Westinghouse and Pittsburgh Make Radio History
Westinghouse and Pittsburgh Make Radio History
Westinghouse and Pittsburgh Make Radio History "This is KDKA, of the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, in East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We shall now broadcast the election returns." T hose words spoken on Nov 2, 1920, made radio history and started a service that continues today. That first KDKA radio announcement had its genesis with Westinghouse employee, Frank Conrad. Because of his significant amateur radio experience, he supervised the manufacturing of military radio receivers during World War I. A snippet from Frank’s early life: He was Pittsburgh born in 1874. He left public school in seventh grade to work for this father. At age 16 Frank, who yearned to do more complex mechanical work, started as a benchhand at Westinghouse. At age 23, resulting from his mechanical ability, he moved to the Westinghouse Testing Department. In this position he invented several pieces of equipment, most notably the circular type home watt-hour meter which is still used. His technical abilities enabled him to advance from the testing department, to general engineer, and finally to assistant chief engineer. From 1910 through 1919, Frank crafted crystal radio sets. In the garage of his Wilkinsburg home at the corner of Penn Avenue and Peebles Street, he constructed a device to receive time signals from the Naval Observatory located in Arlington, Virginia. Then, he constructed a transmitter, using bare wires, crackling spark coils and homemade vacuum tubes, which led to his receiving amateur station license, 8XK. Most radio transmissions in this time were merely science experiments between crystal radio set operators, and most transmissions were performed in Morse code. Encountering difficulty communicating with other amateurs via Morse code, Frank started to use the microphone that he designed and built. He first played a 78 rpm record on his phonograph, and picked up the music with his microphone that was connected to his station 8XK transmitter. Voila! He received feedback from a few buffs, who asked for more music. Keep in mind, there were yet no radio stations for the general public. However, entrepreneur Frank Conrad remarkably was sending music over the airwaves to amateur radio buffs who listened in on crystal radio sets. I n 1917, the United States entered World War I, and amateur radio operations were ordered closed, but Frank was requested to test Army radio apparatus through his station. Following the war, he resumed music broadcasting on his station 8XK on Wednesday and Sunday evenings, and gradually increased each broadcast time to three hours from what started as a few minutes. Listeners requested music he didn’t own, so he borrowed records from a local record shop. Fulfilling a verbal agreement, he announced the name of the record shop several times during his bi-weekly music broadcasts. By 1919, Frank Conrad’s station 8XK had become so popular in the Pittsburgh area that newspapers wrote about him. At that time, Frank was assistant chief engineer at Westinghouse in East Pittsburgh. Harry P. Davis, a Westinghouse vice president and Conrad’s direct supervisor, became aware of Frank’s popular broadcasts, when he saw a September 1920 newspaper ad from Joseph Horne’s Department store. The ad offered $10 wireless radios to pick up the music broadcasts. Davis recognized the economic potential of radio. Why not market to a mainstream audience rather than have limited listeners? Consequently, Davis asked Conrad to build a 200-watt transmitter, which would air programming intended to create widespread demand for Westinghouse receivers. The KDKA call sign was assigned sequentially from a list maintained by the U.S.-registry maritime stations. Plans were finalized with the Pittsburgh Post morning newspaper to acquire election returns by telephone to the shack, atop of the K building, the tallest Westinghouse Electric building in East Pittsburgh. The election night broadcast was to begin at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 2, 1920. Four Westinghouse employees manned that first broadcast: Leo Rosenberg was radio’s first announcer; William Thomas, Engineer; John Frazier, telephone line operator; and R.S. McClelland, a standby. Frank Conrad was standing by in his garage to use Station 8XK as an emergency back-up if there were problems with the KDKA transmitter. W estinghouse also sent invitations to its Pittsburgh employees to hear the results of the election from a loud speaker in the auditorium of the Edgewood community library on Nov 2, 1920. The auditorium was filled that night with 300 people listening to the first radio report of an election. The election results were relayed to many more listeners, who learned through this incredible new medium, that Warren Harding beat James Cox in the race for the Oval Office. That original broadcast was reported to be heard as far away as Canada. Soon after the successful KDKA election coverage, Westinghouse continued KDKA programming often featuring live musical performances from a Westinghouse band. Along with RCA and General Electric, Westinghouse was a co-founder of NBC in 1926, and thus KDKA became affiliated with NBC. KDKA was the first station to be licensed by the U.S. government to operate as a general broadcasting service. F rank Conrad retired from Westinghouse in 1927 after 37 years of extraordinary service. He received more than 200 American, English and German patents covering a broad range of mechanical and electrical devices from televisions, refrigerators, radio transmitters, clocks, air conditioners, vacuum tubes and even grenades. From his experimental radio station, 8XK, Frank was the whiz kid for a change in communication that would have everlasting impact. Many called him the “The Father of Radio Broadcasting.” In 1928 Frank Conrad received an honorary degree of Doctor of Science from the University of Pittsburgh. In 1930, Dr. Conrad received the prestigious Edison Medal from The Institute of Electrical Engineers. The Edison Medal is the oldest award in the field of engineering or electrical arts. He suffered a heart attack in Florida in November 1941. Frank passed away on December 11 of that year. To honor his contributions to the broadcast industry, the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission approved a historic marker to be erected adjacent to the Conrad garage at Peebles and Penn Ave in Wilkinsburg. Dedicated on Dec. 1, 1990, that marker was later removed and placed in storage when the property and garage were sold in 2000 to make way for a fast-food restaurant. The garage was also dismantled piece by piece and stored with the hope that it would be rebuilt. A re-dedication ceremony of the Frank Conrad memorial marker was conducted at 2 p.m. on Oct. 17, 2014, in Wilkinsburg, and the marker placed at the corner of Trenton and Penn Avenues. Many former and current radio commentators attended and spoke at the rededication. Effort is under way to raise sufficient funds to re-erect the garage near the Conrad Memorial marker. The Heinz History Center has a recreation of the original radio shack atop the K Building at East Pittsburgh, which includes a recording of the original election returns by Leo Rosenberg on November 2, 1920. The display is in the Pittsburgh Room: A Tradition of Innovation Exhibition on the second floor. Radio broadcasting has come a long way from its pioneer days in Frank’s Wilkinsburg garage. Entrepreneurs such as Frank Conrad helped make America an exceptional nation. (Material for this article was derived from articles previously published and prepared by: Casey Powell, research of Frank Conrad biographical information, for the New York Times and Dave Zuchowski, freelance writer: suburbanliving@postgazette.com.; Obituary, New York Times, Dec 12, 1941)