Will County A.B.A.T.E. Newsletter
Will County A.B.A.T.E. Newsletter
March 2010 Monthly Newsletter Inside This Issue President pg ‐ 3 Legislative pg ‐7 Activities pg ‐10 Safety & Awareness pg ‐11 Road Captain pg ‐ 12 Membership pg ‐13 Calendar pg ‐ 14 Will County ABATE, P.O. Box 928, Plainfield, IL 60544 www.willcoabate.org Page 2 ABATE Of Illinois Inc. Chapter Operations Manual Guidelines. A Brotherhood Aimed Toward Education; A.B.A.T.E. of ILLINOIS, INC. is organized for charitable, education, civic, benevolent, social, and ath‐ letic purposes. Including for such purposes as, the promotion of mo‐ torcycle use, acceptance, safety and enjoyment. Said purposes include promoting the motorcycling interests of the corporation’s members and affiliates. Said corporation is further organized to undertake such interactions, including lobbying and litigation support, with various governmental bodies as may be necessary or desirable to promote the motorcycling interests of the corporation’s members and affiliates. So says the legalese at the beginning of our by‐laws; but, what does it mean. The bottom line is, A.B.A.T.E. of ILLINOIS, INC. is a Motorcyclist’s Rights Organization. Yes we do charitable work. What better way to promote motorcycling, and a positive image of motorcyclists to the rest of the world? Yes we educate; we educate our members on the merits of taking the motorcycle safety courses offered by IDOT. We educate anyone who will listen to be aware of motorcycles, both through individual effort through our Safety and Awareness Program. We also educate legislators that laws, which discriminate against mo‐ torcyclists, and motorcycling, are unacceptable. On the civic level we encourage all A.B.A.T.E of ILLINOIS, INC. members to be not only regis‐ tered, but active voters. We also believe that all citizens should be active in their communities. MEMBER DUTIES: Aside from being required to be a paid member, members are strongly encouraged to: 1. Be a registered and active voter. 2. Attend all appropriate A.B.A.T.E. meetings. 3. Consider becoming Chapter/State officer. 4. Become active in A.B.A.T.E. programs. (Legislative, Safety & Ed.) 5. Support A.B.A.T.E. fund raisers (Bike Raffle, State Party, local) 6. Attend A.B.A.T.E. events. (Freedom Rally, Seminar) 7. Support A.B.A.T.E. Political Action Committees. (State & Fed.) 8. Promote A.B.A.T.E. membership to others. 9. Become active in politics. 10. Become active in national Motorcycle Rights Organizations. Page 3 President: Jay Hello Everyone, The good news is that we are one month closer to warmer weather. The Bad news, the arrogant politicians from Cook County are at it again. Donny Trotter & Mary Flowers have introduced legislation to potentially take away some more of our, and our children’s freedoms. They think they know what’s best for your children. Please watch our Legislative (Brian) articles. If Brian tells us to call Springfield and voice our freedoms do not expect everyone else to do it and not you. Some people I understand work late. Every one of the elected official’s offices have answering machines and believe me they do check the messages. If you call and they ask if you are one of the politicians constituents don’t get intimidated. Just throw the question at them “Does this politician only accept campaign contributions from their constituents”? Let them know you are a resident of Illinois and an informed active voter. This legislation against our freedoms is all the more reason to find a way to get to Springfield for Legislative day March 11th. Contact Brian if you would like to go. After the April 11th meeting our Safety & Ed coordinator Monty w ill b e h o ld in g a sh o r t presentation of our Safety & Awareness program that is presented in the local High Schools. I encourage everyone to be there and witness this presentation and get involved in the program. This first hand experience is a great way to help with your safety and the safety of your Brothers & Sisters who ride. Even if the weather is nice that day PLEASE give your time to this presentation. It may save someone’s life. There will be plenty of time to ride afterwards. The following is of my opinion and not necessarily of this organization or others. We just had a primary election February 2nd. Scott Cohen won the Lt Gov race with 26% of the Democratic vote. Here is my disgust with Illinois Politics AGAIN. Due to things in Scott’s past the Democrat machine did not like him. Quinn and others wanted him to quit the race. On Feb 7th he did so but not till after Mr. Madigan (speaker of the House) had a little behind close d oo r meetin g w ith Sco tt. Someone told me that this is good Page 4 business. I am sorry, Mr. Madigan and others you just told the thousands of voters who voted for Mr. Co h en th e ir v o te Me an s NOTHING and you slapped them in the face. How in the HECK are we supposed to convince people that their VOTE does count with behavior like this????? Before anyone says I am picking on the Democrats, I was just as disgusted when the Republicans shunned Jack Ryan after he won the republican primary for the US Senate seat here in Illinois in 2004. You all remember a man by the name Alan Keyes. The Republican Party brought Keyes in from the east coast to beat a man by the name of Obama. Come Nov. be informed & a LEADER. Vote your beliefs and not be a Lazy follower who votes a straight party ticket. Ride Safe & Be courteous to others on the road, Jay President, Chapter Will Co ABATE Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Legislative: Brian Greetings, Will County Chapter-We really have a lot going on in the General Assembly, and as I write this, they've only been in session for a week! As for the bills that were introduced, it's deja vu all over again. Sen. Donne Trotter is still trying to get a helmet bill passed for Senate President John Cullerton. SB 2535 would require helmets for motorcycle riders and passengers 18 and under, and SB2536 would require helmets for all riders and passengers regardless of age. Both bills have been assigned to the Public Health Committee, which has the same members as it did last spring, when Trotter's previous helmet bill passed out of the committee and went to the full senate for a vote. Thanks to a lot of lobbying by riders like you, it was defeated soundly, but we have to remain vigilant. Cullerton has announced his intention to make Illinois number one in the nation regarding the number of traffic safety laws on the books. Here's an example of this quantity-over quality way of thinking: SB2627, sponsored by Sen Ira Silverstein, would require bicycle helmets for "children and small adults" who ride a bicycle, and would require these "children and small adults" to be fastened in a safety seat if they're passengers. This steaming pile of s--- is also in the Public Health (Continued on page 9) Page 8 SUNDAY - BLOODY MARY BAR PLENTY OF BIKE PARKING COVERED OUTDOOR SMOKING AREA KARAOKE - EVERY WED & SAT@ 9:30PM CHECK OUT OURDAILY SPECIALS STOP IN EARLY ON SATURDAY MORNINGS WE OPEN AT 8am DOUBLE “J” IS ON THE BOOK RUN THIS YEAR OUTDOOR PARTIES WELCOME MEMBER OF ABATE SINCE 2003 WWW.DOUBLEJSPORTSBAR.COM WWW.MYSPACE.COM/DOUBLEJSPORTSBARJOLIET3 OPEN: MON - THURS 10am - 2am FRIDAY 10am- 3am SATURDAY 8am - 3am SUNDAY 11am - 2am Page 9 (Legislative - Continued from page 7) Committee, and may have been called by the time you're reading this. Over in the House, Rep. Mary Flowers is at it again. HB5029 would require helmets for all riders and passengers on motorcycles. It was assigned to the Vehicles and Safety Committee. HB5031 would require school districts to "provide instruction in the laws regarding operation" of ATVs and dirt bikes in grades K-12. It would also prohibit the use of ATVs and dirt bikes on roads, and prohibit their use by anyone under age 16, without a valid driver's license, or without a helmet. And to top it all off, drivers would have to demonstrate knowledge of ATV laws on the driver's license written exam. This one was assi gne d to the Elementary and Secondary Education Committee. Now for the good news. HB162, sponsored by Rep. Randy Ramey, and with Rep. Bill Black as one of the Chief Co-Sponsors, has been sent to the House Vehicles and Safety Committee. This bill would make it even harder to take money from the Cycle Rider Training fund. There's also talk of an attempt to transfer control of the Fund from IDOT to the Secretary of State. Noise is becoming a hot-button issue nationwide. There's a bill pending in Pe nnsylvania (HB2104, Printers #2933 - editor) that would allow private citizens to report loud vehicles to the police, who could then get a search warrant to inspect the vehicle, even on private property. And an organization c a l l e d N o i s e F r e e A me r i c a (http://www.noisefree.org) has given Harley-Davidson one of their "Noisy Dozen" awards. One of these vigilantes says "the noise is frightening and intimidates people, and it is 'noise terrorism.' Harleys hurt people and their noise can cause hearing loss, higher medical costs, lost productivity and loss of peace of mind." While it's obvious that this guy has lost a piece of HIS mind, it goes to show you how serious an issue noise has become, and it doesn't matter whether your bike is a Harley or any other make. It's only a matter of time before we confront draconian noise legislation, whether it be at the federal,state, or municipal level. So how do we fend off all these bills? By becoming activists. Sign up for bulletins from Ondgo, the MRF, and the Illinois Legislature. The links are o n t he Le gi s l a t i v e pa ge o f www.willcoabate.org. And when one of our allies in (or running for) Congress, the U.S. Senate, or the Illinois General Assembly asks for our help--GET INVOLVED! If you were a politician it would be pretty hard to vote against the people who make your campaign signs and put them in the ground. The people working against motorcyclists are very vocal, but we can beat them by ACTION! Next month--news from ABATE Legislative Day. Brian Legislative Curmudgeon "Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."--P.J. O'Rourke Page 10 7:30 pm, and Aprils is Sunday the 11th at noon. Both at the Harwood Post on Larkin Ave. in Joliet. Activities: Brenda Coming up in March we have several activities to participate in. Brenda Activities Coordinator Will County Abate The Triathlon (see ad on page 5) is on the 21st at Zelmo's, Plainfield Road in Joliet. Pool, darts and bean bags. Registration starts at 10:30 am and the games begin at 11. Cash prize to the 1st place winner. The books are ordered for the 2010 Book Run, and it is due to begin on April 10th. This year we will have 36 regular stops and 6 bonus stops. And of course a great party at the end of it on October 9th. It's gonna be a great time. For more information please come to the me mbers hip mee tings. March's is Wednesday the 10th at WILL COUNTY A.B.A.T.E. BOOK RUN 2010 RUN MAP AND ALL OF THE DETAILS ARE ON OUR WEBSITE http://www.willcoabate.org Page 11 Safety & Awareness Committee: sign, you do not have to take it. At January’s general membership meeting, a S&A Committee was appointed. The purpose of the committee is to come up with various ways to promote motorcycle safety and awareness in our community. Below are the items that were discussed at the February meeting. Billboard: May is Motorcycle Awareness Month. We are going to take a look at getting a billboard for the month of May. More details will be provided at the March meeting. High School Classroom Presentations: To help give possible new volunteers an idea of what a presentation entails, a mini presentation will be given after the Sunday – April 11th general meeting. If you are interested, please stay for the presentation. Start Seeing Motorcycle Signs: To thank our membership and to help get the word out on motorcycle awareness, every new member who signs up with Will County and every renewal will receive 1 sign for free. If you do not need a Poster Contest: Some of you might remember the S& A posters that the State had created in the past. We thought it would be a good idea to see what our own membership can come up with for a S&A poster that will be used in the Will County area. If you are interested in submitting your ideas, please e-mail them to Kat (katwillcoabate@comcast.net). All submissions must be in before the April 11th general meeting. Posters will be voted on by the membership at the April meeting and the winning submission will be used. Even if you are not the best drawer (Lauren and her turkey), please turn in your suggestion anyway. Membership Ideas: If anyone has an idea in regards to S&A, please let Monty (monty@willcoabate.org) or Kat (katwillcoabate@comcast.net) know. This is your chapter and we want your voice to be heard. S&A Committee FOR SALE 2 Honda Magnas for sale. 1999 not running but in good shape. Just needs TLC $1000. 1998 runs, in excellent condition with extras (locking saddle bags...) $2000. 815-341-8295 Page 12 Road Captian: Tony Hello everyoneWell, according to my calendar, spring is almost here, looking out the window tells a different story. Light snow is falling and more is expected this week. Oh well, you know what they say about weather in the Chicago area, if you don't like it stick around a few minutes, it'll change !! This year promises to be a year full of events, your book run committee is hard at work finishing up the last details of the book run and preparing the books for distribution. There have been some new stops included along with our faithful friends as well. This year the committee has added some "bonus" stops, which will add some new routes to the book run and help put some miles under our belts. throughout the winter season, please be aware of the added hazards that go along with the inclement weather. Black ice, potholes that will swallow a bike, low traction conditions due to the cold pavement and poor visibility just to name a few. PLEASE take extra caution as you continue to ride throughout the inclement weather. I myself do not object to riding in the cold, but, to be perfectly honest, the massive amounts of salt that is still present on the roads keeps me off the roads. Call me what you want, but salt and chrome just don't get along. One last tip, for those of you who do not own one, pick up a battery tender for your bike. These chargers will not only keep your bike ready to go at a moment's notice, but also will extend the life of your battery. These tenders can generally be purchased for $29 to $40 dollars and are a wise investment. For those of you who are interested in supporting our military families, please log on to www.warriorswatch.org for Motorcycle safety classes are already information on welcome homes and beginning to fill up, if you are inter- honor missions for our troops. Become a ested in attending one, check the link member, you will not regret it. on our website and get moving. Riding season will be in full swing before you See you out there soon ( as soon as the know it. salt is washed off the roads!!!!!). Ride Safe! To those hearty friends who ride Tony 2010 A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois Will County Chapter Officers President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Activities State Rep Editor Merchandise Safety & Ed Membership Road Captain Sgt. At Arms Public Relations Jay Al Pat Jackie Brenda Randy John Sandi Monty Helen Tony Jim Freak jay@willcoabate.org al@willcoabate.org pat@willcoabate.org jackie@willcoabate.org brenda@willcoabate.org randy@willcoabate.org john@willcoabate.org Sandi@willcoabate.org monty@willcoabate.org helen@willcoabate.org tony@willcoabate.org Jim@willcoabate.org freak@willcoabate.org Page 13 Reminder From Freak: “Hey guys, remember it's March which means your plates probably expire at the end of the month. Don't forget” ! ! ! Membership: Helen “hln” March 2010 April 2010 JEFF BRENDA SUE JOEL PATRICIA KATHIE ED KEVIN KIM MIKE ROB THOMAS EDMUND PEGGY WAYNE AARON TONY BILL RICHARD LARRY JOSEPH STEVE JIM JEFFREY DAVE JOHN JIM KATHLEEN KENNETH LORI RAY KENNETH CHRIS TONY April 2010 JOHN CHUCK MARK JOHN JEFF AMY KEITH LAURICE GARY COLETTE AUGUSTA KARL JASON LYN LISA DANIEL MILTON DAVID JOHN JACK RAYMOND RAYMOND Page 14 UPCOMING EVENTS 03 10 11 13 21 27 March Board Meeting: MR B’S -7pm General Membership Meeting: Harwood Post - 7:30pm Legislative Day Fish Fry: 4-8pm Harwood Post (Fri) Willco ABATE Winter Triathlon - Zelmo’s - 10:30am Dukane ABATE Comedy Night: St. Charles VFW - 7:30pm 7 11 16 30 April Board Meeting at the post -7pm (SUNDAY) General Meeting at the Post 12 NOON HS Presentation - Plainfield East HS Presentation - Plainfield North HS For calendar updates check: www.willcoabate.org Rider Training Information - HURRY CLASSES FILL FAST!!! http://www.outreach.niu.edu/mcycle/ http://www.dot.state.il.us/cycle.pdf http://www.mrp.uiuc.edu/ To opt out of a mailed newsletter copy send a request to: editor@willcoabate.org
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