DENTON ABATE NEWS ABATE IS: “An alliance dedicated to the protection of the individual rights of motorcyclists through political change and awareness, charitable deeds, public education and to the promotion of motorcycling” ABATE is a motorcycle rights organization. Preamble to the bylaws, Texas ABATE Confederation Inc. What does ABATE mean? For more information, April 2014 please read the chapter rep report. UP COMING EVENTS A different way to celebrate Easter…. April 12: Biker Appreciation, Last Drop Tavern 16: Officer Mtg, 6pm, Mr. Porky’s 26: Jinetes Perdidos Party, Noon-? Red&Gold Clubhouse, Sanger 26: Lil Jesse Revenge 27: Chapter Mtg, 1pm, Mr. Porky’s May 3: State Meeting, (hosted by Denton) Mr. Porky’s 1pm 14: Officer Mtg, 6pm, Mr. Porky’s 25: Chapter Mtg, 1pm Mr. Porky’s June 6-8: NOT ROT, Scruffy’s 8: Officer’s Mtg, Scruffy’s 22: Chapter Mtg, 1pm, Mr. Porky’s Events with Flyers BIKER APPRECIATION Presented by Saturday, April 12, 2014 Last Drop Tavern 508 S. Elm St. # 101, Denton 76210 1pm – 6pm 50/50 Hamburgers / Hot Dogs $5 per plate Door Prizes Actions CAR BASH Everyone Welcome Bring your friends for some fun!!!! For questions call Kirsten @ 940-594-2309 or Joann @ 469-226-8978 Ok well here goes… I would like to apologize for missing the first meeting since becoming coordinator, as I was out of town. We all need to try and get some of our Denton members back, I am saddened by all those we have lost but I can honestly say there is not one single person I am glad is gone. Diversity is what makes Abate great, but in that diversity we have to work towards a common goal and learn to accept each person as they are. Remember guys, you only get out of Abate what you are willing to put into it! We will be doing Not Rot clean up soon, I hope you can at least try and come out and help clean up. It’s usually the same people year after year that do cleanup. It can be fun; we usually cook something for lunch. So plan to come out and help. Cleanup will be May 17th and 31st. Hope to see lots of people for biker appreciation at last drop. Tanks, See ya’ll next time I have been doing my best to get it out about Biker Appreciation. I have passed out almost 200 flyers so I am really hoping for a great turn out! I will let you know how well it went in the next newsletter or come join us at the April 22nd meeting and find out first hand. Membership/Treasurer: Kirsten Shivers I have received the most current membership list as of 3/16/2014 from the state. As of that date there are 67 Denton members, 8 memberships who expired between Jan-March; 5 that will expire at the end of this month, with one renewal for April, which is me. I am currently contacting the expired members by mail or e-mail to verify their membership status. I have one person who contacted me back requesting a renewal form. We have one member who expires in May and none that expire in July. Run Coordinator: Kirsten Shivers Does everyone liking this roller coaster weather? NOT ME!! I am ready for every day riding weather. On April 26th there will be a poker run sponsored by Texoma called Lil Jesse's Revenge; I hope everyone can show their support for this event. N-COM is May 9-11 in Addison. The seminar registration is due by April 27th. You can find more info on this at June 6-9 will NOT ROT in Decatur. Hope to see you there. We could really use the support. Secretary’s Report: Brenda Rosenbaum Meeting was called to order at 1:16pm, followed by Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence for the troops and our fallen brothers and sisters. Opening Remarks: Coordinator is out of town. Kirsten will be conducting today’s meeting, opening with a brief reminder of Biker Appreciation and Steel Horse Rally. Secretary’s Report: Regarding minutes of January 26, 2014 meeting; they are not available. Newsletters are available to pass around. Motion was made by Snyder, seconded by Kelly, and passed to accept the February 23, 2014 minutes as printed in the newsletter. Treasurer’s Report: Treasury report was read by Kirsten stating there was an error and reviewed the current balances. Motion was made by Snyder, seconded by Joann, and passed to accept the treasury report. Continued discussion about transfer of mail, statements, etc.; needing to be easily attained. Motion was made by Brenda to get info on obtaining a PO Box, seconded by Snyder, motion passed. Legislative Report: No report, need volunteer for Legislative position. Membership: Denton ABATE currently has 67 members. We have six renewals. Products: Previous event products are available for sale. Chapter Rep: Joann brought back information from the State Board Meeting March 1, 2014. Kirsten was also in attendance. The word “ABATE” currently stands for what it is in the dictionary, some have shown interest in going back to using an acronym. State would like chapters to discuss this further. Texas ABATE State Rally will be Sept. 5-7, 2014. Each chapter has been asked to get two sponsors for t-shirts. NCOM will donate $250.00 for flyers, using the flyer logo promotion. The next State Board Meeting will be May 3, 2014 at 1pm, hosted by Denton, more details at our April general meeting. Guests and New Members: None Asst. Coordinator/ Run Coordinator: Present and is presiding over meeting. Old Business: Biker Appreciation is right around the corner and we still need donations. Joann will send out emails for assistance. Today we have food after the meeting, $2.00 a bowl. Next meeting bring an auction item. New Business: Proclamations are coming up. Joann will contact Connie about the list. Tanks has said he will look into where we can help with NCOM. Flyer for NCOM is on the table. May 3rd is the State meeting; we will provide a potluck dinner/cook-off. Need food to be in crock pots or heated on hot plate. Janet agreed to have Mr. Porkys as the location. Not Rot will be $15 per person, $25 per couple. Saturday band only; volunteer bands will be welcome to showcase if interested. The June officer’s meeting will be held at Not Rot. Discussion about the Wounded Warrior program at Strokers, Connie should have more info at the April meeting. Write to Ride: Joann-1, Jason-1 Open Floor: Kelly noted that there was a mistake on the calling post. Officer meetings will be the second Wednesday of the month at 6:00pm at Mr. Porky’s. No 50/50 today. Donation of $19.25 for the down riders fund collected. Thanks to all that came. A motion was made, seconded and passed to adjourn the meeting at 2:05pm. Security: Tanks I would like to remind everyone that in order for our meetings to run as smooth as possible, we need to have some order. From this point forward, I would ask that if you have something to say please make sure it is one the topic at hand. Otherwise, please save your questions or comments for open floor in the meeting. The one thing that I need all our members to remember is that when speaking, is to keep it to 3 minutes. This will help keep our meetings shorter, as we would like to aim for the meetings to last no longer than an hour. Also, if you have complaints or feel the need vent, the place to do this is before or after the officers meeting or the general meeting NOT during at the meeting. Legislative: Connie Thompson The United Nations’ General Assembly passed a resolution April 10 titled “Improving Global Road Safety.” Ambassador Suzanne Powers, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, agreed to cosponsor the resolution that “calls for laws to fight texting and driving." Her official remarks can be viewed by clicking here. However, the resolution also contains language calling for mandatory helmet laws and harmonization of vehicle regulations in the name of “safety.” This resolution is non-binding, but the American Motorcyclist Association wants you to be aware of the international momentum for laws and regulations that might affect you in the future. The resolution encourages member states “that have not yet done so to consider enacting comprehensive legislation on key risk factors for road traffic injuries, including the disregard for road signs and signals, the non-use of helmets… ” (See PP27, No. 5, p. 4). It also commends the work of the UN Economic Commission for Europe for its “continuous work of the World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations to modify vehicle regulations to increase safety performance” (See PP14, p. 2). Much of the work performed by this body is worthwhile. However, some agenda items may interfere with your right to customize your motorcycle. The distracted driving language calls for member states to enact comprehensive legislation concerning inappropriate use of cell phones, including texting, while driving…” (See PP27, No. 5, p. 5). The AMA supports efforts to curtail distracted driving, which presents a serious threat to motorcyclists. Working together, we can better help the nation’s drivers acknowledge the presence of motorcyclists on our roads and highways and thereby increase the safety of all travelers. However, these items should be addressed at the federal or state level, not at the United Nations. The AMA will continue to watch out for you — the rider — even at the international level! Now more than ever, it is crucial that you and your riding friends become members of the AMA to help protect our riding freedoms. More members mean more clout against the opponents of motorcycling and ATV riding. That support will help fight for your rights – on the road, trail, racetrack, and in the halls of government. If you are a motorcycle rider, join the AMA at We have a few Not Rot 2013 t-shirts left, at $2 each. There are also a few of the white bandanas with our logo on them for $5 each. Koozie’s are $3 each or 2 for $5; there are also patches for our fallen brothers that are $5 each. Don’t forget we still have plenty of the stickers that go on the back of your driver’s license; they are only a $1. Chapter Representative: Joann York Hope everyone is enjoying the weather; let’s hope the cold weather is over with. It’s time to ride! From what I heard there were about 120 people that made it out to Texoma’s Steel Horse Rally in Bells. There are several things going on right now; of course we have Biker Appreciation on the 12th, hope to see many of you there. Remember to bring your kids and of course your friends. We will have hot dogs and hamburgers with all the fixings. Easter is April 20th; Stroker’s in Dallas will be hosting Church on the Bike from 9:45am to 12:30pm. This is a FREE and annual event! Ride your bike if you’d like, bring your lawn chairs, the restaurant will be serving food as well. AMSEP presents its 1st Annual J.E.S.S.E. Birthday Bash on April 26th. It will be held at Sherman Elk’s Lodge #2280. Registration for the poker run will begin at 10am, KSU at Noon. There will be a canoe raffle, auction, logo design contest and food. Should be a lot of fun! NCOM will be held in Addison this year, May 8-11th. Operation Rock the Troops will be held May 24th at Stroker’s in Dallas. Registration for the bike run begins at 9am with KSU at 10:30. If anyone has questions about the bike run, you can call Connie at 214-399-8353. The next state board meeting will be hosted by Denton, May 3rd. It will be held at Mr. Porky’s; the meeting will start at 1pm. Anyone who would like to attend can. If you attend the meeting, please remember unless you are a board member or a chapter rep, you may not speak. You are requested to write your comment/questions on a piece of paper and give it to your chapter rep ahead of time if possible. Your chapter rep will bring your comment/question(s) up during the meeting for you. It’s that time of year again…… PROCLAMATIONS……… There are so many cities/towns on the list; proclamations have already started. If you would like to set up a proclamation, Suds and Buttrfly has asked that we go through Connie Thompson. If you would send her an email at she will forward the information on to Buttrfly. You will need to contact the city secretary to get his/her email so that you can email him/her a blank proclamation. If you see that a club appears next to that city/town; be sure to let the city secretary know you will need another copy. Once you have a confirmed date and time that the proclamation will be presented; be sure to email Connie that information so the website can be updated. Something for everyone to think about………… It was discussed at the last state meeting to redefine ABATE. Some would like it to stand for American Bikers Against Totalitarian Enactments; some would like it to stand for American Bikers Aimed Toward Education. As members of Texas ABATE, I ask you what do you want ABATE to stand for. Please email me your thoughts and I will take them back to the next meeting in May. Right now ABATE means exactly what the dictionary says it means. Webster Dictionary: abate: verb \ə-ˈbāt\ : to become weaker : to decrease in strength NOT ROT June 6-8, 2014 Scruffy’s Place in Decatur 291 County Road 2649, Decatur, TX 76234 $15 per person/$25 per couple {children 12&under free with parent} $50 per booth space, includes 2 gate passes (MUST PREREGISTAR with Kirsten or Joann for vendor reservations, no exceptions) Bike Games, Poker Run on Saturday, Bike Contest 50/50 Drawing Primitive Camping under the trees………. Or Bring your RV! Limited Spaces with Electricity Electric fee for RV’s: 220 plug $20 and 110 plug $10 Water, Ice and Food on site **BYOB** NO weapons, NO Attitudes, NO pets. All events are subject to change without notice. Denton Abate, Officers, representatives are not responsible for any accidents, injury or theft, before, during or after this event. For more information call Kirsten Shivers @ 940-594-2309 Joann York @ 469-230-1616 Newsletter Editor’s Corner: Joann York If you go to any of our events, or another chapters events and you take pictures and would like to share them; email them to me and I will include them in the next newsletter. I always see many of you with cameras, why not share those photos? Write to Ride: Do you write letters to your congressman or representatives? If so let us know. As motorcycle riders we need to stay on top of our congressman and representatives, we must protect our motorcycle rights and all motorcyclists. I encourage EVERYONE to write letter and call Senator Ted Cruz and Senator John Cornyn and ask for their support on HR 1861 and HR 904, which will prohibit motorcycle only checkpoints. Once again I have included a list of 2014’s events below don’t forget to mark your calendars. Our officers meetings will be held at Mr. Porky’s at 6pm on the second Wed of each month. Any articles and all officer reports are due by the day of the officers meeting. If you have an article or report to send in and can’t get it to me by the deadline, let me know and I will discuss it with you individually. Please make sure that we have your current email address to ensure you receive your monthly newsletter. My email is if you have any questions or comments. If there is something in particular you want to see in the newsletter, sent it to me. I will do my best to make sure it’s included. Please remember, negative issues pertaining to other Abate members will NOT be added. January: th: 4 State Board Meeting in Sherman th: 26 Denton general Meeting @ 1pm at Mr. Porky’s February: rd: 23 Denton General Meeting 1 pm March: th th: 7 – 9 Freeze Your Ass Off @ Scruffy’s in Decatur rd: 23 Denton General Meeting @ 1pm Mark Your Calendars Now 2014 Events April: th: 12 Biker Appreciation May: th: 8th – 11 NCOM Dallas Texas th: 16-18 Kid’s Day @Scruffy’s in Decatur (postponed) th: 25 General Meeting @ 1pm June: th - th: 6 8 NOT ROT nd: 22 General Meeting Denton July: th: 26 Teddy Bear Run/ Bike Wash TBD th: 27 General Meeting @ 1pm August: th th: 15 - 17 Chapter Get Away and Texoma General Meeting th: 24 General Meeting @ 1pm September: th th: 5 - 7 State Rally th: 13 Teddy Bear Run with Texoma & Denton Chapters th: 28 Denton General Meeting & Whirley Ball Challenge after meeting October: th th: 17 - 19 Mid-South MILE th: 25 Progressive Dinner Run th: 26 Denton General Meeting @ 1pm November: th: 15 Denton Toy Run rd: 23 Denton Meeting December: th: 20 Denton Christmas Party & Meeting January 2015 th: January 26 Legislative Day in Austin Chapter Meetings: rd Arlington – 3 Sunday @ 11am, D&J’s Saloon rd Golden Triangle – 3 Friday @ 7:30pm, American Legion st NET – 1 Sunday @ 2pm, American Legion rd Texoma – 3 Sunday @1pm, Sherman Elk’s Lodge rd Lake-Cities – 3 Saturday @ 2pm, American Legion How to contact your 2014 officers? Coordinator: Tanks Assistant Coordinator: Kirsten Shivers 940.594.2309 Secretary: Brenda Rosenbaum Membership/Treasurer: Kirsten Shivers 940.594.2309 Products: Olivia Cottle 214.478.3288 Legislative: Connie Thompson 214.399.8353 Run Coordinator: Kirsten Shivers 940.594.2309 Security: Tanks Newsletter: Joann York 469.226.8978 Join the MRF Protecting Your Rights in Our Nation's Capital! The Motorcycle Riders Foundation is chiefly concerned with issues at the national and international levels that impact the freedom and safety of American street motorcyclists. We are also committed to educating rights advocates to improve effectiveness at the state and local levels. The MRF works together with State Motorcyclists' Rights Organizations (SMROs), assisting them with state and local agendas as well as working with them to influence Washington, DC - from the Congress to government departments and agencies to the Office of the President of the United States. We also work with allies in Europe and Asia to influence talks on vehicle globalization and harmonization that are proceeding under the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO). We have an historic partnership with the American Motorcyclist Association and work with the AMA on a host of issues. Reaching your Elected Officials President Barrack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington DC 20500 Telephone Comments: 202-456-1111 Switch board: (202)456-1414 Fax (202)456-2461 Texas Governor Rick Perry PO Box 12428 Austin, Texas 78711-2428 Telephone (512)463-2000 Fax (512)463-1849 Opinions: 1-800-252-9600 Assistance: 1-800-843-5789 Texas State Senator Dist. 9- Chris Harris PO Box 12068 Capital Station, Austin, TX 78711 Telephone (512)463-0109 Fax (512)463-7003 District Address: 522 S. Edmonds Lane, Lewisville, TX 75067 Telephone (972)436-1001 Fax (972)436-9829 Texas State Senator Dist. 12- Jane Nelson PO Box 12068 Capital Station, Austin, TX 78711 Telephone (512)463-0112 Fax (512)463-0923 District Address: 1235 S. Main St. #280, Grapevine, TX 76051 Telephone (512)817-3446 Texas State Senator Dist.30 - Craig Estes PO Box 12068 Capitol Station, Austin Texas 78711 Capitol Phone (512)463-0130 District Address: 1117 Gallagher St. 340, Sherman, TX 75090 Telephone: (903)868-2437 Fax: (903)868-9666 Texas State Representative Dist. 63- Tan Parker PO Box 2910 Austin, TX 78768 Telephone (512)463-0688 District Address: 800 Parker Sq. Ste. #245, Flower Mound, TX 75028 Telephone (972)724-8477 Texas State Representative Dist. 64- Myra Crownover PO Box 2910 Austin, TX 78768 Telephone (512)463-0582 District Address: PO Box 2910, Lake Dallas, TX 75065 Telephone (940)321-0013 Texas State Representative Dist. 65- Burt R. Solomons PO Box 2910 Austin, TX 78768 Telephone (512)463-0478 District Address: 1029 W. Rosemead Pkwy. Ste. 108, Carrollton, TX 75007 Telephone (972)724-8477 Texas Abate Chapters Texas Abate Confederation Texoma ABATE Meeting 3rd Sunday every month 1pm @ Sherman ELKS Lodge 1313 E Hwy 1417 Sherman, TX (903)271-8588 Denton ABATE Meeting 4th Sunday every month @1pm @ Mr. Porky’s 8430 W University (Hwy 380) Drive Denton, TX 76207 (940) 380-2945 NET ABATE- North East Texas Meeting 1st Sunday every month 2pm @ American Legion 236 W Hwy 276 West Tawakoni, TX (903) 447-9502 Arlington ABATE Meeting 3rd Sunday every month 11am @ D & J’s Saloon 205 E Front St Arlington, TX (817) 542-0577 Golden Triangle Meeting 3rd Friday every month 7:30pm @ American Legion Hall Memorial Blvd Port Arthur, TX Lake-Cities Meeting 3rd Saturday every month 2pm @ American Legion Post 88 Gotcher St, Lake Dallas, TX