2013-2014/5774 Honor Roll of Donors


2013-2014/5774 Honor Roll of Donors
Solomon Schechter Day School
of Metropolitan Chicago
2013-2014 / 5774
Annual Report
At Solomon Schechter Day School, we ignite
highest potential, and empower them to use their
our students’ Jewish souls, educate them to their
knowledge, skills, and creativity to enrich our world.
A Message from the Head of School and Board President
Dear Friends,
Those of us closest to Solomon Schechter Day School of Metropolitan
Chicago understand that like most outstanding elementary and middle
schools, Schechter provides students with an exceptional academic
foundation to prepare them to succeed in high school and beyond. However,
Ethan A. Budin, Board President, and Linda P. Foster,
CEO/Head of School
we know that Schechter delivers even more. Schechter students gain a
sense of identity that can only come from being immersed every day in an
extraordinary community that learns and celebrates Jewish life together.
At Schechter, our students benefit from an innovative curriculum in both General and Judaic Studies taught by
some of the strongest and most devoted educators that you can find anywhere in the country. Our commitment
to incorporating the latest educational research combined with ongoing professional development for our faculty and
staff (you should see how many teachers came to school voluntarily throughout the summer to take part in different
learning opportunities) and a collaborative spirit keep us on the leading edge for our students.
We are so proud of what happens every day at Solomon Schechter Day School. However, it’s not enough for us to know
what makes Schechter such a unique and powerful education. Together, we must work hard to reach out and tell
our story to more people —so that we can not only build our enrollment but also strengthen and sustain our
school for today and for the future.
Among the many steps we are taking, there are four initiatives (see page 6) that we would like to share with you that
are moving our school in a strong direction educationally and fiscally. And as you will see from the honor roll of donors
beginning on page 22 and the quotes throughout this report, we are working hard to create a culture of giving
that permeates our school and beyond. We are deeply grateful for your continued investment in our school and our
families. To succeed in the future, we need the support of every individual beginning with our most recent graduates
and extending throughout our community.
Why Jewish day school matters, by SSDS Board President Ethan A. Budin
To me, Jewish day school education is about giving our children the tremendous gift of
knowing who they are and where they came from. It is about showing them a time-tested
path to live a decent, honorable life, to explore a personal connection with God, and to
bring themselves closer to the divine ideal. And, most importantly, it is about helping
them to appreciate their inheritance of that Jewish path and of everything about our
Jewish tradition. I feel so blessed, as a Jewish day school graduate myself, to have received
this gift from my parents, and I feel very proud to give this gift to my children, and to do
my part, as Solomon Schechter Day School’s Board President, to help make this gift
available for all of our students.
Ethan is pictured with his wife, Karen, and their children Daphne, Adam, and Jeremy.
We would like to thank our Parent Organization (PO) leaders and volunteers who
add so much to the school experience. In addition to raising dollars to support
programs and other important school initiatives, our PO works so hard to build
our sense of community and support our administration, faculty, and students.
As we look ahead to the new school year, we would like to take this time to thank
Bobby Gerber for his service to our school as President of the Board. Bobby’s
passion for the school, leadership, and devotion is something that we value greatly
as we continue to move forward with many of the initiatives that were established
during his tenure.
We hope that you have and will continue to keep informed of our ongoing
curricular initiatives and other advancements through our Shabbat Bulletin,
“One thing we know
for sure is that
Schechter graduates
are confident,
well-prepared leaders
who use their
knowledge, skills and
creativity to enrich
our world.”
— Linda Foster and Ethan Budin
social media, and word of mouth. The saying: “It takes a village to raise a child,”
never gets old. And in the words of Rabbi Tarfon in Pirkei Avot, “It is not upon
you to complete the task, but you are not free to idle from it.”
Our sacred work is ongoing and we can only succeed with you as our partner. Please help us and be our ambassador.
We look forward to your witnessing first-hand the joy and learning that takes place every day at Solomon Schechter
Day School. So whether you are a current parent, grandparent, alumni, parent of alumni, or friend, please visit often!
Hazak hazak v’nitchazek! May we continue to go from strength to strength.
Linda P. Foster
CEO/Head of School
Ethan A. Budin
President, SSDS Board of Directors
All we needed to know we learned at Solomon Schechter, by Hadar Halivni (SSDS ‘14)
Robert Fulghum wrote a poem called “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in
Kindergarten.” … I am going to tell you on behalf of the graduating class, all we really
needed to know we learned at Solomon Schechter. We learned to manage two
identities simultaneously, to work as a team, to cherish our relationships, to ask
questions, to think creatively and critically, and we learned how to find solutions
– and not just in math. The biggest thing that we learned is that no matter where we
will learn next year, we will always be connected.”
Hadar Halivni (SSDS '14) is pictured with her
brother Avidan (SSDS ‘10), her parents
Diane Kushnir Halivni (SSDS ‘84) and Shai
Halivni, and sister Eliana, third grade.
Moving Solomon Schechter forward
with our commitment to excellence
ISACS Accreditation
Our New Legacy and Endowment Program
As a school with a 50-year history, we believe it is time
to become an accredited school with the Independent
Schools Association of the Central States. We are proud
that after a rigorous process this past year we have
received our provisional membership and we are now
immersed in a self-study to define our strengths and
identify areas that need to be improved. This is a multiyear process, however we are constantly striving to
be the strongest learning community characterized by
academic excellence, high achievement, social
responsibility, and more.
Enhancing our Tefillah Program
We are thrilled that we are one of 15 Jewish organizations
in Chicago that was accepted into Jewish Federation of
Metropolitan Chicago’s Create a Jewish Legacy Program
funded by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation and an
anonymous funder. As part of this program, we are
participating in ongoing workshops and training to
develop a Legacy and Endowment Program that will help
to sustain us for the future. A generous matching gift
from The David Y. Schwartz Family makes donating a cash
gift to Schechter’s endowment an attractive opportunity.
You can learn more about this on page 21.
Last year we reported that we were awarded a three-year
Headway Enrichment Grant that is being used to strengthen
our Tefillah program in creative and meaningful ways.
This grant has already helped us provide professional
development for all of our Tefillah educators. Our mission
is to engage students in meaningful prayer experiences
that inspire a love of Tefillah and instill a sense of its
importance for the Jewish people. In addition to many
exciting new initiatives, we will be improving our Tefillah
spaces through major construction projects and the
installation of extensive audio and video equipment to
further engage our students.
Last year, we were accepted into two prestigious programs
to help build enrollment, strengthen retention, and further
development efforts. The Partnership for Excellence in
Jewish Education’s Recruitment and Retention Academy is
providing comprehensive support and services, including
workshops and coaching to help us explore market segments
and build our word of mouth program. The Yeshiva
University School Partnership’s Chicago Jewish Day School
Financial and Governance Capacity Building Project, funded
by the Avi Chai Foundation, Crown Family Foundation, and
an anonymous donor, is also providing strategic coaching
and training to move our development efforts forward.
“Advancing” our Advancement Efforts
Why I made a multi-year gift to Solomon Schechter, by Joey Schrayer (SSDS ‘14)
Attending Solomon Schechter means living and learning in a Jewish way. Schechter
faculty creates an atmosphere of rigor while encouraging us to become critical thinkers.
As students, we thrived in this environment where we were always challenged by our
teachers to seek out the best in ourselves. Equally important, we have learned what it
means to be Jewish and lead a religious life.
Joey Schrayer (SSDS ‘14) is pictured with
his sister Annie (SSDS ‘09) and brother
Eli (SSDS ‘11) and parents Lynn and
Skip Schrayer.
In addition to the excellent academics, at Solomon Schechter I was also exposed to art,
music, dance, and more. One of my favorite experiences was participating in the band and
the jazz band from fifth - eighth grades. Marsha Rosenson, our band director, cared deeply
about us as individuals, and continuously sought out new ways to excite, motivate, and
energize us. I am fortunate that I am able to give back and that is why, at the end of seventh
grade, I chose to make a significant multi-year gift to the band program. I wanted to do what
I could to enhance the band experience for students after me for years to come, hoping
they will have the same amazing experience that I had in band at Solomon Schechter.
Students are educated to their highest potential
by outstanding teachers and a cutting-edge
curriculum in both General and Judaic Studies.
As students delve into Hebrew and rabbinic texts
and work in chevruta (with a partner), they not
only further their Jewish knowledge, they also
build critical thinking and collaborative skills
that they can apply throughout their lives.
Children are empowered
to make the world a better place.
n just one week in May, Schechter students
packed 15,000 meals at the Northern
Illinois Food Bank, decorated 350 birthday
bags for home-bound seniors throughout
Chicago, built and personalized 15 benches for
the JCC and other local camps, planted trees and
constructed 150 bird feeders for Pushing the
Envelope Farm, and prepared 237 sandwiches
for organizations that feed the homeless. Just
think what they do throughout the school year!
This week-long mitzvah initiative was made
possible through a special partnership with Jewish
Federation of Metropolitan Chicago and its Tikkun
Olam Volunteer (TOV) Network. The program
will be expanded this year to create even more
opportunities for Schechter students to give back.
Schechter students engage in meaningful
prayer experiences that inspire a love of Tefillah
(prayer) and instill a sense of its importance
for the Jewish people.
During the special pre-school
years, children in our early
childhood center begin to
develop the skills they will
need throughout their lives.
More children can thrive at Schechter with extra
support in Hebrew language and Jewish studies.
arah loves learning Hebrew and Jewish
Studies so much that she told her parents
that she couldn’t wait to return to Solomon
Schechter after the summer break. That’s
because she gets to spend time each day with
Hanna Schiffman, who is passionate about
transmitting her love of Hebrew and Jewish life
to students who begin Schechter in grades
other than kindergarten.
Sarah entered Schechter in fifth grade and was
one of 24 students who began their Schechter
education in 2013 in grades one through seven,
an increase of 15 students from the year before.
Mrs. Schiffman tailors a program to meet each
child’s needs. Working together individually and
in small groups, the children learn Hebrew, Bible,
Israel, culture, history, and Jewish holidays.
By the end of just one year, Sarah learned that
she did so well in Mrs. Schiffman’s class that she
was ready to join her Schechter friends in their
grade-level classes.
“I love helping to ignite that Jewish spark in my
students,” says Mrs. Schiffman, “and seeing them
get so excited about Jewish life.”
“Sarah is in the best place for her in terms
of General Studies and Judaic Studies.
She is getting the additional support
she needs to thrive. We wish we would have
done this sooner.” – Ellen and Joel Erlichman
Schechter athletes develop a love of the game
and a sense of pride as individuals and as
members of a team. Being on a Schechter team
requires each athlete to represent our school
in a way that reflects our Schechter values,
beliefs, and practices.
Solomon Schechter Day School is a vibrant and
nurturing community for both children and families.
Students express their creativity through exceptional
art, music, dance, drama, and band programs.
Schechter students
“build a world from love.”
ow do we create a kind and caring
world? It starts by creating a kind and
caring community.
Throughout the school year, Schechter students
explored what it means to be responsible
members of their classroom and school kehillot
(communities). Through a special program
that is now being called Derech Eretz (the way
of the land), the students learned and lived
important Jewish values, and gained a deeper
understanding of how to use language and
actions to build and strengthen relationships.
One way they brought this concept to life is
through song. Often you could hear students
singing a song by Rabbi Menachem Creditor
called Olam Chesed Yibaneh that he wrote for
his daughter who was born right after 9/11.
Sometimes they sang with quiet voices,
sometimes with loud voices that you could hear
throughout the building…but always with the
knowledge that they are partners with God and
have the power to build a world from love.
Olam Chesed Yibaneh
I will build this world from love
And you must build this world from love
And if we build this world from love
Then God will build this world from love
Olam Chesed Yibaneh
Mazal tov to the Class of 2013-2014 / 5774
An excerpt from Max Pivo’s d’var at the Kogan graduation breakfast
Max Pivo (SSDS ‘14) is pictured with his
parents, Lisa and Rabbi Jeff Pivo, and
sister, Celia, (SSDS ‘12).
In our parasha, the children of Israel are nearing the point where they will abandon the
wilderness they know for the uncertainty of settling the Land of Israel. We, too, are
moving into uncharted territory. It is time for us to leave what we have known for so long
and deepen our learning in high school, as we learn more about ourselves and others.
Just like B’nei Yisrael needed their forty years of wandering, we needed the experiences
we had here. And even though we are well prepared, it still feels a bit like we are peering
into an abyss. We must gather our courage and know that we will stay connected even
as we share our gifts and learn from others. We will continue to become who we are
meant to be, and we will help others to reach their goals as well. Be strong, be strong!
And we shall be strong.
Alumni believe so strongly in the value of their
Schechter experience that many return as
members of our faculty and staff.
annah Berkowicz Pogrund (SSDS ’03)
loved being a Schechter student.
“It’s where I developed as a learner, as
an individual, and as a Jew,” she says. My
Schechter teachers were instrumental in shaping
who I am today and instilling in me a love of
learning, critical thinking and organizational skills,
a strong work ethic, and many other qualities
that have been valuable to me throughout my
academic and personal life,” she says.
“What’s more, I developed a friendship with my
husband, Brian (SSDS ’03) at Schechter, and to
this day most of our closest friends are
Schechter classmates. After everything that the
Schechter community gave me, I was so excited
to return as a teacher. I am honored to work with
many of the teachers that I had as a student who
treat me as a valued colleague and friend.”
Hannah is not alone. In fact, she is one of nine
current members of our faculty and staff who are
Schechter alumni.
“Once you become a student at Solomon Schechter
you are connected for life,” adds Hannah. It’s so
much more than a school; it’s a second home.”
Lucy Kahn Bortman (SSDS ’00) kindergarten, Lynn Blaustein Weiss (SSDS ’82)
director of admissions and enrollment, Sarah Rodin (SSDS ’92) dance specialist,
Missy Cohen Friedman (SSDS ’88) third grade general studies, Jamie Cooper
(SSDS ’02) fourth grade general studies, Noreen Madansky Ohcana (SSDS ’77)
fifth–eighth grade math, Hannah Berkowicz Pogrund (SSDS ’03) first grade
general studies, Danielle Gershon (SSDS ’00) fifth–eighth grade math, and
Lena Adler Kushnir (SSDS ’88) Sager principal and assistant head of school.
Solomon Schechter’s Class of 2010 alumni
soar academically and as leaders
From the Ivy League to Israel,
look where our alumni from
our Class of 2010 are headed:
Colleges and Universities
3 National Merit Finalists
2 National Merit Semifinalists
2 National Merit Commended Scholars
16% attend the top 20 universities in the country including
Dartmouth College, Emory University, Harvard College, Johns Hopkins
University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Northwestern University,
Princeton University, University of Chicago, Washington University in St. Louis
5% of the graduating class were selected as National Merit Semifinalists —
higher than the percentage in any public high school on Chicago’s North Shore!
Class of 2010 alumni became leaders in their high schools as presidents of
numerous clubs: debate, DECA, Israel, Model UN, National Honor Society,
physics, theater and more; captains of academic clubs and sports teams;
newspaper editors; youth group officers; Write on for Israel fellows; and more.
American University
Barnard College/
Jewish Theological Seminary
Boston University (2)
California Institute of the Arts
Chamberlain College of Nursing
College of William and Mary
Dartmouth College
Drake University
Durham University
Emerson College
Emory University
George Washington University (2)
Harvard College
Haverford College
Indiana University (4)
Johns Hopkins University (2)
Laguna College of Art and Design
Marquette University
Muhlenberg College
Northwestern (2)
Ohio State University
Princeton University
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Tufts University (2)
University of Arizona
University of Chicago (3)
University of Illinois (6)
University of Maryland
University of Miami
University of Michigan (5)
University of Minnesota
University of Missouri
University of Wisconsin Madison (3)
Vassar College
Washington University in St. Louis (3)
Yale University
Gap Year Programs
Kivunim (5)
Machon Maayan in Israel
Nativ (2)
Yeshivat Lev HaTorah in Ramat
Beit Shemesh
Yeshivat Orayta
Yeshivat Eretz Hatzvi (2)
Yeshivat Maalei Gilboa
Yeshivat Mevaseret Zion
Israel Defense Forces
Gap year in Portland, Oregon program
Preliminary unaudited internal financial statements
FYE 6/30/2014
Gross Fundraising - expenses included with Administrative and Operational
Net Student Revenue
JUF/Federation Allocations & Distributions
Fundraising (Includes Restricted Fundraising)
Endowment Income from SSEF
Investment Gains/(Losses) - Realized and Unrealized
Other Income
Total Revenue
3% 3%
Educational Personnel Costs
Other Educational Expenses
Total Educational Programs
Occupancy Expenses
Administrative and Operational Expenses
Development Expenses
Interest/Loan Issue
Total Expenses
Preliminary Net Income
Figures Above Do Not Include Depreciation Expense of
FY 2013/2014 Tuition Assistance and Scholarships
Solomon Schechter Day School of Metropolitan Chicago provided
$2,404,810 of tuition assistance to approximately 45% of Schechter
In addition, 10 families benefited from The Bernard Heerey Family
Foundation Scholarship Program for a total amount awarded of
$147,220 and 8 families benefitted from The Kopin Family Kindergarten
Incentive Fund for a total amount awarded of $32,000.
L’Dor V’Dor: From Generation to Generation
In 2013-2014, these 63 alumni gave the gift of a Schechter education to their children:
Jordan Grey (SSDS ‘76)
Albert Karoll (SSDS ‘77)
Gil Soffer (SSDS ’78, SSHS ‘82)
Marc Dorfman (SSDS ‘79)
William Silverstein (SSDS ‘79)
Deborah (Weiss) Aizenberg (SSDS ‘80)
Dr. Jacob Ecanow (SSDS ‘80)
Dr. Arica (Feldman) Hirsch (SSDS ‘80)
Rabbi Lisa (Dushkin) Bellows (SSDS ‘81)
Brian Hoffman (SSDS ‘81)
Judge Daniel Shanes (SSDS ‘81)
Dr. David Ecanow (SSDS ‘82)
Andrea (Weiss) Leshem (SSDS ‘82)
Riv (Har-El) Lynch (SSDS ‘82)
Andrew Stern (SSDS ‘82)
Lynn Blaustein Weiss (SSDS ‘82/Staff)
Iris (Makower) Zuckerman (SSDS ‘82)
Lisa (Hoffman) Fishbein (SSDS ‘83)
Benjamin Frank (SSDS ‘83)
Rachel (Sobelman) Gruenberg (SSDS ‘84)
Diane (Kushnir) Halivni (SSDS ‘84)
Ellen (Dorfman) Nathan (SSDS ‘84)
Jeremy Schwartz (SSDS ‘84)
Julie (Cohen) Benensohn (SSDS ‘85)
Ron Blaustein (SSDS ‘85)
Rachel (Resnick) Cooper (SSDS ‘85)
Leorah (Lidsky) Eisenberg (SSDS ‘85)
Adam Winick (SSDS ‘85)
Deborah Ebroon-Barker (SSDS ‘86)
Robert Baum (SSDS ‘86)
David Kushnir (SSDS ‘86)
Jennifer (Footlik) Zukerman (SSDS ‘86)
Erica (Dayan) Aronwald (SSDS ‘87)
Hillary (Levitt) Dunn (SSDS ‘87)
Inna Feldman-Gerber (SSDS ‘87)
Michael Hakimi (SSDS ‘87)
Orete (Jonas) Harkavy (SSDS ‘87)
Ilana (Epstein) Weisenberg (SSDS ‘87)
Eytan Anisfeld (SSDS ‘88)
Missy (Cohen) Friedman (SSDS ‘88/Staff)
Dr. Lena (Adler) Kushnir (SSDS ‘88/Staff)
Sharone Lavi (SSDS ‘88)
Alisa (Lidsky) Srulovitz (SSDS ‘88)
Ari Footlik (SSDS ‘89)
Emily (Saltzman) Gottlieb (SSDS ‘89)
Keren (Hasbani) Hasbani (SSDS ‘89)
Rebecca Minkus-Lieberman (SSDS ‘89)
Rachel (Dorfman) Rubin (SSDS ‘89)
Doug Weinstein (SSDS ‘89)
Mimi (Sager) Yoskowitz (SSDS ’89)
Lawrence Levy (SSDS ‘90)
Dova (Tinberg) Weinberger (SSDS ‘90)
Alyssa (Dayan) Worshtil (SSDS ‘90)
Rebecca (Kushnir) Anisfeld (SSDS ‘91)
Marissa (Benuck) Levy (SSDS ‘92)
Claire Sufrin Ph.D. (SSDS ‘92)
Shira (Karp) Eliaser (SSDS ‘93)
Sarah (Fisher) Tag (SSDS '93)
Michael Frazin (SSDS ‘95)
Lara (Adelberg) Jaffe (SSDS ‘95)
Debbie (Banayan) Marks (SSDS ‘95)
Zahava (Steinberg) Berman (SSDS ‘96)
Sarah Bier (SSDS ‘97)
When you invest in Solomon Schechter, you invest in our future.
Our legacy and endowment donors are
visionaries who…
Now your legacy and endowment gift
can go even further!
• Recognize the power of Jewish day school to help
children develop self-confidence and character, and build
life-long bonds to our community, our values, and our people.
Create a Jewish Legacy Initiative
• Believe that inclusiveness, educational excellence,
and affordability are all key to attracting as many families
as possible to Jewish day school education.
• Value the role that Solomon Schechter Day School plays
in nurturing the children and families who will be the
backbone of our Jewish community for future generations.
Solomon Schechter is one of just 15 organizations selected
to participate in Jewish Federation of Metropolitan
Chicago’s Create a Jewish Legacy Initiative funded by the
Harold Grinspoon Foundation and an anonymous donor.
This initiative makes it easy to make your gift, and provides
a cash incentive if we receive at least 18 Legacy and
Endowment gifts each year for the two years.
The David Y. Schwartz Family Challenge
David Y. Schwartz, a parent of two Schechter graduates
and a current Schechter grandparent, believe so strongly
in the need for a strong endowment at Solomon Schechter
that the David Y. Schwartz Family Challenge will match
cash gifts to Solomon Schechter Day School’s Endowment
Join us! To learn more and to create your Jewish legacy,
contact Linda Foster, 847.412.5666 or
Why we must secure the future for our next generation, by David Schwartz
The experiences my sons had at Solomon Schechter had a great deal to do with who
they are as adults. I believe that their Schechter education, supplemented by what
they learned at home, at Jewish camps, and through their travels to and living in
Israel, embedded in them a love for yiddishkeit in addition to preparing them to lead
successful and meaningful lives.
It gives me such joy and nachas to see my grandchildren at Schechter, where they are
gaining both secular and Jewish knowledge and values, as did my sons. Education
is a core value of our Jewish heritage and parents have always sacrificed to educate
their children. It is critical that Schechter has the financial resources to enable the
school to meet the high expectations of Schechter current and future parents and
the community.
A critical component of Schechter’s financial resources are endowment funds.
As such, Schechter has established its Legacy and Endowment Program to strengthen
and expand its endowment funds. These funds will be used to enhance the secular
and Judaic programs with exceptional teachers, innovative initiatives, use of leading
edge technology for learning, and for tuition assistance.
I believe donors will receive a great deal of satisfaction from their legacy and
endowment gifts. They will know they have helped to ensure the vibrancy of this
outstanding school, which will lead to a stronger Jewish community for years to come.
David Schwartz, far right, is pictured with
(from left) Renee Hirsch, Jeremy Schwartz
(SSDS ‘84), Ayden Schwartz, Shira Raviv
Schwartz, Ayala Schwartz (SSDS ‘14), and
Elan Schwartz (grade 7).
2013-2014/5774 Honor Roll of Donors
Solomon Schechter Day School of Metropolitan Chicago gratefully acknowledges the following individuals,
families, corporations and foundations that have given their financial support throughout the past year to help
us raise nearly $2,050,000. Your commitment and philanthropic support enables our school to ensure excellence
in education and to position Solomon Schechter for future success. In this year’s annual report, we are proud to
include a comprehensive listing of our donors by giving circle, sustained giving, parents by class, grandparents,
alumni, students, parents of alumni, faculty and staff, and endowment.
Family of Funds
Below is a list of Annual Campaign
gifts by fund.
Experiential Programs
Area of Greatest Need
Tuition Assistance
Fine & Performing Arts
Number of
For total development revenue, see pg. 20.
Campaign Cabinet
Chairman, Development
David Wolle
Cabinet Chairs
Leadership Chairs
Liat & Ron Meisler
Parent Chairs
Mimi Sager Yoskowitz (SSDS ‘89)
& Marc Yoskowitz
Jennifer & John Geiringer
Alumni Chair
Sari Steinberg (SSDS ‘82)
Parent of Alumni Chairs
Binnie & Mark Swislow
Faculty & Staff Chairs
Suzy Hakimian
Dalia Jacobson
Pnina Mazor
Arna Yastrow
Parent Class Captains
Jodi Morady
Ellen Nathan (SSDS ‘84)
8th Grade
Suzanne & David Friedland
7th Grade
Maryl & Medwin Dayan
6th Grade
Hilla & Sharone Lavi (SSDS ‘88)
5th Grade
These donor lists have been prepared with every
attempt to ensure accuracy. Please accept our
apologies for any errors or omissions.
Ilana Weisenberg (SSDS ‘87)
Jennifer Zukerman (SSDS 86)
4th Grade
Jamie Elekman
Matthew Silberman
Class of 2009
Amie & Jonathan Barrish
3rd Grade
Linzy Upton Spatz
Class of 2011
Ilana & David Bard
Martine & Alan Gorstein
2nd Grade
Natalie Ecanow
Spencer Schwartz
Class of 2013
Marissa Levy (SSDS ‘92)
Jennifer Zukerman (SSDS ‘86)
1st Grade
Brittany Cohen (SSDS '03)
Israel Class Captain
Tobi Perlen
Alumni Class Captains
Ari Silverman
Class of 1972
Sari Steinberg
Class of 1982
Abby Drazner
Samanthan Kopin Silverman
Class of 2002
Adrienne Kaplan
Class of 2003
Michael Brunwasser
Elana Cohen
Class of 2004
Tova Goldberg
Alex Schwartz
Class of 2005
Annual Giving Circles
Meir (Brings Light)* $100,000 or more
Yovel (Jubilee)*
Shomer (Guardian)* $25,000-$49,999
Yesod (Foundation)* $18,000-$24,999
Manhig (Leader)* $10,000-$17,999
Shutaf (Partner)*
Parnas (Benefactor)* $3,600-$5,399
Tomech (Supporter) $1,800-$3,599
Chaver (Friend)
Madrich (Guide)
Up to $499
* Denotes Leadership level giving. These donors are
invited to the Annual Benefactor’s Thank You Dinner.
Giving Circle
Meir (Brings Light) - $100,000 or more
Jewish Federation/Jewish United Fund
of Metropolitan Chicago
Jewish Day School Guaranty Trust
The Crown Family
Bernard Heerey Family Foundation
Andrea & Kenneth Saffir
The David Y. Schwartz Family
Yovel (Jubilee) - $50,000.00 +
Anonymous (1)
Lynn & Skip Schrayer
Shomer (Guardian) - $25,000.00 +
Anonymous (1)
Associated Agencies, Inc.
Karen & Ethan Budin
Chicago Cubs
Harry & Sadie Lasky Foundation
Jennifer & Josh Herz
David Kabiller
Beth (SSDS '72) & Dr. Jeffrey Kopin
Dr. Linda Chi-Ross & David Ross
Karyn & William Silverstein (SSDS '79)
The Winick & Skidelsky Families
(SSDS '85 & SSDS '87)
Tina & Joseph Wolf
Yesod (Foundation) - $18,000.00 +
Silverman Family Foundation
Solomon Schechter Day School
Parent Organization
Jacqueline & David Wolle
Manhig (Leader) - $10,000.00 +
Eve (SSDS '73) & Richard Biller
Margaret & Lee Cohn
Boris Dragunsky & Emilia Blaustein
Victoria & Dmitry Godin
Nina & Arnie Harris
Dr. Arica (SSDS '80) & Dr. Emmet Hirsch
Why we support Solomon Schechter, by Nancy and Maury Fertig
The nine years each of our children spent at
Solomon Schechter were the most formative of
their lives, giving them the gift of an exceptional
education, wonderful friends, and a strong Jewish
identity. Schechter also gave them the tools to
make good choices as adults.
We believe it is crucial to support Schechter
by giving to both the annual campaign and the
endowment to ensure that there are financial
resources for families that want a Jewish
Nancy and Maury Fertig, parents of (from left)
education for their children today and so that
Nathan (SSDS ’07), Shayna (SSDS ’09), and
Zach (SSDS ’04)
Solomon Schechter can provide an outstanding
General Studies and Jewish Studies education for
generations to come. By giving to Schechter, we join a community that understands
Schechter's rich history and the importance of the education it offers now and
for the future.
2013-2014/5774 Honor Roll of Donors
The Hochberg-Lowenstein Families
Etta & David Jonas
Naomi & Jerry Senser
The Jeannette and H. Peter Kriendler
Charitable Trust
Shutaf (Partner) - $5,400.00 +
David B. (z’l) and Sophia M. (z’l) Berger
Maryl & Medwin Dayan
Nancy & Maury Fertig
Inna Feldman-Gerber (SSDS '87)
& Robert G. Gerber
Joan Holland & Eli Glassman
Marlena & Phil Harris
Lena (SSDS '88/ Staff)
& David Kushnir (SSDS '86)
Gigi Cohen & Michael Levin
Lisa & Jim Levitas
M. Holland Company
Liat & Ron Meisler
Randee (SSDS Staff) & Robert Romanoff
Dr. Karen & Dr. David Sager
Erica & Rabbi Michael Schwab
Yvette & David Stone
Parnas (Benefactor) - $3,600.00 +
Anonymous (1)
The Berner Charitable and Scholarship
Jane & Edward Best
Bill Furie
Jennifer & John Geiringer
Suzy (SSDS Staff) & Dr. David Hakimian
Libby & Burton Hoffman
Institutional Capital, LLC
John R. Halligan Charitable Fund
Patty Hermann & Emanuel Krakauer
Toby A. Lipton (z’l)
Michelle (SSDS Staff) & Jonathan Maer
Elizabeth & Peter Maer
Morgan Stanley
Hilda & Clive Moss
The Resnick & Cooper Families
Barbara & Richard Rosenfield
Rosenthal Bros., Inc.
Binnie & Mark Swislow
Teachers of Solomon Schechter Day
School of Metropolitan Chicago
Karen & Herb Wander
Lynn Blaustein Weiss (SSDS '82/Staff)
& Philippe Weiss
Dr. Jody Zalkin-Weisskopf
& Philipp Weisskopf
Judy & Rabbi Carl Wolkin
The Yastrow Family
Mimi Sager Yoskowitz (SSDS '89)
& Marc Yoskowitz
Laura & Mitchel Zacks
The Zemsky & Greenberg Families
Jennifer (SSDS '86) & Michael Zukerman
Tomech (Supporter) - $1,800.00 +
Anonymous (3)
A & R Katz Management Inc
Marlys & Elliott Badzin
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Board of Directors of Chicagoland
Jewish High School
Karen Lobl & Dr. David Eisenberg
Anne McDonagh & David Fishbaum
Linda (SSDS Staff) & William Foster
Barbara (SSDS Staff) & Danny Fox
Kim & Dr. Alan Frankel
Suzanne & David Friedland
Garoon Activities Fund
Marcy Gringlas & Joel Greenberg
Leslie & Richard Hanus
Cara & Jonathan Harris
Hefter, Leshem, Margolis
Iris & Michael Heyman
ICM Properties, Inc.
It’s Academic Inc.
K. Stonehill Creations
Bryna & Rabbi Vernon Kurtz
Law Offices of Richard Hanus
Andrea (SSDS '82) & Benjamin Leshem
Barry & Herbert Lichtman
Trisha & Rabbi Fred Margulies
MB Financial
Mesirow Financial
Newmark Knight Frank Epic
Irene & Shelly Reitman
Janet & Gary Resnick
Holly (SSDS Staff) & Michael Rosenberg
Dr. Rachel (SSDS '89) & Matthew Rubin
Susan & Marc Sacks
Jody & David Schmidt
Julie Dann & Bradley Schneider
Barbara M. Schrayer
Joey Schrayer (SSDS '14)
Stacey & Bennet Schwartz
Irene & Samuel Shanes
Lori Stark
& Dr. David Shapiro (SSDS '70)
Judy & Jeffrey Silverman
Melissa (SSDS '79) & Marc Spellman
Aza & Ron Squarer
SSDS Class of 2016 - B’nai
Mitzvah Fund
Rachel & Michael G. Stein
Keren & Jeremy Stonehill
Irene (SSDS Staff) & Barry Sufrin
Zachary Sufrin (SSDS '96)
The Northern Trust
TPH Global Solutions
Transportation Solutions Enterprises, LLC
Tri-State Metal Co.
Lisa & Adam Vales
Brenda & Max Wasserman
Wintrust Commercial Bank
Robin (SSDS '73) & Dr. Clifford Wolf
Barbara & Michael Zaransky
Chaver (Friend) - $1,000.00 +
The AVI CHAI Foundation
Angie & Larry Adler
Advisors Asset Management, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. James Akers
Aronberg Goldgehn Davis & Garmisa
Marilynn & Jack Barrish
Chantal & Ron Blaustein (SSDS '85)
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Brad and Deborah Ginsberg
Family Foundation
Chase Bank
Patricia & Myron Cherry
Chicago Botanic Garden
Chicago Tailgators LLC
Rita & Salomon Dayan
Marcia Markowitz & Dr. Scott Dodelson
Zoya & Gregory Feldman
FIN Branding Group, LLC
First Eagle Bank
First Midwest Bank
Phyllis Fischel
Lisa (SSDS '83) & Todd Fishbein
Kim & Stuart Frankenthal
Genesis Philanthropic Fund
Lani Yampol-Gershon
& Dr. Richard Gershon
Dr. Betsy Gidwitz
Larry Goldsmith/Goldsmith Accounting
Group ,Ltd
Janet & Arnold Hoffman
Impact Marketing Group, Ltd.
Brenda & David Jackson
Karen & Michael Kesner
Sharon & Allan Koltin
Konica Minolta Business Solutions
Rena Legator
Debbie & Ian Lesch
Bonnie & Dr. Lee Malmed
Mann, Weitz & Associates L.L.C.
Judy & Albert Milstein
Sandy Starkman & Larry Pachter
Vicki & Gary Phillips
Real Russian Vodka by Premiere
Distillery, LLC
Relative Value Partners, LLC
Marci & Keith Shapiro/Greenberg
Traurig LLP
Katy & Joshua Silvers
Betty Sobelman
Emily & Rabbi David Soloff
Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP
Target Stores Inc.
Sybil & Shelby Yastrow
Zachor Charities
Madrich (Guide) - $500.00 +
Anonymous (1)
Rose Ann Abrams
Alliance Pension Consultants, LLC
Arena Consulting LLC
Dolores Ayala
Why I support Solomon Schechter, by Sari Steinberg (SSDS ‘82), Alumni Chair
Through our years of sharing lessons, assemblies, recesses, and life-cycle events, my
Schechter classmates and I became an extended family. Our teachers, our role models,
expressed how much they cared about us through their words and their actions. They
taught us to love learning. They passed along their enthusiasm for Judaism. They guided us
in making values-based choices. They helped us build lifelong friendship for ourselves,
which led to a sense of community for our whole families. They encouraged us to challenge
them and were not afraid of our questions.
There is a new generation of teachers and a new generation of students – some of them, like
mine, the children of alumni. What amazes me, other than the warp-speed passage of time,
is the constancy of the Schechter experience. Schechter graduates continue to succeed in
the most rigorous high schools and colleges and possess the dedication and drive to lead
lives of meaning as parents, doctors, teachers, environmentalists, and countless other
callings. I believe that as alumni, we have the responsibility to help future generations of
children receive the gift of a Schechter education that we were fortunate to receive. That is
why I give to the annual campaign and devote my time to the school. Our contributions
make a difference in the lives of individual children and, ultimately, in the world.
Sari Steinberg is a freelance
writer and editor working
with a range of clients.
She has also written several
videos and two published
children’s books, as well as
numerous human interest
stories and copy for
Facebook, websites,
brochures, and newsletters.
2013-2014/5774 Honor Roll of Donors
Michael Balter
Camp Ramah in Wisconsin
Linda & Harold Chizewer
Carole & Eli Cohen
Dr. & Mrs. Oren Conway
Debbie Copley
Sara (SSDS '75) & Steve Coven
Toby & Neal Deutsch
Dunn Foot and Ankle
Abigail & Gary Elkins
ExxonMobil Educational Alliance
Laurie & David Ferri
Beth & Robert Footlik
Samuel Fox
Marci & Steve Friedman
Marcy Goldman (SSDS Staff)
Emily (SSDS '89) & Daniel Gottlieb
Judy & Zave Gussin
Diane (SSDS '84) & Shai Halivni
Dr. Avi Handelsman
Orete (SSDS '87) & David Harkavy
Iris & Michael Heyman
Melanie & Brian Hoffman (SSDS '81)
Alvin Kaplan
Jean Katz
Lawrence Kearns
Joanne (SSDS Staff)
& Dr. Gary Kirshenbaum
Linda & Dr. Stuart Kupfer
Sara & Richard Kushnir
Lake Cable, LLC
Naomi & Dr. David Ledersnaider
Bella Lesch, “Bubbie” of Ari,
Benjamin & Kayla Lesch
Sherry & Brad Levin
Roberta & S. Joseph Levine
Stephanie & Michael Levy
Ellen & Jay Lewkowitz
Toby (z’l) & Seymour Lipton
Sherry & Philip Magid
Deborah (SSDS '95) & Benjamin Marks
Sandra & Robert Mell
Elisa Rotman (SSDS Staff)
& Rabbi Aaron Melman
Andrea Yusim Meltzer & Jeffrey Meltzer
Moriah Congregation
Dr. Rebecca Schorsch & Dr. Scott Moses
Ellen (SSDS '84) & Micah Nathan
Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP
David & Ronna Ness-Cohn
North Suburban Synagogue Beth El
Shana & Elan Peretz (SSDS '90)
Amy & Dr. Dennis Pessis
Cindy & David Pogrund
Premier Catering
Dennis Rook
Deena & Joseph Rosenfeld
Jay Rosenfeld
Students learn to think
like a software developer
On five Sunday evenings each semester, the Sager cafeteria
was transformed into a high-tech computer programming
center as more than 40 students from grades five through
eight tackled impressive coding challenges as part of the
school’s new CodeClub.
“We created all of our CodeClub projects and materials from
scratch since most school systems in the area don’t start
offering computer science classes until high school,” said
Schechter parent Hebert Lichtman, who organized the club.
“The students are learning the programming language
Python, but the club’s real emphasis is on helping students
learn to think like a software developer. Once you understand
programming concepts, you can move from one language
to another with relative ease.”
Harold Rosenson/Rosenson Foundation
Irene Zakon & Arkady Rubinshteyn
Yori Rubinson
Annie Schrayer (SSDS '09)
Eli Schrayer (SSDS '11)
Miriam & Larry Silverman
Julie Mednick-Simmons
& Russell Simmons
Jane & Billy Sizeler
Skidelsky & Associates
Becky & Gil Soffer (SSDS '78, SSHS '82)
Marilee Upton Spatz & Larry Spatz
Barbara & Joel Stone
Stone Financial Group LLC
Strategic Wealth Partners, LLC
Dr. Amy & Jeff Taub
Marina & Vladimir Tsesis
Laurel Van Allen
Dr. Ruth Freedman & Daniel Wander
Tami (SSDS Staff) & Reuben Warshawsky
Stefanie Pessis Weil & Rick Weil
Laurence Weiner
Willie Washer Mfg. Co.
Sharon Yusim
Judy & Richard Zelin
Mensch - Up to $499
Anonymous (20)
Dafna & Neil Aaronson
Roberta & Mark Aaronson
Keren Hasbani (SSDS '89)
& Jeremy Adelman
Marlene Adland
Jeff Aeder
Susan Agate (SSDS Staff)
& Michael Slutsky
Shiri Aharonovich (SSDS Staff)
Andrew Ahitow
Rachelle & Alexander Aisen
Isidoro & Rabbi Joshua Aizenberg
Sarah Husain (SSDS Staff) & Bobby Akhter
Vicky & Eli Akiva
Jamie Alberts (SSDS '94)
Jennifer Vallier & Ben Alexander
(SSDS Staff)
Irit Alkalay (SSDS Staff)
Miri & Avi Allali (SSDS Staff)
Rena & Noah Allen
Sari & Rav Uri Allen (SSDS Staff)
AmazonSmile Foundation
Susan & Joseph Ament
American Chemet Corporation
American Express Foundation
American Metal Fibers Inc
Dr. David Amrani
Rebecca (SSDS '91)
& Eytan (SSDS '88) Anisfeld
Talia (SSDS Staff)
& Joshua Anisfeld (SSDS '89)
Michael Applebaum
Carmela (z’l) & Dr. Emanuel Arbel
Jennifer & Rafi Arbel
Alexandra & Darin Argentar
Irina & Leonid Arlinsky (SSDS Staff)
Dorothy & Sidney Aronoff
Dr. Erica (SSDS '87)
& Dr. Richard Aronwald
Noa Ashkenazi (SSDS Staff)
& Myron Perelman
Betty Ashman
Marilyn & Gus Athas
Suzanne & William Auerbach
Martin Babbo
Beth Solomon & Scott Bakal
Jamie & David Baker
Dr. Myra Rapoport
& Rabbi Michael Balinsky
Marcy Balogh
Minoo & Dr. Koorosh Banayan
Bank Leumi USA
Ilana & David Bard
Maureen & Irwin Bard
Chapman Bark-Huss (SSDS '04)
Deborah Ebroon-Barker (SSDS '86)
& Jonathan Barker
Anat (SSDS Staff) & Gadi Barlevy
Amie & Jonathan Barrish
Jacqueline & Bruce Barron
Shanna & Jordan Batt
Grant Baucom (SSDS '16)
The Stephen L. Baum Family
Helen & Dr. Barry Baylis
Faye (SSDS Staff) & Benji Bearman
Andrea & Larry Becker
Joan & Douglas Becker
Abigail Becker (SSDS '16)
Anita Behn
Kenneth Behrens
Fortunee & Ellis Belilos
Gabriella Bellows (SSDS '16)
Rabbi Lisa (SSDS '81) & Kyle Bellows
Rabbi Jordan and Yael Bendat-Appell
Shoshana & Howard Benditzson
Julie (SSDS '85) & Jeffrey Benensohn
Jacob Bennett (SSDS '02)
Liz & Barry Bennett
Ailene Bereskin
Cheryl & Rabbi Kenneth Berger
Karen Bergman
Sonia Berk
Carol Berkowitz
Dr. Karin Nussbaum & Eric Berkowitz
Bobbie & Barry Berkowitz
Estelle Berliant
Jean Best
Robyn Weinstein & Edward Bettenhausen
Sherri Wolson & Neil Black
Noah Blaustein (SSDS '14)
Laura & Tony Bleill
Abby & Lawrence Block
Shirley & Sam Bluestein
Desiree & Barry Blumenthal
William Bobco
The Honorable & Mrs. Edward
A. Bobrick (SSDS Staff)
Julia Bokor (SSDS '14)
Nancy Bokor
Lucy Kahn Bortman (SSDS '00)
& Brian Bortman
Leslie & Bruce Boruszak
Elaine (SSDS Staff) & Berton Braverman
Michelle Andre Breitman & Larry Breitman
Eileen Leiderman & Ben Brener
Phyllis Brenner
Russell Brenner
Marlene (SSDS Staff) & Harold Bressler
Robin (SSDS Staff) & Steven Bright
Karen & Marshall Brill
Pamela Brill
Laura & Jack Brody
Miriam & Mark Bromberg
Nancy Bromberg
Ilene (SSDS Staff) & David Brot
Susan & Colman Buchbinder
Rita & Jerry Buckman
Daphne Budin (SSDS '14)
Karen & Joel Budin
Sarah & Allan Budweg
Esther & Moshe Calamaro
Wendy & Anthony Calandrino
Julie & Michael Calderon
Allison Calisoff
Sylvia Callistein
Patricia & Alan Caplan
Judith & Arnold Carmel
Elana Carmel-Levy & Yoav Levy
Victor Castillo
Ramon Cepeda
2013-2014/5774 Honor Roll of Donors
Dan Chamberlin
Susan Chapman
Ari Chasnoff (SSDS '91)
Idan Chazan (SSDS '14)
Nicole & Richard Chesis
Chicago Extruded Metals Co.
Robert Cogan (SSDS Staff)
Adi & Shai Cohen
Rabbi Burton I. Cohen
Colette & Richard Cohen (SSDS Staff)
Diana & Sid Cohen
Margalit (SSDS Staff) & David Cohen
Merle & Larry Cohen
Rolly & Stuart Cohen
Terri & Dr. Darien Cohen
Elizabeth Cohn (SSDS '05)
Janice & Jona Cohn
Congregation Beth Shalom
Kevin Connor
Max Cooper (SSDS '14)
Natalie Cooper
Regina Cooper
Paul Coplan
Dr. Kevin Copley
Susan & Robert Cornis
Sandi Cowen
Myrna & Steven Crane
Jeffrey Cunix
Dairy Queen
Andi Dane
Greg Danziger
Charles Dayan
Evan Dayan (SSDS '16)
Elizabeth Richman & Mitch Dayan
Drs. Carol Derman & Gordon Derman
Miriam Derman (SSDS '73)
Judge Shelley Sutker-Dermer
& Kenneth Dermer
Charlene Dick
Joelle & David Dimbert
Joseph Dimbert (SSDS '14)
Avi Dobkin (SSDS '14)
Debbie & Dr. David Dobkin
Thelma Dobkin z’l
Fela Dogadko
Laura Mell & Arthur Dolinsky
Marilyn & Dr. Irving Domsky
Elana Dor
Yuval Dor
Sharon Dorfman
Abigail Drazner (SSDS '02)
Chava & Dr. Mark Dredze (SSDS '94)
Diane Kagan & Lionel Dredze
Herbert Dreifuss
Sara & Dr. Mark Drexler
Harlene Dunitz
Hillary Levitt Dunn (SSDS '87)
& Dr. Brian Dunn
Michael & Carole Dunn
Rachel & Alex Dunn
Robert Dunne
Charles Ecanow
Anna Ecanow (SSDS '14)
Elijah Ecanow (SSDS '14)
Gabrielle Ecanow (SSDS '14)
Jordyn Eisenberg (SSDS '16)
Marci & Dr. Jacob Ecanow (SSDS '80)
Leorah (SSDS '85) & Dr. Aaron Eisenberg
Adrienne (SSDS Staff) & Jeff Eisenmann
Jodi Eisenstadt
Robert Eisenstadt
Tera Eliasoff (SSDS '14)
Jamie Elekman (SSDS '09)
Shayna Elekman (SSDS '07)
Shira (SSDS '93) & Dr. Norman Eliaser
Klavdiya & Iosif Elkin
Jeremy Elkins (SSDS '03)
Mira Engelhart
Francine (SSDS Staff) & David Ephraim
Barbara & Erwin Epstein
Sager School families unite for “Cuddle Up with a Caldecott”
Picture a packed gymnasium of parents and children
in their pajamas cuddling up with their favorite stuffed
animals while listening to a fabulous storyteller read
four Caldecott favorites! That was the scene in October
when Schechter families gathered in the Sager gym
one evening for the first Cuddle Up With a Caldecott to
kick-off the school’s celebration of 75 years of Caldecott
Book Awards.
After listening to several stories by beloved former
teacher and storyteller Nancy Shapiro-Pikelny,
parents relaxed with their children on blankets,
beanbag chairs, and large pillows to read from the
school’s extensive collection of Caldecott books.
“Together we celebrated books and reading, family
time, and building community – goals that are so
important at Schechter,” said Holly Rosenberg,
Director of Information, Media and Special Programs.
Jodi & Dr. Aaron Epstein (SSDS '89)
Shari & Ahiad Erlich
Harry Eskin (SSDS '02/Staff)
Marcie & Richard Eskin
Linda & David Estrin
Sara EtsHokin (SSDS Staff)
FACTS Management Company
Beth Farber
David Farby (SSDS '03)
Barak Farhi (SSDS '14)
Larisa & Mark Feigin
Dr. Eve & Brad Feinberg
Judy & Steve Feinberg
Dr. Ella & Dr. Arthur Feldman
Alexander Feldman (SSDS '16)
Zachary Fertig (SSDS '04)
Donna & Martin Field
Rachel & Matthew Field
Jessica & Rabbi Jeremy Fine (SSDS '96)
Suzanne (SSDS '88) & Eric Fine
Maris (SSDS Staff) & Morris Fineberg
Joseph Finfer (SSDS '16)
Leslie & Norman Finkel
Sandy Fishman
Jennifer & Stewart Flink
Lilli Flink (SSDS '04)
Mollie Flink (SSDS '00)
Eva & Ari Footlik (SSDS '89)
Janice Footlik
Sylvia Footlik
Betsy (SSDS Staff) & Scott Forester
Helene Fox
Deena & Rabbi Samuel Fraint
Laura & Bruce Frank
Nessia Frank
Wendy & Benjamin Frank (SSDS '83)
Maxine & Daniel Frankel
Malka & Michael Frazin (SSDS '95)
Mike Frazin
Sonya Frazin
Arlene & Dr. Kenneth Freedman
Dan Freedman
Diana & David Freeman
Wendy & Kyle Freimuth
Dr. Sheyne & Boris Frid
Jotty & Robbie Friedland
Karen & Mark Friedman
Missy (SSDS '88/Staff)
& Jeremy Friedman
Ruth & Mark Fromm
Allene Frost
Ursula & Ernest Fruehauf
Dafna & Stuart Gabel
Sagit & David Gago
Ludmila & Boris Gamburg
Craig Garofalo
Ruth Geiderman
Elizabeth & David Geifman
Max Geifman (SSDS '08)
Ann & Kenneth Genender
Jolie & Alan Genender
Edward Genson
Sandy & Marshall Gerber
Eudice & David Germaine
Danielle Gershon (SSDS '00/Staff)
Amy & Dr. Craig Gerstein
Terry & Ted Gertz
Gregory Gienko
Esther & Wally Ginsberg
Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg (SSDS '70)
Ariane & Jeffrey Gittleman
Charlotte Glass
The Glass Family
Edye & Steven Glazer
Karyn Glennon
Angela Yoffe & Vadim Gluzman
Lucy & David Godnik
Harvey Gold
Beth & Chuck Goldberg
Lottie Weinstein & Albert Goldberg
Dr. & Mrs. Harris Goldenberg
Judith Goldberg
Tova Goldberg (SSDS '05)
Carol & David Golder
Dawn & Michael Goldhirsh
Deborah (SSDS '86) & Neal Goldman
Eileen & Dr. Paul Goldstein
Hazzan Larry Goller
Karen & Jay Goodgold
Debbie (SSDS Staff) & Wayne Goodman
Julie Gordon
Mindy & Jeffrey Gordon
Gordon Bros. Steel Warehouse
Barbara & Sheldon Gorovsky
Martine & Alan Gorstein
Sandra Gorstein
Donna & James Gottlieb
Jean & Bud Graber
Lynn (SSDS Staff) & Alan Graham
Green Acres Country Club
Sheryl & Robert J. Greenstein
Beth & Jordan Grey (SSDS '76)
Anita (SSDS Staff) and David Grobart
2013-2014/5774 Honor Roll of Donors
Fourth graders become US citizens
“Tell me and I forget, show me and I may remember, but
involve me and I learn.” This quote by Benjamin Franklin was
the inspiration behind our fourth grade “Immigration Day.”
On October 8, the S.S. Schechter landed in our fourth grade
hallway and students experienced a series of stations hosted
by their classmates, including background, vocation, character,
and health stations. Those who may have been turned aside
had a chance to argue their case to the Appeals Board.
Finally, all the new Americans took a loyalty oath. “When
these students are asked about their memories of Schechter,
we hope this is one that quickly comes to mind,” said
the fourth grade teachers.
Keryn (District 27 Speech & Language
Therapist for SSDS) & David Groner
Leah Grosky
June & Richard Gross
Grossinger Autoplex
Claire Gruenberg (SSDS '14)
William Guswiler
Dr. Alison & Dr. David Gutstein (SSDS '80)
Joanna & Michael Hakimi (SSDS '87)
Valentine & Yosef Hakimi
Hadar Halivni (SSDS '14)
Ann & Leonard Halpern
Kim & Peleg Halpern
Linda Halperin
Ruth Halpern (SSDS Staff)
Magda Hanus
Rosalie & Dr. Raymond Harkavy
Debbie Harris (SSDS Staff)
Deborah & Ben Harris
Evelyn Harris
Julie Harris & Greg Harris
Susan & Benjamin Harris
Stone Harris (SSDS '16)
William Harwood
Ahouva & Isaac Hasbani
Limor & Tzachi Hasson
Roselle Hechter
Randi & Fred Heichman
Dorit & Roy Helmer
Henry Hindin Foundation
Eunice & Bruce Hershman
Kacy & Dr. Paul Hertz
Stacey & Marc Herwitz (SSDS '77)
Gwen & Scott Heyman
Highland Park Country Club
Sheryl & Kirk Hipps
Bonnie & Robert Hirsch
Rachel Hirsch (SSDS '06)
Mary Hlepas
Michael Hoffman
Robin Hoffman (SSDS '70)
Adrienne & Ira Holtzman
Terry & Allen Holzman
Alicia (SSDS Staff) & Patrick Honan
Olga Weiss & George Honig
Leslie & Peter Horwitz
Avi Horwitz (SSDS '14)
Houghton Mifflin Matching Gifts Program
Brian Howard
Dina & Keren Hulkower
The Bark-Huss Family
Joshua Hyman
Sandra Blasberg-Imar & Edgardo Imar
Investor Awareness
Irv’s Luggage Warehouse
Ariela (SSDS Staff) & Amnon Ish-Hurwitz
Aaron Jackson (SSDS '14)
Dalia Jacobson (SSDS Staff)
Ellen & Harvey Jacobson
Jonathan Jacobson (SSDS '12)
Natalie Jacobson (SSDS '09)
Nicole Jacobson (SSDS '07)
Ellen & Gerald Jaffe
Lara (SSDS '95) & Samuel Jaffe
Zachary Janczak (SSDS '16)
Dr. Larry & Liesel Jankelowitz
Sipora & Avi Janssen
Janzen, Janzen & Chwa, Orthodontics, Ltd.
Myra & Kenneth Jasenof
Carol (SSDS Staff) & Ronald Jesselson
Jewish National Fund
Marlene & Lawrence Joseph
Dr. Morton Julius & Anita Finkelstein
Gail & Allen Juris
Wendy & Daniel Kahn
Nancy & Bob Kalman
Dr. Michele & Dr. Nelson Kanter
Kanter Family Philanthropic Fund
Sandy & Keith Kanter
Adrienne Kaplan (SSDS '03)
Dina Kaplan (SSDS Staff)
Gerry Kaplan
Judy & Marty Kaplan
Marlene Kaplan
Randi & Daniel Kaplan (SSDS '77)
Judith & Michael Karzen
Neda & Shahrouz Kashizadeh
Betsy & Michael Katz
Rochelle & Dr. Steve Katz
Nina Kavin
Marlene & Hymie Kavin
Joan & Aaron Kawer
Kaye Scholer LLP
Dr. Adina Kleiman & Rabbi Allan Kensky
Kerzner Orthodontics, P.C.
Ayman Khalil
Dr. Karin Klein (SSDS Staff)
& Joel Teibloom
Sydelle Klein
David Kleinerman
Kam Kniss
Linda Goldstein Knowlton (SSDS '79)
& Don Knowlton
Mary & Larry Komissarenko
Shoshana (SSDS Staff)
& Moshe Konstantin
Dolly & Sheldon Kopin
Karen & Mitchell Kopin
Ann Koplow
Craig Koresian
Shana Korn (SSDS '16)
Zelda Korol
Marley Kotler (SSDS Staff)
Julie & Dr. Colman Kraff (SSDS '73)
Rachel Kraft (SSDS '78)
Ilene Kramer
Lori & Rabbi Ben Kramer (SSDS Staff)
Traci (SSDS Staff) & Karl Kranz
Alla Yefremova & Mikhail Kravchenko
(SSDS Staff)
Nisa Kwall
Rosalie & Alan Lahn
Evelyn Lamm z’l
Deborah & Joel Lamm
Julie & David Lampert
Maureen & Lester Lampert
Myril & Ben Landsman
Representative Louis Lang
Nancy & Michael Lankford
Sylvia & David Lanski
Adrienne & Dr. Gerald Lasin
Yuli Laskavis
Elinor & Michael Laupheimer
Hilla & Sharone Lavi (SSDS '88)
Judith & Michael Lavin
Susan Lazar
Shirley Leavitt
Diane Lebovitz
Estee & Jonathan Lehrer
Lia Lehrer (SSDS '01)
Anne Gendler & David Leib
Carol & Andre Leib
Noah Leib (SSDS '16)
Lisa & Bruce Leibow
Amaila Lemar
Iris & Ira Lerner
Carol Patinkin & Simon Lesser
Aviva & Peter Levavi
Bella Levavi (SSDS '14)
Alisa (SSDS Staff) & Ross Levey
Shirley & Murray Levin
Annabel & Rabbi Shlomo Levine
Esther & Leonard Levitan
Ellen Levitas
Joshua Levitas (SSDS '14)
Marissa (SSDS '92)
& Lawrence Levy (SSDS '90)
Sandra & Martin Levy
Sue & Stephen Libowsky
Osnat (SSDS Staff) & David Lichtenfeld
Francine & Robert Lichtenfeld
Sheryl & Mark Lichtenfeld
Samuel Lichtman (SSDS '16)
Anne & Jerry Lidsky
Julie Guenther & Mitchell Lieber
Arleen & Alvin Lieberman
Rebecca Minkus-Lieberman (SSDS '89)
& Dr. David Lieberman
Nadine (SSDS Staff) & Joel Linton
Dr. Yemimma Lipschultz
Bonnie Lipton
Karyn & Mitchell Liss
Ellen & Harvey Liss
Dina (SSDS '76) & Dr. Trevor Lissoos
Louise & Dr. Gershon Locker
Susie & Neal London
Debbie & Tom Lubotsky
Evelyn & Lee Lush
Lauren Lustbader
Liam Lynch (SSDS '14)
Marsha & Irwin Lyons
Abby & Jonathan Maeir
Dorothy Maer
Steven Malitz
Patti Malk Family Foundation
Caryn & Rabbi Mitchel Malkus (SSDS '82)
Diana & Michael Maltsman
Ellyn & Jacob Margulies (SSDS '81)
Hadar Markin (SSDS Staff)
Elizabeth Marks (SSDS Staff)
Karen & Brad Martin
Glenda & Sandy Mason
Cacilia & Lee Masover
Marlene & Dr. Ronald Massarik
Lesley & David Matsa
Shari Cohen & Robert Mayer
Pnina Mazor (SSDS Staff)
Harriet Mechanik
Susan & Robert Mednick
Elly & Astrid Meisler
Michael Melinger
Francine (SSDS '74) & Alan Mendelowitz
Skippy L. Upton Mesirow (SSDS '01)
Rita Meyers (SSDS Staff)
Martha & Daniel Michael
Rosanne Eisenberg & Ben Michaels
Carol (SSDS Staff) & David Miller
Drs. Hilary & Barry Miller
Jill & Joel Miller
Nina Kavin & Kerry Miller
Minkin - Chandler Corporation
Sandra & Martin Miretzky
Amy & Dr. Joseph Mishell
Elise Ecanow & Avi Mlotek
Yonit Mlotek (SSDS '16)
David Moeckler (SSDS Staff)
Louis Moeckler (SSDS Staff)
Joni Crounse & Richard Moline
Jodi & Amnon Morady
Margo Morady (SSDS '14)
Samuel Morady (SSDS '12)
Edna & Stephen Morris
2013-2014/5774 Honor Roll of Donors
Lois Morris
Isabel & Rabbi Sander Mussman
Wendy & Dr. David Mutchnik
Enid Myers
Adele & David Myers
Chava Nachmias & Marlene Stern
Kate Nadler (SSDS '14)
Roberta & Robert Nagel
Mark Nasca
Helene & Jorde Nathan
Jonah Nathan (SSDS '14)
Maya Nathan (SSDS '16)
David Nehmadi
David Neilson
Avis & Abraham Neiman
Dalia Ness
Marilyn Neulander
Marla Neuman
Ava & Daniel Newbart
Marsha & Richard Newman
Rhonda & Seymour Newman
Karen & Yizhar Nochimowski
Bonnie & Michael Nolan
Nu-Metal Products Inc
Beverly Nussbaum
Eli Nussbaum
Noreen (SSDS '77/Staff) & David Ohcana
Jodi Okner
Alisa & Robert Oppenheim
Michael Oxman
Marcella Ozawa
Lori Silverman (SSDS '95)
& Vince Panozzo
Jacqueline & Norman Patinkin
Maxine & Don Patterson
Raisa & Rafael Pazin
Karen & Dr. Alan Peaceman
Randy Peck
Rachel Zivic (SSDS '95)
& Rabbi Micah Peltz
Elyse Perlen
Thelma & Stuart Perlik
Beth & Cary Perlman
Lauren Perlman (SSDS Staff)
Zipporah Perlmutter (SSDS Staff)
Jodi & Dr. Craig Phillips
Jane & Nathan Pickus
Kathleen (SSDS Staff) & Robert Pielet
Christopher Pilinko
Max Pivo (SSDS '14)
Zachary Pivo (SSDS '16)
Lawrence Plant
Brooke & Dr. Matthew Plofsky
Erwin Plofsky
Susan & Dr. Michael Podell
Emily Podgursky
Hannah (SSDS '03/Staff)
& Brian Pogrund (SSDS '03)
Abby Polin Reisler
Harold Pollack
Juliet & Herbert Pomerantz
Phyllis & Mel Potash
Chad Poznansky
Beth & Howard Preis
Beverly Preiser
Michael Pretasky
Tammy Schuster & Louis Pretekin
Avis & Ned Primack
The Prosnitz Family/Personnel Planners, Inc
Lorraine & Michael Pure
Dawn & Rodney Pye
Robyn-Lee & Stanleigh Rabin
Gail & Michael Rabin
Abigail Rabin (SSDS '14)
Fran & Joel Rabinowitz
Andy Raia
Marcia & Kenneth Rapoport
David Rattner
Sherrie Reddick
Hallie Redman (SSDS Staff)
& Frank Redman
Heidi & Steven Reitman
Joel Resnick
Joanne Rhode
Michael Rhode
Jamie Riccardi
Jean & Howard Rice
Devorah & Marc Richards
Cila & Richard Riff
Danby & Marvin Ring
Ronni & Elliott Robinson
Dr. Barbara & Jay Robinson
Sarah Rodin (SSDS '92/Staff)
Howard Romanek
Diane & Sheldon Roodman
Joyce & Herbert Root
Jill & Michael Rose
Lynda Rose
Amy Zisook & David Rosen
Andy & Mark Rosen
Ari Rosen (SSDS '16)
Judy & David Rosen
Dr. Marianne & Dr. David Rosen
Sue-Ann & Dr. Robert Rosen
Arielle Rosenberg (SSDS '05)
Rabbi Daniel Rosenberg
Helen Rosenberg
Marsha (SSDS Staff)
& Dr. Andrew Rosenson
Jonah Rosenberg (SSDS '03)
Cantor Rachel & Chuck Rosenberg
Jonathan Rosenblatt (SSDS '01)
Lynda & Arthur Rosenson
Arlene (SSDS Staff) & Stuart Rosenthal
Terry & Jerald Rosenthal
Amia Ross (SSDS '14)
Jason Ross (SSDS '16)
Anne & Elliot Rossen
Marcy & Dr. Morry Rotenberg
Rosalie Roth
Lisa Roth
Dror Nuriel-Roth & Yuval Roth
Peter Rothschild
Eileen & Allan Rotman
Benita & Rabbi Bernie Rotman
Dr. Irving & Betty F. Rozenfeld
Maureen & Mark Rubenstein
Brian Rubin
Jennifer (SSDS Staff) & Michael Rubin
Leah & Bob Rubin
Marilyn & Dr. Gary Rubin
Mindy & David Rubin
Sara Rubin (SSDS '98)
Sima & Leslie Rubin
Elissa & Lawrence Rubinstein
Marci (SSDS Staff) & Jeff Rubinstein
Lisa & Javier Rubinstein
Heidi Ruby
Julia & David Ruderman
Miriam & Michael Rudolph
Howard Rudy
Rachel & Alan Russo
Rebecca (SSDS '99) & Rabbi David Russo
Julie Sadoff
Zeev Saffir (SSDS '99)
Beth & Ralph Sair
Rachel & Justin Sakofs (SSDS Staff)
Mara & Adolf Salganik
Marlene & Bruce Saltzberg
Edie & Dr. Murray Salzman
Judith Levin & Gerald Salzman
Meital Hochenboym-Sananes (SSDS Staff)
& Ami Sananes
Nora Saposnik
Dr. Gilda Schaffer & Dr. Miguel Saps
Marilyn (SSDS Staff) & Dr. Mark Sawyer
Mary & Leonard Schatz
Hanna Schiffman (SSDS Staff)
Hana & Harold Schindler
Eric Schloss
Judy & George Schmidle
Nancy & Philip Schmidt
Ahoova & Jonathan Schoenberg
Alan Schoeneman
Shana & Adam Scholder
Sivan Kredow (SSDS '95)
& Mark Schondorf
Judy & Dr. Steven Schraiber
Betty Schraiber
Meredith & Brad Schulman
Esther Buchbinder & Jeff Schvimer
Merissa Schwab (SSDS '11)
Rachel & Van Schwab
Rebecca Schwab (SSDS '06)
Alexandra Schwartz (SSDS '05)
Ann Rita Schwartz
Ayala Schwartz (SSDS '14)
Christine & Theodore Schwartz
Elan Schwartz (SSDS '16)
Shira & Jeremy Schwartz (SSDS '84)
Linda Schwartz (SSDS Staff)
Eliana Schwartzman (SSDS '12)
Gabrielle Schwartzman (SSDS '08)
Jo-Anne & Louis Schwartzman
Tamar Schwartzman (SSDS '09)
Shira & Andrew Schwarz
Jane & William Seiden
Ilana (SSDS Staff) & David Selinger
Vicki Senoff-Efergan
Michelle Serck
Diane & Judge Daniel Shanes (SSDS '81)
Monica & Greg Shannon
Julie (SSDS Staff) & Saul Shaoul
Steven, Frances, Mathew, Maggie and
David Shapiro
Yaira Shapiro
Leslie & Michael Shechtman
Timna & Steven Sheffey
Orli Sheffey (SSDS '16)
Sammy Shefler (SSDS '06)
Ilana & Richard Shermer
Dina Shiner & Mark Rosen
Rachel Shtern
Irina Pechenik & Dr. Mark Shukhman
Kim & Perry Shwachman
Eric Siegel
Jan (SSDS Staff) & Ron Siegel
Myrna & Shael Siegel
Eric Silberman (SSDS '05)
Renee & Dr. Joseph Silberman
Rabbi Zachary Silver (SSDS '97)
Lauren & David Silverman
Samantha Kopin Silverman (SSDS '02)
& Yoni Silverman
Patti (SSDS Staff) & Dr. Irwin Silverman
Steven Silverman
Jacob Silvers (SSDS '16)
Debbie & Joel Simon
Zachary Simon (SSDS '16)
Dr. Claire (SSDS '92) & Michael Simon
Carol & Joel Singer
Ellen & Dennis Slan
Craig Slaw
Barbara & Dr. Marc Slutsky
Rodney Slutzky
Sarah L. Small
Sheila & Michael Small
Stephanie & Michael Smerling
Robert Socol
Joan & Alan Sohn
Ronnie Jo Sokol
Susan & Richard Sokolik
Anne & Eugene Solar
Rita & Sam Soltan
Rachel Sonenthal (SSDS Staff)
& Daniel Strauss
Olga & Peter Sorokin
Ben Sosewitz
Yeva & Vladimir Sotchenko
Soviet Force
Linzy Upton Spatz (SSDS '11)
Dr. Audra Kaplan & Alan Spellberg
Nathan Spellberg (SSDS '18)
Rachel & Howard Spiro
Arlene Spiro
Evan Squire (SSDS '16)
Alisa (SSDS '88) & Jeff Srulovitz
Andi & Michael Srulovitz
SSDS First and Second Grade Team
Susan & Larry Stein
Ellen & Michael Steinberg
Judith & Neil Steinberg
Dr. Teri & Dr. Steven Steinberg
Linda Wolfson-Steinberg
& Yossie Steinberg
Laura Patterson & Joel Steinberg
Joan & Michael Stern
Leslie Rosen Stern & Andrew Stern
(SSDS '82)
Cara & Mayer Stiebel
Jennifer & Jordan Stiebel
Nily & David Steinberg (SSDS '76)
Sari Steinberg (SSDS '82)
Sharon & David Stern (SSDS '75)
Ravit & Michael Stoltz
Sari Stone (SSDS '15)
Naomi & Jay Stonehill
Deborah & Dale Strauss
Strauss & Malk L.L.P.
Sandy & Harry Strick
Craig Stubler
Sunset Foods
Susan and Jon Diamond Family
Stacey Ness & James Swarbrick
Elise & Marc Swatez
Anat Hakim & Martin Sweet
Terri & Allan Sweig
Karen (SSDS Staff) & Barry Swidler
Adrienne & Larry Synder
Marcela & Marcelo Sztainberg
Arie Sztainberg (SSDS '14)
Cindy & Dr. Ari Taitz
Adrienne Tanner
Barbara (SSDS Staff) & Bruce Tatz
Robert Tavis
Barbara & Bruce Taylor
Harriet & Robert Tecktiel
Roberta & Leonard Tenner
Nicole & Eugene Terry
Karen Steiner-Thirman
& Dr. Michael Thirman
Amy & Joshua Ticho
Deborah & Stuart Timoner
Margalit Tocher
Neal Tokowitz
Jill Toole
Merle & Dr. Steven Tovian
Paul Towb (SSDS '98)
Mark Trinka
Joan & Mike Tripicchio
Dr. Alexandra Roginsky Tsesis
& Alexander Tsesis
Tali Lev-Vaisler & Aviel Vaisler
Alex Velblum
Ilona & Igor Vil (SSDS Staff)
Michael Volino
Dr. Laurie Wakschlag (SSDS '72)
& Rabbi Milton Wakschlag
Dottie & Donald Wagner
Danielle & Cameron Wagner
Galila (SSDS Staff) & Jacob Waintraub
Alysa & Norm Walack
Karen & Irving Walanka
Phyllis Hoffman Waldmann
& Otto Waldmann
Cheryl & Peter Waldstein
Hannah Wander (SSDS '14)
2013-2014/5774 Honor Roll of Donors
Rachel Wander (SSDS '14)
Lisa & Todd Warren
Joshua Warshawsky (SSDS '04)
Naama & Ofer Wasserman
Maxima & Rabbi Burton Wax
Shelley Wax
Elaine & Harry Wayne
Millie & Bob Weber
Lynne & Robert T. Weil
Robert Weil
Lila & Steven Weiland
Marcia & Martin Weiland
Julie & Rabbi Jeffrey Weill
Frances Wein
Hollis & David Wein
Sarah & Daniel Weinberg (SSDS Staff)
Harriet & Michael Weinger
Abby Weinstein
Healther & Doug Weinstein (SSDS '89)
Jeanne & Michael Weinstein
Joan & Shelly Weinstein
Arthur Weintraub
Dr. Avrum Weinzweig
Louis Weisbach
Beverly & Sam Weisenberg
Ilana (SSDS '87) & Danny Weisenberg
Carol & Dr. Stephen Weiss
Gertrude & Arthur Weiss
Karen Weiss
Keith Weiss
Louis A. Weiss
Sarah Weiss
Tamar & Rabbi Victor Weissberg
Barbara & Victor Weisskopf
Gavrielle Welbel (SSDS '14)
Remi Welbel (SSDS '14)
Dinie & Sam Wengroff
Gail & Robert Wertheimer
Patricia Wexler
Joan & Irving White
Andrew Wiedner
Ronit & Sidney Wiener
Janice & Kenneth Wile
Rebecca & Gary Willis
Windy City Linen LLC
Barbara & Alfred Winick
Sari & Mark Winick
Betsy Winick (SSDS '16)
Michael Winter
Dyna Wise
Sheri & David Wishnia
Jason Wiznitzer (SSDS '02)
Jeffrey Wohlstadter
Lee Wolf (SSDS '96)
Yehudit (SSDS Staff) & David Wolf
Sophie Wolle (SSDS '16)
Elliot Wolson
Eliana Swislow (SSDS '05) & Bryan Wool
David Worth
Rachel & Rabbi Herbert Yoskowitz
Dr. Laura & Dr. Stephen Zaacks
Lucille & Dr. Philip Zaacks
Beth & Menash Zadik
Brenda & Gerald Zaidman
Michael Zaremski (SSDS '97)
Judi & Steven Zeal
William Zeldis
Caryn & Dr. Allan Zelinger
Alyssa Zeller (SSDS '01)
Yael (SSDS Staff) & Dror Zetouni
Ludmila Zikova
& Stan Zhelezko (SSDS Staff)
Janet Svatos & Michael Zimmerman
Heidi Zimmerman
Lily & Harry Zoberman
Zhanna & Alexander Zoob
Francesca & Michael Zucker
Iris (SSDS '82) & Bill Zuckerman
Dr. Sharon Welbel & James Zumwalt
Sustained Giving
Special thanks to the following
individuals and foundations that have
given consistently for five years or
Anonymous (12)
Marlene Adland
Angie & Larry Adler
Isidoro & Rabbi Joshua Aizenberg
Mr. and Mrs. James Akers
Carmela (z’l) & Dr. Emanuel Arbel
Jennifer & Rafi Arbel
Associated Agencies, Inc.
Amie & Jonathan Barrish
Andrea & Larry Becker
Anita Behn
Bernard Heerey Family Foundation
Julie (SSDS ‘85) & Jeffrey Benensohn
Jane & Edward Best
Jean Best
Chantal & Ron Blaustein (SSDS ‘85)
Shirley & Sam Bluestein
Elaine & Berton Braverman
Robin (SSDS Staff) & Steven Bright
Laura & Jack Brody
Susan & Colman Buchbinder
Karen & Ethan Budin
Karen & Joel Budin
Patricia & Alan Caplan
Patricia & Myron Cherry
Merle & Larry Cohen
Margalit & David Cohen
Margaret & Lee Cohn
Debbie Copley
Debbie & Dr. David Dobkin
Marilyn & Dr. Irving Domsky
Elana Dor
Sharon Dorfman
Boris Dragunsky
& Emilia Blaustein Dragunsky
Harlene Dunitz
Hillary Levitt Dunn (SSDS ‘87)
& Dr. Brian Dunn
Michael & Carole Dunn
Karen Lobl & Dr. David Eisenberg
Leorah (SSDS ‘85)
& Dr. Aaron Eisenberg
Abigail & Gary Elkins
Jodi & Dr. Aaron Epstein (SSDS ‘89)
Marcie & Richard Eskin
Laurie & David Ferri
Nancy & Maury Fertig
Lisa (SSDS ‘83) & Todd Fishbein
Betsy (SSDS Staff) & Scott Forester
Linda (SSDS Staff) & William Foster
Barbara (SSDS Staff) & Danny Fox
Wendy & Benjamin Frank (SSDS ‘83)
Kim & Dr. Alan Frankel
Kim & Stuart Frankenthal
Arlene & Dr. Kenneth Freedman
David & Suzanne Friedland
Genesis Philanthropic Fund
Inna Feldman-Gerber (SSDS ‘87)
& Robert Gerber
Sandy & Marshall Gerber
Eudice & David Germaine
Lani Yampol-Gershon
& Dr. Richard Gershon
Amy & Dr. Craig Gerstein
Dr. Betsy Gidwitz
Esther & Wally Ginsberg
Charlotte Glass
The Glass Family
Larry Goldsmith/Goldsmith Accounting
Group ,Ltd
Debbie (SSDS Staff) & Wayne Goodman
Sheryl & Robert J. Greenstein
Judy & Zave Gussin
Schechter hosts first annual
Midwest JEDcamp
On Sunday, October 20, more than 60 Jewish educators from
day schools, religious schools, and JCCs from the Chicago area
and Milwaukee came to Solomon Schechter to share resources
and learn from one another at the Midwest’s first JEDcamp,
organized by a group of Schechter teachers. At JEDcamp,
sessions and workshops are determined the morning of the
conference by participants. Topics included using Twitter for
professional development, Google Apps for education, and
much more.
“Hosting the event gave us the chance to share our beautiful
building, our expertise, and our resources with other
educators in the community,” said Debbie Harris, Director of
Educational Technology at Solomon Schechter.
Diane (SSDS ‘84) & Shai Halivni
Nina & Arnie Harris
Melanie & Brian Hoffman (SSDS '81)
Harry & Sadie Lasky Foundation
Roselle Hechter
Henry Hindin Foundation
Dr. Arica (SSDS ‘80) & Dr. Emmet Hirsch
The Hochberg-Lowenstein Families
Leslie & Peter Horwitz
Dr. Larry & Liesel Jankelowitz
Jewish Federation/Jewish United Fund
of Metropolitan Chicago
Jewish Day School Guaranty Trust
Wendy & Daniel Kahn
Nancy & Bob Kalman
Kanter Family Philanthropic Fund
Dr. Michele & Dr. Nelson Kanter
Judith Schwartz Karp & Theodore Karp
Rochelle & Dr. Steve Katz
Marlene & Hymie Kavin
Dr. Adina Kleiman & Rabbi Allan Kensky
Karen & Michael Kesner
Sharon & Allan Koltin
Beth (SSDS ‘72) & Dr. Jeffrey Kopin
Ilene Kramer
Bryna & Rabbi Vernon Kurtz
Dr. Lena (SSDS ‘88/Staff) & David
Kushnir (SSDS ‘86)
Sara & Richard Kushnir
Rena Legator
Carol & Andre Leib
Iris & Ira Lerner
Debbie & Ian Lesch
Andrea (SSDS ‘82) & Benjamin Leshem
Sherry & Brad Levin
Gigi Cohen & Michael Levin
Ellen Levitas
Lisa & Jim Levitas
Osnat (SSDS Staff) & David Lichtenfeld
Francine & Robert Lichtenfeld
Julie Guenther & Mitchell Lieber
Arleen & Alvin Lieberman
Rebecca Minkus-Lieberman (SSDS ‘89)
& Dr. David Lieberman
Toby (z’l) & Seymour Lipton
Roberta & Ronald Loberfeld
Louise & Dr. Gershon Locker
Abby & Jonathan Maeir
Bonnie & Dr. Lee Malmed
Diana & Michael Maltsman
Ellyn & Jacob Margulies (SSDS ‘81)
Glenda & Sandy Mason
Cacilia & Lee Masover
Susan & Robert Mednick
Liat & Ron Meisler
Sandra & Robert Mell
Andrea Yusim Meltzer & Jeffrey Meltzer
Rita Meyers (SSDS Staff)
David & Ronna Ness-Cohn
North Suburban Synagogue Beth El
Noreen (SSDS ‘77/ Staff)
& David Ohcana
Jacqueline & Norman Patinkin
Zipporah Perlmutter (SSDS Staff)
2013-2014/5774 Honor Roll of Donors
The Prosnitz Family/Personnel
Planners, Inc
Amy & Dr. Dennis Pessis
Jodi & Dr. Craig Phillips
Jane & Nathan Pickus
Kathleen (SSDS Staff) & Robert Pielet
Emily Podgursky
Robyn-Lee & Stanleigh Rabin
Fran & Joel Rabinowitz
Irene & Shelly Reitman
Heidi & Steven Reitman
The Resnick & Cooper Families
Jean & Howard Rice
Randee (SSDS Staff) & Robert Romanoff
Joyce & Herbert Root
Holly (SSDS Staff) & Michael Rosenberg
Marsha (SSDS Staff) &
Dr. Andrew Rosenson
Harold Rosenson/Rosenson Foundation
Dr. Linda Chi-Ross & David Ross
Dr. Irving & Betty F. Rozenfeld
Elissa & Lawrence Rubinstein
Andrea & Kenneth Saffir
Dr. Karen & Dr. David Sager
Judith Levin & Gerald Salzman
Jody & David Schmidt
Julie Dann & Bradley Schneider
Ahoova & Jonathan Schoenberg
Betty Schraiber
Lynn & Skip Schrayer
Esther Buchbinder & Jeff Schvimer
Rachel & Van Schwab
Stacey & Bennet Schwartz
The David Y. Schwartz Family
Terry & Stephen Schwartz
Naomi & Jerry Senser
Diane & Judge Daniel Shanes (SSDS ‘81)
Irene & Samuel Shanes
Lori Stark & Dr. David Shapiro (SSDS ‘70)
Steven, Frances, Mathew, Maggie
and David Shapiro
Timna & Steven Sheffey
Dina Shiner & Mark Rosen
Silverman Family Foundation
Judy & Jeffrey Silverman
Patti (SSDS Staff) & Dr. Irwin Silverman
Karyn & William Silverstein (SSDS ‘79)
Rodney Slutzky
Sheila & Michael Small
Sarah L. Small
Stephanie & Michael Smerling
Joan & Alan Sohn
Ronnie Jo Sokol
Emily & Rabbi David Soloff
Marilee Upton Spatz & Larry Spatz
Dr. Audra Kaplan & Alan Spellberg
Melissa (SSDS ‘79) & Marc Spellman
Aza & Ron Squarer
Andi & Michael Srulovitz
Rachel & Michael G. Stein
Leslie Rosen Stern
& Andrew Stern (SSDS ‘82)
Yvette & David Stone
Irene (SSDS Staff) & Barry Sufrin
Binnie & Mark Swislow
Cindy & Dr. Ari Taitz
Target Stores Inc.
Nicole & Eugene Terry
Margalit Tocher
Marina & Vladimir Tsesis
Karen & Irving Walanka
Dr. Ruth Freedman & Daniel Wander
Karen & Herb Wander
Tami (SSDS Staff) & Reuben Warshawsky
Brenda & Max Wasserman
Stefanie Pessis Weil & Rick Weil
Hollis & David Wein
Frances Wein
Dr. Jody Zalkin-Weisskopf
& Philipp Weisskopf
Dinie & Sam Wengroff
The Winick & Skidelsky Families
(SSDS ‘85 & SSDS ‘87)
Barbara & Alfred Winick
Tina & Joseph Wolf
Judy & Rabbi Carl Wolkin
Jacqueline & David Wolle
Sharon Yusim
Zachor Charities
Barbara & Michael Zaransky
Judy & Richard Zelin
Lily & Harry Zoberman
Parents by Class
Anonymous (4)
Chantal & Ron Blaustein (SSDS ‘85)
Karen & Ethan Budin
Rachel (SSDS ‘85) & Ron Cooper
Joelle & David Dimbert
Debbie & Dr. David Dobkin
Marci & Dr. Jacob Ecanow (SSDS ‘80)
Lisa (SSDS ‘83) & Todd Fishbein
Jolie & Alan Genender
Lani Yampol-Gershon
& Dr. Richard Gershon
Dawn & Michael Goldhirsh
Hazzan Larry Goller
Diane (SSDS ‘84) & Shai Halivni
Randi & Fred Heichman
Dr. Arica (SSDS ‘80) & Dr. Emmet Hirsch
Leslie & Peter Horwitz
Brenda & David Jackson
Aviva & Peter Levavi
Lisa & Jim Levitas
Riv (SSDS ‘82) & James Lynch
Nina Kavin & Kerry Miller
Jodi & Amnon Morady
Ellen (SSDS ‘84) & Micah Nathan
Robyn-Lee & Stanleigh Rabin
Randee (SSDS Staff) & Robert Romanoff
Dr. Linda Chi-Ross & David Ross
Dr. Gilda Schaffer & Dr. Miguel Saps
Lynn & Skip Schrayer
Shira & Jeremy Schwartz (SSDS ‘84)
Marcela & Marcelo Sztainberg
Dr. Ruth Freedman & Daniel Wander
Dr. Sharon Welbel & James Zumwalt
Anonymous (1)
Suzanne & William Auerbach
Julie (SSDS ‘85) & Jeffrey Benensohn
Gabriella Boros & Eric Bergson
Jane & Edward Best
Robyn Weinstein & Edward Bettenhausen
Laura & Jack Brody
Dr. Kevin Copley
Debbie Copley
David & Suzanne Friedland
Inna Feldman-Gerber (SSDS ‘87)
& Robert Gerber
Beth & Chuck Goldberg
Julie & Stephen Grant
Judith Zemsky Greenberg
& Samuel Greenberg
Marlena & Phil Harris
Susan & Benjamin Harris
Melanie & Brian Hoffman (SSDS ‘81)
Dina & Keren Hulkower
Sipora & Avi Janssen
Debra & Harley Kahn
Nancy & Bob Kalman
Dr. Lena (SSDS ‘88/Staff)
& David Kushnir (SSDS ‘86)
Debbie & Ian Lesch
Sherry & Brad Levin
Lauren Perlman (SSDS Staff)
Tammy Schuster & Louis Pretekin
Leslie Rosen Stern
& Andrew Stern (SSDS ‘82)
Shana & Adam Scholder
Stacey & Bennet Schwartz
Diane & Judge Daniel Shanes (SSDS ‘81)
Karyn & William Silverstein (SSDS ‘79)
Julie Mednick-Simmons
& Russell Simmons
Dr. Audra Kaplan & Alan Spellberg
Yvette & David Stone
Cindy & Dr. Ari Taitz
Lisa & Adam Vales
Alex Velblum
Lila & Steven Weiland
Julie & Rabbi Jeffrey Weill
Hollis & David Wein
Lynn Blaustein Weiss (SSDS ‘82/Staff)
& Philippe Weiss
Dr. Jody Zalkin-Weisskopf
& Philipp Weisskopf
Ronit & Sidney Wiener
Dr. Laura & Dr. Stephen Zaacks
Yael (SSDS Staff) & Dror Zetouni
Anonymous (3)
Dr. Erica (SSDS ‘87)
& Dr. Richard Aronwald
Amie & Jonathan Barrish
Andrea & Larry Becker
Rabbi Lisa (SSDS ‘81) & Kyle Bellows
Karen & Ethan Budin
Maryl & Medwin Dayan
Elana Dor
Yuval Dor
Sara & Dr. Mark Drexler
Leorah (SSDS ‘85)
& Dr. Aaron Eisenberg
Wendy & Benjamin Frank (SSDS ‘83)
Amy & Dr. Craig Gerstein
Susan & Steve Glass
Marlena & Phil Harris
Deborah & Ben Harris
Nancy & Bob Kalman
Anne Gendler & David Leib
Andrea (SSDS ‘82) & Benjamin Leshem
Grandparents and friends attend Yom Orchim celebrations
It’s always a treat to welcome guests to Solomon Schechter.
In October, the Sager School and ECC were filled with excitement
as grandparents and special friends attended Yom Orchim
celebrations. They were treated to refreshments and joyful
performances in both English and Hebrew by our students.
At Sager, guests joined the children in their classrooms for a
variety of interactive projects and activities including creating
tzedakah boxes, exploring iPads together, singing and playing, and
more. At the ECC, a highlight of the morning was celebrating the 90th birthday of Schechter
great-grandparent Moshe Shamoul, and witnessing the reunion of many Schechter
grandparents whose children, Schechter alumni, are now sending their own children
to Solomon Schechter!
2013-2014/5774 Honor Roll of Donors
Bari & Herbert Lichtman
Abby & Jonathan Maeir
Liat & Ron Meisler
Amy & Dr. Joseph Mishell
Elise Ecanow & Avi Mlotek
Ellen (SSDS ‘84) & Micah Nathan
Brooke & Dr. Matthew Plofsky
Dr. Marianne & Dr. David Rosen
Dr. Linda Chi-Ross & David Ross
Ahoova & Jonathan Schoenberg
Shira & Jeremy Schwartz (SSDS ‘84)
Timna & Steven Sheffey
Dina Shiner & Mark Rosen
Alisa (SSDS ‘88) & Jeff Srulovitz
Elise & Marc Swatez
Dr. Alexandra Roginsky Tsesis
& Alexander Tsesis
Rebecca & Gary Willis
Deborah & Adam (SSDS ‘85) Winick
Sari & Mark Winick
Jacqueline & David Wolle
Anonymous (4)
Dafna & Neil Aaronson
Vicky & Eli Akiva
Jennifer & Rafi Arbel
Julie (SSDS ‘85) & Jeffrey Benensohn
Robyn Weinstein
& Edward Bettenhausen
Chantal & Ron Blaustein (SSDS ‘85)
Miriam & Mark Bromberg
Dan Chamberlin
Hillary Levitt Dunn (SSDS ‘87)
& Dr. Brian Dunn
Inna Feldman-Gerber (SSDS ‘87)
& Robert Gerber
Lisa (SSDS ‘83) & Todd Fishbein
Laura & Bruce Frank
David & Suzanne Friedland
Jennifer & John Geiringer
Beth & Jordan Grey (SSDS ‘76)
Dr. Laurie & Andrew Hochberg
Dr. Larry & Liesel Jankelowitz
Hilla & Sharone Lavi (SSDS ‘88)
Lisa & Jim Levitas
Elana Carmel-Levy & Yoav Levy
Debbie & Tom Lubotsky
Riv (SSDS ‘82) & James Lynch
Jodi & Amnon Morady
Jodi Okner
Heidi & Steven Reitman
Randee (SSDS Staff)
& Robert Romanoff
Leslie Rosen Stern
& Andrew Stern (SSDS ‘82)
Shana & Adam Scholder
Judy & Dr. Steven Schraiber
Rachel & Howard Spiro
Yvette & David Stone
Cindy & Dr. Ari Taitz
Tali Lev-Vaisler & Aviel Vaisler
Alex Velblum
Brenda & Max Wasserman
Stefanie Pessis Weil & Rick Weil
Hollis & David Wein
Dinie & Sam Wengroff
Ronit & Sidney Wiener
Deborah & Adam (SSDS ‘85) Winick
Tina & Joseph Wolf
Anonymous (3)
Jennifer & Rafi Arbel
Dr. Erica (SSDS ‘87)
& Dr. Richard Aronwald
Dr. Kevin Copley
Debbie Copley
Elana Dor
Yuval Dor
Leorah (SSDS ‘85)
& Dr. Aaron Eisenberg
Rachel & Matthew Field
Wendy & Kyle Freimuth
Missy (SSDS ‘88/Staff)
& Jeremy Friedman
Susan & Steve Glass
Angela Yoffe & Vadim Gluzman
Beth & Chuck Goldberg
Hazzan Larry Goller
Joanna & Michael Hakimi (SSDS ‘87)
Susan & Benjamin Harris
Dorit & Roy Helmer
Neda & Shahrouz Kashizadeh
Dr. Lena (SSDS ‘88/Staff)
& David Kushnir (SSDS ‘86)
Debbie & Ian Lesch
Andrea (SSDS ‘82) & Benjamin Leshem
Osnat (SSDS Staff) & David Lichtenfeld
Rebecca Minkus-Lieberman (SSDS ‘89)
& Dr. David Lieberman
Abby & Jonathan Maeir
Liat & Ron Meisler
Elise Ecanow & Avi Mlotek
Jodi Okner
Robyn-Lee & Stanleigh Rabin
Marcia & Kenneth Rapoport
Ahoova & Jonathan Schoenberg
Stacey & Bennet Schwartz
Monica & Greg Shannon
Dina Shiner & Mark Rosen
Irina Pechenik & Dr. Mark Shukhman
Dr. Audra Kaplan & Alan Spellberg
Alisa (SSDS ‘88) & Jeff Srulovitz
Margalit Tocher
Dr. Alexandra Roginsky Tsesis
& Alexander Tsesis
Brenda & Max Wasserman
Julie & Rabbi Jeffrey Weill
Heather & Doug Weinstein (SSDS ‘89)
Ilana (SSDS ‘87) & Danny Weisenberg
Rebecca & Gary Willis
Sari & Mark Winick
Tina & Joseph Wolf
Jennifer (SSDS ‘86) & Michael Zukerman
Anonymous (2)
Rebecca (SSDS ‘91) & Eytan
(SSDS ‘88) Anisfeld
Deborah Ebroon-Barker (SSDS ‘86)
& Jonathan Barker
Amie & Jonathan Barrish
Debra & Robert Baum (SSDS ‘86)
Rabbi Lisa (SSDS ‘81) & Kyle Bellows
Dr. Karin Nussbaum & Eric Berkowitz
Michelle Breitman & Larry Breitman
Karen & Ethan Budin
Adi & Shai Cohen
Hillary Levitt Dunn (SSDS ‘87)
& Dr. Brian Dunn
Sagit & David Gago
Diane (SSDS ‘84) & Shai Halivni
Kim & Peleg Halpern
Leslie & Richard Hanus
Orete (SSDS ‘87) & David Harkavy
Limor & Tzachi Hasson
Deborah & Joel Lamm
Julie & David Lampert
Elisa Rotman (SSDS Staff)
& Rabbi Aaron Melman
Karen & Yizhar Nochimowski
Harriet & Joseph Resnick
Deena & Joseph Rosenfeld
Dr. Linda Chi-Ross & David Ross
Dror Nuriel-Roth & Yuval Roth
Ahoova & Jonathan Schoenberg
Shana & Adam Scholder
Julie Mednick-Simmons
& Russell Simmons
Becky & Gil Soffer (SSDS ‘78, SSHS ‘82)
Alysa & Norm Walack
Naama & Ofer Wasserman
Deborah & Adam (SSDS ‘85) Winick
Mimi Sager Yoskowitz (SSDS ‘89)
& Marc Yoskowitz
Iris Zuckerman (SSDS ‘82)
& Bill Zuckerman
Anonymous (3)
Dr. Erica (SSDS ‘87)
& Dr. Richard Aronwald
Ilana & David Bard
Faye (SSDS Staff) & Benji Bearman
Nicole & Richard Chesis
Rachel (SSDS ‘85) & Ron Cooper
Maryl & Medwin Dayan
Shira (SSDS ‘93) & Dr. Norman Eliaser
Shari & Ahiad Erlich
Wendy & Benjamin Frank (SSDS ‘83)
Wendy & Kyle Freimuth
David & Suzanne Friedland
Jennifer & John Geiringer
Victoria & Dmitry Godin
Martine & Alan Gorstein
Emily (SSDS ‘89) & Daniel Gottlieb
Dr. Keren Hasbani (SSDS ‘89)
& Jeremy Adelman
Dr. Larry & Liesel Jankelowitz
Neda & Shahrouz Kashizadeh
Patty Hermann & Emanuel Krakauer
Hilla & Sharone Lavi (SSDS ‘88)
Lisa & Jim Levitas
Elana Carmel-Levy & Yoav Levy
Bari & Herbert Lichtman
Rebecca Minkus-Lieberman (SSDS ‘89)
& Dr. David Lieberman
Ellen (SSDS ‘84) & Micah Nathan
Dr. Rachel (SSDS ‘89) & Matthew Rubin
Leah & Bob Rubin
Monica & Greg Shannon
Dina Shiner & Mark Rosen
Deena & Joseph Rosenfeld
Stefanie Pessis Weil & Rick Weil
Ilana (SSDS ‘87) & Danny Weisenberg
Jacqueline & David Wolle
Beth & Menash Zadik
Yael (SSDS Staff) & Dror Zetouni
Anonymous (1)
Dafna & Neil Aaronson
Deborah Ebroon-Barker (SSDS ‘86)
& Jonathan Barker
Anat (SSDS Staff) & Gadi Barlevy
Debra & Robert Baum (SSDS ‘86)
Julie (SSDS ‘85) & Jeffrey Benensohn
Julie & Michael Calderon
Adi & Shai Cohen
Leorah (SSDS ‘85)
& Dr. Aaron Eisenberg
Eva & Ari Footlik (SSDS ‘89)
Malka & Michael Frazin (SSDS ‘95)
Missy (SSDS ‘88/Staff)
& Jeremy Friedman
Sagit & David Gago
Kim & Peleg Halpern
Leslie & Richard Hanus
Cara & Jonathan Harris
Limor & Tzachi Hasson
Dorit & Roy Helmer
Neda & Shahrouz Kashizadeh
Osnat (SSDS Staff) & David Lichtenfeld
Michelle (SSDS Staff) & Jonathan Maer
Elise Ecanow & Avi Mlotek
Jodi Okner
Marcia & Kenneth Rapoport
Julia & David Ruderman
Erica & Rabbi Michael Schwab
Rachel & Howard Spiro
Margalit Tocher
Alysa & Norm Walack
Julie & Rabbi Jeffrey Weill
Sarah & Daniel Weinberg (SSDS Staff)
Dr. Jody Zalkin-Weisskopf
& Philipp Weisskopf
Sari & Mark Winick
Mimi Sager Yoskowitz (SSDS ‘89)
& Marc Yoskowitz
Iris Zuckerman (SSDS ‘82)
& Bill Zuckerman
Jennifer (SSDS ‘86)
& Michael Zukerman
Anonymous (2)
Rebecca (SSDS ‘91) & Eytan
(SSDS ‘88) Anisfeld
Jennifer & Rafi Arbel
Shanna & Jordan Batt
Chantal & Ron Blaustein (SSDS ‘85)
Hillary Levitt Dunn (SSDS ‘87)
& Dr. Brian Dunn
Joanna & Michael Hakimi (SSDS ‘87)
Orete (SSDS ‘87) & David Harkavy
Cara & Jonathan Harris
Dr. Keren Hasbani (SSDS ‘89)
& Jeremy Adelman
Dorit & Roy Helmer
Meital Hochenboym-Sananes
(SSDS Staff) & Ami Sananes
Lori & Rabbi Ben Kramer (SSDS Staff)
Laura Mell & Arthur Dolinsky
Elisa Rotman (SSDS Staff)
& Rabbi Aaron Melman
Lauren Perlman (SSDS Staff)
Dr. Marianne & Dr. David Rosen
Dr. Rachel (SSDS ‘89) & Matthew Rubin
Leah & Bob Rubin
Yori Rubinson
Meredith & Brad Schulman
Becky & Gil Soffer (SSDS ‘78, SSHS ‘82)
Laurel Van Allen
Heather & Doug Weinstein (SSDS ‘89)
Rebecca & Gary Willis
Faye (SSDS Staff) & Benji Bearman
Rebecca Minkus-Lieberman (SSDS ‘89)
& Dr. David Lieberman
Michelle (SSDS Staff) & Jonathan Maer
Deborah (SSDS ‘95) & Benjamin Marks
Keren & Jeremy Stonehill
Margalit Tocher
Sari & Rav Uri (SSDS Staff) Allen
Miriam & David Appel
Sagit & David Gago
Lara (SSDS ‘95) & Samuel Jaffe
Michelle (SSDS Staff) & Jonathan Maer
Deborah (SSDS ‘95) & Benjamin Marks
Lesley & David Matsa
Leah & Bob Rubin
Shira & Andrew Schwarz
Rachel & Justin (SSDS Staff) Sakofs
Laura Patterson & Joel Steinberg
Keren & Jeremy Stonehill
Dr. Claire Sufrin (SSDS ‘92)
& Michael Simon
2013-2014/5774 Honor Roll of Donors
Renowned musicians perform a
private concert for Schechter donors
Nancy Bokor
Sandy Fishman
Nancy Bromberg
Beth & Robert Footlik
Julia Bokor, 2014, Abigail Bokor, 2018
Lena Bromberg, 2017
Karen & Joel Budin
Gabrielle Zukerman, 2018, Joshua Footlik,
2021, Aidan Zukerman, 2021
Sylvia Callistein
Gabrielle Zukerman, 2018, Joshua Footlik,
2021, Aidan Zukerman, 2021
Judith & Arnold Carmel
Shoshana Frank, 2016, Dalya Frank, 2020
Daphne Budin, 2014, Adam Budin, 2016,
Jeremy Budin, 2019
Jessica Wittenstein, 2014
Sean Levy, 2017, Sarah Levy, 2020
Linda & Harold Chizewer
Betsy Weill, 2015, Ruth Weill, 2018,
Samuel Weill, 2021
Dr. & Mrs. Oren Conway
Leora Weinberg, 2021
Natalie Cooper
Max Cooper, 2014, Ari Cooper, 2016,
Noa Cooper, 2020
Regina Cooper (Great-Grandmother)
We are pleased to list Schechter 20132014 students with their grandparents.
Anonymous (2)
Roberta & Mark Aaronson
Julia Aaronson, 2017,
Ryan Aaronson, 2021
Marlene Adland
Tera Eliasoff, 2014, Eidan Eliasoff, 2018
Angie & Larry Adler
Ann Kushnir, 2015, Nathan Kushnir, 2018
Isidoro & Rabbi Joshua Aizenberg
Benjamin Aizenberg, 2018
Mr. and Mrs. James Akers
David Levin, 2015
Carmela (z’l) & Dr. Emanuel Arbel
Joseph Arbel, 2017, Jacob Arbel, 2018
Marlys & Elliott Badzin
Jacob Perlen, 2020,
Gabriella Perlen, 2022
Minoo & Dr. Koorosh Banayan
Ella Marks, 2023, Serena Marks 2025
Maureen & Irwin Bard
Dina Barrish, 2016,
Benjamin Barrish, 2019
Noah Blaustein, 2014, Arielle Weiss,
2015, Simon Blaustein, 2017,
Jordan Blaustein, 2022
Susan & Robert Cornis
Benjamin Hanus, 2019,
Samuel Hanus, 2021
Charles Dayan
Evan Dayan, 2016, Asher Dayan, 2020
Rita & Salomon Dayan
Zachary Aronwald, 2016, Justin Aronwald,
2018, Ella Worshtil, 2022
Karen Bergman
Sasha Dogadko, 2015, Mira Dogadko,
2018, Nava Dogadko, 2021
Bobbie & Barry Berkowitz
Joshua Genender, 2014
Sandy & Marshall Gerber
Sarah Gerber, 2015, Ari Gerber, 2017
Eudice & David Germaine
Ezra Cheifetz, 2018
Terry & Ted Gertz
Max Goldhirsh, 2014
Esther & Wally Ginsberg
Evan Dayan, 2016, Asher Dayan, 2020
Sandra Gorstein
Naomi Gorstein, 2020
Donna & James Gottlieb
Maxwell Gottlieb, 2020,
Mitchell Gottlieb, 2020
Leah Grosky
Ethan Harris, 2015, Rachel Harris, 2018
June & Richard Gross
Ari Schwab, 2021
Judy & Zave Gussin
Emily Hakimi, 2018, Jacob Hakimi 2022
Avi Dobkin, 2014
Fela Dogadko
Sasha Dogadko, 2015, Mira Dogadko,
2018, Nava Dogadko, 2021
Marilyn & Dr. Irving Domsky
Mollie Chubin, 2015
Sharon Dorfman
Jonah Nathan, 2014, Maya Nathan,
2016, Sam Dorfman, 2016,
Hannah Rubin, 2020, Talia Nathan,
2020, Aaron Rubin, 2022
Boris Dragunsky & Emilia Blaustein
Noah Blaustein, 2014, Arielle Weiss,
2015, Simon Blaustein, 2017,
Jordan Blaustein, 2022
Herbert Dreifuss
Jacob Geiringer, 2017,
Catherine Geiringer, 2020
Mia Herman, 2017
Ann & Kenneth Genender
Thelma Dobkin z’l
Dana Steingold, 2019
Helen & Dr. Barry Baylis
Joan & Douglas Becker
Jotty & Robbie Friedland
Aliza Gussin, 2017, Ezra Gussin, 2020,
Elie Gussin, 2022
Sean Dreifuss, 2016
Avner Frazin, 2021
Arlene & Dr. Kenneth Freedman
Charlene Dick
Elayne Baum
Leo Baum, 2019, Ava Baum, 2021
Avner Frazin, 2021
Jacob Friedland, 2015, Noa Friedland,
2017, Mia Friedland, 2020
Amichai Argentar, 2020
Sonya Frazin
Merle & Larry Cohen
Shari Cohen & Robert Mayer
Marilynn & Jack Barrish
Nessia Frank
Hannah Wander, 2014,
Rachel Wander, 2014
Rose Benensohn, 2015, Joshua Benensohn,
2017, Lily Benensohn, 2021
Adina Bard, 2020
Sylvia Footlik (Great-Grandmother)
Carole & Eli Cohen
Kaiden Tocher, 2018, Julian Tocher, 2021,
Penelope Tocher 2023
In March, 70 people from our Schechter community had an
experience of a lifetime as they gathered in the home of
Melanie and Jeff Michael for a private concert by worldrenowned violinist Vadim Gluzman and his wife, acclaimed
concert pianist Angela Yoffe. Vadim and Angela are the parents
of Orli, currently a fifth grader at Sager. Guests heard Vadim
play the extraordinary 1690 ‘ex-Leopold Auer’ Stradivari, on
extended loan from the Stradivari Society of Chicago, while
Angela accompanied him on a magnificent baby grand piano.
The event, which was billed as an evening of extraordinary
music, was a thank you to all donors of $1,800 and above to
the 2013-2014 Annual Campaign. “We are proud to be a part
of the Schechter community and to help support a school that
means so much to our family and to our Jewish community,”
said Vadim.
Lila Plaut, 2019
Harlene Dunitz
Michael & Carole Dunn
Jacob Friedland, 2015, Noa Friedland,
2017, Max Dunn, 2017, Emmett Dunn,
2019, Mia Friedland, 2020,
Jemma Dunn, 2022
Charles Ecanow
Valentine & Yosef Hakimi
Ruth Halpern (SSDS Staff)
Jacob Halpern, 2019,
Michaela Halpern, 2021
Dr. Avi Handelsman
Arava Meital, 2024, Orelya Meital, 2025
Magda Hanus
Benjamin Hanus, 2019,
Samuel Hanus, 2021
Rosalie & Dr. Raymond Harkavy
Harrison Harkavy, 2019,
Josephine Harkavy, 2022
Evelyn Harris
Ethan Harris, 2015, Rachel Harris, 2018
Ahouva & Isaac Hasbani
Noa Adelman, 2020,
Talia Adelman, 2022
Sue & Larry Hochberg
Rachel Hochberg, 2017
Terry & Allen Holzman
Talia Field, 2018, Elly Field, 2021
Ellen & Gerald Jaffe
Myles Jaffe, 2025
Myra & Kenneth Jasenof
Cydney Jasenof, 2017
Etta & David Jonas
Harrison Harkavy, 2019,
Josephine Harkavy, 2022
Dr. Morton Julius & Anita Finkelstein
Emma Berkowitz, 2019
Shomri Mlotek, 2018, Maton Mlotek,
2018, Yonit Mlotek, 2016,
Moriya Mlotek, 2021
Ari Best, 2015
Mia Bearman, 2020, Leo Bearman 2023
Helen Spellberg, 2015,
Nathan Spellberg, 2018
Dena Romanoff, 2014,
Eliezer Romanoff, 2017
Mia Feinberg, 2020
Davita Eliaser, 2020
Jasmine Levy, 2016, Aryeh Levy, 2019,
Ruby Levy, 2020
Donna & Martin Field
Micah Brody, 2015
Carol Berkowitz
Jean Best
Linda & David Estrin
Shirley & Sam Bluestein
Judy & Steve Feinberg
Desiree & Barry Blumenthal
Zoya & Gregory Feldman
Sarah Gerber, 2015, Ari Gerber, 2017
Talia Field, 2018, Elly Field, 2021
Elan Harris, 2021, Avi Harris 2022
Marlene Kaplan
Judith Schwartz Karp & Theodore Karp
Marlene & Hymie Kavin
Micah Miller, 2014
Zelda Korol
Liam Korol, 2019
2013-2014/5774 Honor Roll of Donors
Schecher alumni from the classes of
2000-2005 reconnect and reminisce
Zalman Kramer, 2022
Noa Chamberlin, 2017
Joshua Maer, 2021, Levi Maer, 2023,
Orli Maer, 2025
Jordan Melman, 2019,
Hannah Melman, 2022
Dorothy Maer (Great-Grandmother)
Elizabeth & Peter Maer
Joshua Maer, 2021, Levi Maer, 2023,
Orli Maer, 2025
Glenda & Sandy Mason
Samara Michael, 2016, Halle Michael,
2016, Jada Michael, 2021
Harriet Mechanik
Jeremy Lamm, 2019
Samantha Walack, 2019,
Michael Walack, 2021
Drs. Hilary & Barry Miller
Evelyn Lamm z’l
Jeremy Lamm, 2019
Maureen & Lester Lampert
Jake Lampert-West, 2019
Sylvia & David Lanski
Idan Chazan, 2014, Adi Chazan, 2020
Elinor & Michael Laupheimer
Samuel Gerstein, 2016
Susan Lazar
Betsy Winick, 2016, Carly Winick,
2017, Annie Winick, 2019
Ellen Levitas
Joshua Levitas, 2014, Jesse Levitas, 2017,
Annie Levitas, 2020
Julia Bokor, 2014, Abigail Bokor, 2018
Adele & David Myers
Naomi Gorstein, 2020
Chava Nachmias & Marlene Stern
Yoav Barlevy, 2021
David Nehmadi
Julia Aaronson, 2017,
Ryan Aaronson 2021
Beverly Nussbaum
Emma Berkowitz, 2019
Maxine & Don Patterson
Micah Steinberg, 2025
Elyse Perlen
Jacob Perlen, 2020,
Gabriella Perlen, 2022
Amy & Dr. Dennis Pessis
Jeremy Plofsky, 2016,
Micah Plofsky, 2016
Erwin Plofsky
Jeremy Plofsky, 2016,
Micah Plofsky, 2016
Emily Podgursky
Sammy Schwartz, 2015, Sutton Schwartz,
2018, Stone Schwartz, 2018
Renee Hirsch & David Schwartz
Irene & Samuel Shanes
Ilana & Richard Shermer
Sonia Zaacks, 2015
Miriam & Larry Silverman
Sari Stone, 2015, Ori Stone, 2017
Jane & Billy Sizeler
Benjamin Lesch, 2015, Ari Lesch, 2018
Betty Sobelman
Claire Gruenberg, 2014,
Gabriel Gruenberg, 2017
Susan & Richard Sokolik
David Frank, 2017
Rita & Sam Soltan
Joshua Footlik, 2021
Yeva & Vladimir Sotchenko
Nicole Nedyalkova, 2021
Arlene Spiro
Naomi Spiro, 2017, Eva Spiro, 2021
Andi & Michael Srulovitz
Noah Srulovitz, 2016,
Orly Srulovitz, 2018
Dr. Teri & Dr. Steven Steinberg
Zachary Berman, 2022
Judith & Neil Steinberg
Micah Steinberg, 2025
Joan & Michael Stern
Avi Dobkin, 2014
Sari Stone, 2015, Ori Stone, 2017
Shai Lichtenfeld, 2018,
Ben Lichtenfeld, 2021
Anne & Jerry Lidsky
Jordyn Eisenberg, 2016, Noah Srulovitz,
2016, Ari Eisenberg, 2018, Orly Srulovitz,
2018, Jonah Eisenberg, 2021
Arleen & Alvin Lieberman
Irene & Shelly Reitman
Sarah Glass, 2016, Melanie Reitman,
2017, Hannah Glass, 2018
Helaine & Howard Resnick
Max Cooper, 2014, Ari Cooper, 2016,
Isabelle Resnick, 2019,
Noa Cooper, 2020
Cila & Richard Riff
Ann Rita Schwartz
Phyllis & Mel Potash
Eden Kahn, 2015
Loren Liss, 2015
David Levin, 2015
Joseph Schrayer, 2014
Yonah Rubin, 2020, Avraham Rubin,
2022, Hava Rubin, 2025
Jean & Howard Rice
Shirley & Murray Levin
Barbara M. Schrayer
Juliet & Herbert Pomerantz
Francine & Robert Lichtenfeld
Naomi Spiro, 2017, Eva Spiro 2022
Abigail Becker, 2016
Benjamin Lesch, 2015, Ari Lesch, 2018
Daniel Schraiber, 2017
Jasmine Levy, 2016, Aryeh Levy, 2019,
Ruby Levy, 2020, Ethan Levy, 2021
Stephanie & Michael Levy
Aden Lerner, 2019, Mica Lerner, 2021
Bella Lesch, “Bubbie” of Ari, Benjamin
& Kayla Lesch
Betty Schraiber
Noah Shanes, 2015
Hilda & Clive Moss
Noah Leib, 2016
Iris & Ira Lerner
Hana & Harold Schindler
Jacob Wolf, 2017, Daniel Wolf, 2018
Jill & Joel Miller
Matan Lieberman, 2018,
Meira Lieberman, 2020,
Akiva Lieberman, 2023
Carol & Andre Leib
Dr. Karen & Dr. David Sager
Ayala Schwartz, 2014,
Elan Schwartz, 2016
Vicki & Gary Phillips
Hadar Halivni, 2014, Ann Kushnir, 2015,
Nathan Kushnir, 2018, Ella Anisfeld,
2019, Eliana Halivni, 2019,
Aaron Anisfeld, 2022
Howard Rudy
Amit Sakofs, 2026
Ariel Weil, 2017, Simon Weil, 2020
Joshua Maer, 2021, Levi Maer 2023,
Orli Maer, 2025
Shani Dor, 2016, Noam Dor, 2018
Benjamin Saxton, 2014,
Noa Saxton, 2017
Rosanne Eisenberg & Ben Michaels
Sara & Richard Kushnir
Elissa & Lawrence Rubinstein
Sandra & Robert Mell
Samara Michael, 2016, Halle Michael,
2016, Jada Michael, 2021
Avi Horwitz, 2014
Anna Berman-Rubinstein, 2024
Caleb Yoskowitz, 2019,
Jordyn Yoskowitz, 2021
Martha & Daniel Michael
Roberta & S. Joseph Levine
Irene Zakon & Arkady Rubinshteyn
Elly & Astrid Meisler
Lillian Copley, 2015, Sophie Copley,
2018, Jonah Dolinsky, 2022
Ilene Kramer
Oren Nochimowski, 2019
Samantha Walack, 2019,
Michael Walack, 2021
Maytal Meisler, 2016,
Aria Meisler, 2018
Thanks to Reunion Committee members: Back row, left to right:
Hannah Pogrund (SSDS ’03), Brenda Cole (SSDS ’03), Alan Bukiningolts
(SSDS ’05), Lilli Flink (SSDS ’04), Samantha Kopin Silverman (SSDS ’02),
Jeremy Elkins (SSDS ’03), Arielle Rosenberg (SSDS ‘05), and Alex
Schwartz (SSDS ’05) Front row, left to right: Danielle Gershon (SSDS ’00),
Lia Lehrer (SSDS ’01), Alyssa Zeller (SSDS ’01), and Dashielle Bark-Huss
(SSDS ’05) Not pictured: Brittany Cohen (SSDS ’03), Rachel Channon
(SSDS ’03), Abby Drazner (SSDS ’02) and Audrey Hutnick (SSDS ’04).
Mindy & David Rubin
Susan & Robert Mednick
Eli Simmons, 2015,
Daniel Simmons, 2019
In September, more than 120 alumni gathered for a special
multi-year reunion at Deuce’s & The Diamond Club in
Wrigleyville. Alumni reminisced with their classmates as
they looked at yearbooks and listened to music from their
school days, watched a montage prepared by committee
members, and reconnected with some of their favorite
Benita & Rabbi Bernie Rotman
Joel Resnick
Bonnie Lipton
Coby Resnick, 2015, Maya Resnick,
2017, Talia Resnick, 2022
Ellen & Harvey Liss
Micah Swatez, 2016
Susie & Neal London
Maytal Meisler, 2016,
Aria Meisler, 2018
Dana Steingold, 2019
Evelyn & Lee Lush
Ella Anisfeld, 2019
Marsha & Irwin Lyons
Danby & Marvin Ring
Arava Meital, 2024,
Orelya Meital, 2025
Andy & Mark Rosen
Barbara & Joel Stone
Naomi & Jay Stonehill
Eli Stonehill, 2023, Libby Stonehill, 2025
Harriet & Robert Tecktiel
Joshua Levitas, 2014, Jesse Levitas, 2017,
Annie Levitas, 2020
Nicole & Eugene Terry
Noah Blaustein, 2014, Simon Blaustein,
2017, Jordan Blaustein, 2022
Deborah & Stuart Timoner
Noa Chamberlin, 2017
Marina & Vladimir Tsesis
Ruth Tsesis, 2016, Ariel Tsesis, 2018
Karen & Herb Wander
Rachel Wander, 2014,
Hannah Wander, 2014
Elaine & Harry Wayne
Lena Bromberg, 2017
Marcia & Martin Weiland
Robert Weiland, 2015
Frances Wein
2013-2014/5774 Honor Roll of Donors
Eli Wein, 2015, Gabriel Wein, 2017
Jeanne & Michael Weinstein
Shayna Weinstein, 2018,
Jori Weinstein, 2022
Joan & Shelly Weinstein
Yael Bettenhausen, 2015,
Micah Bettenhausen, 2017
Beverly & Sam Weisenberg
Shayndel Weisenberg, 2018,
Jordana Weisenberg, 2020
Carol & Dr. Stephen Weiss
David Leshem, 2016,
Daniel Leshem, 2018
Olga Weiss & George Honig
Arielle Weiss, 2015
Barbara & Victor Weisskopf
Joshua Weisskopf, 2015,
Daniel Weisskopf, 2021
Barbara & Alfred Winick
Joshua Winick, 2016, Avi Winick, 2018,
Zev Winick, 2021
Linda & Al Winick
Betsy Winick, 2016, Carly Winick,
2017, Annie Winick, 2019
Rachel & Rabbi Herbert Yoskowitz
Caleb Yoskowitz, 2019,
Jordyn Yoskowitz, 2021
Sharon Yusim
Sarah Wengroff, 2017
Lucille & Dr. Philip Zaacks
Sonia Zaacks, 2015
Brenda & Gerald Zaidman
Margo Morady, 2014,
Ethan Morady, 2017
Delores & Eugene Zemsky
Arielle Greenberg, 2014,
Leah Greenberg, 2015
Anonymous (1)
Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg, 1970
Robin Hoffman, 1970
Dr. David Shapiro, 1970
Beth (Ginsburg) Kopin, 1972
Dr. Laurie (Weinzweig)
Wakschlag, 1972
Eve (Simon) Biller, 1973
Miriam (Ellis) Derman, 1973
Dr. Colman Kraff, 1973
Robin (Malmed) Wolf, 1973
Francine (Lieber) Mendelowitz, 1974
Sara (Rosenfeld) Coven, 1975
David Stern, 1975
Jordan Grey, 1976
Dina Kaplan Lissoos, 1976
David Steinberg, 1976
Marc Herwitz, 1977
Daniel Kaplan,1977
Noreen (Madansky) Ohcana, 1977
Rachel Kraft, 1978
Gil Soffer, 1978
Linda Goldstein Knowlton, 1979
William Silverstein, 1979
Melissa (Weiss) Spellman, 1979
Anonymous (3)
Dr. Jacob Ecanow, 1980
Dr. David Gutstein, 1980
Dr. Arica (Feldman) Hirsch, 1980
Rabbi Lisa (Dushkin) Bellows, 1981
Brian Hoffman, 1981
Jacob Margulies, 1981
Judge Daniel Shanes, 1981
Aaron Becker, 1982
Andrea (Weiss) Leshem, 1982
Riv (Har-El) Lynch, 1982
Rabbi Mitchel Malkus, 1982
Sari Steinberg, 1982
Andrew Stern, 1982
Lynn Blaustein Weiss, 1982
Iris (Makower) Zuckerman, 1982
Lisa (Hoffman) Fishbein, 1983
Benjamin Frank, 1983
Diane (Kushnir) Halivni, 1984
Ellen (Dorfman) Nathan, 1984
Jeremy Schwartz, 1984
Julie (Cohen) Benensohn, 1985
Ron Blaustein, 1985
Rachel (Resnick) Cooper, 1985
Leorah (Lidsky) Eisenberg, 1985
Adam Winick, 1985
Deborah Ebroon-Barker, 1986
Robert Baum, 1986
Deborah (Wohlstadter) Goldman, 1986
Allison Kamen, 1986
David Kushnir, 1986
Jennifer (Footlik) Zukerman, 1986
Dr. Erica (Dayan) Aronwald, 1987
Hillary Levitt Dunn, 1987
Inna Feldman-Gerber, 1987
Michael Hakimi, 1987
Orete (Jonas) Harkavy, 1987
Ilana (Epstein) Weisenberg, 1987
Amy Winick Skidelsky, 1987
Eytan Anisfeld, 1988
Suzanne (Horwitz) Fine, 1988
Missy (Cohen) Friedman, 1988
Dr. Lena (Adler) Kushnir, 1988
Sharone Lavi, 1988
Alisa (Lidsky) Srulovitz, 1988
Joshua Anisfeld, 1989
Dr. Aaron Epstein, 1989
Ari Footlik, 1989
Emily (Saltzman) Gottlieb, 1989
Dr. Keren Hasbani, 1989
Rebecca Minkus-Lieberman, 1989
Dr. Rachel (Dorfman) Rubin, 1989
Doug Weinstein, 1989
Mimi Sager Yoskowitz, 1989
Anonymous (2)
Lawrence Levy, 1990
Elan Peretz, 1990
Rebecca (Kushnir) Anisfeld, 1991
Sam Banayan, 1991
Ari Chasnoff, 1991
Ari Studnitzer, 1991
Marissa (Benuck) Levy, 1992
Sarah Rodin, 1992
Dr. Claire Sufrin, 1992
Staci Schachter Studnitzer, 1992
Shira (Karp) Eliaser, 1993
Jaime Alberts, 1994
Dr. Mark Dredze, 1994
Michael Frazin, 1995
Lara (Adelberg) Jaffe, 1995
Deborah (Banayan) Marks, 1995
Sivan Kredow, 1995
Rachel Zivic, 1995
Rabbi Jeremy Fine, 1996
Zachary Sufrin, 1996
Lee Wolf, 1996
Rabbi Zachary Silver, 1997
Michael Zaremski, 1997
Jacob Avraham, 1997
Sara Rubin, 1998
Paul Towb, 1998
Rebecca Russo, 1999
Anonymous (1)
Mollie Flink, 2000
Danielle Gershon, 2000
Lucy Kahn, 2000
Lia Lehrer, 2001
Skippy L. Upton Mesirow, 2001
Michael Robinson, 2001
Jonathan Rosenblatt, 2001
Alyssa Zeller, 2001
Jacob Bennett, 2002
Jamie Cooper, 2002
Abigail Drazner, 2002
Harry Eskin, 2002
Samantha Kopin Silverman, 2002
Jason Wiznitzer, 2002
Jeremy Elkins, 2003
David Farby, 2003
David Frazin, 2003
Adrienne Kaplan, 2003
Brian Pogrund, 2003
Hannah (Berkowicz) Pogrund, 2003
Jonah Rosenberg, 2003
Chapman Bark-Huss, 2004
Zachary Fertig, 2004
Lilli Flink, 2004
Joshua Warshawsky, 2004
Elizabeth Cohn, 2005
Tova Goldberg, 2005
Arielle Rosenberg, 2005
Alexandra Schwartz, 2005
Eric Silberman, 2005
Eliana (Swislow) Wool, 2005
Rachel Hirsch, 2006
Rebecca Schwab, 2006
Sammy Shefler, 2006
Shayna Elekman, 2007
Nicole Jacobson, 2007
Max Geifman, 2008
Gabrielle Schwartzman, 2008
Jamie Elekman, 2009
Natalie Jacobson, 2009
Annie Schrayer, 2009
Tamar Schwartzman, 2009
Eli Schrayer, 2011
Merissa Schwab, 2011
Linzy R. Upton Spatz, 2011
Samuel Morady, 2012
Eliana Schwartzman, 2012
Class of 2014
Thank you to the following students
who raised over $600 to purchase a
water bottle refiller fountain for our
Noah Blaustein
Julia Bokor
Daphne Budin
Idan Chazan
Max Cooper
Joseph Dimbert
Avi Dobkin
Anna Ecanow
Gabrielle Ecanow
Elijah Ecanow
Tera Eliasoff
Barak Farhi
Claire Gruenberg
Hadar Halivni
Avi Horwitz
Aaron Jackson
Bella Levavi
Joshua Levitas
Liam Lynch
Margo Morady
Kate Nadler
Jonah Nathan
Max Pivo
Abigail Rabin
Amia Ross
Joseph Schrayer
Ayala Schwartz
Arie Sztainberg
Hannah Wander
Rachel Wander
Remi Welbel
Gavrielle Welbel
Class of 2016
Thank you to our students who donated
some or all of their B’nai Mitzvah Fund
to Solomon Schechter!
Grant Baucom
Abigail Becker
Gabriella Bellows
Evan Dayan
Jordyn Eisenberg
Alexander Feldman
Joseph Finfer
Stone Harris
Zachary Janczak
Shana Korn
Noah Leib
Samuel Lichtman
Samuel Mitchell
Yonit Mlotek
Maya Nathan
Zachary Pivo
Ari Rosen
Jason Ross
Elan Schwartz
Orli Sheffey
Jacob Silvers
Zachary Simon
Evan Squire
Betsy Winick
Sophie Wolle
Kol Hakavod to the following students
who gave an additional donation to
our Annual Campaign!
Noah Blaustein, 2014
Margo Morady, 2014
Joseph Schrayer, 2014
Sari Stone, 2015
Nathan Spellberg, 2018
Parents of Alumni
Anonymous (16)
Angie & Larry Adler
Susan Agate (SSDS Staff)
& Michael Slutsky
Rachelle & Alexander Aisen
Vicky & Eli Akiva
Miri & Avi Allali (SSDS Staff)
Susan & Joseph Ament
Suzanne & William Auerbach
Dolores Ayala
Jamie & David Baker
Dr. Myra Rapoport
& Rabbi Michael Balinsky
Minoo & Dr. Koorosh Banayan
Elayne Baum
Fortunee & Ellis Belilos
Shoshana & Howard Benditzson
Liz & Barry Bennett
Jane & Edward Best
Robyn Weinstein
& Edward Bettenhausen
The Honorable & Mrs. Edward
A. Bobrick (SSDS Staff)
Eileen Leiderman & Ben Brener
Marlene (SSDS Staff) & Harold Bressler
Laura & Jack Brody
Susan & Colman Buchbinder
Sarah & Allan Budweg
2013-2014/5774 Honor Roll of Donors
Esther & Moshe Calamaro
Patricia & Alan Caplan
Patricia & Myron Cherry
Rabbi Burton I. Cohen
Merle & Larry Cohen
Rolly & Stuart Cohen
Terri & Dr. Darien Cohen
Margaret & Lee Cohn
Debbie Copley
Dr. Kevin Copley
Sara (SSDS ‘75) & Steve Coven
Elizabeth Richman & Mitch Dayan
Maryl & Medwin Dayan
Rita & Salomon Dayan
Drs. Carol Derman & Gordon Derman
Miriam Derman (SSDS ‘73)
Judge Shelley Sutker-Dermer
& Kenneth Dermer
Toby & Neal Deutsch
Joelle & David Dimbert
Marcia Markowitz & Dr. Scott Dodelson
Sharon Dorfman
Boris Dragunsky
& Emilia Blaustein Dragunsky
Diane Kagan & Lionel Dredze
Sara & Dr. Mark Drexler
Karen Lobl & Dr. David Eisenberg
Jodi Eisenstadt
Robert Eisenstadt
Klavdiya & Iosif Elkin
Abigail & Gary Elkins
Marcie & Richard Eskin
Zoya & Gregory Feldman
Laurie & David Ferri
Nancy & Maury Fertig
Leslie & Norman Finkel
Phyllis Fischel
Anne McDonagh & David Fishbaum
Lisa (SSDS ‘83) & Todd Fishbein
Jennifer & Stewart Flink
Beth & Robert Footlik
Betsy (SSDS Staff) & Scott Forester
Barbara (SSDS Staff) & Danny Fox
Samuel Fox
Deena & Rabbi Samuel Fraint
Nessia Frank
Wendy & Benjamin Frank (SSDS ‘83)
Kim & Dr. Alan Frankel
Maxine & Daniel Frankel
Sonya Frazin
Diana & David Freeman
Karen & Mark Friedman
Dafna & Stuart Gabel
Elizabeth & David Geifman
Lani Yampol-Gershon
& Dr. Richard Gershon
Amy & Dr. Craig Gerstein
Charlotte Glass
Judith Goldberg
Dawn & Michael Goldhirsh
Marcy Goldman (SSDS Staff)
Larry Goldsmith/Goldsmith Accounting
Group ,Ltd
Eileen & Dr. Paul Goldstein
Martine & Alan Gorstein
Judith Zemsky Greenberg
& Samuel Greenberg
Sheryl & Robert J. Greenstein
Beth & Jordan Grey (SSDS ‘76)
Valentine & Yosef Hakimi
Suzy (SSDS Staff) & Dr. David Hakimian
Diane (SSDS ‘84) & Shai Halivni
Linda Halperin
Dr. Avi Handelsman
Deborah & Ben Harris
Nina & Arnie Harris
Susan & Benjamin Harris
Ahouva & Isaac Hasbani
Stacey & Marc Herwitz (SSDS ‘77)
Sheryl & Kirk Hipps
Dr. Arica (SSDS ‘80) & Dr. Emmet Hirsch
Dr. Laurie & Andrew Hochberg
Melanie & Brian Hoffman (SSDS ‘81)
Michael Hoffman
Joan Holland & Eli Glassman
Alicia (SSDS Staff) & Patrick Honan
Leslie & Peter Horwitz
Dina & Keren Hulkower
Caryn Bark & Dr. Fred Huss
Ariela (SSDS Staff) & Amnon Ish-Hurwitz
Brenda & David Jackson
Dalia Jacobson (SSDS Staff)
Sipora & Avi Janssen
Etta & David Jonas
Wendy & Daniel Kahn
Dr. Michele & Dr. Nelson Kanter
Kanter Family Philanthropic Fund
Gerry Kaplan
Dina Kaplan (SSDS Staff)
Marlene Kaplan
Judith Schwartz Karp & Theodore Karp
Judith & Michael Karzen
Betsy & Michael Katz
Rochelle & Dr. Steve Katz
Karen & Michael Kesner
Joanne (SSDS Staff)
& Dr. Gary Kirshenbaum
Dr. Karin Klein (SSDS Staff)
& Joel Teibloom
Sydelle Klein
Sharon & Allan Koltin
Shoshana (SSDS Staff)
& Moshe Konstantin
Beth (SSDS ‘72) & Dr. Jeffrey Kopin
Ann Koplow
Linda & Dr. Stuart Kupfer
Bryna & Rabbi Vernon Kurtz
Sara & Richard Kushnir
Julie & David Lampert
Nancy & Michael Lankford
Judith & Michael Lavin
Naomi & Dr. David Ledersnaider
Estee & Jonathan Lehrer
Anne Gendler & David Leib
Debbie & Ian Lesch
Andrea (SSDS ‘82) & Benjamin Leshem
Carol Patinkin & Simon Lesser
Aviva & Peter Levavi
Gigi Cohen & Michael Levin
Sherry & Brad Levin
Stephanie & Michael Levy
Sheryl & Mark Lichtenfeld
Anne & Jerry Lidsky
Julie Guenther & Mitchell Lieber
Dr. Yemimma Lipschultz
Dina (SSDS ‘76) & Dr. Trevor Lissoos
Louise & Dr. Gershon Locker
Amy & John Lowenstein
Riv (SSDS ‘82) & James Lynch
Sherry & Philip Magid
Bonnie & Dr. Lee Malmed
Diana & Michael Maltsman
Trisha & Rabbi Fred Margulies
Cacilia & Lee Masover
Pnina Mazor (SSDS Staff)
Andrea Yusim Meltzer & Jeffrey Meltzer
Carol (SSDS Staff) & David Miller
Sandra & Martin Miretzky
Amy & Dr. Joseph Mishell
Joni Crounse & Richard Moline
Jodi & Amnon Morady
Isabel & Rabbi Sander Mussman
Enid Myers
Helene & Jorde Nathan
Avis & Abraham Neiman
Student learning enriched by state-of-the-art technology
“Schechter students benefit from outstanding technology in and out of the classroom,” says Debbie Harris, Director of
Educational Technology. “Technology enriches our curriculum and provides students with the tools they need to thrive in an
information-rich world. We are committed to providing our students with the technology they need today and the skills they
will need for tomorrow.”
During the school year, Schechter added 14 new Light Raise Smart Board projectors to our 19 SMART Boards, making a total
of 33 classrooms/labs with SMART Board technology. The new device projects an interactive image just like a SMART Board,
but does not have an actual board. Instead, it projects onto a regular whiteboard. The projectors are being paired with Apple TV
units, which allow them to be used wirelessly with laptops and iPads. In addition to the SMART Boards, 10 classrooms at Sager
have Epson projector/Apple TV combinations, and there are eight laptop carts with 20 laptops on each, six iPad carts with a
total of 115 iPads, two labs with a total of 44 computers, and a new flat screen in the Library/Learning Center.
2013-2014/5774 Honor Roll of Donors
David & Ronna Ness-Cohn
Ava & Daniel Newbart
Bonnie & Michael Nolan
Jodi Okner
Sandy Starkman & Larry Pachter
Karen & Dr. Alan Peaceman
Jodi & Dr. Craig Phillips
Jane & Nathan Pickus
Brooke & Dr. Matthew Plofsky
Susan & Dr. Michael Podell
Cindy & David Pogrund
Abby Polin Reisler
Harold Pollack
Tammy Schuster & Louis Pretekin
Lori & David Prosnitz
Robyn-Lee & Stanleigh Rabin
Fran & Joel Rabinowitz
Heidi & Steven Reitman
Helaine & Howard Resnick
Janet & Gary Resnick
Devorah & Marc Richards
Dr. Barbara Robinson & Jay Robinson
Randee (SSDS Staff)
& Robert Romanoff
Judy & David Rosen
Sue-Ann & Dr. Robert Rosen
Cantor Rachel & Chuck Rosenberg
Helen Rosenberg
Holly (SSDS Staff) & Michael Rosenberg
Barbara & Richard Rosenfield
Lynda & Arthur Rosenson
Marsha (SSDS Staff)
& Dr. Andrew Rosenson
Arlene (SSDS Staff) & Stuart Rosenthal
Marcy & Dr. Morry Rotenberg
Maureen & Mark Rubenstein
Marilyn & Dr. Gary Rubin
Irene Zakon & Arkady Rubinshteyn
Miriam & Michael Rudolph
Rachel & Alan Russo
Andrea & Kenneth Saffir
Dr. Karen & Dr. David Sager
Beth & Ralph Sair
Judith Levin & Gerald Salzman
Marilyn (SSDS Staff) & Dr. Mark Sawyer
Jody & David Schmidt
Julie Dann & Bradley Schneider
Judy & Dr. Steven Schraiber
Lynn & Skip Schrayer
Esther Buchbinder & Jeff Schvimer
Rachel & Van Schwab
Renee Hirsch & David Schwartz
Stacey & Bennet Schwartz
Jo-Anne & Louis Schwartzman
Ilana (SSDS Staff) & David Selinger
Vicki Senoff-Efergan
Naomi & Jerry Senser
Diane & Judge Daniel Shanes (SSDS ‘81)
Irene & Samuel Shanes
Julie (SSDS Staff) & Saul Shaoul
Lori Stark & Dr. David Shapiro (SSDS ‘70)
Steven & Frances Shapiro
Leslie & Michael Shechtman
Timna & Steven Sheffey
Myrna & Shael Siegel
Renee & Dr. Joseph Silberman
Judy & Jeffrey Silverman
Lauren & David Silverman
Karyn & William Silverstein (SSDS ‘79)
Julie Mednick-Simmons
& Russell Simmons
Debbie & Joel Simon
Maxine Simon
Barbara & Dr. Marc Slutsky
Sheila & Michael Small
Joan & Alan Sohn
Emily & Rabbi David Soloff
Olga & Peter Sorokin
Marilee Upton Spatz & Larry Spatz
Dr. Audra Kaplan & Alan Spellberg
Melissa (SSDS ‘79) & Marc Spellman
Rachel & Michael G. Stein
Dr. Teri & Dr. Steven Steinberg
Linda Wolfson-Steinberg
& Yossie Steinberg
Cara & Mayer Stiebel
Ravit & Michael Stoltz
Yvette & David Stone
Deborah & Dale Strauss
Irene (SSDS Staff) & Barry Sufrin
Binnie & Mark Swislow
Cindy & Dr. Ari Taitz
Dr. Amy & Jeff Taub
Karen Steiner-Thirman
& Dr. Michael Thirman
Amy & Joshua Ticho
Merle & Dr. Steven Tovian
Marilee Upton Spatz & Larry Spatz
Tali Lev-Vaisler & Aviel Vaisler
Lisa & Adam Vales
Karen & Herb Wander
Tami (SSDS Staff)
& Reuben Warshawsky
Lila & Steven Weiland
Hollis & David Wein
Abby Weinstein
Jeanne & Michael Weinstein
Arthur Weintraub
Dr. Avrum Weinzweig
Carol & Dr. Stephen Weiss
Lynn Blaustein Weiss (SSDS ‘82/Staff)
& Philippe Weiss
Dr. Jody Zalkin-Weisskopf
& Philipp Weisskopf
Dinie & Sam Wengroff
Linda & Al Winick
Jeffrey Wohlstadter
Robin (SSDS ‘73) & Dr. Clifford Wolf
Tina & Joseph Wolf
Yehudit (SSDS Staff) & David Wolf
Judy & Rabbi Carl Wolkin
Jacqueline & David Wolle
Arna (SSDS Staff) & Steve Yastrow
Dr. Laura & Dr. Stephen Zaacks
Helen Zaremski
Judi & Steven Zeal
Judy & Richard Zelin
Caryn & Dr. Allan Zelinger
Janet Svatos & Michael Zimmerman
Dr. Sharon Welbel & James Zumwalt
Schechter teachers receive
graduate degrees from Spertus
In November, Solomon Schechter and Spertus Institute for
Learning and Leadership welcomed the members of the
“Schechter cohort” of the Master of Arts in Jewish Professional
Studies program (MAJPS), their families and friends, and
members of the community for the 2013 Commencement
Ceremony of the MAJPS program. The journey of these
educators began in 2010 when Solomon Schechter and
Spertus entered an exciting and unique partnership that
allowed these professionals to expand their knowledge and
skills while creating new levels of achievement, innovation,
excellence, and a shared professional learning community
right here within the walls of Solomon Schechter.
The Schechter cohort included local Jewish communal
professionals as well as these current and former
Schechter faculty members: Robin Bright, Betsy Forester,
Danielle Gershon, Deborah Harris, Ariela Ish-Hurwitz,
Dr. Karin Klein, Osnat Lichtenfeld, Holly Rosenberg,
Lilach Schrag, Barb Tatz, and Arna Yastrow.
Faculty and Staff
Congratulations to our Faculty and
Staff for achieving 100% participation
in our annual campaign this year!
Anonymous (5)
Susan Agate
Shiri Aharonovich
Ben Alexander
Irit Alkalay
Avi Allali
Rav Uri Allen
Talia Anisfeld
Leonid Arlinsky
Noa Ashkenazi
Anat Barlevy
Faye Bearman
Jane Bobrick
Elaine Braverman
Marlene Bressler
Robin Bright
Ilene Brot
Robert Cogan
Margalit Cohen
Richard Cohen
Adrienne Eisenmann
Francine Ephraim
Harry Eskin (SSDS ‘02)
Sara EtsHokin
Maris Fineberg
Betsy Forester
Linda Foster
Barbara Fox
Missy Friedman (SSDS ‘88)
Danielle Gershon (SSDS ‘00)
Marcy Goldman
Debbie Goodman
Lynn Graham
Anita Grobart
Keryn Groner (District 27 Speech
& Language Therapist for SSDS)
Suzy Hakimian
Ruth Halpern
Debbie Harris
Meital Hochenboym-Sananes
Alicia Honan
Sarah Husain
Ariela Ish-Hurwitz
Dalia Jacobson
Carol Jesselson
Lucy Kahn (SSDS ‘00)
Dina Kaplan
Joanne Kirshenbaum
Dr. Karin Klein
Shoshana Konstantin
Marley Kotler
Rabbi Ben Kramer
Traci Kranz
Mikhail Kravchenko
Dr. Lena Kushnir (SSDS ‘88)
Alisa Levey
Osnat Lichtenfeld
Nadine Linton
Michelle Maer
Hadar Markin
Elizabeth Marks
Pnina Mazor
Rita Meyers
Carol Miller
David Moeckler
Lou Moeckler
Noreen Ohcana (SSDS ‘77)
Lauren Perlman
Zipporah Perlmutter
Kathleen Pielet
Hannah Pogrund (SSDS ‘03)
Hallie Redman
Sarah Rodin (SSDS ‘92)
Randee Romanoff
Holly Rosenberg
Marsha Rosenson
Arlene Rosenthal
Elisa Rotman
Jennifer Rubin
Marci Rubinstein
Justin Sakofs
Marilyn Sawyer
2013-2014/5774 Honor Roll of Donors
Hanna Schiffman
Linda Schwartz
Ilana Selinger
Julie Shaoul
Jan Siegel
Patti Silverman
Rachel Sonenthal
Irene Sufrin
Karen Swidler
Barbara Tatz
Igor Vil
Galila Waintraub
Tami Warshawsky
Daniel Weinberg
Lynn Blaustein Weiss (SSDS ‘82)
Yehudit Wolf
Arna Yastrow
Yael Zetouni
Stan Zhelezko
Golf Outing
Honorary Co-Chair
Kim Frankel
Joey Resnick
David Stone
Adam Winick
Event Committee
Maury Fertig
Kyle Freimuth
Wendy Freimuth
David Friedland
Brian Hoffman
Ben Leshem
Michael Rosenberg
Marc Spellman
Jeremy Stonehill
Dan Wander
Bob Wertheimer
Marc Yoskowitz
Golf Cart Sponsor
Rosenthal Bros., Inc.
Golf Shirt Sponsor
Hefter, Leshem, Margolis Capital
Management Group of Wells Fargo
Hole Sponsors
A&R Katz Management
It’s Academic
ICM Properties, Inc.
Immigration Law Offices of
Richard Hanus
Jewish Community Co-Sponsorship
(North Suburban Synagogue Beth El,
Moriah Congregation, Camp Ramah/
Ramah Day Camp, Chicagoland
Jewish High School, Congregation
Beth Shalom)
Northern Trust
MB Financial
Mesirow Financial
Morgan Stanley-The Cohn/Weisskopf
Newmark Knight Frank Epic
PC Nation
The Resnick Family
Tri State Metal Company
Wintrust Commercial Bank
Lunch & Dinner Sponsor
Chicago Tailgators
Beverage Sponsors
Premier Catering
Real Russian Vodka by Premiere
Distillery, LLC
Schechter says thank you to benefactors
Golf Ball Sponsor
Relative Value Partners
Sign Sponsor
TPH Global
Umbrella Sponsors
FIN Branding Group
First Eagle Bank
Aronberg Goldgehn Davis Garmisa
Chase Bank
First Midwest Bank
Shefsky & Froelich, Ltd
Driving Range Sponsors
Dunn Foot & Ankle Clinic
Mann Weitz & Associates, LLC
Real Russian Vodka
Putting Green Sponsors
Alliance Pension Consultants, LLC
Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg
Skidelsky & Associates
Stone Financial
Raffle Sponsors
Impact Marketing Group, LTD.
Irv’s Luggage
K. Stonehill Creations
M. Holland Company
Michelle & Jonathan Maer
Hole Prize Sponsors
Chicago Botanic Garden
Kim & Allen Frankel
Green Acres Country Club
Highland Park Country Club
Premier Catering
Soviet Force
Hole-In-One Prize Sponsor
Grossinger Auto Group
Golfer Gift Bag Sponsors
Plugin Workspace
Sunset Foods, Long Grove
Wasserman Wealth Management
Group at UBS Financial Services
We thank the Jewish Federation of
Metropolitan Chicago for its major
financial support and valuable
professional counsel. This ongoing
funding is made possible thanks
to the strength of the JUF Annual
Campaign; please support it
In October, Solomon Schechter held its annual Benefactor’s
Thank You Dinner to recognize the 70 families or organizations
that made donations at the Benefactor level of $3,600 or
above to the 2012-2013 Annual Campaign. The event was
co-chaired by Linda Chi-Ross and David Ross, and began with
a cocktail hour with Marsha Rosenson playing classical, jazz,
and Israeli melodies on her flute. Before dinner, everyone
gathered together in a circle for a beautiful Havdalah service
led by Ethan Budin. The evening was filled with warmth,
passion, and excitement for our school and it’s future.
We had a most ambitions Annual Campaign goal of raising nearly
$2,050,000 and we ended the year close to our target at $1,947,798.
We actually raised $180,000 more than the previous year! While we
are grateful to all our donors for demonstrating their trust and
belief in the value of Solomon Schechter Day School, there is one
group that we are particularly grateful to – our faculty and staff. On
top of their daily investment of time, expertise, and devotion to our
students and families, our faculty and staff achieved an important
first this year – 100 percent participation in our Annual Campaign!
This says so much about their commitment to our school.
We also want to thank our current parents, because in addition to
their tuition dollars they increased their participation in the Annual
Campaign by 11 percent (with a total of 66 percent participation).
And in the past four years the number of alumni givers has more
than doubled – this past year our alumni contributed more than
Ensuring the future of Solomon Schechter Day School
Thank you to the individuals, families, trusts, and foundations for making endowment
and legacy gifts to Solomon Schechter Day School.
Day School Endowments
and Funds
Anonymous (3)
Jeffrey & Carol Apfelbaum
Beit Knesset Rachel Fund
Phyllis & Dr. Leonard Berlin
The Children of Michael and Jean Best
in honor of their 50th Anniversary
Merle & Larry H. Cohen
Marilyn Rovin Cooper
Estate of Linda Lee Einbinder (z’’l)
Abigail & Gary Elkins
Nancy & Maury Fertig
Phyllis Fischel
Naomi & Stephen Fisher
Kim & Dr. Alan Frankel
Shirley & Alvin Friedman
Elizabeth & David Geifman
The Glickman Foundation in honor of
Michael Stein
The Hochberg-Lowenstein Families
Janet & Arnold Hoffman
Adrienne & Ira Holtzman
David Jacobson/Chicago Jewish
Kenneth Klipper
Bryna & Rabbi Vernon Kurtz
Toby & Seymour Lipton
Bonnie & Dr. Lee A. Malmed
Trisha & Rabbi Fred Margulies
Richard Moline & Joni Crounse
Jodi & Amnon Morady
Eva Perkal
Elaine & Paul Powell
Sager Solomon Schechter Middle School
Parent Organization
Stacy Powell-Bennett
Beth Preis
The Russ Trust
Andrea & Kenneth Saffir
Lynn & Skip Schrayer
Karyn & William Silverstein
Isabel & Dr. Alfred Soffer
Sandy Starkman & Larry Pachter
Day School Gifts to
the Endowment
Anonymous (3)
Jeffrey & Carol Apfelbaum
Beit Knesset Rachel Fund
Phyllis & Dr. Leonard Berlin
The Children of Michael and Jean Best
in honor of their 50th Anniversary
Karen & Ethan Budin
Merle & Larry H. Cohen
Marilyn Rovin Cooper
Estate of Linda Lee Einbinder (z’’l)
Abigail & Gary Elkins
Laurie & David Ferri
Nancy & Maury Fertig
Phyllis Fischel
Naomi & Stephen Fisher
Kim & Dr. Alan Frankel
Shirley & Alvin Friedman
Elizabeth & David Geifman
Inna & Robert Gerber Family
The Glickman Foundation in honor of
Michael Stein
The Hochberg-Lowenstein Families
Janet & Arnold Hoffman
Adrienne & Ira Holtzman
David Jacobson/Chicago Jewish
Kenneth Klipper
Beth (SSDS ‘72) & Dr. Jeffrey Kopin
Bryna & Rabbi Vernon Kurtz
Toby & Seymour Lipton
Bonnie & Dr. Lee A. Malmed
Trisha & Rabbi Fred Margulies
Richard Moline & Joni Crounse
Jodi & Amnon Morady
Eva Perkal
Elaine & Paul Powell
Sager Solomon Schechter Middle School
Parent Organization
Stacy Powell-Bennett
Beth Preis
The Russ Trust
Andrea & Kenneth Saffir
Lynn & Skip Schrayer
Karyn & William Silverstein
Isabel & Dr. Alfred Soffer
Sandy Starkman & Larry Pachter
Jewish Day School Guaranty
Trust Fund Commitments
$5,000,000 and Above
Rabbi Morris I. Esformes
$1,000,000 – $4,999,999
Anonymous (2)
Joan and Shael Bellows
Hochberg/Lowenstein Families
Gale and Eric Rothner
$500,000 – $999,999
Anonymous (3)
Susan G. and Joseph D. Ament
Sidney and Lisa Glenner Foundation
The Robert and Debra Hartman
Family Foundation
Pharmore Drugs LLC
Helen and Marc Rubenstein
Shira Malka and Dr. Yosef Walder
Donna and Yigal Yahav
$250,000 – $499,999
Anonymous (1)
Bernard Hollander z”l
Mitchell C. Macks Trust
Yosef and Penina Meystel
Rabbi Jack and Judy Rajchenbach
Harriet and Barry Ray
Ronni and Elliott Robinson
Sheldon z”l and Freda Robinson
Bethia Straus and Paul Quintas
Karyn and Bill Silverstein/Leslie and
Tom Silverstein
Debby and Shabsai Wolfe
$100,000 – $249,999
Anonymous (4)
Ora and Maury Aaron
Shira and Ronald Abrams
David and Shoshana Aryeh
Gladys and Yehuda Azulay
Gita and M. Allan Berk
David Berkowitz
Tomer and Jennifer Bitton
Willard E. Bransky
Yishai and Bluma Broner
Jonah and Jo Bruck and Families
Karen and Ethan Budin
The Charles and Audrey Dann Family
Charitable Foundation and
Mesirow Financial
Eli and Chasi Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Davis
Mr. and Mrs.Nesanel Davis
Mr. and Mrs.Yehoshua Davis
Yosef Davis Family Foundation
Helene Diamond and Jorde M. Nathan
Family Foundation
Abby and Gary Elkins
Nancy and Maury Fertig
Phyllis R. Fischel
Kim and Stuart Frankenthal
Ronna and David Friedman
Seth Gillman
Abie and Ronit Gutnicki
Nina and Arnie Harris
David and Chaya Hartman
Jessica and Lennie Weiss
Tina and Joseph Wolf
Hecktman Family Foundation
(Penny and Jeffrey Hecktman)
Shoshana and Moshe Kahn
Batya and Ben Klein
Mr. and Mrs. A. Kohn
Beth and Jeff Kopin
Debra and Ira z”l Korman
Diane and Andrew Lappin
Brian and Michelle Levinson
Matthew Family
Steven B. Nasatir New Directions Fund
PCNation for Maryl and Medwin Dayan
Toby and Sherwin Pogrund
Chaim and Rikki Rajchenbach
Rose Family
Jennie and Avi Rothner
Andrea and Ken Saffir
Myra and Maurice Sanderman
Schrayer Family
Terry and Stephen Schwartz
Naomi and Jerry Senser
Nachy and Huvie Shabat
Marci and Keith Shapiro
Katy and Josh Silvers
Suri and Abraham Stern
Todd and Raphaela Stern
Barbara and Joel Stone Family
Melissa and Marc Spellman
Dr. Jack and Dorothy Tresley
D’vorah and Avrum Weinfeld
Daniel and Rebecca Weiss
Flora and Martin Weiss
Zemsky/Greenberg Families
$500 – $99,999
Anonymous (7)
Seymour J. Abrams Family Foundation
Jane and Eddie Best
Beverly Towers Co.
Rabbi and Mrs.Avrohom S. Brownstein
Sara z”l and Sam T. Cohen z”l
Marci Dickman and Ralph Schwartz
Glickman Foundation
Melanie and Brian Hoffman
I.M.E. Realty Corp.
Julia Ventures, Inc.
Cheryl and Bruce Leon
Metro-Care Management
Morton Realty
Larry Pachter and Sandy Starkman
Janet and Gary Resnick
Pamela Rose
Joshua Rubenstein
Jodi and David Schmidt
Susie and David Sherman
Rabbi David and Batsheva Schnell
Rabbi Moshe and Feige Unger
Herb Wander
Rabbi Harvey and Vivian Well
Jody Zalkin-Weisskopf and
Philipp B. Weisskopf
Initial Gifts (pre-2006)
Philip M. Klutznick Estate
Glickman Foundation
Ruthie and Herb Wander
Metro-Care Management
Beverly Towers Co.
Jill and Michael Rose
Morton Realty
I.M.E. Realty Corp.
Gregory Sachs
Rabbi Harvey and Vivian Well
Jewish Day School Guaranty
Trust Fund Testamentary Gifts
Howard z”l and Rita Geller
Adeline Katz
Larry Moss
Dr. Stanton and Leah Polin
Lester Sutker
Herb Wander
Gerald I. Zoldan and
Lee Simon Zoldan Fund
All commitments are recognized as
gifts to the Jewish Federation’s
Centennial Campaign
As a parent, grandparent, alumnus, or simply a person who cares about the
future of Jewish day school education, you can help ensure the future of
Solomon Schechter Day School in perpetuity by making an endowment gift.
It can be unrestricted or directed to support a specific program or project.
Endowments include: Outright Gifts, Charitable Bequests, Charitable Gift
Annuities, Retirement Plan Assets, and Life Insurance.
The Solomon Schechter Day School Endowment Foundation was created in
partnership with the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago’s Day School
Endowment Program, which was established to ensure that Solomon Schechter
Day School and our sister day schools have the necessary resources to meet
community needs. All commitments to the Day School Endowment Foundation
are recognized as commitments to the Jewish Federation’s Centennial Campaign.
To learn more about Endowments and Legacy gifts, please contact Linda P. Foster
at 847.412.5666 or linda.foster@schechter.org. Thank you!
Solomon Schechter Day School needs you!
Since 1962, Solomon Schechter Day School has delivered an unmatched General and Judaic Studies education to Jewish
children throughout the Chicago area. Each year, Solomon Schechter relies on the generous financial support of our
community to ensure that we are able to achieve our mission. On behalf of everyone at Solomon Schechter, thank you
for your support. Below are ways that you can make a difference.
Our Family of Funds
The Family of Funds provides donors with the option
of directing gifts to areas of personal interest while
supporting fundamental elements of our school’s
program. You may designate your gift to one of the
following funds: Curriculum Enhancement • Faculty and
Staff Development • 21st Century Library and Media
Center • Experiential Programs • Athletics • The Arts
• Tuition Assistance • Area of Greatest Need
For detailed descriptions of each of these funds, please
visit our website at www.schechter.org/family-funds.
Additional Ways to Give
Tribute gifts are a thoughtful way to celebrate a simcha,
to honor or to memorialize a special person in your life.
We acknowledge all gifts of $18 or more with a letter to
the recipient.
Tree of Life
Our Tree of Life is a beautiful work of art that is
prominently displayed in our school. Purchasing a gold,
silver, or copper leaf is a very meaningful way to honor
or remember a friend or loved one.
Matching Gifts
Many employers have a Matching Gift Program that
enables you to double the impact of your gift to
Solomon Schechter Day School.
Endowment and Legacy Giving
Endowment and Legacy gifts help to secure the future
of Solomon Schechter Day School. For more on our new
a Endowment and Legacy Initiative, please see page 21.
Volunteer and Make a Difference!
We are grateful to our many volunteers who share their
time, talent, and expertise in and out of the classroom.
For information on volunteer opportunities, please
contact our Development Office at 847.412.5690.
Eighth graders build leadership skills and give back to Schechter through Vaad Bogrim
Once a month, 17 eighth graders held a power lunch in one
of the classrooms where they brainstormed about how to
unite their class, stay connected after they graduated, and
leave their mark on Solomon Schechter. Known as Vaad
Bogrim, the young leaders volunteered to meet with
Francine Ephraim, Alumni Relations Coordinator, to
develop and implement several activities including an
eight grade barbecue and talent show, a Class of 2014
mural painted with help from art teacher Hallie Redman,
a class Facebook group, and a class gift of a water-bottle
refill station.
“Through Vaad Bogrim, we developed a sense of leadership,
commitment, and engagement,” said Gavi and Remi Welbel,
members of the Vaad. "We have learned valuable skills…
and have had the unique opportunity to make a hands-on
impact on our grade as well as future Schechter students.”
Top row: Joey Schrayer, Joey Dimbert, Idan Chazan, Sarah Fishbein,
Noah Blaustein, and Max Pivo. Bottom row: Anna Ecanow, Claire Gruenberg,
Gabi Ecanow, Katie Nadler, Gavi Welbel and Remi Welbel. Not pictured:
Eli Ecanow, Shira Hirsch, Arie Sztainberg, Hannah Wander, and Josh Levitas.
Credits: Tami Warshawsky, Director of Marketing and Communications
Michelle Maer, Director of Annual Giving
Jason Feldman, Luzazul Design
Solomon Schechter Day School of Metropolitan Chicago
Faculty and Staff 2013-2014/5774
Linda P. Foster, CEO/Head of School
Educational Leadership
Administrative Leadership
Dr. Lena Kushnir, l s Principal, Sager Solomon Schechter Day School
David Moeckler, Director of Administration
Rabbi Uri Allen, Director of Jewish Life & Learning
Leonid Arlinsky, Director of Building & Grounds
Irene Sufrin, n Principal, Solomon Schechter Early Childhood Center
Michelle Maer, l Director of Annual Giving
Justin Sakofs, Director of K-4 She’arim
Scott Roseman, Director of Finance
Daniel Weinberg, l Director of 5-8 She’arim
Tami Warshawsky, n Director of Marketing and Communications
Deborah Harris, Director of Educational Technology
Lynn Blaustein Weiss, l n s Director of Admissions and Enrollment
Holly Rosenberg, n Director of Information, Media, and Special Programming
Susan Agate n
Shiri Aharonovich
Irit Alkalay
Avi Allali n
Talia Anisfeld
Noa Ashkenazi
Anat Barlevy
Faye Bearman
Jane Bobrick n
Elaine Braverman
Marlene Bressler n
Robin Bright
Ilene Brot
Bob Cogan
Margalit Cohen
Richard Cohen
Don Congdon
Roslyn Ebstein n
Adrienne Eisenmann
Sara EtsHokin
Betsy L. Forester n
Barbara Fox n
Missy Friedman s
Natalie Gerdov
Danielle Gershon s
Daniela Gliksberg n
Marcy Goldman n
Deborah Goodman
Lynn Graham
Anita Grobart
Ben Alexander
Francine Ephraim
Harry Eskin s
Maris Fineberg
Jeremy Foster
Carol Grannick n
Meital Hochenboym l
Sarah Husain
Dalia Jacobson n
Joanne Kirshenbaum n
Traci Kranz
Mikhail Kravchenko
Rita Meyers
Louis Moeckler
Marci L. Rubinstein
Marilyn Sawyer n
Patti Silverman
Karen Swidler
Igor Vil
Stan Zhelezko
l Current Parent
n Parent of Alumni
s Alumnus
Suzy Hakimian n
Ruth Halpern
Alicia Honan n
Ariela Ish-Hurwitz n
Carol Jesselson
Lucy Kahn s
Dina Kaplan n
Dr. Karin Klein n
Shoshana Konstantin n
Marley Kotler
Rabbi Ben Kramer
Alisa Levey
Osnat Lichtenfeld l
Nadine Linton
Hadar Markin
Elizabeth Marks
Pnina Mazor n
Carol S. Miller n
Noreen Ohcana ns
Lauren Perlman l
Zipporah Perlmutter
Hazzan Hasha Musha
Perman n
Kathleen Pielet
Hannah Pogrund s
Hallie Redman
Sarah Rodin s
Randee Romanoff n l
Marsha Rosenson n
Arlene Rosenthal n
Elisa Rotman l
Jennifer Rubin
Hanna Schiffman
Linda Schwartz
Ilana Selinger n
Julie Shaoul n
Jan Siegel
Rachel Sonenthal
Barb Tatz
Galila Waintraub
Yehudit Wolf n
Arna Yastrow n
Yael Zetouni l
l Current Parent
n Parent of Alumni
s Alumnus
For the 2014-2015 school year, we welcome Rabbi Ben Kramer to his new role of Director of
Jewish Life and Learning, and Suzanne Mishkin to the role of Director of our K-4 She’arim.
We also welcome Debbie Mendelson, Jessica Resler, Julie Zemon to our kindergarten faculty;
Ari Silver to third grade general studies; Jamie Cooper s to fourth grade general studies;
Andy Montgomery to fifth and sixth grade math; Naomi Zaslow to seventh and eighth grade
rabbinics; Dov Gurewicz as technology assistant; Keith Kanter as second - fifth grade tefillah;
Yvonne Steffens as third and fourth grade Hebrew and judaic studies support, and Aviva
Hassan, to aftercare at the ECC.
This year, we said good-bye to the following members of our administration and faculty:
Rabbi Uri Allen, Noa Ashkenazi, Elaine Braverman, Margalit Cohen, Don Congdon, Harry
Eskin, Natalie Gerdov, Daniela Gliksburg, Lizzy Marks, Lauren Perlman, Justin Sakofs, and
Ilana Selinger. We thank them for their devotion to our school and our students.
Why Schechter is a priority when we give tzedakah,
by faculty and staff 2013-2014 campaign cabinet co-chairs
Sending our children to Solomon Schechter was a source of pride and joy, despite
the financial sacrifices it required. We were happy to do it because we felt it was
a real, concrete way to help sustain the Jewish life we cherish. We are proud to be
a part of an extraordinary group of Schechter faculty and staff who continue to
nurture the spark within all of our students.
Every fall we are so grateful for the parents who, by choosing to send their children
to Schechter, are also taking real and concrete steps to sustain Jewish life. That is
why it is so important to us to make Schechter a priority when it comes to our
tzedakah. Our yearly gift connects us with our colleagues, Schechter families, and
our extended community who continue to value and support our school’s important
mission. We couldn’t be more proud of our faculty and staff this year for achieving
100 percent participation in the annual campaign!
Arna Yastrow, Pnina Mazor, Suzy Hakimian, and Dalia
Jacobson, faculty and staff Campaign Cabinet Co-Chairs
Solomon Schechter Day School
of Metropolitan Chicago
2014-2015 / 5775 Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Ethan A. Budin
Sager Solomon Schechter Day School (K-8)
Solomon Schechter Administrative Office
3210 Dundee Road • Maxine Cohen Memorial Circle
Northbrook, IL 60062
Solomon Schechter Early Childhood Center
Executive Vice President
Linda P. Foster
CEO/Head of School
with the Marvell D. and Stanley J. z”l Ginsburg PreK Program
Co-Chairs, Finance
Jim Levitas
David Schmidt
We thank David Ferri, David Baker, Joey Resnick,
Aza Squarer, and Adam Winick for their years
of service to Solomon Schechter Day School,
and welcome new Board members David Ecanow,
Suzanne Frieland, Brian Hoffman, Liesel Jankelowitz,
and Liat Meisler.
David Stone
Co-Chairs, Development
Bennet Schwartz
David Wolle
4500 Dempster Street
Skokie, IL 60076
Chair, Governance
Dr. Arica Hirsch (SSDS ’80)
Chair, Head Support & Evaluation
Jodi Morady
Immediate Past President
Robert G. Gerber
Dr. David Ecanow (SSDS ’82)
Suzanne Friedland
John Geiringer
Brian Hoffman (SSDS ’81)
Liesel Jankelowitz
Michael Levin
Liat Meisler
Robyn-Lee Rabin
Rabbi Michael Schwab
Marc Yoskowitz
Solomon Schechter is a member of the Schechter Day School Network. A partner in serving our community, supported by the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation.
We appreciate the generous assistance provided by the Bernard Heerey Family Foundation Seventh Grade Scholarship Program for our Schechter families.
Solomon Schechter Day School admits students of any race, color, sexual orientation, national and ethnic origin.

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