vfc owners


vfc owners
bulk news
vfc owners
J U LY / A U G 2 0 1 3
In March 2013, Viroqua Food Co-op conducted an online survey of
Co-op owners. Thank you to all who filled out the survey, online and on
paper. This information is invaluable to the VFC Managers, Staff, and
Board of Directors. We found areas of opportunity to improve product
selection and services, and other areas where we have already made
improvements but haven’t effectively communicated them. We’ll be
addressing these issues throughout this article, as well as in future issues
of the Pea Soup.
The survey was adapted from the National Cooperative Grocers
Association (NCGA) customer satisfaction survey to meet the local needs
of the Viroqua Food Co-op. The Survey Research Center at UW-River
Falls conducted and analyzed the survey results for the VFC, comparing this year’s results to the VFC 2010 survey, as well as to the 42 food
co-ops nationally that also administered the survey to their ownermembers. We’d like to share a few insights we’ve gained from this survey.
The complete survey results are online at viroquafood.coop/you-own-it.
The VFC invited 1,849 households of active owners via postcard to
participate in the survey and 424 responded, a return rate of 23%. This
is 10% above the return rate of our 2010 survey. The results provided
in this survey are expected to be accurate within +/- 4.2%, with 95%
95% of Viroqua Food Co-op owners say they are “satisfied” or “very
satisfied” with VFC. More than 90% say a wide variety of store characteristics are meeting their needs well or very well (store cleanliness, hours,
atmosphere, providing natural/organic and local products, our friendly
and knowledgeable staff, and quality/freshness of products). 96% of VFC
owners say they are “likely” or “very likely” to recommend the store to a
friend or colleague.
continued on page 2
95% of survey respondants report they are extremely
satisfied or satisfied with the Viroqua Food Cooperative.
424 owners responded to the 2013 VFC owner survey, a
23% return with a confidence rate of 95%.
in this issue
VFC owners speak . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2
P6 producer profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Living our mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Things we love . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Driftless music fest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
VFC - A great place to work . . . . . . . . . . 6
Board’s eye view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Store news & events . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-10
Q&A/owner classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
PeaSoup info/deadlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
owners speak
Choosing where to shop
The factors owners most frequently consider when choosing a grocery store have
remained consistent over the past three
• quality/freshness of products,
• the availability of natural/organic
• the availability of local foods,
• product selection/variety
• prices
VFC was ranked highly for the first four
of these key factors and poorly with
respect to prices (see below).
The survey also collected data that measured proportions of what VFC owners
buy when they purchase the majority
of their shopped items from the Co-op.
VFC does well in the departments of
bulk, fruits and vegetables, and coffee/
tea. However, the majority of VFC owners who consume meat/seafood as well as
beer/wine buy these products elsewhere.
The Co-op meets my needs very well (by department)
Comparing VFC results with other
Percentage agree
NCGA food co-ops
An advantage of doing our survey with
SRC is comparing our results with the
other 42 food co-ops that also utilize the NCGA survey. Results that
are significantly different from the norm tells us how our particular
food co-op community is unique.
Compared to other cooperatives around the country, VFC ranks in
the top quartile of in terms of satisfaction with all the store characteristics asked about on the survey. While 51% of Viroqua Food
Co-op shoppers report spending a majority of their grocery budget
at VFC, only 37% of the shoppers in the national database do.
Price Perception
The owner survey has presented a bit of a conundrum for VFC
staff. We received some of the highest marks for bringing you
fresh, local, organic and fair trade goods in a clean, well-organized
store with knowledgeable staff that are ready to serve with a smile.
But prices remain an area of low owner satisfaction.
VFC staff continually ask how to help our owners understand the
difference between their Co-op and other businesses. We understand our pricing, what those prices reflect, and the general truth
about the cost of local and organic food. For the staff, you’re not
just a shopper at VFC; you’re an owner! And we’re not just retailers, we work for you, so this subject deserves some straight talk.
Let’s start by saying; we are not a “cheapest price” business model.
There are many large corporations and chain stores that let you
know their game is to bring you “cheap.” They have a simple
model: buy the cheapest stuff they can find, have very low overhead
and sell it for a cheap price. We don’t make this claim; we don’t
National Average
Viroqua Food Co-op
10 2030405060 70 80
Viroqua Food Co-op is above average in meeting shoppers’ needs
very well in all of the categories measured. (See chart above)This is
a remarkably strong showing. VFC ranks significantly above average
for cleanliness, knowledgeable staff, hours, and location, local foods
availability (ranking first of the 42 NCGA food co-ops), atmosphere
and product quality/freshness, friendly staff and product selection,
responsiveness to customer feedback (ranking first nationally).
Check out the complete survey results online at
Cha r l e n e E l d e rk i n ,
Ma r keti n g & Membersh i p M a n a ge r
compare ourselves to this and we don’t try to compete with it.
As a Co-op, we have a complex business model that reflects
the values of our owners, our community and the mission of
our Cooperative. We believe in fair trade for workers, in other
countries and in the US. We believe that our employees deserve
fair compensation with decent wages, benefits and good working
conditions. We believe in paying our local farmers and vendors a
fair price. We believe that our impact on the environment is paramount. We believe that it’s our responsibility to be charitable. And
more directly, we believe in bringing the best quality food available
to our owners.
Let’s face it; all of this costs money. We can’t have cheap and ethics.
You have voiced what you find important through our mission and
we hold ourselves to those very high standards. As owners, we’re
making a choice and it’s a choice that can change our health, our
economy, our environment, and even the world.
Jan Rasikas, General Manager
Thanks to Ozark Natural Foods’ Mike Anzalone for inspiration.
living our mission
p6 producer profile: living our
Chip Magnet
Chip Magnet is a new startup company
owned by Alexis Lucas in Eau-Claire,
Wisconsin. She makes a variety of salsas,
relishes and jams, focusing on using
organic and local ingredients when possible. The company hatched out of her
passion for canning. From a very young
age, she would help her grandmother
make salsa and relish each summer. In
2011, she took her passion for canning
and started making and selling her
products at the Eau Claire Phoenix Park
Farmers Market. Immediately, she had a Alexis Lucas and staff in Eau Claire, Wisconsin
huge fan base along with requests for her products to be sold in retail stores. Starting
in June 2012, Lucas started making her products in her newly constructed commercial kitchen in Eau Claire and then began selling them to food stores across Western
Wisconsin. Today, Lucas and her staff create a variety of delicious and unique
concoctions from their kitchen. You can find Chip Magnet salsas, relishes and jams
at Farmers Markets across Wisconsin and in about 70 stores across the Midwest. To
learn more about Chip Magnet, visit their website: www.chipmagnetsalsa.com
Check out Chip Magnet’s scrumptious products in aisle #1 at the VFC. We currently
carry three kinds of their salsa: Black Bean, Wildly Delicious and Cilantro Lime.
Chip Magnet is part of the P6 program at the VFC because:
• Local: Chip Magnet is located in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, about 92 miles from the
Viroqua Food Co-op.
• Small-Producer: Chip Magnet is a small, family-owned business. Their salsas
are sold directly to the Viroqua Food Co-op.
Principle Six: Co-operative Trade Movement
Principle Six (P6) is a new initiative which promotes small farmers/producers,
cooperative businesses, and local farmers/producers in food co-ops across the
country! P6 empowers consumers to use their purchasing dollars to create an
economy that embodies our highest values.
Principle Six Criteria
If a producer/farmer meets at least two of the following three criteria, their products receive the P6 label:
• Local: A product grown or produced within 100 miles of the VFC, or having
value added within that radius.
• Cooperative/nonprofit: Cooperative ownership of the business, nonprofit
status or the business sources the majority of their product’s ingredients from
cooperatives or nonprofits. Some ESOP’s, Social Ventures, or alternative business models may qualify.
• Small farmer/producer: Small producer is defined using these guidelines: A) Independently owned and operated, and
B) S elling direct to store or through a regional distributor.
For international producers, Equal Exchange defines small producers according to the guidelines established by Fairtrade Labelling Organization
OUR MISSION: The Viroqua Food
Cooperative combines a commitment to
natural foods, superior customer service and
the building of a cooperatively run business.
We emphasize selling organic and local foods
and products to promote the long-term
health of individuals and the environment.
As owner-Members and as a center for community, we offer the opportunity to create
together a work of enduring value.
May -June: The VFC Deli has taken the
“center for community”part of our mission to
heart by embracing the challenge presented by
the Organic Valley fire. We were the first call
for food and our staff jumped into action by
helping our fellow cooperative by feeding our
neighbors when they needed it most.
May 16: Outreach Coordinator Bjorn
Bergman gave Jackson-Monroe-Vernon
County Leadership Program Participants a
tour of VFC.
May 18: Employee Laura Burnham won first
place in the Syttende Mai Half Marathon.
May 22: Bjorn Bergman attended Vernon
County Farm to School Coalition meeting on
behalf of VFC.
May 30: Gen. Mgr. Jan Rasikas attended First
Annual Women Share Conference in
La Crosse, WI
June 4-5: Jan Rasikas attended P6 (Co-op
Principle Six) meetings in Austin, TX
June 6-8: GM Jan Rasikas and Board President
Curt Brye attended CCMA Annual Conference
(Consumer Cooperative Management
Association) in Austin, TX
June 19: Bjorn Bergman gave Wisconsin
FCCLA Foundation Summer Celebration
Group a tour of VFC.
June 22: Cole Meredith, Cheese Buyer, hosted
“All About Cheese” at McIntosh Memorial
Library in Viroqua.
June 25-28: Wellness Mgr. Carol Willis and
Purchasing Mgr. Sally Colacino attended
Convergence, a national NCGA event for
grocery and wellness in St. Paul, MN
June 30: Bjorn Bergman assisted with
organizing and promoting, as well as
participating in Bike the Barns West (a VFC
co-sponsored event).
3 3
things we love
Wisco Pop Cherry Bomb and Ginger Brew
Wisco Pop, a brand new all natural local soda business, is the brain child of Viroqua
residents Austin and Hallie Ashley and Zac Mathes. They focus on brewing soda
the old fashioned way with real fruit juices, herbs, and locally produced honey as a
sweetener. The VFC Deli counter now has both Wisco Pop Cherry Bomb (Michigan
cherries, vanilla bean, and local honey) and Ginger Brew (ginger, lemon, lime, lavender, and local honey) on tap. During the hot summer months, stop by the VFC
and pick up a glass of Cherry Bomb or Ginger Brew along with a pint of vanilla ice
cream. Drop a dollop of ice cream in your brew and you have a delectable cherry or
ginger float. Yum!
Yumbutter Dark Chocolate D’lishe and Straight Up Peanut Butter
Yumbutter churns out some of the tastiest nut butter creations in Madison,
Wisconsin. The company is independently owned and operated by Adrian Reif
and Matt D’Amour. It’s driven by their mission to source ingredients for their
nut butters in the most sustainable and responsible way – the nuts they use are
always grown in the US and they strive to use organic ingredients whenever possible. Pick up a jar today to support your local nut butter producer!
VFC’s own Raw Fruit Pie
This pretty little pie is one of the gems made by our bakers here at the VFC.
And if you didn’t already know, it’s gluten free, dairy free AND has no
added sugar. Don’t let that fool you into thinking it’s boring because it’s
far from it! Fresh raw fruit in a crust made with dates and nuts, it’s wonderfully sweet and so satisfying. Treat yourself to a piece of this pie next time
you see it in the deli case and I bet you’ll be back for more.
Monique’s Ready-to-Bake Pie Crusts and Puff Pastries
In this season of the freshest of fresh local fruits and veggies, what could be yummier
than a fresh raspberry peach pie or a summertime quiche chuck full of garden veggies
– mmmmm! If only I didn’t have to make a pie crust... Well, now in the Co-op freezer
section we have beautiful, locally made, ready-to-bake crusts and pastry shells that
can make summertime or anytime cooking a breeze. Monique Hooker, a local chef,
teacher, author, and VFC owner, is now making these wonderful Ready-to-Bake Pie
Crusts and Puff Pastries using local and organic ingredients. They are so rich and
buttery. This is one readymade crust that tastes as good as anything you can make at
home and it’s just so darn easy to use that you’ll want to keep extras in your freezer!
Sally Colacino, Purchasing Manager
Chef Monique Hooker
driftless music festival
music festival
Enjoy the sounds of great music throughout Viroqua’s Eckhart Park at the 2nd
Annual Driftless Music Festival on
Saturday, July 6th from 1-10p.m. This is a
free, family-friendly event.
Tom Gullion will kick off the event with an
assembled group of his students to showcase their talents with a range of engaging
The musical line-up includes: the Bad
Axe Blues Band, a Driftless area favorite,
Harmonious Wail, a Gypsy-swing group,
El Clan Destino, a contemporary Cuban
ensemble, and the Scottie Miller Band, a
combination of blues, soul, funk and jazz–
“sounds like Dr. John meets The Band at
Bruce Springsteen’s house.”
Headlining the evening will be the Tom
Gullion Quintet, offering a wide variety of
Event Line-up
jazz sounds deeply rooted in the American
jazz tradition.
Appetizing local food will be available for
purchase such as: wood-fired pizza, crêpes,
sandwiches, strawberry shortcake, and
locally-produced sodas.
Fest-goers are encouraged to bring chairs
and blankets for their comfort. Eckhart
Park is located two blocks West of Main
Street in Viroqua, next to the Vernon
County Courthouse. More information
about the Festival is available on the web
at http://driftlessmusicfestival.com or by
calling 608-637-6110. Admission is free.
Driftless Music Festival would like to
thank the major sponsors of this event:
Viroqua Food Co-op, Organic Valley,
METCO, Viroqua Area Rotary Club,
Charles Knower and Patricia DeMark
Knower, and WDRT.
Wisconsinites and Foodies
UNITE! Check out the
newly designed VFC tee.
Every item is a product you
can find in our store... Now
you can wear your support
for local!
and support WDRT
community radio!
Saturday, July 6th
1:00pm S tudent Band led by
Tom Gullion
2:00pm Bad Axe Blues Band
3:15pm Harmonious Wail
5:00pm El Clan Destino
Bank of Cashton - VFC - WDRT
Canvas Shopping Bag
6:45pm Scottie Miller Band
8:30pm Tom Gullion Quintet
Sunday, July 7th
10:15am Gospel Music
Service at Good
Shepherd Lutheran
JULY 6, 2013 1-10 PM
A free, all-ages, music event with local food featuring: The Tom Gullion Quintet, Scottie Miller
Band, Harmonious Wail, El Clan Destino, The Bad Axe Blues Band, and local student band.
PLUS Gospel music service at Good Shepard Lutheran Church at 10 AM on Sunday, July 7.
Special thanks to METCO, Organic Valley, Viroqua Food Co-op, Viroqua Rotary Club, WDRT, and Whereabouts Marketing
The Bank of Cashton gifted the VFC
with these lovely canvas shopping
bags, to show their support and
partnership with local, home-grown
businesses. VFC is donating 100%
of the total sale price of these
bags to WDRT, the Driftless community radio station. Now that’s
working at the co-op
great place to shop,
a great place to work
The Viroqua Food Cooperative has a reputation for excelling in customer service,
product knowledge, and genuine care
for the community in which it serves.
These standards are set by the Co-op, and
executed by a very dedicated and vibrant
group of employees.
Recently, the VFC conducted an owner’s
survey. While this survey addressed the
store operations as a whole, some owners
took the time to express their concern
over staff treatment, compensation and
benefits, longevity, cross-training, worker
participation, and improving the internal
working culture at VFC.
In my role as the Human Resource
Manager it is essential that I address
the needs of the employees. I am always
looking for new and innovative ways to
expand opportunities and enhance our
workplace for our employees. To hear
those same sentiments echoed in owner
comments from the survey reminds me of
what a wonderfully unique Co-op community we have here.
Since 2008, VFC employees have
participated in a staff satisfaction survey
conducted by CDS, an independent
consulting co-op. Though our scores
were high to begin with, we have shown
improvement with each survey. 153 food
co-ops nationally take this same survey
and our scores were among the highest. I
will share specific results in future articles,
but our consultant had this to report after
the 2013 survey:
“The culture at VFC is one of caring, of
cooperation and of pride in the organization. Staff members are glad to be a part of
this important community asset in Viroqua.
Staff expressed appreciation for the amount
of autonomy that they have in their jobs,
the flexibility and the relaxed atmosphere.
These aspects of your culture are indicators
of respectful relationships between adults.”
“Working at the Co-op has been
amazing for me. I love my job and
all my co-workers. Never have I had
a job in a place that is so warm and
welcoming. Everyone is so helpful.”
from VFC 2013 employee survey
It’s not only about the products, but
also about the people who bring you the
products. We constantly strive toward
workplace excellence for our employees.
I want to take this opportunity to share
with you some facts about our employees
and VFC’s benefit package.
• Over 62% of our workforce has been
with the Co-op for 3 years or more.
• Over 55% of our workforce is cross
trained in other departments. This cross
training has been essential for overall
operations of the VFC. It provides
employees with greater job satisfaction,
and allows for diversity in their job.
• We created new lead positions to
address the growing needs of the VFC,
and to provide our employees growth
opportunities within the VFC.
• When positions become available they
are presented to the employees first in
hopes that we provide upward mobility
to current employees.
• In 2009 the VFC implemented a group
medical insurance plan for all full time
employees (working 30 hours a week
or more). The VFC contributes 75% of
the employee’s monthly premium.
• To recognize the longevity in our staff
we substantially increased PTO (paid
time off) for employees who have
worked at the Co-op five years or more.
• Paid breaks. Any employee who works
6.5 hours or more in a shift receives a
30 minute paid break.
• In 2012, we implemented a Flexible
Spending Account for employees. The
VFC contributes $100 to all full time
and $50 to all part time employees.
• Even during slower economic times,
the Co-op was committed to offering
meaningful wage increases. During
last fiscal year, the average pay increase
offered to employees was 6.5%.
• Let us not forget the benefit we love the
most… our food discounts! All employees receive 10% above cost on case
purchases, and between 10% - 20% off
all purchases in the store.
• While I am pleased with the benefits
we offer today, it is imperative that
we continue to grow. In fiscal year
2013-14, we are implementing a
401K retirement plan, short term disability, and gain sharing opportunity
through a program called Open Book
While owners continue to support and
grow the VFC, so will the employee
benefit package. Other ways owners can
acknowledge the staff that serves our
• Donate a door prize to our annual staff
party. The “Winter Blues Blowout
Bash” is held in February to say thank
you to the staff and their families for
their dedicated work at the Co-op.
• Donate a prize to the monthly
employee “Caught in the Act”
program. This is a peer recognition
program that offers employees the
opportunity to acknowledge other
employees that go above and beyond
the call of duty.
With sincere thanks for your patronage,
Alycann Whalen Taylor
Human Resource Manager
b o a r d ’s e y e v i e w
With summer here, I’m sure that most of
our schedules are nearly full of wonderful
local events and activities. Although at
times it seemed as if winter would never
end, followed by a lengthy period of rainy
days, the folks in the Driftless region can
give thanks to be outside again. With the
sun shining, local crops are growing so get
ready to see them soon on the shelves at
the Viroqua Food Cooperative.
The VFC gives us the opportunity to buy
fresh, local, and organic products daily and
on a regular basis. As the central food hub
for our community, it serves not only as
an outlet for local vendors, but a venue to
educate the greater population who might
not know much about the food they consume and where it comes from.
I am very excited that the VFC is supporting the P6 program. With signs near the
designated products, P6 allows consumers
to know which products are local, from
small farms, or cooperatively produced.
Other programs, such as “Basics”, are being
used by the VFC to help folks understand
that eating organic food is financially possible and does not have to be expensive.
As always, the Board of Directors is interested in your opinion. There is an open
invitation for owners to attend monthly
with time
on the
agenda for visitors. You can bring your
good ideas, or express your opinion directly
to the Board. If you would like to give a
presentation to the Board, please notify us
10 days in advance of the meeting. If you
feel you are Board material, please come to
one of our meetings and consider running
for the Board of Directors! We are accepting nominations until August 4th.
In this edition of the Pea Soup, you can
read about the results of the owner survey.
We are excited to have had 23% of the
owners return the survey. This information
is vital to the VFC Management as well as
the Board of Directors. Thanks to all who
took the time to finish the survey and give
us their honest feedback!
Now back to summer. Get outside and
watch your garden grow, enjoy some blue
skies, good friends, and some local produce
you just dug up or picked up from the
Viroqua Food Co-op.
Cheers to Organic!
Luke Zigovits,
VFC Board of Directors
serve on the
VFC Board of Directors
Board of
Curt Brye, President
Diana Forkash,Vice President
Jena Sherry, Secretary
Luke Zigovits,Treasurer
Leslie Kruempel
Shawna Bohan
Michael Link
The next board meeting is Thursday,
August 15th, at 6:30pm in the Taylor
Room of the lower level of the Vernon
Memorial Hospital. Any changes are
posted in the VFC Owner Services
area. To make a presentation at the
meeting, please contact a board
member 10 days in advance.
and make a difference!
Candidate requirements are as follows:
• A Viroqua Food Co-op owner in good standing for at least six months.
• Attend a board meeting prior to nomination.
• Regularly available for monthly meetings, committee work, and other scheduled
• Willing to work cooperatively and enthusiastically within Policy Governance
protocols used by the Board of Directors.
A c c e p t i n g n o m i n a t i o n s t h r o u g h A u g u s t 4 th
VFC owner Jim Klousia (right) wins the
fair trade basket drawing, presented here
by VFC General Mgr. Jan Rasikas
store news & events
CO-CYCLE returns to
On July 24th, Co-cycle, a youth-led, bike-powered tour linking
cooperatives across the United States, is visiting Viroqua!
In light of 2012 being International Year of the Cooperative,
18 college-aged students rode their bikes from San Francisco,
California to Amherst, Massachusetts as part of Co-cycle to
draw attention to cooperative businesses over the course of the
summer. Along the way, they visited and learned about cooperatives and spread the word about how cooperatives represent a
different way of doing business.
After the success of their 2012 tour, a main group of planners
kept the Co-cycle dream alive by organizing and riding in
Co-cycle 2013. Touring from June 6th through August 26th,
this year’s group of 12 riders and planners will travel from
Seattle, Washington to Boston, Massachusetts to continue their
collective education on cooperative businesses while spreading
the word about the benefits of them.
Fortunately for us, Co-cycle is passing through Viroqua on July
24th. Come out and celebrate their arrival and learn about area
cooperatives that evening from 4:30-7pm in the VFC parking
lot (more information to the right).
From the onset, Co-cycle has been a student-led idea motivated
by a wide range of intersecting passions. As the youth of North
America, members of Co-cycle 2013 face a world full of complex problems whose solutions, they assert, will require imaginative, creative, and social justice-oriented thinking. They are
motivated to learn, and to teach others, about why cooperatives
Grillin’ & Chillin’ 2
Are you getting ready to fire up the grill for the summer season?
Unsure of what to make? Vernon Memorial Hospital and the
Viroqua Food Co-op are teaming up to host a grilling class!
2012 Co-cycle group while on tour through Viroqua
have increasingly become recognized for their ability to address
complicated and interconnected local and global issues. They are
driven by hope and inspiration to build a better world!
For more info on Co-cycle 2013, their project, and to follow
their journey, visit www.co-cycle.coop
Co-Cycle and Co-ops: A Grill Out
Where: Viroqua Food Co-op Parking Lot
When: Wednesday, July 24th, 4:30-7pm
What: Stop by the VFC, meet the members of Co-Cycle
and learn about all the wonderful cooperatives in and
around Viroqua. Pick up some cooperatively produced
food from our patio grill. Music by a local band!
Come to Grillin’ & Chillin’ 2 and gain a wealth of knowledge
that will prepare you for your next back yard cook out.
Participants learn about nutrition and food safety in a fun
game-like format along with grilling basics and demonstration.
Healthy samples of grilled items include: chicken, local vegetables, fruit, and sweet potatoes.
Grillin’ and Chillin’ 2 features VMH Dietitians Lynn Edwards,
RD, CD and Claire Collier, RD, CD, along with one of our
VFC Chefs. The instructors have come up with this enjoyable
and fun class to make your summer grilling adventures healthy
and delicious!
Grillin’ and Chillin’ 2: Grilling Class
Date: Wednesday, July 11th, 6-7:30pm
Instructors: Lynn Edwards, Claire Collier, and VFC Chef
Location: Vernon Memorial Hospital Community Rooms,
507 S. Main St., Viroqua, WI
Cost: $10/$8 for VFC owners (VFC owners receive a $2
coupon when attending the class)
Registration: Register by July 5th at http://s.coop/1oxwg
For more info call Lynn Edwards: 608-637-4251
store news & events
Mile Meal
Class and Dinner
On Saturday, August 10th, the Viroqua Food Co-op
is teaming up with the Driftless Folk School, Rooted
Spoon Culinary, and local farmers to put on a collaborative cooking class and dinner featuring food
grown within 100 miles of Viroqua. If you’ve ever
been interested in learning what it takes to open a
from-scratch local foods restaurant, check out the
Dani Lind, Luke Zahm and Macon Luhning
100 Mile Meal: “Pop-up” Restaurant Class. If you
are interested in attending a gourmet local foods dinner with family or friends, check out
the 100 Mile Meal: The Dinner. All proceeds from the dinner benefit the Driftless Folk
School. Learn more about the class and dinner below.
100 Mile Meal:
“Pop-up” Restaurant Class
Date: Saturday, August 10th, 10am-7pm
Instructors: Luke Zahm, Dani Lind and
Macon Luhning
Location: Rooted Spoon Kitchen Table,
219 S. Main St., Viroqua, WI
Course Fee: $125/$100 for VFC owners
(VFC owners receive a $25 VFC gift
card upon attending the course)
Registration: Register online
Description: Have you ever wondered
what it would be like to open a farm-totable restaurant? Have you ever dreamed
of transforming a space into a dining
destination for one night? This Class will
take you behind the scenes to meet the
farmers who grow the menu and work
with chefs to transform seasonal ingredients into a dining experience that will
not be forgotten for 60 paying guests. All
featured ingredients will be sourced from
a 100 mile radius from some of the finest
farms in the Driftless Region. This is a
hands on professional kitchen course.
100 Mile Meal: The Dinner
Date: Saturday, August 10th,
appetizers and cash bar from 6:30-7pm,
dinner starts at 7pm
Location: Rooted Spoon Kitchen Table,
219 S. Main St., Viroqua, WI
Dinner Cost: $25
Advanced Tickets a Must: Purchase
online http://s.coop/1p91x, or at the
Viroqua Food Co-op (60 guest capacity
so reserve your spot today!)
Description: Come enjoy an excellent
one-of-a-kind local food dinner experience in a ‘pop-up’ restaurant led by local
chefs Luke Zahm, Dani Lind, Macon
Luhning, and sixteen Driftless Folk
School students.
All featured ingredients are produced
within 100 miles of Viroqua. This local
and seasonal dinner is collaboration of
the Viroqua Food Co-op, Driftless Folk
School, Rooted Spoon Kitchen Table,
and local farmers. All proceeds benefit
Driftless Folk School.
Taste the Farmers Market
Starting June 15th, every third Saturday of the month, from 10-11am, visitors can stop
by the Viroqua Farmers Market to sample a delectable dish that features local products
from the market vendors. The Farmers Market, with Viroqua Food Cooperative and the
Vernon County Farm to School Initiative, is offering a new program for our community
to enjoy: “Taste the Farmers Market!” The recipe for each sampled dish will be provided,
giving shoppers a chance to purchase the products locally and try their hand at making
that dish themselves.
Be sure to stop by and Taste the Farmers Market! every third Saturday of the month.
For more information please contact Kaitlyn Karasek, Farmers Market Manager, at
608-637-2575 or vfarmersmarket@gmail.com
one percent
On the second Wednesday of
every month we donate 1% of
VFC’s gross sales to one of the top
non-profit organizations selected
by our owners. We also place
donation jars at each cash register
to accept donations from shoppers
throughout the month for that
same organization.
Here are the totals for the last two
months of our program:
Charlene Elderkin, VFC Marketing
Mgr. presents Robert Lampert
of Driftless Community Radio
(WDRT) with a $297 check.
Charlene Elderkin, VFC Marketing
Mgr. presents Bill Meekas,Vernon
Co Humane Society Board Member
with a check for $397.
One Percent Wednesday
BALLOT results
available at viroquafood.coop
co-op cooks
Incorporating more raw foods
into your diet is easy to do
in the summer since you can
buy it locally or grow & pick
it yourself. This recipe is one
of my favorites. It reminds
me of Grandma & I in the
garden, eating as we picked.
The tomatoes & watermelon
warmed from the sun... the
combination & sweetness of
the two really make this gazpacho a simple & refreshing
meal. Enjoy!
Sweet & Spicy Summer Gazpacho
Serving Size: 4
4 cups watermelon (seeded & puréed)
2 cups watermelon (diced small)
2 cups tomatoes (diced small)
1 ½ cups cucumber (diced small)
1 bell pepper (diced small)
2 tbsp lime juice
½ bunch cilantro
1 tbsp fresh ginger (minced)
1 jalapeno
2 green onions (minced)
Sea salt & black pepper (to taste)
Toss all ingredients together in large bowl & puree half
of mixture in Vitamix or blender. Then mix again until
all is combined to your desired consistency. Serve chilled.
Kiley McNulty, Deli Cook
Raspberry Iced Darjeeling Tea
Mary Kehoe, Herb, Spice and Tea buyer
6 cups hot boiling water
6 teaspoons Darjeeling Tea
Juice of lemon
1/2 cup honey
1 cup raspberries, frozen
Wellness Monthly Sales
20% off in July!
Veriditas Botanicals
Certified Organic
Essential Oils
15% off in August!
Naturally Pain,
and Vectomega
In a medium size pan pour boiling water over tea. Let
steep for 10 minutes. Strain off into large size teapot. Add
lemon juice, honey and stir thoroughly. Add raspberries
and blend well. Serve over ice in tall glasses with a slice of
lemon or lime!
Cheers to a great summer!
Country Fair
The Kickapoo Country Fair moves ahead with almost all
original plans and remains scheduled for Saturday, July 27th.
The fair opens at 12pm and will be a great day of fun, games,
and celebration!
Check out the following events for you and your family to
participate in:
• Driftless Folk School to lead lifestyle demos and workshops
• Constructive playtime and kid-friendly workshops in kids’
• Area tours (wild food foraging, tree identification, bee hives,
• Lots of local/regional artisan and food vendors
• Music on main stage all day; Cloud Cult to headline at
Due to the recent fire at the La Farge OV Headquarters, we
encourage you to check out the fair website frequently as the
date approaches, since all final schedules and all other information will be posted there: www.kickapoocountryfair.org
q&a/owner classifieds
This is where the VFC buys from.
Why don’t I see my “Aged 5 years Vintage Gouda” in the cheese aisle
VFC Cheese lovers: unfortunately, we
lost our distributor for the Vintage
Gouda. We’re working hard to find
a replacement and apologize for the
inconvenience. Hopefully we can find
something similar soon. Please check
back with us – we’re always on the lookout for new, exciting cheeses, and look
forward to hearing your feedback.
Cole Meredith, Cheese Buyer
I am concerned about control that
United Natural Foods Inc has over
the distribution of organic and natural
foods. I have heard that VFC is limited
in its wholesale contract in what it can
buy directly from local producers. Is
this true?
Thank you for giving us this opportunity to dispel some myths about
distributor dependancy. UNFI does not
limit what we can purchase from local
producers! Of all the products we purchase that go on our shelves, only 39%
is delivered by UNFI (see chart above).
One of our larger regional distributors
is Co-op Partners Warehouse, which is
owned by the Wedge Food Co-op of
We currently have
351 distributors/
other vendors, 155 are
local and 64 are
regional, showing
our Co-op’s strong
commitment to
purchasing local food. As our Mission
states, “We emphasize selling organic
and local foods and products to
promote the long-term health of individuals and the environment.”
Jan Rasikas, General Mgr.
I’m confused as to what is recyclable
versus what is garbage when eating in
the deli seating area. Since I commonly
see the staff sorting recyclables out of
the garbage after people leave, I think
posting a sign would help.
Thank you so much for your suggestion. We took it to heart and hope that
others are as motivated as you are to
recycle! We are fortunate to work with
Southwest Sanitation, LLC, who help
us recycle almost everything in our
Co-op. Please note that even our deli
to-go containers are recyclable when you
use your napkin to wipe out remaining
food matter before tossing them into
the recycling bin! Please review the new
signs posted by each recycling recepticle
to ensure proper sorting.
Shana Meshbesher, Marketing Asst.
Viroqua Aloha Bike Tour
Saturday Aug. 24th: Register at Viroqua
Bigley Pool 8-9am, start at 9am. 12 and
50 mile routes. For $20 pre-registration
see www.alohabiketour.com
Lake Superior Getaway
Rent a two bedroom house on a sandy
beach on Lake Superior near Porcupine
Mountains; year-round; sleeps six; sauna;
Finnhouse-on-Superior; either e-mail
byers@mwt.net or call 608-624-5613
Reflexology for your feet by Certified
Reflexologist Pam Marshall-Neil. Check
out monthly specials and availability:
com/reflexology or call 608-632-2005
Pottery Classes at The Ark
Email Ira at iraslatter@hotmail.com or
call 608-625-6248 to start!
Stone’s Throw Ecovillage
A planned neighborhood on edge of
Viroqua with private homes and large
community facilities, gardens, etc.
Questions/Information: 608-637-8018
or http://stonesthrowcommunity.wordpress.com
Please notify VFC so we have accurate records
& mailing information for you. If you have a
two adult household membership and want
to separate into two single adult household
memberships, we have a form to facilitate that
process. Ask for the form at the Owner Services
area, download the form from our website at
or email charlene.elderkin@viroquafood.coop
New Owners
We want to welcome the following new
owners who joined the Co-op between
April 15th and June 11th of 2013:
Jacob Stephens
Terry Paulson
Erica Gallagher
Winston Ostrow
Demetrius Ramos
Claire Decoster
William Leon
Carl Henden
Sarah Maxson
Andy Check
Blane Charles
Mary Charles
Monty Brunette
Mark Pfeiffer
Neil Lott
Zandra Blatt
Jane Harter
Tracy Goin
Jason Goin
Anita Nevsimal
Lisa Zinzow
Shaun Murphy
Matthew Frater
John Bronski
Glenn Hagar
Alex Weiland
Kelly Slentz
Anne Uhlenhop
Jon Uhlenhop
Kylie Berger
Laurel Blomquist
Jenny Goede
Cory Redfield
Celebrating the following
staff anniversaries:
* Sally Colacino - 16 yrs - 08/27/97
* Alaric Anders - 13 yrs - 07/20/00
* Crystel Curley - 7 yrs - 08/08/06
* Deborah Ecklund - 6 yrs - 08/14/07
* Michael Ames - 5 yrs - 08/12/08
* Tom Meier - 2 yr - 07/01/11
* Nancy Merten - 2 yr - 08/06/11
* Donna Karasek - 2 yr - 08/24/11
* Jason Weihl - 2 yr - 8/23/2011
* Shana Meshbesher -1 yr - 8/23/2012
bulk news
U . S . P O S TA G E
6 0 9 N . Main St ., Viroqua , WI 54665
6 0 8 . 6 3 7.7511
web: http://viroquafood.coop
email: info@viroquafood.coop
pea soup information
For more VFC news & info, like us on facebook!
We’re off to see the Wizard...
Sign up for our email list at our website:
This newsletter is printed on recycled paper.
To place an ad in Pea Soup, contact Charlene Elderkin at
Viroqua Food Co-op. Ad sizes and prices are as follows:
1/8 page
3.5” wide by 2” high
1/4 page
3.5” wide by 5” high
Ads are greyscale and should be high resolution (300dpi) jpeg or
pdf format. Please supply your ad for the Sept/Oct Pea Soup by
August 8. Email to: marketing@viroquafood.coop.
Owner Classifieds: free for owner-members
If you would like to place a classified in the next Pea Soup,
(Sept/Oct) contact Charlene Elderkin at VFC. Information for
classifieds is due by August 8. Please limit each ad to 30 words.
Download the newsletter
Download Pea Soup:
Download the weekly specials:
We’re going to see Dr. Paul!
Quality of Life Chiropractic
Dr. Paul & Paula Grenier
729 N. Main St., Viroqua• 637-6767