ANNUALREPORT 2 0 1 1 - Yellowstone Historic Center


ANNUALREPORT 2 0 1 1 - Yellowstone Historic Center
2 0 1 1
“Explore the Heritage of Travel to Yellowstone”
Yellowstone Historic Center
2011 Annual Report
Prepared By:
Jennifer Cantu, Curator and Museum Manager
Carol Leasure, Finance Secretary
Table of Contents
Letter from our Board Chair, Rawhide Johnson
YHC Mission Statement
YHC Statement of Origins
YHC Goals
Organizational Background
YHC Highlights……………………………………………………………………….….…6
2011 Accomplishments
2012 Projects
Museum Operations………………………………………………………....…………. 7-8
Visitor Demographic Summary
Program Summary
Collections Management………………………………………………………………..8-10
2011 Accessions
An Exciting Donation
Continuing Loans
YHC Supporters…………………………………………………………………………11-13
Volunteer Contributions
Financial Support
Budget Review……………………………………………………………………….. 13-14
Income and Expenses
Assets and Liabilities
Note on Tax Exempt Status
YHC People and Contact Information…………………………………………………..15
2011 Board of Directors
Addresses and Phone Numbers
Cover Page:
Original Artwork by Adrienne Pollard, Pollard Design
As seen on the 2011 Museum Marketing Publications
Copyright Yellowstone Historic Center, All Rights Reserved
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Dear Friend of the Yellowstone Historic Center,
Rawhide Johnson, Board Chair. Several of these Stage Coaches he restored are on display at the YHC Museum.
2011 was a year that saw many accomplishments for YHC. We completed a major historic preservation
project, offered new exhibits at our Museum, and saw the beginning of new projects.
We introduced an exhibit on loan to us from the Buffalo Bill Historical Center, which features information about
the Thorofare region of Yellowstone. Over 18,000 people visited us to participate in our programs and view our
exhibits. We secured funding to begin the inventory of our collections, a project that was identified as a priority
in our 2009 Museum Assessment Program Report. We hosted the Tenth Annual Heritage Celebration to raise
funds for our ongoing operations while giving guests the opportunity to enjoy the grandeur of an evening in the
Union Pacific Dining Lodge. We completed a marketing card and poster which provide the beginning of a new
corporate identity.
Partnering with the Town of West Yellowstone and using the funds we received from Montana’s Historic
Preservation Grant Program, we completed the restoration of thirteen windows in the Union Pacific Dining
Lodge. In December we received a $75,000 matching grant from a private foundation which will be coupled
with funds from the Town and a grant from the Union Pacific Foundation to complete electrical, structural, and
aesthetic improvements to the Union Pacific Depot which houses our museum.
We look forward to 2012 with optimism for what lies ahead and gratitude for our supporters who make our
achievements possible.
Rawhide Johnson,
Chair, Board of Directors
Yellowstone Historic Center
YHC Mission Statement:
The Yellowstone Historic Center seeks to understand, preserve, and interpret the unique cultural
heritage of West Yellowstone and the Hebgen Lake Basin, and the connection of that heritage to the
development of transportation and visitation to Yellowstone National Park.
YHC Museum, located in the Union Pacific Depot in West Yellowstone
YHC Statement of Origins:
The creation of Yellowstone National Park in 1872 caused a stream of visitors from around the world journeying by various means - to come to Yellowstone for the transforming experience of "Wonderland." In the
context of transportation and history, the gateway town of West Yellowstone has the largest and most intact
historic railroad complex built specifically to serve these national park visitors.
YHC Goals:
The YHC will accomplish its mission by:
Operating a Museum in the Union Pacific Depot that honors the YHC’s mission and origins.
Restoring and preserving the buildings located in the Oregon Short Line Terminus Historic District in
West Yellowstone, Montana.
Developing a new, year-round museum to house collections, and to preserve these collections and
interpret them through displays and educational programs.
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Organizational Background:
The Yellowstone Historic Center is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization founded in 1998.
The YHC has operated a seasonal Museum in the historic Union Pacific Depot in West Yellowstone since
2001. The Museum contains a variety of exhibits that illustrate the history of travel to Yellowstone National
Park. Over 20,000 guests visit the Museum each year.
In conjunction with its Museum operations, the YHC offers programs that further interpret the history of the
region. Museum staff members lead walking tours of the Historic District and engage guest speakers to
present special programs on a variety of topics throughout the summer season.
The YHC cares for an extensive collection of artifacts and documents that support its mission. Many items from
the YHC collection are displayed in the Museum.
The YHC funds its operations and projects through Museum admission fees, gift shop sales, memberships,
grants, donations, and special events. It has also established an endowment fund in order to ensure the longterm health of the organization.
To view our Strategic Plan and other information not presented in this report, please visit our website:
Volunteers and staff help unload pieces of the Thorofare
exhibit, on loan from the Buffalo Bill Historical Center
Bricks in front of the Museum help commemorate
loved ones, individuals, or businesses. All proceeds
are used to improve the Museum grounds
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YHC Highlights
The YHC strives to reach its goals using a small but dedicated group of staff members and volunteers.
2011 Accomplishments:
Hosted the traveling exhibit, “A Place called Thorofare: People, Wilderness, and Wildlife Management”
Developed the new “Pie on the Porch” event to raise funds for collections management
Upgraded screening equipment in the Earthquake and Fire theatres
Began conducting a comprehensive inventory of the items in the YHC collections vault
Hosted the 2011 Heritage Celebration
Redesigned and reprinted the Museum’s rack card and promotional poster
Finished the restoration of thirteen windows and shutters on the Union Pacific Dining Lodge
Obtained a grant for an interpretive sign on the antique snow plow
Secured a $75,000 matching grant to begin electrical, structural, and aesthetic improvements to the
Museum’s interior and grounds
Redesigned the landscaping around the Museum corner sign
Partnered with the West Yellowstone Economic Development Council to develop signage for the
Historic District portion of the West Yellowstone Walking Tour
Projects for 2012:
Finish electrical, structural, and aesthetic improvements to the Museum interior and grounds
Host the traveling exhibit, “Mattie Culver: A Woman’s Journey West”
Develop a winter travel exhibit
Develop an exhibit about the history of seasonal workers in Yellowstone National Park
Design and build the new reception desks in the Museum lobby
Develop and obtain a grant for a scholarship program with the West Yellowstone Public Library for a
summer student intern
Complete the restoration of the west windows in the Mammoth Room of the Union Pacific Dining Lodge
Host the 2012 Heritage Celebration
Continue the comprehensive inventory of the items in the YHC collections vault
Develop a year-long fundraising raffle
Windows being restored in the Union Pacific Dining Lodge
Board members volunteered at the Pie on the Porch
Fundraiser on Train Day to help raise funds
for collections management
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YHC Museum Operations
The Yellowstone Historic Center Museum is at the heart of the YHC. The Union Pacific Depot itself, built in
1909, is one of the oldest buildings in West Yellowstone. Because the depot was never designed for winter
use, the Museum operates between May and October. The YHC’s ultimate goal is to establish a year-round
museum in a new, energy-efficient building.
The Museum offers a number of displays from our permanent collection, as well as some loaned artifacts and
traveling exhibitions. We are grateful to all the members of the local community and others who make these
exhibits possible.
Highlights include examples of and stories about early transportation that brought people to Yellowstone
National Park and allowed them to travel the long distances within the Park to see its wonders, from
stagecoaches, freight and water wagons to trains, buses and airplanes. We also interpret many aspects of the
Yellowstone experience, including the hardships of early travel and the pleasures of seeing and photographing
the Park’s spectacular landscapes, thermal features and wildlife.
The traveling exhibit, “A Place Called Thorofare: People, Wilderness, and Wildlife Management” was loaned to
the Museum by the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in 2011. It tells the story of a remote backcountry area of
Yellowstone rarely seen by most visitors. Due to its popularity, it will be back for an encore season in 2012.
Another exhibit tells the story of West Yellowstone, one of few towns ever established specifically to welcome
travelers visiting a national park, and the people who came to work here for a few seasons or a lifetime. A
variety of souvenirs and advertising memorabilia showcases the marketing of the Park over the years. Visitors
can enjoy films on historic events such as the 1959 earthquake at Hebgen Lake and the fires of 1988, as well
as occasional lectures of interest, in our theatres.
Some exhibits are permanent, but others change every year to showcase and interpret our vast variety of
Staff and Board members help hang exhibits
to prepare the Museum for the 2011 season
Supporters dressed up for a night of fun at the
Heritage Celebration in the Union Pacific Dining Lodge
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Visitor Demographic Summary:
In 2011 our Museum attracted 18,327 visitors from all over the world, but as shown below, the vast majority of
them come from the United States.
Number Represented
% Overall Visitation
7 Canadian Provinces
Foreign Countries
35 Foreign Countries
US States and Territories
52 US States and Territories
Program Summary:
Guests also participate in YHC’s special programs and lectures. Daily ranger talks include topics such as
wildlife and thermal features. Museum staff members offer walking tours of the historic district and guided tours
of the Dining Lodge, which is not open to the public. These services are offered free of charge.
Program Type
Ranger Interpretive
Historic Walking Tour
Total All
A peek inside YHC’s Collections Vault,
housed in the West Yellowstone Public Library
Collections Management
One of our most important roles is acting as the repository for our Town’s history and important memorabilia.
The Yellowstone Historic Center is committed to ensuring best practices and responsible stewardship of its
collections, both those in storage and those on display. The Board encourages ongoing training to guarantee
staff is up to date on the latest collections management methods, and to facilitate professional networking with
other institutions.
As part of our on-going effort to implement the recommendations from our 2009 Museum Assessment Program
Report, in 2011 we began a program to conduct a thorough inventory and implement state of the art
conservation measures for all the items in our permanent collection. When this project is finished, we will begin
the process of archiving, numbering, and entering all of the individual items and documents into our Past
Perfect database.
As a collecting institution, we are always accepting new donations.
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An Exciting Donation
Board members Andy and Judy DeBoer at the
unveiling of the Underwood watercolor
As part of our Mission, the Yellowstone Historic Center is dedicated to the preservation and restoration of the
artifacts relating to the unique cultural heritage of West Yellowstone and Yellowstone National Park. Perhaps
the most exciting artifact received in 2011 was an original watercolor rendition of the Union Pacific Dining
Lodge in West Yellowstone done by Gilbert Stanley Underwood, architect of the Dining Lodge.
Underwood’s original black and white conceptual drawing of the building is housed in the Union Pacific
archives in Omaha, Nebraska. We are unsure why Underwood produced a second, colored rendition. The
acquisition and restoration of this piece was made possible through a generous donation from YHC Board
members Dr. Andrew DeBoer and Judy DeBoer.
The restoration work on the watercolor was done by Joel Oppenheimer Conservation and Restoration Services
of Chicago (referred by Old Main Gallery and Framing of Bozeman). Joel Oppenheimer, Inc. is renowned for its
state-of-the-art conservation and restoration laboratory. Their facility services museums, collectors, and
dealers throughout the nation. Their staff analyzes and performs corrective treatments for works of art on
paper, paintings on canvas, photographic materials, and other artwork that require the utmost care. Stains
resulting from water, pressure-sensitive tapes, glues, rust, mold, and mildew (foxing) can often be eradicated
or significantly reduced.
The additional work done on mounting the rendition in museum-quality plexiglass should preserve it for years.
This piece will be on display in the Museum as part of a larger exhibit starting in spring 2012.
“Finding original art from this era of railroad history from this area of the country is very rare, if not unheard
of…this would be an amazing piece for the YHC to acquire.”
- Jack Davis, Olde America Antiques, Bozeman, MT
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2011 Accessions:
Original Dining Lodge Watercolor
Antique snowmobile
Various historic photographs
Various historic documents
Various Yellowstone National Park and West Yellowstone Memorabilia
Continuing Loans:
We display a number of early transportation vehicles and other memorabilia thanks to ongoing loans from
many supporters and colleagues.
Museums and Other Institutions:
o Buffalo Bill Historical Center
 Yellowstone Western wagon
 Covered mud wagon coach
 Henderson mail and passenger coach
o Buses of Yellowstone Preservation Trust: Yellow Bus 434
o First Security Bank: Original Gary Carter oil painting “West Yellowstone 1916”
o Montana Heritage Commission: Mt. Washburn Special
o Town of West Yellowstone: Snaggletooth taxidermy and skull
o Yellowstone National Park: Tally Ho stage coach
Individual Supporters:
o Andrew and Judy DeBoer:
 5 historic Shaw and Powell postcards for Shaw and Powell display
 Harriman Blue China collection and select children’s china
 Locomotive air horn
 Metal UP shield
o Rawhide Johnson: Yellow water wagon
o Craig Neumayer: collection of airway artifacts – postcards, time tables, china, brochures
o Jeanine Roberson: “Jammer Horn” used in Yellowstone by yellow bus drivers
o Claude Leglise and Cindy Salisbury: Gilmer & Salisbury mail coach
Volunteers and staff help with the corner sign project
The corner sign project, finished
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YHC Supporters
YHC attracts a wide variety of supporters because of its unique position in interpreting the history of leisure
travel in the United States to our country’s first national park. We especially appreciate the participation of
West Yellowstone’s community members, from bringing their friends and family to the Museum and attending
our special events, to volunteering their time and talents, donating historical artifacts, and providing financial
support as founders, sponsors, members, and donors to special projects.
Volunteer Contributions:
The YHC is fortunate to have many people interested in volunteering for all sorts of activities – and they
generally have a good time doing it! In 2011 we had 1,442.50 volunteer hours reported to us, but this cannot
reflect the talent and dedication of all the great people who come to give us their help.
Board and Committee
Museum Operations
Museum Exhibits
YHC General Operations
Special Events
Special Projects
Total Hours
Number of Volunteers Hours
Volunteers help remove snow in early May
to open the Museum for the 2011 season
Financial Support:
As we move toward achieving the vision outlined in our Strategic Plan, we hope to broaden our member and
donor base significantly. We invite all our current supporters to share their passion for the YHC and the stories
it can tell with others who may want to join us.
We host one major fundraising event each year, the annual Heritage Celebration. In 2011 it generated
over $35,000 in net income to fund organizational needs
2011 annual membership income was $13,770 from 113 members
Grant funding for specific projects is another important way of enhancing our offerings.
In 2011 we secured a $75,000 matching grant from the Ezekiel R. and Edna Wattis Dumke Foundation
for Museum Renovations, to be completed in 2012
We received a $5,000 grant from the Union Pacific Foundation for the Dining Lodge Window
Restoration Project
We received a $1,730 grant from the West Yellowstone Foundation for the Antique Snow Plow Exhibit
The YHC board finalized an Endowment Policy in 2011 that guides the YHC Endowment Fund whose purpose
is to create a permanent fund that is invested to provide income for the long-term stability of the YHC’s
operations. At the end of 2011, the balance in this fund was over $65,900. We look forward to this growing as a
result of our investments and through additional donors contributing to this cause.
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As we reflect on the past season at the Yellowstone Historic Center, we thank our supporters from the
Community of West Yellowstone and surrounding areas for contributing to our programs and projects.
Yellowstone Level
Delaware North Companies Parks & Resorts
Old Faithful Level
Town of West Yellowstone – Marketing & Promotion Fund
Yellowstone Vacations/ Jeanine & Randy Roberson
Madison Level
Kirkwood Resort & Marina/Pam Sveinson
Xanterra/Yellowstone National Park Lodges
Firehole Level
Bozeman Daily Chronicle
Holiday Inn of West Yellowstone
Food Roundup
Michael Niemeyer
Salisbury Corporation
Yellowstone Basin Bank
Gibbon Level
Fall River Electric Cooperative
Carol & Bob Leasure
Craig Neumayer & Greg Brown
George Caine
Ellen Daley
John & Jean Lenham Hansen
Jane Ann Lamph
Diane & Skip Morris
Randy & Jeanine Roberson
Stephen & Claire Ryberg
David Woods, Auctioneer
Arne & Steffi Siegel – wine for the dinner
Holiday Inn of West Yellowstone – event support
The 320 Guest Ranch
Linda Abbott
Bar N Ranch
Bear Country Bake Shop & Eatery
Linda Blank
Bequet Confections
Big Sky Resorts/ The Huntley Lodge
Blue Ribbon Flies/Craig and Jackie Mathews
Brandin’ Iron Inn
Bud Lilly’s Trout Shop
Carbon County Steak House
Pam Cole/High Altitude Jewelry
The Corral Bar
The Corner Conoco
D&R Coffee
Samantha daSilva
Andrew and Judy DeBoer
The Book Peddler/Susan Nesbitt
Delaware North/Yellowstone General Stores
Delaware North/Holiday Inn/Branch Restaurant
Eagle’s Store
Espresso West
Byrns and Corinne Fagerburg
Fire Hole Pottery/Carl Sheehan
The Firehole Trading Company
Food Roundup
Free Heel and Wheel/Kelli Sanders & Melissa Alder
The Gallatin Gateway Inn
Geyser Whitewater Expeditions
Cheryl Gill
Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center
The Gusher Pizza & Sandwich Shop
The Hibernation Station
The Homeroom/Andie Withner
BJ Hultz
The Island Park Lodge
Bob Jacklin
John Juracek
Kirkwood Resort & Marina/ Pam Sveinson
Sue & Roger Lang
John Layshock
Carol and Bob Leasure
The Lone Pine Nursery
The Longhorn Saloon/Amber Archer & Chip Smith
Connie Luechtefeld
Main Street Quilting
The Market Place
Tom Mulvaney
Mike Niemeyer
Olde America Antiques/Jack and Susan Davis
Outwest/Angela Search
The Parade Rest Ranch
The Pollard
Pollard Design
Ginger Povah
Quilting in the Country
Radio Shack of West Yellowstone
Rainbow Ranch Lodge
Gail Richardson
Red Lodge Mountain Resort
A River Runs By It Lodge
The Running Bear Pancake House/Mike & Dixie Klostrich
Seldom Seen Knives/Randa and Steve Hulett
Send It Home/Pati Taylor
Jeannine Shearing
Arne and Stephanie Siegel
Silver Heels Jewelry/ Greg and Beverly Huth
Skip the Winter/Skip Morris
Smith & Chandler
Soderlund Chainsaw Art
Tahni’s Tantalizing Treats
Ken Takata Photography
Kitty Weary/Stylin’ Stones Jewelry
Michael and Patti Weigand
Westmart/Greg Forsythe
White and White Veterinary Hospital & Supply
Woodside Bakery
WorldMark by Wyndham
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Yellowstone Alpen Guides/Scott Carsley
Yellowstone Historic Center
The Yellowstone IMAX Theater
Yellowstone T-Shirt Company
Yellowstone Vacations/Randy and Jeanine Roberson
Yellowstone Wildlife Cabins/John & Cynthia Knapp
2011 Business Members of YHC
Bar N Ranch
Barta Electric
Bud Lilly’s Trout Shop
CS Construction
Cardon Realty, LLC
Discovery Map of Bozeman
Eagles’ Store
First Interstate Bank
First Security Bank
Freeheel & Wheel
Food Roundup
Geyser Apartments
The Gusher
Jacklin’s Fly Shop
Loomis Recreational, Inc.
Menzel’s Curios
Olde America Antiques
Pete’s Rocky Mountain Pizza
Robinson Interests of Montana
Running Bear Pancake House
Skip the Winter
Three Bear Restaurant & Lodge
Union Pacific Foundation
Ventures West
Wagon Wheel RV & Campground
Westmart Building Center
Wild West Mercantile
Williams Gallery
Yellowstone Adventures
Yellowstone Alpen Guides
Yellowstone Basin Bank
Yellowstone Vacations/Randy’s Auto Repair
We send a special thank you to all of our individual members and to our volunteers who helped us throughout
the year, including those who helped with the Heritage Celebration, museum projects, and the archive project.
We couldn’t do it without you!
Volunteer Thornton Waite gives a special program
in the Museum theater on Train Day 2011
2011 Budget Review
The Yellowstone Historic Center maintains separate bank accounts for its general operations and for its special
projects and grants. These latter categories fall into “restricted operating accounts,” meaning that funds in
these accounts may be used only for specific purposes, usually as determined by the donor(s) of the funds.
The YHC operates on a fiscal year of January 1 through December 31.
Income and Expenses:
The following tables provide a review of the YHC’s income and expenses for all operations, including special
projects and grants.
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Yellowstone Historic Center
2011 Expenses
Yellowstone Historic Center
2011 Income
of Total
Museum Admissions
2010 Heritage
Museum Gift Shop
Special Projects
(Restricted Funds)
Equipment Rentals
Walk Into History
Other (Interest,
restitution, rentals)
Heritage Preservation
Museum Store
Special Projects
(Restricted Funds)
2010 Heritage
Professional Services
Walk Into History Project
Programs & Exhibits
Yellowstone Publications
of Total
Assets and Liabilities:
As of December 31, 2010
As of December 31, 2011
Unrestricted Funds
Restricted Funds
YHC Directed Endowments
Net Assets
Note on Tax Exempt Status:
YHC is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Tax returns, Board Meeting Minutes, and other documents
are public information and are available for review upon request at the administrative office. Please call to
schedule an appointment.
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YHC People and Contact Information
Jennifer Cantu, Curator/Museum Manager,
Carol Leasure, Finance Secretary,
Ed Geiger, Collections Assistant,
2011 Board of Directors:
 Rawhide Johnson, Chair
 Glen Loomis, Vice Chair
 Andrew DeBoer, Secretary
 Judy Cole, Treasurer
 Linda Blank
 Jean Cardon
 Judy DeBoer
 Byrns Fagerburg
 BJ Hultz
 Gail Richardson
 Cindy Salisbury
 Jerry Schmier
 Arnold Siegel
Executive Committee members Andrew DeBoer, Rawhide Johnson,
and Glen Loomis at the 2011 Museum Opening reception
Physical Addresses:
Administrative Office: 220 Yellowstone Avenue
Museum: 104 Yellowstone Avenue
Collections Vault and Archival Office: 23 N Dunraven
Mailing Address:
Yellowstone Historic Center
PO Box 1299
West Yellowstone, MT 59758
Telephone Numbers:
Administrative Office: 406.646.7461
Administrative Office Fax: 406.646.7461
Museum: 406.646.1100
Museum Fax: 406.646.1100
Board members worked hard to help raise funds
at the first Pie on the Porch fundraising event