T en n essee M o to rcy clist


T en n essee M o to rcy clist
Inside this issue:
Volume 21, Issue 2
Tennessee Motorcyclist
Calendar of Events
Contact Info
Membership Form
Party Pics
Chaplains Corner
Letter to Members
Do You Know?
Join The Party >pg 8
Legislative Day > Feb 7th
Easy Rider Bike Show Memphis > Feb 4
B/R St. Valentines Day Massacre Dance > Feb 14
Nashville Swap Meet > Feb 26
Public Notice, I Quit
I give up. It’s too much of a fight. Most of
you reading this article will think that I went
over to the dark side, but I believe that everyone should wear a helmet. Safety gear is important to protect society from people that
don’t know any better, put reflective vests on
every rider too. Those old fashioned, polluting
carburetors on bikes are making a hole in the
ozone and air quality has deteriorated to the
point that there is an epidemic of asthmatic
babies being born. So let’s get laws passed
that make fuel injection and catalytic converters mandatory on all bikes. My ears are more
sensitive now that I am an AARP member so I
think we should make it illegal for anyone to
change their stock pipes to a set that improves
performance. Forget trying to increase horsepower or performance with new pistons or a
hot cam. Any change to a stock bike increases
noise pollution and also encourages speeding
which causes more deaths from motorcycle
accidents. You know, if motorcycles can’t be
tampered with and only the dealer can work
on them, we can get rid of those bike shops
that bring in nothing but undesirable people
to good neighborhoods. While we are at it,
maybe by passing new laws, we can make it
so hard to get a license that no one will want to
ride. How about a 4 or 5 phase license sequence where each step increases the displacement of bike you can ride? Something
like they are trying to do in Europe where
each graduated step comes with classes and
tests that, of course you pay heavily for. I’m all
for it, aren’t you?
Nope, not me, I wasn’t telling the truth at
the beginning of this story, but this is the sort
of thing that others think about, and worse.
The Feds and the EPA do not like us misfits
and incorrigibles. Bikers are not sensible honest hard working citizens. Look at the way
they are portrayed in the movies. They figure
that by passing laws and keeping up the pressure that us bikers will get old and fade away,
forgetting that we have rights just like
every American. And it’s not just them;
States are jumping up with their own
rhetoric. California is discussing having refresher courses for all riders
over 40 because as everyone knows
that only bikers forget how to use the
road safely and sensibly. Only bikers
speed, drive recklessly, don’t use turn
signals and constantly turn left in front
of oncoming traffic. The rest of the
driving public never forgets their
teenage driving lessons. There is no
need to refresh or retest them. Others
believe that bikers should have to
prove their driving abilities just like a
big rig trucker or a bus driver. Bikers
are endangering the public highways
with their bikes just like a 75,000 lb.
rig and we have to make sure that the
highways are safe from them don’t
we? Of course we do. These are some
of the thoughts and plans of those that
would have all motorcycles removed
from the streets. Only by joining CMT/
ABATE or another State Motorcycle
Rights Organization can you make
your voice heard and make a difference. Become a member, and help to
protect your rights as a biker and as a
citizen or the day may come when a
law is passed that says your 15 year
old bike is junk and cannot be licensed anymore. One more crazed
idea that is being kicked around. If
you want your children to enjoy the
pleasures and excitement of motorcycling, join and become active in CMT/
ABATE today. Don’t think someone
else will fight for your rights, and don’t
think that these radical ideas will
never become a reality. They already
are. Bob Bitchen
Page 2
Board Of Directors
Non Voting
Including 1 Rep from Each Charter
Corporate Director
Mark ‘Yog’ Moore 423-570-0250
Sgt. At Arms Mark Miller 931-582-4092
Asst. Corp. Director
Dean Lucas 931-761-8038
Corporate Secretary
Rhonda Williams 931-815-2224 secretary@cmtabate.com
Public Relations
Mike Hays (615) 495-0070
Corporate Treasurer
Malisa Turner 662-890-3573 malisaturner69@yahoo.com
Steven Lundwall (615) 491-6768
Activities Chair
Ann Stout 615-382-7650 electroglide91@earthlink.net
John Pierce (901) 409-7170
Legislative Chair
John Pierce 901-409-7170 fogman@bellsouth.net
Pastor Ron Baptiste chaplain@cmtabate.com
Membership Chair
Newspaper Chair
Jeanna Bradley 931-796-4312 editor@cmtabate.com
Bob Celmer
Products Chair
Bob Munsell 901-373-5314 rlmunsell@fedex.com
Office Manager
Suzanne Fisher 615-262-1119
Safety & Education
Cindy Davidson 615-325-5041
Meeting Times
Battle Ground
Buffalo River
Mark Carter 615-848-2974
Jeanna Bradley 931-796-4312
1st Sunday@ 3 Mark’s home call for directions
last Saturday@ noon E & E Bar Waynesboro Dec.
Mtg will start @ 6pm New Years Eve
Dickson Humphreys
Mark Miller 931-582-4092 wolfmotorcycles@aol.com www.abateofmiddletenn.org
3rd Sun.@ 4 Piccadilly Club Hwy 70
Harpeth River
Tony Davis 615-952-3311
Mike Hays 615-870-0502 or 615-495-0070
2nd Tues@7 Country Café Hwy 100 Fairview
3rd Tues@ 7 Coach’s Sports Grill Goodlettsville
Robertson County
Smith Wilson
Tom Kyner 423-272-4834 tlkyner@charter.net
Marlin Rood 615-390-6754 milo62@earthlink.net
1st Mon@ 6 Rush Street Stone Dr. Kingsport
1st Tues@7 Torino’s Hwy 41 Springfield
Bullet (temporary) 615-758-8267
1st Sun@2 Robin’s Roost Hwy 70
Soaring Eagle
John Carter 865-805-2984
Steve Ward 731-989-7168
Harley Davidson 615-325-5041
Mark Moore 423-570-0250 Yog1958@yahoo.com
Tom Measles 931-260-1523
Danny Sullivan 731-235-3407
Randy Williams 931-815-2224
John Pierce 901-409-7170 fogman@bellsouth.net
1st Sun@ 7 China Garden Clinton Hwy
1st Sun@ 2 Elks Club Henderson
3rd Thurs@ 7 Sputniks
Tennessee Valley
Upper Cumberland
Warren County
Wheels of Thunder
3rd Sun@2 Mac’s Pub Brainerd Rd Chattanooga
1st Sun @ noon call for location
1st Sat @ 6 White City Sharon
1st Sat @ 3pm Charley’s BBQ 1124 Sparta St
1st Thurs @ 7 Pig-N-Whistle 7144 Winchester Rd
Deadline for submissions will be the 15th of the month for the next month’s publication. Articles submitted after this date will be held for the next
month, with the exception of time sensitive material. We welcome your opinions, comments, complaints, and suggestions. Articles and photos pertaining to all things motorcycle, (legislation, safety, events, etc) are welcome. Photos must include credits (whom, what, when and where). All articles must be legible. All submissions must include the authors name, address, and phone number. This is for verification purposes only, and will not
be published without the express permission of the author. Articles may be edited for content, clarity, grammar and spelling. Formatting changes
may occur as a result of electronic conversion. Please list originating program for all electronic submissions.
The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of CMT/ABATE or the Tennessee Motorcyclist.
CMT/ABATE,INC. and the Tennessee Motorcyclist reserve the right to refuse or edit any article, photo, letter, or advertisement they decide is
not in the best interest of the organization and it’s members. Readers Be Advised. Although CMT/ABATE supports it’s advertisers, it does not
guarantee the service of those advertisers. Please use the same discretion you would with any business. If in doubt, contact the Better Business
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State Treasury
Page 3
101-Membership Dues In
$1,675.00 $11,759.71
102-Charter Activities Revenue $2,200.00 $4,445.81
103-Corporate Activities Revenue
104-Charter Donations
118 - paypal donations
105-Products Revenue
107 Newspaper
114-Legislative Activities Rev.
$1,800.00 $2,201.00
201 Rent
207-Public Relations
208-Activities Expense
208C-SWPR Thunder Rds Act.
209-Membership Due Out
212-Professional Dues
213-Bank Charges
214-Professional Fees
215-Due General Fund (SWPR)
215A-40% Activity Profit
215B-Donations - General Fund
216 -Grant
219 Reimbursements
$650.00 $10,880.70
217-Products Expense
218-Donations - Legis. Activities
A Work on the Wheel
Jeremiah 18:1-6; we see that God who is the CEO of the
universe is always looking for ways to communicate with
us. God will reveal Himself to each man at their own level.
God doesn’t explain Himself, He reveals Himself. He tells
Jeremiah to go down to the potter’s house and watch him
“wrought a work on the wheel.” While the clay vessel was
on the wheel spinning, the master potter would mold it to
be what he wanted it to be. But the bible said that “the
vessel was marred in the hand of the potter.” A lot like us,
God has an image of how He wants us to turn out to be, but
along the spinning wheel of life, something went wrong
and we became marred in the hands of the potter.” But
read on; “so he made it again another vessel, as seemed
good to the potter to make it.” I couldn’t help but notice
that the potter didn’t throw the marred vessel away, but I
have to ask, is it “it” or “another”? I would think that it’s
either “it” or it’s “another.”
“ Then I saw what God was trying to teach Jeremiah, that
God doesn’t throw any body away just because they made
a mistake, and the “it” is us, and the “another” is Jesus
Christ. Through Jesus Christ we become, “another vessel.” We must remember that we are all “Works on the
Wheel.” We can spin out of control or we can spin in control under the hand of the master potter. Just because the
wheel is spinning to fast or to slow for you, just don’t jump
of the wheel. Things may not look to good for you right
now, but just don’t quit, stay on the wheel and let God
mold you into what He knows that you can be! I may look
like the old (vessel) me, because I was “it”, a broken vessel. But now, I am “another vessel,” through Jesus Christ
and staying on the wheel, I am becoming what God
wanted me to be, and so can you! To be found faithful,
Pastor Ron
Covenant Confirmers Ministries Inc.
Beginning Balance
Total Income
$7,651.47 $71,740.15
Total Liabilities
$2,569.01 $64,922.88
Ending Balance
$15,067.61 $15,067.61
January Notes: Line 207 Donation to Rose Gains for
Buddy Harlison's monument. Line 209 includes $200
refund of Buddy's lifetime membership.
The Biker Church Outreach Center
Founder: Pastor Ron Baptiste
Sunday Worship 10:30 am Wed@ 7:00pm
300 10th Ave. E Springfield, TN 37172
Bad Joke of the Month
Wanda's dishwasher quit working so she called a repairman. Since she had to go to work the next day, she told the repairman, “I'll leave the key under the mat. Fix the dishwasher, leave the bill on the counter, and I'll mail you a check.”
“Oh, by the way don't worry about my bulldog. He won't bother you. But, whatever you do, do NOT, under ANY circumstances, talk to my parrot!” “I REPEAT, DO NOT TALK TO MY PARROT!”
When the repairman arrived at Wanda's apartment the following day, he discovered the biggest, meanest looking bulldog he has ever seen. But, just as she had said, the dog just lay there on the carpet watching the repairman go about his
work. The parrot, however, drove him nuts the whole time with his incessant yelling, cursing and name calling. Finally
the repairman couldn't contain himself any longer and yelled, “Shut up, you stupid, ugly bird!”
To which the parrot replied, “Get him, Spike”
If you have a suggestion for a joke of the month, send it in, but try to keep it decent.
Page 4
Safety and Ed
Just a note, challenge, food for
thought, whatever way you want to
perceive this. I received a phone
call from Andy Cline of the Misfits
MC in Fayetteville TN. After losing
several riders in their neck of the
woods, they too, are very concerned about starting a Safety and
Awareness Program in their
schools. A family of one of their
fallen motorcyclists has donated the
wrecked bike to be shown at
schools. They are putting ideas together; we are sharing ideas and
moving forward. GREAT JOB!!
We would like to put this out there
to everyone that rides. We all share
a common bond. We love to ride
and we hate to lay to rest a fellow
rider. Whether you’re a patch
holder, ABATE member or a motorcyclist that likes to ride, we want
Buffalo River
everyone to pull together to complete the task of a great Safety and
Awareness program. The program will be dedicated to all our
fallen brothers and sisters of the
wind. We can pool our talents and
resources together.
Andy Cline and I are meeting at
Legislative Day on February 7 to
share ideas. We invite anyone that
shares our passion to join us. Another idea in the works from the
Misfits MC is joining all riders together in a parking lot and taking
an aerial photograph to be used
on Billboards. We are hoping for
this to be done in the first weeks of
Come out and join us on Legislative day so we can work together
to educate the public to stop killing us. Ride Safe, Cindy Davidson
Dickson/Humpherys Report
We had good turnout for our New
Year’s Eve meeting/party. There
were only 5-6 members present,
but there were several prospective
members and lots of new friends.
We discussed the proposed
changes to the By-laws, the new
openings at the State level, Legislative day, and the upcoming activities. We are having a St. Paddy’s
Day Thaw Run that everyone is
looking forward to. We discussed
the joint effort with D/H for May, we
bounced around ideas to increase
our active membership numbers.
Difference being that paying for a
membership is great, but everyone
needs to participate. Then we had a
blast welcoming in 2006.
On a sad note, we now mourn the
passing of a friend, & member, who
took his own life on the night of Jan
6. We will miss him. I omit his name
because of the circumstances.
Our January meeting opened with 15 members present and 2 guests from Buffalo River Charter. We welcome
new member Terry “Pooter” Lamb and also saw Buddy renew his membership once again. After Beefy led us by
pledging the flag, Bob then talked about the importance for our members to meet at TPAC on Feb. 7th at 10am
SHARP. We had 87 people show last year and we would like to double that number this year. Call the office to get an
appointment with your Legislator for that day. Bob also handed out 2 articles that challenge bikers to join their state
motorcycle rights organization.
Mark took over and introduced Sara, as our new treasurer to everyone. Hey Sara! Mark talked about Jan. 20th and
our 2 nd annual Legislative Day. He explained that all 3 of our local State Legislators have been invited to speak and
that our own Legislative Chairman John Pierce will ride up from Memphis to tell us about this year on the Hill. Bring
your friends and family for an interesting evening and get to talk to your Representatives.
Thanks to Thumper and Pokey, there is now a windshield sticker made in remembrance of Mark Finkelstein. Get
hold of Mark to order yours today. Lenny and Linda are getting it done again, this time by completing a phone tree
for our Charter so that we can easily get hold of everyone about rides and events.
We had a short discussion about running the games and rodeo at Waken’ the Dragon this June. Mark is going to
get hold of John Carter and will ride out there to get the lay of the land very soon. He will know more details for the
next meeting. Mark says that we may also help out with the security detail if we get the volunteers too, but we don’t
want to overextend our Charters commitment. Bob spoke up about working to find sponsors for the event.
Last month we voted to move our meetings to the private conference room at Thunder Alley and this month
we discussed a day and time. We voted to keep our meetings on the 3 rd Sunday at 4pm, just like we do it now.
Everyone wants to thank Ginger and The World Famous Piccadilly Club for the help and support they have always
given us. We promise support our good friends there for future poker runs and events.
Finally our Charter presented Beefy with a very bodacious and groovy pocket watch. Thanks Beefy, for the 9
plus years the oldest running Charter in CMT/ABATE had you as its Director. Now that you possess that beautiful
watch, you have no reason to be fashionably late anymore, so keep it wound! See you all at our next meeting at
Thunder Alley!
A friend is someone who will bail you out
of jail, but your best friend is the one sitting next to you saying "that was f***ing
awesome" - J-Dub
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Page 5
Northeast Report
Nov 5, 2005 Legislation Run was held. Thank you
notes were written to sponsors. Weather was good.
Our regular meeting location was closed due to going out of business. Since then we have been meeting at Rush Street on Stone Drive in Kingsport. Meeting date has changed to the first Monday of the
month rather than the fourth. Since our November
meeting was right after Thanksgiving and the December meeting would be the day after Christmas it
was decided to skip the December meeting. We did
hold our January meeting on January 2. Next meeting will be on Monday February 6, 2006 at 6 PM at
Rush Street on Stone Drive in Kingsport. Tom Kyner
Nashville Report
The Nashville charter met Tuesday January 17 at Coach's
Sports Grill with 12 members and 7 guests present. After
running down all the state business including the Wakin
the Dragon sponsor and vendor information, state offices
up for election, the new state office location and Legislative Day we got down to the business of the First Annual
Tri-County Swap Meet being held at the Music Valley
Event Center on February 26. Sumner, Nashville and
Robertson charters are teaming up to present a large
scale swap meet in a beautiful facility. Anyone interested
in a booth for parts, accessories or apparel contact Suzanne at the state office or Mike Hays at 615 495-0070. See
the ad in this month's newsletter. Shell Summerlin won the
50/50 and donated the winnings back to the charter. Next
meeting is February 20th. Treasurer Blue reports $837 in
the charter treasury.
Nashville charter members also set up a CMT/ABATE information table at the Music City Motorcycle Show Jan 1415 at the Municipal Auditorium in Nashville. Several new
members were enrolled and $58 was donated for the legislative fund. We also worked the vendors and dealers at
the show for sponsorships of Wakin the Dragon. Thanks to
Shell, Carol, and Captain Kirk from Nashville plus Cindy
and Harley Davidson and Kim and Dave Peterson from
Sumner for helping out. Twanger Director - Nashville
Membership Resume
Hi, I am submitting my resume for Membership chairperson. I have done these memberships for a brief time and I
am able to do this job after my office hours, I feel it would
be less work if having to e-mail 3 different list so that everyone knows what is happening. I receive the rockers and
patches and also have to have a updated list same as the
paper, so I feel it is less steps to coordinate through several
people. I already send out updated list to the charters so
the information can be more updated. I already have the
programs here at the office to perform all tasks required. I
would appreciate your consideration. Respectfully, Suzanne Fisher CMT/ABATE Office Manager
Fri. Feb. 26, 2006 10 a.m. till 6 p.m.
Admission $ 5
Music Valley Events Center
7215 Music Valley Drive
McGavock Pike across from 2nd Opryland Hotel Entrance
Bike Show!
All Brands Welcome
Weather Permitting
New & used
Parts & Accessories
8,000 sq ft
Food & Drinks
Door Prizes
Bike Corral
Sell your Bike
Just $ 5
Vendor Spaces from $10 (10x 10 Outside)
For more Information:
Inside Spaces Start at $25 (10 x 10)
615 495 0070 miketwang@comcast.net
8 ft Tables 4 rent $5 Limited # Available
615 325 5041 c_davidson@bellsouth.net
DOORS OPEN FOR VENDORS AT 5 A.M. 615 593 1281 cerbis2@yahoo.com
Riding Season is fast approaching; Come get your gear
There are over 400,000 registered motorcycles in the State of TN we are
YOUR Motorcycle Rights Organization. We are the ones who fight for
your right to ride. Join us and make sure your rights are protected
Call Toll Free 866-462- 2283
Meeting Changes
Dickson/ Humphreys Meetings are now
at Thunder Alley—3rd Sun CMT/ABATE TN
Valley Charter
@ 4pm.
Co. Meetings
are at Torino’s
Hwy 41
Springfield !1st
Tues @ 7pm
Meetings are at
Mac’s Pub
Brainerd Rd.
3rd Sundays @
2 pm
Page 6
January 3rd meeting was called to
order and Roland led us in the
pledge. Tom Hollingsworth opened
up in prayer. There were 33 in attendance.
Charter Director: Marlin welcomed everyone and called for officer's reports.
Treasurer's Report: Kevin was not
present but sent his report. Our
charter has $886.95 balance in general acct. We have $240.00 in our
Down Biker's Fund. We still have
one check to write in the amount of
333.00 this month for our swap
Safety and Ed: Ann reported that
Cindy Davidson is the new rep for
the state. Ann spoke about our
plans to get into our local schools.
She said that the high schools and jr
high schools will be our target for
our safety and ed programs. Ann
asked for help in contacting the
schools so that we can present in
each school before the end of the
year, encouraging anyone that
could to be a part of these programs.
Products: Kathy announced that
we need to order new t-shirts and
asked if anyone had suggestions.
Keep the same design or change?
The general consensus was the everyone likes our current logo but
would like to see more variety in
colors. Kathy will begin to work on
other products as well and give a
report in February.
Activities Report: Elaine reported
that she wanted to secure the STR
name and do our own rally at the
Red River and possibly include
Sumner and Davidson if they are
interested. Possibly do drags,
river-run, rodeo, etc. Will check
calendar for possible dates and get
back with us at next meeting.
New Business: We had one new
member sign up tonight. We will
be joining up with Sumner and
Davidson charters for a swap meet
on Feb 26th. It will be on Music
Valley Dr. at the Music Valley Expo
Center. 10:00 to 6:00 pm. Everything has been lined up thanks to
Twanger. We still need sponsors
and advertising. Please see Elaine
Sumner Report
Four members called out with legitimate excuses for not attending so
with 10 members present including 2
guests; we had a short but fun meeting. Discussions were quick and to
the point, until we hit the Dragon, talk
was all around about the beautiful
area and nice riding. Tommy Crook
is our Sergeant of arms, and he was
busted for talking to much to Mark
Davis. We all told him to tell himself
to shut the hell up. We moved on to
the bylaws where Kim, Becky and
Cindy were also yelled at and
laughed at for being in their own little world. We hit the charter T-shirts
topic, now last meeting Jeff came up
with the idea that every one bring in
their favorite t-shirt and we would get
ideas of them for ours. Wouldn’t you
know it, Jeff forgot and didn’t bring
any so we had to spend some time
laughing about that. We spent some
time talking about the up coming Tri
county Swap Meet and got some donations turned in for that.
We covered Legislative Day with
quite a few of our members planning on attending. And believe it
or not 1 hour later we adjourned
and just hung around for awhile to
B.S. Hooray for us, the 2 guests
whom attended joined up at the
end of the meeting. We welcome
them aboard and look forward to
riding with them. They are really
good people.
Deadline for charter reports is
the 15th of the month, unless
other arrangements are made.
Thanks, Sarge
to sign up. Booth space inside is
$25.00 per space and outside $10.00.
If you know of any vendors, let Elaine
know that as well. Many of the Daytona vendors will be here.
Old Business: Marlin reported on
the BOD meeting on Dec. 11th. The
final decision on the meaning of
"ABATE" was American Bikers Active
Toward Education. The state rally
will be called "Waking the Dragon"
and will not be in Adams. Will be
near Maryville. More details to follow. The rally will be open to all
ages. Ann spoke about the legislative
retreat, "Friends on the Hill" and
gave some direction on dress, etc.
See her if you have questions. Reminded us of the vote on Feb 7th and
encouraged everyone to check on
the web-site for details. Ann also
announced that the new state office is
now in Nashville. David England
made another donation to the Down
Biker's Fund - Thanks, David!
Meeting adjourned. See you next
month! Kathy
Southwest Report
We started our meeting with 10
members & 1 guest present. Officers present were Director Taz ,
Asst. Director Frank , Treasurer
Debbie , & Secretary/ Sergeant at
Arms Steve.
Frank discussed minutes from the
B.O.D. meeting. June 2 will be the
Southern Thunder/ Waking the
Dragon rally. This will be in East
Tenn. at the Punkin center. The admission fee will be $35.00 for the
weekend, camping included. Feb. 7
will be Legislative day in Nashville,
Tenn. Terry Hagemeier is our NEW
Legislative Director. Congratulations Terry!
The charter's Blessing of the Bikes
will be April 30 at noon in Lexington. Please remember that this is
YOUR charter & that your voice is
important , so try & come to the
meetings. We are planning on doing some riding this year, the more
the merrier. Ride safe, Steve
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Soaring Eagle
The January 8, 2006 meeting was called to order
with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00pm.
The secretary’s report was approved with the following corrections made to the Treasurers report in
the December minutes: the account balance in December was $120.75 not $140.75 like reported.
TREASURER'S report - beginning balance was
$120.75, we raised $145.00 at the Christmas party
which gave us $265.75 in the account. Due to a malfunction in people, the SunTrust account was closed
because the necessary papers were not turned in on
time. Since then, the account has been reopened
and the necessary papers will be turned in. The
treasurers report was approved.
OLD BUSINESS- We are in the process of moving the
home office to Nashville. A member of ABATE has
donated property to be used for the home office.
Suzanne Fisher is the new Office Manager, Jeanna
Bradley is newspaper editor, and the paper is now
available online. The newspaper will still be mailed,
with an option to only receive the online version.
We are still in need of a charter PR person. Randy
Gracey, the editor of Handle Bars, will make sure
any info we give him gets into his magazine. All BOD
meetings are open to the public, the next one will
be March 12, 2006. WAKIN' THE DRAGON - STR we
will be co promoters of the WTD. There is a good
possibility for us to make a large sum of money off
the gate. Literature is available for us to hand out to
prospective sponsors.
NEW BUSINESS- Maria Carter is helping out with
the State membership until someone is found. There
is a committee working on revising the Bylaws. A
lot of the changes are just cleaning up the wording.
John Carter will forward everyone an updated copy
for us to read before the next meeting, so we can
vote on them.
The activities calendar is now available, John has
signed us up on a couple different dates. Lobby Day
is Tuesday, 2-07-06 in Nashville at 10:00am. The two
bills that we are trying to get passed are the Helmet
Bill and to strengthen the Right of Way Bill. They
want as many people as possible to show support
for these two Bills. Anyone interested in going
needs to contact John. John asked if anyone is interest in the PR position in our Charter, we have one
person interested and she will let John know. Our
next meeting will be February 5, 2006. There being
no further business this meeting was adjourned.
Page 7
Open Letter to Members
Brothers and sisters,
CMT/ABATE has just come off of what was a fantastic
year for our legislative effort here in Tennessee. As of yesterday, we began this year's legislative session. Although
we had great successes last year, the reality is that we also
had tremendous financial challenges including, at one
point, thinking we were going to have to close our state
office altogether and, perhaps, stop the distribution of our
newspaper. The only reason this did not happen is because
a select few individuals dug into their personal pockets to
pay their own expenses, incurred by work they were doing
for CMT/ABATE while yet others generously donated funds
from those same personal pockets and/or winnings from
It is an undeniable fact that this organization must have
financial backing to continue its' growth and thrive. We
have all discussed the changing climate of the motorcycling community around us and its' ill effect on our fund
raising activities. The obvious conclusion is that we need to
change the way we do business in order to move forward.
This need for change is no longer in the future, it is upon us
right now. We need new vehicles in order to motivate.
The Wakin the Dragon Biker Rally is just that sort of vehicle. It is not an end all to our financial needs but, a successful event will put us well on the way to being a selfsupporting, thriving organization. It is absolutely a new
way for us to look at our fund raising capabilities and is a
change to our standard operating procedure; however, it
provides tremendous opportunity.
Once again, I ask each of you to pull out all stops, get out
of your comfort zone and help us sell sponsorships/
advertising for this event so that we can meet our "buy in"
obligations. Whether you ride or not, you are in contact
with businesses that would greatly benefit from their name
being in front of thousands of bikers. Believe in yourself
and our organization and do not miss an opportunity to ask
for a sponsorship for our rally. The sponsorship packages
can be found in the files area of this Yahoo forum, on our
state web site or by shooting me an email.
Please do not hesitate to contact myself or any of our
team if there are questions, concerns or you want some
help closing a potential sponsor. Ride safe,
John "Renegade" Carter ,Comptroller -Wakin' the Dragon
Biker Rally
Join the
Party !
See page
15 For
Page 6
Warren Report
We opened with our Pledge of Allegiance. There were
10 members present. Linda stated we have $448.11 in
our treasury.:Randy told the charter about our partnering with the Wakin the Dragon promoter as a trial this
year rather than putting on the Southern Thunder Rally.
He explained the enormous manpower and finances that
were required to put on our own event and that this was
an opportunity at a continued relationship. The next
Charter meeting we will discuss spending $250 of our
treasury to sponsor a banner at the stage to support the
partnership and keep CMT/ABATE’s name in view. The
UCHRA/Applebee’s Pancake Breakfast has been scheduled for February 4th, 7:30 to 9:30am. Flyers were available as well as ticket books to sign out and sell. The
best earnings are made from advance sales. Charley
Young motioned, seconded by Randy, that whoever
sells the most tickets gets a charter shirt. Motion
passed. It was proposed that we would discuss some
sort of competitive mileage for a year long activity to
encourage people to get together and boost membership. They might even get points or miles for attending
charter meetings and bringing guests. Bruce is going to
work on some details to discuss at next meeting. We
have a shirt inventory and charter patches available for
purchase. We sold a patch. Everyone was encouraged
to mark February 7th as our designated “sick” day or
vacation day or “I just don’t want to go to work today”
for our legislative day at the capital. Rhonda shared
what an awesome experience it was last year and that it
was key to our national award winning Legislative Session of 2005.We start at 10am with a short lobbying
workshop. We then will have appointments with all 3 of our
area legislators and, as last year, be invited to sit in the
house session to witness our “May Is Motorcycle and Safety
Awareness Month” proclamation be read and passed. The
helmet bill is alive and kickin’. It only needs to pass
through one final committee to get to the House Floor for a
full vote. Senator Cooper stated he would no longer oppose
our liberty of helmets. He voted three times in committee
and twice on the floor in favor of our freedom of choice.
We’ve also gotten a commitment from our Representative
Curtiss to not oppose our efforts as long as it does not cost
tax dollars as a direct result of the regular constituent visits.
The Legislative Session will be shorter this year and likely
end sometime in April. Our Legislators will be very interested in serving constituents for their future November
election bids. Please let all bikers in the state know we’ll
need their support and they don’t have to be a member to
join us at the capital. We’re very excited about this coming
session and need all available leather clad bodies at the
Legislative Rally day in February 7th at 10am. Rhonda also
shared with the charter the other potential legislative actions that the Chairman and Team are considering for this
coming session including tougher penalties for Right of
Way Violation accidents. We wrapped up our meeting with
an Activities Planning meeting for our April 29th Legislative
fund raiser. We decided it would be called a Choice Ride
and offer the choice of whether they wanted a poker run at
a wider distance or a Riddle Ride closer in. Bruce and
Rhonda are going to work on the flyer and have it ready for
our February meeting. With all that being done, Buddy
Dunlap arrived just in time to adjourn the meeting .
Tri Charter New Years Eve Party
Davidson and
County partied together
to bring in the New Year. Chris at
Sputniks Bar and Grill reserved us a
table for 15 but we ended up
squeezing 19 in. We settled in with
our friends Budweiser, Jack Daniels,
José Cuervo, etc.
to see what the
night would
bring. Capt Kirk
lost his legs for a
while and the
bar didn’t have a
wheel chair to
provide him so
he had to wait to go to the restroom.
Two parties beside us decided to
play a childhood game of Keep the
Balloons in the air and yes, Bud, Jack
and them decided we needed to
join. This led to a bottle of Bud being spilled to Jennifer’s lap but I am
glad to report the balloon stayed in
the air. This game continued periodically through the night but took
no more causalities. The shots and
toasts proceeded. Becky found the
party favors of hats, streamers and
horns, now we were clearly ready
for the coming of the New Year.
The band “Texarkana” started
playing and did a great job of entertaining us and a couple of us
started dancing. After we ate the
good food Chris served and had a
few more shots and drinks. A lot of
us were dancing, wearing hats and
and having
a good
time. We
toasted the
New Year
and had a group toast to ride together and build new friendships in
the coming year. By now Capt Kirk
has successfully found his legs after
losing them a couple times and took
them home. Our little party broke up
about 2 a.m... Sputniks is a great
place to bring in the New Year providing a good band, good food and
an atmosphere with no negativity.
Everyone was ready to safely make it
home. We would
like to invite everyone to join us on our
weekend rides.
V O LU M E 2 1 , I S S U E 2 FE B 0 6
Page 9
Wheels of Thunder
tary, and Membership chairs are open. Other committee
Director John Pierce called the meeting to order at 7:00
pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited followed by
a moment of silence for our fallen brothers and sisters.
Jim reported we have $846.99 in our account. Two
checks were sent to the state. One was for $1,200 as
40% of the Bash proceeds and the other was for $1,800,
also from the Bash proceeds but to be used only for the
legislative program. A motion was made to dismiss the
reading of last month’s minutes and to accept them as
published in the newspaper and posted on the web
site. The motion was seconded and approved. Minutes
can be found on our web site, www.cmtabatewheelsofthunder.com, under the meeting date.
John asked for volunteers to study the proposed
changes in the state by-laws. Jim Whitehead, Malcolm
Webster and Bob Celmer volunteered. They will study
the changes then report back in February with an advisory as how the charter should vote. John reported the
BOD meeting was chaos. A new office building has
been secured at $0 rent but there is a cap on expenses
of $300 per month. The new office manager for the
state is Susanne Fisher from the Nashville Charter. She
will work 15 hours per week. Other new BOD members
are Cindy Davidson in the Safety and Education Chair
and Jessica Good as the At-Large Coordinator. The
Wakin’ the Dragon Rally is in full swing. We need to
sell $20,000 in sponsorships. We will also help out with
security, gate, and trash. Marshall Tucker will play Friday night and Wet Willie will play on Saturday night.
The Rally is set for June 2-3, 2006. Other events include
a biker build off and games. Legislative Day is Feb. 7th.
Karen will look into getting a bus so we can ride up together. Elections are next month. The Director , Secre-
chairs will also be up for nomination. The helmet bill is ¾ of
the way through. The ROW bill should pass this year. Be
sure to contact your reps and tell them how you want them to
vote. Call or send letters (e-mail is useless). John will put
together a “script” for us to use when making these calls.
We had 42 people present at tonight’s meeting. Nine (9)
new members joined tonight. They are: Renee Simon and
her daughter Shelby, Rob Schaffstall, Tony Tabat, Thomas
Mabry, Charles Willis, Fredrick and Kathryn Smith, and
Richard “Pontiac” Lowry. Welcome to you all! We also had
6 guests. With 17 new members last month and 9 new members this month, we must be doing something right! Phil
Forbes, are you the something? Nothing new as yet. Papa
will have an events sheet at the next meeting. Thank you to
everyone who participated in the LeBonheur Children’s
Hospital toy run in December. A total of 10,619 toys were
collected. Again, 10,619 new, in the box, toys were delivered. It took two rented trucks to get them there and it took
us 3 hours to unload them. LeBonheur will have to rent storage space for them but no child will go without next year.
Additionally, over $1,000 in cash was raised. It will be used
for new Game Boy programs for the patients.
Check out the website. New “buttons” have been added for
the albums. ABATE will continue to stand for American Bikers Active Towards Education. We need new membership
tri-folds! We will have a booth at the Easy Rider Show on
Feb 4th. Contact Cappy to sign up and help. SCMC Sweetheart Poker Run on February 12. Registration begins at the
Crossing. Live bands and good food. A motion was made to
adjourn. It was seconded and approved by the membership. We’re outta here!
New Year’s Eve Party Covenant Confirmers Ministries
Smoke filled the room and lights of red, yellow, green and blue splashed about as the rumble of the music built up
to the climax as the New Year approached. Four clicks on the rim of the “traps” jumped the party into full force as
the band Testimony “rocked the house” in the new Covenant Confirmer’s sanctuary. The large variety of food was
a big hit as many filled their plates “in abundance and over-flowing”; while enjoying the conversation and fellowship of the many members and guests. The Club House was open and the balls clicked around the pool tables
while other played cards, board games and Play Station. The big screen television blasted the cheers from the
crowd while many enjoyed the last football games of 2005. Gypsy Karnes and The Pearl Band enticed many to
their feet moving to the beat of their music. And our guest of honor, Gene Davidson from the House of Representatives expressed words of encouragement and support as he invited everyone to Legislative Day at Capital Hill
on February 7th.A highlight of the evening was an auction made possible by the many gracious donations from
local merchants. And the bidding got exciting as the top two items finally were opened up. An acoustic guitar
with a rebel flag, donated by Marlin Rood of Springfield Guitar and an Argonne
Basket filled with lots of natural products was donated by Kathy Carter. The
party continued when several girls from the youth group; Melissa Bishop, Lacy
Todd and Rebecca Mayes entertained with a dance routine that brought plenty of
applause and cheers. “Indy Mac” and his wife “Betty Boop” brought the Indianapolis Covenant Confirmer Chapter down to join us and stand united as “One” in
praise. As midnight approached, the music stopped and a hush fell over the
crowd. Banners waved above with the words, “He’s Alive” and the countdown
ended the year with cheers and hugs, thanking God for the New. Pastor Ron and
Pastor Cricket closed the evening with an expression of love and a prayer that the Covenant Confirmers will stand
united in a quest of removing burdens and destroying yokes, giving Satan a “KICK” in 2006!
Page 10
Legislative Report: Got Kids??? Read This
Wayne Schaub, tenacious and
steady soul that he is, discovered a
very interesting bill that was filed
on the on the 18th of January. It is
SB2468. The caption appears below.
Motor Vehicles - Prohibits any
person under the age of 10 years
to ride or be carried on a motorcycle; imposes penalties for motorcycle operators who violate
this section. - Amends TCA Title
55, Chapter 50, Part 5 and Title
55, Chapter 8, Part 1. <http://
It was filed by Senator Raymond
Finney a Republican from Maryville. Senator Finney is a physician.
Last year, similar bills were filed in
5 other states. 4 were defeated.
Unfortunately, Arkansas lost their
fight because they didn’t have anyone like Wayne who was watching
the bills as they were submitted.
By the time they discovered the
bill, it was too late to fight it and it
became law in 2005.
Last time I checked, motorcycles
were a legal form of transportation
in this country. I used one to transport my own children to and from
school. Dr. Finney, are you trying
to tell me that the state has the right
to tell me that was somehow child
abuse and that in these enlightened
nanny state times, you’re not going
to permit a parent to make that decision?
We will fight this bill with everything we have. Our ace researcher,
Shell, has retrieved some data kept
by the Division of Health Statistics,
Tennessee Department of Health.
There was one fatality of a 9 year
old on a motorcycle in 1999. For
the next five years, there were
need new members and we despernone. The data for 2005 is not yet
ately need revenue. We didn't do a
complete. While the death of anygood job of capitalizing on the sucone, adult or child is tragic and recessful handling of 7 out of 7 bills
grettable, banning children from
last year. There was no organized
motorcycles would appear to be a
recruiting effort and we had no drasolution in search of a problem.
matic membership gain although
From the caption above, the bill
we should have. We cannot let that
appears to be silent on whether it
happen again. I’m your Legislative
applies only to the public streets
Chairman and that’s the job I’m goand highways of Tennessee or if it
ing to be doing. My team and I will
is meant to be a universal ban inhandle the legislative end. Its up to
cluding riding on private property.
the rest of you to organize yourIf it is an all out ban, there will be
selves and recruit the kind of memsome very disappointed families
bership numbers that well need to
who enjoy outings at the 16 motokeep this bill from becoming law.
cross tracks in Tennessee. Last
CMT/ABATE is outraged by this bill.
time I went to motocross, a lot of
It is a direct assault on the rights of
those riders flying so gracefully
parents to decide what is best for
through the air were under the age
their own children and grandchilof 10. Additionally, the AMA holds
dren. Sen. Finney apparently feels
the national motocross finals at the
that the state should have the power
Loretta Lynn park near the western
to reach inside a family and control
part of the Tennessee River.
their lifestyle. Is this the land of the
It is not time to start writing and
free or is it not?
calling legislators. That time will
John Pierce, Legislative Chairman
come after the
special session
in over. Thank
you Wayne,
you've given us
plenty of time
to quietly prepare for this
One last
thought. This
bill represents
a tremendous
opportunity for
us to reach out
to riders who
have so far not
We Sew on Patches
helped our
cause. We
Isbell Home Repair
All Types of Work Done
Floor Leveling, Plumbing, Electrical, Metal Roofs,
Decks Built, Painting, Vinyl Siding,
Houses Washed
Call For Free Estimates
931 796 4246
Hohenwald TN
Cell 931 209 5475
108 West Main Street, Lebanon, TN
Leather Good’s Sold
Coats Vests & Chaps
Hours: Monday- Friday 8:00 - 5:30
Saturday 8:00 –12:00
Repair Done on:
*Chaps *Shoes &Boots
*Jackets *Snaps & Zippers
V O LU M E 2 1 , I S S U E 2 FE B 0 6
Page 11
Page 12
V O LU M E 2 1 , I S S U E 2 FE B 0 6
Page 13
Do You Know Your SMRO? Say What?
No, it’s not some new
government program or the latest
model from Milwaukee. SMRO
stands for State Motorcycle Rights
Organization. Now before you say
“oh yeah, the helmet people” and
jump to the next page, read a little
farther and you will see why YOUR
SMRO is a lot more than helmets
these days. Your local SMRO is generally a charter of a statewide organization that works in the areas of
safety and education, including motorcycle safety courses and in school
awareness programs. In the state organization, there is also a legislative
director who monitors new bills for
unfriendly motorcycle language and
works to pass bills that enhance the
riding enjoyment and improve safety
for all motorcyclists. I’ll use Tennessee in 2005 as an example. In February of 2005, 87 members and friends
of CMT/ABATE went to “the hill” in
Nashville for Lobby Day. Members
had appointments with their Senators
and Representatives to discuss a variety of issues, including the modification of Tennessee’s mandatory helmet law, funding for safety programs
and the lack of a strong law to punish
those who violate a motorcyclist’s
right of way and cause death or bodily injury. Very few who ride have
not had a friend or riding buddy get
hurt because of someone’s negligence, yet the average penalty is a
$40 fine and most of the time, nothing, not even a ticket, not even for
taking a biker’s life! While we were
waiting to enter the House chambers
to be presented with a “May is Motorcycle Safety and Awareness
Month” joint proclamation, a TN
state representative approached me
and asked if CMT/ABATE could
help him with the “ape-hanger” law.
It seems a certain East TN state
trooper had decided to start enforcing
the law on the books. The only problem with that, it was so outdated that
even factory bikes from Harley,
Honda and Big Dog failed the height
test. The legislative director took it
from there. On July 1, 2005, the law
eliminated all handlebar height requirements. You may have missed
all the action on the motorcycle license plate bill. This law now enables motorcyclists to purchase 23
different types of military service
tags. These tags have been available
as car tags for some time. Motorcyclists now have equal access to
them. Or maybe you didn’t know
that the City of Memphis proposed
a law that would make the use of
strobing brake lights illegal on motorcycles. At our request, the two
legislators carrying the bill dropped
it. Oh yeah, I know, what about the
helmet law. In 2005, the helmet law
actually saw two modifications.
Steve Southerland, a state senator
from Memphis is one of us. He
loves to get out and ride his bike.
He can’t stand those hot August
afternoons with a heavy helmet on
his head. Fed up with the heat one
day he parks the bike and gets out
his bicycle, straps a multi sport helmet on his head and takes off.
That’s when the light bulb went on.
He was all in favor of protecting his
head but he really liked the idea of
wearing that “ventilated” bicycle
helmet on his Harley. Senator
Southerland did a lot of research
and found no compelling reason
(like enhanced safety) to wear the
heavy hot motorcycle helmet. It
wasn’t easy but with the assistance
of the CMT/ABATE legislative
director, lightweight, ventilated helmets became legal in Tennessee
July 1, 2005. (It’s all I wear now!)
In parades (like the Nashville
Christmas Parade), it’s now legal to
ride without a helmet. There are
restrictions regarding speed and
yes, it must be a real parade.
MONEY - Part of your registration
dollars go into a state fund to be
used for motorcycle safety and
awareness programs. CMT/ABATE
got $15,000 from Tennessee to
launch a statewide motorcycle awareness campaign. In June and July of
2005 there were billboards in cities
across Tennessee and big signs on the
back of buses in Nashville. CMT/
ABATE will continue to work with
the Department of Safety to raise
awareness among the motoring public. FUN - Believe it or not, for all
the work we do, members of most
SMRO’s have an incredible amount
of good times. In Middle Tennessee,
we regularly get together members of
several charters and take trips. Last
year, 15 of us rode to Memphis for
the Art of the Motorcycle exhibition.
Many of the same folks were on day
rides to Huntsville and up around
Center Hill lake. Great brotherhood
and good riding are a couple of the
many benefits you get from being
involved in your SMRO. To wrap it
up, YOUR state SMRO is working
year round for your benefit. What can
you do to help? FIRST - JOIN!!!!
For less than the cost of a Big Mac
once a month your membership
brings you a monthly newsletter and
helps your SMRO keep the doors
open and the lights on.
Support SMRO events, know the issues and call your legislators to voice
your opinion on issues involving
your right to ride and finally, invite
those you ride with to do the same.
CMT/ABATE members receive a
monthly newsletter which will keep
you informed. Be part of the solution,
Join your SMRO today! In Tennessee, call CMT/ABATE Toll Free
866-462-2283 or visit
Page 14
4th Easy Rider Bike Show -Cook Convention Center - Memphis
7th LOBBY DAY!!! 10 am sharp
14th B/R St. Valentines Day Massacre
26th Nashville Swap Meet
18th B/R St.Paddy’s Thaw @ E&E
25th TN Valley Dart Run noon @
Mac’s Pub
8th-9th Sumner Co watch for details
15th D/H Bike Show noon @ VFW
15th WoT Legislative Run (rain date 56-06)
22nd Soaring Eagle membership drive
28th-30th Skull Bone Bike Rally
29th Sumner County Alcohol Free Ride
29th Warren Co. Legis. fundraiser
30th Sumner Co. Alcohol Free Ride
30th S/west Blessing of the Bikes
12th–14th U/Cumberland weekend party
19th –21st Thunder on the River
19th-21st Hawg Holler Bike Fest
27th D/H Run watch for details
27th-28th Vietnam Vets Event @
Parkers Crossroads - exit 108 on I-40
Memorial Day
2nd-3rd Wakin the Dragon - Maryville
4th S/west Riding meeting 10am
@ the Elks Lodge Henderson
18th Upper Cumberland Fun Run
24th S/W Poker Run
1st – 2nd Warren County Liberty Ride
Upper Cumberland
Soaring Eagle - watch for details
8th-9th Sumner County Run
9th TN Valley Charity Run
noon @ Mac’s Pub
15th Upper Cumberland Fun Run
15th-16th D/H Natchez Trace Run
29th–30th Buff. River Bluegrass Jam
February 2006
13th Nashville Scavenger Hunt
20th Upper Cumberland Fun Run
S/W Rodeo
1st-3rd WoT Freedom Bash
8th-10th Hawg Holler Bike Fest Fall
10th Upper Cumberland Legis. Run
22nd-24th Bent Fork Bike Fest
23rd Soaring Eagle Legislative Run
D/H Poker Run
30th TN Valley Teddy Bear
Run noon @ Mac’s Pub
1st Sumner County Bikers For Boobs
Run - Cancer awareness benefit
8th Warren County 3rd annual Run
for the Hills Swap Meet & Bike Show
15th TN Valley Fall Run
27th D/H Food Drive
28th B/R Halloween Party
28th D/H Toy Run 1PM @
4 Easy Rider Bike
Show -Memphis
W/C mtg @ 3
Vol mtg @ 6
5 U/C mtg@ noon
SWest mtg @ 2
B/G mtg @ 3
S/E mtg @7
Sm/W mtg@
N/E mtg @ 6
WoT mtg@ 7
25 B/R Meeting
noon@ E&E
R/Co mtg@ 7
H/R mtg @ 7
B/R St. Valentines Day
Massacre Dance @
E&E - 7PM
19 TN V mtg @ 2
D/H mtg @ 4
21 Nash mtg@ 7
Coach’s B&G
Tri-County Swap Meet
V O LU M E 2 1 , I S S U E 2 FE B 0 6
Page 15
Join Us In Protecting Your Right To Ride
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Full: $25.00; Associate: $15.00; Junior: $10.00; Lifetime: $200.00
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Address ____________________________________________________
Fill out the form and return
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P.O. BOX 1 6 0 2 2 3
37216- 0223
Join online @ cmtabate.com
For more information:
Phone: (615) 262-1119
Fax: (615) 683-8616
Email: Info@cmtabate.com
Suzanne Fisher, Office
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Tennessee Motorcyclist
If anyone has any suggestions for things that need to be changed, things
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editor@cmtabate.com shinerunner@bellsouth.net
slat ive
l H il l Feb 7
0 am
Day 1
C.M.T./A.B.A.T.E., Inc.
A Non-profit Organization
437 Wildcat Hollow Rd
Hohenwald, TN 38462
(931) 796-4312
Mailing label