souls, educate them and empower them


souls, educate them and empower them
At Solomon Schechter
Day School, we ignite
our students’ Jewish
souls, educate them
to their highest potential,
and empower them
to use their knowledge,
skills, and creativity to
enrich our world.
Annual Report
Our Core Values
Solomon Schechter Day School is committed to providing an education that weaves the best of General Studies and Judaic Studies
in an integrated program that is the benchmark against which Jewish day school programs are measured.
In the Image of God/Btzelem Elohim
’ 
Solomon Schechter Day School values the uniqueness and worth of every individual. Our school emphasizes respect, dignity,
inclusiveness, and compassion. We nurture the health, safety, and well-being of every member of our community.
Solomon Schechter Day School welcomes and partners with parents to encourage and support their children and families throughout
their Schechter journey. We also promote a love of learning in our students, and create opportunities for children, parents, families,
educators, and volunteers to engage in life-long learning and growth.
Through Hebrew language education and immersion in Israeli culture, Solomon Schechter Day School personalizes for its students the
American Jewish connection to Israel, instilling a passionate, lasting commitment to, and a sense of responsibility for, the State of Israel.
A Jewish life is a joyous life. Solomon Schechter Day School provides a joyful learning environment for children, families, and
educators. Jewish holidays and life cycle events are an opportunity for everyone to come together to celebrate and experience the
richness of Jewish life.
As Jews, we are all responsible for one another. This sense of responsibility begins with, and extends beyond, our Solomon Schechter
Day School community and includes giving tzedakah and improving our world.
Solomon Schechter Day School is a community of students, families, educators, donors, and volunteer leaders who support each other
through times of joy and sorrow, forging life-long bonds of friendship based on a shared commitment to each other and to Jewish life
and learning.
Solomon Schechter Day School is committed to the philosophy and practices of the Conservative Movement, which also serve as a guide
in our approach to religious observance and teaching. We welcome students and families from every spectrum of Jewish life.
Table of Contents
A Message from the President and CEO/Head of School
Page 3
2011-2012/5772 Financial Report and Enrollment Statistics
Page 6
The Class of 2012/5772
Page 7
Our Parent Organizations
Page 8
Schechter Needs You: Ways to Give
Page 9
Honor Roll of Donors
Page 10
2011-2012/5772 Faculty and Staff
Page 23
A Message from the Head of School and Board President
A commitment to excellence. A commitment to our future. These are the principles
that guided us throughout the 2011-2012 academic year as we continued our
efforts to ensure our vision of an academically excellent, warm and diverse, and
financially healthy Jewish day school. As we reflect on the past year, we are
proud to report:
• Our students thrived thanks to the efforts of an outstanding faculty and staff
and extraordinary families,
• We are on a path of excellence and sustainability as a result of the changes that
we have made in recent years, and
• We are confident and excited about the future of Solomon Schechter Day School
of Metropolitan Chicago.
Our major initiatives this past year included:
Creating Strong Learning Communities in Northbrook and Skokie
The 2011-2012 academic year was the first of our two-year consolidation process where we offered:
• A PreK-2nd grade program in Skokie.
• A K-5 program at our Sager Solomon Schechter Day School in Northbrook that united all of our
3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students.
• Our Sager Solomon Schechter Middle School in Northbrook.
In Northbrook, it was remarkable to see how quickly everyone united to create a powerful new learning community for grades
3-5 and for the entire Sager Elementary and Sager Middle Schools. In Skokie, with fewer students and faculty in the building,
the space was transformed to provide an atmosphere that
was more home-like and tailored for PreK – 2nd graders.
Building on Educational Excellence
New curricular initiatives, innovative holiday programs,
and additional athletic offerings and enrichment programs
are just some of the efforts that reflected our commitment
to educational excellence, and to our mission and core
values. Our educational highlights are presented throughout
this report.
Developing a New Educational Structure
We explored educational models throughout the country
and made the decision to move forward with our Solomon
Schechter Early Childhood Center with the Marvell D. and
Stanley J. z”l Ginsburg PreK Program in Skokie and the
Sager Solomon Schechter Day School (K-8) in Northbrook.
With this new model, our Early Childhood Center is
positioned for success, and our Northbrook students are now
part of one unified school that recognizes, celebrates, and
meets the needs of students across the age ranges. Students
are part of smaller communities called she’arim (gateways).
There are four she’arim in Northbrook and our youngest
she’ar at our Early Childhood Center. Our students have
purposeful and structured interactions across the she’arim
to more fully develop our school-wide community.
Schechter Math Whizzes Win Math Competition
Solomon Schechter’s fourth-grade math league, which met once a
week during the lunch hour with Coach Robert Cogan, placed first in
the state in a competition this past spring, and eighth out of 978
schools nationally. The contest was sponsored by Math League, and
challenged students to show their understanding of basic math
principles through numerical and world problems. Each contest
consisted of 30 multiple-choice questions that students could do in
30 minutes, and included fractions, algebra, story problems, and
prime number questions.
Team members pictured with coach Cogan include: Adam Budin,
Josh Winick, Jason Ross, Noah Willis, Aaron Brown, Jacob Rosen,
and Sam Mitchell.
Promoting Faculty Involvement
We continued to explore new ways for our faculty to have a voice as we shape our future. We are grateful to a team of teachers
who helped us develop our new Broadbanding compensation structure, which is designed to pay faculty based on performance,
commitment, participation, education, and professional development. This spring, our entire faculty was invited to a special
“think tank,” led by Dr. Lena Kushnir, to clearly articulate the needs of students across the she’arim. Our faculty has also been
instrumental in efforts to create behavioral and bullying policies and to better support the social-emotional needs of our students.
Our Educational Leadership has identified more opportunities for teacher leadership positions across the she’arim and has
invited our teachers to let us know the areas of leadership in which they have an interest.
Strengthening our Financial Picture
Throughout the year, our Board and our Administrative Team worked to strengthen our financial picture, and we are on the road
to achieving the costs savings that were projected as a result of our consolidation. During the year, we closed on the refinancing
of our Bonds, which will improve our cash flow by about $100,000 each year. Furthermore, our unrestricted cash balance is
projected to continue to hold steady. We secured a location for our Early Childhood Center with the Marvell D. and Stanley J.
z”l Ginsburg PreK Program that will allow us to build on our outstanding programs for children between the ages of 15 months
and kindergarten in the Skokie area. We also paid out our Skokie lease eliminating any additional debt for the building.
We continue to work to reduce our operational costs while investing in education.
Advancing our School and Building Community
With grants from Crown Family Philanthropies, an anonymous foundation, Yeshiva University, and the Avi Chai Foundation,
we explored ways to strengthen our sustainability, development, and fundraising efforts – with the recognition that these efforts
are critical to the ongoing strength of our school. We are moving away from costly special events and focusing our efforts on
building and strengthening our relationships with our donors.
We expanded our efforts to reach out to our alumni by updating our data base, creating alumni facebook and linkedin pages,
and organizing alumni reunions locally and in Israel. We also featured one of our alumni each week in our Shabbat Bulletin,
opened by nearly 1,000 people globally.
During the past year, we launched a new website and are thrilled with the number of hits that we receive each month. In addition
to our Alumni Facebook page, we created a Facebook page for our community (if you are a facebook subscriber, please be sure
to “like” us), and we continue to explore new opportunities to
use social media responsibly.
As part of our important outreach efforts to attract prospective
children and families, we hosted Hebrew music and movement
classes, art enrichment programs, a science and discovery
program, and family Hanukkah and Passover celebrations.
We also hosted a JUF Joyfully Jewish Event – PJ Library Goes
Green – featuring a variety of environmentally friendly activities
and a concert, and two events for Sifriyat Pijama, a new
program for Hebrew-speaking families.
Schechter Welcomes Guests for Yom Orchim
This past year, we welcomed hundreds of grandparents and guests
to our Skokie and Northbrook campuses for our annual Yom
Orchim celebrations. Our guests had the chance to “kvell” as our
students performed songs, dances, and poetry before moving into
the classrooms for special programs. These celebrations provide an
opportunity for grandparents and other guests to witness first-hand
the joy and learning that takes place every day at Solomon Schechter.
Finally, in May, we held an event to honor the joy, learning, and
sense of community that existed at our Skokie Solomon
Schechter Day School for the past 37 years. More than 400
people gathered to reminisce and pay tribute to what was more
than a building – the Skokie School was a hub of community
life. We are indebted to the educators, faculty and staff, and
families who shared their passion for Jewish life and learning at
this very special place.
Looking to the Future
Our last few years have been marked with strategic initiatives
that have dramatically changed the face of Schechter. We have
been engaged in significant assessment, planning, and
implementation to bring Schechter to where we are today – an
exciting and forward-looking school. We are proud of the
outstanding education we provide, yet we continue to explore
every opportunity to strengthen it further. We recognize that the
economy has played a significant role in our enrollment, and
as we move forward, we do so with a school of about 550
students. Although a smaller school than years past, we are
optimistic that we have begun to stabilize our enrollment, giving
us tremendous opportunities to focus on our students and to
begin to build for the future. We continue to take pride and joy
in our partnership with Keshet. This extraordinary partnership
enables both Schechter and Keshet students to learn from each
other and develop lasting friendships.
Solomon Schechter Welcomes Students!
Last year, Solomon Schechter welcomed a total of 595 students
including 80 new students! Of these 80 students, 44 students
represent the 41 new families who began their Schechter experience.
The school-year kicked off with an all-school picnic, sponsored
by our Parent Organization. In addition to a relaxing and fun-filled
afternoon, members of our Schechter community gathered for a
special shofar-blowing to announce the beginning of our Jubilee year!
As we move forward, it is vital that we secure the necessary
funding to continue to invest in our school, and to provide
tuition assistance so that more children can experience a
Schechter education and community. We have our work cut out for us. With tuition assistance last year coming close to $3 million,
we must do everything possible to build our reputation as a place where philanthropic dollars are used wisely to transform lives.
Our Deepest Thanks to our Schechter Community
As we prepare to celebrate our 50th anniversary on October 27, 2012, we are indebted to our founders, and those who
followed them, for the legacy they left us. We have been able to build upon that gift to create a strong, exemplary education.
This is only possible with the support of our donors, and for that we are sincerely grateful.
Our thanks to past president David Ferri, whose leadership was instrumental in helping us on the path to financial sustainability.
Like those who came before him, his efforts will guide us for the future. Thanks also to our entire Board of Directors for their
tireless devotion to our school.
Our talented educators and staff are the backbone of our school, and inspire a passion for learning in our students, and create
a safe and stimulating learning environment infused with Jewish values. They, along with our students, are our greatest asset.
We are also grateful to our Parent Organization leaders and other volunteers who add so much to enrich the educational
experience of our students and help to build our sense of community.
We recognize that giving the gift of a Jewish day school education takes a tremendous commitment. Solomon Schechter families
understand the importance of this commitment for themselves, their children, and for the future of our Jewish community.
We are increasingly proud of our Schechter graduates, who not only thrive as students and leaders in their high schools, they
continue to enroll at the finest universities in the country, where they study a vast array of professional fields. Upon their
graduation from college and beyond, they seek out opportunities to reconnect with their Schechter classmates and find ways
to enrich our communities and our world.
We hope to see you on October 27, 2012 as we celebrate 50 years of Solomon Schechter Day School of Metropolitan Chicago.
Hazak hazak v’nitchazek. May we continue to go from strength to strength.
Linda P. Foster
CEO/Head of School
Robert G. Gerber
President, SSDS Board of Directors
School Demographics
School-Wide Students
Schechter’s Families Reside in
30 Communities:
Arlington Heights
Buffalo Grove
Des Plaines
Highland Park
Lake Forest
Lake Villa
Long Grove
Morton Grove
Park Ridge
Round Lake
Vernon Hills
Schechter’s diverse community includes
families who attend more than 40
synagogues and represent a wide
spectrum of Jewish observance.
Our families originate from the United
States, Israel, Chile, Argentina, Russia,
Ethiopia, and more. Our students
and families value the richness and
diversity of our Schechter community.
Net Student Revenue
$ 7,291,375
(Includes Restricted Fundraising)
Endowment Income
from SSEF
Investment Gains/(Losses)
Realized and Unrealized
Other Income
Total Revenue
Sager Elementary Students (K-5)
Skokie Elementary Students (PreK-2) 62
Sager Middle School Students (6-8) 210
Total Students:
Preliminary Unaudited Internal Financial
Statements for FYE 6/30/2012
Educational Personnel Costs
Other Educational Expenses
Total Educational Programs
Excludes Extraordinary
Expense for Lease Buyout
Excludes Depreciation and Loss
on Abandonment/Disposition
2% 2%
$ 6,830,306
Occupancy Expenses
Administrative and Operational
Development Expenses
Interest/Bond Interest
Total Expenses
Cash Flow and Usage Fiscal Year 2011-2012
Net Income/Net Balance Sheet Changes
Capital Expenditures
Abandoned Capital (Skokie - Net)
Cash Draw from Investments
Bond Repayment/New Loan
Change in Cash
Investment Gains/Losses (Realized and Unrealized)
SSDS Endowment Distributions - Unrestricted (Net of Fees)
SSDS Endowment Distributions - Restricted
Net Change in Cash from Operations
$ 495,079
FY2011/2012 Tuition Assistance and Scholarships
Solomon Schechter Day School provided $2,618,383 of tuition assistance
to approximately 48 percent of Schechter families.
In addition, 12 families benefited from The Bernard Heerey Family Foundation
Scholarship Program for a total amount awarded of $168,545.00, and
3 families benefited from The Kopin Family Kindergarten Incentive Fund for
a total amount awarded of $12,000.00.
Mazal Tov to the Class of 2012/5772
Rebecca Abrams
David Aizenberg
Ethan Ash
Rena Auerbach
Tali Berkowitz
Liat Berkowitz
Abigail Bettenhausen
Maya Blumovitz
Jacob Bokor
Abby Brand
Hannah Brown
Jorie Dayan
Jacob Dodelson
Jacob Drexler
Sarina Elenbogen-Siegel
Emma Finfer
Atticus Friedman
Sarah Gilman
Asher Goldberg
David Greenberg
Maxwell Gruenberg
Eric Herwitz
Aviva Hirsch
Meital Hoffman
Elissa Hoffman
Joshua Hoffman-Peterson
Sivan Horowitz
Dylan Janczak
Sarah Kramer
Jacob Lankford
Sarah Levin
Melissa Levin
Dylan Levin
Hana Lieber
Yair Lupovitch
Samuel Morady
Zoe Nemetz
Noah Newman
Sara Okner
Sarit Perlman
Celia Pivo
Josh Pliskin
Dovi Porush
Gabrielle Pretekin
Ryan Rabin
Emily Reisler
Jordan Rosenfield
Michael Rudolph
Benjamin Salzman
Laura Schickler
Eliana Schwartzman
Isaac Shechtman
Ariel Sheffey
Danielle Shefler
Zachary Shutan
Noam Sigler
Joshua Silverstein
Joseph Spellberg
Nathaniel Stein
Ilan Stoltz
Amanda Sugar
Jason Taitz
Hannah Taussig
The Class of 2012 included eight students who are
children of Schechter alumni: Deborah Aizenberg
(Class of 1980), Marc Herwitz (Class of 1977),
Dr. Arica Hirsch (Class of 1980), Jessica Kaz-Hoffman
(Class of 1980), Harriet Nemetz (Class of 1997),
Bill Silverstein (Class of 1979), Rachel Gruenberg
(Class of 1984) and Barb Finfer (Class of 1985).
Ranan Vales
Seth Wein
Kobi Weinberg
Ethan Weiner
Joseph Weinger
Benjamin Weinger
Annee Welbel
Rebecca Wittenstein
Skylar Yates
Shiri Yeger
Elizabeth Youshaei
Joshua Zaacks
Emily Zfrani
Schechter Helps Us Bring Jewish
Traditions to a New Generation
Schechter is a Community Built
from Strong Relationships
Schechter Teachers Help Us
Develop a Strong Moral Compass
“Each generation teaches the next
one and keeps the tradition alive. Now,
as we graduate, we have gained a
base of knowledge and skills that
will help us to bring our traditions and
understanding to the next generation.
Our thoughts, ideas, and practices
will impact generations to come.
May we have the courage to hear the
word of God and take ownership
of our tradition so that we can be a
proud and intelligent link in shushelet
hakabalah, the chain of tradition,
of the Jewish people.”
“From the moment we entered Solomon
Schechter, we were a community.
We gathered for different events such
as receiving our prayer books and
Bibles, the musical, various sports, and
the Shabbaton. This past year, every
Wednesday after prayers we ate
bagels as a grade. This was our time,
students as well as teachers, to talk
to each other and to be together as a
community — a loving and supportive
community that is built from strong
relationships… based on the value,
“Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
“From the beginning of our time at
Schechter, our teachers helped us
develop a strong moral compass and
taught us to be active members of
the community. Mrs. Cook, the former
principal of the Sager School, used to
say, “Work hard, play safe, and be a
mensch.” As kindergartners, not many
of us knew what a mensch was, but as
we grew older, we began to understand
the message. Together, we have learned
the importance of pursuing justice…
Schechter has given us a blueprint of
how to live our lives with Jewish values.”
An excerpt of the D’var presented by
Abby Bettenhausen
An excerpt of Meital Hoffman’s speech,
presented in Hebrew at graduation
An excerpt of Coby Drexler’s speech at graduation
A Very Special Thank You To Our
Parent Organizations
Passing on the gift of a
Schechter education
After graduating from Solomon
Schechter in 1993, Shira Karp Eliaser
(pictured with her husband, Norman,
and their daughter, Davita, a Schechter
first grader) attended New Trier
High School. She received a B.A. in
Integrated Science from Northwestern
University. She spent three months at
FermiLab and one year in a pioneer
program teaching physics.
Shira received a Master in Teaching
from Stanford University and has
been teaching physics and math at
Chicagoland Jewish High School for
the past nine years. She also teaches
summer Torah classes at the LifeCenter
Torah Network.
Shira shared her thoughts recently
about the role Solomon Schechter Day
School played in her life, and the
legacy she and Norman want to pass
on to their children.
Teaching Torah in the community, I am
constantly asked, “Where did you learn
all these wonderful things?” And the
answer is always, “I went to Solomon
Schechter and I paid attention!”
Schechter gave me the quality skills to
engage with Hebrew texts on the highest
level, skills that have enabled me to
study Torah and commentaries independently, to improve my own learning
in both General and Judaic Studies.
continued on page 9
During the past year, Schechter parents volunteered hundreds of hours to our
school though our Parent Organizations. Parents prepared and served special
lunches and holiday meals, packed holiday treats and Mishloach Manot,
organized Great Books and After School activities, developed tzedakah projects,
delivered challah each week at both campuses, passed out school supplies,
organized year-end parties, sold lulavim and etrogim, organized shopping days
and book fairs, took photos and
produced school yearbooks, served
hot lunch at the Skokie School,
attended field trips, provided support
and thanks to Schechter faculty and
staff, and much more.
Schechter families celebrated many
chaggim as a community with
activities led by our POs including
sukkah decorating, Hanukkah and
Shabbat celebrations, preparing for
Passover sedarim, Purim celebrations,
and special assemblies.
During the year, our Schechter POs continued to provide support to families
as we worked to consolidate our Skokie and Northbrook campuses.
They also began the process of working to develop one all-school Parent
Organization, which is currently in
place for the 2012 school year.
Through all of these efforts, our
Parent Organizations contributed
thousands of dollars to Schechter’s
Annual Campaign and helped to
build and support our Schechter
Parent Organization Presidents
Sager Solomon Schechter Day School
Karen Budin and Rachel Gruenberg
Skokie Solomon Schechter Day School
Jodi Morady and Julie Levy
Sager Solomon Schechter Middle School
Karen Ecanow and Rachel Levin
Schechter Needs You!
Since 1962, Solomon Schechter Day School has delivered an unmatched General
and Judaic Studies education to Jewish children throughout the Chicago area.
Your support each year demonstrates your recognition of the crucial role Schechter
plays in educating our Jewish future.
Our Family of Funds
The Family of Funds provides donors with the option of directing gifts to areas of
personal interest while supporting fundamental elements of our school’s program.
You may designate your gift to one of the following funds:
Curriculum Enhancement • Faculty and Staff Development • Technology and
Library • Experiential Programs • Athletics • The Arts • Tuition Assistance • Area of
Greatest Need
For detailed descriptions of each of these funds, please visit our website at
Additional Ways to Give
Tribute gifts are a thoughtful way to celebrate a simcha, to honor or to memorialize
a special person in your life. We acknowledge all gifts of $18 or more with a letter
to the recipient.
Tree of Life
Our Tree of Life is a beautiful work of art that is prominently displayed in our school.
Purchasing a gold, silver, or copper leaf is a very meaningful way to honor or
remember a friend or loved one.
Matching Gifts
Many employers have a Matching Gift Program that enables you to double the
impact of your gift to Solomon Schechter Day School.
Endowment and Planned Giving
Endowment gifts help secure the future of Solomon Schechter Day School in perpetuity.
They can be unrestricted or directed to support a specific program or project.
Endowments include: Outright Gifts, Charitable Bequests, Charitable Gift Annuities,
Retirement Plan Assets, and Life Insurance.
The Solomon Schechter Day School Endowment Foundation was created in
partnership with the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago’s Day School
Endowment Program, which was established to ensure that Solomon Schechter Day
School and our sister day schools have the necessary resources to meet community
needs. All commitments to the Day School Endowment Foundation are recognized
as commitments to the Jewish Federation’s Centennial Campaign.
Volunteer and Make a Difference!
We are grateful to our many volunteers who share their time, talent, and expertise in
and out of the classroom. For information on volunteer opportunities, please contact
our Development Office at 847.412.5690.
Norman and I are proud to continue
the tradition of a Schechter education
with our daughter, Davita. It has been
such a joy watching her thrive at
Solomon Schechter. I can hardly wait
to hear what she has learned about in
school each day. The reading projects,
the story projects, the Hebrew-speaking
puppets, the dances, and songs she
brings home enliven our evenings.
She has learned about math through
counting games, learned about
science through art projects, and
brought Jewish rituals to life with
stories and drawings. She has friends
at synagogue, and indeed all over
the Jewish community.
I strongly believe in the value of a day
school education. Rather than seeing
Judaism as a once-a-week hobby,
I want our children to live Judaism
every day in everything they do.
As they read and write and explore
and play, I hope they also learn to
thank God for their daily blessings,
to lead prayers, to dance, to engage
in tikkun olam, to look in a mirror and
see a committed, active Jewish child
who learns Torah and loves Israel.
Day school is our link to the future.
Solomon Schechter Day School
unpacks the secular, religious, and
cultural experiences that we want our
children to have, takes them out of
their separate compartments, and
allows them to mix in an authentic,
gender-equitable Jewish life.
Nothing can replace the gift of a
Schechter education.
2011-2012/5772 Honor Roll of Donors
Solomon Schechter Day School of Metropolitan Chicago gratefully acknowledges the following individuals,
families, corporations, and foundations that have given their financial support throughout the past year to
help us raise over $1.6 million. Your commitment and philanthropic support enables our school to ensure
excellence in education and to position Solomon Schechter for future success. In this year’s annual report,
we are proud to introduce a comprehensive listing of our donors by giving circle, sustained giving, parent by
class, grandparents, alumni, parents of alumni, and faculty and staff.
Campaign Cabinet Chairs
Giving Circle
Leadership Chairs
David Stone
David Wolle
Yovel (Jubilee) $50,000.00 +
Bernard Heerey Family Foundation
Crown Family Philanthropies
Jewish Day School Guarantee Trust
Jewish Federation/Jewish United Fund
of Metropolitan Chicago
Beth (SSDS ‘72) & Dr. Jeffrey Kopin
Andrea & Kenneth Saffir
Lynn & Skip Schrayer
Parent Chairs
Linda Chi-Ross
John Geiringer
Lynn Blaustein Weiss (SSDS ’82)
Alumni Chairs
Melissa Spellman (SSDS ’79)
Dr. Arica Hirsch (SSDS ’80)
Parent of Alumni Chairs
Marilee Upton Spatz & Larry Spatz
Leslie & Norman Finkel
Grandparents Chairs
Merle & Larry Cohen
Faculty/Staff Chair
Missy Friedman (SSDS’88)
Shomer (Guardian) $25,000.00 +
Karen & Ethan Budin
Chicago Cubs
David Kabiller
Dr. Linda Chi-Ross & David Ross
Karyn & William Silverstein (SSDS ‘79)
Aza & Ron Squarer
The Winick & Skidelsky Families
(SSDS ‘85 & SSDS ‘87)
Tina & Joseph Wolf
Kol Hakavod to our graduates in the Class of 2008
who are attending the following universities:
American University (2)
Barnard College/JTS
Beloit College
Boston University (3)
Bradley University (2)
Brandeis University (2)
California College of the Arts
Carleton College
Case Western Reserve University
College of Lake County
Illinois State University
Illinois Wesleyan University
Indiana University
Ithaca College
John Hopkins University
Lake Forest College
Macalester College
Michigan State University
Northwestern University (2)
Ohio State University
Pratt Institute of Design
Reed College
Rice University
Roosevelt University
Rutgers University
Smith College
St. Louis College of Pharmacy
The Art Institute of Boston
Tufts University (2)
Tulane University (3)
University of Illinois (14)
University of Iowa
University of Maine
University of Maryland
University of Michigan (2)
University of Minnesota
University of Missouri
University of Pennsylvania
University of Southern California
University of Wisconsin (2)
Washington University (2)
Yeshiva University
* Data from 88 of 103 graduates. Many
graduates are also attending numerous
gap year programs in Israel and studying
in Yeshivot before entering college.
Manhig (Leader) $10,000.00 +
Eve (SSDS ‘73) & Richard Biller
Margaret & Lee Cohn
Emilia Blaustein Dragunsky &
Boris Dragunsky
Nina & Arnie Harris
The Jeannette and H. Peter Kriendler
Charitable Trust
Harry & Sadie Lasky Foundation
The Hochberg-Lowenstein Families
Etta & David Jonas
Dr. Naomi & Jerrold Senser
Silverman Family Foundation
Parnas (Benefactor) $3,600.00 +
Barnes & Noble Booksellers
Patricia & Myron Cherry
Inna Feldman Gerber (SSDS ‘87)
& Robert Gerber
Laurie & David Ferri
Nancy & Maury Fertig
David & Suzanne Friedland
Jennifer & John Geiringer
Suzy (SSDS Staff) & Dr. David Hakimian
Jennifer & Josh Herz
Dr. Arica (SSDS ‘80) & Dr. Emmet Hirsch
Joan Holland
Kogan Family Foundation
Sharon & Allan Koltin
Dr. Lena (SSDS ‘88/Staff)
& David Kushnir (SSDS ‘86)
Rachel & Jonathon Levin
Gigi Cohen & Michael Levin
Trisha & Rabbi Fred Margulies
Liat & Ron Meisler
Melanie & Jeffrey Michael
Rachel Milton (SSDS ‘90)
& David Moeckler (SSDS Staff)
Elisa & David Mitchell
Jody & Sanford Perl
Barbara & Richard Rosenfield
Marilee Upton Spatz & Larry Spatz
Melissa (SSDS ‘79) & Marc Spellman
Yvette & David Stone
Karen & Herb Wander
Judy (SSDS Staff) & Rabbi Carl Wolkin
Jacqueline & David Wolle
The Zemsky & Greenberg Families
Chaver (Friend) $1,000.00 +
Anonymous 3
A & R Katz Management, Inc.
Akers Foundation
Aronberg Goldgehn Davis & Garmisa
Bank Of America
Jane & Edward Best
Jean Best
Chantal & Ron Blaustein (SSDS ‘85)
Ruth & Lawrence Bloom
Charles and Lynn Kramer Family
Chicago Tailgators LLC
Carmel & Barry Chiswick
Hilary & Gidon Cohen
The Dann & Schneider Family
Karen Lobl & Dr. David Eisenberg
Abigail & Gary Elkins
Phyllis Fischel
Anne McDonagh & David Fishbaum
Lisa (SSDS ‘83) & Todd Fishbein
Lisa & Mark Fishman
Jennifer & Stewart Flink
Linda (SSDS Staff) & William Foster
Barbara (SSDS Staff) & Danny Fox
Kim & Dr. Alan Frankel
Garoon Activities Fund
Dina & Randall Goldstein (SSDS ‘73)
Grossinger Autoplex
Carol & Rabbi Solomon Gutstein
Hackberry Endowment Partners
Diane (SSDS ‘84) & Shai Halivni
Barbara & David Hoffman
Maureen & Dr. Ian Jasenof
John H. & Ann G. Rhodes Foundation
Kass Management Services, Inc.
Dr. Adina Kleiman & Rabbi Allan Kensky
Karen & Michael Kesner
Kirkland and Ellis LLP
Patty Hermann & Manny Krakauer
Bryna & Rabbi Vernon Kurtz
The Ronald & Mary Ann Lachman
Rena Legator
Andrea (SSDS ‘82) & Benjamin Leshem
Lisa & Jim Levitas
Michelle (SSDS Staff) & Jonathan Maer
Bonnie & Dr. Lee Malmed
Ruth & Jonathan Markowitz
MB Financial Bank
Andrea Yusim Meltzer & Jeffrey Meltzer
Morgan Stanley
Northern Trust
Eva Perkal
Zachor Charities
Irene & Shelly Reitman
Relative Value Partners, LLC
Harriet & Joseph Resnick
Jean & Howard Rice
Randee (SSDS Staff) & Robert Romanoff
Holly (SSDS Staff) & Michael Rosenberg
Rosenthal Bros., Inc.
Susan & Marc Sacks
Jody & David Schmidt
Judith Schmidt
Barbara M. Schrayer
Esther Buchbinder & Jeffrey Schvimer
Stacey & Bennet Schwartz
Renee Hirsch & David Schwartz
Irene & Samuel Shanes
These donor lists have been presented with every attempt to ensure accuracy. Please accept our
apologies for any errors or omissions. We thank the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago for its
major financial support and valuable professional counsel. This ongoing funding is made possible
thanks to the strength of the JUF Annual Campaign; please support it generously.
2011-2012/5772 Honor Roll of Donors
Lori Stark & Dr. David Shapiro (SSDS ‘70)
Marci & Keith Shapiro/Greenberg
Traurig LLP
Judy & Jeffrey Silverman
Emily & Rabbi David Soloff
SSDS Class of 2014 - Bnei Mitzvah Fund
Barbara & Joel Stone
Style Shack, Inc.
Tammy & Michael Sugar
Binnie & Mark Swislow
Target Stores Inc.
Dr. Amy & Jeff Taub
The Berner Charitable and Scholarship
Dr. Ruth Freedman & Daniel Wander
Brenda & Max Wasserman
Dr. Jody Zalkin-Weisskopf
& Philipp Weisskopf
Robin (SSDS ‘73) & Dr. Clifford Wolf
The Yastrow Family
Mimi Sager Yoskowitz (SSDS ‘89)
& Marc Yoskowitz
Sharon & Sheldon Yusim
Dr. Laura & Dr. Stephen Zaacks
Barbara & Michael Zaransky
Mensch $1 - $999
Anonymous 30
Dafna & Neil Aaronson
Anne Opila & Dr. Todd Abraham
Rose Ann Abrams
Accurate Perforating Co., Inc
Marlene Adland
Angie & Larry Adler
Susan Agate (SSDS Staff)
& Michael Slutsky
Rachelle & Alexander Aisen
Isidoro Aizenberg
Jaime Alberts (SSDS ‘94)
Irit Alkalay (SSDS Staff)
Susan & Joseph Ament
American Express Foundation
Perry A. Anders
Chana Anderson
Rebecca (SSDS ‘91)
& Eytan Anisfeld (SSDS ‘88)
Daryl & Michael Anisfeld
Kimberly & Nikos Apostolopoulos
Carmela & Dr. Emanuel Arbel
Jennifer & Rafi Arbel
Alexanda & Darin Argentar
Fely and Walter Arnold
David Ash
Ronna Ash
Martin Babbo
Beth Solomon & Scott Bakal
Jamie & David Baker
Dr. Myra Rapoport
& Rabbi Michael Balinsky
Marcy Balogh
Jennifer & Sam Banayan (SSDS ‘91)
Carla & Neil Banoff
Karen & Hanoch Barak
Kevin Barasa
Ilana & David Bard
Maureen & Irwin Bard
Amie & Jonathan Barrish
Phyllis & David Bartlett
Elayne & Steve (z"l) Baum
Baxter International Foundation
Faye (SSDS Staff) & Benji Bearman
Aaron Becker (SSDS ‘82)
Marian & Dr. Eliot Becker
Andrea & Larry Becker
Professor Louis & Loretta Becker
Anita Behn
Karin & Ronen Ben Dror
Weinberg & Associates, Inc.
Shoshana & Howard Benditzson
Julie (SSDS ‘85) & Jeffrey Benensohn
Jody (SSDS Staff) & Ron Benishay
Liz & Barry Bennett
Paula Kaplan Berger
Karen Bergman
Sonia Berk
Carol Berkowitz
Rachal Rapoport & Steve Berliant
Pearl Berman
Shani Beth-Halachmy
Robyn Weinstein
& Edward Bettenhausen
Elizabeth Bettenhausen
Linda & Butch Bialick
Sonia & Theodore Bloch
Abby & Lawrence Block
Shirley & Sam Bluestein
Annette & Jerry Blumberg
The Honorable & Mrs. Edward
A. Bobrick (SSDS Staff)
Nancy Bokor
Debra & Ronald Boorstein
Margi & David Bordo
Mindy & Marc Botbol
Wendy & Brian Bowes
Elaine (SSDS Staff) & Berton Braverman
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield
Michelle Andre & Larry Breitman
Anna & Harold Brenner
Phyllis Brenner
Robin (SSDS Staff) & Steven Bright
Amy & Jason Brodsky
Laura & Jack Brody
Schechter Expands Chumash Curriculum
A major focus of curriculum work this year in Judaic Studies was the
teaching of Chumash (the five books of the Torah). Solomon
Schechter participated in the year-long cohort of the Standards and
Benchmarks project of the Melton Center for Jewish Education,
and brought this methodology into third-grade Chumash instruction.
Under the guidance of a senior educational consultant, the third-grade
Chumash faculty team created curricular units for Parashat Bereshit
and Parashat Lech Lecha that build students’ skills and knowledge.
In addition, Chumash teams in other grade levels where we have
already implemented this methodology worked to create and enhance
teaching units.
Chicago Bears Player Gabe Carimi Visits
You could feel the Schechter spirit as students and faculty proudly
wore their new Schechter 50th anniversary T-shirts for the school’s
first “Spirit Day.” As an added bonus, Chicago Bears football player
Gabe Carimi, “star in shul and on the football field,” visited Solomon
Schechter. Several students asked Gabe questions, including “Do you
know how to blow the shofar?” Gabe replied: “I’ve blown shofar in
my Temple for the past ten years!” A very special thank you to
Abbie Weisberg, Keshet Executive Director, and Keshet for including
Solomon Schechter during his tour. Photo by DejaViewsUSA
Lisa & Leslie Brody
Phyllis & Steve Brody
Miriam & Mark Bromberg
Nancy Bromberg
Honey & Daniel Bronson
Ilene (SSDS Staff) & David Brot
Lois Brown
Susan & Colman Buchbinder
Samuel Buchbinder (SSDS ‘00)
Karen & Joel Budin
Tova & Daniel Bukingolts (SSDS ‘00)
Mira Bukingolts
Arlene & Norman Byster
Sheila & David Cahnman
Patricia & Alan Caplan
Benjamin Caplan (SSDS ‘95)
Lena Caponigro
Elana Carmel-Levy (SSDS Staff)
& Yoav Levy
Carole Casey
Melanie & Ilan Caspi
Dan Chamberlin
Helen & Arthur Chapman
Lois & Lawrence Chasin
Nicole & Richard Chesis
Dr. Michael Clark
Robert Cogan (SSDS Staff)
Idalee & Alan Cohen
Rabbi Burton Cohen
Sandra & Dr. Ian Cohen
Merle & Larry Cohen
Margalit (SSDS Staff) & David Cohen
Scott Cohen
Adi & Shai Cohen
Gina & Yoni Cohen (SSDS ‘92)
Jeffrey Cohn (SSDS Staff)
Janice & Jona Cohn
Dr. & Mrs. Oren Conway
Marilyn Rovin Cooper
Rachel (SSDS ‘85) & Ron Cooper
Rose Ann & Ronald Cope
Debbie Copley
Dr. Kevin Copley
Gina Cordovi (SSDS ‘79)
& Marc Cohen
Marci Koblenz & Glen Cornblath
Dafna Gilboa Family Irrevocable Trust
Deborah & Larry Danziger
Ruth Davis
Maryl & Medwin Dayan
Maureen & Mel De Matoff
Drs. Carol Derman & Gordon Derman
Judge Shelley Sutker-Dermer
& Kenneth Dermer
Charlene Dick
Debbie & Dr. David Dobkin
Thelma Dobkin
Arline & Morton Doblin
Amy & Barry Dogadko
Marilyn & Dr. Irving Domsky
Angela & Lance Donenberg
Elana Dor (SSDS Staff)
Alexander Dorevitch
Rachel & Dr. Marc Dorfman (SSDS ‘79)
Sharon & Robert (z”l) Dorfman
Susan (SSDS Staff) & Bruce Dorn
Diane & Lionel Dredze
Sara & Dr. Mark Drexler
Sharon & Larry Dubin
Harlene Dunitz
Rachel & Alex Dunn
Hillary Leavitt Dunn (SSDS ‘87)
& Dr. Brian Dunn
Michael & Carole Dunn
Joan & Wallace Dunn
Roz (SSDS Staff) & Bernhard Ebstein
Marci & Dr. Jacob Ecanow (SSDS ‘80)
Rita Echt
Yona & Dr. Martin Eichenbaum
Andrea Eichler
2011-2012/5772 Honor Roll of Donors
Expanding Opportunities for Diverse Learners
Schechter mathematicians loved playing math games using the
innovative Kahn Academy web-based program that was introduced to
provide math enrichment for diverse learners, and students had more
opportunities for differentiated learning in both reading and math
thanks to a new block scheduling program in grades K-5. Faculty also
appreciated the additional time for meetings and planning. And as
part of the ongoing curriculum review, this year Solomon Schechter
launched the first part of a successful Language Arts program in
grades 3-5 that promoted reading and language skills.
Mensch continued
Leorah (SSDS ‘85) & Dr. Aaron Eisenberg
Adrienne (SSDS Staff) & Jeff Eisenmann
Beverly Eisenstadt
Estelle Elekman
Vicki (SSDS Staff) & Daniel Elekman
Shira (SSDS ‘93) & Dr. Norman Eliaser
Daniel Eliasoff
Jamie Ellis
Randi & Jeffrey Elowe
Francine (SSDS Staff) & David Ephraim
Jodi & Dr. Aaron Epstein (SSDS ‘89)
Marcie & Richard Eskin
Rhada Eydelman
Olga & Vlad Eydelman
Joseph Faber (SSDS ‘89)
Amy & Simon Feiglin
Dr. Eve & Brad Feinberg
Allison & Brian Feltzin
Israel Ferri
Dotty Fiedler
Donna & Martin Field
Pennie & Howard Fields
Maris (SSDS Staff) & Morris Fineberg
Leslie & Norman Finkel
Shana (SSDS ‘94) & Ronny Finkelstein
First Eagle Bank
Sheila & Dr. Larry Fisher
Lynda (SSDS Staff) & Larry Fisher
Dottie Fishman
Sandy Fishman
Betsy (SSDS Staff) & Scott Forester
Susan & Jeffrey Forman
Helene Fox
JoAnne Fox
Rosalyn & Kenneth Fox
Wendy & Benjamin Frank (SSDS ‘83)
Nessia Frank
Maxine & Daniel Frankel
Judith Franks-Farah Family
Michael Frazin
Arlene & Dr. Kenneth Freedman
Wendy & Kyle Freimuth
Sarah & Lee Friedman
Diane & Michael Friedman
Shelley & Robert Gabel
Dafna & Stuart Gabel
Elizabeth & David Geifman
Jolie Schwartz & Alan Genender
Ann & Ken Genender
Genesis Philanthropic Fund
Laura Gerber
Sandy & Marshall Gerber
Eudice & David Germaine
Danielle Gershon (SSDS ‘00/Staff)
Noreen & Ira Gerson
Amy & Dr. Craig Gerstein
Mary & Edward Ghislandi
The Gilbert Family
Cantor Jenna Greenberg
& Rabbi Joshua Ginsberg
Esther & Wally Ginsberg
Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg (SSDS ‘70)
Amanda Giovanni
Charlotte Glass
The Glass Family
Kris & Kerry Glicken
Andrea & Michael Glickman
Scott Glickson
Angela Yoffe & Vadim Gluzman
Esther & William Godnik
Beth & Chuck Goldberg
Kathy Goldberg & Kobi Garfinkel
Maxine & Mark Goldberg
Carol & David Golder
Dawn & Michael Goldhirsh
Larry Goldsmith
Hazzan Larry Goller
Sharon Gonsky & Family
Debbie (SSDS Staff) & Wayne Goodman
Stephanie & Jeffrey Gordon
Alan Gorstein
Gail & David Gotskind
Daniel & Emily (SSDS ‘89) Gottlieb
Robin & Kevin Green
Eleanor & Norman Greenberg
Hallie Greenberg-Redman (SSDS Staff)
& Frank Redman
Gail & Dr. Bruce Greenspahn
Sheryl & Robert J. Greenstein
Mrs. Keryn Groner
Lee & Howard (z’’l) Grosky
Janet & Maynard Grossman
Maxwell E. Gruenberg (SSDS ‘12)
Dr. Lila Elman & Dr. Sebastian Guman
Mutiarawati Lontoh & Lukito Gunawan
Katherine & Martin Gurvey
Meredith & Grant Gussin
Judy & Zave Gussin
Jason Gustaveson
Joanna & Michael Hakimi (SSDS ‘87)
Valentine & Yoseff Hakimi
Magda Hanus
Leslie & Richard Hanus
Har El Financial, Inc.
Orete (SSDS ‘87) & David Harkavy
Rosalie & Raymond Harkavy
Deborah & Ben Harris
Susan & Benjamin Harris
Debbie Harris (SSDS Staff)
Dr. Keren Hasbani (SSDS ‘89)
& Jeremy Adelman
Ethel & Morris Hass
Tracey & Rick Hazan
Roselle Hechter
Randi & Fred Heichman
Tamar & Dr. Uri Heller
Dorit & Roy Helmer
Ann Hoffman & Brian Heltsley
Henry Hindin Foundation
Moe Herman
Eric Herwitz (SSDS ‘12)
Stacey & Marc Herwitz (SSDS ‘77)
Iris & Michael Heyman
Gwen & Scott Heyman
Sheryl & Kirk Hipps
Barbara & Rabbi Richard Hirsh
Cheryl & Jeffrey Hoffen (SSDS ‘72)
Janet & Arnold Hoffman
Melanie & Brian Hoffman (SSDS ‘81)
Lisa & Perry Hoffman
Shirley Hoffman
Susan Hoffman
Sheri & Gary Hokin
Joni & Paul Holinger
Adrienne & Ira Holtzman
Judith & Richard Homer
Ronit & Ave Horowitz
Leslie & Peter Horwitz
Kay & Donald Houghton
Ms. Carol Hozzian
Sandra Blasberg-Imar & Edgardo Imar
Madelyn & Mark Iris
Joyce & Roger Isaacs
Arleen & Stephen Isaacs
Judy Isenberg
Sheila G. Jacobson
Liesel & Larry Jankelowitz
Keith Forest & Joel Jasenof
Myra & Kenneth Jasenof
Bartlett Johnson
Jonathan Jonas (SSDS ‘89)
Erin Jones-Avni & Dani Avni
Egle Jureviciute-Sander
Wendy & Daniel Kahn
Caryn & Harlan Kahn
Debbie & Harley Kahn
Cheryl & Michael Kahn (SSDS Staff)
The Kalik Family
Nancy & Bob Kalman
Jennifer & Brett Kandell
Yvette & Arnie Kanter
Kanter Family Philanthropic Fund
Dr. Michele & Dr. Nelson Kanter
Alvin Kaplan
Debra Kaplan
Gerry Kaplan
Arlene & Neil Kaplan
Daniella & Dror Karidi
Sheldon Karlinsky
Judith Schwartz Karp & Theodore Karp
Jennifer Katz
Judith & Mark Katz
Judy & Rick Katz
Rochelle & Dr. Steve Katz
Ellie & Steven Katz
Miriam Kaufman
Zoe & Dr. Richard Kaufman
Marlene & Hymie Kavin
Peggy & Sidney Kaz
Iris & Samuel Keene
Marlene & David Kerstein
Joanne (SSDS Staff)
& Dr. Gary Kirshenbaum
Georgianna & Dr. Jay Kleiman
Dr. Karin Klein (SSDS Staff)
& Joel Teibloom
David Kleinerman
Jen Knox
Carol Koenig
Harvey Kogan
Laverne & Cy Koltin
Cantor Kimberly & Mark Komrad
Gayle & Ira Kopin
Marley Kotler (SSDS Staff)
Krista Koutsis
Genia & Slava Kovelman
Ilene Kramer
Rae & Melvin Kramer
Amy & Michael Kramer
Marcia & Paul Kramer
Elaine & Dr. Eliezer Krumbein
Sara & Richard Kushnir
Maia & Howard Labow
Students Celebrate Important Milestones
Throughout the year, Schechter students celebrated important
milestones in their Jewish lives and education including Partners with
God, their Kabbalat Siddurim ceremony, their Kabbalat Tikkunim
ceremony, grade level family Shabbat experiences, and more.
These events gave students a chance to demonstrate their growing
knowledge and skills as well as their love of Torah and Jewish life.
2011-2012/5772 Honor Roll of Donors
Deborah & Joel Lamm
Lorraine & David Langland
Jacob A. Lankford (SSDS ‘12)
Sylvia & David Lanski
Adrienne & Dr. Gerald Lasin
Ellen & Dr. Steven Lasin
Cary Latimer
Elinor & Michael Laupheimer
Hilla & Sharone Lavi (SSDS ‘88)
Dr. Ellen Brull & Dr. Eli Lavie
Judith & Michael Lavin
Judy & Ray Lazar
Judith & Stephen Leapman
Adena Lebeau (SSDS ‘82)
& Jeffrey Kress
Peter Leeb
Mona & Dr. Saul Legator
Lia Lehrer (SSDS ‘01)
Carol & Andre Leib
Anne Gendler & David Leib
Jaime & Larry Leonard (SSDS ‘87)
Cynthia Lerner (SSDS Staff)
Iris & Ira Lerner
Bella Lesch, “Bubbie” of Ari,
Benjamin & Kayla Lesch
Debbie & Ian Lesch
Carol Patinkin & Simon Lesser
Toni & Jonah Levenberg (SSDS ‘94)
Dr. Sandra & Rabbi Charles Levi
Betty Levin
Sherry & Brad Levin
Rochelle & Herbert Levin
Kim Levin
Sandra & Dr. Mark Levin
Bonita & Robert Levin
Ellen Levitas
Marisa & David Levy
Mildred & Frank Levy
Marissa (SSDS ‘92) & Lawrence Levy
Sandra & Martin Levy
Rhonda & Sam Levy
Sheryl & Mark Lichtenfeld
Osnat (SSDS Staff) & David Lichtenfeld
Francine & Robert Lichtenfeld
Bari & Herbert Lichtman
Miriam Lieber Kraemer (SSDS ‘74)
& Sam Kraemer
Julie Guenther & Mitchell Lieber
Arleen & Alvin Lieberman
Gail (SSDS Staff)
& Rabbi Howard Lifshitz
Nadine (SSDS Staff) & Joel Linton
Francine & Dr. Herbert Lippitz
Dr. Yemimma Lipschultz
Sara Lipson
Toby & Seymour Lipton
Alexandra & Eduard Lisserman
Dina (SSDS ‘76) & Dr. Trevor Lissoos
Roberta & Ronald Loberfeld
Louise & Dr. Gershon Locker
Virginia Logan & Cindy Brennan
Cynthia & Bruce Lubin
Dr. Jack Lyons
Abby & Jonathan Maeir
Sherry & Philip Magid
Dr. Ginger & Dr. Jay Malin
Patti Malk Family Foundation
Marcia & Dr. Robert Malkus
Diana & Mikhail Maltsman
Mann, Weitz & Associates L.L.C.
Ellyn & Jacob Margulies (SSDS ‘81)
Glenda & Dr. Sanford Mason
Cacilia & Lee Masover
Debbie & Michael Mazius
John McCaffrey
Ashley & Aidan McNichols (SSDS Staff)
Susan & Robert Mednick
Meg and Tim Callahan Family Foundation
Constance Meislahn
Elly & Astrid Meisler
Sandra & Robert Mell
Elisa Rotman (SSDS Staff) & Rabbi
Aaron Melman
Mesirow Financial Investment
Management, Inc.
Skippy Mesirow (SSDS ‘01)
Rita Meyers (SSDS Staff)
Julie Mezrow
Integrating Technology Into the Curriculum
Our General Studies and Judaic Studies faculty and technology
staff sought out every opportunity to use educational software to
enrich the learning experience of our students. What students
wouldn’t enjoy an iPad scavenger hunt on Purim, learning about
Hanukkah through custom-made animated movies, using
SMARTBoards to play math fraction games, and more?
Rosanne Eisenberg & Ben Michaels
Carol (SSDS Staff) & David Miller
Nina Kavin & Kerry Miller
Judy & Albert Milstein
Rebecca Minkus-Lieberman (SSDS ‘89)
& Dr. David Lieberman
Rabbi Yocheved Mintz
Sandra & Martin Miretzky
Mizrahi Grill
Louis Moeckler (SSDS Staff)
Joni Crounse & Richard Moline
Samuel Morady (SSDS ‘12)
Jodi & Amnon Morady
Donald Morley
Isabel & Rabbi Sander Mussman
Adele & David Myers
Elise & Lee Nadler
Roberta & Robert Nagel
Leona & Sheldon Natenberg
Abigail & Louis Natenshon
Ellen (SSDS ‘84) & Micah Nathan
Shelley Nathan
William Nathanson
Phyllis & William Neiman
Dalia Ness
David & Ronna Ness-Cohn
Charlotte & Michael Newberger
Andrea Newstead
Norman Nexon
Karen & Yizhar Nochimowski
Fiona Noorian
North Suburban Beth El Sisterhood
North Suburban Synagogue Beth El
Ethel & Art Obrand
Barbara & Gerald Oguss
Noreen (SSDS ‘77/ Staff)
& David Ohcana
Jodi Okner
Michael Oxman
Larry Pachter & Sandy Starkman
Dr. Silvia & Max Panitch
Jacqueline & Norman Patinkin
Victoria Patterson
Karen & Dr. Alan Peaceman
Marla Peckler
Erica & Ken Pelman
Pepsico Foundation
Abigail & Philip Perkins
Elyse Perlen
Tobi & Scott Perlen
Thelma & Stuart Perlik
Zipporah Perlmutter (SSDS Staff)
Personnel Planners, Inc.
Amy & Dr. Dennis Pessis
Michelle & Paul Pessis
Mary Jo Pfammatter
Philips Electronics
Jodi & Dr. Craig Phillips
Katheryn & Aurelio Piccolini
Jane & Nathan Pickus
Kathleen (SSDS Staff) & Robert Pielet
Vicki & Gary Pines
Lisa & Rabbi Jeffrey Pivo
Erwin Plofsky
Brooke & Dr. Matthew Plofsky
Susan & Dr. Michael Podell
Emily Podgursky
Brian Pogrund (SSDS ‘03)
Leah & Dr. Stanton Polin
Juliet & Herbert Pomerantz
Phyllis & Mel Potash
Tammy Schuster & Louis Pretekin
Fay Prince
Robyn-Lee & Stanleigh Rabin
Abby & Ronald Rabinovitz
Fran & Joel Rabinowitz
Lori & Dr. Richard Rabinowitz (SSDS ‘77)
Gregory Rathmell
Debra & Joshua Rednik
Heidi & Steven Reitman
Melinda & Benjamin Resnick
Paula & Carlton Resnick
Helaine & Howard Resnick
Joel Resnick
Batya & Sidney Retsky
Marilyn Richman
Francine & Albert Rivera
Dr. Barbara Robinson & Jay Robinson
Sam Rodin (SSDS ‘96)
Bernice & Michael Roman
Joyce & Herbert Root
Eve Rooth
Kim & Scott Roseman (SSDS Staff)
Judy & David Rosen
Betsy & Marc Rosen
Jani & Richard Rosen
Sue-Ann & Dr. Robert Rosen
Leslie Rosen Stern (SSDS Staff)
& Andrew Stern (SSDS ‘82)
Susie & Adam Rosenbaum
Chuck & Cantor Rachel Rosenberg
Rabbi Daniel Rosenberg (SSDS Staff)
Mrs. Helen Rosenberg
Deborah & Ira Rosenberg
Marsha (SSDS Staff)
& Dr. Andrew Rosenson (SSDS Staff)
Harold Rosenson/Rosenson Foundation
Arlene (SSDS Staff) & Stuart Rosenthal
Marcy & Dr. Morry Rotenberg
Dror Nuriel-Roth & Yuval Roth
Dr. Irving & Betty F. Rozenfeld
Maureen & Mark Rubenstein
Mindy & David Rubin
Marilyn & Dr. Gary Rubin
Dr. Rachel (SSDS ‘89) & Matthew Rubin
Leah & Bob Rubin
Amy & Robert Rubinberg
Elissa & Lawrence Rubinstein
Kimberly & Jeff Rudolph
Rachel & Alan Russo
Rebecca (SSDS ‘99) and
Rabbi David Russo
Zeev Saffir (SSDS ‘99)
Sager Elementary Sunshine Committee
Dr. Karen & Dr. David Sager
Charlene & David Sales
Edie (SSDS Staff) & Dr. Murray Salzman
Judith Levin & Gerald Salzman
Sahar Sander
Donna & Joseph Sanfratello
Marilyn (SSDS Staff) & Dr. Mark Sawyer
Audrey Schiff
Alice & Donald Schindel
George Schmidle
Ahoova & Jonathan Schoenberg
Shana & Adam Scholder
Betty Schraiber
Judy & Dr. Steven Schraiber
Debbie & Joel Schreier
Diane & Dr. Joseph Schupp
Merissa Schwab (SSDS ‘11)
Rachel & Van Schwab
Alexandra Schwartz (SSDS ‘05)
Ann Rita Schwartz
Shira & Jeremy Schwartz (SSDS ‘84)
Linda Schwartz (SSDS Staff)
The Schwartz Foundation
Jo-Anne & Louis Schwartzman
Elyn Sclair
See3 Communications
Michelle & James Seidenberg
Nathan Serlin
2011-2012/5772 Honor Roll of Donors
Experiential Programs Enrich Learning for Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Graders
Schechter sixth graders participated in a unique outdoor education experience at Nature’s Classroom Institute, the National Science Teachers
Association’s Search for Excellence winner. The program gave Schechter students a hands-on opportunity to integrate Judaic and General Studies
topics from the sixth grade curriculum. Seventh graders extended their civics education in Washington D.C. with visits to the monuments, U.S.
Holocaust Museum, Newseum, Arlington National Cemetery, and more. And eighth graders not only participated in a ruach-filled shabbaton
with Artists in Residence Alan Sufrin (Class of 1998) and his wife, Miriam Brosseau, of the band Stereo Sinai, they also traveled to Israel for
12 days with faculty and parent chaperones, where they had a chance to experience first-hand all they have been learning in the classroom since
they began their Schechter experience.
Mensch continued
Michaux & Richard Shaffer
Diane & Judge Daniel Shanes (SSDS ‘81)
Monica & Greg Shannon
Jane & Dr. David Shapiro
Laurel & Edward Shapiro
Frances & Steven Shapiro
Yaira Shapiro
Rabbi Zachary Shapiro & Ron Galperin
Timna & Steven Sheffey
Cindy Shekhtman
Lawrence Sherman
Dina Shiner & Mark Rosen
Irina Pechenik & Dr. Mark Shukhman
Amy & Gary Shutan
Devra & Gregg Shutan
Sharon Beth-Halachmy
& Dan Shwarzman
Karen & Hal Sider
Eric Siegel
Jan (SSDS Staff) & Ron Siegel
Deborah & Marc Siegel
Renee & Dr. Joseph Silberman
Sandra & Dr. Lee Silverglade
Lauren & David Silverman
Miriam & Larry Silverman
Patti (SSDS Staff) & Dr. Irwin Silverman
Renee & Peter Silverman
Katy & Joshua Silvers
Marge & Enoch Silverstein
Leah & Saul Silverstein
Julie Mednick-Simmons
& Russell Simmons
Jami & Dr. Michael Simon
Huvvy & Meyer Simon
Jane & Billy Sizeler
Alan & Dassi Sklan (SSDS Staff)
Joyce & Arnold Sklar
Skokie Sunshine Committee
Skokie Valley Agudath Jacob Synagogue
Sara & Kevin Skomsvold
Ellen & Dennis Slan
Barbara & Dr. Marc Slutsky
Rodney Slutzky
Sheila & Michael Small
Sarah L. Small
Stephanie & Michael Smerling
Margo & Philip Smith
Ernest Smolen
Donald Snyder
Kerrey Snyder
Nessy & Howard Sobel
Betty & Richard (z”l) Sobelman
Joan (SSDS Staff) & Alan Sohn
Ronnie Jo Sokol
Susan & Richard Sokolik
Caryn & Adam Solomon
Solomon Schechter Day School
Sager Elementary PO
Susan (SSDS ‘79) & Richard Sorkin
Linzy Spatz (SSDS ‘11)
Dr. Audra Kaplan & Alan Spellberg
Joseph L. Spellberg (SSDS ‘12)
Roslyn Spellman
Rachel & Howard Spiro
Wartini & Alan Squire
Andi & Michael Srulovitz
SSDS Class of 2012 - B’nei Mitzvah Fund
Jennifer Staniszewski
N. Deborah Shoenfeld Stapler
& Michael Stapler
Rachel & Michael G. Stein
Sandra & Daniel Steinberg
Ellen & Michael Steinberg
Judith & Neil Steinberg
Andrew Stern
Strategic Wealth Partners, LLC
Deborah & Dale Strauss
Ellen & Dr. Sherwin Strauss
Irene (SSDS Staff) & Barry Sufrin
Zachary Sufrin (SSDS ‘96)
Shaina & Brad Sugar
Superfund for Jewish Education
Stacey Ness & James Swarbrick
Elise & Marc Swatez
Anat Hakim & Martin Sweet
Patti & Merle Sweet
Terri & Allan Sweig
Cindy & Dr. Ari Taitz
Adrian Cardona Tapia
Barbara (SSDS Staff) & Bruce Tatz
Gloria Taussig
Marianne & Stuart Taussig
Harriet & Robert Tecktiel
Nicole & Eugene Terry
Esther Silver & Janet Terry
Lori & Gary Thalheimer
Deborah & Stuart Timoner
Margalit & Lee Tocher
Ellen Topel & Family
Eileen & Elliott Towb
Arlene (SSDS Staff) & Alan Treguboff
Dr. Alexandra Roginsky Tsesis
& Alexander Tsesis
Marina & Vladimir Tsesis
Lisa & Adam Vales
Ellie Valeta
Emily Valeta
Milla Velblum
Susan Verson
Dr. Miriam Vishny (SSDS ‘74)
& Dr. Mark Cohen
Alysa & Norm Walack
Karen, Irving & Elizabeth Walanka
Janet Warshauer
Arlene & Howard Warshawsky
Tami (SSDS Staff) & Reuben Warshawsky
Michael Wasserman (SSDS ‘74)
Becca Waterloo
Shelley Wax, RN (SSDS Staff)
Elaine & Harry Wayne
Judith & Joseph Weil
Stefanie Pessis Weil & Rick Weil
Lila & Steven Weiland
Hollis & David Wein
Frances Wein
Sarah & Daniel Weinberg (SSDS Staff)
Lisa & Michael Weiner
Benjamin Weinger (SSDS ‘12)
Heather & Doug Weinstein (SSDS ‘89)
Dr. Avrum Weinzweig
Beverly & Sam Weisenberg
Laura & Morris Weisman
Lynn Blaustein Weiss (SSDS ‘82)
& Philippe Weiss
Carol & Dr. Stephen Weiss
Barbara & Victor Weisskopf
Lorraine Weisz
Nadine & Sam Wengroff
Richard Werner
Gail & Robert Wertheimer
Geri West
Julieann & Jerry Wexler
Rebecca & Gary Willis
Suzanne Willner
Barbara & Alfred Winick
Sari & Mark Winick
Diane & Ed Wittenstein
Lynn & Leo Wiznitzer
Barbara & Jeffrey Wohlstadter
Nicole & James Woldenberg
Blair (SSDS ‘99) & Brian Wolf (SSDS ‘99)
Marshall Wolf
Linda Wyetzner
Tracy & Yogev Yedlin
Rachel & Rabbi Herbert Yoskowitz
Michael Zaremski (SSDS ‘97)
Marilyn & Mark Zeal
Judi & Steve Zeal
Judy & Richard Zelin
Caryn & Dr. Allan Zelinger
Yael & Dror Zetouni
Janet Svatos & Michael Zimmerman
Amanda Zitlin
Lily & Harry Zoberman
Nora & Adam Zuckerman
Jennifer (SSDS ‘86) & Michael Zukerman
Dr. Sharon Welbel & James Zumwalt
2011-2012/5772 Honor Roll of Donors
Sustained Giving
Special thanks to the following
individuals and foundations that
have given consistently for five
years or more.
Anonymous 3
Angie & Larry Adler
Akers Foundation
Amie & Jonathan Barrish
Andrea & Larry Becker
Jean Best
Chantal & Ron Blaustein (SSDS ‘85)
Lois Brown
Karen & Ethan Budin
Karen & Joel Budin
Patricia & Alan Caplan
Helen & Arthur Chapman
Margaret & Lee Cohn
Rachel (SSDS ‘85) & Ron Cooper
Rose Ann & Ronald Cope
Sharon & Robert (z”l) Dorfman
Emilia Blaustein Dragunsky
& Boris Dragunsky
Michael & Carole Dunn
Karen Lobl & Dr. David Eisenberg
Leorah (SSDS ‘85)
& Dr. Aaron Eisenberg
Abigail & Gary Elkins
Marcie & Richard Eskin
Inna Feldman Gerber (SSDS ‘87)
& Robert Gerber
Laurie & David Ferri
Nancy & Maury Fertig
Dottie Fishman
Betsy (SSDS Staff) & Scott Forester
Linda (SSDS Staff) & William Foster
Wendy & Benjamin Frank (SSDS ‘83)
Kim (SSDS Staff) & Dr. Alan Frankel
Arlene & Dr. Kenneth Freedman
David & Suzanne Friedland
Diane & Michael Friedman
Genesis Philanthropic Fund
Sandy & Marshall Gerber
Amy & Dr. Craig Gerstein
Esther & Wally Ginsberg
The Glass Family
Debbie (SSDS Staff) & Wayne Goodman
Sheryl & Robert J. Greenstein
Lee & Howard (z’’l) Grosky
Diane (SSDS ‘84) & Shai Halivni
Harry & Sadie Lasky Foundation
Henry Hindin Foundation
Dr. Arica (SSDS ‘80) & Dr. Emmet Hirsch
The Hochberg-Lowenstein Families
Adrienne & Ira Holtzman
Leslie & Peter Horwitz
Wendy & Daniel Kahn
Nancy & Bob Kalman
Kanter Family Philanthropic Fund
Alvin Kaplan
Gerry Kaplan
Judith Schwartz Karp & Theodore Karp
Kass Management Services, Inc.
Zoe & Dr. Richard Kaufman
Sharon & Allan Koltin
Rae & Melvin Kramer
Marcia & Paul Kramer
Dr. Lena (SSDS ‘88/Staff)
& David Kushnir (SSDS ‘86)
Sara & Richard Kushnir
Elinor & Michael Laupheimer
Cynthia Lerner (SSDS Staff)
Debbie & Ian Lesch
Andrea (SSDS ‘82) & Benjamin Leshem
Betty Levin
Sherry & Brad Levin
Rachel & Jonathon Levin
Gigi Cohen & Michael Levin
Lisa & Jim Levitas
Toby & Seymour Lipton
Roberta & Ronald Loberfeld
Abby & Jonathan Maeir
Diana & Mikhail Maltsman
Ruth & Jonathan Markowitz
Cacilia & Lee Masover
Liat & Ron Meisler
Sandra & Robert Mell
Andrea Yusim Meltzer & Jeffrey Meltzer
Rita Meyers (SSDS Staff)
Elisa & David Mitchell
Isabel & Rabbi Sander Mussman
Ellen (SSDS ‘84) & Micah Nathan
North Suburban Synagogue Beth El
Jacqueline & Norman Patinkin
Personnel Planners, Inc.
Jodi & Dr. Craig Phillips
Jane & Nathan Pickus
Kathleen (SSDS Staff) & Robert Pielet
Leah & Dr. Stanton Polin
Lori & Dr. Richard Rabinowitz (SSDS ‘77)
Harriet & Joseph Resnick
Randee (SSDS Staff) & Robert Romanoff
Holly (SSDS Staff) & Michael Rosenberg
Marsha (SSDS Staff)
& Dr. Andrew Rosenson (SSDS Staff)
Harold Rosenson/Rosenson Foundation
Dr. Linda Chi-Ross & Mr. David Ross
Amy & Robert Rubinberg
Elissa & Lawrence Rubinstein
Andrea & Kenneth Saffir
Edie (SSDS Staff) & Dr. Murray Salzman
Judith Levin & Gerald Salzman
Jody & David Schmidt
Ahoova & Jonathan Schoenberg
Betty Schraiber
Lynn & Skip Schrayer
Esther Buchbinder & Jeffrey Schvimer
Rachel & Van Schwab
Stacey & Bennet Schwartz
Renee Hirsch & David Schwartz
Dr. Naomi & Jerrold Senser
Diane & Judge Daniel Shanes (SSDS ‘81)
Irene & Samuel Shanes
Timna & Steven Sheffey
Judy & Jeffrey Silverman
Silverman Family Foundation
Katy & Joshua Silvers
Karyn & William Silverstein (SSDS ‘79)
Joyce & Arnold Sklar
Sheila & Michael Small
Sarah L. Small
Joan (SSDS Staff) & Alan Sohn
Emily & Rabbi David Soloff
Marilee Upton Spatz & Larry Spatz
Dr. Audra Kaplan & Alan Spellberg
Melissa (SSDS ‘79) & Marc Spellman
Aza & Ron Squarer
Wartini & Alan Squire
Rachel & Michael G. Stein
Yvette & David Stone
Deborah & Dale Strauss
Irene (SSDS Staff) & Barry Sufrin
Tammy & Michael Sugar
Superfund for Jewish Education
Cindy & Dr. Ari Taitz
Target Stores Inc.
Marianne & Stuart Taussig
Nicole & Eugene Terry
Karen, Irving & Elizabeth Walanka
Dr. Ruth Freedman & Daniel Wander
Karen & Herb Wander
Tami (SSDS Staff) & Reuben Warshawsky
Hollis & David Wein
Frances Wein
Carol & Dr. Stephen Weiss
Dr. Jody Zalkin-Weisskopf
& Philipp Weisskopf
Nadine & Sam Wengroff
Gail & Robert Wertheimer
The Winick & Skidelsky Families
(SSDS ‘85 & SSDS ‘87)
Lynn & Leo Wiznitzer
Tina & Joseph Wolf
Judy (SSDS Staff) & Rabbi Carl Wolkin
Jacqueline & David Wolle
Sharon & Sheldon Yusim
Judi & Steve Zeal
Judy & Richard Zelin
Lily & Harry Zoberman
Parent by Class
Anonymous 2
David Ash
Ronna Ash
Robyn Weinstein
& Edward Bettenhausen
Maryl & Medwin Dayan
Sara & Dr. Mark Drexler
Stacey & Marc Herwitz (SSDS ‘77)
Dr. Arica (SSDS ‘80) & Dr. Emmet Hirsch
Ronit & Ave Horowitz
Marcia & Paul Kramer
Rachel & Jonathon Levin
Gigi Cohen & Michael Levin
Julie Guenther & Mitchell Lieber
Jodi & Amnon Morady
Jodi Okner
Lisa & Rabbi Jeffrey Pivo
Tammy Schuster & Louis Pretekin
Robyn-Lee & Stanleigh Rabin
Kimberly & Jeff Rudolph
Judith Levin & Gerald Salzman
Jo-Anne & Louis Schwartzman
Timna & Steven Sheffey
Amy & Gary Shutan
Karyn & William Silverstein (SSDS ‘79)
Dr. Audra Kaplan & Alan Spellberg
Tammy & Michael Sugar
Cindy & Dr. Ari Taitz
Hollis & David Wein
Lisa & Michael Weiner
Diane & Ed Wittenstein
Dr. Laura & Dr. Stephen Zaacks
Anonymous 5
Jody (SSDS Staff) & Ron Benishay
Laura & Jack Brody
Lisa & Leslie Brody
Lois & Lawrence Chasin
Sandra & Dr. Ian Cohen
Debbie Copley
Maryl & Medwin Dayan
Amy & Barry Dogadko
Rachel & Dr. Marc Dorfman (SSDS ‘79)
Wendy & Benjamin Frank (SSDS ‘83)
Sarah & Lee Friedman
Shelley & Robert Gabel
Amy & Dr. Craig Gerstein
Esther & William Godnik
Alan Gorstein
Susan & Benjamin Harris
Moe Herman
Poetry Pals Connects Schechter Fourth
Graders with Christian and Muslim Students
Schechter fourth graders participated in an inspirational program
called Poetry Pals that united our fourth graders with students from
Christian and Muslim schools to learn about each other’s faith and
create poetry. In one session, students gathered in small groups and
discussed the similarities and differences between their observances.
After sharing information, the students worked together to create
poems. “The knowledge gained first-hand from this program will be
with students longer than anything they might have learned reading
a textbook,” said Schechter teachers Barb Tatz and Anita Grobart.
2011-2012/5772 Honor Roll of Donors
CLASS OF 2013 continued
Dr. Laurie & Andrew Hochberg
Judith & Mark Katz
Sharon & Allan Koltin
Amy & Michael Kramer
Marcia & Paul Kramer
Mona & Dr. Saul Legator
Debbie & Ian Lesch
Andrea (SSDS ‘82) & Benjamin Leshem
Sherry & Brad Levin
Diana & Mikhail Maltsman
Cacilia & Lee Masover
Jodi Okner
Jodi & Dr. Craig Phillips
Brooke & Dr. Matthew Plofsky
Heidi & Steven Reitman
Stacey & Bennet Schwartz
Diane & Judge Daniel Shanes (SSDS ‘81)
Timna & Steven Sheffey
Katy & Joshua Silvers
Julie Mednick-Simmons
& Russell Simmons
Sheila & Michael Small
Rachel & Michael G. Stein
Yvette & David Stone
Deborah & Dale Strauss
Dr. Jody Zalkin-Weisskopf
& Philipp Weisskopf
Nadine & Sam Wengroff
Tina & Joseph Wolf
Jacqueline & David Wolle
Linda Wyetzner
Anonymous 3
Chantal & Ron Blaustein (SSDS ‘85)
Karen & Ethan Budin
Rachel (SSDS ‘85) & Ron Cooper
Debbie & Dr. David Dobkin
Marci & Dr. Jacob Ecanow (SSDS ‘80)
Daniel Eliasoff
Lisa (SSDS ‘83) & Todd Fishbein
Jolie Schwartz & Alan Genender
Dawn & Michael Goldhirsh
Hazzan Larry Goller
Diane (SSDS ‘84) & Shai Halivni
Dr. Arica (SSDS ‘80) & Dr. Emmet Hirsch
Leslie & Peter Horwitz
Sandra Blasberg-Imar & Edgardo Imar
Lisa & Jim Levitas
Nina Kavin & Kerry Miller
Jodi & Amnon Morady
Elise & Lee Nadler
Ellen (SSDS ‘84) & Micah Nathan
Lisa & Rabbi Jeffrey Pivo
Robyn-Lee & Stanleigh Rabin
Randee (SSDS Staff) & Robert Romanoff
Dr. Linda Chi-Ross & David Ross
Amy & Robert Rubinberg
Lynn & Skip Schrayer
Shira & Jeremy Schwartz (SSDS ‘84)
Aza & Ron Squarer
Anat Hakim & Martin Sweet
Dr. Ruth Freedman & Daniel Wander
Diane & Ed Wittenstein
Dr. Sharon Welbel & James Zumwalt
Anonymous 2
Julie (SSDS ‘85) & Jeffrey Benensohn
Jane & Edward Best
Robyn Weinstein & Edward Bettenhausen
Laura & Jack Brody
Debbie Copley
Amy & Barry Dogadko
Olga & Vlad Eydelman
Inna Feldman Gerber (SSDS ‘87)
& Robert Gerber
David & Suzanne Friedland
Sarah & Lee Friedman
Beth & Chuck Goldberg
Dr. Lila Elman & Dr. Sebastian Guman
Susan & Benjamin Harris
Ronit & Ave Horowitz
Nancy & Bob Kalman
Dr. Lena (SSDS ‘88/Staff)
& David Kushnir (SSDS ‘86)
Debbie & Ian Lesch
Sherry & Brad Levin
Tammy Schuster & Louis Pretekin
Melinda & Benjamin Resnick
Leslie Rosen Stern (SSDS Staff)
& Andrew Stern (SSDS ‘82)
Shana & Adam Scholder
Stacey & Bennet Schwartz
Michaux & Richard Shaffer
Diane & Judge Daniel Shanes (SSDS ‘81)
Karyn & William Silverstein (SSDS ‘79)
Julie Mednick-Simmons
& Russell Simmons
Sara & Kevin Skomsvold
Dr. Audra Kaplan & Alan Spellberg
Yvette & David Stone
Cindy & Dr. Ari Taitz
Milla Velblum
Lila & Steven Weiland
Hollis & David Wein
Laura & Morris Weisman
Lynn Blaustein Weiss (SSDS ‘82)
& Philippe Weiss
Dr. Jody Zalkin-Weisskopf
& Philipp Weisskopf
Dr. Laura & Dr. Stephen Zaacks
Yael & Dror Zetouni
Anonymous 2
Amie & Jonathan Barrish
Andrea & Larry Becker
Karen & Ethan Budin
Maryl & Medwin Dayan
Elana Dor (SSDS Staff)
Rachel & Dr. Marc Dorfman (SSDS ‘79)
Sara & Dr. Mark Drexler
Leorah (SSDS ‘85) & Dr. Aaron Eisenberg
Wendy & Benjamin Frank (SSDS ‘83)
Amy & Dr. Craig Gerstein
Susan & Steve Glass
Deborah & Ben Harris
Nancy & Bob Kalman
Anne Gendler & David Leib
Andrea (SSDS ‘82) & Benjamin Leshem
Abby & Jonathan Maeir
Liat & Ron Meisler
Melanie & Jeffrey Michael
Elisa & David Mitchell
Ellen (SSDS ‘84) & Micah Nathan
Lisa & Rabbi Jeffrey Pivo
Brooke & Dr. Matthew Plofsky
Dr. Linda Chi-Ross & David Ross
Ahoova & Jonathan Schoenberg
Shira & Jeremy Schwartz (SSDS ‘84)
Timna & Steven Sheffey
Dina Shiner & Mark Rosen
Devra & Gregg Shutan
Katy & Joshua Silvers
Jami & Dr. Michael Simon
Wartini & Alan Squire
Elise & Marc Swatez
Anat Hakim & Martin Sweet
Eileen & Elliott Towb
Dr. Alexandra Roginsky Tsesis
& Alexander Tsesis
Rebecca & Gary Willis
Deborah & Adam Winick (SSDS ‘85)
Sari & Mark Winick
Jacqueline & David Wolle
Anonymous 4
Dafna & Neil Aaronson
Jennifer & Rafi Arbel
Julie (SSDS ‘85) & Jeffrey Benensohn
Robyn Weinstein
& Edward Bettenhausen
Chantal & Ron Blaustein (SSDS ‘85)
Lisa & Leslie Brody
Miriam & Mark Bromberg
Elana Carmel-Levy (SSDS Staff)
& Yoav Levy
Melanie & Ilan Caspi
Dan Chamberlin
Rachel (SSDS ‘85) & Ron Cooper
Hillary Leavitt Dunn (SSDS ‘87)
& Dr. Brian Dunn
Olga & Vlad Eydelman
Inna Feldman Gerber (SSDS ‘87)
& Robert Gerber
Lisa (SSDS ‘83) & Todd Fishbein
David & Suzanne Friedland
Jennifer & John Geiringer
Moe Herman
Dr. Laurie & Andrew Hochberg
Liesel & Larry Jankelowitz
Maureen & Dr. Ian Jasenof
Hilla & Sharone Lavi (SSDS ‘88)
Rachel & Jonathon Levin
Lisa & Jim Levitas
Jodi & Amnon Morady
Jodi Okner
Heidi & Steven Reitman
Melinda & Benjamin Resnick
Randee (SSDS Staff) & Robert Romanoff
Leslie Rosen Stern (SSDS Staff)
& Andrew Stern (SSDS ‘82)
Shana & Adam Scholder
Judy & Dr. Steven Schraiber
Rachel & Howard Spiro
Cindy & Dr. Ari Taitz
Milla Velblum
Brenda & Max Wasserman
Stefanie Pessis Weil & Rick Weil
Hollis & David Wein
Nadine & Sam Wengroff
Deborah & Adam Winick (SSDS ‘85)
Tina & Joseph Wolf
Anonymous 3
Jennifer & Rafi Arbel
Sandra & Dr. Ian Cohen
Debbie Copley
Dr. Kevin Copley
Amy & Barry Dogadko
Elana Dor (SSDS Staff)
Leorah (SSDS ‘85)
& Dr. Aaron Eisenberg
Daniel Eliasoff
Wendy & Kyle Freimuth
Susan & Steve Glass
Angela Yoffe & Vadim Gluzman
Beth & Chuck Goldberg
Hazzan Larry Goller
Joanna & Michael Hakimi (SSDS ‘87)
Susan & Benjamin Harris
Iris & Samuel Keene
Dr. Lena (SSDS ‘88/Staff)
& David Kushnir (SSDS ‘86)
Debbie & Ian Lesch
Andrea (SSDS ‘82) & Benjamin Leshem
Marisa & David Levy
Osnat (SSDS Staff) & David Lichtenfeld
Abby & Jonathan Maeir
Dr. Ginger & Dr. Jay Malin
Liat & Ron Meisler
Schechter Hosts Alumni Reunion in Israel
On May 14th, students and faculty participating in the 8th grade
Israel Experience joined a dozen alumni and Schechter President David
Ferri and his wife, Laurie, to celebrate Schechter’s 50th Anniversary
in Jerusalem. Alumni came from Tel Aviv, Beer Sheva, and Petach
Tikva, as well as the Jerusalem area.
2011-2012/5772 Honor Roll of Donors
Rebecca Minkus-Lieberman (SSDS ‘89)
& Dr. David Lieberman
Jodi Okner
Jodi & Dr. Craig Phillips
Robyn-Lee & Stanleigh Rabin
Ahoova & Jonathan Schoenberg
Stacey & Bennet Schwartz
Dina Shiner & Mark Rosen
Irina Pechenik & Dr. Mark Shukhman
Dr. Audra Kaplan & Alan Spellberg
Aza & Ron Squarer
Margalit & Lee Tocher
Dr. Alexandra Roginsky Tsesis
& Alexander Tsesis
Brenda & Max Wasserman
Heather & Doug Weinstein (SSDS ‘89)
Rebecca & Gary Willis
Sari & Mark Winick
Tina & Joseph Wolf
Tracy & Yogev Yedlin
Jennifer (SSDS ‘86) & Michael Zukerman
Anonymous 3
Rebecca (SSDS ‘91)
& Eytan Anisfeld (SSDS ‘88)
Amie & Jonathan Barrish
Michelle Andre & Larry Breitman
Karen & Ethan Budin
Melanie & Ilan Caspi
Adi & Shai Cohen
Hillary Leavitt Dunn (SSDS ‘87)
& Dr. Brian Dunn
Olga & Vlad Eydelman
Mutiarawati Lontoh & Lukito Gunawan
Diane (SSDS ‘84) & Shai Halivni
Leslie & Richard Hanus
Orete (SSDS ‘87) & David Harkavy
Deborah & Ben Harris
Ronit & Ave Horowitz
Sandra Blasberg-Imar & Edgardo Imar
Deborah & Joel Lamm
Elisa Rotman (SSDS Staff)
& Rabbi Aaron Melman
Elisa & David Mitchell
Karen & Yizhar Nochimowski
Harriet & Joseph Resnick
Dr. Linda Chi-Ross & David Ross
Dror Nuriel-Roth & Yuval Roth
Ahoova & Jonathan Schoenberg
Shana & Adam Scholder
Julie Mednick-Simmons
& Russell Simmons
Alysa & Norm Walack
Geri West
Deborah & Adam Winick (SSDS’85)
Tracy & Yogev Yedlin
Mimi Sager Yoskowitz (SSDS ‘89)
& Marc Yoskowitz
Anonymous 1
Alexanda & Darin Argentar
Ilana & David Bard
Faye (SSDS Staff) & Benji Bearman
Elana Carmel-Levy (SSDS Staff)
& Yoav Levy
Nicole & Richard Chesis
Rachel (SSDS ‘85) & Ron Cooper
Maryl & Medwin Dayan
Shira (SSDS ‘93) & Dr. Norman Eliaser
Dr. Eve & Brad Feinberg
Wendy & Benjamin Frank (SSDS ‘83)
Wendy & Kyle Freimuth
David & Suzanne Friedland
Jennifer & John Geiringer
Alan Gorstein
Daniel & Emily (SSDS ‘89) Gottlieb
Dr. Lila Elman & Dr. Sebastian Guman
Dr. Keren Hasbani (SSDS ‘89)
& Jeremy Adelman
Jennifer & Josh Herz
Liesel & Larry Jankelowitz
Egle Jureviciute-Sander
Daniella & Dror Karidi
Patty Hermann & Manny Krakauer
Hilla & Sharone Lavi (SSDS ‘88)
Lisa & Jim Levitas
Marisa & David Levy
Bari & Herbert Lichtman
Dr. Ginger & Dr. Jay Malin
Rebecca Minkus-Lieberman (SSDS ‘89)
& Dr. David Lieberman
Ellen (SSDS ‘84) & Micah Nathan
Abigail & Philip Perkins
Tobi & Scott Perlen
Dr. Rachel (SSDS ‘89) & Matthew Rubin
Leah & Bob Rubin
Sahar Sander
Michaux & Richard Shaffer
Dina Shiner & Mark Rosen
Jami & Dr. Michael Simon
Shaina & Brad Sugar
Stefanie Pessis Weil & Rick Weil
Jacqueline & David Wolle
Yael & Dror Zetouni
Anonymous 2
Chantal & Ron Blaustein (SSDS ‘85)
Cantor Jenna Greenberg
& Rabbi Joshua Ginsberg
Dorit & Roy Helmer
Jodi Okner
Leah & Bob Rubin
Michaux & Richard Shaffer
Margalit & Lee Tocher
Rebecca & Gary Willis
We are pleased to list Schechter
2011-2012 students with their
Anonymous, 2
Marlene Adland
Eidan Eliasoff, 2018, Tara Eliasoff, 2014
Angie & Larry Adler
Nathan Kushnir, 2018, Ann Kushnir, 2015
Isidoro Aizenberg
Benjamin Aizenberg, 2018
Daryl & Michael Anisfeld
Asher Malin, 2020, Ella Anisfeld, 2019,
Nathan Malin, 2018
Carmela & Dr. Emanuel Arbel
Joseph Arbel, 2017
Maureen & Irwin Bard
Adina Bard, 2020
Phyllis & David Bartlett
Emmett Dunn, 2019, Max Dunn, 2017
Elayne & Steve (z"l) Baum
Leo Baum, 2019
Schechter Students Make a Difference
Stuffing 85 “Build-a-Bears” for patients at Shaare Tzedek Hospital,
preparing goody bags for Israeli soldiers, collecting food and stocking
The ARK and other local pantries, raising money for victims of 9/11,
preparing and serving food at homeless shelters, and singing holiday
songs to the residents at Gidwitz Place for Assisted Living — these
are just a sample of the many ways Schechter students gave back to the
community and enriched the lives of others. All of these experiences
help students “live” one of Schechter’s core values — responsibility/
 — that as Jews we are all responsible for one another. This
sense of responsibility begins with and extends beyond our Solomon
Schechter Day School community and includes giving tzedakah and
improving our world.
Sonia Berk
Arielle Small, 2013
Carol Berkowitz
Emma Berkowitz, 2019
Pearl Berman
Samantha Fishman, 2018
Helen & Arthur Chapman
Rachel Hochberg, 2017,
Barbara Hochberg, 2013
Merle & Larry Cohen
Joshua Benensohn, 2017,
Rose Benensohn, 2015
Jean Best
Charlene Dick
Shani Beth-Halachmy
Thelma Dobkin
Elizabeth Bettenhausen
Marilyn & Dr. Irving Domsky
Ari Best, 2015
Maya Shwarzman, 2016
Micah Betthenhausen, 2017,
Yael Bettenhausen, 2015,
Abigail Bettenhausen, 2012
Dana Steingold, 2019
Avi Dobkin, 2014, Harrison Freeman, 2013
Mollie Chubin, 2015
Sharon & Robert (z’’l) Dorfman
Shirley & Sam Bluestein
Hannah Rubin, 2020, Talia Nathan, 2020,
Sam Dorfman, 2016, Maya Nathan,
2016, Jonah Nathan, 2014,
Benjamin Dorfman, 2013
Nancy Bokor
Emilia Blaustein Dragunsky
& Boris Dragunsky
Eliezer Romanoff, 2017,
Dena Romanoff, 2014
Abigail Bokor, 2018, Julia Bokor, 2014,
Jacob Bokor, 2012
Phyllis & Steve Brody
Noah Brody, 2017, Jenna Brody, 2013
Nancy Bromberg
Jordan Blaustein, 2021, Simon Blaustein,
2017, Arielle Weiss, 2015,
Noah Blaustein, 2014
Harlene Dunitz
Lena Bromberg, 2017
Catherine Geiringer, 2020,
Jacob Geiringer, 2017
Lois Brown
Michael & Carole Dunn
Anita Behn
Sara Behn, 2013
Rebecca Levin, 2017, Bryce Levin, 2013,
Dylan Levin, 2012
Mia Friedland, 2020, Noa Friedland,
2017, Max Dunn, 2017
Karen Bergman
Karen & Joel Budin
Rita Echt
Mira Dogadko, 2018, Sasha Dogadko,
2015, Kayla Dogadko, 2013
Jeremy Budin, 2019, Adam Budin, 2016,
Daphne Budin, 2014
Isabella Bleier, 2014, Sophia Bleier, 2014
2011-2012/5772 Honor Roll of Donors
Grandparents continued
Beverly Eisenstadt
Harrison Freeman, 2013
Rhada Eydelman
Judy & Zave Gussin
Ezra Gussin, 2020, Aliza Gussin, 2017
Valentine & Yoseff Hakimi
Emily Hakimi, 2018
Daniella Eydelman, 2019, Ilana Eydelman,
2017, Anya Eydelman, 2015
Magda Hanus
Dottie Fishman
Rosalie & Raymond Harkavy
Shelbi Taussig, 2015,
Hannah Taussig, 2012
Benjamin Hanus, 2019
Harrison Harkavy, 2019
Sue & Larry Hochberg
Sandy Fishman
Lila Plaut, 2019
Rachel Hochberg, 2017,
Barbara Hochberg, 2013
Susan & Jeffrey Forman
Barbara & David Hoffman
Maya Forman, 2021
Nessia Frank
Dalya Frank, 2020, Shoshana Frank,
2016, Leah Frank, 2013
Arlene & Dr. Kenneth Freedman
Emma Fishbein, 2017, Henry Hoffman,
2015, Sarah Fishbein, 2014,
Samson Hoffman, 2013
Susan Hoffman
Joshua Hoffman-Peterson, 2012
Hannah Wander, 2014,
Rachel Wander, 2014
Myra & Kenneth Jasenof
Schechter Presents 18th Annual Musical
Diane & Michael Friedman
Etta & David Jonas
Hundreds of Schechter families, faculty and staff, and friends packed
into the auditorium at Glenbrook South High School for the 18th
Sager Middle School Musical, Hear No Evil, in March. The 65 student
performers — accompanied by a 24-member all-student stage band
and 15-member crew — sang and danced their way into the hearts of
everyone in the audience. The play, according to Director Andy
Rosenson, was a melding of Mean Girls and High School Musical with
Solomon Schechter and Jewish values.
Gabriel Wein, 2017, Eli Wein, 2015,
Seth Wein, 2012
Ann & Ken Genender
Joshua Genender, 2014
Cydney Jasenof, 2017
Harrison Harkavy, 2019
Judith Schwartz Karp & Theodore Karp
Davita Karp, 2020
Judy & Rick Katz
Sandy & Marshall Gerber
Sarah Gerber, 2015, Ari Gerber, 2017
Owen Janssen, 2015,
Elizabeth Janssen, 2013
Eudice & David Germaine
Ellie & Steven Katz
Ezra Cheifetz, 2018,
Talia Cheifetz, 2013
Max Katz, 2021
Noreen & Ira Gerson
Micah Miller, 2014
Eliezar Levy, 2016, Maya Levy, 2016
Esther & Wally Ginsberg
Asher Dayan, 2020, Evan Dayan, 2016,
Jacob Dayan, 2013, Jorie Dayan, 2012
Lee & Howard (z’’l) Grosky
Rachel Harris, 2018, Ethan Harris, 2015,
Zachary Harris, 2013
Marlene & Hymie Kavin
Peggy & Sidney Kaz
Gili Hoffman, 2018, Asher Hoffman,
2014, Meital Hoffman, 2012
Carol Koenig
Jeremy Budin, 2019, Adam Budin, 2016,
Daphne Budin, 2014
Laverne & Cy Koltin
Julia Koltin, 2016, Brian Koltin, 2013
Ilene Kramer
Avi Horwitz, 2014, Alyssa Horwitz, 2014
Rae & Melvin Kramer
Mollie Kramer, 2013, Sarah Kramer, 2012
Sara & Richard Kushnir
Ella Anisfeld, 2019, Nathan Kushnir, 2018,
Ann Kushnir, 2015, Hadar Halivni, 2014
Ellen Levitas
Annie Levitas, 2020, Jesse Levitas, 2017,
Joshua Levitas, 2014, Joshua Levitas, 2014
Francine & Robert Lichtenfeld
Shai Lichtenfeld, 2018
Elinor & Michael Laupheimer
Meira Lieberman, 2020,
Matan Lieberman, 2018
Adi Chazan, 2020, Idan Chazan, 2014
Judy & Ray Lazar
Annie Winick, 2019, Carly Winick,
2017, Elizabeth Winick, 2016
Judith & Stephen Leapman
Aden Lerner, 2019, Talia Scholder, 2019,
Ella Lerner, 2017, Naomi Scholder, 2017,
Maya Scholder, 2015
Rena Legator
Beth Legator, 2013
Carol & Andre Leib
Noah Leib, 2016
Arleen & Alvin Lieberman
Roberta & Ronald Loberfeld
Hannah Stein, 2018, Molly Stein, 2015,
Nathaniel Stein, 2012
Glenda & Dr. Sanford Mason
Halle Michael, 2016,
Samara Michael, 2016
Elly & Astrid Meisler
Aria Meisler, 2018, Maytal Meisler, 2016
Sandra & Robert Mell
Sophie Copley, 2018, Lillian Copley,
2015, Molly Copley, 2013
Rosanne Eisenberg & Ben Michaels
Iris & Ira Lerner
Samantha Walack, 2019
Bella Lesch
Naomi Gorstein, 2020,
Talia Gorstein, 2013
Aden Lerner, 2019, Ella Lerner, 2017
In May, Schechter fourth graders “amazed” their friends and family
with a spectacular production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor
Dreamcoat. The play celebrated the students’ completion of the book
of Bereshit.
Rebecca Levin, 2017, Bryce Levin, 2013,
Dylan Levin, 2012
Sylvia & David Lanski
Samuel Gerstein, 2016,
Benjamin Gerstein, 2013
Schechter Fourth Graders Present Joseph
Bonita & Robert Levin
Ari Lesch, 2018, Benjamin Lesch, 2015,
Kayla Lesch, 2013
Betty Levin
Melissa Levin, 2012, Sarah Levin, 2012
Rochelle & Herbert Levin
Annabel Levin, 2014
Adele & David Myers
Shelley Nathan
Avishai Schoenberg, 2019,
Eitan Schoenberg, 2018, Talia Schoenberg,
2016, Joshua Schoenberg, 2012
Elyse Perlen
Jacob Perlen, 2020
Amy & Dr. Dennis Pessis
Simon Weil, 2020, Ariel Weil, 2017
2011-2012/5772 Honor Roll of Donors
Erwin Plofsky
Jeremy Plofsky, 2016, Micah Plofsky,
2016, Dina Plofsky, 2013
Emily Podgursky
Naomi Spiro, 2017
Leah & Dr. Stanton Polin
Emily Reisler, 2012
Juliet & Herbert Pomerantz
Eden Kahn, 2015
Phyllis & Mel Potash
Avi Dobkin, 2014
Fay Prince
Orly Lewittes, 2016, Ethan Lewittes, 2013
Irene & Shelly Reitman
Hannah Glass, 2018, Melanie Reitman,
2017, Sarah Glass, 2016,
Andrew Reitman, 2013
Paula & Carlton Resnick
Macy Shutan, 2016, Ellory Shutan, 2014,
Noah Shutan, 2014
Helaine & Howard Resnick
Isabelle Resnick, 2019, Ari Cooper, 2017,
Maya Resnick, 2017, Anna Resnick, 2015
Joel Resnick
Maya Resnick, 2017, Coby Resnick, 2015
Jean & Howard Rice
Micah Swatez, 2016
Jani & Richard Rosen
Micah Stern, 2017, Owen Stern, 2015
Barbara & Richard Rosenfield
Jordan Rosenfield, 2012
Mindy & David Rubin
Oren Nochimowski, 2019
Elissa & Lawrence Rubinstein
Noam Dor, 2018, Shani Dor, 2016
Dr. Karen & Dr. David Sager
Caleb Yoskowitz, 2019
Betty Schraiber
Susan & Richard Sokolik
Barbara M. Schrayer
Andi & Michael Srulovitz
Diane & Dr. Joseph Schupp
Barbara & Joel Stone
Daniel Schraiber, 2017
Joseph Schrayer, 2014
Barak Farhi, 2014
Ann Rita Schwartz
David Frank, 2017
Orly Srulovitz, 2018, Noah Srulovitz, 2016
Ori Stone, 2017, Sari Stone, 2015,
Lily Stone, 2013
Stone Schwartz, 2018, Sutton Schwartz,
2018, Sammy Schwartz, 2015,
Spencer Schwartz, 2013
Ellen & Dr. Sherwin Strauss
Renee Hirsch & David Schwartz
Solomon Sweet, 2016, Elli Sweet, 2014
Ayden Schwartz, 2018, Elan Schwartz,
2016, Ayala Schwartz, 2014
Irene & Samuel Shanes
Noah Shanes, 2015,
Hannah Shanes, 2013
Sandra & Dr. Lee Silverglade
Gabriel Strauss, 2013
Miriam & Larry Silverman
Ori Stone, 2017, Sari Stone, 2015,
Lily Stone, 2013
Marge & Enoch Silverstein
Brian Silverstein, 2015, Joshua Silverstein,
2012, Carly Silverstein, 2012
Huvvy & Meyer Simon
Danica Simon, 2020,
Zachary Simon, 2016
Jane & Billy Sizeler
Ari Lesch, 2018, Benjamin Lesch, 2015,
Kayla Lesch, 2013
Joyce & Arnold Sklar
Sarena Sklar, 2021, Nace Sklar, 2019,
Elitsa Sklar, 2016, Shai Sklar, 2015
Sarah L. Small
Arielle Small, 2013
Betty & Richard (z”l) Sobelman
Gabriel Gruenberg, 2017,
Claire Gruenberg, 2014,
Maxwell Gruenberg, 2012
Gabriel Strauss, 2013
Carol & Dr. Stephen Weiss
Daniel Leshem, 2018, David Leshem,
2016, Bradley Leshem, 2013
Barbara & Victor Weisskopf
Joshua Weisskopf, 2015,
David Weisskopf, 2013
Linda & Al Winick
Annie Winick, 2019, Carly Winick,
2017, Elizabeth Winick, 2016
Patti & Merle Sweet
Barbara & Alfred Winick
Gloria Taussig
Rachel & Rabbi Herbert Yoskowitz
Shelbi Taussig, 2015,
Hannah Taussig, 2012
Marianne & Stuart Taussig
Shelbi Taussig, 2015,
Hannah Taussig, 2012
Harriet & Robert Tecktiel
Annie Levitas, 2020, Jesse Levitas, 2017,
Joshua Levitas, 2014
Nicole & Eugene Terry
Jordan Blaustein, 2021, Simon Blaustein,
2017, Noah Blaustein, 2014
Deborah & Stuart Timoner
Noa Chamberlin, 2017
Marina & Vladimir Tsesis
Ariel Tsesis, 2018, Ruth Tsesis, 2016
Karen & Herb Wander
Hannah Wander, 2014,
Rachel Wander, 2014
Elaine & Harry Wayne
Lena Bromberg, 2017
Frances Wein
Gabriel Wein, 2017, Eli Wein, 2015,
Seth Wein, 2012
Beverly & Sam Weisenberg
Jordana Weisenberg, 2020,
Shayndel Weisenberg, 2018
Avi Winick, 2018, Joshua Winick, 2016
Caleb Yoskowitz, 2019
Sharon & Sheldon Yusim
Sarah Wengroff, 2017,
Max Wengroff, 2013
Dolores & Eugene Zemsky
Leah Greenberg, 2015, Arielle Greenberg,
2014, David Greenberg, 2012
Anonymous 6
Jaime Alberts, 1994
Eytan Anisfeld, 1988
Rebecca Anisfeld, 1991
Sam Banayan, 1991
Aaron Becker, 1982
Julie Benensohn, 1985
Eve Biller 1973
Ron Blaustein, 1985
Samuel Buchbinder, 2000
Daniel Bukingolts, 2000
Benjamin Caplan, 1995
Yonaton Cohen, 1992
Gina Cordovi, 1979
Marc Dorfman, 1979
Jacob Ecanow, 1980
Leorah Eisenberg, 1985
Shira Eliaser, 1993
Aaron Epstein, 1989
Joseph Faber, 1989
Schechter Instills a Love of Art, Music, and Dance
This year, Schechter students had so many ways to participate in and appreciate the Arts — including exceptional music (in the classroom,
fourth and fifth grade choir, and fifth through eighth grade band program), art, and dance programs with gifted instructors who integrated our
General Studies and Judaic Studies education, and often emphasized the holidays and Israel. And through our dance troupe, choir, and beginning,
symphonic, and jazz bands, Schechter’s talented dancers, singers, and musicians performed at school and community events throughout the
Chicagoland area and beyond — including a JNF event, the Sharsheret dance festival in Wisconsin, and a middle school band trip to Ohio.
2011-2012/5772 Honor Roll of Donors
Alumni continued
Inna Feldman Gerber, 1987
Shana Finkelstein, 1994
Lisa Fishbein, 1983
Benjamin Frank, 1983
Danielle Gershon (SSDS Staff), 2000
Jonathan Ginsburg, 1970
Randall Goldstein, 1973
Emily Gottlieb, 1989
Maxwell E. Gruenberg, 2012
Diane Halivni, 1984
Orete Harkavy, 1987
Eric Herwitz, 2012
Marc Herwitz, 1977
Dr. Arica Hirsch, 1980
Jeffrey Hoffen, 1972
Brian Hoffman, 1981
Jonathan Jonas, 1989
Beth Kopin, 1972
David Kushnir, 1986
Dr. Lena Kushnir (SSDS Staff), 1988
Jacob A. Lankford, 2012
Sharone Lavi, 1988
Adena Lebeau, 1982
Lia Lehrer, 2001
Larry Leonard, 1987
Andrea Leshem, 1982
Jonah Levenberg, 1994
Marissa Levy, 1992
Miriam Lieber Kraemer, 1974
Dina Lissoos, 1976
Samuel Morady, 2012
Skippy Mesirow, 2001
Rachel Milton, 1990
Rebecca Minkus-Lieberman, 1989
Ellen Nathan, 1984
Noreen Ohcana (SSDS Staff), 1977
Brian Pogrund, 2003
Richard Rabinowitz, 1977
Samuel Rodin, 1996
Rachel Rubin, 1989
Rebecca Russo, 1999
Zeev Saffir, 1999
Mimi Sager Yoskowitz, 1989
Merissa Schwab, 2011
Alexandra Schwartz, 2005
Jeremy Schwartz, 1984
Daniel Shanes, 1981
David Shapiro, 1970
William Silverstein, 1979
Susan Sorkin, 1979
Linzy Spatz 2011
Joseph L. Spellberg, 2012
Melissa Spellman, 1979
Andrew Stern, 1982
Zachary Sufrin, 1996
Miriam Vishny, 1974
Michael Wasserman, 1974
Doug Weinstein, 1989
Lynn Blaustein Weiss, 1982
Benjamin Weinger, 2012
Adam Winick, 1985
Amy Winick Skidelsky, 1987
Blair Wolf, 1999
Brian Wolf, 1999
Robin Wolf, 1973
Michael Zaremski, 1997
Jennifer Zukerman, 1986
Parents of Alumni
Anonymous 10
Anne Opila & Dr. Todd Abraham
Angie & Larry Adler
Susan Agate (SSDS Staff)
& Michael Slutsky
Rachelle & Alexander Aisen
Susan & Joseph Ament
Chana Anderson
Daryl & Michael Anisfeld
Fely and Walter Arnold
David Ash
Ronna Ash
Jamie & David Baker
Dr. Myra Rapoport
& Rabbi Michael Balinsky
Carla & Neil Banoff
Karen & Hanoch Barak
Elayne & Steve (z"l) Baum
Professor Louis & Loretta Becker
Shoshana & Howard Benditzson
Jody (SSDS Staff) & Ron Benishay
Liz & Barry Bennett
Jane & Edward Best
Ellen Blumenthal (SSDS Staff)
The Honorable & Mrs. Edward A.
Bobrick (SSDS Staff)
Mindy & Marc Botbol
Lisa & Leslie Brody
Susan & Colman Buchbinder
Mira Bukingolts
Sheila & David Cahnman
Patricia & Alan Caplan
Lois & Lawrence Chasin
Patricia & Myron Cherry
Carmel & Barry Chiswick
Idalee & Alan Cohen
Rabbi Burton Cohen
Sandra & Dr. Ian Cohen
Merle & Larry Cohen
Margaret & Lee Cohn
Rose Ann & Ronald Cope
Debbie Copley
Faculty and Staff Participate in Professional
Development Programs
Our faculty and staff demonstrated their commitment to life-long
learning by participating in professional development opportunities
locally and internationally in General Studies, Judaic Studies,
technology, and more, including Solomon Schechter Early Childhood
Center Principal Irene Sufrin traveling to Reggio Emilio, Italy to learn
more about this renowned educational philosophy. This was also the
second year that 14 members of our Schechter faculty participated in
the Master of Arts in Professional Jewish Studies Program — a joint
program with Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies.
Douglas Florian, Beloved Children’s Author
and Illustrator, Visits Schechter
“Keep learning, keep growing” is the motto of beloved children’s
author Douglas Florian, who visited the Skokie and Sager Schools in
February and entertained and enlightened children and teachers alike
with his poetry, illustrations, and humor. Florian said that he tries to
learn something every day and tells children: “Keep your eyes, your
ears, and your mind open, and always try to improve yourself.”
Douglas Florian was one of many motivational and educational
speakers that visited Schechter throughout the year to provide
additional enrichment for students. Other guests included Tamir
Goodman, called “The Jewish Jordan,” by Sports Illustrated magazine,
author Beth Finke, puppeteer Marilyn Price, bike stunt performer
Matt Wilhelm (a dynamic speaker and performer who delivers
personal stories about perseverance, character, and bullying),
musical performer Howie Kahn of Simon Sings, and more!
Dr. Kevin Copley
Gina Cordovi (SSDS ‘79)
& Marc Cohen
Marci Koblenz & Glen Cornblath
Deborah & Larry Danziger
Drs. Carol Derman & Gordon Derman
Judge Shelley Sutker-Dermer
& Kenneth Dermer
Rachel & Dr. Marc Dorfman (SSDS ‘79)
Sharon & Robert (z”l) Dorfman
Emilia Blaustein Dragunsky
& Boris Dragunsky
Diane & Lionel Dredze
Sara & Dr. Mark Drexler
Roz (SSDS Staff) & Bernhard Ebstein
Yona & Dr. Martin Eichenbaum
Karen Lobl & Dr. David Eisenberg
Vicki (SSDS Staff) & Daniel Elekman
Daniel Eliasoff
Abigail & Gary Elkins
Marcie & Richard Eskin
Rhada Eydelman
Laurie & David Ferri
Nancy & Maury Fertig
Dotty Fiedler
Leslie & Norman Finkel
Phyllis Fischel
Anne McDonagh & David Fishbaum
Lisa (SSDS ‘83) & Todd Fishbein
Sheila & Dr. Larry Fisher
Jennifer & Stewart Flink
Betsy (SSDS Staff) & Scott Forester
Barbara & Danny Fox
Nessia Frank
Maxine & Daniel Frankel
Kim & Dr. Alan Frankel
Judith Franks-Farah
Shelley & Robert Gabel
Dafna & Stuart Gabel
Elizabeth & David Geifman
Charlotte Glass
Kris & Kerry Glicken
Esther & William Godnik
Dawn & Michael Goldhirsh
Larry Goldsmith
Sharon Gonsky
Alan Gorstein
Gail & Dr. Bruce Greenspahn
Sheryl & Robert J. Greenstein
Janet & Maynard Grossman
Carol & Rabbi Solomon Gutstein
Valentine & Yoseff Hakimi
Suzy (SSDS Staff) & Dr. David Hakimian
Diane & Shai Halivni
Nina & Arnie Harris
Deborah & Ben Harris
Tamar & Dr. Uri Heller
Moe Herman
Sheryl & Kirk Hipps
Dr. Arica (SSDS ‘80) & Dr. Emmet Hirsch
2011-2012/5772 Honor Roll of Donors
Barbara & Rabbi Richard Hirsh
Dr. Laurie & Andrew Hochberg
Melanie & Brian Hoffman (SSDS ‘81)
Barbara & David Hoffman
Sheri & Gary Hokin
Joan Holland
Leslie & Peter Horwitz
Judy Isenberg
Etta & David Jonas
Wendy & Daniel Kahn
Kanter Family Philanthropic Fund
Dr. Michele & Dr. Nelson Kanter
Gerry Kaplan
Judith Schwartz Karp & Theodore Karp
Judith & Mark Katz
Rochelle & Dr. Steve Katz
Peggy & Sidney Kaz
Marlene & David Kerstein
Karen & Michael Kesner
Joanne (SSDS Staff)
& Dr. Gary Kirshenbaum
Dr. Karin Klein (SSDS Staff)
& Joel Teibloom
Sharon & Allan Koltin
Beth (SSDS ‘72) & Dr. Jeffrey Kopin
Elaine & Dr. Eliezer Krumbein
Bryna & Rabbi Vernon Kurtz
Sara & Richard Kushnir
Maia & Howard Labow
The Ronald & Mary Ann Lachman
Dr. Ellen Brull & Dr. Eli Lavie
Judith & Michael Lavin
Anne Gendler & David Leib
Cynthia Lerner (SSDS Staff)
Andrea (SSDS ‘82) & Benjamin Leshem
Carol Patinkin & Simon Lesser
Sandra & Dr. Mark Levin
Gigi Cohen & Michael Levin
Sheryl & Mark Lichtenfeld
Dr. Yemimma Lipschultz
Alexandra & Eduard Lisserman
Dina (SSDS ‘76) & Dr. Trevor Lissoos
Louise & Dr. Gershon Locker
Amy & John Lowenstein
Sherry & Philip Magid
Bonnie & Dr. Lee Malmed
Diana & Mikhail Maltsman
Trisha & Rabbi Fred Margulies
Ruth & Jonathan Markowitz
Andrea Yusim Meltzer & Jeffrey Meltzer
Carol (SSDS Staff) & David Miller
Rabbi Yocheved Mintz
Sandra & Martin Miretzky
Joni Crounse & Richard Moline
Isabel & Rabbi Sander Mussman
Elise & Lee Nadler
Phyllis & William Neiman
David & Ronna Ness-Cohn
Norman Nexon
Larry Pachter & Sandy Starkman
Dr. Silvia & Max Panitch
Karen & Dr. Alan Peaceman
Jane & Nathan Pickus
Brooke & Dr. Matthew Plofsky
Susan & Dr. Michael Podell
Fran & Joel Rabinowitz
Lori & Dr. Richard Rabinowitz (SSDS ‘77)
Helaine & Howard Resnick
Batya & Sidney Retsky
Dr. Barbara Robinson & Jay Robinson
Randee (SSDS Staff) & Robert Romanoff
Judy & David Rosen
Jani & Richard Rosen
Sue-Ann & Dr. Robert Rosen
Chuck & Cantor Rachel Rosenberg
Mrs. Helen Rosenberg
Holly (SSDS Staff) & Michael Rosenberg
Barbara & Richard Rosenfield
Marsha (SSDS Staff)
& Dr. Andrew Rosenson (SSDS Staff)
Arlene (SSDS Staff) & Stuart Rosenthal
Marcy & Dr. Morry Rotenberg
Maureen & Mark Rubenstein
Marilyn & Dr. Gary Rubin
Amy & Robert Rubinberg
Rachel & Alan Russo
Andrea & Kenneth Saffir
Dr. Karen & Dr. David Sager
Charlene & David Sales
Marilyn (SSDS Staff) & Dr. Mark Sawyer
Audrey Schiff
Jody & David Schmidt
Julie Dann & Bradley Schneider
Judy & Dr. Steven Schraiber
Lynn & Skip Schrayer
Esther Buchbinder & Jeffrey Schvimer
Rachel & Van Schwab
Renee Hirsch & David Schwartz
Terry & Stephen Schwartz
Jo-Anne & Louis Schwartzman
Elyn Sclair
Michelle & James Seidenberg
Dr. Naomi & Jerrold Senser
Michaux & Richard Shaffer
Diane & Judge Daniel Shanes (SSDS ‘81)
Irene & Samuel Shanes
Jane & Dr. David Shapiro
Lori Stark & Dr. David Shapiro (SSDS ‘70)
Frances & Steven Shapiro
Cindy Shekhtman
Deborah & Marc Siegel
Renee & Dr. Joseph Silberman
Sandra & Dr. Lee Silverglade
Lauren & David Silverman
Judy & Jeffrey Silverman
Renee & Peter Silverman
Marge & Enoch Silverstein
Karyn & William Silverstein (SSDS ‘79)
Joyce & Arnold Sklar
Barbara & Dr. Marc Slutsky
Sheila & Michael Small
Joan (SSDS Staff) & Alan Sohn
Emily & Rabbi David Soloff
Marilee Upton Spatz & Larry Spatz
Dr. Audra Kaplan & Alan Spellberg
Melissa (SSDS ‘79) & Marc Spellman
Rachel & Michael G. Stein
Irene (SSDS Staff) & Barry Sufrin
Binnie & Mark Swislow
Cindy & Dr. Ari Taitz
Dr. Amy & Jeff Taub
Eileen & Elliott Towb
Lisa & Adam Vales
Karen & Herb Wander
Tami (SSDS Staff) & Reuben Warshawsky
Michael Wasserman (SSDS ‘74)
Judith & Joseph Weil
Lila & Steven Weiland
Hollis & David Wein
Dr. Avrum Weinzweig
Lynn Blaustein Weiss (SSDS ‘82)
& Philippe Weiss
Carol & Dr. Stephen Weiss
Deborah & Adam (SSDS ‘85) Winick
Diane & Ed Wittenstein
Lynn & Leo Wiznitzer
Barbara & Jeffrey Wohlstadter
Tina & Joseph Wolf
Robin (SSDS ‘73) & Dr. Clifford Wolf
Judy (SSDS Staff) & Rabbi Carl Wolkin
Linda Wyetzner
Creating Hands-on Experiences for the Holidays
From fourth-graders building a giant shofar on our front staircase that
depicted the “steps” of teshuvah for everyone to climb, to fifth graders
taking up tools and learning what it takes to build kosher sukkot in
our courtyard, to student musicians setting inspiring tones for our
Yom HaShoah and Yom Hazikaron observances – these were just
a few of the innovative hands-on experiences that helped to build joy,
a sense of community, and personal investment in students’
observance of the holidays.
Arna & Steve Yastrow
Judi & Steve Zeal
Judy & Richard Zelin
Caryn & Dr. Allan Zelinger
Janet Svatos & Michael Zimmerman
Dr. Sharon Welbel & James Zumwalt
Faculty and Staff
Anonymous 2
Susan Agate
Irit Alkalay
Faye Bearman
Jody Benishay
Ellen Blumenthal
Jane Bobrick
Elaine Braverman
Roberta Bright
Ilene Brot
Elana Carmel-Levy
Robert Cogan
Margalit Cohen
Jeffrey Cohn
Elana Dor
Susan Dorn
Roz Ebstein
Adrienne Eisenmann
Vicki Elekman
Francine Ephraim
Maris Fineberg
Lynda Fisher
Betsy Forester
Linda Foster
Barbara Fox
Danielle Gershon (SSDS ‘00)
Debbie Goodman
Hallie Greenberg-Redman
Suzy Hakimian
Debbie Harris
Michael Kahn
Joanne Kirshenbaum
Dr. Karin Klein
Marley Kotler
Dr. Lena Kushnir (SSDS ‘88)
Cynthia Lerner
Osnat Lichtenfeld
Gail Lifshitz
Nadine Linton
Michelle Maer
Aidan McNichols
Rita Meyers
Carol Miller
David Moeckler
Louis Moeckler
Noreen Ohcana (SSDS ‘77)
Zipporah Perlmutter
Kathleen Pielet
Randee Romanoff
Scott Roseman
Leslie Rosen Stern
Elisa Rotman
Rabbi Daniel Rosenberg
Holly Rosenberg
Marsha Rosenson
Arlene Rosenthal
Edie Salzman
Marilyn Sawyer
Linda Schwartz
Jan Siegel
Patti Silverman
Dassi Sklan
Joan Sohn
Irene Sufrin
Barbara Tatz
Arlene Treguboff
Tami Warshawsky
Sheila Wax
Daniel Weinberg
Judy Wolkin
Arna Yastrow
2011-2012/5772 Honor Roll of Donors
Schechter Goes to the Cubs!
Nearly 750 members of our Schechter community put on their
Schechter hats and T-shirts and came out in April to watch our
Chicago Cubs play the Cincinnati Reds at Wrigley Field. Not even
a final score of 4-3 in favor of the Reds could dampen the mood of
Schechter students, who got to run the bases at the end of the game!
Thanks to everyone whose participation helped to raise money for
tuition assistance for Schechter families.
10th Annual Golf Outing
and Raffle
David Stone, Co-Chair
Joseph Resnick, Co-Chair
Raffle Committee
Ethan Budin
Maury Fertig
David Friedland
Robert G. Gerber
Brian Hoffman
Brad Levin
Ben Leshem
Micah Nathan
Michael Rosenberg
Adam Scholder
Philip Weisskopf
Adam Winick
Steve Zeal
Golf Shirt Sponsor
The Stone Family
The Frankel Family
Beverage Cart Sponsor
Chicago Tailgators
Golf Cart Sponsor
Rosenthal Bros.
Hole Sponsors
A&R Katz Management, Inc.
ICM Properties
Morning Minyan @ Moriah Congregation
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Newmark Knight Frank Epic
Melissa and Marc Spellman & Family
Golf Ball Sponsor
Relative Value Partners
Umbrella Sponsors
Aronberg Goldgehn Davis & Garmisa
Kim & Alan Frankel for SSDS
It’s Academic
Finiti Electronic Cigarettes
Style Shack
Sign Sponsor
TPH Global Solutions
Putting Green Sponsors
Neal Gerber & Eisenberg LLP
Shalom Memorial Park
Stewart & Jennifer Flink Next View Capital
Stone Financial Group
Grossinger Auto Group
Northern Trust
First Eagle Bank
The Toby & Neal Deutsch Fund
Scott J. Friedman Memorial
Scholarship Fund
The Marvell D. and Stanley J. Ginsburg
z"l Pre-Kindergarten Program
The Albert and Fritzie Hoffman
Siddurim Fund
Frieda Jacobson Endowment For
Excellence in Education
Kogan Endowment in Support of
Learning Resource Program
The Kopin Family Kindergarten
Incentive Fund
The Dr. Benjamin H. and Freida Legator
Memorial Fund for the benefit of
scholarships for Solomon Schechter
Day School
Margulies Cultural Arts Endowment Fund
Deborah Perkal-Balinsky Memorial Fund*
Anna and Max Resnick Educational Fund
Helen and Ira Rosenmertz Endowment
Fund to Honor Eva and Joseph z"l
Friedenberg and Helen’s “Special”
Holly and Michael Rosenberg Fund
Joseph Rovin Endowment Fund
Mark and Maureen Rubinstein
Endowment Fund
Sager Solomon Schechter Day School
Parent Organization Endowment Fund
Ruth and Sydney Shapiro
Endowment Fund
Karyn and Bill Silverstein Endowment
Fund for Differentiated Instruction for
Educational Excellence
The Rachel L. Smoler and Marshall S.
Smoler Endowment for Scholarships
Miriam and Samuel Spector
Endowment Fund
Hans and Paula Staple Memorial Fund
Sandy Starkman and Larry Pachter
Endowment Fund
The Sidney L. Starkman (z"l)
Scholarship Endowment Fund
William E. Steinberg Scholarship Fund
Nimrod Tsubely Memorial Fund
Day School Gifts to the
Anonymous (3)
Jeffrey & Carol Apfelbaum
Phyllis & Dr. Leonard Berlin
The Children of Michael and Jean Best
in honor of their 50th Anniversary
Ruth & Lawrence Bloom
Merle & Larry H. Cohen
Marilyn Cooper
Estate of Linda Lee Einbinder (z’’l)
Abigail & Gary Elkins
Nancy & Maury Fertig
Phyllis Fischel
Naomi & Stephen Fisher
Kim & Dr. Alan Frankel
Shirley & Alvin Friedman
Elizabeth & David Geifman
The Glickman Foundation in honor
of Michael Stein
The Hochberg-Lowenstein Families
Janet & Arnold Hoffman
Adrienne & Ira Holtzman
David Jacobson/Chicago Jewish
Kenneth Klipper
Bryna & Rabbi Vernon Kurtz
Toby & Seymour Liption
Bonnie & Dr. Lee A. Malmed
Trisha & Rabbi Fred Margulies
Richard Moline & Joni Crounse
Jodi & Amnon Morady
Eva Perkal
Elaine & Paul Powell
Sager Solomon Schechter Middle
School Parent Organization
Stacy Powell-Bennett
Beth Preis
The Russ Trust
Andrea & Kenneth Saffir
Lynn & Skip Schrayer
Karyn & William Silverstein
Isabel & Dr. Alfred Soffer
Sandy Starkman & Larry Pachter
*Testamentary Gift
Driving Range Sponsors
Mann, Weitz & Associates
Grossinger Auto Group
Stewart & Jennifer Flink Next View Capital
Mesirow Financial
Karen & Herb Wander, Dan, Ruth,
Rachel and Hannah
Golfer Gift Bag Sponsor
Garden Fresh Market
Lunch Sponsor
Garden Fresh Market/ Kosher Korner
Dinner Sponsor
Chicago Tailgators
Day School Endowments
and Funds
Becky and Dave Appelman
Endowment Fund
Bernard and Esther Lifchez
Charitable Trust
Betty Daskin Trust
Rena and Jerome Bennett Memorial
Scholarship Endowment Fund
Derman Holocaust Studies Curriculum
Is there a new baby in your family, a recent
engagement, or an upcoming wedding?
If so, send us your exciting news so we can share it with our
community! For new babies, we will send you a special Solomon
Schechter bib and for new couples we would love to share our
Schechter cookbook with you!
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Solomon Schechter Day School of Metropolitan Chicago
Faculty and Staff 2011-2012/5772
Linda P. Foster, CEO/Head of School
Educational Leadership
Administrative Leadership
Dr. Lena Kushnir, Principal, Sager Solomon Schechter Day School
Michael Kahn, Assistant Principal, Sager Solomon Schechter Day School
Holly Rosenberg, Principal, Sager Solomon Schechter Middle School
Rabbi Daniel Rosenberg, Director of Jewish Life and Learning
Irene Sufrin, Principal, Skokie Solomon Schechter Day School
Daniel Weinberg, Assistant Principal, Sager Solomon Schechter
Middle School
Leonid Arlinsky, Director of Buildings and Grounds
Cynthia Lerner, Director of Advancement
Michelle Maer, Director of Annual Giving
David Moeckler, Director of Administration
Scott Roseman, Director of Finance
Joan Sohn, Director of Community Relations
Tami Warshawsky, Director of Marketing and Communications
Susan Agate
Shiri Aharonovich
Irit Alkalay
Avi Allali
Anat Barlevy
Faye Bearman
Yael Ben-Dat
Jody Benishay
Cheryl Berger
Hannah Berkowicz
Ellen Blumenthal
Jane Bobrick
Elaine Braverman
Marlene Bressler
Robin Bright
Ilene Brot
Elana Carmel-Levy
Roberta Chernawsky
Robert Cogan
Margalit Cohen
Shora Cohen
Don Congdon
Joann Dardick
Elana Dor
Susan Dorn
Dena Dworin
Roslyn Ebstein
Adrienne Eisenmann
Lynda Fisher
Betsy Forester
Barbara Fox
Deena Fraint
Myra Friedland
Hanni Friedman
Melissa Friedman
Danielle Gershon
Shulamit Gershon
Daniela Gliksberg
Marcy Goldman
Deborah Goodman
Lynn Graham
Anita Grobart
Suzy Hakimian
Ruth Halpern
Deborah Harris
Sandy Hill
Alicia Honan
Ariela Ish-Hurwitz
Carol Jesselson
Dina Kaplan
Karin Klein
Jeremy Foster
Marilyn Goler
Meital Hochenboym
Sarah Husain
Joanne Kirshenbaum
Mikhail Kravchenko
Aidan McNichols
Sergey Melnik
Rita Meyers
Louis Moeckler
Slava Pyekhyeryev
Leslie Rosen-Stern
Marci Rubinstein
Marilyn Sawyer
Linda Schwartz
Patti Silverman
Igor Vil
Marina Zongor
Yacov Algort
Bonnie Amir
Robin Bright
Millie Cave
Leah Chatzky Graber
Jeff Cohn
Mary Collins
Vicki Elekman
Francine Ephraim
Maris Fineberg
Shoshana Konstantin
Marley Kotler
Gillian R. Krieger
Paula Lange
Alisa Levey
Deborah Levy
Osnat Lichtenfeld
Gail S Lifshitz
Nadine Linton
Carol Miller
Avi Naamat
Noreen Ohcana
Diane Opensky
Pnina Orbach
Carolyn Parks
Zipporah Perlmutter
Hasha Musha Perman
Kathleen Pielet
Sara Preis
Anna Raiber
Hallie Redman
Sarah Rodin
Randee Romanoff
Arlene Rosenthal
Elisa Rotman
Aviva Rubin
Jennifer Rubin
Hadar Sadeh
Edith Salzman
Lilach Schrag
Linda Schwartz
Sheryl Seef
Ilana Selinger
Julie Shaoul
Nancy Shapiro-Pikelny
Dassi Sklan
Jan Siegel
Rachel Sonenthal
Carrie Stern
Barbara Tatz
Arlene Treguboff
Galila Waintraub
Yehudit Wolf
Judy Wolkin
Leslie A Yamshon
Arna Yastrow
For the 2012-2013/5772 school year, we welcome Irene Sufrin to her
role as Principal, Solomon Schechter Early Childhood Center; Michael
Kahn and Daniel Weinberg to their roles as Directors, K-4 and 5-8
She’arim; Robin Bright to her new role as Director of Special Education
Services; and Holly Rosenberg to her role as Director of Information
and Media, and Special Programming; and Lynn Blaustein Weiss to her
role as Director of Admissions and Enrollment. We also welcome the
following new members of our faculty and staff:
Ben Alexander, Noa Ashkenazi, Rick Cohen, Elana Dermer, Carol Grannick,
Jenna Greenberg, Candy Isaac, Lucy Kahn, Alex Schwartz, and Yael Zetouni.
Schechter Expands Physical Education and Athletic Program
Students on our Schechter Lions soccer, basketball, and track teams soared to victory in
competition with local private and public middle schools – not only during their competitive
games but also through their display of good sportsmanship and character on and off the track,
field, and basketball court.
Schechter’s physical education, intramural, and inter-scholastic athletic program – which begins
in PreK and continues through eighth grade – promotes life-long fitness, good health, and
well-being, and provides instruction in a growing list of sports including volleyball, roller-skating,
basketball, floor hockey, table tennis, volleyball, and softball. (this year we added Zumba)!
2011-2012 Selected Highlights: Soccer: 2011 soccer season invited fifth grade students to play on the team, and Schechter offered soccer clinics to
current 4th and 5th graders to generate interest for the 2012 season. Basketball: Schechter fielded six basketball teams – two girls and four boys.
Teams placed first and second in local basketball tournaments. The sixth grade intramural basketball tournament was offered twice due to student
request! Track: More than 40 students participated on our track team and attended track meets at North Shore Country Day School, New Trier
High School, and Niles West High School. Go Lions!
Credits: Tami Warshawsky, Director of Marketing and Communications • Michelle Maer, Director of Annual Giving • Jason Feldman, Luzazul Design
Solomon Schechter Day School
of Metropolitan Chicago
2012-2013/5773 Board of Directors
Robert G. Gerber
Executive Vice President
Linda P. Foster
CEO/Head of School
Michael Levin
Chairman, Finance
David Schmidt
Chairman, Development
Ethan Budin
Administrative Office
3210 Dundee Road
Maxine Cohen Memorial Circle
Northbrook, IL 60062
Sager Solomon Schechter Day School (K-8)
3210 Dundee Road
Maxine Cohen Memorial Circle
Northbrook, 60062
Solomon Schechter Early Childhood Center with the
Marvell D. and Stanley J. z”l Ginsburg PreK Program
4500 Dempster Street
Skokie, IL 60076
Chairman, Governance
David Ferri
Chair, Head of School Support and Evaluation
Dr. Arica Hirsch (SSDS ‘80)
David Baker
John Geiringer
Shai Halivni
Neil Kaplan
Joey Resnick
Linda Chi-Ross Ph.D.
Bennet Schwartz
Steve Sheffey
Marilee J. Upton Spatz
Aza Squarer
David Stone
Adam Winick (SSDS ‘85)
David Wolle
We thank Ron Blaustein for his years of service
on the Board of Directors and welcome
new Board member Joey Resnick.
Schechter is sponsored by the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and is
chartered by the Schechter Day School Network. Schechter is affiliated with the
Community Foundation for Jewish Education, and is a partner in serving our
community, supported by the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation. Solomon
Schechter appreciates the generous assistance provided by the Bernard Heerey Family
Foundation Seventh Grade Scholarship Fund to our Schechter families. Solomon
Schechter Day School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin.