In Concert - Sunnyland Christian Church


In Concert - Sunnyland Christian Church
Volume LVI
Issue 36
December 15, 2015
77 years
of service to
Jesus Christ
Sunnyland Christian
In Concert
December 19, 2015
Doors Open at 6:00 &
Christmas Concert at 6:30 PM
Love Offering will be received
Rachel West Kramer, her husband, D. Scott
Kramer, and their daughter, Marla make up
this group of multi-instrumentalists as well
as accomplished vocalists.
Christmas Eve
Candle Light
7:00 pm
After the service, coffee and cookies will be
served by Jan, Earl, and Charles David.
Page 2
Pastor’s Ponderings
Bah! Humbug!
Who’s your favorite Christmas character?
Of course, there is baby Jesus and there are parents
and shepherds and angels
and magi. And there are
the playful seasonal characters. But certainly one of
the memorable characters
is Scrooge.
Maybe you do not need the
amount of change that
Scrooge needed, but still
there is room for more
hope and peace and joy and
love in your life and in mine.
And may it be true of you
and me that there is room
in our hearts for Jesus.
By the grace of God, may
our “Bah, humbugs” change
into “Praise Gods”!
Bah! Humbug! He was not
a cheerful caring sort at all.
And it took some eyeopening hair- raising hearttouching experiences for
him to change.
Christmas is meant to
change us. It is meant to
open our minds to the hope
that God offers us in a rather frightening and distressing world. It is meant
to show us the way to
peace. It is meant to help
us find joy and realize the
love of God. And it is meant
to prepare us for the life
changing experience of a
baby—that is always a life
changing experience—who
was born into our world to
become our Savior and
P. S. S. There is one more
Sunday on the way to our
Christmas Eve celebration.
It is “Love Sunday” and we
invite you to come receive
the love of God.
P. S. I want to thank everyone who provided special
music this past Sunday. It
was wonderful!
Prayer List
Immediate Concerns
Emily Beal
Becky Leal--Val Veatch’s stepdaughter
Juanita Buhs– home from
Linda Garrett-home from
Pray continually;
give thanks in all circumstances,
for this is God’s will for you in
Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:17-18
Pray for Our Homebound:
Phyllis Schmidt
Marjorie Moushon
Dina Keithley
Wilda Neal
Goldie Hoffmire
Nadine Arnold
Pray for Our Military Personnel:
Darrin Kesler-Air National Guard
Shane McCallister-Army
Brent Powell-Air Force
Brandon DeLaval-Army
Marguerite Godwin-Army
Curtis Hallam-Merchant Marines
Bernard Green-Army
Joshua Nave-Navy
We express our sympathy to
Barbara Wilson and her family
on the death of her good friend,
Heidi Morrisey of San Antonio,
Page 3
Sunnyland At Worship
December 20, 2015
Pastor-Evan Williams
Sermon Title “Receiving the New
Life He Gives”
Scripture-Luke 1:39-45
Worship Leader-Alaina Smith
Worship Leader ScriptureHebrews 10:5-10
Elders-Patty Williams and Gary
Captain-Jim Miller
Doors-Sue Lehman
Wayne Isbell
Serve-Barbara Baker
Bob Pinney
Donna Hoffmire
Randy Isbell
Mark Hodges
Nancy Hodges
Nursery Helper-Betty Kaufmann
Emergency Coordinator for December-Bob Pinney
Weather Spotter for DecemberMark Hodges
Weekly Lectionary ReadingMicah 5:2-5a; Luke 1:46b-55 or
Psalm 80:1-7; Hebrews 10:5-10;
Luke 1:39-45, (46-55)
Stewardship Report for
December 13, 2015
General Oper. Fund
Continuing Imp.
Sunday School
A silver rose pendant on a
chain was found in the parking
lot of the church. If you lost a
necklace like that, we have it
in the office.
Upcoming Calendar
17-Bell practice 6:00 pm
Choir practice 7:00 pm
19-Kramer’s in concert 6:30 pm
21-Girl Scouts 5:30 pm
24-Christmas Eve Candle Light
Service 7:00 pm
Office will be closed December
25/January 3.
Tree of Warmth
Lots of hats, gloves, scarves,
and other warm items are collecting on our tree in the James
Street Foyer. Thank you to all
who have contributed. If you
have additional items to donate, please get them to the
church by the end of December
as they will be taken for distribution as soon as possible.
Angels among us
“When God wants to speak and
deal with us,” said Martin Luther, “he does not avail himself
of an angel but of parents, or the
pastor, or of our neighbor.” Never underestimate how powerfully
God can use you in the life of a
child, a church member, a friend
or a stranger.
The Hebrew word for angel also
means “messenger.” You may be
specially chosen to deliver to
someone the message of God’s
love or guidance. Listen intently
for what God would have you
share with others, then do so
faithfully and caringly.
As you know Washington
Weekend Snackpac started delivering Snackpacs on Thursday,
September 10th to District #50
Schools; 195 children went
home Friday, September 11th
with a sack of food for the weekend. This past Thursday, December 3rd, we delivered a total
of 284 Snackpacs, and although
the bulk of these Snackpacs, 234
in fact, went to the District #50
Schools, we are now delivering
Snackpacs to District #51, #52,
and St Patrick Schools.
We normally pack 2 breakfast, 2
lunch, and 2 snacks if possible,
but Wednesday, November 23rd
we delivered an extra-large pack
for the Thanksgiving Holiday,
and the Christmas pack is literally a small grocery sack of food.
We have been getting some free
and reduced food from the Peoria Food Banks, but the Morton
Midwest Food Bank supplied a
truck load of free food just in
time for the holiday packs.
Currently, there are 11 churches
including Sunnyland Christian
supporting this effort either
physically and or financially. If
you can help or if you would
like to be involved; please let me
know. This is a huge initiative
and we need the support of this
entire community because there
are 1,004 children in our elementary schools who qualify for
this program.
Nancy Hodges.
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Washington IL
Non-Profit Org
(Disciples of Christ)
2401 Washington Rd
Washington IL 61571-1748
Phone (309) 699-1332
Pastor-Evan Williams
Newsletter of Sunnyland Christian Church