File - Yellow Rose Chapter
File - Yellow Rose Chapter
Y E L L OW R O S E CHAPTER OF SDP SPECIAL REMINDERS s r a e Y 2 3 g n i t a r b e l Ce M A R C H 2 0 1 5 WWW.YELLOWROSECHAPTER.COM GENERAL MEETING MARCH 14 PAINT IN APRIL 11 Don’t Forget Daylight Savings Time ….spring forward on March 8 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Membership Lunch Workshop/Paint In Treasurer's Report Sunshine Minutes Seminar Sign-up Seminar Announcements Board of Directors Calendar Proposed Budget Recipe Corner March Project April Paint In March Pattern SDP Corner Out and About Map to Meeting 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 16-17 18 18 21 Note from your President: Hope you all have been well and painting up a storm for the New Year. There is so much I want to get painted this year and already feel I am getting behind. I would like to thank Nancy Genetti for teaching at our January meeting. Nancy is an excellent teacher and everyone enjoyed her Santa by Sandi Strecker. Nancy also taught a mini class after the general meeting that was the cutest chef. Thank you Nancy, you always do a great job. Thanks to Linda McDonald for teaching our February class. Linda taught Batik by Kathie George. This was a very informative class and fun for all who attended. Linda has been teaching for years and is always full of knowledge to share with members. Thank you, Linda. Ladies the board has decided to dispose of the library. We have six or seven cabinets full of books that have been collected over the years. We will start bringing one or two file cabinets out at each meeting and selling the books for a dollar apiece. There should be some really nice books available. I also wanted to inform you that we have a Priscilla Hauser Print that we will be auctioning off at our March meeting. This is a beautiful picture Priscilla painted and she gave us a print and signed it. The print is framed and we will have the silent auction in March and the starting bid will be fifty dollars. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to own a beautiful picture by the one and only Priscilla Hauser. Keep painting and bring your finished projects to our meeting and share your beautiful work with your fellow members. It’s always nice to see what others are doing. Stay warm and well. Thank you Jana Reynolds Yellow Rose President Carol O’Connor– Eisenberg is running for SDP Board Member-At-Large at the conference in the Chicago area this May. Carol has been a long-distance member of our chapter for a number of years. If you are not going to conference, please send in your Absentee Ballot and vote for our fellow chapter member. Absentee ballots must be postmarked no later than April 5. See page 89 of Issue No. 1, 2015. Make your voice heard, everyone should vote! Like us on Facebook 2 Membership If you have not paid your 2015 dues this will be your last newsletter. Nancy teaching at January Meeting Please bring your membership card that was attached to your last Decorative Painter to verify SDP membership, if you haven’t already shown a receipt. Membership in this chapter is open to persons who are members of the National Society of Decorative Painters. Non-Resident members of SDP may visit this chapter. NonChapter member guests are welcome to visit not more than one meeting annually. Join the Society of Decorative Painters. With your membership you'll receive four issues of The Decorative Painter, an award-winning magazine that invites you to open its pages of inspiring projects, helpful articles and painting happenings from all over the world. But the Society isn't just a magazine. It's a network of painting peers. By joining Linda teaching the February Paint-in a local chapter in your area you can take classes and meet people who Shara your enthusiasm for painting. Full SDP Membership price begins at $50, with a variety of trial, student, and household pricing options available. We look forward to painting with you! Join or Renew Online. We accept Visa, Paypal, MasterCard, and Discover. To pay by check for money order, download the membership form, below, and mail to: Happy Spring downloads/2015_EnglishMembershipForm.pdf Society of Decorative Painters Attn: Membership 393 N. McLean Blvd Wichita, KS 67203 March Meeting Lunch Jana, our President, how sharp is she! Susan Hearst - pasta bake and bread; Vanessa - green salad Sharron White - dessert 3 Vice President Programs—Workshops Have you signed up for March "Hoppy Easter" workshop yet ? There's still time, bring your own surface. $3.00 supply fee includes photo and instructions. Pattern on page 16 & 17, Prep instructions on Page 12 April is an All Day workshop "Day Lily" a Mary Gibilisco Design, is done in oils taught by Sharron White. Shown on a 8 x 10 canvas. Emphasizing Blending skills and color Theory. Sharron will provide an oil paint palette for $6.00. See Donna Armstrong to Sign up for workshops at our meetings or email me . 817 614-2422 We have Chapter business cards. For those who'd like to have a few Please talk to Donna Armstrong. Please feel free Share them, and post them on bulletin boards at Craft Stores, Schools, etc.... You can write contact information on the back of the cards. Treasurer’s Report AS OF JANUARY 27,2015 CHECKING SAVINGS TOTAL $6111.75 $11654.66 $17766.41 4 Birthdays Linda’s February Project Happy March Birthday to And Happy April Birthday to 3/11 Susan Hearst 3/11 Sheilah Lonian 3/17 Peggy Friedan 3/31 Georgia Magarrell 4/5 Wanda McGill 4/6 Gerry Cook Sunshine Gerry Cook is recovering from surgery. Peggy Frieden's husband is awaiting surgery Vanessa Valentine’s step daughter is going thru a serious illness Carel White’s husband passed recently. Carel is a Bluebonnet chapter member who came to our Fun-Raiser seminar last year. Directory Happy St. Paddy’s Day Updated Roster for 2015 will be in your inbox soon. The secret is OUT Tired of your local craft stores NOT having DecoArt paint colors? Want FREE shipping if your order one or 50 bottles of paint? Well you've been shopping at the WRONG store! Shop for the full line of DecoArt paint at Home Depot YES, shop from home, order online Price are very competitively priced. (excluding discontinued colors) Pay on line. Home Depot even accepts PayPal! AND shipping is Free if you ship to your local store. Nancy teaching mini class in Jan- Enter DecoArt Black (or color of your choice) in SEARCH click -add to cart. Don't forget to choose location of your local store. I ordered Paint Sunday evening, and it was ready for pic up on Thursday. Donna. 5 MINUTES OF GENERAL MEETING—November 8, 2014 Yellow Rose Chapter of the SDP Minutes of the General Meeting January 10, 2015 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Yellow Rose Chapter was called to order at 1:10 p.m., Saturday, January 10, 2015 at the King of Glory Lutheran Church, Dallas TX. There were 14 members present. Jana Reynolds served as Chairman and Susan Hearst as Secretary. Jana called the meeting to order and proceeded to query the Board for input: Secretary – Susan Hearst: A motion was made and the minutes from the November general meeting published in the January Newsletter were approved as written. VP-Elect/Programs – Donna Armstrong: Referred to the projects selected for the 2015 year which were displayed on a board for the members to see. She encouraged members to sign up for projects as soon as possible. Donna asked for volunteers to teach mini classes; she also requested members to bring next month (February) potential projects for May, which is currently vacant. A blast will be sent out regarding the February class to encourage additional sign ups. Supplies must be ordered ahead of time, in order to ensure availability. VP Membership – Connie Alexander: Reported that there were 2 new members: Carol Eisenberg O’Connor and Vanessa Valentine. She thinks the club will have approximately 20 members. Treasurer – Rory Morgan: Bank acct balance as of 12/23/14 -- Checking: $5,522.62 Savings: $11,654.044 Total: $17,177.06 Newsletter – Nancy Genetti: Deadline for articles is first week of February. Seminars – Sharron White: Sharron had the two Shara Reiner seminars ready for sign up. She is sending e-mails to a long list of people. Nancy encouraged her to send info to local chapters as well. The seminars are on March 28 and March 29. A pattern packet was available after payment. Fee is $40.00 per day plus $10.00 for lunch. Service: No chair—No comments. Ways and Means Committee (Board)—No comments. Hospitality – No Chair: March lunch: Susan Hearst will bring a pasta bake and bread; Vanessa will bring a green salad and Sharron White will bring desert. Librarian – None. No comments. Sunshine – Connie Alexander: No comments. Facilities – Mary Harrison: No comments. Christmas Party – Peggy Frieden: No comments Webmaster – Nancy Genetti: No comments. Parliamentarian -- Linda McDonald: No comments. Old Business: None. New Business: Still need a Historian and a Project Manager for Service. Members were asked to consider these posts. The Board meeting in February will start at 6 pm in order to allow time for the budget review. With no further action to come before the Chapter, the meeting was adjourned at 1:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Susan Hearst, Secretary 6 Shara Reiner Seminar Sign Up Sheet Shara Reiner Acrylic March 28 and 29, 2015 Yellow Rose is sponsoring Shara Reiner as our first seminar in 2015. Shara is a sought after teacher and everyone always has such a great time at her seminars. Seminar Information Date: March 28 and 29, 2015 Location: The Elk’s Lodge 610 Presidential Drive, Suite 102 Richardson, TX Times: 9:00 – 5:00 p.m. Cost: $40 per day $ 80.00 $10 boxed lunch 20.00* $100.00 *Purchasing the lunches is not mandatory – feel free to bring your lunch if you do not wish to participate in buying a boxed lunch. Shara has sent pattern packets and I will forward them to you once Yellow Rose has received your seminar fee. The pieces to be painted are Snowman Santa's which is originally 14 x 14 The Autumn piece was originally on a tray measuring 12 x 18 – Patti Rawlinson might still have the tray, not sure. The surface is your choice. Below is a sign up sheet for you to complete to reserve your spot at this great seminar. Name: Amount Due: Check #: Cash: Email: Phone #: Physical Address for mail Please send this completed form together with your form of payment to: Sharron White 709 Colonial Drive Garland, TX 7 Seminars The Shara Reiner seminar is March 28 and 29, 2015. The cost is $40 per day plus $10 each day for a box lunch should you elect to purchase a lunch. Please contact Sharron White at 469-774-4181 or email sharronwhite if you have an interest in joining us for this seminar taught by a delightful and fun teacher. Snow Santas is approx 14 by 14 inches Fall tray is 12 by 18 inches.. You will supply your surface of choice. Packet and prep instructions will be provided once you have signed up I look forward to hearing from you Sharron White Yellow Rose Chapter has two Mark Polomchak original paintings for sale, with his permission. Each painting is $150 plus shipping and handling. What a great way to get one of Mark's wonderful paintings. If you would like to buy one or have any questions about them please contact Sharron White at or 469-774-4181. Important Announcements 8 FUN -FUND RAISER Ladies we need to have another fund raiser this year. We are asking for submissions to be brought to our March meeting. We will vote on them at that time. Remember, this needs to be a project of original design and something that will draw a large group (not just our members). Last year was the large Santa and we did very well, but would love to bring in more people this year. If you have an idea or project but can’t paint it in time please share with the board. Maybe someone can get your thoughts or design done for you before the meeting. If you don’t want to teach, maybe we can find someone to teach for you. Remember ladies this is our only source of income for the chapter so we need it to be really nice. Please put on your thinking caps and put your brushes to surface and bring your projects. Thanks Jana Reynolds We have a Priscilla Hauser Print that we will be auctioning off at our March meeting. This is a beautiful picture Priscilla painted and she gave us a print and signed it. The print is framed and we will have the silent auction in March and the starting bid will be fifty dollars. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to own a beautiful picture by the one and only Priscilla Hauser. The board has decided to dispose of the library. We have six or seven cabinets full of books that have been collected over the years. We will start bringing one or two file cabinets out at each meeting and selling the books for a dollar apiece. There should be some really nice books available. 9 PRESIDENT Jana Reynolds 214-263-2978 NEWSLETTER Nancy Genetti 972-238-0373 VICE-PRESIDENT PROGRAMS Donna Armstrong 817-614-2422 SEMINARS SUNSHINE Sharron White 469-774-4181 VICE-PRESIDENT MEMBERSHIP Donna Armstrong 817-614-2422 SECRETARY Susan Hearst 214-585-0201 TREAURER Rory Morgan 469-628-2797 PAST PRESIDENT Nancy Genetti 972-238-0373 HOSPITALITY Volunteers WAYS & MEANS Board of Directors HISTORIAN Newsletter Chair/Secretary SERVICE PROJECTS Sheilah Lonian 214-649-7415 LIBRARIAN (Disbanding Library) PUBLICITY Donna Armstrong 817-614-2422 CHRISTMAS PARTY Peggy Frieden 214-697-8144 FACILITIES Mary Harrison 214-674-4572 WEB MASTER Nancy Genetti 972-238-0373 PARLIMENTARIAN Linda McDonald 972-213-7888 CHAPTER WEBSITE/FACEBOOK There will be a page on the Yellow Rose Website to list/advertise classes for member teachers. If interested in being listed please email me and I will send you a form to fill out. ADVERTISING IN THE NEWSLETTER AND ON THE WEBSITE Do you have something you would like to advertise? Do you teach classes? Anything of interest to our members may be advertised. There will be no cost to you, but they need to be small (not a whole newsletter page!) and camera ready. The board reserves the right to not publish any ad they deem inappropriate. Nancy Genetti, Webmaster 10 2015 Calendar Date Meeting Type Location January 10, 2015 Half day/ meeting Mini Class Church February 2, 2015 February 14, 2015 Board Meeting full day class Church Church March 14, 2015 Half day/ Meeting Church March 28 & 29 2015 Seminar April 7, 2014 April 11, 2015 Board Meeting Full Day Class Church Church May 9, 2015 May 11-16 Half Day/ Meeting SDP Converence Church Chicago June 1, 2015 June 13, 2015 Board Meeting Full Day Class Church Church July 11, 2015 Half Day/ Meeting Church August 3, 2015 August 8, 2015 Board Meeting Full Day Class Church Church September 12, 2015 Half Day/ Meeting Church October 5, 2015 October 10, 2015 Board Meeting Fun Day Church Church November 14, 2015 Half Day/ Meeting Church December 12, 2015 Christmas Party TBD January 9, 2016 Half Day/Meeting Church Sweets 'n Treats Donna Armstrong February 13, 2015 Full Day Class Church Lazy Susan Believe Peggy Frieden Designer: Patricia Rawlinson Changes will be in Red Project/ Teacher Jolly St Nick/Nancy Genetti Chef/Nancy Genetti Designer: Sandi Strecker Floral Batik/Linda McDonald Designer: Kathie George Hoppy Easter/Nancy Genetti Designer: Sandi Strecker Elk Lodge Shara Reiner Lily/Sharron White Designer: Mary Gibilisco Open Boots/ Nancy Genetti Margarita Snowman Kwikwood Donna Armstrong/Lisa Schall Autumn Bounty/Lori Bean Designer: Jean Zawicki Service Project Day Tote Bags for Veterans Fund Raiser Seminar Trumpet Flower/ Nancy Genetti Designer: Debra Welty Photos 11 Recipe Corner EASY CHICKEN/RICE CASSEROLE 1 3 1 1 cup - 4 can pkg uncooked rice boneless uncooked chicken breasts cream of celery soup + 1 can water of dry Lipton Onion Soup mix Preheat over to 350. Grease a casserole dish. dish. Lay chicken over rice. Spread rice on bottom of Mix celery soup and water together and pour over chicken and rice. Sprinkle Onion Soup mix over all. Don't stir...don't add any other seasonings Cover & bake for about 1 - 1 1/2 hours, depending on size of chicken breasts. Proposed Budget 2015 Proposed Budget Please look over the proposed budget for 2015, come wit =h questions and be ready to vote on it. Category Chapter Classes - Supply Fees (5 half; 4 full) Charms Christmas Party Pres. Board Gifts Convention: VP VP Donations - Church Donations - SDP donations to YRC Facility rental Historian Hospitality - Lunches Library Membership/Directory Newsletter President Gift President Publicity SDP - Chapter Fee; Insurance Seminars Service Sunshine Treasurer Ways & Means Web Hosting TOTALS 2015 Expense Budget 2015 Income Budget 650.00 75.00 1,000.00 150.00 800.00 40.00 100.00 150.00 650.00 400.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 25.00 120.00 100.00 25.00 500.00 150.00 2,000.00 200.00 75.00 75.00 150.00 60.00 6,345.00 2,000.00 2,595.00 6,345.00 12 March Project HOPPY EASTER DESIGN BY SANDI STRECKER TAUGHT BY NANCY GENETTI PALETTE – DECO ART Banana Cream Desert Turquoise Dragon Fruit Irish Moss Lemonade Lilac Purple Cow Saffron Yellow Spiced Pumpkin Hauser Dr. Green Orange Twist Warm White Indian Turquoise Poodleskirt Pink Whispering Turquoise SURFACE: Cutout from Sandi Strecker. Size of piece is 10” High and 16” long is painting on another surface. SUPPLIES: Black Micron Pen .005, Tacky Glue, 22 gauge green floral wire, Scotch magic tape or frog tape Brushes used (bring brushes you have and are comfortable with): #4 #10 & #12 Flat - #4 Filbert - #2 Round – ¾” Maxine Mop PREPARATION; Seal all wood pieces with Deco Art Multipurpose Sealer. When dry, sand lightly before base coating. BASE COAT AS FOLLOWS: Poodleskirt Pink – Base the E Block Lemonade – Base the A Block Banana Cream - Base the S Block Whispering Turquoise – Base the T Block Orange Twist – Base the E Block Lilac – Base the R block – the capital P cutout letter and the base piece Indian Turquoise – base the Y cutout letter Purple Cow – base the lower case p cutout letter Irish Moss – base the capital H cutout letter and all the leaves and dowel stems Apply pattern If you have any stencils that look similar to the designs on the blocks or the dots on the base bring them and your favorite stencil brush. Pattern on Page 16 & 17 13 Vice President—Workshops & Paint-ins What's on your Bucket List for this year ? Have any projects you'd like to finish ? Consider teaching them. OK you don't want to 'teach', how about share your project with friends ? There is an 'opportunity' for a half day workshop in May. Please consider submitting a project to 'share' with your chapter friends. Fill out submission form, bring your finished piece to the March Chapter meeting for consideration. Take a Look at our Calendar of Projects planned for this Year, a variety of mediums, Watercolor, acrylics, pen and ink, oils, and kwikwood. a Good mixture surfaces, from wood, canvas, glass, silver trays, Ginwashi Rice paper and Boots ! We have a Great year of FUN planned Come join us and bring a friend or Two ! Donna Armstrong Vice President/President Elect Teacher submission form on Page 14 April Paint-In Day Lily taught by Sharron White, Designed by Mary Gibilisco Surface: 8 x 19 canvas or surface of choice Class Fee: $10.00 Supply Fee: $6.00 *(incl palette) DecoArt Acrylics: Rookwood Red, or Burgundy Wine & Black, , Light Mocha, Hauser Green Medium or Avocado If you have your own oil paints the following are used: Oil Colors: Titanium White, Cad Yellow Pale, Bright Red or Cad Red, Alizarin Crimson, Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Umber, Raw Sienna, Olive Green Contact Donna Armstrong to sign up for the class. You will receive pattern and prep instructions when you sign up. 14 Yellow Rose Chapter 2015 TEACHER SUBMISSION DATE: ______________________ Please include finished project and/or photos of project submitted. TEACHER: ___________________________________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________ Phone number: _____________________________ 3 hour Workshop Project 6 hour Paint in Project ALL day Mini Project or Demo - 2 hours or less PROJECT NAME: *Original Designer*_____________________________________________________________________ SKILL LEVEL: ___________________________ MEDIUM: _____________________________SURFACE: ______________________________________ SURFACE COST: ________________________ PATTERN SUPPLIED BY: _________________________________________________________________ SUPPLY COST:_________________________ (includes photos, copies pallet fee) Brief description of Technique and skills being taught: *Please attach written Permission from Original Designer to this form. Unless otherwise stated permission is granted to post photos on Chapter website, Chapter newsletter and Yellow Rose Facebook page. Credit will be given to Original Designer. 15 January Meeting Nancy teaching Sandi Strecker Santa A couple of finished ones Sharon enjoying painting Many finished Santas Vanessa, our new painter, did a fantastic job Lori, Sharron & Peggy painting their Santas 16 17 18 SDP Corner The Society is headed back to the Pheasant Run Resort to hold the 43rd SDP International Conference & Expo, May 11-16, 2015. Come join the fun! May 11-16: Join your fellow painters for the 43rd SDP International Conference & Expo at the Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles, Illinois! Our team is hard at work finalizing details and ensuring you will have a great time with us in St. Charles. We look forward to continuing to provide you with great networking events, the latest designs, art education, access to new web features, and stories from your chapters and friends. Thanks for painting with us! SDP Out and About Local Area Seminars for 2015 Wildflowers—Janice Miller (April 17-18) Location: Tom Bean Methodist Church Time: 9 - 4 Cost: $35.00 per day Sent money to Dee Dow: 7083 FM1753, Denison, TX 75021. For more information contact Carol Reichelt 903-892-9592 Project 1 - Friday Janice will provide solar screen with the pattern on for 8.50, must be ordered and paid for by Our March meeting (3/16/15). If using your own screen or another surface the size is 14x24. Project 2 - Saturday Original painted on beige shirt Judy Westegaard (August 14-15) Bluebonnet Seminar—Rosemary West Thursday – March 26 Friday – March 27 9:00 – 4:30 Bob Duncan Community 2800 South Center Arlington, TX Contact: Diana Pfau February Paint-In 19 20 THE MAGIC BANK ACCOUNT THE AUTHOR IS NOT KNOWN. IT WAS FOUND IN THE BILLFOLD OF COACH PAUL BEAR BRYANT, ALABAMA, AFTER HE DIED IN 1982 The Magic Bank Account Imagine that you had won the following *PRIZE* in a contest: Each morning your bank would deposit $86,400 in your private account for your use. However, this prize has rules: The set of rules: 1. Everything that you didn't spend during each day would be taken away from you. 2. You may not simply transfer money into some other account. 3. You may only spend it. 4. Each morning upon awakening, the bank opens your account with another $86,400 for that day. 5. The bank can end the game without warning; at any time it can say,“Game Over!". It can close the account and you will not receive a new one. What would you personally do? You would buy anything and everything you wanted right? Not only for yourself, but for all the people you love and care for. Even for people you don't know, because you couldn't possibly spend it all on yourself, right? You would try to spend every penny, and use it all, because you knew it would be replenished in the morning, right? ACTUALLY, This GAME is REAL ... Shocked ??? YES! Each of us is already a winner of this *PRIZE*. We just can't seem to see it. The PRIZE is *TIME* 1. Each morning we awaken to receive 86,400 seconds as a gift of life. 2. And when we go to sleep at night, any remaining time is Not credited to us. 3. What we haven't used up that day is forever lost. 4. Yesterday is forever gone. 5. Each morning the account is refilled, but the bank can dissolve your account at any time WITHOUT WARNING... SO, what will YOU do with your 86,400 seconds? Those seconds are worth so much more than the same amount in dollars. Think about it and remember to enjoy every second of your life, because time races by so much quicker than you think. So take care of yourself, be happy, love deeply and enjoy life! Here's wishing you a wonderful and beautiful day. Start “spending”.... R Yellow 21 f SDP pter o ha ose C Like us on Facebook REMEMBER MEETING START TIME CHANGED Nancy Genetti Newsletter Editor 1117 Eon Drive Richardson, TX 75080 Next Newsletter Deadline is April 6, 2015 We are on the web! And Facebook Meeting Days 9:-00 Workshop 12:00 Lunch 12:30—Meeting 2 hour project after Business Meeting King of Glory Lutheran Church 6411 LBJ Freeway Dallas, Texas 75240 TO 12:30