SPAWAR e-commerce Electronic Users Guide


SPAWAR e-commerce Electronic Users Guide
A Quick Guide to the SPAWAR E-Commerce Central
Published By
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command
Contracts Directorate Office
Oct 2005
V 4.0
Approved for Public Distribution
Table of Contents
1. Doing Business with SPAWAR…………………………………………………. 3
2. The Welcome/Home Page and Navigation Window…………………………….
3. Viewing SPAWAR Requirements……………………………………………….
4. The Solicitation Page…………………………………………………………….
5. Subscribing to a Solicitation……………………………………………………..
6. Bidders List………………………………………………………………………
7. Responding to a Market Survey…………………………………………………. 11
8. Submitting an Unsolicited Proposal……………………………………………... 17
9. Submitting an Electronic Proposal……………………………………………….. 21
10. I-Services………………………………………………………………………..
11. Important Notes/Contact Information…………………………………………...
1. Doing Business with SPAWAR
All Vendors: In order to do business with the Department of Defense, your company name must
be registered with the Central Contractor Registry located at (This site is
external to SPAWAR). If you do not have a D-U-N-S number, go to the Dun and Bradstreet
home page at (This site is external to SPAWAR) home page.
The information provided regarding future business opportunities is for planning purposes only
and does not represent any firm commitment on behalf of the U.S. Navy.
Interested parties, potential offerors, and those seeking to do business by or through those
potential offerors, are hereby on notice that this web site will be updated periodically to reflect
changes in the Request For Proposals (RFP) or Request For Quotations (RFQ) and related
documentation. There is no set time for updates. Interested parties, potential offerors, and those
seeking to do business by or through those potential offerors, must check and re-check this web
site to make sure that they have all current versions, amendments, and other information relating
to their respective procurement. Failure to do so may result in their respective proposals being
determined unacceptable or otherwise not in compliance with RFP terms and conditions.
Potential offerors are to submit bids/proposals to the requirement that is defined in the synopsis
(when applicable) and the Request For Proposal (RFP) or Request For Quotation (RFQ) that may
Timeliness of bids and proposals submitted electronically:
(a) The electronic submission of a bid or proposal must be entirely completed prior to the due
date and time for receipt of bids or proposals, as stated in the Request for Proposals, or the
submission will be considered late.
(b) The coverage in paragraph (a) applies to all bids and proposals submitted electronically. Its
text applies to all invitation for bids and requests for proposals and is part of the bids and
proposals submission instructions, even if it is not specifically included in the bid and
proposal submission instructions in an individual invitation for bids or request for proposals.
The coverage in paragraph (a) supplements the submission, modification and withdrawal of
bids and proposals coverage in the FAR 52.212-1 "Instructions to Offerors--Commercial
Items", FAR 52.214-7 "Late Submissions, Modifications, Revisions, and Withdrawals of
Bids", FAR 52.214-23 "Late Submissions, Modifications, Revisions, and Withdrawals of
Technical Proposals under Two-Step Sealed Bidding", or FAR 52.215-1 "Instructions to
Offerors--Competitive Acquisition" provision contained in an invitation for bids and request
for proposals.
(c) The notice in paragraph (a) does not apply to request for quotations under simplified
acquisition procedures (see FAR Part 13), unless the FAR 52.212-1 "Instructions to Offerors-Commercial Items" provision is included in the request for quotations. The notice in
paragraph (a) also does not apply to request for quotations for delivery/task orders under a
Federal Supply Schedule (see FAR 8.4), unless a late quotations provision is included in the
request for quotations and that provision contains the language in paragraph (a).
2. The Welcome/Home Page and Navigation Window
The Welcome Page is your starting point for accessing SPAWAR’s E-Commerce Central (E-CC)
website. It will display recent news items posted to the website, as well as recently issued and
soon-to-close solicitations. Use the Navigation Window (left column of the web page) to
navigate to the specific SPAWAR Business Opportunities postings that you are interested in.
Welcome/Home Page and Navigation window
* SPAWAR requirements on this guide refer to requirements issued by the SPAWAR
Acquisition Team. The SPAWAR Acquisition Team consists of SPAWAR HQ, SPAWAR
System Center Charleston, SPAWAR System Center San Diego, SPAWAR System Center New
Orleans, and SPAWAR System Center Norfolk.
2. The Welcome/Home Page and Navigation Window (continuation)
To view Business Opportunities, click on the yellow folder next to the corresponding SPAWAR
contracting activity (see illustration ii). If you want to do business with SPAWAR Headquarters,
click on the yellow FOLDER ( ) next to “HEADQUARTERS”. If your interest is doing
business with SPAWAR System Centers Charleston, San Diego, Norfolk or New Orleans, click
on the corresponding FOLDER ( ) next to that organization.
ii. Views in Navigation Window
3. Viewing SPAWAR Requirements
Once the yellow FOLDER is open, you will see a list of links representing different VIEWS
containing SPAWAR’s requirements. These VIEWS create subsets of the requirements based on
specific criteria to help you in locating your solicitation of interest. The following views are
provided for each SPAWAR command:
Special Notices
- Follow this link to view informational notices issued by the command.
Market Surveys
- Follow this link to view “Sources Sought” or “Request for Information”
(RFI). Information contained in this view is considered Long Range
Acquisition Estimates.
Future Opportunities
- Follow this link to view “Pre-Solicitation” or “Draft Solicitation”
Open Solicitations
- Follow this link to view “Issued” requirements. These are the only
solicitations for which you may submit proposals.
Open BAA
- Follow this link to view open “Broad Agency Announcements”. These
are the only BAAs for which you may submit proposals.
Simplified Acquisitions
- Follow this link to view “Simplified Acquisition Procedure”
requirements. These may or my not be open for proposal submissions.
Small Business by Type
- Follow this link to view solicitation requirements that are designated as
Small Business Set-Asides. These may or my not be open for proposal
Closed Solicitations
- Follow this link to view solicitation requirements that are under
Closed BAA
- Follow this link to view CLOSED BAA announcements
Awarded Contracts
- Follow this link to view recently awarded contracts.
Solicitation Number
- Follow this link if you know your Solicitation Number of interest. This
view will list ALL requirements by Solicitation Number with the most
recent at the top.
BAAs By Number
- Follow this link to view all “Broad Agency Announcements”.
Posting Date
- Follow this link if you don’t know the Solicitation Number but know the
posting date of the requirement.
FSCODE Category
- Follow this link to view SPAWAR requirements sorted by FSC Code.
Acquisition Type
- Follow this link to view SPAWAR requirements sorted by Acquisition
Type (e.g., Sole Source, 8a Set-aside etc.)
3. Viewing SPAWAR Requirements (continuation)
iii. Viewing SPAWAR Requirements for a specific command
Inside the View:
After you click on a particular VIEW link (from the Navigation Window), the Main Window
will refresh to reflect on the View of your choice (see Illustration iii above). Each view will
typically display several columns of data pertaining to each solicitation listed. From the Main
Window, click on a Solicitation Number to open and view the Solicitation page for that
particular requirement. Clicking on the yellow folder to the left of the Solicitation Number will
display a list of related documents such as synopses. At the top of the page are links that allow
navigation within the view. Only 30 items will be displayed on each view page so it may be
necessary to use the “Next” link to move forward through the list in order to find a specific
solicitation. You may use the “Expand” link to display all associated documents for each
solicitation (again, with a limit of 30 items per page).
4. The Solicitation Page
The Solicitation Page will provide you with some key information needed in order to do business
with SPAWAR. The illustration below shows the solicitation page for a particular Solicitation
Number. It contains the detailed information about the solicitation, and may include attached
files that are available for viewing/download (click on the linked file name). The page also
contains a number of folder sections that are initially closed. To expand/collapse a section,
simply click on the folder to the left of the section name.
iv. The Solicitation Page
5. Subscribing to a Solicitation
In order to subscribe to a particular Solicitation, choose your Solicitation Number of interest via
one of the VIEWS, open it and click on the “Subscribe” link at the top of the page. Please note
that you must be a registered user and currently logged in to the website in order to submit a
subscription request. Clicking the Subscribe link will open the Subscription e-form containing
your pertinent information. Verify that your information is correct and submit the form to receive
e-mail notification of updates to this individual solicitation.
DOWNTIME experienced by your Internet Service Provider).
v. Top Part of the Solicitation (Update) Subscription e-Form
vi. Bottom Part of the Solicitation (Update) Subscription e-Form
6. Bidders List
To view the Bidders List on a particular Solicitation, select and open your Solicitation page of
interest. From the Solicitation Page, click on the “View Bidders List” link at the top of the page.
vii. View Bidders List Link
viii. Bidders List Page
The above Bidders List page is provided to assist you in Doing Business with SPAWAR.
7. Responding to a Market Survey
In order to submit a response to a Market Survey, you must have a current SPAWAR E-CC
account and be logged into the e-CC website. If you don’t have one, please visit our I-Services
page and create one via the “Register” link. Alternately you may click on the “Register” link
located at the middle top of the e-CC website.
To LOG-IN, click on the “Login” link located middle top of the e-CC website. Once you have
logged in, this link and the registration link will no longer appear.
ix. Registered Users Login Prompt
A login welcome page will display after your successful login (see illustration xi.).
7. Responding to a Market Survey (continuation)
x. Login Welcome Page
After successfully logging in, please navigate to the Market Survey you wish to respond to using
the command and view links in the left Navigation Window. The Market Survey Page will now
contain an additional links at the top of the page labeled “Submit Company Info” (see illustration
7. Responding to a Market Survey (continuation)
xi. Market Survey Page after a successful login
Click on the “Submit Company Info” link to open the submission form (see illustrations). You
may attach up to 10 files (including ZIP files but not self-extracting or executable files) with
your submission (see illustration xiii). If you need to submit more files than this, so indicate in
the comments section and create additional responses as needed. Once you have submitted the
form, the responsible contract specialist will receive an email notification of your submission.
Note that unlike a proposal submission (detailed later in this document), you will NOT receive a
submission receipt only a “thank you” message to indicate it was successful (see illustration xiv).
If you do not receive the thank you message, it is probable that the submission has failed for
some reason, in which case you should contact the e-CC support desk for assistance.
7. Responding to a Market Survey (continuation)
xii. Market Survey Response - Top
The majority of the form will be completed automatically from your registration profile.
7. Responding to a Market Survey (continuation)
xiii. Market Survey Response - Bottom
Select between 1 and 10 upload boxes as needed. Don’t worry about selecting more than you
need, as empty upload boxes will be ignored.
The amount of time necessary for the submission to complete will vary with the speed of your
network connection, the size of the files being submitted, and the load on the e-CC server at the
time of your submission. It is not uncommon for this process to take several minutes during
which it may appear that the browser is not doing anything. Please DO NOT click any other links
or buttons in during this process, as doing so is likely to terminate your submission with the
resultant loss of all submitted data.
7. Responding to a Market Survey (continuation)
xiv. Survey Response Complete
At this point, your survey response submission is complete.
8. Submitting an Unsolicited Proposal
In some instances, you may wish to submit a proposal to SPAWAR for which no Request for
Proposal has been issued. The e-CC website facilitates this in a manner very similar to that used
for submitting Market Survey responses. First, you will need to have an active e-CC vendor
account and be logged in (see section 7, Responding to a Market Survey for details on how to log
in) with your account. Next, look for the “Submit Unsolicited Proposal” link in the e-CC
Navigation Pane (see illustration xv).
xv. Submit Unsolicited Proposal link
Clicking on the “Submit Unsolicited Proposal” link will open the Unsolicited Proposal form in
the main window. You will then complete this form and click on the “Submit” button. Note that,
as this is not a solicited proposal with a competition deadline, you will NOT be returned a
submission receipt as you would with a solicited proposal. Instead, you will receive a “thank you
message” to indicate that the submission was completed. Once the submission is complete, the
Unsolicited Proposal POCs for the commands you selected in the Unsolicited Proposal form will
be notified about your submission.
8. Submitting an Unsolicited Proposal (continuation)
xvi. Unsolicited Proposal - top
The top part of the form is automatically completed based on your registration data. You are
required to provide a title for your submission, which will be the primary reference key used by
the system. You may enter additional textual data in the comments section, although this is not
8. Submitting an Unsolicited Proposal (continuation)
xvii. Unsolicited Proposal submission - bottom
As part of the unsolicited proposal submission, you are required to specify which SPAWAR
commands you wish the submission to be sent to. You may select any or all of the commands in
any combination, so long as at least one command is selected. If you do not select a command,
you will not be able to submit the form.
You may submit up to 10 files simultaneously, including ZIP files, but you may not submit
executable files of any sort (including self-extracting ZIP files).
The amount of time necessary for the submission to complete will vary with the speed of your
network connection, the size of the files being submitted, and the load on the e-CC server at the
time of your submission. It is not uncommon for this process to take several minutes during
which it may appear that the browser is not doing anything. Please DO NOT click any other links
or buttons in during this process, as doing so is likely to terminate your submission with the
resultant loss of all submitted data.
8. Submitting an Unsolicited Proposal (continuation)
xix. Unsolicited Proposal submission complete
At this point, your unsolicited proposal submission is complete. Note that unlike a Market
Survey Response or a Solicited Proposal submission, you will not be able to access or review
your submission once you have submitted it.
9. Submitting an Electronic Proposal
In order to submit your e-Proposal, you must have a current SPAWAR E-CC account and be
logged into the e-CC website. If you don’t have one, please visit our I-Services page and create
one via the “Register” link. Alternately you may click on the “Register” link located at the
middle top of the e-CC website.
See section 7 Responding to a Market Survey for details on how to log in.
After successfully logging in, please navigate to the Solicitation Number of interest using the
command and view links in the left Navigation Window. The Solicitation Page will now contain
two additional links at the top of the page (see illustration xx)
xx. Solicitation Page after a Successful Login
The first active link on the top left of the solicitation page is the “Ask Question” link. Use this
link to ask your Contract Specialist a question on-line. The Questions and Answers will ONLY
be visible to you as the Author of the question, the Contract Specialist and the Contracting
The second active link on the top right of the solicitation page is the “Submit Proposal” link.
Use this link to submit your e-Proposal on-line.
9. Submitting an Electronic Proposal (continuation)
Complete the e-Proposal form (see illustration xxi and xxii.) and attach your proposal files.
Currently, you will only be allowed to submit a maximum of ten (10) separate files on the
proposal form. If you need to submit more files, you may use a compression utility to package
the files, or you may use multiple submission forms so long as you indicate in the comments that
you are submitting a multi-part proposal. For security reasons, executable files (those with .EXE,
or .COM extensions, for example) may not be submitted via the e-CC website. The submission
process will start when you click the “Submit” link and is complete when you receive the
confirmation page (see illustration xxiii below). Please contact your Contract Specialist
regarding submission of Alternate Proposals.
xxi. The e-Proposal Form – Top
9. Submitting an Electronic Proposal (continuation)
xxii. The e-Proposal Form - Bottom
Please make sure you reserve ample time to submit your proposal over the Internet to the
SPAWAR E-Commerce Central website. It is your responsibility to post your proposal to the
SPAWAR E-CC in time for submission to COMPLETE prior to the Government's posted
solicitation receipt deadline. Do not wait until the last minute to attempt to submit your proposal.
The amount of time necessary for the submission to complete will vary with the speed of your
network connection, the size of the files being submitted, and the load on the e-CC server at the
time of your submission. It is not uncommon for this process to take several minutes during
which it may appear that the browser is not doing anything. Please DO NOT click any other links
or buttons in during this process, as doing so is likely to terminate your submission with the
resultant loss of all submitted data.
When the submission process has successfully completed, a confirmation receipt page will be
displayed (see illustration xxiii.). This page is your receipt and it contains the recorded time
stamps and a REFERENCE KEY associated with the submission of your e-proposal. The
timeliness of your e-Proposal submission will be based on the same information as contained in
the E-Proposal Receipt so you are encouraged to print and keep a copy of this page for your
9. Submitting an Electronic Proposal (continuation)
xxiii. E-Proposal Receipt
If you DO NOT receive this page, please contact the e-CC Help Desk IMMEDIATELY, as
there may have been a problem with your submission. The e-CC Help Desk is staffed from
06:30 AM to 4:30 PM Pacific, Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. Outside of
normal hours or if you are unable to contact the e-CC Help Desk, we recommend that you
contact the responsible Contract Specialist by phone or email (this information can be found in
the Contact Information section of the solicitation) as soon as possible as this may be used as
proof of a good-faith effort on your part. We also recommend that you send an email with details
of the problem to While this email account is monitored by e-CC
Help Desk personnel, immediate response is not guaranteed.
If you forget to print the receipt page, or if you want to confirm that your proposal was received,
you may do so by navigating to the solicitation by the means described previously and then
clicking on the yellow folder next to the solicitation number. If your proposal was successfully
submitted, you, as the author of the proposal submission (and only that author) will see a link
listed under the solicitation indicating a proposal was submitted by your company and the date
on which it was submitted (see illustration xiv).
9. Submitting an Electronic Proposal (continuation)
xiv. View submitted proposal
Clicking on that link will open the proposal submission document, which contains all the
pertinent information for your submission. Please note that you may NOT access the actual
proposal files from this page, although the filenames and sizes of the submitted files are provided
(see illustration xv).
9. Submitting an Electronic Proposal (continuation)
Time and date submission
begun and completed
Files that were submitted
xxv. Proposal submission record
You may not access or modify the content of the proposal at this point. If you need to modify or
withdraw the proposal after the initial submission, you may do so via the appropriate links
located at the top of the proposal page (see illustration xxvi). Note that modifications or
withdrawals are only allowed while the solicitation is open. Once the due date has passed, you
will no longer be able to modify or withdraw your proposal.
9. Submitting an Electronic Proposal (continuation)
xxi. Modify or Withdraw a proposal
When the solicitation due date has passed these links will no longer appear.
10. I-Services
I-Services is your one-stop page to manage your account profile and subscriptions. User access
to the Registration Page is provided in order to participate in SPAWAR’s Electronic Commerce.
To access the I-Services page, click on the “I-Services” link from the Navigation Window (see
illustration ix.). For your convenience, the links found on the I-Services page are also located in
the Navigation Window and can be accessed by clicking on the yellow folder to the left of the IServices link.
The I-Services page provides the following links:
Register: In order to participate in SPAWAR’s electronic commerce, you
must have a valid Contractor E-CC user account. Click on this page to
register for your E-CC account. Registered users may ask Questions online and submit Electronic Proposal on-line in response to an Open
Solicitation. Once your registration request is submitted, it will be process
by our Acquisition Team and you will be NOTIFIED by e-mail once your
request is approved.
View/Update your User Registration Profile: Use this link to UPDATE
your E-CC User Profile (e.g., Phone Number change or Address Change).
Please note that you are not allowed to change your company name. If you
have changed employers, it will be necessary for you to re-register under
your new employer. Please contact the e-CC Help Desk for assistance.
Change Password: Use this link to change your e-CC password.
FSCODE Subscription (NEW SPAWAR Solicitations Only!): This
subscription service will notify you by e-mail every time a NEW
SPAWAR requirement is posted. Based, on your selected FSCode of
Specialty, a notification will be sent to your e-mail address whenever a
NEW SPAWAR requirement is posted on the E-CC for that FSCode.
TO THIS SITE (We are not responsible for DOWNTIME experienced by
your Internet Service Provider)
Solicitation Subscription (Existing SPAWAR Solicitations Only):
Please see “Item No. 5 – Subscribing to a Solicitation” page 9 of this
Users Guide.
Manage Subscriptions: Click on this link to see a list of all your
subscriptions. From this list you may edit/remove individual subscriptions.
Unsubscribe: Click on this link if you want to be taken off one or all of
our electronic mailing lists.
Users Guide: If you are reading this Users Guide you have successfully
access this link. Enjoy!
10. I-Services (continuation)
xxvi. I-Services Page
a. The SPAWAR E-Commerce Central Web Site uses the Industry Standard Secure Socket
Layer (SSL) encryption. This encryption prevents unauthorized inspection of any data
while in transit to or from our website.
b. When a Solicitation’s due date has passed or it has been Closed, users will no longer be
able to submit e-Proposals.
c. Your e-Proposal submission may ONLY be viewed by YOU, the individual author, and
by the Contract Specialist and Contracting Officer for that solicitation.
d. The actual e-Proposal attachments will be stored in SECURED CONTAINER and can be
viewed ONLY by the Contract Specialist and Contracting Officer for that solicitation.
e. PLEASE READ THE “Submitting a Proposal?” page very carefully. The “Submitting a
Proposal” page can be found in the SPAWAR E-CC Navigation Window.
If you have questions or comments regarding our website, please contact the SPAWAR
Contracts Directorate, Paperless Initiatives Management Branch, Help Desk using one of the
following methods:
By phone at 858-537-0644;
By email at;
By U.S. Postal Service Space & Naval Warfare Systems Command
Contracts Directorate Office, 02
Paperless Initiatives Mgmt Branch
4301 Pacific Highway
San Diego CA 92110-3127
We thank you for your interest in the SPAWAR E-Commerce Central website.
Your One-Stop Shop for Doing Business with SPAWAR.