Luz Maria Torres
Luz Maria Torres B[IR n MEilG 2010-201 1 Collectors'Edition In 0's G[11 =llrli I r Featuring theBestof Baja! I t. lira "-! "Fl '-t ir n r{' riltli ,lllllltlt|illil][[[Llllll, Luz Maria Tbrres Vacation Visionarv By SylviaMendoza goeson vacation,shetakesnotes,She henLuzMariaTorres with spectacularviews,top-notchrestaurants, and a ReesJonesgolf knows that when dream vacationsexceedexpectations, course.The surroundingwatersare an uncommonbrilliantaqua,the a customer'sexperiencecan be magical,As Presidentof bay is pristine,the mountainsare breathtaking,and the five islands AltamarInvestments and co-ownerof The VillaGroup Fesorts,which alongthe Sea of Cor16sform an ecologicalbarrierfor everyimaginable specializes in timeshares, Torresworks hardto combinethe beautyof sea creature. a vacationspot with exceptional seruiceand luxurioussensations. That approachbenefitstourrsmwhileprovidingpersonalsatisfaction, "Loreto is such a wonderful place that deserves to be discovered,"Torresbelieves."lt providesthe peoplewho wish to "Vacationsare very impodant in peoples' lives,"says Torres."lt is marvelat its beautywith is a place necessaryfor all of us to restand enloysomeleisuretime at leastonce where they can enjoy wonderful meals and have easy access to a year.We functionbetteraftergreatholidays." "lively"nature.The projectis big, over 40,000squaremiles,with Raisedin Mazatlan,Sinaloa,she was just sixteenand studyingat lots of reservedland to preserve.This is a very importanttask, as it the tourismschoolwhen she firstjumped into the hotelbusinessas a receptionist. Shewanteda summerjob that wouldhelpherimproveher benefitsMexico'stourism industry,its citizensand visitors." The Loreto project is just the beginningfor this visionary,In English."Havingbeenraisedin a touristtown, it becamealmostnormal addition,she continuesto rise to successin this traditionallymale- to work in the primaryindustryof the community." dominatedbusiness.All along,however,other women influencedher That hotelsubsequentlybecamea timeshareresoft."l movedto the work ethicand groundedher, salesdepartmentas a timesharestreetpromoter(OPC-outside public contact)-for lesshoursand more pay." Her motherwas a forwardthinkerand, while havinga modest education,alwayshad a strongdesireto learn.Her two daughtersare The companyexpandedto Puedo Vallada,Jalisco,and asked independent, happyindividuals who followtheirinterestsbut makeher her to move with them, After one year,she becameOPC manager. want to alwaysbe a good example,Theyhaveseenher praciicewhat When the companybegansufferingparlnershipproblems,she and a she preaches:"Workveryhard,be intuitiveand smar1." co-workerjoinedforces,"l was workingwith Owen Perry,developing As a young professional, she learnedto respectolderpeoplebut the sales infrastructure. We decided to create our own marketinq did not thinkthey had allthe answers,weresmarteror knewmorethan company." her."Now that I am older,I keepthat clearso I can learnmore." Torres has learned other valuable lessons on her journey: They coJounded PromocionesTropicales, They bought a small hoteland convededit to a five-startimeshareresoft.Theirmagictouch 1. Put in a lot of working hours. e o .E expandedto PuedoValladaand Cabo San Lucas.The companygrew 2, Sunound yourself with talented people and let them do their jobs, € intoThe VillaGroup."We enteredinto more padnerships that led us to 3. Place the well-being of those you lead first in order to create a team of successful people, The investmentand passionpaid off,Today,The VillaGroup has 4. Always keep your ego in check. many five-startimeshareresods and nearly2,000 employees,"The 5, Control the weakness of settling for the comfortable living lrl becomedevelopersand sellour own properties," o E =o U O N desireto sellsomethinggood to your customers,to providethem with enabled by past $uccesses; always move onto the next O an excellentvacationexperience and to givetrulyhonestleadership are challenge as if it's the first, N the fundamentals of attractingmotivated,intelligent and creativepeople The lessonsseemto makeTorresa wiserleaderwho ultimatelyhas e that willhelpdevelopa good company." to makethe best decisionsfor her company."Whenyou haveto makea Sheworkson Federallegislation to promotethe timesharelndustry decisionandthinkyou'vethoughtaboutit longenough,thinkaboutit one J - and nationaltourism;it has kept her activelyinvolvedwith Chambersof Commerce,time shareand touristassociations, and the Secretaryof F 'a 1.26 Tourismand ConsumerAffairs. moretime.Oncethe decisionis made,the doingis effortless." goodworkingrelationships Developing basedon respectand integrity is also crucialto success,When askedwhat her greatestachievement is The VillaGroup is developinga 3,000 acre resod development to date,Torresseesbeyondthe scopeof business."Hopefully, it'shavinga in Loreto,BajaCaliforniaSur,blendingeleganceand warm hospitality positiveimpacton the peoplewho work closeto me.". il.1. t$; .i i.T; 'l ,.{ !u '' tl tu'* ,' i.;t i. 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