Cat. - John Benjamins Antiquariat Catalog
Cat. - John Benjamins Antiquariat Catalog
“ ” Catalogue No. () .. CONDITIONS OF SALE . Prices in this catalogue are indicated in EUR. Payment and billing in US-dollars to the Euro equivalent is possible. . All prices are strictly net. For sales and delivery within the European Union, VAT will be charged unless a VAT number is supplied with the order. Libraries within the European Community are therefore requested to supply their VAT-ID number when ordering, in which case we can issue the invoice at zero-rate. For sales outside the European Community the sales-tax (VAT) will not be applicable (zero-rate). . The cost of shipment and insurance is additional. . Delivery according to the Trade Conditions of the NVvA (Antiquarian Booksellers Association of The Netherlands), Amsterdam, depot nr. /. All goods supplied will remain our property until full payment has been received. At our sole discretion we may require pre-payment on any order. . If items are already sold we shall always notify our customers. Unsuccesful orders will be kept on file for the titles requested and we shall requote without obligation if found again. . Orders should be addressed to (Please mention the article-identifier [#in brackets]): John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. P.O. Box . Klaprozenweg G ME AMSTERDAM The Netherlands Phone: +-- e-mail: website: Cat. : Counterculture, Alternative Lifestyles, Psychedelics “Politically Incorrect” [#] AA NACHRICHTEN. Zeitschrift der Therapiekommune/ Nachrichten Kommune [#] ACTUEL. Nouvelle série, mensuel. Nos - (all published). Paris, octobre - octobre . All in original pictorial wrappers, to. (Nos. /, /, /, /, / were double numbers; also included is the supplement to No. (Special élections)and special issues “hors série”: bis, bis, bis and an unnumbered issue dated décembre . The collection thus consisting of physical issues, all in good to excellent state. ( of a total of issues published) Zeitschrift der Therapiekommune. (as of nr. AA Nachrichten Kommune.) Nos. - / and No. /. Rheydt: Self published, (with another copy of No. in the rd edition).Occasional pencil underlinings and clean perforation holes, clean and in good condition. ,. The first issues of the Viennese AA Kommune,founded by the Aktionist Otto Muehl. First editions; Summary of the first issue: (No , ): “Kommunemanifest; Freie Sexualität; Die Panzerung des menschlichen Körpers; Theorie und Praxis der Aktionsanalyse; Analyse Otmar; Claudias Vater; Kindererziehung; Aus Sclomos Tagebuch; Meine Entwicklung in der Kommune; Wie sie mich fertig machten; Filmprojekt; Die Entwicklung der Kommune; Zwei fotoseiten.” Detailed contents of the other issues on request. ,. Directed by Jean-François Bizot with Michel-Antoine Burnier, Patrick Rambaud, Bernard Kouchner, Jean-Pierre Lentin, etc. First French “Free Press” publication, member of the Underground Press Syndicate. Actuel was inspired on the British magazine OZ and is similar in approach and content, advocating alternative lifestyles, drugs and psychedelic-rock. Homosexuality, womens liberation, sexual freedom, abortion, pornography, ecological issues, etc. Robert Crumb made here his first appearance for a French readership. In Actuel is ended but after the publication of two Almanachs, it revives under a different formula in to continue till . These two almanacs are added to the collection, as well as a few of the later numbers: Supplément de ; Le trip ; Best-of de la revue Actuel , as well as an hors serie number of NOVA which succeeded Actuel: Où est passée la libération sexuelle ? (Published in March ). Very rare collection. [#] ALICE D-DAY The Dutch Underground Rises. Utrecht, n.d. (ca. ); tabloid size, newsprint, pages; with illustrations, (Clean copy with only slight wear on the edges). Complete with the mimeographed insert with the chemical formula for LSD. Rare. . John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. Italian Hippy journal from the Commune FronzolaPoppi (in Arezzo). From the articles and features: “Centro di Televisione alternativa”, “Contro le centrali nucleari”, “La cassa peota”, speciale “La conciatura della pelle”,”A Proposito della Nostra Comune”, speciale “Contro-cucina”, “La pagina dell’urgenza” One of the earliest Dutch publications on psychedelics and drugs (Werkgroep Bewustzijns Verruiming), edited by Humphrey Bennet, Mario Tymosz, Bert Streumer, Gert Mochèl, with contribs. by Woud van den Eerenbeemt, Peter ten Hopen (publishing a pharmacology of psychedelics) Richard Huebner, Arpad Schimandl (fotomontage Mother of Invention), Johnny the Selfkicker. Foreign contribs.: Timothy Leary & George Harrison. [#] ANKH. Elysium Institute Quarterly Bulletin. [#] AMAZING RAYDAY. Secret Comic Number . Poster, x cm., distributed by Future City Press, Brighton. Printed in black, with colour applied manually. No date (ca. ), signed by Jeff Keen. Folded. Offset lithographed poster printed in b/w with colour added, by the movie-make Jeff Keen. Nos - (=Vol,, complete). Elysium Inc., Los Angeles, -Spring . x, cm., stapled, each issue pages in coloured wrappers. Offset B&W and color. (small imperfection to top of spine no , otherwise in excellent condition). . Magazine edited by the early nudist Elysium Institute founder Ed Lange’s (named for the ancient Egyptian symbol for life), his attempt to blend naturism, sexual freedom and the burgeoning hippie movement: “Fed on a scientific diet of psilocybin and lysergic acid, it now thrives to the conster- TOGETHER WITH: Number . Poster, x cm., distributed by Future City Press, Brighton. Printed in black, with colour applied manually. March , signed by Jeff Keen. Folded. Special Motion Picture Issue, Thrills Unlimited. (Ref.: p. Aktual Art International. Dept. Of Art and Architecture, Stanford University,Ca., Dec. -, ). . [#] ANIMALI DA CORTILE Nos. - (all publ.). Arezzo, La Comune di Fronzola - Poppi, - No. . (), x cm., unnumbered pages;illustrated. No. (maggio ), x cm., unnumbered pages, illustrated, printed on pink stock.. . John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. nation of the generation which gave it life. From San Franciso’s HaightAshbury to New York’s East Village...the Love Generation is in full swing” (from the editorial in the first issue, which contains numerous photos of nudists enjoying the nudist lifestyle, indoors and out, and the first part of an interview with Barry McGuire and his wife at their Topanga Canyon home). The journal includes features like Wonders of the Body; Who’s your sex authority; The Return to Paganism; Absurdities of Censorship; To Court with Love, The day love went on trial, etc. Very free nude photography a.o. by Ed Lange, ( - May ) an American author of several classic nudist pictorial books. Vice-President of the International Naturist Federation. His free love ideals placed him in the sexual revolution movement of the s and s. The second issue of this “educational, scientific, sociological and cultural publication which illustrates the conviction that the human body is clean and wholesome” includes pp. on the “The Love Book” obscenity trial; a history of censorship; the second part of the Barry McGuire interview; more. The third issue features articles on communal living in Big Sur; experiments in nude psychotherapy near Escondido, California (pp.) and hydropsychotherapy. The fourth issue includes “What Hath LSD/God/LSD Wrought?”, a pp. colour and b/w photo-feature on the hippie countercul- ture and acid use, including a visit to the Drop City commune; “Thoreau” The First Hippie” (pp.); “The Utopian Dream: Can The Modern Communes Succeed?” (pp.); “Youth Rebellion” (pp.), a feature on the Hippies and Diggers in the Haight, Freaks in LA, Provos in Amsterdam; “Love in the Haight” (pp.); and more. [#] THE ASTRAL PROJECTION Volume , Number . Augustus-September . La Asociación Flor de Mayo, Albuquerque, Nuevo México. Newsprint. pages. . Underground newspaper. Psychedelic artwork. Contribs: Felipe Galdón, Chip Lewis, John Stearns, Aaron Howard, David Locke, Sherry Lewis, Sue Tucker, Reynoldo Ayala, W.A. Goodman, Manuel Gutiérrez, Bob Blackjack, Joe Sálazar, Babs. [#] ANN ARBOR SUN / THE SUN / SUN Group of issues published between April-May (issue ) and October (volume , number ) by the Rainbow People’s Party with John Sinclair as Chairman / Editor-in-Chief. Newspaper print, folded.Light soilage and edgewear. . [#] AVATAR. Magazine Nos., , , , - . Boston, United Free Press (Eastcoast), Jan ,-. Tabloïd (later full newspaper format, folded in half as originally sold). Printed on newsprint, numerous colourful illustration, photographs. Very good condition. . An alternative newspaper featuring editorial and cultural coverage “not generally found in the regular media” . No. is the First Anniversary Issue, containing the First Anniversary Statement by the Central Committee of the Rainbow Peoples Party. Group of numbers (no. in poor condition) of this Hippie journal from Boston. Editor Brian Keating, with Wayne M.Hansen, and art-staff: Eben Given, Edward Fox, Edward Beardsley: Hippies, Radicals, Alternative Rock Music, Vietnam etc. Some headlines: “America Hurrah”, “The Army Infiltrates Marches: In Search of Freedom at Harvard.” [#] ANONYM QUARTERLY Number (all publ.) . Buffalo, NY, Anonym Magazine . x, mm., side- stapled, pp. . Editor Mark Kirkpatrick Robison, Fiction: Lana Kaiser;Poetry: Ronni Goldfarb. Contribs.: Michael Fiedler, Max Wickert, John Wiener, Lana Kaiser, a.o. This magazine from Buffalo includes the first periodical printing of Timothy Leary”s “Declaration of Evolution.“ [#] BANANAS. The Literary Newspaper. Nos. - (all publ.). London, Jan/ Feb.-Apr.. Folio; later to; original illustrated wrappers. ,. Ed. by Emma Tennant, from no. onw. by Abigail Mozley. Includes special issues (Russia, South America, Spain, Germany). Contribs. inc. Sylvia Plath (previously unpubl.), William Burroughs, Harold Pinter, Ted Hughes, Alan Sillitoe, J.G. Ballard, Angela Carter, Williams, Bruce Chatwin, Claud Cockburn, Jon Silkin, Michael Horovitz, Thomas Disch, Brian Patten, Elaine Feinstein, Frances Horovitz, Marilyn Hacker. Rare complete set. John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. [#] BARB ON STRIKE Vol. no , Berkeley, July , (only issue published under this title). Tabloïd, pages, newsprint, some browning, but otherwise a very good copy. . Legendary issue in the history of the underground press, published by a break-away group of collaborators of the Berkeley Barb opposing the general editor Scheer who was running the journal for his personal gain rather than for the original principles. It featured as its logo an adapted version of the Barbs Don Quixotte with Scheer spurring his horse forward with a spear in the buttock, dollar bills trailing off the galloping editor (Cf James Lews, Protest and Survive). The group of journalists in fact founded with this issue what became the Berkeley Tribe. [#] BAZOOKA. PERVERS. Pervers n°, all published. Paris, Bazooka Production, , x cm, sheet, folded to pp, equal to the size of a gramophone record, x cm. Together with the actual gramophone record, « La Perversita », Invisible Records, , in the original decorated sleeve, designed by Kiki Picasso. by Max Scherr. It spawned hundreds of imitators around the country during the ‘s when the underground press was the voice of the counterculture. In , the staff went on strike against Scherr, and they started another paper, the ‘Berkeley Tribe’, an even more radical paper. This set is in very good condition and all issues intact and complete, except for merely one clipping in no . A collection as extensive as this one is now hardly ever offered. [#] BERKELEY TRIBE Group of issues from the first year of publication: Vol. no , , , , to , , , . Berkeley, Red Mountain Tribe, July -Dec. , . Tabloïd. Generallyg good clean copies ( nos. have mailing labels; all have small markings in right upper corner). . Contributions by Jim X., Jan Jacobson, Stew Albert, Lenny Lipton, Linda Morse, Art Goldbert, Steve Haines, and many more; one ad clipped from the last page of no. , otherwise all issues make a complete impression. . Text and designs by Loulou Picasso, Olivia Clavel, T, Larsen. This is actually the last Bazooka Production « mort » in . [#] BERKELEY BARB Nos. - (vol. -). Bay Area, August , - Oct. /, . Tabloïd size, newsprint, unbound; illustrated. ,. Large collection comprising as many as issues,starting right from the beginning (only nos. , , -, & are lacking). One of the foremost underground papers in the USA, founded [#] BIG VENUS. (Big Big Venus, Big Big Big Venus, Queen Camel Sister To Big Venus). Nos. - (all publ.). London, Big Venus (Printed by Roy and Erica Eden), -.(no. quarto, nos.- small quarto, mimeographed (varying from - pages), stapled in the original wrappers (nos. - illustrated, nos. - with lettering in the front-page); apart from a little wear a good set. . Edited by Nick Kimberley, Underground magazine, with important poetry. Contributors include Richard Brautigam, Clayton Eshleman, Bill Butler, Andrew Crozier, Carl Weissner, Claude Pelieu, Bob Cobbing, Charles Plymell, Allen Fisher , George Brecht, John Ashbery, Peter Straub, Gerard Malanga (in no. , conversation with Andy Warhol,and others during the filming of ‘Empire’, Paul Buck (in no included text ‘a cunt not fit for the queen’ , Fred Buck, and others. Volume four is titled “Queen Camel sister to BIG VENUS.” John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. [#] BLACK DWARF [#] BLACK POLITICS. Number : (published as vol. no. , June (In fact the first number published). London, . x cm. pages.with photos and drawings. Printed in black and red. In excellent condition. Together with Number : Vol. no , July . London,, x cm. pages with photos and drawings. Printed in b/w. (This number folded, with some damage on the fold of the frontpage, and soiled and browned over the folds). Togteher with Volume no . May ,. Tabloid, newsprint, pages. With photos and drawings; folded twice; light edgewear. “Special Youth Issue”. New Scotland Yard: What a bloody nerve. Five free papers have been threatened by the police (OZ, IT, Rolling Stone, Black Dimensions, Black Dwarf), . A Journal of Liberation. Vol. no and (Special Issue--Huey P.Newton). Berkeley, Cal., April/May . Stencilled, pages, x , cm; stapled (back cover possibly missing; front cover edges damaged and browned, otherwise in good condition). . Editorial Board: Richard Assegai, Tom Sanders, Ed Turner. “..independent journal whose purpose is to provide a forum for vanguard theories…We oppose the war in Vietnam…We are part of the Black Liberation movement,…”; contribs. : Charles William, Huey P.Newton, Brother Dynamite, Eldridge Cleaver; Black Panther Ministry of Information Bulletins nos. I-III. [#] BLACK THEATRE. A periodical of the Black Theatre Movement The Black Dwarf was a political and cultural newspaper published between May and by a collective of socialists in the United Kingdom. It is often identified with Tariq Ali who edited and published this newspaper until , Editorial group: Clive Goodwin, Tariq Ali, Ropbin Fior, David Mercer, Adrian Mitchell, Mo Teitelbaum. First number on the May student revolt in Paris. Frontpage with fullpage photomontage of text “We shall fight, we will win. Paris, London, Rome, Berlin” (printed in black and red) on photo of students waving banners during their occupation of university - buildings of the Sorbonne in Paris, May . Contributions by Jean-Jacques Lebel, , Patrick Procktor,, a.o. Number : On front page REVOLUCION SI !. Articles by John Berger, Ray Challinor, Tony Southall, Peter Weiss (Havana ), Che’s last two years of struggle. CUBA SI !. Arab Revolution, David Mercer (Czechs mated), Malcolm Caldwell (On from Sukarno), etc. Nos. - (all publ.). New York, Ed. New Lafayette Theatre, New York, -. Orig. pictorial (self-) wrappers,(x, cm). (Tiny tears to frontcover of the first number, one page in no torn without textual damage and neatly laid in, but otherwise fine). . Editor: Ed Bullins, with Roscoe Orman, Marvin X, Georg Ford (illustrations, covers), Maxine Raysor (ills.),Ademola, Ed Sherman (cover art). Issues varying from to pages (incl.wrappers). Contributors (in addition to the editors) Ben Caldwell, Leroi Jones, Woodie Kong, John O’Neal, Obamola Oyedele, Bob McBeth, Wanda Coleman, Sonia Sanchez, and several others. [#] BLACK MASK Nos. - (all publ.). New York, Nov. - April/May . Original issues; folio; illustrated. Set lacks no & ; cover of the first issue stained; no : marginal tear. ,. Edited by Benn Morea and Ron Hahne. One of the publications that formed the prelude to the ‘World wide revolution of youth’ and the student revolts, linked with the Situationist International in Paris, Heatwave in London, Rebel Worker in Chicago. Contributions by L. Moholy-Nagy, Dennis Mora, Benn Morea (‘Art and Revolution’), Ed Clark, a.o. Texts by André Breton, Bertrand Russell, H. Arp, Camus (interview), a.o. No. incl. article ‘Berlin Dada’ by David & Stuart Wise [#] BROADSIDE & THE FREE PRESS A group of random issues published between June (Volume VIII, Number ) and September (Volume IX, Number ). Published by Broadside Publications. Cambridge /Mass.Tabloïd. (Folded, light wear over foldings and margins. Occasional clippings & missing pages; covers clipped, otherwise in good condition). Colourful front and back-covers, rest John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. b/w. Details upon request. . Two magazines published back to back: Broadside Volume VIII, number is also The Free Press Volume II, Number etc. Edited by Dave Wilson. Photographes Peter Simon. [#] BUZUKO / THE TRIBES Vol. No.. (in english and japanese) Tokyo: Emerald Breeze Press, Dec. ‘. Newspaper size, pages, illustrated throughout. Illustrated wrappers with on the rear wrapper a full page advertisement of the Meditation Center of Harijan. . [#] BUCO Nos. - (probably all published). Putignano (Bari), - ; printed in offset, Nos. and with colour added, rest b/w; in illustrated wrappers. ,. Underground periodical, close to the Situationists, edited by Jimi, Pasquale and Max Cap. Number gives a historical survey of the publication, from which can be concluded that no more was published and that a zero-number (to which reference is made in Number ) did in fact not appear. - No. (marzo ): x cm., pp. in black and red: «San Paolo: Festival della vita», «Difendersi dai fascisti non è reato. Compagno Marini sarai liberato», «Coordinamento Centro-Sud», «Contro il fermo di droga», «Paperorock», «Considerazioni sulle riforme e i sindacati», «L’impero Chiesa e i suoi derivati», «Strutture alternative. La comune», «Controinformazione droga», «Gangsters o rivoluzionari?»; - No. (ottobre ): ,x, cm., pp., printed b/w.: «La fine dello spettacolo è la festa della fine», «Il problema non è che il PCI sia o meno comunista, ma che è capitalista», «Notizie dalla caserma di Sassari», «Carabinieri, droga e avv. Polignano»; Includes: a double page illustration (of the four-armed Shadakshari) with the mantra ‘Om mani padme hum’: a double page ‘from the banyan dream tribe in suwanose island including a poem by alan watts: ‘to moist earth peace’; an article by Nanao Sakaki : Report of the Miyazaka Festival (in english); reproduced photographs of the Thunderbolt Red Crow Tribe; an article by Gary Schnyder ‘The tribe’ X, .(in English as well as in Japanese) -The Tribe was the best known name of a loose-knit countercultural group in Japan in the s and s. Central figures of the group’s beginnings in Shinjuku and leadership included Nanao Sakaki, Tetsuo Nagasawa, Sansei Yamao, Mamoru Kato, and Kenji Akiba, who shared an interest in an alternative community, free from materialism. This group initially called itself the Bum Academy or sometimes Harijan. [#] LES CAHIERS NOIRS DU SOLEIL Nos. , & (all publ.) . Paris, Le Soleil Noir, -. Original wrappers. (first and second numbers are one of printed on alfa, in original slipcase. All in very good condition, the fragile no in mint condition, as new. - No. (maggio ), pp. Colour printing. : «La non opposizione», «La riappropriazione della soggettività», «L’opulenza mercantile», «State calmi», «I pendolari non pendolano più», «Lo spettacolo della politica», «Critica della musica»; - No. (aprile ): ,x, cm., pp. printed b/w. «Cenni per la preistoria del Buco», «Per una critica dei nuclei radicali in Italia», «Della lotta armata o Come lo spettacolo assorbe le ambizioni frustrate seguito da Possibilità di affermare il ludico», «Appunti per una critica radicale dell’ambiente medico», «Il comunismo e il partito della sopravivenza pianificata». On the last page protest against the condemnation of Marcello Baraghini for an obscene drawing: «Noi protestiamo contro l’ipocrita condanna del compagno Marcello Baraghini. Essa costituisce un attentato alla libertà, un atto terroristico di repressione. (...). Marcello Baraghini è stato condannato per un disegno osceno:…. «la solidarità non si discute, si dà»”. John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. -Together with: - Handbill (in no ) announcing the first number, with photocollage and text by Jean-Jacques Lebel, on verso: Des dieux dansent sur leurs propres corps etc., text by Ginsberg Commandez, dès aujourd’hui, chez votre libraire, ce numéro spécial sur le LSD. Il a étyé conçu et réalisé,sous la direction de Pierre Bernard, par les jeunes écrivains et artistes de MANDALA: Jean-Claude Bailly, Dominique Boistel, J.-J.Lebel, Lacques Le Nadan, Bernard Nexon, Gérard Rutten; printed recto/verso in b/w, size x cm. [#] Together with: - POSTER: (, x , cm, printed in black on white paper) . MANDALA Light Show at the Thalamus, ,,th of June. NOUVEAU! Experience Hallucinogene. CANADIAN FREE PRESS ,. . Number , December (?) Newsprint, pp. No. : Dossier L.S.D.Mandala, directed by Pierre Bernard (Mandala, Organe int.d’échanges hallucinatoires), contribs. Jean-Claude Bailly, Dominique Boistel, J.Le Nadan, Bernard Nexon, Gerard Rutten; correspondents abroad: Simon Vinkenoog, Miles, Linn House, Lawrence Ferlinghetti.; No. : La Mort sans Phrase. fev.. Cover and ills. by Jacques Monory, including an accordeon-folded original serigraphy by Jacques Monory.; No. : Internationale Hallucinex. Revue, tract a detruire. Collection of manifestos, folded separate sheets. Manifeste de la generation grise et invisible (William Burroughs, Claude Pelieu, Carl Weisner, with collab. Of Jeff Nuttal, Ed Sanders). [#] CANADIAN WHOLE EARTH ALAMANAC [#] CAMION. Rivista internazionale di Nuova Poesia. Anno nos. - (all publ.). Torino, gennaio-aprile . pp (incl. selfwrappers); pp (incl.selfwrappers). x cm. Fully illustrated. Vol. no -Vol. no ; issues. (all published). Toronto, -. Original pictorial wrappers. Nice clean set. . . Initiated and directed by Giulio Tedeschi, publishes international underground poetry. Editors in Torino, Milano and Amsterdam (Aldo Piromalli). Poetry (original or in Italian translation) by Roberto Aversa, Antonio Meo, Francesco Paolo Tanzi, Walter Tarello, Federico Ballarin, Pier Castrale, Franco Beltrametti, Meo Cataldo Dino, Paolo Cerrato, Walter Ferrari, Gianni Milano, Vincenzo Parrella, Giancarlo Pavanello, Aldo Piromalli, Antonio Rodriguez, Roberto Sanesi, Piero Verni, Simonka Toncy Violi, Giulio Tedeschi, Christian Cannstadt, Simon Winkenhoog (sic!), Lee Van der Zalm, Alex Holst, etc. Photography by Italo Bertolasi and Pietro Borsi. Published by The Canadian Whole Earth Foundation. Illustrated throughout, numerous articles and advertisements related to ecological issues; an iconic publication. Food issue ( Fall ), Shelter issue (Winter ), Industry issue ( Vol. no. , Spring ), Healing Almanac ( Vol. no. , Fall ), Fifth issue (Vol. no. , ). Laid-in is a letter from Carolym Coupland of the Almanac explaining to a subscriber that there was no Volume , Number . John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. [#] CARTA STAMPATA. Periodico bimestrale di Cultura Alternativa, Informazioni, Undergroud, Musica d’Avanguarda e Arte Varia. Set of issues (of published in total, lacking the zero-number and Anno no. ). Anno () no. (giugno/agosto ) - No. / (agosto/settembre , last issue published). La Spezia, -. Sizes differ from x , cm - x cm. [#] Guy CHALON Mai . Extraits sonores d’un film réalisé par un collectif de travail, animé par Guy Chalon. vinyl record. . ,. In the original sleeve, photo illustration Elie Kagan, text Claude Roy. Italian underground magazine, directed by Carlo Burrini. Heavily illustrated, with texts and drawings, some psychedelic art, cartoons etc. by S. Alberti, V. Baroni, C. Burrini, M. Marino, M. Scatizzi, Pino Tarantino, M. Felluga, Max Capa a.o. Printed on various coloured stock (red, pink & green). Subtitle varies. Also numbered as Anno no. (Anno no. omitted in numbering), then New Series Nos. (= whole series no. )-/. [#] CHEMICAL OF THE MONTH CLUB. Bulletin. A collection (complete ?) of Issues w/ Ephemera and The Rubber City Chemcorp Special News Bulletin (Number ?). Kent, Ohio: Kent Chemical Group, -. Offset printed with hand-coloring and sticker elements. Most issues consists of a single leaf printed on recto and verso and folded three times for mailing; one issue saddle-stapled at wraps. Addressed and mailed. With some added ephemera. ,. [#] CAW! Magazine of Students for a Democratic Society. Nos. , & . (probably all published). New York, . Original illustrated wrappers; , & pp. (Wrapper of no with edgewear and small chips), . Publication of the SDS, edited by Jerry Badanes. In the first issue o.a. ‘A tribute to the work of Che Guevara’ with texts by Pablo Neruda, Fidel Castro Javier Heraud, Margaret Randall, Cesar Vallejo. Second issue: cover- VietCong Flag at Sit-In Columbia University. Contributors include Victor Hernandez Cruz, Julius Lester, Todd Gitlin, Robin Morgan. The third issue with coverage of the Paris Student strike and other international student protests. John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. Edited by Dana A. Beezley. Seven issues of this hardly known conceptual artists’ periodical. Each issue of the bulletin took a different class of drug as its subject, such as fertilizers, cleaning products, and romantic aids, and furthered the aims of the society, which were to warn against the evils of nature, and embrace the promise of chemicals. The figurehead of the organization was Chemical Girl, represented by a drawing of a smiling brunette holding up a glass beaker. This run includes assorted ephemera, including a flyer for a Chemical Girl Party, a couple of small one sheets (Key to the perfect body; The Nitrogen Ciycle; Personal Cleaning tips), and a postcard (Have you seen me?), mailed in , inquiring as to the whereabouts of Chemical Girl, who had gone missing. The final item is a special hand-colored news bulletin from The Rubber City Chemcorp, the association which the Kent Chemical Group had morphed into, announcing the death of Chemical Girl and her subsequent resurrection. [#] THE CHEVRON. [#] COMPAGNI. Giornale per l’Organizzazione dell’Autonomia di Classe A group of issues published between December (Volume Number ) and March (volume , number ). Tabloïds. (Light soilage and edgewear). (Number ) [Only issue published], Trento, (gennaio/febbraio), x cm, , pages, photographs. Printed b/w. Minor damage to right margin, otherwise fine. Waterloo, Ontario . Countercultural periodical. . Selected articles: “Libertà per tutti i compagni detenuti”; “Alla Marzotto di Cles e Mezzacorona dopo la serrata padronale, sindacati e politici si fanno garanti della pace sociale e dell’ordine”; “Una lettera di un compagno detenuto sul carcere speciale di Novara”; “Una lettera di Albino Bonomi e dei compagni imprigionati a Bologna, per i fatti di Marzo”. [Bibliographically not found] Published by the publications board of the federation of students, University of Waterloo. Editor-in-chief: Bob Verdun. Detail on request. [#] CIA COOK BOOK. Contatti Informazioni dell’Arcana. Numero (dicembre ) Roma, Arcana Editrice: pages, to; printed in colour ; together with: Numero (maggio ): pages, to; printed in colour. . The first number contains: G.E. Simonetti, Soggettività della cultura alternativa giovanile e movimento reale del proletariato; unsigned: Agaragar e il gauchisme; Dario Salvatori: Eventi rock; Ricardo Bertoncelli :Dalla presentazione della biografia di Bob Dylan di Anthony Scaduto; interview of Fernanda Pivano ( ottobre ) by Gianni Rosati. Number : In omaggio da Hella. Joanna Leary’s press conference jan. in Rome; Timothy Leary ‘Fuga’; Piero Verni ‘Il libro della visione; Vivere insieme.Il libro delle commune. Dennis Altman Omosessuale; article on macrobiotic medicine; a comic by Gilbert Shelton on the last page, etc. - [#] COMMUNE 2 - GRUPPO STUDIO P 66 TERRA DI LAVORO Gruppo Studio P Terra di Lavoro : Comune Il triangulo, centro studi d’arte, Caserta. Exposition d’oeuvres murales et de photomontages en noir et blanc de : Attilio del Giudice ( oeuvres), Luca ( oeuvre), Livio Marino (oeuvres), Andrea Sparaco ( oeuvres) et Paolo Ventiglia ( oeuvres) ,. Présentation d’Antonio del Guercio, Roma le mai . Textes de Enrico Baj, Gianni Bertini, Luigi Castellano (Luca), Umberto Eco, Antonio Forez, Renato Guttuso et Luigi Nono. Catalogue in plano tiré à exempl. signés par les artistes. Les tirages sont de belle qualité sur papier fort brun. La couverture est fragilisée sur les bords et les agrafes rouillées ont désolidarisé quelques pages. Le Gruppo Studio D rassemble un groupe de peintres napolitains qui propose une rupture complète avec les schémas établis et qui veut mettre l’artiste au milieu des initiatives et des luttes. Ils voulaient impliquer tous les artistes du Sud du débutant au plus expérimenté. Ils ont choisi le nom Comune en référence avec la Commune de Paris qui pour eux était la “Comune ”. Comune rappelle le langage formel et les techniques du Pop Art américain mais avec des implications nettement plus sociologiques et politiques. De la plus grande rareté. [#] CONTRACULTURA Nos. - (all publ.). Buenos Aires: Contracultura, . All issues mo, saddle-stapled in pictorial wraps. ,. Edited by Miguel Grinberg. Argentinean review focused on counterculture, leftist and anarchist writings, which printed translations from English and French alongside original articles in Spanish. Grinberg was an important figure in the Argentinean counterculture. He was schooled in America, where he came into contact with figures such as Ginsberg and Gary Snyder. Although in his career he was an activist for a variety of causes, in the ’s and ’s he became heavily concerned with environmental activities, partially informed by the writings of Murray Bookchin. Contents include interviews with John Lennon and Herbert Marcuse; Jean Genet on the Black Panthers; manifestos from The Living Theatre, Eldridge Cleaver, Gary Snyder, the Situationist International, and various Argentine student groups; and features on “Antipsychiatry,” student power, ecology, and other movements. All issues very good, with slight toning and wear to wraps. Scarce complete. John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. [#] COUNTDOWN. A subterranean magazine. Numbers - (all publ ). New York, NY, The New American Library (A Signet Book).x cm, softcovers, pp each. All three have a touch of wear to edges, minor reading creases. . Countercultural paperback magazine. Editor: Mel Howard. Associate member of the Underground Press Syndicate. Contents reprinted from a wide range of underground papers, including: John Sinclair and the MC; Eldridge Cleaver and the Black Panthers; Jud Yalkut (USCO commune); Jerry Rubin; John Wilcock; Herbert Marcuse; George Metesky (‘Fuck the System’); Hugh Romney (the Hog Farm); Allen Ginsberg; Timothy Leary; Jane Alpert; S. Clay Wilson; R. Crumb, a.o. With numerous illustrations and photographs. [#] DING. Onderwater krant. Nos. - (all publ.). Merchtem/ Mechelen (Belgium). Sept. -Aug. . Tabloid size, on newsprint, (some issues with price-stickers on the covers). . Belgian pop and underground magazine in the style of Hitweek/Aloha, edited by Jos Vanhamme, with contribs. on Jim Morrison, The Band, Elton John, Rolling Stones and articles like: Pop-Art in het Casino?, Zwerven door Azië, Fuck the Army, Green Revolution. Contribs. by Leopold M. van den Brande, Herwig Verleyen, Stefan v.d. Langenberg, Luc Vereyck, Samuel Clemens, a.o. [#] DO-IT ! [#] DEFIANCE. A Radical Review. Nos. - (all publ.). New York, -. Original illustrated wrappers (no with library-stamp on cover); sm.vo. . Counterculture magazine issued in paperback format by Paperback Library, edited by Dotson Rader. Contributions by Bernadette Devlin, Frank Michel, William Burroughs, Jr., Abbie Hoffman, Andy Stapp, Eric Mann, Sid Bernard, Marge Piercy, Julius Lester, a.o.; ‘Revolutionary Poetry’ by Joachim Neugroschel, Frank Michel,Paul Mariah, Heathcote Williams, Tom Seligson, a.o. The first issue incl. a directory of movement organizations. Number (of published). Omaha: Do-It!, []. Quarto (cm); variously-colored sheets, mimeographed on rectos only and side-stapled; [pp]; illus. Faint stamp of New Mexico State University library to front wrapper, with some light wear and creasing to extremities. . First issue of this mimeographed poetry magazine, published alternately in Omaha, NE and Cleveland, OH between -. Edited by Matthew Shulman. This issue with a poem and cover art by d.a. levy, and contributions by Allen Ginsberg, John Giorno, Hugh Grayson, Randy Rhody, Clarence Major, and Freda Norton,and others. Shulman claimed this issue was produced in a run of , copies, though evidence dictates otherwise; copy for sale in the trade (), and fewer than in OCLC. The magazine ceased publication after the fourth issue. [#] THE DIGGER Group of issues out of published between August - May . Published by Hightimes Pty Ltd, Middle Park, (later High Times Pty. Ltd., North Melbourne) Australia. Tabloid newspaper print. Folded. Condition generally good, with mild soilage and edgewear, some clippings (issues , , , and ) and a front page missing (June ). [#] EARWIG . . Australian underground. Editors: Bruce Hanford, Phillip Frazer. With editorial addresses in Melbourne and Sydney; John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. Two issues: - No. . n.d. Auckland, New Zealand. Orig. Wrapper., pages. Light soilage and front cover a bit damaged/shaven. - No. . . Auckland, New Zealand. pages, pictorial wrappers. Includes Insert Underground magazine from New Zeland. Banned in Australia. [#] HET EI Number . Mei , Amsterdam, P. Renard. Mimeographed, pages, to, sidestapled. Number , (EGG int.)Augustus . Same format, pp (all published) . Produced by Earwig Graphics, prnited by Morringsville Star. Photographs (nudes), , comix, drawings, No. : Graffiti of the Revolution. Drawings by Kevin Drumm, and by Earwig Graphics. Contributions by (poems) Ginny Price, Bruce Jackson No. : Writings under a shadow. Issue with the help of Heather McInnes, Stephen Chan, John Milne,Denis Cooney, Fritz, Barry, a.o. Psychedelic magazine, printed in b/w. Made by Carla Bont, Peter Renard, Frank Reijn, Ruudjaspers. “Zo’n krantje als dit is niet anders dan een poging om een taal te vinden om uit e spreken wat nog stilte was.”. Connected to Gene Carrlsed, Oracle of So. California. Texts and drawings,” cosmic content”. [#] THE EAST VILLAGE OTHER Group of issues published between January and June . (Not collated in full, some issues are frayed and lack pages). Detail on request. ,. Probably the most famous Underground newspaper from New York, reflecting the issues of that time: Hippies, Vietnam, Drugs, Music, Politics, Classifieds, etc. etc. Some cover stories: “Friendly Family” drug dealers, American Outlaws, Maharishi’s Original Magical Mystery, Girls say Yes to Men who Say No. [#] L’ECCEZIONE E LA REGOLA. [#] L’ENRAGÉ. Hebdomadaire. Nos. - (all publ.). Paris, Mai Novembre . to; With colour-illustrations: the original first edition, unbound, untrimmed. Added: supplement/traduction to No. and the rare supplement to No. : Grand Concours de l ‘Enragé. . Original first edition, loose in issues as published. The notorious subversive satirical journal published during the student rebellion of May in Paris, with contributions by Siné, Wolinski, Malsen, Topor, Eugène Pottier, a.o.; directeur Jean-Jacques Pauvert. Uno strumento di discussione e di lotta per gli studenti pisani Number (only published?) , Pisa, [stampa: G. Cursi Pisa],Supplement to No. of ‘Unitá Operaia’. ( ottobre), x, cm, pages, vignet (“Decreti delegati: la scuola si rinnova” and b/w photographs in the text. Some stains and small damage. Not found in the bibliographies. . From the articles:: “Pacinotti occupato e autogestito. La lotta degli studenti dalla scuola alla città”. Alcune macchie e smarginature. [#] LA FABBRICA DELLA REPRESSIONE La fabbrica della repressione / La fabbrica. Socialismo e barbarie. Only issue published (?), Milano, Edizioni di Puzz, (settembre), x, cm, pages stapled in the spine, mimeographed in black and red, illustrations and cartoons. . Situationist periodical, published by PUZZ. “La fabbrica della repressione” reconstructs the history of repression John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. in Italy after July, facts in chronological order: “Puntualizzazione... lungo le linee di forza...”, “Creatività critica - Controinformazione critica Critica radicale”, “Autonomia, radicalizzazione, aggregazione informale...” The second part “La fabbrica. Socialismo e barbarie”, is a story in cartoons followed by two texts: “Tutte le ore feriscono, l’ultima uccide. Il “suicidio” di Giorgio Cesarano” by J. Camatte and G. Collu, and “A proposito dell’articolo “Estetica e teppismo. I situazionisti davanti all’altare del Dio Nulla” by Valerio Riva. [see Mangano, “Le riviste degli anni Settanta”, pp. -]. [#] THE FANATIC No. : Special Low Mindedness Issue. Amsterdam, . Tabloid format, pp. (including covers). A very good copy with some minor foxing to extremities of cover, and slight fading along spine. Scarce. . The second issue of this underground magazine under the editorship of William Levy a.ka. the Talmudic Wizard of Amsterdam (and author of The Virgin Sperm Dancer). The issue features the impressive design work of Willem de Ridder as well as Levy’s humorous and controversial article on Ian Sommerville’s sex habits. [#] FAPTO. Alternative Revolting Fun. No. . . Fapto Printing and Publishing, Margate, Kent. Newsprint, pp. (,x, cm). Light marginakl wear. . Hippy and pop magazine from the Alternative Society edited by N. Spratling, R. Fisher a.o. Associate member of the Underground Press Syndicate. Many illustrations, cartoons and drawings. There were numbers published. This number: “Revolution for Real ! “. Contributions by Rod Fisher, Nigel Spratling, Digger Action Movement, Riod Dexter, John Wilkes, Alan Bibby, a.o. rial committee: Noel Cobb, Paul Zeal, G. Spencer Brown, Patrick Schofield, David Jay. - Number : x cm.,silkscreen (?) on different color pages. Contributions by F. Horne/J. Werner (drawings), K. Stewards, N. Cobb, H. Trevor, R.D. Laing, G. Snyder, J. Quinones, a.o. (frontcover with a few small imperfections, else very good). editorial committee: Noel Cobb, Paul Zeal, G. Spencer Brown, Patrick Schofield, David Jay. Contr. incl.: ‘Revolution Che Guevara’; Kilton Stewart (‘Dream Theory in Malaya’); Gary Snyder (‘Buddhism and the Coming Revolution’, ‘Passage to more than India’); Lawrence Ferlinghetti (‘Fuclock’); Julian Beck (‘Dialects of Liberation on the Theatre’); Joseph Berke (‘The Anti University: Founding of the Free University of New York’); R.D. Laing (‘the terror of security and the security of terror’); and poetry by Noel Cobb, Roberta Elzey, Jose Quinones, Georg Johannesen, Spike Hawkins, Calvin Hernton, John Keys. Typography, layout, covers by Jutta Werner; ills. (incl. double-page-ills.) by Dodo von Greiff, Harry Trevor, Hans Broeg, Frances Horne -Number : x, cm., unbound, pp. silkscreen (?) on different color pages. Contributions by J. Werner, D.V. Greiff, C. Guevara, H. Trevor, G. Snyder, G. Johannesen, S. Hawkins, H. Broog, L. Ferlinghetti, J. Beck, C. Hernton, F. Horne, J. Berke and J. Keys. -Numbers -: Counter Culture: The Creation of Alternative Society. (Published in association with Peter Owen Ltd.). x cm., hard covers, original dust jacket, very good., pp. Offset. Contributions by John Gerassi, Tuli Kupferberg, Julian Beck, Allen Ginsberg, Stokely Carmichael Simon Vinkenoog, plus many underground manifestos, all amply illustrated. A core reference work for the period. - Number : xcm., stapled, pp. Color offset, letterset on different color pages. Paintings by Minnie Evans: front and back covers; Spine Hawkins poem; Drawings by Pip Benveniste, Calvin Hernton ‘In Gandi’s Room’; ‘Paranois and Persecution’ by Morton Schatzman; ‘Drawing’ by Peter Schmidt; drawing by Harry Trevor; ‘Avalon’ by James McCann; ‘I Can Hear the Buggas No More’ by Joseph Berke; Mary Barnes ‘Flection: Reflection’; ‘May Blossom’ Vo Van Ai; ‘Prophecy: round ’ by George Montgomery; ‘The Real Questions’ Susan Sherman. - Numbers -: Sphere of Light by Roberta Elzey Berke. (Published in association with Trigram Press Ltd.). ,xcm., hard covers (cloth), dust jacket, unpaginated (light sunning of frontcover). [#] FIZZ [#] FIRE Numbers - (all published). London, /. Complete set, various sizes and formats, as below. Added: Letter by Joseph Berke (signed Joe) with an explanatory sheet. List of previous issues on a red flyer. ,. Nicely laid-out, printed on heavy stock, edited by Joseph H. Berke; edito- John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. Nos. - (=last publ.). Berlin, April Dec. . Folio; newsprint; illustrated. Lacks no. . ,. Radical left oriented journal of which most issues were forbidden and confiscated (note in no : ‘.. Von Fizz-Ausgaben wurden bislang verboten’). The journal was part of the International Undergroud Press Syndicate (UPS),and had strong ties to Agit . Responsible editors: Johannes Most (Politics), E. Mühsam (Serials), H. Wehner (Sport & Porno), graphic and design: M. Ernst, stellvertr. A. Dürer. With full-page illustrated front-pages, caricatures, photocompositions, double-page posters (of Leila Khaled, RAF, Bakuni, Abbie & Anita Hoffmann (Y.I.P. Family), etc., mostly printed in colour, or on colored stock. Contribs. incl.: ‘Der Mahler-Prozess’, ‘The murder of Fred Hampton’, ‘Stadtguerilla hier und jetzt’, the IRA, etc. Also articles on pop-music. [#] Flug/fluxBLATTzeitung Number. . Art workers coalition New York (guerilla art action group) manifeste comminiques statements flugblatter und andere materialen. (Albrecht D. ed.). Stuttgart: reflection press, n.d. Quarto, un paginated, pages printed on right hand side. illustrated wrappers. Held together with black plastic spine clip. . [#] FLASH Nos. -. Los Angeles, -. Large to; in the original pictorial covers. Completely mimeographed issue of the Flug/fluxBLATTzeitung. With manuscript of the ‘guerrilla art action group’ signed (in print) jon hendricks, poppy johnson and jean toche. . Publisher: Steven Alexander. Glossy magazine, pp. per issue, fully illustrated, on soft and hard drugs. Contributing editors: Chester Anderson, John Scott, Arth R. David, Jim Esposio, Jackson Irving, Steven Pollock, Juan Saibot, Arthr Stickgold, etc.; contributing artists: John Aulkenta,Keith Caron, Sean Riley, Larry Todd, Robert Williams, etc. [#] FLOW Number . Kathmandu: Flow, Sangam Press, . to. pp. Rare first issue of this magazine published out of Nepal in February (probably all published). Printed on delicate paper stock. With multi-colored painting by Leddin tipped on to the front cover. Very lightly damages, but overall in very good condition. Loosely laid in pages of The Crest, and loose page of Chuck Haridas, probably meant for promotional purposes. ,. Very rare early publication on LSD, edited by Michael Hollingshead, Timothy Leary and others. This issue features several articles and letters related to LSD by Michael Hollingshead and includes a two pageletter from Timothy Leary to Hollingshead. Other features include translations of Nepalese poetry (M.B.B.Shah) and a proposal for the establishment in Kathmandu of a Centre for the Scientific Study of Religion to be known as The Himal Centre. Six pages of additional texts laid in (mostly poetry). OCLC shows no copies of this issue. Not found in the Harvard papers either. [#] FOOD. Settimanale di alternativa. Numbers - (all published). Taranto, IT, ; numbers, mimeographed, colour & b/w, side-stapled. x, cm. (Alternative Press Syndicate member). ,. Italian Underground. Interestingly designed magazine for experimental poetry, psychedelic art, rock music, new life styles, womens liberation, etc. Directed by Marcello Baraghini and edited by Zenlo, Cor, Aryes. Design, make-up and illustrations by Aryes. (Mangano : pag. ). - n. ( marzo ); pages. Cor, «Viaggio nel feudo», Zenlo, «Da dove vengo. Fantapuzzle musicale» (visual poetry contribution with words in typewriterscript inserted over music notation lines). Interview with Keith Tippett, and a text «Pop indiscrezioni... e altre realtà» by Napo Kamassa; Joe il Magro, «Da Brindisi a Kabul». - n. ( marzo ): pages (incl. cover). Napo Kamassa, «Small Faces» , «Ritratti di eroine: Rosa Luxemburg»; Cor, «Viaggio nel feudo»; Zenlo, «Da dove vengo. Fanta puzzle musicale»; Cor, «Uno dei problemi più scottanti del reame. La liberazione della donna»; Bob Dylan, «Visions of Johanna. Dedicata a Nico», text in English with Italian translation; George Yark, «Senza titolo»,Poetry Workshop. Cor, «Lettera aperta». John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. [#] FREE POEMS among friends. Volume (September/December ). Edited with an introduction by John Sinclair, for the WSU Artist’s Society. Detroit, The Artists’ Workshop Press, . Pictorial wrappers, stapled. Together with: Vol. (April, ). Detroit: Artists’ Workshop Press. Limited ed, of copies. Soft cover.Small creases at corners else very good. to stapled photo-illustrated wrappers. . Vol. Contains Nos. -. Printed in copies. Vol. : Unpaginated Poems by: Robin Eichele, John Sinclair, Ron Caplan, Henry Malone, Allen Van Newkirk, Jerry Younkins, George Tysh, John Wieners & J.D. Whitney. As Magdalene Sinclair wrote: Among Friends-movement, was the inspiration and encouragment it gave to young poets to keep on writing, as well as giving some people the push they needed to write their first poem. [#] FREEDOM NEWS. advocating peace and human dignity - in our time A group of issues published between October (Volume III, Number ) and August, (Volume VIII, Number ). Published monthly in Richmond, California. Tabloïds; folded, light soilage. Printed in b/w. Details upon request. . This publication focussed on the environment and alternative living in California. Editor: M.H. Segal. Issues of ab. pages, photographically iullustrated. [#] FRIENDS Nos. - (all publ.). London, -, continued as: FRENDZ. Nos. - (all publ.). London, May -Sept. . Tabloid, except no which is to; newsprint; unbd. (also numbered :FRIENDS Nos. - (London: December -May , ) / FRENDZ No. (ie. No. of Friends) - No. all published). Printed in b./w with occasional colouring. ( issues). Condition generally good to very good, only occasional light staining and discoloration of the paper. ,. John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. Underground paper which started off as the British edition of Rolling Stone; No. of ‘Frendz’ is identical to no. of the precursor. Edited by Alan Marcuson, later by Jerome Burn and John May (includes the Great British Catalogue, which is equivalent to the U.S. Whole Earth Catalogue). Frendz was formed when Friends went into liquidation, and under Jerome Burne and John May it became known for its in-depth coverage of all aspects of the alternative society. It was a rival to IT and OZ. Extensive coverage of music (especially local heroes Hawkwind and the Pink Fairies, and the newly-burgeoning rock festivals they and others like them played at - Bath, Isle of Wight, Phun City, Glastonbury, Bickershaw, etc.), as well as all aspects of the drug culture; the Oz trial; the occult; ecology (including Whole Earth catalogue supplements); the Notting Hill scene (of which the paper formed an intrinsic part); the White Panthers; etc. Main contributors include David May, Barney Bubbles, Jonathon Green, Rosie Boycott, Pennie Smith, Heathcote Williams, Nick Kent, Stanislaw Demidjuk, Charles Radcliffe, David Widgery, Felix de Mendelssohn, Charles Bukowski, Michael Moorcock, Robert Calvert. Interviews with JG Ballard, William Burroughs, Wavy Gravy, John & Yoko, the MC, AJ Weberman, Mo Tucker & Doug Yule, and Kate Millet. [#] GANDALF Nos. - (all publ.). Amsterdam, -. Original pictorial wrappers; only the first issue in fine reproduction. Added the booklet Zeg Jofele Pik, letters to and from Gandalf. Illustrated, sq. vo (cover a bit worn). .Also added: the small poster (same size as the journal) depicting the cover of no (in b/w and added colour red). Complete quite rare. ,. Dutch countercultural magazine, inspired by the Hippies, the sexual revolution and the Provo movement, published monthly, issues of ab. / pp. each, with numerous (provo-cative) photographs and ills., very typical for the sixties’ , edited by and with contribs. of: Peter Hamelink, Guus Dijkhuizen, S. Carmiggelt, J. v. Hattum, Jef Last, Heere Heeresma, D.H. van Proosdey (Dichterskring), J.W. Holsbergen, Ch.B. Timmer, R. Campert, Guus Vleugel, Bibeb, Willem, Michiel de Ruyter, J. Waasdorp, K. Soudijn, J. Wolkers, W. Noordhoek, Bertrand. Photos by F. Laufer, P. Boersma, E. v. Moerkerken, D. v.d. Klei, Peter Dicampo, Arn. Steenkamp. Erotic and prvocative photography, Ills. by Wolinski, Barbieri, Bertrand (erotic drawings) and many others. [#] GANDALF’S GARDEN Nos. - (all published). Citadelle Press, London, May - . Printed on various coloured stock, - pages per number, stapled into colourful pictorial wrappers; numerous ills. Mystical Scene Magazine. (Nos. -: Fear Not- You are now entering Gandalf ’s Garden; No.: A New World grows beneath the snows; No. : the inner zodiac wheels between the leaves; No. : beyond the brain& blown mind lies Gandal’s Garden). Except for some very light soilage to covers in fine condition. Very rare. Added: CD: The complete Gandalf ’s Garden (signed by Muz Murray). ,. Editors (Gandalf ’s Gardeners): Muz Murray. Field editor: Alex Lowsiewkee; Head Gardener: Gerry Snelling; Graphics: Pip Bassett, Francois Vasseur, June Cramer, Sue Soar, Ken Hayes, Geoffrey Carton, John Hurford, Carol Blain, Jay Amler, Pat Kyle, Steven Ridgeway, John Power, etc. ; Photography: Chris Ridley, Robin Chapman, Colin Bord, Andy Coventry, Selene, etc. Contributors include Peter Finch, John Mitchell, John Peel, Marc Bolan, Nicki Wood, Geoffrey Ashe, Barney Bubbles, Dave Cumliffe, Viv Broughton, etc. A monthly venture; later: Published as often as possible for people with love. And will appear again when the weather is right. It is the lifestyle of those who produce it. We hope it is yours. (The Voice of the Overground; Overground Free Press). [#] GATTI SELVAGGI Nos.- (all publ.), Milano, Edizioni Puzz, as follows: No. (dicembre / gennaio ): x cm. pages,printed in b/w, side-stapled; No. (marzo/aprile ): x cm., pages,printed in green, side-stapled. No. (aprile / maggio ): x cm., pages; printed in violet, side stapled, with small stains on the frontpage. This issue comes out as number of «Puzz», special edition in protest to the arrest in Milano of persons, “ultra radicali e negazionisti” accused of setting fire to the quarters of the PSDI (Partito Social Democratico); No. (novembre/ dicembre ): «Poesia metropolitana», x cm., pages. ,. Situationist and Countercultural journal directed by Meo Cataldo e Max Capa. All issues with numerous illustrations and Situationist comic strips (fumetti) and illustrations (Situazione: si è formato a Milano un ‘Nucleo musicale’denominato ‘Situazione creativa’; Subversive and provocative texts and features, e.g: “Non siamo marxisti, tanto meno leninisti o stalinisti. Siamo della coscienze revoluzionarie. …Seppeliamo I cadaveri delle vecchie iedeologie”; “Avviso ai colonizzati: non lavorate mai!”, “La musica-merce e la sua alienazione”, poetry by Meo Cataldo and Antonio Meo. Reproduction of a handbill of the N.A.P. (Nuclei Armati Proletari, Un comunicato del Nucleo Armato Ottobre. -”Introduzione alla critica pratica della merce della divisione del lavoro e dell’esproprio nei grandi magazzini”, “La tortura dell’isolamento nella Germania Federale”, an artticle on the emprisoned members of the RAF of September : “Dichiarazione del terzo sciopero della fame. Chi ha conosciuto la propria situazione come può essere fermato?”, “Contributo all’aggiornamento della critica dell’ambiente giovanile e studentesco”; “Creatività della critica e critica della creatività. Note”. No. contains: Nucleo Autonomo di Verbania “Contributo all’aggiornamento della critica dell’ambiente giovanile e studentesco”; “Creatività della critica e critica della creatività. Note”; “Il Nodo della decomposizione”. “Comunicato del Nucleo Armato Ottobre”. John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. [#] GAY Issues and . New York, Four Swords, . Tabloïds. Newsprint. No. : December , x cm, pages. No. : December , x cm, pages. . Editors: Lige Clark and Jack Nichols. Related to Screw, wizards: Jim Buckley and Al Goldtstein. Opening article on the Anti-War march, including the Gay Liberation Front. The Editors Speak: GAY is pleased to welcome you to a new experience in the field of publishing: a newspaper which is interesting, entertaining and informative on its own account, and not simply because it deals with the tabooed world of the homosexually-inclined. In fact GAY believes that there is only one world, and that labels and categories such as homosexual and heterosexual will some day pas away leaving human beings who, like this publication, will be liked and appreciated not because of sexual orientation, but because they are themselves interesting. [#] GAY SUNSHINE. A Newspaper of Gay Liberation. [later: A Journal of Gay Liberation]. Nos. , , , , , , /, , , /, /, /,, . San Francisco, April - Winter /. Small folio tabloid, newsprint. Illustrations and photographs. (Group of numbers, some are double-issues) . Edited by Winston Leyland. One of the earliest gay journals of arts and letters, first bi-monthly, then quarterly. With features and commentaries regarding the gay community, including the important sequence of interviews with authors and artists (Gerard Malanga, William Burroughs, Lou Harrison,John Rechy, several of which enjoyed separate publication) . Issue was the last number published in tabloid format beginning with # publication was as a trade paperback. No. / is special on Brazil. [#] GAY POWER. New York’s First Homosexual Newspaper. Volume , issues , , , , , . New York, n.d. (ca. August) - n.d. (ca. December). . Newsprint. Tabloïds; in excellent condition very light soilage to frontcover of no , a closed tear on page / of no and light wear to spine of no. . Very rare group of these revoltionary period. ,. “A tradition for over , years’. Edited by John Heys. Publisher: Joel Fabricant. Issues of pages, usually with cover in colour, rest in b/w, with numerous illustrations and photographs. Contribs. Include John Heys, John Vogel, Virgil Peden, Taylor Mead, Frank Calogi, Raeanne Rubinstein, Bob Hard, Lordan Kimbrell, Rockty, etc. STATEMENT: For the straight, uptight politicians, bourgeois, and the naïve and maybe a pioneer here and there and yes, for you power freaks who adore exalting in the good of any cause, add to the list that of ‘GAY POWER’. Watch it take to the road in the likes never seen before. John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. [#] GEORGIA STRAIGHT A group of about random issues published between end - . ( from /; from and the remainder from later years). Tabloid (from vol. onward tabloïds were folded to xcm.). Generally in good condition,light soilage and edgewear.Details upon request. ,. Founded as an anti-establishment alternative newspaper in May by Pierre Coupey, Milton Acorn, Dan McLeod, Stan Persky, and others, and originally it operated as a collective. Issues are mostly pages, with colourful (psychedelic) artwork on frontpages and in the middlespread and numerous illustrations and photographs. The paper was raided and fined by the Vancouver Police for publishing obscenities, and was often banned from distribution for its criticism of the local police and politicians, especially Mayor Tom Campbell. Those controversies ended in the s, as the paper moved to become a more conventional news and entertainment weekly, albeit with a progressive editorial slant. The collection not collated in full detail, but the issues make the impression of being intact and complete. [#] GERMANIA Nr. (of published) Frankfurt: Germania Verlag, Oktober . Newspaper format (DIN A), pages, illustrated throughout with drawings + cartoons Cromb, Reese, Giger, Cartier, Finlay, Cobb, and others. Illustrated self wrappers. Fine. . Counter culture periodical, published irregularly. A fourth number of Germania was co-produced with the magazine Päng Nr./. Musik, Literature, Politics, Drugs and Comics. Contributions by Thomas Bayrle, Dr. Hip, Gil Funcius, Rudiger Nuchtern, Ingeborg Schober Curtis and others. contributors were Simon Vinkenoog (Amsterdams Dichter Circus), Steef Davidson, Aat Veldhoen, Max Reneman. ,. Complete set of this Dutch language progressive (semi-underground) monthly literary magazine, starting with the zero number. Edited by Bert Jansen, with contribs. by Willem van Malsen, Remco Campert, Wim Noorthoek, Martin Schouten, Freek de Jonge, Jan Siebelink, H.J.A. Hofland, Mensje van Keulen, Hans Dulfer (avant-garde Jazz in the Netherlands), Jan Jansen van Galen, Bernhard Holtrop, Maarten Biesheuvel, Wim Noordhoek, Interview with Herman Brood, Egbert Zuiderveld. Monochrome illustrations, cartoons and comics by Bernhard Holtrop , Aldo Crush a.o. Edited by Bert Jansen, with contribs. by Willem Malsen, Remco Campert, Wim Noorthoek, Martin Schouten, Freek de Jonge, Jan Siebelink, H.J.A. Hofland, a.o. [#] GERMANY. STUDENTS MOVEMENTS IN THE SIXTIES A collection of ca. issues of periodicals, unbound, with pictorial covers. . This small but representative collection contains: - Berliner Studentenzeitung. nos. (/) - Frontal. number, - Colloquium. Eine deutsche Studentenzeitschrift. Berlin. numbers, between -. - Student im Bild. Koeln. numbers. between - - FUSpiegel. numbers, between -. - Agit pop - Direkte Aktion.Antiquatoritaire Sozialisten hein Main, , Heft - Aug./Nov. -Aachener Studentenzeitung. // - and some others. [#] HET GEWICHT. Maandelijks verschijnend. Jg. no. , - (cplt.). Aug. zomer ; Jg. nos - (cplt.) Dec/ Jan /; Jg. no. - (cplt.). Herfst - Zomer , last publ; (Amsterdam, -; large folio and tabloid, on newsprint; with numerous illustrations, photographs. Together with: (very rare) Extra editie. No date. Xerox-sheets, plastic strip on spine. sheets. to. (light soilage) No place, no date, mostly unsigned contributions, most are drawings or caricatures (sex), identified [#] GIMMICK. (Zoveelste belgiese poging om een ‘goed’ tijdschrift op poten te zetten). Nos. -()probably all). Antwerp, nov. - jan. . Unbd., x cm.; illustrated. Tabloïd. . Belgian underground newspaper with an important section on drugs and psychedelics..Probably continuation of “Paddestoel”. Uitgever: Ludo Debruyn. Contribs. Mostly anonymous. (No. numbered as Vol. no , dated January , printed in purple). [#] GLF OCCASIONAL Nos. - (all publ.) Hoboken,NY. Four Walls Eight Windows Publication . xcm., stapled, pp, pp and pp. B&W and color. . Edited by Gene Felner, with Marcy Kass and Howard Zinn. “Art and text should offer you a magazine that is both beautiful and confrontational.””The war on terrorism must begin at home”. No. : On Nicaragua; No.: John Brown and the issue of Terrorism; No. : Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman. John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. [#] GOD NEDERLAND EN ORANJE. (Halfmaandelijks). Nos. - (all publ.). Amsterdam, () - maart . Sizes differ (vo, to, tabloid). Illustrated self-wrappers. No. in both the censored and uncensored edition. Light soilage ,. A biting satirical anarchist magazine published in direct relationship with [#] HAIGHT ASHBURY FREE PRESS Vol. No. (?) San Francisco Graphic Arts Society. Newsprint, pages. (Light edgewear). . Countercultural journal; Director: Al Rinker. Minority Report by Harry Happnin’; some psychedlic artwork, feature on Jimi Hendrix (by Jane de Mendelssohn), [#] THE HAIGHT ASHBURY NEWSPAPER. Monthly by and for residents of The Haight Volume Number March . The Newspaper, San Fransisco. Newsprint, .xcm, pp. . First issue of this neighbourhood newspaper. Editorial Committee: Dean Anderson, Laurie Armetta, Dave Brigode, Pablo Heising, Gloria Judd, Richard Ross, Ken Ward, Rob Waters, Keith Weiss, Calvin Welch, David Wills. Harvey Milk Interview. Provo. Drawings by Willem, Topor, Malsen, etc., strong anti-monarchist and opposing the marriage of princess Beatrix and Claus von Amsberg; strongly opposing the Vietnam war (slogan ‘Johnson murderer’ was censored in no ; offered here are the uncensored original edition and the censored one; in the first number Queen Juliana was depicted as a public woman, this issue was confiscated but is included in the set). [#] HAPT Nos. , , , , . London, Bournemouth, April ,-December . Large-folio, mimeographed sheets, with silkscreened covers. With drawings and comic illustrations. . [#] GRONK No. d.a. levy issue. Toronto: Fleye Press (). First edition. to. [ pp]. Fine in side-stapled wrappers, laid-into a bright yellow cover, printed on both sides. . This issue features an excerpt from levy’s “Unmailed Letters to Ed Pederson and (the mysterious) Annburgers” and “to t.l.k. and John S.” Contributions also by bp nichol, David W. Harris, David McFadden, Ivro Vroom, bill bissett, Rah Smith, and Ernst Jandl. John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. Well executed alternative and counter-culture paper for free circulation. Contains summaries and articles on a broad range of subjects (i.a. on drugs, Amsterdam (“People say that Holland is such a low country the underground can live here in the open air”), women’s liberation, sex, Dutch underground movements (Orange Free state, Kabouters). Most is unsigned, some names we found: George Dowden, John Gerassi, Desmond Banks, Charles Marshall, Jan Swagerman, Maricu Moisa, from Argentina(Graphic design) [#] THE HASTY PAPERS [#] HELLUP A One-Shot Review. New York, . Folio. Very fragile due to paper quality, loosening in the spine, in original wrappers. Nos. , , , . Helmond, Augustus- April . . Underground journal inspired by Provo. Edited by Willum Fillum (Willem Thijssen) and Thom Ummels at the Carolus Borromeus College, rebelling against the Roman Catholic education system. Ton van Eijk (drawings). Stood at the origin of the club “Revolver” in Helmond, which was related to Paradiso, Fantasio etc. . Important early Beat anthology, edited and published by Alfred Leslie, including contributions by Kerouac, Ginsberg, Corso, Frank O’Hara, Ashbery, Orlovsky, photographs by Robert Frank, a.o. Includes a facsimile edition of Fitz Hugh Ludlow’s ‘The Hasheesh Eater’, the first full-length work of American drug literature. Good copy of this very fragile publication, slight wear, somewhat soiled and darkened from age. [#] HIGH TIMES. The Magazine of High Society. [#] HEATWAVE Number (of only two issues published). London, October . pages plus pictorial wrappers, stapled, ,x, cm; fine. With numerous illustrations; stencilled. . Edited by Christopher Gray and Charles Radcliffe. Close to the Amsterdam Provo movement (Roel van Duyn) and situationists. Contains contributions by Gray & Radcliffe: The Provo Riots; Uel Cameron: The almost complete works of Marcel Duchamp; Attalis Kotanyi and Raoul Vaneigem: Unitary Urbanism; The Rersurgence Yourth Movement: The Guerilla Manifesto; Hausmann and Hueklsenbeck: What is Dadaism and what does it want in Germany?; The Totality for Kids (The Kids)Cartoons and artwork by Norrie MacLue and Paz. [#] HELIX Vol no (Oct. ); Vol. no (Nov. ,); Vol. no ( Dec. , ).Vol. no . ( Feb. , ), Vol. no (March ). Seattle, /. Tabloïds, with multi-colour wrappers, b/w inside. (Wear at the edges,and some tears in the spines, but generally well preserved). . Group of issues of this Underground paper from Seattle, with much attentiont to drugs, the Vietnam war the Seattle resistance, psychedelic art, music. Features on The Fugs, Tom Robbins on Jimmy Hendrix, Seattle is a Summer Festival, a sneak preview; Jack Leahy, Dr.Bearman (The Fix), Jack Delay (column on Dope), Numerous illustrations, photoocompositions etc. Numbers -. Summer December . In the original coloured wrappers, overall condition is excellent with some issues “like new” and others with only minor reading wear. Front and back covers all intact and fine (except for a rubberstamp on no. and an old mailing label on no ;small ink mark on no ; one spine split). The first in the premiere edition, First state with . price and “premiere issue” on the cover (grey and blue-green colored pictorial wrappers) A very rare ongoing set of the earliest period. ,. Editor: Ed Dwyer. From the announcementletter (May , ): “The Trans-High Corporation of New York announced today the publication of a new magazine.... It offers extensive and sophisticated coverage of the pleasure and psychochemical culture.... articles ranging from the ecology of cannabis paper to an investigative report on a nine-ton pot bust. ...A regular feature of High Times is a comprehensive Wall Street Journal-type listing of psychochemical prices around the world (=in fact ‘High Witness News’). ..Also featured are medical and legal columns written by leading experts as well as eclectic reviews of films, records and books. ... psychochemicals have become the cause of psychological and sociological problems; to alleviate these problems, the first step is to take a more thorough look. This is the purpose of High Times.” Contribs. by Richard Ashley, Bruce Eisner, Albert Goldman, Michael Horowitz, Ron Rosenbaum, John Wilcock, Deanne Stillman, a.o. Also interviews with (o.a.) the Dalai Lama, Albert Hofmann, Dr. Norman Zinberg, Andy Warhol, Peter Beard, Fran Lebowitz, Keith Richard, Marianne Faithfull, etc. In addition to the controversial drug coverage and in-depth countercultural articles, there is a sizeable amount of early punk rock coverage John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. thanks to Tom Forcade’s early interest in the Sex Pistols and punk music as the “next big thing”. Forcade even provided funding for John Holmstrom’s Punk magazine at one point. While High Times continues to this day, the focus here was on music related coverage and therefore this particular run ends in where the musical interest also begins to taper off. [#] HOME GROWN. Europe’s First Dope Magazine. Nos. -. London, -. Original illustrated wrappers; to. Set lacks no. only. . [#] HITWEEK (and ALOHA). HIHA HI.T.WEEK Years - (all publ.). Amsterdam, Sept. - April , continued as: ALOHA. Years - (all and last publ.). Amsterdam, Mei - April . Unbound, original issues as published, tabloïd size, on newsprint. Numerous illustrations and photographs. Lacks only issues of the first year of Hitweek , otherwise complete and in good condition (with the inevitable occasional browning and edgewear) - ADDED: POSTER: Hiha Hitweek, Vakblad voor Twieners. Koop ‘m hier even, ct.; [ X , CM], PRINTED IN BLACK AND RED ON WHITE PAPER. Nice clean copy, only a faint fold in right upper and left lower corner. ,. The foremost pop- and underground magazine of the ‘s and ‘s in The Netherlands, organ of the ‘youth rebellion’, founded by Willem de Ridder and Peter Muller. An excellent collection of (out of ) issues - lacking only numbers in the first year. Tabloids. With strong ties to the Provo-movement and Kabouters / Orange Free State, of which it was the State’s Official Paper. Contributions a.o by Anthon Beeke, André van der Louw, Cor Jaring, Evert Geradts, Ewald Vanvught, Ed van der Elsken, Harry Buckinx, Hans Plomp, Herman Pieter de Boer, Hans Verhagen, Jan Cremer, Jan Donkers, Josje Leeger, Koos Zwart, Laurie Langenbach, Lennaert Nijgh, Luud Schimmelpennink, Marijke Koger, Nico Haasbroek, Peter Schröder, Pim Oets, Robert Crumb, Richter Roegholt, Rogier Proper, Frits Boer, Bernard Holtrop, Willem, Simon Vinkenoog, Thom Jaspers, Theo van den Boogaard, Wim de Bie, Wim Noordhoek, Wouter van Oorschot, Yoko Ono and many others. Much about Dutch pop music (labelled here “Nederbiet”) with groups like Les Baroques, Motions, Golden Earrings, Outsiders, Q ’, Cuby and the Blizzards ct. The issues lacking to year are nos. ,, John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. Publisher and Editor: Lee Harris. ‘... Home Grown will aim at presenting an enlightened and informative, as well as entertaining attitude to dope and related subjects..’. With illustrations. Contribs. incl.: C.I.A. Drug Experiments; New Wave and Speed; Mama Coca; Prison Letters of Danny de Souza; ‘Peter Tosh: Rasta, Reggea and Ganja’; Drugs and Magic; High in Amsterdam; Laurence Cherniak: The Great Book of Hashish; Patti Smith: ‘Alien to Alien’, etc. Also book-reviews, letters, cartoons. Covers by: Hamish, John Higgins, Johnny Reno, Bryan Talbot, Don Irving, a.o. [#] HORSESHIT. The Offensive Review. Nos. - (all publ.). Hermosa Beach (Calif.), Gauntlet Press, later Scum Publishing Company, -. Original pictorial wrappers.x, cm., stapled. Together with subscription form and promotional leaflet. . Founded and edited by the brothers Robert M. And Thomas W. Dunker, who made all the (some full-page and sometimes rather shocking) drawings, and Thomas W. Dunker, who wrote the articles. Issues of - pp., inclusive the covers. A typical specimen of a magazine from the sixties, that aims to offend the American establishment. Rare complete. [#] HOTCHA !. Ein Organ. Fun Embryo Informationen. Nos. , , , , /, , , . (Mitglied des Underground Press Syndicate). Postfach , Zuerich, (? ) October . Various sizes, mostly to. Together with: HOTCHA!. Ausgabe (vom .- März , and with HOTCHA! New Morning . . to; pages, partly on coloured stock, fully illustrated. (Possibly last number, on the inside front-cover we find: Finale ! . (Dated ). Added: . Flugblatt der antiautoritären Menschen. ,. “Einzige Deutsch-sprachige Underground Zeitung. Handkoloriert”. Mitglied des Underground Press Syndicate. Redaktion Urban Gwerder (ed.) unter Mitwirkung der Hotcha!-Sippe. Underground paper published in The Hague. Innovative lay-out; and lots of psychedlic art. Articles on sex, drugs and anti-Vietnam.Member of U.P.S. And connected with IT (International Times). No. confiscated (article Provoliquidation Kommittee Amsterdam signed by Hans Tuynman, as well as Miss Vietnam, full page (Vostell). [#] IMAGE. (Witte Pers Zondagsblad). Nos. - (all publ.; of which No. in versions, black and red) June-Sept. . to; mimeographed and stapled. ,. Complete set of this very rare parallel [#] HUNDRED FLOWERS. North Country Weekly. publication of the Amsterdam Provo’s. Includes : Speciaal Mannen Nummer; and : Special Vrouwennnummer. (Special All-Male number and Special all-Female number). This issue in a version in black and a version in red. No. : special Rook-nummer (smoke issue). Group of issues published in Minneapolis between July, (Volume Number ) and January (Volume Number ). Details upon request. Tabloïds, mostly with colourful artwork on the front/back covers, occasionally also inside, otherwise printed in b/w. (Folded, and most issues have been through the mail, and have address labels or stamps, some wear over folds and on margins). . “Let a hundred flowers blossom, let a hundred Avatars contend’; alternated with other motto’s such as “A Free Press, A Free People”; “Let a Hundred Schools of Thought contend”. Member of the Underground Syndicate; [#] IETS Nos. , , , , (Noodnummer). (The Hague), -. Tabloid: with illustrations (lightly stained, but a good set). . [#] INK. The Other Newspaper. Nos. - (all publ.). London, May - Feb. . Tabloïd, unbound. On newsprint, with colour added; numerous photographs and illustrations (some small marginal tears and endemic browning, No. has front cover damage, a small piece is missing). ,. British Underground paper, at first weekly, then becoming irregular. With attacks on the government, police and society in general, with much avantgarde artwork. Supposedly financed by John Lennon, Yoko Ono and Germaine Greer. Published by Paul Bream. Critical against domestic politics, as well as foreign politics, particularly the war in Vietnam. Also pop music, film, sex, books, etc. Contributions by Alex. Trocchi, Richard Neville, Alex Mitchell, Felic Dennis, Andrew Fisher, Ed Victor, etc.; interviews with Eldridge Cleaver, James Baldwin, etc. No. misnumbered as No. (which appears twice in the numbering). John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. Features including David Cooper on the family; Tim Souster on Stockhausen; “Ralph Nader for President?” by JG Ballard; Alexander Trocchi on the junkie scapegoat; the first appearance of “The Writer” by William Burroughs; Felix Dennis on John Lennon; interviews with Eldridge Cleaver, James Baldwin, and others; and news coverage of the Stoke Newington ; the Prescott/Purdie, Angela Davis, Mangrove, and Oz trials; Gay Liberation; censorship etc. [#] INNERSPACE. The magazine of the psychedelic community. Vol. , nos. , , and (out of published). New York, -. Size (h/w): , x , cm. Stapled in original illustrated wrappers. No. ihas small repair to front cover; back cover of number soiled with a closed tear. Illustrated in red and blue. . Edited by Linn House, managing editor: Peter Weinberg. Contributing ediotrs: Peter Stafford, Ira Einhorn. Staff artist: Linda Jarvis.I ssues of pages, printed in offset in vartious colours, fully illustrated. Part of the Underground Press Syndicate. Number is the “American Indian Issue” and contains a letter referring to issue no. . Contains articles and reports on drugs, be-ins, etc. with correspondents in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Beirut, Berkeley, Nashville, later also Bombay, Amsterdam, Cleveland, etc. [#] INSEKTEN SEKTE. giornale murale, rivista underground clandestina stampata in eliografia, creata da Matteo Guarnaccia e priva di autorizzazione del tribunale. The last two published numbers , as follows: - No. (): x cm., folded into pages. «Viaggio in India». - No. (): x cm., , folded into pages. «La città». (=end of publication). Both issues in very good condition, folded as issued. ,. Underground mural with wonderful psychedelic illustrations, clandestinely published and printed in heliogravure, by Matteo Guarnaccia. In total numbers were published (between and ) with extraordinary artwork. No : Insekten-sektesedici. Foglio di libidinogastyrikottika!!. Dir. resp. Utrille Frillobite. No. , Anno . No. : Unumero diciasette farcito [#] INSURREZIONE Numero unico [number ], (Milano), (ottobre), x cm, , pages, photographs. . Situationist journal, although it says Numero Unico probably numbers published. Prints a text by Raoul Vaneigem (Il ghetto di Varsavia) and by Giorgio Cesarano (Insurrezione). [Bibliografia: AA.VV,, “Passare il segno, Milano, Biblioteca di via Senato, : pag. ]. [#] INS AND OUTS. A Magazine of Awareness. Nos. -/ (all publ.). Amsterdam, June - July . Original pictorial wrappers; illustrations & photographs. . Journal of the “Magic Amsterdam” ‘avant-garde’, edited. by Edward Woods, with assistance of, and guest-editorships by Ira Cohen, Mel Clay, Neeli Cherkovski, Hans Plomp, William Levy, a.o. Articles & photographs by Steef Davidson (on the Nieuwmarkt: Subway Culture in Amsterdam), Mel Clay (The Myth of the Male Orgasm. Window Shopping in Amsterdam Red Light District), Hans Plomp, Rachel Pollack, Ira Cohen, Simon Vinkenoog (on Magic Amsterdam). Marijke Mooy,, Steve Weiss, Jessie Gordon, Bruce Carpenter & Charlz Baba, Rachel Pollack, Magic Mike Taylor.Bert Schierbeek, Tajiri, Marpa, a.o. John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. [#] INTEGRATION. journal for mind-moving plants and culture/ zeitschrift für geistbewegende pflanzen und kultur Nos. - in volumes (all published). Eschenau (D), Bilwis Verlag -. Orig. wrappers, x cm/, + + + + pp. . More or less the continuation of Revue Integration, the journal by Herman de Vries. Edited by Wolgang Bauer, Herman de Vries, Martin Hanslmeier, and others. Contributions in English and German, book-reviews, information bulletin etc. [#] INTERIM PAD [#] IT (THE INTERNATIONAL TIMES) Number (all publ.). San Francisco (City Lights Bookstore), . Roneotyped on yellow stock,one-sided, stapled. . Beat journal, edited by Lawrence Ferlighetti, with contibutions by Allen Ginsberg (“Two Entries One Day’s Journals” and “Henri Michaux “), Bob Kaufman, Spyros Meimarias, JeanJacques Lebel, Carl Salomon, Claude Pelieu, Mendes Monsanto, etc. Editorial policy is “Fuck for Peace, Legalize Marijuana, Rock Folk, Demystify Human Violence, Super-Impose Images of Ecstasy. ‘What is here is Elsewhere, what is not here is Nowhere”. Nos. - (all). London, Oct. -Oct. . TOGETHER WITH FIRST REVIVAL: Vol. nos. - (all published under the original editors). London, May/June-August . Unbound, folio, tabloïd, some issues to; illustrated. TOGETHER WITH SECOND REVIVAL: Vol. () till Vol. no (= final issue, published February ; the complete period lacking vol. no only). [#] INTERNATIONAL FREE PRESS. present A Cosmis ALSO PRESENT ARE SPECIAL ISSUES: Caper. Weekly. - No. , Emergency Issue (on yellow paper, margins torn and soiled), Nov st . Published by RAHBAS, London. Newsprint, x. cm, pages. - No. , Summer Sadness for John Hopkins (=large folding poster in colour) (light edgewear, light waterstaining). . Underground newspaper. Contains: Exclusive Abbie Hoffman Interview. The TRUTH about the October th Thing. Contributions: Pete Sanders, John Shane, Leo Rising, George Andrews, a.o. [#] ISSUE NUMBER ONE Number (all publ.). New York,NY,.x, cm., stapled, unpaginated. Mimeograph. (light wear to the spine, back cover sunned). . Editor,publisher Charles Rotenberg. Contributions by Jackson Mc Low (poetry), H.Denis Dunn, Clayton Eshleman, Paris Flamonde, Alex Silberman, Drawings by Franklin Drake, Charles Ross,Julie Wagner. - No. , Instant Information Poster. Happy New Life (=large folding poster, b/w, - ‘Frivolous Summer Issue’ (Tabloïd) and - undated (smaller size) ‘Festival Issue-Official Guide to what’s next’. The issues in this set are Tabloïd, and a few to, all are in generally good to very good condition, with inevitable slight damage to margins and over foldings of some of the issues, and some discoloration due to the newsprint- paper. ,. The major underground paper of Britain, wellknown also abroad, edited by Barry Miles, later TomMcGrath and Bill Levy. Published as nos. -, Oct. - Oct. ; vol. nos. -, May/June - Aug. ; vol. nos. -, July-November ; no. (Sep.) -, Aug. ; vol. nos. -, (Jan.) - Dec. ; vol. nos. -, March - Jan./Feb. and some additional ‘half ’-numbers. The emphasis of the paper changed markedly over the years according to who was on the editorial collective,either predominantly artistic, political and literary, or predominantly sexual at times. Several important legal actions have been brought against it. IT’s impact on design, style and writing techniques has remained till this day. It was financed in periods by The Beatles and was central to the development of ’s culture. No. publishes an obituary of Andre Breton by Jean-Jacques Lebel, Yoko Ono’s Indica Gallery show, Bob Cobbings’s Group H exhibition, Simon Vinkenoog on Provo Amsterdam, report on Timothy Leary’s show from Bubu in New John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. [#] J’ACCUSE. Journal populaire. Mensuel. York, LSD; Dope prices, Pink Floyd Mix Media Show, etc. No. brings the report on the IT launch party. Further issues have features on practically all important aspects of the period, the drug scene, anti-Vietnam demonstrations, happenings in Amsterdam, Alexander Trocchi, and so on. Contribs. include: William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, Alexander Trocchi, Bertrand Russell, Bob Dylan, Ezra Pound, Gary Snyder, Adrian Mitchell, Buckminster Fuller, Fritz Teufel, Norman Mailer, Claes Oldenburg, Abbie Hoffmann, Dick Gregory, Jeff Nuttall, Timothy Leary, Michael Abdul Malik, Jim Haynes, Miles, Bob Cobbing, Simon Vinkenoog, Yoko Ono, but mostly staff journalists. The revival period (after Barry Miles) is extremely scarce. No. (all publ.?). Paris, janvier . Tabloïd on newsprint (with slight soilage). pages, fully illustrated . Directed by: Charlotte Sendyk. Texts by André Glucks-mann, Jean-Luc Godard and J.P. Sartre (unpubl.: La justice vient du peuple. Pierre Jacquin, Jean Pierre Barou, Cathérine Humblot, etc. . [#] [#] IX. Hebdomadaire. Nos. - (all publ.). Paris, vendredi mai - juin . Large-folio; Unbound, fine. ,. JOURNAL FOR THE PROTECTION OF ALL BEINGS. A Visionary & Revolutionary Review. Number : Love-Shot Issue. San Francisco, City Lights Books, ; Number : On the barricades. Revolution and Repression (); Number : Green Flag (); Number : () A commemorative issue published by The CoEvolution quarterly, issue no . (all published). San Francisco, City Lights Books, - (). issues, (No. & : x ,cm,No. : x, cm; No. : ,x , cm).; original wrappers (light foxing and staining, but altogether very good). ,. Students rebellion, flower power, sexual revolution in France: this shortlived weekly (of pp./issue) was directed by Alain Valtat, with contribs. by Jean Streff, Alain de la Haute-Maison, André Laude, Yves Lancelot, François Pagery, etc.; illustrations and satirical drawings by Vasco, Willem (Chez les métèque nos.-), Wolinski, Pétillon, etc.; numerous photographic ills.; articles featuring Johnny Halliday, Wilhelm Reich, Les Lycéens: La révolution ou la fesse, etc. John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. No. Love Shot Issue. Editors: Michael McClure, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, David Meltzer. Other contribs. by Bertrand Russell (Statement of July ), Gary Snyder, Antonin Artaud, Gregory Corso (Interview with Allen Ginsberg), Albert Camus, Michael McClure, Allen Ginsberg, Norman Mailer, etc.; A Photo Essay (“Death”) by James Mitchell. - No. is entirely devoted to the May uprisings in France, with an excellent photo documentation of Paris May. Photos by Caron, posters by students of the Ex-Beaux Arts, texts by Marcuse, etc. -No. (Green Flag) is edited by Corrie, Sandra and Stine, Laura. People’s Park Poetry. No. : (). Rebirth of City Lights’ “A Visionary & Revolutionary Review” disguised as a CoEvolution Quarterly. Included: Artaud, Brecht, Creeley, Ginsberg, Kerouac, Ishmael Reed, Vachel Lindsay, Walt Whitman, Thoreau, Ben Shahn, Herbert Read, many others. Pages uniformly tanned, as expected, a hint of age-toning to the covers, else a fine, unread copy in illustrated cardstock covers. [#] JOURNAL MURAL Number , May La lutte continue. (with blue stamp of the ‘atelier populaire’). Silkscreened folded poster, printed in green ( x cm). Folded but in fine condition, just a few minor tears in the margin. . With information in the following sections and on the following dates: Marins-Pecheurs juin; Fascisation juin; Peugeot - Sochaux juin; Citroën juin; La [#] KARUNA No number, no date. H/orsholm, Denmark. (Ca. ). Glossy magazine, fully illustrated, also many photomontages. Very attractively designed. pages, folio. . Ansvar Redaktor: Johs.Olsem. Editor: Yeal Solomon brothers and sisters everywhere. H/orsholm, Danmark. Zen, HarekRishna, Sufi, etc.; nice photomontages. Texts in Danish and in English. greve continue (province) juin. [#] KISS, DON’T KILL [#] JOURNAL OF PSYCHEDELIC DRUGS Vol. no. . Winter -. San Francisco. The Haight-Ashbury Medical Clinic. “Psycehdelic Drugs and Religion”. pages, Orig. Wrappers (very light soilage). . Edited by David E. Smith. Articles by Timothy Leary (The religious experience), John Luce (Hippies and the Media),Meher Baba (LSD), the psychedelic experience and psychotherapy, Hippies and Early Christianity, etc. GENERAL HERSHEYBAR. Den Haag (NL), Handicap Publications (). Only published issue: x, cm., stapled, pp. . General Hersheybar (aka Calypso Joe) is a satirical character of the Vietnam War-era protest movement, who parodied U.S. General Lewis B. Hershey, then Director of the Selective Service. He was usually seen partnered with General Waste More Land (aka Tom Dunphy), a parody of General William Westmoreland. The characters were common at street theater performances and demonstrations against U.S. military involvement in Vietnam. General Hersheybar would appear in a comical military uniform complete with a plastic toy fighterjet attached to his “officer’s cap” and hand out fliers promoting his satirical diatribe. In addition he self-published several monographs and booklets. A one shot underground magazine from the sixties from the eccentric antiwar hero. Profusely illustrated by collage, including clipping from other underground press magazines of the era. Scarce; oclc locates but three copies. [#] KALEIDOSCOPE Group of ca. random issues (published between Oct., and Jan. ,) from the editions Madison (ca.), Milwaukee (ca. ) and Chicago(ca.). Tabloïd size (Madison edition on smaller size); mostly b/w, photographically illustrated. Detail on request. artwork. (Not collated in detail). [#] KNIJP. Maandboek voor iedereen. Nos. - (all). Sept.-Dec. . Oblong folio; unbd., in pictorial wrappers; with numerous illustrations and photographs. . . Member of the Underground Press Syndicate and Liberation News Service; anti-war, drugs, music, occasional colourful (psychedelic) Glossy underground magazine.with important photography. Issues of pp. covers each; art-direction: Jan Mulder, Niek Hiemstra; contribs. of Duco van Weerlee, Bert Vuijsje. Ch. Vlek (pho- John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. togr.), Ed. Visser, S. Vinkenoog, Ewald Vanvugt, Joop Slagter, Wim Noordhoek, Eva Mulder, Cor Jaring, P. Dicampos, Ph. Mechanicus, J.Vrijman (photogr.), Jojanneke Claassen, Frits Boer, Robert Ebell etc. [#] KROSTA Nunero unico [only number published], Torino, Edizioni Tarzan, ; x cm. . [#] KONKRET. Unabhängige Zeitschrift für Kultur und Politik. Published every fourteen days in Hamburg (Germany). Tabloid size. Collection comprising the years through inclusive, as follows: Year : numbers present: Nos. -, -, -/ (out of nos published). Occasional waterdamage and staining to some issues, in particular no and the last ; the last page of no / is missing); Year : Nos. -/ (complete) in generally good condition; Year : Nos. -/ (lacking no. and , to be complete) in generally good condition except no , which is in poor condition with some waterdamage. Then publication becomes monthly, reducing to a slightly smaller size.; Year Nos. - (complete); Year Nos. and -, and Year Nos. -/. Hamburg: Klaus Röhl, -. Tabloid size magazine with each between and pages, many illustrations in black and white and color. All in good condition except for no of which the rear wrapper is wrinkled. Mural journal for the rock-music scene in Italy, printed on one side in heliogravure (with light discoloration), photomontages, and photographs: all concerning Rock and Punk music groups. [#] THE LAST TIMES Nos. - (All published). San Francisco: Vortex Printers / The Last Times, -. Two tabloid issues; Illustrated wrappers,; [], []pp; illus. Issue with light dust soil to front wrapper and a few small creases, near fine. Issue is the orange and red variant; faint horizontal fold at center, with a few small stains to lower front wrapper; very good copies. ,. An important and quite rare, early collection of one of the most controversial papers in Germany. Originally a students paper it became more important when, from number in , Ulrike Marie Meinhof -who later played a role in the terrorist mouvement ’Baader-Meinhof Gruppe’- becomes the verantwortliche Redakteur, a sort of chief editor. Before that time her husband, Claus Rainer Röhl, had that function. The magazine usually publishes: Titelgeschichte; Ausland; Studenten; Karikatur; Film; Kunst; Konkret gesehen; Leitartikel. It has a varied content, all focussing on the great controversies of the period,with articles on Contraception; Abortion; Fascisme; Cuba; The Auschwitz process; Prostitution in Chicago; Sartre; Pandit Nehru; Martin Luther King; Henri Miller; Kennedy; Ulbricht; Langston Hughes. Ulrike Meinhof was chief editor from -. and the issues offered include many of her articles and columns (See Jutta Ditfurth, Ulrike Meinhof:Bibliographie). Covers have interesting designs, satirical drawings and/or photocompositions, signed by Siko, Jutta & Jürgen Corleis, W. Grässe, Hermann Landefeld, United Artists, Karl Weisgärber a.o. The first number of has on the front cover the text of Günther Anders: An den Studentenkongress gegen Atomrüstung. Articles and contributions by (a.o.) H.M. Enzensberger, and several other important names from the period. John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. ,. Edited by Charles Plymel, Claude Pelieu, Doug Blazei, Dennis Mazer. Complete run of one of the most beautiful magazines of the sixties. Contributions by Doug Blazek, Bob Kaufman, Carl Solomon, Herbert Huncke, Charles Plymell, Claude Pelieu, Carl Weissner. d.a. levy, Charles Bukowski (Notes of a Dirty Old Man), William S. Burroughs (Day the Records Went Up), and Allen Ginsberg (Television Baby Crawling Toward That Death Chamber). No. contains an early piece by R. Crumb. [#] LOGOS Number : Peace issue; Volume no ( May ), (n.d.) , (November ), (April ) . Montreal, . Newsprint, tabloïds. In b/w and colour. (Moderate wear on foldings) Clean copies. Number (LSD) is Psychedlic Issue; with a cellophane insert with white powder (LSD?) preserved. Numerous cartoons. Number “Sick Art”. Kommunuikatie bericht aan De Jong. Complete with the insert. . Part of the Underground Press Syndicate. Editors: Paul Kirby and Rob Kelder, published by Polis Communications Unlimited, Montreal. Spectacularly laid-out and illustrated with psychedelic illustrations. Contributions by Paul Babby, KennethPatchen a.o.; Photographs by Fletcher a.o. [#] LOS ANGELES FREE PRESS A group of random issues from -. Well preserved (light soilage, paperdiscoloration and mild edgewear, as this was printed on newsprint, folded.) ,. Rare examples of this famous radical newspaper founded by Art Kunkin in . Seminal Underground journalism that went well beyond the boundaries of Los Angeles. Present are: Volume () nos. , , - , , , - , ; volume () nos. - , , , - , , , ; volume () nos. , , (). Some headlines: “What is’s like in Vietnam”, “Mystery man sought in JFK murder”, “Police stage another riot”, “What’s happening on Fairfax”, “Use guns against hippies?”, “Abortion Act Abortion”, “Can the police break in?”, “Lebel: Diary of the French Revolt”, “Will Johnson cancel the elections?”, “Will Nixon raid Cuba?”, “Reagan was a student rioter”. [#] LYNX ( Maastricht). Tijdschrift voor provocerend denken. Issues - (out of issues published). Maastricht, -. x cm (except # : , x cm) , - pp. Stencilled. Good condition,. . Provo journal for Maastricht, (identical size and layout as Provo itself), edited by Wim van Beers, Roelof Bos, Yves van Kempen, Jaap J. Rosier, etc.; published for Maastricht, it had an editorial office in Amsterdam. [#] MAGIK TAMPAX ORACOLO [Only issue published] Postersize sheet, folded into pages, printed in purple on one side: Numero Unico in attesa di autorizzazione, Torino, (febbraio/maggio); x cm. . Poster printed in heliogravure, texts by Gianni Milano «a proposito di tutti questi posti sacri» and Giulio Tedeschi. Psychedelic illustrations [#] MAINMISE. Organe québécois de la pensée magique, du rock international, et du gay sçavoir. No. [octobre ] thru No. [Eté ]. Quebec, Mainmise, -. Nos à and number ‘Best of La dope’”, [], numbers in- [, X , cm] ab./ pages,illustsrated, Nos à , numbers [ X , cm.] comprising pages each, illustrated,stapled; Nos. à , numbers [ X cm]. Each pages, illustrated. All numbers with a different illustrated over. Added: Le petit supplément illustré” Nos - . . [Complete ?] numbers [X cm.] pp of comics with coninuing pagination. ,. John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. Founded by Jean Basile and Georges Khalm, member of the Underground Press Syndicate (publié par Pénélope, distribué par les Messageries du Jour). Complete collection of this periodical of the counter-culture movement of Quebec, advocating and reporting on alternative lifestyles and utopian ideology. Abundantly illustrated a.o. by Robert Crumb, R. Cobb, Guynard, M. Pouliot, Baloune etc, Articles and contributions by Pénélope & Linda Gaboriau, Christian Allegre, Jean Basile Bezroudnoff, Kenneth Chalk, Georges Kahl, Denis Vanier, Raymon Lavallée, Buckminster Fuller, Marshall McLuhan, L. Clark Steven, Timothy Leary, Alan Watts, a manifest of homosexual liberation (Carl Wittman), etc. Special issues on all the topics of the time: drugs, free sex, free schools, ecological issues, the media, womens liberation, etc. All in good condition except for some flaws to the covers of numbers ---- and and ballpen mark on number . Number has the folding Quebec-Marijuana-banner which was a supplement. [#] MARIJUANA REVIEW. A Magazine to Coordinate Marijuana Information. Vol. no . Oct.-De .. Light damage to right lower corner, otherwise in excellent condition. . Published by LEMAR International, edited by Michael Aldrich and Ed Sanders. Consultants: Allen Ginsberg, Leslie Fiedler, Joseph Oteri, Maria Juanita, and others. [#] MINESTRONE (HOT MINESTRONE) Number ( All published), (Roma), Stampalternativa Editrice, (no date, but dicembre ), ,x cm, pages in illustrated pink wrrapper printed in red and black. ,. [#] MANDALA. Tijdschrift voor internationale avantgarde en etno-literatuur (later subtitle changes to: Grenzenloos literair tijdschrift). Nos. -, then changing its numbering to Vol. (comprising issues) and (comprising issues). All published. Amsterdam, Lente -. Original wrappers. ( front covers of nos. / and / with stamps, otherwise a good clean set). . . Edited by Jos Knipscheer. Contribs. by Fr. Beltrametti, O.R. Castillo, Gr. Corso, Ch.Bukowski, Lawrence Ferlinghetti (transl.Vinkenoog), Diane di Prima, Piero Heliczer,Gary Snyder, Steef Davidson, H. Hoogstraten, Jos Knipscheer, Sj. Kuyper, P.H. van Lieshout, Beno Lubini, Lapok Manau, P. Nijmeijer, P. Schuddeboom, a.o. No. of devoted to ‘One World Poetry ’.No. is Poetry International No. is Montagna Rossa (a cura di Franco Beltrametti, incl. a.o. Spatola, Blaine, Padin), no signed by and with corrections by Simon Vinkenoog. John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. Italian underground periodical,close to INSEKTEN SEKTE, entirely illustrated by Matteo Guarnaccia, cartoons and text illustrations. An”editorial” on page : “Peggio dei pidokki! Nonostante cinque anni di grattamenti micidiali e di nebulizzazione di ogni skifezza kimika e ideologika non sono riusciti a skacciarci dalla cute sociale. In Minestrone confluiscono gli adepti della Setta degli Insetti [Insekten Sekte], le mamme realizzate, i depravati cultori delle mollezze orientali, gli spettri dei caduti sulla strada del Nirvana, l’F.L.N.P. (Fronte di Liberazione Nonne e Pensionati), il collettivo auonomo Il Mondo è Bello perché è Vario, nonké i compagni di Lotta Libera Amore Continuo. (...) Noi (...) siamo i depositari del grande segreto planetario di questo mondo, ke riveleremo all’istante: vive nel ghetto ki accetta il modello proposto dalla classe dominante, che vuole privarci dela gioia di esistere! Oggi, come sempre, è il primo giorno del resto della nostra vita! Csikké (?) mentre i porci con o senza ali vengono abbattuti dalle kontraeree karmike, noi pidokki continuiamo a ingrassare!!! E rikordate! La realtà è dalla nostra! (Ovvero: “la spazzatura di un uomo è la torta di un altro”). Collettivo Editoriale Bakko Tabakko & Venere”. [#] MOKSHA. Psychedelisch bulletin (en tijdschrift voor bewustzijnsverandering en drugs. Cosmic Circuit). Nos. - (all publ.). Amsterdam, -. to; mimeographed; (Nos. and following have illustrated front covers; , nos. and handcoloured; No. with a duplicate, with additional artwork and a dried marihuana leaf attached). No. is a contemporary photocopy. Number is Speciaal Surrealistisch Nummer. Set in good condition except for some toning and light staining. ,. The first Dutch publication to deal with psychedelics and drugs in an informative way, which laid without doubt the basis for this countries’ later liberal and tolerant attitudes in this respect. Editor was Hans Geluk, with contribs. by Hans Plomp, Alexander Koppenol, Richard Huebner, Herman Cohen, Rik Lina, etc. articles about effects provoked by drugs, history of drugs, translations of articles from the foreign specialised, medical and psychiatric press, etc.with psychedelics and drugs in an informative way, which laid without doubt the basis for this countries’ later liberal and tolerant attitudes in this respect. Close to the Provo movement. Editor was Hans Geluk, with contribs. by Hans Plomp, Alexander Koppenol, Richard Huebner, Herman Cohen, Rik Lina, etc. articles about effects provoked by drugs, history of drugs, translations of articles from the foreign specialised, medical and psychiatric press, etc . Number is Cosmic Circuit: Zwart zon/Bloem in opstand. Surrealistische manifestatie in Scheveningen,oktober . [#] MONTAGNA ROSSA. News from this Other World, an Inventory in Nine Languages. Riva San Vitale: Edizioni Geiger, . pp. Hint of sunning along spine, else fine in stapled wrappers. . Edited by Franco Beltrametti and Judith Danciger, Texts by Beltrametti, Lew Welch, Cid Corman, Han Shan, Gary Snyder, Allen Ginsberg, Philip Whalen, Liliane Lijn, Jaime de Angulo, and others in the original languages. There is record of another periodical published in The Netherlands) in , also edited by Beltrametti, only this time in languages. So possibly this is one of two issues published. [#] NASTY TALES Nos. - (all publ.) plus a supplement: “The Trials of N.T. “. London, Bloom Publications Ltd. April -Winter . xcm., stapled in colourful wrappers, pp each. ,. Underground comic produced by Mick Farren and Paul Lewis. The first issue reproduced Robert Crumb’s centrespread drawing from his own comic Snatch #, and was busted for obscenity. Further contributions by Rob Crumb, Gilbert Shelton, Skip Williamson, Edward, V. Bodé and others. “The Trials of Nasty Tales” was drawn by Ed Barker. The notorious trial lasted for nine days and included George Perry and Germaine Greer as defence witnesses, Nasty Tales and its staff were found not guilty. The Trials of Nasty Tales reprinted Crumb’s orgy scene including the Judges, drawn by Ed Barker. “It was the first obscenity trial of a comic book in British history, and the only trial that the underground press can remember winning” (International Times). [#] NEW YORK FREE PRESS Group of issues, comprising: (Vol.) Nos. , , , , -, , -, , , -, , , and . New York. Feb. - Dec. . Small folio. Tabloid format, pictorial self-wrappers, ( one back-cover damaged, with loss of text, others in good condition). . Edited by Jack Banning and others. With commentary and reportage on things cultural, political and artistic, local, national, international and cosmic. [#] NEXOS. Sociedad-ciencia-literatura. Ano (= nos. -). Mexico . Comprising nos., tabloïd size. (Added: nos. , and ). . Dir.: Enrique Florescano. Edited by Héctor Aguilar Camín, Adolfo Castanón, Julio Frenk. (Centro de Investigacion Cultural y Cientifica). Progressive monthly, richly illustrated, Contributions by Carlos Montsivais, Jean Franco, José Warman, Adolfo Gilly, Susana Chaurand (photographs), Adolfo Born (drawings), No. devoted to a retrospect of the year ) John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. [#] NO MAGAZINE (No Mag) No. - [/] unnumbered double issue. Los Angeles: NO, -. Complete run. [Title change as of fourth issue: “No Mag”]. In physical issues, ca. - pp. each, two including flexi-disc sound recordings: no. featuring Wild Kingdom; no. featuring Geza X. Small folio. Newsprint. Very good. Illus. self wraps. ,. Tabloid-style fanzine (later issues ,x cm) which chronicled the L.A. underground, with a particular emphasis on some of the more morbid aspects of the Hollywood punk/ underground scene, featuring the punk-rock bands and artists, as well as fashion and design. Published and edited by Bruce Kalberg. in homage to its predecessor in the LA punk scene, Slash. Kalberg says he intended to make his title somewhat edgier. NO MAG sought to be “the most evil, nihilistic magazine ever”. Photo Editor: Frank Gargani. Contributors: Photography: Ed Colver, Bob Seidemann, Jules Bates, Will Shatter, Melanie Nissen, Rooh Steif, David Arnoff, Alison Brown, Ed Colver, Karen Filter, Peggy Photo, etc.; -- Graphics: Fred Tomaselli, Raymond Pettibon, May Zone, Mark Vallen, Bruce Kalberg, etc. ; -- Articles: Penelope Spheeris, Jill Young, Robert Lloyd, Mark Wheaton, Michael St.Pierre etc. Rare complete set in excellent condition. [#] NOLA EXPRESS No. . December . New Orleans, . Folio, tabloid format, newsprint, covers in colour. pages. (Light wear to extremities, still very good copy). . Added: Vol. no , (printed in b/w, folded once; ( with a collage by d a levy). . Edited by Darlene Fife and Robert Head. Covers reproduce psychedelic work by Juanita. Underground newspaper from New Orleans, featuring the columns ‘Notes of a Dirty Old Man’ by Charles Bukowski, arrticles on poisoned water, swingers etc. [#] NORMALITA’ DELLA BARBARIE Only issue published: Numero unico, Milano, Edizioni di Puzz, (gennaio), x, cm, pages stapled in spine (cover in purple,rest b/w).Cartoons and drawings in the text.. . Situationist and countercultural periodical, all published. Sommario: “Normalità della barbarie” di Dario Varini, “Contributi ad una puntualizzazione in processo” di Max Capa, “Negazione dell’abnegazione” di Claudio D’Ettorre e Pietro Carnelutti, “B(r) aci ardenti e cuo(r)i puri”, “Historia di Dolcino Tornielli” di Sergio Ghirardi, “A proposito del capitale, dei nostri incontri e delle nostre emozioni” di Stoltenberg, “Mi rifiuto di essere un uomo” di Mario Mieli e Francesco Santini, “Violenza e omosessualità” di Meo Cataldo, Max Capa, Giovanna Sanna. [see: Attilio Mangano, “Le riviste degli anni Settanta”, pp. -]. [#] NOTES FROM UNDERGROUND Nos. - (all publ.). San Francisco: Underground Press (-). In the original illustrated wrappers, with original tape in the spine, light soiled; No. in illustrated wrappers, stapled in the spine, light soilage internally (comic book format). . One of the most interesting little press magazines,, edited by John Bryan. No : An anthology, including first appearance of Jack Kerouac’s Cassady’s First Third, a letter from Jack to Neal,and contributions John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. by Bukowski, Ginsberg, Patchen, Bob Kaufman, Meltzer, etc.; Kamasutra statue on the cover (reportedly confiscated by police), also Burroughs, Wantling, Whalen, Snyder, Sinclair, No. Bukowski, Artaud, Gary Snyder, etc., incl. The Psychedelic Cookbook, etc. No published like a comic book with cover by Grimshaw. Norse, Wantling, d.a.levy, Jeff Nuttall, Lee Harwood, Willam Burroughs, W.C.Williams, Anais Nin, James Baldwin etc. No. : “Dedicated to the cause of making poetry dangerous”; No. : “A magazine for all those unacknowledged legislators of the world, especially those who are really unacknowledged” … OLE as in hole, not bulls … ; No. : “The original ConsciousnessExpanding magazine”; No : The poetfood for champions; No. : Harold Norse special; No. : The weird harvest special; No. : review issue; No. : last issue before move to the West coast. [#] OASK?! [only issue published], (Roma), ( marzo ); x, folding to a poster “Diffidate della realtà?!” (x cm.). [#] OM Holy Alarm Press (Amsterdam) ,. - Number . x cm, pp. copies: one white, one green paper. Folded, edge and spine damaged Illustrations by Pablo Echaurren. Editors: Maurizio Gabbianelli, Pablo Echaurren, Oliviero Turchet, Massimo Terracini, Carlo Infante, Massimo Pasquini, Fiamma Lolli (“Foglio degli indiani metropolitani romani”). - Number . x cm, pp. Folded. - Number . x cm, pp. Glossy paper, printed in colour. Folded in - (Number ?,unnumbered). OM IS EEN GEDICHT OM. , x , cm, pp. With an embroidery of a butterfly pasted on the cover. Handcoloured. - Number . Tabloid, unpaginated. (light damage right upper corner). Contributions by Willem, H. Giger, T. Niermeijer, R. Crumb, Diggers [#] OEUF. “Qualité suisse”. No./ bound together with HOTCHA! No. : Geneve/Zürich, .x cm., stapled, unpaginated. Offset in black, red, blue and green ink; continued as: Nos. , and // (last issue): Geneve, . xcm., stapled, unpaginated. Offset (last issue in red ink). . Countercultural magazine from Switzerland. . Edited by Jean Monod, Hotcha edited by Urban Gwerder. Contributions include Claude Pelieu, Frank Zappa, - Number . x , cm, pp. - Number . x , cm, pp. - Number . Uitgegeven door Arcanum, Daley News. Homeade comics (R.Crumb), transl. By Steve Davidson. pages in wrapper, to. Added -OM BULLETIN number . x cm, pp. ,. Dutch Psychedelic Underground paper closely connected to Provo; contributions by Hans Vlek, Hans Tuynman, Steve Davidson, Jan Hofstra, Simon Vinkenoog, Thom Jaspers, Hans Wisseling, Hans Schuts, van Apol, R.Brautigam, Theo Niemeyer (Hexagrammen van de I-tjing) and many interesting full-page psychedelic illustrations. [#] OLE Nos. - (all publ.). Bensenville/ Ill., -. Various sizes, mimeographed, folded and stapled. (Front cover of no. with slight staining, oherwise fine). ,. Rare complete. Edited by Douglas Blazek (Open Skull Press), with contributions by Bukowski, Al Purdy, John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. [#] OPEN CITY (PRESS). Weekly Review of the Los Angeles Renaissance. Almost complete collection, comprising a total of issues: - (out of published) are OPEN CITY PRESS appeared in San Francisco - (out of published) appeared in Los Angeles as OPEN CITY. The set includes issues with Bukowski contributions ( of which are his column, “Notes of a Dirty Old Man”). San Francisco and Los Angeles, -. Printed on newsprint. All issues folded at least once, as issued, in generally good condition (normal endemic browning, a few issues with ragged edges, light damage or light dampstaining). Sizes: at first tabloid, printed in b/w with only occasionally colour added, after issue ,May , the size doubles to x cm., and most front and last pages are in colour. ,. A substantial, nearly-complete, run of “Open City,” (at first published as “Open City Press” in San Francisco). Underground weekly noted for its coverage of radical politics, rock music, psychedelic culture and the “Notes of a Dirty Old Man” column by Charles Bukowski, first published here. Editor and founder: John Bryan (whose signature is on copies) with art director Joan Barr, and contributing editors Alex Apostolides, Bob Garcia, Robert Igriega, Bill Margolis, John Wilcock etc. Member of the Underground Press Syndicate. Many issues have spectacular lay-out, artwork and photocompositions. “John Charles Bryan (November , - February , ), was a journalist who quit the San Francisco Chronicle in to found the brieflived San Francisco bohemian tabloid weekly Open City Press, publishing issues from Nov. , to March -, . Open City Press was a local forerunner of the Berkeley Barb, providing coverage of the Free Speech Movement. It was a one-man operation. In the beginning Bryan bought a case of metal monotype and hand-set his own copy, pulling proofs to paste up for cheap offset reproduction.” (cf: Wikipedia). Bukowski’s contributions started in Vol. no with the story “If I could only be asleep”. After closure of Open City Press Bryan relocated to Southern California. After a stint working for Art Kunkin as managing editor of the Los Angeles Free Press, he launched Open City in Los Angeles, starting the volume numbering with vol. , no. (May -, ). In March he was prosecuted on an obscenity charge for printing an image of a nude woman in a record company John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. advertisement for Leon Russell. Six months later, in September , there was a second obscenity bust over the short story “Skinny Dynamite” by Jack Micheline, about the sexual antics of an underage girl, in a literary supplement to Open City edited by Charles Bukowski. The cost of Bryan’s legal defense and a fine on the first charge eventually put the shoestring operation out of business. Issues present in this collection are: “Open City Press.” [San Francisco, -, numbered as Volume ]: The announcement for issue , and Vol. issues -, and (published from November Feb.., out of the total number of issues published). Then continued as “Open City”. [Los Angeles, - : Volume ]: Issues -, -, -, , , -, -, , , -, -, - [ is mis-numbered on cover; is mis-numbered ]. All (except no. ) have Bukowski contributions. Number , First National Edition. The Pot Scene. Number , May , is the “First Anniversary Issue”, with Renaissance, first issue,included, (this copy signed by John Bryan), with contributions by Allen Ginsberg, William Burroughs, Charles Bukowski, Lenore Kandel, Anais Nin, Carol Berge, Anselm Hollow, Bob Kaufman, a.o. Other contributors were (a.o.): Simon Vinkenoog (on Provo), Phil Proctor, Liza Williams, Derek Taylor, R. Crumb, Robert Barrows (The Beard). Bill Spater, James Howell, etc. [#] ORACLE. (Changing title: City of Los Angeles Oracle; - Countercultural journal, edited by Gerard van der Leun, published by Christopher Weills. So. Calif. Oracle). Vol. no. - (possibly all), Los Angeles, (March )- (January ). Los Angeles. Size (h/w): , x cm. Tabloid. Newsprint, very good copies. Added: - Oracle Anthology I. A cronicle of the Aquarian Age. Collectors edition.Copyright . Los Angeles. Gryphon House. pages. & -Aquarian Oracle. Vol. no , . Spiritual Symposium of Awareness. Los Angeles, Big Sur ,San Francisco. pages, colourprint. The contents of this hip paper include interviews with Allen Ginsberg (+ his “Police State Blues”), Jerry Garcia, Melvin Peebles, B.B. King, Jerry Lee Lewis, Divine, and Country Joe; comic strips by S. Clay Wilson and Robert Crumb; artwork by Satty, Greg Irons, and David Singer; camp troupe The Cockettes; communes in Taos, Mexico; Tom Clark; Kenneth Anger; Ed Sand- ,. Nice collection of the Los Angeles counterpart of the San Francisco Oracle. Edited by Joe Dana, Rick Strauss a.o. Wonderfully produced with coloured covers and coloured art-work inside, all very psychedelic, hippie, flowerpower. Contributions by Nick Kaaren, Ray Fragosa, Clarence Lake, Liz Greene, John Vicente, Sri Narad, George Harrison, Wm.Margolis, Tim Leary, a.o. The Nov. ‘ issue contains a long feature: Birth of a Tribe. No. (December ) contains blacklite posters. [#] THE ORGAN Numbers - (all publ.). Berkeley, CA, July - July . Tabloid newspaper format, pp each. Offset B&W and color. In good clean condition. ,. ers; “Trash”, “Performance”, “Gimme Shelter” reviewed; Kathmandu; Gary Snyder (“Spel Against Demons”); the rise of the New Right; Scientology; The Process Church; Krishna Consciousness; Synanon; Ayn Rand; John Lennon and Primal Scream; the JFK assassination; H.P. Lovecraft; drug addiction; Robert Anton Wilson and Robert J. Shea on LBJ; William Burroughs and others. Complete runs are scarce,in particular the first issue which had been banned in several US cities, including Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago, and New York. [#] ORPHEUS. The Underground Press. A (bimonthly) collection. Vol. no ; vol. no ; vol. no (On the cover: “This Magazine has been shot with a Colt. Automatic”. The issue has effectively a hole in the middle going right through it). Phoenix, Ariz., n.d. ( ca / ); pictorial wrappers; to. . Underground Press Digest, published in Phoenix, Part of the Underground Press Syndicate. The offices and staff of Orpheus are located in a roving Chevrolet school bus. Location and itinerary varies greatly. Edited by (a.o.) Jill Anderson, Jim Bailey, Ross Favidson, Les De-Facio, etc.; nicely produced on coloured stock and multicolour printing. Issues of - pages within coloured wrappers. A selection of articles from various underground papers (SF Oracle, Provo, Crawdaddy, Washington Free Press etc.) including work by Ginsberg, John Sinclair, Allen Young, Timothy Leary, Tuli Kupferberg, etc. John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. [#] OTHER SCENES (JOHN WILCOCK’S OTHER SCENES). The International Newspaper -A major collection of issues, from the start in till [Years -] with erratic and often false or misleading numbering. Our description follows the publication dates and we offer as follows: - [First year]: Vol. no , Vol. no (frayed along the edges), Vol. no (frayed along the edges), Vol. no , Vol. no , Followed by an undated issue: “Free issue June ”,( this copy repaired with tape)] Vol. no (bad condition) Vol. no , Vol. no , OZ ISSUE , Vol. no (paperspotted), Vol. no , Vol. no (this entitled “Shinjuku Sutra”, in versions, also Shinjuku Sutra # ); ; - Followed by an unnumbered issue dated January (published in Los Angeles). - [Second year]: First issue (of Other Scenes & The New York Seer), March ; Second issue, May ; (Vol. no. ), June , (Vol. no. = VENICE BIENNALE), July ; (Vol. no. ) August ; - Followed by two unnumbered issues, both dated September with different content; -Then continued as: (Vol., error should be) Vol. no. , September ; (Vol., error should be) Vol. no. , October ; (Vol., error should be) Vol. no. , November ; (Vol., error should be) Vol. no. , December ; Special Digest Issue Oct-Dec ; (Vol. , error should be Vol. no. , January . - [Third year]: rd year no. , February ; rd year no. , April incplt; Special Digest Issue, May ; rd year no. , June -, (cover damaged); Vol. no. , June -, ; Vol. no. , July -, ; Vol. no. , August , ; Vol. no. , August , (including the Summer Rerun Section); Vol. no. , September , (pencil on the cover); Vol. no. , Sept.; Vol. no. , October ; Vol. no. (misnumbered, =), December (spine damage); Vol. no. , Christmas (light damage); - [Fourth year]: th year no. , February ; th year no. , April ;. th year no , May Vol. no , October ; founders of the Underground press and closely connected to Andy Warhol. He was also the first printer of Andy Warhol’s Interview. Other Scenes was his own publication. It emerged from a column by that name (which Wilcock wrote for the East Village Other) to a full-scale paper about the international underground scene. Amongst the very numerous and varied contributions (a mix of original work and contributions by the network of correspondents quoting from the international underground press) we find Ed Ruscha (logo’s for nos. and Newsletter ). J.J. Lebel, Claes Oldenburg (Juxtapositions, no ), Simon Vinkenoog (Amsterdam City on the Make), Simon Watson Taylor, Geldzaher (a.o. on Warhol), Bill Beckman, David Widgery, Nad Freedland, Robert Wolf, Alan Kaprow, Rosemary and Tim Leary, Billy Name, Shunk-Kender (photography), Tuli Kupferberg, Pete Young, Les Levine, Ania Steckel (Photography). Pictorials by Norman Rubington (drawings reminiscent to Max Ernst), Tony Azuth, Gerard Malanga, Mazaro Nahoki, Gilbert Skelton, Denis-Lebois-Quarez, Chis Pelletier, Sine, John Bruce Walker, John Webster, Allen Katzman, Neil Phillips, Bill Hughes, Ray Johnson, John Byan, John Lennon and the Peace Campaign, Cathe Cozzi (collages), Billy Name, Irwin Goldstein, etc. ; no : Poem for Warner Stringfellow by John Sinclair; nice photocomposition on frontpage; no. with compositions of photographs of beat bands,by Derek Taylor; letter from jail; Newsletter: Love-In Inventory; L.A. Weekend with Andy Warhol; no. Underground Press Syndicate Members First Meeting; photographs of Tuli Kupferbarg, Art Kunkin (selling prototype of L.A.Free Press). no : Jean Jacques Lebel, Claes Oldenburg, Simon Vinkenoog. no. is printed in green, on larger size; unfolded it has a poster “Tanea”on the backside; deals with the regime in Greece and censorship. no. was published in Tokyo, December, produced in conjunction with SHINJUKU-SUTRA, Japan’s first underground paper (printed on better paper, pages). Martin Cohen on “Vinyl” (first Andy Warhol film shown in Japan; New Face of Buddha by Schecter; poem by Mikhai Kashmarin, Haneda Riot, Karmiol with photographs of Nichigeki, and other Japanese underground issues). no is Venice Biennale Edition (Wallace Berman,Yoko Ono, Kaprow, Nam June Paik, Christo, Ruscha), no has supplement Underground Cinema Eroticism and Visual Poetry Supplement (Warhol, Brakhage), etc. [#] OZ. Ed. by Richard Neville, later by Felix Dennis and Jim Anderson. Nos. - (= last issue). Complete collection. London, February -. - All first editions, various formats and sizes in the original stapled wrappers. Condition varies but is generally very good to near fine, making a clean and near fine set, excellent for exhibition purposes. Complete with the following: - An Oz subscription slip in # and folding small poster from the back cover; - [Fifth year]: Vol. no. , Spring ; Vol. no , Fall With: Special issue dated June - (?), most of which consists of blank pages; details in Centerfold (= The Do It Yourself Newspaper Contest); - A Nation of Gamblers issue [not dated] (bad condition) ; -An unnumbered issue published in the UK dated Sept. . - A folding poster from the back-cover (x, cm)in black and gold; ,. - Small folding poster from the cover # (small price in pencil on front-cover); John Wilcock’s Other Scenes, ostensibly a fortnightly gazette, appears times a year (but appearance is not necessarily always in the same format or can be in another manifestation). “ Wilcock was one of the pioneer- - The Outcry! People’s Park poster and Running Man Book News booklet (#); John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. - The Che Geuvara (sic) folded poster insert (#); - Two colour variants # (green and yellow); - Oz goes big, poster in centerspread#; - The Honeybunch Kaminski poster (#); oval portrait in blue and red, on orange cotton. N.p. (London, Oz Publications, n.d.,). A very rare example of this famous T-shirt. Hole in front part of collar and a bit faded. The imprint depicts Scotland Yard’s Detective Inspector Luff, described by Oz-defender Geoffrey Robertson as “a policeman not motivated by money. He was religiously committed to the closure of Oz” (Robertson ‘The Justice Game’, ). - PAMPHLET, PROGRAM: SOUNDS FOR OZ. Presented by the Norh American Student’s Association. A festival of Pop, Poetry, Films, Songs, Mime and Dance, at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, Nash House, The Mall, Wednesday August and Thursday August . (). All proceeds to Oz. Two folded handouts of pages each (vo bifolium), with identical front page, but different contants, one the Announcements of the program and the participating performers, the other the Programme itself. ParticipantsAnthony Howell,John Welsh,Marianne Faithful, Spike Milligan,Frank McConnell, Eggs Over Easy (American Rock Group). -PROMOTIONAL POSTER: THE LAST ISSUE OF OZ. announcing the last issue of Oz magazine (November ), designed by Ed Barker, promising “Sex, Drugs, Violence and Bolshevism (ho, ho) from - Richard Neville, Timothy Leary, Adolph Hitler [sic], Martin Sharp, Heathcote Williams and other OZ favourites.” Offset litho, printed in red and black on thin buff-coloured paper. (tiny nicks to top edge, OTHERWISE FINE) Illustrated with a cartoon by Rand H. Holmes (reproduced from The Georgia Straight) and a version of the magazine’s front cover featuring contact sheet images of Richard Nixon and a group photograph of naked Oz staff by Phil Franks. The photograph, a different shot from the one chosen for the magazine’s cover, features, on the back row from left: Don Atyeo (assistant editor); Marva Rees; Felix Dennis (editor); bottom row from left: Pat Woolley (of Wild & Woolley, the Australian alternative magazine and book distributor); Jim Maguire (advertising manager); and Maria Lexton (ex-Time Out poetry editor). AN EXCEPTIONAL SET with the additions and in this condition. ,. - The Jimi Hendrix/Oz News poster (#); - Two colour variants # (brown and red); - The Janis Joplin/Oz Old Bailey Trial poster (#); - Poster for the Sex-issue (girl held by Gorilla with hasj-plants around. ca. - cm., two colours. - Subscription form, advert for Wembley Rock’nRoll show (#); - Subscription form/advert for Cozmic Comics (#): TOGETHER WITH THE FOLLOWING RARE OZ- Ephemera: - AN ORIGINAL T-SHIRT for the OZ Obscenity Trial Old Bailey London , designed by Richard Adams. Size Small, titles in blue around an Landmark underground paper (at the same time one of the most important subversive and revolutionary papers of the world), pioneering in modern avant garde art and counterculture of the sixties, lavishly illustrated with much colour and spectacular designs on the wrappers. Edited by Richard Neville and others. Artwork and contributions by: Martin Sharp, Rick Cuff, R. Crumb, Michael English, Larry Smart, Vytas Serelis, John Hurford, Willem (= Bernard Holtrop). Other contributors include: Andy Warhol, Germaine Greer, Edward de Bono, Colin MacInnes, Peter Porter, Alan Watts, Dave Dellinger, Auberon Waugh, Raymond Durgnat, Pete Townsend, a.o. - Number “Special Surprise Issue” was issued as a yellow poster “Plant a Flower Child” ( x cm) folded to , x cm). Oz Magazine, along with International Times was the underground magazine of the late Sixties in England. The magazine originated in Australia where it was founded by Richard Neville and Martin Sharp, who had moved to the UK in early . The lavish and admirable illustrations are by Martin Sharp (the Bob Dylan cover of no. is widely known), Rick Cuff, R. Crumb, Michael English, Larry Smart, Vytas Serelis, John Hurford, Willem (= Bernard Holtrop). Contributors included Germaine Greer, artist and filmmaker Philippe Mora, photographer Robert Whitaker, journalist Lillian Roxon, cartoonist Michael Leunig, Angelo Quattrocchi and David Widgery. We also find Andy Warhol, Edward de Bono, Colin MacInnes, Peter Porter, Alan Watts, Dave Dellinger, John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. Auberon Waugh, Raymond Durgnat, Pete Townsend, a.o. With the emergence of new printing techniques and fluorescent inks and the use of new stock (also metallic foils). Oz quickly won renown as one of the most visually exciting publications of its time. Several issues of Oz include psychedelic wrap-around or pull-out posters by Sharp, London design duo Hapshash and the Coloured Coat and others. The all-graphic “Magic Theatre” edition (Oz no. ), overseen by Sharp and Mora, has been described by British author Jonathon Green as “arguably the greatest achievement of the entire British underground press.” The magazine regularly enraged the British Establishment with a range of left-field stories including heavy critical coverage of the Vietnam War (cover of no. ) and the anti-war movement, discussions of drugs, sex and alternative lifestyles, and contentious political stories, such as the magazine’s revelations about the torture of citizens under the rule of the military junta in Greece. In , the editors put a notice in the magazine inviting “school kids” to edit an issue. The opportunity was taken up by around secondary school students who produced “SCHOOLKIDS OZ”. This term was widely misunderstood to mean that it was intended for school children, whereas it was a statement that it had been created by them. Oz was one of several ‘underground’ publications targeted by the Obscene Publications Squad, and their offices had already been raided on several occasions, but the conjunction of schoolchildren and arguably obscene material set the scene for the infamous Oz obscenity trial of .This brought the magazine to the attention of the wider public. John Lennon and Yoko Ono joined the protest march against the prosecution and organised the recording of “God Save Oz” by the Elastic Oz Band to raise funds and gain publicity. The T-Shirt included with the set was meant to raise funds for the defense. On the condition, which is generally very good to near fine, the following needs mention: # the Special Surprise issue which unfolds to a large poster, has has a very small closed tear. This is the Pink version (there also exists a yellow version). # is present in (of ) colour variants, i.e. yellow and green; # has light spine damag;# in orange and on larger size,has a faint vertial fold; # has own and red variants (red a bit shaven); # has covers loose,but intact; # has a faint dog ear on right upper corner. [#] PADDESTOEL. Sub kultureel ondergronds tijdfschrift issue n.d. (?). Tabloid, newsprint (Brussel, Leuven). pages, colour print. . “Mushroom”. Underground magazine published in Belgium Free Press Bookshop. Drugs, mushrooms, sexual liberation; close to Aloha in The Netherlands. Contributors: Hermann J. Claeys, Samuel Clemens,Wilfried van Ersen, [#] PÄNGGG. Alternativ Zeitung No ( versions, orange and green cover), , . UPN-Sippe, Nürnberg . to; numerous ills;ab. pages per issue. . Published by “Sippenpresse”, a German countercultural hippie publishing venture. Promoting the use of marijuana, close to “Hotcha”, and close to the Dutch Provos (Holländische Provos stürmen leer Häuser”) and the squatters movement. [#] PARAPLUIE Nos. - (all publ.). Paris, Nov. - printemps . In the original issues as published, untrimmed, ca. x cm.; each pages, printed on newsprint, partly in colour. Richly illustrated, also on the covers. All in good condition. Together with: Supplement Parapluieee (sic!). No., Février ( pages, Les aventures de Jacqueline Prothèse;). All in good John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. condition, only nos. and have very small tears at the fold and the cover of no has some light foxing. ,. Underground, rock music publication directed by Henri Jean Enu, one of the most important figures of the counter culture in France. The newspaper is member of the UPS/Alternative Press. It contains interesting art work and psychedelic illustrations. Features on Drugs, anti-autoritarian education, free sex, Pop-news and disks (by Pete Townshand, Pascale, Romy, Gills Yepremian), Music Festivals (e.g. No. of features on the Isle of Wight festival of that year with a centrefold poster of Jimi Hendrix), music-groups Fille Qui Mousse, Verlvet Underground, Rolling Stones, Who, the Dead, Zabu, & Ange.etc. Comixstrips (e. g. Aventures de Jacqueline Prothèse et Fille qui Mousse by Eno and Philippe Legendre). Contributors include: Harry Perlitz, Claude Pélieu, N. Bley, G. Sendort, B. Chardon, Ph. Legendre, Ed Sanders (transl.), Jean-Louis Brau, Roberto Altman, François Moureux (on film), Freud (on cocaine, transl.), Herr Professor Galesnus, Patrick Chnassia (photos), John Sinclair (transl.), P.Desanex, Allen Ginsberg (transl.), Olivier Dumont, Timothy Leary (amphitamines, no.), Berkeley Movement, Black Panters, Andy Warhol par lui-même (no.), Women lib, Clay Wilson, the Yardbirds, Cocaine effects by Freud, Gabriel Pomerand, American comix, comic by Kim Deitch. Clay Wilson comix, New-York Underground in Number , and much more. A complete set is quite rare. [#] PARIA --First series: No. (of published), May , dedicated to the “massacre in Kent”, this copy from the personal archive of the director Antonio Rodriguez (ciclostyled production in very small number of copies, numbers published only, between and May ). Published in the area of Lugano, Switzerland, and distributed to some friends only. --Second series: complete in numbers, published in Locarno, later in Viganello (Ticino, Switzerland) as follows - No. (also Number Zero), Summer until Number (dicembre ), which number was preceded by an unnumbered issue containing poetry: West Coast Paria a cura di Franco Beltrametti. Numbers and were never published (as explained by Antonio Rodriguez, the layout maquettes for Number were sent to Milano for printing at the IAP [International Alternative Press], and lost there, as also confirmed in writing by Ignazio Maria Gallino, the director; the reason for nonpublication of No. remains unclear, it was probably omitted simply by mistake). ,. A very rare collection of this fantastic publication, probably the most complete that has been on the market. Founded, directed and designed by Antonio Rodriguez (Edolo, Brescia ) or “Pariananda” as he liked to sign, was published between and . The first stencilled issues went under, only a copy of Number survived (it was the personal copy of Antonio Rodriguez, who remembers that he has personally stencilled it) Other copies are unknown. Ditributed in Switzerland, Italy and the USA, by Re Nudo and the Stampa Alternativa. Contributors and texts by: Hermaus, Franco Beltrametti, Gianni Milano, Giorgio Mariani, Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, cartoons, drawings by Mizio Turchet, and various unsigned or unidentified contributors from Switzerland (Hotcha), and Fribourg (Revolté). Inspired by the Living Theatre, with strong international relations and influences. Without any concrete connection or political convictions all elements of the period are present: Psychedelic design, hippies, popmusic, the situationists, etc. John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. [#] PIANETA FRESCO [#] PROVO - ORANJEVRIJSTAAT- KABOUTERS Nos. and / (all published). Milano, East . (December Equinozio invernale ). Unpaginated (No. : pages + pages covers; No. /: pages + pages covers). Original wrappers. Important collection of documents and journals of “Oranje Vrijstaat” and Kabouters, countercultural movements in Amsterdam following the period of Provo and preceding the squatters (“Krakers”) movement; ,. Wonderfully produced colourful Italian handcrafted underground magazine, made by Ettore Sottsass jr. with collaboration of his wife Fernanda Pivano and Allen Ginsberg. The magazine was privately printed for friends, by reservation only, on different coloured stock and in various colours. It is dedicated to the poets and writers of the beat generation. Allen Ginsberg is mentioned in the masthead as “Direttore Irresponsabile”. Texts are in Italian and in English. The journal “expressed Fernanda Pivano’s interest in the USA underground culture and Sottsass’ experiences with the Eastern culture in the ‘ies, all supplemented with the contributions of Allen Ginsberg with his concrete adhesion to the Zen philosophy”. (MDG in Rassegna No. ). Contributors include Gary Snyder, Neal Cassidy, Vittorio Di Russo, Poppi Ranchetti, Andrea Donna, Pino Franzosi, Graziella Putelli, Miro Silvcera, Giulio Saponaro, Miryam Sumbulovich, Gianni Pettna, Archizoom, Lorenzo Malli, Donatella Pera, Paolo Pasciolla, and many others. A spectacular production with magnificent colourful underground artwork. - A collection of ca. pieces, all related to Kabouters and Orange Free State, and the municipal elections in Amsterdam, with victory of the Kabouter Party. Quite rare ensemble containing: - ORANJE VRIJSTAAT. Informatie Bulletins , , , , . Each ab. - pages, stencilles, stapled (Published by Kabouter Informatie Centrum). Added: - Toneelnota. Aan de Gemeente Amsterdam. (publ.: Kabouter Vrij Pers). - SOFT DRUG NOTA. Amsterdam Kabouterstad. . pages stapled in wrapper - stencilled pamphlets / handouts promoting the Kabouter Party and Oranje Vrijstaat during the Elections (mostly illustrated). - Kabouter Pers Bureau: Great Election Victory - ca. st encilled pamphlets and handbills related to Orange Free State (not illustrated). - publications related to Kabouters/ Orange Free State: issues of FIZZ, organ of the Free State in North-Holland; A script of a Radio Broadcast regarding the Provo movement and Kabouters , Oct.. ADDED: a small file with newspaper clippings of the debates between Roel van Duyn, Ton Regtien, Rob Stolk. - KABOUTER PRIK KRANT No. (probably the only one published). - TOGETHER WITH: [#] PIONER. (In Cyrillic typefont) No. (Lector’s item No. ). December /” (to). The Hague, . pages, selfwrappers, stapled (only very light soilage) . Edited by Alfred van der Helm, artist periodical. With contributions by Robert Smith (The Cure), Stuart Moxham (Young Marble Giants), Wendy Smith, Vini Reilly (Durutti Column), Patrik Fitzgerald (Josef Garret), Jonathan Richman, Mark Beer, Paul Van Der Laan, Cor Grout. From a variety of very familiar postpunk and new wave bands, including three postcard poems by Robert Smith of The Cure, a poem by Stuart Moxham of Young Marble Giants, along with a drawing of YMB by Wendy Smith, A poem by Vini Reilly of Durutti Column entitled “A Tramp”, a poem by Steve Miro, short stories and poems by Patrik Fitzgerals, and a reproduction of a letter and a signed Dutch bank note by Jonathan Richman. Additional illustrations are included from Paul van der Kaan, and additional poetry by Cor Grout. John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. - KABOUTERKRANT Numbers - (all). Amsterdam, -. With number a (Kabouterkrant Extra) [, x cm], pp numbers. [Gemeenteblad van de Oranje Vrijstaat. Sizes Numbers -: x cm, each pp; Numbers -, x cm (folded newsprint) , each pp.] : - KABOUTERBOODSCHAP JUNE (Amsterdam). x cm., pages. - With: - KABOUTER KOLONEL. Wekelijks orgaan van het Ministerie van Offensie (Oranjevrijstaat). issues, Amsterdam, -. x cm, pp. each. Light browning. - With: - POSTAGE STAMPS: - Oranje Vrijstaat. First Day of Issue, juni ; cover with obliterated postage stamps , x cm - Oranje Vrijstaat. Boycot de Volkstelling, januari, ; cover with obliterated postage stamps x , cm [#] PROVO (MAGAZINE). (Occasionally subtitled ‘Provo-Anarchistenblad’). - With: - STAATSCOURANT (Amsterdam) Proklamatie van de Oranje-Vrijstaat, februari (Proclamation of the Orange Freestate) February . x cm, pp. Folds and a small tear on the bottom. - With: - STAATSCOURANT -ALOHA. Second version of the Stategazette: maart - april . Added: issues of ALOHA which were official papers of the Free State (also called “Elfencity”) - With: - POSTERS:- “Er gaan veel kabouters op één zetel” (poster, x cm.,, n. publ., ) - “Zonder jou gaat het niet. Stem maar lijst oranje vrijstaat” (poster, x cm.,, J. Baas, ±) - “Zij hebben hun tong gescherpt als een slang, ander vergif is onder hun lippen. Psalm : ” (poster, ,x, cm., Amst., Polak & Van Gennep, ). - Oranje Vrijstaat Lijst (municipal elections June ); - “Stem op’t elfje van lijst ; “ “Stem maar Kabouter. Lijst ”. Printed in red and green on white. x, cm. (folded times) - “Verkondigd op de Kabouter-Zondag- Juni .” Explains the program and ideology of Kabouters. Unsigned articles. - “Wordt wakker het zonnetje is al (bijna) op. Laten we één volk éen Planeet worden”. Nos. - (all publ.). Amsterdam, June -April , together with: Extra Bulletin AND the special Provo-rubber stamped edition of ‘In Dienst ‘(cover with the Banner). Tall narrow to, mimeographed, illustrated with political cartoons. All issues unbound and untrimmed, in original wrappers, stapled or with tape in the spine, as issued. In generally good condition, with light soilage, some paperspotting, dogears and browning. Top and bottom of spine and fly-leaf of the first number repaired, edges of frontcover with light damage, and the page with the “explosive”cap has a small hole in it, but the cap is present (although exploded, the previous owner hit it with a hammer, which is the cause of the small paperloss). ADDED: promotional leaflet/small sized poster “Provo is uit! “ (Provo has appeared). ,. - Flyer AAN ALLE KOMMUNES EN ALTERNATIVE BEDRIJVEN amsterdam kabouterstad, --, [, x ,], page. ,. The ”Orange Free State” was proclaimed in Amsterdam by The Kabouters, it had its own designed postage stamps and official State Newspaper. It was also the center of de Kabouter Party, and this collection comprises several very rare hanndouts and election handbills. Complete set (all in the original first edition) of the journal published by the Amsterdam Provo-movement,. Several numbers were banned or confiscated by the police. Illustrations are by (Bernard) WILLEM (Holtrop), contribs. include Peter Bronkhorst, Roel van Duyn, Rob Stolk, Constant Nieuwenhuys, Bernard de Vries, Luud Schimmelpenninck, Duco van Weerlee, Hans Korteweg. etc.; The special edition “In Dienst”is quite rare; it is an issue of the official publication of the Defense Ministry for distribution to the soldiers; Provo rubber-stamped a number of these as ‘Provo Special Edition”, John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. [#] known as mindopening or consciousness-altering drugs. These studies also extend to nonpharmacological methods of altering consciousness: hypnotism, yoga, zen and other ancient and modern means...”. PSYCHEDELIC INFORMATION CENTER. BULLETIN. Numbers -. August -April . Cambridge/ Mass. Stencilled typewritten bulletins of pages,cornesstapled, folded for mailing. Together with an original used mailing envelope. . The PIC-Bulletin: Issued every month by Lisa Bieberman, Cambridge,Mass. (out of numbers published). “Miss Bieberman, a resident of Boylston St., Cambridge, runs a one-woman organization called the Psychedelic information Center for users of LSD and similar drugs. Her main aim is to bring psychedelic information out into the open because she believes people can use psychedelics constructively in their daily lives”. While studying at Harvard University, Lisa Bieberman volunteered at Timothy Leary’s office, later helping him with daily operations at Millbrook and acting as circulation manager for The Psychedelic Review. , Lisa opened the Psychedelic Information Center near Harvard Square, where for a few years she sold photo-offset reprints of various topical publications, along with her own writings. She dreamed that similar information centers would someday be available in every major city, providing advice and factual data for people interested in learning about the potential benefits and possible pitfalls of psychedelics. In , Lisa started publishing the bimonthly Psychedelic Information Center Bulletin; issues were produced in total. In their book LSD--The Problem-Solving Psychedelic, authors Peter Stafford and Bonnie Golightly describe the PIC Bulletin as “the outstanding example of an LSD newsletter, focused around events associated with the burgeoning ‘psychedelic information centers.’” Within her booklet Session Games People Play: A Manual for the Use of LSD, Lisa shared her no-nonsense advice for those considering trying psychedelics. [#] PUSS Nos. - (all published), [Stockholm], Solna, Williamssons offset, respektive Sala, Ågren & Holmbergs boktr. AB. January (October?) . x, cm, last issues tabloid size. Printed in black and red; stapled in the spine. Added: [Prenumerationserbjudande]. (Solna?, ca ?, a page coloured prospectus; and: Puss International ( pages, not dated), probably a zero-number, ca. . ,. [#] PSYCHEDELIC REVIEW Nos. - (all publ.). Cambridge, New York, Summer - Winter /. Size (h/w): , x cm., sizes of nos. - between , x , cm. and , x , cm. Nos. - illustrated. Original illustrated wrappers , only some light soiling and wear. Altogether a set in very good condition. ,. Complete run of this magazine edited by Paul A. Lee, Ralph Metzner, Gunther M. Weil, Timothy Leary, Felix Morrow and other psychedelic pioneers. Articles by Alan Watts, R. Gordon Wasson, Richard Evans Schultes, Albert Hofman, Menri Michaux, Art Kleps, Steward Brand, René Daumal, R.D.Laing, etc. Research, influence, experiences, regulations, information on the use of LSD and other psychedelic drugs. “... The Psychedelic Review is a quarterly devoted to the study of LSD, mescalin and the other psychopharmacological substances sometimes John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. Complete set of this subversive satirical Swedish underground monthly. Edited by Lars Hillersberg (cartoonist), Karin Frostenson Johan de Geer (photographer, filmmaker), Ulf Rahmberg, Lena Svedberg, Arne Svensso, Chister Themptander and others. Issues varying in size from to pages/ issue. The attacks are both on international and internal political issues, targeting the US presidents, sexual liberation, etc. [#] PUSS ALBUM [#] THE RAG. Austin, Texas Puss album. Vett & villing, sex & spekulation, bluff & båg. Det bästa ur årg. -. Cavefors []. ,× cm. () pages, orig. Pictorial wrapper. (Spine with light damage, otherwise very good. Group of issues from the period July -August .Tabloid format, folded. Occasional stamps/labels on front cover, some clippings and mising pages, some issues (damp)stained, edgewear. . . Selection of “the best”from PUSS from -. a subversive artist periodical, edited by Lars Hillersberg, Carl Johan De Geer, Lena Svedberg and Ulf Rahmberg (published between -, issues) [#] QUINDICI. Giornale mensile (del Gruppo 63) diretta da Alfredo Giuliani. Nos. - (all publ.). Roma, -. ( Nos. - on size, x cm., folded to x cm., Nos.- on size x cm). Unbound, printed on newsprint; in generally good to excellent condition (the poor quality of the paper taken into account, which caused some discoloration and light staining), with some wear on the foldings and small defects (pin holes) to the corners of the poster-sized supplements . ,. Complete set of this Italian publication of the counterculture and the student-rebellions, with (of ) poster-sized manifestos. Contributors include: A. Arbasino, N. Balestrini, A. Barbato, R. Barilli, F. Colombo, C. Costa, Umberto Eco, F. Jesi, G. Manganelli, E. Pagliarani, E. Sanguineti. The publication was close to the Situationist movement. First issues folding out, with poster-sized inserts (except for Nos. ,, and which did not have poster-inserts). Inserts as follows: No. : Poster Vietnam KilledTelegram; No. and : posters not present in our copy; No. : The occupation of Turin’s University ‘Contro l’autoritarismo accademico potere agli studenti’; No. : the banner of Viet-Cong and Phoebe-Zeitgeist; No. : La battaglia di Valle Giulia; No. : Poster-sized portrait of Rudi Dutschke; No. ;Manifesto degli studienti di Parigi, La lutte continue; No. : Literarny Listy (on the Prague revolution); No. : Black power Messico; No. : Settimana Int. Di Palermo, Amici della Musica, - dicembre ; No. : Portrait of Mao Tse-Tung; No. : Avola Viareggio, Roma; No. : not published; No. : . in lotta alla Fiat; No. : La luna dei padroni. Number contains the complete text of the article of Novi Mir against Gruppo . (Neo Avant Guardia). Contributors include: Arbasino, Balestrini, Giorgio Celli, Furio Colombo, Corrado Costa, Curi, Davico, Umberto Eco, Filippini, Alfredo Giuliani, Angelo Guglielmi, Eduardo Sanguinetti, Antonio Porta, etc. Issues of pages; illustrated . Austin/Texas based “The Rag” had become the South’s first underground paper, “…the first independent undergrounder to represent, even in a small way, the participatory democracy, communitity organizing and synthesis of politics and culture that the New Left of the midsixties was trying to develop.” (Abe Peck, p. and passim) [#] RAKET. Numbers - with supplements and posters (all published, but without nos. and ). Rotterdam, -.Added: De Avonturen van Red Rat (a kind of continuation in the form of cartoon strips). All in generally good condition, some ragged edges, or light staining. Details of the set below: ,. Important Dutch Anarchist-PUNK periodical, started as newsbulletin for the Rotterdam New Wave Groups, merely one sheet recto/verso. It soon grows out to a full-fledged periodical for Rotterdam Punk, and for Punk in The Netherlands. At first printed (mimeographed) on grey paper in black, soon with photographic illustrations,sometimes with colours in screenprint / stencil / spray technique added. Edited by (Kunst Kollektief) Dubio, Geis, Aram, Chris de Wit, Teddy Boymans. No in cooperation with Kaasee. Featuring: Rondo’s ( “I don’t like the Rastaman”), Toiletz, ZeroZero, Bunkers, Bunk Music. Donut Music, Filth, Stealer, Kobus van Lankeren, Suburban Punk,attention broadens to Punk outside Rotterdam (Amsterdam, Galerie Anus), Zaandam (sick productions, Gernevieve Van Hooghaut Jonghe, The Hague (Ketchup), Haarlem (World War Rockers), Ash-Tray, Jezus and the Gospelfuckers, Tändstickorshocks, RodeWig, Squats, Jules Deelder, John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. pages + Supplements: Jeugdcultuur & Punk&Verzet. pages, sidestapled (the added badge is not present) + Supplement: De Avonturen van Red Rat. Deel éen. pages, sidestapled; + supplement: Over platen maken en hun verspreiding. pages, sidestapled; + supplement: The selling of Limburg. pages, sidestapled. (On the final page announcement: No Hope stops). Together with kraft mailing envelope, rather damaged. Added: Unnumbered and undated pamphlet against the police: “Een beetje vent wordt geen agent”(if you are only a bit of a man you do not become policeman), pages, sidestapled. Not dated; signed Aram. Addition : Supplement “The selling of Limburg”, pages Addition : Supplement Poster “De Westerse Beschaming,deel ”, Avonturen van Red Rat Addition : JUBILEUMEDITION. Uitgave en copyright Raket, Rotterdam, . oblong, pages + advertising pages; glued in the spine. Frontwrapper (probably)missing. Addition : Over platen maken en hun verspreiding (how to make records & music rights) TOGETHER WITH: DE AVONTUREN VAN Red Rat. Deel /, deel /, deel /, deel /, deel / (complete as published by Uitgeverij “lont”, original opictorial wrappers; -. Added: Deel /. Revival, published by De Papieren Tijger. . coöperation with Kaasee (Gordelweg Rotterdam). Details of the set: No. . , April. One sheet. x, cm. (Folded to ,x ,). No. . . Juni. One sheet x, cm. (Folded to ,x ,). No. . . September. ,x cm. pages, on grey paper, sidestapled. Together with the poster (black on yellow paper, depicting a human figure as target for shooting lessons; it has apparently been used for that purpose as there are numerous (bullet?) holes. No. . Oktober. pages, sidestapled. Together with poster x,, folded twice; pin-holes in the four corners. No. . . Januari (sic!). ,x cm. pages sidestapled. No. . December. ,xcm. pages sidestapled together with Supplement: Rock against Religion (RAR Organ des Zentralkomitees) pages, sidestapled. Together with POSTER: Rock against Religion. In samenwerking met Kaasee. x, cm, folded twice. Photomontage of Nazi-soldiers, Priest, Businessman, falling churchbuildings. (Some brown spotting over over middlefold, otherwise in very good condition). -No. : Poster only -(verschijnt met Marcel Megawatt Bijlage). Only the poster, b/w. x cm., folded twice. -No. . Maart. ,x cm.”Jubileum Raket” pages + loose sheet. Partly in colour.Plus: BijlageRotterdam Graffiti Deel . pages. Partly in colour. Plus: Poster printed in red. x, cm. (Het Bibelebonsche Rijk). Together with the original kraft mailing envelope, with ilustration in black; a bit damaged -No. . April/Mei . ,xcm. pages, sidestapled; +Bijlage pages, with Orange Cover, “Verhaal in romanvorm: Trix = The Pix” with caricature of Princess Beatrix in the nude, with piggy policemen. -No. . Juni . ,x cm pages, + Supplement, pages (Waarlijk helpe ons God almachtig) (Coronation of Beatrix issue) + posters ( x cm each. “Schuldig aan”and “Gefallen für Deutschland”). Together with the kraft mailing envelope (damaged on the sides). -No. . September . ,x cm. pages. (on backpage: “Bericht van het Verkiezingsfront”). Includes the postcard/ photograph “Pearls for the swines”. -No. . November (VerzetsRaket). John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. [#] RE NUDO Numero (n. nuova serie). Dall’Underground all’Outground [the only number published], Cologno (MI), Tip. La Monzese, (marzo). Folded mural, x cm, printed in green and red on beige stock. Numerous illustrations and situatiotnist comics. . The “situationist” response, counterpart of Re Nudo, directed by G.E.Simonetti, who was responsible for the text and the comics in situationst style; published in protest and as a provocation to the “official” Re Nudo directed by Valcarenghi, and published also in March . [#] IL RE NUDO [#] RE NUDO - SECONDA SERIE. Nos. , - (All Published). Milano, -. The first numbers bound in four (not entirely uniform) cloth volumes with title on spine, remainder unbound in the original issues. (Sizes vary x, cm, later reducing in size, and the last numbers x cm). Number is an original issue, untrimmed, loosely inserted in the bound volume, no. was never published. Only nos, and are missing; otherwise a complete set, including the Zero-number. The issues contained in the bound volumes are in mint condition, but have been slightly trimmed., occasionally causing very slight loss of text (max. millimeter) on about pages. The unbound issues are in generally good to excellent condition with only occasional light staining. The set includes the supplements to no and (Pantere Bianche, No. and ), printed in colour, each measuring half the size of the journal). Added: the poster for Il Re Nudo Pop Festival No. (- Giugno) Alpe del Vicere. (x, cm). Il Mensile per la Rivoluzione del’Essere. No. , No. - (all published, but lacking issues: , , , ). Siena, Frosini, -. Issues of ,x,, stapled in the spine, some a bit larger. Ca. pages each. CD’s are not present. Number has some spine damage, scratch marks on the cover of number , ,. Liberal progressive monthly, favours the Hemp Revolution and ecological problems. Directed by Majid Valcarenghi. Sections: Mondo a confronto; Tempo di Liberazione; Renudo Musica. Fotografia. ,. [#] REAL FREE PRESS ILLUSTRATIE. Underground Press Syndicate Nos. - (all publ.). Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Antywerpen, November - April . Bound, no of de-luxe editions, signed by R. Olaf Stoop. ,. Landmark Italian underground and pop publication, at first directed by Andrea Valcarenghi, with numerous illustrations in colour and photographs, psychedelic illustrations, photocompositions, etc. Deals with countercultural issues, drugs, sexual freedom, Pop Music, (Re Nudo Pop Festival). Close to Situationists and the student activists. Contributions include texts by and features on Timothy Leary, Angela Davis, Dario Fo, G.E. Simonetti, W. Burroughs, L.S.D., SIMA (Droga, La situazione in Italia), Situationsm, John Lennon, etc. The De-luxe edition was published in april , numbered and signed. Binding designed by H.F van der Does, who also did the binding work (by Jansenbinders the Leiden). Contributions by Harrison Cady, Percy Crosby and T.S. Sullivan. Leven en werken by Bud Fisher. Other contributions by Alan Watts (Karma), Johannes van Dam ( Scientology), Illustrations by Ron Cobb, Robert Crumb, Edward Gorey, Gilbert Shelton,Rodriguez Spain, Terry Southern and others. John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. [#] THE REALIST. Freethought criticism and satire. Nos. /, , -, , , -, , -, , , , -, , -, -, -. New York, March/April - August . Size (h/w): x cm. Newspaper pp. Added: unnumbered issues of pages each, published from Dec. -June , and A-B, pages each, Jan-April . Very scarce. ,. Important collection comprising nos. of this underground satirical journal, edited by Paul Krassner. Contributions by Ellen Sander, Larry Josephson, Robert Wolf, Saul Heller, Sandra Adickes, John Francis Putnam, Abbie Hoffman, Lenny Bruce (Obscenity, Narcotics & Me) a.o. Cartoons by Dick Guindon. Contains Impolite Interviews with Norman Mailer, Mort Sahl, Woody Allen, Timothy Leary , and an article on the arrest of Lenny Bruce. Nos. & are published in parts numbered as A-C (July-Dec. ) and A-C (Jan.-June ) of pp. each. . Publication went on till (no.) of the fragile newsprint, only small tears to the edges. TOGETHER WITH: Poster ( x cm), printed in colour, announcing the publication of the second number of the journal. ,. This spectacularly designed ultra-left illustrated journal marks the end of a period of subversive action in Paris. It was directed by Alain Bizos following a concept by Loulou Picasso. Edited and graphically designed by the group Bazooka, consisting (i.a.) of Olivia Clavel, Loulou Picasso, Kiki Picasso, and Lulu Larsen, including contributions by Bernard Vidal, Jean Rouzaud. Published with assistance of the daily Libération. The group, with ultra-left Maoist sympathy was formed in the aftermath of May . [#] RENAISSANCE [#] REASON Number , (all publ.). London (UK), x, cm., stapled, pp. Offset printing. . Magazine of radical action and pacifism edited by Ann Davidson, Win Gardiner, Dennis Gould, Colin Johnson, Sally Johnson, & Sarah McCalliskey. Articles by John Brunner, Bradford Lyttle and others (probably only issue published): [#] Nos. - (all publ.). San Francisco, -. Original illustrated wrappers (covers a bit soiled). . Edited by John Bryan. Prose and poetry by Charles Bukowski, George Hitch- cock, Robert Briggs, David Meltzer, John Bryan, William Corrington, Lonny Thornton, a.o. No. : The Peace Scene. Illustrated with photographs, drawings and graphics by a.o. Lee Morgan, Mel Fowler, Arthur Richer, Michael Bowen. Rare complete UN REGARD MODERNE (orig. UN REGARD SUR LE MONDE). L’actualité du mois en images UN REGARD SUR LE MONDE: Libération moderne. L’actualité du mois en images. No. (janvier ), continued as: UN REGARD MODERNE. L’actualité du mois en images. Nos. - (all published). Paris, Libération, Bazooka, Mars - juillet . Tabloïds, with occasional colour added. Well preserved set in spite John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. [#] RESIDU. (and the Mongul Review) Nos. - (all. publ.). Athens, London, Spring -Spring . Original wrappers. No. is inscribed by Richter, with the addition of his mailing address to the verso of the title page. Together with: the original publisher’s prospectus for the first issue, mailed from Highgate by Dan Richter to Pete Brown “c/o New Departures”, and with a short note to him requesting “help in circulating these”. Single sheet, folded once, printed on both sides in black on blue stock. (unfolded). Reproduces a selection of illustrations from the first issue and a list of the contributors Added: feltpen drawing in black and orange by an unknown artist.(,xcm). . Ed. by Daniel Richter. Includes in No. the first issue of ‘The Mongol Review’ (all publ.). with contribs. by Lamantia, Ginsberg, Norse, Ford, Marie Wilson, Burroughs, Trocchi, Corso, etc . No. (Spring ): Allen Ginsberg (including the first appearance of “On The Roof ” from Journals th April , and “Seabattle of Salamis Took Place Off Perama”); Harold Norse; Philip Lamantia; George Andrews; Charles Henri Ford; “Notes on the Use of Hashish” by Sheldon Cholst; and a lengthy excerpt from “LSD-” by Kay Johnson. No. (Spring ): Published by the Trigram Press in London. Contributors include William Burroughs; Gregory Corso; Gerard Malanga; Harold Norse; Harry Fainlight; Simon Vinkenoog; Jeff Nuttall; Jean-Jacques Lebel; the only appearance in print of chapter one of Alexander Trocchi’s unpublished novel, “The Long Book”. Murals published by the Italian Situationists, created and directed by Gianni Emilio Simonetti. Published as a supplement to the mural journal ‘Stampa alternativa’ from Rome, printed by Arti Grafiche La Monzese, Cologno.- Number (marzo ): printed in purple on a green base: «AAA proletriato cercasi», «Contratti: qualunque soluzione non deve farci dimenticare l’obiettivo finale: gli strumenti di lavoro devono diventare armi contro il lavoro», «Sulla questione studentesca», «Per gloria o per denaro?»; - Number (maggio ): printed in purple on a red base «Teppisti di tutto uil mondo unitevi», «La radicalità dei padroni», «La fine della cultura ci deve preparare alla cultura della fine»;- Number (): «Detourner l’esistenza», printed in green on a yellow base; - Number (novembre ): Printed in black and red on a white base: «Recuperare recuperare che più niente resterà», «Corvalan Corvalan aleppe», «Allenamento al Grande GIoco», «Un lupo travestito da vecchia zia», «Voce araba registrata», «Affogate nel vostro vomito!». [#] REVO REVO (Brussels, Belgium - Number , maart/mars . x cm, pp. - Number (november ) is a reprint of PROVO, number . x cm, pp. - Number , mei . x cm, pp. . The Belgian counterpart of Provo Amsterdam. [#] ROMAN HIGH ROMA SOTTO. Later FALLO!. Anno I, numero - , n.d. ( ) – ( of published, there was also a - number!) . --numero : - happenings in-offbeat-sexy-underground-crazy-free in Italian-english every two weeksquindicinale. octavo, pages, numerous illustrations, printed in several colors. Illustrated wrappers. With attention for, film, music and “WHAT’S ON” in Rome. Articles on pink floyd, chicago, women’s lib, drugs and revolution + a two page cartoon by crumb. --numero : - milano sotto / underground / comuni- communes / rock / erotic cinema / cartoons. Small folio, pages printed in several colors with numerous illustrations. articles on uriah heep, pink floyd, andy warhol, a double page cartoon by crumb, women’s lib, james bond and info on milano’s underground. [#] ROBINUD. Da qualche parte nella foresta di Seto S. Giovanni. Giornale murale a cura del collettivo di re nudo. --numero : - sesso - domande a una virgine Italian / droghee - quello che nessuno vuole dirvi / rock - un anno di Rock in Italia - poster / rivoluzione - se un movement deve nascere. Small fl folio, pages printed in several colors with numerous illustrations. With articles by: dr. Hippocrates on soft and hard drugs and an article on the clitoris. An article o magic and info on what’s on in London, Amsterdam, Milano and Savona. Nos. - (all publ.). Milano, Cologno Monzese - Arti Grafiche La Monzese, ; poster-sized x cm.printed on one side only (white, yellow, purple,green), folded times to ab. xcm. Printed from typescript with illustrations. ,. John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. [#] RONALD REAGAN. The magazine of poetry. Number (all published). London. Summer . Mimeographed text, stapled into pictorial wrappers.llustrated. . Edited by John Sladek, Pamela Zoline and Tom Disch. Includes what is generally regarded as the first appearance of J. G. Ballard’s classic, “Why I Want to Fuck Ronald Reagan”, along with work by Acconci, Harwood, Giorno, Waldman, Padgett, Schjeldahl, Warsh, and others. [#] THE RUNNING MAN Vol. nos - (all publ.), The Running Man Publications, London, . to. In the original pictorial wrappers. . Edited by Christoper KYPREOS, contents include Vengeance Baby by William Rushton, Take it in the Face James Fox by Peter Menegas, and The Interior Landscape by Eva Figes. Number contains Steadmans Nudes, for which the magazine was banned. Number // is “Running Man - Special Issue- Ecstatic Revolution” which appears to form part of the whole publication. Undated, but internal evidence suggests . pages on art paper heavily illustrated with photographs, drawings and graphic art. [#] S.I.M.A. [#] ROOM EAST 128 CHRONICLE Number (of numbers published). Palo Alto, CA. Thursday July . Quarto. pages, including blue selfwrappers, interior pages white. Includes one colour illustration. Limited edition of copies. In the left upoper corner a handwritten dedication by Sottsass in pencil: “Ciao Ted Ettore Ciao”. Very rare. PENSIERI DI DROGA? Cartotecnica Piacentina Ed. Milano, (). Large poster in colour ( x cm) published by S.I.M.A. (Servizi Istituto Mass-media Art), an alternative underground organisation. . ,. Edited (also designed and composed) by Ettore Sottsass during his stay in hospital in Palo Alto (sent there by Roberto Olivetti after Sottsass had returned to Milano from India with a mysterious disease). The title is the based on the Room he had in this hospital. It served as the name of the publishing venture Ëast Milano”which was started upon his return, publishing poetry books of Beat authors. Highly interesting attractive one-man production (done together with his wife Pivano and with contributions of Ginsberg and others). The front page says: Special Issue New Super./ Final. It bears the name Gregory Simpson (who is further unidentified). “ Questo numero e dedicato -diciamo cosi- alla volgarita quotidiana”. Compilation of collage and cutups, with texts in Italian and Eglish. The colophon indicates that the edition consisted of copies: “Del terzo numero - questo qui sono state tirate copies su carta da once a copie su carta de once.” We presume this is one of the former. In total issues appeared (no. . June printed in copies and no. printed in copies). [#] SAN FRANCISCO ORACLE Complete collection, with additions and some numbers WITH VARIANTS, as follows: - First announcement of forthcoming publication: HANDBILL (, x, cm). Printed in b/w on white stock: “Coming soon. P.O. Frisco. An experiment in Communication. Towards a politics of Joy and Culture”. Followed by: - P. O. FRISCO. Vol. no (The Renegade Oracle. Signed in pencil bythe editor). Followed by: - SAN FRANCISCO ORACLE. Nos. - (all publ.). San Francisco, -; With the following variants: - Number in first and second printing, with different page-layout for the covers as well as inside, the first printing (with the photocredit to Paul Kegan in the left bottom of the front cover) - Number in variant versions, each with slightly modified front-page, different colour schemes inside and the photo by Michael John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. Hilsenrad twice in purple and once in blue [#] SCANDAL - Number in variant versions, one with the Mandala image by Peter Legeria. All tabloïd size. Unbound in the original issues, excellent set in good to almost mint condition, in spite of the fragility of the paper; endemic browning but otherwise clean; the handbill has a closed tear, but is otherwise in quite good and clean condition. The best set one could imagine of this periodical, overall in clean bright condition. - Number ? (no /) n.d. (July ?)[ , x cm, pp. (salmon cover)] (Groningen) - Number , n.d. [, x cm, pp. (green cover)] - Number , August .[ , x , cm, pp.] COMPLETE with the MATCHSTICK. - Number , n.d.[ x , cm, pp.] added: DE GEPOFTE MOLUK (special issue of SCANDAL).[ , x cm, pp] (handwritten on the cover: Verboden ! Suppressed), All with light staining, but good copies. . ,. The most illustrious underground paper of the hippie era, together with its predecessor and the rare handbill. Edited by Allen Cohen & Joe Dana (Master Coordinator). Published in San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury during the “Summer of Love”, this paper became famous for it’s lavish color psychedelic art. With work of the famous S.F. Rock poster artists like Rick Griffin, Stanley Mouse, Michael Bowen, Tom Weir, Bruce Conner, Susan Branaman, Bryden, Timothy, Page Brownton, Pamela Millward, Mike Hannon, etc. With contribs. by or features on: Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Lew Welch, Gary Snyder, Timothy Leary, Michael McClure, William Burroughs, Paul Krassner, John Sinclair, a.o. Articles devoted to LSD, the exorcism of the Pentagon, communes, meditation, the Diggers, Hell’s Angels, etc. The front page of the first number opens with ‘Haight-Ashbury meets police’. One of the most historically significant and visually stunning productions of the ‘s counterculture at its peak. While later issues are relatively common, the early issues are rare and a complete set with the variants like this is very rare. Groningen Provo journal, stencilled. Melle Siepel, Sjoerd Puter, Thom Jaspers, Henry Hes, Rix Wieringa a.o. The Salmon-coloured issue with text on the cover: “Onthullend Beatrix en de Pil ?” The special edition has been seized by the police. [#] SCANLAN’S MONTHLY Volume nos - (all published). New York, March - January . to; original pictorial selfwrappers. Well-preserved set with inevitable light oxidation of the staples (causing some staining), and light paperspotting (due to the quality of the paper). TOGETHER WITH THE POSTER (Impeach Nixon). ,. Complete set of the shortlived John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. and highly subversive successor to ‘Ramparts’, of which “the booze ran out in early ‘” as the editor Warren Hinckle (Editorial Director of Ramparts) states in his editorial in the first issue. Along with him Sidney E. Zion is editor and Baebara Stauffacher Salomon is the Art Director. The provocative content of Scanlan’s Magazine addresses a wide range of issues that were troubling even less radical Americans: the Vietnam crisis, the CIA, the Black Panthers, Altamont, drugs and marijuana growing, the Mafia, Ecology (Eco-Pornography) and the condition of American journalism (“decadent, rudderless,exploitive and generally stinky as the society”.). Contributors include Hunter S.Thompson, Gavin Arthur, Joseph Kahn, Ralph Steadman (ills.), George Kimball, R.Crumb (front-cover of No.), San Francisco Film Basterads (by Arnold Passman), etc.; Number : Tan Am Base Vietnam, You’ve read too much about atrocities (the flex-disc contained in this issue is missing); Number : Russia’s Underground Political Pornography; Number : Impeach Nixon; Number ‘The suppressed issue: guerilla war in the USA’ was refused by several printers and had to be produced outside the US. and Gudrun Enssling), “Dada davanti e dietro”, “L’alienazione militare”, “Sacco e Vanzetti sono stati assassinati dai comitati per la riabilitazione”. In the middlespread on double page: “Totoanarchia. Contro i tentativi di riassorbimento nella kultura ufficiale”; - No. (marzo ): “Schizzo saluta i compagni che si incontrano a Carrara per l’Internazionale Anarchica”, “ domande a Buenaventura”, “Handicappato significa che può fare come gli altri tutti i lavori che esigono “concentramento”. E con tanto impegno: Sfruttiamolo!”, “Norma Jean Baker (Marylin Monroe)”. In the middlespread on double page “Arthur Rimbaud”: “Rimbaud, senza speranza alcuna, né sulla terra né altrove, pensò solo ad andare sempre, in preda a quella noia terribile che voi non conoscerete mai; inseguiva attraverso il mondo, nei luoghi più desolati, l’immagine più desolante di sé e di voi. Tutto quello su cui si basa la vostra sporca vita meschina gli ripugnava, ci sputava sopra. Voi fingete di aver dimenticato che egli fu contro tutto ciò che esiste”. (Salaris : pag. ). [#] SECOND CITY Vol. , Nos. -, Vol. , Nos. -. Chicago, November - []. Tabloid. Illustrated. Lacks only the last no. of vol. . ,. [#] SCHIZZO. Foglio Irregolar (later:Fojo irregolar, then: Foglio irregolare) Nos. , and (all published). Torino, (aprile) - (marzo); issues, tabloïd, x cm. Printed in b/w;numerous illustrations and photographs. Issues of pages (Stampato in proprio,supplemento a stampa alternativa). ,. Radical anarchist-underground periodical, printed from typescript and handwritten texts, spectacularly designed with numerous drawings and collages including photographs. - No. (aprile ): “Due o tre cose sul Movimento”, “Malfattiunasega”, “Allo studente non far sapere quanto è buona la scuola con le pere”, “Femminismo anarchico”, “Aguirre furorediddio” . With a photograph by Tano D’Amico; - No. (autunno/inverno ): “H.M. Schleyer si è suicidato ovvero Anche i padroni hanno un cuore” (on the deaths of Andreas Baader, Jan Karl Raspe Underground/counterculture tabloid from Chicago. Headlines about the Black Panters, remarks about Nixon and “straight” society. Articles of concern to the hippie/political factions. In the style of San Francisco’s Oracle, but not as psychedelic and opulent. Some issues have color covers illustrated with drawings, and the rest (of the covers) are illustrated with photographs. More photos inside. One issue has a long tear to the cover, else very nice condition overall (mild edgewear). . [#] THE SEED/CHICAGO SEED A group of issues from vols - (unfortunately partly waterdamaged, occasional clippings). ( Issues indicate month of publication only, no years but -). Present are: vol no (folded) (mint), (mint) vol no (mint), no (folded), vol no , , , , vol number , , , , , , , vol no. , , , , , , vol. no. , , vol. no. (mint), , , , , , , vol. no. , , , .Chicago, Published by Seed Publishing, La Salle. . Tabloïd, folded. ,. Underground paper with spectacular colourful artwork, many on full page, some folding in the middlespread. Published and edited by Harry Dewar, Lester Dore, Don Lewis, Colin Pearlson, Abraham Peck, Marshall Rosenthal Member of the Underground Press Syndicate, John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. Liberation News Service, Resistance Press. Unfortunately partly waterdamaged (about half of the issues wrinkled). Contributions by Gilbert Shelton, Freak Brothers, Karl-Heinz Meschbach, Jay Linch, Cobbetc. Present are: vol no (folded) (mint), (mint) vol no (mint), no (folded), vol no , , , , vol number , , , , , , , vol no. , , , , , , vol. no. , , vol. no. (mint), , , , , , , vol. no. , , , . Margo and Leo Frank, with Stephen L.W.Greene, Margo Rila. Illustrators; Susan Greene, Elisabeth Kabat, etc. Sexually explicit photographs and texts, advertisements. Vivid portrait of the sexual revolution. Articles on group love, homo-, bi and pan sexualities, birth control, communal love, and clearly important for the gay liberation and equality movements in San Francisco. [#] SEKIGUN. (The Red Army) Pamphlet No. (all and only published). Special issue, manifest poster-journal. Tokyo (Bureau of Pornography of the Kansaigakuin University). sheet of off-white newsprin (x cm), printed recto/verso in red. Text and illustrations, text in Japanese, with occasional english words in latin letters. Issued by Nagata Hiroko and Takita Osamu. ,. In the ’s/’s the Kansaigakuin University was the breading ground for student activism of various directions: Zenkyôtô, Zenagakujichi, Seikyô and Sekigun (Red Army, which was the most active). At the culmination point of the struggles it seems that the Red Army students had pressed the editorial office of the University newspaper to print this parody with the logo of the Red Army replacing the official logo and to place the name of the Red Army in large print on the front page. This was similar to the logo of the journal of the Japanese communist party Akahata (The Red Standard). Special issue on Drugs, Mind Liberating Plants, Green Revolution. (On the front page in capitals: Drug Freegras). Marijuana and LSD were the keywords for mental freedom, and here a guide is offered how to cultivate and fabricate it, and they advocate free distribution all over Japan. The picture of the love-making couple placed over a large image of a marihuhana leaf on the front page went too far for the authorities, the partciipants were arrested and the journal was forbidden. [#] SEXUAL FREEDOM INTERNATIONAL. Journal of the San Francisco Sexual Freedom League. Group of issues: Numbers (January ), (), (), (), (), (). With: Sexual Freedom Newsletter, July and Augusr . San Francisco, Sexual Freedom League, -. Original wrappers, folios, various formats. All in excellent condition. . Published quarterly (or more frequently as circumstances permit) by members of the San Francisco Chapter of the Sexual Freedom League, a nonprofit educational organization chartered by the State of California,. Issues of or large-size pages, b/w and one colour added. Editorial directors: [#] SINÉ MASSACRE. (Hebdomadaire paraissant le jeudi). Nos. - (all publ.). Paris, décembre - avril . to; The first nos. united under a publisher’s cover; nos and loose as issued. Excellent condition. . Directed and primarily illustrated by the French satirical caricaturist and cartoonist Siné, at first published by himself, last two issues published by J.J. Pauvert. Numerous illustrations by Siné, Loris, Strelkoff, Sergio, Nuez, Wardon, Landefelt, Bovarini, a.o. Most issues around a topic: No. : De Gaulle. No. : Pieds-Noirs. No. : la liberté de la presse avec des illustrations satiriques. No. : “Le grand guignol”. No. : “L’ amour”. No. : “Le pape est mort”. No. : Du sang à la Une, le rapprochement franco-allemand, le métro Charonne, le procès du Petit-Clamard. No. : Le colonialisme. Le périodique ne contient que des dessins destinés au pouvoir gaulliste, aux religieux, aux militaires, et aux colons. Added: invitation to a vernissage at Galerie Raymond Cordier, designed by Siné. [#] SIPAPU Volume no. through volume , no. (consecutive issue ), January -. Complete set. Winters, California: Noel Peattie, -. issues ranging from to pages. Illustrated. Self-wrappers.( . x . cm.). Printed in b/w, offset. ,. Edited by Noel Peattie. “A newsletter for librarians, collectors and others interested in the alternative press,(ISSN -). which includes small and ‘underground’ presses, third World, dissent, feminist, peace, and all forms of indescribable publishing in general.” This remarkable labor of love by a late, talented librarian at the University of California, Davis, is essential for any serious collection of underground literature. OCLC locates holdings worldwide, most of John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. them incomplete sets, including in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the UK. Complete sets in the wild must be vanishingly rare. “All forms of indescribable publishing” also includes the following: gay, lesbian, and transsexual; African-American, Asian-American, Chicano, and Native American; the poor and aged; and homeless and prisoners (Peattie sent free subscriptions to prisoners upon request). Although Sipapu began as a beacon for librarians to forming their collections and a record of all sorts of conferences, book fairs, and the like, it also published interviews (mostly of little magazine editors) in about half the issues and hundreds of reviews of obscure but worthy publications. The first interview, in issue , is with Steve Levine, publisher of the City of San Francisco Oracle. Others include Joseph Bruchac, Jack Shoemaker, John Wilcock, and Michael Davidson. Other contributors include Kate Barnes, Dick Higgins, Richard Kostelanetz, Michael McClure, Gary Snyder, and A.D. Winans. Indexes every five or ten issues. This set includes some ephemera and original correspondence from Noel Peattie. (This set was the personal copy of Lawrence McGilvery, whose name appears on the address labels, and who made the write-up for this item; the correspondence was between him and the editor). [#] SMAUG Volume , number . No date. Amsterdam. First European Undergroud Press, Zwanenburg. Added: poster ,x, cm, b/w. . [#] SOME/THING Nos. -/ (= Vol. -, all publ.). New York, Spring - Summer . vo, Original wrappers., in excellent condition, also the fragile no cover is in good condition (and not detached as is frequently the case). This perforated sticker cover (stamps designed by Andy Warhol: “Bomb Hanoi”) was glue-backed and is rarely found intact, clean with the print over the glue, readable and not sticking to the content-pages. Our copy has the front cover free, but the back cover is stuck at the bottom over a very small area and is fairly clean. (Allen - Artists’ Magazines. An alternative space for art, p. ) ,. Complete collection of the avant-garde periodical edited by David Antin & Jerome Rothenberg. ANDY WARHOL contributed to issue No. (Volume two, issue number one, Winter ) by designing its cover ‘Bomb Hanoi’. This issue, ‘Vietnam Assemblage’ includes texts by Allen Ginsberg, Charles Bukowski, Paul Blackburn, Rochelle Owens and many others but ‘is not an anthology of individual & numbered pieces on a single theme. It was compiled with the help of many hands, & in a special sense it is a communal effort - an overall structure made up of words, a language trap to closewith a state, a process, a system - something afflicting & evading all of us’ (editor’s note). No. : cover by Amy Mendelson; No. : cover sculpture by Robert Morris; No. / cover by George Maciunas. Other contributors include: Anselm Hollo, Ted Berrigan, Jackson Mac Low, Carolee Schneemann, Gerard Malanga, Allan Kaprow, Hans Arp, etc. Smaugteam: Paul Staudenmaijer, Tjitte de Vries, Guus Dijkhuizen, Hans Kanters, Anton Martineau, Dick Arenshorst. [#] STONE AGE [#] THE SOHO WEEKLY NEWS Vol. nos. -. New York, Febr. - Sept. , . L. folio; newsprint. Ills. Nos. - (all published). Farmingdale, NY . ,x cm., spine- stapled, pp. Per issue. Glossy covers. . . Weekly covering New York City, in particular Soho), edited by Michael Goldstein. Contrib. incl. Paul Williams, Jim Stratton, Rose Hartman, Tracy Young, Bill Plympton, Joanna Rees, o.a. Articles and reviews on politics, art, theatre, dance, fashion, film, popmusic. In no : Interview with Clifford Irving (‘Irving after Jail’) by Rudi Stern and Eleanor Bingham; interviews by Joanna Rees (in no : ‘Conversations with Dali’; in no : with Claes Oldenburg; in no : ‘Marisol Today’). In nos. & : Exclusive interview with Anais Nin, by Elaine Louie; in no : interview with Lotte Lenya, by Jeff Goldberg. Photographs by Allan Tannenbaum. John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. The All-New All-Dope Magazine. “..A magazine devoted exclusively to getting high”. “Stone Age will probe dope -chemical and natural- to reveal its hidden treasures like a jeweler” Editor Gilbert Choate. Number : Christmas Collector’s issue! Includes Graham Greene’s article “Opium in Old Vietnam” and Norman Mailer interview “On Weed and Karma”. Also Dean Latimer: Dope, Sex and Rock’n Roll; Number : Do-it-Yourself issue!, ; Number : Super Stoned issue! A. J. Weberman: How to Bogart A Joint. Each issue with the Stone Age Gazette, and reports on the drug scenes in Mexico, Amsterdam, etc. [#] STYNG. Yorkshire’s alternative newspaper Cooney Laides), Jim Hasynes, Heathcote Williams, Germaine Greer, together with Willem de Ridder (pseudonym Wilhelm Reider; Aloha,Amsterdam) and Susan Janssen. Texts in English; contribs. by Alex Gross, Alex Trocchi, Ed v.d. Elsken, Anna Beeke, Wolinski,Robert Crumb, Günther Brus, Otto Muehl, Joop Wilhelmus, Max Natkiel, Germaine Greer, Willem de Ridder, William Burroughs, Theo van den Boogaard. a.o. Together with the important special issue, written by Wlliam Levy and designed by Anthon Beeke: Very explicitly illustrated and with the following text on the final page: “Final instructions: This is not a work of fiction or of one man. Keep your eye on it’s bi-unity. I am smiling now. But if you don’t think my story marvellous and you should happen to meet me, kindly pass as though we don’t know each other. Moral: “At the moment of coitus all men are one man!”” No. (n.d.) Published by Seaview Publications, Barnsley. Newsprint, pp. . Editorial: Roger Hutchinson, Simon Rush. Graphics: Richard Keys, Duncan Curtis, Bill Crawford. [#] SUN/DANCE. White Panther Information Service. Vo. no (July ,); Number (October ). Tabloïd; pages, folded; printed in colour; light soilage and small defect to right margin of number . Two issues. . [#] SUCK. First European Sex Paper. Nos. - (all publ.) Amsterdam, Oct. -(). Folio; unbd. illustrated, partly colored. An exceptionally good set, with only very light spine and edge damage to number and very light staining in the margin of some numbers. Number with the original Suck-publishers stamp (change of address), and Number in the first printing AND the second revised printing (pages and totally different). No. with the inserted page comic (small tear). Together with SUCK SPECIAL ISSUE G. GORDON, text by W. LEVY, design A. BEEKE: The Virgin Sperm Dancer. An ecstatic journey of a boy transformed into a girl for one day only, and her erotic adventures in Amsterdam, magic center. Original, ilustrated stiff boards, pp. The Hague, . Folio. Colourful hippie-counter-culture publication, fully illustrated, artwork and photographs. A Product of Woodstock Nation. White Panther Party: Chairman John Sinclair, with Pun Plamondon, Ken Kelley, Magdalene Sinclair, Frank Bach, Gary Grimshaw, etc.; also contributions by Ed Sanders, Afeni Shakur, Michael Aldrich, Tom Hayden, Eldridge Cleaver, Bill Hutton, etc. “Free Chairman John Sinclair!; Free Tim Leary”. ,. Complete set of this startling Dutch underground magazine, containing explicit photographs and texts, drawings and comics of an obscene nature. A totally new sex publication, initiated by William Levy (pseudonym William [#] SURPRISE. Tous les trois mois. Nos. - (most probably all published, publication forbidden after no ). Small to., ab pages par issue; stapled in coloured pictorial wrappers, inside b/w. pp each issue, b&w contents, stapled into the original coloured illustrated paper wrappers. Paris, Éditions du Square, -. In excellent condition and extremely rare. . John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. Editor in chief: WILLEM (Bernhard HOLTROP). Comic with French text by the notorious editor and illustrator, wellknown for his contributions to the Dutch Provo=magazin ‘God, Nederland and Oranje’, as well as to L’Enragé, Charlie Hebdo, Hara-Kiri Hebdo, etc. The editorial for number notes that the Minister of the Interior, Michel Poniatoiwski, found Surpise number to be “dangereuse pour la jeunesse..” and forbade sales to minors. The covers of the premier issue is by Joost Swarte. Contributors include Kim Deitch, Riri le Spermatozoide, Bill Griffith, la bande a Bazooka, Joost Swarte, Chlodwig Poth, Bananar, Loulou, Phil, Poth, Oscar de Wit, Chapi, Dom Willoughby, Cathy Millet, Ever Meulen, Dave Geiser, Albert Rainbow, Morimoto, Poth, Phil, Kamagurka. Publication in the aftermath of ‘Provo’ and de “Kabouters” with literary contributions and critical articles, satirical drawings, photographs. Topics related to disarmament, ecology, the monarchy, etc. Rare complete set. irregular publication, ed. by Duco M. van Weerlee, R. Stolk, T.J. Bouman, H. Brinker, S. Davidson, J. de Jong. Contributions by R.J. Grootveld, Evert Rutgers, L. Putman, D. Tuijnman, a.o [#] TAMPAX TERRA No. . Torino, (autunno); x cm. Poster, bluepinted. “Foglio Stagionale e Murale (settembre/ottobre/novembre)”. Some discoloration over the folds. . [#] TING-PA Nos. - (all publ.). Kathmandu, Nepal, Fall -Spring . Large folio, unbound; printed on special handmade rice-paper woodblock; illustrated.; some impressions in red. ,. Edited and published by Angus Maclise and Francis Brooks, hand-printed in Swayambhu by Ato Tamting Sija, in a limited edition of copies only. Contribs. and woodcut illustrations (several on full-page) by Ira Cohen, Hetty Maclise, Olivia de Haulleville, Angus Maclise, Ian Alsop, Francis Brooks, Katie McDonald, Petra Vogt, a.o. Texts by Mauro Pariananda «Viaggiare dormendo», Giulio Tedeschi a.o.; dedicato a gianni milano zaratustra paperino sun ra aleister crowleyillustrations in the text. [#] TOTAL. eine macabre zeitschrift. [#] DE TAND DES TIJDS. Historisch tijdschrift - Postkrant voor Nederland. Nos. - (all) Amsterdam, Sept. - Nov. . L. folio, folded to pages, unbound (except. no / which is to). Ills. (most issues were sent through the mail). Rare as a set. ,. John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. (The only issue published ?) : Kunstbeilage von Prof. Paul Wunderlich. . Jahrgang nr. . Bremen: Self published, (n.d - late sixties) Quarto, pages, numerous illustrations. Illustrated wrappers. . Contributions by diettrich kittner, raoul hausmann, roland neumann, peter paul zahl, dieter volkmann, arno reinfrank richard laus and others. With a double page illustration by Giger; a full page illustration by Pit Morell and front cover by H. Eisenmann; a loosely inserted and folded double page black and white print (auf kunstdruckpapier) by paul wunderlich; a folded ‘Total’ sonderdruck (special edition) with reproduced press clippings about articles that appeared after that one of the former’ issues of Total had been refused by the Deutsche Post.. With loosely laid in subscription form. [#] TRA. Rivista internazionale di cultura alternative / international review of alternative culture Distributed by the I.A.P. International Alternative Press in Milano. “ Numero unico in attesa di autorizzazione - eliografato in proprio, te underground e i primi passi di quei circoli giovanili che sfoceranno poi nel movimento ‘. (...) Eliografato, spazia dalla controcultura al fumetto con la regia di Renato Pinuccio” .(IAP : pag. ). Nr. , - ( numbers in issues of a total of ten numbers published). Text in Italian and Englisch. Milano: TRA edizioni, -. Added a publicity leaflet and subscription form. ,. Directed by Giancarlo Bocchi, -number . . Speciale: La Nuova Biennale .Tabloid size, pages, illustrated throughout. -number . Speciale: Polonia . Tabloid size, pages, illustrated throughout. -number . Speciale Canada . Rivista trimestrale di dibattito, informazione e ricerca culturale. Quarterly magazine of debate, information and cultural research. . Quarto, pages, illustrated throughout. Illustrated wrappers. -number . il sociale linguaggi istituzioni. . Quarto, pages, illustrated throughout. Fornt cover ‘arte e ideologia’ by F. de Filippi. -number /. Linguaggi negazione e lateralitá. Rivista bimestrale d’informazione dibattito e ricerca culturale. Bimonthly magazine of information debate, and cultural research. Quarto, pages, illustrated throughout. Front cover after Daniel Buren. -number /. Linguaggi di massa. Quarto, pages, illustrated [#] TWEN. (from no. 2 onw.: TABOE.). Blad voor jonge mensen. Nos. - (all publ.). Amsterdam, -. to., unbd., original illustrated wrappers with illustrations and photographs. Spines damaged and slightly worn. . Directed by André v.d. Louw, R. Ferdinandusse, a.o.; with contribs. by R. Campert, H. Claus, C. Nooteboom, S. Vinkenoog, Hermans, Lucebert, Bibeb, etc. Ills. and photographs by Ed v.d. Elsken, F. Lodeizen, H. Postma. Peter v. Straaten, E. Postuma de Boer, etc. [#] UBU throughout. Front cover with photograph manifestazione di strada (bologna ). -number . Ideolologia Dell’avventura. Rivista d’informazione e politica culturale. The magazine of information and cultural politics. Aprile . Quarto, pages, illustrated throughout. Realizzazione grafica Angelo Sganzerla. Contributions by Ugo Dossi, Ann Tuteur, Haka, Lyn Kienholz, Amerigo Marras, Lamberto Pignotti, Helmut Schweizer and Vicky Scarpa. Photographs by Edoardo Fornaciari, Giorgio Colombo, J.P. Reverdot (P. Hulten), G.E.Simonetti, Lyn Kienholz etc. [#] TRAPPER (Unnumbered issue). Primavera , No Copyright. Milano, . Printed in darkgreen on white, in heliogravure on a sheet of ,x cm, folded as a harmonica to pages of ,xcm, handwritten texts with illustrations. Stamp Tampas distr.torino on frontpage. Nos. -/ (all publ.?). Milano, dic. - giugno/luglio . Original wrappers folio. Ills. . Director: Franco Quadri. Together issues (no. / & / are doubleissues) of pp. each, richly illustrated. Contribs. on American underground, film, theatre, feminism, popmusic, a.o. Articles incl.: ‘Dopo l’Underground’ (Calendario dell’underground e della rabbia-New American Cinema anno -Rivoluzione è teatro per la strada-Comics and Stories by Crumb); ‘Brecht antibrecht’; ‘Ginsberg a Chicago’; ‘Liberazione Femminile’ / ‘Gay Power’; ‘Rapporto Viet-Marijuana’; ‘Manson Innocente?’; ‘L’Era dell’Acquario’; ‘Rock Power’(Beatles, Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan); ‘ modi di fare teatro’, etc. Contribs. by (a.o.) Giuliano Scabia, Gianni Buttafava, Franco Cavallone, Fernanda Pivano, Jerome Savary, Marisa Rusconi. . John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. [#] UC unadopted communication. (Verschijnt om de drie weken/ Verschijnt onregelmatig). Nos. - (all publ.?). Heverlee, Nov. - April . (, x cm). Roneotyped, b&w. (No. with cover in orange). With illustrations. . Belgian underground and psychedelic publication, edited by Walter Declerck in Heverlee. Contribs, by Burroughs, Karel de Geest, Barn Altona, Cis Peeters, Meyerson, Peter Rooibos, Dirk Vom Berge (ills.), and many anonymous. [#] VDRSVP [Numbers - all published with the Madison WI Underground Newspaper KALEIDOSCOPE]. . July -, Aug. - Sept. , and n.d. Nova Broadcast, .(San Francisco (Athens, New York, Cologne,LA, Paris,Mannheim : Nova Broadcast Press). Rare copies of these fragile broadsides, in very good c ondition. ,. Broadsides distributed as supplements to Kaleidoscope. Edited By Norman Ogue Mustill and Jan Jacob Herman. Single sheets, folded up to three times. Printed front and back in a -column newpaper format, with photocompositions. No. : Contains Burroughs (The Moving Times), Weissner ( Death TV) , Nanos Valaoritis (The story of Scroloboulopoulos) along with work by Mary Beach, Alan Ansen and the editors. This was inserted into [#] UFO Space Bulletin Nos. and (all publ), Juni . “Revolution durch Information” UFO Space Bulletin, Oktober . Göttingen : Expanded Media Editions. x cm, folded to to. . Complete set of this German counterculture publication, nicely illustrated with collaged images, clippings, photographs, photocompositions, etc. With contributions of Joerg Fauser, Doc Benway, Allen Ginsberg, Schnee-Ede, Jürgen Ploog, Leila Khaled, Carl Weissner, Peter Weibel, Valie Export, Pelieu, Hamburger Mary, ‘Flash Gordon’, und ‘Lonnie the Pimp’. Number with contributions by Joerg Fauser, Harry Gelb, Pierre Joris, Jürgen Ploog, Carl Weissner, Dr. Kurt Unruh, Udo Breger, Jan Herman. Leara, OZ-Prozess, Schwarze Zelle, Junk, Blutiger Mittwoch, TECHNO-Anarchie, Coca-Cola. “Erstaunlicherweise haben wir die te Nr. geschafft.” Rare. [#] US. The Paperback Magazine. Nos. - (all publ.). New York, -. Original illustrated wrappers sm. vo. . Counterculture magazine in paperback format, edited by Richard Goldstein. Contributions by James Kunen, Jim Morrison, Michael Thomas, Steve Katz, Richard Goldstein, Jon Landau, Richard Meltzer, Tom Nolan, a.o. Cartoons by R. Crumb and Victor Moscoso. Illustrated with photographs and unusual graphics. John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. the second section of the July - issue of the Madison WI Underground Newspaper KALEIDOSCOPE. No. : ‘We pick up where the hen leaves off. .An investment in the smell of rotten eggs”. Contributions by Carl Solomon (War), A. Rooney & S. Beiles (Collectors corner), Alan Ansen (Professor Joe, a candidate for the presidency), N.O.Mustill ( photocollages), Wolf Vostell ( Four Instant Happenings, and a serigraph), J.J.Herman (collage), Jochen Gerz (photocomposition), Carl Weisner (photocomposition), Allen Ginsberg, James Silver, Carl Weissner, Harold Norse, and several others. This issue probably published as Broadsheet, inserted into the second section of the July Aug. - Sept. issue of the Milwaukee (Wisconsin) underground newspaper Kaleidoscope. A third issue was published Nova Broadcast, . No. :Nr. : “Artists all/find a dark corner/sit down/place youyr right calf on back of neck/place left calf on right shin/and suck+++weather/zonk”. “ An army of technicians stand vehind our product”. The third and last issue of the artists’ periodical, with contributions from the editors, Herman (A dangerous opiate) ; Carl Weisner (Stasis Inc.); Jeff Nuttal (drawing), N.O.Mustill( photocomposition, The Vietnam Question); Wolf Vostell (Miss America, photocomposition); Jochen Gerz (Theory of mobile texts); Alison Knowles (The big book, phtocomposition); Claude Pelieu; Sinclair Beiles (Notes from a tour); J.J.Lebel (Erotic traveller); , Carl Solomon (The adventures of Zig-Zag), and Gail Chiarello Dusenberry, Nanos Valaoritis. Nova Broadcast, . [#] WASHINGTON FREE PRESS Group of random issues published between March August . Tabloid newspaper print. Set in generally shabby condition with soilage, edges with damage, some tears and some waterstains. Folded in half as originally sold. . Important underground paper, published by the Washington Free Community. Some colour added to front and back page illustrations, also in the middle-spread. Free Press Staff: Art Grosman, Bill Willett, Marilyn Bird, Mark Schulman, Bobbi Nanny, Peter Novick, etc.; samples of headlines: LBJ to Appoint Son-in-Law to Replace MacNamara; Hips Say Speed Sucks, Girls Say Yes to Guys Who Say No to the Draft!., etc. [#] WEDGE Nos. - (all publ.). New York, NY, Wedge Press, -. Orig.wrappers, ,x cm. ,. Edited by Phil Mariani and Brian Wallis. With numerous illustrations, b/w; text in two columns. No. : An Aesthetic Inquiry”pp. Contributors: Art Papier (Interview with Joseph Beuys), G.A.A.G., Jenny Holzer, Jonathan Crary a.o. No. :The Spectacle” pp. Contributors: Richard Prince. Guy Debord, Pat Thomson, Michael Oblowitz, Jonathan Crary, Barbara Krugera.o. No. //: Partial Texts: Essays & Fictions: booklets, different format in folder. Kathy Acker, Silvia Kobowski, Nan Becker, Reese Williams, Mathew Geller, Richard Milazzo, Roberta Allen, Theresa H.K. Cha, Harry Condoleon, John Fekner, Candace Hill, Gary Indiana, Sarah Charlesworth and Phil Mariani. No. : Sexuality : Re/Positions. Guest editor: Silvia Kolbowski. pp. Contributors: Victor Burgin, Jean-François Lyotard, Judith Barrya.o. No. /:The Imperialism of Representation, The Representation of Imperialism” pp. Contributors: Edward Said, Jurgen Habermas, Noam Chomsky, Jonathan Crary, Edward Herman, Gayatri Spivak, Jean-Luc Godard a.o. [#] THE WHOLE EARTH CATALOG. Access to tools. [#] WAVE. The coffee table tabloid Vol. , No. (all publ.?). New York, So What Inc., . Tabloïd ( x cm.). Illustrated. . Published by The Portola Institute, Menlo Park/CA.; Spring . Together with: THE LAST WHOLE EARTH CATALOG. , Followed with ongoing pagination by WHOLE EARTH EPILOG. (nd. Ed., October ), Together with: THE NEW EARTH CATALOGUE. Living here and now.; volumes, L.folio, in orig. pictorial wrappers. . Underground magazine published and edited by Steve Becker and Stan Bobrof. Photographs, text, line drawings. With contributions by Mark, Beyer, Buster Cleveland, Studi “Stu Chernoff ”, Frank Bruno, Debra Kameros, Brian Carr, Raymond Young, M.R.Foldes. Incl. The Magic Theater Gazette Number One by Raymond F. Young. Sales catalogues offering , describing and depicting an array of the most unusual items designed for “new living”: ...”giving insights into the needs and desires of the new generation.” :the realm of intimate personal power is developing, power of the individual to conduct his own education, find his own inspiration, shape his own environment, and share his adventure with whoever is intereted. Tools that aid this process are sought and promoted by the Whole Earth Catalogue.” Illustrated throughout. John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. [#] DE WITTE KRANT. De Papieren Tijger Nos. , , , /, (sic!), /, , and The POSTER-issue. (all published). Amsterdam, -. x cm.; in very good condition. nostre lotte” with translation into french, english and napolitan dialect. ,. ,. Underground journal, close to Provo. . “Nieuws over de sosjale revoluutsie in de derde wereld, de kulturele revoluutsie in de westerse asfaltjungle,,de psiegedliese revolutie, de lieve revoluutsie in Amsterdam”. Collaboration of Ronald Augustin Johnny the Selfkicker, Bart van Hogenhuijze, Ben van Ootmerssen, Robert van der Veen, Simon Vinkenoog. Advocates sexual freedom, freedom for drug, etc.; flowerpower; psychedelic artwork. Poster issue in colour (Franz Deckwitz). Directed by Dario Fiori, continuing “Viola” (hence the April issue numbered consecutively as no ): -Marzo : “Viola è Wow”. Subtitled “Circoli del proletariato giovanile in de/composizione. Chiamiamo wow il movimento reale che (si) di/strugge e supera lo stato presente delle cose”, pages printed in brown, folding out to a poster : “Dopo Marx aprile - Disgregazione è Bello”. Texts: “Fare no. Disfare”; “Anatema isterico” ; “E ora e ora”; “Siamo tutti indiani metropolitani”; “Guerriglia Magia”; -(Aprile ): “Siamo diversi”. Sottotitolo: “Chiamiamo wow il movimento reale che si strugge e supera lo stato presente delle cose - per la quinta internazionale”, pages printed in blue. [#] WITZEND Nos. - (all publ.). Amsterdam, /-. Original wrappers; to; [#] X. (Screw presents a new exciting publication). Issues , , . (possibly last publ.). New York, . Newsprint., pages each. Light wear, but overall in very good condition. . Dutch language edition of Wallace Wood’s New York ‘Witzend’, published by the ‘Real Free Press’ which had outlets in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Antwerp. With contribs. by prominent American comics artists: Wallace Wood, Steve Ditko, Bill Pearson, Grass Green, Jaf, Warren Sattler, a.o.; with page prospectus of ‘The Real Free Press’ (distributor of ‘Provo’ magazine in ). [#] WOW Marzo, Aprile (Milano ). Two numbers (all published, continuing “Viola”). ,x cm. Printed in brown and blue. With many drawings and graphic illustrations in Situationist style. On the last page an image of Totò as a Roman: “Vivi nei nostri cuori, guidi le John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. . New York pornzine, offspring of Screw. “A new concept in adult fiction. Complete photo action storiePublisher: Jim Buckley. Editor: Al Goldstein. Photostories, in the middlespread Fred Englemen comic adventures of Popeye, Grotchie and Super (Fag)-Man. [#] YARROWSTALKS Number . (n.d., ca. ). London, Duke Street,St.James. pages, selfwrappers; , x , cm. In fine condition (except for very light soilage on the front cover). . Published by Chris Hill and Brian Zahn. This issue dedicated to Lynne Coren. Legendary underground publication with early ‘Head Comix’ (copyright ) by Robert Crumb. Interesting psychedelic artwork, printed in colour on full page, by Earl Kells, Paul Carlin, David Auten, Margerie Leamy, Bonnie Williams Asrnie Hendrickson, Ichabod (photograph), Peter Scheidt, Louis Delsarte, Douglas Binder. and other drawings by Crumb. Yarrowstalks was Philadelphia’s Oracle, one of the best of the underground papers;Yarrowstalks was a blend of artwork and creative writing. It was not radical politically, but rather a gently publication, with visually pleasing graphics and an easy editorial style. The first issue includes a page interview with Timothy Leary, with photograph. The paper, following the lead of editor and publisher Brian Zahn, moved toward Eastern philosophies. Twelve issues of Yarrowstalks were published in Philadelphia from until . Most of the activity was concentrated at the beginning of the period, in the heyday of underground press activity. [#] YARROWSTALKS (Crumb) Numbers () and . Philadelphia, Brian Zahn, June-July . (No. on newsprint, x , cm., light wear to spine and edges; No. on better paper, x , cm. , with a dark stain of ab. x cm in left bottom corner throughout the issue, front page right corner lightly shaven, but on the whole still a quite acceptable condition for these rare issues). ,. Published (initially monthly) by David Auten and Brian Zahn. Contributors: Steve Tilles, Phil Stilles, Bonny Williams, Paul Carlin, Lynn Coren, Timothy Leary, Robert Crumb. These first issues of Yarrowstalks represent some of the earliest R.Crumb Comics & Stories. Number one has the first appearance of his character “Mr. Natural” and “The Trip” a panel psychedelic comic strip. The second issue features the first installment of “Head Comix” [#] ZINC. Très beau, pas cher : Journal de bandes dessinées Nos. - (all published, complete set), Paris, Société de presse «Le pop», then éd. Balland after No. , mai - mai . Original pictorial wrappers, first numbers x cm, then becoming xcm. TOGETHER WITH: POLITICON. Supplément hebdomadaire à “Zinc” (très beau mensuel). Editeur Jean Balland. No. -. Paris, Balland, avril, avril, avril et mai . numbers of each pages, x cm. ,. Directed by Pierre Guitton, then after No. : Balland. The first French comics magazine for young adults with subversive political anti-establishment content, dealing with all the topics of the time and promoting sexual liberation. Directed by Pierre Guitton and Gilles Nicoulaud, assisted by Soulas, Bertrand, Hugot, Berroyer, Bob, Lesluin, a.o.; the supplement Politicon comments and caricaturizes the French political scene, and is particularly interesting for the presidential elections. A rare set. John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. [#] ZUT Numero Unico, (Roma), (Collettivo A/Traverso), [n.d. but October ], x cm,folded times to x cm. Direttore resposabile M. Baraghini, supplemento a stampa alternativa. . Only number published of this countercultural journal. Edited in Rome by Angelo Pasquini, Piero Lo Sardo, Mario Canale, with collaboration of Giancarlo De Simoni, Gilles Wright, Gerrj (Gerratana). Text on the frontpage:: “Di questo”; “Essere assenti”; “Che cento fiori sboccino - che cento radio trasmettano - che cento fogli preparino - un altro ‘ con altre armi”; “Ottobre. La marjuana matura...”. Folded out on the inside is a poster with the following texts: “Contro il disegno paranoico di colpevolizzazione-criminalizzazione dell’intelligenza desiderante. Contro il totalitarismo dell’imbecillità clericoriformista. Contro la restaurazione culturale (...). Proponiamo - Una vertenza generale per l’abolizione della scuola. - Una campagna ecologica per la sospensione di ogni forma di trasmissione del sapere. - La messa fuori legge di Comunione e Liberazione. (...) Zut foglio di agit/azione dadaista PER LA LIBERAZIONE dall’estraneità creativa dalla schifosa organizzazione del lavoro. Della rabbiosa espressione collettiva dei marginalizzati dalla ributtante rappresentazione spettacolare. Dell’intelligenza desiderante dalla gabbia tormentosa dell’organizzazione ideologica del consenso. PER LA SOVVERSIONE dell’istituzione spettacolare, ideologica e tecnico-scientifica. Colpiscine uno per educarne cento!...”. (Salaris : pp. ). John Benjamins Antiquariat B.V. We specialize in RARE JOURNALS, PERIODICALS and MAGAZINES Please ask for our Catalogues and come to visit us at: Search from our Website for Unusual, Rare, Obscure - complete sets and special issues of journals, in the best possible condition. Avant Garde Art Documentation Concrete Art Fluxus Visual Poetry Small Press Publications Little Magazines Artist Periodicals De-Luxe editions Beat Periodicals Underground and Counterculture and much more JOHN BENJAMINS ANTIQUARIAT Visiting address: Klaprozenweg 75G · 1033 NN Amsterdam · The Netherlands Postal address: P.O. BOX 36224 · 1020 ME Amsterdam · The Netherlands tel +31 20 630 4747 · fax +31 20 673 9773 ·