UMA`s Easter Bazaar - Tremont West Development Corporation


UMA`s Easter Bazaar - Tremont West Development Corporation
Vol. 26, Issue 4
ART Concert Series
Celebrates 20th Year
of Musical Excellence
Tremont West
Receives Award
for Bioswale
Christine Haff Paluck,
founder & director -- Arts Renaissance Tremont (ART)
Dominion East Ohio awarded
$100,000 to 12 winners in its
annual Community Impact
Awards competition,
co-sponsored by Dominion East
Ohio and Inside Business
A panel of community judges
selected the winners from 85
entries submitted by Northeast
Ohio organizations in the 16th
annual awards competition. The
award recognizes cities or
organizations that have made a
positive impact in the
community. Funding for the
grants comes from the
Dominion Foundation, which is
dedicated to the economic,
physical and social health of the
communities served by
Dominion companies.
“We applaud the outstanding
efforts of everyone involved in
these award-winning community
projects,” said Anne E. Bomar,
senior vice president and
general manager, Dominion
East Ohio. “In these tough
economic times, they have
made a difference in the lives of
the people they serve, and in
the communities where we all
live and work.”
Since 1996, Dominion East
Ohio has distributed more than
$1 million in Community Impact
Awards to organizations
throughout the company’s
service area.
Tremont West Development
Corporation won $5,000 for its
Tremont Parking and
2406 Professor Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
Address Service Requested
Non Profit Org.
Cleveland, Ohio
Permit # 1591
Many years ago I had a dream … an idea: to find a
way to offer an equal opportunity for everyone to share
the musical talent that abounds in Northeast Ohio. Few
cities can boast the musical riches Cleveland has to
offer, including the world renowned Cleveland
Orchestra, Oberlin College Conservatory and Cleveland
Institute of Music. I wanted everyone, regardless of their
ability to pay, to have a chance to hear great music
(live!) and to get to know some of the wonderful
musicians I have been lucky enough to work with
during my own life in music. The challenges were
many, but then I was young, enthusiastic and,
obviously, naïve. Finding an acoustically worthy space,
in a relatively accessible part of town, was the most
difficult first step. It was also personally important to
serve an underserved community. Fate (and my mother)
intervened, and I was re-introduced to a Tremont
landmark - Pilgrim Congregational Church - in the
(then) relatively little known historic Tremont
neighborhood. (Cravings, now Civilization, Miracles,
now Bistro on Lincoln Park and the Patisserie Baroque,
now gone, were new businesses at that time.)
Fortunately, former Pilgrim Pastor, Laurie Hafner, (then
a Tremont newcomer) understood the importance to the
growth of her inner city church of having as many
visitors as possible pass through the doors. She invited
me to consider Pilgrim my musical home. (As an aside
to the uninitiated … check out Pilgrim Church – it is
another Cleveland architectural treasure, with a
stunningly beautiful sanctuary featuring Tiffany-style
stained glass windows and domed ceiling.) With time,
energy, the support and encouragement of many, and a
variety of musical offerings, Arts Renaissance Tremont
evolved from performances by a resident chamber
music ensemble (Tremont Chamber Players) into a
highly regarded concert series.
Twenty years have seemingly flown by. Those who
took a chance on this small neighborhood performing
arts organization have been richly rewarded to hear
many of the area’s finest musicians: High Anxiety
Bones, Jack Schantz Jazz Unit, Cleveland Jazz
Orchestra, University Circle Chorale, Oberlin College
(Continued on page 5.)
April, 2011
Tuesdays in
Easter Bazaar Tremont!
The Ukrainian Museum10% of Your Purchase Benefits 2011 Arts in August!
Archives, 1202 Kenilworth
Tuesday, April 5th
Arts in August is a special
Ave., will be holding their
time of year in Tremont.
(2247 Professor Avenue)
18th Annual Easter Bazaar
The community gathers in
Tuesday, April 12th
Friday, April 8th through
Lincoln Park for artistic
Ty Fun & Scoops
Saturday, April 16th. Easter performances using
(815 Jefferson Ave.) & (2362 Professor Avenue)
eggs and supplies will be
professional lighting and
Tuesday, April 19th
available for sale along with sound to bring magic to
Fat Cats & 806
other traditional Ukrainian
(2061 W 10th) & (806 Literary)
items. For more
This year Tremont’s
Tuesday, April 26th
information, please call the generous restaurants want
Lounge &Ty Fun
UMA at 216-781-4329
to participate in helping
Fri., April 8th, 10am - 8pm
Sat., April 9th, 10am - 5pm
Sun., April 10th, 12noon - 4pm
Mon.-Thur., April 11th-14th 12
noon - 6 pm
Fri., April 15th, 10am - 8pm
Sat., April 16th, 10am - 5pm
Bioretention Area, which is
turning city-owned eyesores
into innovative spots for
parking cars and planting
crops. From it also came a
bioretention area, which
captures rainwater runoff,
treats it naturally and
prevents contaminants from
entering the sewer system.
As a result, 275 plants were
planted and 32 new public
parking spaces were ready
for customers of the various
businesses along that stretch.
support this program. You
can help too by eating out
on Tuesdays in April and
May. Please visit 806
Martini & Wine Bar, Bac
asian american bistro and
bar, Bistro on Lincoln Park,
Civilization, Dante,
Fat Cats, Istanbul Grill,
Lava Lounge, Tremont
Scoops and Ty Fun Thai
Bistro on the dates noted
at your right to support Arts
in August. The support
from our local businesses
for this program is
incredible and much
(1307 Auburn) & (815 Jefferson Ave.)
Tuesday, May 3rd
(2661 West 14th Street)
Tuesday, May 10th
Civilization (2366 West 11th Street),
Tremont Scoops & Ty Fun
(2362 Professor) & (815 Jefferson Ave.)
Tuesday, May 17th
Bistro on Lincoln Park
(2391 West 11th Street)
Istanbul Grill
(2505 Professor Ave.—Dinner only!)
Tuesday, May 24th
Ty Fun
(815 Jefferson Ave.)
Tuesday, May 31st
Dante & 806
(2247 Professor Avenue) & (806 Literary)
Save the Date!
2011 Easter Egg Hunt
In Clark Field
Saturday, April 23rd
Innerbelt Bridge
Project Update
One of the first activities for
most highway construction
projects is often a shock for
nearby residents and
businesses. The recent clearing
of most vegetation and trees
from the west side of I-90,
between Abbey and Kenilworth
in the Tremont neighborhood,
has raised some questions.
The area that has been
cleared of trees will have more
work done to remove the
remaining roots and debris. All
of the vegetation and plant
materials will be removed
before clean fill will be brought
in and placed to provide room
for the expanded highway. The
areas that have been cleared
will be the site of new
embankments that will be
constructed later this summer.
There are specific requirements
for erosion control, including silt
Children under 6 must be accompanied by an adult!
fences and mulch coverings that
Ages 2-15! Prizes! Juice! Treats! Candy!
are designed to prevent mud
slides. Crews will monitor the
Questions? Interested in Volunteering with Friends of
condition of these areas and
Clark Field?
apply remedial steps if wet
Call Kristen at TWDC at (216) 575-0920 or
weather causes concerns.
Bev at (216) 310-6810.
It was important to remove the
trees prior to April 1, so that a
protected species of bat did not
ParkWorks, Charter One Foundation, Tremont Trek
nest in trees that need to be
Home Tour, Harry K. and Emma R. Fox Charitable
taken down. By eliminating these
Foundation, George W. Codrington Charitable
trees early, the bats will nest in
Foundation, Tremont Resident Service Corp.,
trees that are not going to be
St. Michael’s Jr. Holy Name Society,
Councilman Joe Cimperman,
Replacement trees will be
& Tremont West Development Corporation
planted later in the project, when
all construction activities in an
Rain Date: Saturday, April 30th, 11:30am-1:30pm
area are completely finished. If
the new trees are planted any
Bring a camera to take pictures with the Easter Bunny!
sooner, they risk being damaged
by construction equipment hitting
them, or
What's inside?
compacting the
soil over their
New Business
roots. You can
contact the
Tremont History Project
Innerbelt Bridge
Project office with Tremont ArtWalk Listing
any questions or
concerns: email is Block Club Happenings,
phone number is
Special Event Listing
Meeting Schedule
Apartments for Rent
Page 2
Inside Tremont
A service of the
Tremont West Development Corporation
Editor: Michelle Davis
2406 Professor Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
“To maintain and improve the
living, business, and cultural
conditions for all of Tremont”
Christopher Alvarado, President
Henry Senyak, First Vice-President
Susan Coy, Second Vice-President
Lynn McLaughlin Murray, Treasurer
Sarah Lundeen, Secretary
Yvonne Bruce, Herb Crowther, Brooke
Deines, Jeffrey Eizember, Jesse Grant,
Tim Jenkins, Patrick S. Kabat,
Merrick House’s discussion
is one
of manyThwaite,
to be
M. Zielaskiewicz
the county.
Donovan Duncan, Georgiann Franko
Hey Tremont, want to stay more informed on
what’s happening in your neighborhood?
Well, you’re in luck, because Tremont West has finally entered the social media
world. We’re on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube in order to communicate
more often with you, the residents.
If you are new to social media, please allow me to explain why it’s important and
why you should want to learn more. I’ll start with the astounding number of social
media users. Approximately 1 in every 13 people alive today on earth is on Facebook. In total, 72% of all US internet users are on now Facebook, and Facebook
adoption isn’t slowing down anytime soon. Twitter just turned five years old and now
handles an average of 140 million tweets per day, Flickr has 5 billion photos being
shared, and YouTube has over 140 million user-submitted videos. That’s a lot of
For the end user, it usually means searching less for the information you probably
already enjoy consuming. I liken it to a personal newspaper. The Plain Dealer is
tasked with writing stories that all of Cleveland will want to read. Does that mean that
you personally will want to read every story? Probably not. With the aid of Facebook,
Twitter, and other social media tools, the information you receive comes from your
friends, which ultimately means you’ll be more interested in each piece of content.
Think of it as a daily newspaper of your life that you have total control over. You can
even “hide” the content of your annoying friends, if you want. Try doing that in real
We’d like to be part of your daily newspaper and promise to not fill your news feeds
with useless garbage. If you “follow” or “like” us, you’ll be sure to find:
Neighborhood event information
Specials from Tremont businesses
Photos from around the neighborhood, and much, much more…
We also welcome any questions/suggestions/content from you. If you want to raise
an issue, submit a photo, or tell us about your favorite Tremont event, please come
do so on our social media channels. They are open for commenting now and will remain so, as long as no one abuses them. We’d like all content to be Tremont-related
or at least useful to Tremont residents. Personal attacks and vendettas will not be
tolerated, and if you notice any questionable content, please flag it and notify us.
We’d love to have as much open communication with you as possible, but if people
can’t play nice, we might have to make it a one way conversation. Please don’t let
that happen, Tremont.
Now that you’ve read about all the wonderful things you’re missing online, what are
you waiting for? Go out and join our social media channels listed below and tell your
friends to join! Let’s continue this conversation online!
Chris Garland
Executive Director
Qualetha Carty
Office Manager
Sammy Catania
Development Director
(Tremont and Ohio City)
Michelle Davis
Marketing & Fund Development Director
Alex Finnarn
Americorps VISTA Member
Katie Hough
Ward 13 Area Coordinator
Christopher Jenkins
MSASS Intern
Robert Rodgers
Housing/Property Coordinator
Scott Rosenstein
Community Organizer/TACF Manager
Bob Shores
Safety & Outreach Coordinator
(Tremont and Ohio City)
Kristen Trolio
Community Organizer/Model Blocks Manager
Cleveland is full of hidden history and
architecture. Now, the neighborhoods of
Down and Aroundtown Cleveland are
offering two tours that will give
Clevelanders a chance to explore these
hidden spaces. A team of community tour
guides with stories and background history
will lead you through each location. Each
tour ends at a Bier Market in Ohio City and
includes light appetizers and drink specials.
Simply park at the first tour
location and explore Hidden Cleveland!
Each date has a different mix
of locations: ideastream,
Greenbrier Suite at Tower
City, Holy Ghost Greek Catholic (Tremont), Erie
Cemetery, Trinity Lutheran Church, Chapel at St.
Vincent, Charity Medical Center, Josaphat Arts Hall,
and Cleveland Masonic Performing Arts Center.
Go to to
buy your ticket, advanced sales only.
*Tours leave at 1:00PM, 1:30PM and 2:00PM
*Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time
Seeking Artist Proposals
for Two Public Art
Opportunities in Tremont.
Tremont West Development Corporation
(TWDC), in partnership with Cleveland Public Art
and ParkWorks, is requesting proposals from
qualified artists for a permanent artwork installation
in a park-like area which has recently come to be
known as Lucky Park, on the corner of Professor
and Starkweather Avenues and proposals from
qualified artists to design a pattern for Tremont
crosswalks that would be cut into a stencil.
Deadlines are April 4th for the crosswalk proposal
and April 22nd for Lucky Park proposal. Please visit for more information or call
Inside Tremont
Page 3
Rite-Aid Cleveland Marathon Comes to
Tremont and Duck Island in May
Tremont History Project/Museum
2438 Scranton Road (Originally the Taylor Emerson home):
Liminis Theater occupies a storefront built in 1911 as an addition to a large brick house built
in 1860. The home was converted from a single family home to an inn. The storefront was a
general store and tavern until 1942 when it became a neighborhood bar. The building was used
as apartments and a bar under various resident owners. The theater company owner bought the
badly-maintained building. The apartments have been renovated and the storefront has
undergone structural and electrical improvements. There is now a 40-seat performance space,
home to convergence-continuum, a professional alternative theater company.
Taylor S. Emerson was born in 1820. Mr. Emerson was a builder who had a planning mill
and manufactured doors, sashes and blinds. The home he built is a Cleveland Landmark. Mr.
Emerson was a widower who had two sons who died in infancy. He died January 1, 1908 at the
age of 88 years of age. His funeral was from the residence at 2438 Scranton Road on Friday,
January 3, 1908.
Mr. Emerson was mentioned as a member of the Citizens Group that participated in the
dedication ceremonies for Riverside Cemetery. He is buried in Riverside Cemetery.
Set for Saturday, May 7th, 2011 - 9am - 12 noon
RiverSweep is Ohio Canal Corridor's annual,
environmental awareness and clean-up initiative. The
event partners multiple non-profit organizations with
private companies to clean areas along the
Cuyahoga River Valley and its tributaries.
RiverSweep is a "done in a day" event where
volunteers gather at one of eight designated areas in
the following neighborhoods:
Tremont, Ohio City, Slavic Village, The Flats,
Old Brooklyn, Stockyards/Clark Metro,
Parma/West Creek, and Independence - Stay tuned
for exact areas and meeting locations.
There will be a luncheon and entertainment
following the cleanup at the Plain Dealer Pavilion for all volunteers that will run from
12pm - 2pm (lunch will only be served until 1pm).
RiverSweep stands out as Ohio's most successful environmental clean-up with teams
of environmentally aware volunteers, community groups, non-profit organizations,
government agencies and corporate partners clearing the river valleys of debris.
RiverSweep has established a tradition of cleaning areas where new parks and extended
trails will be built one day.
Examples of the new parks include Ohio Canal Corridor's Hart Crane Park in the Flats,
Cleveland Metroparks Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation, Mill Creek Falls, and Washington
Park Reservation. In process are the West Creek Greenway, Treadway Ravine in
Cleveland, Walworth Run (Train Avenue), extending the Towpath Trail from lower
Harvard Avenue through Tremont to Canal Basin Park in the northern Flats.
In 2010, RiverSweep volunteers pitched in with the Tremont Gardeners to spruce up
the roundabout at West 14 Street & Quigley. In the future, other such sites will be added.
For more information, call Kathy at 216-520-1825 or e-mail
To volunteer in Tremont, contact Scott at Tremont West—216-575-0920 or by e-mail—
The Rite-Aid Cleveland Marathon is coming to Tremont and
Duck Island! On Sunday, May 15th, between the hours of 7:45am and
9:45am - thousands of runners plus fans and volunteers will be out and
about experiencing first hand what welcoming and energetic
neighborhoods we have in Tremont and Duck Island. We’re in the
process right now of brainstorming ways that residents, business
owners, churches and civic institutions can be more involved in the
Cleveland Ward 3 Councilman, Joe Cimperman, has been a leader in
working with Cleveland Marathon and Community Development staff
from several neighborhoods as well as neighborhood volunteers to
make race day exciting and fun. Councilman Cimperman and Tremont
West staff have a great desire to see people out cheering on the
runners, hosting water stands, providing entertainment and music, etc
the morning of the race.
The proposed route brings runners, fans and volunteers to both
Ward 14 and Ward 3 Tremont and to Duck Island then on to downtown
From Ohio City on West 25th Street to Barber
Barber to Scranton
Scranton to Starkweather
Starkweather to West 11th Street
West 11th Street to Abbey
Abbey to West 20th Street
West 20th Street to Lorain/Carnegie
To get involved in Tremont and Duck Island , contact Scott Rosenstein
at Tremont West – 216.575.0920, or
Interesting Facts
Here are some fun facts about the Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon, Half Marathon & 10K.
•Event is one of the 50 oldest marathons in the country
•Number of years for Cleveland Marathon: 34
•Number of running shoes expected to pound the streets of Cleveland on May 15: 38,000
+ fans and volunteers
•Number of 12 oz. water bottles used on race day: 19,000
•Average mile time for the marathon winner: 5 minutes, 35 seconds per mile
•Number of 5 oz. cups used on the course throughout race: 149,000
•Number of bananas expected to be eaten by runners: 15,800
•Gallons of PowerAde used on course during race: 2,912
•Number of cookies expected to be eaten by runners: 13,000
•Number of portable restrooms throughout the course: 118
•Number of people over 65-years-old to finish the full 26.2 mile marathon in 2009: 17
Page 4
Inside Tremont
brand and gently used men’s,
women's, children's clothing, shoes,
purses, accessories and much, much
more!!! We even carry items for your
Our inventory is stylish, consistently
new and changing. Come shop with us
and save!!!!
Visit us at our newly renovated
facility, next door to Razor's Edge
Salon. Our Grand Opening Event will
take place on April 8, 2011, during the
Tremont ArtWalk, from 6-10pm.
2687 W14th Street
Store Hours:
Tues-Wed: 10-6
Thurs-Fri: 10-8
Sat: 10-6
A new boutique just opened on March 8,
2011, in Tremont. Owner Sandy Sanchez,
who also owns and operates the Razor's
Edge Hair Salon, joined forces with six
partners, whom are all either current or
former residents of Tremont, to open this
one of a kind business in the Historic
Tremont neighborhood.
The Recycled Bowtique's motto is "For all
the sales you missed we did the shopping for
you!" Our store offers a variety of new name
Congratulations, Bac!
Located in the corner unit of Lemko Hall.
for more information.
Thai Massage Bodywork offered
7 days a week by appointment.
Gift Certificates are available.
2337 W. 11th Street
Tremont, Ohio 44113
Bac Nguyen, head chef and owner of Tremont’s
Bac Bistro was named one of Northeast Ohio’s top
25 under 35 Movers and Shakers! This award was
given by the Cleveland Professional 20/30 Club and
covered in Inside Business magazine. This award
highlights individuals who give selflessly to their
community, are involved in nonprofits as volunteers
or board members, or are up-and-coming leaders in
the community or business
they are associated with.
Bac is located at
2661 West 14th Street.
How do you know when spring
is really here?
When Tremont Scoops opens for the season! On opening day,
Friday, April 1, stop by and enjoy one of their famous waffle
cones and Marianne will donate $1 from every waffle cone
purchased to our Tremont Farmer's Market. Also, be sure to
sort through your kids' books that your children or grandchildren
aren't using any more for those that are gently used or "like new"
for the Tenth Annual Have a Heart, Share a Book campaign
from May 2 through May 7. Tremont Scoops will collect those
books for our neighborhood school children and reward you with
a free ice cream cone. Enjoy a cup of their fairly traded coffee
that week and Scoops will donate $1 from each cup of coffee
purchased to buy children's books for students in our Cleveland
Public Schools. For more information, call Tremont Scoops at
Full Service Breakfast & Lunch
(Brunch Style)
7 days a week!
Monday - Friday—7 am—5 pm
Saturday-Sunday—8am—5 pm
777 Starkweather * 216-622-7773
On March 6th, ten very lucky people got to spend three hours in a class called, “Cooking like an Italian” Fabio
Salerno, owner, of our popular Lago Restaurant donated a cooking class for ten people. He put bar stools all around
the open kitchen so we could all see and hear everything that was happening.
We started with excellent Italian Red Wine. The antipasti was Calamari sautéed with oven roasted tomatoes and
fresh basil. We learned not to overcook it. After a little more red wine we watched Josh (chef) make pasta and roll it
into little circles. This turned into the most incredible dish of Veal Tortellini with Prosciutto, fresh peas, and a
Parmigiano cream sauce. Order it when you go there!
As true Italians, we finished the meal with a little more wine and a lovely, light salad tossed with olive oil and fresh
lemon juice. It was a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. While Josh was demonstrating, Fabio entertained us
with stories about Italian life, food, the restaurant business and his beautiful partner in life and work, Nicole.
This was one of our featured live auction items and the lively bidding produced a great donation to the children of
Tremont. Thank you to Fabio for this donation and his continued support to Tremont.
The Storefront Renovation Program
Congratulations to Istanbul Grill, located at 2505 Professor Avenue, for completing the Storefront Renovation
Program! This investment has made a positive impact in the Professor/Starkweather Avenue Business District.
Neighborhood Retail Assistance Program
The City of Cleveland’s Economic Development
Department can assist small businesses with
financial packages of both loans and grants to
improve the interior and exterior of their
storefronts. Please contact Michelle at
216-575-0920 for more information.
Commercial Space for Sale or Lease
Are you looking to lease, purchase or market
commercial space in Tremont? If so, call
Michelle at 216-575-0920. See current Tremont
Commercial Properties at: or
Remember, if you are planning to open a
business in Tremont, you must contact the City of
Cleveland to see what variances or permits are
required for your desired location, the Department
of Building and Housing can be reached at
216-664-2282. There are some great loan
reimbursement programs through the city and
county for vacant building rehab, storefront
renovations, signage and Brownfield clean-up.
Feel free to contact Tremont West for more
information, 216-575-0920.
The City of Cleveland’s Storefront Renovation Program is an exterior rehabilitation program
that combines financial incentives (rebate or loan) with free City design assistance. The City
partners with neighborhood Community Development Corporations to implement the program in
the neighborhoods. If you are interested in learning more about this program for your building,
please call 216-575-0920.
Inside Tremont
Page 5
Tremont ArtWalk—Friday, April 8, 2011—6 -10pm
Ukrainian Museum-Archives
1202 Kenilworth / 216-781-4329
Mon - Sat 8am - 4pm or by appt. &
Bistro on Lincoln Park
2391 West 11th /216-862-2969
Tues - Thurs 4:30 pm- 10pm
Fri & Sat 4:30pm- 11pm
Sunday Brunch 9:30am - 2:30am
Brandt Gallery
1028 Kenilworth/ 216-621-1610
Sat. Noon - 6pm or by appt.
Apophenia work by David Sulik.
Russell Vidrick open mic poetry
Saturday @ 3pm.
Visible Voice Books
1023 Kenilworth / 216-961-0084
Sun. Noon - 6pm, Mon. Closed,
Tue.-Fri. 2 pm-8pm Sat. Noon-10pm
“Love is a Skin” mixed media by Dott
Studio 11
2337 West 11th / 216-472-3611
Yoga and Pilates Studio
The Southside
2207 W. 11th St. / 216-937-2288
M-Sun. 11:30-2:30am. Lunch, Dinner, &
Solomon Foto D-Lux
2221 - 3 Professor - 440-728-1772
Thurs 6:30 -9:30, Fri 6:30-10, Sat 1-10
Eye Candy Gallery
2173 Professor Ave., #1/ 241-2740
Wed-Thu 12-6, Fri 1-7pm, Sat 12:307pm
Featured artists: Angela Rygalski
(water color). Anne FultonBruenner: acrylic & mixed medium
The Flying Monkey Pub
819 Jefferson / 216-861-mnky
M - Sat. 4pm - 2am
Banyan Tree
2242 Professor Ave. / 216-241-1209
Mon- Wed 11am-7pm,
Thurs-Sat 11am-9pm, Sun 11-4pm
Wine & Design
751 Starkweather Ave
Offering Interior Design, Home
Furnishings, Wine and Accessories.
Offering Interior Design, Home Décor,
Gifts & Wine with Wine Tastings every
Artwalk! Now offering Financing on
The Treehouse
820 College / 216-696-2505
Work by Dustin Nowlin
The Paul Duda Gallery
2342 Professor Ave. / 216-589-5788
Robert Hartshorn Studio
2342 Professor Ave. / 216-403-2734
Edison’s Pub
2373 Professor Ave. / 216-522-0006
M-Sun. 4pm-2am, Live music Saturday
night. Work by Sarah Dougherty.
The Tremont Department Store
2393 Professor Ave./ 216-240-0790
Cleveland Auction Co.
2418 Professor / 216-631-3232
Fine Arts & Antiques Auction and Retail.
Just for Fun Accessories by Veronique
(accessories fashioned from
antique and vintage elements)
(ART continued from front page.)
Choir, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus and
Children’s Chorus, The Cleveland Orchestra
Piano Trio, Amici and Cavani String
Quartets, Oberlin Baroque Trio, numerous
soloists, including cellists Janos Starker,
Stephen Geber, Joshua Roman, David
Requiro, guitarists John Holmquist and his
protégé, Jason Vieaux, and helped introduce
rising stars such as trumpeter Ryan Anthony
and violinist Jinjoo Cho – the list goes on.
ART has hosted the debut performances of
some now well established ensembles –
Burning River Brass and CityMusic
Cleveland, among them. We have also played
a vital educational role in introducing
neighborhood children to orchestral music
Coupled by my original dream, our now
collective desire has been to enhance the
cultural diversity and quality of life in
Tremont by providing a forum for the arts.
Along the way, we’ve developed a unique
audience, established a respected venue for
gifted artists to share their talent, promoted
the use of a magnificent space, fostered a
greater sense of community and an
appreciation for the arts through accessible
artistic programs and supported the rebirth
of an historic Cleveland neighborhood.
Many thanks to the people of Pilgrim
Church and to the ART board. Keep the
dream alive. Join us for a concert.
Everyone is welcome. Besides, the ticket
price can’t be beat! Admission to ART
concerts continues to be by freewill
doubting Thomas Gallery
856 Jefferson / 216-394-0098
Fri - Sat 6-10pm or by appointment
Group Show - sculpture
Emily's Petite Salon and Spa
755 Starkweather / 216-482-3689
ArtWalk night special: $10.00 express
service, first come first serve, your
choice of massage, manicure,
pedicure, facial or haircut.
Lilly Handmade Chocolates
761 Starkweather/216-771-3333
Hours Tue-Sat 12 pm – 7 pm,
Sun 12pm-5pm, Mon Closed. ArtWalk
Friday 12pm-10pm. Art Walk night
Lucky’s Café
777 Starkweather/216-622-7773
Open 7 days a week. Brunch.
Circle of Vision work by Dennis
Prosperity Social Club
1109 Starkweather /216-937-1938
Martini Five-O at 10pm
Lava Lounge
1307 Auburn / 216-589-9112
M - Sat. 5pm to 2:30am,
Sun. 7pm - 2am
2621 W. 14th/216-241-5025
Mon 7am-3pm, Tue-Thu 7am–9pm
Fri 7am-10pm, Sat 8am-10 pm,
Sun 8-3pm. Drawings and Paintings
by Carol Leibowitz, Photographs by
Alex Kleme.
2661 W. 14th/216-938-8960
Asian American Bistro & Bar
Work by Claire Sullivan & Phyllis
Kohring Fannin
Powter Puff Boutique
2671 West 14th / 274-1220
M-Th 12-7p, Fri-Sat 12-8p, Closed
Mastroianni Photography and
Arts / 2688 W. 14th
Hiatus, back in May with The
Deliberate Portrait, A Retrospective
Eclectic Closet Boutique
Scranton Rd/ 216-965-0329
"Your Favorite Consignment
Do You Have Cash in Your
Closet? Hours: Tues-Thurs
11-5, Fri 11-7, Sat 11-8,
Closed Sunday & Monday.
Aperture. A Photography
and Variety Store
2541 Scranton Rd./ 574-8977
T 10-6, W 10-6, Th 10-6, F 108 except Art Walk till 10pm,
Sat 10-8, Sun closed
Mon-Tues: 10am to 5:30pm,
Wed: 10am to 6pm, Thurs-Fri:
11am to 6:30p, Sat: 11am to
5:30pm. Instant Revival work
by Kelly Knaga, Scott Meivogel, Tim Logan, C.A. Long,
Taylor Mikal, Adam Misztal,
Daiv Whaley, Joseph Minek
and Megan Drmota. This Polaroid exhibit closes April 9th.
Check out over 100 Polaroid
photographs before they're
Deering Vintage
2678 West 14th/ 274-1211
Tues-Fri 12-9 and Sun 12-5 and by
Poetry &
Author’s Panel Events
GardenWalk Cleveland: Flowers, Fruits and Farms is a free,
one-day, volunteer-organized walking/driving tour of over 100
residential gardens, community gardens, urban farms and orchards
in Cleveland's historic neighborhoods. The 2011 tour includes the
Lee Miles, Hough, Tremont, and Detroit Shoreway neighborhoods.
Any individual gardener, gardening group, or gardening-related
business in these communities can participate in the 2011 tour,
which is scheduled for Saturday, June 25, 2011, from 11am to
7pm. Gardeners are encouraged but not required to be home
during the hours of the tour.
If you're a Tremont resident or business owner and want to
showcase your garden, please contact Linda Warren at
216/631-6357 or for the
On Friday, April 8th, 7:00pm, there will be a Poetry Reading
at the Paul Duda Gallery on 2342 Professor Ave. The Reading will be held during the Art Walk. This event is a chance to
share your work, socialize, and view the art on display in the
gallery. If you would like to read an original piece, you may
contact Chris Jenkins at Tremont West (contact info below)
in advance or simply show up; the event is open to all.
On Monday, April 25th, 7:00pm, there will be a Local
Authors’ Panel at Pilgrim United Church of Christ on 2592
West 14th Street. Writers, poets, and authors from the
Cleveland area will discuss their work and what it is like to
write in Cleveland.
Both events are free and open to the general public. The
events are sponsored by Tremont West along with Visible
Voice Books and Seeds of Literacy. For further information
on either event, contact Chris Jenkins at 216-575-020 or by
e-mail at
Grass Busters
a division of Ritenour Construction
Weekly Lawn Maintenance
Mowing—Edging—Hedge Trimming—Clean-up
$18 for an average city lot.
Call for a quote—216-513-6456
Clyde Ritenour—
Class 1 Pavers & Remodelers
Specializing in Residential Driveways, Kitchens and Baths
Asphalt & Concrete, Roofing, Siding, Gutters & Windows
Financing Available
FAX 216-397-6349
Gary Wisniewski
1481 Warrensville Ctr. Rd.
South Euclid, OH 44121
Page 6
Free Compost Bins
for Tremont Residents!
Tremont West received a 2011 Recycling
Container Grant from the Cuyahoga County
Solid Waste District to purchase backyard
compost bins for Tremont residents. Glenn
Murray, a Tremont resident, the Cleveland
Management Academy at CSU, and Kristen
Trolio at TWDC successfully collaborated on
the grant and as a result, Tremont West is able
to purchase 20 compost bins to distribute to
Tremont residents at NO COST to the
resident! In order to receive a compost bin, you
must register and attend a compost seminar at
the Solid Waste District. A list of upcoming
seminars is available on their website,, or can be obtained by
calling (216) 443-3749.
Residents can choose between two types of
backyard compost bins – either a bin that is
best for yard waste or a bin that is best for food
waste. More information on both bins is available on the Solid Waste District’s website as
well. Residents will be urged to participate in
the “Cleveland Composters” Facebook page for
ongoing peer-to-peer support.
To receive your bin:
1. Call Kristen at TWDC at (216) 575-0920 to
reserve your bin
2. Register and attend a compost seminar
by May 31st
3. Provide proof of attendance to Kristen at
TWDC in order to pick up your bin
If you do not complete a seminar by May 31st,
your bin will be given to the next person on the
Inside Tremont
to Tremont
Resident and
Barb Sper!
Neighborhood Connections, a
small grants program of the
Cleveland Foundation, received
nominations for the 2011-2012
Grantmaking and Monitoring
Committee and Tremont resident,
Barb Sper was chosen to sit on
this committee.
The Grantmaking and Monitoring
Committee of 24 Cleveland
residents reviews all grant
applications and makes final
decisions as to which grants are
funded and at what level.
Each committee member was
nominated by a neighborhood
organization. Committee members
are selected from all areas of
Cleveland, and serve for threeyear terms. A number of
alternates work with the
committee, in preparation to
assume roles as full committee
members as vacancies arise. As
alternates become committee
members on an annual basis
nominations for new alternates
are sought from Cleveland
neighborhood groups.
Congratulations to Barb!
The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District Public Meetings
In June 2011, the Sewer District staff will ask the Board of Trustees to consider the
adoption of a rate increase. Beginning in 2012 through 2016, the anticipated rate
increase is expected to be an additional $14 a quarter per year for the average user,
which is equivalent to an average increase of 13 percent per year. At the upcoming
community meetings, NEORSD representatives will discuss changes to the minimum
charge fee and additions to the rate savings programs, including a crisis voucher and
income-based rate reduction, as well. Applications will not be available for the new rate
savings programs until mid-summer. Cleveland meetings are Tuesday, April 26th 7pm at Gunning Recreation Center, 16700 Puritas Road, and Saturday, May 14th, 9am
at Easterly Wastewater Treatment Plant,14021 Lakeshore Blvd.
Inside Tremont
Page 7
Block Club Happenings
“Block Club Happenings” is compiled by TWDC staff
with direct input from Block Club Chairs.
After a short winter break in February, the block club gathered
for their second meeting of the year on on March 10th. The
membership and guests shared a supper of lasagna with meat
sauce and one veggie pasta and a simple tossed salad,
graciously prepared by Co-chair Kerry Capwell. Coffee and
pop were provided by Co-chair, Frank Tkacz, and former
Co-chair, Brooke Willis. Our thanks to Kerry, Frank, and
Brooke! We continued a conversation begun at our January
gathering, with a discussion of the “Helping Hands – Giving
Back Where It Counts” initiative and fundraising possibilities.
The membership decided to re-visit the topic each month and
encourage members in small groups to undertake support of
various non-profit groups and engage in fundraising
opportunities. Dan Lotz was nominated and elected to serve as
Secretary of the block club in 2011. Congratulations and thank
you, Dan! Please make plans now to attend our next meeting on Thursday, April 14th – 7:00 pm at Pilgrim Church.
For more information on the block club and the April meeting,
contact our Co-Chairs, Frank Tkacz –—and
Kerry Capwell –— or Scott at
TWDC at 575-0920 or
Please join us on Thursday, April 14th!
Central Tremont
At the February Central Tremont Block Club meeting, the group
spent time discussing their constitution. A vote will be taken at
an upcoming meeting to amend the constitution in regards to
the number of representatives that a business can send to a
block club meeting to vote on a particular issue. The block club
also created a rule that restricts audio and visual recording and
media at their meetings; at the beginning of each block club
meeting, any media will need to be identified and the members
will vote on whether or not they are permitted at the meeting.
The block club also discussed a summer party – please look to
future issues of Inside Tremont for more information. The next
meeting will be held on April 26th at 6:30pm at TWDC.
Duck Island
The block club generally meets May – October in Abbey Park.
The membership will hold a special meeting on Thursday,
April 14th from 6 – 7 pm to discuss the move of the
Gateway Animal Clinic to 1819 Abbey Avenue. The meeting
will be held at the Tremont West office – 2406 Professor.
This special meeting is for block club residents/members only.
There is a locked SUGGESTION BOX on Co-chair Alicia
Hudson’s porch for any suggestions, comments and reports
requiring anonymity for all our residents. The block club will
resume monthly meetings in Abbey Park on Tuesday, May, 3,
2011. Co-chair, Alicia Hudson, can be reached at or 216.443.1296/216.443.0470
home/office or 216.645.9455 (cell) – or contact Scott at
Tremont West at 216.575.0920.
Holmden Buhrer Rowley/
Mentor Castle Clark
Steve Gabor, the Cleveland area campaign director for Ohio
Citizen Action, attended our March 2nd meeting to address the
HBR-MCC Block Club’s concerns about the protection of our air
quality, and the more active role our residents must play in the
EPA process. In addition to EPA complaint calls, Mr. Gabor
suggested calls to our councilman and environmental
organizations (such as Environmental Health Watch
(216) 961-4646, Environment Ohio (614) 460-8732, and the
Sierra Club (614) 461-0734). He mentioned as a useful tool to find out
more about community pollution levels by zip code. Mr. Gabor
can be reached at (216) 861-5200 or
We also heard from Alex Finnarn from TWDC about the City of
Cleveland’s Model Blocks Program assisting homeowners with
exterior repairs. Call Alex at 216-575-0920
( to find out more. Bob Shores
presented our safety report. Bev Wurm gave an update on
exciting developments from the Friends of Clark Field including
upcoming fundraiser and summer movie events, and large
dollar grants coming to Clark Field in March. Finally we set a
date for an HBR-MCC-hosted TREMONT-WIDE BLOCK
PARTY on Sunday May 15th from 11:00AM – 3:00PM. Please
email Meg Havey ( to find out how
you can get involved. Residents mentioned the need for better
snow plowing in the neighborhood. Check out our new
Google Site to find out what our block club is working on: We’re using the
next few meetings to develop our own meeting rules and
structure to make sure all of our residents feel welcome,
empowered, and eager to return for the next month’s meeting—so please stop in to tell us how we can improve. Once
again, the next meeting will be held on Wednesday, April
6th, 6:30pm at the Clark Bar. See you there!
Lincoln Heights
Adam Stalder from the SCFBC CDO office gave a detailed
report to the block club membership of addresses he has sent
an initial letter to regarding code violations on their individual
properties. If Adam does not get a response he will turn them
into the City of Cleveland’s Building and Housing Department.
Some of these locations have been known to B&H for years,
but this is the process that again must happen to satisfy City
protocol for code enforcement. Adam has done a great job in
detailing the properties, he will track the locations throughout
2011 and hopefully will get voluntary compliance on the
violations. Chairperson Henry Senyak updated members on
the efforts of graffiti abatement in Tremont. Councilman
Cummins had a volunteer group in mid-February painting over
the tagging. TWDC has had Court Community Service crews
out three days in the last few weeks and have addressed over
50 locations on public property. Weather conditions have
cancelled more efforts but TWDC will continue this process
and keep monitoring the area for new tagging. An update was
given in regards to the Tremont neighborhood NVR camera
program at TWDC. The system has run into some operational
problems mostly with interference that renders cameras
inoperable. The TWDC Safety Committee has had a meeting
with the City of Cleveland Public Safety Department and their
Homeland Security Division. TWDC is going to attempt repairs
on the existing cameras as a short-term solution, but optimally
will recommend to all TWDC constituent groups and
stakeholders that TWDC should seek funding grants and
partner with the City of Cleveland to install cameras in
Tremont similar to downtown. We are requesting all voting
members of the block club to be in attendance at our April
meeting. There has been discussion to move the meeting
location from Zion Church. We would actually need to amend
the block club by-laws with a special quorum to address this
matter. The potential move has merit and may increase
attendance but we are obliged to work under our by-law
document until proper amendments are approved. The next
meeting will be Thursday, April 14th, 6pm at Zion Church.
Metro North
The block club took a short winter break and did not meet in
February. Starting in March, we will have a topic at every
meeting that will be the bulk of our discussion at that meeting.
The primary March Topic was “W. 25th Street Development” the types of businesses being sought for the area, any new
businesses that are proposed for W. 25th from Clark to I-71,
plans for the streetscape, and what it means for Metro North
residents & businesses. Sammy Catania, Development
Director of Tremont West Development Corp was the special
guest for the evening to present on this topic. Staff of
Stockyards, Clark-Fulton, Brooklyn Centre CDC were invited
to attend, but scheduling did not permit their participation at
this meeting. The membership also discussed housing and
commercial development concerns in the block club area, and
Chair, Sandy Smith, reported on a potential demolition list
prepared by Ward 14 Code Enforcement Officer, Adam
Stalder, with the input of Ward 14 Tremont Block Club
chairpersons. News of upcoming community and
neighborhood events for spring and summer, 2011 was also
shared with the membership. A date of Saturday, May 14th –
8:30am – 12noon - has been set for the annual Spring
Clean-up. For more information about our block club
meetings and activities, please contact Chair, Sandy Smith – – and Co-Chair, Sue Krosel - or
contact Scott at Tremont West at 216.575.0920 – Block club meetings will
now be held on the fourth Tuesday of the month. Please join
us for our next meeting on Tuesday, April 26th, at the new
time of 6:30 pm at St. Michael’s ground floor meeting room.
Our topic for the April meeting is: “Making Scranton Road a
National or Local Historical District. Pros and Cons.”
North of Literary
At the March meeting, Chick Holtkamp and Nick Graor
presented proposed plans for remodeling and parking options
for the property at 2215 W. 10th Street (next to Fifth Third
Bank). The lot is an odd triangular shape. The plan is to
rehab the blue house that exists, demolish the garage and
add a carport. The result would open three or four off- street
parking spots for use by the Fifth Third Building. A motion to
support aforementioned plan was made, seconded and
approved by the block club. The block club will supply a letter
of support to the Board of Zoning Appeals. Safety
Coordinator, Bob Shores, distributed crime and safety
(brevity) reports for February. Car break-ins continue to be a
problem, and people are urged to remove items of personal
property from vehicles left parked on the street or in
driveways. At the February meeting, the block club had
approved the inclusion of membership to the south side of
Literary as well as the existing north side residents. It has
been determined, however, that a block club does not have
authority to unilaterally change boundary lines. A motion was
made and passed to rescind the last meeting’s vote on the
same. Possible alternate membership options will be
discussed at future meetings. Jason McMinn, a homeowner
on W. 5th, has a blue spruce to donate to the neighborhood.
A motion was made and passed to plant the tree at Industry
Park. The membership was encouraged to participate in the
upcoming RiverSweep Clean-up on May 7th, and to lend
enthusiastic spectator support to the runners of the Rite-Aide
Cleveland Marathon as they pass through the neighborhood
on May 15th. For more information on our block club and
activities, please contact our Co-Chairs, Brian Fabo— - and Mark Marek – - or contact Scott at Tremont West
at 216-575-0920 – We
hope you’ll join us for our next meeting on Tuesday, April
19th – 6:30pm at Lago.
Old Tremont
The Old Tremont Block Club is looking for new leadership!
Several residents have expressed an interest in working
together on activities for youth, healthy food and gardens, and
neighborhood clean-ups. If you are interested in becoming
involved or would like to take a leadership role in the Old
Tremont Block Club, please call Kristen at TWDC.
South of Jefferson
The South of Jefferson Block Club held their March meeting at
Hotz Cafe. The block club discussed their summer events.
They will be organizing a Tremont-wide cornhole tournament
with Post #58 on June 11th. Stay tuned to future editions of
Inside Tremont for more information. In addition, Barb Sper,
Brian Bellomo, and Brooke Deines have volunteered to
coordinate the South of Jefferson summer block party which
will be held in August. The block club voted to volunteer as a
group with both the Friends of Clark Field for the Easter Egg
Hunt and at Merrick House. More details will be available at
the April block club meeting. The block club held co-chair
elections – Congratulations to Brian Bellomo and Jeff Gyurky
on their co-chair positions for 2011. Chris Haff-Paluck from
Arts Renaissance Tremont was a guest at the March meeting.
She introduced many members of the block club to the
concert series by her group and distributed information. The
next South of Jefferson Block Club meeting will be held
on Tuesday, April 12th at 7:00pm at St. Theodosius.
Remember to bring $1 to try your luck in the 50/50 raffle.
Block club t-shirts will be ordered soon – it’s not too late to
order your t-shirt.
Friends of Clark Field
Our March Soup Fundraiser was a great success. Thanks to
all those who supported us by attending the event, donating of
fantastic gifts for the Chinese raffle, donating of supplies and
those making the delicious soups. A very special thank you to
the Friends of Clark Field volunteers who brought everything
together: Rich, Jim, Rose, Nancy, Sharon, Dave, Carmen,
Martha, Harold, Georgiann, Sue, Mattie, Gail and Bev. Thanks
to Zion Church for once again allowing us use of the space
and kitchen. Watch for our next event---Easter Egg Hunt
at Clark Field, Saturday, April 23rd.
NEED A NOTARY PUBLIC? FREE to Tremont residents, will come to
you; call Phil Pavarini, Jr., Tremont Insurance Agent, toll free at
1-888-PAVARINI (1-888-728-2746).
Help Wanted
Job openings are available at Applewood Centers, please visit
their website at
School crossing guards are needed in the Second District. Call
Second District Police Commander Sulzer at 623-5205 if you
are interested.
Garage Sales
For Sale
For Rent
Tremont West Property Management—
Are you interested in advertising in
Please contact Michelle at Tremont West,
216-575-0920 or
Proceeds benefit the charitable
activities of the Second District
Community Relations
Committee. For more
information, contact: Bob
Shores, Committee Co-Chair at
216-781-3222, ext. 103, or
Commander Keith Sulzer at
Tremont Farmers’ Market
Tuesday, April
from 4-7PM
Pilgrim UCC
2592 West 14th Street
Save the Date!
Saturday, May 21st, 6:30pm
for the Tremont West
Annual Fundraiser
Tremont’s resident professional
theatre company, convergencecontinuum, presents Valparaiso by Don
DeLillo at the Liminis theater at 2438
Scranton Rd. now through April 16.
This dark comedy by famed novelist
DeLillo skewers our obsession with TV
and celebrity in a wickedly discomfiting
way that you won’t soon forget.
Michael Majeski boards a plane on a
routine business trip to Valparaiso,
Indiana, but through a succession of
blunders ends up in Valparaiso, Chile.
In a series of intense and often surreal
press, radio and TV news interviews, he
tries to establish his identity as he
moves from being a humorous media
curiosity to a national media celebrity,
until he reaches the big-time: the tell-all
daytime talk show! Here nothing
remains unseen, and personal secrets,
no matter how intimate, are fair game.
Valparaiso runs Thu-Sat at 8 pm
through April 16. Tickets are
$15 general admission, $12 seniors, $10
students. Tremonters are admitted
free on all Thursday performances.
Call 216-687-0074 for reservations.
Meetings—Special Events
Block Club Meetings
4/6/11 at the Clark Bar @ 6:30pm
4/6/11 at the Clark Bar @ 6:30pm
South of Jefferson
4/12/11 at St. Theodosius @ 7pm
Duck Island
4/14/11 at TWDC Conference Room@ 6pm
Lincoln Heights
4/14/11 at Zion Church@ 6pm
4/14/11 at Pilgrim Church @ 7pm
North of Literary
4/19/11 at Lago @ 6:30pm
Central Tremont
4/26/11 at TWDC Conference Room @ 6:30pm
Metro North
4/26/11 at St. Michael Church @ 6:30pm (new time!)
Old Tremont
TBD. Please call Kristen at 575-0920.
Special Events
Tuesdays in Tremont! Eat and support Arts in August!
All Tuesdays in April and May!
(See front page for details.)
Tremont Scoops Opening Day
Friday, April 1st, to benefit Tremont Farmers’ Market
(See page 4 for details.)
Tom Goss, turn it around CD Release Party
Saturday, April 2nd, 7pm at Pilgrim Church (2592 W. 14th)
Zumba Classes at Merrick House
Wednesdays, 6pm at Merrick House (1050 Starkweather)
April 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th. Only $2 per class. or 216-771-5077
Yelp drinks!
April 4th-April 8th, 50% off featured beverages, 4-9pm
Participating Tremont Drink Spots: Lava Lounge, Lincoln Park
Pub, Lago, and Bac
Tremont ArtWalk
Friday, April 8th,, 6-10pm
(See page 5 for listings.)
Ukrainian Museum-Archives Easter Bazaar
Friday, April 8th - Saturday, April 16th
(See front page for details.)
Other Committee Meetings
TWDC Executive Cmt.
4/5/11 at TWDC Conference Room @ 6pm
Friends of Tremont School
4/6/11 at TWDC Conference Room @ 5pm
TWDC Economic Development Cmt.
4/7/11 at TWDC Conference Room @ 6pm
TWDC Housing Development Cmt.
4/7/11 at TWDC Conference Room @ 7pm
Tremont Gardeners
4/9/11 at TWDC Conference Room @ 10am
TWDC Safety Cmt.
4/11/11 @ at TWDC Conference Room 6:30pm
2nd District Police Community Relations
4/12/11 at Applewood Center @ 7pm
TWDC Long Range Planning Cmt.
4/13/11 at TWDC Conference Room @ 6pm
Tremont History Project
4/16/11 at TWDC Conference Room @ 10am
TWDC Board of Directors
4/21/11 at Pilgrim Church @ 6pm
TWDC Marketing and Fundraising Cmt.
TWDC Finance Cmt.
TWDC By-law Cmt.
Friends of Clark Field
TBD. Please call Kristen at 575-0920.
See for schedule.
Restore Tremont
See for schedule.
Hidden Cleveland Tours
Sundays, April 11th and 18th, 1pm-5pm
(See page 2 for details.)
Tremont Farmers’ Market Winter Market
Tuesday, April 12th, 4-7pm at Pilgrim Church.
(See above for details.)
Easter Egg Hunt in Clark Field
Saturday, April 23rd, 11:30am-1:30pm in Clark Field.
(See front page for details.)
Local Author’s Panel
Monday, April 25th, 7pm at Pilgrim Church.
(See page 5 for details.)
Tremont Arts & Cultural Festival Planning Meeting
Thursday, April 28th, 6pm at Aperture (2541 Scranton Road). Call
Scott at Tremont West for more information,
2nd District Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, May 1st, 10am-2pm at St. Rocco’s (3205 Fulton)
(See page 7 for details.)
22nd Annual Senior Day
Thursday, May 12th, 10am, lunch included at noon for no cost,
500 Lakeside Avenue, Call the City of Cleveland’s Department of
Aging for more information, 216-664-2833.