Local Cat Rescuer in Need of Assistance
Vol. 25, Issue 11 Local Cat Rescuer in Tremont Farmers’ Market Tremont’s Thanksgiving Winter Markets Tremont West invites you to join your Tremont neighbors for an evening of comfort food, music, fun games (for both adults and children), and conversation. Need of Assistance Tuesday from 4-7PM Mary is a local artist that has been involved in rescuing animals for 30 years. For the past 15 years, she has focused on working on the Flats stray and feral cat population. Due to the downturn of the economy, she has been inundated with cats that have been abandoned or dumped by their owners, many of which have been abandoned on her doorstep. Mary is working very closely with the APL and incorporating their TNR Program, which is their Trap, Neuter & Release Program. She currently has 23 feeding stations that she tends to every night to feed over 50 cats in the TNR Program, which takes her over two hours. Every night 40 pounds of dry food and more than a case of canned cat food is distributed amongst these cats. Throughout the day, Mary is medicating cats, hand-feeding kittens, cleaning litter boxes, feeding, cleaning cat cages, picking up supplies as well as running to the vet for spays/neuters and vet appointments. We are desperately seeking volunteers to help us in any way with care giving, and we are also looking for assistance with feeding the cats at the TNR stations. We are also seeking any kind of donations that will ensure that she can continue with this program and continue to rescue the abandoned cats in the Tremont area. There are plenty of adoptable cats and kittens waiting for a home. Please send us an e-mail at herekittykittytremont@gmail.com and we will gladly send you a list and pictures of kitties awaiting adoption. Monetary donations will be used for continued veterinary care and feedings, and can be sent to: *Once a month* 2406 Professor Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44113 Address Service Requested Non Profit Org. US POSTAGE PAID Cleveland, Ohio Permit # 1591 Mary Wawrytko 1937 Columbus Road Cleveland, OH 44113 The Mutt Hutt c/o Mary's Cause 2306 Scranton Road Cleveland, OH 44113 Dates: Nov 16 Dec 14 Feb 15 March 15 April 12 Location: Pilgrim UCC 2592 West 14th Street Cleveland, OH 44113 In the Tremont Neighborhood *SAVE THE DATE Winter Thaw Party Fundraiser: March 25 at Lava Lounge* When: Thursday, December 2nd (the Thursday after Thanksgiving) Time: 5-7pm Location: OLA/St. Joseph Center 2346 West 14th Street Dinner is free. Please RSVP to 216-575-0920. Please bring a non-perishable food item to be shared with a family in need. Thanks also to Sister Corita of St. Augustine’s Church and their crew and Tremont Montessori students for making the table decorations. The Innerbelt Bridge construction is finally here. First impacts on Tremont traffic begin Monday, November 1st. The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District has been hired to move the Walworth Run Interceptor in preparation of building the new Innerbelt Bridge. A document prepared by NEORSD outlining the project can be downloaded from Tremont West’s website. Traffic impacts will include one-way traffic for both northbound and southbound traffic on West 14th Street near Fairfield Avenue. Closure of Abbey Avenue between West 12th and West 13th Streets. And closure of West 11th Street between University and Abbey Avenues. Detours will be posted. If you would like up to the minute notices from ODOT regarding all traffic impacts during the construction of the bridge, please visit http://www.dot.state.oh.us/districts/d12/Pages/default.aspx, click on Innerbelt Plan page then on the Innerbelt E-mail Listserve and you can sign up there. Images to the left are the winning design of Walsh Construction with designer HNTB Ohio Inc. November, 2010 Bergen Village Phase II Breaks Ground For years, the corner of Literary and West 5th has been the focal point of Tremont’s new construction boom. Highlights have included the Tremont Ridge townhomes, Literary Bluffs, Bergen Village and the newest addition, Bergen Village Phase II. Bergen Village is Tremont’s largest new construction community. Current residents enjoy 2300-2500 square foot homes with big, open floor plans and skyline and valley views. Adding to their offerings, Bergen Village is now building 3 modified floor plans with a contemporary twist and extensive energy efficient features (A, B and C units). Base prices range from $273,900- $289,900. After months of planning and design, the ground breaking (and dirt flying) at Bergen Village Phase II has become a catalyst for more than 1.6 million dollars in new construction in the immediate vicinity, according to Tremont West Development Director Sammy Catania. New development includes 3 custom built single family homes and a soon to be started commercial renovation. In celebration of Bergen Village Phase II, and new construction in Tremont, Howard Hanna would like to invite you to attend a GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION, NOVEMBER 4TH, 5-8PM. Tour the new units, enjoy delicious drinks and appetizers from premiere local restaurants and meet some of the builders and architects responsible for these exciting happenings. No RSVP necessary. Just stop by and have fun! Sign up for Tremont s Holiday Decorating Contest Sponsored by the Tremont West Marketing & Fundraising Committee! This contest is for both Tremont residents and businesses. To enter your display email michelledavis@twdc.org or call 216-575-0920 to get your address on the list. The Marketing & Fundraising Committee will visit each entry’s home or business. One resident will win a $50 gift certificate to a Tremont business and one business will win a quarter-page full color ad in Inside Tremont. Deadline for entry is Friday, December 3rd. What's inside? Page Welcome New Tremont Business 4 Tremont History Project 3 Tremont ArtWalk Listing 5 Block Club Happenings 7 Classifieds 7 Special Event Listing 8 Meeting Schedule 8 Apartments for Rent 7 Page 2 Inside Tremont A service of the Tremont West Development Corporation Lifetime Tremont Resident is Honored in the Congressional Record (November 2010, Volume 156) Editor: Michelle Davis 2406 Professor Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44113 216-575-0920—Phone 216-575-0998—Fax www.tremontwest.org “To maintain and improve the living, business, and cultural conditions for all of Tremont” 2010 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Christopher Alvarado, President Katherine Bulava, First Vice-President Merrick House’s Henry Senyak, Second discussion Vice-President group is one of many to be Lynn McLaughlin Murray, Treasurer held throughout the county. Sarah Lundeen, Secretary Susan Coy, Herb Crowther, Jesse Grant, James Hackney, Tim Jenkins, Kurt Leeper, Deane Malaker, Karen Moss, Lorraine Thwaite, Joshua M. Zielaskiewicz Ex-Officio Brooke Deines, Donovan Duncan, Georgiann Franko STAFF Chris Garland Executive Director Qualetha Carty Office Manager Sammy Catania Development Director (Tremont and Ohio City) Michelle Davis Marketing & Fund Development Director Katie Hough Ward 13 Area Coordinator Christopher Jenkins MSASS Intern Robert Rodgers Ward 14 / West 25th Street Coordinator Scott Rosenstein Community Organizer/TACF Manager Bob Shores Safety & Outreach Coordinator (Tremont and Ohio City) Kristen Trolio Community Organizer/Model Blocks Manager Photographed above is Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich recognizing Julia Jozepha Hadam Kusek on her birthday last month. The record states: Madam Speaker, I rise today in honor of Julia Jozepha Hadam Kuzek, lifelong resident of Cleveland’s historic Tremont neighborhood, as we join with her in celebration of her 96th birthday. Mrs. Kusek was born on October 2, 1914, to Polish immigrant parents. Three years earlier, in 1911, her mother, Jozepha and father, Ignatz, made the long journey across the Atlantic far from their Polish homeland, and settled in Cleveland, Ohio, like thousands of immigrants did—with the common dream and hope for a better life in America. They raised Julia and her two younger siblings with an unwavering connection to and abiding love for, the culture, language and traditions of their beloved Polish homeland. By the time she was in the 8th grade, the Great Depression had severely devastated most communities across the country, including Cleveland. With her family struggling to survive, Mrs. Kusek had to quit school in the 8th grade to go to work to help provide for the family. Her lifelong love of fashion along with her determined spirit, led her to work while taking classes and later graduate from the Darvis School of Fashion and Design, where she graduated with honors. She designed and made beautiful clothes for her family; her talent reflected in her daughters’ dresses, worn at school events, holidays and special occasions. Mrs. Kusek married Stanley Kusek on June 24, 1939. They were devoted to each other until his passing in 1985. Together, they raised three children; Thaddeus, Diane and Carol. Ahead of her time, she worked in May Company’s toy department while raising her children—and was a loyal employee for forty years. Beyond her family and career, she made time to volunteer at St. John Cantuis rectory, school and convent, and cooked for every special event. Her family, faith and Polish heritage combine to be the foundation of her life— she remains very close to her children, eight grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join me in honor and celebration of Julia Jospha Hadam Kusek of the Tremont neighborhood in Cleveland, as we celebrate her 96th birthday. Her kindness and joy for living continues to be a shining example for all of us to follow. Inside Tremont Page 3 Tremont History Project/Museum 2010 Civil War Encampment Tremont History Project had another successful Civil War Encampment at Lincoln Park the weekend of September 11th and 12th. We wish to thank the following: A big THANK YOU to Neighborhood Connections who awarded us grant monies. Also: Our featured group, the 8th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. In addition: members of the 7th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, the 5th Michigan Regiment Band, Bob Brugler (our Abe Lincoln re-enactor), the Black River Boys strolling minstrels string band, Hale Farm re-enactors, ParkWorks, boy scout troops from St. Mark's, Sr. Corita for allowing us use of Holy Ghost and OLA parking lots (and the use of OLA for the 5th Michigan, in the event of rain), Councilman Joe Cimperman, Tremont West Development Corporation, and our volunteers. Thank you also to committee member Dan Lotz for providing the photographs of the event. 2.4 Empowering and Strengthening Ohio’s People (ESOP) is a HUD-certified foreclosure prevention counseling agency and a leader in Ohio and has ten offices across Ohio, putting most Ohio residents within 60 miles of an ESOP location. They have a nearly 80 percent success rate for those who complete their process. ESOP has saved 13,000 homes from foreclosure since 2005 and was awarded the 2009 “Sustainable Homeownership Excellence Award” by the Ohio Housing Finance Agency. ESOP has been on the front lines of Ohio’s predatory lending and foreclosure epidemic since 1999. In the last five years more than 13,000 families have sought assistance through ESOP. Their Cleveland Office is located at 3631 Perkins Ave. 4C-S and can be reached at (216) 361-0718, www.esop-cleveland.org and 1-877-731-ESOP. Tremont West is proud to partner with ESOP in their efforts to combat foreclosure in the Tremont neighborhood. Homeowners in Cuyahoga County should call 211 or ESOP at 216-361-0718 to make an intake appointment. Homeowners in all other counties can call ESOP at 1-877-731-3767 to make an appointment with the office nearest them. Ohio’s Hardest Hit Fund: Restoring Stability Forclosure Facts - Almost 250 foreclosures are filed every day. - Ohio’s Hardest Hit Fund program is called Restoring Stability. - The U.S. Treasury has awarded Ohio three rounds of Hardest Hit Funds. - Ohio is the second largest of 10 states receiving HHF. The top three are California ($700 million), Ohio ($570 million) and Florida ($418 million). - An estimated 26,000 Ohioans will be helped. - 14 percent of Ohio’s first round of $172 million has been allocated to counseling agencies - ESOP has received the largest portion of these funds - ESOP will serve close to 2,000 families in 76 counties. - Eligible homeowners can receive up to $15,000 over fifteen months mortgage assistance - In the first week of Restoring Stability, 7,500 people called for help. Pilgrim Church Renovates Courtyard The Gardeners of Greater Cleveland recently renovated the small courtyard garden behind Pilgrim Church. Please see the before and after photographs above. The space is used by families at the Interchurch Hospitality Network. Kurtz Brothers donated materials such as granite for the patio and foundation stone for the raised beds. Bluestone Perennials supported the project with some tough, drought tolerant plants that should thrive in this shady courtyard. For more information about the project contact Bob Rensel at rrensel@cbgarden.org. Page 4 Inside Tremont Welcome New Tremont Business Order a Custom Gift Basket for the Holidays! You Select what you’d like or we can! We’ll ship it for you! 751 Starkweather 216-781-8000 www.wineanddesign.net Full Service Breakfast & Lunch (Brunch Style) 7 days a week! Monday - Friday—7 am—5 pm Saturday-Sunday—8am—5 pm 777 Starkweather * 216-622-7773 www.luckyscafe.com Located in the corner unit of Lemko Hall. STUDIO 11 A new women’s clothing boutique opens in Tremont. Evie Lou embraces women of all sizes with emphasis on items made in the USA. There’s a new girl in the neighborhood, and she’s all about creating style across the size spectrum. Evie Lou is now open at 2153 Professor Avenue. This 1,100-square-feet contemporary women’s boutique– with items for men to arrive soon! – offers sizes 2 to 2X and emphasizes cozy items made in the USA. Owner Kim Crow is a former fashion journalist whose Style column ran in the Plain Dealer for 6 years. “I really just wanted to offer the clothing that readers have been telling me they had a hard time finding -- clothes that don’t sacrifice comfort for style or style for comfort, in a wide range of sizes,” says Crow. “We’re not the store for an office power suit, but easy-towear clothes with serious style.” The brands have been curated with an eye toward cozy chic – soft organic cottons, plush cashmere blends and sueded French Terries. Evie Lou is proud to offer a mix of organic lines manufactured in the USA, including Stewart & Brown, Clary Sage Organics, Pete & Greta and Twinkle by Wenlan. The majority of the accessories are made by artisans both locally and nationally known, with new pieces arriving weekly. “I’m thrilled to be in Tremont, and everyone has been so welcoming!” says Crow. “I’m particularly excited to be near Banyan Tree. It’s just one of the best boutiques in the region, and Christie Murdoch is seriously my retail idol. Everyone there has been so helpful and enthusiastic, I’m incredibly grateful for their support.” While Crow’s husband thought the store should be named “Mid-Life Crisis” or “Expensive Sweatpants,” Crow instead opted to name it in honor of her niece, Evie Lou Thornton, a very fashionable four-yearold, whose mantra is “Me just wanna be all comfy… but still wook nice.” And what woman wouldn’t agree with that? Evie Lou 2153 Professor Avenue Fall hours: Tuesday & Wednesday noon to 7pm Thursdays & Fridays noon to 9pm Saturdays 11am to 9pm Sundays 11am to 3pm 216-696-6755 www.evielou.com (still in construction) www.facebook.com/EvieLouOH Visit www.studio11tremont.com for more information. Motor Sales of Cleveland 2410 Scranton Road 216-586-1500 Thai Massage Bodywork offered 7 days a week by appointment. Gift Certificates are available. 2337 W. 11th Street www.motorsalesofcleveland.com Tremont, Ohio 44113 216.472.3611 Tremont Pointe 2556 West 6th Street Our leasing office is open Monday-Friday, 9am-6pm, & Saturday 10am-3pm!! Call or stop in to find out about our specials. 216-298-4060 Neighborhood Retail Assistance Program The City of Cleveland’s Economic Development Department can assist small businesses with financial packages of both loans and grants to improve the interior and exterior of their storefronts. Please contact Michelle at 216-575-0920 for more information. The Detail Division of Motor Sales of Cleveland recently opened in Tremont. This new business is located just south of the intersection of Scranton Road and Kenilworth Avenue. They provide a wide range of detailing services for cars, trucks and motorcycles. Motor Sales of Cleveland pride themselves on finding the right program that best fits their customers. Whether you have great credit, not so great credit or no credit at all, we can provide you with financing that best fits your needs. Everybody deserves good, reliable and safe transportation. We have a variety of programs and lenders for our customers. Our Buy Here Pay Here program is reasonable and works great for establishing credit. Motor Sales of Cleveland is dedicated in making your vehicle purchase a great experience! Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 9am-6pm Saturdays by appointment Closed on Sunday Seeking TWDC Board Candidates for the 2011—2012 term The Storefront Renovation Program The City of Cleveland’s Storefront Renovation Program is an exterior rehabilitation program that combines financial incentives (rebate or loan) with free City design assistance. The City partners with neighborhood Community Development Corporations to implement the program in the neighborhoods. If you are interested in learning more about this program for your building, please call 216-575-0920. Commercial Space for Sale or Lease Are you looking to lease, purchase or market commercial space in Tremont? If so, call Michelle at 216-575-0920. See current Tremont Commercial Properties at: www.tremontwest.org or www.retailspacecleveland.com/tremontneighborhood.htm Remember, if you are planning to open a business in Tremont, you must contact the City of Cleveland to see what variances or permits are required for your desired location, the Department of Building and Housing can be reached at 216-664-2282. There are some great loan reimbursement programs through the city and county for vacant building rehab, storefront renovations, signage and Brownfield clean-up. Feel free to contact Tremont West for more information, 216-575-0920. TO ALL MEMBERS (RESIDENTS , BUSINESS OWNERS AND THOSE EMPLOYED IN THE TREMONT SERVICE AREA): DETAIL DIVISION AUTO DETAILING CARS, MOTORCYCLES, TRUCKS CALL OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR A LIST OF OUR DETAIL SERVICES & SPECIALS. 216-586-1500 2410 Scranton Rd Cleveland-Tremont MOTORSALESOFCLEVELAND.COM GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE! If you or someone you can recommend is interested, please contact the Tremont West Nominating Committee chair, Deane Malaker, at adeane622@yahoo.com or 216-579-9938 or call and leave a message at the Tremont West office with Chris Garland, 216-575-0920. You will receive more information on how to submit a brief summary of what you would bring to the Tremont West board, and how you would like to help our neighborhood continue to prosper and nurture its quality of life. This is a volunteer position and requires time and dedication to Tremont West and the neighborhood. We are seeking candidates that have the time to give and will be active participants during their two year term. We seek and encourage your active participation on our Board! Inside Tremont Page 5 Tremont ArtWalk—Friday, November 12th, 2010—6 -10pm Ukrainian Museum-Archives 1202 Kenilworth / 216-781-4329 Mon - Sat 10am - 3pm or by appt. & ArtWalks. www.umacleveland.org Bistro on Lincoln Park 2391 West 11th /216-862-2969 Tues - Thurs 4:30 pm- 10pm Fri & Sat 4:30pm- 11pm Sunday Brunch 9:30am - 2:30am Photography by James Kosmerl Brandt Gallery 1028 Kenilworth/ 216-621-1610 Sat. Noon - 6pm or by appt. Juxtaposition by Christopher Kaspar and Justin Brennan. Visible Voice Books 1023 Kenilworth / 216-961-0084 Sun. Noon - 6pm, Mon. Closed, Tue.-Fri. 2 pm-8pm Sat. Noon-10pm Studio 11 2337 West 11th / 216-472-3611 Yoga and Pilates Studio Work by Halim Ina Anat Massage Therapy 1017 Fairfield/ 216-849-1284 by appointment - available weeends and evenings Autumnal sweets from Terra Bakery The Southside 2207 W. 11th St. / 216-937-2288 M-Sun. 11:30-2:30am. Lunch, Dinner, Drinks Eye Candy Gallery 2173 Professor Ave., #1 / 216-241-2740 Wed-Thu 12-6, Fri 1-7pm, Sat 12:30-7pm www.eyecandy-gallery.com. Anne Fulton Brunner - painting, Gary Lemmeyer cement sculpture, Dale Pavlak - wood carving, Raven Toney - furniture, Judy Corlett - Blown Glass jewelry Banyan Tree 2242 Professor Ave. / 216-241-1209 Mon- Wed 11am-7pm, Thurs-Sat 11am-9pm, Sun 11-4pm The Paul Duda Gallery 2342 Professor Ave. / 216-589-5788 www.Pauldudagallery.com Robert Hartshorn Studio 2342 Professor Ave. / 216-403-2734 www.hartshornstudios.com Mary Jane Davenport 716 College Ave./ 216-241-7720 Unique designs for people and places & cool vintage pieces, too Edison’s Pub 2373 Professor Ave. / 216-522-0006 M-Sun. 4pm-2am, Live music Saturday night. Work by Oliver Barrett Cleveland Auction Co. 2418 Professor / 216-631-3232 Fine Arts & Antiques Auction and Retail Asterisk* 2393 Professor/ 330-304-8528 Dana Depew's Garage Sale. www.asteriskgallery.com The Flying Monkey Pub 819 Jefferson / 216-861-mnky M - Sat. 4pm - 2am Roosevelt Post 58 2442 Professor Avenue "Post 58, Tremont's Neighborhood Veterans Club " Open house Friday nite, Browse the 3 floors of history in a old butcher turned veterans club. doubting Thomas Gallery 856 Jefferson / 216-394-0098 Fri - Sat 6-10pm or by appointment The Robert Ritchie Retrospective Virescent Designs LTD 2410 Tremont / 412-418-6693 Thur, 2-6 Fri - Sat 2–9pm and by appt every other day. St. Theodosius 733 Starkweather/ 216-773-4721 Church of the Deer Hunter Wine & Design 751 Starkweather Ave Offering Interior Design, Home Furnishings, Wine and Accessories. www.wineanddesign.net Geode Gallery 755 Starkweather/440-667-1651 Tue.- Thu. 11-7, Fri. 12–9, Sat.11-9, Sun. 10:30-4. Dan Kovach Cleveland City Scapes (paint/photography) Sandra Curry Jewelry Trunk Show, Lea Wiertel Holiday Gift Cards Lilly Handmade Chocolates 761 Starkweather/216-771-3333 Hours Tue-Sat 12 pm – 7 pm, Sun 12pm-5pm, Mon Closed. ArtWalk Friday 12pm-10pm. Fine Wine & Craft Beer Paired with our delicious chocolates! Also, our infamous Drinking Chocolate is back! www.lillytremont.com Lucky’s Café 777 Starkweather/216-622-7773 Open 7 days a week. Brunch. Colored Photography of Morgan Farm Stay by Dan Morgan Prosperity Social Club 1109 Starkweather /216-937-1938 Martini Five-O at 10pm lounge-surf-exotica. Celebrating 5 years! See ad on page 3. Lava Lounge 1307 Auburn / 216-589-9112 M - Sat. 5pm to 2:30am, Sun. 7pm - 2am Grumpy’s 2617 W. 14th/216-241-5025 Mon 7am-3pm, Tue-Thu 7am–9pm Fri 7am-10pm, Sat 8am-10 pm, Sun 8-3pm. Paintings by The Sign Guy, and Photographs by Kay Veith Bac 2661 W. 14th/216-938-8960 Asian American Bistro & Bar Work by Claire Sullivan & Phyllis Kohring Fannin Powter Puff Boutique 2671 West 14th / 274-1220 M-Th 12-7p, Fri-Sat 12-8p, Closed Sunday, Interpretive drawings by Alex Smrekar, *a portion of the art sales will be donated to the Up Side of Downs of Greater Cleveland Mastroianni Photography and Arts / 2688 W. 14th 1300 Love--paintings by Beth Kappa and John Ryanwww.mastroianniarts.com Deering Vintage 2678 West 14th/274-1211 Tues-Fri 12-9 and Sun 12-5 and by appt Aperture. A Photography and Variety Store 2541 Scranton Rd./ 574-8977 T 10-6, W 10-6, Th 10-6, F 108 (Art Walk till 10pm) Sat 10-8 Analog and instant photography gallery. Vintage camera and film sales. Holga and Diana cameras and film. www.aperturetremont.com Eclectic Closet Boutique Scranton Rd/ 216-965-0329 Your Partner in Consigning. Restore, Recycle, Reinvest One Piece at a Time. Congratulations Tremont! Many Tremont businesses and even our neighborhood won best title in both Cleveland Scene and Cleveland Magazine’s October issues! Congratulations to all! Please don’t forget to vote for your favorite Tremont businesses during FOX 8’s Best of Contest. Voting ends December 3rd! Cleveland Magazine Editors' Picks: Taste of Fall Dante 2247 Professor Avenue 216-274-1200 restaurantdante.us Best Thai Ty Fun Bistro 815 Jefferson Avenue 216-664-1000 tyfunthaibistro.com Best Boutique/ Best Locally Owned Clothing Store Gourmet Cupcakes A Cookie and A Cupcake Banyan Tree 2173 Professor Avenue 2242 Professor Avenue acookieandcupcake.com 216-241-1209 shopbanyantree.com Readers Choice: Specialty Cocktails Best Animal Clinic The Velvet Tango Room Gateway Animal Clinic 1502 Abbey Avenue 2095 Columbus Road 216-771-4414 velevettangoroom.com Tremont Hot Spot The South Side 2207 West 11th southsidecleveland.com Best Martini Bar Velvet Tango Room 2095 Columbus Road 216-241-8869 velvettangoroom.com Staff Picks: Best Chocolate Lilly Handmade Chocolates 761 Starkweather Ave. 216-771-3333 lillytremont.com Best Culinary Scene-Stealer Dante 2247 Professor Ave. 216-274-1200 restaurantdante.us Best Bookstore Gathering Place Visible Voice Bookstore 1023 Kenilworth Avenue 216-961-0084 visiblevoice.com Best New Vintage Store Deering Vintage 2678 West 14th Street 440-382-4436 Local Politician Joe Cimperman Boutique Banyan Tree 2242 Professor Avenue shopbanyantree.com Pet Day Care The Mutt Hutt 2603 Scranton Road themutthutt.com Cleveland Scene Readers Poll: Best Neighborhood Tremont Best Politician/Best Troublemaker Dennis Kucinich Best Rebirth of a Flop House Tremont's Union Gospel Press Building 710 Jefferson Avenue 216-274-0866 tremontplacelofts.com Best Chef Michael Symon Best Brunch Lucky's Cafe 777 Starkweather Avenue 216-622-7773 luckyscafe.com Class 1 Pavers & Remodelers Specializing in Residential Driveways, Kitchens and Baths Asphalt & Concrete, Roofing, Siding, Gutters & Windows Financing Available 216-392-1335 FAX 216-397-6349 class1pavers@sbcglobal.net www.class1pavers.com Gary Wisniewski President 1481 Warrensville Ctr. Rd. South Euclid, OH 44121 Supporting Local Businesses Supporting the Community Download a FREE Experience Tremont App for Your I-Phone, I-Pad or I-Touch Today! TREMONT PLAV POST 30 HONORS THEIR OWN The Tremont PLAV Post 30 is located on Lincoln Park at the intersection of Starkweather Avenue and West 11th Street. The Polish Legion of American Veterans, U.S.A., Department of Ohio, will be honoring Patricia Novak and Stanley Ryncarz as Chapter and Post 31 Woman of the Year and Veteran of the Year. The PLAV is one of only 48 veterans’ organizations in the United States that are chartered by Act of Congress. U.S. Army Vietnam veteran Stanley P. Ryncarz was born in Malynski, Poland. With his parents, he was taken by train in a box car to a concentration camp at Dachau, Germany in June, 1943, then later to a labor camp. The family immigrated to the U.S.A. in August 1949 and settled on a farm near Baraboo, Wisconsin. In 1950, they moved to a farm near Watertown, Wisconsin. They moved again in 1951 to the Tremont area of Cleveland. Stanley attended St. John Cantius grade school and graduated from St. John Cantius High School. From 1962 to 1966 he attended Fenn College Technical Institute as part of a 4 year apprenticeship program. In 1967, he was asked by Uncle Sam to take his basic training at Fort Knox, Kentucky. He then attended two schools at Fort Rucker, Alabama for aircraft maintenance, then assigned to 128thtwoAviation of the 1st AVN Brigade at Phu-Loi, Vietnam. In February 1969 he was sent to Vang-Tau for 2 weeks of schooling for overhauling jet engines. He was then reassigned to the 3rd Sqd, 17th Air Cavalry, 1st AVN Brigade at Di-An until August 1969. Upon returning from the service, he attended Cuyahoga Community College and Cleveland State University part and full time from 1970 to 1976. In 1976 he obtained a Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering from CSU. While attending Tri-C in 1971, Stanley was an exchange student at Yagotlion University in Krakow, Poland. This was the first exchange of American Polonia students since 1939, the start of World War II. During his 7 week stay at Krakow, he met his wife Victoria. They were married in July 1974 in Poland. Ryncarz joined Pulaski Post #30 in the fall of 1969. He has held most offices in the Post, including Post Commander. He volunteers at Wade Park and assists with fundraisers, the 'Evening in Warsaw’ and Veteran and Woman of the Year. He and his family have been parishioners at St. John Cantius Church since 1951. He makes pierogis for Advent, Lent, Taste of Tremont Street Festival and annual Polish Heritage Festival over Labor Day weekend. He is a life member and present Commander of Polish Veterans Alliance Post 1, and member of Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 15, which meets at Pulaski Post 30. Stanley's family includes his wife Victoria, sons Stanley and Jack and 3 grandchildren, soon to have 2 more. Patricia Novak was born in the Buckeye-Woodhill area of Cleveland, the daughter of Thomas and Theresa Sciranko, both of Slovak descent. She attended St. Ladislaus Church and grade school, Marymount High School and Jane Adams School of Nursing. Her prom date, Tom Novak, later became her husband. They married in November, 1960. They became proud parents of three sons and one daughter, who have blessed them with four amazing grandchildren. Her only sibling, a brother, was a Cleveland fire fighter, husband, father and veteran. He is deceased. Throughout her children's school years she volunteered in school and community organizations and functions. Pat's nursing career was spent at several area hospitals, a nursing home for the aged and private home care. In 2003 she joined PLAV Auxiliary of Chapter 30, welcoming the new friendships and the opportunity to volunteer when needed. This includes greeting the veterans at Wade Park and Brecksville Medical Centers at Coffee Hour, Bingo and Ward Treats. In this way we say thank you for your service to our country. Pat has served as a delegate for two national conventions, two state conventions and a guest at a NEC meeting. In 2004 she accepted the position as Historian for her Chapter. Albums entered have earned the Chapter a second and first place. Currently, at the state level, Pat serves as Sergeant of Arms. “It has been an honor to have been selected Woman of the Year by my PLAV Chapter. Thank you!” A Banquet honoring them will be held on December 4, 2010 at the Birchwood Banquet & Party Center, 7540 Northfield Road (State Route 8), Walton Hills, Ohio 44146, (one block north of Alexander Road). The price per ticket is $30.00, which includes dinner, program and open bar. For table or individual reservations, call Mr. Dick Boll, 440-885-5925 by December 01, 2008. Doors open at 4pm. One does not have to be Polish to join The Polish Legion of American Veterans, U.S.A. For membership information, interested readers should visit the Department of Ohio Website, www.plavohio.blogspot.com/. There are a million ways to experience the historic Tremont neighborhood in Cleveland, Ohio. Looking for the right one now? Search us for places to eat, shop, drink, socialize, relax, play, worship, tour or even just hang out with your dog. -Quick links to restaurants, bars, shops, galleries, museums and more -Access discounts and deals for your favorite places -Browse complete listings for businesses in Tremont -Find addresses and phone numbers and call from your iPhone -Plan your weekend; search events and entertainment options -Search on a specific date or see what is happening right now The Experience Tremont App was developed by local Tremont Design Studio, SCK and is supported by participating restaurants and organizations. TremontGardeners (TG) is proud to partner with local businesses as its traditional Christmas Tree Sale expands to include live, potted Balsam Firs and Holiday Gifts with all sale proceeds benefitting TG programs throughout the community: Christmas Trees -- Crall Christmas Trees, Bucyrus, OH Organic Balsam Firs, 5’ to 8.5’, and new this year, potted trees 19” to 32” Holiday Hostess Gifts – TremontDIGS, 919 Fruit Avenue Rosemary Tree Herb Planter in choice of 2 sizes with herb gardening tips from TG TG Christmas Cookies – DISH Deli & Catering, 1112 Kenilworth Lavender Cookies – packaged with herb gardening tips from TG Sign up early to receive pre-order form! Available for delivery or pick-up after Thanksgiving. Email or call Jeanne today: jmichael@adelmancapital.com • 216.798.0637 SPECIAL JUVENILE JUSTICE PROGRAM TO BE PRESENTED The regular monthly meeting of the Tremont Safety Committee will take place on Monday, November 8 at 6:30pm at Merrick House, 1050 Starkweather Avenue in Tremont. A special juvenile justice program will be presented by 2 County prosecutors: Michael Horn, the chief juvenile prosecutor, and Ralph Kolasinski, the Assistant County prosecutor for Region 2. There are special rules and laws governing the treatment of juveniles, and this is a unique opportunity to learn about the juvenile justice system from 2 prosecutors who know all about it, to ask questions, and to learn some things that will help us in dealing with juvenile delinquency in our neighborhood. Please join us! Inside Tremont Page 7 Block Club Happenings email holmdenhillcommunitygarden@gmail.com. If you are interested in the phytoremediation project, please email revitalizingroots@gmail.com. The next block club meeting will be held on Wed., Nov. 3rd, 6:30pm at the Clark Bar. “Block Club Happenings” is compiled by TWDC staff with direct input from Block Club Chairs. Auburn Neighbors of Lincoln Park gathered in October at Prosperity Social Club for a short business meeting and a social time to meet and greet neighbors and friends old and new! Our thanks to block club member and owner/operator of Prosperity Social Club, Bonnie Flinner for inviting us to hold our meeting at this historic Tremont venue. Bonnie and her gracious staff provided us with complimentary soft drinks and flat bread pizzas (our thanks to Bonnie and her staff! Special guest, Councilman Joe Cimperman, updated residents on items of interest in the neighborhood including plans for capital improvements in the Clark Field area. Nonpartisan voter information from AARP on the race for Ohio Governor, Senator, and Congressperson was available to participants to take home – as well as a listing of the four candidates seeking election to the new Cuyahoga County Council—District 7. Also in attendance at the meeting were guests, Lynn Friedel and Tricia Kipp, who introduced the candidacy of District 7 candidate, Jeff Kipp. Jeff was in attendance in at a community forum, but stopped by after the meeting and spoke with some residents. Neighborhood safety concerns, including brevity reports, and announcements of upcoming neighborhood events, were also shared. For more information on the block club, contact our Co-Chairs, Frank Tkacz –tfs30@aol.com—and Brooke Willis— brookewillis@earthlink.net— or Scott at Tremont West at 216-575-0920 or scottrosenstein@twdc.org. The next block club gathering will be Thursday, November 11th at 7 pm, at Pilgrim Church (West 14th & Starkweather). Please join us! Central Tremont The Central Tremont Block Club held a brief meeting at the Treehouse in September. The block club discussed crime and safety and winter maintenance of commercial properties. The block club plans to further discuss these issues at their October meeting. Bob Shores is scheduled to attend as Tremont’s safety coordinator. Also, at the October meeting, the block club plans to provide an update on parking in the neighborhood, an update on Dante’s, and plans for their holiday party. Reminder: the block club will hold co-chair elections in November! The next meeting will be held on November 16th at 6:30pm at TWDC. Note date change for November due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Duck Island In late October a special meeting was held to discuss the proposed move of GATEWAY ANIMAL CLINIC from its current site to 1819 Abbey Avenue (at the western end of the Abbey Bridge – southeast corner of the intersection of Abbey and West 19th Street) in advance of the coming prep work for the new Innerbelt bridge. This was the only topic for this special meeting. Representatives from Vayda Architects were in attendance along with Development Director, Sammy Catania, from Tremont West. The guests presented information and answered residents’ concerns and questions. The block club is now on a Winter Break and will resume meeting on the first Wednesday in May, 2011. If important items come up during this period, a special meeting will be called if necessary. For more information on Duck Island activities and programs contact Block Club Chair, Alicia Hudson, at amh1954@sbcglobal.net or 216.443.1296/216.443.0470 home/office or 216.645.9455 (cell) – or contact Scott at Tremont West at 216.575.0920 Holmden Buhrer Rowley/ Mentor Castle Clark The HBR and MCC Block Clubs distributed flyers to their neighbors before the October meeting and as a result, welcomed several new faces to the meeting! The block clubs heard from Bob Keiser from the City of Cleveland Landmarks Commission. Mr. Keiser spoke to the block club about local and national historic districts and provided handouts with information to everyone in attendance. Mr. Keiser’s staff is conducting property surveys in the block club area and will join the block club again in early 2011 to discuss the possibility about portions of HBR and MCC becoming a historic district. Councilman Joe Cimperman was also a guest at the meeting. The Councilman answered questions and provided updates on the scheduled improvements to Clark Field, including the Towpath Trail and spoke of the free smoke alarms available through the City. The co-chairs of the block club started a Google group for the block clubs – please join! The groups continue to work on their gardens: If you are interested in the community garden, please Classifieds NEED A NOTARY PUBLIC? FREE to Tremont residents, will come to you; call Phil Pavarini, Jr., Tremont Insurance Agent, toll free at 1-888-PAVARINI (1-888-728-2746). Help Wanted Job openings are available at Applewood Centers, please visit their website at www.applewoodcenters.org. Services Garage Sales For Sale For Rent—See ad on page 4. Tremont West Property Management— 216-548-1645. Please contact Michelle at Tremont West, 216-575-0920 or michelledavis@twdc.org. Ed Schmidt from Motor Sales of Cleveland located at 2410 Scranton Rd. attended the meeting to discuss his request for a proposed zoning variance to allow used cars to be parked in the front setback of the building of his existing car sales lot. The membership supported the variance with conditions of limiting no more than two cars to be displayed, decorative fencing, and lighting. Ed expressed that this business will have a five-year life cycle at this location. Ed is still planning on opening a restaurant/bar on that corner in the future and will end up needing the area to meet parking requirements at that time. Chris Lieb from the Tremont Tap House updated the membership on the progress of their parking lot. The Tap House made application to B&H, and is awaiting a non-conformance letter to request a variance from the Board of Zoning Appeals. Sammy Catania, Development Director at TWDC updated the block club on a meeting held with Ohio Awning regarding the use of their off-street parking lot. Area businesses were also in attendance, Tremont Tap House, Mutt Hutt, and Eclectic Boutique. The goal is to utilize and upgrade the existing parking lot with many site improvements, and the businesses to utilize the lot for their employees parking. Robert Rodgers gave a update on code enforcement regarding area businesses and residential properties. The membership reviewed the revised Ward 14 Demolition list for October sent to us by Johanna Hamm, the Executive Assistant to Ward 14 Councilman Brian Cummins. The membership requested that Robert Rodgers continue his great efforts in seeking compliance. Robert added this would be the last month he would attend the block club’s meeting because his positions funding will be terminated in December of this year. Councilman Cummins did not attend the block club meeting due to a conflict. Chairperson Henry Senyak tried to address the complicated matters of program services being provided in Ward 14 Tremont. Henry informed the membership on the neighborhood engagement meetings Councilman Cummins is having with his NPI paid consultants in the matter. Code Enforcement and Vacant Land Reutilization services will not be provided out of TWDC after December 2010. These services will be provided out of the Detroit-Showery satellite office located in Ward 14. The members want continued service by Tremont West and will request TWDC to find alternative funding to continue to provide the same existing services to Ward 14 Tremont. Councilman Cummins and the DSCDO are creating a Ward 14 Housing Committee and are requesting representation from our block club to participate with other Ward 14 residents to determine goals and strategies on housing stock, violations, and demolitions for Ward 14. The next meeting will be Thursday, November 11th, 6pm at Zion Church. Metro North Our Special Guest at the late September meeting was Henry Senyak, Chair of the neighboring Lincoln Heights Block Club and a Board member of Tremont West Development Corp. He spoke to us about a City effort to bring all car repair shops into compliance with code and safety standards. Mr. Senyak also works diligently with Cleveland Public Power (CPP) to maintain and upgrade street lighting in our neighborhood. He shared information about this work, including lists of broken and burned out street lights as well as presenting a variety of the lighting fixtures in use in the neighborhood and City. We’re grateful for his advocacy on residents’ behalf – thanks, Henry! We also had an update on housing conditions in our area— and efforts to improve properties. At the October 26th meeting there was an update on the water pipes project, which had posed both inconveniences and safety hazards to area residents (our thanks to residents, Adam Harvey, Sandy Smith, and Jean Brandt, for holding the Water Department accountable and moving to a successful resolution of these various problems). Participants nominated individuals and organizations for the annual Good Neighbor Awards 2010 to be presented at the November meeting, and they made plans for the upcoming Holiday Potluck Meal. Good news folks! A street in our neighborhood has been chosen for a model blocks grant! Watch for more details to come! For more information about our block club meetings and activities, please contact Chair, Sandy Smith – slsmith819@hotmail.com – and Co-Chair, Sue Krosel – krobrand@stratos.net – or contact Scott at Tremont West at 216-575-0920. Please join us for our next meeting, the Good Neighbor Awards, and Holiday Potluck on Tuesday, Nov. 30th – 6pm – at the ground floor meeting room of St. Michael’s Church. We look forward to your visit! Old Tremont Old Tremont Block Club is taking a brief break from their regularly scheduled meetings and looks forward to resuming their meetings soon. If you are interested in becoming involved or would like to take a leadership role in the Old Tremont Block Club, please call Kristen at TWDC. South of Jefferson The South of Jefferson Block Club hosted a public meeting regarding traffic concerns in Tremont before their October block club meeting. Commissioner Rob Mavec updated everyone on projects in the neighborhood – his department, along with TWDC, is applying for several grants to implement portions of the TLCI project. In addition, he will again conduct traffic counts on West 7th Street since residents expressed concerns of speeding and truck traffic on the street. At the South of Jefferson Block Club meeting in October, members heard updates from the last TWDC Safety Committee meeting. The block discussed a new location for their 2011 meetings. Ideas include St. Theodosius, Tremont Pointe, and The Flying Monkey Pub. Several residents are further exploring these options. The block club will vote in the coming months. The block club also discussed their holiday party and will vote at the next meeting. The block club continues to take orders for South of Jefferson t-shirts and continues to hold 50/50 raffles to raise funds for t-shirts. Bring a dollar or two to the next meeting, if you want to try your luck. The next South of Jefferson Block Club meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 9th, 7pm at Post #58. Friends of Clark Field We wish to thank Marianne Ludwig for her gracious fund raising event of Waffles, sausage, juice and coffee held at Tremont Scoops Ice Cream with 100% profits going to the Friends of Clark Field. We also wish to thank the many supporters who purchased tickets and enjoyed a delicious meal. As always the food was fantastic. The funds will help provide goodies for the Halloween party to be held at Clark Field 3pm-5pm on October 30th for children and youth. Thanks to the friend who donated hand sanitizers for the dog park , this was much needed and a cost saver. We wish to thank May Hulvalchick and friends for a donation of newspaper sleeve bags and plastic bags for waste removal at the dog park. Many thanks to all our friends who have donated bags, supplies and have helped to keep the park and dog park clean. Grass Busters a division of Ritenour Construction Training/classes/education Are you interested in advertising in Lincoln Heights 1st of this year until July of 2011. West 11th between Abbey and University along with Abbey Avenue between 12th & 13th Streets will be closed. Traffic will be restricted to one lane in both directions on West 14th Street between Abbey and Fairfield. Residents living along the northern end of West 7th Street expressed concerns about speeding and reckless motorists’ traffic - and urged the City’s Streets’ Department to implement traffic calming measures. Neighborhood safety concerns were shared and crime and safety (brevity) reports were given to interested participants. Nonpartisan voter information, in advance of the November 2nd General Election, was available to participants following the meeting. Other guests present included Kristine Jordan and Jeff and Tricia Kipp, who mingled with participants following the meeting to introduce Cuyahoga County District 7 candidate, Jeff Kipp, to voters. Also present to observe the meeting was Christopher Jenkins, Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences student and Tremont West intern. Participants in the block club are reminded that Bylaws adopted earlier this year, call for participants to attend at least three (3) meetings in a 12 month period to be considered full members with voting privileges. This qualification goes into effect beginning with the November meeting. Many folks in attendance planned to attend the Hands Across Tremont fundraiser – including dinner, silent auction, and reverse raffle – to benefit Merrick House’s early education programs and Tremont Montessori special education programs. Several block club members were active in the benefit’s planning committee. For more information on our block club and activities, please contact our Co-Chairs, Brian Fabo— brian@faboenterprises.com - and Sue Coy – susancoy10@yahoo.com and - or contact Scott at Tremont West at 216-575-0920 – scottrosenstein@twdc.org. Our next gathering is scheduled for Tuesday, November 16th – 6:30pm at Lago. We hope you’ll join us! ? North of Literary A Happy Hour Social, sponsored by the North of Literary Block Club, was held on Tuesday, October 12th at 806 Martini and Winebar. Block club participants are grateful to Lisa Gottschalt, owner/ operator of 806, for her active participation in block club and neighborhood committee meetings and activities. Then on October 19th, 31 residents and 8 guests attended the business meeting of the block club held at Lago Restaurant & Winebar. Special guests at the October meeting included four representatives (Jennifer Elting, Public Information Specialist, Communications & Community Relations (CCR), Darnella T. Robertson, Esq., Senior Government Affairs Specialist, Brian Page, Project Manager, and Jordan McCormack, Wade Trim Project Manager) of the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District to speak about and present a power point presentation on the Walworth Run Interceptor Realignment. This $6.8 million dollar project will construct sewer realignment prior to the new Innerbelt Bridge construction. It will have an impact on closed and restricted roads in the block club area from Nov. Fall Yard Clean-Up Specials! Mowing—Edging—Hedge Trimming—Clean-up Call for a quote—216-513-6456 Ritenour Construction No Job Too Small! Carpentry—Electric—Plumbing—Painting Clyde Ritenour ritenconst@yahoo.com Call for a quote—216-513-6456 convergence-continuum, Tremont’s professional theatre company, presents the Ohio premiere of Brainpeople, a surreal psychological drama , at the Liminis. Thursday night shows free for Tremont residents. Join us for a surreal and magical journey at convergence-continuum as we present the Ohio premiere of BRAINPEOPLE, by Jose Rivera. The time: the present. The place: a faded penthouse in a violent, militaristic Los Angeles. A rich and beautiful young woman has invited two carefully selected strangers, one for her lovely eyes, the other for her lovely hands, to a very special dinner commemorating the death of her parents. She has offered the two strangers $20,000 each to attend (and complete) the bizarre annual feast. The result is an engrossing journey into the traumatized inner realms of the three very different, solitary women that is alternately surreal, humorous, startling and magical. Brainpeople runs at 8 p.m. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays through November 13 at the Liminis, 2438 Scranton Rd. Tickets are $15 general admission, $12 for students and seniors (65+). For reservations and information call 216-687-0074 or visit www.convergence-continuum.org. Thursday shows are free for Tremonters (Nov 4 and 11). Call ahead to reserve your seats, and say you’re a Tremonter. Issue Media Group, one of the nation's fastest growing media companies, announces the launch of their newest regional online magazine, Fresh Water. Each Thursday, the publication will offer up a fresh wave of stories covering Northeast Ohio's most compelling people, businesses, organizations, and neighborhood developments. "As our name not so subtly suggests," says Douglas Trattner, Managing Editor, "we intend to redirect the conversation from negative narratives about our city, economy, and people to those that tell a very different tale. Fresh Water's story – Cleveland's story – is one of constant change fueled by a compelling cast of big thinkers." Fresh Water, devoted to highlighting the unique assets of Greater Cleveland, joins Issue Media Group’s existing online publications in Toronto, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Philadelphia and more than a dozen other cities. IMG speaks to creative, highly mobile and curious people who are interested in what the growing companies are, when innovation is taking place, and where unique neighborhood transformations are taking root. Managing Editor Douglas Trattner, native-born Clevelander, has been a fulltime freelance writer for the past 10 years. In addition to writing for Scene, Plain Dealer, Cleveland Magazine, and Miami Herald, he authored the recently released guidebook Moon Cleveland. Trattner leads a locally-based staff that includes Development News editor Frank W. Lewis, Innovation & Job News editor Diane DiPiero, and Managing Photographer Bob Perkoski. “Cleveland is a Midwestern city that is in the midst of an exciting reawakening, and Fresh Water wants to uncover the next-gen thinkers, doers and innovators who are transforming this region into a new-economy powerhouse,” says Issue Media Group Meetings—Special Events cofounder Brian Boyle. “Fresh Water will connect readers, both inside and outside the region, with the latest news on emerging sectors and industries – from the creative economy, design, arts and culture to life sciences, sustainability and emerging technology – as well as the latest neighborhood developments." “There is so much happening in Greater Cleveland that flies just below the radar," adds Trattner. "But now that news has an outlet with Fresh Water. Our aim is to give people more reasons to consider Cleveland the best place on the planet to live, work, play and visit." Fresh Water is available for free each week by email and at www.freshwatercleveland.com. Follow/Like Us Twitter: @FreshWaterCLE Facebook: Fresh Water Cleveland Special Events Bergen Village Phase II Grand Opening Thursday, November 4th, 5-8pm (See page 1 for details.) Block Club Meetings Holmden-Buhrer-Rowley 11/3/10 at the Clark Bar @ 6:30pm Mentor-Castle-Clark 11/3/10 at the Clark Bar @ 6:30pm South of Jefferson 11/9/10 at Post 58 @ 7pm Lincoln Heights 11/11/10 at Zion Church @ 6pm Auburn 11/11/10 at Pilgrim Church @ 7pm North of Literary 11/16/10 at Lago @ 6:30pm Central Tremont 11/16/10 at TWDC Conference Room @ 6:30pm Metro North 11/30/10 at St. Michael’s Church @ 6pm Old Tremont TBA. Please call Kristen at 575-0920. Duck Island No Meeting in November Other Committee Meetings TWDC Executive Cmt. 11/2/10 at TWDC Conference Room @ 6pm TWDC Economic Development Cmt. 11/4/10 at TWDC Conference Room @ 6pm TWDC Safety Cmt. 11/8/10 at Merrick House @ 6:30pm TWDC Finance Cmt. 11/9/10 at TWDC Conference Room @ 6pm 2nd District Police Community Relations 11/9/10 at Applewood Center @ 7pm TWDC Housing Development Cmt. 11/11/10 at TWDC Conference Room @ 6pm Tremont Gardeners 11/15/10 at Prosperity Social Club @ 7pm TWDC Board of Directors 11/18/10 at TWDC Conference Room @ 6pm TWDC Long Range Planning Cmt. TBD. TWDC Marketing and Fundraising Cmt. TBD. TWDC By-law Cmt. TBD. Friends of Clark Field TBD. Please call Kristen at 575-0920. Tremont History Project No Meeting in November. Twi-Fi Meetings See www.twifineighbor.net for schedule. Restore Tremont See www.restoretremont.com for schedule. Tremont West Safety Committee Special Presentation Monday, November 8th, 6:30pm at Merrick House (See page 7 for details.) Tremont ArtWalk Friday, November 12th, www.tremontartwalk.org, 6-10pm (See page 5 for listings.) Zion UCC of Tremont’s Annual Mini-Mart Saturday, November 13th,11am - 3pm Zion UCC of Tremont School Building 2716 West 14th St., Pies, cakes, cookies and pastries, Jams, jellies and preserves. Tickets for the Cleveland Philharmonic Concert, December 12, 2010 on sale. Kitchen will be open. Ample parking is available. The Mini-Mart (first floor) is handicap accessible. While you are here at Zion UCC, visit our Monthly Rummage Sale on the second floor. Roosevelt Post 58 Grand Open House Friday, November 12th, 2442 Professor Founded in 1945 by American Veterans of Polish descent returning from W.W. II to work in the steel mills and live on the Southside (Tremont ).In 1987 Post 58 opened it's doors to all nationalities. Come see the upstairs club rooms and hall where pictures are displayed going back to the beginning of this fine organization. The basement features a memorial dedicated to all the veterans that never returned from duty around the world. The bar area features an old fashion juke box, regulation pool table and art pictures from the past. Free membership cards will be given between 6pm-9pm. Author Ted McClelland Meet and Greet Sunday, November 14th, 4pm at Visible Voice Books (1023 Kenilworth) For more information concerning The Young Mr. Obama book signing or our store, call Visible Voice Books at 216-961-0084 or visit on the web at www.visibleboicebooks.com. Tremont Farmers Market Tuesday, November 16th, 4-7pm (See front page for details.) Tremont’s Thanksgiving Thursday, December 2nd, (the Thursday after Thanksgiving), 5-7pm at OLA/St. Joseph Center (2346 West 14th Street) Dinner is free. Please RSVP to 216-575-0920. Please bring a non-perishable food item to be shared with a family in need.
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