January 17, 2016 - Mary Queen Catholic Church


January 17, 2016 - Mary Queen Catholic Church
606 Cedarwood Drive
Friendswood, TX 77546-4551
281-482-1391 281-482-4886 (fax)
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
January 17, 2016
5:30 PM Vigil Mass
7:30 AM, 9:30 AM,
11:30 AM &
5:30 PM (Life Teen)
First Saturdays
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday & Friday
6:30 PM
4:00—5:00 PM Saturday
Morning Prayer
8:10 AM
Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday & Friday
Daily Rosary
after 8:30 AM Mass
Monday, Tuesday
Thursday & Friday
(except First Friday)
1st Friday Exposition of
the Blessed Sacrament
9:00 AM—5:45 PM
Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament
4:30 PM Tuesday —
5:45 PM Wednesday
The Priests who serve Mary Queen Catholic Church are
Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette.
Pastor: Fr. James H. Kuczynski, M.S.
Deacons: Darrell Moulton, 281-482-0939
Kimble Nobles, 281-482-1391
Paul Robison, 713-416-1585
Chuck Turner, 281-482-1391
Pastoral Administration
Office Administrator
Administrative Assistant
Bookkeeper I
Bookkeeper II & Capital Campaign Admin.
Coordinator of Ministries & Functions
Pastoral Formation
Director, Adult Faith Formation
RCIA Coordinator
Director, Elementary Faith Formation
Administrator, Faith Formation
Director, Youth Ministry &
Senior High Faith Formation
Director, Junior High Faith Formation
& Confirmation
Administrative Assistant, Youth Ministry
Music Ministry
Director, Parish Music Ministry
Director, Life Teen Music Ministry
Carla Martin, ext. 311
Rhonda Hansen, ext. 315
Susan Silva, ext. 313
George Rodgers, ext. 313
Anita Shorosky, ext. 310
Rose Mary Baez, ext. 219
Adam G. Martinez, EdD, ext. 319
Amy Schauss, ext. 334
Cindy Newman, ext. 333
Alice Malek, ext. 328
If you are new to Mary Queen parish or visiting, please
stop by with any questions regarding our parish. We
would love to meet you! If you have been attending
Mary Queen Church and consider this your parish
community, please register with the Parish Office so we
can keep an accurate census.
Registration forms may be found in
the following locations:
Parish Office
Welcome Desk (in Church narthex)
Church’s website: www.maryqueencatholicchurch.org
Manny Bourque, ext. 317
Renee Bourque, ext. 329
JoEllen Baker, ext. 318
Russell Bolduc, ext. 227
Morgan Guajardo, ext. 310
Food Pantry/Social Concerns
Coordinator, Food Pantry/
Social Services Ministry
Chris Austgen, 281-482-1950
Facilities Management
Facilities Manager
Maintenance Coordinator
Weekend Maintenance
Chuck Turner, 832-618-4647
Charles Ganter, ext. 316
Davis Penrod, ext 316
Come Worship With Us!
Our Parish community worships together at Sunday
Mass, daily Masses, Holy Hour and Morning Prayer.
Join us for Morning Prayer each weekday
(except Wednesday) at 8:10 AM.
We pray the rosary after the 8:30 AM daily Masses
(except Wednesday & First Fridays).
Sacramental Life
Sacrament of Bapsm: Congratulations for Choosing Life!
Parents should contact the Parish Office to register for
Sacrament of Reconciliaon: Peace Be With You!
Saturday 4:00—5:00 PM or by appointment.
The Lord Bless You! Contact
one of the priests at least six months in advance for preparation.
Sacrament of Anoinng of the Sick:
The Healing Love
of Christ Surround You! If you know someone who is sick or in
the hospital, contact the Parish Office so we can visit and
include them in our prayers.
RCIA: Chrisan Iniaon of Adults: Journey With Us In
Faith! For inquiry into the Catholic Faith, contact the Parish
Bulletin Submission & Room Reservations
Bulletin announcements must be submitted to Rhonda
at rhansen@maryqueenchurch.org no later than 12:00
PM on the required submission date. Please see
page 10 for dates.
All Ministries and Organizations who need to reserve a
room and/or schedule events for the calendar need to
contact Rose Mary at baezrm@maryqueenchurch.org.
If you have questions, please call the Parish Office,
Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM, at 281-482-1391.
This Week in the Parish
Sunday, January 17, 2016
9:30 & 11:30 AM Masses: Children's Liturgy of the Word (St. Cecilia Room)
After 11:30 AM Mass - Baptisms (Church)
After 7:30 AM & 9:30 AM Mass - Coffee & Donuts (Main Hall)
After All Masses - Distribution of Cookbooks (Narthex)
1:30 PM
Proximate Adult Confirmation Session (Room 120, 125)
2:30 PM
Private Baptism—Rivas (Church)
3:45 PM
Adult Scripture Study - Book of Genesis (Room 114/115)
6:45 PM
Life Teen (Parish Center)
6:45 PM
Sr. Life Teen (Retreat House)
Monday, January 18, 2016—Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Parish Office and Parish Center Closed
6:30 PM
Baptism Interviews (Pastoral Office Conference Room)
6:30 PM
RCIA Session - Sacraments of Initiation (Main Hall, St Joseph Chapel)
7:00 PM
Choir Practice (Church and Choir room)
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
9:30 AM
Mary's Chain of Love Crochet/Craft Ministry (Room 114/115)
12:30 PM
Women's Study Group (Meeting Off Campus)
4:30 PM
Exposition for 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration (St. Joseph Chapel)
7:00 PM
Confirmation Core Team Meeting (Youth Room)
7:00 PM
Men's Ministry Prayer Group (La Salette Hall - St Ann Family Room)
7:15 PM
Witnessing the Faith (Room 114/115)
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Parish Office Closed - Staff Day of Reflection
9:30 AM
Queen's Bee Quilters (Mini Hall)
9:30 AM
Special Friends Reading Group (Room 118)
5:45 PM
Benediction concludes Eucharistic Adoration (St Joseph Chapel)
6:00 PM
Men's Bible Study (Retreat House)
6:45 PM
Sustainability Committee Meeting (La Salette Hall)
7:00 PM
Stewardship Council Meeting (114/115)
7:30 PM
Life Teen Music Practice (St Cecilia Room)
Thursday, January 21, 2016
9:30 AM
Adult Scripture Study (Mini Hall)
9:30 AM
Special Friends Reading Group (Room 118)
12:30 PM
Rosary for Our Nation (La Salette Hall - Divine Mercy Chapel)
6:30 PM
Men's ACTS Team Meeting (Main Hall)
6:30 PM
Rosary for Men's ACTS Team & Retreat (St Joseph Chapel)
6:30 PM
Spiritual Direction (Brides Room)
7:00 PM
Come To The Water (La Salette Hall)
7:00 PM
Good Shepherd Book Study (Room 120/125)
Mass Intentions
Saturday, January 16
5:30 PM Thomas & Caroline Skwarzec, Mark Giamfortone,
Ronald Johnson
Sunday, January 17
7:30 AM Thomas Banda, Donald Peppers, Ruth Torok
9:30 AM Departed Loved Ones of Vera Smart, Michael Butler,
Walker Winters
11:30 AM Fr. Benny, Luis & Edelmira Llaury, Luis Llaury
5:30 PM All Our Parishioners, Helen & Arturo Hervada,
Raymond Parra
Monday, January 18
8:30 AM Jo Anne Larson, Sandy Do,
Living and Departed Loved Ones of Joe & Gloria Silva
Tuesday, January 19
8:30 AM Austin Martin—Birthday Blessings, Robert Ferstl,
Joshua Do
Wednesday, January 20
6:30 PM Dolly Tavriello, Louise Hammer, Frank Walls
Thursday, January 21
8:30 PM David O’Brian Howerton, Phung Vu,
Souls in Purgatory
Friday, January 22
9:00 AM Ana Vu, Helen Lewis,
Paula Pierce—Birthday Blessings
Saturday, January 23
5:30 PM David Angelo—Birthday Blessings, Ron Johnson,
David O’Brian Howerton
Sunday, January 24
7:30 AM Hannah Brueggeman, Tim Guardione
9:30 AM Living and Departed Loved Ones of Judy Hodges,
Margarita Castaneda, Ervin Brabec
11:30 AM Rick & Dianne Valdez, Goldie Witucki, Ollie Devers
5:30 PM Ignacio Nunez, All Our Parishioners
Friday, January 22, 2016
7:30 AM
Stretching for Strength Class (Mini Hall)
9:30 AM
Good Shepherd Book Study (Room 120/125)
7:00 PM
Pinewood Derby Set Up (Main Hall)
Saturday, January 23, 2016
7:30 AM
Men's ACTS Faith Sharing Group (Room 110/Library)
8:00 AM
Pinewood Derby (Main Hall)
9:00 AM
VIRTUS - Protecting God's Children (Mini Hall)
11:00 AM
Private Baptism (Church)
4:00 PM
Reconciliation (Church)
Parish Financial Information
Mary Queen Nursery Adult Help Wanted
Sharing the gifts we have been given
If you love working with children, ages 1-3 years
of age, this could be your opportunity to do so.
The Nursery has a part-time opening for 1-2
Sundays a month, during the 9:30 AM Mass,
11:30 AM Mass and for special occasions
throughout the year. The candidate must be 18
years of age or older and must be VIRTUS
Certified or willing to obtain certification after
being hired. For more information or to apply,
contact Carla Martin, Office Administrator at 281482-1391, ext. 311 or Juanita Solis, Nursery
Coordinator at 281-996-0372.
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Envelopes: 553
Master’s Plan: $9,068.00
Future Development & Maintenance: $4,661.32
Solemnity of Mary: $8,092.00
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Envelopes: 508
Sacred Journeys Pilgrimage
with Fr. Skip Negley, M.S.
May 25 - June 5, 2016
Master’s Plan: $575.00
December Faith Direct Giving: $71,734.00
Faith Direct Participants: 308
Join Fr. Skip Negley, M.S. and Mr. Moses Khano of
Inspirational Tours of Houston to highlight the pilgrim
sites of Fatima, Santiago de Compostela, Avila,
Lourdes, Barcelona and famous Marian Shrines in
Spain. Dates for the pilgrimage are: May 25th –
June 5th, round-trip from Houston. All are welcome.
Reservations still accepted; going quickly. Pilgrimage
brochures are available at the reception desk.
Food Assistance
Utility Assistance
Other Expense—Thanksgiving Bags
Total Expense
Food Assistance 2,016
Utility Assistance
Other Expense
Total Expense
This Weekend
Sunday, January 16th & 17th
Second Collection for North Texas Victims
Cardinal DiNardo has asked the parishes in the
Galveston-Houston Archdiocese to take up a
second collection for the victims of the devastating
tornados in North Texas over Christmas. The funds
will be used by Catholic Charities and the Society
of St. Vincent de Paul of the Diocese of Dallas to
provide emergency assistance to storm victims with
temporary housing, meals, etc. that will be needed
until they can rebuild or relocate.
New Year Special!
Seven Ups For The New Year
My Dear Loving Parish Family,
I want to express my deepest thanks and gratitude for all of
your love, prayers, kind words, gifts and a very special
farewell party last Sunday. I really felt the love of everyone.
It all meant a lot to me. I will miss you all. I will keep you in
my thoughts and prayers and please do the same for me.
Thanks to Fr. Jim and all the Pastoral Staff. I love you all.
Thanks…… MUCHAS GRACIAS !!!!!
With love and prayers,
Fr. Benny Thadathilkunnel, MS
1) Wake-Up—Begin the day thanking the Lord. It is His
day. Rejoice in it.
2) Look-Up—Open your eyes to the Lord Jesus. Ask
for his strength and blessings for the day through the
anointing of his Holy Spirit. After all, he is your only
3) Dress-Up—Put on a smile. It improves your looks. It
says something about your attitude. It enables Jesus
living within you to smile at others.
4) Shut-Up—Watch your tongue. Don’t gossip. Don’t
be judgmental. Say nice things. Learn to listen to
others with love. Be sympathetic.
5) Stand-Up—Take a stand for what you believe.
Resist evil. Do good. Have the courage of your
Christian convictions by practicing what you believe.
6) Reach-Up—Spend time in prayer by talking to God
with your adorations, confessions, thanksgivings and
supplications to the Lord and by listening to Him by
attentively reading the Bible and by applying its
message to your life.
7) Lift-Up—Be available to help those in need by
serving, supporting and sharing. Try to find Jesus in
others and serve Him who lives in others.
My address in India :
Fr. Benny Thadathilkunnel, MS
Marangattupilly P.O.
Kottayam – 686 635
Kerala, India.
My email: frbennyms@gmail.com
Parish Office Closed
The Parish Office and Parish Center will be closed
on Monday, January 18th, in observance of the
Martin Luther King Holiday. This does not change
the daily Mass Schedule. Morning Mass will be
celebrated at 8:30 AM on Monday.
The Parish Office will be closed on Wednesday,
January 20th for a staff Day of Reflection.
Stewardship Reflections
January 17, 2016
That we open our hearts and allow the Holy Spirt to
work God’s plan through each of us. “To each
individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for
some benefit.” (1 Corinthians 12:7) St. Paul tells us that
God has blessed each of us for a reason. How has God
blessed you? Are you using your gifts according to
God’s plan; helping to do His work here on earth?
Remember that if you don’t do the work God planned
for you, no one else can do it.
Today’s Gospel.
Gospel : John 2: 1-11
Jesus’ first miracle at a wedding in Cana.
Let us pray for the grace to see the miracles which occur
in our lives and community when love overcomes hate
and selfishness.
Sunday, January 17
Isaiah 62:1-5, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, John 2:1-11
Monday, January 18
1 Samuel 15:16-23, Mark 2:18-22
Tuesday, January 19
1 Samuel 16:1-13, Mark 2:23-28
Wednesday, January 20
1 Samuel 17:32-33, 37, 40-51, Mark 3:1-6
Thursday, January 21
1 Samuel 18:6-9; 19:1-7, Mark 3:7-12
Friday, January 22
1 Samuel 24:3-21, Mark 3:13-19
Saturday, January 23
2 Samuel 1:1-4, 11-12, 19, 23-27, Mark 3:20-21
Sunday, January 24
Nehemiah 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10, 1 Corinthians 12:12-30 or 12:1214, 27, Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21
Choose one of the following activities as a way to
further reflect on the Sunday readings:
Plan a family celebration for the gifts that each family
member has received from God. Each member should
contribute to the celebration by offering something they
created by using a talent God has given them. (For
example, one child could play something on the piano;
another could make a banner thanking God; another
family member could bake cookies.) The celebration
should include a short prayer service thanking God for
the gifts.
Go for a winter walk with your family as a reminder of the
gifts of nature. As you walk together, point out all the
wondrous gifts of creation. Make an arrangement of
winter gifts to remind the family of God’s abundance.
Discuss the different ministries within your church and the
people who use their gifts for the community. Have each
family member write a note of appreciation to one of
these members of the community.
Respect Life Ministry Calendar
The second Wednesday of each month is
Respect Life Rosary and Mass. The
Rosary begins at 6:00 PM and Mass
begins at 6:30 PM.
There is a Respect Life Eucharistic Holy Hour on the
second Sunday of each month from 3:00 - 4:00 PM, in
the St. Joseph Chapel.
Every Friday morning at 10:00 AM we meet in the church
parking lot next to La Salette Hall to go pray as
witnesses for life at Planned Parenthood on I-45. All are
welcome to join us. Arrangement for transportation is
available, upon request.
For more Information contact Respect Life Ministry at
rfcms@att.net or 281-0648-2764.
Adult Confirmation is for baptized Catholics who have
not been confirmed in the gifts of the Holy Spirit during
the Sacrament of Confirmation. For more information on
how to prepare to complete your Sacraments of Initiation
of the Catholic Church contact Amy Schauss at
amyschauss@maryqueenchurch.org or 832-630-6512.
Adult Scripture Study on the
The Adult Faith Formation program at Mary Queen
Church will resume its Scripture Study Series on the
Book of Genesis on Sunday from 3:45-5:15 PM and
Thursday morning from 9:30-11:00 AM beginning
January 10th (Rooms 114/115) and January 14th
(Mini Hall) respectively, and will run for 12 weeks
through early April. The sessions will continue the indepth and reflective study of the Book of Genesis
using the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible series by
theologian Scott Hahn. A donation of $15.00 is
requested to cover material only. No new purchase
will be necessary if you are continuing from the first
Please call the parish office at 281-482-1391 or
anitashorosky@maryqueenchurch.org to register.
Space is limited.
For questions or more information please contact:
Dr. Adam Martinez, Adult Faith Formation Director
at adammartinez@maryqueenchurch.org
Spring Semester Session
January 10th - April 14th
Christian Meditation Prayer Group
All are invited to join us on Wednesday from 9:00—10:00
AM in the Bride’s Room (enter through the side door of
the church). Contact Sandy at 281-482-1784 or
Facilitator: Patti Rubinak (Sunday afternoon):
January 17th, 24th, 31st
February 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th
March 6th, 20th
April 3rd, 10th
Our Lady of La Salette Prayer Group
Join us on Mondays in La Salette Hall—St. Ann Room at
7:00 PM. We praise the Lord and exercise the gifts of the
Holy Spirit. Join us for worship, song, teaching,
testimonies and prayer for healing. For information,
contact Brother Roger at 281-648-2764.
Facilitator: Linda Robison (Thursday morning):
January 21st, 28th
February 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
March 3rd, 10th, 31st
April 7th, 14th
Love of God and Love of Country
All are invited to join us every Thursday at 12:30 PM in La
Salette Hall—Divine Mercy Chapel. We pray the Rosary
for the needs of our country. We study the writings of the
Founding Fathers of the Republic, deeply rooted in the
Christian faith. We also discuss events, legislation and
social trends that are shaping the country's direction.
Let us come together to learn and apply scriptural
principles for daily living as Jesus teaches. “When
we approach the Bible, then, we approach Jesus, the
Word of God; and in order to encounter Jesus, we
must approach him in a prayerful study of the
inspired word of God, the Sacred Scriptures.” –
Ignatius Catholic Bible Study Series.
Come to the Water
Our focus for this group is to form merciful
hearts to participate in the many “Works of
Mercy” opportunities offered through our
Parish Social Ministries and bring awareness
to other needs in our community.
If you are working in Parish Social Ministry or seeking to
learn more about Catholic Social Teaching, please join
us in La Salette Hall on Thursday January 21st from
7:00-8:30 PM. Please contact Terri Kettle at 713-5604503 or tlkettle@comcast.net for more information.
Guest Speaker: Chris Austgen
Ministry Highlighted: Food Pantry
Mary Queen will be offering the VIRTUS Protecting
God’s Children class on January 23, 2016 in the
Parish Center, Mini Hall, from 10:00 AM - 1:00
PM. This is the basic three hour class required for
anyone volunteering in ministries involving children
within the parish. Online signup is through the
VIRTUS website at http://www.virtusonline.org, and
all attendees must register on-line in advance, no
walk-ups are allowed.
If you have any questions, please contact our parish
coordinator, Daniel Barineau, at 281-300-5481.
Interested in learning about the formation
of priests for the Archdiocese of
Join us for a presentation by Fr. John Rooney, MRE,
Director of Spiritual Formation at St. Mary Seminary.
Restore Hope
Mary Queen Church offers a support group, Restore
Hope, to women who have had an abortion at any time
during their lives. This ministry seeks to help them heal,
experience God's love and mercy and find forgiveness
within a small group setting. All information is kept
confidential. If you are interested or would like more
information, please contact the group facilitator
at restorehopemq@gmail.com.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
7:00 PM
Mary Queen Catholic Church, Mini Hall
Hosted by Serra Club of Bay Area
Light refreshments will be served
HE HAS A JOB that puts him in touch with dozens of interesting
people each week: He smiles over coffee while a 95 year old woman
reminisces about her first date in 1920; he discusses ideas with a world
-class philosopher after a lecture.
Our next session is Monday, January 25, 2016
6:50 PM in the Retreat House
Divorce Care is a weekly support group and seminar
series where you’ll learn how to deal with the pain of the
past and look forward to rebuilding your life. Start when
you can, come as often as you can. The cost is just $15
per person (includes workbook). Call Stephe at 713-2523253 for information or to pre-register.
Each day when he gets out of bed, he knows his work will make a
difference. People knock on his door when they learn their spouses are
sick, even dying. When they don’t have the money to buy winter coats
for their small children. Or when their parents have kicked them out of
the house. He does his best to do something for them all, but he gets
back even more. This is not a thankless job. Real appreciation is
expressed in hugs, smiles and simple thanks.
His co-workers are well trained and knowledgeable in their fields. And
they are supportive, never competitive. They laugh a lot with him.
Sometimes they cry with him. But they are always caring.
This job has brought out in him all sorts of hidden talents. He hadn’t
known what a flair he had for public speaking; now, after every talk,
there are pats on the back. He hadn’t known how much he liked
children; now hundreds of kids know he’s ticklish behind the knees.
This is not a dead-end job. He is learning every day.
He is a priest. Does his job sound good to you? ~Mary Queen
Vocation Ministry
Alice Malek, Administrator, Ext. 328
Cynthia Newman, Director, Ext. 333
Preschool and Elementary CCE Schedule
No CCE classes this week
January 17th, 19th or 20th
(Staff development and retreat)
The CCE office will be closed
January 17th (afternoon), 18th and 20th
Classes resume January 24th, 26th, 27th
Next LifeTeen: Life Teen is January 17th from 6:45 8:35 PM. The theme is “Vacation Bible School”. The
next Life Teen is January 24th.
Witnessing The Faith: Witnessing The Faith is January
19th from 7:15 - 8:30 PM in Rooms 114/115. The theme
is “Vacation Bible School”. The next class is January
Gringo’s Spirit Day Fundraiser
Mary Queen is presenting Safe Environment
“Protecting God’s Children”
Saturday, January 23rd
10:00 AM-1:00 PM
Mini Hall
Adults who work with children or teens must attend this 3hour workshop, and submit to a background check. If
you plan to work with minors, now or in the future, finding
a class couldn’t get any easier.
To Register go to www.virtusonline.org. Click the link on
the left. Choose Galveston-Houston (Archdiocese).
Registration must be made online. Walk-ins are not
permitted. Space is limited, so don’t delay.
Would you like to support our youth programs and have
great Mexican food? Well now you can! If you eat at
Gringo’s in Pearland (“The Original”) on Tuesday,
January 26th, all you have to do is bring our Spirit Day
flyer with you, and 20% of your bill will go towards Mary
Queen Youth! You must have the flyer for Gringo’s to
make the donation. You can find flyers on the youth
bulletin board or download it from the Mary Queen
website, under the Youth Ministry tab.
Third Confirmation Class
January 24th, from 1:00 - 3:00 PM, in the Main Hall. All
Confirmation candidates should arrive by 12:45 PM so
that they can get checked in. We’ll see you there!
This class may also be taken for renewal credit.
Volunteers receiving VIRTUS approval in 2011 must
attend a refresher course by December 31, 2016.
Children’s Collecon
Sweet as chocolate are the children who keep the Lord’s
Day holy, and remember the needs of others through the
parish Offertory. Collection envelopes (available at the
welcome desk) came from Dana B., Ellen B., Jason B.,
Megan B., Bryan C., Jake C., Nicholas C., Victoria C.,
Aisling F., Mairead F., Jaxton G., Annie H., William L.,
Jacob M., Ella O., Sofia O., Ethan S., Ella S., Ingrid S.,
Kirstin S., Brian V., Edward, Hailey, Joseph, Kendall,
Kennedy, Victoria and William. Thank you for every coin,
dollar, envelope or sacrifice of praise offered to God!
December 27th - $376.92
January 3rd - $434.63
January 10th - $384.38
Next Edge: There will be NO EDGE on Wednesday,
January 20th. EDGE will resume on January 27th.
Junior High Youth Rally
The Archdiocesan Junior High Youth Rally is quickly
approaching! Mark your calendars on Saturday, February
20, 2016 from 10:30 AM - 9:00 PM at Sts. Simon & Jude
Catholic Church, The Woodlands, Texas. The cost is
$40.00 and includes meals. The theme this year is “Mercy
Games” featuring Doug Brummel National Catholic
speaker, comedian and story teller. Forms can be found
on Mary Queen’s Edge bulletin board in the Parish
Center. All forms with payment are due this
Wednesday, January 20th.
The Mary Queen Knights of Columbus Council and
the Women’s Ministry will be hosting a dinner and
dance on Saturday, February 6, 2016 from 7:00 11:00 PM in the Parish Center—Main Hall. The
theme this year is Mardi Gras since the date of the
event is close to Fat Tuesday. There will be a
professional DJ to play all music requests and we
will have door prizes during the evening along with
prizes for the best Mardi Gras costume.
We will be selling tickets for this event after all
Masses on January 24th and January 31st. Thank
you and hope to see you there!!
Get Ready for the Super Bowl
Pre-order Your Party Food Today
Knights of Columbus - BBQ SALE
The Knights of Columbus
will be selling their famous
smoked chickens, sausage
links and ribs on February
7th, Super Bowl Sunday,
after all morning Masses.
New Item:
Pre-order a smoked pork shoulder, perfect for
pulled pork. The 8 pound roasts are fully cooked
and are just $30.00 each.
If you would like to pre-order ribs, chicken or
sausages for your game day gathering, please
contact Roland Souliere at roland-s@sbcglobal.net.
Good Shepherd Book Club Did some of your well intentioned relatives, friends or
neighbors give you a gift card that you will not use?
Monthly Book Study
Caregiver Prayer
Support Group
The Good Shepherd & The Child, A Joyful Journey
Please consider donating them to the Food Pantry and
we will find a good home for them.
Volunteers Needed
As part of our Parish Social
Ministry we try to brighten the day
for the residents at Friendswood
Health Care Center. Monday and
Friday mornings at 10:00 AM we
play BINGO with the residents. If
you would like to show these senior citizens some of
God's mercy and volunteer for an hour each week, please
contact Chris at chrisaustgen@maryqueenchurch.org or
Thursday, January 21st, 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Friday, January 22nd, 9:30 - 10:30 AM
Mary Queen Parish Center Room 120 & 125
For more information, please contact
Mary Ellen Ried at meried@sbcglobal.net Mary Queen Cookbooks
Pick up your pre-ordered Cookbook
After All Masses in Church Narthex
January 16th & 17th
Pre-ordered cookbooks may be picked up after all
Masses this weekend, January 16th & 17th. The
cookbooks will be available for distribution or sale at
the Reception Desk in the Parish Center, Monday
through Friday during the hours of 8:30 AM and 5:30
PM. Please contact the Receptionist for availability
dates. Cookbooks will also be sold while supplies
Much gratitude to Cindy Oberlin for overseeing the
project from start to completion. If you see her,
please let her know how much you appreciate your
Chili & Gumbo Cook-Off
Get Your Teams Together Now!
Sunday, February 21st
Get your teams ready or your spoons handy. The Mary
Queen Youth Council has rescheduled its 3rd Annual
Mary Queen Chili & Gumbo Cook-off Fundraiser. The
competition is Sunday, February 21st from 12:00 - 4:00
PM on the church grounds. The Youth Council will be
selling tasting kits for spectators.
The entry fee is $50.00 per team. The entry form and
rules may be found on the Youth Room door, at the
Reception Desk in the Parish Center or on the Mary
Queen website at www.maryqueencatholicchurch.org.
For more information or questions please contact JoEllen
at jbaker@maryqueenchurch.org or
extension 381.
Mary’s Chain of Love Ministry
(Crochet & Craft)
Come Pray & Crochet With Us
Tuesday Mornings at 9:30 AM
Parish Center - Rooms 114-115
We are expanding and want to serve our own Mary
Queen Ministries and the community!
We specialize in: Prayer Shawls for those in need
of comfort, hats & scarves for the homeless and
crocheted appliques (crosses, angels, sheep and
more) attached to prayer tags. We also make baby
items for the Gabriel Project.
Want to learn to crochet? We will teach you.
Don’t have time for a lot of meetings? We will
give you a project to work on at home.
Upcoming Bulletin Deadlines - If you have something to submit for
the bulletin, please submit your information no later than noon to
The next Financial Peace University (FPU) nine week course is
scheduled to begin at Mary Queen on Sunday, January 31st
through Sunday, March 20th, from 3:00 - 5:00 PM in the Mini
Hall. This isn’t your typical “money class". Financial Peace
University is practical, entertaining and fun! More than 1.5
million families and individuals have taken FPU. The average
family completing the course pays off $5,300 in debt and saves
$2,700 in just 90 days. That’s an $8,000 change in
position! Whether you’re struggling to make ends meet or you’re
a millionaire, FPU has something for you. For more information
or questions, please contact Kevin Twyford at 281-414-9710 or
January 24th Bulletin - has already been submitted
January 31st Bulletin - Submit by Monday, January 25th
For more information and to register for the class go to:
Monetary donations and yarn are gratefully
accepted to help us create our projects. If you have
any questions, please contact Cindy Dittrich at
dittrich_cindy@yahoo.com or 832-282-6346.
What’s Going On At Mary Queen?
There are many ways to find out what is going on at
Mary Queen Catholic Church: announcements at
Mass, the bulletin, the Mary Queen Website, weekly
E-News and on Facebook. If you would like to
receive our weekly E-News, go to the Mary Queen
website at www.maryqueencatholicchurch.org
and sign up. You can also click on the Facebook
link and “like us” to receive the newsfeeds.
New Members
January 2016
Gene & Diana Hess
Ashley Jackson
Mike & Megan Murphy
Mary Queen’s High School Winter Formal
Friday, February 5, 2016
7:30 - 11:30 PM
Parish Center—Main Hall
Tickets: $5.00
Daniel & Anna Green
Roy Collins
Rit & Catalina Johnson
Jayson & Christina Edwards
All tickets will be purchased at the door and all are
welcome! Food and water are provided, other
refreshments are available for purchase.
John & Lindsey Evans
Brandon & Jessica Espiritu
Dress Code: Boys must wear a button-up shirt and
nice pants (no jeans). Feel free to wear a tie, jacket or
suit if desired. Girls must wear a dress or skirt and
nice top. Dresses/skirts must be fingertip in length
and if strapless must have a cover up.
The Mary Queen Adult Choir
We need more singers. The choir at Mary Queen is a
group of volunteers who enjoy singing and praising God
through song. They share their time and talents by
leading the musical worship at the 9:30 AM Mass every
Sunday. Rehearsals are Monday from 7:00 - 9:00 PM
in the Church. If you are interested in joining the choir,
please contact Russell Bolduc at 281-482-1391 or
russellbolduc@maryqueenchurch.org. We are in need
of voices for all sections; sopranos, alto, tenor and
Adult Orchestra
If you are skilled in a musical instrument
(brass, wind, strings), and are interested in
sharing your talent during liturgies, please
contact Russell. We practice the 1st and
2nd Tuesday of each month from 7:00 9:00 PM in the Church.
Mary Queen welcomes our newest
Child of God into the Catholic Faith.
January 3, 2016
Ramona Prentice
We Pray For …...
Charlotte Alexander
Susan Alston Family
Joan Arellano
Manuel Arellano
Christopher Austgen
Jacob Daniel
Jean Date
Barbara DeLuka
Barnard Family
John Bauer
Marcia Beaujon
Mary Behne
Anna Bermudez
Dolly Bolton
Chase Bourque
Kim Bowers
Debbie Britton
Jackson Burgett
Sr. Kerry Burke
Jo Faulk
Judy Frankie
Arda Fry
John Cahoon
Nola Carter
Mary Jo Castillo
Betty Cawley
Eli Chariez
Antoinette Chavez
Art Craig
Alison Ehrlich
Lily Elder
Andrew Garcia
Maria Garcia
Vera Garcia
Shirley Geerts
Jonanna George
Hope Gibson
Teresa Gibson Family
Fran Goetz
Celeste Golz
Angelica Gonzalez
Noberto Gonzalez
Handwerk Family
Anita Houston
Janet Hulsbosch
Lamoine Humphreys
Brenda La Bauve
Carol Lafeber
Dennis Lai-Fang
Sharon Lamb
Mary Ledesma
Lou Leonard
Marlene Livonia
Chris Lobue
Kathi Lobue
Carol Lorance
Richard Machowicz
Lillian McKinley
Marc McKenzie
Bob Mireles
Diana Mireles
Aloma Naivar
Franklin Naivar
Jackie Nall
Sandra Nowak
Cindy Oberlin
Gloria Olivares
Nora Olivares
Janet Pape
Annette Pappas
Judy Parker
Berta Perez
Chris Perez
Mildred Pesl
Dorothy Porter
Lou Porter
Abraham Ramirez
Fela Real
James Richard
Michael Roger
Bessie Rohan
Evelyn Rose
Judy Sandella
Jan Saunders
Mark Schneider
TC Skeete
Donald Smith
Vince Smith
Lucille Talbert
Jean Thomas
Jim Tinney
Ernest Trevino
Ryder Trull
Esther Tucker
Raul Valdez
Joey Vallot
Bill Vasen
Janice Vinson
Dana Vontour
Barry Ward
Shirley Weaver
Harvey Webb
Jim Wetsel
Barbara Williams
Isabel Williams
Joanna Zimmerman
Janie Zuniga
Special Needs Families
Lori Speiser
Dixie Suit
Lord Jesus, who went about doing good and healing all, we ask you to bless our
friends who are sick. Give them strength in body, courage in spirit, and patience with
pain. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
~ In Memoriam ~
Please pray for the repose of the soul of
Concetta (Connie) Floridia, Mary Queen Parishioner
Isidro Perez, father of Mary Rodriguez
The Sanctuary Candle is in memory of
Chuck White
week of January 16th – January 24th
We offer the Vigil Candle as a Memorial Candle each
week to interested parishioners who would like to request
that it burn “In Memory of” or “In Honor of” a loved
one, living or deceased. To reserve the candle, contact
the Receptionist in the Parish Office at 281-482-1391.
The name of your loved one will be published in the
bulletin and near the Sanctuary Candle in the Church.
Prayer List Requests
If you have a family member(s) or friend(s) who are in
need of special prayers by our parish community,
please consider placing them on the Mary Queen
Prayer List. You may do so by contacting our
receptionist, Anita Shorosky at 281-482-1391 or
anitashorosky@maryqueenchurch.org. Names will
remain on the list for 60 days unless we are notified
News Around The Area
DĞƌĐLJ ŽŶ &ĞďƌƵĂƌLJ Ϯϳ͕ ϮϬϭϲ͘ KŶůLJ ΨϮϱ ďLJ :ĂŶƵĂƌLJ ϯϭƐƚ͕ Ψϯϱ
aer that date. Internaonal speakers, prayer, music, fun and
World Youth Day. Join us contemplang on the mystery of
mercy presented by ten organizaons. Event in English and
Registraons online ǁǁǁ͘ĂƌĐŚŐŚ͘ŽƌŐͬLJĂĐŵŽƌ;ϳϭϯͿϳϰϭͲϴϳϳϴ͘
The Bay Area Deanery Council of Catholic
Women (BADCCW) will hold their January meeting
St. Helen’s will be offering a bus to the 2016 Texas
Rally for Life in Austin, TX on Saturday January
23rd. The bus will leave St. Helen’s parking lot at 6:15
AM sharp. Cost of the bus is $30 with children under 12
free. At 10:00 AM the pro-life Mass will be celebrated
by Bishop Joe Vasquez at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic
Church in Austin followed by a $5 lunch at the church’s
activity center. The march and rally will be from 1:00 3:00 PM. The bus will return at 4:30 PM. To register or
obtain more information, contact Richard Lang at 713298-4755 or right.2.life@sbcglobal.net .
Hymn Competition for the Year of Mercy Residents of
the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston are invited to
participate in a hymn competition in honor of the Year
of Mercy. The theme of the hymn is “Merciful, Like the
Father.” The winner will have his/her music distributed
throughout the Archdiocese for potential use on Divine
Mercy Sunday and throughout the Year of Mercy.
The winner will receive a cash award. For more
information, go to www.archgh.org/yearofmercy/prayer/
on Wednesday, January 20th from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
at St. Mary’s Immaculate Conception Church,
Rosary Hall, 816 Park Drive, La Porte, TX. In
addition to a brief monthly meeting, Sister Eleanor
Dickson will speak about the Year of Mercy. Donations
are also requested to support the Pregnancy and
County. Please consider bringing Diapers, sizes 4, 5,
or 6 and toiletry items. These centers help mothers
with parenting classes, as well as food and clothing
needs. They educate women and discourage abortion.
The BADCCW is an affiliated network of dedicated
Catholic women who come together for fellowship, to
grow in spirituality, leadership and service to Christ,
His church and society. BBQ Lunch—$5.00. For more
information or to carpool, contact Gretchen Mitchell at
832-605-8360 or gretchenmitchell@gmail.com.
Loving Embrace Infertility Support Group
Meets the 3rd Thursday, of each month, from 7:30 9:00 PM, (monthly meeting rotation: Couples Dinner,
Ladies Dinner, and Couples Discussion). Loving
Embrace is a Catholic educational support group for
couples who have endured or are presently enduring
the pain and suffering of infertility. The group provides
support for coping with infertility and explores
resources, methods, and options that are morally faithful
to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
For rotation information contact Shannon Lassen at 832
-978-6716 or infertilitysupporthouston@gmail.com.
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