* TRE KRONOR PARTNER * * WHAT DO THE PUBLIC THINK ABOUT… * • Being a sponsor to Tre Kronor gives the company a positive image? • Only solemn companies are allowed to be sponsors for Tre Kronor? • All Tre Kronor sponsors are dynamic and modern companies? • All Tre Kronor sponsors are leading companies within their branch of trade? • The Tre Kronor sponsors only sell priceworthy products/services? • The Tre Kronor sponsors only sell quality products? Base: Total population between 15 and 74 years. Participants: 1 500 persons. Source: Profilundersökning/AC Nielsen AB. 87% 72% 73% 74% 71% 79% * INTEREST OF HOCKEY * INTEREST OF HOCKEY * THE SWEDISH ICE HOCKEY ASSOCIATION with regularity conducts surveys regarding how many people from different social groups etc who are interested in following ice hockey in an elite and national team level. 1 500 persons age 15-74 år where interviewed all over Sweden. In addition to their interest in ice hockey the age, sex, education and type of housing appear. Source: Profilundersäkning/AC Nielsen AB. How many people within different groups of the population has an interest of ice hockey in the elite and national team level? total population 15-74 years 75% Sex men women 82% 68% Age 15-29 years 30-49 years 50-74 years 75% 77% 73% Education high school university 83% 73% Housing homeowner terrace house apartment 75% 76% 76% Community big city small city other 72% 80% 73% * HOCKEY ACTIVITIES * HOCKEY ACTIVITIES * OS U18-VM Förbundsverksamhet U20-VM World Cup of Hockey 4-nationers 4-nationers 4-nationers 4-nationers VM 4-nationers Team 17 Team 18 Team 19 Team 20 Tre Kronor Team 16 Russinläger Russinläger Elitläger Elitläger Euro Hockey Tour Landskamper Russinläger Breddläger Breddläger Breddläger Breddläger Vikingarna (vilande) Sverigepucken Breddläger TV-pucken U18-allsvenskan U18-SM J20 SuperElit J20-SM J20 SuperElit J20-SM Elitserien SM Distriktsverksamhet Björnligan Sverigepucken U16-SM Regionsserier Regionsserier U18 Elit Regionserier J20 Elit Regionserier J20 Elit Allsvenskan Föreningsverksamhet Föreningsverksamhet Föreningsverksamhet Distriktsserier Distriktsserier Distriktsserier Regionserier Regionserier Regionserier Div I-Div IV Barn under 10 år U14 U16 U17 U18 J19 J20 SENIORER * TRE KRONOR * TRE KRONOR * TRE KRONOR * THE NATIONAL HOCKEY TEAM TRE KRONOR is the most popular national team in Sweden and no other national team gets as positive results in public opinion surveys as Tre Kronor. As Tre Kronor Partner a limited number of companies are offered the possibility to market themselves with Tre Kronor. The cooperation means a combination of different rights e.g. exposure and hospitality, with the purpose to strengthen the association to Tre Kronor. To be a sponsor to Tre Kronor gives your company a positive image. ADVANTAGES WITH SPONSORING AS MARKET MEDIA • Image raising – communicates positivism and good citizenship • Increases trademark awareness and preference • Media exposure and high tv ratings • Low contact costs with lasting effects • Possibility to create good relationship with customers and clients: representation and staff care * PURPOSE * PURPOSE * PURPOSE * PURPOSE * • • • • • THE PURPOSE WITH the companys commitment in the Tre Kronor will give the world around the understanding that: The company is a part of the biggest popular movement in Sweden – SPORTS, with a special interest in the ice hockey movement. The sponsorship will also give: An increased volume of sales through Share of Heart. An increased trademark awareness and create positive preferences. Possibilities to customer/client and personell activities. Access till unique prizes in customer and personell competitions/campaigns. * YOUTH HOCKEY * YOUTH HOCKEY * ABOUT SIXTY PERCENT of all Swedish hockey is youth hockey. One of the most popular tournaments is the TV PUCK that started in 1959 and still is broadcasted live in the Swedish national television SVT. Almost all big hockey stars in Sweden has played in the TV PUCK. We also commit ourselves to make the J20 SuperElit, the series for 19-20-year old players, a super league for juniors with tv broadcasting of the games and high recognition of the players. The coming season Sweden will also arrange the IIHF U20 World Championship in Leksand and Mora which is the second largest hockey tournament in the world. * LG HOCKEY GAMES * LG HOCKEY GAMES * LG HOCKEY GAMES is one of Swedens largest and most prestigious annual events. Normally LG Hockey Games is played the second week of February, except for the Olympic years when it is played i April. LG Hockey Games is a part of a series of tournaments between Russia, Czech Republic, Finland and Sweden, The Euro Hockey Tour, and is considered unofficial European Championship. The tournament, that started in 1991 as Sweden Hockey Games, has since then had a positive attendance developement and was in 2005 visited by close to 60 000 spectators. Also the TV spectators have been very stabil during the years. More than three million viewers usually follow Tre Kronor in LG Hockey Games. The MMS rapport from the tournament in 2005 shows the folloing result: Match Tot rating SWE-Czech Rep. 1 265 000 SWE-Russia 860 000 SWE-Finland 1 245 000 Tot range Viewers in % 2 300 000 37,2 % 1 825 000 50,0 % 1 775 000 55,8% THE TRE KRONOR CAPTAIN Jörgen Jönsson raises the Cup after winning the first prize in Sweden Hockey Games 2005. * ACTIVITIES * ACTIVITIES * ACTIVITIES * HOCKEY GAMES, and then the games in the tournament LG Hockey Games in patricular, are excellent opportunities for representation. During LG Hockey Games the VIP Lounge, in Annexet by the Globe Arena, is visited by approximately 4000 guests. WE ALWAYS provide a possibility for our sponsors to build their own exhibition area for e.g. information or exhibition of products. LG Hockey Games draws a crowd of about 50 000 – 60 000 every year. * EXPOSURE * EXPOSURE * EXPOSURE * EXPOSURE OF THE COMPANYS LOGOTYPE on official posters and advertisements in connection with all Tre Kronor games in Sweden. * EXPOSURE * EXPOSURE * EXPOSURE * ADVERTISEMENT IN THE JOMBOTRONE in connection with all Tre Kronor games in the Globe Arena and/or other arena with a big screen tv. SIMPLY CLEVER * INTERNET * INTERNET * INTERNET * INTERNET * THE SWEDISH ICE HOCKEY ASSOCIATION HOMEPAGE is . The page reflects mostly everything that happens and has happend within Swedis is hockey. The page has, since the start, been very well appreciated by fans and fresh statistics show more than 160 000 unique visitors a month. As a sponsor for Tre Kronor the company has the right to perform a number of campaigns on the web site. The company logotype is also constantly exposed. * ÖVRIGT * ÖVRIGT * ÖVRIGT * ÖVRIGT * ÖVRIGT * • LISTEN TO one of the leading persons in Swedish ice hockey talk about leadership and team building. As official partner to Tre Kronor you have the possibility to use the best names in the business for your own staff. Bengt-Åke Gustafsson Head Coach Claes-Göran Wallin Head of national teams Tommy Boustedt Head of developement * CONTACT * CONTACT * CONTACT * CONTACT * For more information – please contact: The Swedish Ice Hockey Association Patrik Wigelius +46 8-449 04 00