer at a Council Office. At first, the application may look a little daunting, but after a person
has completed the application form the first time, it becomes much easier the second time round.
The general feedback we are now receiving is all very positive as the problem sellers are no
longer appearing for weeks at a time.
The Council staff in the front office at Maitland can assist permit applicants complete the form.
If they are able to attend the office and take with them a copy of their organisations public liability certificate of currency and a driver’s licence, the application should be completed in about 15
minutes and can usually be approved the same day.
If anyone needs further information regarding the obtaining of a permit to sell raffle tickets or
trade on the footpath or associated activities, please contact the Maitland office 8832 0000.
June 2016 Service Times
The following news from your local Uniting Church may be of interest…
MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) has star ted at Maitland Uniting Church every second
Thursday 9.30-11.30am, during school terms (June 2, 16, 30). Mother s are pampered with
good coffee, morning tea and an interesting program, while the pre-schoolers are looked after in
a creche! For more information contact Erin Copeland 0409 500 860
5th Parish service @ Maitland 10.30am Phil Webber—”Focus on the Family Service”
Children involved in the whole service with songs, “Smoochy the Clown”, puppets
and craft
12th 10.30am
9.00am HC
10.45am HC
Margie Gaisford
Phil Webber
Margie Gaisford
Phil Webber
19th 10.30am HC
No service
9.00am HC
Phil Webber
Phil Webber
Malcolm McCauley
26th 10.30am
John Koenders
John Koenders
Phil Webber
Phil Webber
For further information contact Rev Phil Webber 0412 084 303
2016 Biggest Morning Tea @ Maitland Markets
Raffle winners - Congratulations
Tracy Cunningham
Yvonne Coleman
May Sandercock
Dean Sparrow
Faith Sandercock
All proceeds are forwarded to Cancer Council SA.
Biggest Morning Tea @ Maitland Markets
There was over 100 people who attended the Biggest
Morning Tea on Thursday 26th May.
We had visitors from Adelaide, Port Augusta, Queensland and Tasmania and many many locals.
A magnificent total of $2,000.
Many thanks to our kitchen helpers who served a luscious morning tea.
Thanks to the Mens Shed who helped to prepare the
Market and returned the tables and chairs to the Information Centre.
My grateful thanks to all who provided the food for
morning tea and the stall.
The weather was fantastic and it was a big financial and
social success.
Margaret Francis - Coordinator
Cook’s Corner Peanut Clusters
Sunday, 3rd July, 11am-5pm
Fine wines and craft beer
Gourmet food by local suppliers
Art and craft displays and door prizes
Fashion parade
Wine auction (proceeds to Make-A-Wish Foundation)
$12 General Admission ticket includes complimentary
glass, complimentary wine or soft drink or espresso coffee
and an entry into the Door Prize.
$22 Reserved Seating ticket includes items listed above
and a reserved seat at a table.
Children under 18 General Admission FREE
Children under 18 Reserved Seating $10
Book online, via email, over the phone or at the Cellar Door
Ph: 08 88341258
Fax: 08 8834 1287
PO Box 33, Sth Kilkerran SA 5573
Website: www.barleystackswines.com
Email: barleystackswine@internode.on.net
*Please note: No tickets will be held without payment.
Refunds available until Friday the 24th of June.
Tickets are transferable.
An easy recipe to
have with coffee
85gm copha
60gm drinking chocolate
60gm icing sugar
115gm sultanas
3/4 cup chopped peanuts
(can use 60gm dried apricots and
60gms peanuts or walnuts)
Melt copha and add to other ingredient.
Cool and then put small spoons
of mixture on to grease proof paper.
Put in fridge to set.
Licence No. BLD235649
ABN: 50 539 663 284
Our business is based in Maitland, servicing
the Yorke Peninsula & surrounds.
We offer design and planning advice to assist
with your renovations. Darrell Colliver is fully
licensed and can manage your job from A—Z.
(Darrell’s skills are not limited to land; being a fully qualified shipwright with 30 Plus
years experience).
Design to Fruition is happy to discuss any work
you require and provide you with a quote. For
further enquiries and information please contact us on:
M: 0414 370 781
E: designtofruition@hotmail.com
FB: Design to Fruition
We look forward to hearing from you and
working with you .
PO Box 8, 25 Robert Street Maitland SA 5573
Tel 08 88322611 Fax 08 88322006
Monday - Tuesday
8am to 7pm
Wednesday - Sunday 8am to 8pm
Pizza available
Wednesday to Sunday
5pm to 7.30pm or earlier if ordered
Roasts every Sunday $15-50
Baby facilities available
49 Robert Street, Maitland 5573
PH: (08) 8832 2110
Emergency Relief Program
The Anglicare Emergency Relief project at
the Maitland Information Centre is open for
people who need emergency relief on
Tuesdays only 10am -12 Noon.
Bookings can be made at the
Maitland Information Centre on
(08) 8832 2174.
ENJO Consultant
Paula Wegener
0437 235 662
Ambulance Maitland Volunteers
Mon - 8pm (School term)
Michael Downing
0429 674 091
1st & 3rd Mon each mth
Ben Heinrich
8832 2664
Country Women's Assoc.
Last Friday each month @ Maitland
Rosalie Smith
Museum 2pm
CYP Airstrip Committee
8832 2429
Tony Clark
0427 363 161
CYP National Trust Branch
1st Tuesday each month
Beryl Neumann
8832 2220
CYP Friends of the Hospital
1st Friday each month
Rhonda Coleman
1.30pm CYP Hospital
8832 2838
8832 0100
CYP Gym Jams
Every Tues 9.30 – 10.30
Renee Oster
0412 589 662
CYP Little Athletics
Every Friday 5pm — 6pm (Summer) Sam Holmes
0427 700 219
Central Yorke Cougars Netball Club
Janine Burrows
0439 897 087
Yorke Peninsula Council
2nd Tues each month
Yorke Peninsula Council Office
8832 0000
Embroiders Guild of YP
1st Monday each mth
Joy Starr President
8837 3080
Maitland & Dist Garden Club Inc
2nd Monday each month
Margaret Illman
8832 2411
Maitland & Dist Progress Assoc
3rd Thurs each month
Roger Morgan
0419 822 130
Maitland Auto Preservation
1st Thurs each month at the Chatt
Centre 8pm
Joe Ingram
8837 3126
Maitland Bowling Club
3rd Tuesday each month
Clive Kelly—President
Marilyn Stock—V/President
Lesley Rowe—Secretary
8832 3181
8832 2020
8832 3037
Max Smart
8832 2171
Maitland Caravan Park
Maitland CFS
2nd & 4th Monday each mth
Trevor Allen
8832 2058
Maitland Golf Club
1st Tuesday each month
Lindsay Harper
8832 2910
Maitland Health Centre Board
2nd Thursday each mth
Maitland Health Centre
8832 2185
Maitland Lions Club
2nd & 4th Tues each mth
John Longford
0409 363 286
Maitland Rifle Club
Every Saturday
Brad Renfrey
8832 2744
Maitland Scout Group
Cubs & Scouts Tuesdays 4.30 6pm
Chris Moustrides
0421 045 250
8832 2882
Maitland Show Society
Maitland Tidy Towns
1st Monday each month
1st Sat each Month
Heather Drysdale - Secretary
Mark Hector
0418 830 041
8832 2464
Meals on Wheels
3 times/year CYP Hospital
Judy Gerschwitz
8832 2559
Paws with Potential
Thurs. fortnight (school term only)
Each Sunday (school term)
Erin Copeland
Gayle Button
0409 500 860
0408 424 041
Rotary Club of Maitland
Every Wednesday night
Paul Davey
0408 859 610
Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes
Fortnightly on Thursdays
Arty Glazbrook
8832 2334
RSL Port Victoria Sub-Branch
3rd Tuesday each month
Carol Gill
8834 2321
0421 020 579
0419 824 122
SOS Yorke (Suicide Prevention Net- Mthly meetings, various dates &
State Emergency Services
1st & 3rd Tues each mth CFS/SES
Lyall Schulz
Sheds, Rogers Tce
0418 859 544
Yorke Valley Masonic Lodge
1st Thurs each month
Chris Crouch
John Nankivell
8832 2495
8835 1267
YP Health Advisory Council
2nd Mon each mth 1.30pm
Rod Thomas
8832 2219
YP Business Network
Kristine Colliver
0411 235 327
Your FREE listing for upcoming Events here.
MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers - Maitland Uniting Church
CYP Friends of the Hospital meeting @ Hospital - All welcome
9am –1pm Maitland Children’s Centre Car Boot Sale, 15 Kilkerran Tce, Maitland
11.30am Maitland Area School Class of 52 Reunion - Yorke Valley Hotel
Maitland & District Garden Club - meet at Maitland Museum
MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers - Maitland Uniting Church
Maitland Lutheran School presents “ Ali Bab and the Bongo Bandits” $10
Maitland & District Progress meeting - Maitland Information Centre
Maitland Lutheran School presents “ Ali Bab and the Bongo Bandits” $10
“Close to my Heart” scrap-booking –Maitland Uniting Church Hall
MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers - Maitland Uniting Church
Social Club for adults with disabilities - Minlaton Uniting Church Hall
CYP Friends of the Hospital meeting @ Hospital - All welcome
Barley Stacks Wines Annual Gourmet Day
Social Club for adults with disabilities - Minlaton Uniting Church Hall
Maitland & District Progress Association AGM - Everyone welcome
CYP Friends of the Hospital meeting @ Hospital - All welcome
Social Club for adults with disabilities - Minlaton Uniting Church Hall