May 8, 2016 - St. Mary`s - St. Luke`s


May 8, 2016 - St. Mary`s - St. Luke`s
May 8, 2016 The Ascension of the Lord
C a t h o l i c
C h u r c h
“Go and make disciples of all nations.” Mt. 28
saintsml .or g
P. O. BOX 11 0 • 50 5 PARK ST. EA ST • PAR K RIV ER , ND 58 27 0
Parish Office
Phone: (701) 284-6165
Fax: (701) 284-7789
Hours: 8:00-11:00 am MonFri
Parish Hall: (701) 284-6766
St. Luke
Catholic Church
Veseleyville, ND 58237
Fr. Gary Luiten
Parish Secretary,
Maxine Wilkes
Cheryl Daley
Mass Schedule
St. Mary @ 5:00 pm
St. Luke @ 8:00 am
St. Mary @ 10:00 am
lifted up, and going up, while the apostles are
gazing up and looking up.
From Wake Up to Shut Up
Since up is the obvious key word of our
Ascension celebration, it may surprise us to
realize that there is more of that rising word
in our lives than we are aware of. Yet each
day we wake up, get up, clean up, dress up,
and hurry up. We get up-tight over a few
hang-ups. We try to be upright. And
sometimes we get fed up with people who
don't shut up. In harmony with the pattern of
our lives, the Ascension is Jesus' dramatic
way of showing and telling us not to settle
down and not to look back. The Ascension is
our challenge to look up and look forward to
the eventual exaltation of all Jesus' members.
In plain language, theAscension assures us
that Jesus is not about to let us down.
"He was lifted up!"
"Lift Up Your Hearts!"
Just as Easter has one word that says it all-Every
is an invitation to an Ascension.
ALLELUIA--so does the Solemnity of the
up your hearts." And we
Ascension have one word that says it all. That
lifted them up to the Lord."
word is UP. St. Luke's account of the Ascension
(Acts 1:1-11) speaks of Jesus being taken up,
--Daniel Durken
All parishioners are reminded to please call
the Parish Office, 701284-6165, or drop a
note in the mail, whenever you move either
out of the parish or within the parish.
Here’s how to register! Thank you for your interest in joining our parish community. To register,
see Fr. Luiten after Mass. You may also stop by the parish office during the week, Monday-Friday,
between the hours of 8:00 am and 11:00 am or call 701-284-6165. We are glad you are here!
St. Mary’s Church
Sacramental Life
Anointing of the Sick
By request, e.g. before surgery.
Infant baptisms are usually at one of
the Weekend Masses. Call Office to
register for a parent preparation session
prior to Baptism.
Communion To the Sick/Shut In
Weekly. Please contact Parish Office.
Hospital Visitation
Saturdays or by request.
Begin arrangements and preparation
sessions at least six months before
wedding date
New Parishioners
St. Mary’s Church welcomes you.
Please see Father after Mass.
Confessions: Saturday 3:45-4:45 pm
Reconciliation Services: 1/2 hour
before Daily Mass or by special
Bulletin Deadline is Monday morning to
Parish Office. Please submit in writing or
on disc.
Readings for the Week
May 8
Sunday, 8
Acts 1:1-11 Ps 47:2-3,6-9
Eph 1:17-23 or Heb 9:2428; 10:19-23 Lk 24:46-53
Monday, 9
Acts 19:1-8 :Ps 68:2-3b,45acd,6-7b Jn 16:29-33
Acts 20: 17-27 Ps 68:10-11,
20-21 Jn 17:1-11a
Wednesday,11 Acts 20:28-38 Ps 68:29-30,
33-36b Jn 17:11b-19
Acts 22:30;23:6-11 Ps 16:1
-2a,5,7-11 Jn 17:20-26
Acts 25:13b-21 Ps 103:1-2,
11-12,19-20b Jn 21:15-19
Acts 1:15-17,20-26 Ps 113:
1-8 Jn 15:9-17
Next Sunday,15 Acts 2:1-11 Ps 104:1,24,2931,34 1 Cor 12:3b-7,12-13
or Rom 8:8-17 Jn 20:19-23
or Jn 14:15-16,23b-26
Meetings at St. Mary’s
St. Mary’s Altar Society will meet Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 7:30 pm in
St. Mary’s Friendship Room.
St. Mary’s Finance Board will meet Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at 8:30 pm
in St. Mary’s Rectory.
St. Mary’s Hunger Fund Committee will meet at 7:30 pm Tuesday, May
17, 2016 in St. Mary’s Friendship Room.
Chapter 5055 of the Knights of Columbus will meet Tuesday, May 24,
2016 at 7:00 pm in St. Mary’s Friendship Room.
The Annual Catholic Charities Caritas Award Luncheon will be held
Tuesday, May 10, 2016 from 11:30 am-1:00 pm at Spirit of Life Church
in Mandan, ND. Deacon Jim & Henrietta Nistler will be honored for
their work with the African Mission. The luncheon is free, but RSVP’s
are required. Visit for reservations.
How has Catholic Radio affected your life? Let the Lord show you the
gifts He has in store for you when you support one of the most effective
evangelization tools available today! Coming May 11th, 12th & 13th, you
will have the chance to become an integral part of the driving force that
keeps Real Presence Radio alive and growing in your listening area. We
will be here live to answer your call on 1370AM (Grand Forks), 1280AM
(Fargo/Moorhead), 820AM (Bemidji), 91.1 (Harvey), 99.7FM
(Jamestown) and 98.9FM (Belcourt). Thank you for your prayers and
support. Call 1-877-795-0122 or send your gifts to P.O. Box 13703 Grand
Forks, ND 58208.
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Park River, ND will have their 12th
Annual Syttende Mai Dinner Tuesday, May 17, 2016 from 4:30-7:00 pm.
Menu is: Norwegian Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes, Sweet Soup, Lefse,
Rommegrot, Sill, Smorebrod and Norwegian Baked Goods. Prices are:
Adults-$15.00, Children 5-7-$5.00, and Children 4 & under are free.
Serving the Assembly of St. Mary
Parish Stewardship
of Treasure
May 1, 2016
Children’s Collection.. ............ .…...$7.32
Total Collection ......................$2,570.32
Total Needed.........................$2,800.00
Y-T-D Collection…………….$59,600.03
Y-T-D Budget………………..$50,400.00
Tithing Norm for all Christians
10% of income back to God
To Parish……………………………..5-8%
To Diocese……………………………..1%
To Charities………………………….1-4%
May 14, at 5:00 pm
May 15, at 10:00 am
Dorothy Novak
Becky Nelson
Marquita Novak
Judy O’Shea
Jim Dobmeier
Matthew Dobmeier
Gretchen Brummond
Elaina Swartz
Seth Nelson
Jonah Zikmund
Extraordinary Ministers
of the Eucharist
St. Mary’s Greeters
*M Wilkes
S Vold, L Alkofer
Maxine Wilkes
Marquita Novak
*M Heggen
S Brunsvold, A Daley
C Daley, D Helt
Kaitlyn Nelson
Matthew Dobmeier
May 8, 2016
Park River Bible Camp will have a Women’s Retreat beginning at 5:30
pm on Friday, May 13 and ending May14. Cost is: $30.00 if you bring a
friend, $40.00 sign-up by May 2nd, and $50.00 at the door. See Maxine in
the church office if all the pamphlets are gone.
Park River Bible Camp 2016 Summer Concerts are as follows: June 5Peder Eide, June 12-John Bedore, June 19-Sue Ann Berntson & Family,
June 26-High Plains Trio, July 10-Sacred Variety, July 17-Rachel Kurtz,
July 24-Staff Concert/Drama and July 31-Amy Redding & Family. Concerts start at 7:00 pm.
Frost Fire Summer Theatre 2016, will present the musical “Million Dollar
Quartet”. The first performance will be at 6:00 pm Saturday, July 2nd &
the last performance will be at 2:00 pm Sunday, July 31st.
Mass Intentions
Monday, 9
No Mass
Tuesday, 10
7:30 am
+Dave & +Betty Praska
Wednesday, 11
7:30 am
+Carl, +Alice, &
+James Hankey
Thursday, 12
8:00 am
Friday, 13
7:30 am
St. Luke’s
+Pat Krlle
Anthony Johnson &
Saturday, 14
9:30 am
Good Samaritan Center
Representatives from Catholic Bethlehem Christian Families will be here
+Fr. Andrew Stauter
on the weekend of July 2 & 3, 2016 after Masses, to ask for your help and
5:00 pm
+Loretta McLaughlin
blessing for the native people of the Holy Land in Bethlehem. These families, sixty years ago, made up 18% of the population. Due to recent events
Sunday, 15
in the Middle East, it has caused these families to face devastating eco8:00 am
St. Luke’s
nomical strain, and caused the population to decrease to less than 2% in
Missa Pro Populo
the Holy Land. These families have relied on the income from their reli10:00 am
St Mary’s
gious hand carved olive wood artifacts to tourists. So they have come to
+Anita Noska &
the USA to try to help support these families by bringing their artifacts
+Rose Stommes
here to sell in the USA. All the proceeds from the sales will be sent back to
the families of the Holy Land so they may be able to keep their homes and provide for their families. The
last few years were very tough for the Christian families, and this is the only source of income for them.
Altru’s Hospice will hold its 18th Camp Good Mourning July 8-10, 2016 at Park River Bible Camp, near
Park River, ND. Camp Good Mourning is a children and teens grief camp for children six-18 years of age,
who have experienced the death of a loved one. There is a $25.00 registration fee for each camper; however,
if this fee is a hardship for the family, the fee can be waived as scholarships are available. No one will be
turned away for the inability to pay the fee. For more information please contact Sue Mairs at, 701-331-9008 or call Altru’s Hospice office in Grand Forks at 701-780-5258.
The Young Disciples Team will be at St. Mary’s July 16-21, 2016. These young adults will be conducting a
camp for grades K-6. The camps will include Mass, teaching, fun activities, drama, music & prayer to help
you to love Jesus and to embrace the life of His Church. Invite your friends, parents and teens—-Keep your
eyes open for other events while the team is here. Two teen nights will be Sunday, July 16 & Wednesday,
July 20.
The 60th Annual pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Prairies at Carmel of Mary Monastery 17765
78th Street SE Wahpeton, ND will be held Sunday, August 14, 2016. Schedule is: 2:00 pm Guest SpeakerFr. Jason Lefor, 3:00 PM-Rosary/Confessions, 5:00 pm Mass, and 6:00 pm-picnic. For more information,
call (701)640-6152 or visit
Stewardship Moment May 8, 2016 7th Sunday of Easter
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.”
(Revelations 22:13)
This is a reminder of how we should live our lives 24 hours a day, seven days a week—putting God first in
all that we do. Not only when I am at Mass and parish activities, but when I am in the world, at work or at
school. Living gratefully and generously is a lifestyle; it’s how I make all my decisions.
Prayer requests will typically run for 3 consecutive weeks unless requested to run for a longer duration.
Prayer List: George Lee, Doris Mageneau, Stanley Novak, Dylan Myrvik, Beth Davis and Veronica Stark.
Park River—284-7676
Drayton Drug –454-3831
Custom Farming
 Row crop planting
16 row 30” planter w/liquid
fertilizer and variable rate
 Row crop strip tilling,
NH3 and dry fertilizer
 CRP seeding
 CRP clipping
Give Greg a Call
Tollefson Funeral Home
Park River---------284-6086
Michael D. Such, Licensed Funeral Director
Kimberly Rahn, Licenced Funeral Director
Please support our
507 27th Avenue South
Grand Forks, ND 58201