Mary Help of Christians Parish South Woden, PEARCE ACT
Mary Help of Christians Parish South Woden, PEARCE ACT
Mary Help of Christians Parish South Woden, PEARCE ACT OUR PARISH MISSION: “All the Church, all the Gospel, all the people, all the time” OUR PARISH VISION: Parish Priest: Father Richard Thompson CSM ChLJ RAN Rtd Deacon: Matt Ransom (part time) Presbytery/Parish Office: 35 Murphy Cres, PEARCE ACT 2607 Ph: 02 6286 1908 Parish Secretary: Megan Loughlin Office Hours: 9am – 3pm Tuesday - Friday Parish email address: WEBSITE address: All the Church - we will WORSHIP with an open heart. All the Gospel - we will celebrate the WORD with joy. All the People - we will care for the WELFARE of all. All the Time - we will WITNESS His love in all we do. OUR PARISH SCRIPTURE “Refresh my heart in Christ” - Philemon 1:20b THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH CS=Communion Service PSALTER WEEK 4 WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday CS 8.30am, Tuesday 5.30pm, Wednesday 8.30am & Thursday 8.30am, Friday: Divine Office Morning Prayer 8.45am, Mass 9.30am A Requiem Mass will normally replace a weekday Mass. Join the Rosary 30 mins before each Mass. WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday Vigil: 6pm Sunday: 8.30 am 10.00 am Mass will be celebrated at Goodwin Village for residents on the last Saturday of the month at 9.30am. RECONCILIATION (Confession): 11-12pm Saturdays or anytime by arrangement. BAPTISMS: The next information session will be held on Tuesday 9th February 2016, 7.00pm in the Parish Hall. Please register through the Office. Baptisms are celebrated in Mass or at 1130am on the 2nd & 3rd Sundays of the month. Please register for the info night. WEDDINGS: By appointment, at least 6 months notice, please! Phone Father Richard for details. The BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL is open daylight hours each day for Adoration and quiet prayer. Please do not leave cut flowers in the Chapel. Thank you. Remembering our faithful departed family and friends. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. We remember those near and dear to us, especially Veronica Duffy who died recently and Bill Eldridge, Frederick Pears , Agnes Moloney, Michelle Page Cook and Buddy Holly whose anniversaries occurs at this time. May they rest in peace. The Parish has a new email address: The old email address will still be active until March, please change over to the new address in the meantime. Thank you. Claim the date for Central Deanery Assembly, 12/13 Aug 2016 - Mercy in Marriage & Family Life Our parish acknowledges and celebrates the original custodians of this sacred land, the Ngunnawal people. South Woden Parish - Year 4 and above, First Holy Communion (FHC) Dates for 2016 - Enrolments open —The Parent Information Night for FHC will be held 7pm at Sacred Heart Church, Wed 17 February. Sessions will take place 7pm in the Church on the Wednesdays of 24 Feb, 2 March, 9 March and 16 March and celebrating the Sacrament of FHC at 6pm, Sat 19 March and 10am, Sunday 20 March. Enrolments have changed slightly from last year. Online enrolments at now include nominating the preferred Mass time for FHC. It will be taken on a first come basis, so please have your enrolments in ASAP. Please let any non -Catholic School families know of the Enrolment. Any questions regarding the Sacrament, please contact the Parish Office on 6286 1908 or email The annual ST VINCENT DE PAUL DOORKNOCK is again being held throughout February. Our main collection day is Sunday 21st, when we give out kits and have a BBQ at the parish hall between 9.30 and 3.00. However, collecting can be done at any convenient time during the month. If you can help, please give your name to a Society member after Mass or ring Gerry Franklin (62863403) or Frank Meany (62861634). 2016 Lenten Groups: Please sign up for one of the following discussion & prayer groups for Lent in this year of Mercy: 1. 2. 1000 Fridays after 0930 Mass. Church meeting room. 6.00pm Fridays in the hall. Booklets are a $5 donation if possible. SCHOOL OF RELIGION – MHOC Parish: provides religious education and Sacramental preparation classes for students from Kinder to Yr 6 who attend nonCatholic schools. Classes are held at Sacred Heart Church on Wednesdays during school term, from 4pm to 5pm. Enquiries to Maureen Blackmore [6286 3477 –] or to the Parish Office [6286 1908 or via email. Secondary Students Needed – If you are in Yr7-12 we need YOU!! We have an epic group of volunteers in our parish called Catechists. They teach Catholic children who attend government primary schools near our church. Could you help out this term? Either to assist a catechist or if teach a class yourself. You will be trained and mentored so that it is a fun experience for you. Please see Fr Richard, Maureen Blackmore or Deacon Matt if you are interested. Visit from Crossroads Australia- Crossroads is an international pro-life organization that sponsors prolife walks in order to help bring about a “Culture of Life” and a renewed respect for the dignity and sanctity of all human life. This summer, Crossroads is sponsoring our 4th Annual pro-life walk in Australia. A small group of Australian walkers will be passing through Canberra and will speak at the beginning of Mass this weekend. Please stay to chat to them after Palms for Ash Wednesday —Please return you palms to be burnt for Ash Wednesday. They can be placed in the basket in the Church Foyer. Ash Wednesday Mass times, 10th Feb: 7.30am; 9.30am (school and parish); 6pm We pray for Fiachra Allatt who will be baptised at Sacred Heart Church this week- end. May God’s richest blessings be with Fiachra and his family at this special time. ROSTERS FOR PARISH MINISTRIES FOR THE WEEKEND OF 6/7 FEBRUARY 2016 Commentators and Lectors 6.00pm (1st Rd) C. Fernando (2nd Rd) C. Fernando 8.30am (1st Rd) C. Heaney (2nd Rd) G. Joseph 10.00am (1st Rd) R. Coggan (2nd Rd) F. D’Castro Extra-ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist 6.00pm (BS) Acolyte (BP) M. Kelly (C1) M-A. Kitchen (C2) C. Fernando 8.30am (BS) Acolyte (BP) M. Kelly (C1) M-A. Kitchen (C2) C. Fernando 10.00am (BS) Acolyte (BP) M. Kelly (C1) M-A. Kitchen (C2) C. Fernando Acolytes Music Ministry 6.00pm P. Verdon 6.00pm Volunteer Pls 8.30am D. Tantri 8.30am D. Gilchrist 10.00am M. Doherty 10.00am C. Fatiaki Altar Servers 6.00pm Volunteers Pls 8.30am Volunteers Pls 10.00am Volunteers Pls Welcome Ministry Church Linen for JANUARY 6.00pm M. Kelly, Gwen Mahoney 8.30am P. & F. Nichols 10.00am R. & B. Usback Altar Care (from 1 Feb): Shirley Topp Rosary Crusade (31 Jan): C. & M. Stuart, 3/79 Collings St, Pearce. Ph: 6286 1784 CatholicCare Presentation— 10th Feb at 10.30am, Parish Hall. Presentation by COTA on “Road Safety Program and Healthy Ageing Issues”. What are the advantages and challenges being an older driver, Road Safety, pedestrian tips, travel and transport options and concessions for Seniors. Everyone is welcome, morning tea provided. Call Poonam on 6163 7683 if you would like assistance with transport. Welcome back to all our wonderful families, students and teachers from Sacred Heart Primary School, Marist College and all surrounding schools for 2016. We wish you all a happy, productive year as you share the joy and peace that we have found in God. Children’s Liturgy of the Word - The Parish is calling for any volunteers interested to Coordinate/assist with the Children's Liturgy of the Word during the 10am Mass. This position is a voluntary contribution to the spiritual welfare of young children in our parish. Please see Fr Richard to discuss. Thank you.
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Mary Help of Christians Parish South Woden, PEARCE ACT
“All the Church, all the Gospel, all the people, all the time”
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