The 4th Quarter of 2014-15 is Underway Northview Wildcats Find


The 4th Quarter of 2014-15 is Underway Northview Wildcats Find
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April 2015
Volume 54, Issue 9
The 4th Quarter of 2014-15 is Underway
Inside this issue:
The end of an exciting 3Q Quarter has arrived. Final 3 Quarter Grades have been posted to PowerSchool. If you would
like a paper copy of the report card, simply have your students come to the Main Office to request a copy. We are now off
for a week for Spring Break. This time with our friends and family will allow everyone to rest and recharge as we gear up
for a more normal quarter and end to the 2014-15 school year. Encourage your sons and daughters to continue to push
themselves to grow academically and intellectually.
Wildcat News Update
The Learning Center
NV Sports Recognition
Northview Wildcats Find Success in Many Arenas
NV Boosters Golf Outing
These past few weeks have been filled with success for our Wildcats...
Kroger Rewards
Med Tech Blood Drive
Moon Over Buffalo
Speech & Debate
Senior Slide Show
Senior Class Fee
After Prom
District Calendar
Attendance Guidelines
ACT/SAT Recognition
NHS/Book Club Info
Extra Help Info
OGT Review
Counselors Corner
Dress Code Guidelines
Yearbook Info
NVPO Patrons
NVPO Volunteer Form
2HR-Parent Challenge
2014-2015 Calendar
SSPO Update
and Government Test offered by the Legion Post. Mr. Lefevre was recognized as the Legion’s Teacher of the
Ohio’s Testing Update
 One of our Gymnasts won the NLL Championship on the floor routine, and qualified for the State Champion-
District News
2015-2016 Calendar
My SchoolBucks
New Lunch Point Info
NV Office Staff
 Speech and Debate qualified four students to the States competition.
 Our Valedictorian earned the sole selection for all students across
Lucas County as the Franklin B. Walter
Award winner for scholastic achievement.
 All of Northview’s Choirs earned the top ratings at the District Contest and are headed to States.
 Dance Team placed at 2nd, 3rd, & 3rd at States in the three competitions available
 Our Cheerleading Squad finished 5th in the State in their competition.
 Our Engineering students have qualified two teams to the NASA rocketry competition in Washington, DC, and
one to travel to the desert in Nevada to help with research on bird migration.
 Seven Business students qualified to the national competition, finishing as high as State Runner-Up.
 Four Medical Technologies students finished in the top three in the State of Ohio, qualifying for Nationals, in
their HOSA competition, and one of them won the top prize in the state.
 Several
FCCLA students (future teachers) earned gold stars at Districts & Regionals, advancing to the state
 Science Olympiad won the Regional Championship and qualified for States.
 Nearly fifty juniors took practice ACTs and SATs during the OGT 2-hour delays
 Twenty swimmers and ten wrestlers qualified for Districts (double last year)
 Two divers qualified for the State Championships and finished 10th & 11th respectively.
 Five musicians (choir, orchestra, and band) performed with the All-State music groups.
 Art students had work selected for the Governor’s Art Exhibit
 Girls Basketball won NLL and Sectional Championships
 Two Northview students scored in the top tier across the state of less than 20 students on the Americanism
ships in floor, bar, and the all-around competitions.
 Several students scored excellent at the District Science Fair, and one qualified for the State competition with a
superior rating for her research.
 Three theatre students were selected to participate in the All-Ohio Show
Other Highlights...
 Northview’s outstanding Theatre Department is at it again, preparing to put on Moon Over Buffalo. The Spring Play
opens on April 16th, and wraps up on the 19th. Make plans to see our talented actors and actresses in the new Performing Arts Center!
 Safe travels to our Orchestra students, who are traveling to and performing in Walt Disney World, and to our Base-
ball Team, which is traveling to Florida for several games over Spring Break.
 Congratulations to our Seniors, who will be honored at the Academic Awards Banquet at Lourdes University on April
21st for maintaining a 3.5 GPA. Banquet RSVPs are due Monday, April 13th to the Main Office.
 Dust off you golf clubs and join the Athletic Boosters for their 23rd Annual Golf Outing! Check out details on page 8.
 As the Spring slate of extra-curricular activities kicks off, we wish all of our young people good luck as they pursue
individual and collective goals.
Page 2
Wildcat News Update
Dance Gold is Coming
In honor of their friends and family members who are or have fought cancer,
the National Honor Society students at Northview are planning our first ever
dance marathon, Dance Gold, on Saturday, April 25th from 6 p.m. to midnight. Student participants will take part in tons of games and fun activities
throughout the course of the evening. Students will be on one of four teams,
and will compete for all of the points, prizes, and glory.
Moon Over Buffalo rehearsals underway… Our thespians are hard at work,
getting ready for our spring play, which opens on April 16th.
Congratulations to: Geeta Rao Lucas County’s Franklin B. Walter All-Scholastic
Award Winner.
Just a fun fact: This past weekend 42 choirs performed at OMEA District
Contest and 6 choirs received perfect scores. Three of those perfect scores
came from the Northview Choirs. A Cappella Choir- Class A- Superior, Women's
Chorus- Class C- Superior, Men's Chorus- Class C- Superior. Way to go Wildcats!
Here are some upcoming World Language dates to remember:
April 22: NV World Language collaboration at Arbor Hills to celebrate Earth Day
April 30 NV World Language Award Day in PAC (during classes)
May 20: Last World Language Club event (international picnic, soccer game on
hill) 2:30-3:30
Parents, we need you-, help sell Prom Bids during lunch hours, follow this link
and sign up.
Do you need extra help in a subject? Check out the TLC schedule, and bring
that “B” to an “A” with a little extra help from our NHS tutors!
Northview High school will be hosting two exchange students from Germany. They are arriving on March 24th and will stay until April 21st. This continues
a program begun last year, with five participating students. The families of Ben
Miller and Lydia Delmonico will graciously include their Germans in the American
way of life, complete with school attendance, activities, and food. The Germans
will shadow their American hosts, and also present their hometowns and schools
in the German classes.
Class Olympics are coming: It’s time to request your events for Class Olympics
2015! Class Olympics will offer something for everyone, no matter what your
talent happens to be. Every NV student will represent their class in an event on
Friday, May 22nd. Check out your options here. We will close the Olympic
Games with a lip sync contest, and each class will get their shot to impress the
Do you like to draw? Manga Club brings students together to draw Japanese
Comics, contact @KNelsonNV if you have an interest in drawing!
Page 3
The Learning Center is now open every period for 2nd
Semester. Please check the schedule below to see which
teacher is available for what subjects.
Page 4
Northview Fall/Winter Sports Update
Team Accomplishments as of 10/27/14
2014 NLL Champions
Boys Golf
Girls Golf
Boys Soccer
2014 Sectional Champions
Boys Golf
Girls Soccer
Boys Soccer
2014 District Champions
Girls Soccer
State Qualifiers
Boys Golf
Girls Golf
Girls Water Polo
Individual Accomplishments as of 10/27/14
2014 Fall NLL Honors
3rd Team
Boys Xcountry
Girls X Country
Girls Golf
Boys Golf
Boys Soccer
Girls Soccer
Girls Tennis
2nd Team
Boys Xcountry
Girls Xcountry
Boys Golf
Girls Golf
Boys Soccer
Girls Soccer
Christian Bohlke
James Hanley, Jake Montz, Luke Fortner
Lauren DeBelly
Justin Riggs
Andrew Klein & Christian Massey
Abby Koback & Allison Rieger
Geeta Rao & Sam Howald
Sydney Boerst
Justin Bohlke
Erin Chambers & Kylie Archibeque
Ross Hanna, Austin Sample
Mackenzie Elrod
Tyler Biggs & Kami Mourad
Leah Arnsby & Megan Kupetz
Abbie Ciucci
Kyley Keene
Page 5
1st Team
Boys Xcountry
Girls Xcountry
Boys Golf
Girls Golf
Boys Soccer
Girls Soccer
Jared Noe
Mallory Small
Preston McCurdy, Luke Fortner
Ian Clement, Andrew Headman & Jack Kunkel
Kayleigh McHugh & Ashley Knight
Matt Bules, Aerin West, Ben Haselhuhn
Karlie O’Keefe & Kathleen Duwve
Abbey Pawlak
2014 Fall District Honors
3rd Team
Boys Xcountry
Girls X Country
Girls Golf
Boys Golf
Boys Soccer
Girls Soccer
Girls Tennis H.M.
Justin Bohlke & Christian Bohlke
Ross Hanna, 3rd Team All-Ohio
Mackenzie Elrod
Allison Rieger
Abbie Ciuccu, Geeta Rao & Jessica Mermer
2nd Team
Boys Xcountry
Girls Xcountry
Boys Golf
Girls Golf
Erin Chambers & Kylie Archibeque
Not Determined Yet
Andrew Headman & Jack Kunkel
League 13 – 1
Overall 18 - 6
Row 1 L-R: Coach Dennis Mussery, Mollee Williamson, Mackenzie Riggs, Maddie Fries, Haley Archibeque, Izzy Austin, Emily Campos
Row 2 L-R: Head Coach Brittaney Cymbolin, Coach Kelsey McCoy, Katie Cole, Kendall McCoy, Kendall Jessing, Maddie Cole, Kathleen Duwve, Kyley Keene, Coach Carrie Hansen, Coach Jackie Chiesa
At the State Competition
2nd in Pom
3 in Hip Hop
3rd in Jazz
Teagan Benedict, Kaylene Pietrzak, Korrin Zollweg, Haley Jones, Mary Caye McCann, Libby Sadowski, Emma
Crandall, Samantha Klinger, Grace Colville, Mackenzie Elrod, Caitlyn Jones, Morgan Korn, Emily Lu
Page 6
All-Academic Certificates—Seniors with a 3.0 GPA or above.
Sylvania Northview High School
Winter Athletes
3.0 and Above
Matthew Hosler
Girls Basketball
Emily Campos
Maddie Cole
Maddie Fries
Kendall Jessing
Kendall McCoy
Mackenzie Riggs
Boys Basketball
Alec Ritzert
Lucas Sturt
Grace Colville
Mackenzie Elrod
Caitlyn Jones
Morgan Korn
Emily Lu
Cheer Team
Julie Frye
Megan McClain
Caitlyn McCloskey
Julia Messinger
Jensen Murra
Addie Scott
Lars Culver
Preston Due
Keden Sudlow
Matt Coulter
Zac Frame
Nick Lee
Lauren DeBelly
Katelyn McKown
Katelyn McKown
Page 7
3rd Team All League:
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
2nd Team All League
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
1st Team All League
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Mohamed Afifi
Kendall Jessing & Maddie Fries
Ian Clement, Zack Galecki, Josh Koback, Preston
Due, Reed Kross
Zac Frame
Matt Hosler & Trevor Hartbarger
Maddie Cole
Cam O’Brien & Baylie Horvath
Jessup Pawelczyk & Marty Hofbauer
Aerin West
Kendall McCoy
Katelyn McKown
Zac Frame & Kaitlyn Dieringer
District Honors:
Keith Sporleder, Nick Adams, Trevor Hartbarger, Jessup Pawelczyk, Marty
Hofbauer, Danny Elden, Ryan Rempe, Alex Vasquez
Ashley Houttiker, Amanda Taylor, Paige Matuzinski, Liz Liber, Sarah Emery,
Lydia Delmonico, Lauren DeBelly, Jack Sanderson, Zach Frame, Grant Schwartz,
Tristan Castor, Matt Coulter, Michael D’Onofrio, Trevor O’Hare, Nate Baldwin
Kaitlyn Deiringer, Baylie Horvath, Katelyn McKown & Cam O’Brien
Honorable Mention
B. Basketball
G. Basketball
Mohamed Afifi
Maddie Fries & Katie Cole
2nd Team
B. Basketball
Girls Basketball
Aerin West
Maddie Cole & Kendall Jessing
1st Team
Girls Basketball
Kendall McCoy
All State:
State Qualifiers:
Katelyn McKown
Baylie Horvath & Kaitlyn Dieringer
Special Mention
Girls Basketball
Kendall McCoy
Page 8
23rd Annual
The Legacy Golf Club – 7677 U.S. 223 Ottawa Lake, MI
Saturday May 30, 2015 @ 1:00 pm (shotgun start)
Dinner and Awards Banquet following golf at 6:00 pm
18 Hole Four Person Scramble– 21 years and old please
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place-------------------------------CASH PRIZE
Poker Run -------------------------------------------CASH PRIZE
Skins --------------------------------------------------CASH PRIZE
SPONSORS: (please indicate choice)
( ) Wildcat Corporate Sponsor
$550* –2 hole sponsorships and 4 golfer
*Includes golf, cart, range balls, games, lunch, dinner, and golf towel.
( ) Junior Cat Sponsor
$100 – 1 hole sponsorship
( ) Raffle Donation
Raffle Prizes Appreciated!!
GOLFERS: (please indicate choice)
( ) Individual
( ) Team
*all fees include golf, cart, range balls, lunch, games, dinner, and a golf
Name & Phone Number:________________________________________________
I have a foursome (names): ______________________________________________
Extra dinner tickets @ $20:______________________________________________
Make Checks Payable To:
Northview Athletic Boosters
(419) 205-1658
This winter may have been cold and dreary, but Northview Speech and Debate had a season that was
anything but! This weekend concludes the long tournament season that started back in October. Even with
three new coaches and a fairly young team, NVSD has continued a tradition of excellence in both the
Speech and Debate worlds. Our team members practiced tirelessly after school; researching, writing, performing, memorizing, debating, and organizing. Every Saturday had a 4:30 am wake up call to make the
next tournament somewhere in Ohio via big yellow bus. Students and coaches (and a fabulous parent
booster club!) helped make the Sylvania Invitational, one of the biggest tournaments in the nation, go off
without a hitch. The work was hard, but the reward was great.
We saw exponential growth in our young team members- they learned ropes, gained experience, and got
fired up for the next year. It was business as usual for our returning competitors, speaking eloquently, debating with finesse, even trying out new events. As a result, we took four competitors to the Ohio High
School Speech League State Tournament in Youngstown. Max Rioux and Parker Cellura debated in Policy,
while Yong-Won Kim and Owen Cappellini participated in Congress. Owen made it to semi-finals, and will
be competing at the National Qualifying Tournament this weekend in our Ohio Statehouse Congress
Chambers. We wish him luck!
As the season ends, we also have to say farewell to our seniors who helped shape our team, and thank
them for their dedication to their event. To Geeta Rao, David Mortland, Andrew Bennett, Sejal Shah, and
Emily Lu: we wish you all the luck in the world in your post-grad path, and are glad to have been a part of
your Northview experience- the team would not be the same without you!
We are so proud of our team and all of our accomplishments, and can’t wait for next season!
Coach Federman, Coach Fischer, and Coach Gebers
Page 14
Northview Class of 2015
$65 per Senior
It has become a tradition at Northview for the parents of seniors to work together to plan some fun and exciting activities to help our students celebrate
their last year at Northview. Activities begin with a picnic in August and continue through the end of school. Activities include:
Senior Breakfast
Pizza Lunch
After Prom
(you don’t have to attend Prom to go to After Prom
Graduation Yard Signs
Senior Ice Cream Social
These are NOT funded by the school and there will be several fundraisers
throughout the year to provide additional funding. If you would like to contribute more than $65, your donation will be welcome! WE NEED YOUR HELP!!
Planning and carrying out these activities requires a lot of effort and manpower. Volunteers are needed for a variety of things. If you haven’t already signed
up to help with an event or fundraiser please contact:
Hema Shah at (419) 885-4432 – Please indicate
what you are willing to help with.
You can pay your fee and sign up to volunteer at the Senior Activities table at
Wildcat Welcome Days. You can also drop it off at the office (attn: Mike Vince,
Treasurer) or mail to: Northview Senior Activities,
c/o Mike Vince, 5644 Fox Hollow Ct. Sylvania, OH 43560
Checks payable to: Northview After Prom Committee
Detach and return with your payment (PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY)
Senior Name(s):
Parent Name (s):
Best Phone # to reach you at:
Page 15
After Prom Prizes Needed
The Northview After Prom Prize Committee still needs donations for the 2015 NV After Prom to be held May 16th. The After Prom is fully funded by Northview Senior Parents, their
fundraising efforts and direct donations from area businesses
and Northview families. We need your help to make this
event a success! You don’t have to be a parent of a senior to
Contributions will be used as door and raffle prizes that help
encourage attendance at After Prom and really make the
evening. Let’s face it…who doesn’t love winning prizes!!?!
Ideas for donations include : movie passes, restaurant gift
cards, tickets to sporting events/concerts, gas cards, golf
equipment, golf passes, park passes, dorm items and cash
that can be used to towards the purchase of items.
Your gift is tax deductible and individuals or businesses that
wish to donate can contact Hema Shah at 419-885-4432 or
email her at
Our goal is that every Northview senior that attends will leave
with a prize! That equates to over 300 prizes…large or
small, your donation can make the difference!
Thank you to area businesses and families that are willing
and able to donate! Your names will be recognized on our
“Wall of Recognition” the evening of the event!
Page 16
District Calendar is Electronic
The Sylvania Schools calendar is available digitally through Dynacal, an interactive
calendaring system. The My DynaCal feature sends emails and/or mobile phone
text messages in case of cancellation, postponement, or rescheduling of an
event. You can access My DynaCal at To Setup My
DynaCal & Custom Calendar Views
Go to:
Click on the My DynaCal link (left navigation panel)
Enter email and password
Choose “Add New Calendar”
Give the calendar a name (i.e. Jonny’s Band Events)
Select the categories of events that you would like to
view in this calendar
Once you select the categories you wish to view in this customized view
click on
You can create as many different calendars as you wish, by repeating steps 4
through 7, listed above. Once your calendar views are created, you can choose
to be notified via email or text message in case of changes to events in your
selected categories. A full printed version is also available on the website and
school offices will have a limited number of copies for families unable to access the online version.
Counselor’s Corner
Students are assigned to counselors by last name for all grade levels.
The Guidance phone number is 419-824-8715. Please call with any questions or concerns.
Crystal Burnworth
Melanie Rogers
Kate Henk
Stacie Wachowiak
Late Start Dates for 2014-2015
Late start date for the remainder of the 2014-2015 school year left is:
May 21.
APRIL 15, 2015
Page 17
Attendance Guideline
The attendance guideline procedures are in compliance with the Ohio Revised Code. Also, review this section in the student handbook, which explains in detail what will be considered an excused absence.
Attendance Procedures:
Please call the attendance office at 824-8710 to report an absence. We
have voicemail so a call can be made to the office 24 hours a day.
A written note must be presented upon the student’s return to school,
or the absence will be recorded as a truancy.
If a student needs to miss school for a professional appointment (i.e.
legal, medical, dental) they must bring a
signed statement back from the appointment to the attendance office otherwise
the absence will not be excused until the
note arrives.
The PCA form must be filled out in advance of the day(s) absent. A parent must
call or come in to request a Personal Convenience Absence form.
If a student comes to school after
7:35 a.m. she/he must report to the attendance office before going to
Page 18
ACT Scores of 26 and Above
Caitlin Beach
Seth Berland
Michael Dipofi
Emma Eding
Evan English
Emily Hoffman
Seth Kauffman
Jessie Li
Kendall McCoy
Taryn Pavain
Allison Rieger
Manasa Rao
Mary Solomon
Samuel Zack
Marissa Brown
Hannah Creech
Hanna Ljungholm
Andrew Bennett
Jordan Micham
Morgan Vince
Abigail Ciucci
Mahdi Jalodi
Baker Chase
Dennis Schumacher
Sejal Shah
Mallory Small
Veronica Sohasky
Lucas Sturt
Rebecca Towns
Allison Wait
Mark Lewandowski
Emily Lu
Hollis Martinez
Victoria Massey
Brianna Masters
Katelyn McKown
Sungbin Cho
Michael Condon
Pauline Brenner
Sierra McKimmy
Nazihah Bhatti
Amanda Riley
Matthew Bules
Hannah Clark
Karli O’Keefe
Noviski Noah
Taylor Messinger
Julia Messinger
Jacob Montz
Halie Morris
Kristin Osinski
Allison Oswald
Austin Pace
Joshua Pawelczyk
Cody Pomeroy
Jacob Runyan
Tiana Sarsour
Victoria Schell
Celine Schreidah
Andrew Klein
Tiffany Komon
Brendon Labron
Addie Scott
Hanna Ljungholm
Victoria Riley
Kendall Jessing
Jack Foetisch
Jacob Schafer
McGranahan Madisen
Preston Due
Mackenzie Elrod
Rebekka Forster
Luke Fortner
Noah Forelich
Aubree Gerasimiak
Claire Goecke
Oliver Greive
Kierstin Hanna
Bradley Homan
Caitlyn Jones
Savannah Kill
Andrew Klein
Ryan Leslie
Nathan Lammie
Kaitlin Cole
Jacob Alzapiedi
Nicoletta Lucitte
Bronson Sturt
Sarah Marvin
Baylee Gryca
Tyler Slattery
Nowak Matthew
SAT Scores of 600 and Above
Hrishikesh Saraiya/Math
Oliver Greive/Crit. Reading/Math/Writing
Celine Schreidah/Crit. Reading/Math/Writing
Emily Lu/Crit. Reading/ Math/Writing/Math Level 2/Chemistry/Biology
Emma Eding/Math/Writing/Crit. Reading
Manasa Rao/Crit. Reading/Math/Writing/Literature/Math Level 2/Chemistry
Michael Condon/Crit. Reading/Math
Taylor Messinger/Crit. Reading/Math/Writing/Literature/Math Level 2
Owen Cappellini/US History
Caitlin Beach/Crit. Reading/Writing
Preston Due/Crit. Reading/Math
Evan English/Math Writing
Rebekka Forster/Math
Noah Froelich/Crit. Reading/Math/Writing
Kierstin Hanna/Crit. Reading/Writing
Nathan Lammie/Crit. Reading/Math
Hanna Ljungholm/Writing
Victoria Schell/Writing
Veronica Sohasky/Crit. Reading/Math/Writing
Mary Solomon/Math/Writing
Allison Wait/Crit. Reading
Zach Samuel/Math Level 1/Chemistry
Northview High School’s National Honor Society
Northview High School is proud to have a chapter of the National Honor Society serving its
school and community. Our National Honor Society chapter holds its
four pillars of character, scholarship, leadership, and service, in the
highest esteem. Prior to membership, each of these pillars is evaluated by Faculty Council, along with the completion of a comprehensive
Faculty Council considers the following when selecting and retaining
members into National Honor Society at Northview. Volunteerism at
Northview and throughout the community. Faculty Council looks for student involvement in
activities, clubs, sports, and overall Northview participation, outside of daily class requirements and activities. Students must be actively involved in community clubs, groups, etc.,
along with volunteering to support our community. All NHS students must have a cumulative
GPA of 3.6 or higher to be considered for and retain membership in NHS. NHS candidates
and members are upstanding students, free of suspensions and/or codings. All current and
potential members must adhere to behavioral expectations throughout their career at Northview. For more information regarding Northview’s chapter of National Honor Society, please
contact Darla Omey at 419.824.8570, ext. 5208 or email at
Book Club Opens a New Chapter
Northview High School’s Library Media Center is pleased to announce its book
club will return on January 26, 2015 during each lunch period. We are reading
The Girl Who Was On Fire, and then on Monday , April 20th, we will be reading,
One Came Home. Mrs. Omey is trying something new this year! Please stop
and see Mrs. Omey to get a copy of each book to be read. Your participation
means you get to keep the book. Any questions or info please call Mrs. Omey
at 419-824-8570 #5208 or
Page 20
Extra Help Available to Northview Students
The Learning Center is a
great service that is
available to all students.
Through this service,
academic teachers and
or National Honor Society members are available all periods of the day
in the guidance offices
for individual attention
and tutoring.
We also offer after
school Ohio Graduation
Test (OGT) Intervention,
both in the fall and
spring. These sessions
will help your son or
daughter to focus on the
most important information and skills need-
ed to be successful on
the OGT.
your student to take
advantage of these offerings, regardless of their
class standing or G.P.A.
Simply passing is not
our goal; inspiring our
young people to improve themselves and
reach their potential is.
Do you have information on Northview
events or activities that you would like
help publicizing? Send them to:
Important Reminder
Share* your e-mail address with us! Be in the know! You will get
important announcements, our monthly newsletter, etc.. Just fill out
and bring us the form that was sent home in the packet for Wildcat
Welcome Days. Or, go to our school website, and enter your e-mail address into our Wildcat Weekly request box. We will not publish your email address.
Daily P.A. Announcements Available On-Line
Parents and students can keep up with all of the daily happenings at
Northview by reading the daily announcements that are broadcast
over the public address system during 4th period each day.
You can subscribe for daily emails of announcements by clicking
follow (bottom right hand corner) on our announcement blog. This
is different than the school newsletters Wildcat weekly and Cat
The announcements are also posted online at: under the school info tab,
Facebook by liking “Sylvania Northview High School” and on
Twitter by following @NVHSWildcats
Our announcements blog:
OGT Review Opportunities
All 10th grade Ohio students are required to pass the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT) in order to graduate. If you received a letter from Assistant Principal Vens, then either your son or daughter has not
passed at least one section of the OGT or s/he is considered at risk for failing a section based upon
practice test results. Juniors and seniors will be given a retake the week of October 27 th –October
31st, while sophomores will take the OGT for the first time the week of March 16th– 20th. In order
to better prepare students for the material on these tests, we have two tutoring opportunities available. First, if your son or daughter is deemed in need of extra help, he or she may be assigned to
The Learning Center (TLC) during his or her study hall or commons period(s). Second, we have after
school sessions that began on September 22nd and continue through October 23rd. Please no
freshman. These sessions are meant for remediation only:
Monday & Wednesday
D6A (or Lab E20)
Social Studies
Tuesday & Thursday
G4 (or Lab G3)
Reading/Writing Monday – Thursday
A3 ( or Lab B5)
Monday – Thursday
ACT Test Dates for 2014-2015
Test Date
Registration Deadline
October 25, 2014
December 13, 2014
February 7, 2015
April 18, 2015
June 13, 2015
September 19, 2014
November 7, 2014
January 9, 2015
March 13, 2015
May 8, 2015
SAT Test Dates for 2014-2015
Test Date
Registration Deadline
November 9, 2014
December 6, 2014
January 24, 2015
March 14, 2015
May 2, 2015
June 6, 2015
October 9, 2014
November 6, 2014
December 29, 2014
February 13, 2015
April 6, 2015
May 8, 2015
School Code: 364930
Lab A4
The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) is a program cosponsored by the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. It's a standardized test that
provides firsthand practice for the SAT and ACT. It also gives you a chance to enter NMSC scholarship
programs and gain access to college and career planning tools.
The PSAT/NMSQT measures:
Critical reading skills
Math problem-solving skills
Writing skills
National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC)
Students in the eleventh grade of high school enter NMSC competitions by taking the PSAT/NMSQT,
which serves as an initial screen of approximately 1.5 million entrants each year, and by meeting
published program entry and/or participation requirements.
Information on the Score Report
PSAT/NMSQT scores are reported on a scale of 20 to 80. In 2011, the average score for eleventh
graders was about 48 in Critical Reading, 49 in Mathematics, and 46 in Writing Skills. The average
score for tenth graders was about 43 in Critical Reading, 43 in Mathematics, and 41 in Writing Skills.
Also listed on your score report is the Selection Index, which is used to determine eligibility in National Merit Scholarship Corporation programs (NMSC). It is the sum of the three scores in each test
section (CR + M + W). The Selection Index ranges from 60 to 240. The average Selection Index for
students in eleventh grade is about 143. Note: Only students in eleventh grade are eligible to enter
NMSC scholarship programs.
Finally, score reports include national percentiles, which allow you to compare your scores with other
students in your grade level who have taken the PSAT/NMSQT. Score Reports are sent to the school
and distributed to students in early December.
Counselor’s Corner
Seniors met individually with their respective counselors in October to discuss post-secondary plans.
If any senior has not scheduled an appointment yet, please, stop down to meet with your counselor regarding your plans.
Don’t forget High School Financial Aid Night at Lourdes University on Thursday December 11, 2014 from 6:30-8:00 pm. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Don’t Forget:
Get college applications in by mid-November
Pick up transcript request forms in guidance
Official transcripts are sent by counselors. Don’t forget envelopes and stamps, if needed.
Check all deadlines on college applications. Many are earlier that December 1st.
Check the scholarship file drawer in the guidance office weekly.
The FAFSA (free Application for Federal Student Aid) application process begins January 1st. Log onto
Many college representatives visits to Northview are complete. The guidance office can assist with any continued college research.
Most colleges are now using online view books.
SAT and ACT Testing:
Colleges require that you take one or more standardize admissions test. The most common tests are ACT and SAT. Check the literature
on your preferred college before taking SAT II, Subject Tests, to determine if it is required. The writing portion should be included in your
test. Students can register on-line. In certain situations there are limited registration packets available in the guidance office for both
tests. Students should check with the individual schools to which they are applying to find out which test to take. Seniors planning on
attending college next year should be sure to take the ACT or SAT in the fall.
Northview High School code for all test registration and college applications is #364-930
Counselors will be meeting with juniors in early 2015 to discuss:
Test dates for ACT and SAT I/II
Inform students about spring college night
Discuss college and career planning
Jr. Plan Meeting will be held in early 2015
Ohio Graduation Test (OGT). This is a test that is required by the state to pass in order to receive a diploma. It is administered in
March of the sophomore year. You will then be given 6 more chances to pass prior to senior year.
Check out Counselors will be working with students to introduce this resource.
When a student becomes a freshman, everything starts to “count” towards his/her permanent high school resume-grades, activities,
attendance, disciplinary record, etc. As parents you can assist your student’s by continuing to emphasize the importance of doing
their best each and every day. Encourage students to record their activities, spots, clubs, etc. on a resume for future use.
Counselors will be meeting with Freshman individually to discuss their transition to high school and begin the career planning process in the month of November.
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Dress Code Guidelines
In order to promote a positive, effective learning environment where educators and
students can focus on teaching and learning, Northview expects its students to
dress appropriately. Personal appearance shall not detract the educational process.
Appropriateness and tastefulness are the criteria of proper dress for both males and
females at both high schools. The following establishes the minimum acceptable standards for student dress code:
All shirt and tops must have shoulder seams that are
at least four inches, full back and fronts. Transparent, excessively tight or see-through tops, bare midriffs, strapless tops and outfits that provide minimum coverage or show cleavage, or are of suggestive nature are prohibited; halters, backless dresses
or tops, tube tops, muscle shirts, tops with frayed
edges, or any clothing exposing undergarments or
excessive skin which may be distracting are prohibited. One-armed sleeved shirt are not permitted.
Blouses or shirts should be tucked in or extended
below the waistband.
Apparel shall be adequate in both length and coverage to be considered appropriate for school. Shorts,
dresses and skirts must be below the fingertips
when the arms are extended down the sides.
Boxer shorts, pajama bottoms and bedroom slippers
are prohibited. Pants or boxer shorts having exposed or open flies are prohibited.
Any article of clothing or jewelry that could likely cause injury, such as spiked belts,
chains, bracelets, rings, chokers, handcuffs, safety pin on the body or studs are prohibited. Wallet chains on any length of any length or size are prohibited.
Apparel, emblems, insignias, badges, or symbols that promote or advertise the use
of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, sex-related slogans, violence or any other illegal/
inappropriate activity are prohibited.
Apparel or symbols, which may be gang or cult-related, are prohibited.
Head coverings, including hats, bandanas, headbands, skullcaps or scarves worn as
head coverings are prohibited, unless for religious reasons.
Eye contacts that cover the cornea with designs will not be allowed.
Pants, shorts, and skirts must be worn at the waistline.
Coats will be prohibited during school hours.
When dress or grooming is questionable, the school administrators shall make the final
decision. Students in violation of this code may be removed from school or an activity
and sent home to change. Time missed from school/class will be considered unexcused. Continued violations will result in discipline.
Electronic Devices in School Policy
Policy 5136 Cellular Telephones and
Electronic Communication Devices
In order to better mesh the world of technology and that of high school education,
students will be permitted to bring laptops, iPads, and more to school and use them
as part of the learning process this year. Cell phones will also be permitted in passing and non-instructional times.
Students may use electronic devices (EDs) before and after school, during lunch
break, during after school activities (e.g. extra-curricular activities) and at schoolrelated functions as long as they do not create distraction, disruption, or otherwise
interfere with the educational environment. Additionally, high school students are
permitted to use ED’s in between classes. Devices are to remain inaudible at all
times during the school day; ringers must be silenced, headphones must be used as
needed and students are not to talk on the phone. Use of ED’s, (except approved
educational devices), at any time is prohibited and they must be powered completely off (i.e. no just placed into vibrate or silent mode) and stored out of sight. (refer
to Policy 5136) School administrators will make final decision with regard to the use
of any electronic devices for educational purposes.
Wyandotte Yearbook Important Senior Information
Parents - don’t forget to purchase your student’s yearbook before November 30, after that
prices go up from $65 to $70. You can buy online at or fill out the
attached form and send it in with cash or check payable to the Wyandotte.
Senior Parents - It isn’t too late to buy a Senior Ad to give a special note to your senior. Attached is the information sheet and form, we can create your ad if you supply us with the
text and photos.
Senior Parents - We need all senior portraits turned in before November 7. If we don’t have
your senior’s photo they won’t be pictured in the yearbook.
In order to be included in the Northview High School 2015 yearbook, there are a few guidelines which need to be followed. The yearbook has an agreement with Scott Hall Photography in Sylvania that assures all seniors who have a sitting the guarantee of the portrait of
their choice for the yearbook.
We work with many photographers, so any photographer may take your son’s or daughter’s
senior portrait; however, we must receive a color formal portrait with a plain portrait background by October 31, 2014. The actual picture should be a formal shot of the head and
shoulders ONLY and should be a wallet size. It’s important that you give your photographer
this information, we DO NOT want photos with trees, other objects, hands, etc. Your senior
must be facing the camera and cannot be leaning into the frame from an extreme angle or
leaning against an object. No Facebook style photos please and we do not recommend that
you take your own photos. We reserve the right to determine that your photo is not of the
proper quality in which case we will use the school’s formal portrait taken for the School ID
instead. We will contact you in this situation.
A Parent Committee puts together a Senior Composite of all the seniors and a second senior
portrait will be needed for the Senior Composite, please keep this in mind when you order
your photos. If you or your photographer turns in your photos on a DVD/CD or through
email, a second photo will not be needed.
The 2013 yearbook SOLD OUT – don’t let your student be without a yearbook this year. BUY
NOW! The cost at that time is $60.00 until September 12, after that time they go up to
$65.00 through December. January’s price will be $70.00 and the last day to buy is January
30th, at that time we have to give the publishing company our FINAL count. If you wish to
purchase your yearbook using a credit card or want to personalize it please go to Students can buy yearbooks in E-6 at anytime until January
Northview Parent Organization Patrons 2014-2015
Platinum Patrons
Jim & Tammy Banachowski
Tricia & Jason Liber
Kevin & Mary Kimmet
Kurt & Laura Bernsdorff
Brian & Janice Masters
John & Laurie Leslie
Tim & Denise Brown
Dave & Karen Mortland
Julianne Lowry
Rob & Kathy Bules
Mike & Debbie Nolan
Quentin & LeAnne Lutz
Heather Campos & Family
Casey & Sarah Nowicki
Steve & Lisa Mason
Chambers Family
Larry & Linda Phillips
McCormick Family
Ciucci Family
Bob & Dede Ruckman
Dave & Terri McGranahan
Craig & Jan Colville
Glenn & Kristine Soldner
Steve & Kelley Messinger
John & Susan Hadley
Chip & Sandi Towns
Ray & Sue Micham
Julie Hoffman
Tony & Julie Turner
Jason Morris & Rick Mendieta
Jon & Joanna Kirchhoff
David & Jennifer Vizina
Muir Family
Ann & Reau Koffman
Kelley & Pete Weddington
Chris & Barb Nye
Joe & Linda McKown
Frank & Ann Zuchowski
Trace & Beckie O’Brien
Brent & Donna Pomeroy
Silver Patrons
Kurt & Mary Oates
Sudhir & Rama Rao
Jim & Betty Bassett
Mike & Angie Parker
Sue & Spencer Reeves
Kelly & Jim Beattie
Tony & Barb Pawlak
John & Lori Regan
Jon & Patti Bell
Tom & Leslie Pershing
Sanjay & Hema Shah
Kelly & Todd Belote
William & Donna Pribe
Gold Patrons
David Berland Family
Bill & Kathy Rachwal
Ed & Cathy Alzapiedi
Bishop Family
Gina & Jim Ragland
Apel Family
Mike & Maryann Condon
John & Melinda Restivo
Kenneth & Laura Bachmann
Larry & Pat Detzel
Tom & Janelle Reynolds
Malcolm A. Bello
Alex & Mary Due
Riggs Family
Jennifer & Keith Benedict
Kelly & John Duwve
Todd & Barb Riggs
Mike & Jenny Coy
Janice & Tom Everett
Rick & Jenny Rymers
Rick & Sue Disher
Fabiilli Family
Mark & Kim Sarmento
Peg & Ed Eding
Ali & Shirin Fatemi
Rod & Gina Schell
Rick & Anna Elrod
Jim & Diane Forrester
John & Rose Scouten
Cos & Amy Figliomeni
Gist Family
Chuck & Jennifer Small
Christopher & Christine Foetisch
Cary & Joe Gross
Maryann Solomon
Mike & Jennifer Froelich
Joseph & Linda Gryca
Shelby Sturt
Kenneth & Lisa Humphrey
Duane & Cindy Homan
Karen & Paul Stresen
Julie & Fritz Klein
Scott & Judy Jamieson
Jerry & Renee Thomas
Jayne & Bruce Klinger
John & Kelly Jockett
Mike & Karma Vince
Nancy Lendrim & Roger Greive
Jake & Cara Jones
Jeff & Kay Wait
Mark & Linda Juhasz
Joe & Debbie Wallace
David & Dena Zack & Family
Northview Parent Organization Patrons 2014-2015
Bronze Patrons
Dawn Andrews
Brian & Kerry Ashburner
Don & Mary Birsen
Brenner Family
Katie Cappellini
Tim & Holly Clapp
Scott & Kate Conway
Belinda & Lance Crandall
Tony & Laura Galati
Beth & Rick Gerasimiak
Steve & Tina Hanley
Jim & Tracy Jakubowski
Mikki Kalanquin
Kevin & Kim Kross
Steve & Tracy Leamy
Patti & Doug Lewandowski
Cindy & Scott Liber
Maksymiak Family
Marvin Family
Steve & Carol Matrisciano
Jim & Tammy McClain
Cary & Lori Moore
Gary & Christine Nickoli
Aaron & Cathy Roth
Mike & Souha Schreidah
Ward Family
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Northview Parent Organization Volunteer Opportunities
The NV Parent Organization actively supports our students and the goals of
NV High School. If one member of each NV family commits to volunteering
for two hours per school year, the impact on our students will be significant!
You will have the ability at the time of the need, to sign up online for the
event. Volunteer needs and the link to sign up will be announced via the
Northview Wildcat Weekly email. There will also be a link on the NVPO website.
If preferred, you can also be contacted by phone or email.
Please indicate below any event you are interested in volunteering for:
Open House set up
Junior/Senior Awards Banquet
Baked Goods
8th Grade Open House
Teacher Luncheon
Available for needs in the evening
ACT/SAT Practice Test
Available for needs during the day
Freshman/Sophomore Awards Reception
Parent Organization needs
NV Special Events as
I am interested in information
on committees
Preferred way to be contacted to volunteer:
Sign up online
Email with details
Phone call
Contact Information
Email address:
Student(s) name & grade:
This form is also available on line at:
Donate your time and talent to one of our many booster groups,
which make the Northview experience a great one!
Parent Organization (Academic Boosters)
Athletic Boosters
Band and Orchestra Boosters
Choir Boosters
Theatre Boosters
Class of 2015 Senior Activities
For details on and contact information for each of these organizations, visit
Page 30
Friday/Monday August 15/18 New Teacher Orientation
Tuesday August 19 Teacher In-service
Wednesday, August 20 All Teacher Staff Meeting/Work Day
Thursday August 21 First day students 1-9
Friday August 22 First day students 10-12
Monday August 25 First day for Kindergarten
Monday September 1 No School – Labor Day Holiday
Monday – Friday October 6-10 OAA Test – 3rd Grade Reading
Monday October 20 No School – Teacher In-Service/OAPSE Day
Friday October 24 No School – K-5 Records Day
End of First Quarter
(44 Student Days – K-5 / 45 Student Days - 6-12)
Monday - Friday October 27-Nov 7 OGT Retakes
Monday/Tuesday November 3/4 No School – K-5 Parent/Teacher Conferences
Tuesday November 4 No School – 6/7/8 Parent/Teacher Conferences
Wed/Thurs/Fri November 26/27/28 No School – Thanksgiving Break
Friday December 19 Last Day of School before Winter Break (K-12)
Monday– Friday Dec 22-Jan 2 Winter Break
Monday January 5 Classes Resume
Tues/Wed/Thurs Jan 13/14/15 Sr. High Exams in AM
Sr. High Parent/Teacher Conferences in PM
Friday Jan 16 No School – Grade 6 -12 Records Day
End of First Semester
(47 Student Days – K-5 / 46 Student Days – 6-12)
Monday January 19 No School – Martin Luther King Day
Friday, January 30 No School – 6/7/8 Parent/Teacher Conferences
Monday February 16 No School, Presidents’ Day Holiday
Monday- Friday Feb 17-Mar 20 Next Generation Assessments-PBAs (3-12)
Monday-Friday March 16-27 OGT Testing
Friday March 27 End of Third Quarter
(48 Student Days – K-12)
Thursday April 2 Last Day of School Before Spring Break (K-12)
Friday-Friday April 3-April 10 Spring Break
Monday April 13 Classes Resume
Monday - Friday April 13-May 15 Next Generation Assessments-EOYs (3-12)
Monday – Friday April 20-May 1 3rd Grade Reading OAA week
Monday – Friday May 4-15 AP Testing (Grades 9-12)
Monday May 25 No School, Memorial Day Holiday
Mon/Tues/Wed June 1/2/3 Senior High Exams
Wednesday June 3 Last Day of School for Students
End of Second Semester
(41 Student Days – K-12)
Thursday, June 4 Last Day of School for Teachers
There are 185 teacher work days and 180 student days in this calendar. Contingency plan to make up calamity days: up to 5
days at the end of the year if needed.
The seven 2-hour late start dates for students K-12 are: Sept 24, Oct 21, Nov 20, Dec 9, Jan 20, Feb 11 and May 21
Revised: 6-2-14
Page 31
Mission: SSPO aims to tackle issues within the Sylvania School District that are beyond the scope of an individual school's parent organization. Each parent organization is charged with selecting at least one representative to attend the meetings.
For more information about the SSPO, click here
Membership in the SSPO: Membership in the Sylvania Schools Parent Organizaiton is open to anyone in the Sylvania community. All interested parties are invited
to attend the meetings and have voting privileges.
Each school’s parent organization and booster club is responsible for selecting a
minimum of two representatives to the council for each school year. In the event of
a school representative vacancy, the parent organization can select an individual to
fill the rest of the year. The central office administrators and principals serve as advisors to the group along with a Board of Education liaison elected each year.
There is a minimum of four general meetings each school year. Anyone is invited to
attend the meetings throughout the year. Meetings are generally held on the first
Friday of each month during the school year at 12:00 pm in the Zimpfer Conference
Room, 1st floor of the Administration Offices at 4747 N. Holland Sylvania Road.
Meetings may be altered from the schedule as needed to address new and/or continuing concerns of the council and/or district. Check district newsletters or
Dynacal for any changes in times and or dates. These meetings are open to the
public - we invite your attendance and support throughout the year. Additional
questions and/or concerns, please contact one of the SSPO officers below.
Kate Fineske President
Shannon Szyperski Vice President
Audrey Laux Co-Secretary
John Laux
Ann Francis Treasurer
Alisa Keck
Julie Hoffman
Board of Ed Rep
Kathy Pollock
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Purchasing & Food Service
Joseph Shamy, Director
Sylvania Schools Food Service Department
New Lunch Point of Sale System and Cafeteria Charging Policy
Sylvania Schools recently upgraded the Point of Sale Lunchbox system for
school meals. I would like to introduce this system and highlight some important
Please note that the lunch lines may be slower at first as students and staff
learn the system, but we are confident that this will ultimately increase the
speed of service through the cafeteria line.
Every student will have their own personal meal account based on their current student ID number.
Students can access their accounts on the PIN pads located at every register. If a student forgets their number, we can access it through any register.
Students can scan their lunch card until they can learn their number.
We encourage parents to deposit money online into the student’s account at or to send a check or cash. Funds will be deposited by the next business day.
When sending in money, please include the student’s ID number on the
check and envelope so it is deposited into the correct account.
All information is securely contained within the system and the meals will be
processed the same for all students.
Food Allergies? If you are concerned about a food allergy, please complete an
allergy form available from the school office. We ask parents of students with
food allergies to turn in an updated form. The new system will provide a warning
on the cashier’s screen for a quick review of the items on the student’s meal
Lastly, in an attempt to make certain no student goes without breakfast or
lunch, the new system has been configured to allow students to charge meals
and ala carte items and carry a balance. We will not take food from a child in the
lunch line. Lunch charges will be the responsibility of the student’s parent or
guardian and will be collected like other student fees. Letters will be sent home
if the lunch account balance is over $10.00 in arrears; food service personnel
will contact families with balances over $20. Charges will then be applied to the
student’s Power School account.
We ask that you submit a request via email to or in
writing to the food services department if you do not want your student to be
able to charge meals or have the ability to charge ala carte items. A list of available ala carte items for your grade level will be posted on the district website under the food services tab.
Page 42
 When the account is prepaid, your student can only use that money only for
federally regulated food and drinks served in our cafeteria.
 A complete meal is defined as a choice of entrée, milk choice, fruit, vegetable and grain. This is the best value and ensures your student is eating a wellbalanced meal.
 Prepaid accounts for all students allows parents to deposit money in their
student’s account, in any amount, at any time, without concerns about giving
their student the exact change every morning.
 For those students receiving free or reduced meals, their meals will be rung
up as all the other meals are. No one will know whether they are receiving a free
or reduced meal or debiting their account, except for the cashier.
 Lunch lines move faster when meals are prepaid, thus providing students
extra time to enjoy their lunch period.
Parents can pre-pay with a credit or debit card at any time at The system allows parents to see information concerning balances, set low balance alerts, and see what students are spending
daily. A small fee is charged by the provider for this service.
 Pin pads are located at every terminal; they provide ease of use and allow for
quick transactions.
 Prepayment allows for better security rather than students carrying cash.
 Once the transaction has been completed, your student will know his/her
account balance.
When student accounts get low, students will be informed at the register of their
Our goal is to serve high quality food in a clean environment, and to model
friendly service for our students. We rely on your continued support to make
this happen. If you have any questions, please call the Food Services office
at 419-824-8655. Thank you for your patience as we upgrade the system.
7400 Cougar Lane, Sylvania, Ohio 43560 • 419-824-8511 / Fax: 419-824-8782 • Email:
Sylvania Schools’s Mission:
Educate students to
make a difference.
Northview Mission Statement
Dates to remember...
April 2
Last Day Before Spring Break
April 3-10
April 6
Orchestra Disney Trip
April 13
Classes Resume
Athletic Boosters/Teacher’s
Theatre Play Dinner/Café/4-10
Choir Boosters/Choir Room/700
April 14
Theatre Dinner Play/Café/4-10
Theatre Boosters/BBT/630
April 15
Parent Club Meeting/Media
April 16-20
April 21
Band/Orchestra Boosters/700
Senior Academic Awards Banquet
Lourdes University/630
April 22
First Day Prom Bids go on Sale
April 25
April 28
NV Pops Concert/PAC/ 700
April 29
NHS Cord Ceremony/Media
Sylvania Northview High School is dedicated to providing a respectful, caring, secure
environment that empowers students with the analytical and creative skills and strategies necessary to be productive, life-long learners.
Northview Office Staff
Assistant Principal for Curriculum
Assistant Principal for Discipline
Dean of Students
Athletic Director
Assistant Athletic Director
Guidance Counselors
Last Names
A - Fl
Principal’s Secretary
Main Office Secretary
Records Secretary
Guidance Secretary
Attendance Secretary
Asst. Attendance Secretary
Steve Swaggerty
Kasey Vens
Libby McIlwain
Rod Achter
Chris Irwin
Dennis Shoemaker
Crystal Burnworth
Melanie Rogers
Kate Henk
Stacie Wachowiak
Leslie Wakeland
Kim Pietrykowski
Bonnie Kobee
Ann Kuebler
Cathy Bohland
Claire Kozlowski
If we can assist you in anyway, please do not hesitate to call us at 824-8570.
Important Phone Numbers
Main Office
Principal’s Office
Guidance Office
Bus Garage