Newsletter - Casper Artists` Guild


Newsletter - Casper Artists` Guild
Art 321 News
August 2016
Letter from the Executive Director of ART 321
Hello to everyone again. I hope your summer has been unforgettable and filled with art. We
are about to close out our summer with a big bang! The August 4 th Art Walk was a huge
success. We had just over 800 people come through the gallery in three hours. Racca’s Pizzeria next door was open for samples and the streets of Casper were full of folks having a
great time. Music, food and libations were on every corner.
The gallery show and gift shop are selling well. We have on display Linda Ryan, Dave and
Holly Bryson, a Heavy Metal show and our ever popular Miniature Show. Sign up to get
your work in our gift shop. The next changeover of merchandise in the gift shop happens at
the end of August. Chris Navarro just concluded a great workshop on Human Figure Sculpture and many attendees were from out-of-state and even international. Our weekly classes
on watercolor, pastel, portraits, ceramics and figure drawing still happen every week. Take a
few hours off and join us.
Our next big event is the Wyoming Photo Fest brought to you in conjunction with Wyoming
Camera Outfitters. Photos from far and wide will be on display and ready for our September
Art Walk on Thursday, September 1st from 5 pm to 8 pm. Ron Hayes, Photo Fest winner of
2015 will be the featured artist. Then don’t miss the big party on Saturday, September 17th
from noon to 6 pm when this year’s winner will be announced. There will also be photo
workshops. So stop by for some great photography, food and lively music.
We have two more big events coming up. Our Postcards & Pint-sized Art gala will be Fr iday, November 18th at 6 pm. So save the date! All entries are postcard sized so they are affordable for everyone. Silent bidding begins November 3 rd during the First Thursday Art
December brings our first ever Holiday Bazaar and Art Walk. It will be starting at the Thursday Art Walk December 1st and going through Friday and Saturday, December 2 nd and 3rd.
All members are invited to reserve a table and sell your fabulous art. Member tables will be
$125 and non-member $175. Sign up soon and reserve your spot!
Come visit us soon and may
your life and your art be very
Lynn Jones
General Membership Meeting,
Election of Officers
and Vote on Updated By-laws
Will be held at 5:30 PM
September 13, 2016
Call for Art
Wyoming Camera Outfitters
Wyoming Photo Fest
Photo Contest 2016
Our September show
will be the Wyoming
Photo Fest. There will be
lots of prizes. The proceeds from the photo
contest will be donated
to Casper Art 321. Deadline to enter is September 9, 2016.
Go to to enter.
Categories: Wildlife, Still Life/ Close Up,
Portrait, Landscape, Youth (18 years and
The Landscape Winner will be our featured Artist in 2017.
Chapman Gift Gallery News
The Gift Shop will be doing the September-December change-over the last week in August. If you wish to have your art in the gift shop for
this time span and have not signed up, please do so as soon as possible. If you wish to display during September through December time
span, you must have your work to us August 23rd through August 27. We will not receive new work after these dates.
If you have work in the gift shop, May through August, you will need to pick up your merchandise/art, August 27, Saturday or August 30,
Tuesday. We do not have space to store your work for you.
All members who are currently showing art in the Chapman Gift Gallery are asked to sign up to work one three-hour shift per month at Art 321.
We need everyone who participates to help in some capacity. We are always short of gallery attendants, but there are other tasks for which we
need volunteers. Please come in and sign up to help out. We are working for you!
A new waiting list is available at the front desk for member artists to sign up for the next schedule: September-December 2016.
Gift Shop Coordinators: Dee Seid and Jan Lindsay-Kruzich
Calendar of Events
Tuesdays……………….…………..………..10:00 to 12:00 Ceramics Mini-Classes
Wednesdays……………………..….…....10:00 AM to 1:00 PM Portrait Painting
Thursdays ……………..……....………10:00-1:00 Pastel Painting Group & Class
Saturdays………………...…………….……..……..10:00 to 12:00 Watercolor Class
Saturdays………………………...…….….……………..1:00-3:00 PM Figure Drawing
2nd Saturday………………………...………12:00..Artist Trading Cards Exchange
Watercolor sessions meet every Saturday morning from 10am - 12pm.
$10 per session. All levels welcome. Haven’t painted before? No problem. This is the place to learn and enjoy art. For information and questions please call Ellen Black at 265-6783.
This is the schedule for the Saturday watercolor sessions for the
months of September and October:
Sept. 3 -
Putting Figures into Your Paintings – Holly Bryson
Sept. 10 -
practice session
Sept. 17 -
New Techniques for New (Surprising) Results – Nancy
Sept. 24 -
practice session
Oct. 1 -
Making Corrections
Oct. 8 -
practice session
Oct. 15 -
Fall Flowers – Garnette Jones
Oct. 22 -
practice session Oct. 29 - Achieve Harmony Through
Underpainting – Michele McDonald
August 4-27th…………….....22nd Annual International Miniature Art Show
August Shows……………………………….…...Linda Ryan; Dave & Holly Bryson;
…………………………………………………………………………....………….“Heavy Metal”
September 1st…………………………………..………………….……….Casper Art Walk
September ….…....WY Photo Fest: Art 321 & Wyoming Camera Outfitters
………Featured Artist…………..……..Winner of 2015 Photo Fest—Ron Hayes
September 30 & Oct 1……...….Ginny Butcher: Plein Air Painting Workshop
October Shows………………………………..…...Dee Seid; Fiber Arts Group Show
October 8…………………...………….Dee Seid; Mono-print on Fabric Workshop
October 15…...Jim Kopp; New Invention Mixed Media Painting Workshop
October 21 & 22……....Annette Kennedy; Paint Enhanced Fabric/Fiber Art
…………………………………………...From a Photo, Drawing, or Other Workshop
November Shows…………………………...…..Postcards & Pint Sized Art” Show;
……………..2nd Annual Ceramics Invitational; Dandee Pattee & Ryan Olsen
November 12…………..Donna Flanery; Ceramics: Tell Me a Story Workshop
Earline Larson –Top
“Lampshade” Handmade Paper
November 18th………………………...Postcards & Pint Sized Art Gala 6:00 PM
Right—“Journal” Recycled Fibers
December Shows…………...Shawn Rivett; Elizabeth Lugg; “Red” - Open Call
December 3-5………………………………………...…..Art Walk and Holiday Bazaar
December 3…...Cynthia Weed; Something Special Mixed Media Workshop
Diana Maher “Mesa View” Acrylic on Canvas
Fiber Art Show—Open to All Art321 Members. Fiber Art is anything that uses fiber, such as: handmade paper, fiber collages,
wall hangings, framed fiber art work, knit, crochet, weaving,
felting. Two examples are shown above. The work must have
been done in the last 3 years. It cannot have been shown previously. Entries are due no later than September 30th.
On October 8th Dee Seid will present Mono-Printing on Fabric.
The cost is $40 for members and $60 for non-members plus a
$10 supply fee.
Thank You to All of Our Volunteers. We could not be open without you! Helping us this month have been: Connie Atkinson, Anna Marie Cavender, Carol
Chapman, Pat Fonnesbeck, Nancy Geldien, Carole Glenn, Garnette Jones,
Lynne Jones, Emily King, Wanda Klietz, Julie Richards Lawrence, Elizabeth
Lugg, Renae Mason, Bev Mathisen, Emma Meyer, Margaret Morris, Melanie
Myron, Pat Pulitzer, Terry Richardson, Carolyn Rodgers, Richard Rodgers,
Ellen Schreiner, Kit Scott, Dee Seid, Dave Sneesby, Jan Stirling, and Tayla
Thomas. Thanks to Elizabeth Lugg for Coordinating this important work.
October 21st & 22nd: Annette Kennedy will present a two-day
workshop on how to Paint Enhanced Fabric Fiber Art from a
Photo. The fee is $140 for members and $180 for non-members.
Linda Ryan “Dream Nest 1” Cast Plaster
Lena Leitzke “In Rome”
Come trade with us at our Artist Trading Cards Session on the second Saturday of the month from 12 to 1 PM.
Trading card sessions are about connecting with others. ATC cards have original work on the front and your information on the back. The size is 2.5 x 3.5
inches. On the back include the artist’s name, date, title of work, and contact
information. Bring your cards to trade in a three ring binder (baseball and
cards pages work well) or loose in a plastic sheet protector.
Below is a recent trading session at Art 321.
Judith Edgington Bayes
“Closing In”
Michael Haid “Forever in
Bloom” Mixed Metals
22nd Annual International Miniature Art Show
The show was judged by Dr. Valerie Innella who teaches art history
and museum studies in the Visual Arts Department of Casper College in Wyoming. Awards are as follows:
Best of Show: Justin Hayward “Nude in Water” Oil—Casper
First Place: Lena Leitzke “In Rome” Mixed Water Media—WA
2nd Place: Brenda Short “Friendship” Oil—Casper
3rd Place: Dianne Maher “Mesa View” Acrylic—New Mexico
Honorable Mention: Elaine Hahn “Cockadoodle Doo” WC—FL
Honorable Mention: Judith Edgington Bayes “Closing In” Acrylic FL
The Miniature Show will be open throughout August.
Our thanks go to Connie Atkinson for her hard work keeping this
show going each year.
Dave Bryson “Power Wagon” WC
Holly Bryson “Color of Orange”
Mike Olson will be instructing our Clay Collective this
summer for the majority of
Tuesdays, and every third
Tuesday of the month will
be instructed by Dandee
It’s Dues Time Again!
Art 321’s membership year
runs from September 1st
through August 31st. Please
pay your 2016-2017 dues either at Art 321 or send in by
mail. Please be sure to include your name, address,
telephone number, and
Email address.
Contact Us: 321 W. Midwest Casper,
Wyoming 82601
Phone (307) 265-2655
Hours: Tuesday through Saturday
10AM to 4 PM
* Admission free *
E-mail Addresses:
Art 321 of the Casper Artists’ Guild,
Inc., (which is a non-profit organization) offers art opportunities
and experiences for the education
and enjoyment of the citizens of
Casper and its surrounding region.
Top: Linda Ryan “Self Portrait” Cast Aluminum
Top: Jennifer Morss “The Strong Survive” Copper Patina
Bottom: Cynthia Lea Harrison “Iron Maiden” Iron
Bottom: Melanie Myron “Layers” Steel & Glass
Casper Artists’ Guild
321 W. Midwest
Casper, WY 82601