File - Yellow Rose Chapter
File - Yellow Rose Chapter
J U L YELLOW Y ROSE 2 0 CHAPTER WWW.YELLOWROSECHAPTER.COM OF SDP Note from your President: SPECIAL REMINDERS Hello Painters! July meeting at the church 1 2 August 6 Board Meeting—King of Glory Church INSIDE Membership 2 Lunch 2 Ways & Means 3 Treasurer’s Report 3 Sunshine 4 Education Program 4 Industry News 4 Minutes 5 May Workshop 6 Board of Directors 7 Seminars 8 June Paint-In 8 Website 9 Calendar 10 SDP Corner 11 Map to Meeting 12 What A Busy Time! And, Lots of Changes. Thank Goodness For Painting! Lori Bean’s colored pencil class last month, was a big hit. Everyone enjoyed themselves. Thanks! Jane, you keep things interesting with your program topics and guest presenters, Several members were so impressed with Eve’s faux finish presentation, that they had to purchase one of her neat product kits. We just, could not pass up a good bargain, you know. Well. Golda Zentangle Seminar is almost here! It is nice that we were able to bring this free seminar to our chapter members. So, I hope you enjoy this seminar. It is a reward for all the hard work we have done, to keep things going. Thinking along these lines, I am pleased to advise that Jane Mayberry’s painted furniture raffle piece is just wonderful. So, now we need your help, to sell , sell, sell, tickets!!! See everyone at the July meeting. Remember, we are back at the church location. Your Pres Louise Godard Remember the July meeting is at the Church. Workshops and Paint-in July and August brings us Jane Mayberry. At the July half day, she will be teaching a darling scarecrow light and at the August all day will be a poinsettia pillow wrap which is beautiful. You won’t want to miss painting with Jane, she is such a giving teacher and you will learn so much. Our service project workshop has been moved to September. Plans are being worked on and should be announced soon. We have a great line-up of teachers and projects for you this year—don’t miss any of them! Wine Country table painted by Jane Mayberry for our raffle PAGE 2 Membership Guest Eva Musquiz presenting a program on Faux Finishes YELLOW ROSE CHAPTER OF SDP It's been great to have guests at EvERY chapter meeting this year! During our May meeting there were 19 members Present and 3 Guests, including Eva Musquiz who presented the Faux Finish program. Rita Williams brought her friend Barbara Keele, (Jeanette) and Doris Woodruff brought her Granddaughter, November, who enjoyed the colored Pencil program taught by Lori Bean. Welcome Ladies. We had 22 members 'tangling' at our Fabulous June Seminar with Golda Rader. I hope we have many more guests all year long. It's wonderful to share with others what we all enjoy so much--being with our friends and decoratively painting! Bear Huggs Donna Armstrong VP Membership Stacey Frieden’s email is Correct Info for Bonnie Riley 817 233-1715 Returning Member: Betty Roberts 11050 Quail Run Dr. Dallas 75238 8/31 214-808-1819 Guests: Doris’ Granddaughter and Barbara Keele Patricia Hamilton Painting an Iris in Colored Pencils at May meeting July Meeting Lunch The July lunch will be an assemble-your-own dish with chicken, rice, Chinese noodles, gravy and an assortment of other tasty ingredients that you can opt to include. Dessert is strawberry shortcake. Volunteers: Connie Alexander is helping with lunch. PAGE 3 Ways & Means I will be bringing the donated items for our garage sale back to the meeting for July. Don't think that all the bargains got away, bring your money and pick up some new items for your "stash"! There will be bargains galore! I have looked at several of the "older" books and have found quite a few items that I would like to paint, not to mention color themes that will work well for the future. See you in July! Have more Garage Sale Items? Bring them to the July meeting with prices on them. Jane taught an educational program at Houston Expo. Here is Donna, Jane and Jana the primary colors. Tickets will be ready for the beautiful table that Jane Mayberry painted for our raffle. Nancy at Houston Expo showing off the Bling from Blah to Bling Thanks again! Sheliah Lonain Ways and Means Examples of some of the Faux Finishes shown in the program Treasurer’s Report AS OF 5-23-2012 CHASE CHECKING ACCOUNT CHASE SAVINGS ACCOUNT CD TOTAL $6,760.05 $5,027.57 $6,607.19 $18,394.81 CHAPTER ACTIVITIES Everyone painting at the May Meeting Lori teaching Colored Pencil Iris at May meeting Yellow Rose Emblem displayed at SDP Headquarters PAGE 4 Sunshine—Birthdays Susan Mynyk taught one of the Triple Treat classes at SDP Conference I know you know the drill. If you hear of anyone being sick, let me know. If you hear of a death in the family of one of our members, let me know. If anyone hears about one of our members having surgery, let me know. I can only be as good as you make me sending cards to those in need. My email address is If you wish to receive a birthday card please make sure your birthday is on the roster. Carol-Lee Cisco has had back surgery. Georgia Maggarell has had foot surgery Shannon July Gillespie August 7/1 Ann Marge Betty Malkie Bode Roberts 8/17 8/22 8/31 Marie Lyons Education Program YELLOW ROSE CHAPTER OF SDP Nancy won a piece in the Certification raffle at Conference…..a JoSonja Piece!!!1 I’m excited to announce that Bonnie Riley is going to demonstrate her of colored pencil and pens techniques on fabric. Bonnie is one of our new members and is very creative. We’re looking forward to her pencil art techniques. EDUCATION CHAIR Jane Mayberry CDA Industry News Did you know that Unique Woods carries the full line of Deco Art and Traditions Paint? The big box stores only carry a limited number of colors. Unique Woods also has wonderful wood pieces to paint on and many other supplies. Their address is 2800 West Division Street, A1, Arlington, TX Sign up for Kingslan & Gibilisco Newsletter and receive informative articles, tips and notice of specials, classes , and new items. Click here: Deco Art’s ―Come Paint with us‖ is a program to start beginner painters with. The designs are fabulous by Lynn Deptula, Judy Diephouse and Shara Reiner. Diana was instrumental in getting this program up and running with Deco Art. See for more details. Have you checked out DecoArt’s website lately? They have projects, new products, contests, paint color lists, conversion charts and much more. Have you tried Margot Clark’s Mud dimensional paint? Wonderful ornaments, greeting cards, pictures, etc. can be made with it and it is so easy. She has a kit available to get started right away and a how-to video at MINUTES OF GENERAL MEETING—May 12, 2012 PAGE 5 *Regularly Scheduled Meeting of Yellow Rose Chapter May 12, 2012 The general meeting of the Yellow Rose Chapter was called to order at 1:10 p.m., Saturday, May 12, 2012 at the First Bank of Canyon Creek in Richardson, TX. A quorum was present. Louise Godard served as Chairman. Nancie Wing served as recording secretary. Upon calling the meeting to order, Godard welcomed everyone and thanked Lori Bean for teaching the colored pencil class and Eva Musquiz for the educational program on faux finishing. Secretary – Nancie Wing. The minutes of the regular meeting held March 10, 2012 were reviewed. Upon motion by Doris Woodruff and seconded by Marie Lyons, the minutes were approved for record. Treasurer – Rory Morgan. Checking $7,236.56 Savings 5,027.49 CD 6,607.19 Total $18,871.24 Upon motion duly made and seconded, the report was approved for record. Vice President – Doris Woodruff. Thanked Lori for teaching the Iris class. Doris has sign up sheets for the July 14, 2012 half day program, a Scarecrow Solar Light, taught by Jane Mayberry. Details will be in the newsletter. Vice President Membership – Donna Armstrong. We now have 49 paid members. There were 22 present today, including 3 visitors. Ways & Means – Sheliah Lonian. Absent. Jane Mayberry brought the ‖Christmas raffle‖ lamp table. A photo of the finished piece will be emailed to Sheliah for display with the sale of raffle tickets. Reminder: The Garage Sale re-scheduled for July. Seminar – Jane Mayberry. Golda Radar, June 9 & 10, 2012 at the Bank is set. Also ―set‖ are Janelle Johnson (2013) and Mark Polomchek (2013). See Newsletter for details. Newsletter/Web Master – Nancy Genetti is attending the SDP Conference in Wichita, KS – no report. Note corrections to List of Board of Directors & Committee Chairpersons: Louise Godard and email addresses for: Nancie Wing Susan Hearst – Service Project – Lori Bean and her committee will meet in July when she gets more information on painting/personalizing train cars for North Park display benefiting Ronald McDonald House. Education – Jane Mayberry. Eva Musquiz ( gave a program on various methods of faux finishing techniques to enhance our decorative painting. A kit, with the pattern/instructions for Jane Mayberry’s Violet Tulip & Leaves and the faux finishing materials was offered to the members Jane wants volunteers to help our continuing education programs. Please email her if you’d like to ―demo‖ or have suggestions. ( Facilities - Mary Harrison. Golda’s seminar will be at the Bank in June. Back to the Church in July. Hospitality – Susan Hearst. There will be a special lunch in July. Details in the Newsletter. Sunshine – Marie Lyons. Wishes all a Happy Mother’s Day. Sent Sherida D’Ambera a card. Historian – Publicity –Librarian – vacant. We need to fill these vacancies! There will be 4 file cabinets for sale at July’s Garage Sale. Also need keys from Jean Power. Christmas Party – Jana Reynolds The party will be Saturday, December 8, 2012 at the Chocolate Angel in Plano. Details at next meeting in July. The door prize was won by Nancie Wing. Reminder: If you win a door prize, you bring one for the next meeting! There being no further action to come before the chapter, the meeting was adjourned at 1:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Nancie Wing, Secretary JULY WORKSHOP INFORMATION—July 14 PAGE SOLAR LIGHT SCARECROW__Jane Mayberry If you haven’t ordered your solar light be sure to place your order by June 30 th. Your solar light will be completely prepped for you. The cost of the solar light is $15.00. The price includes the prepped solar light. Scarecrow’s hat, straw, and the Roc-lon fabric for the outfit. Students will receive several patterns, a bunny scarecrow, Santa scarecrow, and the fall scarecrow. Acrylic colors: DecoArt__dioxazine purple, desert sands, sand, white, black, Mississippi mud, asphaltum, bright orange, napthol red, golden straw Delta__yellow (pure yellow), coral Bring your favor colors also. You may want to use want to use them on the scarecrow outfit! Supplies: ¼‖ masking tape, a 12‖ ruler, a ½‖ rake brush, 6/0 liner, regular flat brushes, transfer paper, stylus, and 6‖ scissor, tacky glue. Bring your ordinary painting supplies also. 6 PAGE 2012 Board Of Directors & Committee Chairpersons Elected Officers PRESIDENT Louise Godard 214-202-0184 VICE-PRESIDENT PROGRAMS Doris Woodruff 214-563-0950 VICE-PRESIDENT MEMBERSHIP Donna Armstrong 817-614-2422 SECRETARY Nancie Wing 972-233-0871 TREAURER Rory Morgan 469-628-2797 PAST PRESIDENT Robin Wilson 214-212-7043 Committee Chairpersons NEWSLETTER Nancy Genetti 972-238-0373 Committee Chairpersons HOSPITALITY Susan Hearst 214-585-0201 SEMINARS Jane Mayberry 214-471-2725 SUNSHINE Marie Lyons 972-382-8035 WAYS & MEANS Sheliah Lonian 972-731-7860 HISTORIAN Needed SERVICE PROJECTS Needed LIBRARIAN Needed PUBLICITY Needed EDUCATION Jane Mayberry 214-471-2725 CHRISTMAS PARTY Jana Reynolds 214-263-2978 FACILITIES Mary Harrison 214-674-4572 WEB MASTER Nancy Genetti 972-238-0373 PARLIMENTARIAN Kathleen Ruyle 972-418-5198 7 Seminars PAGE Golda Radar’s seminar was a great success. It was a relaxing weekend of Zentangle. Golda shared many creative Zentangle ideas and we’re all looking forward to more Zentangle. August All Day Workshop YELLOW ROSE CHAPTER AUGUST WORKSHOP TEACHER__JANE MAYBERRY POINSETTA PILLOW WRAP ON ROC-LON JANE IS PREPING THE FABRIC FOR THE STUDENTS. REGISTRATION ARE IN ADVANCE TO ALLOW PREPATION TIME. STUDENTS WILL RECEIVE THEIR SUPPLY LIST CLOSER TO THE CLASS DATE Some Interesting Websites to check out: (mod podge mini canvases (color schemes) (if you haven’t already started pinning you might like it) 8 Recipes PAGE 9 Louise Tangeling with Golda Chicken Salad Recipe from Susan Hearst 2 cups of diced chicken 1/2 cup of mayonnaise 2 tablespoons of sour cream 1 rib of celery chopped 1/2 cup of walnut pieces and/or raisins or 1/2 cup seedless green grapes, sliced Optional: finely chopped onion to taste, salt and pepper to taste Hint: I buy chicken tenders and cook them in the oven at 300 degrees with a little water in the pan for about 1/2 hour . This is simple, keeps the chicken moist, the small pieces cook quickly and are easy to chop up This is the Chicken Salad that was served at the May meeting. Robin and Gerry tangling at Golda Radar’s seminar Low FAT LOW Carb Low calorie Ranch dressing from Donna Armstrong Obviously ranch dressing is not healthy, especially considering it's only a condiment of sorts. So here is a Healthy alternative. 1 cup Dannon Oikos plain nonfat Greek yogurt 1 packet hidden valley ranch (dressing, not dip) 1/2 cup 1% milk - adjust milk for thickness of dressing. Whisk together in bowl and chill for 1 hour before serving. Adjust amount of Milk, to get desired consistency. Tips and Tricks Use an old glue cap and put it on a acrylic paint bottle to be able to write in color! This is genius!! Tip from Donna Armstrong. Do you have a complex pattern that you need to transfer? Lay a piece of wax paper over the top of your tracing and as you use your stylus, the wax paper will become indented and you can see where you have been and where you need to go! Tip from Sheliah Lonian Color Tip from Neadeen Masters: Create interest and dimension by controlling your color intensity (brilliance or dullness) The further away from the viewer, the lower the color intensity will become. The more intense the color the more attention you will create! Use the concept of push and pull as you control color intensity in your painting. CHAPTER WEBSITE I will be adding the “fun stuff” i.e. photos, etc. as time permits. Please send any photos and information you would like to see on the website to me. Thank you again for your patience while rebuilding the website. Nancy Genetti, Webmaster Mary and Lori tangeling With Golda Calendar PAGE 10 February 11, 2012 Full day Painting Church Field of Tulips/Nancy Genetti March 10, 2012 Half day/Meeting Church Heart Zentangle Card/Peggy Frieden April 2, 2012 April 14, 2012 Board Meeting Full day Painting Church Church Open Paint Day/Garage Sale May 12, 2012 Half day/Meeting Bank Iris-Colored Pencil/Lori Bean June 4, 2012 June 8, 9, & 10, 2012 Board Meeting Full Days Church Bank Seminar July 14, 2012 Half day/Meeting Church Scarecrow Light/Jane Mayberry August 6, 2012 August 11, 2011 Board Meeting Full Day Church Church Pillow Wrap/Jane Mayberry September 8, 2012 Half day/Meeting Church Service Project - TBA October 1, 2012 October 13, 2012 Board Meeting Full Day Church Church Candy Cane Man/Jana Reynolds November 10, 2012 Half day/Meeting Church White Blossom/Nancy Genetti December 8, 2012 Christmas Party Chocolate Angel/Plano Half Days from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 --Education ---- Lunch--- Meeting is from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM Full Day Painting from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 or 4:00 p.m. Seminars are from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Money can’t buy happiness But it can buy Art Supplies! SDP CORNER PAGE 11 of apter h C e Ros Yellow SDP Nancy Genetti Newsletter Editor 1117 Eon Drive Richardson, TX 75080 Next Newsletter Deadline is August 6 We are on the web! Meeting Days 9:-00 Workshop 12:00 Lunch 12:15-1:-00 Education Program 1:00—Meeting King of Glory Lutheran Church 6411 LBJ Freeway Dallas, Texas 75240 Map to First Bank of Canyon Creek for May meeting. Belle Grove Road, Richardson
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