mainsheet - Thunderbird Sailing Club
mainsheet - Thunderbird Sailing Club
MAINSHEET July 1, 2015 Near Term Schedule July 6-10: Kids Sailing Camp, 9am July 11: Water Fest July 16-18: Intermediate Sailing Camp July 18: TSC Meeting More dates on P8 2015 Officer’s Roster Commodore: Phil Moershel 405-208-1532 Past Commodore: Jim Eller 405-924-3148 Vice Commodore: Ed Shoemaker 405-205-2146 Rear Commodore: Lorrie Sylvester 405-250-6956 Co-Fleet Captains: Keith Campbell & James Anderson;; Secretary: Mike Devenitch 405-895-7278 Treasurer: David Craigie 405-613-7774 Mainsheet Editor: Chadwick Cox 1 Thank you for the generous support TSC members and friends have raised over $8500 to support the boat house repairs and recovery. Of special note are challenge pledges for $2400 and $1000 from members to kick off the fund raising. The LTEF Board has already released the fund to the Boathouse management committee. Repairs are underway! We had a slightly uncomfortable club meeting without AC that forced the program out on the veranda. That AC is now fixed courtesy of Johnson Controls/York who sent technical managers and Lashar heat and air out. They located the problems, replaced parts and now the systems are running well. No cost! Johnson Controls picked up expense for us. Thank Les for making these arrangements Barbara S. is heading up the repair committee and getting estimates for the dry wall repairs. Watch your email for additional announcements for repair and painting days after the dry wall has been fixed. Thank you, Barbara for taking on this task! The messabout day was a great success. Paul and Theresa should be congratulated for bringing out wooden boats and skippers from the area to sail and show off their handiwork. The puddle ducks certainly look awkward but sure are impressive sailing craft. It was a great program following the messabout day. The guys from 405 Brewery put on a great program with a bullhorn, no AC and no PowerPoint slides. Be sure to thank our vice commodore for arranging the program and to thank the rear commodore for putting together the pot luck. Ed should also get special mention for taking on the grill in the heat and humidity. Next week we start sailing camp. Monday through Friday from 9:00am till 3:00 pm we will host a dozen young sailors. These kids will learn all the necessary skills for sailing optis and sunfish across the lake. If you would like to volunteer your time to help out please give me a call. In 1997 Diane called me up at my office and asked me about a boat she saw at a garage sale for $300. I said I don’t know…I guess it sounds ok. Diane said that’s good because she bought it! And so… I fixed up our first boat. The 15 foot Lugar Leeward was my gateway boat back into sailing. I was addicted again. I cleaned it out and took it to Greenleaf Lake over the weekend. We had a ball sailing it in 15 mph winds. Call me at 208 1532 if you can help out with sailing camp Phil Moershel TSC Commodore 2 From your Treasurer and Membership Secretary, David Craigie Greetings Thunder Sailor’s, July 2015 I am writing this in early June as I am into my third and last week of cruising on Kentucky Lake. By the time you read this I will be cruising in my favorite cruising grounds; the North Channel in the upper reaches of Lake Huron in Ontario Canada. I will be there until mid-August and look forward to sailing with several of our hardy TSC members in these waters. If you are on facebook, you can follow me at David Craigie Midwest City, or search Trailer Sailors Association. You do not have to be a member to follow and enjoy the pictures and articles. I have made several postings since being on Kentucky Lake. Enjoy!!! Renewing your TSC membership: Please……If you are among the remaining few, please respond. We need you. We need your financial support in this time of need. 2015 TSC Membership Directories: I have either given you your 2015 TSC Membership Directory or sent it in the mail to your home. If I have missed you, please let me know. US Sailing Renewals: We are currently members of US Sailing “Member Partner Program.” They offer a 20% discount on memberships and it benefits TSC with some promotional. If you are interested, please get in touch with me and I will send you the information you need. Thanks for all your support See you on the water, David 3 BoatHouse Repair Update Submitted by: Les Cummings, LTEF The damage from the June flooding, thanks to many volunteers, has been kept to a minimum! Those good folks who came in Tuesday when the water was down and the weekend following the flood did an amazing job of disposing of waterlogged documents, kitchen supplies and other items no longer useable. The bottom 16” of drywall was cutout all around the building and two separate spraying of Concrobium , a well known mold control, was sprayed on all the wet areas along the floor, drywall and studs. The areas are dry and no indication of mold growth has been noted. A BoatHouse Repair Committee has been formed, chaired by BoatHouse Manager, Barbara Schindler. The other members are James Anderson, Roger Elliott, Kerry Knowles, Jim Waller and Les Cummings. Three contractors are preparing bids and we hope to have a decision very soon as we would like to begin the drywall repair asap follow-ing the July Kids Sailing Camp, which by the way is full. Once the drywall work is finished, we will need help to paint the walls and install the vinyl floor base. Thanks to Johnson Controls and Lashar Home Comfort Systems, the air-conditioning systems are working bet-ter than ever. In addition to replacing several components in the north unit, Greg of Lashar Home Comfort Systems checked out the air-handlers in the attic and found a couple of serious problems. First, someone had removed the filter cowlings off both units which meant that both systems were drawing hot air in from the attic rather than from the living space. Another issue he found answered why the ac-drip pipe was placed over the outside door. That drip pipe should never have water coming out of it, he found that the condensation drain was plugged and the water was actually divert-ed to the auxiliary overflow pipes. The pipe was put over the door to warn us if something was wrong with the condensation drain. Oh well, live and learn. Both units are running quieter and more efficiently than ever. A special thanks to Johnson Controls, David Negrey, Paul Wilmus, and Mack for picking up the cost of the repairs and of course, Kathryn and Greg of Lashar Home Comfort Systems. Other projects completed include the new fan blades for the broken verandah fan, the donation of a newly-built picnic table on the verandah. The John Deere lawn tractor, the push lawn mower and the ZenNoh tractor all seem to be back running well. We did lose the upright freezer but thanks to a very nice donation of another upright freezer from Barbara Schindler, we have we replaced the old one. I would also like to mention is the installation of the new nautical flagpole and patio addition. The LTEF has funded this project as part of a $5,000 grant to the BoatHouse early this year. J.B. Messer has drawn up the plans to expand the existing brick patio east toward the lake and the new flagpole will be installed out near the end. A short brick/rock seating area will also be built around the end of the patio extension and better ADA access from the lawn to the patio will be included. Not only did J.B. draw the plans but he developed the materials list and donated the brick needed to expand the existing patio. We have a very reasonable bid from an experienced concrete/rock/brick contractor who plans to complete the project the week of July 23. The nautical flagpole, flags and hardware have been purchased and are on site. Finally, we are pleased to report that the $3,400 matching funds were well matched! Actually, we have had over 30 donors who have donated in excess of $9,000 to the BoatHouse Repair Fund! Letters of thanks, that can be used for 2015 tax deduction reporting, will be sent to each donor in the near future. These funds will be transferred to the Lake Thunderbird BoatHouse fund earmarked for repairs and needed operational expenses. Note: J.B. and Sandra Messer are in the process of moving to Pittsburg, PA where JB will be working at the Community College of Allegany County. They have been long-time members of the TSC and in addition, JB has been assisting with the Sea Scouts for the past couple years. They will be greatly missed! 4 Report on the Summer Sailstice/ Messabout/ Leukemia Cup Auction The Summer Sailstice couldn't have gone any better. The weather was perfect. The location and facilities were excellent. The boats were unique & beautiful. And most of all, the people were great. For me, I was in my own little heaven on earth for a full day. It was like being transported into the pages of The Wind and The Willows, and with a new magical chapter. I couldn't have asked for a better day. Upon rounding the bend into the parking lot the treasures were revealed. A small caravan of boat toting vehicles arrived. There were production boats including: a Potter 15, a Sunfish, a Laser, a McGregor 26, and a canoe, and a couple of kayaks. Also there were some homemade wooden boats: Three Puddle Duck Racers, Two Roosters, a Caledonia Yawl, and Phil's boat which looked like a small Dory. So it was cozy, but not crowded. I'm partial to ridiculously small pocket cruisers, so the Potter turned my head immediately. Then my interest turned to the Roosters and Ducks. The three ducks along with the other small boats at the event, were as inspirational to me as the Galapagos Islands were for Darwin. The ducks were just similar enough, and just varied enough, to provide an excellent sample. This allowed me to learn a lot about PDRs. The owner's generously allowed me to play with their toys, and I only managed to damage one - fortunately it was mine. Just the excuse needed to start those modifications I've been hesitant to do. The Leukemia & Lymphnoma silent auction was held throughout the day. Snacks and refreshments were available all day as well. And as is proper for a mess-about, there was a parade of people and boats arriving and departing every few minutes. In the afternoon Gerrit and Gabby presented a well-organized slide show about Roosters. Checkout Welcome to Rooster Sailboats Welcome to Rooster Sailboats Michael P. Smith, Commander, United States Navy (retired) designed and built boats all of his life, from boats on the Clinton River in Michigan to pra... View on www.roos... Preview by Yahoo Gourmet grilled burgers and bratwurst for dinner, along with a huge potluck style spread. Followed by the auction close. Then to end the day in the shade on the back porch, 405 Brewing Company presented an entertaining program, along with delicious refreshing samples of their handy work. In summary, a very good time for all. I was most impressed by the children, and hope they had as much fun as the adults. Bobby Cockerham 5 WATER FEST 2015 IS JULY 11th It is that time of year again. The Water Fest of the Greater Oklahoma Disabled Sports Association is on Saturday July 11. So come on out to Paddle, Sail, and Ski. We will need a couple of big sailboats, and crew for the BoatHouse and pontoon boat. This has always been an exciting and inspiring event. Set up is early at 7:00, and lasts until 4:30. Lunch included for volunteers. Paul 6 NOTES FROM THE REAR… Lorrie Sylvester Well even though weather prohibited having our first Annual Leukemia Cup Regatta, TSC was still able to raise nearly $900 to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) through the Silent Auction. This auction was held in conjunction with the Summer Sailstice and Messabout held at the BoatHouse on June 20. This was a great and fun day for all! The auction went throughout the day and ended after our meeting and program given by [405] Brewery. Many thanks to all who contributed and purchased items for the LLS Silent Auction. Specifically, thanks to Teresa and Mike Galoob for their many donations (Candy Basket, Kayak Guided Tour, and for facilitating Gerrit and his daughter’s involvement in the day to teach us about Roosters and Puddle Ducks! Thanks to Teresa’s sister, Kate for donating the lovely jewelry set, to Gerrit for donating Rooster Boat Plans and for the wooden cooler hutch. Thanks also to Phil Moershel for the lovely set of hand fired and glazed bowls, the family of Reggie Franks for donating the compost turner, Sandra Carter for her lovely quilted items; Joe’s Fine Liqours for the Tequila; Doris Dewberry and Marles Bradley for their wine-themed donations; Doris Dewberry for her “helping hands in the home” as well as her guidance in setting up the auction; Jim Waller for gift cards; James Anderson for the Luders print, Mason’s Nuts, etc. basket, OKC Thunder Wall hanging, and books; Sheryl Tiffany for the Fourth of July Basket basket and gift cards and for her great help to set up and collect items for the auction. Many hands made light work, and I am sure I forgot to mention a few. Finally, thanks to all of you and your friends and family members who purchased items from the auction! This was a successful event, and great practice for next year. This gives us even more time to invite more sailors to participate and engage in bigger fundraising for the LLS at the Regatta on June 4-5, 2016. If you registered to race this year, your fee can carry over to next year. Let’s set our sights on 2016. Stay tuned as we continue planning for this event, June 4-5, 2016. Tell your friends to look for announcements about this big event. Next summer’s LLS Regatta and Silent Auction will be even bigger and better – God willing and the Lake Don’t Rise Again!!! July 18 – TSC Meeting and PotLuck: Join us on July 18 for our next TSC meeting, program, and potluck! It’s Summer Time! Stay Cool! Anything (almost) goes! Cool and easy foods!! Potluck begins at 6:30. Food: Hot summer fun food! Anything goes! Take out! Fried Chicken! Pizza! Casseroles (if you dare fire up the oven or crockpot!!) Cool foods for the dog days of summer are welcome! Program: Dan Provo, Director of OK History Center will speak on recovery of an 1836 Sunken Steamboat from the Red River. As usual, the club will provide beverages, utensils, plates/bowls, etc. Alphabetically-oriented folks, see below: a-g: desserts/ice cream h-m: main dish or casserole n-s: veggies t-z: appetizers/fruit 7 Happy Birthday! July To the following TSC members! If you would like to help your friend celebrate their birthday, find their contact info in your TSC Membership Directory, which itself lists TSC members’ birthday dates. If your birthday is not included, it is probably because you did not share that information with your Treasurer/Membership Secretary. If you want to share your special day, please contact me at: or phone: (405) 613-7774. August 3 Doris Shoemaker 5 Steve Bradford 7 Michael Galoob 9 Corbett Brown 11 James Waller 12 Greg Stevens 17 Les Cummings 18 Jennifer Waldrop 19 David Brockus 20 Chad Cox 20 Bob Kendrick 20 Ed Shoemaker 24 Phil Dame 29 Maria Arms 31 Mark Herndon 5 Betsey Streuli 9 Melissa Campbell 10 Rick Wood 15 Barbara Boren 19 Andy Rieger 21 Cheryl Brackett 21 George LeVan 22 Jason Pudlo 25 Linda Lojka 25 Jenny Chin 28 Linda Sadler Thanks, David TSC Long-Range Schedule (Subject to change) Please send all official schedule changes to TSC Secretary Mike Devenitch at (405) 895-7278 or & Current as of May 29 Date 6-10 11th 18th 16-18 19th 20th 31st 15th 8 Month Time July 9am July July 6pm July July July July July August noon 6pm Event Kids Sailing Camp G.O.D.S.A. Water Fest Club Meeting Intermediate Sailing Class Center Board Racing Norman Vets Outing Family Fun Day Tie Sailing Knots Club Meeting Date 16th 24th 18-20 19th 26th 11th 17th 1st 1st 21st 12th Month Time August August noon Sept Sept 6pm Sept Oct Oct 6pm Nov Nov 2am Nov 6pm Dec 6pm Event Center Board Racing Norman Vets Outing Hobie Fleet Regatta Club Meeting C.A.S.T. for Kids Fishing Layton Regatta Club Meeting Hiram Douglas Regatta Daylight Savings Time Club Meeting Holiday Party Sailing Better Intermediate Kid’s Camp The Sailing Better Intermediate Kid’s Camp will run July 16-18, Thursday through Saturday, 9:00-3:00. We will have up to eight students, all of whom have taken the Sailing Smart class or equivalent. We will work on upwind sailing and build on what they learned in the 1 st camp, and make an introduction to racing. We will take a longer adventure and destination sail, perhaps circling the Far Western Island. At this point we have 4 enrolled, but expect a full class. It is always a blast and I need volunteers! Contact Paul Reynolds 405-250-2093 Just a Reminder We do have coming up this month need for volunteers. Our only Kid’s Sailing Camp for this year and The Intermediate Sailing Camp require help. We consider these camps as a service to the Norman community and to sailing but are also to help keep our doors open. Please help. Commodore Phil has requested help for the kid camp is his message above. Boats for sale For Sale: Puddleduck Racer, NEW!!! Newly built PDR of Top Quality Marine Plywood, Quality Construction, National Award Winning Design! Complete with 2 Sailing Rigs. Asking price: $350.00 includes PDR and 2 sets of Spars. Contact : Bill Nolen, OKC. at ph. : 405/794/6152 Alicia and Dennis Hunsberger Ninnescah Sailing Association at Cheney Lake 1985 Starwind 27 False Echoes. Harken Furler, Dutchman flaking system. Working sails in good shape. Yanmar diesel. Fin keel draws only 3'7”. Tandem axle trailer. $8900.00. mobile 316.304.4440 home 316.722.2119 9 Boston Whaler Harpoon 5.2 sailboat with trailer. This is a 1978 centerboard boat that is 17 feet long. Fair condition. Main, Jib and Spinaker included. Boat is ready to sail. Asking $2900. Contact Jim Waller at or 580-320-1551. 1978 9.9 HP Yamaha OB motor. Long shaft and long tiller (for sailboat) 4 stroke. Electric Start. Just professionally tuned up, easy to start and runs good. $800. 1982 6 HP Johnson OB motor. Just professionally tuned up, easy to start and runs good. $400. Sailboat trailer, single axle. New tires. $375. Contact Bill Rains
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