May.June.2015 - Illinois Prairie Painters
May.June.2015 - Illinois Prairie Painters
Illinois Prairie Painters Tole ‘N Tell Next Chapter Meeting Saturday, 6/06/15 In This Issue: President’s Message . . 1 Board of Officers . . . . .2 Sunshine .. . . . . . .. . . . .2 Minutes. . . . . . . . 3,4,5,6 Treasurer’s Report . . . 6 Philanthropic. . . . . . . . 7 Education . . . . . . . . . 7 Carmelite Wish List . . 8 Membership . . . . . . . . .9 Raffle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2016 IPP Application 10 June Program . . . 11, 12 SSB Seminars . . . . . . . 14 Cheri Rol Class . . . . . 15 SDP Liaison . . . . . . . . 16 Hospitality . . . . . . . . .17 Hi Everyone, Looks like spring might have finally arrived, flowers starting to pop up, trees budding out, Yeh! I don’t know about you but I was getting mighty sick of this winter. We had a great meeting on April 13, please read everyone’s articles for the upcoming meeting June 6th. Margaret Royston did a Fantastic program at the meeting with stamping and painting flowers on a tray. Bettie Slayzk has more great programs scheduled, see her article. Louise Jackson seminar was held in April, hope you were there. Louise is a great watercolorist and taking a seminar with her is always fun and inspiring. She will be teaching at SDP Conference in May. Cheri Rol will be coming September 25, 26, and 27. Cheri is a profound oil painter who has taught all around the world. The projects and sign up are in the newsletter. This is a great opportunity to learn a new medium if you haven’t tried oils before; or if you’re an experienced oil painter, you will always learn something. I have painting with Cheri for years now and always come away with something new. SDP Conference is coming up in May in St. Charles, IL. Hope you all are going. If you cannot take any classes, I hope you come for the trade show, nice seeing all the new ideas and products. Bettie Slayzk has lined up a couple of our own people to teach at the June meeting. Be sure to read her article. Please see Barb Hoag’s article about what she has in store as our Philanthropic project this next month. Thank you to everyone who has been donating. Children at the Carmelite Home can use all the help we can give. We now have a Facebook group, “Illinois Prairie Painters”. Just click on the request to join. We can share our activities, seminars, and etc. With permission from the teachers, we will post pictures of seminars. Hope to see you all at the SDP Conference and at the meeting June 6th. Nancy Simpson Volume 39 ~ Issue 3 ~1~ May/June 2015 2015—Illinois Prairie Painters Board Officers and Committee Chairs President Vice President Nancy Simpson Sunshine Report from Judy McComb Bettie Slazyk Treasurer Jan Kuehne Secretary Janet Schipma June Birthdays 6/7 Gai Moodie 6/10 Judy Selangowski 6/25 Catherine Plomb 6/25 Arlene Miller Education Newsletter/Website Membership/Directory Hospitality July Birthdays 7/8 Ann Johnson Sherry DeFillippo 7/8 Alberta Overrocker Jan Baier 7/16 Willie Montalbano Lynnda Lamont Chapter Display Sharon Failor Parliamentarian Kathy Miller Ways and Means 6/22 Janet Erazmus Janice Baier 7/21 Nancy Carley 7/24 Denise Renault 7/25 Nadine Buck 7/26 Nancy Simpson Theresa Krohn 7/27 Ruth Schweihs Raffle Jan Anderson/Judy Selandowski 7/27 Mary Sterling Sunshine Judy McComb Philanthropic Barbara Hoag 8/3 Roberta Helsom Library/Vintage Books Luella Rooney 8/8 Barbara Marshall Relief Crew Nancy Swingle 8/11 Karen Wood Historian SDP Liaison/Publicity Church Liaison August Birthdays 8/11 Gloria Bogs Lois Crist 8/15 Janice Baier Janet Schipma 8/17 Kari Siebelt Barb Loehman 8/19 Jeanne Koenig 8/28 Pamela Boesh IPP CHAPTER WEBSITE I am sorry to advise you that one of our senior members, Janet Weber, just died. Many of us have painted with her and enjoyed her company. We don't have any further information or an address to send sympathy I will continue to update! Sherry ~2~ ILLINOIS PRAIRIE PAINTERS General Meeting Minutes ~ April 11, 2015 A General Meeting of the IPP Chapter was held April 11, 2015 at the Lyonsville United Congregational Church of Christ in Indian Head Park, IL. President Nancy Simpson called the meeting to order at 10:08AM by welcoming everyone and guest, Carol Clark. Asked if everyone was wearing a name tag and advised if not, to pay the $.25 penalty. Vice President, Bettie Slayzk, thanked Margaret Royston for stepping forward to teach the class today and informed all that Pat Berkhout and Judy McComb will be teaching two separate classes from SDP convention at the June meeting – she thanked all of them. In October, Theresa Krohn will be teaching “Something Witchy.” Next year, Margaret Royston will teach the apron w/palette design that was previously planned for the April 2015 Meeting. Treasurer, Jan Kuehne reported the Year to Date amounts: Checking Account starting balance:$3,048.50 Income 1,898.55 Expenses 4,086.53 Ending Balance as of 4/11/15 860.52 Wells Fargo Account $15,827.03 Linda Park made the motion to accept the Treasurer Report as reported and Jan Baier seconded the motion, all were in favor of accepting and the motion carried unanimously. Secretary, Janet Schipma, asked if there were any additions or corrections needed to the 2/07/14 meeting Minutes, being none, Jan Kuehne motioned to accept the Minutes as written and Margaret Royston seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Chapter Display, Sharon Failor, thanked Jan Kuehne and Nancy Simpson for the April Centerpieces which were live tulip plants with bird stakes in each and an origami made by Nancy which symbolized her trip to Korea, called Hanbok. Education, Jan Baier, reported that we have a very successful seminar signup for Louise Jackson for the 4/17-19/15 seminar but we do have room for more. She encouraged the membership to support IPP seminars because the club does pay for the teacher’s transportation, printing, room and meal expenses and we need to get more money in to cover these expenses. Nancy added that Louise is a fantastic watercolorist who is not travel teaching any longer and is truly making herself available as a favor to IPP, so please sign-up. Jan advised that signup for the Cheri Rol Seminar on 9/25-27/15 will be at the June meeting but that members could signup today if they wish. Nancy described the projects, informed all that pictures of the projects can be found on Cheri Rol’s website. Hospitality, Lynnda Lamont, reported that we have 35 in attendance today and that she made the down payment for the Christmas Meeting and spoke to the hotel. President Nancy picked the winning names for the April centerpieces. Winners were: Cathy Plomb; Theresa Krohn; Pat Berkhout; Linda Lamont; Barb Carlson and Barb Hoag. ~3~ Meeting minutes continued . . . . Historian, Lois Crist, requested pictures with no response; said otherwise, everything is good. Library/Vintage books, Luella Rooney, advised the members that we have lots of books and are trying to make a decision on what to do with them since members do not seem to purchasing them any longer. Luella is looking for suggestions from the group on what to do with the books: one thought was to sell the books by the box on eBay and split the proceeds with IPP. Otherwise, we may need to discard the books since we do not have the storage room. A brief discussion followed and Linda Park mentioned another website, “DPU de Stash” a website for selling items but not for a huge profit. If someone would be willing to create an album of the books, it would be a focused way of selling them. Luella asked if there were any computer savvy volunteers who would be willing to do that – no responses at the present time. Other websites suggested were: Tole Patterns Dash and Decorative Painters Stash. Membership, Jan Baier, reported that we have one returning new member Fran Gilkerson – total count of membership is 76. Please encourage all of your friends – it is almost time to rejoin for next year. Newsletter/Website, Sherry DeFillippo (absent), Bettie Slayzk mentioned that the deadline for newsletter articles is 4/18th. Parliamentarian, Kathy Miller, everyone is O.K. Philanthropic, Barbara Hoag, thanked everyone who bought pajamas or made donations for the Carmelite home. The raffle donation is a SDP book and the winner is Margie Rios. Raffle, Jan Anderson, reported that the raffle is setup, thanked Gloria Boggs for selling tickets as well as the ladies who donated raffle items. Relief Crew, Nancy Swingle, requested if anyone needs help with the Raffle or Ways-nMeans tables, please see her. SDP Liaison/Publicity, Janet Schipma, reminded members that the final signup for the SDP Conference at Pheasant Run in St. Charles, IL is 4/24th; also please don’t forget to complete your Volunteer form and submit; SDP is encouraging all members to attend the Chapter & Members Gathering on 5/13th, 6:30-9PM, Cost is $20 as well as the Family Day on 5/16th w/ Learn to Paint Demos. President Nancy advised that she got a message from Denise from Windy Brushes and she is doing the Volunteer setup for Classrooms and the Boutique at 10am. IPP is doing one of the tables that include 10-placemats. She described the contents of the gift bags and mentioned four members are helping to paint the placemats and gift bags and will note on the back, painted by IPP. She also reminded everyone to volunteer ahead of time or you can go to the SDP booth for volunteering when you arrive. Sunshine, Judy McComb (absent) Nancy asked if anyone needs a card from IPP and to please let Judy know if there is. ~4~ Meeting minutes continued . . . . Ways and Means, Theresa Krohn, hoped everyone had fun at the Ways-n-Means table this morning and reported they made $82 at this time. She also mentioned that there is a pattern for a dollar bill origami and roses made from dollar bills that will make great Graduation gifts available for purchase. The Special raffle for June it is an original Lenox piece of two snowman (snowman painting the snow lady). The piece will come in the original box along with the Certificate of Authenticity. Old Business: Theresa Krohn reported that the Quilt is finished and it was on display along with two pillows covers. A quilt rack was donated by Judy Selandowski; tickets will be available at the June Meeting (20-tickets for $20). Theresa volunteered to design and print the tickets so save the cost of going to a printer and will be sure to have tickets available at the SDP Conference for purchase. Theresa mentioned that five squares were not returned yet and if those members do finish and return, she will make potholders from them. Budget - President Nancy asked if there were any questions or comments regarding the proposed Budget for 2015 that was distributed in the Newsletter as well as on the tables today. She mentioned again, that the budget is really just a guideline and if there were no questions or comments that she needs a motion to accept as published. Jan Baier motioned to accept the proposed Budget as written and Barb Carlson seconded the motion. There was no further discussion and the motion passed unanimously. New Business: Nancy advised that she started a Facebook page for IPP (Note: please spell out “Illinois Prairie Painters“). Currently, Nancy & Ann Johnson are the only ones who have access to the site. You need to come to Nancy and request to join the group. Nancy also made everyone aware that she took pictures of the membership today and asked if anyone objected to having their picture posted on the new Facebook site. There were no objections and all were appreciative to Nancy for taking on the task. IPP is doing table decorations for the SDP Banquet and Nancy thanked Bettie Slazyk, Barb Loehman, Janet Schipma, and Jan Kuehne for helping. Announcements: President Nancy announced that the IPP Board Meeting will be held at 6:30PM on Monday, 4/13th. We usually meet at the Wolf’s Head Restaurant between 5 and 5:30PM for dinner; the Board Meeting begins at 6:30PM at the Lyonsville Church. Ann Johnson rented a half table at the SDP Conference for the DecoArt and Turtle Hollow Artists (Booths 114, 116 & 118); Nancy distributed flyers for the membership to take so they can look her up at the Convention. On behalf of Jane Dryden, Linda Park announced that Jane is looking for a roommate to share the costs of the hotel at SDP Conference. Please email Linda Park if you are interested. Also, please note that Jane is not teaching at Conference this year. Theresa Krohn announced the South Side Seminars and displayed Georgia Wanda’s project with a $10 packet fee that is scheduled for August 2015. Linda Park announced the Windy Brushes Seminar with Janice Miller in October 2015 held at the Red Door Church in Bartlett. Robin Manestar also announced that when she travels, she looks up local painting clubs and takes a class. This is a great way to gain exposure to how other clubs are run and to meet their membership. ~5~ Meeting minutes continued . . . . . Linda Lamont announced she is looking for donations of painted items for a Breast Cancer event she attends every year (scheduled for 5/16th) – proceeds go to breast cancer research. If you can donate a painting or something small, it would be greatly appreciated. Linda is attending the SDP Convention, so please bring your painted items to convention to give to Linda. President Nancy announced that the next General Meeting will be held on June 6th at the Lyonsville Church with the Board Meeting following on June 8th. (Meet for dinner between 5 and 5:30PM; Board Meeting begins at 6:30PM.) President Nancy advised the membership that IPP is 40-years old this year and that she has been a member since its beginning. Please remember that it takes all of us to make this club a success so, if you have any suggestions for improvement, please talk to a Board member, take a seminar, volunteer. Membership has dropped drastically -- since I was President last time, membership dropped from 216 to 76 members. It takes all of you to help make IPP successful. With no other business to discuss, motion to adjourn was made by Linda Park and seconded by Margaret Royston. Motion carried unanimously at 10:44AM. FACEBOOK We now are on Facebook! Search for “Illinois Prairie Painters”, send a request to join and you’ll be in! Join us to share our chapter and activities. April 15, 2015 Newsletter Treasurers Report ~ Jan Kuehne Checking Account Starting Balance 1/1/15 $3,048.50 Income $4,346.15 Expenses $5,051.39 Ending Balance 4/13/15 $2,343.26 Wells Fargo Account 4/13/15 $15,827.03 This report does not include expenses for Louise Jackson seminar April 17, 18 & 19, 2015 ~6~ Philanthropic ~ Barbara Jones Hoag First as always, I want to thank Betty Slazyk for delivering our contributions to St. Joseph Carmelite Home. Thank you to our members who made contributions of pajamas for the children, cash donations which the nuns can always put to use, and soda tabs for the Ronald Mc Donald House. Thank you go out to: Cathy Plomb, Robin Richer, Edna DeVore, Nancy Swingle, Marge Rios, Barbara Loehman, Lynnda Lamont, Jan Baier, Luella Rooney. All are appreciated. For our June meeting we are holding a sock hop for the kids. Please bring socks of sizes from shoe size 5 children’s up to size 7 shoes in adult. This should provide for the children presently at the home. Any other item on the Carmelite home list would also be welcome. At this meeting we will once again have a box for monetary donations and one for donator’s name for a drawing. Education ~ Nancy Simpson & Jan Baier We had a Fantastic Seminar with Louise Jackson. Thanks you Louise! Check out the photos on Facebook. Thanks you to everyone who brought breakfast treats, desserts, and everything. Please see the seminar sheet for Cheri Rol. The designs are designed for a one day painting experience. Cheri is an excellent painter and will teach you a lot. As always you may bring your own surfaces, or you may purchase the surface from Cheri, costs are on the sign sheet. Prep will be handed out when you register. If you are new to oils or wanted to try them out, here is your chance. If you purchase the palette, you eliminate the cost of purchasing the paints. What a deal! We look forward to seeing you all. ~7~ St. Joseph Carmelite Home for Girls Wish List Please note that all products need to be perfume free, hypoallergenic and unscented as possible. This is for the safety of the children. They prefer new clothing and items but will accept gently used. Shampoo & Conditioner Toothbrushes Body Wash Baby Wipes Baby Blankets Nursery Water Crib Bed Sheets Vaseline-Large Jars Toothpaste Baby Crib Sheets Baby Oil A & D Ointment Hand Sanitizer Wipes Duffle Diaper Bags Leak Proof Sippy Cups Lotion for Baby and Children Diapers & Pull Ups Size 4, 5 and 6 only Over the Counter Medication for Infant and Children Plastic Mattress Covers Toddler and Twin Sizes Towels and washcloths: Girls - Pink, Purple, Orange, Green Boys - Blue, Teal, Green, Yellow Multi-Color for Teens Underwear, T-shirts, Thermal Wear, Tights, Pajamas, Slips and Socks all sizes House Slippers Boys and Girls, all sizes Girls Pajamas – all sizes Adult, Medium and under Boys Pajamas Pants – All sizes Adult, Medium and under Winter Hats, Gloves, and Scarves: for Boys and Girls all sizes Healthy Snacks – Animal Crackers and Cheese Crackers 100% Juice Boxes Small Water Boxes Hair Supplies (including African American Hair Type) for Infants and Children: *Hair Mouse, Rubber Bands, Grease, Oil, Barrettes, Combs, Brushes and Headbands Gift Cards: * Wal Mart, Target, Pizza Hut, Old Country Buffet, etc. Movie Gift Cards to AMC Duffle Bags Sports equipment for use indoors/gym *Basketballs, nerf stuff, footballs, soft bouncy balls, etc. Wii Games – please no violent ones Nerf Guns and ammo 18 Gallon Bins (to store any items received that are not immediately used) THANK YOU!! ~8~ RAFFLE A thank you goes out to Lynnda Lamont, Linda Park, Robin Manestar, Sharon Failor, Janet Schipma, Cathy Plomb, Gai Moodie, Barb Carlson, Barbara Loehman, and Judy Selangowski for donating items. Spring has arrived and soon everyone will be getting outdoors to plant and decorate their yards with flowers and plants. We are planning on an “Art in the Garden” theme for the June 6th raffle. Donations of painted or unpainted yard art items such as pots/containers, flowers, plants, bird houses and general garden decorations would be appreciated. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us. Thank you, Jan Anderson, Judy Selangowski & Denise Kus MEMBERSHIP - Jan Baier Correction---Janet Schipma birthday -- 10/22 cell phone -- 847-420-8293 NEW MEMBERS Margaret Rios Mary Beth Buschman 1616 Mansfield Dr. 943 Monroe Ave. Aurora, IL 60502 River Forest, IL 60305 Lockport, IL 60441 630-499-8885 h 708-771-8478 h 815-592-2442 h 630-362-6996 c 312-802-5493 c 815-836-8888 c Dob – 4/5 Dob -- 10/10 Fran Gilkerson 899 E. 8th Street Dob -- 12/14 gilkerson- PLEASE ADD THE CORRECTION AND NEW MEMBERS TO YOUR DIRECTORY Thanks, Jan Baier ~9~ ~10~ ILLINOIS PRAIRIE PAINTERS –June 6, 2015 CHAPTER MEETING Traditionally IPP has presented two to four classes taught by a teacher who attended the May SDP Conference at our June meeting. This year SDP will have their Conference in St. Charles, Illinois. Pat Berkheart and Judy McComb have offered to teach a class that they will have attended. I will be sending an e-mail with all the complete information after the SDP Conference. But we need your response by May 8th to give the teachers time to order all the supplies. Pat Berkheart – "Echinicea" by Maureen Baker an acrylic /texture class We'll begin both of the classes immediately after the members meeting at 10:30 A.M – paint until lunch - then continue after lunch. The classes will last until 4:00 PM – we're asking you to have your surface prepped before the meeting so we may finish a large portion of the class.. The surface for the class: Masonite 11" X 14" cost $6.50, prepped a/c $3.00, pattern is $5.50 & two stencils @ $7.50 each – Pat will have several stencils to share. If you choose to prep your own surface use DecoArt Media Medium Molding Paste/White. PALETTE USED -Traditions Artist Acrylics: Dairylide Yellow, Hansa Yellow, Phthalo Green-yellow, Aquamarine, Red Violet, Warm White, Light Grey Value 8, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Permanent Alizarin Crimson, Cobalt Blue Hue and SapGreen. You may bring your own paints or purchase a palette for $12.00. Brushes used are – flats, filberts and a good liner, 1" wash brush, palette knife & basic acrylic painting supplies _____________________________________________________________________ Judy McComb – "Pair of Monarchs"by Sharon K. Carlson CDA –pencils. . COSTS: Pattern: $5.50 Surface: 6" X 8" Stonehedge paper (in packet) 12 Prismacolor Pencils – you supply your own pencils Apple Green Black Cad Orange Hue Goldenrod Jasmine Limepeel Mineral Orange Poppy Red Prussian Green Salmon Pink White Sap Green Light SUPPLY LIST: Small Stiff Brushes Scharff Moon – Ronnie Bringle or Pat Lentine scrubber Battery or Hand Held Pencil Sharpener Paper Support (clip board 9X12) Eraser – Battery or Factis Eraser Scotch Brand Magic – tape Clean paper – at least 1 sheet Hake Brush or Large Mop Tracing Paper Transfer paper (black wax free) Contact: Bettie Slazyk Programs 219-972-9439 Or further info regarding individual class – Pat Berkhart at 630-854-7653 Judy McComb at 815-693-6782 Make out checks to: Illinois Prairie Painters, Mail checks with signup form to: Bettie Slazyk , 8140 Oakwood Avenue, Munster, Indiana 46321 ~11~ ILLINOIS PRAIRE PAINTERS JUNE 6, 2015 PROGRAM "Echincea" "Pair of Monarchs" Designed by Maureen Baker Designed by Sharon K. Carlson Name _________________________Guest ___________________ Phone __________________ E-mail _________________________ Euchincea – Pat Berkhart Pair of Monarchs – Judy McComb Pattern: $5.50______ Pattern: $5.50______ Surface: 11X14 @ $6.50 _____ Surface: 6X8 Stonehedge – no charge Prepped: a/c $3.00 TOTAL: ______________ _____ Stencils: 1/or 2@$7.50 each _______ Palette: $12.00 TOTAL: _______ _______ MAKE OUT CHECK TO: Illinois Prairie Painters MAIL TO: Bettie Slazyk, 8140 Oakwood Ave., Munster, Ind. 46321 E-mail: 219-972-9439 ~12~ Illinois Prairie Painters Seminars for 2015 Members & Non-Members welcome Contact: Jan Baier – 708-846-5958 Kathie Miller – 630-584-0731 OR 2015 September 25, 26, & 27 (Friday, Saturday, & Sunday) – Cheri Rol – Oils EDUCATION: Jan Baier PLEASE NOTE . . . Education Chairs are: Jan Baier Nancy Simpson 708-846-5958 c 815-483-9675 c South Side Brushes Seminars for 2015 Please contact: Carol Wiksten Seminar Chair at for additional Information and type in SSB Seminar so I know to open the e-mail. 2015 Oct. 17-18- Sandy Scales 2016 Feb 22 – Diane Masloroff – Zentangle Windy Brushes Seminar Schedule 2015 & 2016 Janice Miller - October 9th, 10th, 11th 2015 Carol Spohn - June 10th June 11th & 12th - 2016 Jamie Mills-Price - July 23rd & 24th - 2016 ~13 ~ Acrylics and "Jan" Tangles 2 hour special class Watercolor & Mixed Media - Acrylics South Side Brushes Seminar Evonne Einoris & Georgia Wanda Location: Palos Heights Recreational Center 6601 W. 127th Palos Heights, IL 60463 708-361-1807 Halloween with Quikwood Fabric Painting Saturday, August 15, 2015 Sunday, August 16, 2015 Class from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Must bring own quikwood Must purchase $10. for pattern packet Surfaces available or bring your own You provide your surface Classes are $35 for members and $40 for non-members. Lunch is $10 per day. Name___________________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________ Phone__________________________________Email_________________________________________ Saturday class________________ Lunch_____________ You need to bring your own quikwood Sunday class______________________ Lunch_______________ $10. Packet fee________ Make checks payable to: South Side Brushes. Mail to: Carol Wiksten 18509 May St. Homewood, IL 60430 or Theresa Krohn 517 Belden Dr. Dyer, IN 46311 ~14~ ~15~ SDP Member Discount As a member of SDP, you qualify for discounts* to many art suppliers and decorative painting businesses. To view the full list of participating businesses and the discounts offered to you, please visit the Member Discount List. Jo-Ann Fabric: Remember to update your Jo-Ann VIP Discount Card annually. The Decorative Painter Magazine The current and previous issues of The Decorative Painter Magazine can be found on the Member Login page at International Decorative Painting Month? Important Dates: October 1- Your exhibition opens! October 2- Post a Painting Day October 19- Charity Event October 26- SDP's International Learn to Paint day We will be organizing national promotion for the events of the month, so mark your calendars and start organizing your plans soon to be involved with the beginning of SDP's biggest International Decorative Painting Month yet. For more information on planning an exhibition, read the Planning an Exhibition post on the SDP blog. Free Painting Projects Paint Party and our other free projects are now available as a downloadable PDF for viewing on your computer, iPad, Kindle Fire, or other mobile device. Teacher Development Program The SDP Teacher Development Program (TDP) for Excellence in Teaching was established to provide an educational program for SDP members that offer the opportunity to improve the standard of teaching decorative painting. The program will improve the skills of experienced teachers and help painters who want to become teachers. Please download the TDP brochure for more information. SDP Liaison ~ Janet Schipma ~16 ~ Illinois Prairie Painters - April Meeting, Luncheon, Program TO BE HELD AT: Lyonsville Congregational United Church of Christ Indian Head Park, Ill. Saturday, June 6, 2015 Registration, Coffee & Tea Service, Light Refreshments – 9:00 A.M. Business Meeting and Raffles – 10:00 A.M. Lunch: 11:30 A.M. ($15) Luncheon Menu: Baked Mostacciolli and Chicken Oregano Tossed Salad Rolls Dessert **************************************************************************** Reservations received by the due date, Friday, May 29, 2015 will be eligible for the table centerpiece drawing. Member’s Name: _______________________________________________ *Guest’s Name: _________________________________ *Dietary Restrictions or Food Allergies: _____________ Please make check(s) payable to Illinois Prairie Painters Check#:__________ Amount Enclosed: $___________ PLEASE SEND REGISTRATION ALONG WITH CHECK TO LYNNDA LAMONT 2409 Flat Rock RD, Dyer, IN 46311*****Phone: 219-781-4638 Email: ~17 ~
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