May 2016 Bulletin - Thunder Bay Yacht Club


May 2016 Bulletin - Thunder Bay Yacht Club
May, 2016
P.O. Box 29136, THUNDER BAY, Ontario, P7B 6P9 CANADA
Around the Club…
Docking Director Jerry Tichy reports that, initially, the waiting list
at the Mission was cleared for the 2016 season. However, a
number of new applications for docking have been received.
Some additional spots may be coming available, at least on a
temporary basis for the upcoming season, to address these
applications. Jerry also reports that the new service dock and
mast-stepping winch are working great.
(On the left and above)… The new, pre-owned work platform
purchased last fall arrives at the Mission yard at the end of
May. The new platform will certainly make dock placement
and repair much safer and easier. It also will help with the
never ending work to stabilize shoreline erosion.
Launch 2016…
Launch season started in earnest on Saturday, May 14 .
Launch and Haul Director Frank Negro reports that all is
going well and earlier concerns about the condition of the
roadway have resolved themselves.
As a follow-up reminder, members are asked to
familiarize themselves with the Launch and Haul policies
located in the” Members-Only” section of the Club
website. In the interests of safety, for both members and
launch and haul personnel, please remember that “the
drivers reserve the right to refuse to launch or haul any
boat under conditions deemed by the operator to be
unsafe.” Also, remember it is a member’s responsibility to
forward up-to-date insurance information to the Club. A
record of valid insurance must be on file with the Club prior
to launch. Also, the member’s account, and any co-owner
account, must be up to date prior to launch. Last minute
submissions cannot be accepted by equipment operators.
Member co-operation is greatly appreciated.
Mission Yard…
The annual yard maintenance regimen of laying fresh
gravel on the Mission property roadways was completed
during the week of May 27 .
It`s spring and that means natures creatures are up and
about at the Mission yard. A lone Bambi was seen grazing
in the yard recently. It is dumpster diving time for our
bruin friends as well so please pay heed to the sign (right)
which greets you at the Mission gate. If you are out for
the weekend, please bring you food garbage home with
you. It will help keep the yard a lot cleaner and safer.
Yard Storage Policy… A reminder! Temporary boat shelters may be allowed on the Mission property with prior approval
of the TBYC Board of Directors. A written request for erecting a structure should be submitted to the Storage Director.
Please note that requests and approvals are required annually so if you have a structure and have not received approval
for 2016 please submit your request as soon as possible. To view the full Storage Policy visit the TBYC website at
TBYC Membership…
New members… The Executive, on behalf of the Club, would like to extend a warm welcome to new approved at the
May, 2016 executive meeting:
Li Yu and Audrey DeBruyne - Columbia 24, Tango - sail; Full Member
Sean and Sasha McMonagle – J24 (no name) – sail; Full Member
Social Committee…
2016 TBYC and Boating Related EVENTS
2016 Date
June 18
June 21
June 25
July 15 – 17
July 23 -30
TBYC Rendezvous
TBYC Executive Meeting
Blessing of the Fleet
Thunder Bay Salmon Association Derby
Sawyer Bay
Mission Clubhouse
Prince Arthur’s Landing
Prince Arthur’s Landing
North Shore harbours
All day
7:00 pm
10:30 am
Park passes courtesy TBYC
See TBSA web site:
See TBYC web site:
July, 29 – 31
Aug. 5 -7
Aug. 13 -14
Lake Superior PHRF Championship
Live From the Rock Folk Festival
Porphyry Island Pan-Superior
Prince Arthur’s Landing
Red Rock, ON
Porphyry Light
See LFRFF website
See CLLS web site
or Facebook page
Rendezvous… The first TBYC Rendezvous for the 2016 season will be held at Sawyer Bay on Saturday, June 18th. Park
day passes for TBYC members coming to the Rendezvous have been purchased by the Club. Cruise out to Sawyer Bay
and witness the finish of the first race of the 2016 TBYC Off-Shore Series. The racing fleet will be leaving Prince Arthur's
Landing at 11:00 am and racing towards Sawyer Bay. Come on out to the first, on-the-water social event of the season.
TBYC Spring Breakfast…
There was a great turnout for the "Opening of Navigation" annual
breakfast held on May 14, despite the fact that the main event "Spring"
was a "non-event".
From the homemade breakfast biscuits, Finnish pancakes, scrambled eggs
and hash-brown potatoes to the dishwashing, table cleaning, bacon
cooking and coffee making all of which were accomplished by giving,
positive, adaptable and capable volunteers, the event was a great success.
Sirkka Creagh, the past Social Director was remembered. A photo of
Sirkka sporting a big smile cooking her Finn pancakes at the stove in the
clubhouse was on display, along with a yellow rose plant.
A sympathy card, framed photo and the rose plant was delivered to Ted
who appreciated the thoughtfulness.
Watch for the next event, as willing participants and happy volunteers are
always needed...and wanted!
A special treat was the live music provided by John Scaffeo (pictured right)
who also gave of his time and talents in return for one, world famous
breakfast meal.
The Galley Crew - Enough can't be said about the
volunteers who give so generously of their time,
energy and talents (from left to right, Trevor Brasch,
Preston Brasch, Andrea Saunders, Gail Bailey,
Quinton Brasch, Sue MacMillan, Don DeBruyne,
Helene Nielsen, Jim Heald. Missing in the photo, but
no less significant in their contributions, are: Brenda
Budge, Sheryl Lockert, Barb Heald, and Gary
Properties…The Club has signed a lease for new office space on Myles Street. TBYC will be moving out of the CN Station
by mid-June, 2016. The Breakwater Taphouse will be making its own plans and arrangements with the waterfront
developer to continue at the CN Station.
Planning & Development… TBYC, along with its potential Community Boating Centre partners, has been invited by the
Waterfront Development Committee to a meeting of waterfront stakeholders on Saturday, June 11, 2016 at the Italian
Cultural Centre. The purpose of the meeting is to identify stakeholders for future development of the 52 kilometres of
waterfront and to outline current development and conceptual plans for future development. Each stakeholder has
been asked to submit a one or two page narrative about their project, as well as a map (if available) and will be given 5
minutes to speak. The narrative is also to include any concerns and/or barriers relative to accomplishing the
stakeholders’ goals. Other stakeholders who have been invited include the North Shore Steelhead Association; the
Thunder Bay Art Gallery; a representative of Thunder Bay Remedial Action Plan (RAP); the Friends of Grain Elevators;
Fort William First Nation; Transportation Museum representatives; an elevator proposal representative; Marina Advisory
Committee representatives and members of City Administration representing diverse departmental interests. We will
keep you posted on the event`s outcomes.
Around the Lake…
Some SUMMER DESTINATIONS on Superior`s North Shore!… Superior boating is at its best when you have a
destination! This summer is shaping up to be a great summer to do just that and discover the North Shore. Canada Day
celebrations will kick-off the summer boating season with activities and events at Prince Arthurs Landing. Later in the
month of July the Thunder Bay Yacht Club will be holding the annual SUNORA regatta. The flotilla will leave Thunder Bay
and travel through the archipelago to Rossport and return a few days later. “Celebrate Nipigon!” will happen from July
29-31 and include the famous Blueberry Blast. Consider tying up at their marina and enjoying this event. On August 5th
to 7th Red Rock hosts their annual “Live from the Rock Folk Festival” with a lineup of activities for the whole family to
enjoy. Porphyry Island Lighthouse plays host to the TBYC’s second annual Rendezvous on August 13-14th with family
fun, campfires, hikes and swimming if you can brave the water? Terrace Bay’s Annual Lighthouse festival will happen the
next weekend on August 19-20th. So if you are a boater looking for a destination this summer there’s lots to do on the
north shore (see the ad section of this Bulletin).
To the shores south of us you may be interested in checking out Grand Marais, MN…The Wooden Boat Show &
Summer Solstice Festival is being held on June 17-19, 2016. There will be a boat display, auction, craft demos, speakers,
mini courses, a Solstice pageant and chowder. For more details, please visit
For those with a long-term planning horizon into next year`s cruising season, this may catch your adventurous
Historic canals and waterways in 2017…
As part of Budget 2016, the Government of
Canada gave a Canada’s birthday gift to you
to celebrate the 150th anniversary of
Confederation - free admission for all
Canadian and international visitors to
national parks, national historic sites, national
marine conservation areas operated by Parks
Canada and free lockage for recreational
boaters on historic canals and waterways in
2017. Navigate through the locks on an
historic waterway and see Canada from a
whole new perspective!
What is free for me and my family in 2017?
Admission to national parks, national historic
sites, and national marine conservation areas
operated by Parks Canada as well as Lockage
fees for Parks Canada’s historic canals and
What is not free? Regular fees still apply for
other experiences and services, such as:
Camping and other accommodations;
Mooring; Guided tours and programs not
usually included with admission.
Source: Parks Canada Facebook
This may be of interest to members who may be thinking about cruising in the
lower lakes and associated waterways. The Government of Canada wants to
help you celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday with free admission to Parks
Canada places in 2017and free lockage.
How do you access free admission/free
lockage in 2017? 2016 Discovery Pass holders
will not need to do anything else to visit in
2017. See details, as soon as they are
available, on Parks Canada`s Facebook page
Flotsam and Jetsam…
The Mission to Seafarers, Port of Thunder Bay is planning the Blessing of the Fleet this year for June 25, and
Mission Chaplain Canon Ed Swayze, a TBYC member, would like to invite the members of the Thunder Bay Yacht Club to
take part.
Vessel operators and boaters are invited to participate in the Blessing of the Fleet on Saturday June 25 at the
lookout on Pier 3 - the Royal Canadian Navy Pier, at Marina Park. At 10:30 a.m. the Macgillivary Pipe Band will conduct
a Tattoo and at 11:00 a service of Blessing is held with a parade of vessels passing the Lookout at approximately 11:15.
Vessels should be on the water by 10:45 a.m. and monitor VHF channel 16. The service of Blessing will be broadcast on
Channel 71 at 11:00.
For vessel instructions, and further information visit or contact Canon
Ed Swayze 344-8241.
Our Advertisers…
When parts offered by Stright MacKay Ltd are ordered
FRM Marine, discount prices apply and shipping is
(see catalogue insert for discount details)
2015 Stright-Mackay catalogues are available at the
Clubhouse or can be viewed online at
To order or for more information contact
Richard Matheson @ 807 251 6832
or email
Advertising in the Bulletin
1/8 page (bus.card) $10.00 + HST = $11.30
1/4 page $20.00 + HST = $22.60
½ page $40.00 + HST = $45.20
Ads must be “print-ready” (.doc or .pdf)
Fees must be paid prior to publishing.
Contact Rob Cameron: