it`s bloody maaary time!


it`s bloody maaary time!
Denton ABATE News
Disclaimer: This newsletter represents the Denton ABATE Chapter. It is for the members, about the members, and by the members. Any information submitted and
printed in this newsletter was provided by members and reflects their thoughts and beliefs. Slanderous material, accusing letters, and profanity will not be printed. We
reserve the right not to accept advertisements from vendors who discriminate against motorcyclists in any way. All content and photographs are the property of Denton
ABATE, and may not be used or reproduced in any manner or format without the express permission of the membership of Denton ABATE, by majority vote.
June 2010
Volume 15, Issue 5
May 23
Denton ABATE Chapter
Meeting, Noon at
American Legion Post 88
May 29
Second NotRot Cleanup
June 4-6
Denton ABATE
June 11-12
Republican Convention
Dallas, TX
June 25-26
Democratic Convention
Corpus Christi, TX
June 27
Denton ABATE Chapter
Meeting, Noon at
American Legion Post 88
July 10
Denton ABATE Yard Sale
American Legion Post 88
July 17
Toy Run
July 23-25
Dad’s Dad’s Party
Bells, TX
July 25
Denton ABATE Chapter
Meeting, Noon at
American Legion Post 88
Denton ABATE brought back home the Texas ABATE Tug of War trophy after
the contest at the 2010 Northern Party. The Tug of War has been an annual
staple of the State Party since the first incarnation of Texas ABATE in 1989. The
trophy had been held by the Denton Chapter for six consecutive years, from
2001 to 2006. Texoma chapter won it back in 2007 and 2008, and the contest
was rained out in 2009.
This year, the winning Denton Team was Rick Boland, Taryn McColpin, Laura
Lou Nichols, Brenda Rosenbaum, Stephanie Little, and Kelly McColpin.
Two weekends after the publication of
this newsletter, June 4-6, brings our
Chapter’s big rally...the 8th Annual
NotRot at Scruffy’s in Wise County.
There will be a new poker run, a new bike
game, and lots of new people this year!
Come on out and bring your friends,
support your chapter and your
motorcyclists rights organization, and
have a great time while doing it.
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From Your
Denton ABATE News
So where are we headed? From where I
stand, the sky is the limit.
The month of May has been awesome.
Taryn put out some awesome posters for
Motorcycle Safety & Awareness month.
Several of us attended four proclamation
signings; 15 bikes made the ride to the first
North Texas rally and brought home some
trophies; 12 Bikes made the Memorial Run
to Wichita Falls for brother Digger’s father,
while another dozen or so bikes made the
run to Northern. I can’t speak for everyone,
won’t even try. But those who say Denton
needs to participate more with others
should come ride with us. Might enlighten
them as to how involved a handful of
diehard motorcycle lovin’ brothers and
sisters can be. (May find it hard to keep up!)
So what I’m leading up to is this: All Denton
ABATE members stand up and applaud
yourselves. Because the first two weeks of
May covered nine events, hundreds of miles,
countless hours, and alot of laughs to support motorcycle awareness, no matter who
we stood by to do it. My hat is off to every
one of you who made these events. Our last
meeting was a little longwinded, but all of
June 2010
you jumped in with your thoughts and
ideas. And lo and behold, it bears fruit.
Now to a more somber note. Our brother
Goatman passed on last week in a
motorcycle accident. For those who
attended the memorial, you found that the
brother we loved who often seemed to fly
solo was anything but a lone rider.
Hundreds of brothers and sisters filled
Trietsch Methodist Church to pay their
respects to Kenneth Porter AKA Goatman.
My grandfather always said you can tell the
worth of a man’s life by how many people
attend his funeral. Well, brother Goatman,
your life was a worthy one and we will miss
And for those of us left to fight the fight… In
memory of Goatman and every brother and
sister we have lost, let’s stand tall and keep
our passion alive for generations to come.
Remember, if we don't stand up to be heard,
we stand back to fade away. Love you all.
Ride hard, shoot straight, and live free.
Jeff York
June 2010
Denton ABATE News
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Thanks go to those of you who participate in what we do for Denton ABATE. Our
turnout for our first Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Ride was four bikes, a truck,
and a car. Guess the clouds and the slight chance of dew on the road that morning
scared y’all. Me, Taryn, Caty Rose and her BFF Katie, new member Michael York,
Snyder and Brenda, and Gail and Mandy helped us kick off this month’s rides. The
first annual North Texas Rally at the Dragstrip was our destination and I thought it
was a good turnout for being the first of many. Thanks to our advertiser American
Legion Post 550 and their Legion Riders for helping us enjoy a great day in the sun.
Our Secretary, a first time Bike Gamer, won a first place trophy! Way to go, honey!
Thanks to everyone who showed up for the first NotRot Cleanup on May 8th, with
special appreciation to Boomer’s delegation for cooking us lunch. We need y’all (and
others) back for the second and last cleanup on May 29th. We’ll meet at 9AM at the
Dairy Queen at I35 and 380, or you can go up earlier or come out later, just come out! More weedeating, mowing and tree-trimming
will bring it all together. (Does anyone have any wood fence posts?)
Northern Party’s little rainshower on Friday afternoon lasted about two hours and totally scared people off, which is a shame because
it turned out to be a really nice weekend. The mud was even mostly dried up by Saturday evening! Taryn and Caty Rose and I arrived
about 7, set up camp in one of the many dry spots, and the fun commenced!
The Denton ABATE Tug-of-War crew brought home the trophy, where it belongs! Didn’t win any of the other bike games, but I took
second place in the bike show and Taryn won the Poker Run, which was a good ride with great stops, as usual. Saturday night Laura
Lou and H.O.T.T. rocked us all night, either on stage or at the fire, and we had a few stay up almost til dawn (Thanks Joe, for the
Bloody Mary cure on Sunday morning). Sunday, the three of us attended the Texoma Chapter meeting at the Elk’s Lodge in Sherman,
since some of them always show up at our meetings. They recognized us and talked about our events.
I’m asking all of you to participate in the after-meeting Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Ride Through the Countryside. We’re going to
Sanger, Gainesville, and Pilot Point. Some of the Texoma Chapter and people from the pre-Mid south M.I.L.E. meeting are hoping to
meet us at Hubcaps, so let’s have a big turnout and show them Denton ABATE cares about safety and awareness.
NotRot is only 2 weeks away...we have a lot planned this year and we NEED your participation. Call your friends who ride and ask
them to come help support their rights while they are having the one of the best times they will have all year.
Please keep Goatman’s family in your prayers and in your thoughts. We will miss him. A Red Cross Placement Ceremony has already
been suggested by several people, so watch the calendar for that.
Keep the shiny side up!
Stephanie’s Stuff
Happy Summer Time to you all...has anyone else gotten their first
sunburn yet??? Well I have, at the Denton Arts and Jazz Festival,
had a blast and now I am peeling to prove it!! That just goes to
show, now it’s time to start carrying that sun block and taking
care in our summer months!!
I am sending my prayers to Goatman's family, may he ride on
forever as we all know he loved to do.
The Hoodies are going to the Northern Party and NotRot, so if
you ordered one and did not pick it up, I am sorry. You are
welcome to check with me and see if someone else did not
already snag it up, or order another one.
I cant wait for NotRot this year, I know we will have soooo much
fun, how can we not with the amazing group of friends that we
have, and of course the kick ASS band H.O.T.T.!!! I know we will
all have a blast!!!
There will of course be NotRot shirts, with Caty Rose's design on As always, Wear it Loud and Wear it Proud!
them, so let’s all get geared up and get our camping stuff
together, cause that's where anyone who is anyone will be!!!!
Cant wait to see you all then!!!
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Denton ABATE News
June 2010
Minutes of April 25, 2010, Denton ABATE Meeting
Meeting called to order at 12:18 pm, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence for the fallen
and our troops.
Opening Remarks: The coordinator decided to refrain from having any opening remarks, and noted that
his would be held during Open Floor.
Assistant Coordinator: A motion was made, seconded, and passed for Denton ABATE to pay the $100
chapter entrance fee for Mid-South M.I.L.E., which is the 3rd weekend in October. Please pre-register if you
plan on attending the banquet at the M.I.L.E., which is an additional cost.
Secretary: A motion was made, seconded, and passed to accept the minutes as printed in the newsletter.
Treasurer’s Report: A motion was made, seconded, and passed to accept the Treasurer’s report.
Newsletter: Larry West, Charyl Szydloski, the Pit Crew Cycle Center, and JR Pockets are our new
advertisers. Not Rot flyers are available for distribution, and a pdf version is available for online distribution.
Legislative: Elmer was present to give his Legislative Report, which is printed in the Newsletter.
Chapter Rep: Larry was designated by State to come up with a solution for the Jr. Membership issue. His
idea is as follows: Anyone less than 18 years of age can be a Jr. Member, paying a one-time fee of $5. Anyone
from 15-17 can be a full member if they have their motorcycle license and have taken the basic safety riders
course. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to vote in favor of Larry’s proposal.
Membership: Jeff & Lara Coseo are our newest members. We have 221 total membership.
Products: The Not Rot design has been decided, Caty Rose’s design won. The t-shirts will be available first
at NotRot, so buy one while there is still a good selection.
Run Coordinator: Sign up for Not Rot clean-ups and Security!
Write to Ride: Taryn got one article. Published letters to the editor do count as a Write to Ride.
Old Business: A discussion was held over Biker Appreciation and officer meetings. Stephanie and Kelly will
be signing all checks, due to Jeff’s work schedule.
New Business: A discussion was held over the location of the gate at Not Rot; it was decided to move it back
up to the entrance. There will be a sign-up sheet for gate and security times at the May meeting. Denton
ABATE will have a booth at the North Texas Rally. Sign up to work! A “convoy” to the North Texas Rally will
leave out of the American Legion Post 88 at 9AM on May 1st in support of Motorcycle Safety and Awareness
Month. The same type of “convoy” to Tula’s, Hubcaps, and Pilot Point American Legion will leave out after
the Denton ABATE meeting on May 23 at 2PM.
Open Floor: Sunday is Biker Day at JR Pockets, where Flipper is the
new manager. There were multiple discussions held over the direction of
ABATE, the members, its running, and how changes were going to be
made. Discussion was also held about conflicts with COC and how to resolve them.
50/50: Snyder won $31.50 and donated it back to the Downed Riders
A motion was made, seconded. and passed to adjourn the meeting at
Make a difference!
Respectfully submitted,
Caty Rose McColpin,
June 2010
Denton ABATE News
Page 5
Legislative Report
Texas Elections
Most cities will be having local elections for their city government. It is important you look at the issues and get out and
vote. This is the basic level of government and can effort you immediately with laws and taxes against you. Early voting
started Monday April 26th and typically will go till Tuesday May 4th. The actual election day is Saturday May 8th. Also,
you may find some bonds and resolutions on the ballot. You will need to get with your individual cities to find out what
is on the election ballot.
State Conventions
The Republican Convention will be in Dallas Convention Center in Dallas, Tx. The dates are June 11th and 12th. As a
delegate or alternate, you should be planning to attend both days. As a guest, you are not required to be there both days,
but if you can, it gives you a great opportunity to see what happens at a convention.
Now the Republicans are charging for a guest pass. You can get to the republican website and order the pass. The cost is
$25.00 for a guest pass. Here is the link to the order site:
Texas Democratic State Convention will be held at the American Bank Center in Corpus Christi, Texas, June 24-26th.
The Convention Staff can be reached at the TDP office at 512-478-9800 or by email at Use
these contacts to arrange to get your guest pass if you are interested in going to the democrat convention.
There are a lot of events to make during these conventions where you have an opportunity to meet your law makers. I
can’t stress enough on how much we need to get as many people as possible to show up for the event. We need to be in
public view so we aren’t ignored when it comes to our rights. The old saying “must be present to win” does apply in this
Republican Website:
Democrat Website:
Motorcycle Fatalities Decrease (MRF)
The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) released a report today on national motorcycle fatalities. The report
claims that motorcycle fatalities are down 16 percent for the first 3 quarters of 2009 and about 10 percent for the year.
This is the first significant decrease in over a decade.
The decrease in fatalities is not a function of people riding less. Vehicle miles traveled for motorcycles is down one to two
percent (the number varies regionally). Miles traveled have also increased in some areas where people are swapping gas
guzzler cars for small, efficient motorcycles in order to stretch their pennies as far as possible. After all, motorcycles are
the single most affordable form of private transportation available to Americans. Although there have been reports of
lower motorcycle fatalities in 2009 in Texas, I have not confirmed any numbers yet. I expect those numbers to be out
National Mandatory Motorcycle Helmet Law (MRF)
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) has learned that, in a hearing held this month by the U.S. Senate
Environment and Public Works Committee, Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) repeatedly called for a national mandatory helmet law. The hearing, entitled Opportunities to
Improve Highway Safety, focused on areas that need improvement when it comes to
the landscape of highway injuries and fatalities.
In his opening statement, Lautenberg said that there should be a mandatory
motorcycle helmet law for all riders in America. This is typical for the 86-year-old
senator. He has routinely attempted to put a federal mandatory helmet law in place
before. Lautenberg currently chairs or sits on every single senate committee that has
jurisdiction over roads and road safety.
During this hearing, Lautenberg was not alone in his quest for an all-rider federal
helmet law. As expected, the spokesperson for the Advocates for Highway Safety also
voiced their opinion that a national helmet law is a good idea.
Fortunately, the hearing didn’t only focus on the helmet debate; in fact, very little of it
did. There were other issues covered such as impaired driving, distracted driving, and
big trucks.
Upcoming Events
June 4-6th – NotRot
June 11, 12th – Republican Convention in Dallas
June 24–26th – Democratic Convention in Corpus
July 2nd –4th – Ride To Pleasure Island
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Denton ABATE News
June 2010
June 2010
Denton ABATE News
AUGUST 31, 1950 - MAY 10, 2010
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Denton ABATE News
June 2010
June 2010
Denton ABATE News
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Denton ABATE News
June 2010
June 2010
Denton ABATE News
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Denton ABATE News
June 2010
June 2010
Denton ABATE News
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Denton ABATE News
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June 2010
Chapter Representative Report
Denton ABATE Chapter Rep Report
May 15, 2010
Bells, Texas
The officers at the meeting were Coordinator, Assist. Coordinator, Secretary, Treasurer-Membership, and
Legislative. All Chapter Reps were present.
Secretary report was accepted as printed. Treasurer-Membership reports were read and accepted.
The State Legislative report was given. Highlights of this are NCOM, COC, and US Defender program. We
must keep an eye on all upcoming possible legislation taking away rights. Next January 2011 will be our next
large gathering at the Capitol in Austin. Please keep this in mind and try to make plans to be there. If anyone
needs information on Legislative Day, contact David Die, Legislative Officer.
The Guide Book was discussed. Junior membership was a lengthy one. Rather than try to explain it all, when
we get the first rough draft, anyone will be able to review it, and then we can fine tune. It basically is Larry
West’s draft and seems to fit the bill. Everyone agreed that a “family membership” should be two people 18
years old or older. This, too, will be spelled out in the rough draft for review before approval.
There was a discussion on The Mid-South-M.I.L.E. Each chapter is asked to make four centerpieces for the
banquet at the M.I.L.E. October 15-17.
AMSET (ABATE safety program) is still and always will be a work in progress. We really need to plan for next
May on Motorcycle Safety and Awareness. Looking into a budget for yard signs. Suggested yellow share the
road signs.
Other than the rain and low turn out, the Northern Party was a lot of fun. It only rained after midnight on
Saturday and even that wasn’t too bad.
Well, that’s all, folks. See ya next time.Be free and ride safe.
Your friendly, neighborhood chapter rep.
Robin Butts
Mid-South M.I.L.E. Countdown
The M.I.L.E……..A Syllabus?
Members, what is the clique mystique and how do we deal with it? Who should be love bombed and why?
How do you love bomb someone? How do you meet and steal leaders? (To work ‘em, you gotta please ‘em.)
Force multiplication – how do you make it happen and how do you use it? What is the first thing you need to
be doing when you arrive at a meeting? Who are your Magic Members?
All of these and many other secrets of gaining and retaining members will be revealed to those that attend. Of
specific interest to Denton ABATE:
Apathy in a chapter…………………………………...possible solutions.
Attracting new members…………………………….possible solutions.
How to get old members back ……………………..possible solutions.
The big one…members becoming leaders……..possible solutions.
All of the above, and more, will be addressed at the M.I.L.E. If it applies, discuss it now
or at open floor, and let’s see if collectively we can match others in the quest at
retaining motorcycling as we know it! As a way of life and choice to be ridden into the
I’ll be at the M.I.L.E. How about you?
Spread the word,
Snyder Rosenbaum
Denton ABATE News
June 2010
Page 15
Membership Report
My vote is that “EVERY” month should be
“Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month”. I’ve
seen more unaware people this past month
than I’ve seen in a long time… When leaving
the ABATE meeting last month, I watched as
Snyder and Brenda experienced a near
mishap. A car started to change lanes never
seeing that they were already beside them.
Luckily they finally figured it out... could have
been disastrous!!!
Then two weeks ago,
Raymond was headed to work when some idiot
decided to come to a complete stop in front of
him. Needless to say the bike was laid down
and I got to watch my husband go sliding
down the shoulder of the road for about 40ft.
Car took off and never looked back. Some
road rash, torn jeans and one heel ripped off
his boots; but thankfully nothing broke.
A big welcome to our newest members: Jeff &
Lara Coseo from Frisco. Look forward to
seeing you guys at some of the events. Hope
everybody’s getting ready for “NOT ROT”. I
can hardly wait!!!!
Expired: May 2010
Kathleen Abbey
Joseph & Mariana Dedina
Grizz Lamere
Ron & Crystal Paul
James Prestage
Jeff Wilder
Expired: April 2010
Richard Ryan Gilbert
Susan Tompkins & Joe Bray
Expired: March 2010
David Frantz
Lisa A. Melton
David H. Blake
Jennie & Abram Alkire
Stephanie Padgett & Family
Chuck McMurry
Sil Smith
Big Ron & Sheila Lucero
Chad Rosenboom
Mike & Melody Shipp
Lee & Lani Brueggemann
Phillip “Mouse” Nanni
Crystal Valkavich
Mike & Ruby McDowell
David H. Blake
Billy Hillard
Scot “Hawk” Garrett
Expired: February 2010
Dave & Gail Douglas
Tommy & Carolyn Garland
Larry “Stain” Hall
Mark & Kimberly Pannell
Doug Reynolds & Tamara Philpott
Michael Sileo
Terry & Kelley Smith
Total Members: 221
Cost: $30 Family, $20 Single
Ride Safe, and Ride Free!
Judy Boston
 ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–— —
P.O. BOX 1551
DENTON, TX 76202
An Alliance dedicated to the protection of the individual
rights of motorcyclists through political change and
awareness, charitable works, and public education,
and to the promotion of motorcycling.