Don`t Forget. The Shara Reiner seminar is Pot Luck.


Don`t Forget. The Shara Reiner seminar is Pot Luck.
Yucca Pod Chapter Newsletter
Chapter Member of the Society of Decorative Painters
Las Cruces, NM 88005
March 2011
Editor: Ann Pendergrass
Next meeting:
March 20, 2011, 1:30p.m.
Mountain View
Regional Medical Center
Community Room
See inside for directions.
March Project:
Taught By Susan Heyser
Shara Reiner seminar will
be held @ The Las Cruces
Association of Realtors (LCAR)
building. It is located at 150 E.
Idaho. Idaho is off of Main
street. If you go down Avenida de
Mesilla and go through the red
light crossing Main it becomes
Idaho. LCAR is on the South side
of the street (R) past ComCast. I
will have my cell phone with me
if anyone gets lost.
Katherine A. Wilmeth
Treasure's Report
January 2010
Make checks payable to
Yucca Pod.
Supplies needed:
Ruler, Scissors, Pencil,
Double stick tape or Glue stick.
Our Thanks to Marie Hughey
for a great Watercolor class
after our February meeting.
Please put them in an envelope, before
giving to Darlene at the meeting.
Or mail them to her @
Darlene Forni
P.O. Box 85
Organ, NM 88052
Happy Birthday to
Georgie 3/30
Irene M 4/2
Jane H. 4/8
Cindi & Irene
Overheard in Class:
The February Raffle
winners were:
Ann C. and Kathy W.
Save your monthly raffle stubs.
A drawing will be held in December
for a free seminar.
Does what happened in
Vegas, really stay in Vegas?
2011 Yu cca Pod B oard
Jeanne Mack
Kathy Wilmeth
Darlene Forni
Marie Hughey
Ann Pendergrass
Seminar Coordinator
Georgi Gause
Memory Boxes
Kathy Wilmeth
(575) 532-9783
Kathy Groves
(575) 524-2034
Cyndi Ruiz
(575) 373-3509
Web Mistress
Susan Heyser
Don't Forget.
The Shara Reiner
seminar is Pot Luck.
Yucca Pod Minutes
February 20, 2011
Mountain View Regional Hospital Community Education Room
Monthly Meeting
Meeting called to order at 1:35 pm
Last Month’s Minutes
– Ann Crestman made a motion to accept minutes as read. An Willingham 2nd the motion. All
Treasurer’s Report – We currently have $7,181.78 in the Yucca Pod account. Jardin de los Ninos has received their annual
contribution of $150. Approximately 30 members are signed up for the March seminar. Darlene has copies of this year’s
budget as determined by the Budget Committee. Anyone who wants a copy can have it.
Las Vegas SDP Conference – Eleven women from our group are planning to attend one or more seminars in Las Vegas. If
anyone wants supplies, patterns, paint, brushes, etc…please contact one of them. Susan passed around a craft kit that she plans
to look for in L.V. and a roster to put your name if you want the kit.
Show & Tell – Thanks to all for sharing their beautiful ly finished art items. Carolyn spoke in more detail about the flower
blocks she will teach in the April meeting, including other items that we may buy separately.
March Project
– Susan will be teaching a beautiful card perfect for any occasion. The cost will be $5.
Kudos to -
Kathy Wilmeth for ordering memory boxes and delivering finished ones to the hospitals.
Annie Pendergrass for doing the Newsletter and distributing it to members.
Cyndi Ruiz for shopping with teachers for art supplies donated to Jardin de los Ninos.
Susan Heyser for updating our Webpage.
Georgi for getting the great quality trays and benches for the March seminar and for all the wonderful
seminars yet to come.
Birthdays in Feb
– Wilba, a very happy birthday to you!
Pamplets – Our chapter pamplets have been updated and are ready for distribution. Everyone is encouraged to take some and
pass around to other organizations, clubs, or friends we know. Kathy Groves will put them out at The Frame Outlet Store.
SDP National Convention
Name Tag Fines
– so far no one from our group plans to attend this year.
– Darlene collected $.25 from everyone without a name tag.
Seminars – Georgi emphasized the importance of doing all the base coating ASAP. She took a count of anyone who needs the
pattern &/or instructions and reiterated to NOT wait till the last minute to base coat. The March seminar with Shara will meet
at LCAR on Idaho (next door to Comcast ) at 9:30 – 4:30 both days. Georgi announced a seminar taking place at the
Albuquerque chapter and encouraged anyone interested to attend. For information or question please call Georgi. She also
asked those going to the Las Vegas event to be on the lookout for traveling teachers. If you see a project/technique you want to
learn get the teacher’s contact information to give to Georgi.
Memory Boxes – Twenty finished boxes were distributed to hospitals just since the beginning of 2011. Kathy also has brought
to our meeting new boxes ready to paint. Remember to take one or more on your way out today. Kathy also reminded the
group that each box needs to be painted & varnished both inside and out.
Mountain View Hospital – Jeanne asked if we like the room or not. If most people don’t like it, she will cancel our
reservations for future use. She suggested that those in the middle of the room where lighting isn’t as good could bring a table
Jan 2012 Meeting
– FYI Ann Chrestman & Wilba Duggan will bring snacks to our Annual Planning Meeting.
Newsletter – Annie Pendergrass sent out more than 300 newsletters for February and has received a lot of positive feedback.
The reason for sending out this many Newsletters was to get interest in more membership in our Chapter or to get more folks
interested in our seminars. She also requested information for submission to the newsletter…news, fun stuff like jokes or
recipes, etc.
Old Jeans – Mayci is in need of old blue jeans. She requests no holes from the knees down. She is going to make items for
this years craft fair with them.
Raffle Winners – Ann Chrestman & Kathy Wilmeth.
Meeting adjourned at 2:11 pm
Respectfully submitted
Marie Hughey, Secretary
Did You Know? Facts from your SDP Board of Directors
SDP Conference will be in Wichita again in 2012 for our Ruby (40 th) Anniversary.
Membership dues are our main source of revenue.
With a drop in membership comes a decrease in revenue which makes it more difficult to maintain
the Society administration and programs.
Declining membership isn't a recent occurrence. It has been happening for many years, along with a
decline in interest in decorative painting as a hobby.
The average SDP member age is around 65.
• With a little help from every member and every chapter we will be able to remain strong through
this recession.
• The best ways you can help in the long-term is by:
1. Recruiting new members.
2. Teaching beginner painters or encouraging others to teach beginners.
3. Belonging to a chapter and helping it grow.
4. • It takes many volunteers to make SDP successful. The Board and Staff would like to
thank our members for volunteering, being active in chapters, teaching others to paint,
and everything else that you do.
If each member recruited just one member, our membership would double from 17,085 to 34,170.
• In the past year, your Society has:
1. Redesigned and expanded the SDP website.
2. Started posting educational articles on the SDP Blog.
3. Posted a video about SDP Conference on YouTube.
4. Offered an affinity credit card that earns you rewards while it benefits SDP.
5. Partnered with fundraising websites Shop for Museums, GoodSearch, and GoodShop to
benefit SDP.
6. Posted free painting projects on the SDP website.
7. Created a Members Only forum that you can use to discuss topics and ask questions.
8. Been very active on social networking sites such as Facebook. (Friend us!)
• The Board has focused on fiscal responsibility by making many cutbacks, including:
Conducting business electronically.
Moving SDP Conference to Wichita.
Reducing staff.
Conducting Board meetings on SKYPE each month.
Having face-to-face Board meetings only twice a year.
Sharing rooms at SDP Conference and during Board meetings.
Working at SDP Conference instead of hiring temporary help.
• Your SDP staff has:
Not had a performance raise or cost of living increase for more than nine years.
Taken on extra responsibilities due to staff reductions.
Found more labor-efficient ways to do their jobs.
Made many suggestions that have reduced expenses while maintaining service.
Have accepted reductions in benefits for the good of the Society.
Rumors continue to crop up about the solvency of the Society and potential bankruptcy. These are
SDP owns the headquarters building in Wichita (which is more economically feasible then renting
space) and we receive income by renting space to chapters and teachers.
SDP has no debt.
We ask for donations and for your help in recruiting members so that we can maintain our
headquarters and programs.
Your SDP Board of Directors and staff continue to work on your behalf to make the very best
use of your membership dollars. Together we will ensure your Society remains strong and
moves successfully into the future.
Dear SDP Member:
Your input helps us to serve you better!
Please take the following fun survey created by your SDP Membership Task Force and help us build a better Society.
Happy Painting!
If you haven't already done so, please fill out the societie's questionaire
Have you seen our new SDP Conference video on YouTube?
Directions to Mountain View Reginal Medical Center
4311 E. Lohman Ave. Las Cruces, NM 88011
Community Room.
(go in Front Doors, the room is to your right,)
From the North: Take exit #3/LOHMAN AVENUE. Turn Left on E LOHMAN AVE(NM-342 E)
Make a U-Turn on E LOHMAN AVE. Arrive at 4311 E LOHMAN AVE, LAS CRUCES, on the right.
From the South: Turn Right on E LOHMAN AVE(NM-342 E).
Make a U-Turn on E LOHMAN AVE. Arrive at 4311 E LOHMAN AVE, LAS CRUCES, on the right.
Chapter News
Jardin de los Ninos
Jardin de los Ninos
March is Youth Art Month!
The purpose of Youth Art Month is to emphasize the value
of art and art education for all children and to encourage
public support for quality school art programs. Art
Education develops self-esteem, appreciation of the work
of others, self expression, cooperation with others, and
critical thinking skills. All... of these skills are vital to the
success of our future leaders – our children.See More
Jardin de los Ninos
Youth Art Month
Maci Needs Old Jeans to craft a project for our Craft
Fair. If you have some to spare, bring them to the next
Time to start gathering items for our Yard
Sale. It'll be here before you know it.
June 4, 2011
This is a major fundraiser for our chapter,
allowing us to have free seminars. Let's all
support our Chapter.
Classes offered
Member taught
Free Seminar
April 16th & 17th 2011
A Rose in Alkyds.
Taught by Annie Pendergrass
Sign Ups will be held at the
march meeting. If you cannot
attend the meeting but would
like to paint, email
Pattern fits a 6” x12” Surface.
Surfaces $2.00
Mark your Calendars!
Jane and Betty
are returning July 16th & 17
Trails West
in lieu of our Regular Meeting.
September 1st & 2nd
Patii De Renzo
If you'd like a preview of her work
Central Oklahoma Society of Tole and Decorative
Painters, Inc.
aka Tole Diggers
Tole Country
It is held at the Clarion Meridian Convention Center
at I-40 and Meridian in Oklahoma City.
September 21-24, 2011.
REGISTRATION FEE: $55.00 to register to take
classes. The Early Bird Discounted Fee is only $35.00 if
you register before July 1, 2010.
EXHIBIT HALL: $3.00 for three days of shopping our
Exhibit Hall
Tole Country Director Sue Lozano
cell 388-8772 Assistant Tole Country Director Vicky
405-932-5234 Cell 760-0311
“ Watercolor” – learn by doing and
sharing. Marie Hughey invites all
interested members to call her to plan a
day to paint. We can watch a video
lesson or try something out of the SDP
magazine. Ideas are welcome.
in the southwest:
Cactus Wren Chapter(Phoenix, Az)
Peggy Harris Oct 21-23
Let It Be Toled Chapter (Prescott,AZ)
Kim Hogue Apr 18-20
Enchanted Painters of Albuquerque
Seminar news :Cindy Mann Vitale
April 6,7,8, 2011
Cost: $75 for members
$100 for non members
Lynn Miller 505*298*7633 or
Deb Hoezel 505*323*2305
Let It Be Toled (Prescott chapter)—hosting
Kim Hogue. Friday March 18th Kim Hogue Project
Kim Hogue, CDA is a business owner, designer, author,
well sought-after instructor, and a creator of all things
Summer Roundup
The cost of the seminar is $45 per day for members and
non-members, includes lunch and paints. A 12 x 12
background panel surface cost is $19.00 which includes
masonite panel.
Saturday March 19th
Pumpkin Harvest
The cost of the seminar is $45 per day,
includes lunch and paints. The surface cost
is $24.00. Extra panels may be purchased
for $3.50 each
Art Expo in Houston Texas
Cactus Wren (Phoenix) is
hosting Mary Wiseman April
29, 30 & May 1
Expo July 19 – 23, 2011
Friday—Apples & Grapes
Saturday—Winter White in the Snow
Mary is a Decorative Artist, Teacher,
Designer and International Teacher
Friday—Apples & Grapes
who has been painting since 1979
and teaching since 1982. Mary enjoys
painting flowers, fruit and scenery
and always incorporates a little bit of
All three projects are done on your
own surface. Cost is $65 for
members and $80 for non-members.
Saturday—Winter White in the Snow
DecoArt Inc.
Online Class Registration is now
Class Enrollment by phone opens
March 6, 2011
from 1pm – 5pm.
Class Directory
is available online to view
Want to be Pinch Proof next week? Then
get yourself over to Skip to my Lou and
check out this easy way to add some
DecoArt sparkle to your St. Patty's Day!
Sunday—Delicate Roses
Pinch Proof T-Shirt | Skip To My
Sunday March 20th
Yuletide Sweets
The cost of the seminar is $45
per day, includes lunch and paints
. s surface cost is $24.00. Extra panels
may be purchased for 3.50.
Panels for Saturday & Sunday
may be interchanged in the same
CITY: ________________ STATE: _____ ZIP CODE: _________
PHONE: _________________ EMAIL: ____________________
All members must belong to the Society of Decrotive Painters. 2010 dues for the Society are $40.00 and due by
November 30, 2010 (after November 30th dues are $45.00). Dues for Yucca Pod are $15.00 per year. Chapter
dues cannot be accepted unless you show proof of SDP membership. Please return this form with chapter dues
and a copy of your 2010 SDP card on or before February 2011 meeting. Please make checks payable to
Yucca Pod.
Ok Ladies, I warned you. This is your Newsletter, I need contributions. Jeanne Mack was the
only one to contribute something to the Newsletter.
so: Here's a shot of my Great Niece.