Inside Tremont - Tremont West Development Corporation


Inside Tremont - Tremont West Development Corporation
Inside Tremont
Vol. 23 Issue 7
Tremont West Development Corp
July, 2008
St. Augustine’s Rev. Joseph McNulty receives the
2008 Henri J. Nouwen Award
Congratulations to Father Joe, as he is known in the Tremont
community, for your receiving the 2008 Henri J. Nouwen Award. Over
the 31 years he has been pastor of St. Augustine Parish here in the
Tremont neighborhood, he has expanded the church’s work to include
sign language in their services, and to include service to those with
Intellectual and other Developmental Disabilities (IDD), mental health
issues, blindness, and or mobility challenges.
Taste of Tremont
Recipients of this award must demonstrate certain characteristics,
including a devotion to following a sense of call and vocation in
relationships, or in community, with people having developmental
disabilities; the understanding of and the capacity to blend the pastoral
and prophetic dimensions of ministry and service to others; a capacity
to expand and enhance our understanding of the spiritual needs and
gifts of people with developmental disabilities; the competence to
write and teach while also living in community, or having direct
relationships, with people having developmental disabilities and their
families; the competence to build bridges of understanding about
individual spiritual needs and the ability to meet those needs by
illuminating the strength of vulnerability and community.
Congratulations Father Joe, you are a true inspiration!
Mark your calendar for all the free upcoming Summer events in Lincoln Park!
(on W.14th between Kenilworth and Starkweather)
Arts in August
Presented in Partnership with Tremont West Development Corporation,
ParkWorks & Councilman Joe Cimperman
Cleveland Public Theatre:
Student Theatre Enrichment Program Performance
August 1 st • 7:00pm
The Cleveland Shakespeare Festival
In Tremont's Lincoln Park Gazebo
Saturday August 2nd - William Shakespeare's "Hamlet"
Sunday August 3rd - Tom Stoppard's
"Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead"
All performances begin promptly at 7 PM.
groundworks DANCETHEATER
Civil War Encampment
Presented by the Tremont History Project
in Tremont’s Lincoln Park on September 13th and 14th.
THP is adding events this year, including the shooting of a
cannon over the Industrial Valley
by the Ohio 19th Light Artillery.
Tremont Arts
& Cultural Festival
Sponsored by
Presented in partnership with Merrick House, Tremont West
Development Corporation and Councilman Joe Cimperman
August 15th & 16th • 8:45pm
*rain date August 17
Saturday, September 20th, 11am until 6pm
& Sunday, September 21st, 12pm until 5pm
Verb Ballets
Questions? Call Tremont West Development
Corporation at 216.575.0920
August 22nd & 23rd • 8:00pm
*rain date August 24
Bringing a blanket, cushions, or lawn chairs is strongly
advised. Picnics are welcome.
Joe Cimperman,
Cleveland Ward 13
Page 2
A service of the
Tremont West Development
Editor: Michelle Davis
2406 Professor Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
“To maintain and improve the
living, business, and cultural
conditions for all of Tremont”
Sammy Catania, President
Tom Cook, First Vice-President
Sandy Smith, Second Vice-President
Lynn McLaughlin Murray, Treasurer
Sandy Yambor, Secretary
Jeff Chiplis, Herb Crowther,
Amo Judd, David Mehring, Karen
Gabriel Moss, Scott Nagy,
David Merrick
group Becca
is one of
many to be
held throughout the county.
Tim Donovan
Donovan Duncan
Chris Garland
Executive Director
Stephen Bloom
Director of Real Estate Development
Qualetha Carty
Assistant Property Manager
Kristen Ciofani
Community Organizer
Michelle Davis
Marketing/Fund Development Director
Katie Hough
Ward 13 Code Enforcement Officer
Cristi Mueller
Business Manager
Robert Rodgers
Ward 14 Code Enforcement Officer
Scott Rosenstein
Community Organizer
Executive Director’s Letter
July, 2008
Dear Friends in Tremont,
As many of you know, after hosting community meetings,
assessing population trends, and evaluating crime data and
patterns, the Cleveland Police Department has recently
made a number of adjustments – including moving from six
primary districts to five districts.
According to Public Safety Director, Martin Flask, “the new
neighborhood Police District boundary lines incorporate the
natural neighborhoods of the City of Cleveland.” For my point of view this is
probably the most crucial outcome of the new police plan. In order for neighbors to
build a strong partnership with our police department, we first need to establish a
healthy rapport with the officers themselves. We are well-served by our Second
District Police Commander, Keith Sulzer. On repeated occasions, I’ve personally
observed him sharing his direct contact info and accepting invitations to take part in
safety-related neighborhood meetings. Likewise, Lt. Bolon and the Community
Services Unit have been equally responsive. But it is the everyday increase of
officer visibility that I believe our neighborhood will most greatly benefit from – a
crucial component of the new police strategy.
Like any other change, there will no doubt be hurdles along the way. But, with the
increase in total Second District police coverage (while only adding a small amount
of Second District geography), I am optimistic that over the next few months and
years our neighborhood will reap the benefits of these changes. According to
Cmdr. Sulzer, “I am very excited about the added resources and potential that these
51 added officers bring to this district. We have added a 4th platoon shift that works
from 8pm to 4am. The purpose of this shift is to give us more coverage to the
entertainment areas such as Tremont, Ohio City, The Flats and Detroit Shoreway’s
Theatre Area.”
As always, please continue to: leave your front porch light on, use common sense
when out in the evenings, report non-functioning streetlights, and always file a
police report should an incident occur. If you would like to learn more about the
many exciting neighborhood-based safety programs that TWDC is organizing,
please contact our Community Safety Initiative via email at: .
Until next time, all the best to you and yours,
P.S. – looking forward to seeing all of you out and about all summer long…
Taste of Tremont – July 20th
Arts in August – All August in Lincoln Park
Civil War Encampment—September 13th and 14th
Tremont Arts & Cultural Festival – September 20th & 21st
Plus ArtWalk (2nd Fridays) and Farmers Market (every Sunday)
Connie Turski
Allied Member, A.S.I.D.
Connie Turski Interiors
Residential Design & Commercial Design
Specializing in Color Consult
2146 West 5th Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
216-664-0513 Phone
216-664-0505 Fax
Page 3
Auburn Block Club
Open 7 Days a Week
Mon - Thu 5:00pm - 10:00
Fri - Sat 5:00pm 11:00pm
Sunday 5:00pm - 9:00pm
In Tremont’s Lincoln Park neighborhood
Invites residents and business people to the:
Neighborhood Cleanup
& Cookout in the Park
Saturday, July 26th, 2008
up—10 am—
Noon—1:30 pm Hotdogs, Buns, & Pop provided
Bring a dish to share!
Check out our menu
order food for pick up!
Thai Yoga Massage
Located in the corner unit of Lemko Hall.
Offering Yoga, Pilates, Modern Dance,
and Capoeira. Upcoming workshops:
Partner Yoga and Flying,
Intro to Yoga and Pilates.
Pilates Reformer Sessions available.
for more information.
Thai Massage Bodywork offered
7 days a week by appointment.
Gift Certificates are available.
2337 W. 11th Street
Tremont, Ohio 44113
Page 4
Tremont Celebrates Summer Events!
Tremont Trek: 2008 Walking Home Tour
On Saturday, June 21st the 7th annual 'Tremont Trek: 2008
Home Tour' took place. What a great time was had by all!
Special thanks are due to Margy Judd and Roberta Rocco,
event co-chairs; committee members, Amo Judd, Aaron
and Jill Lemieux, Stephen and Jeanne Michaelides, Leah
Commercial Space for Sale or Lease
Sharkey, Jim Masterson, John and Karen Moss, Natalie
Are you looking to lease, purchase or market commercial
Peterson and Stephen Finegold, Sammy Catania, Sue and
space in Tremont? If so, contact Michelle Davis at
Bill Coy, Connie Turski, Darla Motil, Michael DeNicola, Mark
216.575.0920. Remember, if you are planning to open a
Smith, Patti Choby, Anna Vedouras, Jack Ramsey and Scott
business in Tremont, you may need to contact the City of
Rosenstein. In-kind services were provided by graphic
Cleveland to see what variances or permits are required for designer and Tremont resident Jill Lemieux, beautiful
your desired location – the Department of Building and
plants from Petitti Garden Centers and wine distributor
Housing can be reached at 216.664.2282.
Wine Trends. Many thanks to the generous art raffle
See current Tremont Commercial Properties at:
donations from our own Tremont artists Sally Matia, Tim
Herron and Mark Smith, also from Paul Duda Gallery and
There are some great loan reimbursement programs
Kathy Skerritt, exhibiting at Atmosphere Art Gallery.
through the city and county for vacant building rehab,
Thanks to the Paul Duda Gallery/Robert Hartshorn Studio
storefront renovations, signage and Brownfield clean-up.
and Atmosphere Art Gallery for hosting the opening and
Feel free to contact Michelle at TWDC for more
closing parties and to the wonderful Tremont restaurants
that showcased their food including: Fahrenheit, Fat Cats/
Lava Lounge, Parallax, Lago Resaturant & Wine Bar, Lolita,
Tremont Roundtable
Ty Fun Thai Bistro, Donna Christzt's Dish Deli & Catering,
Tremont’s newest group of business owners, residents, and Next Door Deli, Lilly Handmade Chocolates, Sweet Mosaic
artists welcome anyone who would like to get
and Grumpy's Cafe. Finally many thanks to the home
involved. They have generated a “to do” list and are still inowners who opened up their homes to the 220 guests who
viting new people to join the group. They received their first were wowed by Tremont: Sally Matia & Peter Kochera, Tony
grant from Neighborhood Connections to create static
Hughes, Chris & Suzanne Meltzer, Ray Blackburn, Ken &
neighborhood maps. Their next meeting will be on
Jessica Johnson, and Jeff Eizember, Zora Saric & Kerre
Monday, July 7, 2008, 7:00p.m. at Lucky’s Café. Feel free to Ovens. A special nod to Doug Trattner for a generous
contact Heather Haviland for more info. (216) 622-7773
mention on the Lannigan & Malone show and in the FREE
Times, to Melissa Hebert for the Plain Dealer feature and
Tremont History Project
Elaine Cicora for The Scene’s Tasteful Affair article. Also to
WHAT DO YOU KNOW OF LEMKO HALL, THE UNION GOSPEL Tremont’s Dean Guernsey and Dynamic Signs, for our
beautiful Street Banner!!
The Tremont History Project invites you to share with us
any knowledge, historical information and old photos you
Show Your Stuff
may have of these buildings. Please share this information
Neighborhood Yard Sale
with the group by emailing Eileen at:
Lots of stuff, lots of people in Tremont = lots of fun! Special
Look for future events regarding the above.
thanks to Desiree Schmitt at Southside Concierge &
By now you know of our little history display in the
Cleaners, a unique service boutique - helping you take care
conference room at the offices of TWDC, 2406 Professor
of business and look great while doing it! , for organizing
Street. It's open during business hours, M-F and during
this wonderful annual event with over 100 neighborhood
spring through fall Art Walks. Our meetings continue to be
held in the conference room on the second Tuesday of each participating sites. Show Your Stuff was held this year on
June 8th. Call Desiree for your laundry and concierge needs
month beginning at 7pm.
We are looking for volunteers for our Civil War Encampment at 216.241.7720.
the weekend of September 13 and 14. We're adding events
this year. One new event will be the shooting of a cannon
Taste of Tremont
over the Industrial Valley by the Ohio 19th Light
Sunday, July 20th
Artillery. We're looking into and confirming other events.
1pm to 8 pm,
Check out our website: to keep
updated with new posts and with events connected to the
all along Professor!
Civil War Encampment.
This event is free and has become a Tremont tradition.
For information, please call or leave a message for Eileen:
Featuring a sampling of local restaurants, small
440-582-1192 or Scott or Michelle at TWDC at:575-0920.
businesses, children's activities, a beer garden and
live music.
Page 5
Discover your city
on bike this summer!
at Merrick House for
Campemento de Viajeros Ciclistas
Bi-lingual Youth Bike Adventure on the Near West Side
Merrick House has partnered with Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital’s Injury Prevention Center and Safe Kids Greater
Cleveland to offer a unique summer camp experience for youth ages 10-13 of the Near West Side of Cleveland. The CVC
summer bike camp is not just about traveling by bike, it’s a way to explore the many educational, recreational and future
career opportunities on the Near West Side and beyond in a supportive atmosphere of friends, neighbors and community.
Each day of camp will have a theme around which activities, experiences and travel routes will be organized. For example,
on Food & Nutrition Day stops will include the West Side Market, community gardens and local restaurants. Other stops
will include a recording studio, sports venues, artists’ studios, Steelyard Commons, the Towpath Trail, Edgewater Beach
and more! Campers will also participate in a service learning project and have numerous fun group activities at Merrick
House, Lincoln Park and Clark Fields. For one day of the camp, participants will use rapid transit to visit University
Hospitals of Cleveland to learn about the many careers available in healthcare, science and medicine. Any Tremont
business owners, artists or organizations that would like to get involved and be part of the weekly tour of the neighborhood
and share what you do should contact Thomas Cook of Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital at 216-983-1105.
Camp Sessions
1: July 14 - July 18
2: July 21 - July 24
3: July 28 - Aug 01
4: Aug 04 - Aug 11
5: Aug 12 - Aug 15
All CVC bike camps will run for one week, Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM - 4:00PM
beginning and ending at Merrick House - Tremont. Departure from Merrick House will
begin promptly at 9:30 AM daily, returning by 3:00 PM. Lunch and snacks will be
provided and will be taken off-site on most camp days. A limited number of bikes and
locks will be provided to participants who do not have their own. Bike helmets will be
mandatory and provided to participants at no cost. To register contact Merrick House
at 216-771-5077. Each camp will be limited to 12 campers ages 10-13. A parent/
guardian info meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 2nd at Merrick House at 7PM,
1050 Starkweather Ave. - Tremont
If you have any questions please contact Thomas Cook, CVC Camp Coordinator at 216-983-1105
No Excuses,
• Free Parking
• Free Private
Yoga & Pilates
• Free Towel
• Free Group Exercise Classes
• Personal Training
• 18,000 sq. foot Facility
• 25,000 lbs. of Free Weights
• Open 7 days a week
ReZults Downtown Fitness, Inc.
We are a independently owned gym,
committed to helping you achieve and
maintain your fitness goals.
Clean and Comfortable, No Crowds &
No Waiting for Equipment!
Mon-Thurs 5:30am-9:00pm Saturday 9:00am-5:00pm
5:30am-8:00pm Sunday
1500 West 3rd St. Suite 550
Cleveland, OH 44113
(connected to Tower City
Page 6
Openings—Friday, July 11th, 2008
6—10 pm
Works can be viewed thru the month during regular business hours.
Lava Lounge – 1307 Auburn Ave. 216-589-9112
Exposure Cleveland Show
Grumpy’s – 2617 West 14th Street
Mon. 6 am – 3 pm, Tues – Thurs 6 am – 10 pm
Fri 6 am – 11 pm
Sat. 8 am – 11 pm, Sun 8 am – 3 pm
Ghosts of Whiskey Island Photos by
Monroe Copper, Artwork by Femi Kolawole and
Photos by Bryan Lazar
Prosperity Social Club - 1109 Starkweather
Martini Five-O @ 10 p.m.
Brandt Gallery – 1028 Kenilworth
Selling Us the Poison Selling Us the Cure mixed
media, work by Shawn Mishak
Russel Vidrick Open mic poetry reading Saturday
@ 3 p.m.
The Southside – 2207 West 11th 216-937-2288
Photography by Ruggero Fatica
Asterisk* - 2393 Professor Ave.
Fourth Annual 19 Show, work by 19 artists
The Flying Monkey – 819 Jefferson
Robert Hartshorn Studio – 2342 Professor Ave.
Hybrid - 2430 Tremont Ave.
Where things of a mixed origin come together
doubting Thomas – 856 Jefferson Ave.
graffiti art, group show
Ukrainian MuseumMuseum-Archives -1202 Kenilworth
Tuesday – Saturday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. or by appt.
& ArtWalks
Edison’s Pub – 2373 Professor Ave.
Works by Ray Gallant
Live music Saturday night
The Paul Duda Gallery – 2342 Professor Ave.
Banyan Tree – 2242 Professor Ave.
Mon – Wed 11 – 7, Thurs – Sat 11 – 9, Sun 11 - 4
Studio 11 – 2337 West 11th - 216-621-8179
Work by Chris Kaspar
Yoga and Pilates Studio
Lucky’s Café – 777 Starkweather
Forces of Nature work by Kathleen Forrest
Saturday and Sunday Brunch
P.D. White Furniture – 767 Starkweather
Original design handmade furniture
Be a part of Tremont’s History!!
Help us build Tremont’s first ever
Community Greenhouse!
Hooper Farm and the Tremont Community
Greenhouse are looking for volunteers to
assist with building Tremont’s first
Community Greenhouse.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
July 4th, 5th and 6th
2835 W. 11th Street
Times may vary, so please call Erich for
details, 861-5224.
The greenhouse has been
made possible through a
grant from
Connections, a small
grant program of the
Eye Candy Gallery - 2173 Professor Ave., #1
Wed / Thu 12-6 pm, Fri 1-7 / Sat 12-7
80+ N. E Ohio Artists a variety of
disciplines. All original work.
Visible Voice Books – 1023 Kenilworth Ave.
Tuesday through Friday: Noon to 8:00 PM
Saturday: Noon to 10:00 PM,
Sunday: Noon to 6:00 PM, Monday: Closed
Artisan's Alliance Craft Tables
St.Theodosius Orthodox Christian Cathedral
733 Starkweather - 216-773-4721
Sat. 6 p.m., Sun. 9:00 a.m.
Western Byzantinian Art by Church Artisans
Atmosphere – 2418 Professor Ave.
216-685-9527 (new
new location new address)
Work by Yarek Godfrey (renowned European artist)
Work by Kathy Skerritt
Duck Island – 2001 Freeman
M – Sat 6 p.m. – 2 a.m.
Your hostess Gisela Towner and DJ Hoveround
The Mutt Hutt - 2603 Scranton Road,216-621-MUTT
Secondhand Mutt Reunion
7:30-9:30 pm
Donations accepted at the door
Fireworks and the Forth of July
Please note the changes in the City’s laws pertaining to
unnecessary noise. Under the new ordinance, illegal
fireworks will be defined and the noise they generate will
carry a higher penalty than currently.
Higher Penalties
First offenses will carry a fourth degree misdemeanor with
a $250 fine. Subsequent offenses will be third degree
misdemeanors with a $500 fine. Any violation of the
unnecessary noise law through the use of illegal fireworks
between Memorial Day and Labor Day will carry the
maximum penalty of a third degree misdemeanor with a
$500 fine.
The District Commanders will patrol and enforce the new
amended law during the weeks prior to the July 4th
holiday, focusing on high incidence areas. The higher
penalties are designed to deter illegal fireworks during the
summer months and the Fourth of July in particular to free
police to focus on other crimes. Please help to get the
word out about the new fines to discourage illegal
In addition to stiffer penalties, Councilman Cimperman
will be sponsoring additional security enforcement. Please
call the office of Councilman Joe Cimperman for details or
with any questions or concerns at 216-664-2691.
Page 7
“Block Club Happenings” is compiled by TWDC staff with direct input from Block Club chairs.
South of Jefferson
Holmden Buhrer Rowley/Mentor Castle Clark
The South of Jefferson Block Club meeting in June was busy and productive! Members
of the block club welcomed Fran DiDonato and Tory Bredt from the City of Cleveland’s
Office of Sustainability – They spoke to the group about free rain barrels that are
available through the Model Blocks program. Several members signed up for the rain
barrels and installation began on June 30th! The block club also welcomed Gauri
Torgalkar from the Kent State Urban Design Center who presented conceptual plans
for a pocket park at Lucky Park. In addition, Rich Zavoda from ArcelorMittal USA
spoke to the block club and answered questions about the company and its role in the
neighborhood. The next meeting will be held on July 8th at 7:00pm at Post #58 at
2442 Professor Avenue.
The HBR and MCC Block Clubs welcomed Jim Calanni and
Michael Malloy from ODOT to the June meeting. The
representatives updated the block club on the status of the West
14th ramp to I-90. The block club also continued their plans for
their community garden on Holmden Hill. The group will begin
building the garden infrastructure from recycled bricks this
summer and is planning to write a Neighborhood Connections
grant for the garden in the fall. The next block club meeting will
be held on Wednesday, July 2nd at 6:30pm at the Clark Bar.
Lincoln Heights
The Block Club held a discussion with Mr. Tom Cook, Co-Chair of the Long Range
Planning – Economic Development Committee of TWDC. The discussion ranged on
issues that have impacted residents in the past, current events, and some possible
future solutions. Tom expressed four short-term goals that this TWDC committee is
implementing and asked for Block Club support and assistance. Member’s main point
of contention discussed was the lack of transparency and lack of community outreach
when it came to high profile businesses with liquor licenses looking to start up and/or
expand. In some cases more of a community meeting is in order versus just an
appearance at any one specific block club. Our members agreed to discuss compiling
a list of priorities for vacant or underutilized commercial spaces, including preferred
uses that would be acceptable to the Block Club. We thank Mr. Cook for spending the
time to listen to our concerns. Our membership was updated on several old business
items. ArcelorMittal Steel has sent us a request to be added to our July Agenda. The
Block Club approved the request. With today’s political climate in Cleveland, the Block
Club passed a non-binding resolution to support any efforts to pass a referendum on
the issue to reduce the size of Cleveland City Council to a minimum of seven members
with term limits. The next meeting will be Thursday, July 10th---10th----6:
----6: 30p.m. At Zion
Duck Island
The block club held its second meeting of the summer in early June. Heavy rains
minutes before the meeting threatened, but failed to discourage, a group of residents
from meeting with Community Organizer, Scott Rosenstein, and Ward 14
Neighborhood Service Provider, Matt Martin, who discussed with residents some litter
and graffiti concerns. Following the meeting, Matt Martin, along with Ward 13 Code
Enforcement Officer, Katie Hough, lined up Court Community Service workers to assist
Matt in a clean up along Abbey Avenue in June. Residents also expressed interest in
identifying an indoor location for meetings if possible in the future. Tremont West staff
member, Cristi Mueller, will meet with residents at the July 1st meeting to discuss the
City’s Paint Program available to home owners and renters (with home owner’s
agreement). The next block club meetings are Tuesdays, July 1st and August 5th—
6:00 pm and are scheduled for Abbey Playground.
Playground Please join us!
North of Literary
At the June meeting, Tim Jenkins of TWDC’s Long Range Planning Committee spoke
of the work of this commitee and invited resident discussion and suggestions. Jenkins
also encouraged residents to attend TWDC committee meetings. Officer Tony
McMahon of the 2nd District’s Community Services Unit addressed residents’ concerns
and spoke of the recent increase in the number of police officers in the Second
District. Resident, Deane Malaker, shared an update on Court Watch activities and
recent sentencings of those convicted of crimes in the neighborhood. The block club
wants to encourage Cleveland Public Power to keep their commitment to improve and
upgrade lighting at the neighborhood gateway along Abbey/West 14th Street/Fairfield
by late summer. Residents reported that residents of West 13th Place and Tremont
West staff met with representatives of the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church to
address concerns regarding a fence obstructing sidewalk access to/from West 13th
Place. An agreement was reached for the church to install a gate to the sidewalk and
keys to be given to all West 13th Place residents. The church council agreed to this
proposal and residents eagerly await implementation. Plans were made to hold a
summer party/cookout on the “Stonehenge” treelawn of resident, Deane Malaker,
scheduled for August 19th. Residents eagerly look forward to the upcoming Farmers’
Market, Taste of Tremont and other exciting events coming up this summer and fall! A
general discussion of the new outdoor mural of 806 Winebar was held, and the block
club hopes to meet with the new owners of 806 for conversation at the July meeting.
Thanks to Fabio Salerno and Jim Fink and the staff of Lago’s Restaurant & Winebar
for hosting the June meeting! The next block club meeting is scheduled for Tuesday,
July 15th—
15th—6:30 pm at Lago Restaurant & Winebar.
Central Tremont
The Central Tremont Block Club successfully completed their
beautification efforts along Jefferson Avenue as part of their
Neighborhood Connections grant. They held a street clean up on
June 7th, planted flowers on June 21st, and held cookouts for the
volunteers after both events. A special thanks to Colleen Reali
for organizing the events. At the block club meeting, together,
members of the block club identified several code enforcement
issues in their area of the neighborhood that they will begin to
target and present to the Councilman over the next several
months. The next meeting will be held on July 22nd at 6:30pm
at the Jefferson Library.
Metro North
The annual Spring Fling Neighborhood Clean-up Day was held in
May. Thanks go to residents and neighborhood youth and adult
leaders of the Junior Holy Name Society of St. Michael’s Church,
who joined together for the Clean-up with support from the
community organizer and Ward 14 Neighborhood Service
Provider, Matt Martin. A pizza lunch followed the Clean-up. Our
thanks to all participants and to Councilman Joe Santiago for
providing a dumpster. Proposed topics for the late June meeting
include safety training and the Cleveland Police Department,
housing concerns, an update on the Towpath Trail connection
proposed from Harvard to Steelyard Commons, and an update
on West 25th Street planning. Following the late June meeting,
the next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 29th - 6 pm at
MetroHealth Medical Center.
Residents took a summer break and did not hold a meeting in
June. Residents are encouraged to participate in the a proposed
July 26th Cookout and Clean-up in the Auburn and Lincoln Park
areas in advance of the wonderful series of summer weekend
events of Arts in August, as well as the 10th annual Tremont Arts
and Cultural Festival on September 20th & 21st. The next
meeting is Thursday, July 10th – 7:00 pm at Pilgrim Church. All
residents and business people of the Lincoln Park and Auburn
neighborhood are invited to join us!
Old Tremont
Members of the Old Tremont Block Club welcomed the
Cuyahoga County Board of Elections to their June meeting. The
BOE answered questions about voter registration, absentee
ballots, and the overall election procedure. The group is
beginning to plan for the fall deadline for a Neighborhood
Connections grant for a computer room. The next block club
meeting will be held on July 24th at 6:30pm at Scranton Castle.
Friends of Clark Field
FOCF would like everyone's help in reporting cars parking other
than in the parking lot. Cars are parking on the field and near
the basketball hoop and play area. We have worked diligently to
make the park safe but the cars are a threat to children running
and playing in the park. Lets not wait until someone is hurt. We
have made many calls about the cars but they are still not using
the parking lot as they should. Lets all have a safe summer.
Movie at Clark Field, July 18 --Starting time: When it gets dark,
free popcorn; Movie : Over the Hedge; Rain date: July 25 same
Page 8
Tremont’s resident professional theatre company,
convergence-continuum, opens its third show of the season,
FREAKSHOW by Carson Kreitzer, on Friday, July 25 at the
Liminis theater at 2438 Scranton Rd. The show runs Thu-Sat
through August 23, and, thanks to a grant from the Cleveland
Foundation’s Neighborhood Connections Program, all
Thursday performances are free for Tremont residents.
That’s Thursdays, July 31 and August 7, 14 and 21.
Cross the threshold into the human sideshow. The Liminis
will be transformed into a traveling Freakshow at the turn of
the 19th century. And things are changing! The anger of
being stared at, trapped and caged, is at war with the freaks’
confidence of knowing their place in the universe. But the
growing rebelliousness of the freaks is no act. Can the Dog
Faced Woman break her bonds from the show; can the jaded
and broken Ringmaster find redemption through his love for
the beautiful Woman With No Arms and No Legs; will
Aquaboy, the human salamander, find love with a obsessed
outsider; and the Pinhead find solace in Jesus -- or burn the
place down? In this poetic, gritty world, there may be only
one way out.
FREAKSHOW opens Fri, July 25 and runs Thu-Sat through
August 23. All shows are at 8 pm. Tickets are $15 gen.
admission, $12 students/seniors (65+).
Thursdays are free for Tremont residents. Call ahead to
reserve your seats, or show up before 8 pm and let us know
you’re a Tremonter. For information and reservations call
216-687-0074 or visit
Razor’s Edge
Full Service Salon
Nail Tech &
Walk-ins Welcome
2673 W 14th
Looking for something
fun this summer?
Join Tremont’s
Walking Club!
When: Mondays throughout
the summer and fall, 7:00pm!
Where: Meet at the gazebo in
Lincoln Park! We’ll walk a
loop around the neighborhood!
Who: Anyone! Bring your
friends, bring your dog, bring
your stroller!
All skill levels welcome!
Why: Walking is fun and great
Questions? Call Kristen at
TWDC at (216) 575-0920.
(216) 615615-7074
Need family health care?
• 2358 Professor Ave •
• 216-334-2800 •
We offer:
• Same day appointments
• Primary health care services for all ages
• Commercial insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, and a sliding fee scale for uninsured
VICTORY for Ohio Citizen Action
Controversial industrial waste firm
General Environmental Management
(GEM) is closing
General Environmental Management,
the industrial waste treatment firm which
had a major explosion in April 2006, has
told Ohio EPA and the Northeast Ohio
Regional Sewer District that it is closing down. An Ohio EPA
report from May 8, 2008, just obtained by Ohio Citizen Action,
quotes the company’s owners as saying they would stop
taking waste around the week of May 18 and spend several
months cleaning and dismantling the plant, while putting the
property on the market. Officials of the Northeast Ohio
Regional Sewer District, which receives the wastewater from
the facility, have also told Ohio Citizen Action that GEM has
said it has stopped taking new waste loads and is in a
clean-up mode. The Sewer District will continue to monitor the
Page 9
Tremont Farmers
Back in 2008!
Sundays through October 26!
Be sure to visit us for:
Local vendors-Local produce grown
in the City of Cleveland-Local artistsChef demonstrations-Nutrition information
Sundays 10:00am - 2:00pm
Corner of Starkweather
Avenue and Professor Avenue
(Across from Lucky’s Café)
Interested in being a vendor?
Would you like to be a volunteer ?
Looking for more information?
Contact Jody, Tremont Farmers Market Manager, at or call (216) 575-0920 for more information
or to be added to our email list!
Apartment for Rent
One Bedroom apartment
available. $500/month.
Appliances included.
Call Stephen Bloom at
Complete Car Care
1001 Fairfield Ave
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
Work (216) 771-6866
Cell (216) 856-9392
Page 10
The Gentleman’s Barbershop
2338 W. 11th Street
Cleveland, OH. 44113
Hair Cut & Style
Facial Massage
(216) 470-4726
Liz Rodriguez
July’s Safety Corner
Juvenile Curfew
Did you know that Cleveland has a juvenile curfew? It
states that no child shall be upon the streets, sidewalks
or in any public place or park after a certain time, unless
accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. There are
different curfews for different ages, but all curfews are in
effect until 6am the next morning. Times are as follows:
12 yrs. or under: inside by dusk
13-14 yrs: inside by 9:30pm
15-16 yrs: inside by 11pm
17 yrs: inside by midnight
Know your rights and know their limits.
Knowledge is power.
Full Service Breakfast
and Lunch
(Brunch Style)
7 days a week!
Monday - Friday—
Friday—7 am—
am—8 pm
Sat.— 8 am—
am—8 pm
Sun.—8 am—
am—5 pm
777 Starkweather * 216216-622622-7773
Now interviewing for baristas and a General Manager,
getting ready for opening our new location.
Page 11
Summer is the perfect time to start walking as a way
to get your 30 minutes of daily physical activity.
When you can’t find the time to go to the park or
walk around your own neighborhood, below are some
tips for ways to add more STEPS to your day!
At home. . .
Make several trips up and down the stairs to do laundry or
other household chores.
Benefit a good cause by joining a charity walk.
Pace around your house while talking on the phone.
Experience the splendor of a sunrise on an early morning
March in place while watching your favorite TV show.
At work. . .
Walk to work if you live close enough.
Avoid elevators and escalators—take the stairs instead.
Designate 10 minutes of your lunch break for a quick walk.
Walk to a co-worker’s desk instead of emailing.
At play. . .
Window shop while you pace through a shopping mall.
Walk around a restaurant parking lot while waiting to be
Play a round of golf but pass on the cart.
Walk with your kids to the local park.
Steps to a Healthier Cleveland is a city-wide program designed to
engage all Clevelanders to live longer, better and healthier lives. The
Steps to a Healthier Cleveland program encourages physical activity,
healthy eating and tobacco-free choices. These efforts are intended to
reduce the burden of diabetes, overweight/obesity and asthma in all of
Cleveland’s diverse neighborhoods. Learn more at
This publication is supported by the Steps to a Healthier US
Cooperative Agreement Program of the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS). Its contents do not necessarily represent the
official view of HHS.
Edison’s Pizza Kitchen
2365 Professor
$2.00 off any Large
Specialty Pizza
Expires 7/31/2008
Pizza , Subs &
Tremont West Development Corporation
In the Historic Tremont Neighborhood
2406 Professor Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
216-575-0920 Phone 216-575-0998 FAX
Clark Field
Movie in the Park
to bring a
chair or
blanket to
Non Profit Org.
Cleveland, Ohio
Permit # 1591
Paint applications now
available at the TWDC office.
Call Cristi Mueller for
more info—216-575-0920
For more
Call Kristen at TWDC:
216-575-0920 or
Bev: 216-310-6810.
Friday, July 18th
8:30p.m. @ Clark Field
(Between West 11th and West 7th off Clark Avenue)
Rain Date: Friday, July 25th
Sponsored by:
ParkWorks, Charter One, Ward 13 Councilman Joe Cimperman, The Friends of Clark
Field, St. Micheal’s Jr. Holy Name Society, and Tremont West Development Corp.
Meetings—Special Events—Notes Around the Neighborhood
Special Events
Block Clubs
Tremont’s Walking Club
Duck Island
7/1/08 at 6:00pm at Abbey Playground
Mondays, July 7th, 14th, 21st, &28th, 7pm at Lincoln Park.
7/2/08 at 6:30 pm at the Clark Bar
See page 8 for more information.
7/2/08 at 6:30pm at the Clark Bar
Tremont Farmer’s Market
South of Jefferson
7/8/08 at 7:00pm at Post #58 at 2442 Professor
7/10/08 at 7pm, Pilgrim Church Sundays, July 6th, 13th, 20th, &27th, 10am-2pm, at the corner
of Starkweather and Professor, running all Sundays through
Lincoln Heights
7/10/08 at 6:30pm at Zion UCC , 2716 W 14th
October 26th!
North of Literary
7/15/08 at 6:30pm at Lago Restaurant and Winebar
Tremont Art Walk
Central Tremont
7/22/08 @ 6:30pm at Jefferson Library
Friday, July 11th, 6-10pm. See page 6 for listings.
Old Tremont
7/24/08 at 6:30pm at Scranton Castle, 2000 Castle
Metro North
7/29/08 @ 6pm at MetroHealth Room K-101
Over the Hedge
Free movie in Clark Field. Friday July 18th, see ad above.
Other Committee Meetings
Taste of Tremont
Sunday, July 20th, 1-8pm! Drop in to Tremont for food,
Marketing & Fundraising Comm.
7/2/08 at 6 pm at TWDC Conf. Rm.
entertainment and art.
Tremont Roundtable
7/7/08 @ 6pm at Lucky’s Café
CPT’s STEP Program
Sec. District Police/Comm. Rel.
7/8/08 at 7 pm at Applewood Center
Free theater in Lincoln Park, Friday Aug. 1st, 7pm.
Tremont History Project
7/8/08 at 7 pm at TWDC Conf. Rm.
The Cleveland Shakespeare Festival
Executive Committee
7/9/08 at 6 pm at TWDC Conf.Rm.
Sat. & Sun., Aug. 2nd and 3rd. Free in Lincoln Park! 7pm
Econ. Dev. & Long Range Plan Comm. 7/10/08 at 6 pm at TWDC Conf. Rm.
Housing Dev. Comm.
Tremont Gardeners
Board of Directors
Safety Comm.
Friends of Clark Field
Twi-Fi Meetings
ReStore Tremont
Finance Committee
7/10/08 at 6 pm at TWDC Conf. Rm.
7/15/08 at 7 pm at Visible Voice , 1023 Kenilworth
7/17/08 at 6pm at TWDC Conf. Rm.
Email for more info.
Please call Kristen for info - 216.575.0920
See for schedule
See for schedule
see for schedule
W. 11th Street Yard Sales
south of I-490 to Clark Ave., August 2nd and 3rd
10:00 a.m.-4:00 Saturday and 10:00-3:00 Sunday. Watch for flyers
and signs leading you to treasures.
2008 National Night out Against Crime
Tuesday, August 5th, at Steelyard Commons.

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