T en n essee M o to rcy clist
T en n essee M o to rcy clist
Bikers Invade State Capitol Building CONCERNED MOTORCYCLISTS OF TENNESSEE / AMERICAN BIKERS ACTIVE TOWARDS EDUCATION Volume 21, Issue 2 FEBRUARY 2006 Tennessee Motorcyclist or Legislative Day ‘06 A SUCCESS!! We were not sure it was going to happen at all due to the SPECIAL SESSION. We held out hope and low and behold Monday Afternoon Special Session ended. We had about 60 people show up and everyone except 2 were able to talk to their Representative and/or Senators. A lot of the information cards were turned back in and John Pierce greatly appreciates it. He learned a lot of good info of the cards to help us this year. A lot of you were able to take the turn and found it very interesting. We were unable to have a Proclamation of May as Motorcycle Awareness Month due to the Special Session issue, the House or Senate neither one convened the day we were there. But really it ended up probably being a blessing because now we are working on a day in April for all of us to ride up and view the proclamation. About 20 of us headed down to Hooters for the rehash bash and had a pretty good time. Legislative Day, even though it was crazy and mind boggling to put together during such a time in our government, sure did pan out to be great and successful. We were acknowledged for being there and connections were made. Thanks everyone who was able to take the time to attend. Page 2 T ENNESSEE M OTORCYCLIST Board Of Directors Including 1 Rep from Each Charter Non Voting Corporate Director Mark ‘Yog’ Moore 423-570-0250 yog1958@yahoo.com Sgt. At Arms Mark Miller 931-582-4092 wolfmotorcycles@aol.com Asst. Corp. Director Dean Lucas 931-761-8038 Corporate Secretary Rhonda Williams 931-815-2224 secretary@cmtabate.com Corporate Treasurer Malisa Turner 662-890-3573 malisaturner69@yahoo.com Activities Chair Ann Stout 615-382-7650 electroglide91@earthlink.net Legislative Chair John Pierce 901-409-7170 fogman@bellsouth.net Membership Chair membership@cmtabate.com Newspaper Chair Jeanna Bradley 931-796-4312 editor@cmtabate.com Products Chair Bob Munsell 901-373-5314 rlmunsell@fedex.com Safety & Education Cindy Davidson 615-325-5041 Representatives Public Relations Mike Hays (615) 495-0070 PR@cmtabate.com NCOM Rep Steven Lundwall (615) 491-6768 steve@slundwall.com MRF Rep John Pierce (901) 409-7170 mrf@cmtabate.com Chaplain Pastor Ron Baptiste chaplain@cmtabate.com Webmaster Bob Celmer webmaster@cmtabate.com Office Manager Suzanne Fisher 615-262-1119 Info@cmtabate.com Battle Ground Contacts Mark Carter 615-848-2974 Meeting Times 1st Sunday@ 3 Mark’s home call for directions Buffalo River Jeanna Bradley 931-796-4312 last Saturday@ noon E & E Bar Waynesboro Dec. Mtg will start @ 6pm New Years Eve Shinerunner@bellsouth.net Dickson Humphreys Mark Miller 931-582-4092 wolfmotorcycles@aol.com www.abateofmiddletenn.org 3rd Sun.@ 4 Piccadilly Club Hwy 70 Harpeth River Tony Davis 615-952-3311 2nd Tues@7 Country Café Hwy 100 Fairview Nashville Mike Hays 615-870-0502 or 615-495-0070 miketwang@comcast.net 3rd Tues@ 7 Logan's Roadhouse, 24th and Elliston Place (near Vanderbilt) Northeast Tom Kyner 423-272-4834 tlkyner@charter.net 1st Mon@ 6 Rush Street Stone Dr. Kingsport Robertson County Marlin Rood 615-390-6754 milo62@earthlink.net 1st Tues@7 Torino’s Hwy 41 Springfield Smith Wilson Bullet (temporary) 615-758-8267 1st Sun@2 Robin’s Roost Hwy 70 Soaring Eagle John Carter 865-805-2984 1st Sun@ 7 China Garden Clinton Hwy Southwest Steve Ward 731-989-7168 1st Sun@ 2 Elks Club Henderson Sumner Harley Davidson 615-325-5041 3rd Thurs@ 7 Sputniks c_davidson@bellsouth.net www.sumnerabate.com Mark Moore 423-570-0250 Yog1958@yahoo.com 3rd Sun@2 Mac’s Pub Brainerd Rd Chattanooga Tom Measles 931-260-1523 1st Sun @ noon call for location Danny Sullivan 731-235-3407 1st Sat @ 6 White City Sharon Warren County Lindasully5@earthlink.com Randy Williams 931-815-2224 1st Sat @ 3pm Charley’s BBQ 1124 Sparta St Wheels of Thunder Rnrwilliams@blomand.net John Pierce 901-409-7170 fogman@bellsouth.net Tennessee Valley Upper Cumberland Volunteer www.cmtabatewww.cmtabate-wheelsofthunder.com 1st Thurs @ 7 Pig-N-Whistle 7144 Winchester Rd Memphis Deadline for submissions will be the 15th of the month for the next month’s publication. Articles submitted after this date will be held for the next month, with the exception of time sensitive material. We welcome your opinions, comments, complaints, and suggestions. Articles and photos pertaining to all things motorcycle, (legislation, safety, events, etc) are welcome. Photos must include credits (whom, what, when and where). All articles must be legible. All submissions must include the authors name, address, and phone number. This is for verification purposes only, and will not be published without express permission of the author. Articles may be edited for content, clarity, grammar and spelling. Formatting changes may occur as a result of conversion. Please list originating program for all electronic submissions. All ad copy must be sent to 437 Wildcat Hollow Rd Hohenwald TN 38462 or emailed to editor @cmtabate.com. All ad payments should be sent to the main office at CMT/ABATE, INC. P.O. Box 160223 Nashville, TN 3 7 2 1 6 - 0 2 2 3 include what ad and for how long paid. VOLUME 21, ISSUE 2 FEB 06 Chaplain’s Corner: How bad do you want it? John 5:1-8 We read about an actual event where there was a pool near a church where once a year, an angel would come down and stir the water, and who ever was first in the pool was healed of their disease. The bible also says that there were five porches at this pool where “there lay a great multitude of sick people.” It’s true that even today; people seem to gravitate towards others with the same challenges. Depress people want to hang around with other depress people. Gossipers with other gossipers, broke people hang with other broke people. Although this maybe a comfort zone for us, the blind can not lead the blind, and the lame can not carry the lame. Our environment can be just as addictive as any drug. The danger in this is the abnormal soon becomes the normal, and becomes the accepted way of life. The drug addict or drunk thinks that the whole world thinks like them, and their addiction becomes the normal way of life instead of the abnormal. If you don’t change your environment, nothing else will ever change. Jesus noticed a lame man that had been coming to this pool for “38 years,” and asked what seems to be a dumb question, “will thy be made whole?” Excuse me, but that’s like asking a dying man if he wants another breath of air! What Jesus was really asking was, “how bad do you want it?” Think about it, this man had all kinds of good reasons why he couldn’t get to the pool! I can understand why he couldn’t get down there the first year, but that was just one day out of 365 days. If I was lame in my legs and arms, I believe that I could wiggle and roll my way down to the pool in 364 days of the following year. But this lame man got used to his environment of self pity and stayed on the same porch with the other lame people for 38 years! If you want help, you can’t sit back and wait for someone else to do it for you. It may be a challenge and might take you a while to get the pool, but get off your sorry tail and start to wiggle and roll your way down to the pool. God has already made it possible for you to get all Page 3 Covenant Confirmers Ministries Inc. The Biker Church Outreach Center Founder: Pastor Ron Baptiste Sunday Worship 10:30a Wed@ 7:00p 300 10th Ave. E Springfield, TN 37172 615615-384384-9010 www.covenantconfirmers.org your needs met and you’ll find the answers in His Word. If you work the Word, the Word will work for you! Stop waiting on Ed McMahon to knock on your door, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny isn’t coming. Jesus is saying the same thing to you; “HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT?” To be found faithful, Pastor Ron June 3rd; 4th Annual M/M Rally @ Covenant Confirmers Biker Church, Springfield, Cash Run $1000.00 best hand $200.00 worst hand Bike Rodeo $1000.00 1st place $200.00 2nd place $100.00 3rd place www.covenantconfirmers.org The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of CMT/ABATE or the Tennessee Motorcyclist. CMT/ABATE,INC. and the Tennessee Motorcyclist CMT/ABATE,INC reserve the right to refuse or edit any article, photo, letter, or advertisement they decide is not in the best interest of the organization and it’s members. Readers :Although CMT/ABATE supports it’s advertisers, it does not guarantee the service of those advertisers. Please use the same discretion you would with any business. If in doubt, contact the Better Business Bureau. Got something to sell? Got something you want? Place your ad today, only $3 and reaches approx. 1200 motorcyclists a month. Call the newspaper or send it in today. 931 796 4312 editor@cmtabate.com Page 4 T ENNESSEE M OTORCYCLIST Letter From Brooklyn Tom I believe we are at an important point in CMT/ ABATE history. We can either organize and move forward or stay the same and go backwards. I believe what we need in the Corporate Director is experience. You need to know what to do not have to ask what should I do. We need to follow good business practices but we are not a business. We are a Brotherhood and Sisterhood of people who believe in personal freedom and responsibility. I know some of you will groan when I say we are more like the Government than a Business. In order to be successful the Director needs to understand this. We have members like the House of representatives. Board members like the Senate and the Director like the President. It is the House and Senate that pass the bills and the President who shapes the message based on what the people decide. This type of organization takes time and effort to make it work. There are committees and charters to get feedback from. We do not operate like a business where one person at the top makes decisions and tell others what they want done. We need to have open communication so that everyone knows what is going on and do not have to wonder what is happening. It is our organization we all have a share in it, and each voice and opinion is important. I don't believe that we have to prove to anyone that we are a serious organization. The following are some of my goals for CMT/ABATE. 1. Improve organization of BOD meetings. 2. Keep members informed of our income and expenses. 3. Keep members informed of our legislative progress. 4. Increase number of members lobbying their representatives in Nashville 5. Work closely with instate groups like TNCOC and outside groups like NCOM, MRF and other MRO's outside the state. 6. To involve non-motorcycle groups with similar interests to ours in preserving personal freedom. 7. To have one General meeting a year where ABATE members can gather at a campground for the weekend. to attend the BOD meeting and get to better know members from around the state. 8. We need to develop either several events or one larger event to finance our activities. I would prefer it be an ABATE event. However under the right conditions spelled out in a contract, we could partner with another group if it is to our advantage. If you agree with my vision of what ABATE is about I ask for your support in the March 12th, Election. Ride Safe and Free, Brooklyn Tom 615 746-4835 C LARENCE D H AWKINS What does Leadership in ABATE mean to me. Some may feel that leadership is knowing what others should do. They may believe people should follow them because of the strength of their personality. They feel all they need to do is say trust me and follow me and everything will be great. I disagree. Leadership in ABATE means listening to the members and seeing what they want to do. Leadership is explaining to the members why you think they should do something. Leadership is using Facts and Quotes and Flowery language to get your ideas across. Leadership is giving the people answers to their questions. When members have these things and know you have the experience to carry them out then you will have their trust and be able to lead. I trust n the wisdom of the members in Mobile 944-9806 A Ace Window Cleaning And maintenance company Commercial, high rise, residential P.O. Box 276 Joelton, TN 37080 Insured ABATE. As long as the Leadership leads the members where they decide to go and not try to convince them to go where they don't want to go we will be successful. An organization gets into trouble when its leaders think they know what is best rather than listen to what the members decide, based on the information. Brooklyn Tom VOLUME 21, ISSUE 2 FEB 06 Letter from John Carter As I have been asked by several members concerning my "platform" for my running for CMT/ABATE's State Director and there is only a month prior to the elections, I will iterate. As stated in my resume for this position, the membership of this organization looks to its' leadership to ensure that the business of the organization is handled and handled properly. This is especially true of the Executive officers who are tasked with ensuring the corporation remains viable and solvent. (Lest we forget, CMT/ABATE, Inc. is a legal Tennessee corporation with tax and reporting liabilities as well as our day to day operation.) I will take it one step further in saying that our membership wants us to grow and flourish. The foundation for that growth must be found in our Executive officers. This will not be done with borrowed quotes and flowery rhetoric. It will be done by experienced, knowledgeable members who are willing to WORK and take care of business. What will carry us into the future is leadership. What will keep us barely above the water line is doing the same thing we have been doing for 20+ years. This upcoming election is not about Tom or I. It is about where this organization wants to go from here. What part of the "Biker Nation" will Tennessee play in the future? Will we be threatened with having to close the office doors as we were last summer or will we be looking at our next business venture that will catapult us to a level nearer to that of our sister SMRO's across the country. Will the few continue to be left to finance the operation of our corporation or will we too sponsor our leaders' travels and expenditures. Page 5 Elections will be held at the next Board of directors meeting on Sunday March 12. Open positions for Corporate Offices are: Director– candidates are Brooklyn Tom of Upper Cumberland and John Carter of Soaring Eagle Secretary– Kim Peterson of Sumner Charter is the only Candidate Membership-Maria Carter of Soaring Eagle is currently the only candidate Membership Resume Brothers and Sisters, I am submitting my resume for the state Membership Chair position. I am a life member of CMT/ABATE and the treasurer of the Soaring Eagle Charter. As I have performed the administrative tasks of the membership function for the last few months, I understand the challenges which are involved. In my past, I have been heavily involved with business process improveWith a solid business plan and proper operating pro- ments and this is one function that is in despercedures in place, our legislative efforts, our member- ate need of improvement. I will do whatever it ship drives, our safety and awareness campaigns, all takes to “git ‘er done”! I thank you for you’re conthat we do external of our organization has the capa- sideration and support. bility of unsurpassed success. Without this base, we Live free or die, Maria “ShortRound” Carter are doomed to mediocrity. Treasurer- Soaring Eagle Charter MRF member. What is my platform? TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS! John "Renegade" Carter Director Soaring Eagle Charter CMT/ABATE Wanted: CB750's Dead or Alive ‘69- ‘78..... call Hondamatic Daddy 931-215-6660 Note: Suzanne Fisher has withdrew her resume for membership. The resumes that have been submitted for the open positions are now Maria for Membership, Kim Peterson for Secretary, Brooklyn Tom and John Carter for State Director. Election will be held at the March BoD Meeting. Ed. Page 6 TTENNESSEE ENNESSEE M MOTORCYCLIST OTORCYCLIST Battleground Report Our meetings have had a very low attendance rate, so there is not much to report. See ya next month. Meetings are the 1st Sunday 3pm @ Mark’s house. Please call for directions. ROBERTSON COUNTY February 7th meeting was called to order and Jimmy Goodwin led us in the pledge. Pastor Ron opened up in prayer. There were 48 in attendance. Charter Director: Director Marlin had laryngitis and asked Tojo to speak on his behalf. Tojo welcomed everyone and announced that Roland and Vicky Verchota had been in a serious auto accident. Chris (son) announced that they were doing okay but their injuries were quite serious and it will be some time before they are on their feet again. Tojo announced that our charter will have a fund raiser for them on Saturday, Feb 25th at the American Legion in Greenbrier with silent auction, etc. Contact Tojo or Elaine if you want to help. We will also take up collection tonight. Also, the state rally, "Waking the Dragon" may not happen. See the web-site for updates on pos- have $273.00 in our Down Biker's Fund. sible cancellation. We will keep you posted as we Safety and Ed: Ed Ann not in attendance this month. have more information. Products: Products Kathy working on t-shirts and other prodMarlin reminded everyone that we can still have ucts. Hope to have new products available for March our own rally using our facility. Looking at possimeeting. ble dates of May 20th and 21st. Will ask Sumner Activities Report: Elaine unable to attend. County and Nashville to join us in making plans for this event. New Business: Our charter will be in charge of the bike show at the swap meet on Feb 26th. We need to Tojo called for officers reports... set up classrooms and provide judges. See Tom Chaplain's Report: Pastor Ron announced that Hollingsworth if you want to help in this area. We Thunder Roads did an article on the New Year's need help getting flyers out for this event. Still sevEve Party at Covenant Confirmers Church. Gene eral vendor spots open if you know of anyone who Davidson was a guest speaker. We appreciate his might be interested. See Kevin for vendors applicasupport. Also, Pastor Ron announced the Annual tions. Rally in June and asked everyone to begin making plans to attend. Bike Show, Rodeo, Carnival, Marlin made motion that we take $100.00 from prizes up to $1000.00 will be given away. Family down bikers fund to help finance the benefit for Roland and Vicky. Second by Tojo and vote was unanifriendly...children welcome! Also, Church will begin having "Singles Night" every Friday night mous. beginning February 17th...everyone that is Finally, thanks to Shorty who made a donation to"legally single" is invited to attend. ward the benefit for Roland and Vicky. Treasurer's Report: Report Kevin reported that our Meeting adjourned. See you in March! Kathy charter has $553.62 balance in general acct. We VOLUME 21, ISSUE V OLUME 21, I SSUE 12 FEB 06 Page 7 SOARING EAGLE REPORT February 5th Charter Meeting The meeting started at 2:15pm with the pledge of allegiance and a moment of silence. We had eight members present and three guests. Thank you Dean for coming out and joining us. Secretary Report: The minutes from the last meeting were accepted as written. Treasury Report: Report accepted as stated. Treasurer mentioned she had received the bank paperwork back this past week, however there was one signature missing. Resent paperwork and hope to have it back this week. too vendors are full New Business: Discussion around Senator Finney’s legislation which makes it illegal for anyone under ten years old to ride a motorcycle. John mentioned getting outside groups to join in the fight against this bill. A suggestion was made to put up bulletin boards with our news postings at our local watering holes. The charter agreed that this made sense. Vacant State Positions: Due to a low turnout (could it be because of Superbowl Sunday?), the charter decided to wait until our next meeting to vote. Old Business: Discussion of the new by-laws pro- With no further business to discuss a motion was posal. The charter agreed to wait until the next made to adjourn and accepted. Ride safe, Shortround charter meeting to take a vote. Some members did not have copies, John will redistribute the bylaws to the charter. Activities Calendar: This discussion was brief due to our activities chair not being present. Basically the discussion centered around pulling other events into our listed activities. Charter will have a fundraiser during the Honda Hoot. Legislation Day: John reminded everyone our legislation day is Tuesday 2/7/06. He also asked how many members would be interested in going so we can see if renting a van would make sense. We currently have 7 definite with one possiblity. Wakin the Dragon: We still have a desperate need for sponsorships. We discussed the venue change from Smoky Mountain Speedway to Punkin Center Campground. Due to this change CMT/ABATE’s cash outlay dropped from $20K to $10K. Stacy Collins will be the headline Friday and Saturday. Geneva will headline Friday and Dixie Werewolves will headline Saturday. Jody is working on getting a surprise headline for the event. There are five areas needing volunteers: Gate – Darren plus 7 volunteers including Sumner County Security – Rolling Thunder has volunteered Parking for Friday & Saturday – need volunteers Beverage sales (non-alcoholic) – need volunteers (all proceeds go to CMT/ABATE) Games – Dickson Humphries Bike show – need volunteers Vendors - all food, leather, dyno machine and tat- Page 8 T ENNESSEE M OTORCYCLIST SUMNER CHARTER Charlie’s Shoe & Boot Repair Sumner meeting was called to order at 7pm by Harley with 15 people attending, Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Jeff Hollins. TREASURY REPORT-Starting balance $740.94 plus $11 for last month’s 50/50, minus $333. For the swap meet fee with an ending balance of $418.61. ACTIVITIES- Cindy informed everyone that Tammy and Tommy will be leaving us, we will miss them and wish them luck. Hopefully everyone can stop by Jacksonville to see them in their travels this summer. Mark Davis responded graciously to Cindy’s request of him to be our new activities person. I am sure he will do a great job just don’t forget the maps Mark!!!! 108 West Main Street, Lebanon, TN We Sew on Patches Leather Good’s Sold Coats Vests & Chaps - Volunteers are needed for the Swap meet on Feb 26th; this will be for 2 hr shifts between 10am – 6pm. LEGISLATIVE- We had John Pierce visiting with us are due every 30 days, why would the new memberships be required to be turned in within 14 days and new money a 10 day requirement? Let’s keep everything on the 30 day requirement!!!! BY LAWS were also discussed with Jeff leading the discussion, I am sure we will be talking about these at the next BOD. Food for thought, Jeff mentioned the monthly reports giving the details of the bills they are working on this legislative session. The information was discussed at length with an invitation being extended for anyone to join him and Cindy on the “hill”. He said “the more people we have there the better”. SAFETY-Cindy discussed several safety issues, one being the school safety and awareness visits, we are very lucky to have a generous person as Cindy working for all of us on these issues. Thanks Cindy you are doing a great job!!! OPEN DISCUSSION-Patches in memory of our friend and fellow biker, Mark Finkelstein were distributed. -Visitor Brooklyn Tom introduced himself as a candidate for State Director after his speech we asked him to step out while the charter voted on the position. Till next month, Take Care, Ride Safe. Becky 615-449-6065 Hours: MondayMonday- Friday 8:00 - 5:30 Saturday 8:00 –12:00 Repair Done on: *Chaps *Shoes &Boots *Jackets *Snaps & Zippers Nashville Report The Nashville Charter had it's first meeting at our new location, Logan's Roadhouse on Elliston Avenue in the heart of Nashville. Meeting times remain the same, third Tuesday at 7PM. Shell Summerlin led the pledge to open the meeting. A total of 20 freedom fighters showed up including Legislative Director John Pierce, candidate for state director Brooklyn Tom and candidate for state secretary, Kim Peterson and "Fruitcake", recently transplanted from Robertson County to Donelson. After attending to the immediate business of final plans for the Tri-County Swap Meet and the change in the Wakin the Dragon rally, we heard from Brooklyn Tom and got a legislative update from John Pierce. Votes were taken on the bylaws changes and state director's race and will be presented at the March BOD meeting. Carol Simpson won the 50/50 and donated the winnings back to the charter. Twanger VOLUME 21, ISSUE 2 FEB 06 Page 9 TN Valley Report Meeting called to order. Pledge said. 12 Members present, & 6 guests welcomed. Membership: We’re holding at 60 plus members. Working on getting the newest membership list update. We will be electing a new State membership chairman at the next BOD. Treasury: Treasury We have $ 653.00 money in the bank. Activities: The State Event is schedule for first weekend in June. Location Punkin Patch, Maryville, TN at the annual ‘Waking the Dragon’ Bike Rally. We need now need to raise $10,000 in sponsors by March 1st. Looking for sponsors NOW. We currently only have $500.00 in sponsorships. Charter voted last week to become a $250.00 sponsor. Hopefully other charters will be able to step up and do the same. Our next event will be the last weekend in March. What do we want to do? Do we want a Saturday event or Sunday event? It was decided to have a Dart Run on Saturday March 25th. Other scheduled events- second weekend in July, last weekend in September, second weekend in October. Legislative: Legislative Legislative Day was a success. We had 5 members attend and all 5 rode their bikes. We were able to meet with a couple of Representatives. State side: A Right Of Way bill has been written and will be sent to committee soon. This bill will make it a Class B felony with a mandatory 6 month license suspension. Helmet Bill will start in the sub-finance committee. At this time our chances look as good as they ever had. Details given. The bill that would allow us to use the emergency lane when traffic is back up on the highway will not be process this year due to lack of time. Encourage everyone to contact their State Senator to give their opinion about the Kid Bill that would ban children from riding motorcycles and have their Senator ask Finney not file his bill. Federal side: HR 2046 bill right to repair your bike or car or have someone else work on it. Manufactures fighting this, There has been 5 years of trying to work out a non-law with manufactures but this has failed. Yog went on to explain this bill and EPA new regulations go hand in hand. That if we don't keep up with this chrome and color will be the only things you'll be able to do. Please consider becoming a member of the MRF BOD update: Elections Brooklyn Tom and John Carter running for Corporate Director, Brooklyn Tom was in attendance and talked about why he was running for office. Suzanne Fisher & Maria Carter are running for Membership Chairman. Charter voted and will be taken to the BOD to be recorded. Next BOD meeting is March 12, 2:00 p.m. Other organizational news: HOG, GA ABATE , CMA news update given. Open Form: Form No one had anything else to say. Meeting was adjourned. Life is a journey, so enjoy the ride and take the long way home. Yog Bad Joke of the Month One day a man walked in a bar with a box. He sat down, opened the box and out popped a leprechaun. The man told the bartender, "I want a Rolling Rock and a shot of whiskey for my buddy here." There was man sitting at the end of the bar watching all of this and, after the leprechaun drank his shot of whiskey, he ran down to the end of the bar and spit in the guy's face. Then he ran back. The guy with the box said, "I'll have another Rolling Rock and a shot of whiskey for my buddy here." After the leprechaun drank his shot of whiskey, he again ran to the end of the bar and spit in the man's face, then dashed back. The guy with the box ordered another beer for himself and another shot for the leprechaun. Again, the after the leprechaun drank his shot of whiskey, he ran down to the end of the bar. But this time the man was waiting for him and he grabbed the leprechaun and held him in the air. He said, "If you spit in my face again, I'm going to cut your pecker off." The leprechaun laughed and said, "Leprechauns don't have peckers." Then the man said, "If you don't have peckers, then how do you pee?" "By spitting," said the leprechaun. If you have a suggestion for a joke of the month, send it to wyldkat437@yahoo.com Page 10 Warren County Report Our meeting opened at Charley’s Bar-B-Q with the Pledge of Allegiance. There were 9 members present including Buddy Dunlap. TREASURERS: No funds have been disbursed or received so we have $448.11 in our treasury. NEW BUSINESS: Randy advised that the revamping of the newspaper has taken a lot more work than expected and that its delivery has been delayed because of this. He also apologized if anyone incorrectly received a membership renewal card in the mail, explaining that the state office is now in the process of updating the membership roster for all the charters and we were using an old membership list from July. He then addressed the Wakin the Dragon event and suggested that our charter use $250 of our treasury to sponsor a banner at the stage to help further promote CMT/ABATE. It’s going to be a great opportunity for the charter and state to support. It promises to be a great time and potentially a big help to the state coffers. The UCHRA Applebee’s Pancake Breakfast we assisted with was a great success. We raised almost $1,000 to help families pay their higher than usual utility bills this winter. Thanks to all who showed up to help and/or support by eating. Tommy Woods was the #1 advance ticket seller and since he already has all of our t-shirts, Randy offered him a hat instead. Randy presented the charter with a Certificate of Appreciation he received at the last CMA meeting. The certificate was signed by the President/ CEO of CMA as well as the local chapter. We decided that this honor needed to go up on the wall at Charley’s Bar-B-Q along side our May is Motorcycle Safety & Ed Resolution. Stop by Charley’s and take a look at it. MEMBERSHIP It was decided that Rhonda and Bruce would come up with a point system to begin a charter mileage competition for a year-end award of a trophy or patch. Hopefully this would encourage more attendance at our meetings, membership sign-ups and provide more opportunities to ride together. If you have any suggestions, please get with Rhonda or Bruce. T ENNESSEE M OTORCYCLIST PRODUCTS Charter shirts, EasyFit ® Ball caps and patches, all with charter logo are available for sale. Randy and Rhonda have the inventory at this time. SECRETARY/LEGISLATIVE REPORT We planned to carpool for the February 7th Legislative Rally day. Everyone was highly encouraged that this is what our organization is all about. It really impresses our elected servants when we care enough to show up on the capital. We will again this year continue the pursuit of our helmet freedom bill carried through from last session as well as introduce a new one. We only need to pass through one final committee with last year’s bill to get to the House Floor for a full vote. Remember the Legislative Session will be shorter this year and likely end sometime around end of April. State Legislators will hopefully prove to be very interested in serving the needs of their constituents for their future November election bids. There are several other motorcycle issues being considered by our State Legislative Chairman and team for possible introduction during this short session. One that seems a high priority is to put more teeth on the Right of Way Violation law we passed last session. An E-mail/Phone chain is in place to get that info out to the charters. From there it is up to us to get everyone informed and help them contact their legislators about our bills. ACTIVITIES We decided that for the sake of weather we’d offer a choice of two different rides, one being close and the other a little more distance. The short ride will be a Riddle Ride and the longer one a Poker Run. Riders will also have the choice to do both if they get an early enough start. We have shortened the 1st and last bike times so that we might have more turn up for our event with less of a time commitment. Bruce addressed our April 29th Choice Ride. Randy reminded everyone that we will be voting on the two state Officers at the next meeting. He requested that we make sure to look at the resumes in the paper or online ahead of time so that we can make an educated decision for State Director and Secretary. Buddy motioned that we adjourn and finding his judgment to be in the best interest of all parties, we did so promptly. VOLUME 21, ISSUE 2 FEB 06 Page 11 Wheels Of Thunder Report February 2, 2006 Director John Pierce called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited followed by a moment of silence for our fallen brothers and sisters. Treasurer’s Report – Jim reported we have $717.99 in our account. Minutes – A motion was made to dismiss the reading of last month’s minutes and to accept them as published in the newspaper and posted on the web site. The motion was seconded and approved. Minutes can be found on our web site, www.cmtabate-wheelsofthunder.com, under the meeting date. (Also known as “Motion 1”) Director’s Statement – John Pierce A bill was introduced into the Senate on 1/18/06 that would prohibit kids under the age of 10 from riding on or driving motorcycles. The bill is being watched carefully. John reported that there had only one fatality under the age of 9 was reported in 1994. Other bills on the books as of 1/18/06 would consider drag racing an excuse to confiscate motorcycles. The definition of “drag racing” needs to be modified. As of now, two bikes side by side at a stop light and pulling out at the same time when the light turns green could be considered “drag racing” according to this bill. Wakin the Dragon, there are a couple of speed bumps currently affecting the event. One is the land where the event was held has been sold and a decision won’t be made until March as to whether or not the event will be held there. Second, they will not permit alcohol at the site until it is voted on in November. The Punkin Center campground has offered to hold the event on June 2 and 3rd. CMT-ABATE will have a 20x20 booth available at the event. We will receive 30% ownership in the event in return for our working at the event. Membership – We had 46 people present at tonight’s meeting including 6 guests. Activities- Easy Rider show is this Saturday at the Cook Convention Center. Publicity- The Legislative Run will be on 2/7/06. A van has been rented for those wanting to ride together. Call Karen if you want a spot on the van. Products- No report. Webmaster- No report. Old Business – Nada. New Business – We will have a booth at the Easy Rider Show on Feb 4th. Contact Cappy to sign up and help. Elections were held tonight for Director and Secretary/Membership as well as the Committee Chairs. The results of tonight’s railroading are: Director: John Pierce, Secretary/Membership: Al Nelson, Activities & Publicity: Karen & Malisa, Webmaster: Bob Celmer, Sgt. Of Arms: Scot Faclker, Products: Bob Munsell. Congratulations to those elected…a big thank you to those who have served the past year or two. Remember, if you want to meet some folks and get to know some folks better, the best way is to raise your hand and say “I’ll help”. AnnouncementsClub NewsSCMC – Sweetheart Poker Run on February 12. Registration begins at the Crossing. Live bands and good food. Flier is posted on their website at southerncross.com. BFMC – 4th annual party going on this weekend. Wolfpack - Mardi Gras bash on Feb. 18 at 345 Madison, downtown. Party starts at 9:00 pm and goes until…… Tickets are $10 in advance. Prizes, costume contest, free parking, security. MSSR – will be riding to east TN May 4-7th. They will meet at Canada Road and I-40. Everyone welcome to ride with them. May 19-21 they will be heading to Mountain Home, AR. All riders are invited to join them on their weekly rides. Sunday is AARP day (for us old, black leather Harley riders). A motion was made to adjourn. It was seconded and approved by the membership. We’re outta here! Page 12 T ENNESSEE M OTORCYCLIST Upper Cumberland Report Bikers are Everywhere Ron opened up the meeting and led us all in the pledge of allegiance. Secretary read the minutes from lat month's meeting. LD gave treasurer's report in Dean's absence. Warren County members got to hear an incredible statement more than once last Tuesday on the Hill. “You guys are everywhere!” What a multifaceted statement if you think on it. Legislative- February 7th is Legislative Day at Legislative Plaza. Old Business- May event dates may have to be changed. The STR/ Wakin' the Dragon joint venture is not set in stone. More details as they unfold. Later I thought “Why didn’t I say Look Twice Save a Life! Motorcycles are Everywhere!” Then again, that’s only one of many reasons why we were all gathered there for our annual Legislative Rally Day. In a nutshell that repeating statement confirmed to me that once again we delivered a clear & consistent message. We are here, just like last year, and we’re not going away. New Business- MRF reports are in. If you are not receiving your paper- please give name and address to make sure it gets in the state office computer. Charter office nominations are next month. State ABATE by-laws are changing. Charters will vote on the changes at a later date. BOD meeting is March 12th. Vote for new state officer(s). Activities- Charter Fun Run Books will be discussed later. Spring Thaw & Swap Meet will be March 25th at the Tennessee Expo Center in Smyrna, TN. Admission is $6 a person. Hat Trick won by Guy Donnely, AGAIN!! Membership drawing was won by Carol Farris who was not present. Money stays! March 5th meeting will be at Scooters and Hooters at 1:00pm. Scooters & Hooters is located off 136N on Waterloo Rd about 10- 12 miles north of Cookeville at the site of the June Bug Boogie. If you need further directions, call me at ( 931 ) 252- 4766 and we can meet and ride/ follow to the meeting. April 2nd meeting is at the Hawg Barn Lounge on Hwy 70W/ W Broad in Cookeville at 12:00 noon. Would like to thank Big Springs Bar and Grill for having us. Meeting adjourned! Until next month, ride safe and free! - Lynn Buffalo River Thanks go out to Mark miller and Jimmy Tie-wire for coming that far for our membership meeting. Thanks RickyZ for setting it up, and thanks to the Splitrail bar for letting us invade on a Sunday. Buffalo River’s St. Valentine’ s Day Massacre Dance was lots of fun even with the low attendance. Thanks to Steve for coming over and to the new and interesting prospective members, oops, people, we met for making it a very entertaining evening. After reviewing the events of Legislative Day, we got busy planning for our St. Paddy’s Day run, March 18th at E&E Food and Spirits on Hwy 64, Waynesboro, 1mile west of Natchez Trace. The fun starts at noon. We’re out. Warren County Charter members got to enjoy a very positive day. We confirmed that all three of our Legislators would still be supporting our bill for helmet freedom. Our hopes for stiffer Right of Way Violation penalties and other potential legislation were also well received for support. That was the most effective point I think we could have made for the day. We are everywhere. We work, pay taxes, contribute to our communities, and we not only vote, we show up when it counts. So next time the ‘all-call’ to the Capital comes from the state, I hope you treat yourself to the awesome and powerful experience of just being present. We can do it WITH you but we can’t do it WITHOUT you. Rhonda Williams Southwest Report With 7 members present and no guests, we started the meeting off with the pledge. Officers present– Director Taz, Assistant Director– Frank, Legislative- Terry, Treasurer– Debbie, Secretary and Sergeant at arms-Steve. Treasury Report– We have $172.00 Legislative– Terry informed the charter about Senate Bill SB2468, a bill prohibiting a child 10 yrs ( or younger) from riding on a street bike. We need to stop this bill dead in it’s tracks. Call your local Senator.! Tuesday is Legislative Day, (Feb 7th) Plans were made by those planning to attend. Discussion about the ’Wakin’ The Dragon’ Rally was made during the remainder of the meeting. Stay Warm and Ride Safe, Steve. VOLUME 21, ISSUE 2 FEB 06 Page 13 To Whom it May Concern (A letter for everyone to copy and distribute to everyone you know. We need to get busy to try to stop this one. Thanks to the author for so eloquently stating the problem, and to J. P for all his hard work. Ed. ) Ladies and Gentlemen: Below is a bill introduced in both the House & the Senate for the 2006 legislative session. Senator Thelma Harper is sponsoring the bill in the Senate, and Representative Nathan Vaughn is carrying the bill in the House. Senator Raymond Finney had introduced a similar bill last month that would keep children 10 years old and younger from riding or driving a motorcycle, and CMT/ABATE is gearing up to defeat that bill. With Sen. Thelma Harper now supporting a bill that will keep children 9 years old and younger from riding as a passenger on motorcycles, our task has become very difficult. Senator Harper is very well known and will gain a lot of support on this bill from her friends both on the Hill, and in the community. We need your support in our fight. NO MORE "NANNY" LAWS!!! Essentially this bill is trying to create a law that will tell you how you can or cannot raise your own children & grandchildren. Do you want the government doing that? This could be the beginning of a line of laws that protect you from yourselves that could eventually lead to the end of motorcycle riding all together. Or this can stop here and we can show the government we wont allow them into our private lives. Tennessee already has a law that states that a passenger on a motorcycle must have a seat and that their feet be planted firmly on the foot pegs or floorboards. What more do we need? According to figures we have received from the Tennessee Department of Safety, the Tennessee Department of Health, and even NHTSA, it shows that children 9 and under dying on motorcycles is not a problem in Tennessee. Each agency reports only one death over the last 5-12 years, although the years of the death do not coincide with each other. This is excellent evidence that bikers are taking care of their own and do not need the government to tell us to do the right thing. What we at CMT/ABATE request is that you get on the phone, write a letter, send an email, or make a personal visit to your Senator & Representative requesting that He/She NOT support either Senate Bill 3032 or House Bill 3311. Ears will be a little more receptive this year due to the elections coming up, so take advantage of that. Make your voice heard. Help keep the government out of our private lives so we may live free with our constitutional rights intact. SB3032 -filed for intro on 02/16/2006 SENATE BILL 3032 By Harper AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 55, Chapter 8, Part 1, relative to riding on motorcycles. BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE: SECTION 1. Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 5555-8-164, is amended by adding the following new subsections thereto: (e) No operator shall carry as a passenger on a motorcycle any person who is less than the age of nine (9) years. (f) A violation of this section is a Class C misdemeanor. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2006, the public welfare requiring it. Page 14 T ENNESSEE M OTORCYCLIST Notice MARCH EXPIRATIONS CARSON MITCHELL TENNESSEE VALLEY LINEBERGER Jerry & Debi Strubel WHEELS OF THUNDER SPEARS WILLIAM AT LARGE TAFT CRAIG BATTLE GROUND TUCKER PAUL WHITEHEAD DICKSON/HUMPHREYS JAMES L HARPETH RIVER HARDIN TERRY JR. DAVIS ________ If anyone is on here that has already renewed or if you have renewed in the last few months please contact us .Apologies for any inconvenience. If anyone is not receiving a paper, that is a current full member, please contact Sarge at 931-796-4312 HARPETH RIVER Mark & Donna HARPETH RIVER FEBRUARY EXPIRATIONS SHEARON DAVID NASHVILLE DALE Mike & Vikki At Large BALDWIN Wendell & Rita NASHVILLE MURPHY DICKSON/HUMPHREYS PUCKETT ROBERT PARSONS MARK MCCRARY SCOTT MANN NORTHEAST NORTHEAST NORTHEAST Dennis SWEENEY BALINDA DICKSON/HUMPHREYS STREET TOMMY NORTHEAST LANDESS TENNESSEE VALLEY RICHARD ANTHONY NORTHEAST THOMAS CURT UPPER CUMBERLAND HAGAN JEFFEREY NORTHEAST HOFFMAN ROACH WHEELS OF THUNDER RUPE BATTLE GROUND GRANT JERRY GILLIAM FROST NORTHEAST DALE NORTHEAST BILLY NORTHEAST MICHAEL POWERS RICKY BATTLE GROUND FAILEADAM NASHVILLE FLANAGAN JIM NORTHEAST STEELE WILLIAM SOUTHWEST DORTON TOMMY NORTHEAST BROWN Glenn & Billie AT LARGE CHRISTIAN SCOTTY NORTHEAST SIMON DENNIS AT LARGE COX SMOKY MOUNTAIN MAYES ALAN STEVE HENSLEY SUZI TENNESSEE VALLEY WOODARD LARRY VOLUNTEER MULLICAN LYNN WARREN COUNTY CANTRELL JAMES BRAZZELL MIKEY SUMMERLIN VERNON MURPHY ROCKY WHEELS OF THUNDER BAEZ WALLY CORNISH RON WHEELS OF THUNDER WIX MAYFIELD JR JERRY MARTIN Lonnie & Jan FINCH SOUTHWEST BATTLE GROUND EDDY BATTLE GROUND BRYANT RICHARD WALLS WALLACE JONES JACK BATTLE GROUND DICKSON/HUMPHREYS NASHVILLE VANMALDEGHEM Paul & Veronica STUBBLEFIELD HENLEY ELAINE DUNBAR GARY MINCHY MIKE ALLMON ROBERTSON Steve & Samantha ROBERTSON RAY ROBERTSON ROBERTSON SMITH/WILSON SMITH/WILSON AT LARGE DICKSON/HUMPHREYS DICKSON/HUMPHREYS NASHVILLE NASHVILLE TAMMY ROBERTSON SLAGLE Tom & Mary ROBERTSON HENLEY TINA ROBERTSON KEMPER RON ROBERTSON HOLLAND DONNIE SMITH/WILSON CARTER John & Maria SOARING EAGLE BESHIERS SOUTHWEST DEBBIE MORRIS GARY SOUTHWEST HUNT Dennis, Ruth & Deshane TENNESSEE VALLEY MONTGOMERY Dan & Melody UPPER CUMBERLAND ROBICHAUB Johnny UPPERCUMBERLAND DAVIS DIANA UPPERCUMBERLAND SANDERS MICHAEL VOLUNTEER HODGES CINDY WHEELS OF THUNDER RICKETTS DONALD VOLUNTEER SMITH Gordon & Myrt ROBERTSON MOSLEY ANGELA CRUZE MIKE WOOD ROBERT W. 1 HARPETH RIVER WHEELS OF THUNDER LEE TERRY FLOWERS GARY VOLUNTEER VOLUNTEER VOLUNTEER DAVIS TIM VOLUNTEER CHRESTMAN Richard & Lynn WHEELS OF THUNDER VOLUME 21, ISSUE 2 FEB 06 Page 15 Page 16 T ENNESSEE M OTORCYCLIST Important Warning There is a dangerous, contagious, bug going around that endangers all of our freedoms. It starts with just a little tiredness, such as I worked all day and I am too tired to go to a meeting. It progresses from that to a general feeling of blah, such as I don’t have time to, don’t have the money to, blah, blah, blah. Besides it is just one meeting. That leads to a overall case of the else’s, somebody else’s job, nobody else’s going, everybody else’s going to take care of it. The next step is the worst of all, where it gets contagious. That is the forgetfulness. I forgot about that. I forgot can kill all the freedoms we have. Suppose if we forgot, and someone with an opposing agenda remembered, and that made riding a motorcycle illegal? If we forget to vote, and a whole influx of anti-everything we like get elected? That is when it is too late. It becomes a terminal illness instead of just chronic. Leaving everything to just a few really hardworking people is all fine and good, but if you are not part of the cure, you are either the diseased or the disease itself. If you do not make your presence known, how can anyone hear your opinion? That also leaves the problem of the ones left with the job getting burnt out and fed up. All major impositions to our freedom started with the same cause. It is what has started the gun control laws, the entire Patriot act was passed because of it and it’s partner– fear. Fear of change, fear of differences and fear of the unknown. We as Americans, and particularly as bikers are not usually known for fear, so it must be the Apathy. With apathy just one little “ I am too busy, don’t feel like it, or someone else will do it” can be the difference between the world we know and one we don’t want. Stand up Show up and make yourself heard. We all have other things to be doing, but we can not let someone else be responsible for protecting our personal freedom. apathyapathy- n 1: an absence of emotion or enthusiasm 2: the trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally [syn: indifference, spiritlessness] This is an example of what happens when no one cares or acts to protect the things we take for granted. Can you imagine a world without trees, ponds or deer? I don’t want to and I don’t want my children to. Not even my children’s great-grand children. I am using this story as a worst case scenario. VOLUME 21, ISSUE 2 FEB 06 Page 17 Page 18 T ENNESSEE M OTORCYCLIST ACTIVITIES March 18th B/R St.Paddy’s Thaw @ E&E 27th D/H Run watch for details 25th TN Valley Dart Run noon @ Mac’s Pub 27th27th-28th Vietnam Vets Event @ Parkers Crossroads - exit 108 on I-40 April 29th29th-30th Sumner Alcohol Free Ride 13th Nashville Scavenger Hunt 20th U/C Fun Run 25th25th-27th S/W Rodeo 4th S/west Riding meeting 10am @ the Elks Lodge Henderson 18th U/C Fun Run 24th S/W Poker Run July 29th Warren Legis. fundraiser September 1st1st-3rd WoT Freedom Bash 4th LABOR DAY 8th8th-10th Hawg Holler Bike Fest Fall 1st –2nd Warren Liberty Ride 30th S/west Blessing of the Bikes @ noon 10th U/C Legis. Run 4th INDEPENDENCE DAY May 12th– 12th–14th U/C weekend party 4th U/C watch for details 19th –21st Thunder on the River 8th8th-9th Sumner Run 22nd22nd-24th Bent Fork Bike Fest 23rd Soaring Eagle Legislative Run 30th 8TH Soaring Eagle 19th19th-21st Hawg Holler Bike Fest Sun 29th– 29th–30th B/R Bluegrass Jam 2nd2nd-3rd Wakin the Dragon Maryville 15th WoT Legislative Run (rain date 5-6-06) Skull Bone Bike Rally 15th15th-16th D/H Natchez Trace Run August June 15th D/H Bike Show noon @ VFW 28th28th-30th 15th U/C Fun Run Memorial Day 8th8th-9th Sumner -watch for details 22nd Soaring Eagle membership drive 9th TN Valley Charity Run noon @ Mac’s Pub 30th TN Valley Teddy Bear Run noon @ Mac’s Pub March 2006 Mon Tue D/H Poker Run Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 W/C mtg @ 3 Vol mtg @ 6 10 11 5 U/C mtg@ 1pm SWest mtg @ 2 B/G mtg @ 3 S/E mtg @7 Sm/W mtg@ 6 N/E mtg @ 6 7 R/Co mtg@ 7 8 9 WoT mtg@ 7 12 BoD @ 1pm 13 14 15 16 17 Sumner Mtg @ 7 St. Paddy’s Sputniks Day 18 B/R St.Paddy’s Thaw @ E&E 19 TN V mtg @ 2 D/H mtg @ 4 20 22 23 25 TN Valley Dart Run noon @ Mac’s Pub H/R mtg @ 7 21 Nash mtg@ 7 Logan’s Elliston Av 24 B/R Meeting @noon 26 27 28 VOLUME 21, ISSUE 2 FEB 06 Join Us In Protecting Your Rights! Fill out the form and return it to: CMT/ABATE, INC. Page 16 Check One: New Member [ ] Renewal [ ] Change Of Address [ ] If Renewal: Member ID # _______________Expires:______________ Check One: Full Member [ ] Associate [ ] Junior [ ] Life Member [ ] Full: $25.00; Associate: $15.00; Junior: $10.00; Lifetime: $200.00 Please Print P.O. BOX 1 6 0 2 2 3 NASHVILLE,TN Name __________________________________Date________________ 37216-0223 Join onlineonline- cmtabate.com Address ____________________________________________________ For more information: Phone: (615) 262262-1119 Fax: (615) 683683-8616 Email: info@cmtabate.com Suzanne Fisher, Office Manager Want to do something wonderful?? Want to do something to make yourself proud? Want to do something to help your newspaper ?? It is easy, it is simple: Become a booster for the TENNESSEE MOTORCYCLIST newspaper!! Fill out the form below and include your payment! You will receive a commemorative pin and your name published for a year as a TENNESSEE MOTORCYCLIST BOOSTER! Current Boosters Gold MembersU/C Charter exp-8/06 City _____________________________ State ____ Zip+ 4 ___________ Phone # - Home _____________________Work____________________ Email Address _______________________________________________ Region _______________ Local Charter Name _____________________ Registered Voter: Yes [ ] No [ ] House District _____Senate District ____ Referred By: ____________________________________________ For Office Use Only Amount Paid $______Rec'd By _________Check# ______Cash_____ CMT/ABATE, INC. Tennessee Motorcyclist 437 Wildcat Hollow Rd. Hohenwald, TN 38462 Phone: 931-796-4312 Fax: 931-796-4312 E-mail editor@cmtabate.com Size of Ad Cost per month Full Page (8X10) 130.00 Half Page (5X8) 70.00 Quarter Page (5X4) 45.00 Business Card 20.00 Member’s card 5.00 6 mos. *10% disc. 700.00 375.00 250.00 110.00 30.00 12 mos. *15% disc. 1325.00 715.00 460.00 205.00 55.00 *AD SIZE IS APPROXIMATE Dean Lucas exp 5/06 Silver Members - Name_______________________________________ D/H Charter exp-6/07 Phone# _________________________email ___________________________ Basic Booster Bronze Booster Silver Booster Gold Booster $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $ 100.00 Name________________________ Size of Add: Full______ Half______ Quarter______ Business Card______ Term: 1-Month_____ 6-Months ____12-Months____ Other __________ Ad To Run: From _____________________To_____________________ Online _____yes _______no Customer Signature __________________________________ Address: ______________________ TM Representative ___________________________________ City,__________________________ Special Instructions:_____________________________________________ State,______ Zip:____________ NOTICE: Deadline is the 15th of the month for the following month’s issue. Phone#:_____________________ Sorry, ad payments are non-refundable. A typesetting fee will be charged for all Amount _____________________ non-camera ready ads. All ads must be prepaid; 6-month and 1 year contracts Name Published: Yes___ No_____ will be accepted with ½ down-payment. *Discounts only apply to prepaid ads. Tennessee Motorcyclist Check out our website!! www.cmtabate.com If anyone has any suggestions for things that need to be changed, things they would like to see, or any other comment in regards to the newspaper feel free to call or email. Sarge 931-796-4312 editor@cmtabate.com shinerunner@bellsouth.net or USPS at address below. C.M.T./A.B.A.T.E., Inc. A NonNon-profit Organization TENNESSEE MOTORCYCLIST 437 Wildcat Hollow Rd Hohenwald, TN 38462 (931) 796-4312 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID HOHENWALD TN PERMIT NO. 3 Mailing label DATED MATERIAL Happy ST Patrick's DAY Sun March Reminders: BoD meeting Mar12 @ 1 Elks Lodge Madison B/R St Paddy’s Run Mar 18 E&E @ noon Waynesboro TN Valley Dart Run Mar 25 Mac’s Pub @ noon Chattanooga Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 W/C mtg @ 3 Vol mtg @ 6 5 U/C mtg@ 1pm SWest mtg @ 2 Elks club B/G mtg @ 3 Mark’s house S/E mtg @7 china Garden 6 N/E mtg @ 6 Rush Street 7 R/Co mtg@ 7 Torino’s 8 9 WoT mtg@ 7 Pig N Whistle 10 11 12 BoD @ 1pm 13 14 15 16 Sumner Mtg @ 7 Sputniks 17 St. Paddy’s Day 18 23 24 25 TN Valley Dart Run noon @ Mac’s Pub H/R mtg @ 7 Country Cafe Elections 19 TN V mtg @ 2 Mac’s pub D/H mtg @ 4 Thunder Alley 26 20 27 21 Nash mtg @ 7 Logan’s Elliston Av. 28 22 B/R St.Paddy’s Thaw @ E&E B/R Meeting @noon 2
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